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written assignment co to znaczy

"assignment" po polsku — Słownik angielsko-polski | zobacz "assignment" po angielsku

Assignment **.

  • zadanie , zadanie domowe , zadana praca (w szkole, na uniwersytecie) [policzalny lub niepoliczalny] That will be your next assignment. (To będzie wasze następne zadanie.) The teacher gave the students an assignment. (Nauczyciel dał uczniom zadanie.) The teacher gave me two homework assignments. (Nauczyciel zadał mi dwa zadania domowe.)
  • zadanie (dla pracownika do wykonania) [policzalny lub niepoliczalny] I got him to stop saying yes to every assignment. (Namówiłem go, że przestał przyjmować każde zadanie.) These assignments are not difficult. (Te zadania nie są trudne.) zobacz także: task
  • przydzielanie zadań (do wykonania) [niepoliczalny] He was late for the assignment, so he had no choice. (On spóźnił się na przydzielanie zadań, więc nie miał wyboru.)
  • przydział , przypisanie (np. jakiegoś miejsca dla kogoś ) [niepoliczalny] Both of his parents were on assignment with the military. (Jego rodzice mieli przydział w wojsku.)

assignment rzeczownik

Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności. Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów zdań również generowane są przez automatyczny moduł i nie są weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów.

While in private practice, he also took on special government assignments .

Podczas gdy w prywatnej praktyce, również podjął się specjalnych zadań rządowych.

The very best assignment I've ever had was exactly 15 years ago.

Bardzo najlepsze zadanie kiedykolwiek miałem był dokładnie 15 lata temu.

By the end of the week, they had their assignments down.

Przed końcem tygodnia, zaprosili swoje zadania.

I tell another student she did well on the assignment .

Mówię innemu studentowi, że dobrze sobie radziła na zadaniu.

"And you told the others what their general assignments would be?"

"I powiedziałeś innym czym ich cesje generalne byłyby?"

You get the president to order him off his assignment .

Każesz prezydentowi zarządzić go z jego zadania.

Now, she had turned to the final order of business his first assignment .

Teraz, obróciła się do ostatniego porządku obrad jego pierwsze zadanie.

The best he could do was try to live up to the assignment .

Najlepszy mógł zrobić był próbować być zgodnym z przydziałem.

Let's now talk for a little while about the assignment .

Niech teraz rozmawiać na chwilę o zadaniu.

I may have put three in of those for one assignment .

Mogłem położyć trzy w z ci za jeden przydział.

So you work on one assignment at a particular time?

Więc opracowujesz jedno zadanie w szczególnym czasie?

And then she'd get down to work on the other two assignments .

A następnie zabrała się do roboty na drugim dwa zadania.

I was just in time for my assignment out here too.

Przyszedłem w samą porę na swój przydział tutaj też.

Only 10 percent of the women on assignment thought so.

Tylko 10 procent kobiet na zadaniu myślał tak.

A new and different assignment , to start after you've had your leave.

Nowy i inny przydział, zacząć potem miałeś swoje zwolnienie.

"How did she get herself such an assignment in the first place?"

"Jak przyniosła sobie takie zadanie przede wszystkim?"

Now you're sure you understand the nature of your assignment ?

Skoro jesteś pewny, że rozumiesz charakter swojego zadania?

And not when she was out on an assignment for us.

I nie gdy została wyeliminowana na zadaniu dla nas.

But I do want to thank you for the assignment .

Ale chcę aby dziękuję za zadanie.

Over the course of the next two weeks I gave myself a little assignment .

Przeszło bieg następnych dwóch tygodni dałem sobie trochę przydziału.

Often teachers would and should give a summer assignment , something to get ready for the fall.

Często nauczyciele chcieli i powinien wydawać letni przydział, coś przygotować się dla upadku.

He will be working with you to get your next assignment set up as well.

On będzie pracować z tobą by mieć twój następny wywołany przydział też.

At the end of the three weeks, he still has not started the assignment .

Pod koniec trzy tygodni, on wciąż ma nie zacząć zadanie.

Uwaga: Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów nie były weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów - mogą zawierać błędy.

Powiązane zwroty — "assignment"

written assignment co to znaczy

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▾ Dictionary English-Polish Under construction

Assignment noun —, assign sb./sth. to ( sth. ) verb —, przypisać kogoś/coś do kogoś/czegoś v, przydzielać kogoś/coś do czegoś v, assign sth. to sb. verb —, assign sb. sth. verb —, assign n —, ▾ external sources (not reviewed).

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[...] [...] parties inclu -off and merger, [...] [...] [...] [...] dłużników ku cesji, [...] [...]
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[...] [...] Insurer, about or eceivables). [...] [...] przez Ubezpie cesji wierzytelności).
hares, concluded between Unieptrol and DEZA a.s. in relation to shares in AGROBOHEMIE a.s. and ALIACHEM a.s. on 12 October 2000 and 15 August 2001, respectively.
[...] parties agreed that urrent and future [...] [...] pieniężnych [...] [...]
[...] may request ifferent categories depending on different types of services, or specific [...] [...] [...] Klienci mogą wnio ządkowanie do różnych kategorii wobec różnego rodzaju u o określonej [...]
ch was entrusted [...] [...] [...] przedstawiamy informacje zego audytu poniżej [...] [...]
pecial funds, the programme will be an additional assistance element from structural funds and will enhance the operation of other programmes on the area of Eastern Poland by causing synergy effects or through execution of separate measures to stimulate the economic and social growth. godnie z decyzją Unii Europejskiej z grudnia 2005 r. w sprawie przyznania specjalnych środków, będzie stanowił dodatkowy element wsparcia z funduszy strukturalnych oraz wzmacniał działanie innych programów na obszarze Polski Wschodniej, w drodze wywołania efektów synergii lub przez realizację wyodrębnionych działań stymulujących rozwój ekonomiczny i społeczny.
[...] to change or to reassign, [...] [...] [...] [...] prawo do locie [...]
[...] [...] DEZA a.s. and an interpretation of the provisions of the concluded agreements regarding hares of AGROBOHEMIE a.s. and ALIACHEM a.s. may include the necessit hares (for a price that is not yet determined) and payment of penalties and compensation. ransferu akcji (po cenie, która nie jest obecnie określona) i zapłaty kar oraz odszkodowań.
[...] receivables in the for eceivables under [...] [...] [...] należnościa ci z umów [...]
[...] [...] the tempo cification of a person in charge who will be authorized to impose tasks and jobs on the employee and check them, conditions of a unilateral statement on finishing the work before expiration of the tempo ormation about [...] [...] [...] [...] zleceniod ia tymczasowego zatrudnienia, wskazanie osoby przełożonej, która dawcy odpowiedzialna za przydzielanie i kontrolowanie pracy pracownika, warunki jednostronnego oświadczenia o pływem okresu [...] [...]
[...] the most re been terminated. [...] zastępczą po zakończeniu .
[...] of appeals shall decide about ork in a court of appeals, and the president of a circuit court shall do the same in a circuit court and in district courts operating in a judicial circuit, by the end of November of each year at the latest, and shall also decide about the rules governing replacements of judges and court clerks and the rules governing ases to individual judges and [...] [...] ady przydziału spraw poszczególnym sędziom i referendarzom sądowym, chyba że ustawa stanowi inaczej.
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[...] together wit ights from an all-risk insurance policy for the amount of PLN 150 million (the Mortgage), (ii) a surety by Inwestycje Polskie Sp. z o.o. (Inwestycje Polskie) granted for a period of one year from the date of submission of an application to establish the Mortgage together with a declaration on submission to enforcement for the amount of 200% of the amount of Credit 2, (iii) a confi ease agreements to premises on the Property concluded by Inwestycje Polskie with tenants v) a civil [...] [...] z polisy ubezpieczeniowej od wszystkich ryzyk na kwotę 150 mln zł (Hipoteka), (ii) poręczenie Inwestycje Polskie Sp. z o.o. (Inwestycje Polskie) udzielone na okres jednego roku od daty złożenia wniosku o ustanowienie Hipoteki wraz z o na kwotę 200% kwoty Kredytu 2, (iii) potwierdzona cesj ści zawartych przez Inwestycje Polskie z najemcami (Cesja), (iv) poręczenie według prawa cywilnego CenterNet S.A., Mobyland Sp. z o.o., AERO2 [...] [...]
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orking interest is approved by the national oil company or other state body responsible for regulating the industry.
roven reserves.
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ts debts to third parties, as well as price war in the market.
ain invoicing without VAT. In order to invoice without VAT the production file can only contain international mail.
[...] the agreement, repayment of the credit facility shall be secured by the following assets of the Company: financial pledges and registered pledges on shares in Asseco Business Solutions SA, Asseco Romania SA and Asseco Adria SA; pledges on shares in Asseco Czech Republic a.s. and Asseco Slovakia a.s.; financial pledges and registered pledges on the Asseco's bank accounts maintained by the Bank; as wel ights from a contract with the total net value of PLN 188,862 thousand.
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'; audChoice = audChoice.replace(/ selected=["']selected["']/gm, '');var audT = document.getElementById('audT');if ((audT) && (audPref)) { //Parse the content if(audPref.indexOf(':') > -1) { var audPrefAccent = audPref.split(':')[0]; var playbackRate = audPref.split(':')[1]; } else { var audPrefAccent = audPref; var playbackRate = 1; } var re = new RegExp('( UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/əˈsaɪnmənt/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/əˈsaɪnmənt/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(ə sīn mənt) | | | | |
WordReference English-Polish Dictionary © 2024:

assignment (short task)zadanie
 His boss gave him three assignments to be completed by the end of the week.
 Szef zlecił mu trzy zadania do wykonania do końca tygodnia.
(position, longer term)oddelegowanie
 The sales manager moved to Chicago after his assignment there by the company.
(act of assigning)wyznaczenie
 The assignment of the diplomat to the Embassy in Paris was approved by senior ministers.
(law: transference)cesja
 The assignment of the property was specified in the contract.
(continuing obligation)zadanie
 His principal assignment is general maintenance.

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Written assignment, /ˌrɪtn əˌsaɪnmənt/, /ˈrɪtən əˈsaɪnmənt/.

Other forms: written assignments

  • noun an assignment to write something synonyms: writing assignment see more see less type of: assignment an undertaking that you have been assigned to do (as by an instructor)

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"written assignment" vs "writing assignment"

What's the difference between "written assignment" and "writing assignment"?

I was told just now this:

"...written assignment (is) versus oral assignment, and writing assignment (is) versus reading assignment..."

Does that mean that the difference is not in the definition (both are acts of writing something), but rather in the usage (that is, if the context is oral communication, then it's better to say "written assignment"; and if the context is reading, then it's better to say "writing assignment")?

  • meaning-in-context
  • terminology

brilliant's user avatar

You really need clarification from the one who assigned the work.

Unfortunately, the "assignment" can mean both the "details of the work to be done" and the "work that has been done", leaving room for confusion.

A writing assignment is easily understood as a request for the action of writing (example: write a paragraph).

A reading assignment is easily understood as a request for the action of reading (example: read this paragraph).

A written assignment can be understood in two ways: first, as a written request for some action (example: a note to get groceries); and second, as a written result or execution of a request (example: a written paragraph summarizing a story).

An oral assignment can be understood in two ways; first, as an oral request for some action (example: being told to get groceries); and second, as an oral result or execution of a request (example: reciting a poem).

Davo's user avatar

  • 1 WOW! Now I understand. Thank you! –  brilliant Commented May 2, 2019 at 23:08

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written assignment co to znaczy

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WRITING ASSIGNMENT or written assignment?

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This phrase is correct and commonly used to refer to an assignment that involves writing.

  • The students were given a writing assignment to complete by the end of the week.
  • Her favorite part of the course was the creative writing assignments.


  • essay assignment
  • report assignment
  • creative writing task

written assignment

This phrase is correct and commonly used to refer to an assignment that has already been completed or is in a written form.

  • Please submit your written assignment by the deadline.
  • The students received their graded written assignments back from the teacher.
  • completed assignment
  • submitted assignment
  • finished assignment

Last updated: March 26, 2024

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written assignment

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    I get them doing a written assignment and walk around the room to supervise their work. more_vert. open_in_new Link do źródła; warning Prośba o sprawdzenie; This course includes required weekly game play, viewing and analysis of recorded matches, written assignments which emphasize analysis and synthesis of real/game-world concepts, and ...

  2. written assignment

    Wiele przetłumaczonych zdań z "written assignment" - słownik polsko-angielski i wyszukiwarka milionów polskich tłumaczeń. written assignment - Tłumaczenie na polski - słownik Linguee szukaj w Linguee

  3. written assignment

    Co znaczy i jak powiedzieć "written assignment" po polsku? - praca pisemna, zadanie pisemne. ... For all written assignments, you may choose to work together in small groups. The second assessment is a short written assignment which you will be given at the end of the 3-day course.

  4. written assignment

    Co znaczy i jak powiedzieć "written assignment" po polsku? - praca pisemna, zadanie pisemne. ... Written assignments of a limited length will also be given. Knowledge of this part is assessed through the written assignment. A written assignment is expected to be a polished and well thought out piece of work.

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    Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

  6. assignment

    Wypróbuj za darmo. assignment - tłumaczenie na polski oraz definicja. Co znaczy i jak powiedzieć "assignment" po polsku? - zadanie, zadanie domowe, zadana praca (w szkole, na uniwersytecie); zadanie (dla pracownika do wykonania); przydzielanie zadań (do wykonania); przydział, przypisanie (np. jakiegoś miejsca dla kogoś)

  7. assignment

    Tłumaczenie assignment : zadanie, delegacja, zadanie. Przeczytaj więcej w słowniku angielsko-polskim Cambridge.

  8. Tłumaczenie hasła "assignment" na polski

    You will be contacted with the assignment. Ktoś się z panią skontaktuje z zadaniem. I think we've found your next assignment. Myślę, że mamy dla ciebie zadanie. But that's the assignment of the 4th. Ale to jest zadanie czwartego oddziału. You will mention our meeting and your pending assignment to no one.


    assignment(also: brief, chore, duty, exercise, function, job, practice, task) volume_up. zadanie{n} more_vert. Here I got a prison assignment. ~~~ This was a prison assignment which was one big den of criminals. expand_more Dostałam zadanie w więzieniu, które było pełne kryminalistów.

  10. assignment

    Many translated example sentences containing "assignment" - Polish-English dictionary and search engine for Polish translations.

  11. Znaczenie ASSIGNMENT, definicja w Cambridge English Dictionary

    assignment definicja: 1. a piece of work given to someone, typically as part of their studies or job: 2. a job that…. Dowiedź się więcej.


    assignment noun. /ə'saɪnmənt/ 1. (professional, military) zadanie (neuter) (specific duty) misja (feminine) to go somewhere on assignment to do something pojechać gdzieś z zadaniem zrobienia czegoś to be on assignment to do something mieć za zadanie coś zrobić 2. (in school, university) zadana praca (feminine) written assignment praca ...

  13. assignment

    assignment n. (position, longer term) oddelegowanie n. The sales manager moved to Chicago after his assignment there by the company. assignment n. uncountable (act of assigning) wyznaczenie n. The assignment of the diplomat to the Embassy in Paris was approved by senior ministers. assignment n.

  14. Written assignment

    written assignment: 1 n an assignment to write something Synonyms: writing assignment Type of: assignment an undertaking that you have been assigned to do (as by an instructor)

  15. WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT collocation

    Examples of WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT in a sentence, how to use it. 16 examples: However, a fine-grained analysis of the written assignment showed that the experimental students…

  16. Znaczenie ASSIGN, definicja w Cambridge English Dictionary

    ASSIGN definicja: 1. to give a particular job or piece of work to someone: 2. If you assign a time for a job or…. Dowiedź się więcej.

  17. WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS definition and meaning

    WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS definition | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

  18. meaning in context

    A written assignment can be understood in two ways: first, as a written request for some action (example: a note to get groceries); and second, as a written result or execution of a request (example: a written paragraph summarizing a story). An oral assignment can be understood in two ways; first, as an oral request for some action (example ...

  19. WRITING ASSIGNMENT or written assignment?

    Both 'writing assignment' and 'written assignment' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Writing assignment' refers to an assignment that involves writing, while 'written assignment' refers to an assignment that has already been completed or is in a written form. TextRanch has helped me to improve my written skills as well as ...


    assignments (też: businesses, jobs, missions, requests, tasks) volume_up. żądania {niemęskoos.} more_vert. I hired kids to do my accounting assignments in university for 13 consecutive assignments. expand_more Wynajęte dzieciaki odrabiały za mnie zadania z księgowości, 13 zadań z rzędu. assignments (też: missions)

  21. written assignment in a sentence

    Examples of written assignment in a sentence, how to use it. 16 examples: However, a fine-grained analysis of the written assignment showed that the…

  22. ASSIGN

    assign (też: allocate, apportion) volume_up. przydzielić {czas. dk} more_vert. I was assigned to teach two of my classmates German. expand_more Przydzielono mi zadanie nauczenia języka niemieckiego dwóch kolegów z klasy. assign (też: allot, appoint, apportion, delimit, delineate, demarcate) volume_up.


    1. general. write (też: pen) volume_up. napisać {czas. dk} more_vert. An infinite number of monkeys could never write the works of Shakespeare. expand_more Nieskończona liczba małp nigdy nie mogłaby napisać dzieł Szekspira. write (też: compose, create, pen) volume_up.