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Malcolm x vs martin luther king jr.: comparison between two great leaders’ ideologies .

Ultimate Comparison Between Martin Luther King & Malcolm X’s Ideologies 

The Civil Rights Movement against racism of the 1960s in the US gave birth to some of the most global-scale renowned activists. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, we all know these two great men. It is impossible to analyze the twentieth-century race conflicts without mentioning these two people. They are the civil rights leaders who have genuinely made a big change on the issue of racial equality in the US and around the world.

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What is most intriguing is that, although they were fighting for civil rights at the same time, their ideology and way of fighting were completely distinctive. This can be for a plethora of reasons: background, upbringing, the system of thought, and vision. But keep in mind, they devoted their whole life to the same prospect. 

So, what influenced the direction of these two's struggles? And in retrospect, can we figure out which ideal is more probable? 

Let's dig in! 

Table of Contents

Disparities in upbringings development , criminal vs pastor , christianity vs islam , identical fight, distinctive approaches , nothing but severe conflict , no right or wrong answer for all this stuff , they both fought for one future .

It can be said that the family situation has the most decisive influence on the ideology of the two civil rights activists. 

Malcolm X's childhood was as tragic as most black children at that time. Born into a poor and child-crowded family in Ohama to one of the black activist parents, Malcolm grew up under the threat and discrimination of white people. After many times suffering from beating, threatening, and enduring the pain of losing his father when he was only 6 years old, the terror and hatred towards white supremacists reached their peaks. 

Having been repeatedly bullied at work while trying to take care of her children, Louise Little (Malcolm X’s mother) suffered from severe mental health problems. She then was forced to send Malcolm X and his siblings to different charity houses. During this process, teenager Malcolm had to fight tooth and nail with white supremacists everywhere. Besides, joining gangs also made Malcolm understand how difficult life was for black people. With an insecure standard of living, low educational attainment, and oppression in every way, most African-Americans have become victims of violence, evils, alcohol abuse, rape, and many other crimes.

compare and contrast mlk and malcolm x essay

Malcolm X licensed under CC BY

Later in his civil rights activity, we can see that Malcolm's early concerns are still rather significant. Aside from unfavorable perceptions about white people, he felt that peaceful cohabitation between the two races was impossible. More crucially, the black community must resort to violence to fight for their rights. 

Martin, in another development, represents the rare middle-class black family with status in society. He was born into the family of a Baptist pastor. The wealth and status of his family allowed Martin early access to a higher level of knowledge than most blacks at the time. 

Unlike Malcolm's more extreme experiences, Martin experienced class inequality to a higher degree. For him, equality is more than just being provided with the most basic needs of the oppressed race. According to the martin ideal, equality must be present in the absolute harmony between the races and the eradication of all racial distinctions. That is, black people could achieve the same freedoms and rights as white people or any other color in the world. 

Despite his unstable home life, Malcolm was successful at school. Unlike the other children at the detention center who were sent to a reformatory, Malcolm was allowed to attend Mason Middle School, the only regular middle school in town. 

By the time he was in middle school, Malcolm had earned the best grades even among his white classmates. However, a white teacher told Malcolm he couldn't become a lawyer but should consider becoming a carpenter instead. Malcolm was so disturbed by the remarks that he dropped out right after finishing grade 8.  

After moving to Boston, Malcolm fell prey to the social evils here. This was the time when he started the heist, gambling, drug dealing, and bloody gang killings. After several attempts to circumvent the law, Malcolm was arrested in February 1946 for theft and sentenced to 10 years in prison. He was sent to Charlestown State Prison in Boston. 

compare and contrast mlk and malcolm x essay

A mugshot of Malcolm X in 1944 , Public domain

Pastor Martin, on the contrary, goes further in his studies than anyone else. Entering university at the age of 15, having 2 university degrees, becoming a doctor of philosophy at the age of 26, Martin's talent is undeniable. In addition, he also received home education to become a prestigious ding Baptist pastor. 

While the only subjects Malcolm could deal with were criminals, illiterate people, alcoholics, and homeless people, Martin was able to converse with many forward-thinking people (including whites). The difference in the way they receive education is also evident in their views and the way to fight later. Although after his release from prison, Malcolm X has become an influential journalist and public speaker, his messages are still more direct and powerful than the peaceful and humble speeches of Martin. 

Their faith also had a significant impact on their future lives. King accepted his Christian views, which he showed in his famous address in 1963: 

“ I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists… that one day, right there in Alabama, little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers .” 

King frequently spoke of the "American Dream," referring to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution's notion of equality. King's ideal was worldwide and everlasting, not just for racial equality in the United States. A universal dream is shared by all peoples, regardless of color, sex, ethnicity, country. 

Malcolm X, on the other hand, was a Muslim cleric who advocated for African Americans' equal rights. He believed in racial segregation, the inherent wickedness of whites, and the necessity to embrace African culture as a member of the Nation of Islam (NOI). 

compare and contrast mlk and malcolm x essay

American Black Rights Activist Malcolm X  licensed under  CC BY

In comparison to Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm's tone was harsher in his critique of America and its tactics for attaining equality. Malcolm struggled with poverty, misery, and impotence. As a result, he attempted to inspire and enlighten black people as someone who had lived through the "American Nightmare" rather than the "American Dream." 

Dr. King and Malcolm X both worked hard to establish legal equality for blacks. These include voting rights, desegregation, and increased representation in government and politics. However, both men's tactics and strategies were vastly different. 

Negotiations, according to Dr. King, might be brought about by the perseverance of a peaceful approach. In the hearts and minds of the country, the oppressed people's determination would triumph against the oppressor's will. He was a staunch believer in Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolent resistance approach, which had been effective in pushing the British out of India. 

According to King, the aim of the protestors, or black people, is not to embarrass the adversary (the white American), but to gain his affection and sympathy. He desired collaboration between Whites and African Americans to be one nation - America.

" We shall be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, go to jail together, to climb up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day ," he stated in his famous speech. He asserted that the heart of nonviolence is founded on the idea of love or understanding. Dr. King underlined that the white man should not be held accountable for the oppression of minorities and blacks. 

This is where the two leaders disagree. 

On the other hand, Malcolm X believed that social injustice and racism had gone on for far too long. Malcolm X stated unequivocally that he felt African Americans and White people should remain separate but be treated equally. He encouraged white people to " work alongside us—each of us working among our own kind. " 

Malcolm, who publicly denied being an American, worked for the Nation of Islam, which wanted to establish a distinct society for its members. Malcolm opposed integration with white America as a worthy goal, and he was especially opposed to nonviolence as a way of achieving it. In Malcolm's opinion, an African American could never give up his right to self-defense the white aggression " by any means necessary ".

Aside from their differences in racial beliefs and ideologies, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King's struggles have a distinct trajectory. The most essential attribute of an activist is their capacity to inspire others as well as persuade others to follow their ideals. 

Malcolm X's manner of protest includes utilizing violence against violence and unequal rights, as well as advocating segregation of African Americans and whites. Martin Luther King's method, on the other hand, includes peaceful marches and struggles against violence, as well as pushing for black and white integration. During the Civil Rights Movement, the leadership styles of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X deliver significant evidence of how different styles of endeavor may result in very separate fights. 

In the 1960s black liberation struggle, King and Malcolm embody two opposing responses: nonviolence against violence. 

King was America's most well-known nonviolent activist. Nonviolence, he believed, was a successful approach for social transformation and the foundation of his life philosophy. He predicted that nonviolence would be an effective weapon for blacks in the American Civil Rights Movement, as well as for other oppressed people all over the world. The following successes highlight the strength of nonviolence: the Montgomery bus boycott (1955), student sit-ins (1960), Freedom Rides (1961), Birmingham protests (1963), the March on Washington (1963), the Civil Rights Act (1964), the Voting Rights Act (1965), and the Selma March (1965).  

compare and contrast mlk and malcolm x essay

Martin Luther King, Jr. San Francisco June 30 1964   by  geoconklin2001  is licensed under  CC BY-ND 2.0

According to King, segregation in America and colonialism in the Third World were denials of human dignity and value. Through boycotts and marches, he hoped to end racial segregation. He felt that the abolition of segregation would improve the likelihood of integration. 

Malcolm X, on the other hand, spearheaded a movement for black empowerment. His goal was to restore the power of oppressed black people via spiritual teaching of racism, economic growth, and self-defense training. His political philosophy was founded on the connection between the struggle of African Americans and that of other oppressed peoples across the world. 

Malcolm, in contrast to King, was viewed as a preacher of hatred and violence. Malcolm X chastised King and his views on nonviolence. As a member of the Nation of Islam, he embraced white America's value system, making everything black good and everything white evil. Unlike Martin Luther King, Malcolm saw violence as a necessary response to illegal conduct. 

In reality, he encouraged self-defense rather than violence. He believed that the right to self-defense was the foundation of mankind. So he couldn't see how black people could be considered human if they don't protect themselves. If the government fails to protect black people, they have the right to defend themselves. 

According to the history of black movements in the United States since the days of slavery, the struggle for emancipation and equality has taken two distinct paths: integration and separation, with the latter requiring either a return to Africa or the formation of a distinct African-American society. Martin Luther King picked the first, whereas Malcolm X chose the second. 

In the last years of his life, Malcolm X did not consider Martin an adversary anymore. After breaking away from NOI ((Nation of Islam) and away from negative religious influences, Malcolm X looked at the issue of race in a completely different light. With this in mind, he founded African American Unity (OAAU). 

This new organization had nothing to do with religion. On the contrary, they appealed to African-Americans to participate regardless of their religious background and called for the creation of a widespread movement. The line of this organization clearly reflected the ideology of Malcolm at that time: Not encouraging revenge against white people or promoting violent resistance. However, this ideology was considered far more advanced than the nonviolent protest movement of the time and allowed self-defense against racist attacks. 

Although the movement still denied white participation, Malcolm's series of statements during this time showed a decline in hostility towards whites. He argued that, before the unification of whites and blacks could be achieved, blacks had to unite with each other. 

Malcolm X traveled to Washington in 1964 to testify on the Civil Rights Act of 1964. He claimed that he was " throwing himself into the heart of the civil rights struggle ". During this period, Malcolm was also very interested in the black suffrage movements. During a speech arranged by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in Selma, Alabama, he met with Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King's widow, and remarked, " I want Dr. King to know that I didn't come to Selma to make his work difficult. " 

While Malcolm never accepted Uncle Tom and his dedication to nonviolent resistance, he indicated his intentions of collaborating with this fellow preacher. They may not be allies, but they are no longer rivals in the fight for civil rights. Only at his last word did Malcolm admit: 

" Dr. King wants the same thing I want — freedom! " 

Perhaps for these reasons, not long after the two assassinations took place, Martin and Malcolm's wives expressed a strong fellowship. 

Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X fought for the African-American dilemma from separate perspectives as a result of their diverse experiences. However, each of them showed remarkable leadership skills, extraordinary vision as well as a strong desire for justice. 

Decades after their deaths, the messages of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X still touch the hearts of millions. Despite their differences, they are both black civil rights activists who have made significant contributions to global racial equality. Their idea preceded and influenced the current thought. They were the forefathers of many generations of black people. 

One last fact: Although their common goal has deeply connected their lives, throughout their lives, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X only met once in just over a minute (Long enough just to take a single picture). Perhaps without the conflicts and injustices, difficulties and misunderstandings, they would have become real soulmates. 

As Martin Luther King Jr. once  said , " While we did not always see eye-to-eye on methods to solve the race problem, I always had a deep affection for Malcolm and felt he had a great ability to put his finger on the existence and root of the problem. He was an eloquent spokesman for his point of view and no one can honestly doubt that Malcolm had a great concern for the problems we face as a race.... " 

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These two Great Black Men Made the Ultimate Sacrifice for Black Equality. Therefore Every Black Person Should Strive for Advancement and Black Excellence. Let’s Not let them Die in Vain!!!

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Black Power Scholar Illustrates How MLK And Malcolm X Influenced Each Other

Terry Gross square 2017

Terry Gross

compare and contrast mlk and malcolm x essay

A man walks past a mural of Malcom X and Martin Luther King Jr. in London. Thabo Jaiyesimi/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images hide caption

A man walks past a mural of Malcom X and Martin Luther King Jr. in London.

Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X are frequently seen as opposing forces in the struggle for civil rights and against white supremacy; King is often portrayed as a nonviolent insider, while Malcolm X is characterized as a by-any-means-necessary political renegade. But author and Black Power scholar Peniel Joseph says the truth is more nuanced.

"I've always been fascinated by Malcolm X and Dr. King ... and dissatisfied in how they're usually portrayed — both in books and in popular culture," Joseph says.

In his book, The Sword and the Shield: The Revolutionary Lives of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr., Joseph braids together the lives of the two civil rights leaders. He says that King and Malcolm X had "convergent visions" for Black America — but their strategies for how to reach the goal was informed by their different upbringings.

"Malcolm X is really scarred by racial trauma at a very early age," Joseph says. "King, in contrast, has a very gilded childhood, and he's the son of an upper-middle-class, African-American family, prosperous family that runs one of the most important churches in Black Atlanta."

Joseph says that, over time, each man became the other's "alter ego." Malcolm X, he says, "injects a political radicalism on the national scene that absolutely makes Dr. King and his movement much more palatable to mainstream Americans."

Now, with the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, Joseph says that King and Malcolm X's visions have converged: "What's really extraordinary is that the Black Lives Matter protesters really are protesting for radical Black dignity and citizenship and see that you need both. So Malcolm and Martin are the revolutionary sides of the same coin, and really the BLM movement has amplified that."

Interview highlights

The Sword and the ShieldThe Revolutionary Lives of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr., by Peniel E. Joseph

On what Malcolm X meant by racial separatism

This idea of separatism is really interesting. The deeper I investigated Malcolm X, the more I understood what he meant and what the Nation of Islam meant by racial separatism. It wasn't segregation. It was separatism, they argued, and Malcolm does this in a series of debates against Bayard Rustin , against Jim Farmer , against James Baldwin , Louis Lomax. He says that racial separatism is required because white people do not want Black people to be citizens and have dignity. And if they did, you wouldn't have to protest and experience police violence and police brutality: small children trying to integrate Little Rock High School, young people trying to integrate lunch counters, and they're arrested and brutalized, sometimes people were killed, of course. So what's interesting about this idea of separatism, Malcolm argues separatism is Black people having enough self-love and enough confidence in themselves to organize and build parallel institutions. Because America was so infected with the disease of racism, they could never racially integrate into American democracy.

On Malcolm X's vision of "by any means necessary" protest

Malcolm X's Public Speaking Power

Code Switch

Malcolm x's public speaking power.

Malcolm is making the argument that, one, Black people have the right to self-defense and to defend themselves against police brutality. It's really striking when you follow Malcolm X in the 1950s and '60s, the number of court appearances he's making, whether it's in Buffalo, N.Y., or Los Angeles or Rochester, N.Y., where members of the Nation of Islam have been brutalized [and], at times, killed by police violence. So Malcolm is arguing that, one, Black people have a right to defend themselves. Second part of Malcolm's argument — because he travels to the Middle East by 1959, travels for 25 weeks overseas in 1964 — is that because there [are] anti-colonial revolutions raging across Africa and the Third World in the context of the 1950s and '60s, he makes the argument that the Black revolution in the United States is only going to be a true revolution once Black people start utilizing self-defense to end the racial terror they're experiencing both in the 1950s and '60s, but historically. And one of the reasons Malcolm makes that argument, obviously, is because his father and his family had experienced that racial terror.

On King's policy of non-violent protest v. self defense

One thing that's important to know is that when we think about nonviolence versus self-defense, it's very, very complex, because even though Martin Luther King Jr. is America's apostle and a follower of Gandhi and believes in nonviolence, there are always people around King who are trying to protect him and in demonstrations, who actually are armed, they're not armed in the same way that, say, the Black Panthers would arm themselves later, but they're armed to actually protect and defend peaceful civil rights activists from racial terror. And of course, King famously had had armed guards around him in Montgomery, Ala., after his home was firebombed during the bus boycott of 1955 to '56. And it's Bayard Rustin who famously told him he couldn't have those armed guards if he wanted to live out the practice of nonviolence.

The Power Of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Anger

The Power Of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Anger

So King usually does not have his own people being armed. But when he's in the Deep South, there are civil rights activists who actually are armed and at times protecting him. They're not necessarily connected to his Southern Christian Leadership Conference, but the movement always had people who were trying to protect peaceful demonstrators against racial terror.

On King's response to Malcolm X's argument against non-violent civil disobedience

compare and contrast mlk and malcolm x essay

Peniel E. Joseph, Ph.D., is the founding director of the LBJ School's Center for the Study of Race and Democracy at the University of Texas, Austin. Kelvin Ma/Basic Books hide caption

Peniel E. Joseph, Ph.D., is the founding director of the LBJ School's Center for the Study of Race and Democracy at the University of Texas, Austin.

King has several responses: One is that nonviolence is both a moral and political strategy. So the morality and the religious argument is that Black people could not succumb to enemy politics. And this idea that when we think about white racism, we would become as bad as the people who are oppressing us. So he pushes back against that. Politically, he says, well, then there aren't enough Black people, even if they arm themselves to win some kind of armed conflict and struggle. And then finally, he says and there's a great speech in 1963 in Los Angeles where he doesn't mention Malcolm X, but he's speaking out against Malcolm X in terms of what's happening in Birmingham. And Malcolm has called him an Uncle Tom and all kinds of names. He says that non-violence is the weapon of strength. It's the weapon of people who are powerful and courageous and brave and heroic and disciplined. It's not the weapon of the weak, because we're going to use this non-violent strategy to actually transform the United States of America against its own will. ...

I say Malcolm is Black America's prosecuting attorney. He's prosecuting white America for a series of crimes against Black humanity that date back to racial slavery. Dr. King is Black America's defense attorney — but he's very interesting: He defends both sides of the color line. He defends Black people to white people and tells white people that Black people don't want Black supremacy. They don't want reverse racism. They don't want revenge for racial slavery and Jim Crow segregation. They just want to be included in the body politic and have citizenship. But he also defends white people to Black people. He's constantly telling — especially as the movement gets further radicalized — Black people that white people are good people, that white people, we can redeem the souls of the nation. And we have white allies who have fought and struggled and died with us to achieve Black citizenship. So it's very interesting, the roles they both play. But over time, after Malcolm's assassination, one of the biggest ironies and transformations is that King becomes Black America's prosecuting attorney.

On how Malcolm X and King's visions merged

They start to merge, especially in the aftermath of Malcolm's assassination on Feb. 21, 1965. And in a way, when we think about King, right after Malcolm's assassination, King has what he later calls one of those "mountaintop moments." And he always says there are these mountaintop moments, but then you have to go back to the valley. And that mountaintop moment is going to be the Selma to Montgomery march, even though initially, when we think about March 7, 1965 — Bloody Sunday — demonstrators, including the late Congressman John Lewis , are battered by Alabama state troopers, non-violent demonstrators, peaceful demonstrators on the Edmund Pettus Bridge.

'A Proud Walk': 3 Voices On The March From Selma To Montgomery

'A Proud Walk': 3 Voices On The March From Selma To Montgomery

But by March 15, LBJ, the president, is going to say these protesters are right and they are part of a long pantheon of American heroes dating back to the revolution. And then March 21 to the 25, the Selma to Montgomery demonstration is going to attract 30,000 Americans — including white allies, Jewish allies like Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel — to King and the movement. So King is going to make his last, fully nationally televised speech on March 25, 1965, where he talks about American democracy, racial justice, but the long road ahead. By that August, Aug. 6, 1965, the Voting Rights Act has passed. So these are real high points.

But then five days after the Voting Rights Act is passed, Watts, Los Angeles explodes in really the largest civil disturbance in American history up until that point. And when we think about after Watts, that's where King and Malcolm start to converge, because Malcolm had criticized the March on Washington as the "farce on Washington," because he said that King and the movement should have paralyzed Washington, D.C., and forced a reckoning about race in America. And they didn't do that. By 1965, King says that in this essay, "Beyond the Los Angeles Riots," that what he's going to start doing is use non-violent civil disobedience as a peaceful sword that paralyzes cities to produce justice that goes beyond civil rights and voting rights acts.

Sam Briger and Thea Chaloner produced and edited the audio of this interview. Bridget Bentz, Molly Seavy-Nesper and Meghan Sullivan adapted it for the Web.

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Malcolm x vs martin luther king.

Lesley J. Vos

The following sample is meant to be a source of inspiration for students in their academic pursuits.

The American civil rights movement, a pivotal era in the nation’s history, was marked by the emergence of two prominent leaders: Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. Their visions and methods for achieving racial equality and freedom were distinctly different, offering diverse perspectives within the struggle for civil rights. This essay explores the differences between Malcolm X and Martin Luther King in their approaches to achieving racial justice for African Americans.

Historical Background

The mid-20th century in the United States was characterized by a profound struggle for civil rights, particularly for African Americans who faced rampant segregation and discrimination. This period was marked by significant social and political upheaval as African Americans actively sought to assert their rights and claim their rightful place in society. Amidst this backdrop, two influential figures emerged as leading voices in this struggle: Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. Both leaders, while united in their ultimate goal of achieving equality and freedom for African Americans, adopted markedly different philosophies and tactics in their pursuits. Malcolm X, known for his fiery and uncompromising rhetoric, advocated for a more radical approach to securing these rights. In contrast, Martin Luther King Jr. championed a path of nonviolent resistance, drawing on principles of peaceful protest. These divergent approaches highlighted the complexity and multifaceted nature of the fight for civil rights during this pivotal era in American history.

Martin Luther King Jr. and Non-Violence

Martin Luther King Jr., often abbreviated as MLK, was a proponent of non-violent protest. Influenced by the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, King believed in peaceful methods to achieve civil rights. He led marches and peaceful protests, advocating for integration and equality in a non-aggressive manner. King’s philosophy was one of love and forgiveness, aiming to unite rather than divide the nation. His leadership during events like the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the March on Washington was instrumental in bringing national attention to the injustices faced by African Americans.

Malcolm X and Separatism

In contrast, Malcolm X, a member of the Nation of Islam, initially advocated for separatism rather than integration. He believed that African Americans should establish their own institutions and communities, separate from those of white Americans. Malcolm X’s approach was more radical, often perceived as militant. He famously stated that freedom should be achieved “by any means necessary,” which was interpreted as an endorsement of violence, if required, for self-defense. Malcolm X’s stance softened after leaving the Nation of Islam, where he began to advocate for racial unity but still maintained a more militant approach than King.

Malcolm X vs Martin Luther King

Ideology Differences and Community Impact

The core difference between Malcolm X and Martin Luther King lies in their ideologies. King’s approach was rooted in non-violence and peaceful protest, aiming to achieve racial integration and harmony. On the other hand, Malcolm X initially supported racial separatism and was open to using more aggressive means to defend and uplift African Americans. Their differing views on how to achieve freedom and equality reflected the diversity of thought within the civil rights movement.

Both Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. had significant impacts on the civil rights movement. King’s non-violent approach garnered widespread support, leading to significant legislative changes like the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Malcolm X’s advocacy for black self-sufficiency and his later openness to racial harmony inspired many African Americans to fight more assertively for their rights. Their combined efforts contributed to the gradual dismantling of segregation and the advancement of civil rights in America.

In conclusion, while Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. both aimed to achieve racial equality and freedom for African Americans, their methods and philosophies were notably different. King’s legacy of non-violent, peaceful protest and Malcolm X’s initial separatist stance, followed by a call for racial unity, represent the diverse strategies within the civil rights movement. Understanding the differences between Malcolm X and Martin Luther King is crucial in appreciating the multifaceted nature of the struggle for civil rights in the United States. Their distinct approaches played a significant role in shaping the nation’s journey towards racial equality.

Did Martin Luther King disagree with Malcolm X?

Yes, Martin Luther King Jr. did have disagreements with Malcolm X, primarily concerning their approaches to the civil rights movement. While both sought racial equality, King advocated for nonviolent resistance and peaceful protest, influenced by Christian ideals of love and forgiveness. Malcolm X, initially a member of the Nation of Islam, advocated for black empowerment, often perceived as endorsing a more militant stance. Their differing views on violence and integration versus separatism were central to their disagreements.

What were the religious differences between MLK and Malcolm X?

The religious beliefs of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X significantly influenced their approaches to civil rights. MLK, a Baptist minister, was deeply rooted in Christian teachings, which shaped his philosophy of nonviolent protest and love-based activism. Malcolm X, initially a prominent figure in the Nation of Islam, held Islamic beliefs that emphasized black self-sufficiency and were critical of white America. His views evolved over time, but his Islamic faith remained a guiding factor in his activism.

What was a common goal of MLK and Malcolm X?

Despite their different approaches and philosophies, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X shared a common goal: achieving racial equality and freedom for African Americans. Both leaders were deeply committed to the advancement of civil rights and worked tirelessly to eradicate the systemic racism and injustices faced by African Americans. They sought to uplift the black community and ensure a society where all individuals were treated with dignity and respect, regardless of race.

What are the differences between MLK and Malcolm X?

The differences between Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X are primarily found in their methods and philosophies regarding the civil rights movement. MLK advocated for peaceful, nonviolent resistance and integration, inspired by Christian teachings. He believed in working within the existing system to achieve change. Conversely, Malcolm X, especially during his time with the Nation of Islam, supported the idea of black separatism and was open to the use of self-defense. His stance mellowed after leaving the Nation of Islam, advocating for racial unity but maintaining a more radical approach compared to King. Their contrasting views on violence, integration, and the role of religion in social activism marked the key differences in their strategies for racial equality.

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Comparing MLK with Malcolm X Essay

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Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were the two major leaders in the Civil Rights Movement of mid 20 th century. While both leaders had similar goals of demanding recognition and protection of African American liberties in society, their respective backgrounds, approaches, remained widely divergent. Concurrent sections of this essay shall highlight these differences and their impacts on the Civil Rights Movement. Both short-term and long-term impacts of the two approaches will be investigated.

The differences in both leaders’ backgrounds had significant impacts on respective civil rights struggles. Malcolm X was born of a Baptist father who had been a major champion of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (Karim). Malcolm’s father’s intense involvement in movement activities resulted in being at loggerheads with law enforcement. This placed his family in danger and thus embarked on constant relocation from one part of the country to the other before settling in Michigan. Malcolm’s father was later run over by a streetcar. His mother was later declared insane and sent to the mental care facility. These were sad times for the young Malcolm, who started living with foster families while attending various reform schools (Ogbar, 203). He later moved to Boston and got engaged in criminal activities that led to his confinement. It is during this imprisonment that Malcolm came to learn of Elijah Mohamed’s Islamic teachings and henceforth decided to become a Muslim, as well as being seriously involved in civil rights issues. Malcolm’s background is the opposite of that experienced by Martin Luther King (MLK). MLK was born of Baptist parents; his father was a minister, a post inherited from his father (MLK’s grandfather). This provided MLK with a strong religious foundation that would later influence his teachings and practices. After attending elementary school in Atlanta, MLK was admitted to the Pennsylvania-based Crozer Theological Seminary and later Boston University, where he received a Ph.D. in systematic Theology in 1955. He immediately took the ministerial role at Montgomery’s Dexter Avenue Baptist Church (Stanford University) and became increasingly engaged in civil rights issues.

The influence of both leaders’ backgrounds can be seen in the methods applied in their respective leadership roles. On his part, Martin Luther chooses a nonviolent approach in achieving movement goals. Without a doubt, the choice of his approach was influenced by the extensive theological teachings he had received since his childhood. Despite the pressure from some quarters within the movement to push for speedy agitations through violence, MLK relentlessly preached and practice a nonviolence approach. Many civil rights movements participants, including Malcolm X, had concluded that MLK’s approach would take longer to achieve the intended goals (MLK Online) but Martin was ready to wait. Malcolm X was on the view that armed violence was the best measure to meeting civil movement goals. The difference between both approaches led to disagreements between the two leaders to point that they could not merge and strengthen their ties. Each group thus retorted to continuing with putting pressure on the government using the means they so fit: Malcolm X continued with agitating for armed approaches whereas MLK kept preaching peace and nonviolence approach. Though both leaders had similar goals of having African American liberties becoming more recognized and protected by authorities, there were some other little differences regarding specific short and long-term goals of the Civil Rights Movement. On his part, Martin Luther King was determined to have African Americans being treated as equal under the rule of law with their white counterparts. In this regard, MLK intended to have greater integration of American people despite their race, religion, or sex. Luther’s goals, therefore, extended beyond the African American population in the country—he had all minorities included in his long-term goals. Malcolm would hear none of this; instead, he saw the complete “separation from the white man” as the best measure to address the crisis (Howard-Pitney 120). For sure, such a hard stance could not have been incorporated with Martin Luther’s non-violence approach.

Martin Luther was concerned with positive impacts in American society, not just African Americans. This meant that peaceful co-existence between the races had to be a prerequisite, and hence the non-violence approach. On the other hand, Malcolm X was seemingly concerned with short-run results on African American lives. These differences did not stop either of the leaders to achieve certain goals. Martin Luther achieved the integration of American races in both public and private sectors. In addition, his movement saw the segregation that had characterized lifestyle start to wane (Karim). Though Malcolm X did not live to achieve his goals, his followers were instrumental in the rise of Black Power as an authority in the civil rights movement in the 1960s and 70s (OAH 12). However, Black Power’s activities were in the authorities’ spotlight, which resulted in to decline in its membership and relevance in the civil rights fraternity.

The above analysis has compared two of the most dominant civil rights movement leaders. It has been established that the differences in respective approach styles developed from the leader’s upbringing. Martin Luther’s religious background was instrumental in his nonviolent approach. Malcolm X’s hardship in life resulted in the agitation of armed resistance. Martin Luther was, however, the one who was most successful in meeting the goals—Malcolm died before attaining his goals. His followers were also unsuccessful in reaching their fallen leaders’ aspirations.

Howard-Pitney, David. Martin Luther, Malcolm X and the Civil Rights. New York: Bedford, 2004.

MLK Online. MLK Bibliography. 2008. Web.

Karim, Imam (Edt.). Black Man’s History. 2009. Web.

OAH. “MLK and Malcolm X.” OAH Magazine. 2005.

Ogbar, Jeffrey. Black Power. JHU: Baltimore, 2003.

Stanford University. King Bibliography. Stanford. 2009. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, October 28). Comparing MLK with Malcolm X.

"Comparing MLK with Malcolm X." IvyPanda , 28 Oct. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Comparing MLK with Malcolm X'. 28 October.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Comparing MLK with Malcolm X." October 28, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Comparing MLK with Malcolm X." October 28, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Comparing MLK with Malcolm X." October 28, 2021.

MLK and Malcolm X were more alike than we thought. Here's why.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivers his

Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. are two of the most iconic figures of the 20th century and of the civil rights movement. Both men were leaders of their own separate movements, with King serving as the first president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and Malcolm X as a minister and leading national spokesperson for the Nation of Islam (NOI). However, most people believe the two men had very different approaches to the challenge of achieving racial justice and equality in the U.S.

"The mythology around both men frames them as opposites," said Peniel Joseph, the Barbara Jordan chair in ethics and political values at the LBJ School of Public Affairs and a professor of history at the University of Texas at Austin. "It frames Malcolm as King's evil twin and King as this saint who would just give everybody a hug if he was alive right now. That really takes away from understanding the depth and breadth of their political power, their political radicalism and their evolution over time." 

"I think they both needed each other," Joseph said. "They both had misapprehensions about each other, and they made mistakes about each other. When they started out, King thought Malcolm was this narrow, anti-white, Black nationalist. Malcolm thought King was this bourgeois, reform-minded, Uncle Tom. Neither of them were those things, so they both needed the other.

"King remains a major, global political mobilizer, and the way in which he framed this idea of racial justice globally is very important," Joseph added. "Malcolm X was the first modern activist who was really saying 'Black Lives Matter' in a really deep and definitive way and became the avatar of the Black Power movement."

Joseph believes that, while the differences between King and Malcolm X cannot be ignored, the two men were, in fact, much closer than commonly believed, though their upbringings could not have been more different. "Martin Luther King Jr. was raised in an upper-middle class, elite household in Atlanta, Georgia," Joseph explained. "His father was a preacher, his mother was present in his life and it was a very comfortable upbringing. 

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Malcolm X pictured in front of the state capitol Hartford, Connecticut, June 4, 1963

"On the other hand, Malcolm X was raised in Omaha, [Nebraska], and in Lansing, Michigan, on farms, so he was a country boy, whose father was murdered by white supremacists when he was 6 years old," Joseph said. "[H]is mother was put in a psychiatric facility, so he was a foster child by the time he was in elementary school. He then became a hustler in Boston and Harlem as a teenager, and he was finally arrested for theft and spent seven years in prison. 

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"When Malcolm was in prison, King was attending Morehouse College, the most prestigious historically Black, all-men's college that you could go to then or now," Joseph added. "He received a theological degree at seminary school, Crozer Theological school in Chester, Pennsylvania, and then got a Ph.D. at Boston University." 

King's strong religious upbringing had a massive influence on his life, and he became a preacher as well as a political activist, including his faith within his speeches. Meanwhile, Malcolm's tough upbringing and the tragedies he endured make a lot of sense when held against the righteous anger and pain he was able to express as a minister for the NOI. 

It was during his time in prison that Malcolm was introduced to Islam by some of his siblings, and he formally joined the Nation of Islam. The NOI's leader, Elijah Muhammad, took a personal interest in Malcolm, before he was released in 1952. Malcolm abandoned what he called his "slave" name, Little, and became Malcolm X. As a minister in the NOI, he advocated for Black separatism (which was the policy of the organization), first in Chicago and later in Harlem, New York, which would become his base for years to come. 

The formative years of Malcolm X's and King's lives are ultimately what frame them as polarized voices in a similar struggle.

"Malcolm X was really Black America's prosecuting attorney, and he was going to be charging white America with a series of crimes against Black humanity," Joseph said. "I argue in 'The Sword and the Shield' [that], in a way, his life's work boils down to radical Black dignity. And what he means by Black dignity is really Black people having the political self-determination to decide their own political futures and fates. They define racism, and they define anti-racism and what social justice looks like for themselves. It's connected to the United States, but globally, it's also connected to African decolonization, African independence, Third World independence, Middle East politics, all of it." 

By contrast, "Martin Luther King Jr. was really the defense attorney; he defended Black lives to white people and white lives to Black people," Joseph said. "He was really advocating for radical Black citizenship, and his notion of citizenship became more expansive over time. iIt was going to be more than just voting rights and ending segregation. It would become about ending poverty, food justice, health care, a living wage, universal basic income for everyone." 

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These two approaches — one that builds personal identity, and another that looks to express that identity and have it recognized by a system that is set up to ignore Black voices — seem more complementary than adversarial when observed objectively. "Their differences really become differences of tactics rather than goals," Joseph said. "They're both going to come to see that you need dignity and citizenship, and those goals are going to converge over time. But it's the tactics and how we get to those goals" that differ.

Famously, the pair did not always see eye to eye. On multiple occasions, Malcolm X took aim at King and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, referring to him as an "Uncle Tom" (though he later drew back from using the term ). For his part, King warned that "fiery, demagogic oratory in the Black ghettos, urging Negroes to arm themselves and prepare to engage in violence, as [Malcolm X] has done, can reap nothing but grief," according to The Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute at Stanford University.

Despite the public animosity, Malcolm X attempted to reach out to King over the years, sending articles and NOI reading materials and even inviting him to speeches and meetings. On July 31, 1963, Malcolm X even publicly called for unity. 

"If capitalistic Kennedy and communistic Khrushchev can find something in common on which to form a United Front despite their tremendous ideological differences, it is a disgrace for Negro leaders not to be able to submerge our 'minor' differences in order to seek a common solution to a common problem posed by a Common Enemy," he wrote, inviting civil rights leaders to join him in Harlem to speak at a rally. But they did not attend, perhaps because shortly thereafter, they would be attending the March on Washington, and they were deep in planning. The slight was taken, though, with Malcolm X dismissing the August 1963 event as the "Farce on Washington."

Joseph thinks that, despite the rhetoric, Malcolm X was still learning much from King's activities. "King was the person who helped mobilize Birmingham, Alabama, in 1963, and [he faced] German shepherds and fire hoses and was a big, global media spectacle," Joseph said. "King wrote his famous 'Letter from Birmingham Jail' during that period. Malcolm X was in Washington, D.C., for most of that spring as temporary head of Mosque No. 4, and he [was] really influenced by King's mobilizations — his ability to mobilize large numbers of people — even as he's critical of King because of the nonviolence and the fact that so many kids and women were being brutalized."

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A major turning point for Malcolm X came the following year as he gradually broke away from the NOI and sought to define his own path. "By 1964, in 'The Ballot or the Bullet' speech (April 3, 1964), you see Malcolm X talking about voting rights as part of Black liberation and freedom. You see him in an interview with [writer] Robert Penn Warren, saying that he and King have the same goals, which is human dignity, but they have different ways of getting there," Joseph explained.

On March 26, 1964, King and Malcolm X crossed paths on Capitol Hill, during the debate over the Civil Rights Act as it was being filibustered on the Senate floor. "They were both talking to reporters and doing press conferences in support of the Civil Rights Act," Joseph recounted. "They were both coming there for the same reason. People were surprised that Malcolm was there and he was watching the Senate and he was doing his interviews. 

Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X wait for a press conference on March 26, 1964. Photo was taken by Marion S. Trikoskor.

"[T]here was a point when Malcolm was in the same room as King and on the couch, while King was doing his press conference, and they met afterwards, exchanging pleasantries," Joseph continued. "It was a moment captured by only a couple of photos, in mid-conversation, with Malcolm recorded as saying, 'I'm throwing myself into the heart of the Civil Rights struggle.'" 

This was the first and only time the two men met. 

On Feb. 21, 1965, Malcolm X was assassinated in Manhattan, while about to give a speech. The impact of his death would be felt throughout the civil rights movement, but no less so on King.

"One of the surprising things is that we don't discuss the way in which the person who is most radicalized by Malcolm's assassination is Martin Luther King Jr.," Joseph said. "On April 4, 1967, he breaks with President Lyndon Johnson with the Riverside Church speech in New York, where he says that the United States is the greatest purveyor of violence in the world. Malcolm had always talked about racial slavery and how racial slavery had shaped the present, and King talks about that much more after 1965."

It is perhaps because they evolved and were willing to learn from each other that each man has remained as relevant today as in the 1960s. "Even with George Floyd and Black Lives Matter and the global protests, the only way to understand these movements is to understand Malcolm and Martin," Joseph said. "[They] were talking about so much of these issues of police brutality and the criminal justice system, racial segregation and poverty and state-sanctioned violence." 

Joseph's published books include "The Sword And the Shield: The Revolutionary Lives of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr" (Basic Books, 2020) and "Waiting 'Til the Midnight Hour: A Narrative History of Black Power in America" (Griffin, 2007).

This interview originally appeared in All About History issue 96. 

Jonathan is the Editor of All About History magazine, running the day to day operations of the brand. He has a Bachelor's degree in History from the University of Leeds . He has previously worked as Editor of video game magazines games™ and X-ONE and tech magazines iCreate and Apps. He is currently based in Bournemouth, UK.

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Martin Luther King Jr. vs. Malcolm X: A Comparative Analysis

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  • Branch, T. (2006). Parting the waters: America in the King years, 1954-63. Simon and Schuster.
  • Marable, M. (2011). Manning Marable speaks on Malcolm X: A documentary film. AK Press.
  • Carson, C., & Shepard, S. (2001). A call to conscience: The landmark speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Grand Central Publishing.
  • Haley, A. (1965). The autobiography of Malcolm X. Ballantine Books.
  • Garrow, D. J. (1986). Bearing the cross: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. HarperOne.

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    August 28, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and thousands of others joined in a massive march in Washington, DC. During this peaceful protest, King made one of the most popular speeches in history. The " I Have A Dream" speech prompted the 1964 Civil Rights Act and awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize. Read More.

  23. Compare and Contrast Martin Luther King and Malcolm X

    Compare and Contrast Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15th, 1929. Malcolm X was born on May 19th, 1925 Martin Luther King was a very good statesman who delivered moving speeches about peace, freedom and democracy. Martin Luther King's