Essay on Life in a Big City

Photo of Shaheer

  • Introduction
  • Advantages of Life in a Big City
  • Challenges of Life in a Big City
  • Coping with Challenges

Life in a big city is a unique experience that offers a blend of opportunities and challenges. With its bustling streets, towering skyscrapers, and diverse population, a big city is a vibrant and dynamic place to live.

Living in a big city comes with a multitude of advantages. Firstly, cities are hubs of economic activity, providing a wide range of job opportunities in various industries. This attracts people seeking employment and career growth. Additionally, big cities are often centers of education, hosting prestigious universities and institutions, offering access to quality education and research opportunities.

Cultural richness is another significant advantage of city life. Museums, theaters, galleries, and cultural events flourish, allowing residents to indulge in a diverse array of artistic experiences. Moreover, cities are melting pots of different cultures and traditions, fostering a sense of diversity and tolerance among its inhabitants.

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However, life in a big city is not without its challenges. One of the primary issues is the high cost of living. Housing, groceries, and transportation expenses can be considerably higher, making it harder for some individuals and families to make ends meet. Furthermore, the fast-paced lifestyle and constant rush can lead to stress and burnout.

Another challenge is congestion and pollution. Traffic jams and crowded public transportation can be frustrating, while pollution can impact both physical health and the environment. Additionally, in densely populated areas, there may be a lack of green spaces, limiting opportunities for relaxation and outdoor activities.

To thrive in a big city, it’s important to adopt certain coping mechanisms and seek out solutions to address its challenges. Firstly, effective time management and prioritization can help individuals navigate the fast-paced lifestyle. Creating a balanced routine that includes leisure and relaxation is crucial for maintaining mental and physical well-being.

Finding cost-effective alternatives for daily needs, such as using public transportation or carpooling, can help mitigate the financial strain. Additionally, exploring parks, gardens, and recreational areas within the city can provide a welcome respite from the urban hustle and bustle.

In conclusion, life in a big city offers a plethora of opportunities and experiences, but it also presents its own set of challenges. By adopting effective coping mechanisms and seeking out solutions, individuals can navigate the complexities of urban living. Ultimately, a city’s vibrancy, cultural richness, and economic opportunities make it a unique and rewarding place to call home for many.

Photo of Shaheer

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Essay on Life in a Big City in English for Children and Students

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Essay on Life in a Big City: Life in a big city can be described as fast, flowing and largely cut off from the nature. While it offers good opportunities and modern facilities, it can be quite exhaustive and stressful. Yet those who live in big cities are accustomed to the life there and find it hard to adjust in a small town or village.

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Long and Short Essay on Life in a Big City in English

Here are essay on Life in a Big City of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any Life in a Big City Essay as per your need:

Short Essay on Life in a Big City 200 words – Essay Sample 1

Life in a big city is mostly fast paced. There is a lot of competition all around. Everyone wants to do better than the other and they keep struggling day and night to further their aim.

A sense of competition is ingested in children from a very young age. Every parent wants his child to stay ahead of the competition. Schools in big cities do not just focus on studies but also on other activities. They boast of good infrastructure and highly-learned faculties to prepare the students for the life ahead.

Big cities also offer good job opportunities. Someone with good educational qualification can acquire a well paying job in a big city. The opportunities are endless if one is really aiming to work. Similarly, big cities have all the modern amities needed for a comfortable living. However, earning a comfortable life equipped with all the modern day facilities can actually be quite stressful.

While the city life can render comfort it does not guarantee peace. Several people relocate from villages to big cities in order to make a better living. While many of them are able to earn good and enhance their lifestyle they end up losing their peace of mind in the mad rush of the big cities.

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Essay on Life in a Big City – Opportunity for Students 300 words – Essay Sample 2


Life in a big city is full of competition and opportunities for the students. Big cities have better education opportunities. The schools and colleges here are equipped with a good infrastructure and all the modern facilities to offer a great learning experience.

These schools allow the students to explore their interest from the very beginning as they do not just focus on the academics but also on extracurricular activities. A number of activities are introduced for the proper growth and development of the students and also to help them identify their areas of interest.

Better Infrastructure; Better Education

Compared to small towns and villages, the quality of education provided in the big cities is quite high. The schools here are equipped with all kinds of facilities. From well equipped laboratories to state of the art sports complexes – they have it all. The faculties recruited for these schools are highly educated and well-versed in their subjects.

The management here is experienced and is driven to improve the standard of education. They are focused on building the future of the students and work hard to achieve this goal. The competition is high and students develop competitive spirit from an early age.

Variety of Courses

Unlike small towns and villages, there are various colleges in big cities. These colleges offer numerous courses specializing in different fields. In order to seek admission in a specialized course in a good college, the students are mostly required to clear entrance exam.

Big cities encompass good coaching centres that train the students to crack these entrance exams and get admission in the college of their choice. Students who get the opportunity of studying in big cities can thus choose from a wide variety of courses and pursue a career of their choice. They stand a better chance of building a bright career.

Big cities are especially good when it comes to higher studies because of the variety of courses available here. This is the reason why many students relocate to these cities to pursue higher education.

Essay on Life in a Big City – Personal, Professional and Economical Growth 400 words – Essay Sample 3

Life in a big city is exciting and ever-evolving. There are a lot of opportunities to learn and grow for people residing in a big city. These cities provide a chance to grow personally and professionally. People living in these cities turn out to be smarter than those living in the small towns and villages owing to the kind of exposure they get. Life in these cities is fast paced and only those who have a smart bent of mind can survive here.

Personal Growth in Big Cities

There is a good scope of personal growth and development in the big cities. Children living in such cities have access to good schools and colleges that do not just focus on the academics but on the all round development of the students. These educational institutes give the individuals a chance to participate in various kinds of activities and events to help them explore their interest. Besides, there are a number of activities one can involve in outside the school which help in personal growth.

Professional Growth in Big Cities

Big cities offer great career opportunities and lucrative business options unlike the villages and small towns where the scope is limited. Several industries and firms operate here and offer good job opportunities to people with different educational qualification. The prospects of setting business are also good in these cities. These cities are well-connected with other parts of the country which is a big advantage. It helps in expanding business and dealing with clients living in different cities.

Many institutes in big cities offer courses to working professionals to help them grow further and attain new professional heights. The prospects of setting up and expanding business in a big city are immense if a person is willing to work hard.

Economic Growth and Big Cities

Many new businesses are set up in the big cities each year. As these businesses grow and flourish they contribute towards the economic growth of the country.

While the big cities offer excellent opportunities to learn and grow, life here is busy. There is so much to do that there is just no time to sit and relax. People are so engrossed with their work that they do not even get time to spend with their family. Many people feel isolated in such atmosphere. While they become successful in life they hardly have anyone to celebrate their success with.

Essay on Life in a Big City Advantages and Disadvantages 500 words – Essay Sample 4

It is rightly said that nothing comes easy. Life in a big city may seem alluring but it comes at some price. There are many advantages of living in a big city however its disadvantages are no less. People planning to shift to a big city must analyse the advantages and disadvantages of city life before making the final move.

Advantages of Life in a Big City

Here are some of the advantages of life in a big city:

  • Infrastructure

Life in a big city is much better than that in villages because of the infrastructure it offers. The condition of the roads, parks, market areas and other public places in big cities are better. These are well-planned and well-maintained to ensure the comfort and convenience of the public.

  • Healthcare Facilities

Big cities encompass good hospitals that offer high end medical facilities. Special clinics and hospitals have been established here to treat patients suffering from different health conditions. These are equipped with the latest medical equipments. The team of doctors as well as support staff in these hospitals is well qualified to handle their duties.

  • Recreational Activities

There are many malls, shopping centres, amusement parks, restaurants, movie halls and other places of recreation in the big cities. Besides, a number of events such as live band performances, food festivals, concerts, cultural shows, plays, etc are organized every now and then for the entertainment of people.

  • Education and Career Opportunities

Big cities encompass primary and secondary schools with good infrastructure. The school staff and management of these schools are well educated and trained. They focus on the all round growth and development of the students. Several renowned colleges have also been set up in these cities. They offer specialized courses and train students to pursue career of their choice.

Disadvantages of Life in a Big City

Here are some of the disadvantages of life in a big city:

  • High Cost of Living

The cost of living in a big city is much higher compared to that in a village or small town. The house rent and commuting charges can especially dig a hole in your pocket. Maintaining a good lifestyle in a big city can be quite expensive.

  • Constant Hustle and Bustle

There is constant hustle and bustle in the big cities. People work twenty four-seven in these cities. The roads are always full of traffic as the people here are always on the move.

  • High Pollution Level

There is a lot of pollution in the big cities. There are thousands of cars on the roads and numerous industries in different parts of these cities. They do not only pollute the air making it difficult to breathe but also cause a lot of noise pollution.

  • High Competition

There is competition at every step in the big cities. This competition and urge to stay ahead of the others can be quite taxing and stressful.

Life in a big city is no doubt comfortable however it also has its set of drawbacks. While it offers good opportunities and facilities, it is not that easy to acquire all this. One needs to work hard to lead a respectful and comfortable life in a big city.

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Long Essay on Life in a Big City 600 words – Essay Sample 5

Life in a big city looks attractive because of the kind of facilities it offers. Several people leave small towns and villages and move to big cities as they are enticed by the kind of lifestyle it offers. They toil hard in order to achieve the life of their dreams but not everyone is successful in their attempts. Many such people end up in misery and move back to their home towns or lead a wretched life in the big cities.

Endless Opportunities

There is no doubt about the fact that big cities offer endless opportunities. There are numerous job as well as business opportunities in the big cities unlike small towns where the scope is limited. Industrial sector is growing by the day and more and more work force is required to fill different positions.

So, people with different educational qualification and work experience are required here. Similarly, the service sector is also booming at a good pace. These operators mostly have their offices in big cities and thus the scope of work opportunities is higher here. Many of these work places hire people with basic knowledge about the respective field and train them on the job.

Big cities also encompass numerous educational institutes and training centres that educate and train people to work in different sectors. There is no dearth of opportunities for a person who is willing to learn and work hard.

Life of Isolation

There is a lot of competition in the big cities. Everyone wants to earn more, look better and attain a better lifestyle. Most people here are so blinded by power and money that they cannot look beyond it. They slog day and night to earn money and are busy competing with their friends, relatives, neighbours and even their own siblings. In this rush to attain things, they are often left isolated.

They may be able to make good money and have a great lifestyle but they are still not happy as they have no one to share their happiness with. Life in a big city may be equipped with all the modern day facilities but people here often suffer from loneliness and depression. This is quite unlike the life in towns and villages where people value relationships and are there for each other. They visit each other frequently, celebrate festivals and other special occasions together and help each other in the hour of need.

Comfort at the Cost of Peace

Life in big cities can be said to be chaotic. There is hustle and bustle everywhere. People live in a concrete jungle far from nature. Their life may be comfortable however they attain this comfort at the cost of their peace of mind. They may be equipped with better medical facilities however the chances of incurring health problems in big cities are also quite high.

This is because of the high level of pollution in these cities and also due to the increasing stress level among people living here. Similarly, there are better schools and colleges in big cities but the level of competition here is somehow robbing the children of their childhood.

The cost of living in the big cities is quite high. In order to maintain a good lifestyle and build a good social standing it is essential to work hard day in and day out. Most people in big cities take huge loans for purchasing different things such as house, car, etc. Paying these loans and maintaining their lifestyle can be stressful. So even as they lead a comfortable life they are never at peace.

Living in a big city offers many opportunities but also brings challenges like loneliness, stress, and high living costs. Even with the excitement and facilities a city provides, people often trade their peace and happiness for a busy, competitive lifestyle. In the end, city life can be hard and makes us wonder what’s truly important for a good life.

Frequently Asked Questions on Life in a Big City

How do you describe a city life.

City life is fast-paced and bustling with activity. It's all about crowded streets, tall buildings, and the constant hum of life. People in the city are always on the move, and there are plenty of opportunities for work, entertainment, and socializing.

Why you should live in a big city?

Living in a big city offers various advantages. You have access to better job opportunities, top-notch educational institutions, a wide range of cultural experiences, and a vibrant social scene. Big cities often provide better healthcare facilities and more diverse dining options too.

How does it feel to live in a big city?

Living in a big city can feel exciting and full of possibilities. You'll experience the thrill of urban life, with plenty of things to see and do. However, it can also be hectic and sometimes overwhelming due to the fast pace and high cost of living.

How would you describe a big city?

A big city is a bustling urban area with a large population. It's characterized by skyscrapers, busy streets, diverse cultures, and a wide range of amenities and services. Big cities are often economic and cultural hubs.

Is it healthy to live in a big city?

The health effects of living in a big city can vary. On one hand, cities offer access to advanced healthcare facilities, but on the other hand, they may have issues like pollution and stressful lifestyles. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial when living in a big city.

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Essay on “Life in a big city” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Life in a big city

            Life in a big city is artificial. Man is completely cut off from nature. He has no contact with the sun, the moon and the stars. Life in a city is no doubt comfortable, but the happiness is not found in cities. People in a city are always in a hurry. They do not find joy in living. They work like the slaves according to a fixed routine. They are mere feeling fewer machines. They are mad after the material comforts of life. They have no peace of mind. They have pale faces and sunken eyes. Many of the city people live in crowded areas. They don’t inhale fresh air. Some of the industrial cities are very dirty. Karana, the bigger city of Pakistan, is said to be the dirties city of the world. Even Kolkata is a very dirty city. The city people are selfish, greedy and cunning. They may dress well and have very good manners. But they are selfish creatures. City dwellers live a life of fever and fret.

            Life in a city is a mixture of opposites. On the one hand there are very tall buildings. Oh the other hand is dirty slums. Wealth and poverty live side by side in cities. People die or starvation and overeating in cities. Beautiful buildings exist side by side with smoky factories.

            Cities have some attraction which villages do not have. For this reason many people in the villages leaves for cities. All the amenities of modern life are available in cities. We can have the best education in a city. Cities are the centers of trade and industry. People do not feel lonely or bored in a city. There are several recreational facilities available in a city. There are good hospitals and libraries in a city. But these facilities are lack in gin villages. Cities are also centers of political activities.

            We can say that life in a big city is a mixture of joys and sorrows. All the comforts of life are available in a city. Burt a city is full of evil thighs as well. There are brothels and gambling dens which have influence on the lives of young men.

Essay No. 2

Life in a Big City

No doubt, life in a big city is very hot and full of glamour but the dark side behind it is far more fearful. The noise and the bustle, the smoke and dust, the  air of haste and unrest bewilder a countryman. A man who lives in the country finds city life most unpleasant. Accustomed to all his days to take life easily he feels himself an alien. He loses his hearings amidst the unceasing noise and feels in a state of high tension.

But a man born and bred in the city has different feelings altogether. He is accustomed to this crowd and “busy hum of men” and he makes quick adjustments with the problems and complications each day brings forth before him. Life to him is an exciting adventure, full of novelty and unexpectedness at every turn.

With the rising unemployment in rural areas and more and more people getting good education, the population in big cities is increasing day by day. More and more people come to cities for opportunities in business, higher education, jobs and specialist medical aids. The growing presence of multinationals in cities like Delhi, Bombay, Kolkata and the like attracts thousands of youth to seek employment in them. The expansion of business opportunities is also  inviting lots of people  to the cities. Thus the hustle and bustle, noise, pollution is increasing day by day in cities. The big cities are expanding day by day on all sides where hundreds of housing colonies are developing along with many business establishments. The older residents of these cities prefer to settle in outside areas to escape noise and pollution of the main city. In spite of all the problems of the cities people continue struggling all their lives to work in this environment of busy hum. Everyone is busy. None has time to even talk to his neighbour or relative. Everyone lives his individual life. The social contacts are absent. The lust for money is increasing day by day. The value of properties has gone sky- up. There is no value of life. Accidents happen everywhere every day. This is a mad- rush. People aspire for a whiff of fresh air. People have no time to take rest. They cannot sleep soundly because of the tension of work and competition. Everyone does his work in the hardest competition truth and  honesty is very rare in big cities. You are liable to be cheated at every stage , so you also prefer to cheat others. This is mad – race for false prestige and power. Everyone wants to reach the top by hook or crook. Delicacies are rampant in big cities. Duplicate of everything is available. Duplicate medicines, clothes, toys, machines, watches, cameras, spare parts, electric and electronic equipment are available everywhere. It is very difficult to find out the genuine and reject the duplicate.

In spite of all this  there is a strange attraction of life in cities which keeps people stick to them. Besides, the opportunities of employment and bread – earning are easily available if you are person to work and show you excellence, the big cities provide big careers for the diligent professionals. They reach the top as the opportunities are many.

About evirtualguru_ajaygour

life in a big city essay introduction


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100 percent sure the best essay on this topic i have ever read . Good Work keep it up

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Value-based one. Thanks

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Very cool 👌 👌 👌 👌 👍 ✌ 👈

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Hi in which class r u in now??😀

Great 😉👌👍👈✌👏👏

Great 😉👍👌✌👈👏👏

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Nice thanks man..!

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there are much drawbacks of city life i need material for charms in city life

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not good because it is standard form not outstanding

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It is good essay it reality in our life

I lit too much nice

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Perfect essay

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Hi your article is very good and i appreciate you

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I think if there are some quotations it’ll look more better like: “God made the country,man made the town”

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Very good essay

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Very good and easy

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You r too good

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Brilliant essay

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Brilliant essy😂♥️The city people are selfish greedy and cunning 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💯💯💯💯💯💯

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Living In A Big City Essay: Lifestyle Essay

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There was once a time when people preferred the small town living existence due to its inherent slow paced lifestyle and laid back, relaxing surroundings. Neighbors knew each other on a first name and last name basis and shared lazy Sunday afternoons at church or town sponsored fairs and socials. That kind of lifestyle probably still exists in some remote towns of the country. Or maybe it just exists in those Hollywood movies like Sweet Home Alabama. The reality of the situation is that the slow paced lifestyle that once described American living has given way to big city living. Being a person who exists in the 21st century, I am more comfortable with big city living for more reasons than just one.

First of all, big city living offers its residents an exciting lifestyle. Each day is an adventure as the city continuously offers something new to discover. There is always a new place opening up where people are encouraged to be different and try something new. The city offers its inhabitants a the opportunity to dive head on into the world of the future. City living is best lived in by people whose imagination knows no boundaries and wants to soar above the city lights that give glimmer to an otherwise dark night. I believe that is the reason why most small town people dream of eventually living in the big city. The surprises that big city living offers is simply too vast to quantify.

For me, big city living adventure began the day I learned to differentiate sounds. Living here is more than an adventure, it is an educational and social learning experience. There is no better place to learn about life than the city. Where everyone seems to be living in a glass menagerie and we can freely observe people and their attitudes in a habitat that they create for themselves. It may not be as open and nature bound as town living, but that is the beauty of city living. One learns by mingling with their friends and allowing strangers into their lives on a need to know basis.

Education-wise, the city offers an educational system that cannot be equaled in the small towns. All aspects of city living simply screams education. From the advertising billboards on the side of the bus to the hot dog cart vendor, there is always something new to learn. City dwellers have more stories with moral lessons to turn than any school teacher can teach.

Others say that there is a superficiality to city living because of the fast paced lifestyle led by the people. It seems like nobody really knows anything about their neighbors because they just live in the same building and nothing more. The truth of the matter is that city dwellers do not need all that time for face to face socialization because city living is designed to actually allow a person to have a social life on a different level. Like I explained earlier, city dwellers have a more adventurous spirit.

Such is the adventurous spirit that even the socialization aspect of our lives are dealt with in the same manner. While small towns would probably rely on Friday night socials or bingo nights, we rely on the internet, text messaging, and blogging to stay in touch with people and make friends. These friendships are not superficial at all because city dwellers tend to create an extended family among strangers due to the distance between them and relatives.

I cannot imagine myself moving out of the city because city living has a different kind of energy that keeps a person pumped up and ready for action. In order to live and survive in the city, one must possess quick with and abilities. Let me put it this way, city living makes one feel alive. Nothing can beat waking up late in the morning and then rushing out the door to catch the bus in order to not miss the first appointment of the day.

Big city living is the trend of the future. Urbanization has taken over the country as more and more states become reliant on industries for their income. The slow paced lifestyle of the past is only a hindrance to the future of any community. the importance of urbanization can be seen in every aspect of small town living that is now becoming a thing of the past. Even the farmers now rely heavily on technology to keep their farms running more efficiently and productively. Something they learned from following the big city models of running a production output oriented business.

More importantly, the city if where everything of importance is coming to the fore. Advances in the field of medicine are concentrated within the city because of the experimental advantages. While small town people are known for their good health, city dwellers are known for the amazing anti-bodies that our bodies contain due to certain unknown toxins that surround us. We are actually a lot healthier than the small town dwellers because our bodies are constantly fighting off airborne viral infections and thereby developing the necessary anti-bodies. My mother grew up in a small town. She told me that the first time she moved to the city, she was constantly fighting off infections just to be able to make it to work. So she was amazed when I was born and was practically never sick since childhood save for the occasional cold.

City living requires a person to learn how to handle himself in various, unexpected situations. There is nothing rudimentary about city living because of the way city life is designed to constantly evolve over time. If you are a person who believes that man was meant to constantly evolve and learn new things, then city living is meant for you. After all, cities seem to have a life of its own. Constantly changing and evolving in looks while the people living within try their best to keep up with the times and interests of those who make the city work.

In the end, city living is probably best described as a way of life for the youth. City living keeps on constantly on their toes and feeling young because everything about the life is meant to be enjoyed to the hilt. It is a never ending adventure that cannot be compared to anything else in the world. It is a state of mind that does not pigeon hole anybody because of his surroundings. City dwelling is all about breaking free and discovering ones self.

Living in the city is like the travel bug. Once you have been bitten by it, you will never want to stop. It is so enjoyable that nobody seems to ever get tired or grow old. It is more than a state of mind, city living is a state of physical and mental personality. Go ahead, try living in the city, it will change your life.

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IvyPanda. (2022, September 23). Living In A Big City Essay: Lifestyle.

"Living In A Big City Essay: Lifestyle." IvyPanda , 23 Sept. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Living In A Big City Essay: Lifestyle'. 23 September.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Living In A Big City Essay: Lifestyle." September 23, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Living In A Big City Essay: Lifestyle." September 23, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Living In A Big City Essay: Lifestyle." September 23, 2022.

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Essay on Life in a Big City for Students in English [Easy Words]

January 15, 2021 by Sandeep

Essay on Life in a Big City: A big city is full of hustle-bustle and fast paced crowds and traffic. Cost of living in big cities is very high. They are generally plagued with housing problems, population disparities, rush hour traffic, water and sanitation issues, pollution, etc. On the other hand, life can also be comfortable with plenty of amenities and opportunities for recreation, education and employment.

Essay on Life in a Big City 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Life in a Big City Essay in English, suitable for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8.

There is a proverb, “God made the country and man made the town.” The proverb points out the contrast between life in the city and life in the village. Life in a village is simple and familiar with nature. Life in the city is fast and artificial. While India is primarily a land of villages, the country also has many towns or cities. Some of the cities are very big, such as Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata. They have several million inhabitants. Living in a major city has both benefits and inconvenience.

Life in a big city is a mixture of opposites. At one hand the buildings are very tall, and on the other hand, some slums are filthy. In big cities, wealth and poverty live side by side. People in cities die both due to starvation and overeating. There are elegant buildings amid smoky factories. We may claim that life in a big city is a mixture of pleasures and sorrows. There are all the comforts of life in a big city, but it is also full of bad thighs.

Advantages of Living in a Big City

The houses in big cities are tall. They have many storeys. The towers are multi-storied with lifts. It offers excellent educational facilities. There are elementary schools and high schools, technical colleges, engineering colleges and medical colleges. There are Universities in big cities too.

A big city has many markets. There are a large number of stores in each sector. The stores are well stocked. A fabric market has hundreds of fabric shops where the cloth of all kinds are available. In a big city, if a man has money, he can get everything he wants. The shops look very enticing due to the great lights. The roads are wide and driven by metal.

Transportation modes are simple, comfortable and fast. Rickshaws, busses, taxis and cars are within easy reach. The buses take you from one end of the town to the other on payment of a small fare. One can hire a taxi when he/she is in a rush. There are also other services within a major city. We can get timely medical support. Some hospitals have new medications and facilities. There are a good number of private doctors, too.

There are several other benefits of living in the city. There one finds chances for interacting with people from every nook and corner of the world as well as from other countries. One encounters people who have different ways of living, different ideas and different ways of thought. A person’s mind gets broadened in this way and perceptions are expanded.

Disadvantages of Living in a Big City

Big cities do have some drawbacks too. One cannot enjoy nature’s beauties in the city, just as one can do in villages. Everything in the cities is artificial. Man lives isolated from nature. As in a village, one cannot listen to the charms of birds and flowers, and cannot witness the beauty of sunrise and sunset.

Life in a big city is highly unhealthy. Black clouds always cover the sky. There is no chance for the people to breathe free, clean air, or enjoy the bright sunshine. Apart from this, food is also adulterated. People do not get pure ghee and milk. The products being sold in the market are unhealthy and unfit for human consumption.

In a big city, one has to face many difficulties. Life is pretty costly. People have to live pompously and with displays. Simple life like the village’s is unlikely. They are overcrowded and very little housing is available for residents. Tariffs are substantial, and the immigrants have much suffering to deal with. There are long distances and much time is spent travelling from one place to another.

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Life In A Big City Essay | Essay on Life In A Big City for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Life In A Big City Essay: We are Providing long and short essay samples on the topic of Life In A Big City Essay to help students. And we are also offering ten pointers on the topic so that the students can use them as a reference while structuring their essays. On the topic Life In A Big City Essay, we are providing a long essay and another short essay. so that students can use them as a reference for writing their assignments and essays in an exam.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long Essay on Life In A Big City for Students and Kids in English

Everything in this world has its own merits and demerits. Similarly, the life in a big city has its own disadvantages and advantages.

On the one hand, commodities, career, opportunities, pleasures, entertainment, elite lifestyle, posh restaurants, malls, latest technology, gadgets, theatre, clubs, etc. are some facilities of a life in a big city which makes it a cherished dream of thousands of people who aspire to live it up. But on the other hand, life in a big city lacks stability, calmness and peace of mind.

Life In A Big City Essay

The city dweller’s ordeal in a bus is a great epic. Every morning, he has to take part in a hundred metre sprint to the bus stop. He may have to elbow out pick¬pockets, ignore frail kids and argue with the conductor. The veritable hell moving on wheels may give him jerks and jolts, causing cramps and in the long run, spondlous. Metro train, though gives economy of the time in travelling, is no less than a battle to board a metro, you need to squeeze yourself inside the crowds of thousands to board the metro.

Train journey needs advanced planning. He must fight for getting his seat booked two months before the actual battle. While waiting in a queue, he finds the privileged ones entering from the backdoor and getting their tickets. The booking clerk grins before he says that all the seats have been booked; money changes hands and there is smile on the face of the booking clerk. Sometimes, there is a gentle pat on the shoulder and as we look, we find a burly man offering us a ticket at a premium of hundred rupees.

The city dweller’s heroic deeds at the time of admission of his children in schools and colleges are another great saga. The queues for the registration forms, the interviews of the parents, the snobbish behaviour of the school teachers, clerks and peons, the demand for donations for the school auditorium and many more hurdles need to be crossed. If the child is admitted, a heavy demand for money begins – money for the school uniform, money for the fete, money for the founder’s day, money for decorating the classrooms and what not? If the charges swell up a little more, it would become an effective step for restricting the expansion of families.

He has to defend himself against the speeding trucks that might knock him down, against the innocent looking rogues who might stab him for a hundred rupee note and against the wily hawkers who might cheat him with their sweet talks. The traffic jams, the crowded shops, the money-spinning rich and the spectre of price- rise leave the residents in a state of awe and confusion.

One murmurs, in a fit of desperation. It is only when we visit a village, we realise that there are some facilities, comforts and opportunities in the cities which makes it worth living and sometimes more preferable too. Thus, life in a big city is a mixed bag of advantages and disadvantages.

10 Lines on Life in a Big City

  • Life in a Big city is a mixture of opposites.
  • Wealth and Poverty live side by side.
  • With all the amenities of modern life available in the city people tend to move to cities.
  • You can have the best education facilities here.
  • Cities offer great career opportunities and lucrative business options.
  • Big Cities are well connected with other parts of the country making it a big advantage.
  • With the rising unemployment in rural areas, more people are looking out for a good education, thus
  • population in cities is increasing day by day.
  • People aspire for a whiff of fresh air as there is pollution all around.
  • Cost of living is high making it difficult to survive for certain people.
  • All we can say is life in a big city is a blend of both joy and sorrows. It’s up to you on what to decide for a happy living.
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Essay on City Life Vs Village Life for Students and Children

500+ words essay on city life vs village life.

Village life reflects the rural lifestyle and city life shows the urban lifestyle. Life in both rural and urban areas has its own plus points and problems. One is quite different from each other. Traditionally, India is a predominantly rural country as Mahatma Gandhi had said, “The real India lives in villages”. Though India is mainly a land of villages, there are many cities as well in the country.  Life in these big cities is quite different from life in a village. Let us consider, in brief, life in a big city and point out some of its important advantages and disadvantages.

essay on city life vs village life

Comparison: City life Vs Village life

The facility of education.

In big cities, there are good arrangements for education. The big college even universities are available.  There are also a very large number of school both government and private in the big city.  These arrangements do not exist in small towns and villages.

Medical Facility

Cities also provide sufficient medical facilities.  Almost in every city, there are good hospitals in which the poor get free medicines and treatment. Many qualified doctors are also there to serve the sick and the suffering. Indeed lack of such medical arrangement is the main drawback of villages.

Amusement and Recreation

Cities also provide many opportunities for amusement and recreation. In every city, there are a number of cinema houses and multiplexes, where we can enjoy with family. Also, a number of restaurants and hotels are available for better food of variety. There are also many parks and gardens where we can enjoy the best natural beauty. Villages are always lacking such facilities.

The Opportunity of Employment

The most important advantages of cities are the availability of huge opportunity for employment . They are centers of trade and commerce as well as offices of many multinational companies . Persons with different qualifications can easily find jobs to suit them.  In villages, employment is available mostly in farming. Due to farming, only seasonal jobs are available to a large population in villages.

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Mixed Culture

Cities are having a variety of people from various cultures. But real India and its customs are highly visible in villages.

Natural Environment

It is fact villages are always natural due to be their self-creation by nature. On the other hand, most cities are manmade. Hence the natural environment of villages is their main attraction. In villages only we may have the charms of birds and flowers or the beauty of the day-dawn.

Pollution and Adulteration

City life is extremely unhealthy due to air pollution, water pollution, and noise pollution . The people are not getting fresh air to breathe or the clear sky to enjoy the sunshine. Also, food in the cities is dirty, unhealthy and adulterated. The villages are very much away from such drawbacks.

Population and Other Issues

In city life is very costly. People have to live with a lot of pomp and show. A simple life as in the villages is almost impossible in the city. Besides, the cities are over-crowded and it is very hard for people to get suitable accommodation. People in the city do not have much sympathy with others even with neighbors. The sympathy and close interdependence which is marked in the village’s life is entirely lacking in the city.

Thus, life in villages and in cities presents two contrasting pictures. There are positive as well as negative aspects of both. Therefore it is up to the individual to make the most of it irrespective of the rural or urban setting that one lives in. I, myself, like to live in a village in the close vicinity of a modern city so that I can enjoy the pleasures both of the city and the village.

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Paragraph on Life In A Big City

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Life In A Big City in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Life In A Big City in 100 Words

Living in a big city is like being on a giant playground with tall buildings that touch the sky. There are lots of cars, buses, and trains that help people go from one place to another. You can see stores with bright lights and big signs selling toys, clothes, and yummy food. There are parks where you can play on swings and slides, and meet new friends. Sometimes it’s very noisy, but there’s always something fun to do or see, like movies or magic shows. Big cities never sleep; they are always busy and full of life, just like a beehive full of bees.

Paragraph on Life In A Big City in 200 Words

Life in a big city is like a big box of crayons with many bright, different colors. Cities are places where lots of people live, work, and play. Tall buildings reach up to the sky like giants, and the busy streets are full of cars, buses, and bikes moving like ants in a line. Big cities have many shops where you can buy toys, clothes, and yummy things to eat. You can also see movies in big theaters with really big screens. In a big city, you will find schools where kids learn new things every day and parks where they can run and play games with their friends. Cities are noisy because there are so many people and cars, but they are also full of fun things to do. There are museums with interesting stuff to look at, and zoos with animals from all over the world. Living in a big city means you might not see many stars at night because of the bright lights, but you can always find something exciting to do. Every day is different, with new people to meet and new games to play. It’s a place where every morning feels like the start of a new adventure.

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Paragraph on Life In A Big City in 250 Words

Living in a big city is like being on a fast-moving train that never stops. Skyscrapers reach up to the sky like giant trees in a concrete forest, and cars and buses zoom around like busy ants. The streets are always full of life with people from many different places, all with their own stories. The city never sleeps; even at night, lights twinkle like stars and shops stay open late. You can find all sorts of food, from hot pizza slices to spicy noodles, any time of the day. Schools in big cities are usually big buildings with lots of kids, and you can make friends from many cultures. There are parks where you can play, museums to learn about art and history, and big libraries with more books than you could read in a lifetime. Sometimes the city can be noisy, and the air isn’t as fresh as in the countryside, but there’s always something new to see or do. The city can teach you to be quick and smart, to watch and learn from the crowd. It’s a place where dreams can grow because there are so many chances to try different things and find what you love. For some, the city is too rushed and crowded, but for others, it’s a playground full of surprises and adventures waiting around every corner.

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  • Speech on Life in a Big City


Speech on Life in A Big City in English For Students

Big cities are also called metropolitan cities where life has a commanding social as well as economic influence. A big city is surrounded by many small towns and villages nearby from where people, especially youth go to fulfill their dreams. Many people fulfill their dreams of getting a job, having financial security and leading a stable life. In this article, we will see that the Speech On Life In A Big City can be presented in varying ways. It can be a Long Speech On Life In A Big City or a Small Speech On Life In A Big City.

Long And Short Speech on Life In A Big City

Long speech on life in a big city:.

This form of Speech On Life in a Big City is helpful for students in grades 8-12 where students can speak in detail to convey the essence of the topic.

Good morning everyone, respected Principal, Teachers, and my dear friends. I am grateful for this opportunity to speak about Life In A Big City. It helped me get a deeper insight into the lives people lead in a big city and I hope you can get to understand too. 

Life in a Big City is a dream of many, and it has been a dream of mine too. A big city has other small towns and villages in their outskirts and often people from this smaller part migrate to the big cities. As people lack opportunities for growth in their field of interest or earn money they often leave their small towns in search of better jobs and to earn a living.

It is true that many dreams are fulfilled in the big city, on the other hand, many dreams are shattered in the big cities too. Life in a big city demands a very different attitude in one person to survive, get through or to make it big.

Everyone in a big city lives a competitive life. Be it students who are competing to score better, submit assignments on time and also excel in extracurricular at the same time. Their parents and adults lead busier lives and work harder to make a decent living and pay a hefty sum for the rents and cover the loans.

Certainly in the big cities, roads are better and the traffic is also more, buildings are better, a child has the choice of many career opportunities and explore their hobbies and other interests, the education system is wholesome and they do not lack job opportunities. 

There are so many companies that provide jobs, and are flourishing in their respective fields and sectors. It has room for every kind of industry to be established and be a success whether it is hospitality, Information technology, sports or fashion. And everyone is trying to enter in one or the other. They enjoy travelling in luxurious cars, and have access to the latest technological developments.

This fast-paced life robs them of the time one wants to spend with their family, friends and loved ones. They also lack to enjoy the pleasure for which they work doubly hard to earn. They do not enjoy the little joys of nature because big cities do not have an abundance of it.

The competitive world and lifestyle, often stresses them mentally and physically. Their life is often draining as they tend to live on schedules and not according to their heart’s desire. Their commitments are the priority, so the big city life is not for everyone. It requires a brave and a strong person to commit to leading such a life to chase dreams, money and fame. To attain success in a big city one has to sacrifice a lot, and sometimes people cannot make that choice so their dreams are unfulfilled and shattered. 

In conclusion, I would Like to add if one intends to lead a big city life they should also be ready to make sacrifices and only keep working towards their dreams and goals without getting bogged down in the journey. 

Short Speech on Life In A Big City:

This is a Small Speech On Life In A Big City that will be helpful for students in grades 4-7 as it provides information about the topic in a short form with simple words.

Good morning everyone, respected Principal, teachers and students I Abc (mention your name) today have the opportunity to speak on the topic of life in a big city. Life in a big city is a demanding one, it compels you to be on your toes all the time. One is always seeking opportunities to grow and be more successful. Growth is expected from one individual in every circle of life, professional, economical, social and personal. Balancing all that is draining. 

The Big city though does provide better opportunities right from the start, better roads, transportation, schools, education system, career opportunities, access to luxurious items be it cars or phones. And all sorts of industries flourish in a big city because there is a demand for it all, whether IT, or entertainment. 

The lack is often experienced in other areas of life that small towns and villages get to enjoy. Nature at its best, a stroll around the garden, spending time with family and friends. Enjoying festivals and spending quality time with oneself and loved ones. Big cities fulfill the dreams of many people but in the process also rob them of little pleasures and joy. 

To sum it up, if you want to make it big in life and have a thriving dream job and career you have to be mentally strong and competitive enough to ride the ladder to success. It is not an easy journey and takes a lot of time, effort and sacrifices.

10 Line Speech on Life In A Big City

This 10 Line Small Speech On Life In A Big City is helpful for students in grades 1-3 using simpler words and keeping it short.

A big city is considered a metropolitan city with advancements in all aspects of life.

Big city life is competitive, fast-paced, success-driven and materialistic.

They have good roads, buildings, schools, and businesses.

It is overcrowded and yet everyone is lonely.

They don’t have time for one another or for family and friends.

The community is not very close-knit.

They lead individualistic lives.

They are devoid of simple pleasures of life like nature, greenery and leisure time for near and dear ones.

Life in a big city can be mentally, physically and emotionally draining.

One needs to have the right attitude and competitiveness to make it big in a city.

Speech on Experiencing Life In A Big City 

Good morning teachers and dear students

I'm excited and just as nervous to give a speech today. I have been in this school for almost 12 years and I have been in this city since the day I was born, which is 17 years ago.  I have seen this small town has turned into a big city and things have changed dramatically. Good changes are always welcome but few changes get you upset . Don’t get me wrong, life in a big city is more convenient, as there are many advantages here, such as very easy transportation, easy online marketing, increased potential for business projects, and increased potential, quality higher institutes etc, but life becomes a bit artificial because people are mostly far from nature here. Due to the tall buildings, it is rare to see the rising sun and the starry sky at night. With the increase in the number of vehicles, noise, industries, pollution has started to increase. Things are readily available in big cities, but people rarely value what is readily available. I also remember the kids in our school a few years ago, they were disciplined and obedient, but now the children are ignorant. However, knowledge is increasing with access to various forms of knowledge such as televisions, mobile phones, laptops, and so on. These devices are just as harmful to young children. These sources of knowledge move away from books, magazines and newspapers and are not well suited for children.  

Life in a big city is very attractive, but weekends can be spent in malls, grand theaters, discos and pubs, so these infrastructures create a huge gap between relationships. People don't spend time together. They want to see the status of strangers on social media rather than love their loved ones. Elderly parents sit at home alone, and teenagers are busy posting emotional and philosophical dialogues on social media. 

I mourn the situation today because I feel that living in a big city is wrong and I am not even aware that we are living an artificial life. Most people want to live a luxurious life in a big city. In the silence of material happiness, people overlook the true happiness we encounter almost every day in the form of rain,  breeze, sunshine, sky and flowers in the park, and many others. You can also see that many factories are open in big cities. This can be beneficial as it is easier to get things at a cheaper price. These factories are just as harmful to the ecosystem. Despite their disadvantages, there are also benefits of city life as there are people from all over the country who are connected and mixed with their culture. Every day you learn something new from your neighbor. I am not against city life, but I would like you to realize how to value things and people. You need to take good care of your relatives, friends, teachers and elders. You have to play a lot outdoors, run, and breathe in the fresh air. Use electronic gadgets only when needed to collect important information. Respect your elders and love your youth. Only then is life in a big city worth living. 


FAQs on Speech on Life in a Big City

1. What are the advantages of city life?

Cities provide more exposure and job opportunities to people seeking jobs and figuring out their careers. The online system has made everything easier and convenient, from ordering food and clothes to calling a cab to your house, it is all very easy. You find better hospitals and good ranked, highly equipped educational institutes. 

2. What are the disadvantages of living in a city? 

City means crowd, you will not find a peaceful environment around you.  With the increase in the number of vehicles, noise, industries, pollution has started to increase. Tall buildings have blocked the views of sunrise and sunset, even the sunlight from entering the house. Living in the city can be very expensive too. 

3. Is city life more advanced than village life?

Yes, it is more advanced than village life as life in the city is full of work and no rest, from technologies to the structure, everything is of the latest technology and design. Materials used for construction are also of high quality. 

4. Is city life tiring and hectic?

Yes, it is more tiring and hectic as people have no time to rest and be stress-free. It is a rat race and everyone wants to be the best. It is overcrowded and noisy all the time. It is true when they say that the city never sleeps. A lot of places are open 27/7. 

5. What advantages do business owners have in cities? 

Business tends to thrive more in the cities, and the owners have an additional advantage of conveyance of materials. It is easier to spread the business from one city to another because of more reach and easier access to things. Networking in a city is so strong. 

City Life Essay

life in a big city essay introduction

City life is colourful but busy. BYJU’S city life essay helps us understand the benefits of living in a city. Living in the city indeed has many benefits. It’s easier to get better education options for children, and it also has many places to discover, like museums, planetariums, restaurants, coffee shops, and shopping centres. BYJU’S essay on the city helps us understand the pros and cons of living in a city.

Advantages of City Life

Let us understand the advantages of city life by reading the life in a big city essay. City life can be very satisfying. Living in cities allows individuals to gain experience in their fields and social life. They are great places to live, as they offer the conveniences of modern living without any difficulties.

Cities are facilitated with the best schools, colleges, hospitals, and other basic amenities. In addition, kids today are growing up in a world with more indoor games that develop their motor skills, such as analytical thinking, logical reasoning and many more. Kids also have easy access to environmental education programmes. Many urban schools now offer after-school programmes where students learn about recycling and other sustainability topics.

Children can be a part of a more extensive community with different opportunities and resources. Schools and colleges in urban areas play an important role in the kids learning phase. Kids who live in cities have more opportunities to learn about science, technology, engineering, and other subject fields because they have access to top educational institutions and libraries.

Disadvantages of City Life

After learning the advantages of city life by reading BYJU’S city life essay, let us understand the disadvantages of living in a city. City life can be both a blessing and a curse. It can also be stressful for kids, as they get exposed to environmental pollution . They may also miss being surrounded by nature, playing outside, and enjoying the fresh air.

Moreover, many children who live in the city are vulnerable to environmental hazards and diseases. Other disadvantages of living in a city are the lack of peace and an unhealthy environment . According to experts, kids have a more challenging time learning because they are constantly surrounded by noise and pollution.

Lack of exposure to nature decreases the physical and mental health awareness of children. They also might not get enough exercise as they spend most of their time indoors.

Living in a big city offers many benefits. However, it keeps us away from relaxation and breathing in the fresh air. These are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a city, as explained in the essay on the city. For more such essays and stories , visit BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions on City Life Essay

Which is the most populous city in the world.

Tokyo, Japan, is the most populous city in the world.

Why should children read BYJU’S city life essay?

Kids must read BYJU’S city life essay because it helps them understand the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city.

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Zahid Notes

Life in Big City Essay College Level

City life essay, life in a big city essay.

There is a saying, "God made the country and man made the town.
City is a place where you find everything except the love of nature -zahid
When a city offers everything quick, it offers the death quick too - Sue Grey
City life is millions of people being lonesome together. - Henry David
The city is not a concrete jungle, it is a human zoo.- Desmond Moriss
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Essay on Life in a Big Metropolitan City For Students and Children

life in a big city essay introduction

Life in a huge city is fast-paced and entirely disconnected from nature. Though it provides excellent opportunities of growth and basic amenities, but it can also be exhausting and stressful at the same time. People residing in the big cities are used to the lifestyle it offers and on the contrary, find it difficult to adjust to living in a small town or a village.

life in a big city essay introduction

Table of Contents

Long and Short Essay on Life in a Big City in English

The Essay on Life in a Big Metropolitan City deals with other aspects as well: Essay on Life in a Metropolitan City; Essay on Metropolitan Cities in India; Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in a Metropolitan City; City Life Essay For Class 2 and 4; Paragraph on Metropolitan City; Life in a Big City Paragraph 100 Words


In most cases, life in a big city is fast-paced with a great deal of competition everywhere. Everyone strives to be better than everyone else, and they work tirelessly to achieve their goals.

Children are instilled with a competitive spirit from an early age and every parent wants their child to be a step ahead of the pack.

In big cities, schools are not only focused on academics, but also on extracurricular activities. They have a solid infrastructure and well-educated faculty to prepare children for the future.

Big cities also have a lot of job openings. In a big city, someone with a decent educational background can get well-paying work.

If one truly wants to work, the possibilities are limitless. Similarly, large cities provide all of the contemporary conveniences required for a comfortable lifestyle.

Earning a nice living with all of today’s amenities, on the other hand, can be rather stressful.

While city living can be convenient, it does not guarantee calmness of mind. In order to make a better life, many people move from the countryside to big cities. While many of them are able to earn well and improve their lifestyles, the wild rush of the big cities causes many of them to lose their peace of mind.



For students, life in a big city is full of competition yet opportunities as well. The educational prospects in big cities are better.

The schools and colleges in this area have excellent infrastructure and modern amenities to provide a positive learning environment.

These schools encourage students to pursue their passions from the start, as they focus not just on academics but also on extracurricular activities.

A variety of activities are provided to aid in the children’s appropriate growth and development as well as to assist them in identifying their areas of interest.

Better Education and Better Infrastructure

The quality of education supplied in big cities is relatively good when compared to small towns and villages.

The schools in this area are well-equipped with a variety of amenities. They have it all, from well-equipped laboratories to cutting-edge sports complexes.

The professors hired for these schools are well-educated and knowledgeable in their respective fields.

The management team is knowledgeable and committed to raising educational standards. They are committed to ensuring the students’ future success and work tirelessly to achieve this goal.

 The stakes are enormous, and students develop a competitive mentality at a young age.

Flexibility to Choose Their Course

In contrast to small towns and villages, large cities have a variety of colleges. These colleges provide a variety of courses in a variety of subjects.

Students are usually required to pass an entrance exam in order to enroll in a specialized course at a good college.

Big cities also have good coaching centers where students can learn how to pass these entrance examinations and get into the college of their choosing.

Students who have the option to study in a large city can therefore select from a wide range of courses and follow a career of their choice. They have a better probability of establishing a successful career.

Because of the diversity of courses available, big cities are especially suitable for higher education. This is why many students choose to pursue higher education in these cities.



The thrill of living in a big city is that it is always changing. People who live in a major city have a lot of opportunities to study and improve.

These cities offer opportunities for personal and professional development. Because of the exposure they receive, people who live in major cities are wiser than those who live in small towns and villages.

These cities are fast-paced, and only those with a sharp intellect will be able to keep up.

Personal Development in Large Cities

In the big cities, there is a lot of room for personal growth and development. Children in such places have access to good schools and universities that focus on the students’ overall development rather than simply academics.

Individuals can join in a variety of activities and events at these educational institutes to help them explore their interests. Furthermore, there are a variety of activities outside of school that might aid in personal development.

Professional Development in Major Cities

Unlike villages and small towns, where the scope is limited, big cities provide excellent employment chances and lucrative commercial opportunities.

Several industries and businesses operate here, providing decent career prospects for persons with various educational backgrounds.

In these cities, the chances of starting a business are also favorable. These cities have excellent connections to the rest of the country, which is a significant benefit.

 It aids in business expansion and dealing with clients from other cities.

Working professionals can take courses at several institutes in big cities to help them improve and achieve new professional heights.

If a person is ready to put in the effort, the opportunities for starting and building a business in a big city are limitless.

Cities and Economic Growth

Every year, a large number of new enterprises are established in the major cities. As these enterprises expand and thrive, they contribute to the country’s economic progress.

While the big cities provide wonderful chances for learning and growth, life in the small towns is hectic. There is simply no time to rest and relax because there is so much to do. People are so preoccupied with their jobs that they don’t have time to spend with their loved ones. In such an environment, many people feel alone. While they achieve achievement in life, they have few others with whom to share their joy.



Nothing comes easy, as the saying goes. Life in a big city may appear appealing, but it comes with a cost.

Living in a major city has a lot of benefits, but it also has a lot of drawbacks. Before making the ultimate decision to relocate to a big metropolis, people should weigh the benefits and drawbacks of city life.

The Benefits of Living in a Big City

Here are a few benefits of living in a major city:


Because of the infrastructure available, life in a big city is far superior to life in a rural. Roads, parks, market areas, and other public spaces in large cities are in better shape.

These are well-designed and maintained to assure the public’s comfort and convenience.

Healthcare Providers

Good hospitals with high-end medical facilities can be found in big cities. Here, special clinics and hospitals have been constructed to treat people with a variety of illnesses.

These are outfitted with the most up-to-date medical technology.

These hospitals have a team of doctors and support workers who are well qualified to do their tasks.

Recreational pursuits

Malls, shopping centers, amusement parks, restaurants, movie theatres, and other recreational facilities abound in major cities.

 Aside from that, a variety of activities such as live band performances, cuisine festivals, concerts, cultural shows, plays, and so on are held on a regular basis for the enjoyment of the public.

Opportunities for Education and Work

Primary and secondary schools with adequate infrastructure can be found in large cities.

These schools’ teachers and administrators are well-educated and trained. They provide a strong emphasis on the pupils’ overall development and growth.

In these cities, there are also a number of prestigious colleges. They provide specific training and tremendous career opportunities to grow and prosper.

The Drawbacks of Living in a Big City

The following are some of the drawbacks of living in a major city:

High Living Costs

In comparison to a village or small town, the cost of living in a big metropolis is substantially higher. House rent and transportation costs might be particularly taxing on your finances. In a major city, maintaining a good lifestyle may be rather costly.

Continual hustling and bustling

In the big cities, there is never a dull moment. In these cities, people labor 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Because the people here are continually on the move, the roadways are always congested.

High Levels of Pollution

In the big cities, there is a lot of pollution. Thousands of cars are on the highways, and there are countless industries in various regions of these cities.

They not only contaminate the air, making it harder to breathe, but they also generate a great deal of noise.

High Levels of Competition

In the big cities, there is rivalry at every turn. This competition, as well as the desire to stay one step ahead of the competition, maybe tiring and stressful.

Life in a major city is undoubtedly convenient, but it also has its drawbacks. While it provides excellent chances and facilities, obtaining all of them is not straightforward. To live a decent and pleasant life in the city, one must put in a lot of effort.


Because of the variety of amenities available, life in a major city appears appealing. Several people are lured to leave small towns and villages and migrate to big cities because of the lifestyle it offers.

They toil away in order to live the life of their dreams, but not everyone succeeds in their endeavors.

Many of these people end up in misery and either return to their hometowns or live in squalor in the big cities.

Countless Possibilities

There is no denying that big cities provide limitless opportunities. In contrast to small towns, where work and business chances are restricted, big cities offer a wide range of employment and business opportunities.

 The industrial sector is expanding at a rapid pace, necessitating an increasing number of workers to fill various positions.

As a result, employees with a variety of educational backgrounds and job experience are needed. In a similar vein, the service industry is expanding rapidly.

 Because these companies are typically based in big cities, the number of job prospects is greater. Many of these workplaces hire people with only rudimentary expertise in the field and then train them.

Large cities also have a plethora of educational institutes and training centers that teach and train people for various occupations. There are plenty of options for someone who is eager to learn and put in the effort.

Isolation: A Way of Life

In the big cities, there is a lot of competition. Everybody wants to make more money, look better, and live a better life.

The majority of individuals in our country are so blinded by power and money that they are unable to see beyond it.

They work long hours and compete with their friends, family, neighbors, and even their own siblings for money. They are frequently left solitary in the hurry to obtain stuff.

They may be able to earn a good living and live a comfortable lifestyle, yet they are still unhappy since they have no one with whom to share their joy.

Even though a huge metropolis has all of the contemporary conveniences, its residents frequently suffer from loneliness and despair.

This is in stark contrast to life in towns and villages, where relationships are valued and people look out for one another.

They see each other on a regular basis, celebrate festivals and other special occasions with one another, and assist one another in times of need.

Peace at the Price of Comfort

Life in major cities can be described as chaotic. There is a lot of activity going on.

People live in a concrete jungle, cut off from the natural world. Their lives may be comfortable, but they do so at the expense of their mental health.

Although they may have greater medical services, the odds of developing health problems in large cities are nevertheless fairly high.

This is owing to the high levels of pollution in major cities, as well as the rising levels of stress among residents.

Similarly, while big cities have better schools and institutions, the intensity of competitiveness here is depriving youngsters of their youth.

In the largest cities, the cost of living is quite expensive. It is critical to work hard day in and day out in order to retain a healthy lifestyle and social standing.

The majority of people in larger cities take out large loans to buy things like houses, cars, and other items.

It can be difficult to repay these loans while maintaining their current lifestyle. As a result, even though they live in comfort, they are never at ease.

Life in a major city may appear to be easy, but it is actually rather difficult. It can be quite difficult. Not everyone will be able to make it here.

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Life in a Big City Essay

Life in a big city can be described as fast, flowing and largely cut off from the nature. While it offers good opportunities and modern facilities, it can be quite exhaustive and stressful. Yet those who live in big cities are accustomed to the life there and find it hard to adjust in a small town or village.

Long and Short Essay on Life in a Big City in English

Here are essay on Life in a Big City of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any Life in a Big City Essay as per your need:

Short Essay on Life in a Big City – Essay 1 (200 words)

Life in a big city is mostly fast paced. There is a lot of competition all around. Everyone wants to do better than the other and they keep struggling day and night to further their aim.

A sense of competition is ingested in children from a very young age. Every parent wants his child to stay ahead of the competition. Schools in big cities do not just focus on studies but also on other activities. They boast of good infrastructure and highly-learned faculties to prepare the students for the life ahead.

Big cities also offer good job opportunities. Someone with good educational qualification can acquire a well paying job in a big city. The opportunities are endless if one is really aiming to work. Similarly, big cities have all the modern amities needed for a comfortable living. However, earning a comfortable life equipped with all the modern day facilities can actually be quite stressful.

While the city life can render comfort it does not guarantee peace. Several people relocate from villages to big cities in order to make a better living. While many of them are able to earn good and enhance their lifestyle they end up losing their peace of mind in the mad rush of the big cities.

Essay on Life in a Big City – Opportunity for Students – Essay 2 (300 words)


Life in a big city is full of competition and opportunities for the students. Big cities have better education opportunities. The schools and colleges here are equipped with a good infrastructure and all the modern facilities to offer a great learning experience.

These schools allow the students to explore their interest from the very beginning as they do not just focus on the academics but also on extracurricular activities. A number of activities are introduced for the proper growth and development of the students and also to help them identify their areas of interest.

Better Infrastructure; Better Education

Compared to small towns and villages, the quality of education provided in the big cities is quite high. The schools here are equipped with all kinds of facilities. From well equipped laboratories to state of the art sports complexes – they have it all. The faculties recruited for these schools are highly educated and well-versed in their subjects.

The management here is experienced and is driven to improve the standard of education. They are focused on building the future of the students and work hard to achieve this goal. The competition is high and students develop competitive spirit from an early age.

Variety of Courses

Unlike small towns and villages, there are various colleges in big cities. These colleges offer numerous courses specializing in different fields. In order to seek admission in a specialized course in a good college, the students are mostly required to clear entrance exam.

Big cities encompass good coaching centres that train the students to crack these entrance exams and get admission in the college of their choice. Students who get the opportunity of studying in big cities can thus choose from a wide variety of courses and pursue a career of their choice. They stand a better chance of building a bright career.

Big cities are especially good when it comes to higher studies because of the variety of courses available here. This is the reason why many students relocate to these cities to pursue higher education.

Essay on Life in a Big City – Personal, Professional and Economical Growth – Essay 3 (400 words)

Life in a big city is exciting and ever-evolving. There are a lot of opportunities to learn and grow for people residing in a big city. These cities provide a chance to grow personally and professionally. People living in these cities turn out to be smarter than those living in the small towns and villages owing to the kind of exposure they get. Life in these cities is fast paced and only those who have a smart bent of mind can survive here.

Personal Growth in Big Cities

There is a good scope of personal growth and development in the big cities. Children living in such cities have access to good schools and colleges that do not just focus on the academics but on the all round development of the students. These educational institutes give the individuals a chance to participate in various kinds of activities and events to help them explore their interest. Besides, there are a number of activities one can involve in outside the school which help in personal growth.

Professional Growth in Big Cities

Big cities offer great career opportunities and lucrative business options unlike the villages and small towns where the scope is limited. Several industries and firms operate here and offer good job opportunities to people with different educational qualification. The prospects of setting business are also good in these cities. These cities are well-connected with other parts of the country which is a big advantage. It helps in expanding business and dealing with clients living in different cities.

Many institutes in big cities offer courses to working professionals to help them grow further and attain new professional heights. The prospects of setting up and expanding business in a big city are immense if a person is willing to work hard.

Economic Growth and Big Cities

Many new businesses are set up in the big cities each year. As these businesses grow and flourish they contribute towards the economic growth of the country.

While the big cities offer excellent opportunities to learn and grow, life here is busy. There is so much to do that there is just no time to sit and relax. People are so engrossed with their work that they do not even get time to spend with their family. Many people feel isolated in such atmosphere. While they become successful in life they hardly have anyone to celebrate their success with.

Essay on Life in a Big City Advantages and Disadvantages – Essay 4 (500 words)

It is rightly said that nothing comes easy. Life in a big city may seem alluring but it comes at some price. There are many advantages of living in a big city however its disadvantages are no less. People planning to shift to a big city must analyse the advantages and disadvantages of city life before making the final move.

Advantages of Life in a Big City

Here are some of the advantages of life in a big city:

  • Infrastructure

Life in a big city is much better than that in villages because of the infrastructure it offers. The condition of the roads, parks, market areas and other public places in big cities are better. These are well-planned and well-maintained to ensure the comfort and convenience of the public.

  • Healthcare Facilities

Big cities encompass good hospitals that offer high end medical facilities. Special clinics and hospitals have been established here to treat patients suffering from different health conditions. These are equipped with the latest medical equipments. The team of doctors as well as support staff in these hospitals is well qualified to handle their duties.

  • Recreational Activities

There are many malls, shopping centres, amusement parks, restaurants, movie halls and other places of recreation in the big cities. Besides, a number of events such as live band performances, food festivals, concerts, cultural shows, plays, etc are organized every now and then for the entertainment of people.

  • Education and Career Opportunities

Big cities encompass primary and secondary schools with good infrastructure. The school staff and management of these schools are well educated and trained. They focus on the all round growth and development of the students. Several renowned colleges have also been set up in these cities. They offer specialized courses and train students to pursue career of their choice.

Disadvantages of Life in a Big City

Here are some of the disadvantages of life in a big city:

  • High Cost of Living

The cost of living in a big city is much higher compared to that in a village or small town. The house rent and commuting charges can especially dig a hole in your pocket. Maintaining a good lifestyle in a big city can be quite expensive.

  • Constant Hustle and Bustle

There is constant hustle and bustle in the big cities. People work twenty four-seven in these cities. The roads are always full of traffic as the people here are always on the move.

  • High Pollution Level

There is a lot of pollution in the big cities. There are thousands of cars on the roads and numerous industries in different parts of these cities. They do not only pollute the air making it difficult to breathe but also cause a lot of noise pollution.

  • High Competition

There is competition at every step in the big cities. This competition and urge to stay ahead of the others can be quite taxing and stressful.

Life in a big city is no doubt comfortable however it also has its set of drawbacks. While it offers good opportunities and facilities, it is not that easy to acquire all this. One needs to work hard to lead a respectful and comfortable life in a big city.

Long Essay on Life in a Big City – Essay 5 (600 words)

Life in a big city looks attractive because of the kind of facilities it offers. Several people leave small towns and villages and move to big cities as they are enticed by the kind of lifestyle it offers. They toil hard in order to achieve the life of their dreams but not everyone is successful in their attempts. Many such people end up in misery and move back to their home towns or lead a wretched life in the big cities.

Endless Opportunities

There is no doubt about the fact that big cities offer endless opportunities. There are numerous job as well as business opportunities in the big cities unlike small towns where the scope is limited. Industrial sector is growing by the day and more and more work force is required to fill different positions.

So, people with different educational qualification and work experience are required here. Similarly, the service sector is also booming at a good pace. These operators mostly have their offices in big cities and thus the scope of work opportunities is higher here. Many of these work places hire people with basic knowledge about the respective field and train them on the job.

Big cities also encompass numerous educational institutes and training centres that educate and train people to work in different sectors. There is no dearth of opportunities for a person who is willing to learn and work hard.

Life of Isolation

There is a lot of competition in the big cities. Everyone wants to earn more, look better and attain a better lifestyle. Most people here are so blinded by power and money that they cannot look beyond it. They slog day and night to earn money and are busy competing with their friends, relatives, neighbours and even their own siblings. In this rush to attain things, they are often left isolated.

They may be able to make good money and have a great lifestyle but they are still not happy as they have no one to share their happiness with. Life in a big city may be equipped with all the modern day facilities but people here often suffer from loneliness and depression. This is quite unlike the life in towns and villages where people value relationships and are there for each other. They visit each other frequently, celebrate festivals and other special occasions together and help each other in the hour of need.

Comfort at the Cost of Peace

Life in big cities can be said to be chaotic. There is hustle and bustle everywhere. People live in a concrete jungle far from nature. Their life may be comfortable however they attain this comfort at the cost of their peace of mind. They may be equipped with better medical facilities however the chances of incurring health problems in big cities are also quite high.

This is because of the high level of pollution in these cities and also due to the increasing stress level among people living here. Similarly, there are better schools and colleges in big cities but the level of competition here is somehow robbing the children of their childhood.

The cost of living in the big cities is quite high. In order to maintain a good lifestyle and build a good social standing it is essential to work hard day in and day out. Most people in big cities take huge loans for purchasing different things such as house, car, etc. Paying these loans and maintaining their lifestyle can be stressful. So even as they lead a comfortable life they are never at peace.

Life in a big city seems to be a cake walk but it is actually quite tough. It can be extremely challenging. Not everyone can survive here.

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