Thesis and Dissertation Information

Getting started, thesis and dissertation committees.

Thesis and dissertation committees consist of at least three Graduate Faculty members, with one member serving as primary advisor and committee chair. See the policy on Graduate Faculty for descriptions of the three faculty types and their duties. Departments may have additional criteria for determining who can serve what role on a thesis committee.

The Thesis Topic Approval  or Dissertation Topic Approval form should be completed as early in the graduate program as possible given department timelines and requirements.

Please note: if a committee includes an Affiliate Graduate Faculty member (a volunteer not employed by Western), that person will not be able to sign the topic approval esign form. They should email [email protected] with a statement agreeing to participate on the committee. The email should come from their professional email address and include a CV or enough information in the signature to determine whether the individual meets the criteria for Affiliate member.

Human or Live Vertebrate Subjects

Using humans or live vertebrates as research subjects requires prior approval separate from thesis topic approval. Please see  Research Compliance  for more information. RSP is in the process of updating its research compliance webpages including forms, templates, checklists, and general information specific to human subjects research as we migrate to the Drupal platform. Please contact  [email protected]  for more information.

Topic approval forms that indicate human subjects, live vertebrate subjects, or scientific diving activities will be forwarded to the appropriate offices for review.

Register for Thesis or Dissertation Credits

  • Have a complete topic approval form on file.
  • For thesis (690) credit, you need a registration override from the Graduate School each quarter you register.
  • For EDAD 670, Doctoral Proposal Defense (dissertation credits), contact your department.

Track Your Registration

  • Check the number of required and/or allowed thesis/dissertation credits for your program.
  • Make sure that your registration over multiple quarters adds up to the total you need to meet program requirements. If the maximum allowed is 12, you can take 4 + 4 + 4, but not 4 + 4 + 5 (for example).

Thesis grades are reported as incomplete (K) each quarter, until the final thesis is submitted and approved. Faculty should not submit thesis grades at the end of the quarter like grades for other courses.

After the final thesis or dissertation defense, the faculty advisor should report the grade on the Degree Recommendation form. 

If you take more credits than are allowed in the catalog requirements for your program, those credits will not be assigned a grade. They will remain K on your transcript.

Writing a graduate-level thesis or dissertation is one of the most challenging things you may ever have to do. Even with support from your advisor, this monumental task can feel overwhelming. Why go at it alone when you don't have to?

If you sign up for a Studio Partner, you will be matched up with a Graduate Research-Writing Assistant who will aid you along in the process, meeting with you to discuss your progress whenever you're stuck. For more information and to sign up, visit the  RWS Graduate Services  page. 

Manuscript Guidelines

The guidelines outlined here define minimum standards and point out common problems. Responsibility for final review of the thesis manuscript prior to submission rests with the committee. Manuscripts may be returned by the Graduate School for revision if they do not adhere to format requirements or contain excessive spelling, grammatical, or typographical errors.

Because the final thesis will be viewed primarily online, prepare your PDF document for optimal viewing on a screen. If your thesis includes landscape-oriented pages, save the PDF with mixed page orientation.

Thesis Document Pages
Order Page Name Required? Page Number
1 Committee Signature Page yes no visible number
2 Library Authorization Page yes no visible number
3 Title Page yes no visible number
4 Abstract yes iv
5 Acknowledgements no v, if applicable
6 Table of Contents yes v or vi
7 List of Figures and Tables yes, if applicable continue in Roman numerals
8 Text yes Arabic numerals, beginning with 2 on the second page. No visible number on the first page of text.
9 Bibliography/References/Works Cited yes Arabic numerals
10 Appendices no Arabic numerals
11 Curriculum Vita no Arabic numerals

Signature Pages

During the disruption in operations due to the coronavirus pandemic, hardcopy signature pages are not required.  The degree recommendation esign form will serve as approval of the final thesis by all committee members.

The thesis PDF should still contain a signature page with typed names (no scanned signatures), and a library authorization with the student's typed name and the date of submission.

Library Authorization Page

Choose the library authorization appropriate for your document type (thesis or field project) and the access level you have chosen. See the sections below on "Templates" and "Embargos and Limiting Access" if needed.

Make sure that your title matches exactly on both pages where it appears, the Committee Signature Page and the Title Page. If your title is long, you may wish to check current cover printing capabilities at Haggard Hall Print and Copy Services to make sure it can be printed on your bound copies.

Format according to the style manual for your discipline.

Acknowledgements (optional)

The language used in the acknowledgement should be consistent with that used in acknowledgements in journal articles in your field. You may use this page to acknowledge those who contributed to the academic endeavors or research of your thesis. Limit the acknowledgements to a single page.

Table of Contents

The first three preliminary pages do not appear in your Table of Contents. The first item to appear should be your Abstract.

Do   not  include the Table of Contents page in the Table of Contents, but  do  include the Lists of Tables and Figures. Lists of Tables and Figures should include page numbers.

Supplementary Material

Additional material may be included in appendices or as separate files to be submitted with your PDF. CEDAR can take many file types. Maps, datasets, sound clips, short films, images, and other items can be included. See the  CEDAR FAQ  for more details.

Margins should be a minimum of one inch on all sides. Use the same margin dimensions throughout the manuscript, except for indented lengthy quotes.

Page Numbers

Page numbers may be located according to the style commonly used in your discipline, or any standard word processor location. The numbers should appear alone, without any bracketing, dashes, etc. Refer to the chart above for numbering requirements.

Choose a font that is clearly legible on screen as well as in print. Font should be 10- to 12-point type. Use the same font throughout the manuscript. You may bold, italicize or underline words where appropriate. Italicized type may not be used for the entire body of the text.

Double space the text. Block quotes may be single spaced. Thesis projects in poetry, mathematics, and music may be spaced as appropriate to the discipline.

Captions should be in the same font as that used in the text. Locate captions according to the publication style you are using.

Section headings must correspond to the Table of Contents. Heading font and location on the page should be consistent throughout the thesis. Ensure that headings appear on the same page as the corresponding text (i.e. watch for headings orphaned at the bottom of pages). Do not use a running head.

Style differs considerably among disciplines, and even among different journals in one discipline. Confer with your thesis chair to select the appropriate style for your thesis, and be consistent with this style throughout your manuscript.

References and Citations

Be consistent in citation and reference style throughout the thesis, according to the style manual you are following. There must be a reference for every citation in the text. The spelling of the author’s name and the publication year must match between the text and reference entry. Multiple citations between parentheses must be in either chronological or alphabetical order.

Western Libraries offers online  quick guides to the most common citation styles  and other helpful information.

You can use this template  as a starting point for your document, or refer to it for instructions and tips on formatting.

The thesis/dissertation template is also available on Canvas along with additional formatting help.

Defenses and Final Submission

Defense notification requirements.

  • Schedule your defense with your department
  • Submit an  Oral Defense Schedule  form at least two weeks prior to your defense
  • If requested, submit a draft of your thesis or dissertation to the Graduate School one week before your defense date

The Graduate School will announce your oral defense to Graduate Faculty Governance Council. If a Graduate Faculty Governance Council member volunteers to observe your defense, you will need to include that person in your meeting, presentation, and/or video conference. We will ask you to provide a copy of your draft for the representative to review.

Create Your CEDAR Account and Submit Research

  • Go to  and click “Submit Research” in the sidebar, under Contributors. Follow the instructions to create an account and submit to the WWU Graduate School Collection.
  • Use a permanent email address for your account, not your email address, so that you can keep track of your work after graduation.
  • Upload your complete PDF and any supplementary files you wish to include.

Thesis and Dissertation Approval and Publication

Graduate School staff will communicate with you via CEDAR (you will receive emails) about the status of your thesis or dissertation submission and any necessary revisions.

Once your submission has been approved, you will be notified through CEDAR. Your thesis or dissertation will be published and made available right away on CEDAR, as part of the Digital Commons for your discipline, and through Google and Google Scholar.

If you need to delay public posting of your document, or keep access to your content permanently limited, email the Graduate School for options.

Completion of your degree still requires one hardbound copy of your thesis or dissertation for archiving in Special Collections. We do not require original signatures for the bound copy. Once your thesis or dissertation is approved, you will need to place a binding order with Print and Copy Services using the Thesis Order Request Form or Dissertation Order Request Form . This order must be placed and paid before your degree can be awarded. Individual departments may have requirements for additional copies; check with your thesis chair or program adviser if you are unsure.

Instructions for placing your order with Print and Copy Services will be included in your CEDAR approval letter. For assistance with the Thesis Order Request Form, contact Print and Copy Services directly at  [email protected]  or 360-650-3762

Occasionally a graduate student may need to delay the posting of their thesis or dissertation to CEDAR, or limit the audience to Western students and faculty. There are two options to choose from.

An embargo delays the public release of the document while the author or faculty researcher pursues publication or copyright of the work in the thesis/dissertation. At the end of the embargo period, the document is posted.

To request an embargo, email [email protected] with details. An embargo can be requested for six months or one year, and may be renewed if necessary.

If you might want to renew your embargo, set a reminder on your calendar around the time the embargo is set to expire. Let the Graduate School know if you need to renew.

Campus Only Access

Limiting access to the Western community is a good option for those wishing to preserve First North American Serial Rights (publication rights). A current WWU login is required to view the thesis, and the limited access status does not expire like an embargo does.

To choose this option, use the limited access library authorization form instead of the standard one, and make a note in CEDAR when you upload your thesis. Library authorization forms are available in the Templates section above, and on Canvas.

Forms and Links

Thesis Topic Approval

Dissertation Topic Approval

Research and Writing Studio

Western CEDAR

Print and Copy Services

Thesis Order Request Form

Dissertation Order Form

    Western Washington University
  Aug 23, 2024  
2024-25 Western Washington University Catalog    
2024-25 Western Washington University Catalog


Western Washington University

College of business and economics.

  • •  Business Administration Minor
  • •  Accounting Minor
  • •  Accounting — Economics Concentration, BS
  • •  Accounting — Finance Concentration, BS
  • •  Accounting — Financial Economics Concentration, BS
  • •  Accounting — Management Information Systems Concentration, BS
  • •  Accounting — Operations Concentration, BS
  • •  Accounting, BA
  • •  Economics/Accounting, BA (see Economics Department)
  • •  Professional Accounting, Non-Thesis, MPAcc

Decision Sciences

  • •  Business Administration — Management Information Systems Concentration, BA
  • •  Business Administration — Operations Management Concentration, BA
  • •  Business Analytics Minor
  • •  Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management, BS
  • •  Economics Minor
  • •  Economics, BA
  • •  Economics, BS
  • •  Economics/Accounting, BA
  • •  Economics/Environmental Studies, BA
  • •  Economics/Mathematics, BA (In Moratorium)
  • •  Economics/Mathematics, BS
  • •  Economics/Political Science, BA
  • •  Economics/Social Studies, BA
  • •  Financial Economics, BA
  • •  Politics/Philosophy/Economics, BA

Finance & Marketing

  • •  Business Administration — Finance Concentration, BA
  • •  Business Administration — Marketing Concentration, BA
  • •  Financial Economics, BA (see Economics Department)
  • •  Business Administration — General Concentration, BA
  • •  Business Administration — International Business Concentration, BA
  • •  Business Administration — Management Concentration, BA
  • •  Business and Sustainability — Energy Studies Concentration, BA
  • •  Business and Sustainability, BA
  • •  International Business Minor

Master of Business Administration

  • •  Business Administration, Accelerated, MBA (In Moratorium)
  • •  Business Administration, Evening Part-Time, MBA
  • •  Business Administration, Full-Time, MBA
  • •  Business Administration, Managers and Professionals, MBA
  • •  Business Administration, Regular Full-Time, MBA (In Moratorium)

College of the Environment

Environmental sciences.

  • •  Data Science for Environmental Applications Certificate
  • •  Ecological Restoration Certificate (Extension)
  • •  Environmental Science Extension Major, BS
  • •  Environmental Science Minor
  • •  Environmental Science — Freshwater & Terrestrial Ecology Emphasis, BS
  • •  Environmental Science — Marine Science Emphasis, BS
  • •  Environmental Science — Toxicology Emphasis, BS
  • •  Environmental Science, BS
  • •  Environmental Science, Marine and Estuarine Science (MES), Thesis, MS
  • •  Environmental Science, Thesis, MS
  • •  Salmon Enhancement: Habitat Restoration Certificate
  • •  Student/Faculty Designed, BS (College of the Environment)

Environmental Studies

  • •  Business and Sustainability, BA (see Management Department)
  • •  Climate Change Minor
  • •  Disaster Risk Reduction Minor
  • •  Economics/Environmental Studies, BA (see Economics Department)
  • •  Environmental Education Minor
  • •  Environmental Education, Non-Thesis, MEd
  • •  Environmental Education, Thesis, MEd
  • •  Environmental Justice Minor
  • •  Environmental Policy Minor
  • •  Environmental Studies (Extension) — Environmental Policy Emphasis, BA
  • •  Environmental Studies (Extension) — Geographic Information Science Emphasis, BA
  • •  Environmental Studies (Extension), BA
  • •  Environmental Studies Minor
  • •  Environmental Studies — Education & Eco-Social Justice Emphasis, BA
  • •  Environmental Studies — Elementary, BAE
  • •  Environmental Studies — Geographic Information Science Emphasis, BA
  • •  Environmental Studies — Geography Emphasis, BA
  • •  Environmental Studies — Justice & Community Resilience Emphasis, BA (In Moratorium)
  • •  Environmental Studies — Policy, Politics, and Governance Emphasis, BA
  • •  Environmental Studies, BA
  • •  Environmental Studies, MA
  • •  Environmental Studies/Journalism, BA
  • •  Geographic Information Science Certificate
  • •  Geographic Information Science Certificate (graduate)
  • •  Geographic Information Science Minor
  • •  Geography Minor
  • •  Geography/Social Studies, BA
  • •  Salmon Enhancement: Community Education Certificate
  • •  Student/Faculty Designed, BA (College of the Environment)

Urban and Environmental Planning and Policy

  • •  Environmental Policy, BA
  • •  Food Security and Policy Minor
  • •  Natural Resource Management (Extension), BA
  • •  Sustainable Design Minor
  • •  Urban Planning and Environmental Sustainability, MA
  • •  Urban Planning and Sustainable Development, BA
  • •  Urban Sustainability, BA

College of Fine and Performing Arts

  • •  Arts Enterprise and Cultural Innovation Minor

Art and Art History

  • •  Art History Minor
  • •  Art History, BA
  • •  Art Studio, BA
  • •  Art Studio, BFA
  • •  Art — Elementary, BAE
  • •  Art — P-12, BAE
  • •  Museum Studies Minor
  • •  STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) Minor
  • •  Design Minor
  • •  Design, BA (In Moratorium)
  • •  Design, BFA
  • •  Illustration Certificate
  • •  User Experience (UX) Design Minor (see Engineering and Design Department)
  • •  Jazz Studies Minor
  • •  Music Education P-12, BMus
  • •  Music Minor
  • •  Music — Composition Concentration, BMus
  • •  Music — Musicology, BMus
  • •  Music — Performance Concentration, BMus
  • •  Music, BA
  • •  Music, MMus

Theatre and Dance

  • •  Dance Additional Teaching Endorsement
  • •  Dance Minor
  • •  Dance, BA
  • •  Dance, BFA
  • •  Theatre Arts P-12, Additional Teaching Endorsement
  • •  Theatre Minor
  • •  Theatre, BA

College of Humanities and Social Sciences


  • •  Anthropology Minor
  • •  Anthropology — Archaeology Concentration, BA
  • •  Anthropology — Biocultural Concentration, BA
  • •  Anthropology — Elementary, BAE
  • •  Anthropology, BA
  • •  Anthropology, Thesis, MA
  • •  Anthropology/Biology, BA
  • •  Anthropology/Social Studies, BA
  • •  Biology/Anthropology, BS (see Biology Department)

Communication Sciences and Disorders

  • •  Audiology Minor (In Moratorium)
  • •  Clinical Doctorate in Audiology, AuD
  • •  Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor
  • •  Communication Sciences and Disorders Post-Baccalaureate Preparation Program
  • •  Communication Sciences and Disorders, BA
  • •  Speech-Language Pathology, Non-Thesis Option, MA
  • •  Speech-Language Pathology, Thesis Option, MA

Communication Studies

  • •  Communication Studies Minor
  • •  Communication Studies, BA

East Asian Studies

  • •  East Asian Studies Minor
  • •  East Asian Studies, BA
  • •  Creative Writing Minor
  • •  Creative Writing, MFA
  • •  English Language Arts — Secondary, Additional Endorsement
  • •  English Minor
  • •  English — Creative Writing Emphasis, BA
  • •  English — Creative Writing Emphasis, BA, with Teaching Endorsement Option
  • •  English — Film and Media Studies Emphasis, BA
  • •  English — Literature Emphasis, BA
  • •  English — Literature Emphasis, BA, with Teaching Endorsement Option
  • •  English — Multilingual Education Emphasis, BA, with Teaching Endorsement Option
  • •  English, Non-Thesis, MA
  • •  English, Thesis, MA
  • •  Film Studies Minor
  • •  Professional Writing, Literacies, and Rhetoric Minor
  • •  Women’s Literature Minor

Ethnic Studies

  • •  Ethnic Studies, BA

Global Humanities and Religions

  • •  African Studies Minor
  • •  Arabic and Islamic Studies Minor
  • •  Digital Humanities Minor
  • •  Humanities: History of Culture Minor
  • •  Humanities: History of Culture, BA
  • •  Religion and Culture Minor
  • •  Religion and Culture, BA
  • •  South and Southeast Asian Studies Minor

Health and Human Development

  • •  Exercise Science Minor
  • •  Kinesiology — Exercise Science Specialization, BS
  • •  Kinesiology — Pre-Healthcare Professions Specialization, BS
  • •  Kinesiology — Sport Psychology Specialization, BS
  • •  Kinesiology, Exercise Science Option, Thesis, MS
  • •  Kinesiology, Sport and Exercise Psychology Option, Thesis, MS
  • •  Physical Education and Health P-12, BAE
  • •  Public Health, BS
  • •  Recreation Management and Leadership, BA
  • •  Sport Psychology Minor
  • •  Foreign Cultures Minor
  • •  History Minor
  • •  History — Elementary, BAE
  • •  History, BA
  • •  History, Thesis, MA
  • •  History/Social Studies, BA
  • •  Latin American Studies Minor
  • •  Latin American Studies with History Concentration, BA (see Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Department)
  • •  Latin American Studies with Spanish Concentration, BA (see Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Department)
  • •  Public History Minor
  • •  Environmental Studies/Journalism, BA (see Environmental Studies Department)
  • •  Journalism News/Editorial Minor
  • •  Journalism Public Relations Minor
  • •  Journalism — News/Editorial, BA
  • •  Journalism — Public Relations, BA
  • •  Journalism — Visual Journalism, BA

Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

  • •  Chinese Language and Culture, BA
  • •  Chinese Language and Culture, BA with Teaching Endorsement Option
  • •  Chinese Minor
  • •  Classical Studies Minor
  • •  French Minor
  • •  French — Elementary, BAE
  • •  French, BA
  • •  French, BA with Teaching Endorsement Option
  • •  French/German, BA
  • •  French/Spanish, BA
  • •  German Minor
  • •  German — Elementary, BAE
  • •  German, BA
  • •  German, BA with Teaching Endorsement Option
  • •  German/Spanish, BA
  • •  Greek Minor
  • •  Japanese Minor
  • •  Japanese, BA
  • •  Japanese, BA with Teaching Endorsement Option
  • •  Latin American Studies Minor (see History Department)
  • •  Latin American Studies with History Concentration, BA
  • •  Latin American Studies with Spanish Concentration, BA
  • •  Latin Minor
  • •  Russian and Eurasian Studies Minor
  • •  Spanish Minor
  • •  Spanish — Elementary, BAE
  • •  Spanish, BA
  • •  Spanish, BA with Teaching Endorsement Option


  • •  Language and Cognition Minor
  • •  Linguistics and Education Minor
  • •  Linguistics Minor
  • •  Linguistics, BA
  • •  Linguistics, Literature, and Writing, BA, with Teaching Endorsement Option

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • •  Multidisciplinary Studies, BA
  • •  Philosophy Minor
  • •  Philosophy, BA
  • •  Politics/Philosophy/Economics, BA (see Economics Department)

Political Science

  • •  Economics/Political Science, BA (see Economics Department)
  • •  Political Science Minor
  • •  Political Science, BA
  • •  Political Science/Social Studies, BA
  • •  Behavioral Neuroscience, BS
  • •  Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Non-Thesis, MS
  • •  Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Thesis, MS
  • •  Psychology Minor
  • •  Psychology — Experimental, Thesis, MS
  • •  Psychology, BS
  • •  Psychology: Human Development — Elementary, BAE
  • •  School Counselor, Non-Thesis, MEd
  • •  School Counselor, Thesis, MEd
  • •  Sport Psychology Minor (see Health and Human Development Department)
  • •  Social Science Data Analysis Certificate
  • •  Sociology Minor
  • •  Sociology — Elementary, BAE
  • •  Sociology, BA
  • •  Sociology, BS
  • •  Sociology/Social Studies, BA

Student/Faculty Designed Majors

  • •  Student/Faculty Designed, BA (College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
  • •  Student/Faculty Designed, BS (College of Humanities and Social Sciences)

Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

  • •  Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Minor
  • •  Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, BA

College of Science and Engineering

  • •  Anthropology/Biology, BA (see Anthropology Department)
  • •  Biology Minor
  • •  Biology — Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology (EEO) Emphasis, BS
  • •  Biology — General Emphasis, BS
  • •  Biology — Marine Emphasis, BS
  • •  Biology — Molecular and Cell Biology Emphasis, BS
  • •  Biology — Secondary Teaching Emphasis, BS
  • •  Biology, BA
  • •  Biology, Marine and Estuarine Science, Thesis, MS
  • •  Biology, Thesis, MS
  • •  Biology/Anthropology, BS
  • •  Biology/Mathematics, BS
  • •  Chemistry/Biology — Secondary, BAE (see Chemistry Department)
  • •  Biochemistry, BA
  • •  Biochemistry, BS
  • •  Chemistry Minor
  • •  Chemistry, BA
  • •  Chemistry, BS
  • •  Chemistry, Industry Internship, Non-Thesis, MS
  • •  Chemistry, Thesis, MS
  • •  Chemistry/Biology — Secondary, BAE
  • •  Chemistry/Mathematics — Secondary, BAE
  • •  Chemistry/Physics — Secondary, BAE

Computer Science

  • •  Computer Science Minor
  • •  Computer Science — Secondary, BAE
  • •  Computer Science, BS
  • •  Computer Science, Non-Thesis, MS
  • •  Computer Systems Minor
  • •  Content Development Certificate
  • •  Cybersecurity Certificate
  • •  Cybersecurity Minor
  • •  Cybersecurity, BS
  • •  Data Science, BS
  • •  E-Commerce Developer Certificate
  • •  Internet Resource Creation and Management Minor
  • •  Mathematics/Computer Science, BS (see Mathematics Department)
  • •  Web Programming Certificate

Engineering and Design

  • •  Electrical and Computer Engineering, BS
  • •  Embedded Systems Minor
  • •  Industrial Design Minor
  • •  Industrial Design, BS
  • •  Manufacturing Engineering, BS
  • •  Polymer Materials Engineering, BS
  • •  Sustainable Design Minor (see Urban and Environmental Planning and Policy Department)
  • •  User Experience (UX) Design Minor (In Moratorium)
  • •  Earth Science — Elementary, BAE
  • •  Earth Science — Secondary, BAE
  • •  Earth Science/General Science — Secondary, BAE
  • •  Geology Minor
  • •  Geology, BA
  • •  Geology, BS
  • •  Geology, Thesis, MS
  • •  Geophysics, BS

Materials Science

  • •  Materials Science Minor


  • •  Applied Mathematics, BS
  • •  Biology/Mathematics, BS (see Biology Department)
  • •  Chemistry/Mathematics — Secondary, BAE (see Chemistry Department)
  • •  Economics/Mathematics, BA (In Moratorium, see Economics Department)
  • •  Economics/Mathematics, BS (See Economics Department)
  • •  Mathematics Minor
  • •  Mathematics — Elementary, BAE
  • •  Mathematics — Secondary Minor
  • •  Mathematics — Secondary, BAE
  • •  Mathematics, BA
  • •  Mathematics, BS
  • •  Mathematics, Non-Thesis, MS
  • •  Mathematics, Thesis, MS
  • •  Mathematics/Computer Science, BS
  • •  Physics/Mathematics — Secondary, BAE (see Physics Department)
  • •  Statistics Minor
  • •  Statistics, BS

Physics and Astronomy

  • •  Astronomy Minor
  • •  Chemistry/Physics — Secondary, BAE (see Chemistry Department)
  • •  Physics Minor
  • •  Physics, BS
  • •  Physics/Mathematics — Secondary, BAE

Science Education

  • •  General Science — Elementary, BAE
  • •  General Science — Middle Level, BAE
  • •  Natural Science/Science Education, Non-Thesis, MEd (In Moratorium)
  • •  Natural Science/Science Education, Thesis, MEd (In Moratorium)

Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies

  • •  Audio Technology, Music, and Society Minor
  • •  Education and Social Justice Minor (see Secondary Education Department)
  • •  Fairhaven Upside-Down Program, BA
  • •  Human Rights Minor (see Holocaust and Genocide Studies)
  • •  Interdisciplinary Concentration, BA
  • •  Interdisciplinary Concentration, BAE (In Moratorium)
  • •  Interdisciplinary Concentration: Law, Diversity & Justice Emphasis, BA
  • •  Law, Diversity & Justice Minor

University Interdisciplinary Programs

  • •  Climate Leadership Certificate
  • •  Sustainability Studies Minor

American Cultural Studies

  • •  African American Studies Minor (In Moratorium)
  • •  American Cultural Studies Minor (In Moratorium)
  • •  American Cultural Studies, BA (In Moratorium)
  • •  American Indian Studies Minor (In Moratorium)
  • •  Arab American Studies Minor (In Moratorium)
  • •  Asian American Studies Minor (In Moratorium)
  • •  Latinx Studies Minor (In Moratorium)
  • •  Queer Studies Minor (In Moratorium)

Canadian-American Studies

  • •  Canadian-American Studies Minor
  • •  Canadian-American Studies, BA

Critical Disability Studies

  • •  Critical Disability Studies Minor

Energy Studies

  • •  Business and Sustainability — Energy Studies Concentration, BA (see Management Department)
  • •  Energy and Environment Certificate
  • •  Energy Economics Certificate
  • •  Energy in the Built Environment Certificate
  • •  Energy Policy and Management, BA
  • •  Energy Policy Certificate
  • •  Energy Policy Certificate (graduate)
  • •  Energy Policy Minor
  • •  Energy Science and Technology, BS
  • •  Energy Science Minor
  • •  Northwest Electric Energy Systems Certificate
  • •  Northwest Electric Energy Systems Certificate (graduate)

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

  • •  Entrepreneurship and Innovation Certificate
  • •  Entrepreneurship and Innovation Minor
  • •  FOREST (Foundations of Outdoor Recreation, Entrepreneurship & Sustainable Tourism) Certificate

Global Studies

  • •  Global Studies Minor
  • •  TESOL: Supporting English Language Learners Certificate

Holocaust and Genocide Studies

  • •  Holocaust and Genocide Studies Minor
  • •  Human Rights Minor

Honors College

  • •  Honors
  • •  Honors Interdisciplinary Studies Minor

Leadership Studies

  • •  Leadership Studies Minor

Marine and Coastal Science

  • •  Marine and Coastal Science, BS

Salish Sea Studies

  • •  Salish Sea Studies Minor

Western on the Peninsulas

  • •  Sociology for Professionals, BA

Woodring College of Education

Early childhood, elementary, and multilingual education.

  • •  Early Childhood Education P-3 Option, BAE
  • •  Early Childhood Education P-3 with Elementary Education Option, BAE (In Moratorium)
  • •  Early Childhood Education — Non Certification, BAE
  • •  Elementary Education Professional Program
  • •  Elementary Education Professional Program — Outreach Program (In Moratorium)
  • •  Elementary Education, BAE
  • •  English Language Learner/Bilingual Endorsement Program
  • •  English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Endorsement for Teachers (In Moratorium)
  • •  Language and Literacy, Non-Thesis, MEd
  • •  Language and Literacy, Thesis, MEd (In Moratorium)
  • •  Language, Literacy, and Cultural Studies, BAE
  • •  Media and Digital Literacy Certificate
  • •  Multilingual Education Minor
  • •  Multilingual Elementary Education, BAE
  • •  Reading — P-12 Additional Endorsement
  • •  Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Minor (Adult focus) (In Moratorium)
  • •  TESOL Certificate (In Moratorium)

Education Leadership and Inclusive Teaching

  • •  Disability and Advocacy Minor
  • •  Disability and Advocacy, BAE
  • •  Early Childhood Special Education P-3 and Early Childhood Education P-3 (Dual Endorsement), BAE
  • •  Early Childhood Special Education, BAE
  • •  Education for Inclusive Environments Residency, BAE (Dual Endorsement Outreach Program)
  • •  Education for Inclusive Environments, BAE (Dual Endorsement Outreach Program)
  • •  Education Leadership, EdD
  • •  Education Leadership, MEd
  • •  Inclusive Education (Dual Endorsement Elementary & Special Education), BAE
  • •  Initial Administrator Certificate (Superintendent)
  • •  Multilingual Special Education, BAE
  • •  Residency Administrator Certificate (Principal)
  • •  Special Education Residency, BAE (Outreach Program)
  • •  Special Education — P-12 plus Content Endorsement (Dual Endorsement), BAE
  • •  Special Education, BAE
  • •  Special Education, Non-Thesis, MEd (Endorsement Optional) (In Moratorium)
  • •  Special Education, Thesis, MEd (Endorsement Optional) (In Moratorium)

Health and Community Studies

  • •  Adult and Higher Education, Non-Thesis, MEd
  • •  Human Services, BA
  • •  Nursing (RN-to-BSN), BSN
  • •  Nursing Education, MSN
  • •  Nursing Leadership & Administration, MSN
  • •  Palliative Care Minor
  • •  Rehabilitation Counseling, Non-Thesis, MA

Secondary Education

  • •  Education and Social Justice Minor
  • •  Humanities — Middle Level — Additional Endorsement
  • •  Master in Education, MEd
  • •  Master in Teaching, Bellingham, MIT
  • •  Master in Teaching, Everett, MIT
  • •  Master in Teaching, South King County - Multilingual Education Emphasis, MIT
  • •  Secondary Education Undergraduate and Post-Baccalaureate Professional Program

Graduate School

  • •  Student/Faculty Designed, MA
  • •  Student/Faculty Designed, MEd
  • •  Student/Faculty Designed, MS

Outreach and Continuing Education

Asia university america program, intensive english program, western libraries.

Business Administration—Marketing Concentration

Program code.

Western Washington University Bachelor’s in Marketing/Marketing Management, General

How much does a bachelor’s in marketing management from wwu cost, wwu undergraduate tuition and fees.

In StateOut of State
Books and Supplies$996$996
On Campus Room and Board$12,518$12,518
On Campus Other Expenses$3,783$3,783

Does WWU Offer an Online Bachelor’s in Marketing Management?

Wwu bachelor’s student diversity for marketing management, male-to-female ratio.

Women made up around 46.1% of the marketing management students who took home a bachelor’s degree in 2019-2020. This is less than the nationwide number of 53.4%.

Racial-Ethnic Diversity

Around 22.6% of marketing management bachelor’s degree recipients at WWU in 2019-2020 were awarded to racial-ethnic minorities*. This is lower than the nationwide number of 27%.

Race/EthnicityNumber of Students
Black or African American1
Hispanic or Latino4
Native American or Alaska Native0
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander0
International Students2
Other Races/Ethnicities15

Popular Reports

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Assistant Professor Boya Xu wins American Statistical Association (ASA) Doctoral Dissertation Research Award!

August 23, 2024

thesis marketing wwu

We are proud to announce that our Virginia Tech Assistant Professor of Marketing, Boya Xu, has been awarded this year's American Statistical Association (ASA) Doctoral Dissertation Research Award for her paper, “A Scalable Recommendation Engine for New Users and Items.” 

We greatly look forward to learning more from Professor Xu’s research. Congratulations, Professor Xu! 


Marketing education: investigating the skills and tasks essential for the establishment of marketing careers

Thesis type.

  • Thesis (PhD)

Thesis note

Copyright statement, supervisors, usage metrics.


Senior Thesis Instructions

The College of the Environment now requires that all Senior THESIS be submitted in a digital (PDF) format. Completed reports are available through WWU Library's  Western CEDAR  along with the College of the Environment student Internship and Senior Project Reports (accessible to Western students, faculty and staff only). Students are required to create a digital signature page to be included in the .pdf file, as outlined below.

Senior Thesis credits are assigned a 498a course number for registration, which require an override code from the faculty. The Senior Thesis should be similar to a graduate level Thesis in style and format, however it can be slightly less formal.

Student/Faculty Steps for SENIOR THESIS REPORTS

Student completes written Senior Thesis (with Faculty advising)

Student creates and print a Cover/Disclaimer/Signature Page

Student signs Cover/Disclaimer/Signature Page

Faculty signs Cover/Disclaimer/Signature Page

Student scans Cover/Disclaimer/Signature Page (w/student and faculty signatures)

Student adds scanned Cover/Disclaimer/Signature page (as a graphic) to their report

Cover/Disclaimer/Signature should be the first page of their Project Report

Student saves the entire document as a .pdf file Naming convention: Year_Student’sLastName_Agency/location_Topic (e.g. 2009_Einstein_DOE_UnifiedTheory or 2010_Thoreau_WaldonPond_SimpleLiving)

Student delivers digital .pdf file (with scanned signature page) to instructor

Instructor reads/approves/accepts final Senior Thesis

Instructor forwards the completed/approved project reports to staff for uploading

College of the Environment staff transfers file to Western CEDAR.

Western Washington University. Make waves.

Dissertations & Theses: Published at Other Universities

  • About Dissertations & Theses
  • Published at WWU
  • Published at Other Universities
  • Resources & Tips

Dissertation Abstracts & Dissertation Abstracts International

  • Dissertation Abstracts & Dissertation Abstracts International Call Number: Request at Haggard Circulation Desk
  • Dissertation Abstracts International: Retrospective Index, volumes I-XXIX Call Number: Request at Haggard Circulation Desk

Dissertation Abstracts, later becoming Dissertation Abstracts International, indexes dissertations published from 1938-2000. Each volume gives citations and abstracts (summaries) of dissertations published that year.

These volumes are located with the periodicals in Wilson 1 East and on Microfilm in Wilson 2 West, with the call number LB2391.U5 D55.

If you plan to request from ILLiad a dissertation that you find in cited in Dissertation Abstracts, make sure to record the title, author, institution and publication number for placing your request.

Borrowing Theses & Dissertations through Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad)

Dissertations and theses published at other universities may often be borrowed through interlibrary loan using the  ILLiad requesting service. Current WWU students, faculty and staff are all eligible to use this service.

Click here to login and access ILLiad. Select Thesis and request your item. If you haven't registered with ILLiad yet, you will be prompted for additional information after you login.

Ask Us! Research Services

Ask Us! Research Service - Anything, Anytime, Anywhere!

Library help is available for all your information and research needs. Just click on the link below to contact us in any of the following ways:

  • Ask Us! Answer Service Anything, Anytime, Anywhere!
  • Visit Us in Person - Library Hours You can find us in the Hacherl Research & Writing Studio on the second level of Haggard Hall.
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Theses and Seminar Papers

If you are interested in writing your thesis at the MCM please enrol yourself in the following course on Learnweb:

"Theses Application at the MCM"

This course will provide you with information about current research areas at the MCM and indicates the procedures that have to be followed if you want to write your bachelor or master thesis at the MCM. At the beginning of each semester, the MCM professors hold a joint session in which they give the opportunity to discuss current topics and are available for your questions.

In case of questions AFTER your enrollment, please contact the MCM Coordinator for Theses .

You can find current Offers for writing theses in cooperation with practice partners in our MCM Career Service Center .

Seminar Papers

  • Instructions for writing seminar papers.
  • Template for writing seminar papers.
  • Plagiarism check Please attach the consent form for a plagiarism check to your seminar paper. Both the German and the English version of the consent form are available at the website of the Examination Office .

Finance and Marketing

WWU Marketing Program Brand Toolkit

WWU Marketing Program, inspiring innovative marketers

Brand Purpose

To engage, educate, and nurture a successful and diverse community of marketers so that our students and alumni can forge connections between the marketing program, marketing industry, and society at large.

Brand Values

Creating an inclusive community that actively represents and values all identities.

Creating a fair and just environment that provides equal opportunities and resources for all individuals. 

Ensuring that every offering is available and thoughtfully designed to accommodate the diverse needs of every individual.

Inclusive excellence through fostering a safe and welcoming environment that empowers the uniqueness of individuals.

All students and professionals see themselves in the program.

To provide value to students and society through social responsibility.

To lead by example as industry professionals.

To honor the environment in our processes and be mindful of our impact.

Marketing provides students the opportunity to create interesting, out of the box solutions.

To stimulate the practice of problem-solving and the application of knowledge.

To use our knowledge to help grow and connect with skilled alumni in the marketing field.

Committed to ensuring everyone feels safe, secure, and supported throughout their education and beyond.

Career readiness and industry engagement with the alumni network in pursuit of high quality/excellent work.

Brand Promise

We help Marketing Students obtain a degree in Business Administration, Marketing Concentration By providing you with classes, advising and connections to alumni and other students. Benefits include feeling valuable, prepared, confident, assured, self-sufficient, connected, and inspired.   

We help Marketing Alumni gain recognition and appreciation as well as credibility among peers By providing you with events and promotion associated with the program. Benefits include Making them feel valuable, confident, assured, self-sufficient, helpful, connected, and inspired.   

Brand Tagline & Explanation

Inspiring Innovative Marketers

At its core, the Western Marketing Program aims to educate, inform and ultimately inspire potential marketing students and professional marketers in the making who strive to become resourceful problem solvers. 

Brand Colors

WWU Brand Colors

Proud to be a part of Western Washington University, we have assumed the same brand colors. If you're curious about the specific colors used by Western Washington University, we invite you to check out the Colors as well as the  Color Cheat Sheets  in WWU's Brand and Communication Guide.

Brand Headings

WWU Typography

Western uses three typefaces to express its brand: Fira Sans, Montserrat, and PT Serif. To ensure accessibility and ease of use, all three fonts are made freely available for download on both Mac and PC operating systems. Should you require further details regarding these fonts or instructions on how to acquire them, we recommend referring to Western's comprehensive Brand and Communications Guide, specifically the Typography page.

Brand Logos

Primary logo.

For all channel communications

WWU Marketing Program

Tagline Graphic

For use as a campaign theme graphic. Cannot be used right next to the logo—place them on opposite sides of your media communications.

Inspiring Innovative Marketers

To easily obtain any of the logos associated with the WWU Marketing Program, simply follow these straightforward steps:

  • Hover your mouse over the desired logo image.
  • Right-click on the image.
  • Select "Save Image As" from the drop-down menu.
  • Choose the preferred location on your PC to save the image.

When communicating or creating copy, use a tone that fits your purpose and primary audience. A friendly or funny tone may help us entice a prospective student to want to learn more, whereas brevity and clarity may be more important when relaying programmatic information. Use words that reinforce Western’s brand position, voice and values. Focus on accessible language. Don’t be afraid to get witty or quirky if it fits your message and audience. Focus on dynamic, positive and inspiring vocabulary.

Brand Associations

Bricks, water, trees, modern glass architecture, traditional academia, creative sculptures

WWU MP Looks Like Brand Associations

Smells Like

Evergreen trees, fresh cut grass, books

WWU MP Smells Like Brand Associations

Sounds Like

Wind through the trees, ticking clock, trickling

WWU MP Sounds Like Brand Associations


WWU MP Looks Like Brand Associations

Fresh breeze

WWU MP Feels Like Brand Associations

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  • Our corporate partners

PhD Dissertation Defense, Dan XIE, Marketing

Congratulations to Dr Dan XIE, Marketing, who successfully defended her doctoral dissertation at HEC Paris on the 22nd of August, 2024.

Specialisation: Marketing

Title: Social Influence and Consumer Behaviors in the Ecological System

Supervisor: Professor L.J. Shrum , HEC Paris

Jury members: 

Professor L.J. Shrum, HEC Paris, France Professor Selin ATALAY, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Germany Professor Jaideep SENGUPTA, HUKST, Hong Kong Professor, Tina LOWREY, HEC Paris, France

Consumers face tremendous social influence due to the explosion and easy access to information and signals from other people, organizations, and governments. However, the impact of this social influence varies among individuals. According to ecological systems theory, different systems and environments interact to influence human development (Bronfenbrenner, 1992). The theory proposes that individuals are not just passive recipients of environmental influences but are active participants in their own development. It identifies five systems that affect human development: microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem. Understanding these systems and their interactions is crucial for comprehending the complex nature of human development and its relationship with consumption behaviors. My dissertation investigates three levels of factors that influence consumers’ sensitivity to social influence: individual factors (consumer signaling preference), organizational characteristics (company size, an exosystem factor), and social factors (residential mobility and economic inequality, both macrosystem factors). Three projects are included in my dissertation. The first project developed a scale to measure consumer signaling preference, which I believe affects consumers' reactions to social influence. The second project investigates how consumers' social comparison tendencies are impacted by an exosystem factor, residential mobility. The final project examines how consumers' reactions to social influence are affected by the characteristics of the influencer (company size) and a macrosystem factor (economic inequality in society), as well as the interaction between these two factors.

Keywords: Consumer Behaviors, Social Influence, Residential Mobility, Signaling, Greenwashing

Follow Dan on LinkedIn


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    thesis marketing wwu

  2. (DOC) Marketing Thesis Sample

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  3. Case study for Marketing

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  4. Thesis

    thesis marketing wwu


    thesis marketing wwu

  6. Marketing Research & Consumer Behavior Group Project for WWU College of

    thesis marketing wwu


  1. Marketing Program

    Marketing Program. As a Marketing student in Western's College of Business and Economics (CBE), you will obtain a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing and be in a position to pursue your goals. The curriculum has been developed to provide students with coursework that is intellectually stimulating ...

  2. Thesis and Dissertation Information

    For thesis (690) credit, you need a registration override from the Graduate School each quarter you register. For EDAD 670, Doctoral Proposal Defense (dissertation credits), contact your department. Check the number of required and/or allowed thesis/dissertation credits for your program. Make sure that your registration over multiple quarters ...

  3. Get a degree in Marketing

    Marketing at Western. With a degree in Marketing from Western, you will learn how to think critically and be prepared to manage firms and organizations in the public interest and a global context. Our faculty originates research and serves both the university, and society at large, with professional expertise.

  4. About Dissertations & Theses

    Theses and dissertations are detailed scholarly papers usually produced as part of fulfilling requirements for Masters and Doctoral degrees.. WWU students have written Masters theses and have also produced scholarly papers to satisfy honors and senior projects and internship requirements.. Doctoral dissertations are published by universities worldwide.. You may discover that these materials ...

  5. Dissertations & Theses: Published at WWU

    In Western Libraries. Since 1948 Western Libraries has kept a large number of Masters theses, Honors and Senior Project theses, and Huxley Senior Project and Internship reports published at Western Washington University. Circulating copies of these papers are located on Wilson 4 East and West, and in the Music Library (music topics).

  6. Programs of Study

    University Catalog. Jamie Lawson. Catalog and Curriculum Specialist. 360-650-6238. [email protected]. Western Washington University's main campus is situated on the ancestral homelands of the Coast Salish Peoples, who have lived in the Salish Sea basin, all throughout the San Juan Islands and the North Cascades watershed from time immemorial.

  7. Business Administration

    Business marketing majors at Western study marketing as it relates to a variety of activities in new product development, pricing strategies and implementation, ... Western Washington University's main campus is situated on the ancestral homelands of the Coast Salish Peoples, who have lived in the Salish Sea basin, all throughout the San Juan ...

  8. Top Reasons to Get a Marketing Degree at WWU

    Those skills can be a powerful combination in today's job market. Since the field of marketing is moving fast, keeping up with current marketing trends is incredibly beneficial to those early in their career. The overall employment of those looking to become marketing managers is projected to grow 6 percent from 2019 to 2029.

  9. College of Business and Economics

    MKTG 475 - Brand Management. MKTG 476 - Digital Marketing. MKTG 478 - Strategic Social Media Marketing. MKTG 480 - Marketing Internship. MKTG 481 - Marketing Analytics. MKTG 482 - Personal Selling and Sales Management. MKTG 483 - Integrated Marketing Communications. MKTG 484 - Retailing. MKTG 486 - International Marketing Management.

  10. Dissertations & Theses: Resources & Tips

    This guide will help you locate dissertations and theses from Western Washington University and beyond. About Dissertations & Theses; Published at WWU; ... Writing the qualitative dissertation: understanding by doing. Call Number: Wilson 4E -Books LB2369 .M38 2002. Guide to writing empirical papers, theses, and dissertations ...

  11. Graduate Thesis Instructions

    [email protected]. Master's Thesis are now published through the CEDAR program.Follow instructions provided by the WWU Graduate School's website.You are still required to have at least 1 hard-bound copy of your thesis printed/bound for the Wilson Library. This is in addition to the electronic publishing via CEDAR.

  12. Western Washington University Bachelor's in Marketing/Marketing

    Marketing/Marketing Management, General is a concentration offered under the marketing major at Western Washington University. Here, you'll find out more about the major bachelor's degree program in marketing management, including such details as the number of graduates, diversity of students, and more.

  13. Marketing for AIDS prevention: What gay men's autobiographical life

    Cost of HIV/AIDS to Australian society is high and increasing. The need; increase adherence to behaviours that prevent transmission of the HIV virus to gay men, the most at-risk population. Sixteen gay men from the Melbourne gay milieu provided their autobiographical life histories. Analysis identified how they initially form and then maintain their attitudes towards preventative behaviours ...

  14. Marketing

    Search the full text of guides - automatically filtered by subject! Guide Search Terms Search. Help for Research and Writing

  15. WWU Marketing Blog

    Welcome to the WWU Marketing Blog! The mission of the marketing program is to provide education in marketing by enabling undergraduates and MBAs to become critical thinkers and gain the ability to manage firms and organizations in the public interest and in a global context. We originate research and serve our college, university, and society ...

  16. Assistant Professor Boya Xu wins American Statistical Association (ASA

    We are proud to announce that our Virginia Tech Assistant Professor of Marketing, Boya Xu, has been awarded this year's American Statistical Association (ASA) Doctoral Dissertation Research Award for her paper, "A Scalable Recommendation Engine for New Users and Items.

  17. Marketing education: investigating the skills and tasks essential for

    The study identifies key skills as well as highlighting a number of areas where the curriculums of post-graduate marketing programs are perceived to be inadequate. The results found a wide range of skills were perceived to be important for career establishment, but the key skills were people management.

  18. Senior Thesis Instructions

    Environmental Studies 539, MS9079. (360) 650-3520. [email protected]. The College of the Environment now requires that all Senior THESIS be submitted in a digital (PDF) format. Completed reports are available through WWU Library's Western CEDAR along with the College of the Environment student Internship and Senior Project Reports (accessible to ...

  19. Published at Other Universities

    Dissertation Abstracts, later becoming Dissertation Abstracts International, indexes dissertations published from 1938-2000. Each volume gives citations and abstracts (summaries) of dissertations published that year. These volumes are located with the periodicals in Wilson 1 East and on Microfilm in Wilson 2 West, with the call number LB2391.U5 ...

  20. Theses and Seminar Papers

    Theses. This course will provide you with information about current research areas at the MCM and indicates the procedures that have to be followed if you want to write your bachelor or master thesis at the MCM. At the beginning of each semester, the MCM professors hold a joint session in which they give the opportunity to discuss current ...

  21. WWU Marketing Program Brand Toolkit

    To easily obtain any of the logos associated with the WWU Marketing Program, simply follow these straightforward steps: Hover your mouse over the desired logo image. ... Western Washington University's main campus is situated on the ancestral homelands of the Coast Salish Peoples, who have lived in the Salish Sea basin, all throughout the San ...

  22. PhD Dissertation Defense, Dan XIE, Marketing

    My dissertation investigates three levels of factors that influence consumers' sensitivity to social influence: individual factors (consumer signaling preference), organizational characteristics (company size, an exosystem factor), and social factors (residential mobility and economic inequality, both macrosystem factors).