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How to write a motivation letter

Paul Drury

Compile a list of motives

Choose the correct letter greeting, how to start a motivation letter, write a motivation letter introduction, craft an emotional story for the middle part of the letter, how do you end a motivational letter, write the motivation letter in your voice, mirror the values of the organization, talk about achievements when context is required, paint a picture of the future as well as your past, proofread the motivational letter, motivation letter for university, motivation letter for scholarship, motivation letter for internship.

Writing a motivation letter to a university, scholarship committee or charitable organization that accompanies your resume and outlines exactly why you want to be there will be far more powerful than a letter which focuses on your (sometimes less relevant) practical experiences. They will be included in your resume, in any case.

It is important to note that a motivation letter is not a cover letter.

Cover letters are used to accompany a resume during a job application and often delve deep into an applicant’s career experience. Previous work experience is less important when applying for university, a scholarship or an intern role, so your “why” has to shine through that little bit more in a motivation letter.

So, how do I write a motivational letter for a job, internship or educational opportunity? This guide will look at the following questions allowing you to write a great motivation letter:

What is a motivation letter?

  • Is it the same as a cover letter?
  • How to structure a motivational letter

Writing tips for a motivation letter

  • Example of a motivational letter for university
  • Sample of a motivation letter for scholarship
  • Example of a motivational letter for internship

In the case of a university, scholarship or internship application, there will be countless others with similar qualifications. Explaining your motives in a compelling and memorable motivation letter will move your application to the top of the pile. Our guide and motivation letter examples will show the way. Sometimes motivations are more important than educational qualifications - those long nights writing dissertations will need plenty of determination.

Impact vs. intent in the modern job search

So much job search literature advises exploring how the impact of your past actions can inform a potential employer about your future potential. Intent and motivations are often left behind in a hard-hitting achievements-led career narrative. I have done this once, and I can do it again. Undeniable impact, but the “why” often gets forgotten. 

When starting a new university / scholarship / volunteering chapter, your past impact is less important as your future often brings an entirely new experience. What really matters here is your motivation and intent to make the most of the opportunity. 

A motivation letter is a one-page personal pitch of 200-400 words that documents your background, skills and motivations for a course of study at university or college, a scholarship application, internship opportunity or volunteering proposal.

Is a motivation letter the same as a cover letter? No, they are different. A motivation letter is used in specific circumstances to accompany an experience-led resume, and unlike a cover letter (which is used for paid employment) the motivation letter offers more of a glimpse into the motivation of an applicant. The motivation letter answers the question of why you want this opportunity and how you can fit in, collaborate, grow and contribute.

Educational institutions and charitable organizations require only the most dedicated students and volunteers, so it is critical to convey the depths of this personal dimension and make a connection on an emotional level. Show how your journey has led to this moment - hints of motivation should be sprinkled along the way.

When do you write a motivation letter?

Motivational letters are usually divided into types based on what organization you’re sending it to:

  • Motivation letter for university or other educational institutions
  • Motivation letter for scholarship or other related financial support
  • Motivation letter for internship in a corporate or charitable setting
  • Motivation letter for volunteering in a non-paid and/or part-time capacity.

But what do you write in a motivational letter? How do you outline what drives you? How do you write about something with depth and conviction without resorting to empty phrases and cliches?

How to structure a motivation letter

While a motivation letter is different in purpose and application than a cover letter, they do have a similar structure, which contains:

  • A motivation letter header
  • The greeting / salutation
  • The motivation letter introduction
  • The middle part that conveys the story, reasoning and motivation
  • Motivation letter closing (with a call-to-action).

Like any piece of persuasive writing, a motivation letter should hook the reader with a compelling introduction, contain emotionally impactful examples in the body of the text and finish with a sense that there is so much more to tell. The goal of a motivation letter is to secure a face-to-face chat during an interview, so don't give too much boring detail. Tantalize the hiring manager with conversation starters without finishing the stories.

Requesting a scholarship or internship interview in the concluding call-to-action of the motivation letter will not seem presumptuous if it is structured in such a way. An interview is part of the scholarship process and it would be remiss not to mention just how much you want to opportunity to discuss your candidature further.

So, how do I write a short motivational letter?

How to make a motivation letter using Resume.io?

Since the motivation letter and cover letter have basically the same structure, you can use Resume.io’s letter builder to make both types of documents.  The builder makes the process easy and quick by:

  • Providing ready-to-go templates for your letter
  • Helping you with structure and info placement
  • Writing suggestions to prevent writer’s block
  • A spell-check function to avoid embarrassing typos.

Save yourself time and stress. All of the advice we provide here has been taken into account when developing our powerful online letter builder!

Firstly, you have to get all those complex emotions in your mind onto paper. 

Before you begin the process of constructing compelling arguments for the specific opportunity at hand, it helps to work out exactly what you want to get out of your next move. Some of your motivations may not fit with the specifics of what is on offer, so an initial brainstorming session will help to flesh out your story. 

Write down an exhaustive list of what you want from the scholarship / university place or volunteering role. Nothing is off limits, so take yourself to the most mentally creative place possible and just let go. This is a huge next step in your life, so what are the motivations that will keep you going when you have an impossible deadline or seemingly unachievable funding goal?

This list of personal motives will likely be bigger than you think, and many will form the core of your motivation letter.

The motivation letter greeting takes up the smallest amount of text compared to other elements but it’s still vitally important. While in most cases, you really can’t go wrong with the traditional “Dear Mr. / Ms. / Mrs.”, you should always remember two important rules:

  • Choose the correct tone and level of formality (depending on the recipient organization)
  • Always address the recipient by name if at all possible.

The name of the game here is research. Motivation letters can be sent to a variety of organizations so the tone can be very different. If you’re sending a motivational letter to a university / college, the tone is likely going to be more formal with the traditional greeting, use of the recipient’s last name and even his or her job title. However, in some less formal organizations such as volunteer initiatives or for internship positions in forward thinking companies, there may be more freedom for using first names or phrases like “Greetings, Tom!”. The signal for such informal salutations has to come from the recipient however (in the internship listing for example). If in doubt - err on the side of caution.

Research via google, company website or social media will also help with addressing the recipient by name. “To whom it may concern” became stale about half a century ago. Make sure to address the correct person and establish a personal connection. This can often be the difference between success and failure.

Before you sit down to start writing the motivation letter, it is vital to consider exactly how you want the reader to feel as they read it. Your motivation when considering how to start a motivation letter should be clear from the first lines, hitting them like a sledgehammer right between the eyes. This isn't a winding journey of discovery - you know what you want and it is their job that will complete your career contentment. Leave them in no doubt as to why you want to work with them.

The start of a motivation letter also needs to focus on their needs as well as your needs. How can those first few lines set the scene from their perspective and position your motivations as their rocket fuel? If they see that you are on the same page, they will warm to your somewhat lofty hopes.

After you have included your contact details in the header of the motivation letter, and addressed the letter to the correct person, the introductory paragraph is your first opportunity to grab a reader’s attention.

Put yourself in the place of the educational institution or organization. How do they want people to feel when they come to study or work? What opening gambit can you come up with that will set you apart from the other applicants? 

Show them just how they can become a deeply meaningful part of your journey.

The body of the motivation letter gives you the chance to outline exactly how your motivations fit the opportunity that is on offer. 

If you are applying for a PhD programme, go deep into why you are passionate about your subject. If you are seeking a volunteer position, don’t spare the details about why you follow the cause. If you are looking for a scholarship, go beyond your academic record to explain how your education will contribute to your future.

The nature of a free-form motivation letter offers the opportunity to influence a reader in an entirely different way to a resume. A resume appeals to their logical left brain and makes them think: “yes, that makes sense.” A motivation letter appeals to their emotionally-charged right brain, making them think: “do you know what? I feel you.”

The words that you choose for the body of your motivation letter will frame the emotional narrative of your interview. Be true to yourself and the right kinds of opportunities will be sure to come your way. You will struggle if you try to be someone else. Hiring managers can sense fake candidates. A fantastic motivation letter may get you an interview, but you will fall flat if the letter is not true to who you are. If you get the position as a result of exaggerations in the motivation letter and interview, you may not enjoy it much.

Lastly, ensure that your motives fit with the ethos and goals of the school or organization that you are applying for. Even the most emotionally appealing story loses impact if you do not come across as “one of us.”

The end sentences of your motivational letter should culminate in a crescendo of enthusiasm rather than an apologetic “what do you think?”

The depths of your motivation run far deeper than these few brief words could possibly describe, and the call-to-action of an interview request is not so much a job search formality rather than a plea to make your case further.

The conclusion of a motivation cover letter is one last chance to sell your attitude, so avoid repeating yourself. When there is so much more than meets the eye, any repetition can make you seem somewhat one-dimensional. Leave one last powerful story for the final sentence and leave the reader wanting to know more.

Having said this, ask for the interview in hope rather than anticipation. You cannot possibly know the hiring manager’s mind and no matter how impressive your motivations, you should never presume that you are the perfect fit.

5 ingredients of a great motivational letter:

  • You fit their academic (and other) requirements.
  • You share the values of their organization.
  • It is clear why you want to be involved.
  • The move would be a natural progression of your journey.
  • You reach the reader on an emotional level.

A motivation letter is a carefully crafted piece of persuasion, and while our cover letter templates provide the perfect backdrop for your story, the content is nonetheless critical. Let’s explore a few writings tips that you may wish to consider:

  • Write the motivational letter in your voice
  • Paint a picture of your future as well as your past
  • Proofread and edit your motivational letter

What is the motivation for applying for a job and how do I write a perfect motivation letter? Fitting your story around the following ideas might help.

Imagine that you are sitting in front of the scholarship committee or head of volunteering and you have three minutes to make your case.

What would you choose to say? What words would come naturally to describe that about which you are most passionate? 

A motivation letter that speaks directly to the reader in your voice will be far more effective than one written in stilted and formal language.

Motivation is meaningless to an educational establishment or volunteering organization unless it tallies with their values. They want a body of like-minded students or passionate volunteers who will pull together to accomplish their goals together. 

We have all been in study groups with a disruptive student or worked with people in a team who are simply dancing to their own tune. Research the values and mission of the school or organization that you are joining and make sure that your motivation letter hits the right notes.

While your resume will do the heavy lifting in terms of your (sometimes basic) career achievements, there is still a place to sprinkle some achievements into your motivation letter to offer some context.

You need to anchor your motivations to some quantifiable aspects of your life so that your motivation letter does not seem like wishful thinking. The examples don’t have to be directly related to your future activity, but they do need to be relevant to the motivations that you wish to illustrate.

Like any good story, a motivational letter should immerse the reader with a sense what you want to achieve and the scale of your ambition. A motivational letter that is dull and uninspiring will not persuade anyone to give you that university space or volunteering role. 

Show how your past can connect to your future through the opportunity that is on offer. University, scholarships and volunteering roles are all stepping stones to something more. Without the picture of what comes afterwards, there is a missing piece in the puzzle of why you should be the successful applicant.

While your arguments might be persuasive, the slightest grammatical or formatting error can easily derail someone’s engagement with your story. Mistakes may make the letter feel rushed or not properly thought through. Check it carefully for mistakes - you can't afford to seem careless with your dreams.

Attention to detail is key in most academic and voluntary positions, so take the time to proofread your writing. Even better, get someone who knows you well to read it through. Their comments about the content may prove invaluable.

Explore the essence of your “why” in your motivation letter.

Motivation letters contain the notes of individuality and passion that the formal limitations of a resume fail to deliver. Great motivation letters distil the essence of a candidate’s “why,” allowing them to speak directly and from the heart.

Motivation letter examples

As indicated above, there are three main situations where a motivation letter is commonly used: applications for university, a scholarship or an internship. Volunteering is also common, but as volunteers often have more experience, a volunteering letter is often more like a cover letter (and as already noted, you can use our letter builder .

Here are three motivation letter examples:

What is a motivation letter for university? Here are some things to consider:

  • How do you show the personality that you will bring to class?
  • Why did you choose to do a PhD or degree course?
  • How do you demonstrate a depth of interest in your subject?

Here is a motivation letter example for university that would make any faculty professor curious:

Motivation letter for university

Some key questions arise when writing a motivation letter for scholarship: 

  • How do you start a scholarship letter?
  • Why do I deserve this scholarship?
  • How will my academic qualifications impact my future?

Here is a motivation letter example for scholarship that would compel any scholarship committee to give you a standing ovation:

Motivation letter for scholarship

Securing an internship is competitive – here’s how you rise to the top of the pile using an internship motivation letter:

  • What value can you bring for your internship?
  • What do you want to learn from your internship?
  • How can you benefit those around you as an intern?

Here is a motivation letter example for internship that would send a company owner's heart racing at the though of having you help out on their team:

Motivation letter for internship

  • Elaborate on what the opportunity means
  • Compose a thoughtfully excited letter
  • Focus on where your "why" meets their mission
  • Be yourself - because everyone else is taken
  • Talk about your limited work experience
  • Write an apologetic begging letter
  • Waffle about irrelevant considerations
  • Put on an act - and definitely never lie

Key Takeaways

Whether you are writing for an internship, university place or scholarship, don't get hooked up on your lack of experience. It is the drive and determination of your personality that will see you through, so don't be scared to simply lead with what this opportunity means for you and your future.

  • Motivations cannot be faked when you meet someone - be genuine in the letter.
  • Only share motivations that are directly relevant to the position in question.
  • Back up your dreams with evidence that you have what it takes to get there.

Get out there and write an impactful motivation letter that serves as a gateway to your dreams.

Cover Letter Spacing: Guidelines and Examples


5 Inspiring Examples: Writing a Motivation Letter (Key Elements)

By Status.net Editorial Team on January 12, 2024 — 10 minutes to read

Crafting a compelling motivation letter can be the deciding factor in whether you land your dream job, secure a place at a prestigious university, or win a competitive scholarship. A motivation letter goes beyond a simple cover letter or personal statement; it’s an opportunity to convey your unique story, professional aspirations, and the driving forces behind your career or academic pursuits.

In this article, we will explore the key elements that make a motivation letter stand out from the crowd. We’ll provide practical tips on how to articulate your goals, showcase your achievements, and demonstrate your passion in a way that resonates with decision-makers. We will share examples to guide and inspire you as you write a motivation letter that leaves a lasting impression.

Structuring Your Motivation Letter

Opening: crafting a compelling introduction.

Start your motivation letter with a catchy opening line. Connecting to the reader on a personal level is key to grabbing their attention. For example, you could mention a shared experience, or your journey towards deciding to apply for the position or course you’re interested in.

In the first paragraph, make sure to briefly introduce yourself and explain your reason for applying. It’s important to also mention how you heard about the opportunity. Keep it concise and focus on setting the tone for the rest of the letter.

Body: Highlighting Your Qualifications

After introducing yourself, it’s time to provide the reader with a clear view of your qualifications and achievements. Use bullet points to organize your information in an easy-to-digest format. Focus on:

  • Relevant education or training
  • Skills and experiences that match the requirements
  • Accomplishments that demonstrate your abilities

For each point, provide a brief example to illustrate how you meet the criteria. Remember to keep it focused on the opportunity you’re applying for, and avoid including unrelated qualifications.

  • Bachelor’s degree in Marketing from (…) University
  • Two years of experience in content creation and social media management
  • Increased engagement rates by 15% during my tenure at (…) Company

Closing: Ending with a Strong Conclusion

In the final section of your motivation letter, sum up why you think you’re the right candidate for the opportunity. Emphasize your enthusiasm and drive to succeed in the position or program.

Finally, express your gratitude for being considered and provide contact information where you can be reached. Remember to stay confident but polite, and remind the reader that you’re looking forward to discussing your qualifications further with them.

An example of a closing could look like:

Thank you for considering my application. I believe that my skills and experiences make me an excellent fit for this opportunity, and I am eager to contribute to your team’s success. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my qualifications further. Please feel free to reach me at (your email) or (your phone number).

Personalizing Your Letter

Reflecting your personality.

When writing your motivation letter, it’s essential to show who you are, rather than just tell . Start by thinking about your strengths, skills, and personal traits that make you unique. Consider what aspects of your personality fit well with the institution or company’s values. For example, if the company values teamwork and you have a history of working well in team settings, you should emphasize this in your letter.

To help with personalization:

  • List down three key traits that represent you.
  • For each trait, write down a specific example of how you have demonstrated this quality.
  • Connect the examples to the position or opportunity you are applying for.

Connecting with the Institution or Company

To create a personal connection, research the institution or company thoroughly. Familiarize yourself with their mission, values, and projects or programs. When writing your motivation letter, be sure to weave in details that show you have taken the time to truly understand the institution’s or company’s goals.

  • If you’re applying for an internship at a sustainability-focused company, you can mention how your passion for the environment aligns with the company’s mission.
  • If you’re applying for a university program, you can include your genuine interest in the program’s unique offerings, such as their lab facilities or specific courses.

To connect with the institution or company:

  • Research their mission, values, and notable projects or programs.
  • Identify aspects that align with your skills, interests, or values.
  • Incorporate these connections into your motivation letter, explaining why they resonate with you.

Key Elements to Include

Relevance to the position or course.

In your motivation letter, always highlight how your background, skills, and experiences are relevant to the position or course you’re applying for. For example, if you’re applying for a management position, you can emphasize your previous leadership roles and your ability to lead teams to success.

  • Use bullet points to list your relevant skills and experiences
  • Mention any specific courses or certifications you have that relate to the position

Specific Achievements and Experiences

Showcase your specific achievements and experiences that make you stand out from other candidates. Use concrete examples to demonstrate your abilities, such as:

  • Successfully completed a project on time and within budget, leading a team of five members
  • Increased sales by 15% over a six-month period, as a sales representative at (…) Company

(Don’t forget to include any awards or recognition you’ve received: they reinforce your credibility and capabilities.)

Future Goals and Aspirations

Lastly, discuss your future goals and aspirations as they relate to the position or course you’re applying for. This shows that you have a clear vision of where you want to be, and how this opportunity aligns with your long-term plans. For example, you could say something like:

  • “I hope to contribute to the company’s success by implementing new strategies and ideas, eventually progressing into a senior leadership role.”

Revising and Refining

Proofreading for errors.

In this stage of developing your motivation letter, you need to focus on the accuracy and clarity of your language. Mistakes in grammar, punctuation, and spelling can leave a negative impression on the reader. Take your time to read through your letter multiple times, checking for any errors and correcting them. Consider using the following strategies:

  • Read Out Loud : Reading your letter out loud will help you catch awkward phrasings, repetitions, or sentence structures that may not be apparent when reading silently. It might also make it easier to spot grammatical errors.
  • Use Spell Check : Take advantage of your word processor’s spell check feature to catch common spelling mistakes. Be cautious, though, as it might not catch context-specific errors or homophones (e.g., there/their/they’re).
  • Check Punctuation : Accurate punctuation contributes to the clarity and professionalism of your letter. Make sure you’ve used commas, colons, and semicolons correctly, as well as proper capitalization.

Asking for Feedback

Another important aspect of revising your motivation letter is seeking feedback from others. A fresh pair of eyes can help you identify areas that need improvement, point out errors you may have missed, and provide helpful suggestions for strengthening your content. Consider the following steps when asking for feedback:

  • Choose the Right Person : Seek input from someone who knows about the opportunity you’re applying for, or who has good writing and editing skills. This could include a mentor, teacher, friend, or family member.
  • Provide Context : Briefly explain the purpose of the motivation letter, your goals, and any specific instructions or requirements you need to adhere to as you are writing.
  • Request Specific Feedback : Ask your reviewer to focus on content, clarity, and tone, as well as grammar and punctuation. Encourage them to point out any confusing sections or suggestions for improvement.
  • Revise Based on Feedback : After receiving feedback, carefully review the suggestions and revise your motivation letter accordingly. Remember, you don’t have to implement every suggestion, but consider each one as it applies to your specific situation.

Sample Motivation Letters

Academic applications.

When applying for academic programs, it’s essential to highlight your passion for the subject, your academic achievements, and your dedication to pursuing further studies.

Dear Admissions Committee,

I am excited to apply for the Master’s program in Environmental Science at [University Name]. As a highly motivated individual, I have always been passionate about environmental preservation and sustainable practices. During my Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies at [College Name], I maintained a 3.8 GPA and actively participated in multiple eco-friendly activities and volunteering projects.

I am confident that my background and enthusiasm make me a great fit for this Master’s program. Thank you for considering my application.

Sincerely, [Name]

Example of a motivational statement for educational purposes

Subject: Motivation Letter for the Master’s Program in Environmental Sciences

Dear [Admissions Committee],

I am writing to express my strong interest in the Environmental Sciences Master’s program at [University Name]. My passion for environmental conservation, along with my undergraduate studies in biology, has driven me to pursue a path that combines academic research and practical application in the field.

During my time at [Previous College], I completed an honors thesis on the impact of climate change on marine ecosystems. This experience fueled my desire to delve further into this field and contribute to finding sustainable solutions. By joining the Master’s program at [University Name], I hope to gain advanced knowledge in environmental science and learn from renowned experts in the field.

I am confident that the Master’s program in Environmental Sciences at [University Name] will provide me with the necessary skills and resources to make a meaningful impact in the field. I look forward to joining your esteemed community of scholars.

[Your Name]

Job applications

For job applications, focus on your skills, qualifications, and motivation for joining the specific company.

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the Marketing Manager position at [Company Name]. With over five years of experience in the marketing field and a proven track record of success, I believe I can contribute significantly to your team and help achieve the company’s goals.

I recently completed a marketing certification in digital marketing, which has equipped me with the knowledge to create effective online campaigns. I believe that combining my practical experience and newly acquired skills will allow me to bring fresh, innovative ideas to your marketing team.

Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the prospect of joining [Company Name] and eagerly anticipate the opportunity to discuss further.

Sincerely,   [Name]

Example of a compelling motivation letter for a job

Subject: Motivation Letter for the Marketing Coordinator Position

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am excited to apply for the Marketing Coordinator role at [Company Name]. As a passionate marketing professional with 3 years of experience in the field, I believe my skills and experience would make a valuable addition to your team.

Throughout my career, I have demonstrated the ability to develop and execute successful marketing campaigns. In my previous role at [Previous Company Name], I increased social media engagement by 50% and assisted in coordinating successful events, bringing in over 200 attendees.

I am particularly drawn to [Company Name] because of its innovative approach to marketing and commitment to continuous improvement. I look forward to contributing my ideas and enthusiasm to help your team achieve even greater success.

Thank you for considering my application. I would be thrilled for the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further and am available for an interview at your earliest convenience.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Brief yet effective motivation letter for a job

Subject: Application for the Sales Manager Position

Dear [Hiring Manager],

I am eager to apply for the Sales Manager role at [Company Name], where I believe my proven track record in leading sales teams will make me a valuable asset.

In my previous role as a Sales Team Lead, I was able to achieve and surpass quarterly sales targets by an average of 20%. My ability to motivate my team and implement effective sales strategies would translate well into the Sales Manager position at [Company Name].

I am excited about the opportunity to bring my skills and experience to [Company Name] and look forward to discussing my qualifications further.

Best regards,

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the essential components to include in a motivation letter.

In a motivation letter, it’s important to include the following components:

  • A concise introduction with a clear purpose statement
  • An explanation of your interest in the role or program
  • Your relevant qualifications, skills, and experiences
  • Examples of how you can contribute or make an impact
  • A polite closing with a call to action or thank-you statement

How should a motivation letter be structured for maximum impact?

For a well-structured motivation letter, follow these guidelines:

  • Start with a specific and concise statement of your purpose
  • Use short paragraphs to maintain readability
  • Organize your content logically, covering interest, qualifications, examples, and conclusion
  • Use topic sentences to guide the reader and transition smoothly between paragraphs
  • End with a polite closing and clear call to action.
  • 5 Key Parts of an Effective Cover Letter (with Examples)
  • 7 Parts of a Business Letter (Components with Examples)
  • Summary of Qualifications: 50 Powerful Action Verbs & 2 Examples
  • 9 Examples: A Perfect Letter of Introduction
  • 3 Examples: How to Write an Effective Application Letter
  • Resume vs. Cover Letter (Thoughtful Tips)
  • Create Resume
  • Resume templates
  • CV templates
  • Resume Writing Service
  • How to Write a Motivation Letter in 2024: Full Guide, Tips & Template
  • Resume writing /

A perfectly written resume is enhanced with an articulate and personalized motivation letter. While some call this document a cover letter, its true intent is indeed to motivate the recipient into the action of contacting you for a job interview. This makes it different from a cover letter.

While a well-written letter of motivation can positively impact your job-seeking opportunities, a poorly written one can instantly disqualify you from candidacy. In the information below, we're going to teach you how to write a motivational letter. Our team of professional writers has drafted a motivation letter example for a job application for you to review.

So – if you're curious to discover what is a motivational letter and how to write them correctly, this article will serve as your guide. Let's get started.

What is a Motivational Letter?

There are many ways of articulating your qualifications for a job in your resume and in person. However, many professional positions and continuing education admissions are improved when the candidate submits a motivational letter.

The motivational letter is a single-page document drafted to serve as a closing argument or your opportunity to prove why you are the best candidate for a specific position. It's often submitted in conjunction with an application and/or resume. However, some situations will require an application letter to be submitted.

  • Most letters of this sort are submitted to decision-makers vs. recruiters and support the following situations.
  • You are applying for admission to a higher education program (including bachelor’s, master’s degree, graduate, and postgraduate).
  • You are applying to work for a company serving in a leadership role.
  • You are applying to work as a volunteer or intern for a non-profit, company, or other organization.

Why Motivation Letter Matters for Your Application

Here is an interesting question that many job or educational candidates ponder. What is the intent of the resume and cover letter? It's often assumed that these two documents are submitted as a requirement typically tossed out by the employer. And in some cases, they would be correct.

Suppose the information on your application does not improve their interest. In that case, a generic resume and cover letter without any supporting evidence or enhancements to your application will be useless.

On the other hand, the best motivational letter can be the game-changer you need to nudge your candidacy or college application by receiving that critical interview. Some of the key benefits of writing a motivational letter include:

  • Helps You Stand Out: When your motivational letter is personalized, passionate, and convincing, it displays dedication, enthusiasm, attention to detail, and your personality.
  • Improves The Decision-Making Process: When you are among a smaller pool of final candidates, the individual with a convincing motivational letter may head to the top of the list.
  • Teaches You How to Communicate Effectively: Leaders in all industries are those who can clearly articulate their vision and direction. Learning to write a convincing motivation letter for a job or entrance to college provides an invaluable experience you'll use throughout your career.

What to Include in Your Letter of Motivation?

A solid motivation letter is accomplished through organization, format, and using the appropriate language. While choosing the right descriptive and convincing words to use in any letter is a challenge for most, one item that anyone can accomplish is ensuring all required elements are included.

Your primary goal is to capture the reader’s attention while explaining why you’re the perfect candidate. As such, a successful motivation letter will include five sections.

The Greeting : Attention to detail is a vital skill that can make or break your application. As the letter of motivation is a personalized and convincing cover letter, you should always know the company name or title of your recipient. The generic Dear Sir/Madam should be used in a cover letter – not a motivational one.

*Tip – if you don't know the recipient's name, address their job titles, such as Dear Admissions Director or Dear Hiring Manager.

Introduction:  This will be the first paragraph of your letter – and the best shot you have at capturing their attention. In the introduction, your primary goal is to introduce your candidacy, some of your key attributes, and what you will accomplish in the body of the letter. Consider this your opening argument if you were a lawyer in a courtroom.

Body:  This section allows you to sell the sizzle, not the steak. The body paragraph or multiple paragraphs is your chance to highlight your key work experience, accomplishments, skills, and interpersonal abilities that separate you from other candidates.

While you want to sound knowledgeable, confident, and able to eclipse any hurdle, you also have an excellent opportunity to showcase humility. In the body, be transparent about some of the common hurdles you may encounter – and how your skills and experience prepare you to accomplish career goals.

Closing:  This is your chance to seal the deal. In the final paragraph, reinforce your desire to retain the position you're applying for – mentioning it by name and specifically with the organization you are contacting. Express your gratitude for having the opportunity to apply, and finally, close it with a powerful and confident statement, such as "I look forward to working with you soon."

Signature:  Keep this simple – but it's always great to end a motivational letter with a potent closure. Most people will use the common phrase Sincerely Yours. While this will' work' – try to stand out by using the closing phrase, Kindest Regards – followed by your full legal name.

How to Write a Motivation Letter in 5 Simple Steps: Full 2024 Motivational Letter Guide

Like a strong resume, a good motivation letter takes time to craft. However, by following a proven process, you can mitigate several common mistakes found in most cover or motivational letters of interest.

Noted below is our five-step process that will save you time, ensure quality, and allow you to drive your message home. For purposes of demonstrations, we're going to assume that this candidate is writing these motivational or cover letter samples.

Step #1 – Create an Outline 

The best way to ensure all your essential items are included in your letter is to create an outline first. The outline should be formatted by section or broken down into a few primary sections. Here is what we'd recommend for an outline structure for a motivational letter.

Introduction:  In this section, list the key items you want to address, including the name of the position you're looking to retain, the name of the organization or company you're applying to, and a long-term goal that you hope to obtain after being accepted.

Body:  The body of your letter should be three distinct paragraphs. As such, we recommend creating three bullet points to help structure the flow of your letter. Here are a few points we think you should address in a motivational letter.

  • The education or job experience you've completed to help prepare you for this application.
  • What skills do you have that will permit you to succeed in this position.
  • The hard work, life lessons, or interpersonal skills allow you to excel in this industry or combat any objectives.

Conclusion:  The final section of the outline is the conclusion. For the outline, make sure to include the following.

  • Thank them for the opportunity to apply for the position (by name).
  • Final point as to why you want this position.
  • Remind them to contact you with any questions.

Step #2 – Create the Introduction Section

Once you have an outline and you've structured it in such a way to make the letter flow and tell a story from start to finish, it's time to start writing the letter. We'd recommend starting at the top. Take the information or bullet points you've mentioned in the outline, and simply write them in order. Don't focus too hard on picking the perfect words.

Step #3 – Create Each Paragraph of The Body and Conclusion 

After you have a rough introduction draft:

  • Continue with the body of the letter.
  • Again, use those specifics in the bullet points, and write them in an order that helps elevate the story.
  • Complete this for each of the three paragraphs in the body of your letter.
  • When you've finished the body, do the same with the conclusion.

By the end of this step, you should have a solid rough draft.

Step #4 – Start to Edit the Entire Document

Editing is not as complex as most assume. The key to editing any written piece of content is first defining the audience. What do they want to read, and how do they want those words structured? One way to start the editing process is to double-check to see if there are any required formatting elements that candidates for your position are supposed to follow.

Some organizations, especially professional educators and scholarships, often have a recommended template they want candidates to follow. Other businesses are open to creativity.

For example, suppose you're writing a letter to a hiring manager who was forwarded your resume and application by an assistant who perhaps pre-qualified you as a good candidate. In that case, you can assume they want to know why you're the best among others. This same concept applies to applying for college entrance or a scholarship.

The second step of editing is choosing the right action verbs and adjectives. An excellent resource for this is a thesaurus. If your initial edit includes multiple versions of the same word, use the thesaurus to select a different word that may amplify the point. A great tool that will help you with this is Grammarly.com . The tool will recommend more powerful replacement words if you upgrade to their premium membership.

Finally, once you've proofread your entire letter, are satisfied with its flow structure, and believe it proves a point, edit the complete document through Grammarly. Read the entire letter aloud multiple times – or have the word document read it.

Step 5 – Use a Cover Letter Template to Format the Document

The final step is to ensure that the letter is properly formatted. You can review samples and replicate them with standard word documents, but this is often more challenging than using a professional template.

When your letter is 100% ready to go, use the cover letter template and paste the information into the recommended sections. If you submit your resume along with this motivational letter, choose a template that matches the resume for the letter. This type of attention to detail showcases professionalism.

Motivation Letter vs. Personal Statement: What's the Difference?

A personal statement is essentially an introduction to yourself, skills, education, and interpersonal traits. A motivation latter takes those basics and explains how they are used to receive the position you're applying for and how that opportunity will elevate your career.

A motivation letter is very much recommended for candidates who are looking to enter a college or a specific program, such as an internship, graduate program, or entry-level leadership position. Your letter aims to explain how you'll use this entry position to elevate your career.

Motivation letter vs. cover letter: What's the difference?

It's easy to confuse this document with a standard cover letter. However, while the structure and format are essentially the same, the intent and content within are different in several ways.

  • A cover letter is a simple introduction to your candidacy.
  • A motivational letter makes an argument and introduces the resume as supporting evidence to prove your point.
  • A cover letter is written with a matter-of-fact tone – while a motivational letter infuses passion, confidence, and a call to action.

3 Extra Tips for a Successful Letter of Motivation to Keep in Mind

Writing a motivational letter is challenging, even for a professional writer. However, by following the tips above, we firmly believe you'll have a better chance of creating an engaging and convincing document.

With that said, here are three extra tips to consider.

Tip #1 – Research Your Audience

Suppose you're going to stand out among the competition. In that case, you need to complete the due diligence to understand some facts about your intended audience. Find out who the decision-maker is and personalize the letter to them directly.

Tip #2 – Never Send a Generic Motivational Letter

This type of letter MUST be personalized for specific applications. Even if you're applying for the same position at multiple locations, take time to personalize some sections of the letter, such as contact information, details about their business, and why you'll fit in with their culture.

Tip #3 – Don't Be Afraid to Seek Help

When you're in the position to submit a motivational letter, it might be an excellent investment to have a professional writer help you with picking the proper phrasing, words, and structure. A professional resume writer and motivational letter writer can also infuse keywords, action verbs, and convincing descriptive terms.

Motivation Letter Template

A motivation letter template makes it easy to format the document professionally and quickly. We've created a downloadable and edible template that you can simply copy and paste your edited content into – to streamline the process of creating an engaging letter.

Insert Downloadable Editable Template

Need Help with Your Motivation Letter? Contact Us!

The team at CVMaker.com is staffed by experts in human resources with years of experience in reviewing and writing resumes, cover letters, and motivational content. Contact us today if you have read the article above and believe it makes sense to have a professional writer help create an engaging and convincing motivational letter. We'd be happy to help.

Final points on writing a motivation statement

As you're preparing to apply for scholarships, entrance into college, or that perfect internship and job, having an engaging and captivating letter of interest is a must-have – especially among a talented pool of other candidates.

  • Always remember these necessary steps for writing a motivation statement or letter.
  • Define your target audience. Make sure you know who will be reading your letter and write it to them.
  • Create an outline to structure your letter into five paragraphs.
  • Make sure to use the same font throughout the letter.
  • Write the letter on plain white paper with black ink.
  • Run your letter through Grammarly.com to ensure it's 100% accurate.

If you follow these tips above, you'll be better prepared to write a powerful motivation letter to help you gain that important interview and hopefully land that scholarship, program entrance, or job.

How long should a motivation letter be for a job?

Best practices for writing motivation letters suggest that it should be a single page. It should include five paragraphs, with a dedicated introduction, three supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion. If possible, you should format it like a professional letter and address it to the intended audience by name or title. Finally, a motivation letter should always be customized for each recipient.

What should you not write in a motivational letter?

Several items should not be included in a motivational letter. For starters, keep personal information out of your motivational letters – such as stories about medical conditions, legal issues, or other potentially uncomfortable topics of discussion. You should also emit too many examples of the same supporting argument. Make sure to also keep the content professional and on topic.

How do I write a motivation letter for a university admissions?

A motivation letter for a University admission should be written in a similar five-paragraph format. However, it's a good idea to contact the admissions office to ask them if they have requirements for submitting cover letters, resumes, or supporting documentation. Reviewing previous examples of University admission letters is strongly recommended.

How do I write a motivation letter for a scholarship?

A scholarship is often rewarded to a candidate with the best criteria but also showcases a spirit that the scholarship is targeted to reward. For example, some scholarships are awarded to candidates who have faced personal struggles or certain personal hurdles. As such, always write a scholarship letter to address the qualifications they are seeking.

Is a motivation letter an essay?

No. An essay is typically a longer formatted article that provides the journalistic who, what, where, why, and what format to answer a question or formulate an opinion. A motivation letter is closer to a cover letter for a resume. It explains who you are, what you're applying for, and why you're the best candidate for that job or position.

Is a motivational letter formal or informal?

Both. A motivational letter should be written with a professional – yet conversational tone that showcases some of your interpersonal skills or ability to communicate effectively. It should be written to tell a story, so the article 'reads' well. Using highly complex words might seem 'stuffy.' However, the best advice we can offer here is to write the letter to fit the recipient's tone.

How to start a motivation letter?

A motivational letter should always begin with addressing the letter to the recipient. It should follow a professional letter writing format, where you list the recipient's name and title, address, and location. You should then introduce the letter through a personal notation, such as Dear Dr. Jones vs. the standard To Whom it May Concern.

How long should a Ph.D. motivation letter be?

A Ph.D. motivation letter should follow the required standards the admissions office recommends. In most cases, they will provide an example of what they're looking for from applicants. However, if the school does not provide this information, it's best to use the five-paragraph methodology.

How do I write a motivation letter for an internship with no experience?

A motivation letter or an internship should focus on your skills, abilities, and extra-curricular activities. It's always a great idea to follow a similar introduction, body, and conclusion format for writing any letter of interest where you are seeking an internship. This is applicable whether you have experience or not. For those with experience, expand the letter to four or five paragraphs vs. three.

How to write a motivation letter for Study Abroad?

As you're looking to write a motivation letter to attend a study abroad program, consider the following tips. First, why are you wanting to study in another country? Second, what qualities do you have that will permit you to learn from this experience. Third, what do you hope to gain by studying abroad? And finally, is there any personal reason for choosing this particular country?

How to write a motivation letter for volunteer work?

A volunteer position is sometimes rewarded to limited candidates who fit the mold, culture, and climate of the organization seeking Help. As such, it's always recommended to write the letter in a way that matches the organization's language, keywords, and phrases often used.

META: A motivation letter helps convince decision makers to reward you that job, college entrance, or scholarship interview. Learn how to write one here.

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11+ Best Novoresume Cover Letter Samples

Novoresume Cover Letter

cover letters are essential tools for job seekers. They provide an opportunity to introduce yourself to a potential employer and to sell your skills and qualifications. However, with so many different cover letter samples available, it can be difficult to know where to start. The following Novoresume cover letter samples are designed to help you get the most out of your application.

The Novoresume team has put together a collection of the best cover letter samples from around the web. These samples represent a range of styles and formats, and they can be customized to suit your needs. Whether you’re applying for your first job or looking to make a career change, these samples will help you stand out from the competition.

When you’re ready to start writing your own cover letter, be sure to check out Novoresume’s cover letter builder. This tool will help you create a professional-looking cover letter in minutes, without having to worry about format or layout. Best of all, it’s free to use! So what are you waiting for? Get started today and take your job search to the next level.

How To Write a Novoresume Cover Letter?

Now that you know the basics of how to write a novoresume cover letter, it’s time to get started on your own. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Start by introducing yourself and explaining why you’re interested in the position.
  • Next, highlight your skills and qualifications that make you ideal for the role.
  • Finally, wrap up your letter by expressing your interest in meeting with the hiring manager to discuss the role further.

Writing a novoresume cover letter doesn’t have to be difficult – just follow these simple tips and you’ll be on your way to impressing potential employers in no time!

Related: How To Write a Cover Letter (And Get Hired in 2022!)

Novoresume Cover Letter Examples

Cover Letter Novoresume

Dear hiring manager,

I am writing in regards to the open position for a Novoresume writer. Based on my research, I believe that I would be the perfect candidate for this job.

As a professional writer myself, I have a keen eye for detail and a knack for delivering quality content. In addition, I have experience crafting compelling resumes that capture the attention of employers. I am confident that I can provide the same level of excellence as a Novoresume writer.

If given the opportunity, I am certain that I would be a valuable asset to your team. I look forward to discussing my qualifications further with you in an interview. Thank you for your time and consideration.

(Your name)

Related: Generic Cover Letter: 09 Samples & Examples

Novoresume Cover Letter Examples

I am writing in regards to the open position for a writer on your team. Based on the job description, I believe that my skills and experience make me the perfect candidate for the role.

As a professional writer myself, I have a keen eye for detail and a knack for creating compelling content. My portfolio includes a variety of writing samples that showcase my ability to produce engaging, well-written content.

In addition to my writing skills, I also have experience managing projects from start to finish. This experience has taught me how to handle deadlines and work effectively under pressure.

Believe that I would be a valuable asset to your team. I am confident that I can deliver high-quality content that meets your standards. I am eager to put my skills to work and contribute to the success of your company.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Related: 145+ Creative Safety Officer Resume Objective ideas

Novoresume Cover Letter Sample

I am writing to apply for the open position of Novoresume writer. I saw your post on the job board and feel that my qualifications and experience make me the perfect candidate for the job.

As a professional writer with more than 10 years of experience, I have a keen eye for detail and a knack for creating well-written, engaging content. I have a proven track record of success in writing cover letters, resumes, and other marketing materials that have helped my clients secure interviews and job offers.

In addition to my writing skills, I am also an expert in using the Novoresume platform. I am confident that I can utilize all of the features of the platform to create high-quality, visually appealing resumes and cover letters that will help your clients stand out from the competition.

If given the opportunity, I am confident that I can exceed your expectations and become a valuable asset to your team. Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Related: 7+ Professional Event Planner Cover Letter Samples

Novoresume Cover Letter With No Experience

I am writing to apply for the open position of Novoresume Cover Letter With No Experience. Based on what I have read and seen, I believe that I would be a perfect fit for your team.

As someone with no prior experience in the field,

I am writing to apply for the position of ___________ at your company. I am a recent graduate of ___________ and I believe that I have the skills and qualifications that you are looking for in a candidate.

Although I do not have any professional experience in this field, I have gained valuable skills through my education and previous work experience that I believe will make me a successful candidate for this position. In particular, I have strong ___________ skills that I believe will be beneficial in this role.

I am eager to put my skills and qualifications to use in a professional setting and I believe that your company would be an excellent place for me to do so. I am excited to learn and grow in this role, and I am confident that I can be a valuable asset to your team.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Related: Cover Letter for Internship with no Experience: 09 Samples & Examples

5 Things To Include In a Novoresume Cover Letter

A greatcover lettercan be the difference between getting an interview and being filtered out at the start. While there is no one-size-fits-all template for a cover letter, there are certain elements that should always be included. Here are five things to make sure your cover letter has before hitting “send.”

  • A Hook: The first sentence of your cover letter should be eye-catching and give the reader a reason to want to keep reading. Try to tie your qualifications to the company’s needs or highlight an interesting accomplishment.
  • A Brief explanation of who you are: The second paragraph should be used to introduce yourself and explain why you are qualified for the position. Use specific examples to illustrate your skills and achievements.
  • A Request for an interview: The third paragraph should be used to request an interview, preferably in person. Thank the reader for their time and express excitement about the opportunity to discuss the role further.
  • A Call to Action: The final paragraph of your cover letter should include a call to action, such as requesting a meeting or asking the reader to contact you. Restate your interest in the position and reiterate why you would be a good fit.
  • Your Contact Information: Don’t forget to include your contact information, including your email address and phone number, so the employer can easily get in touch with you. You may also want to include links to your online portfolio or social media profiles

Related: What is Cover Letter? Complete Guide To Get any Job.

A cover letter is an important part of any job application, and a Novoresume cover letter is no exception. In order to write a successful Novoresume cover letter, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, make sure to introduce yourself and explain why you are the perfect candidate for the position. Next, highlight your relevant skills and experience. Finally, be sure to thank the reader for their time and consideration. By following these simple tips, you can be sure that your Novoresume cover letter will make a great impression on potential employers.

Novoresume Cover Letter Sample

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Chelsea Jay

Have you ever heard of a motivation letter? It’s a powerful tool to help you snag that dream job and it’s becoming increasingly popular. 

Let’s dive into what exactly a motivation letter is, when it’s best to use one, and how to write it. And don’t worry, we’ve got some inspiring examples to share with you too!

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What Is a Motivation Letter?

So, what is a motivation letter , you ask? Well, it’s a short letter that explains why you’re the perfect fit for a job. We’re talking just one page here. It’s your chance to highlight your achievements and showcase your interests.

Typically, you’ll attach a motivation letter to your resume when you apply for a job. But that’s not all. You can use it in other situations, like applying to a college or university, an educational program, an internship, or even a volunteer role.

Now, you might be thinking, “Isn’t that what a cover letter is for?” Great question! There are indeed similarities and differences between these two documents. We’ll break it down for you in just a bit.

motivational letter novoresume

Craft your letter in 3 simple steps

motivational letter novoresume

  • Select one of our unique cover letter templates
  • Write a text tailored to your professional profile
  • Download your letter in PDF or TXT format and easily share it online

Motivation Letter vs. Cover Letter

Now, let’s talk about cover letters and motivation letters. They might seem pretty similar at first glance—both are 1 page or less and go along with your resume and application. Their goal? To impress the hiring manager and make them seriously consider your application.

But here’s the scoop: there’s one key difference between these two types of letters.

Cover letters dive into the nitty-gritty, with specific examples of how your education, skills, job experience, and achievements perfectly align with the job requirements. They concentrate on highlighting your work experience.

On the flip side, motivation letters take a broader approach . Instead of focusing on specifics, they showcase your interests, personality traits, and the reasons behind your application. They’re great when you don’t have much relevant experience to share. We’ll dig into this more in the next section.

See? Cover letters and motivation letters each have their own superpower. Let’s discover how to make the most of motivation letters for your dream job!

The best cover letter templates

motivational letter novoresume

When to Use a Motivation Letter

As mentioned above, if you lack experience directly related to the position you want, a motivation letter can be a real game-changer. It’s perfect for those entry-level roles you’re aiming for.

1. Motivation Letter for University

Now, let’s dive into some specific situations. When it comes to applying to university, your application alone might not fully capture your passion and excitement. That’s where a motivation letter jumps in to save the day.

Use it as a platform to highlight your special connections with the university, why you’ve always dreamed of attending that specific school , or why you’d be an amazing fit for their programs. Show them the real you!

2. Motivation Letter for Job

And when it’s time to land your very first entry-level job , you might not have the work experience to boast about on your resume just yet. But don’t worry! Your enthusiasm and unique qualities can shine through in your motivation letter. It’s all about what makes you stand out from the crowd.

3. Other Times to Use Motivation Letters

Here’s something super cool: motivation letters aren’t limited to just education or employment. They can work their magic for other opportunities too. Just imagine the impact a motivational letter could have on your application for a volunteer position or an internship. It could be a total game-changer.

motivational letter novoresume

How to Format a Motivation Letter

The structure of a motivation letter is very important because it helps you present your ideas and showcase your desire to make a real impact in a new company. 

In this section, we’ll dive into the key parts of a motivation letter: the introduction, body, and conclusion. But that’s not all! We’re also here to guide you on what to include in each section, so you can create a compelling, well-formed letter.

Introduction and Recipient Information

Starting your motivation letter with a professional salutation is the way to go. It shows that you mean business. Make sure to address the recipient by their name and title if you have that information. It adds a personal touch and shows that you’ve done your homework.

But if you don’t have the recipient’s name, don’t stress. You can use a general salutation like “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To Whom It May Concern.” It’s totally okay and still professional.

Next comes the introduction. It’s all about giving a brief introduction of yourself and stating the purpose of the letter. Are you applying for a job, internship, or scholarship? Let them know! Keep it concise and to the point.

Write a letter to tell why you want the job and what makes you good for it. Split the body into 2 or 3 paragraphs so it’s easy to read.

  • Why you want the job : In the first part, tell why you want the job. Say what you like about the company and how the job fits your plans.
  • What you can do : In the next part, talk about what you can do. Share things you’ve done before that show you’re right for the job. Use real examples to show your skills.

Finish your motivation letter layout by going over what you said and showing how excited you are about the job .

Let them know you’re ready to talk more and give them a way to contact you. Close your letter with words like “Sincerely” and then put your name.

A well-structured letter, with attention to detail, effectively presents your eagerness and qualifications for the position.

motivational letter novoresume

How to Write a Motivation Letter

If you find resume and cover letter writing, a challenge, you might feel that motivation letters are intimidating as well. The good news is, they don’t have to be!

Create a Motivation Letter Template

Now you know how a motivation letter should look. Let’s get into the details. 

To know exactly how to write a motivation letter for a job application it’s really important to include all the necessary details. It should be like a regular business letter . Keep it professional and follow the usual format. 

Use the steps below to show why you’re the best for the job.

  • Use a template : A motivation letter template can help you write better and not miss anything. 
  • Your address : Put your address at the top or just above the date. Only add your street, city, state, and zip. No need for your name here. 
  • Date : Write the full date, like “April 6, 2023.” 
  • Who you’re writing to : Write the person’s title, name, and address. Make sure it’s all correct. 
  • Greeting : Start with “Dear” and the person’s name or title, like “Dear Mr. Smith.” Use a colon after. 
  • What to say : Split your letter into short parts. Start by stating the position or program you are interested in, then explain your motivations. Highlight your qualifications, skills, and relevant experiences that make you an ideal candidate. Be specific and provide examples or anecdotes that support your claims.
  • End your letter : Finish with words like “Sincerely” or “Thank you.” This shows you’re thankful for their time. 
  • Sign it : If it’s a paper letter, leave space to sign your name. If it’s an email, you don’t need this space.

Always type your full name on the letter, whether it’s on paper or email. This shows it’s really from you and you agree with what’s written. 

If you send other documents with your letter, like a resume, say so in the letter. Write something like “Enclosures: Resume, Application.” 

In emails, just say you’ve added attachments below your name or in the letter.

Motivation Letter Writing Tips

You can use the following tips as a checklist to make sure your letter is the best it can be.

  • Use the hiring manager’s name : If you don’t know it, look on the company’s website or call them. If you’re not sure about their gender, just use their job title or full name without “Mr.” or “Dr.” 
  • Don’t just repeat your resume in the letter : Instead, add the things that didn’t fit in your resume. 
  • Use action verbs : to make your letter lively. 
  • Include resume keywords . The company might pass both your resume and letter through an applicant tracking system (ATS).
  • Don’t sound too eager or make things up : They’ll find out if you’re not honest. 
  • At the end, include why you’re right for the job and what you hope to learn. Last, ask them to contact you or say you hope to talk soon. 
  • Check your letter for mistakes : Use tools like Grammarly to help.

Enhance your content with our pre-defined cover letters

Do you need help writing your cover letter? Select the category that corresponds to your professional profile to access our pre-defined texts.

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Motivation Letter Sample

Motivation letters are used for many reasons, so they can vary significantly. You can change the example in this section to fit your needs. 

The motivation letter example below is about an entry-level job for Raul. He hasn’t held a paying job before, but he highlights experiences that might not be on his resume.

123 Address Street

Anywhere, USA 33333

September 10, 2022

ABC Company

456 Workplace Lane

Dear Mr. Smith:

As a first-generation university student, I am looking for a position that will enable me to pay my tuition while making allowances for my class schedule. When I saw your job listing for a weekend Customer Service Representative on the campus information board, I felt that we would be a perfect fit for each other’s needs.

While my on-the-job experience is limited, I have a great deal of experience in dealing with customers. Throughout my teenage years, I have helped out in the family business, a small convenience and souvenir store at the heart of a tourist district.

My duties there were often public-facing, arranging items for sale and assisting customers in finding what they needed. I always did my best to help customers leave with smiles on their faces, even going above and beyond what might be expected. This resulted in many 5-star reviews for the business on Tripadvisor and Google.

Thank you for your consideration. I’d be happy to speak with you in person or via phone to discuss the position and my qualifications further.

With gratitude:

Raul Ascencio

The following motivation letter example concerns an  academic program.  Sue is a high school senior seeking a summer internship after graduation. Her letter is imbued with a passion for the field as well as its relationship to her career goals.

March 1, 2023

Cindy Diver

Caribbean Coral Restoration Project

789 Coastal Road

Nassau, Bahamas

Dear Dr. Diver,

For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to do something to help reverse the damage humans have caused to our planet. For that reason, I was thrilled to receive an invitation to apply to the Caribbean Coral Restoration Project summer program.

Though I come from a landlocked state, I received my open water scuba certification from SDI last August. Training took place in a flooded quarry in Pembroke, Kentucky. I look forward to taking my first “real” oceanic open water dive in the warm waters near your research station.

During my high school education, I have pursued as many ecological opportunities as possible. I participated in the 4-H Club’s Wildlife Judging Team for four years, twice winning regional competitions. I also keep an action camera as a constant companion, participating in citizen science projects such as iNaturalist and Cornell University’s annual bird count.

I have been accepted into State University’s biology program, beginning next fall. After obtaining a bachelor’s degree in biology, I plan to pursue my master’s in marine biology. I hope to start that part of my journey with real field experience under my belt. Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information. My application and resume are enclosed.

Key Takeaways

With the correct format and style, you can create a motivation letter that can win over any recruiter. To do so remember the key points that were addressed in this guide.

  • Motivation letters can effectively be used in place of cover letters when you have little experience or are applying to a university, internship, or volunteer program.
  • Use professional business letter formats.
  • Address your motivations and qualifications clearly in the body of your letter.
  • Express your personality, passions, and motivations.

Ensuring your letter is written in this style will boost your chances whether you’re an entry-level employee or an experienced worker.

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Career Articles

How to write a motivation letter in Germany

How to write a motivation letter in Germany

Struggling to write your motivation letter? Novorésumé, the online resume builder and creator of stand-out motivation letter templates , share their top tips for creating a killer letter. Here’s how to show that you’re the right candidate for the position. 

Crafting a motivation letter to get yourself noticed can sometimes feel like an uphill struggle, even if you’re applying for a position you’re really excited about. You already know how passionate you are, and what qualities you have to offer, but there’s one big problem: you just can’t seem to find the right words to structure your letter. 

But don’t worry. We’ve all been there - and the good news is that there’s an easy way to get through this. In this article we’ll look at how you should structure your motivation letter in Germany, and exactly what you should include in it. So, let’s get started. 

Why does a motivation letter matter? What is it?

A motivation letter is one of the most important things you’ll write in an application process. It consists of just one page and it’s usually attached to your resume . Most importantly, it’s going to show the reader why you’re the perfect candidate for the position being offered. 

There are four specific situations in which you’ll need to write a motivation letter - for instance if you are applying for:

  • An educational programme at a university or college
  • Work at a non-profit organisation
  • An internship at a company
  • A volunteer position at an organisation

Motivation letter vs. Cover letter

Now, you shouldn’t confuse a motivation letter with a cover letter, which clearly highlights any relevant information on your resume that matches a job’s specific requirements. A cover letter is more of an introduction to your resume for the hiring manager, whereas a motivation letter is seen as an influential, closing sales pitch for a non-profit or university position. 

Whereas a cover letter mostly focuses on your skills and experience, the motivation letter - as the name suggests - describes your motives for applying.

So, does a motivation letter actually matter? After all, you’ve painstakingly listed everything there is to know about you on your resume. Surely that’s enough, right? Wrong! 

Organisations want to know that you genuinely want to work with them and that you’re excited and passionate about what the company does. The intent should be your driving motivation. A good motivation letter has the potential to be a game-changer. It can give your resume a further boost, as well as potentially helping you make up for any relevant skills you’re lacking - with sheer enthusiasm! 

Structuring your motivation letter

A good motivation letter fits on just one page and consists of three important sections: 


Here’s an overview of what information you should include in each one. 

Think of the introduction as a short and engaging pitch about yourself. You need to also state why you’re applying. Include:

  • Your personal information: What you are and what you do
  • The position you are applying for
  • A short introduction: Why you are applying, in general terms

Remember: don’t forget to write your contact information at the top. 

Body of a motivation letter

This section is the real meat of your motivation letter. This is where you have to sell yourself. Use stories to highlight your passion, achievements and skills. 

Stick to the facts. People who read motivation letters can tell a made-up story from a real one a mile off. If you can, use metrics to back up your qualifications. 

Finally, it’s time to wrap up your motivation letter, ready to send it in. For this section, you should:

  • Summarise all your main points, briefly
  • Refer to your overarching goal
  • End by thanking the reader and conclude with an appropriate closing (e.g. “Yours sincerely”)

Now that you know how to structure a motivational letter, let’s move on to the contents! 

Writing a motivation letter  

If your application is going to be successful, you need your motivation letter to stand out from all the others. But how to achieve this? As a general rule, you should first avoid generalisations and, second, add greater depth to your motivation letter by tailoring it to the specific organisation and programme / position you are applying for:

  • Make sure you know what and where you’re applying to. Find out who’s in charge of your fate and address your letter directly to them, (e.g. “Dear Mrs. Jones” rather than “Dear Hiring Manager”).
  • Research the programme / position requirements and the institution’s website. What are the top three requirements for the position? How do you meet those requirements?
  • Demonstrate that you really want to be there. But don’t plead - show intelligent interest as you sell yourself. Show your passion. Demonstrate your in-depth knowledge but steer clear of showing off - they’ll see right through you. 
  • Never lie! Don’t fabricate the truth - ever. You’ll be found out. If you write anything remotely untrue, your reader will find it out, sooner or later. And if that happens, your application will be rejected and assigned to the bin. 

Now you’ve learned the basics of motivation letter writing, you’ll be able to use that knowledge for your next application. Good luck! 

Do you want to stand out from the crowd? No more run-of-the-mill motivation letters but one that’s going to clearly express why you’re the best fit. With Novorésumé - the market leader in Europe for generating motivation letters - you’re in safe hands. Head over to Novorésumé and select a template for your motivation letter , fill in the details, and you’re good to go! 

Andrei Kurtuy

Andrei Kurtuy

Andrei Kurtuy is one of the co-founders and CCO of Novorésumé and an expert in the job searching process.


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How to Write a Professional Motivation Letter (With Examples)

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A well-written motivation letter might persuade hiring and admissions officers to call you in for an interview or accept your application. In this post, we'll go through how to create a motivation letter for school or work, as well as some sample letters to get you started.

A motivation letter is sometimes referred to as a letter of motivation.

motivation letter

What is a motivation letter?

A motivation letter is a document that details your professional qualifications and motivation for applying for a course of study, a scholarship, or a volunteer position .

This letter goes with your application and any supporting materials you may have, such as a transcript of your grades or a resume/CV. A "statement of purpose" or a "motivational letter" is another name for a motivation letter.

For paid job applications, motivation letters are rarely utilized and are usually accompanied with cover letters.

Why does a motivation letter matter?

A motivating letter is a one-page letter in which you explain why you are the best candidate for a specific job. It is often included with your résumé.

motivation letter

In the following four circumstances, you must compose a motivating letter:

  • You're submitting an application for admission to a college or university's educational program (undergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate).
  • You've applied for a position at a non-profit organization.
  • You're submitting an application to work as a volunteer for an organization.
  • You're submitting an application for an internship with a firm.

A motivating letter is not to be confused with a cover letter, which is meant to show how particular information on your resume/CV corresponds to a job vacancy.

Consider a cover letter as a hiring manager's introduction to your resume/CV , and a motivational letter as a persuasive closing sales presentation for a university or non-profit.

So, why is it important to write a motivating letter? You're more of a doer than a talker, as seen by your resume/CV, which lists all there is to know about you. That should suffice, right? Wrong!

People who truly want to be there and are enthusiastic about what they do are sought by all organizations. Your main motivator should be your goal!

A well-written motivating letter may be a game-changer. It can help you improve your resume while also compensating for any skills gaps.

motivation letter

How to write a motivation letter

Write down some of the major ideas and significant elements you'd like to include in your motivation letter, then build around them and expand their content.

  • Make your objective clear: What's the intended purpose of the letter? Are you applying for a job or university application? If so, why do you think the university and the Master's program appeal to you and are a good fit for you?
  • Focus on your strongest qualifications, past experiences (international experiences are always relevant), and qualities: Organize the middle paragraphs in terms of the qualifications most relevant to the program to the qualifications least relevant to the program, and you can also refer to your resume/CV for more details.
  • Don't go overboard with your writing: The majority of inspiration letters are half a page long, and they are never more than one page long!
  • Consider your life's sources of inspiration: The things that led you down the route you're on now. But don't push it, and don't devote too much space in the letter to it.
  • You have the option of using a three-paragraph format (intro, body, and conclusion) or a five-paragraph structure (where the body includes 3 separate paragraphs).

Here's how to get started.

Write an outline

Make a point-form/bullet-point outline of the content and general arrangement of your motivation letter.

Make a list of points that cover the following topics:

motivation letter

  • Why are you interested in taking the course or volunteering with the program?
  • Your abilities or qualities that will be beneficial to the school or non-profit organization
  • What drew you to the school or non-profit organization in the first place?

Consider whether you've included all of the necessary information. A motivation letter for a Ph.D. program, for example, will require more information about your past experiences and precise future objectives than a letter for a bachelor's degree.

Compare and contrast your outline with material from the school or non-profit organization to demonstrate that you possess the characteristics and qualifications they want.

Examine your format and structure to see whether rearranging points might result in a more logical flow.

Make changes to your outline until you're happy with it.

To remain on track, refer to your finished plan when composing your polished motivation letter.

Start your introduction

Write an introduction to the letter receiver/recipient in which you introduce yourself. If at all feasible, include the recipient's name to personalize your motivation letter. Include facts about your accomplishments in this area of your introduction to catch your recipient's attention and urge them to read on.

Avoid addressing the reader using "Dear Sir or Madam." Personalize the letter by addressing them by name .

Consider the following:

  • What is your name, and what do you do?
  • What position are you attempting to obtain? Where?
  • An introduction to the main body of your essay. Mention why you're applying in general, and then go into the meat of your motivating letter.

Use a body paragraph

The body of your motivation letter is formed by expanding the points in your plan. For each new topic, start a new paragraph. Remember that the goal of your motivation letter is to persuade the reader of your worth, so utilize compelling facts to do so.

motivation letter

  • Do your values align with the position you're applying to.
  • Which qualifications make you a perfect fit for the program?
  • What are your hopes in terms of achievements that could be shared in order to increase the chances of getting accepted to the program?

Close your letter

Finish your motivation letter with a conclusion that highlights your objective and makes a favorable impression. You could also express gratitude to the receiver for taking the time to examine your application and invite them to contact you if they have any questions.

Proofread your letter

Make your motivation letter more succinct and professional by proofreading it. Correct any grammar and spelling problems, as well as any odd phrasing. To guarantee your motivation letter contains only unique information, edit anything previously included in your application form or resume.

It's possible that you'll have to proofread your motivation letter multiple times to catch all of the flaws. Complete this step two days or more after drafting your motivation letter if time allows, since time away from work helps you to see it more objectively. Ask a trustworthy friend or coworker to review your motivation letter after you to ensure it has professional grammar and spelling.

motivation letter

Motivation letter example

Here are examples of motivation letters to use as a guide.

College application example

Dear Mr. Jenkins,

My name is Danielle Smith, and I am a senior at Iowa City High School who is passionate about computer science. I'm writing to apply to Iowa University's design and communications program.

I want to learn more about multimedia design since I want to be a programmer and web designer. I believe your course will assist me in better understanding the digital design process and how websites and their visual images can assist businesses in projecting a positive image to customers.

I'm fascinated by how different colors and imagery may elicit different feelings in viewers. I like experimenting with the impact of color and images, and I consider myself to be naturally creative. I am certain that by working with you, I will be able to apply this flare to new projects at your institution and improve my design skills.

I like Seattle University's academic and athletic accomplishments. I admire how your school pushes kids to reach their full potential both inside and outside of the classroom. I believe that my broad interests, as a sociable person who has participated in numerous extracurricular activities, including the school band and softball team, would make me a wonderful fit for your school.

Studying at your institution would allow me to further develop my design skills while having fun, whether on the sports field or in another setting. I'm open to whatever experiences life at Seattle University has in store for me, and I'm hopeful that I'll be able to attain them with your multimedia design and communication degree. Thank you very much for taking the time to evaluate my request. If you have any queries regarding my application, please contact me at [email protected] .

Danielle Smith

Scholarship application example

To Ms. Stark,

My name is Brian Johnson, and I'm writing to express my interest in a scholarship for your Bachelor's Degree program in Nursing. I have a strong desire to serve people, and I hope that my financial constraints will not prevent me from pursuing this goal in my work.

I was raised in a lower-middle-class home by a single mother who worked three jobs to support my brothers and myself. My mother instilled in me the value of hard work and the significance of looking after people who are unable to look for themselves. She also emphasized the value of education in our lives, telling us that it would enable us to live a better life. Her support, along with my own dedication, enabled me to get some of the highest marks in my high school class.

I spent a lot of time caring for my younger brother, who has cerebral palsy, because my mother worked long hours. I believe that caring for him piqued my interest in nursing. His grins praised me for learning to be sensitive and patient. In the future, I aim to make my own patients smile in the face of their own health issues.

My inherent work ethic and desire to achieve make me believe I would be a valuable contributor to Los Angeles University. I know your school offers a great nursing program, and I believe it would be the ideal setting for me to earn the degree I need to land my dream career while also giving back to the community. Rest confident that I would take advantage of the scholarship opportunity and do my best to please you and my mother.

I appreciate you taking the time to review my application, and I hope to hear back from you soon. If you have any queries concerning my application, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

Brian Johnson

Volunteer work example

Dear Ms. Henderson,

My name is Susanne Brock, and I am a Chicago University veterinary science student. I'm replying to the Single Pet's volunteer request on their website. This opportunity piqued my interest since I have a natural interest in animal welfare, which I am pursuing via my studies.

I grew up on a farm in rural Illinois, surrounded by animals. I was active in many facets of animal care at this period, including dog training, horse grooming, and cow milking. I enjoyed spending time with our pets and learned how rewarding their company can be. I also learned the value of animal care's less glamorous aspects, such as cleaning trash and enclosures to make our animals comfortable.

I've learned even more about animal care as a result of my veterinary science courses, such as how to detect and cure animal ailments and how to assist animals in giving birth. I feel these abilities, along with my agricultural expertise, would be extremely beneficial to you at Single Pet's. I also feel I could learn a lot more at your company to supplement my education.

I'm particularly interested in working at Single Pet's since you take in such a wide variety of animals. I particularly admire your shelter's no-kill policy and dedication to providing long-term care for older animals. These regulations reflect my personal opinion that all animals deserve the opportunity to live a long life and find a forever home, regardless of how long it takes.

Finally, I believe I would be a valuable contribution to Single Pet's, and I hope you will accept my volunteer application. If you have any queries regarding my application, please contact me at [email protected]

Sincerely yours,

Susanne Brock

Motivation letter writing tips

Writing tips.

Follow guides

Follow your potential school's or non-profit organization's formatting, length, and content standards.

If the organization doesn't give any information, write 1/2 to 1 page of text in a simple 12-point typeface like Times New Roman or Arial.

With with your personality

Because your hobbies, feelings, and opinions are unique, including them in your letter is an excellent approach to set it apart from others. Write in a conversational tone that mimics how you would address your recipient if you were in the same room.

Focus on your strengths

For inspiration letters, it's ideal to use simple language that readers can comprehend. When proofreading, look for any too complicated phrases or jargon and replace them with simpler language. Make brief, energetic sentences that aren't easily misunderstood.

motivation letter

About the author

Patrick Algrim is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), NCDA Certified Career Counselor (CCC), and general career expert. Patrick has completed the NACE Coaching Certification Program (CCP). And has been published as a career expert on Forbes , Glassdoor , American Express , Reader's Digest , LiveCareer , Zety , Yahoo , Recruiter.com , SparkHire , SHRM.org , Process.st , FairyGodBoss , HRCI.org , St. Edwards University , NC State University , IBTimes.com , Thrive Global , TMCnet.com , Work It Daily , Workology , Career Guide , MyPerfectResume , College Career Life , The HR Digest , WorkWise , Career Cast , Elite Staffing , Women in HR , All About Careers , Upstart HR , The Street , Monster , The Ladders , Introvert Whisperer , and many more. Find him on LinkedIn .

Fact checked: Our small and dedicated team rigorously evaluates every article, guide, and reference to ensure the information is accurate and factual. Learn more .

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University College Utrecht

Cv and motivation letter, writing a cv.

A professional and well-written CV is often the first and therefore essential part of the application procedure. Your CV is the first piece of information that the University you’re applying to is receiving, so you need to make sure that you leave a good first impression. Keep in mind that an application officer will pay attention to a wide range of aspects and that he will be most capable about drawing conclusions himself whether you are fit for the program you’re applying for.

Your CV can stand out amongst all other applications not only through your past experiences and education, but also through a clear structure and apprehensive layout. Your CV should reflect your positive qualities as much as possible and your accomplishments listed on your CV should speak for themselves; you do not need to draw conclusions about what they say about you.

  • Divide your CV into sections, such as education and qualifications, work experience, extra-curricular activities and interests, additional information, skills and referees.
  • In each section, put the most recent information first, and work backwards.
  • Start with the most relevant section first. In the case of a Masters application, this will be your education. Briefly list the relevant courses you have taken and their grades (if they’re good!). Also list relevant projects, extended essays, or dissertations.
  • Describe what you have done, not what you think it says about you. Provide the necessary information for the reader to draw his/her own conclusions.
  • Be concise: limit your CV to 2 pages, preferably 1 page.
  • Make sure the layout is very clear and easy to skim over. Make use of headings, bullet points and spacing.

Universities have varying demands with regards to the content of your CV. Where American universities often find your extracurricular activities very important, British universities tend to focus on a sufficiently high GPA. Try to find information on the website of the University to which you’re applying to; see whether they have indications about what they would like to see on your CV. If you have made a CV, you can always have the Student Life Officer or Career Development Officer look over it for you.

Motivation letter/cover letter

Your CV is always accompanied by a motivation or cover letter. This letter should quite simply be the guide to your motivation and a description of the development of your interests and competences that have encouraged you to choose this specific Master’s. It should also include an overview of what you intend to learn and what how this program fits into your broader future plans. A motivation letter is perhaps the most important part of the application; it provides you with an opportunity to stand out between all other applications. Do not be afraid to ask friends, teachers or tutors to proofread your motivation letter before you send it in.

  • Your statement of purpose should be a coherent essay, with a clear structure and beginning, middle and end.
  • You should make it as short as possible while still hitting the important points. Remember, the committee has to read a lot of these: short and sweet is important!
  • Change a vague and floppy sounding formulation like "I am not completely sure what I want to do after obtaining my graduate degree. However, I am very interested in doing research" to something like "After obtaining my graduate degree, I am interested in working in a research environment."
  • Address the specific content of your academic interests. Adding meaningful discussion of content earlier would make a big difference in the impact of your statement.
  • Your essay should be in formal academic English, even though it is a personal statement. Your writing ability will be judged on the quality of the essay. Be sure to use informal, colloquial language sparingly.
  • Specify what you are applying for and say how you learned of the opportunity and why you are doing this one specifically.
  • At the end suggest having an interview, these usually increase your chances since personal contact is just better.
  • Avoid making the same point several time; comes across as shallow, boring.
  • Avoid expressions like 'I think', and 'in my opinion', 'I am convinced'. These are wordy and make you sound less confident. Avoid intensifiers like "very" and vague words such as "interesting". The most deadly combination of all is 'very interesting'. Show the depth of your academic interests by explaining them.

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Cover Letter Writing Tips

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    the contact person's name and contact information in a left-aligned list. a salutation that addresses the contact person by name (e.g., "Dear Mrs. Johnson,") 3-4 paragraphs explaining your motivation. a polite sign-off (we suggest "Sincerely,") your name (either typed or both typed and signed)

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  6. How to Write a Motivation Letter 2024 (+ 3 Examples)

    Craft an emotional story for the middle part of the letter. The body of the motivation letter gives you the chance to outline exactly how your motivations fit the opportunity that is on offer. If you are applying for a PhD programme, go deep into why you are passionate about your subject.

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    Take a new paragraph for every new topic. Remember, your motivation letter aims to convince your recipient of your value, so use compelling facts to be persuasive. 4. Conclude your motivation letter. Write a conclusion to your motivation letter that summarizes your goal and leaves a positive final impression.

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  11. How to Write a Motivation Letter in 2024: Full Guide, Tips

    Finally, once you've proofread your entire letter, are satisfied with its flow structure, and believe it proves a point, edit the complete document through Grammarly. Read the entire letter aloud multiple times - or have the word document read it. Step 5 - Use a Cover Letter Template to Format the Document.

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    Date: Write the full date, like "April 6, 2023.". Who you're writing to: Write the person's title, name, and address. Make sure it's all correct. Greeting: Start with "Dear" and the person's name or title, like "Dear Mr. Smith.". Use a colon after. What to say: Split your letter into short parts.

  15. PDF Motivational Letter/ Letter of Motivation

    How to Structure a Motivational Letter A good motivational letter is one page where you introduce yourself, your story, and show your interest in the position or organization you are applying to. There are two main ways to structure your motivational letter: 1. Using the classic 3 main paragraph structure, where your motivational letter has the ...

  16. Tips for Writing a Successful Motivation Letter for Ph.D. [+Sample]

    While writing a motivational letter, it is very important to concisely include how much skill and/or working experience you possess. A Ph.D. is about more than just a sequel to your past academic endeavors, it is a true test of education and education is more than just owning degrees. They will be interested in the skills and/or work experience ...

  17. How to write a motivation letter in Germany

    Body of a motivation letter. This section is the real meat of your motivation letter. This is where you have to sell yourself. Use stories to highlight your passion, achievements and skills. Stick to the facts. People who read motivation letters can tell a made-up story from a real one a mile off. If you can, use metrics to back up your ...

  18. How to Write a Professional Motivation Letter (With Examples)

    Use a body paragraph. The body of your motivation letter is formed by expanding the points in your plan. For each new topic, start a new paragraph. Remember that the goal of your motivation letter is to persuade the reader of your worth, so utilize compelling facts to do so. Consider the following:

  19. Resume and Cover Letter Examples

    Get inspired by the best resume examples and cover letter samples to get your job application to the next level.

  20. motivational letter example

    novoresume.com. Motivational Letter Writing Guide + Examples for 2024. ... Kansas agriculturalist who beatific a affectation to New York governor awarded bachelor's diploma evs motivation letter pattern motivational for mba .. | motivation letter college instance bachelor Updated: 2:41 PM EDT May 6, 2020 Hide Transcript Show Transcript and ...

  21. Cover Letter Format (w/ Examples & Free Templates)

    Check out our guide on how to start a cover letter effectively! #4. Cover Letter Body. The body of your cover letter usually consists of 1-3 paragraphs and is where you convince the recruiter that you're the right person for the job. We have a few pointers to help you do that: Don't just rehash your CV.

  22. CV and motivation letter

    Motivation letter/cover letter. Your CV is always accompanied by a motivation or cover letter. This letter should quite simply be the guide to your motivation and a description of the development of your interests and competences that have encouraged you to choose this specific Master's. It should also include an overview of what you intend ...

  23. Cover Letter Writing Articles

    Don't know how to start or how to end your cover letter? Our guides cover all the practical information you need to know when creating your cover letter.