Rice Business School MBA Essay Analysis 2023-2024: A Comprehensive Guide for Aspiring Leaders

Introduction to Rice Business School

Nestled within the esteemed Rice University in Houston, Texas, Rice Business School stands as an academic beacon renowned for nurturing visionary leaders in the world of business. Established with a commitment to excellence and forward-thinking approaches, the school has established itself as a prestigious institution in the realm of business education.

Rice Business School’s inception was rooted in the pursuit of shaping not just business professionals but visionary leaders equipped to navigate the complexities of today’s dynamic business landscapes. With a focus on innovation, leadership, and fostering an environment that encourages critical thinking and creativity, the school has emerged as a transformative force in business education.

Academic Programs Offered

The school offers a comprehensive range of academic programs tailored to meet the diverse needs of aspiring business leaders. From rigorous MBA programs to specialized master’s degrees, Rice Business School equips its students with the knowledge and skills required to thrive in today’s dynamic business landscape.

Faculty and Research

One of the school’s key strengths lies in its distinguished faculty members who bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the table. Their dedication to cutting-edge research initiatives further enhances the academic environment, fostering an atmosphere of innovation and intellectual curiosity.

Collaborations and Partnerships

The school’s strategic collaborations with industries and global partners play a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. These partnerships offer students invaluable opportunities for real-world exposure and practical insights into various business domains.

Alumni Network and Success Stories

The extensive alumni network of Rice Business School stands as a testament to the institution’s commitment to nurturing successful leaders. Graduates not only excel in their careers but also actively contribute to the school’s legacy, providing valuable networking opportunities for current students.  The average salary stands at 150,000USD for the class of 2023.

Unique Features and Distinctive Traits

Rice Business School distinguishes itself through innovative teaching methodologies that go beyond traditional paradigms. The emphasis on holistic leadership development sets its programs apart, producing graduates equipped to tackle multifaceted challenges.

Admissions Process and Requirements

Prospective students undergo a rigorous yet inclusive admissions process, ensuring that individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences contribute to the vibrant academic community. The school prioritizes merit, potential, and a passion for learning.


  • Transcripts
  • Standardised tests
  • Application fee of 200USD

Lets dive into the MBA Essay Analysis for 2023-2024 at Rice School of Business;

Short answer 1.

In 100 words or less, please share your short-term career goals.

For the Rice Business School MBA application’s Short Answer 1 the prompt asks you to articulate your short-term career goals within a concise limit of 100 words or less. This prompt aims to gauge your clarity of purpose, your understanding of your career trajectory, and how obtaining an MBA from Rice Business School aligns with your immediate professional aspirations.

When responding, it’s crucial to be specific and focused.

  • Clarity of Goals : Start by defining your short-term career objectives. Be specific about the position, industry, or role you aspire to post-MBA. Avoid generic statements and focus on a particular direction that aligns with your skills, experience, and passions.
  • Relevance to Past Experience : Connect your goals with your past professional background or academic experience. Highlight how your previous endeavors have prepared you for these objectives. Discuss any skills, achievements, or experiences that directly relate to your short-term career goals.
  • Alignment with Rice MBA Program : Explain how obtaining an MBA from Rice Business School is instrumental in achieving your short-term career objectives. Discuss specific resources, courses, faculty, or programs at Rice that resonate with your goals. Show how the school’s offerings uniquely align with and support your aspirations.
  • Conciseness and Precision : Given the stringent word limit (100 words or less), precision is key. Craft your response with utmost clarity and avoid unnecessary filler words. Each word should contribute meaningfully to your statement. Consider using active voice and impactful language to convey your message efficiently.

Here’s an example (within the 100-word limit) that demonstrates these principles:

“My immediate career goal is to transition into ABC at a CDE firm, leveraging my finance background and project management expertise. With experience in financial analysis at XYZ Corp., I aim to apply data-driven insights to solve complex business challenges. Rice Business School’s robust consulting curriculum……….. The hands-on learning opportunities, mentorship, and collaborative environment at Rice will hone my skills and expand my network, propelling me towards achieving my short-term career goals.”

Short Answer 2

In 100 words or less, please share your long-term career goals.

Unique Approach Ideas:

  • Narrative Approach:  Consider sharing a brief story or anecdote that led to your career aspirations. For instance, if a particular experience sparked your interest in a specific industry or role, briefly outline that experience and connect it to your long-term goals.
  • Impact-Focused Response:  Highlight the impact you aspire to make in your chosen field. Discuss how your career goals are not just about personal success but also about contributing positively to society, industry, or a specific cause.
  • Innovation and Future Vision:  Emphasize your vision for the future. Discuss how you see your industry evolving and how your career goals align with these anticipated changes. Show your forward-thinking mindset and adaptability to future trends.
  • Global Perspective:  If relevant, mention how your career goals transcend geographical boundaries. Highlight your aspirations for a global career, working across diverse cultures and markets, and how this aligns with your personal and professional growth.
  • Interdisciplinary Goals:  If your career goals span multiple industries or disciplines, emphasize the value of a versatile skill set. Discuss how you aim to bridge gaps between different sectors and leverage diverse knowledge to drive innovation.
  • Leadership and Influence:  If leadership is a significant aspect of your career aspirations, express your ambition to lead by example. Discuss how you aim to inspire and empower others within your field or organization.
  • Alignment with Rice Business School:  Articulate precisely how the resources, opportunities, or specific aspects of Rice Business School’s program align with and support your long-term career objectives. This could include unique programs, faculty expertise, or experiential learning opportunities.

Remember, regardless of the approach you choose, brevity is key. Focus on concisely conveying your long-term career vision, showcasing your passion, and demonstrating a clear connection between your goals and how an MBA from Rice Business School will help you achieve them.

Required Essay 1

While we know a picture is worth 1,000 words, in 500 words or less tell us the story of a photo of your choosing that has significant value in your life experiences. Please feel free to share your photo!

You can complete this essay via a traditional written response (500-word limit) or via a video response (one to three-minute time limit).

The essay prompt from Rice Business School MBA invites applicants to share the story behind a personally significant photograph within a word limit of 500 words. This exercise aims to provide admissions officers with deeper insights into an applicant’s life experiences, values, and perspectives.

Breaking down the prompt:

  • Significance of a Photo : The focal point is the chosen photograph and its significance in your life. The photo serves as a catalyst to reveal a story or moment that holds immense personal value.
  • Narrative Structure : The essay prompt encourages storytelling within a concise limit (500 words or a one to three-minute video). The story should revolve around the chosen photo, delving into its context, emotional resonance, and impact on your life.
  • Self-Reflection and Connection : The applicant is prompted to reflect on the photo’s influence on their life experiences, personal growth, or values. The essay should demonstrate how the photo connects to the applicant’s aspirations, character, or worldview.
  • Medium of Response : Applicants are given the choice to respond traditionally through a written essay or opt for a video format. Both mediums allow applicants to effectively communicate their story, but they should choose the format that best allows them to express themselves authentically.

Approach for a written response:

  • Introduction : Introduce the photograph briefly and its initial significance. Set the tone for the story you’re about to narrate.
  • Storytelling : Describe the photograph in detail, capturing the scene, emotions, and context surrounding it. Unveil the story behind the image, focusing on why it holds immense value in your life.
  • Reflection and Connection : Reflect on the impact of this photo on your personal growth, values, or life choices. Draw connections between the photo and your aspirations, values, or the lessons you’ve learned from this experience.
  • Conclusion : Summarize the significance of the photo in your life and reiterate its influence on your journey. End on a reflective note that ties the story together.

Approach for a video response:

  • Visual Presentation : Display the chosen photo in the video and speak about it. Consider the visual elements, such as the photo’s composition, details, and what makes it emotionally resonant for you.
  • Storytelling : Narrate the story behind the photo in a concise manner. Utilize the video format to portray emotions, gestures, or scenes that enhance the storytelling.
  • Reflection and Connection : Connect the photo to your personal growth, values, or aspirations. Use the video format to express emotions and emphasize key points that link your story to the photo.
  • Conclusion : Summarize the photo’s significance and the impact it has had on your life. End with a reflective message that encapsulates the essence of the story.

Remember, regardless of the format chosen, authenticity, clarity, and the ability to convey the significance of the photo within the word or time limit are crucial for this essay.

Optional Essay

If you have any additional information for the admissions committee or if you wish to clarify any aspect of your application (including breaks in employment, your choice of recommendation providers, your past academic performance, etc.), you may submit an additional, optional essay. (500 word limit)

The optional essay prompt for Rice Business School’s MBA application provides applicants with an opportunity to address any aspects of their application they feel require further explanation or elaboration. Here’s a breakdown and analysis of this prompt:

  • Clarification: This essay gives you a chance to clarify any elements of your application that might raise questions or concerns for the admissions committee.
  • Explanation: It allows you to explain any gaps in employment, academic discrepancies, or choices made in the application, such as the selection of recommenders.
  • Open-ended: The prompt doesn’t limit the topics you can discuss. You’re free to address any relevant aspect not covered or not sufficiently explained in other parts of your application.
  • Scope: It covers various aspects of your profile, including employment history, academic performance, choice of recommenders, or any other pertinent information.
  • Conciseness: While you have a limit of 500 words, it’s crucial to be concise and focused in your writing.
  • Prioritization: Use the word limit wisely to emphasize what matters most. Prioritize explanations or clarifications that could significantly impact the committee’s perception of your candidacy.
  • Advantageous Opportunity: Utilize this essay strategically. It can strengthen your application by providing context, showcasing growth, or highlighting achievements not adequately addressed elsewhere.
  • Demonstrating Self-Awareness: Use the essay to demonstrate self-awareness, growth, and the ability to learn from challenges or setbacks.
  • Employment Gaps: If you have gaps in your resume due to personal reasons, career changes, or other valid circumstances, explain briefly how these gaps contributed to your personal or professional development.
  • Academic Performance: If your academic record has irregularities or if there are specific courses or semesters that require clarification, provide context without making excuses.
  • Choice of Recommenders: Explain why you chose particular recommenders and how they can provide insights into your abilities, character, or achievements.
  • Professionalism: Maintain a professional tone and approach. Be honest, clear, and focused on providing necessary information.
  • Positivity and Growth: Emphasize positive outcomes, learning experiences, or personal/professional growth resulting from challenges or setbacks.

In crafting your optional essay, consider it as an opportunity rather than an obligation. Focus on information that adds value to your application and gives the admissions committee a deeper understanding of your candidacy. Tailor your response to highlight your strengths, resilience, and suitability for Rice Business School’s MBA program.

Diversity and Inclusivity Initiatives

The school’s commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment is reflected in its initiatives aimed at embracing varied perspectives and creating a welcoming space for all.

In conclusion, Rice Business School remains steadfast in its commitment to academic excellence, innovation, and community impact. Its legacy of producing well-rounded business leaders capable of thriving in diverse global settings stands testament to its success.

With a strong foundation built on cutting-edge education, a dynamic faculty, and an unwavering commitment to holistic development, Rice Business School continues to shape the future of business leadership. As it forges ahead, embracing challenges as opportunities and expanding its reach, the school remains dedicated to fostering a diverse, inclusive, and impactful environment.

FAQs about Rice Business School

  • Q:  What makes Rice Business School stand out among other business schools? 

A:  Rice Business School’s emphasis on holistic leadership development and its innovative teaching methods set it apart, creating future-ready business leaders.

  • Q:  How does the school support students in their career endeavors? 

A:  The dedicated career services team at Rice Business School assists students in exploring diverse career paths and connects them with potential employers, ensuring successful placements.

  • Q:  Are there opportunities for community engagement at the school? 

A:  Yes, the school actively engages in impactful initiatives beyond academics, emphasizing social responsibility and community involvement.

  • Q:  What kind of academic programs does Rice Business School offer? 

A:  The school offers MBA programs and specialized master’s degrees, catering to various interests and career aspirations.

  • Q:  How does the admissions process work at Rice Business School? 

A:  The admissions process is inclusive, prioritizing merit, potential, and a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences.

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Jones: More Than Energy! Tips for the Rice MBA Essay Prompts

July 31, 2017


Jones Graduate School of Business (of Rice University) is no longer just for those interested in oil & gas. Though still energy focused, key areas that Rice also focuses on include health care and entrepreneurship.

In fact, that entrepreneurial vibe is seen right from the get-go with the first essay question being a required video essay:

Everyone has a unique story and path that have led them to this point. What is your story from both a professional and personal standpoint? How does the Rice Business experience fit into your story? (3 minute limit)

We encourage you to be creative with your video! However, please note that the video essay must include you speaking on camera so that the admissions committee and can not only hear you, but can also see you share your story.

The Jones School of Business wants to get a holistic view of YOU – who you are, what drives you, what are your accomplishments?

Begin with what you are passionate about and then tie it to the narrative of your life including why you want to attend Jones and what you want to do after business school. They have asked for your story from BOTH a professional and personal standpoint. Make sure to include at least some details of your personal life, focusing on those that tie into your passion or have influenced you significantly to become who you are.

Don’t re-hash your resume! The admissions committee will view your video while looking at your resume so go beyond the statistics you have written there to touch on how you achieved your results, how you innovate and how you lead. If you do not have direct leadership experience, touch on how you manage peer or client relationships. Above all, be authentic.

Video tips:

• Three minutes is an eternity in video.

Be sure to practice, practice, practice. Your pace should be conversational – do not rush! The admissions committee views thousands of videos and encourage creativity but remember that the average Rice graduate is a focused, intelligent, and an incredibly hard-working professional. (Hint: wear a suit)

• Get ready to edit.

When you review your video make sure you also pay attention to everything in the frame that is not you. Your background, extraneous noises…do they add value to your video? Make sure you are well lit and your sound quality is clear throughout. What about your body language? Is it consistent with your words?

Next, a classic, written essay question where they ask you to select one of three questions:

1. Describe a defining moment or event that changed your life. (300 word limit) 2. What are the top 10 items on your bucket list? (One-page limit, bullet points allowed) 3. Tell us something, different, quirky, and/or interesting about yourself that the admissions committee wouldn’t glean from the rest of your application or interview. (250 word limit)

It does not matter which prompt you choose; however your response should have content that supplements the video essay so that you give adcom the broadest view of your candidacy. Choose the prompt that will best express who you are but pay attention to “action oriented, innovative, thoughtful leadership”

Also, a common theme of all these prompts is how you will contribute to the Rice community. Rice has roughly 110 students; a very small class size for a business school. You will truly get to know your classmates and your professors. As such, the above questions are to get to know you and how you will fit into the culture. Therefore, it is important that you get to know the Rice culture personally. Visit campus, attend a Rice event (including Webinars or mixers), talk to Rice grads; think about how you will fit in. What would you bring to your class that the other 109 people won’t? This is what Rice wants to know.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Rice Business strives to create the next generation of business leaders and entrepreneurs who think bigger and bring their bold ideas to the workplace.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the questions applicants usually ask before taking the next step. If you have additional questions, our admissions counselors are readily available to help at 855-842-8380  or [email protected].


How much does the program cost?

Tuition for the 2022-23 academic year is $2,130 per credit. Students are required to complete 54 credits, totaling $115,020 for the entirety of the program. There are other fees associated with the program. Ask your admissions counselor if scholarships are available. Learn more about tuition and financial aid .

What are the time commitments for this program?

Each class you take will meet once a week for 90 minutes at 6:30 p.m. or 8:30 p.m. CST on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. We recommend you plan to set aside 15 to 20 hours of study time per week to be successful.

What learning materials are needed?

The program consists of asynchronous and synchronous learning materials. Synchronous learning takes place during our live instruction and may rely on work done outside of class. Content and coursework are available through the digital learning platform whenever, wherever. Prerecorded/guided lecture videos, interactive presentations, course notes, forums and written assignments can be found there.

Are you accredited?

The Jones Graduate School of Business is recognized by a number of accrediting bodies, including the AACSB. Rice University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral degrees.

Will my diploma indicate that this degree was completed online?

Upon completion of the MBA@Rice program—which is part of the Rice Business suite of MBA offerings—you will receive certification that indicates just that: You are part of Rice Business and the Jones Graduate School of Business. Your courses are designed and taught by the same faculty who work on campus in Houston. Your diploma will not indicate that this degree is any different from the on-campus version.


How is the program structured? Are there semesters?

The MBA@Rice program is on a quadmester schedule, with four terms per year (January, April, July and October). Each term is 11 weeks long. Learn more about the curriculum and course scheduling.

How many classes will I be taking?

Students generally start the program taking three classes within a term, for a total of six credit hours. The three-credit courses are 10 weeks long, and the 1.5-credit courses last for five weeks so that you can complete them consecutively within the term. This will allow students to complete all six credits within a term while only taking two classes at a time.

What focus areas are available?

We have seven focus areas: corporate finance, corporate strategy, investment management, marketing, entrepreneurship, energy and health care. However, with 12 credit hours dedicated toward elective studies, we encourage our students to work with their advisers to create a specialized degree plan based on their professional goals. Focus areas are merely designed to help students narrow their focus into different business topics that may be used to inform their postgraduate career aspirations.

Learn more about MBA@Rice focus areas.

What electives are available?

There are a number of electives available for this program at various terms throughout the year. A selection of these courses can be found on our curriculum page .

Who are the professors who will teach our classes?

Our online MBA courses are designed and taught by our on-campus MBA faculty. They create and oversee the asynchronous classes and provide guidance to the lecturers who conduct the live sessions. This approach ensures that our online MBA students benefit from the wealth of knowledge and expertise of world-renowned researchers and practitioners who are leaders in their fields. You can get to know the faculty here .


What are the application requirements?

The program is almost fully online, with the exception of occasional in-person requirements like the Rice Core Residential—a four-day intensive learning opportunity where you will be able to immerse yourself in the culture of Rice and connect in person with peers, professors, other faculty and alumni.

  • Updated resume
  • One letter of recommendation from a direct supervisor or two letters from professional sources
  • Personal essay (two prompts to choose from, 500–800 words)
  • Transcripts from all institutions attended
  • GMAT/GRE score not required for qualified MBA@Rice candidates (please reach out to your admission counselor to learn more.)
  • Interview (virtual)
  • $150 application fee (waiver options available, reach out to your Admissions Counselor to learn more)

When should I submit my application?

Prospective students can submit applications at any time, as the MBA@Rice program accepts applicants on a rolling basis. You can apply to a cohort up to one year in advance. Access your application .

What are the requirements for the GMAT/GRE waiver?

MBA@Rice candidates who meet one or more of the following qualifications are not required to submit a GMAT/GRE score:

  • 3+ years of professional full-time work experience
  • Terminal degree of M.D. or Ph.D.
  • A master’s degree in a STEM field
  • Professional certification of CFA or CPA
  • Submitting an Executive Assessment Score at the time of application

How many recommendations do I need, and how difficult is that process?

Recommenders will submit their recommendations themselves through our online portal. All that is required of you is your recommender’s email address. You should still reach out to recommenders beforehand to ensure they are willing to engage in the process. Recommendations are due by the final application deadline. One letter of recommendation from a direct supervisor or two letters from professional sources are required.

How can I check the status of my application?

To find out the status of your application, please contact the admissions team at 855-842-8380 or [email protected]. Your dedicated admissions counselor will be able to give you an update as well. Access your application.

How do I prepare for my admissions interview?

The best preparation for the admissions interview is having the ability to articulate why you are pursuing an MBA. The interview consists of five questions that are not released in advance. However, if you have a strong grasp of your own intentions, you should be well equipped for the interview.


What networking opportunities are available?

You will be able to network with your classmates and professor virtually during your live class sessions, and there are two Intensive Learning Experiences (ILE) from which you will greatly benefit. The Rice Residential Core is a four-day ILE held on campus in Houston, Texas, that will be offered to you at the end of your first or second term. The Global Field Experience is a week-long intensive learning experience (ILE) that will allow you the opportunity to network with peers and alumni from your program and cultivate impactful relationships with clients and business leaders in an international context. Learn more about the Global Field Experience .

Are there any requirements to come to campus?

Will I have access to the Rice Business alumni network?

Rice Business is known for its tight-knit community and involved alumni network. As a student, you will have access to alumni on campus during our Intensive Learning Experiences and around the country when our admissions and development teams visit chapters and hold events. This gives you the chance, no matter where you live, to connect with graduates from a variety of diverse backgrounds. Making lasting connections is important to our alumni, and with a multitude of different fields and industries represented among them, the opportunities afforded to you as you assess your career prospects will be plentiful.

Once you graduate from Rice Business, your access grows. The Rice Business culture builds with every class, and we encourage you to stay active through clubs in your city, community events, volunteering and philanthropy opportunities within the school. You can also continue your education through lifelong learning with class audits, access to the Career Development Office, discounted rates for Executive Education courses and short courses at our yearly Alumni Reunion Weekend. Once you’re part of the Rice Business Family, you’ll always have access to the school and its alumni.


How does online learning work?

The online classroom is intuitive, live and collaborative by nature. You should be prepared to engage in real-time discussion with your classmates, as well as participate in breakout rooms where smaller group work will take place. Helpful in-class tools, like the ability to record a session or annotate, also exist to enhance the learning experience.

What career services will I have access to within the online program?

We have career advisers and coaches to work with students. Advisers help with building resumes, preparing for interviews and more. Coaches work with students on leadership and development skills. Additional resources include job search methods, career self-assessment, salary resources, professional profile development, social media presence and networking. Learn more about career services .

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Rice MBA Essays: Tips for 2023-2024

At Menlo Coaching, we noticed that most MBA essays will fall into one of a number of categories: personal essays, career goals essays, behavioral essays, etc. Read ahead for our expert guide on approaching these essays for Rice Jones School of Business. 

The Career Goals Essay

  • In 100 words or less, please share your short-term career goals. (text box, 100 words)
  • In 100 words or less, please share your long-term career goals. (text box, 100 words)

(These are not NOT meant to be traditional essays, rather, the purpose of this short answer response is to have a clear and direct understanding of your professional goals.)

The Personal Statement Essay

  • Required Creative Essay: While we know a picture is worth 1000 words, in 500 words or less tell us the story of a photo of your choosing that has significant value in your life experiences. Please feel free to share your photo! You can complete this essay via a traditional written response (500-word limit) or via a video response (one to three-minute time limit).

The Optional Essay

  • If you have any additional information for the admissions committee or if you wish to clarify any aspect of your application (including breaks in employment, your choice of recommendation providers, your past academic performance, etc.), you may submit an additional, optional essay.

Applying to Rice Jones

In this program, students are encouraged “to take risks and make mistakes.” They are looking for students who are moved to create. Through the story you relate in your essay, the admissions council is looking to see if you reflect the same values that the school does. Rice is looking for students who are looking to develop their emotional intelligence and eager to use rigorous analysis. The best way to represent that you possess those qualities is through the type of essay you choose to write. 

You’re not the only one hoping you’ll have a job after you’ve graduated with your MBA. Admissions committees are looking for students who are motivated and clear in their intentions so that when they get a job post-grad, they’ll be more willing to speak positively of their experience in the program. And, of course, in the hopes that their alumni will earn enough money to become a donor to the school one day.  

There are three aspects to the career goals essay: 

  • What you want your future profession to look like.
  • Why an MBA is necessary to advance your career.
  • Particularly, why a degree from Rice Jones will be most beneficial to you and your job plan. 

Your aspirations need to be convincing, ambitious, and realistic. Rice Jones is looking for applicants who have meaningful goals grounded in their past experiences, and it’s important that you relate that notion in your essay, however it applies to your experience in life. 

Like we touched on earlier, schools are looking for the right fit for their campus community, just as you are searching for the school that aligns best with your goals. In the personal essay, this is your chance to show Rice Jones the values that drive you both as a person and as a student. These values tell the admissions council what you prioritize, the moral code you live by, and, most importantly, who you are as a person.

Rice Jones is looking for applicants who want to contribute to a larger purpose. The program is dedicated to students completing their own research and analysis in order to make decisions. They encourage intelligent risks. 

In these essays, you can talk about almost anything; typically, applicants will write about relationships in their lives, or times when there was a hardship they had to overcome. Be warned, though: there are some topics to avoid, and we have outlined a few things to watch out for  in this article . 

Optional Essay

In addition to these essay types, Columbia Business School also offers applicants the opportunity to write an optional essay to expand on gaps in your resume or other potential weaknesses in your record. Keep in mind that this essay is meant as an addition, so try to be concise.

Writing strong, coherent, genuine stories is an essential part of your MBA application. These essays are meant to help you stand out among many other applicants, so it is worth your time to do the work and write about situations unique to your life and that you truly learned from.

Facing challenges with Jones MBA admissions essays? Our team of consultants offers personalized support to help you craft standout essays that showcase your strengths. Elevate your application with guidance from our experienced MBA consultant team .

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Jones: More than Energy! Tips for the Rice MBA Essay Prompts

Stratus Admissions Counseling

Jones Graduate School of Business (of Rice University) is no longer just for those interested in oil & gas. Though still energy focused, key areas that Rice also focuses on include health care and entrepreneurship. In fact, that entrepreneurial vibe is seen right from the get-go with the first essay question being a required video... View Article

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Contact our general manager with any questions. Profile updated: July 18, 2023 .

Rice University’s Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business

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  • MBA Program Stats

Annual Tuition : $69,000

Annual Tuition Non-Resident : $69,000

Acceptance Rate : 39%

Full-Time Enrollment : 307

Average GPA : 3.45

Median GMAT : 700

Median GRE : Q161/V157

International : 45%

Minority : 29%

Female : 37%

Average Age : 29

  • What You Need To Know

Rice University is nestled in the heart of Houston — one of Texas’ most vibrant cities — as well as a food and entertainment hub. Some of the best-kept secrets about Rice Business have to do with its hometown. An international cuisine destination and entertainment hub, Houston is also the country’s fourth largest city with one of the youngest, fastest-growing, and most diverse populations. This year, the B-School ranked No. 24 in the PoetsQuants rankings.

Rice is growing rapidly. The B-school recently expanded their online MBA program, launched an undergrad business major, and increased their faculty numbers by 30%.

“My favorite aspect of the program is the ability for students to customize and be the ‘CEO’ of their education. They start their first year with the custom core, then the entire second year of the full-time program is made up of electives. There were 146 to choose from this year. That translates to 50% of the full-time MBA being tailored by the students themselves so they can focus on exactly what they want. For example, students can choose an elective to fit their entrepreneurial goals, whether they’re starting a business from scratch, thinking of buying an  established business, or planning the next stage of growth for their startup,” says George Andrews, Associate Dean of degree programs.

Academics And Programs

Rice’s enrollment has nearly doubled in the past five years — with 178 students for the Class of 2023 in the full-time two-year MBA program fostering tight-knit relationships where students will find themselves on a first-name basis with not only classmates, but professors as well.

What does two years in the full-time MBA program at Rice Business look like? All of Rice’s MBA offerings have a rigorous STEM-certified curriculum and are nimble enough to adapt to market needs and student interest.

Business school is more than in-class academics. Among a sea of electives is an abundance of experiential offerings, all interwoven with entrepreneurial thinking. Faculty and students think about how real-world companies, problems, and data can be incorporated into the classroom case studies and creatively work on solutions together. This emphasis on experiential learning allows students to enhance their knowledge and skills and deepens their understanding of the business world.

Students hone their strategic problem-solving with experiences such as the Action Learning Project (ALP) – a 13-week, team-based consulting project, where student teams tackle a company’s challenges and provide detailed, actionable recommendations. Rice offers similar programs with their other MBA programs.

“They’re working with real companies. Most often they’re actually not-for-profits, because these are really big, sticky issues that these firms are having, and they get to go in and work on those issues — whether it’s, ‘We want to go to Colombia and start a business there,’ or ‘We want to have a new branch in another part of the country,’” says Andrews.

Another opportunity for experiential learning comes during the global field experience, built into the core curriculum. As part of the school’s philosophy of adopting a global perspective, students travel abroad with their cohort, take what they learn in the first year of the program, and apply it to short-term projects for organizations and communities in diverse cultural settings, designed to change their perception of the world and how to do business. Besides Harvard Business School and a few others, Rice Business is the only top B-school that requires every student to go abroad during their two years in the MBA program.

Students can study abroad for a semester or attend seminars at partner universities IPADE (Mexico City), INCAE (Costa Rica) and WHU (Germany).

Rice Business’s Career Development Office works hard each year to help students secure their required summer internship. 

“We have a ton of study-abroad opportunities,” Andrews says, citing upcoming trips to Mexico City, Mexico, and São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. “We’re kind of going all over the place,” he adds, saying there is a focus on staying in the Central time zone, meaning Latin America gets special attention.

Why Students Chose

“Rice Business MBA hosted Diversity Preview Weekend and Women Preview Weekend, two events that I was very lucky to be a part of. There, I got to see first-hand how much Rice Business cares for its students, faculty, alumni and overall community. Seeing how much Rice Business championed women and BIPOC in the business space energized me to be a part of an institution that was so dedicated towards uplifting underrepresented communities. Rice Business also graciously funded my education with a Forte Fellowship.” Isha Vaishampayan (‘24)

“After starting my own physical therapy clinic, I quickly realized I was underprepared to run the business side of my practice. Rice Business is highly-ranked in entrepreneurial studies for a reason – every class is designed with unique insights into how information is best harnessed to draw conclusions and make successful operating and strategic decisions. And Rice Business doesn’t wait to get started either – there is a strategy class embedded in the Launch Program curriculum that frames your progress through the start of the semester and gives you direct insight into implementing a proper business strategy.” Ryan Flick (‘24).

“The curriculum at Rice is challenging and the professors really push you to learn through the assignments, case write-ups, and projects. It was important to me to build a strong foundation in finance prior to starting my career as an investment banker. I also appreciate that the electives at Rice Business focus on the diversity of concepts and applications.” Jahnavi Gudi (‘24)

“I was drawn to Rice by the Liu Idea Lab for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (The Lilie Lab). Through Lilie, Rice offers an MBA where risk and bold innovations aren’t only encouraged but also structurally supported. I began my career in the social impact space when I was 14, following a passion for making my community and our planet safer. After nearly 15 years in the non-profit sector and many tremendous career and social impact policy wins, I found that the non-profit model alone cannot create the structural, root-level changes my communities and our planet need. I came to grad school to help model new ways to think about and do social impact work, and I wanted an MBA program with an appetite for experimentation and out-of-the-box thinking. I found that at Rice through the Liu Idea Lab for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.” Aquib S. Yacoob (‘24)

“Rice offers a lot of unique, hands-on experiences. The entrepreneurship program is a favorite and gives students chances to start their own businesses under expert tutelage. There are several classes devoted entirely to hands-on learning projects such as taking on a project for a local business or creating a marketing plan for one. My personal favorite, and what really pushed me to Rice, is the Rice Business Board Fellows program. It’s a competitive program you have to apply to that gives you the opportunity to become a non-voting member of a nonprofit board. You get to assist on projects while learning what serving on a board is like and meeting some really fantastic people. My board is Plant It Forward, an urban farming that assists refugees in starting up their own farming business. Getting involved with a totally different kind of nonprofit than I’ve worked with before is great. Obviously, I’m in business school to build a new career in HR. But, getting access to new ways to serve my community is so valuable to me. The wide-ranging ways to put your talents and skills to work for other people is a big part of why I’m glad I chose Rice.” Amy Tanguay (‘24)

  • Career Stats

Compensation of Rice Business MBA Graduates

Compensation of Rice Business MBA
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Average Base Salary $149,178 $142,212 $131,384 $123,786 $124,798 $$113,287 $113,349
Average Signing Bonus $ 33,670 $ 35,879 $ 33,221 $ 33,828 $ 26,529 $ 25,589 $ 27,254

Rice Business MBA Graduate Employment

Job Offers 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
% of MBAs Accepted Offers 3 Months Post-
90% 94% 92% 89% 92% 95% 93% 84%

Industry Choices of Rice Business MBAs

Industry 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Consulting 26% 28% 32% 25% 30% 15% 20% 24%
Technology 20% 21% 14% 20% 12% 17% 12% 15%
Financial Services 19% 23% 22% 22% 21% 22% 23% 27%
Energy 12% 9% 17% 13% 18% 20% 20% 15%
Pharma/Biotech/Healthcare 7% 1% 3% 4% 4% 6% 7% 6%
Real Estate 4% 8% 1% 2% 7% 7% 3% 5%
Consumer Products 4% 3% 1% 4% 3% 7% 0% 4%
Manufacturing 2% 4% 6% 3% 2% 1% 4% 0%
Media/Entertainment 0% 1% 1% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0%
Nonprofit/Gov/Education 0% 1% 1% 2% 0% 2% 0% 0%
Other 5% 2% 1% 2% 3% 1% 9% 5%

Admissions For Rice Business

From Rice Business

The Jones Graduate School of Business (Rice Business) at Rice University in Houston, Texas, has risen steadily in reputation to one of the top programs in the U.S. and doubled in size in the past five years. With an additional Full-Time MBA cohort, a new office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; innovative global programs and alumni initiatives; and surging enrollment in its 3-year-old online MBA, the school is poised to make the next five years even better.

Named in honor of the late Jesse H. Jones, a prominent Houston business and civic leader, the school’s degree programs include the Full-Time MBA, Professional MBA, Executive MBA, and an online MBA, as well as a coordinated MBA in professional science and an MD/MBA with Baylor College of Medicine. The Ph.D. in Business attracts candidates aspiring to become faculty in prestigious research universities internationally. The one-year MAcc program is designed for students with varied undergraduate academic backgrounds and is committed to producing accounting professionals with critical thinking skills and integrity.

The business school also offers several undergraduate options. The undergraduate business major provides students with a robust foundation in leadership and business fundamentals, taught by the same top-notch faculty who teach our MBA programs. The undergraduate business minor, the largest minor at Rice University, is open to any degree-seeking Rice undergraduate student. The entrepreneurship minor, a joint offering with the George R. Brown School of Engineering, rounds out the programs offered. Our community of MBA and undergraduate students are all housed in one building, McNair Hall, which helps foster a deeply caring, tight-knit culture.

Rice Business Executive Education offers non-degree open enrollment, customized and specialty programs to the Houston business community and globally. All Rice Business courses are taught by a team of dedicated, nationally recognized professors who integrate insights from their own rigorous, peer-reviewed research to help students understand topics in accounting, finance, marketing, organizational behavior, strategy and operations management in the context of today’s ever-changing business landscape. Learn more at Rice Business Wisdom — clear, quick translations of faculty research from Rice Business that will change the way you think.

In the dynamic world we live in, we must all be quick to adapt, and Rice Business leads by example. In response to the pandemic, Rice Business reacted to the change to continue to provide top-notch education no matter the situation. By investing more than $1 million in technology, installing sophisticated microphone and video arrays that allow students to be easily seen and heard from anywhere by their instructors and peers, Rice Business was able to adjust to the circumstances and avoid gaps in our students’ learning. Throughout the pandemic, students and faculty were free to choose between various classroom options, including a fully remote classroom mode or a modified mode for specific needs, health concerns and risk calculations. The world will continue to change but Rice Business remains grounded in three principles: being attentive, responsive, and kind.


  • “One of a Kind”
  • “To Women Furthering Their Career”
  • “Meet The Teach”
  • “Why Houston”
  • “Strong Lead”

Essay Questions For Rice Business

MBA Admissions Essay Questions:

Full-Time MBA, Professional MBA, and Hybrid MBA

Required Short Answer Responses: (100-word limit, each) Rice Business seeks to have a clear understanding of your career goals upon the completion of your MBA experience.

Response #1: “In 100 words or less, please share your short-term career goals.” Response #2: “In 100 words or less, please share your long-term career goals.”

Required Creative Essay: While we know a picture is worth 1000 words, in 500 words or less tell us the story of a photo of your choosing that has significant value in your life experiences. Please feel free to share your photo!

You can complete this essay via a traditional written response (500-word limit) or via a video response (one- to three-minute time limit).

Executive MBA

Required Essay: (750-word limit) “As you evaluate where you are today, how have your educational, professional and personal endeavors brought you to this point? In addition, please explain how the Rice EMBA is part of your plan for the future.”

Optional Essay: (500-word limit) If you have any additional information for the admissions committee, or if you wish to clarify any aspect of your application (including breaks in employment, your choice of recommendation providers, your past academic performance, etc.), you may submit an additional, optional essay.

Student Features For Rice Business

rice mba essay questions

Meet The Rice Jones MBA Class Of 2024

A look at star first-years at Rice MBA

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Meet The Rice Jones MBA Class Of 2023

Our annual look at the Rice MBA's first-year class

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Meet The Rice Jones MBA Class Of 2022

Action-oriented MBAs highlight the incoming class

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2023 MBA To Watch: Siddhant Pawar, Rice University (Jones)

“An easy-going individual striving to be better and be a positive influence on the world”

rice mba essay questions

2023 MBA To Watch: Mónica Hicks, Rice University (Jones)

“First-generation Latina with a passion for equity, and a love for food, travel, and people”

rice mba essay questions

2023 Best & Brightest MBA: Daniel Petterway, Rice University (Jones)

“I’m just a regular person who believes in working hard and treating people right”

rice mba essay questions

2023 Best & Brightest Online MBA: Valarie Tran, Rice University (Jones)

“Driven, competitive, energetic leader and entrepreneur eager to provide financially and emotionally for myself and my family all while enjoying life”

rice mba essay questions

2023 Best & Brightest Online MBA: Trent Alan Kostenuk, Rice University (Jones)

“Passionate lifelong learner, visionary entrepreneur committed to achieving success and creating positive change through innovation”

rice mba essay questions

2023 Best & Brightest MBA: Taylor Anne Adams, Rice University (Jones)

“Elle Woods meets Leslie Knope with a touch of Beyonce”

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2022 Best & Brightest MBA: Takeya Green, Rice University (Jones)

“Bold. Determined. Vibrant. And a whole lot of sass”

rice mba essay questions

2022 MBA To Watch: Quy Le, Rice University (Jones)

“1st Gen High-School Graduate. Vietnamese American. “Best Sense of Humor” Award – Rice MBA 2022”

rice mba essay questions

2022 MBA To Watch: Olaniyi Dada, Rice University (Jones)

“I am an immigrant from Nigeria who is ambitious and thrives on giving back to his community”

rice mba essay questions

2022 MBA To Watch: Alex Williams, Rice University (Jones)

“Passionate, caring, determined, goofball”

MBA Watch For Rice Business

MBA Watch is where thousands of MBA applicants not only get to tell their story but have John A. Byrne, MBA admissions coaches and our audience, assess their odds of admission and get help to improve their chances of getting in!

Mr. Simple Manufacturer

I am a process engineer for a small medical device manufacturing firm in the Midwest.

SouthAmerican Immigrant who works in energy and also hacks for fun who wins hackathons using blockchain, judges new tech and publishes white papers.

Mr. Undecided Direction

Hey Family! Still figuring out which direction I want to go in.

Mr. Army Pilot

I am an Army Aviation Captain looking to transition into consulting post-MBA.

Mr. Back To School

Hey there! Two things set me apart from everyone sitting at the b-school days at Campus X, I'm 49 and lived in Asia (Seoul, Bangkok) for 19 years.

Mr. Operations Manager

Former aspiring medical school applicant who transitioned to considering business school as a possibility after working for the family business.

Mr. Half Poet, Half Quant

I am a civil engineer working in the construction sector in Pakistan for the past 4.

Mr. Engineering To IB

Currently a project manager for a firm focused on engineering consultancy and construction services to the oil and gas industry.

Mr. Late Bloomer

Hello! Though I'm an EA, I pretty much run a manufacturing unit of 18 members and I am an engineer now being exposed to different areas of business.

Mr. Murphy’s Law

Operations and management professional in real estate and education with a desire to build brands and expand minds.

Rankings Data For Rice Business

Rice business mba rankings data.

Ranking 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020
Poets&Quants 18 29 24 24 26

News Coverage For Rice Business

rice mba essay questions

Harvard & Wharton Slump In New 2023 Businessweek MBA Ranking

Stanford's MBA program claims first for the fifth consecutive year

rice mba essay questions

MBA Scholarships At The Leading Business Schools

At most top business schools, dozens — and sometimes hundreds — of need- and merit-based awards are available

rice mba essay questions

GMAT Versus GRE: Which Top-50 MBA Programs Prefer Which Test?

Where a GMAT or GRE score is a must for admission — and where you don't have to worry about sitting for an entrance exam

Built in 2002, McNair Hall was designed by Robert A. M. Stern, the award-winning architect and dean of the Yale School of Architecture to match the collegiate and homey feel of the Rice University campus. Photo Cred: Jones Graduate School of Business

Rice Jones Is Latest Top U.S. B-School To Add A 4th MBA Application Round

Houston B-school is 4th in the U.S. to add a fourth MBA application round in 2022-2023

Why Rice Is Launching A New Hybrid MBA

Rice's new online hybrid MBA is the result of research into the needs of prospective students

rice mba essay questions

2022 Most Disruptive MBA Startups: Berman Foods, Rice University (Jones)

"Artisanal plant-based cheeses and spreads"

rice mba essay questions

2021 Most Disruptive MBA Startups: Green Room, Rice University (Jones)

Simplifying payments and tax compliance for musicians and artists

rice mba essay questions

The Rice Report: Breaking The “Non-Traditional” Label

Being different has its advantages

Rice Jones classroom

Massive Jump In Apps, Enrollment For The Rice Jones MBA

But Houston school's GMAT average tumbles 21 points

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October 9, 2024 | January 8, 2024 | March 25, 2024 | May 1, 2024 (Domestic only) | May 31, 2024 (Domestic only) | Applications are due no later than 12 p.m. CT on the application deadline date.

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Rice University 2024-25 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

Regular Decision: 

Regular Decision Deadline: Apr 30

Rice University 2024-25 Application Essay Question Explanations

The Requirements: 2 essays of 150 words; 1 essay of 500 words; 1 image

Supplemental Essay Type(s): Community , Why, Diversity

The Admission Committee is interested in getting to know each student as well as possible through the application process. Please respond to each of the following prompts.

Please explain why you wish to study in the academic areas you selected. (150 word limit).

Consider this the prologue to your Why essay (coming up next). To nail this question, set aside an hour or so to get cozy with the Rice website and read up on your academic school and other aspects of student life. Doing all of your research at once will allow you to tell a cohesive story about yourself, while also ensuring that your essays aren’t redundant. Pour all of your academic focus into your answer to this question. What do you love about your chosen major? If you’re interested in the Visual and Dramatic Arts program, can you describe the unique opportunities you’ll find at Rice University? What resources are available to undergrads and how will they guide your craft? If you’re undecided, think about what makes Rice the ideal environment for academic exploration. How do you plan to hone in on the perfect major? The more detail you include, the more admissions will learn about you.

Based upon your exploration of Rice University, what elements of the Rice experience appeal to you? (150 word limit)

Keep the rich details flowing in this classic Why essay. Demonstrating a deep level of knowledge will show admissions that you’re a serious applicant. Even if you hadn’t heard of Rice before your guidance counselor suggested it, take the time to reflect on what makes you excited about the prospect of being a student there. Since you just wrote about why Rice’s majors and/or academics appeal to you for the first prompt, don’t hesitate to address residence life or campus activities in your response to this question. Admissions wants to know that you will not only thrive as a student, but also as a transplant living in their city. Does Rice have a club or volunteer organization that you really want to join? Did you fall in love with Houston when you came to visit last spring and now feel like a Texan at heart? What excites you about the prospect of sporting blue and grey next year?

Please respond to one of the following prompts to explore how you will contribute to the Rice community (in 500 words or fewer):

1. the residential college system is at the heart of rice student life and is heavily influenced by the particular cultural traditions and unique life experiences each student brings. what life experiences and/or unique perspectives are you looking forward to sharing with fellow owls in the residential college system.

This prompt is a spin on the classic Community Essay : what do you bring with you to contribute within the residential college system, specifically? Consider your hobbies, culture, and any other extracurricular activities you do just because you love them. One great way to choose a topic is to ask yourself: if I had a podcast, what would it be about? More than likely, you’ll come up with a topic that not only interests you, but you also want to share with the world. Along with pinpointing what you’re passionate about, try to think of how you can enrich the lives of your peers. Do you teach a craft? Do you strongly believe in paying it forward? What would your friends say is your “superpower”? These are all ways to break into a discussion of what you bring to the table and what you would do to enrich your new community.

2. Rice is strengthened by its diverse community of learning and discovery that produces leaders and change agents across the spectrum of human endeavor. What perspectives shaped by your background, experiences, upbringing, and/or racial identity inspire you to join our community of change agents at Rice?

Odds are that this isn’t the first Diversity Essay prompt you’ve come across this year. If it is, however, please read on. Rice wants to accept students from a range of backgrounds who will contribute to their community, so tell admissions about what makes you you and how you will strive for positive change within the student body. Think about times when people have been intrigued by or curious about your identity, skillset, or background. Maybe you began practicing meditation and Buddhism during your sophomore year and you hope to spread some wisdom and mindfulness on campus next fall. Perhaps your parents emigrated from Ukraine, and you intend to raise awareness or funds for refugees. What do you hope to share with others about your lived experience? How will you incorporate this element of your identity to enrich the world around you? Show admissions that you’re eager to make your mark in their community. Bonus points if you can reference a specific component of the Rice experience (think clubs, classes, residential colleges, volunteer opportunities, etc.) as a natural stepping stone on your personal journey of leadership and progress.

In keeping with Rice’s long-standing tradition (known as “The Box”), please share an image of something that appeals to you. See the Help Section for more information.

The final piece to Rice’s supplement isn’t an essay at all. Rice understands that a picture is worth a thousand words (or so we’ve been told). So instead of having you write a thousand words (which sounds exhausting), Rice University is asking you to upload a picture of something that appeals to you. When brainstorming which image to choose, think about your goals and passions. If you’re hoping to declare an English major, maybe your photo of choice is the Pulitzer Prize. If you are hoping to develop your business management skills at Rice, maybe you want to share the photo your mom took of you devouring pizza at student-run The Hoot this spring. Regardless of which direction you choose to take, what matters most is that your image communicates something hyper-personal, and/or reveals new information about you, your interests or your goals that is not covered anywhere else on your application.

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rice mba essay questions

2 Rice University Essay Examples

rice mba essay questions

Rice University is a highly-selective college, so it’s important to write strong essays to help your application stand out. In this post, we’ll share essays real students have submitted to Rice University. (Names and identifying information have been changed, but all other details are preserved).

Please note: Looking at examples of real essays students have submitted to colleges can be very beneficial to get inspiration for your essays. You should never copy or plagiarize from these examples when writing your own essays. Colleges can tell when an essay isn’t genuine and will not view students favorably if they plagiarized. 

Read our Rice University essay breakdown to get a comprehensive overview of this year’s supplemental prompts.

Prompt: Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

It’s family movie night, and we’ve chosen to watch Bird Brain , a nature documentary about birds and their unique abilities. I’m starting to lose interest, but the narrator says something wild that perplexes me: “Some birds have the ability to hold their breath for over 15 minutes underwater.” Well, now I have to know more. 

My mom groans as I pause the movie to spend the rest of my night understanding that one statement. I rush to my room and open my laptop, while my fingers type furiously as videos, images, and articles flood the screen. I click on the first site I see: “Emperor penguins dive to catch fish in the ocean, and their bodies begin to metabolize anaerobically after a certain point of being submerged.” But that wasn’t enough. I continue to scroll as my mind hunts for answers. How big are emperor penguins? How cold is the ocean in Antarctica? And what even is anaerobic metabolization? Ahhhhh! I feel like I am going to explode! I have to know more. 

This example of the emperor penguin is one of the many instances where I am motivated by the need to question what I hear. I encounter a similar situation on any given day. Whether it’s a quick Google search or an all nighter, I find myself lost in time as the world around me blurs while I unearth its secrets. This love of research stems from my childhood, as I was determined to find my own answers. From conducting at-home plant dissections to confirm what was taught in class, or reading an actual newspaper for the latest reports, nothing was true unless I had found evidence. Soon, this habit became deeply ingrained in my character. 

I call moments like these an “internet search spiral.” Part of the reason why these spirals are so captivating is because they can never be boring; it would take me 23.8 million years to go through the 295 exabytes of information on the web. Call me crazy, but I would do it. The never-ending knowledge found within the internet never fails to hold my attention, as my inquiries are like an emperor penguin plunging into the cold Antarctic waters for a swim. Knowing that there’s something I haven’t learned, a skill I haven’t mastered, or an equation I haven’t solved creates a warp in time that transports me to a region where seconds and minutes don’t restrain my knowledge.

 Internet search spirals capture every part of me but often leave me seeking additional material. The search for more information not available online connects me with like-minded thinkers, and this connection is what I aim to foster as a student at Rice. This quest for knowledge is more meaningful when I encounter someone whose passion for teaching matches my appreciation of learning. I turn to those who feel compelled to share. 

These internet search spirals ultimately transform me into a more mindful person. Every time I understand something new, I feel like a little penguin egg that’s ready to hatch and experience the world in a new way. The feeling of analyzing fresh material is one I will never give up. I don’t feel bound by the restriction of time because somehow my eyes never get tired of scanning endless papers and textbooks. After all, the knowledge I gain is worth it, because every bit of information gives me the chance to be a better individual. The purpose of knowledge is action, and knowledge that is acted on becomes greatness. I aspire to embody that greatness. Whether it’s from a website, a medical textbook, a documentary, or a good-old-fashioned human being, learning frees me from the constraints of time. 

So, thank you, emperor penguins, for sparking internet search spirals that push me to be a better individual.

What the Essay Did Well

This essay does a good job of using an anecdote at the beginning to hook the reader in and then continuing to weave callbacks to the anecdote throughout the essay. Including these callbacks where the student refers to themselves as “an emperor penguin plunging into the cold Antarctic waters” and “a little penguin egg that’s ready to hatch” help make the essay feel more cohesive. The use of the anecdote also allows the student to describe the thoughts that run through their brain while researching penguins, which not only shows how the student thinks, but creates the same feeling of excitement and anticipation the student felt in the moment for the reader. 

Another great thing this essay does is reflect on why this activity is so important to who the student is as a person. Although the prompt doesn’t specifically ask for anything more than why the topic is captivating and what do you turn to for more information, providing a reflection on how researching has positively impacted the student to become a better person proves to the admissions committee that this student knows who they are. The student took a passion they have and used it to show their growth as a person through engaging in this activity and how this activity will allow them to achieve their future goals. The last paragraph ties together the essay and takes it a step beyond what was required to elevate the essay.

What Could Be Improved

One thing this essay could work would be to tell less and show more. It’s cliche essay advice, but for a good reason. A lot of this essay tells the reader about the student’s researching habits without putting the reader in the chair next to the student while they sift through Internet tabs or flip through textbook pages. The anecdote at the beginning shows the excitement and thought process of the student when they are researching penguins which draws the reader in.

After the first paragraph the essay relies mostly on telling the reader what the student does and why they enjoy it, rather than using specific experiences and details to describe what was happening and how they felt. An easy way the student could improve their writing to show more would be to include more of their internal monologue while researching. 

It should also be noted that this was a Common App essay submitted to Rice that specifically mentioned Rice: “This connection is what I am to foster as a student at Rice.” Common App essays don’t need to be school specific, so including school names can actually be highly risky and costly if you make a mistake. This student could have easily submitted their Common App essay to Rice with another school’s name or with a blank they meant to fill in. The best way to avoid this mistake is simply to not included schools in your Common App, or if you really want to, make sure someone else proofreads your essay before you submit! 

Prompt: Rice is lauded for creating a collaborative atmosphere that enhances the quality of life for all members of our campus community. The Residential College System and undergraduate life are heavily influenced by the unique life experiences and cultural traditions each student brings. What life perspectives would you contribute to the Rice community?

One of the many Boarding School rules that I despised at the time but now look back at nostalgically was a 45-minute phone time. So with nothing else to do, our suitemates would gather together after “lights-out” and just talk. Sometimes it would be consoling a friend coming out of a bad break-up, and other times it’d be a serious debate on the merits of Latin honors. Whatever the topic, these conversations were always compassionate, spirited, and a source of familial support. 

This camaraderie also made studying with friends profoundly different. My Indian family was always relentless in reminding me to “Forget joy for four years” because delaying gratification was the only way to find “permanent security.” Apparently, in our divine meritocracy, College is just one step on the continual stairway of advancement. I couldn’t disagree more with this notion that an education is simply a means to an end.

But, as I studied with my best friends in our hostel, learning and fun were never antithetical ideas. Nights reserved for calculus were always accompanied by ping-pong sessions, but we never intended to sabotage each other in a futile race to the top. Ours was a collaborative family, where instead of selfish opportunity costs, we were driven by brotherly love. No accolade could beat this feeling of security and finding a home — away from home.

At Rice, to build that sense of family, I want to create a discussion group—Night Owls—to gather at night and ponder both the grandiose and whimsical philosophical questions over hot chocolate . Think of these events as a modern version of the infamous Greek Symposia, just without the booze. This combination of conversation, whimsy, and intellectual inquiry is what I want from college. It doesn’t sound very prudential, but it’s surely poetic.

The student who wrote this essay did a good job of tying their previous experience to an experience they want to bring to the Rice community. This student pinpointed exactly what they loved so much about living in a community with their peers and how they planned to recreate that experience in college. The descriptions about the types of debates or ping-pong tournaments the student engaged in create an image of an intellectual and supportive environment admissions officers want to see at their college.

Additionally, by coming up with a name and a plan for the discussion group, the student’s interest is evident and it shows that they took time to consider genuinely starting this group at college. In general, the student’s writing created a warm sense of family and bonding that displayed some of the student’s key values. This leaves the reader with a positive impression of the type of person this student is outside of the classroom, which was exactly what the prompt was looking to achieve.

This essay could benefit from a more focused and cohesive story. The way the essay begins describing late night discussions at boarding school, then transitions to a discussion on the student’s family, and then returns back to his school study group is a bit disjointed. The second paragraph adds very little to the essay as a whole and distracts from the sense of community the student was trying to establish in his study group. This student probably felt the need to discuss his family and his Indian heritage to address the “cultural traditions” the prompt mentions, however the experiences studying with his friend are unique and special enough to satisfy the prompt so this was an unnecessary addition. The essay could just describe the late night conversations he had at boarding school and how they created a sense of camaraderie and family among strangers that he wants to bring to college, without needing to bring up his family.

The words this student saves by removing the paragraph on their family could be used to create more concrete examples of the types of discussions the student had at boarding school or what they want to have at Rice. Although the essay mentions discussing bad break-ups or Latin honors, adding more detail like a quote said by one of the student’s friends or an introduced idea that made them reflect on the world would help put the reader in the room with the student or gain a better appreciation for the impact of the discussions. 

Where to Get Your Rice University  Essays Edited

Do you want feedback on your Rice University essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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rice mba essay questions

Frequently Asked Questions

I sent in my test scores previously but don’t wish to use them for my application since testing is optional. Is that possible?

Yes. You will have an opportunity on the application to tell us if you do not want your test scores used in your evaluation. Rice recommends first-year and transfer student applicants to undergraduate degree-seeking programs to submit SAT or ACT test scores, if available.

How does Rice review applications?

Our admission process is centered on evaluating each student in the context of their background, community, and school circumstances. At Rice, we consider your entire application and all of the information contained therein helps us to understand as much as we can about you before making a decision. In addition, we evaluate applications through committee based evaluation which ensures that every application to Rice is evaluated and discussed by a minimum of two admission officers to identify the strengths and potential of each student. For more information, visit the Admission Philosophy page.

When you apply to Rice, how do you indicate an interest in a particular major?

As a part of your application, you will select a Division of Study and up to three majors/areas of interest including minors. You will have the opportunity to elaborate on your academic areas of interest in your Rice Writing Supplement. Students will be assessed on their preparedness and alignment to the majors they selected.

Are my chances better if I apply Early Decision?

Not necessarily. The most important consideration must always be whether the university is your absolute top choice and you are ready to make a commitment to enroll.

What is the difference between Early Decision I and Early Decision II?

Both Early Decision I and Early Decision II are binding decision plans. Students who apply Early Decision I must submit their materials by November 1 and students who apply Early Decision II must submit their materials by January 4.

May I submit supplementary materials with my application?

The required application components provide the Admission Committee with all the information we need to make an informed admission decision. However, if someone in your network has unique, personal knowledge about your achievements or talents, you may have that person submit a supplemental recommendation. A supplemental letter is not required or expected, but you may choose to submit one if you feel it can bring forth an aspect of your personal life or experience that has not been covered in your application. Additional recommendations can be from a community-based organization advisor, a coach, mentor, a job/work supervisor, music teacher, research advisor or summer program director, or religious leader.

Your supplemental recommendation must include the applicant’s full name, date of birth, or applicant ID and should be submitted through the application platform or to [email protected] .

Do I need to submit an English Language proficiency test if I am a US citizen?

Regardless of citizenship, if your first language is English you are not required to submit a proficiency exam. If your first language is not English but you have completed at least two years of full-time study in an English language curriculum you are not required to submit a proficiency exam. If you do not meet either of these criteria you will be required to demonstrate English language proficiency. For more information visit the English Language Proficiency section of the First Year International page.

How does transfer credit factor into the admissions process?

We appreciate students who take advantage of rigorous academic opportunities, including AP or IB exams, dual credit or transfer credit. These are wonderful ways to challenge oneself and grow, and it is certainly noted in our evaluation of applications.

What AP, IB, transfer and dual credit coursework will be accepted by Rice?

We accept AP test scores of 4 and 5 for course credit, and IB test scores of 6 and 7. Please see the Advanced Placement (AP) Credit page or the International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit page for more information. We do not accept dual credit or any courses that count toward high school graduation requirements. The Office of the Registrar evaluates course credits taken at other regionally accredited colleges or universities that are appropriate to the Rice curriculum for potential transfer credit. This occurs only after a student has been admitted to Rice.

What dual credits will be accepted by Rice?

Transfer credit will not be awarded for courses that are included on the student’s high school transcript and used to satisfy high school graduation requirements, including dual credit courses. Only students who have more than 20 college preparatory courses may have the Office of the Registrar consider their college courses taken in high school for Rice credit. For more information about the transfer credit process, please visit the Transfer Credit page.

How does Rice accommodate dietary restrictions?

Students with special dietary needs are welcome to consult our campus chefs and nutritionists to determine a personalized dining plan. Please see the Rice Dining and Nutrition pages for more information.

If I change or add a major, can I still graduate in 4 years?

It depends! Students who would like to change or add a major should consult their Academic Advisor and the course requirements for both majors. With good planning and foresight, students may graduate on time as double majors.

What else is there to do on campus besides tours?

We invite you to visit our Student-Run Businesses, such as Rice Coffeehouse and Rice Bikes, and explore our public art exhibitions, like the James Turrell "Twilight Epiphany" Skyspace. Witness a piece of history by viewing our Berlin Wall Memorial housed at the Baker Institute, or swing by Rice Stadium to catch a sports game. You could also grab tickets to a concert at The Brockman Hall for Opera. There is lots to do on our beautiful and historic campus!

I’m a counselor. How can I get Rice swag?

Email us at [email protected] to request some Rice goodies!

How do counselors submit transcripts?

Official high school transcripts must be submitted by the high school via:

  • The application platform (Common App)
  • An electronic transcript delivery service
  • For USPS Courier: Rice University Office of Admission-MS 17 P.O. Box 1892 Houston, TX 77251-1892
  • For DHL/Fedex ESPRESS Couriers (common for international): Rice University Office of Admission-MS 555 6100 Main St. Houston, TX 77005

Transcripts will not be accepted by fax or email.

How do I submit letters of recommendation and the school report?

Counselors can submit letters of recommendation and the school report through the Counselor Portal on the Common App.

Who can apply through QuestBridge?

Any high school senior (regardless of citizenship) currently attending high school in the U.S. is eligible to apply through QuestBridge. Additionally, U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents living abroad are eligible. International students living outside the U.S. are not eligible.

If I applied through Questbridge and didn't match with Rice, can I still apply through Early or Regular Decision?

Given the variance of factors considered, not being selected for the College Match does not mean you are an inadmissible candidate for Rice. As long as you have not matched with any other binding schools, you are eligible to apply for Early or Regular decision and be considered for an equally comparable financial aid package.

For more information about QuestBridge at Rice, visit our QuestBridge FAQ page.

What scholarships are available?

The Office of Admission offers merit-based scholarships to incoming first-year students who distinguish themselves academically and personally within our highly competitive group of admitted students. These scholarships are based solely on merit and financial need is not taken into consideration. There is no separate application or interview required.

Is there an appeals process for scholarships?

No, the Office of Admission carefully considers all admitted students for scholarship offers and will not reevaluate final decisions.

For further information on Financial Aid, please visit the Financial Aid website and the Financial Aid FAQ page.

Application Materials

How can I get a fee waiver?

Domestic students may respond to the fee waiver prompts provided in the Common App to receive a fee waiver. Students who participate in the QuestBridge program automatically qualify for application fee waivers from Rice.

Which foreign languages does Rice accept?

We will accept any foreign language that your high school has approved, with the exception of computer science.

How do you prefer the letter of recommendation to be written?

We have no preference! We welcome the easiest method for counselors and teachers to share their knowledge of the student.

Can I submit additional materials?

Yes, but additional materials are not required or expected. However, if you feel that there is something that would demonstrate your experience, character or talents outside of the application, you may send these materials to [email protected] .

Can I submit more than three letters?

The required counselor and two teacher letters are sufficient for the Admission Committee to make a decision. However, if someone in your network has unique, personal knowledge about your achievements or talents, you may have that person submit a supplemental recommendation. A supplemental letter is not required or expected, but you may choose to submit one if you feel it can bring forth an aspect of your personal life or experience that has not already been covered in your application. Additional recommendations can be from a community-based organization advisor, a coach, mentor, a job/work supervisor, music teacher, research advisor or summer program director, or religious leader.

Any supplemental recommendations must include your full name, date of birth or applicant ID, and should be submitted through the application platform or via [email protected] .

Does Rice superscore?

Yes! When reviewing SAT and ACT scores, we use the highest score from each section across all tests. We encourage students to report all scores knowing that we will recombine the sections to get the best possible set of scores for each candidate.

Should I submit my test score?

While we do not require testing, Rice recommends first-year and transfer student applicants to undergraduate degree-seeking programs to submit SAT or ACT test scores, if available. Students who are unable or unwilling to submit test scores will still be given full consideration in the admission selection process. Please refer to our Class Profile for more information on the academic profile of admitted students. Admission Officers are not able to advise whether a particular score would help or harm your application.

How do I submit my Box image?

You can upload your Box image through the Common App or your Rice Admission Student Portal.

What are the application essay prompts?

The Rice supplement offers you the opportunity to share more about yourself. This is your chance to tell us why you are interested in Rice and what you would like to pursue as a student here. We also want you to elaborate on your experiences and achievements to share what you would bring to our community.

Essay Prompts (2024-2025)

1. Please explain why you wish to study in the academic areas you selected. 150 word limit.

2. Based upon your exploration of Rice University, what elements of the Rice experience appeal to you? 150 word limit.

3. Please respond to one of the following prompts to explore how you will contribute to the Rice community:

  • The Residential College System is at the heart of Rice student life and is heavily influenced by the particular cultural traditions and unique life experiences each student brings. What life experiences and/or unique perspectives are you looking forward to sharing with fellow Owls in the residential college system? 500 word limit.
  • Rice is strengthened by its diverse community of learning and discovery that produces leaders and change agents across the spectrum of human endeavor. What perspectives shaped by your background, experiences, upbringing, and/or racial identity inspire you to join our community of change agents at Rice? 500 word limit.

One of Rice's long-standing traditions is “The Box,” a question on our application where we ask all of our applicants to share an image of something that appeals to them. The Box gives you the opportunity to present us with an image that shares something about yourself, your interests or what is meaningful to you. This image is not used for evaluative purposes in the application, but allows you to put your stamp on the application about who you are aside from what you have achieved. Be sure to choose an image that speaks for itself and does not need an explanation. The Box must be a two-dimensional image that is uploaded in the Common Application or uploaded in the Rice Admission Student Portal.

First Year Domestic

I am a U.S. citizen, but went to high school in another country. Do I apply as a domestic student?

Yes! If a student has U.S. citizenship, Permanent Residency, DACA, Refugee/Asylee status or is undocumented while having lived in the U.S. for an extended period of time, they should apply as a domestic student.

How do you compare elite high schools to other high schools?

We consider all applicants within the context of their own schools and communities. We do not compare high schools, but instead look for students who make the most of the opportunities available to them. Learn more about our Application Philosophy here.

What classes should I take to be accepted?

You should take classes that challenge and interest you! We are looking for students who are taking advantage of the rigorous coursework available to them, especially those that align with their future goals. At minimum, students must complete the following high school courses:

Subject Area Number of Credits
English 4
Social Studies 2
Mathematics 3
Laboratory Science (e.g. biology, chemistry, physics) 2
Foreign Language 2
Additional credits in any of the categories above 3
Total 16

First Year International

Can international students receive an application fee waiver?

No, international students are not eligible to request an application fee waiver.

What tests for non-native English speakers does Rice accept?

We accept the TOEFL, IELTS and Duolingo tests to demonstrate English proficiency.

Test Minimum Score
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)* 100 (Internet-based test)
International English Language Testing System (IELTS) 7
Duolingo 130

Are there exemptions to the English Proficiency Exam?

Students who are native English speakers or have completed at least two years of full-time study in an English language curriculum are not required to submit an English language proficiency exam. All other students must submit an English proficiency exam.

How can I receive a CSS profile fee waiver?

Students who qualify will automatically have the fee waived by the College Board. This applies to students who qualify for an SAT fee waiver, students who are orphans or wards of the court under the age of 24 and families with an adjusted gross income under $100,000. The Office of Financial Aid has a limited number of fee waiver codes for international students.

How do holidays and breaks work for international students who are unable to return home?

We have housing and dining services available for students throughout the entire academic year. Students who would like to live on campus during breaks must submit a request to the Housing and Dining department.

How are international students considered for financial aid?

Rice offers need-based financial aid to a limited number of international admits each year. If an international student would like to apply for financial aid, they must indicate this in their application. Unless their citizenship changes, only international freshmen who are awarded need-based financial aid during the admission process will be eligible to apply for financial aid after their first year . International admits will complete the CSS profile to apply for financial aid.

What documents are accepted for the International Financial Statement?

All bank statements or affidavits supporting total funds available for the total cost of attendance must be submitted. Tax documents, stock portfolios and proof of income are accepted, but will not be sufficient for the international financial statement.

If I applied as a first year student to Rice and now wish to apply as a transfer student, do I have to resubmit everything?

Since first year admission and transfer admission take place in different application cycles and have very different requirements, you would need to submit different items. If you chose to submit testing, our office can use the testing you submitted as a first year applicant if you'd like to submit testing for your transfer application. However, no other documents from your first year application can substitute required transfer documents.

I sent in Test scores previously but don’t wish to use them for my application since testing is recommended. Is that possible?

Our holistic admission process is centered on evaluating each student in the context of their background, community, and school circumstances. At Rice, we consider your entire application and all of the information contained therein helps us to understand as much as we can about you before making a decision. In addition, we evaluate applications through committee based evaluation which ensures that every application to Rice is evaluated and discussed by a minimum of two admission officers to identify the strengths and potential of each student. For more information, visit the Admission Philosophy page.

As a part of your application, you will select a Division of Study and up to three majors/areas of interest including minors. You will have the opportunity to elaborate on your academic areas of interest in your Rice Writing Supplement. Students will be assessed on their preparedness and alignment to the majors they selected. For more information, visit the Admission Philosophy page.

I believe my circumstances are somewhat unique. How can I share this with the admission committee?

The application process is designed to accommodate the broad spectrum of experience a transfer student might bring to the process. The application offers several opportunities for students to discuss their reasons for seeking a transfer, their interest in a particular field of study, their specific interest in Rice, what they believe is distinctive in their background and life experiences that would add to the Rice community, and if they experienced an education interruption. If you do not feel that the application questions allow you to fully explain your circumstances to the admission committee, you may email the information to us at [email protected] .

If I have been out of high school for a long time, do I still need to upload a HS transcript?

Yes! However, our evaluation process considers the most recent academic coursework, so if you have been out of school for more than two years, you may want to consider taking some college coursework and applying as a transfer student. If your high school is no longer in existence, you must contact your state or district for transcripts to prove high school graduation.

What credits do I need to transfer?

We do not have specific credit prerequisites or a checklist for students who are seeking to transfer. However, we do pay close attention to the ways that you have engaged with your academic interests in and out of the classroom. This is one lens with which we view your application. The Office of the Registrar evaluates credits from previous institutions after a student has been admitted to Rice.

When will I know of my admission decision?

Fall Transfer decisions are released in June. Spring Transfer decisions are made by December 1.

Do transfer students receive financial aid?

Yes! Our Office of Financial Aid is committed to meeting 100% of demonstrated need for domestic students. Transfer students are not eligible for merit-based scholarships.

How many credits must be completed at Rice to graduate?

Transfer applicants must complete at least four semesters of coursework (60 semester hours) as a full-time student at Rice to be eligible for a bachelor's degree.

For any further questions about this, please contact the Office of the Registrar .

Special Populations

If I am a homeschooled student, should I submit testing?

Some students may feel that their standardized test performance demonstrates their academic preparation beyond the context of their secondary education curriculum. If you feel as though your level of academic preparation may be reflected through testing, then you may submit your scores or other materials listed on our website . Rice recommends first-year and transfer student applicants to undergraduate degree-seeking programs to submit SAT or ACT test scores, if available.

Can I apply to Rice to pursue a second Bachelor’s degree if I already have one from another institution?

Students who already have a Bachelor’s degree are not eligible to enroll as a degree-seeking undergraduate student at Rice.

Yes! However, our evaluation process considers the most recent academic coursework, so if you have been out of school for more than two years, you may want to consider taking some college coursework and applying as a transfer student. If you are unable to get the transcript directly from your high school, try contacting the district administration.

Who should write the letters of recommendation for homeschooled students?

Of the three required letters of recommendation (one counselor recommendation and two teacher recommendations), at least two letters must be completed by someone who is not related to the student.

Do homeschooled students need to take standardized tests?

While we do not require testing, Rice recommends first-year and transfer student applicants to undergraduate degree-seeking programs to submit SAT or ACT test scores, if available.

What homeschool programs does Rice accept?

We do not have a specific list of accepted homeschool programs. Homeschooled applicants are encouraged to provide detailed information about their curriculum, assessment tools and learning experiences, as well as a list of educational texts and materials used. Additionally, if a homeschooled applicant has completed coursework at one or more traditional high schools, colleges or universities, they are required to submit official transcripts from each institution attended.

Which military tuition assistance programs do we accept?

We accept the Post-9/11 GI Bill, Montgomery Bill, VR&E, Dependents Education Assistance Program, Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship and the Hazlewood Act. See the Office of the Registrar for more information.

How many students are on the waitlist?

The size of our waitlist is dependent on how many students accept the opportunity to remain on the waitlist; therefore, we cannot give an estimate at this time.

How many admission offers will be made to waitlisted students?

This number varies from year to year depending upon a variety of factors. In the past, the number of offers has ranged from zero students to around 150 students.

What can I do to increase my chances of admission?

We strongly encourage you to provide us with any new updates since you initially submitted your application to Rice. In addition to informing us of your continued interest in Rice, we also ask that you provide us with new and compelling information such as notable achievements, awards and accolades.

Please do not send additional letters of recommendation from school officials, Rice alumni or others. Additions to the file should be directly from the student. Please upload updates directly via your Rice Admission Student Portal . We cannot guarantee that updates sent via other methods will be included in our future considerations.

Is the waitlist rank-ordered?

No. All students who accept their place on the waitlist will be reviewed for any available spaces.

Is it appropriate for me to accept an offer of admission from another school while I wait to hear from Rice? What about other waitlists?

Yes, you may commit to another school and remain on the waitlist for Rice. If you are offered admission from the waitlist and choose to attend Rice, you must then withdraw your previous enrollment.

If admitted from the waitlist, how will I be notified?

We will contact you by phone or email if you are admitted from the waitlist. For this reason it is important that you notify us of any changes to your contact information. Please ensure that we have a correct phone number where we can reach you throughout the summer months.

Is admission from the waitlist need-blind?

Admission is need-blind for domestic students, including those admitted from the waitlist.

Are financial aid opportunities different for students admitted from the waitlist?

We guarantee need-based financial aid for all admitted students who qualify. If your financial aid application is complete, then we will prepare an aid package at the time of acceptance.

Is on-campus housing guaranteed for students admitted off the waitlist?

We are usually able to accommodate all incoming students from the waitlist who desire on-campus housing. In the extremely unlikely event that you are admitted but housing is not available, we will notify you at the time you receive your offer of admission.

When will I know if I am taken off the waitlist?

You will be notified by phone or email between May 1st and Orientation Week (one week before the official start of the fall semester) if you have been taken off the waitlist.

Deferred Students

What does it mean to be deferred?

Deferrals are only offered to a select number of Early Decision candidates from whom the Admission Committee wishes to see more information. These candidates are then reviewed within the context of the Regular Decision Pool. This allows time for more information to be added to the file, such as updated senior grades. Additionally, students have the option to submit additional items such as testing or honors and accomplishments earned during senior year.

When will my application be considered again, and when will I be notified of a final decision?

Your application will be considered under the Regular Decision plan. The Admission Committee will notify candidates of their final decision at the same time Regular Decisions are released.

What can I do to increase my chances of being admitted after I’ve been deferred?

The best thing you can do after being deferred is to update us with any new information since the original submission of your application. Your senior mid-year grade report must be sent directly from your high school to Rice. Tell us about your continued interest in Rice along with details of any new engagements, awards, or accomplishments. Additions to your file should be sent directly from you, the student. Please do not send additional letters of recommendation from school officials, Rice alumni, or others. Updates can be sent via your Rice Admission Student Portal.

Can I submit test scores?

Students can choose to submit standardized test scores. If you wish to send us new or updated standardized test scores , you may do so via your Rice Admission Student Portal. Once you have opted in to score consideration by self-reporting your scores, you may not opt out or remove scores.

Are all Early Decision applicants who are not accepted automatically deferred?

No, we defer only those applicants whom we intend to reevaluate for admission again later in the process, and we do ultimately admit a number of students from among those deferred.

Typically, how many students are deferred during Early Decision and then later admitted?

Admission rates vary from year to year based on the competitiveness of the applicant pool. There is no clear indication of your chances of admission after being deferred; however, nearly every year, we admit a number of students who have been deferred.

If I am deferred, am I still eligible to receive financial aid or merit based scholarships?

Yes, students will still be considered for need-based financial aid and merit scholarships. These decisions are not impacted by the deferral process. For information about need-based financial aid, please visit our Financial Aid website or contact the Office of Financial Aid at 713-348-4958 or [email protected].

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  1. We are here to provide you with top quality rice MBA essay https://www

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  2. Rice Application Essay: MBA, College, University, Transfer

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  3. Rice MBA Essays: Tips for 2023-2024

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  4. HOW I GOT INTO RICE UNIVERSITY: Essays (CommonApp Essay, Rice Specific Questions, Essay Tips)

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  5. Rice Application Essay: MBA, College, University, Transfer

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  6. Not sure where to start with the Rice University essay prompts? Our

    rice mba essay questions


  1. MBA Admissions Requirements

    For Deferred Enrollment MBA applicants, please follow the instructions for the Full-Time MBA essay requirements. Full-Time MBA, Professional MBA & Hybrid MBA. Required Short Answer Responses: (100-word limit, each) Rice Business seeks to have a clear understanding of your career goals upon the completion of your MBA experience.

  2. Rice Business School MBA Essay Analysis 2023-2024: A Comprehensive

    Embark on your journey to Rice Business School with our detailed essay analysis for the 2023-2024 MBA admissions. Get insights into what makes a compelling application, understand the nuances of essay prompts, and navigate the admissions process with confidence. Our comprehensive guide provides expert tips, strategic advice, and examples to help you articulate your leadership vision and stand ...

  3. Rice Business MBA Essay Advice 2024-2025

    Rice Business Essay Topic Analysis 2024-2025. The following essay advice covers Rice University's Jones Graduate School of Business (Rice Business) MBA application essays for the 2024-2025 admissions season. You can also review essay topic analyses for other leading MBA programs as well as general Essay Tips to further aid you in developing ...

  4. 4 Expert Tips for Success on Your MBA Application

    Follow her advice when applying for the MBA and increase your chance of success: Take the GMAT/GRE early so you can shift your focus to the rest of the application and ensure you've completed each part to the best of your ability. Make sure your essay truly reflects your unique perspective and voice. Trust the process and remember that your ...

  5. Master Your Business School Application: 10 Easy Steps

    Step 7: Write Your Essay. This is a multiphase step, because you'll want to think deeply about what you want to say about yourself and your goals. The Rice Business application asks for one essay, which all applicants must complete. (Full-Time, PMBA, Hybrid MBA and Deferred Enrollment MBA candidates will also have to write a couple of short ...

  6. Application Requirements

    A third essay is optional. Your essays serve as some of the most interesting and enlightening sections of the Rice MBA application. A well-composed essay can add depth and personality to your application and prove to the admissions committee that you add something unique to the Rice family. Use your essay to share your story.

  7. Jones: More Than Energy! Tips for the Rice MBA Essay Prompts

    Jones Graduate School of Business (of Rice University) is no longer just for those interested in oil & gas. Though still energy focused, key areas that Rice also focuses on include health care and entrepreneurship. In fact, that entrepreneurial vibe is seen right from the get-go with the first essay question being a required video essay:

  8. Admissions FAQ

    Personal essay (two prompts to choose from, 500-800 words) Transcripts from all institutions attended; GMAT/GRE score not required for qualified MBA@Rice candidates (please reach out to your admission counselor to learn more.) Interview (virtual) $150 application fee (waiver options available, reach out to your Admissions Counselor to learn more)

  9. Rice MBA Essays: Tips for 2023-2024

    There are three aspects to the career goals essay: What you want your future profession to look like. Why an MBA is necessary to advance your career. Particularly, why a degree from Rice Jones will be most beneficial to you and your job plan. Your aspirations need to be convincing, ambitious, and realistic. Rice Jones is looking for applicants ...

  10. Jones: More than Energy! Tips for the Rice MBA Essay Prompts

    Jones Graduate School of Business (of Rice University) is no longer just for those interested in oil & gas. Though still energy focused, key areas that Rice also focuses on include health care and entrepreneurship. In fact, that entrepreneurial vibe is seen right from the get-go with the first essay question being a required video...

  11. Rice University's Jones Graduate School of Business

    Essay Questions For Rice Business. MBA Admissions Essay Questions: Full-Time MBA, Professional MBA, and Hybrid MBA. Required Short Answer Responses: (100-word limit, each) Rice Business seeks to have a clear understanding of your career goals upon the completion of your MBA experience.

  12. MBA Admissions Requirements

    Admit It: Rice Business MBA Blog. View more. Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-5:00 PM (Central Time) 713-348-4918. [email protected]. *Office closed for university holidays. MBA Admissions Guide. Request More Information. Need more information about the requirements and the next steps to boost your life and career?

  13. Jones Graduate School of Business

    Mean GPA 3.46. The Jones Graduate School of Business at Rice University, located in the heart of Houston, Texas, offers Full-Time, Professional, Executive, Hybrid and Online MBA program options as well as a deferred enrollment option to graduating undergraduate seniors. The school provides targeted career management resources, and Fortune 500 ...

  14. How to Write the Rice University Essays 2024-2025

    Prompt 2: Please expand on relevant experiences and motivations outside of your academic trajectory that have inspired you to study architecture, focusing on aspects that are not accommodated by other prompts in the application. (250 words) All Applicants, Prompt 1.

  15. Rice MBA Essay Questions 2017-2018

    Rice MBA Essay Questions 2017-2018. Published: July 14, 2017 by Marianne Mondt. The Jones Graduate School of Business admissions committee has posted the Rice MBA essay questions. Rice MBA applicants will respond to two required essays as well as an optional essay. Reapplicants to the program are required to complete an additional Reapplicant ...

  16. Rice University 2024-25 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

    Rice University 2024-25 Application Essay Question Explanations. The Requirements: 2 essays of 150 words; 1 essay of 500 words; 1 image. Supplemental Essay Type (s): Community, Why, Diversity. The Admission Committee is interested in getting to know each student as well as possible through the application process.

  17. How to Write the Rice University Supplemental Essays: Examples + Guide

    How to write each prompt for Rice University. Prompt #1: "Why major" essay. Prompt #2: "Why us" essay. Prompt #3: Multiple options essay. Prompt #4: "Why architecture" essay. Prompt #5: "Why architecture" essay (non-academic) "The Box". If you've already written supplemental essays for your college applications, chances are you've written ...

  18. MBA Admissions Process

    We accept the GMAT, GRE and Executive Assessment for all our MBA programs: Full Time, Professional and Executive. These tests help us evaluate if you have the quantitative abilities to shine at Rice Business. While a standardized test score is preferred, we do have a GMAT Waiver Request process imbedded into the application itself.

  19. 2 Rice University Essay Examples

    Example 2. Prompt: Rice is lauded for creating a collaborative atmosphere that enhances the quality of life for all members of our campus community. The Residential College System and undergraduate life are heavily influenced by the unique life experiences and cultural traditions each student brings.

  20. Frequently Asked Questions

    EMAIL. [email protected]. HOURS. M-F 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT. Fostering diversity and an intellectual environment, Rice University is a comprehensive research university located on a 300-acre tree-lined campus in Houston, Texas. Rice produces the next generation of leaders and advances tomorrow's thinking.

  21. PDF Full-Time MBA Application Checklist

    You can answer in essay form (500 word limit) OR video form (one to three minute time limit) Required essay #2: Choose from the following topics. Prompt #1: Rice Business offers intentional and practical programming to help our graduates develop their leadership skills. Do you think you were born to lead or developed into a leader, and how have ...

  22. MBA Admissions: Essay Topic Analyses 2024-2025

    MBA Admissions: Essay Topic Analyses 2024-2025. The essay portion of the MBA application is one of the most crucial and time-consuming aspects of the MBA application process. These essays are designed to learn about an MBA candidate and to determine if the candidate is a good fit for the program. While "goals" essays are common across many ...

  23. MBA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    An MBA from Rice is an investment that will pay dividends throughout your career. Our financial aid options, help make your goals attainable and ensure a strong return on your investment. *Please note that tuition increases 3-5% each year and will not be published until late December before the year you plan to enroll in.

  24. Learn About Our MBA Specializations

    Specializing at Rice Business. Rice prides itself on delivering a top-ranked education with plenty of flexibility, which is why we recently launched our Hybrid program. Specializations offer another way for students to customize their degree to match their schedules, interests and goals. Our Online MBA students have seven focus areas to choose ...