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ISEE Essay Practice & Information

The last part of the ISEE Test is the essay section. This is an important component that allows your child to demonstrate their writing skills to prospective schools. Preparing for the ISEE Essay is crucial, so read on to find out how to prepare for the essay writing section. Free ISEE Sample Questions

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ISEE Essay Prompts

Isee sample essay, isee essay practice tips.

The ISEE essay gives admissions officers a sample of the applicant's writing, helping them assess their writing skills, personality, and potential for success in the school's academic setting. While it is a crucial part of the overall ISEE evaluation , the essay itself is not scored by the ERB.

Writing Prompt: Your child will receive a writing prompt, which is a short passage or quote related to a specific topic. Prompts cover topics of interest to students at their grade level.

Test Instructions: During the 30-minute Essay Section , your child will be given a sheet of paper to take notes on. They must write the essay in ink on two pre-lined pages, rewriting the prompt at the top of the first page. The essay must be written in print or cursive with black or blue ink. Erasable ink is allowed.

Preparation: Encourage your child to practice writing essays on a variety of topics. Help them develop skills in analyzing prompts, organizing their thoughts, and presenting a well-rounded perspective supported by relevant examples or evidence.

How to Write an Essay for the ISEE Test 

This is a sample prompt: Write an essay about your favorite season. Describe what makes this season special to you, including any specific memories, activities, or traditions that you associate with it. Explain why this season stands out above the others and how it influences your mood and daily life. Use vivid details and examples to support your points.


Begin with a clear, focused topic sentence that answers the essay prompt directly.  

Introduce your main idea or thesis statement in the first paragraph . Clearly state your position: The introduction should clearly state your position or stance on the topic. For example, if the prompt asks about your favorite season, your introduction should state which season is your favorite.  

Keep it concise: While the introduction should be engaging, it should also be relatively brief, taking up only 2-3 sentences. The goal is to hook the reader and set up the rest of the essay, not to provide extensive details.  

💡Avoid clichés : Avoid overused introductory phrases such as: "In my opinion..." or "I believe that..." 💡 .

For example:  

Clichés of Origin:  

  • Time-based openers: "Since the beginning of time..." or "Throughout history..." These are vague and lack a specific focus. 
  • Quoting a dictionary: "Webster's defines..." Essays should showcase your own analysis, not dictionary definitions. 
  • Famous person quotes: Unless the quote is incredibly relevant and insightful, it can feel unoriginal. 

Clichés of Content:  

  • Personal anecdotes (when not specific): "The first time I realized..." can be effective, but only if the anecdote directly connects to the essay's theme. 
  • Hypothetical questions: "Have you ever wondered...?" This is a weak way to engage the reader. 
  • Exaggerated claims: "This is the most important issue of our time..." Such statements are subjective and hard to support. 

Clichés of Wording:  

  • Overused phrases: "A cloud has a silver lining," "Every rose has its thorn," etc. These are trite and predictable. 
  • Vague adjectives: "Amazing," "Wonderful," etc. Use more specific and descriptive language. 

💡B egin your essay with a unique attention grabbing statement💡

✍️Alternatives to Clichés✍️

Start with a surprising fact or statistic.

Pose a thought-provoking question relevant to your topic.

Open with a vivid description that sets the scene.

Introduce a relevant historical event or anecdote.

Start with a powerful quote that you can analyze.

✍️Body paragraphs✍️

  • Aim for 2-4 body paragraphs that support your main idea with specific examples and details.
  • Use each body paragraph to explore one of the main reasons or supporting evidence for your thesis. In each body paragraph, include specific examples, anecdotes, and details to support your key points . This helps bring your essay to life and makes it more engaging for the reader.
  • Organize your body paragraphs in a logical way, with each one building upon the previous one. Use transition words and phrases strategically to seamlessly guide the reader through the progression of your essay.
  • Don't just list facts or examples - take the time to analyze and explain how they support your main argument or thesis . This demonstrates your critical thinking skills.
  • Use a variety of sentence structures (simple, compound, complex) to make your writing more engaging and sophisticated. Avoid repetitive or overly simple sentences.

💡Here's a breakdown of some powerful transitions categorized by their function💡

✍️These are just a few examples, and the best transition words will depend on the specific relationship you want to show between your ideas. Remember, the key is to choose words that create a smooth flow, logical progression, and clear connections within your writing✍️

For Emphasis:

Indeed: Strengthens a point you just made.

Undoubtedly: Conveys strong certainty.

More importantly: Highlights the significance of a point.

In fact: Introduces additional evidence or clarifies a point.

For Logical Flow:

Therefore: Shows a conclusion based on previous information.

Consequently: Indicates a result of something previously mentioned.

Hence: Shows a logical connection between ideas.

Accordingly: Shows ideas are in agreement or follow from each other.

For Contrast:

However: Shows a difference or opposing viewpoint.

Conversely: Presents an alternative idea.

On the other hand: Introduces a contrasting viewpoint.

Despite this: Acknowledges an opposing idea but reaffirms your main point.

For Similarity:

Similarly: Shows a connection between similar ideas.

In the same way: Highlights a parallel between ideas.

Likewise: Indicates agreement or similarity with a previous point.

By the same token: Shows a related idea based on the previous one.

For Addition:

Furthermore: Adds additional information to support your point.

Moreover: Introduces another point that strengthens your argument.

In addition: Adds another element to your list of ideas.

What's more: Introduces an even more significant point.

For Examples:

For example: Introduces a specific instance to illustrate your point.

For instance: Similar to "for example" but can sound slightly less formal.

Specifically: Narrows down the focus and provides a concrete example.

To illustrate: Introduces an example to clarify your point.


Here's how to craft a powerful conclusion in just 2-4 sentences:  

  • Restate Your Thesis with a Twist: Don't simply repeat your thesis word-for-word. Rephrase it using different words or emphasizing a key aspect.  
  • Connect to the Bigger Picture: Briefly show how your essay's argument relates to a broader concept or implication.  
  • End on a Strong Note: Leave a thought-provoking question, a powerful image, or a memorable statement that lingers with the reader. 

By following this structured approach and incorporating these strategies, you can create a strong, well-organized ISEE essay that effectively communicates your ideas and showcases your writing skills. Proper preparation and practice with suggested writing prompts can help your child approach this section with confidence and do their best.

Your child will respond to a grade-appropriate writing prompt that may relate to their personal experiences, their community, or global issues. The prompts are designed to encourage your child to express their ideas and perspectives in a written format.

ISEE Middle Level Essay Prompts

  • Is it important for students to participate in extracurricular activities? Why or why not? Provide examples to support your argument.
  • Describe a person who has had a significant influence on your life. What specific qualities do they possess that you admire, and how have they influenced you?
  • Do you think it's better to have a few close friends or many acquaintances? Explain your preference and provide reasons.
  • Imagine you could change one thing about your school. What would it be, and how would it improve the learning environment?

Use one of these prompts to write an essay when you take one of our ISEE Middle Level Practice Tests to get a complete simulation of the test experience.

   Full ISEE Middle Level Prep

ISEE Upper Level Essay Prompts

  • Discuss the impact of technology on society. Do you think technology has more positive or negative effects? Support your stance with examples.
  • A Book That Changed My View: Write about a book that significantly changed your perspective on a particular subject. What was the subject, how did the book change your view, and why was it impactful?
  • The Future of Education: How do you envision the future of education? What changes do you predict or hope will occur in the next 20 years?
  • Historical Event: Choose a historical event that interests you. Explain why it is significant, how it has impacted the world, and what lessons can be learned from it.

For a complete test simulation experience, use one of these prompts to write an essay when you take one of our ISEE Upper Level Practice Tests.

Full ISEE Upper Level Prep  

Remember that the ISEE essay is an opportunity for your child to demonstrate his or her writing skills and intellectual curiosity , both of which are highly valued by independent schools. Proper preparation and practice can help your child approach this section with confidence and do his or her best.

ISEE Essay Plan

ISEE Essay Prompt: What is your favorite season? Why is it important to you?

Follow the guidelines set out above and work to a tight schedule.

State your position -My favorite season is Fall.

Then ask yourself why do you like Fall. Here are some brief notes :

  • It's a beautiful time of the year- we start a new school year
  • I like the traditions-Harvest, Halloween (pumpkins, Thanksgiving) Classic American
  • The falling leaves inspire reflection, and we think of change as the trees change

Many of these traditions involve spending time outdoors, gathering with family and friends, enjoying seasonal foods, and celebrating the fall harvest and Thanksgiving.

Here is an example of a well-crafted ISEE essay written using the guidelines provided by our in house educational consultant.

Of the four seasons, Fall is definitely my favorite time of year. I look forward to its arrival every September when the summer heat begins to fade and the crisp, cool air starts to bring a burst of color to the trees. There are so many reasons why I love the Fall season.  

First and foremost, Fall marks the start of a new school year. Although the end of summer vacation is bittersweet, there is an exciting feeling of getting new teachers, classes, school supplies, and reuniting with friends after a long break. The start of the academic year brings a sense of energy and possibility.  

Another big reason I cherish Fall is the holiday traditions that come along with it. Classic American traditions like Halloween and Thanksgiving make Fall feel extra special. I love carving pumpkins, going trick-or-treating, and dressing up in costumes. Then Thanksgiving brings get-togethers with extended family to enjoy amazing seasonal foods like turkey, stuffing, cranberries, and pumpkin pie. These celebrations strengthen my connection to family, friends, and the year's natural rhythms   

Speaking of the rhythms of nature, the changes happening across the landscape in the Fall are breathtaking. The trees put on a dazzling display as their green leaves turn vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow before falling to the ground. Raking the fallen leaves into piles is a favorite activity from my childhood. The stunning Autumn colors and shedding of leaves inspire a sense of transition and reflection on the cycle of life. I recall the line in Emily Bronte’s poem that says, “Every leaf speaks bliss to me Fluttering from the autumn tree,” which perfectly captures the joyous feeling of witnessing the vibrant colors and gentle descent of falling leaves during the autumn season.  

Fall makes me want to spend as much time outdoors as possible before winter's chill drives everyone back inside. Going for crisp morning walks, sipping apple cider, picking apples or pumpkins from the local farm, and simply admiring the beautiful foliage are all reasons I cherish this season. The outdoors simply feels more alive and invigorating in the Fall air.  

Fall makes me want to spend as much time outdoors as possible before winter's chill drives everyone back inside. I cherish this season for taking crisp morning walks, sipping apple cider, picking apples or pumpkins from the local farm, and simply admiring the beautiful foliage. The outdoors feels more alive and invigorating in the Fall air.  

With the change of seasons, the gathering of families, the celebration of traditions, and nature's grand finale before winter, Fall is undoubtedly my favorite time of year. From the start of the school calendar to the holiday festivities, Fall is a season to be embraced and celebrated.  

  • Read the essay prompt carefully. During the test, you may be tempted to answer a question as quickly as possible. While keeping an eye on the clock is a good tactic, rushing through questions is not. Make sure you fully understand the essay prompt before attempting to answer it. An essay whose content is off topic is an immediate zero, no matter how well-written or insightful it may be.
  • Practice with sample prompts regularly. While you might not encounter the exact same prompt on the test, you'll likely face a similar one. This practice will help you understand the typical format, familiarize yourself with the appropriate writing style, and give you practical insight into the writing process required.
  • Spend 2-5 minutes outlining your essay before you begin writing.
  • Allow 15-20 minutes for actual writing.
  • Allow 2-5 minutes at the end to review and edit your work.

Now that you've enjoyed and benefited from our expert teacher guidelines on how to write an essay, why not take your skills to the next level? Check out our TestPrep online ISEE practice tests and start preparing for your test today!

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isee middle level essay prompt

The ISEE Essay: Tips and Practice Prompts

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  • Organizations
  • Admissions Coaching
  • Academic Tutoring
  • Online Essay
  • Test Anxiety Resources
  • Scholarships

Preparing for the ISEE Essay

The last section of the ISEE is the Essay. Students are given 30 minutes to write an essay in response to a prompt. The Essay section is not scored. Instead, a copy of the essay is sent to schools along with the ISEE score report. As you prepare for the essay section of the ISEE, make sure you know what to expect.

The ISEE writing sample provides valuable information to admissions staff, who use it to gain further insight into the character, personality, and writing ability of prospective students. One common practice is to compare application essays with the ISEE writing sample. This allows admissions staff to see how students express themselves when there are no external influences impacting their writing or ideas. Many students, parents, and guardians are unaware of the importance of the writing sample and tend to under-prepare for this critical section.

Writing a Persuasive, Winning Essay

The most important thing to remember as you write your essay is that this is your opportunity to let schools know who you are and what you care about. Use this opportunity to highlight your passions and personality. It’s a good idea to spend some time thinking of some people, events, or activities that you could incorporate into different essay prompts. Since you only have limited time on the actual test, doing this brainstorming beforehand will help you a great deal!

Three ISEE Essay Tips

  • Use your time effectively. Take the first 2 to 5 minutes to create an outline that includes your main point, 2-3 supporting points, and any key details and examples you’ll incorporate into your essay.
  • Next, spend 20 to 25 minutes writing. Your essay should have an introduction, 2-3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the body paragraphs, be sure to add supporting details and specific examples. Try to be as personal and descriptive as you can to make your writing come alive for readers.
  • Finally, spend 2 to 5 minutes revising and editing. You don’t want grammatical or punctuation errors to detract from readers’ appreciation of your ideas! Check your spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.

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Overview of the ISEE

The ISEE (Independent Schools Entrance Exam) is an admission test administered by the ERB (Educational Records Bureau). Many private schools in North America, and a handful of international schools, use the ISEE as a crucial part of the admissions process for grades 2 through 12.

The ISEE serves as a standardized metric by which admissions departments can compare students from different schools. There are many parts to an application, and the manner in which ISEE scores impact admissions is very school-dependent.

Regardless of the school, an excellent score on the ISEE sets you apart in the admissions process, especially at highly competitive schools. Based on our years of test prep experience, we believe that standardized test taking is a skill that you can master, and—like all skills—you need to learn and practice in order to improve.

Note: Is the ISEE related to the ERBs that I took? If you already attend an independent school, you may have taken the Comprehensive Testing Program (CTP), which is commonly referred to as the ERBs. The CTP, like the ISEE, is developed by the ERB. However, the CTP is an achievement test administered by schools to assess their students’ current skills, whereas the ISEE is an admission test.

Scores on the CTPs and other achievement tests are often higher than ISEE scores. Achievement tests are designed to measure a student’s grade-level proficiency in a subject, while admission tests like the ISEE are designed to compare many potentially qualified applicants.

Primary Level 2

Application to grade 2, primary level 3, application to grade 3, primary level 4, application to grade 4, lower level, application to grades 5 or 6, middle level, application to grades 7 or 8, upper level, application to grades 9–12, what are the isee questions like.

The structure and timing of the Primary Level ISEE varies by grade. Because elementary-school children are at such a different stage in their schooling, many aspects of the Primary Level are slightly different from the other levels. Overall test-taking strategies still apply and will help younger students acclimate to standardized test taking, something with which they may not have much experience.

Note: Three main differences between the Primary Level ISEE and other levels: No Verbal section, no writing sample, and only one Math section.

Primary Level 2 ISEE:

For application to grade 2

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Primary Level 3 ISEE:

For application to grade 3

Section # of Questions Time

Primary Level 4 ISEE:

For application to grade 4

Lower Level ISEE:

For application to grades 5 or 6

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Middle Level ISEE:

For application to grades 7 or 8

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For application to grades 9–12

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Prompts and tips for the isee essay.

Posted on January 11th, 2023 by Allison . Posted in ISEE ESSAY , ISEE TEST PREP , ISEE TUTORING - 0 Comments

The ISEE essay requires students to write a descriptive essay in thirty minutes. The essay is not scored, but a copy of the writing sample is sent to the admissions officers of the schools to which the ISEE score report is sent. Essay prompts are a great way to practice for the exam. Read on for our best essay prompts and tips.

Here’s a list of essay prompts with which to practice:

Lower Level (grades 5 and 6): Topic: Describe your favorite subject in school and explain why this subject is your favorite. Assignment: You have thirty minutes to plan and write an essay on the assigned topic. Do not write on another topic. An essay on another topic is unacceptable. Please write this essay topic on the first few lines of your answer sheet.

Topic: Think about some of the books you have read. What is one character you admire and why? Assignment: You have thirty minutes to plan and write an essay on the assigned topic. Do not write on another topic. An essay on another topic is unacceptable. Please write this essay topic on the first few lines of your answer sheet.

Middle Level (grades 7 and 8): Topic: Describe one important lesson you learned in the last year. Assignment: You have thirty minutes to plan and write an essay on the assigned topic. Do not write on another topic. An essay on another topic is unacceptable. Please write this essay topic on the first few lines of your answer sheet.

Topic: What is your favorite thing to do when you have free time? Why is this important to you? Assignment: You have thirty minutes to plan and write an essay on the assigned topic. Do not write on another topic. An essay on another topic is unacceptable. Please write this essay topic on the first few lines of your answer sheet.

Upper Level (grades 9 and up): Topic: Schools offer many extracurricular opportunities. Describe one extracurricular opportunity you would like to pursue. Assignment: You have thirty minutes to plan and write an essay on the assigned topic. Do not write on another topic. An essay on another topic is unacceptable. Please write this essay topic on the first few lines of your answer sheet.

Topic: What three words would you use to describe yourself and why? Assignment: You have thirty minutes to plan and write an essay on the assigned topic. Do not write on another topic. An essay on another topic is unacceptable. Please write this essay topic on the first few lines of your answer sheet.

For all students: Topic: What is the most important problem facing the world today and what is one thing you can do to help solve it? Assignment: You have thirty minutes to plan and write an essay on the assigned topic. Do not write on another topic. An essay on another topic is unacceptable. Please write this essay topic on the first few lines of your answer sheet.

ISEE Essay Tips:

  • Follow directions! Make sure you rewrite prompts at the top of the first page of your answer sheet.
  • Budget your time! Make sure to save time at the end to edit for spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  • ISEE Essays tend to be descriptive essays. A descriptive essay requires you to write about a person, place, thing, idea, or event in a way that makes it possible for your reader to properly visualize or understand it. You might be asked to offer your own definitions or explanations.
  • Make sure your essay has a clear introductory paragraph, two or three body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph.
  • While you will be asked to write about a specific topic, the topics themselves tend to involve broad subjects: books, school, community service, role models.
  • Choose a subject that appeals to you.
  • Choose subjects about which you know a great deal.
  • Identify two or three important qualities about the subject you choose. Example: Two qualities of a good teacher are expertise and organization.
  • Write about two or three reasons why you chose the subject you chose. My favorite author is William Shakespeare because he vividly recreates history and he writes humorously.

Allison Green Boston Tutoring Services

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Free ISEE Practice Tests

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The Independent School Entrance Exam (“The ISEE”) is an admission assessment utilized by admission specialists at over 1,200 independent schools around the world. It is available both online and in paper form, and measures basic math, reading, and verbal reasoning skills.

The ISEE provides administrators with a fair and reliable test in order to assess applicants in an unbiased way.

An applicant’s performance on the ISEE can often be an important factor in that applicant’s admission to an independent school.

ISEE practice tests as well as other resources are available for students who may be required to take it. Utilization of these resources can be vital for those who want to perform well on the ISEE.

ISEE Verbal Reasoning (Upper Level)

  • ISEE Verbal Reasoning Practice Test 1
  • ISEE Verbal Reasoning Practice Test 2

ISEE Quantitative Reasoning (Upper Level)

  • ISEE Quantitative Reasoning Practice Test 1
  • ISEE Quantitative Reasoning Practice Test 2

ISEE Reading Comprehension (Upper Level)

  • ISEE Reading Comprehension Practice Test 1
  • ISEE Reading Comprehension Practice Test 2

ISEE Mathematics Achievement (Upper Level)

  • ISEE Mathematics Achievement Practice Test 1
  • ISEE Mathematics Achievement Practice Test 2

Recommended ISEE Prep

If you are serious about doing well on your ISEE, check out our recommended ISEE prep course.

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Other ISEE Study Resources

Review 600+ upper level flashcards.Quizlet
Review 200+ middle level flashcards.Quizlet
Review 200+ lower level flashcards.Quizlet

ISEE Content Description

The Independent School Entrance Exam consists of three levels of testing: the Lower Level, the Middle Level, and the Upper Level. These levels are based on whatever level of schooling the student has achieved upon applying to a particular independent school.

  • Students entering grades 5 or 6 will take the Lower Level ISEE
  • Students entering grades 7-8 will take the Middle Level ISEE
  • Students grades 9-12 will take the Upper Level ISEE

Be sure you are using the appropriate ISEE practice tests for your particular level.

Each test is split up into five sections:

Breakdown of the ISEE Exam

Verbal Reasoning

The Verbal Reasoning section includes a section for synonyms and a section for sentence completion These sections are intended to measure an applicant’s vocabulary level and reading ability.

  • Each vocabulary question includes an appropriately abstract grade-level word which is followed by four answer choices.
  • Each sentence completion question includes a sentence with a missing word or phrase, followed by four ways the applicant may choose to complete the missing part. The student must determine which selection best completes the sentence based on context.

Lower Level:

  • This section consists of 34 questions to be answered in 20 minutes

Middle and Upper Levels:

  • This section consists of 40 questions to be answered in 20 minutes

Quantitative Reasoning

The Quantitative Reasoning section measures the applicant’s reasoning abilities as they relate to various mathematical disciplines.

This section is intended to measure an applicant’s ability to think mathematically in order to solve a problem. Despite the mathematical content in this section, it requires very little or no actual calculations, as the emphasis of this section is on mathematical thinking and reasoning ability.

Questions are derived from the applicant’s grade-level appropriate National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards in the following skillsets:

  • Numbers and Operations
  • Measurement
  • Data Analysis and Probability
  • Problem Solving
  • This section consists of 37 word problems to be completed within 35 minutes
  • This section consists of 37 questions to be completed within 35 minutes
  • Questions are a mixture of word problems as well as quantitative comparisons

Reading Comprehension

The Reading Comprehension section utilizes several reading passages related to science, history, literature, and the modern world in order to assess an applicant’s reading comprehension in six specific categories:

  • Main Idea – measures the applicant’s ability to identify the general message, theme, or central idea in the passage
  • Supporting Ideas – measures the applicant’s ability to identify which concepts in the passage support the main idea of the text.
  • Analysis and interpretation of text
  • Comparing and contrasting ideas
  • Making predictions of events and outcomes
  • Vocabulary – measures the applicant’s ability to use context clues in order to define words
  • Organization and Logic – measures the applicant’s ability to identify the structure, pattern, or sequence present in a particular genre
  • Point of view
  • This section consists of 25 questions to be answered in 25 minutes
  • This section contains five reading passages with five questions each
  • This section consists of 36 questions to be answered in 35 minutes
  • This section contains six reading passages with six questions each

Mathematics Achievement

The Mathematics Achievement section measures an applicant’s skills at basic mathematical operations and computations, according to the applicant’s grade-level appropriate National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards.

  • This section consists of 30 questions to be answered in 30 minutes
  • This section consists of 47 questions to be answered in 40 minutes

Applicants taking any of the three Independent Schools Entrance Exam will be required to prepare and write an essay on a random topic distributed on the day of the test.

  • Upon receiving the topic, students are given 30 minutes to prepare and write their essay
  • Students may use a blue or black pen
  • Essay will not be graded, however the school to which the applicant has applied will receive a photocopy of the essay to assess in any way they wish
  • Prompt will usually be relevant to the student and offer them an opportunity to tell about themselves

ISEE Administration

Independent Schools Entrance Exam test locations and dates can fluctuate, and are determined by the particular school administering the ISEE. Some states include:

  • Connecticut
  • Massachusetts
  • Pennsylvania

As well as international locations including:

  • Seoul, Korea

Applicants may also take their test through the use of a test consortium consisting of several area schools within a central location collaborating to test those applying to many different local independent schools. These consortiums can be found in most major US cities.

Registration for the ISEE Test

Students registering for the Independent Schools Entrance Exam can do so through the mail or at . Registering over the phone or via fax may include additional fees. It is important to register for your ISEE at least three weeks before your test date.

ISEE Test Fees

Registration for the Independent Schools Entrance Exam begins at $89, but can range up to $180 depending on location and accommodations needed. Registering over the phone or via fax will incur an additional $20 fee.

ISEE Requirements

The Independent School Entrance Exam can be taken by any student in grades 5-12 who is applying to enter an independent school. Requirement of completion of the ISEE is determined by the independent school being applied to.

ISEE Scores

Throughout all sections in all three versions of the ISEE, all questions are equal in value. The ISEE does not penalize for incorrect answers, so the raw score is solely determined by the number of correct answers given by the applicant. Test takers are encouraged to guess if they are not sure.

The ISEE score report includes both scaled scores and percentile scores:

Scaled Score

A conversion of the raw score, scaled between 760 and 940.

Percentile Score

The percentile score takes the scaled score achieved by the applicant, and ranks it from 1-99, based on the student’s performance compared to other test takers of the examination.

For example, if a student scored better than 90% of the students who took the same test, then that student’s Percentile Score would be 90.

  • Shows how an applicant scored in comparison to other applicants of similar demographics.
  • This is based on the norm pool of applicants which share the same grade as the applicant
  • Schools receiving the ISEE score report and see how the applicant compares to the rest of the applicant pool

What is on the ISEE test?

The  ISEE  is split up into five different sections – verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, reading comprehension, mathematics achievement, and an essay.

How much does it cost to take the ISEE?

The cost to take the  ISEE  varies, depending on location and different accommodations needed. The cost can range from $89 to $180. If you choose to register over the phone, it will cost you an extra $20.

Who takes the ISEE test?

Students who are in grades 5 and 6 will take the lower level  ISEE . Students who are in grades 7 and 8 will take the middle level ISEE. Students who are in grades 9-12 will take the upper level ISEE.

Performance on the Independent Schools Entrance Exam is vital for admission to an independent school. To register for your ISEE, please visit  to learn more.

isee middle level essay prompt

  • Authored By: Dave Evangelisti
  • Last Updated June 25, 2023

ISEE Middle Level Practice Test

Prepare for your test with realistic questions.

The Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE) Middle Level is administered by the Educational Records Bureau for children in grades 7 and 8. Over 1,200 private middle schools and high schools use this exam to ensure new students are being admitted to a grade level that best fits their knowledge and abilities.

Click “Start Test” above to take a free ISEE Middle Level practice test, and check out our premium-quality ISEE test prep resources by clicking the links below!

Exam Outline

The ISEE Middle Level exam contains 160 multiple-choice questions and one unscored essay assignment, and you will be given a time limit of 160 minutes.

The exam is split into five sections.

1. Verbal Reasoning (40 questions)

You will be given 20 minutes to answer the Verbal Reasoning questions. The questions are split into two types: synonyms and sentence completion.

2. Quantitative Reasoning (37 questions)

You will be given 35 minutes to answer the Quantitative Reasoning questions. The questions are split into two types: word problems and quantitative comparisons.

3. Reading Comprehension (36 questions)

You will be given 35 minutes to answer the Reading Comprehension questions. This section contains six passages, each with an average length of 450 words, and each passage is followed by six related questions. The questions are designed to test your abilities to identify, infer, and assess elements of each passage in the following areas:

  • Main idea (3-7 questions)
  • Supporting ideas (5-12 questions)
  • Inference (6-13 questions)
  • Vocabulary (5-9 questions)
  • Organization/Logic (3-5 questions)
  • Tone/style/figurative language (1-4 questions)

4. Mathematics Achievement (47 questions)

You will be given 40 minutes to answer the Mathematics Achievement questions. These questions are designed to assess your mathematical knowledge and abilities in the following areas:

  • Whole numbers (7-10 questions)
  • Decimals, percents, and fractions (7-12 questions)
  • Algebraic concepts (9-13 questions)
  • Geometry (4-6 questions)
  • Measurement (4-6 questions)
  • Data analysis and probability (5-9 questions)

You will be given 30 minutes to write 300-400 words in response to a given prompt. This essay is not scored, but it will be sent to your school of choice along with the scores for the rest of the exam.

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Registration and Fees

There are a variety of options for registration and for in-person and at-home testing, each of which have a different set of fees and requirements.

In-Person Testing

There are many testing locations available across the country at which you can take the ISEE.

Testing LocationTesting Fee
ERB Member Schools$155
Testing Offices$215 (group testing)
$245 (individual testing)
Prometric Testing Centers$235

At-Home Testing

There are currently two at-home testing options available.

AdministrationTesting Fee


You should register as early as possible to ensure you secure a testing day that works best for you. There are two ways you can register for the exam.

After you register for the exam, you will receive an email that contains a verification letter and more information about your registration.

You should arrive at the testing location or log into your online testing portal 15-30 minutes early. You will be asked to provide the verification letter or a form of identification.

You are not allowed to have any electronic devices, calculators, watches, scratch paper, or rulers during the exam. At least two #2 pencils and/or two black-ink pens should be brought if you are taking the paper-and-pencil version of the exam.

There will be two scheduled breaks during the exam, each being 5-10 minutes long. The first break occurs after the Quantitative Reasoning section, while the second break follows the Math Achievement section.

How the Exam is Scored

The ISEE Middle Level exam is score using a scaled scoring system. This system takes the number of questions answered correctly in each section, known as the “raw score,” and converts it to a numerical score on a scale from 760 to 940.

Your score report will show your scaled score for each section, as well as your percentile rank and stanine score for each section. For reference, a good stanine score for the ISEE Middle Level is 7-9, while the average ranges between 4 and 6.

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How many questions are on the ISEE Middle Level exam?

There are 160 multiple-choice questions and one essay on the exam.

How long is the ISEE Middle Level exam?

The time limit for the exam is 160 minutes.

What is the passing score for the ISEE Middle Level exam?

Because this is an admissions test, there is no set passing score. Each school decides their own minimum scoring requirements.

How much does the ISEE Middle Level exam cost?

The cost of this test depends on which testing and registration methods you choose. The fee ranges from $155 to $245.

isee middle level essay prompt

By Peter Rench

Peter Rench joined Mometrix in 2009 and serves as Vice President of Product Development, responsible for overseeing all new product development and quality improvements. Mr. Rench, a National Merit Scholar, graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in mathematics from Texas A&M University.

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by Mometrix Test Preparation | Last Updated: January 4, 2024

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The ISEE Middle Level: Everything You Need to Know

Middle Level ISEE Everything You Need to Know

The use of the ISEE Middle Level as part of the admission process for prestigious private schools has recently grown in popularity. So if your child plans to apply to a school for 7th or 8th grade, then chances are that you’ve heard of the ISEE Middle Level test, but may or may not know exactly what it is and how to help your child or student prepare.

Piqosity is here to help. The market leader in ISEE test preparation, Piqosity has compiled everything you need to know about the ISEE Middle Level below.

Already have a grasp on ISEE basics? Get started preparing for the ISEE with our competitively priced ISEE Middle Level test prep today! Our courses include a free mini diagnostic test, adaptive practice questions, up to 10 ISEE Middle Level Practice tests , and more! For more information on this test and how Piqosity can help you succeed, check out our ISEE Upper and Middle Level prep guide .

What is the ISEE Middle Level Exam?

Before understanding what the ISEE Middle Level is, we need to answer the more basic question, “ What is the ISEE ?” The ISEE, which stands for Independent School Entrance Exam, is an admissions test intended for American students who are in the process of applying to private middle and high schools. It was developed by the Educational Records Bureau and in many respects is considered the “SAT and ACT of primary and secondary school admissions.”

The ISEE Test has four levels, each designed for students entering different grade levels.

  • The Primary Level ISEE , for students applying for 2nd through 4th grades
  • The Lower Level ISEE for those entering 5th and 6th grades
  • The ISEE Middle Level, for students entering 7th and 8th grades
  • The Upper Level ISEE, for students entering 9th to 12th grades

Because all schools use different curriculum, tests, and report card systems, ISEE test scores provide admissions boards with a more accurate benchmark by which to measure academic performance. Many students opt to prepare in advance for the ISEE with practice tests and other test prep materials like those created by Piqosity in an effort to improve their ISEE score and help their application stand out from the crowd.

However, keep in mind that ISEE scores are not the be-all and end-all; schools consider ISEE scores alongside your child’s whole application!

What Makes the ISEE Middle Level Test Different Than Other ISEE Levels?

The ISEE Lower, Middle, and Upper Levels are all similar in terms of structure and duration. However, the content within each level of the ISEE is tailored directly to students entering certain grades. In other words, a student entering 5th or 6th grade would never take a Primary Level test, as this test is targeted to students entering 2nd through 5th grade and would be not challenging enough for effective placement.

ISEE Middle Level questions will mostly cover similar concepts to what your 5th or 6th grader should have already encountered (or will soon encounter) in school. Reading comprehension questions and the essay prompt are also based on concepts that are supposed to be interesting to that level’s intended age group, as test developers have determined that this helps the students’ performance.

What Can I Expect on the ISEE Middle Level?

Like both the Lower Level and the Upper Level ISEE, the ISEE Middle Level test includes four different sections and one essay. The first four sections contain 160 multiple choice questions. Each question offers four possible answers, with only one correct answer.

The test does not only test students’ knowledge, but also their logic. Some questions may cover concepts not yet covered by their current grade level. Students have two hours and forty minutes to complete the test, along with two breaks, making total ISEE testing time three hours.

1st Section: Verbal Reasoning

The Verbal Reasoning section of the ISEE Middle Level is designed to test students’ vocabulary skills and their ability to apply them. This section is broken up into two sub-sections; synonym questions and sentence completion questions . Each section has forty questions, based on a grade-level appropriate, yet abstract, vocabulary word. The synonym section asks students to choose a word that has a similar meaning to the vocabulary in question. The difficulty here lies in knowing the four definitions of the four different answers, which are often based at a higher reading level.

Sentence completion questions omit a word from a sentence, prompting students to choose from a list of four possible answers. These questions are typically viewed as being a bit easier than the synonym questions.

Though this section is long, it actually has the shortest allotted time frame with only twenty minutes to complete it. This means the student has just thirty seconds to answer each question.

Study Piqoisty’s ISEE Middle Level vocabulary word list to prepare for these portions of the test!

2nd Section: Quantitative Reasoning

The Quantitative Reasoning section of the Middle Level ISEE focuses on a student’s mathematical logic. There are both quantitative comparison questions and word problems in this section, making thirty-seven questions total. The questions require little to no actual calculation, rather, they make the test taker think logically about a math situation. Students have thirty-five minutes to complete these questions. Expect to face questions that involve numerical values, analyzing data, calculating probability, geometry, algebra, trigonometry, and more. You can review these concepts in our Math Review guide for the ISEE Middle Level and Upper Level.

Piqosity has observed that students have the most trouble with this section due to the higher level of abstract thought that it requires. Also, one of the four possible multiple choice answers is, “The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.” This answer can make some students anxious; many students struggle to decide whether this answer is the correct choice or if they simply have not yet learned the concept at hand.

Check out our tips for overcoming testing anxiety and math anxiety at Piqosity’s blog !

3rd Section: Reading Comprehension

The Reading Comprehension section of the Middle Level ISEE is designed to test the ability to understand the text. Thirty-six questions will be based on six different passages. Questions will consider:

  • Supporting ideas
  • Organization

As we mentioned previously, the content is designed to be interesting and applicable to students in 6th and 7th grade. The passage may be fiction or nonfiction and will include keywords hidden in the text. The time frame for this section of the test clocks in at thirty-five total minutes.

Reading Comprehension tends to be the most competitive section of the Middle Level ISEE, as many students excel here. You can review types of reading comprehension questions with our ISEE reading comprehension guide .

4th Section: Mathematics Achievement

The Mathematics Achievement section of the ISEE Middle Level helps determine the test taker’s math skills, processes, and knowledge of mathematical terminology. Expect 47 questions here, which will require the student to make calculations and actually “do” math, through both word problems and various computations . Questions your child will face may include algebra, geometry, measurement, number operations, probability, and more. This section is forty minutes long.

You may wonder what the difference is between this section and the quantitative reasoning section. First, questions found in the Mathematics Achievement section involve actionable calculations and are more “straightforward” than those found in the Quantitative Reasoning section. Where mathematical achievement requires knowledge of how to use mathematical skills, quantitative reasoning asks about abstract and more hypothetical scenarios.

Note: There are absolutely no calculators allowed during any section of the ISEE test, so students will need to understand how to complete necessary calculations mentally or by hand.

5th Section: Essay

Finally, the Essay section of the ISEE Middle Level asks students to respond to an essay prompt. There are no right or wrong answers here, instead, students have the chance to show schools exactly who they are. Students have thirty minutes to make a personal reflection on a question/prompt, describe ideas, and organize their passage into a logical and well-written manner. This prompt will be age-appropriate, and something that the student will probably relate to.

The essay prompts are screened to be free of bias and relate to either the global community, the student’s community, or the students themselves. The prompts also rotate throughout the entire testing season, so even if the student takes the test again, they will not be tasked with writing the same essay twice.

Schools look to see how well students can express their thoughts through writing under pressure. They also consider how students perform without another party editing their work. They also want to see if students understand how their experiences affect and relate to them.

For your practice, we have compiled several examples of ISEE essay prompts .

How Do I Take the ISEE Middle Level Exam?

Students in the United States can take the ISEE up to three times throughout the year-long testing cycle. In other words, they can take the test once during each prescribed testing period.

These periods are:

  • Summer: April – July
  • Fall: August – November
  • Winter: December – March

Thus, a student could not take the Middle Level ISEE in both September and October, but they could take the test in November and December. Most schools reviewing in-cycle applications will only accept scores from the two testing periods between August and March. For that reason, it’s wise to start thinking about taking the Middle Level ISEE just before the end of your child’s 5th grade year. In Houston, where Piqosity is based, the most popular times to take the ISEE are first in mid-November and second in early January.

isee middle level essay prompt

The exact date when your child will take the ISEE will depend on what is offered by the local private schools in your area as there are no “national test dates” like there are with the ACT or SAT.

To sign up for the ISEE test, parents must register their children online. You can choose between a paper and pencil format or computer format for the test. You can also choose how you would like to receive the scores. Finally, anticipate a fee between $100 and $150, and additional charges depending on how you would like the scores delivered.

What To Expect on Test Day

The ISEE Middle Level tests are given at various private school locations throughout the United States. To keep students’ minds clear and on task, schools do not hold functions, promotions, or activities on a testing day.

Test proctors are teachers and school administrators who may already be familiar figures to your child. They will present test expectations and encourage students to ask for clarification if needed.

  • Four #2 pencils and two pens with blue or black ink, if taking the paper version of the ISEE test.


  • Cell phones or other electronic devices
  • Calculators
  • Other mathematical instruments
  • Dictionaries
  • Thesauruses

Accommodations can be made on testing day for those with learning and physical disabilities or challenges. These conditions must be fully documented in order for accommodations to be put in place.

Understanding ISEE Middle Level Scores

Your child has taken the Middle Level ISEE, and their scores are on their way. But now you’re likely wondering what a good score actually looks like.

You and your child will receive a detailed score report, known as the Individual Score Report, about three to five days after the exam is taken. An email to your family will indicate that the scores are ready.

This report will show what questions were answered incorrectly, as well as the number of correct answers, and the test taker’s overall score. The score report will actually include three different types of scores: the Raw Score, Scaled Score, and Stanine Score. Of these, the Stanine Score, which is based on percentile ranking, is by far the most important to the admissions process. A Stanine Score of 7, 8, or 9, is best for an academically challenging school.

ISEE Scoring Chart

Above all, you and your child must understand that it is impossible to fail the ISEE or get a “bad” score. The schools you apply to dictate which scores they prefer, and your child’s test scores will reflect where they should be placed. You may want to chat with your preferred schools’ admissions counselors to understand exactly what kind of ISEE scores they tend to choose.

Strategies for Success on the ISEE Middle Level

When and how much a student should prepare for the ISEE depends on the academic competitiveness of the schools to which the student is applying and how well the student is already doing in school.

We recommend that students take either a real or practice ISEE by the summer before they plan to apply to a new school. The results of that “diagnostic test” will then guide them and their educators on how much preparation they will need in order to perform well on the ISEE.

To help your child prepare for testing day, make sure to review general areas of content that will be covered. Core academic competency is by far more important than testing tricks and tips. For instance, make sure they review reading, writing, and math concepts. As stated previously, they should refresh their vocabulary knowledge. And finally, they should familiarize themselves with the test and question formats.

On testing day, students should:

  • Read through questions thoroughly.
  • Think of your own answer before reviewing the multiple choice options.
  • Skip around to the easiest questions.
  • Pass questions you do not know and return to them later.
  • Keep track of how much time you have left, and don’t waste time.
  • Do not leave questions blank, as this counts as a wrong answer.
  • Even if you don’t know the correct answer, eliminate any potential answers you know are incorrect.

By practicing these strategies using practice tests your child will likely be better prepared when their actual testing day arrives.

Practice for the ISEE Middle Level Test With Piqoisty

The ISEE Middle Level test is essential when looking to enter a prestigious private school at grades 7 or 8. With Piqoisty’s full-length practice tests, you will be able to prepare adequately for your important test dates. You will get real feedback from our experts, as well as approximate Stanine scores. Our LMS also allows teachers, tutors, and parents alike to encourage and support students as they make their way through test preparation. Group pricing is available !

Join for free and take our mini diagnostic tests to start your ISEE test preparation journey today!

More Educational Resources by Piqosity:

  • Piqosity Now Offers Math Courses!
  • FREE: 2021-22 ACT Writing Practice Test Sample Essays
  • Why Your Child Doesn’t Need To Prepare for the ISEE Primary Level
  • Strategies for Overcoming Math Anxiety
  • Mississippi National Merit Finalists

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isee middle level essay prompt

Bespoke Education

Bespoke Education


The isee and ssat are nationally administered exams used for admission to private elementary, middle, and high schools. .

For nearly two decades, Bespoke has been helping students of all ages succeed on these exams through compassionate, empowering instruction. Our comprehensive approach to test prep incorporates individualized tutoring sessions, weekly homework from our proprietary textbooks, and frequent mock testing to comprise a program that is both thorough and tailored to your student’s specific needs. Our tutors communicate frequently with parents to ensure test prep fits within a student’s broader academic context—allowing the student to excel on the exams without feeling overwhelmed.

Whether you’re ready to begin tutoring immediately or just have questions about the tests, our client services team is looking forward to speaking with you! You’ll talk to a knowledgeable, caring individual who will create a test prep plan and pair you with the perfect tutor for your student’s personality and learning style. Your student will then learn the actionable skills to build confidence and thrive on test day and beyond.


One of the most common questions families have when beginning test prep is, “Which test should my child take?” The first consideration in answering this question is which exam the schools on your list accept. Boarding schools tend to prefer the SSAT while other private schools often prefer the ISEE. 

If your schools do not express a preference, you should consider which exam best highlights your student’s strengths. The best way to answer this question is to have your student take a practice test of each. Bespoke’s mock testing program makes it easy to take realistic ISEE and SSAT practice exams in our offices or from the comfort of your home. Our experienced client services team then uses your student’s scores, experience of the exams, and learning profile to help you make an informed decision.

“When we were looking for a high school for our daughter, Bespoke’s tutors and office team could not have been more patient, knowledgeable, and capable. Their middle school admissions seminar provided us with lots of information about what the high school admissions process would be like. Bespoke paired Ali with a terrific ISEE instructor who helped her with test strategies and zeroed in on her reading comprehension weaknesses. She got into all three private schools she applied to.”

– Parents of a P.S. 334 eighth grader

About the ISEE

What is the ISEE? The Independent School Entrance Examination (ISEE) is produced by the Educational Records Bureau (ERB). It is used for admission to private elementary, middle, junior high, and high schools. Most boarding schools will also accept the ISEE, but you should make sure to check with the admissions office of any school to which you are applying.

Who takes the ISEE? The ISEE is taken by students in first grade through eleventh grade.

Younger students take the ISEE Primary test, which comes in three levels:

  • ISEE Primary 2—for students in first grade applying to second grade
  • ISEE Primary 3—for students in second grade applying to third grade
  • ISEE Primary 4—for students in third grade applying to fourth grade

There are also three versions of the ISEE for older students:

  • Lower Level—for students in fourth and fifth grades applying to fifth and sixth grades
  • Middle Level—for students in sixth and seventh grades applying to seventh and eighth grades
  • Upper Level—for students in eighth grade and above applying to ninth grade and above

What’s on the test?  The ISEE Primary exams contain multiple-choice Math and Reading Comprehension sections as well as a multiple-choice Listening section for ISEE Primary 2 test takers, an Essay based on a picture prompt for ISEE Primary 3 test takers, and an Essay based on a written prompt for Primary 4 test takers.

The Lower, Middle, and Upper Level ISEE exams contain four multiple-choice sections—Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, and Math Achievement—as well as an Essay. 

How long is the test? The ISEE takes approximately two and a half hours to administer.

How is the test scored? Each multiple-choice section has a scaled score between 760–940. Students are then assigned a percentile rank for each section based on how they scored relative to their peers. The most important number on a student’s score report, however, is the stanine. Stanines have values of 1–9, with each value representing a range of percentiles.


A student’s essay is not scored but is sent to each school that receives the student’s ISEE scores. The essays are important additions to most students’ applications and can be used to assess handwriting, idea generation, and knowledge of writing mechanics.

I’m hearing a lot about “superscoring.” What does that mean?  Some schools employ a process called “superscoring” which can be very beneficial for students. When superscoring, schools consider the highest stanine a student has achieved for each multiple choice section. 

(For example, if an Upper Level ISEE student scored 4 VR, 7 QR, 9 RC, and 8 MA in September and 7 VR, 9 QR, 8 RC, and 7 MA in December, the student’s superscore would be 7 VR, 9 QR, 9 RC, and 8 MA.)

Because of superscoring, we highly recommend students take the ISEE once in the Fall and once in the Winter. Check with individual school admissions offices to see if they employ superscoring. 

If students take the ISEE multiple times, do they have to send schools all of their scores? The ISEE allows students to select which scores to send to schools; however, some schools require applicants to submit all scores received. Check with individual admissions offices to confirm their policies.  

(Note: If students elect to send ISEE scores from a given test date, they must send all of the section scores from that date—i.e. they cannot opt to send their Math Achievement score but not their Reading Comprehension score. Admissions offices that allow “superscoring” will calculate superscores on their own from all of the scores submitted.)

How is the test administered? The Primary Level ISEE exams are offered online at Prometric centers throughout the country. 

The Lower, Middle, and Upper Level ISEE exams are offered in both online and pencil-and-paper formats. The pencil-and-paper version is offered at several locations in New York City and elsewhere, and the online version is offered at Prometric centers throughout the country. Students also have the option of taking the online test at home using Prometric’s ProProctor software. 

When is the test offered? The ISEE is administered on various dates during each of three testing seasons: Fall (August–November), Winter (December–March), and Spring/Summer (April–July). Students can take the test once per testing season and up to three times total. Bespoke generally recommends that students sit for the exam once in the Fall and once in the Winter. 

When will students receive their scores? According to the ISEE, students who take the online exam will receive scores in 2–3 days and students who opt for the paper-and-pencil exam will receive their scores within a week.  

Where can I get more information on the ISEE? For more information on the ISEE, and to register online, please visit the ERB/ISEE website .

About the SSAT

What is the SSAT? The Secondary School Admissions Test (SSAT) is produced by the Enrollment Management Association. It is used primarily for admission to boarding and military schools in the United States, Canada, and around the world. Some private elementary and secondary schools also accept the SSAT. 

Who takes the test? The SSAT is taken by students in third grade through eleventh grade. There are three different versions of the SSAT:

  • Elementary Level—for students in third and fourth grades applying to fourth and fifth grades
  • Middle Level—for students in fifth, sixth, and seventh grades applying to sixth, seventh, and eighth grades

What’s on the test? The Elementary Level SSAT has three multiple-choice sections—Quantitative/Math, Verbal, and Reading—as well as a Writing Sample. 

The Middle and Upper Level SSAT exams have four multiple-choice sections—two Quantitative sections, one Verbal section, and one Reading section—as well as a Writing Sample.

The Elementary, Middle, and Upper Level SSAT exams all end with a 15-minute experimental section which contains multiple-choice questions similar to those a student would see on the Quantitative, Reading, or Verbal sections. The experimental section is not graded.

How long is the test? The Elementary Level SSAT takes approximately two hours to administer, while the Middle and Upper Level SSAT exams take approximately three hours to administer.

How is the test scored?

  • Each multiple-choice section on the Elementary Level SSAT has a scaled score between 300–600, for a total of 900–1800. 
  • Each multiple-choice section on the Middle Level SSAT has a scaled score between 440–710, for a total of 1320–2130. 
  • Each multiple-choice section on the Upper Level SSAT has a scaled score between 500–800, for a total of 1500–2400.

A student’s Writing Sample is not scored but is sent to each school that receives the student’s SSAT scores. The Writing Samples are important additions to most students’ applications and can be used to assess handwriting, idea generation, and knowledge of writing mechanics.

I’m hearing a lot about “superscoring.” What does that mean?  Some schools employ a process called “superscoring” which can be very beneficial for students. When superscoring, schools take a student’s highest score for each multiple choice section and combine them into a new “superscore.” 

(For example, if an Upper Level SSAT student scored 650 Quantitative, 780 Reading, and 720 Verbal for a 2150 total in October and 730 Quantitative, 750 Reading, and 760 Verbal for a 2240 total in January, the student’s superscore would be 730 Quantitative, 780 Reading, and 760 Verbal for a new total of 2270.)

Because of superscoring, we highly recommend students take the SSAT at least twice. Check with individual school admissions offices to see if they employ superscoring. 

If students take the SSAT multiple times, do they have to send schools all of their scores? The SSAT allows students to select which scores to send to schools; however, some schools require applicants to submit all scores received. Check with individual admissions offices to confirm their policies.

(Note: If students elect to send SSAT scores from a given test date, they must send all of the section scores from that date—i.e. they cannot opt to send their Quantitative score but not their Verbal score. Admissions offices that allow “superscoring” will calculate superscores on their own from all of the scores submitted.)

How is the test administered? The Elementary Level SSAT is only offered in a paper-and-pencil format. This can be taken at testing centers around the world on specified dates or as a “Flex” test administered by a school on a non-standard test date.  

The Middle and Upper Level SSAT exams are offered in both online and pencil-and-paper formats. The online version is offered at Prometric centers throughout the country, while the pencil-and-paper version can only be taken as a “Flex” test at a participating school. Students taking the Middle and Upper Level SSAT exams also have the option of taking the online test at home using customized remote proctoring software. 

When is the test offered? Standard (i.e. non-”Flex”) administrations of the SSAT occur once a month from October–April, as well as once in June. An SSAT “testing season” runs from August 1–July 31.

  • Students taking the Elementary Level SSAT may take two tests per testing season. 
  • Students taking the Middle or Upper Level SSAT may take two tests per testing season at a Prometric center and up to five tests per testing season at home.
  • Additionally, students of any level may take one “Flex” test per testing season. 

When will students receive their scores? According to the SSAT, students who take the paper-and-pencil exam typically receive scores within two weeks of the test date. Middle and Upper Level students who take the test at a Prometric center can expect to receive scores four business days after the test date, and those who take the test at home typically receive scores four business days after the first Sunday following the exam.

Where can I get more information on the SSAT? For more information on the SSAT, and to register online, please visit the SSAT website .

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  1. How to Prepare for the ISEE Essay

    isee middle level essay prompt

  2. Our ISEE Essay Guide includes tips and strategies for writing your ISEE

    isee middle level essay prompt

  3. The ISEE's Essay and Admissions Decisions

    isee middle level essay prompt

  4. How to Deal With Challenges in Writing ISEE Essay Prompts Answers?

    isee middle level essay prompt

  5. ISEE Middle Level Study Guide Essay Section by The Village Education

    isee middle level essay prompt

  6. The ISEE Essay: Tips and Practice Prompts

    isee middle level essay prompt


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  3. Learn Advance Level Essay Writing in Urdu #Urdu

  4. UPSC |ESE-2021| Mock Interview

  5. RIE CEE 2022||part A ||English Proficiency questions and answers discussion with proper solutions

  6. Solution to Quantitative Reasoning #12


  1. Sample Essays and Responses

    The ISEE Essay is the fifth and final section of the ISEE lower, middle, and upper level tests. This personal essay is not scored; however, a copy of it is sent to each school to which families send their scores. Students have 30-minutes in which to write up to 2 pages in response to one prompt.

  2. The ISEE Essay: Tips and Practice Prompts

    Essay Practice Prompts. Below you'll find five practice prompts for each level of the ISEE. For each prompt, set a timer for 30 minutes, and make sure to go somewhere quiet to write your essay. Write your essay on a sheet of lined paper (you can use the front and back of the sheet, but no more). Once you've finished, have an adult read over ...

  3. Essay Writing Practice and Prompts for the ISEE

    Essay Writing Practice and Prompts for the ISEE The writing test is always given with the ISEE, and it measures your ability to engage with a subject and write conclusively on a topic. Type of Essay. The writing section of the Independent School Entrance Examination (ISEE) requires students to compose an expository essay.

  4. ISEE Practice Essays

    The ISEE essay requires students to write a descriptive essay in thirty minutes. The essay is not scored, but a copy of the writing sample is sent to the admissions officers of the schools to which the ISEE score report is sent. Follow directions! Make sure you rewrite the prompt on the top of the first page of your answer sheet. Budget your time!

  5. How to Prepare for the ISEE Essay

    12 full-length practice tests each (including essay prompts) for the ISEE Upper Level, ISEE Middle Level, and ISEE Lower Level—available in both online and print-at-home formats; Over 3,000 practice questions (equivalent to 20 tests' worth), with detailed answer explanations; Over 50 concept lessons, including tutorial videos

  6. ISEE Essay Practice with Prompts

    ISEE Essay Prompts. Your child will respond to a grade-appropriate writing prompt that may relate to their personal experiences, their community, or global issues. The prompts are designed to encourage your child to express their ideas and perspectives in a written format. ISEE Middle Level Essay Prompts

  7. Essay Prompts to Practice for the ISEE

    The essay is not scored, but a copy of the writing sample is sent to the admissions officers of the schools to which the ISEE score report is sent. Essay prompts are a great way to practice for the exam. Read on for our best essay prompts and tips. ISEE Essay Tips: Follow directions! Make sure you rewrite the prompt on the top of the first page ...

  8. Free ISEE Practice Tests

    1 prompt. Download. 1. Verbal Reasoning Section: 20 minutes. 34 questions. Download. 2. Quantitative Section ... ISEE Essay Topics. ISEE Math. ISEE Basic Algebra Strategies. Preview our ISEE Books . ... 2 Lower Level, 2 Middle Level and 2 Upper Level ISEE Exams . Ivy Global. A leader in education consulting.

  9. ISEE Middle Level Test Prep

    Students are given 30 minutes to answer the single essay prompt that constitutes the last section of the ISEE Middle Level assessment. They are evaluated on the structure, logic, and organization ...

  10. ISEE Middle Level

    The ISEE Middle Level, one of the main private middle school entrance exams, is a challenging test covering a wide range of concepts. ... The ISEE Essay: Tips and Practice Prompts. Essay Overview The ISEE essay is the last section of the ISEE. Students are given 30 minutes to respond to a prompt. The essay is not...

  11. Expert Guide to Writing an Impressive ISEE Essay

    Four are multiple choice subtests, and the fifth is an essay. In this article, we'll answer all of your questions about the ISEE essay, and we'll also provide a strong example to help your child make a positive impression on the admissions committee. The ISEE essay is written in response to a 1-2 sentence contemporary, high interest prompt.

  12. The ISEE Essay Section: What To Expect

    Students are given 30 minutes to write an essay in response to a single prompt. Although the essay is not graded, as we'll discuss below, it is still a critical part of the test. ... The Middle Level ISEE is taken by students applying to grades 7 and 8. The test is administered on the computer and on paper. It consists of five sections ...

  13. ISEE Essay Overview

    How schools use the ISEE essay. The way in which each admissions department uses the ISEE essay varies from school to school, but the following are the main essay elements that will be evaluated: Topic choice. Organization and structure. Use of examples and details. Writing mechanics (spelling, punctuation, grammar)

  14. ISEE Lower Level

    Essay Overview The ISEE essay is the last section of the ISEE. Students are given 30 minutes to respond to a prompt. The essay is not...

  15. Preparing for the ISEE Essay

    Next, spend 20 to 25 minutes writing. Your essay should have an introduction, 2-3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the body paragraphs, be sure to add supporting details and specific examples. Try to be as personal and descriptive as you can to make your writing come alive for readers. Finally, spend 2 to 5 minutes revising and editing.

  16. ISEE Essay

    The fifth and final section of the ISEE Upper Level is the Personal Essay, which allows 30 minutes to plan and respond to 1 prompt. The essay is not scored. ISEE Essay For the Upper Level, Middle Level, and Lower Level Ultimate ISEE Prep Guide The Essay is not scored but sent directly to schools for their ...

  17. ISEE Essay Strategies

    Start by spending the first 2-5 minutes outlining your work. After you have a plan, go ahead and get writing! This is where you will spend the bulk of your time. Youʼll need to watch the clock, and save yourself 2-5 minutes at the end for review. Plan: 2-5 minutes. Write: 15-20 minutes.

  18. Overview of the ISEE

    The ISEE (Independent Schools Entrance Exam) is an admission test administered by the ERB (Educational Records Bureau). Many private schools in North America, and a handful of international schools, use the ISEE as a crucial part of the admissions process for grades 2 through 12. The ISEE serves as a standardized metric by which admissions ...

  19. Prompts and Tips for the ISEE Essay

    The essay is not scored, but a copy of the writing sample is sent to the admissions officers of the schools to which the ISEE score report is sent. Essay prompts are a great way to practice for the exam. Read on for our best essay prompts and tips. Here's a list of essay prompts with which to practice: Lower Level (grades 5 and 6):

  20. Free ISEE Practice Tests

    Students entering grades 7-8 will take the Middle Level ISEE; Students grades 9-12 will take the Upper Level ISEE; ... however the school to which the applicant has applied will receive a photocopy of the essay to assess in any way they wish; Prompt will usually be relevant to the student and offer them an opportunity to tell about themselves;

  21. ISEE Middle Level Practice Test (updated 2024)

    The ISEE Middle Level exam contains 160 multiple-choice questions and one unscored essay assignment, and you will be given a time limit of 160 minutes. The exam is split into five sections. 1. Verbal Reasoning (40 questions) You will be given 20 minutes to answer the Verbal Reasoning questions.

  22. ISEE Middle Level: Everything You Need to Know

    The ISEE Middle Level test is essential when looking to enter a prestigious private school at grades 7 or 8. With Piqoisty's full-length practice tests, you will be able to prepare adequately for your important test dates. You will get real feedback from our experts, as well as approximate Stanine scores.

  23. ISEE & SSAT

    The ISEE and SSAT are nationally administered exams used for admission to private elementary, middle, and high schools. For nearly two decades, Bespoke has been helping students of all ages succeed on these exams through compassionate, empowering instruction. Our comprehensive approach to test prep incorporates individualized tutoring sessions ...