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The Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region (Yugra) is located in the centre of the West Siberian Plain. It borders on the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region in the north, the Komi Republic in the northeast, Sverdlov Region in the southwest, Tobolsky Region in the south, and Tomsk Region and Krasnoyarsk Territory in the southeast and east. The region spans 1,400 km east to west from the eastern slopes of Northern Ural almost to the banks of the Yenisey; and north to south - 900 km from the Sibirskiye Uvaly to the Konda taiga. The length of the borders is 4733 km.

The relief is a combination of plains, foothills, and mountains. The highest elevations are Narodnaya Mountain in the Pre-Polar Urals (1894 m) and Pedy Mountain in the Northern Urals (1010 m). The Ob, with a length of 3,650 kilometers and Irtysh, whose length is 3,580 kilometers, their tributaries, and many smaller rivers form the area`s river system. Altogether, there are nearly 30 000 rivers in the area. There are nearly 290 000 lakes with an area of more than 1 hectare. Larger lakes (area greater than 100 km ) include Kondinsky Sor, Leushinsky Tyman, Vandemtor, and Tromemtor.  

The distance from Moscow is 2,500 km, from Irkutsk is 3,500 km. and from the largest city in the district - Surgut is 300 km.

  Khanty-Mansiysk (founded in 1582, population 101,000 as of 2019)

535,000 km , rank 9 in the country.

1,700,000 as of 2019, national composition: Russian 68%, Tatar 7,6%, Ukrainian 6%, Bashkir 2,5% the indigenous population (Khanty, Mansi, and Nenets) is 2,2%.

The climate is temperate continental, characterized by a rapid change in weather conditions especially in transitional periods - from autumn to winter and from spring to summer. Winters are long, snowy and cold. The average January temperature in the district ranges from -18 to -24C. Extreme cold conditions may last for several weeks with the average air temperature below minus 30C. Summer is short and warm. The warmest month of July is characterized by average temperatures from + 15C (in the northwest) to + 18.4C (in the southeast). The absolute maximum reaches 36C.

Climate formation is significantly influenced by the protection of the territory from the west by the Ural Range and the openness of the territory from the north, which facilitates the penetration of cold Arctic masses, as well as the flat character of the area with a large number of rivers, lakes and swamps.

Ugra is the historical homeland of the Ob-Ugric peoples first of all: Khanty, Mansi, Nenets and Selkups. They were engaged in hunting, fishing, and cattle breeding. After the Turkic peoples pressed them from south to north, these peoples transferred their skills to more severe conditions. It was in a new place that the Ugrians began to domesticate the deer.

In the XII-XIII centuries. in the Irtysh and Priobye formed territorial clan associations of the Khanty and Mansi, called the principalities. From the second half of the XIII century a new factor in the development of the territory was its entry into the Golden Horde. At the end of the XIV century the collapse of the Golden Horde led to the separation of the Tyumen Khanate. In 1495, the Siberian Khanate was formed, the capital of which was the city of Kashlyk. It was then that the basic principles of the political-administrative and socio-economic organization of the territory developed. At this time, it was called Ugra.

225,562 hectares

in the Soviet and Berezovsky regions of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region, in the valley of the Malaya Sosva River.

Of the mammals, sable, wolverine, ermine, weasel, common squirrel, muskrat, otter, elk, deer, bear and a number of other species are common here. Less common are arctic fox and lynx. A specially protected species is the North Asian river beaver, listed in the Red Books of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and the Russian Federation.

93,000 hectares

on the territory of two districts of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region - Khanty-Mansiysk and Kondinsky.

The basis of its activity is the conservation of the population of taiga reindeer, as well as the reproduction of valuable hunting and Red Book species of animals. The reserve is part of the reserve "Malaya Sosva".

Among the permanent residents of the reserve reindeer, otter, ermine, column, squirrel, hare, muskrat can be found. Of the large predators, you can often find a wolf, less often - wolverine and lynx. Meetings with chipmunks, affection, mole, and water voles are frequent. In summer, roe deer enters the territory of the reserve, Arctic fox in winter. Under special protection of the reserve employees are mainly game animals - sable, bear, otter, fox. Of the birds, a white owl, a white-tailed eagle and an osprey are protected.

650,000 hectares

in the rural settlement of Ugut, 300 kilometers from Surgut city.

Almost 2/3 of the reserve is covered with forests, the rest are swamps. The swamps of the reserve are part of the largest swamp massif in the world - Vasyugana. There are also quite common transitional between swamps and forest communities. The most common of these is ryam - a swampy pine forest. The most prominent representatives of plant families are cereal, Asteraceae, and sedge. Quite often there are orchid and buttercups. In general, 332 species of vascular plants, 195 species of lichens, 114 species of moss and more than 500 species of mushrooms are preserved.

The fauna of the reserve is also quite rich and diverse, birds are especially distinguished - out of 262 species of vertebrates, 216 species are represented by birds. Of these, only 30 species fly here by chance, the rest are regular inhabitants of this zone. However, you can not see all this bird diversity all year round - most of them fly away for the winter to warmer regions.

Mammals are represented by 40 species, more than half of which are rodents and shrews. The least widespread family of the reserve is feline, represented by only one species - trot. In addition to lynxes, other predators such as wolverine, sable, ermine, and badger live in the reserve. Also habitual inhabitants are the wolf and the fox, the population of which varies depending on the amount of game. Among ungulates you can meet moose and reindeer.

6,500 hectares

Knanty-Mansiysk city

Samarovsky Chugas is the largest natural site in Khanty-Mansiysk and a true paradise for lovers of ecotourism. The park is perfect for rest and walks: the pristine nature and natural beauty of these places, carefully preserved by the ancient peoples of the Khanty and Mansi for many centuries, fascinates anyone who has ever visited these parts.

500,000 hectares in the center of the West Siberian Plain 200 kilometers from the city of Beloyarsky and 300 kilometers from the city of Surgut.

The natural park is the custodian of the indigenous inhabitants of this region. There are many secrets of the culture and life of the small peoples of the North, which makes this place one of the most mysterious in the region.

The heart of the nature park and one of its main objects is - a sacred place for the indigenous peoples of the North Ob. In the center of Lake Numto is the Holy Island, where Khanty and Mansi pay tribute to the lake - at the beginning of winter, they gather on the island to perform a deer sacrifice rite.

The capital of Yugra – Khanty-Mansiysk- is situated on , and those who live here believe that this fact brings fortune to the residents and visitors of the city.

The territory gained notoriety as a place of exile for prisoners of State. Prince Dmitry Romodanovsky served his sentence in ; Count Andrei Osterman was exiled here in 1742; and the large family of the princes Dolgorukov, in 1798. Prince Menshikov and his daughter Mariya are buried in these lands where they were exiled.

The city also has many opportunities for cultural tourism. One of the most famous museums that have been actively restored recently is , founded in 1930. The museum has accumulated rich collections on the history of the region, life and activities of indigenous peoples, nature, the Soviet period of history, the collection has unique exhibits: the remains of animals from the Paleozoic era, manuscripts of the oldest monastery in Siberia. The museum’s exposition includes the located at the foot of the Samarovsky remnant, where ancient rocks of the earth are exposed, and on the top there is a possible residence of Prince Samara. In the Archeopark itself you can see a complex of bronze sculptures of a herd of mammoths, a rhinoceros, a cave bear and other prehistoric animals.

In the heart of Khanty-Mansiysk is another open-air Initially, the museum complex was a collection of traditions, life and culture. Today, “Torum Maa” consists of several exhibits that recreate in great detail the residential and household buildings of the ancient Ugrians, with household items, jewelry and other exhibits. The museum has a cult site where Khanty and Mansi worship their deities, who have preserved the faith of their ancestors.

Natural Archaeological Park is stretched for 8 kilometers along the right bank of the Ob, to the west of Surgut. The remains of ancient buildings, sanctuaries, burial grounds of the Stone Age have been preserved in the tract.

The study of history always involves not just observation, but also some immersion in the era, life. This opportunity is available for tourists who visit the in Selirovo. It is located in the artistic and architectural ensemble of the late XIX - early XX centuries, and now the museum has a lot of ethnographic exhibits, as well as installations showing traditional life. The museum hosts master classes in ancient crafts.

The greater Khanty Mansi Autonomous Region contains around 70% of Russia’s developed oil fields, about 450 in total, including Samotlor, which is the largest oil field in Russia and the sixth largest in the world.

The Khanty-Mansiysk is a unique museum located in a modern building in the city center. The main task of the museum is to collect the most complete and reliable information on the history of the formation and development of the oil and gas complex in the region, industry workers and their labor achievements. The exposition was based on archival documents and photographs related to the history of oil and gas production in Ugra. A special pride is the excellent mineralogical collection of quartz mined in the deposits of the Subpolar Urals. The mass of the largest exhibit is 300 kg.

is a unique cultural institution, which includes the creative workshop of the famous artist Gennady Raishev, as well as a museum of his works, the main theme of which is the magnificent nature of the native land, life of the indigenous inhabitants of Ugra and the original character of the Siberians.

are also offered in the Khanty-Mansiysk District, the visiting card of which is pheasant hunting in the hunting grounds on the banks of the Gornaya River.

Many of the Khanty, the Mansi, and the Nenets still maintain the traditional way of life in Ugra. The offer an opportunity to see the traditional way of life of the descendants of the ancient Ob Ugrians. Such tours are available in the indigenous villages of the Nizhnevartovsk, the Khanty-Mansiysk, the Surgut, the Berezovo, and the Beloyarski districts.

: it takes 30 min. to get there by bus from Khanty-Mansiysk. There you can plunge into the atmosphere of folk festivals, to taste Russian traditional dishes such as pelmeni, gribnitsa, milk mushrooms, stroganina, home-made bred, to get acquainted with rural amusements and games. The guests may experience the ceremony of initiation into the Siberian and get a special certificate in support.

is located on the outskirts of the national village of Agan, 400 km from Khanty-Mansiysk. In a small area, an off-season camp, a bathhouse, a shed and a plague were erected; there is also a glacier, coral, farm buildings, and on the shore there are stoppers for fishing. Here you can ride on reindeer teams or snowmobiles, on tubing from a hill. Fishing is organized all year round. Master classes in traditional crafts, cutting and cooking fish are held. You can also try national cuisine here.

in Khanty-Mansiysk is one of the central attractions of not only the city, but the entire district. This is an amazing building in terms of architecture, built in 1999 using the most modern technologies.

is a historical and ethnographic complex located in a picturesque place in the central part of the city. There are 14 wooden houses on the territory. All of them represent a reconstruction of old buildings that once stood in different parts of the city, but subsequently assembled into a single architectural ensemble.

The gem of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra is the unique beauty of Northern and Polar Ural mountains with the highest peak of the Urals - (1,895 m).

The highest peak of the Polar Urals is (1,499 m). The mountain is unusual for its plateau-shaped peak, from which sharp ridges extend to the side. On the slopes there are several glaciers and snowfields that do not have time to melt during the short and cold polar summer.

Another tourist attraction of Ugra is . Mineral resources of the region include plenty of balneotherapeutic resources - mineral springs and muds. Several cities of the Okrug offer natural treatment opportunities: "Kedrovy Log" sanatorium in Surgut, city clinic balneary in Kogalym, "Samotlor Neftyanik" sanatorium in Nizhnevartovsk, "Tyumen-Trans Gas" sanatorium in Yugorsk, "Yugorskaya Dolina" in Khanty-Mansiysk and Khanty-Mansiysk city clinic balneary. In addition sapropel muds have been found in 160 lakes of the Autonomous Okrug, the medicinal properties of which are comparable to the muds of the famous Russian resorts.

The festival has been held annually since 2002 in Khanty-Mansiysk in late February - early March. Its permanent president is Sergey Soloviev. Films of debutant directors from different countries take part in the competition program. Within three to five days, several venues host sessions, concerts, performances, meetings with directors and actors, and round tables. Every year, a movie star comes to the festival. So, in different years, the honorary guests of the festival were Nastasya Kinski, Fanny Ardan, Catherine Deneuve, Christopher Lambert and others.

It takes place every year in early December in Khanty-Mansiysk. Almost all producers of the region, including farmers, bring their products to the exhibition. Here you can buy fresh fish and meat delicacies, wild plants, clothes with national color, souvenirs right from the manufacturers.

An international cultural forum takes place in Surgut in the fall, usually in October. The festival acquaints the audience with the work of authors and groups from cities located on the 60th northern parallel. In Surgut come artists and musicians from Russia, the USA, Estonia, Sweden, Finland, from the Faroe Islands (Denmark). The festival hosts numerous concerts, exhibitions, performances.

In the traditional holiday arrange concert performances, children's entertainment programs, races on catamarans, in the program of the holiday competitions are held: "My favorite fishing", the best fish soup "Our good ear", "the Best smoked fish". Held in summer: June-July.

The cycle of events includes swimming competitions on columns, book exhibitions, master classes, creative workshops, children's educational competitions, game programs, and games of indigenous peoples of the world.

An intrepid French adventurer set off to Russia’s far north - and explored the harsh winter in this Siberian city, where mammoths once lived.


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Khanty-Mansiysk city, Russia

The capital city of Khanty-Mansi okrug .

Khanty-Mansiysk - Overview

Khanty-Mansiysk is a city in Russia, the administrative center of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra. This is one of the oldest, most beautiful, and unusual cities in Western Siberia. Located on seven hills about 20 kilometers from the confluence of two great Siberian rivers - the Ob and Irtysh, it has a unique natural landscape.

The population of Khanty-Mansiysk is about 106,000 (2022), the area - 10.5 sq. km.

The phone code - +7 3467, the postal codes - 628000-628991.

Khanty-Mansiysk city flag

Khanty-mansiysk city coat of arms.

Khanty-Mansiysk city coat of arms

Khanty-Mansiysk city map, Russia

Khanty-mansiysk city latest news and posts from our blog:.

4 March, 2017 / Khanty-Mansiysk - the view from above .

6 March, 2011 / Khanty-Mansiysk - the capital of the world biathlon for two weeks .

22 November, 2010 / The handicrafts center of Khanty-Mansiysk city .

15 June, 2010 / Khanty-Mansiysk city puppet theater project pictures .

History of Khanty-Mansiysk

Khanty-mansiysk in the 16th-18th centuries.

In May 1582, the Cossacks began a “yasak campaign” (to exact fur tribute from the indigenous peoples of Siberia) along the Ob and Irtysh rivers, and didn’t meet any serious resistance on their way until Samar, the chief prince of the local Khanty (Ostyaks) people, decided to fight back and was killed. The settlement that existed in this territory was plundered and deserted. The full inclusion of Siberia in Russia took another half a century.

In the 1630s, people from other parts of Russia began to arrive in the lower Irtysh to service the postal tracts. In 1635, one of the first official documents was signed on the creation of Samarovsky settlement, which was named after the Khanty Prince of Samar killed here.

In the 17th century, its favorable location at the intersection of important routes allowed Samarovskaya sloboda (settlement) to become a center of trade. Merchants from all over the world brought cloth, velvet, silk, spices, jewelry to Siberia. Russian merchants offered fur, fish, hides, dishes, buttons, gunpowder. A branch of the Tobolsk Customs was opened here, where screening and evaluation of goods were carried out, duties were collected.

In 1708, Samarovo became part of the Siberian Governorate. In the 18th century, the residents of the settlement had to master crafts and production, since Eastern Siberia was joined to Russia and the main trade routes shifted south. The settlement began to be called Samarovo. In 1748, the population of the village was 487 people.

More Historical Facts…

Khanty-Mansiysk in the 19th-20th centuries

In the 19th century, Samarovo began to attract more and more attention from travelers, researchers, and scientists. Edmond Cotteau, a French traveler, wrote: “Samarovo is a beautiful settlement built at the foot of hills covered with dense forest. The church with white domes stands in the middle of it. Previously, the capital of the Ostyak kingdom stood here, but its original residents left it and settled in remote valleys. Now, the only residents here are Russians…”.

At the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, Samarovo became a prosperous village with numerous large two-story houses. In 1930, a decree was issued on the organization of the Ostyak-Vogul National District. In 1931, 5 km from Samarovo, construction of the new capital of the region began. It was named Ostyako-Vogulsk. In 1937, a road was built between the new village and Samarovo. Later, it began to be called “Khanty-Mansiysk Street”. In 1938, the population of Ostyako-Vogulsk was about 7.5 thousand people. In 1940, Ostyako-Vogulsk was renamed Khanty-Mansiysk.

In 1950, the village of Khanty-Mansiysk received the status of a town, the village of Samarovo became its part. In 1953, a natural gas field was discovered in the village of Berezovo located north of Khanty-Mansiysk. In 1960, oil was discovered in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Khanty-Mansiysk began to grow and develop rapidly.

The airport was reconstructed, new apartment buildings, schools, kindergartens, libraries, and a cultural center were built. Thousands of people arrived to develop the oil region. In 1989, the population of Khanty-Mansiysk was about 34.5 thousand people.

The latest history of Khanty-Mansiysk

The beginning of the 1990s was a time of great changes for Khanty-Mansiysk. In 1993, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug became a subject of the Russian Federation and received the right to independently form its own budget.

Significant funds began to be allocated for the development of the transport and communal infrastructure of the region, for the implementation of social programs aimed at improving the living conditions of the population, preserving the traditional culture of the indigenous peoples of the North.

In 1993, the IV International Folklore Festival of Finno-Ugric Peoples was held in Khanty-Mansiysk. In 1996, a federal highway connected the city with Surgut, Nefteyugansk, and Tyumen.

In 2004, a unique automobile bridge was built over the Irtysh River and the city received reliable communication with Nyagan and other cities of the western part of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra. In 2010, the road built through the village of Gornopravdinsk reduced the distance from Khanty-Mansiysk to Tyumen by 300 kilometers.

In the 2000s, the city as the center of the largest Russian oil and gas region developed rapidly, its population more than tripled. A number of educational and scientific centers, cultural and sports facilities were opened in Khanty-Mansiysk: the Khvoyny Urman ski complex, the Ice Sports Palace, the Ugra-Athletics open stadium for 10,000 spectators, the Center for the Development of Tennis Sports, the cultural tourist complex “Archeopark”, the equestrian club “Mustang”, Yugra Chess Academy, and others.

In June 2008, Khanty-Mansiysk hosted the World Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples and the V International Festival of Finno-Ugric Peoples Crafts “Yugra-2008”. In September 2010, the 39th World Chess Olympiad was held in Khanty-Mansiysk. About 1.5 thousand chess players from 158 countries arrived here to participate in the most massive sporting event in the history of the city.

Pictures of Khanty-Mansiysk

General view of Khanty-Mansiysk

General view of Khanty-Mansiysk

Author: Sergov

State Art Museum in Khanty-Mansiysk

State Art Museum in Khanty-Mansiysk

Author: Igor Timoshok

Sculpture of a woman with a tambourine in Khanty-Mansiysk

Sculpture of a woman with a tambourine in Khanty-Mansiysk

Khanty-Mansiysk - Features

Khanty-Mansiysk is located on the territory of the West Siberian Plain in the central part of Western Siberia, on the right bank of the Irtysh River, about 20 kilometers from the confluence with the Ob River; in the natural zone of the taiga. The distance to Tyumen is 669 km, to Moscow - about 2,580 km.

It is the largest of the centers of the autonomous regions of Russia and the only one with a population of more than 100,000 people. At the same time, it is one of the few Russian administrative centers, which is smaller than other cities of the region. Khanty-Mansiysk is only the fourth largest city of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug after Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Nefteyugansk.

This city is equated to regions of the Far North and is located in the continental climate zone. The average temperature in January is minus 18.9 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 18.4 degrees Celsius.

In recent years, Khanty-Mansiysk has one of the highest, even by all-Russian standards, population growth rates. The annual growth is about three thousand people. Students and working youth make up more than 30% of its population. The average age of a city resident is about 35 years.

Khanty-Mansiysk is a green city. Almost a third of its territory is occupied by forest. The city is surrounded by Samarovsky Chugas Park - a natural reserve with relict species of conifers. The environmental situation in the city is very favorable, because there are no large industrial enterprises.

The airport of Khanty-Mansiysk offers regular flights to Moscow, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Ufa. It is connected by road with other major cities of the Tyumen region (Surgut, Nefteyugansk, Tyumen).

Passenger ships connect Khanty-Mansiysk with a lot of towns and villages of the region, as well as with Tobolsk, Omsk, and Salekhard. The nearest railway stations are Pyt-Yakh (248 km from Khanty-Mansiysk) and Demyanka (238 km from Khanty-Mansiysk). The bus network of Khanty-Mansiysk is represented by 7 city and 1 country bus routes.

Khanty-Mansiysk is a center of skiing of world importance. Here, from the beginning of the 2000s, a modern biathlon center has been operating. In 2000, 2005, and from 2007 to 2016 (except for 2014), the stages of the Biathlon World Cup were held here.

The most interesting souvenirs you can bring from Khanty-Mansiysk are various leather and fur products, original Khanty tambourines, folk dolls and Khanty toys, beadwork, pine nuts, wicker products made from cedar roots and grass.

Main Attractions of Khanty-Mansiysk

Archeopark “Samarovsky Ostanets” - a cultural and tourist complex with sculptures of ancient animals and people. The main sight is the famous stone sculpture of 11 mammoths. In addition, there are sculptures of wolves and bison, lions, deer, bears, rhinos, and other animals from the Pleistocene. Obyezdnaya Street, 23.

Museum of Nature and Man - one of the oldest and most interesting museums in Khanty-Mansiysk. The collection of this museum numbers more than 120 thousand exhibits: various cultural and everyday objects of the Khanty and Mansi peoples, reconstructions and models of ancient buildings, skeletons and stuffed animals, expositions showing external and internal processes of the Earth. Mira Street, 11.

State Art Museum . The art collection of this museum consists of sections of icon painting, Russian painting, graphics, prints, arts and crafts, and sculpture. Here you can see the paintings of famous masters of Russian fine art: Rokotov, Tropinin, Repin, Aivazovsky, Surikov, Levitan, and other artists of the 18th-20th centuries. The section of old Russian art includes works of icon painting of the 15th-19th centuries. Mira Street, 2.

Museum of Geology, Oil and Natural Gas . Khanty-Mansiysk is considered the heart of the natural gas and oil industry in Russia. The largest oil and gas fields in the country are located in this region. The collection is based on historical documents and photographs, precious stones, minerals and rocks, samples of oil production equipment, and decorative items. Chekhova Street, 9.

House-Museum of the People’s Artist of the USSR Vladimir Igoshev . The purpose of the museum is to popularize the works of the artist, who depicted in his paintings the beauty of the Siberian land, its history and culture, and the people living in Yugra. In addition to the exhibition halls, you can also visit the artist’s workshop and apartment. The appearance of the building constructed in the Russian Art Nouveau style with mosaics and stucco moldings is also interesting. Lopareva Street, 7.

Ethnographic open-air museum “Torum-Maa” . Located in the picturesque forest of the Siberian taiga, this museum preserves the culture and traditions of the Khanty and Mansi peoples. Here you can see the constructions of the indigenous inhabitants of this land, their household items, clothes, jewelry, and various collections of old objects. Traditional festivals and ceremonies are also held here. The name of the museum means “Holy Land”. Sobyanina Street, 1.

Orthodox complex “In the Name of the Resurrection of Christ” . Its majestic buildings, crowned with gilded domes, can be seen from almost any part of Khanty-Mansiysk. Built in 2005, the complex includes more than 10 buildings, the main of which are the Cathedral of the Resurrection, an Orthodox gymnasium and a school, the Church of Prince Vladimir, and a 62-meter bell tower, which is one of the tallest buildings in the city.

Here you can also find the first in Russia Orthodox park of Slavic writing and culture “Slavic Square” decorated with sculptures on the theme of the Ten Commandments. In addition, the complex has monuments to saints, alleys, playgrounds, and places for recreation. Gagarina Street, 9.

Monument to the Discoverers of the Yugra Land - a picturesque 62-meter trihedral pyramid lined with glass. Each side symbolizes an important milestone in the history of Yugra - the appearance of indigenious peoples, the exploration of the region by the Cossacks of Ermak, and the discovery of oil and natural gas fields. The pyramid is visible from anywhere in Khanty-Mansiysk as it is located on the slope of a high hill surrounded by forest. Pervootkryvateley Lane, 1.

The Red Dragon Bridge over the Irtysh River - one of the most beautiful bridges not only in Western Siberia, but also in Russia. The 1,316-meter-long bridge was built in 2004. It connects Khanty-Mansiysk with the western part of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

Samarovsky Chugas Nature Park - a great place for ecotourism lovers. Spread along the picturesque hills, Samarovsky Chugas covers an area of ??more than 6.5 thousand hectares with dense forests, streams, and blue lakes. This park, once called the Khanty-Mansiysk Hills, has the status of a natural monument. This is a favorite place for lovers of wildlife and walks in the fresh air. The visitors of the park are also offered ecological sightseeing routes with an experienced tour guide.

Khanty-Mansiysk city of Russia photos

Sights of khanty-mansiysk.

The Red Dragon Bridge in Khanty-Mansiysk

The Red Dragon Bridge in Khanty-Mansiysk

Yugra-Klassik concert hall in Khanty-Mansiysk

Yugra-Klassik concert hall in Khanty-Mansiysk

Author: Mariusz Rzetala

Cathedral of the Resurrection in Khanty-Mansiysk

Cathedral of the Resurrection in Khanty-Mansiysk

Architecture of Khanty-Mansiysk

Apartment buildings in Khanty-Mansiysk

Apartment buildings in Khanty-Mansiysk

Khanty-Mansiysk cityscape

Khanty-Mansiysk cityscape

Author: Dmitry Sanatov

Yugra State University in Khanty-Mansiysk

Yugra State University in Khanty-Mansiysk

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  5. THE POWER OF SILENCE, keep silent and ATTRACT MILLIONS with this metaphysical prayer

  6. Hacer AMIGURUMI paso a paso de forma fácil conmigo . NIÑO ENREDADERA 4


  1. Family Financial Planning (FIN533)


  2. Family's Financial Planning Hani (Fin533)

    FIN 533. FAMILY'S FINANCIAL PLANNING INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT. PREPARED FOR: MADAM SHAREENA BINTI DAUD NUR HANI ATIRA BINTI ABU HANIFPAH 2020996909 TABLE OF CONTENT. No. Title Pages 1. Acknowledgement 3 2. Biodata of the family 4 3. Monthly expenses January till December 2020 5 4. Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2020 6 5.

  3. Individual Assignment


  4. FIN 533 Individual Assignment

    Example of assignment personal financial planning (fin 533) family financial planning of en ku azmi family prepared : ku miza syakirah binti ku azmi 2019612134. Skip to document. University; High School ... FIN 533 Individual Assignment. Course: business economic (ba250) 144 Documents. Students shared 144 documents in this course. University ...

  5. Fin533 Family Financial Planning

    PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING. FIN. INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT (FAMILY FINANCIAL PLANNING) Prepared by SITI ZULAIKHA. Prepared for MISS NUR HANISAH BT MOHAMAD RAZALI. SUBMIT DATE: 18 DECEMBER 2020. FAMILY BIODATA. Puan Siti Asiah bt Abd Karim is a single mother and currently working as an automotive. engineering at a private company in Kuala Lumpur.

  6. Khanty-Mansyisk

    The Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region (Yugra) is located in the centre of the West Siberian Plain. It borders on the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region in the north, the Komi Republic in the northeast, Sverdlov Region in the southwest, Tobolsky Region in the south, and Tomsk Region and Krasnoyarsk Territory in the southeast and east.

  7. Khanty-Mansyisk ::: Ural Expedition & Tours

    Khanty-Mansyisk "Ugra Land" is the historic place-name of the district - "Ugra". First people living "on half-night countries" (Polar region which experiences 6 months of darkness) were mentioned in chronicles in 1096.

  8. FIN533 individual assignment

    Insurance planning is an essential component of a structured financial package that includes risk assessment and determining adequate insurance coverage to minimise such Ticks. The primary goal of insurance preparation is to identify and evaluate life-threatening risk factors, as well as to obtain adequate compensation to ensure peace of mind ...

  9. Khanty-Mansiysk city, Russia travel guide

    Located on seven hills about 20 kilometers from the confluence of two great Siberian rivers - the Ob and Irtysh, it has a unique natural landscape. The population of Khanty-Mansiysk is about 106,000 (2022), the area - 10.5 sq. km. The phone code - +7 3467, the postal codes - 628000-628991. Local time in Khanty-Mansiysk city is September 16, 4: ...


    8. The conference participants came to the following conclusions: a) MIL is an essential prerequisite to the establishment and sustainability of an open government; b) MIL facilitates the achievement of the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: 16.5, the substantial reduction of corruption and bribery in all their forms; 16.6 ...

  11. Personal Financial Planning

    FIN 533 (TEST 1) - last year. 8 pages. 2019/2020. 71% (7) 2019/2020 71% (7) Save. Personal financial planning and family f; Data - data notes; ... FIN533 Individual Assignment Family's Financial Planning; FIN533 - Individual Assignment - Nurkhamalia Irdina Binti Nooraimi 2020958291 KBA2433C; IBM 536 (INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT)