12 Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Examples

Administrative Assistants are the backbone of any organization, adept at juggling multiple tasks, prioritizing, and ensuring everything runs smoothly. Similarly, your cover letter serves as the backbone of your job application, skillfully balancing your professional narrative, showcasing your ability to handle diverse responsibilities, and demonstrating your commitment to efficiency. In this guide, we'll explore the best cover letter examples for Administrative Assistants to help you to present a compelling case for your next role.

cover letter for administrative fellowship

Cover Letter Examples

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The best way to start an Administrative Assistant cover letter is by grabbing the reader's attention immediately. Begin by addressing the hiring manager by name, if it's known. Then, introduce yourself and briefly mention the position you're applying for. You can also mention a notable achievement or experience that aligns with the job requirements. For example, "As an Administrative Assistant with over five years of experience in managing complex schedules and coordinating travel, I was excited to see your job posting for an Administrative Assistant." This approach shows that you're professional, experienced, and enthusiastic about the role.

Administrative Assistants should end a cover letter with a strong closing statement that reiterates their interest in the position and the value they can bring to the company. This could be something like, "I am excited about the opportunity to bring my unique skills and experience to your team and am confident that I can contribute significantly to your operations." Following this, it's important to express gratitude for the reader's time and consideration, such as, "Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my candidacy further." Lastly, end with a professional closing and your full name. "Sincerely" or "Best regards" are commonly used closings. If you're submitting a digital copy, include your contact information below your name. This ending leaves a positive, professional impression and opens the door for further communication.

An Administrative Assistant's cover letter should ideally be about one page in length. This is a standard length that allows you to succinctly present your skills, experiences, and qualifications without overwhelming the reader. It's important to remember that hiring managers often have to go through a large number of applications, so keeping your cover letter concise and to the point can increase the chances of it being read thoroughly. In terms of word count, aim for around 250 to 400 words. This should give you enough space to introduce yourself, explain why you're interested in the role and the company, and highlight your most relevant skills and experiences.

Writing a cover letter with no direct experience as an Administrative Assistant can seem challenging, but it's absolutely possible. Here's how you can approach it: 1. **Understand the role**: Research the role of an Administrative Assistant thoroughly. Understand the skills and qualities required for the job. This could include organizational skills, communication skills, proficiency in certain software, etc. 2. **Highlight transferable skills**: Even if you haven't worked as an Administrative Assistant before, you likely have skills from other jobs or experiences that are relevant. For example, if you've worked in customer service, you've likely developed strong communication and problem-solving skills. If you've worked in a fast-paced retail environment, you've likely honed your ability to multitask. Highlight these transferable skills in your cover letter. 3. **Show enthusiasm for the role**: Employers value candidates who are enthusiastic about the job. Express your interest in the role and the company, and explain why you're interested. This can help make up for a lack of direct experience. 4. **Provide examples**: Use specific examples to demonstrate your skills. For instance, if you're claiming to have strong organizational skills, provide an example of a time when you used these skills to achieve a positive outcome. 5. **Express willingness to learn**: If you don't have direct experience, showing a willingness to learn can be very appealing to employers. Make it clear that you're eager to learn and grow in the role. 6. **Keep it concise and professional**: Your cover letter should be no more than one page. Keep the tone professional, and proofread carefully to avoid any errors. 7. **Use the right format**: Start with a formal salutation, introduce yourself, explain why you're interested in the role and the company, highlight your relevant skills and experiences, and conclude with a strong closing statement. Remember, everyone starts somewhere. Even if you don't have direct experience, your unique combination of skills, experiences, and enthusiasm can make you a strong candidate for an Administrative Assistant role.

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I've read more than 300 cover letters, and this is how i decide if they're good or bad within three minutes.

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I’ve read a lot of cover letters throughout my career. When I was a fellowship program manager, I reviewed them in consideration for more than 60 open positions each year. So I saw it all—the good, the bad and the standout examples that I can still remember.

As a result, I’ve become the go-to friend when people need feedback on their job applications. Based on my own experience putting people in the “yes” (and “no”) pile, I’m able to give these cover letters a quick scan and immediately identify what’ll turn a hiring manager off.

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While I can’t give you insight into every person’s head who’ll be reading your materials, I can share with you the feedback that I give my own loved ones.

1. The Basics

First things first, I skim the document for anything that could be disqualifying. That includes typos, a “Dear Sir or Madam” or “ To Whom It May Concern ” salutation, or a vibe so non-specific that it reeks of find-replace. I know it seems harsh, but when a hiring manager sees any one of these things, she reads it as, “I didn’t take my time with this, and I don’t really care about working here.” So, she’s likely to pass.

Another thing I look for in this initial read through is tone. Even if you’re applying to your dream company, you don’t want to come off like you think someone entertaining your candidacy is the same as him offering you water at the end of a lengthy hike. You don’t need to thank the hiring manager so incredibly much for reading your application—that’s his job. If you align considering your application with the biggest favor ever, you’ll make the other person think it’s because you’re desperate .

So, skip effusive thanks and demonstrate genuine interest by writing a cover letter that  connects the dots between your experience and the requirements of the position. Telling the reader what you’ve accomplished and how it directly translates to meeting the company’s needs is always a better use of space than gushing.

2. The Opening Sentence

If your first line reads: “I am writing to apply for [job] at [company],” I will delete it and suggest a swap every time. (Yes, every single time.) When a hiring manager sees that, she won’t think, “How thoughtful of the applicant to remind me what I’m reading!” Her reaction will be much closer to, “boring,” “meh” or even “next!”

Compare it to one of these statements: ‌ ‌•  “I’ve wanted to work in education ever since my third grade teacher, Mrs. Dorchester, helped me discover a love of reading.”

‌•  “My approach to management is simple: I strive to be the kind of leader I’d want to work for.”

‌•  “In my three years at [prior company], I increased our average quarterly sales by [percentage].”

See how these examples make you want to keep reading? That’s half the battle right there. Additionally, it makes you memorable, which’ll help when you’re competing against a sea of applicants.

To try it out for yourself, pick a jumping off point. It could be something about you or an aspect of the job description that you’re really drawn to. Then, open a blank document and just free write (translation: write whatever comes to mind) for 10 minutes. Some of the sentences you come up with will sound embarrassing or lame: That’s fine—no one has to see those! Look for the sentence that’s most engaging and see how it reads as the opening line for your cover letter.

3. The Examples

Most often, people send me just their cover letter and resume, so I don’t have the benefit of reviewing the position description. And yet, whenever a letter follows the format of “I am skilled at [skill], [skill], [skill], as evidenced by my time at [place].” Or “You’re looking for [skill], and I am a talented [skill], ” I could pretty much recreate it. Surprise : that’s actually not a good thing.

Again, the goal isn’t just to show you’re qualified: It’s to make the case that you’re more qualified than all the other applicants. You want to make clear what distinguishes you, so the hiring manager can see why you’re worth following up with to learn more. And—again—you want to be memorable.

If you write a laundry list, it’ll blend into every other submission formatted the same way. So, just like you went with a unique opener , do the same with your examples. Sure, you might still include lists of skills, but break those up with anecdotes or splashes of personality.

Here’s a real, two-line excerpt from a cover letter I’ve written before:

If I’m in a conference room and the video isn’t working, I’m not the sort to simply call IT and wait. I’ll also (gracefully) crawl under the table and check that everything is properly plugged in.

A couple lines like this will not only lighten up your letter, but also highlight your soft skills. I got the point across that I’m a take-charge problem solver, without saying, “I’m a take-charge problem solver.” Plus the “(gracefully)” shows that I don’t take myself too seriously—even in a job application. If your submission follows the same list-type format all the way through, see if you can’t pepper in an example or anecdote that’ll add some personality.

You want your cover letter to stand out for all the right reasons. So, before you click submit, take a few minutes to make sure you’re putting your best (and most memorable) foot forward.

"I've Read Over 300+ Cover Letters And This Is How I Decide If It's Good Or Bad Within 3 Minutes" was originally published on The Daily Muse .

Sara McCord  is a Staff Writer/Editor for The Daily Muse.

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Healthcare by Rach

  • Sep 15, 2021

Administrative Fellowships Part 2: The Personal Statement

As soon as you make the decision to apply to Administrative Fellowship Programs and narrow down your list of where to apply, it's time to start the application process.

While your resume, transcript, and letters of recommendation are all important, I believe the most important part of your application - and the part that makes you stand out - is your personal statement. A quick side note on letters of recommendation - these matter! Choose people to write these letters that know you and can speak to your work ethic and character.

The personal statement can feel daunting, as each program has slightly different questions to incorporate into your writing. I started writing later in the process since I did not make the decision to apply until mid-August. I then spent most of my free time working on my applications.

Here's my advice from the perspective of going through the application process myself and then reading applications and selecting candidates for interviews on the other side:

Start by just writing your personal statement, regardless of the program you are applying to - it can be modified later for each program.

The personal statement is really where you get to tell your story and explain the reason why you want to be an Administrative Fellow.

Keep this authentic and genuine - be true to yourself! Don't try to craft an elaborate story because you think it will sound more appealing and get you an interview. Also (I mean this in the best way possible) if you are planning to write about how your parent is a physician or how you were pre-med in undergrad and then made the decision to switch, please elaborate on why healthcare administration matters to you and how doing an Administrative Fellowship is going to get you to that next step in your career/life/etc. These are the story lines we see most often and while that may genuinely be what led you to want to pursue healthcare administration, it's more about how you tell that story and why it is important to you.

Tell YOUR story - when someone is being honest and real, it shows in the personal statement. This is your chance to let the interview committee get to know you. What do you want them to know? What's unique about you? What will make them want to meet you in person?

Once you have your story on paper, it's time to modify each essay to the specific program you are applying to. THIS IS IMPORTANT. It is extra work, but it makes a difference in the interview process because otherwise it is not clear why you are applying to that specific program. If you are going to go through the process of making your list and figuring out where to apply, it is important to incorporate into your writing why this is the Administrative Fellowship program for you!

The biggest advice I can provide about the personal statement is really focusing on the WHY, including the why of that specific fellowship program, and the VALUE YOU WILL BRING to the organization.

When I wrote my personal statement, I only had a few people read it and most were my family members. I also had my professor read it (thank you to Professor Chris Louis at BUSPH who was the best sounding board and voice of reason throughout this whole process). I remember him writing in his feedback something along the lines of "take it or leave it, it's your personal statement."

This was probably some of the most important advice I received. Remember that it is your story you are telling and no one else can tell you how to do that. You have to do what works for you and follow your gut. Sometimes too many people reading your writing eliminates your voice. What makes the personal statement so unique is that it is your voice and your story to tell.

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How to write a cover letter for a fellowship.

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Graduate and postgraduate students often must pursue a fellowship for financial support to conduct their research or to complete training or internships necessary for school and their career. A cover letter is typically the first thing the recipient reads in your fellowship application, so it needs to be convincing and well-written.

Start a new document on your computer and choose a cover letter template if one is available. Make a header that includes your name (in larger and bolder font), followed by your address, phone number, email address and website (if applicable).

Type a formal salutation that addresses the recipient by name. This may mean you have to do extra research to find out who will be considering your letter and application. It is considered bad form to open a cover letter with a generic salutation, and your goal is to establish a personal connection with the individual who will be deciding on whether or not to grant your fellowship.

Type two to three sentences for the first paragraph to explain who you are, which university or organization you are a student or member of and what type of fellowship you are applying for.

Type five to seven sentences as your middle paragraph. This section should explain the work your or your organization is performing, its purpose and its benefits, and a short history of the work you have accomplished so far. In a polite but direct tone, provide a budget estimate of how much you will need granted in your fellowship to cover program costs as well as living expenses. Also provide information about your living situation, including housing, transportation and location. Explain that a more thorough summary of your project is contained in your fellowship proposal.

Type two to four sentences as your closing paragraph. Indicate that your resume (if required) and fellowship proposal are enclosed, and specify the method with which you would prefer to be contacted to discuss the opportunity further. Thank the recipient for his consideration and time.

  • Be clear in explaining your needs, but in a polite tone that cannot be taken as desperate. It is important that your fellowship cover letter convince the recipient of your responsibility and professionalism.

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Kara Page has been a freelance writer and editor since 2007. She maintains several blogs on travel, music, food and more. She is also a contributing writer for Suite101 and has articles published on eHow and Answerbag. Page holds a Bachelor of Music Education degree from the University of North Texas.


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Administrative Fellowship Program

Vagelos college of physicians & surgeons and ncaf.

The Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons is invested in creating successful leadership pipelines for graduate students interested in the healthcare field and has been a member of the National Council on Administrative Fellowships (NCAF), a collaboration of leading administrative fellowship sites and graduate health management programs, since 2017. NAFCAS is the inaugural centralized application services for administrative fellowships. In order to create a fair and equitable application experience, we have agreed to comply with the Code of Good Practice application dates set by the National Council on Administrative Fellowships (NCAF). 

The application process begins on June 9th, 2024 and closes on September 27th, 2024. 

Information Sessions 

Please attend one of our upcoming Informational Sessions to learn more about the Administrative Fellowship. 

  • August 8, 2024 at 4 pm EST 
  • August 27, 2024 at 5 pm EST 
  • September 10, 2024 at 12 pm EST 
  • September 20, 2024 at 4 pm EST – Q&A session 

The Administrative Fellowship Program is a 12-month program designed for individuals seeking to prepare for a career in healthcare management and to assume leadership positions in the healthcare delivery system. The program is open to students who have successfully completed a CAHME or CEPH accredited Master's Program with a focus on health administration and/or management within 12 months prior to the program’s start date. Individuals who have completed the didactic portion of their degree and are required to complete a residency or fellowship prior to degree conferral may also apply. The purpose of the fellowship program is to provide an introduction to the daily activities of the Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons from the perspective of top management. 

The fellowship is structured to provide experiential learning in an academic medical center environment through rotations within the areas of clinical operations, financial management, research administration, and human resources for a period of 12 months. 

The objectives of the Administrative Fellowship Program include the following: 

  • Observe and study the role, function, and style of top management individuals 
  • Understand the goals and planning process of the organization and how they are determined, and understand the priorities of the organization and how and why they were selected 
  • Analyze the decision-making process at different levels of the organization 
  • Understand the dynamics of relationships between various stakeholders 
  • Obtain an understanding of the operational effectiveness of the organization 
  • Enhance the student's understanding of the healthcare industry, the organization's strategy, and distinctive competencies 
  • Provide an environment to enhance their understanding of, and the controlled application and testing of, skills, theories, and concepts presented during the academic year 
  • Strengthen the student's judgment, decisiveness, and related administrative skills in a healthcare environment 
  • Provide a basis for developing a code of ethics, philosophy, and a dedication to high ideals and standards of healthcare management 
  • Provide an opportunity to evaluate the student in relation to his/her needs for professional development and potential for a career in healthcare management 

Structure of the Fellowship

1. orientation.

The Administrative Fellow will begin with a comprehensive orientation to the organization focusing on the mission, vision, and strategic goals of the school. Each Fellow will work with a Department Administrator or more senior leader who will act as their preceptor for the duration of the fellowship. 

2. Projects & Rotations

A major component of the Fellowship will be assigned rotations and projects. Fellows will have the opportunity to work with a number of varying Departments during the program period. Fellows may be given detailed projects designed to give practical experience at various administrative levels. These projects may include assisting in the preparation of the annual budget, the collection of data to analyze problems of high organizational priority, or participation in strategic planning efforts. The structure of rotations and/or projects is dependent on the departments participating in a given year and their need. We highly encourage applicants to discuss this with current fellows and department representatives throughout their application process. 

Assigned rotations and projects are based on the needs of the Department and vary from year to year, below is a sample: 

  • July :  Introduction to CUIMC & Department, training on appropriate systems (Finance, HR, etc.).  

Strategic planning: Learning and development program planning, training and resource content creation, workflow optimization 

Human Resources: Position requests, onboarding activities, hiring process, employee relations, corrective action, labor law 

Revenue cycle: Billing systems, EMR, process from the call to charge capture to the transmission of payment to appeal, fee schedules, office vs facility billing, and attendant complications 

Clinical operations: Operations day-to-day, physician interaction, reception, clinical responsibilities, patient flow, filling in for staff, process redesign. customer service, patient, and staff satisfaction. 

Finance: Upcoming year budget, reporting, accounting 

Research: Project management, grants, population health, and patient-generated data analysis 

3. Meetings and Evaluation

Regular meetings will be scheduled with the Department Administrator to discuss independent projects concurrent with the above rotations. Fellows will be evaluated periodically to ensure consistent feedback and mentorship. 

4. Timeline

The Fellowship is expected to run for 12 months from July 1st, 2025 through June 30, 2026. Arrangements for the yearlong schedule will be developed between the Dean’s Office within the Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons and the participating Departments. 

5. Participating Departments

Examples of Departments that have participated in the past include the Vice Dean of Administration, Medicine, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Pathology, Radiology, Radiation Oncology, Faculty Practice Organization (ColumbiaDoctors), and the Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons Human Resources and Faculty Affairs. 

Financial Arrangements

Administrative Fellows will be paid at the minimum rate of the Administrative Officer grade 104 twice monthly, once on the 15th of each month and again on the last day of the month for the duration of the program. In addition to compensation, Administrative Fellows will be eligible for a comprehensive benefit package. 

How to Apply

Individuals who have successfully completed a CAHME or CEPH accredited Master's program with a focus in health administration or management within 12 months prior to the program's start date are eligible to apply. Applications from individuals in an ineligible program will not have their application considered and NAFCAS will not be able to refund the application fee. If you have any questions or concerns about your eligibility, please reach out to us via the contact information in the FAQ. Individuals who have completed the didactic portion of their degree and are required to complete a residency or fellowship prior to degree conferral may also apply. 

To apply, please submit your application to two sites ( Careers at Columbia and NAFCAS ) by September 27, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. EST  

Complete the following steps:

1. Complete the Careers at Columbia Application

Complete the Careers at Columbia application by  Clicking Here to Apply  or by searching for the Requisition Number: 545418

*ONLY  submit your Resume (disregard all other document uploads)

2. Complete the NAFCAS Application

Complete the NAFCAS application by Clicking Here to Apply and searching for "Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons Administrative Fellowship".

In our Documents section, please submit:

  • One-page Cover Letter answering the following prompt: Tell us why you hope to pursue an Administrative Fellowship at Columbia VP&S. Please include how the position and institution align with your goals and personal interests.
  • Personal Statement
  • Current Resume
  • Unofficial Undergraduate Transcripts

Through the NAFCAS portal, please submit three (3) signed Letters of Recommendation (in "Supporting Information"). We strongly recommend letters are from the following individuals: 

  • One from a program director/advisor
  • One from a graduate school professor
  • One from a professional contact

3. Mail your Transcripts

Have your Official Graduate School Transcripts mailed to NAFCAS (in "Academic History").

To be considered, all applicants must apply through both sites. Please ensure NAFCAS has adequate time to review and verify your application. All requirements must be completed/received by Friday, September 27th, 2024 at 11:59 pm.  

Application Timeline

Our expected recruitment timeline is as follows (subject to change): 

  • Friday, September 27th, 2024 11:59 pm – Application must be submitted to Careers at Columbia and NAFCAS
  • Thursday, October 10th – Final offers extended


Our application process is primarily virtual but may include some in-person events depending on the application year.  

The number of applicants selected is dependent on the participating Departments in a given year. If you have any questions regarding application requirements, please refer to our frequently asked questions and contact information sections below. 

Why should I choose an Administrative Fellowship over a traditional job position?

Fellowships serve as an important opportunity used to prepare early careerists for leadership focused careers in the healthcare sector. Fellowships emphasize structured learning and leadership development combined with real-world project work. Fellowships provide access to mentorship relationships with senior leaders as well as development of vital skills sets. 

Past VP&S fellows reported that they worked in the following areas throughout their fellowship: 

Executive Leadership 


Clinic/Outpatient Services 

Process Improvement 

Strategic Planning 

I am not able to provide one letter of recommendation from an employer, what can I do?

If you are not able to provide one letter of recommendation from an employer, please submit another letter of recommendation from a graduate school professor.

Can I submit a copy of my transcript or print a copy of my unofficial transcript?

You may upload a copy of your Undergraduate transcripts through NAFCAS. Your official Graduate School Transcripts must be requested through your school’s Registrar Office and mailed to NAFCAS.

Can samples of application documents be provided?

Application documents cannot be provided to applicants during the application process. All submitted documents should be unique and original to the candidate. 

How can I confirm the delivery of my documents?

The NAFCAS site will notify you when your application has been submitted. Please allow for adequate time for NAFCAS to verify your application information. Refer to the NAFCAS website for more information.

How much will I get paid as an Administrative Fellow?

The Administrative Fellow will be paid at the minimum rate of the Administrative Officer grade 104. The Fellow’s annual salary will be $70,000 paid on a semi-monthly basis.

What if I obtain my Master’s Degree more than 12 months prior to the program’s start date?

Only applicants who have successfully completed their Master’s Degree in Health Administration, Business Administration or Public Health less than 12 months prior to the program’s start date (July 1st 2025) are eligible to apply. Applications from individuals in an ineligible program will not have their application considered and NAFCAS will not be able to refund the application fee. If you have any questions or concerns about your eligibility, please reach out to us via the contact information below. 

I expect to obtain my Master’s Degree after the program start date… Can I still apply?

Candidates should have completed their Master’s Degree before the programs start date (July 1st 2025). Individuals who have completed the didactic portion of their degree and are required to complete a residency or fellowship prior to degree conferral may also apply. Individuals who will obtain their degree after the programs start date should apply for the next year’s Administrative Fellowship. 

Where will the fellowship take place? Where is the Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons?

The Administrative Fellowship Program is part of the Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. Although Columbia University and New York Presbyterian Hospital are affiliated, they are two separate organizations. The Administrative Fellowship rotations will take place within the Clinical Outpatient Departments / Group Practices or Basic Science Departments and Institutes within the Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons. Some departments may ask fellows to report to auxillary locations for different projects or rotations. If details of where you would be reporting are a concern, please discuss this with current fellows and department representatives throughout the application process.

The Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons is located at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center Campus, at 630 West 168th Street New York, NY 10032.

*Fellowship positions may be a hybrid of on-site work and remote work. Some may be fully on- site, but none will be fully remote.

What is the work day/week schedule like for the fellowship?

The standard schedule for the Administrative Fellow is 35 hours a week, Monday- Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm.

Where can I find the application and upload supporting documentation?

Applicants must complete the Careers at Columbia application as well as on the NAFCAS application.

I am unsure if my degree program is eligible. How do I confirm that my application will be reviewed?

Applications from individuals in an ineligible program will not have their application considered and NAFCAS will not be able to refund the application fee. If you have any questions or concerns about your eligibility, please reach out to us via the contact information below.

Are international applicants eligible for consideration?

The College of Physicians & Surgeons will consider complete applications from all qualified applicants. If you are an international applicant, please be aware that it will be your responsibility to complete all required documentation for an international visa if selected for the Fellowship position. Although we are not able to sponsor an employment visa for the fellowship position, candidates who have OPT (Optional Practical Training) are eligible to apply.

Contact Information

If you have questions or need more information, please contact us by email at  [email protected] .

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Cover Letter Prep

So you’re finally finishing residency and ready to move on to your first big job or fellowship. Your CV is polished (since you obviously used the awesome EMRA CV Guide, right?!), and now all you have to do is put together your Cover Letter.

Wait – what’s a cover letter you ask? And why do you need one in the first place?

A Cover Letter is written by you to a potential employer describing your skills and experience as they pertain to the job you’re hoping to land from them.

While having a great CV is essential to the job search, a well-written cover letter can be just as important; it’s your chance to distinguish yourself from other candidates with similarly competitive CVs and encourage the employer to want to learn more about you, ideally leading to an interview.

Okay you get it, but help! You have no idea what to write! Don’t worry – that’s what we’re here for! Let’s break it down.

The Basics:

  • Start with your name and contact details at the top of the page. Make sure this information matches your CV!
  • Next, include the name and contact info of the person who will receive your letter. This is usually the department chair, but in some cases may be the fellowship director or the recruiter. If you’re not sure who this person is, just call and ask!
  • Address your letter to this person – “Dear Dr. Smith…”
  • Keep the length to one page max, with size 10-12 font (never smaller!) and page margins at least 0.75 inches.

Content: What do I put in this thing, anyway?

The meat of your cover letter should accomplish the following four things:

1. State the position for which you are applying

  • Are you looking for a full-time or part-time position? Are you applying for a fellowship spot? Primarily clinical work or with core faculty responsibilities?
  • While it’s important to be clear about the job you want, no need to get super specific with the nitty gritty HR stuff; requests for salary, benefits, and hours should be left for the interview process

2. Convey a connection to the location or practice

  • Did you grow up in the neighborhood? Do you have family or friends in the area? Do you love the population that ED serves?
  • Be sure to read about the group or program and learn more about the specific job culture and requirements so you can reference relevant items and how they relate to you in your letter

3. Describe your skills and experiences that make you a desirable candidate and the right match for the job

  • Think like an employer: What specific knowledge, skills, prior experience, or advanced training can you offer this position?
  • Illustrate how how you've developed and demonstrated your strongest skills in the past. (Ex: If you were applying for a medical education fellowship, you might highlight lectures and teaching you’ve done and any leadership or formal education training you’ve completed)
  • Highlight any ongoing or anticipated projects that may not have made it onto your CV quite yet but are relevant to this position
  • Caution: This is not a space to simply regurgitate your CV. Instead, if you do mention a specific CV item, it should be because you are elaborating on the experience to support your qualifications

4. Finish with “the ask” and a “thank you”

  • End your letter by asking the reader to look over your CV and contact you about an interview, and thank them for their time and consideration
  • Try something simple like, "I have attached a copy of my CV for your review. I look forward to hearing from you about this application and appreciate your time and consideration.”
  • Be positive and professional. When in doubt, err on the side of formality... but it is okay to let a little of your personality shine through!
  • Do not send the same cover letter to every place you apply . If you are applying across the country or to a wide variety of practice settings, you should adjust your cover letter to reflect the unique characteristics or specifics of each location
  • Proofread, proofread, and proofread some more! Just like your CV, be meticulous with formatting and other style details and have friends/mentors help you edit to ensure there are no spelling or grammar errors
  • Print a copy of your cover letter and read it out loud to yourself. This will help you find any accidental grammar areas or typos that your eyes may otherwise miss having looked it over on a computer dozens of times
  • Whenever you send your letter electronically, upload a PDF rather than a word processing document (e.g. Word, Pages) to ensure it looks the same on the employer’s computer as it does on yours

Can you show me an example?

Ok! Let’s take a look at something you might say in your cover letter and three ways you could word it:

Not So Good

Please find my CV attached (with a paperclip) for my application to work at ECG Memorial Hospital.  You should definitely take a chance on me!  I’ll just cut right to the chase:  I just graduated residency and am looking for that new position to practice my skills as an Emergency Physician.  You are one of four places I am applying.  I may be  a new EP, but I promise to work really hard to do good things for your department. 

Getting There

[...] As a recent graduate from a busy residency training program, I believe I will thrive at ECG Memorial. I have plenty of experience dealing with a similar patient population to ECG and am very interested in participating in your ED’s community outreach program with the local elementary schools as Pediatric Emergency Medicine is an interest of mine.  Please consider me a strong candidate for the position.

Much Better!

[...] Training in a trauma center similar to ECG Memorial with over 100K ED patient visits per year has given me the skills needed to manage surge and rapidly triage patients with concern for efficiency as well as exceptional patient care.  ED patient flow is a particular interest of mine, and as a resident member of the Provider at Triage Committee in my home institution, I am excited for the new triage system being trialed at ECG and feel I would be a strong and useful addition to your team during this transition.


The Internet is full of sample Cover Letters. Search within your web browser of choice for good examples of formatting and content.

And don’t forget to turn to mentors and your program director for advice. They know you as a resident and may have some ideas on ways to shape your letter to really highlight your strengths!

We also like the following resources that may also be helpful to you:

“Physician Cover Letters: Why Writing a Good One is as Important as Ever” — NEJM “Writing Compelling Physician Cover Letters” — NEJM "How to Write a Cover Letter in 2024 + Examples" — Novoresume Career Blog

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cover letter for administrative fellowship

Dec 19, 2017

cover letter for administrative fellowship

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Administrative Fellowships

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Fellowship student making a presentation at the Alumni and Visitors Center

The Administrative Fellowship program seeks masters-prepared individuals who wish to develop their management and leadership skills in a fast-paced medical school environment. Fellows participate in projects and activities that build and strengthen essential administrative skills.

Fellows  will rotate six months in a clinical department and six months in an administrative department. Fellows will complete projects during their rotation and will attend monthly didactic sessions.

The application period for 2024-2025 fellowship closes on January 30, 2024.

How to Apply

The fellowship year begins in July. Interested persons will apply online by filling out an application and uploading a resume, a cover letter which includes expected graduation date, and a statement of purpose. Interviews for the fellowship will commence in December with offers made in early spring for an July start date.

Completion of a masters before the beginning of the fellowship is required. Our selection process aims for a diverse set of skills, backgrounds, and experiences. No formal professional experience is health care is required beyond education. Preference is given to candidates with ties to the Inland Empire of Southern California and demonstrated commitment to the UCR School of Medicine mission.

Current Fellows

Past fellows.

  • Ezekiel Adu-Gyamfi, M.S. Health Services Administration, CSU San Bernardino - 2020-21
  • Tilak Patel - M.B.A., Master's Healthcare Administration, UNC Charlotte - 2020-21
  • Marcus Warren, M.S. Public Health/Healthcare Administration, National University - 2020-21
  • Hollie Woods, M.H.A., Healthcare Administration, University of Southern Indiana - 2020-21
  • Adiat Azeez, M.H.A., Healthcare Administration, University of La Verne - 2019-20
  • Marina Carbajal. M.B.A. in Healthcare Administration, California Baptist University - 2019-20
  • Destiny Britton, M.S.H.S.A., Cal State San Bernardino - 2018-19
  • Carla Urmeneta, M.B.A., Cal Baptist University - 2018-19

Cover Letters and Resume Samples

Administrative Intern Cover Letter Sample

Administrative interns are hired to perform basic and entry-level administrative support tasks and are provided on-the-job training to be eligible for permanent positions in the future.

Administrative interns are responsible for performing a number of tasks such as aiding the staff, coordinating office services, and handling record-keeping duties.

They may also be expected to prepare reports about attendance records, budgets, and performance data.

Administrative interns benefit much from internships as they provide them with a real-time environment to learn the ropes and some experience in what can be expected from them at a future position.

When you are attempting to write a cover letter for an internship position, you need to pay special attention to your most relevant skills and attributes.

Here is a good example to get ideas on writing your cover letter:

Administrative Intern Cover Letter Example

Julia Fernandez 389 Dunn Hollow Drive Fairfield Bay, AR 78900 (000) 111-3211 Email

April 7, 2022

Mr. William Graham Manager HR G4S 647 Serviceberry Lane Fairfield Bay, AR 64890

Dear Mr. Graham:

I am interested in obtaining the position of Administrative Intern at G4S in order to provide your company with the benefit of my education and progressive approach to work. After reviewing your website, I was excited to learn about the core values at G4S such as excellent customer service, hard work, and a fun environment as these fit perfectly with my work values.

During my education, I had some exposure to the business world through my interaction with business professionals as part of a fraternity involvement project. I was specially commended on my knowledge of implementing administrative regulations and policies while being questioned in a mock interview. I am particularly interested in understanding the functioning of an office as far as administrative work is concerned. Moreover, I offer the ability to maintain discretion where sensitive data is concerned, strong customer orientation, and effective communication skills which would be a proven asset to your organization.

With the ultimate goal of exceeding your expectations, I offer my services for the growth of G4S. My resume and a recommendation letter are attached, which I am sure you will find interesting. Thank you for taking out the time to review this application.

I look forward to meeting with you to discuss my capabilities in detail.

Sincerely yours,

Julia Fernandez

Enc. Resume

  • Administrative Intern Resume Sample
  • Sample Resume for Administrative Internship
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Senior Academic Services Administrative Assistant

How to apply.

A cover letter addressing your specific interest in the position and outlining your skills and experience that directly relate to this position is required.  Attach the cover letter to your resume.

Job Summary

The International Institute (II) seeks a customer service-oriented, self-motivated individual with attention to detail and strong communication skills to provide highly responsive and complex support to our Academic Services Team. The Academic Services Administrative Coordinator will have the unique opportunity to directly impact the student experience as the first point of contact for the many undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled in degree programs or apply for and receive funding from the II.

Mission Statement

The mission of the University of Michigan is to serve the people of Michigan and the world through preeminence in creating, communicating, preserving and applying knowledge, art, and academic values, and in developing leaders and citizens who will challenge the present and enrich the future.


Responsibilities include the following but may include other duties as assigned: 

Student Services Support and Student Staff Supervision

  • Oversee hiring and supervision of 5-8 student support staff including oversight of student staff schedule, onboarding, training, daily work assignments, time card approval, and regular feedback.
  • Provide phone and email coverage for inquiries from a wide range of internal and external constituents: assess and respond in a professional and inclusive manner and route to the appropriate person/unit
  • Oversee proper front desk operations (and staff when needed)  including but not limited to: walk-in visitors and general triage, sorting mail, ordering office supplies, scheduling appointments, etc.
  • Serve as front line office support in the summer when student staff are off-campus
  • Maintain Standard Operating Procedure Documents and oversee yearly review and updating process
  • Serve on facilities and emergency response committees for Weiser Hall
  • Reserve meeting rooms and coordinate staff and faculty calendars as needed

Fellowships & Grants Support 

  • Assist with fellowship award letter creation and dissemination for over 30 fellowships and grants administered by the II
  • Coordinate faculty recruitment and communication for fellowship application review
  • Manage non-competitive award application and eligibility review
  • Coordinate student essay review, language assessments, and complex interview process for the Fulbright Program
  • Assist with student report outreach, tracking, and compliance for Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships
  • Coordinate with faculty and staff to manage fellowship review process within set deadlines.
  • Respond to student inquiries in a shared inbox or forward to appropriate advisor as needed
  • Assist with InfoReady application system and provide backup support as needed

Data and Reporting Support  

  • Collaborate with student services staff on data collection and spreadsheet management projects as needed
  • Monitor and reconcile individual student payments in our tracking system and confirm accurate award disbursement
  • Monitor the LSA travel approval system and clear students for payment 
  • Complete initial review of students for financial aid budget impact and compile student list for submission to the Financial Aid Office 
  • Assist with data entry in U.S. Department of Education reporting system for the FLAS program as needed and assist language instructors who need support entering evaluation reports
  • Assist with fellowship data management to ensure accurate and timely fellowship processing
  • Monitor and maintain Alumni data
  • Assist with information requests and organization as needed to support applications for major federal grants

Outreach and Events Support 

  • Manage fellowship recruitment events, promotion, and attendance data and metrics.
  • Compile and send monthly Fellowships and Grants Newsletter and targeted email campaigns for specific fellowships
  • Maintain and update canvas sites 

Required Qualifications*

  • Associates Degree or equivalent education/work experience
  • Three years of progressively more responsible experience in an administrative assistant position
  • Ability to manage complex data with attention to detail
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills including the ability to work cooperatively with staff from various divisions and departments
  • Demonstrated ability to work as an effective member of an office team, interacting professionally with a diverse group of students, faculty, and staff in an inclusive and trust-inspiring manner
  • Ability to prioritize and organize a varied workload with attention to detail
  • Ability to meet deadlines in a timely manner while demonstrating flexibility when priorities change
  • Capacity to exercise initiative, independent judgment, diplomacy, and confidentiality with a positive, service-oriented attitude
  • Proven proficiency with Microsoft Office products, particularly Excel, and the Google Suite, with a strong interest and aptitude for learning new computer applications
  • Proficiency troubleshooting and operating common office equipment

Desired Qualifications*

  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent combination of education and experience preferred
  • More than four years of progressively more responsible experience in an administrative assistant position
  • Previous experience working in an academic environment, preferably in student services
  • Knowledge of Wolverine Access, MPathways Student Administration System, and financial aid

Modes of Work

Positions that are eligible for hybrid or mobile/remote work mode are at the discretion of the hiring department. Work agreements are reviewed annually at a minimum and are subject to change at any time, and for any reason, throughout the course of employment. Learn more about the work modes .

Additional Information

The salary range for this position is $45,900 to $57,000, please note a higher salary may be offered based on equity and the selected candidate's experience. This position is hybrid, with the expectation of 3 in-person days and 2 remote days per week. As one of the world's great liberal arts colleges, LSA pushes the boundaries of what is understood about the human experience and the natural world, and we foster the next generation of rigorous and empathetic thinkers, creators, and contributors to the state of Michigan, the nation, and the world ?.   To learn more about diversity, equity, and inclusion in LSA, please visit- lsa.umich.edu/lsa/dei . To learn more about LSA's Mission, Vision and Values, please visit- ? lsa.umich.edu/strategicvision .

Background Screening

The University of Michigan conducts background checks on all job candidates upon acceptance of a contingent offer and may use a third party administrator to conduct background checks.  Background checks are performed in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

Application Deadline

Job openings are posted for a minimum of seven calendar days.  The review and selection process may begin as early as the eighth day after posting. This opening may be removed from posting boards and filled anytime after the minimum posting period has ended.

U-M EEO/AA Statement

The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.


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  5. PDF Writing and Securing Effective Letters

    Also known as a "letter of introduction" or "letter of application," a cover letter accompanies your application and should answer the following questions: How do you meet the criteria for this award/ fellowship? Skills/abilities/qualities in the context of your experiences as they relate to the specified requirements.

  6. Administrative Fellowship

    LHMC's Administrative Fellowship is a one year rotational and project-based experience to candidates seeking opportunities in hospital administration. ... Cover Letter [500 words or less] ... Briefly highlight 1-2 experiences that have prepared you for an administrative fellowship. 3 Letters of Recommendation;

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  8. PDF A Resource Guide For Administrative Fellowships A

    Like your graduate school application, be prepared to produce: • A cover letter. • A current resume. • A personal statement. • Short answer question or essay responses. • 2-3 recommendation letters. Transcripts - both undergraduate and graduate• You may want to consider having a mentor, professor or te.

  9. Administrative Fellowships Part 2: The Personal Statement

    As soon as you make the decision to apply to Administrative Fellowship Programs and narrow down your list of where to apply, it's time to start the application process.While your resume, transcript, and letters of recommendation are all important, I believe the most important part of your application - and the part that makes you stand out - is your personal statement. A quick side note on ...

  10. How to Write a Cover Letter for a Fellowship

    A cover letter is typically the first thing the recipient reads in your fellowship application, so it needs to be convincing and well-written. Start a new document on your computer and choose a cover letter template if one is available. Make a header that includes your name (in larger and bolder font), followed by your address, phone number ...

  11. Administrative Fellowship

    Two letters of recommendation: one academic, one professional; Cover letter addressed to Administrative Fellowship Selection Committee no longer than one page; Personal statement no longer than 800 words that addresses: The candidate's specific interest in pursuing a fellowship at UF Health Jacksonville

  12. Application Information

    Application requirements. Written statement of the applicant's career objectives and why the applicant is applying for the fellowship. Indicate which MedStar Health Administrative Fellowship Program (s) you are interested in applying to (up to 2 programs - please state your order of preference), and briefly describe your interest in each program.

  13. 10 Cover Letter Tips for Residents and Fellows

    Never address your letter "To whom it may concern.". 2. Watch the Length. Respect the time of the hiring manager by keeping your cover letter short. A well-written, direct, and concise letter of a few paragraphs is ideal. A cover letter should never be more than a page long. 3. Write a Personalized Cover Letter for Each Job Application.

  14. Administrative Fellowship Program

    Cover Letters and Recommendation Letters may be addressed to "The Administrative Fellowship Selection Committee." Recommendation letters or transcripts that cannot be uploaded should be emailed directly to [email protected] (Kyle Brown, current Administrative Fellow) with the subject line, "Administrative Fellowship Application."

  15. Administrative fellowship program

    Three letters of recommendation from both academic and professional sources; Your cover letter, personal statement and letters of recommendation should be addressed to "Administrative Fellowship Selection Committee." Your recommender can contact the program directly to submit a letter of recommendation if they prefer. If this is the case:

  16. Administrative Fellowship Program

    One-page Cover Letter answering the following prompt: Tell us why you hope to pursue an Administrative Fellowship at Columbia VP&S. ... The Administrative Fellowship Program is a 12-month program designed for individuals seeking to prepare for a career in healthcare management and to assume leadership positions in the healthcare delivery system ...

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    A Cover Letter is written by you to a potential employer describing your skills and experience as they pertain to the job you're hoping to land from them. While having a great CV is essential to the job search, a well-written cover letter can be just as important; it's your chance to distinguish yourself from other candidates with similarly ...

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    Cover letter (two pages max that indicates why the applicant is pursuing an Administrative Fellowship at Rush, what the applicant hopes to learn and achieve, what skills and abilities the applicant will bring to Rush to achieve its strategic initiatives, short-term and long-term career goals including areas of interest and how the applicant ...

  19. Cover Letter Examples For Fellowship Application

    This document provides examples of cover letters for fellowship applications in different fields, including research, medicine, arts, public service, environmental work, STEM, and business. It emphasizes that a well-written cover letter can enhance an application by highlighting qualifications, experiences, and motivations. It then presents seven sample cover letter templates tailored for ...

  20. Administrative Fellowships

    The fellowship year begins in July. Interested persons will apply online by filling out an application and uploading a resume, a cover letter which includes expected graduation date, and a statement of purpose. Interviews for the fellowship will commence in December with offers made in early spring for an July start date.

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    Sentara's Administrative Fellowship is primarily based in Hampton Roads, Virginia; location preferences for the Fellowship will be discussed during the initial phases of the interview process. ... - Required application materials include: resume, cover letter, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, personal statement, and two letters of ...

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  24. Administrative Intern Cover Letter Sample

    Here is a good example to get ideas on writing your cover letter: Administrative Intern Cover Letter Example. Julia Fernandez 389 Dunn Hollow Drive Fairfield Bay, AR 78900 (000) 111-3211 Email. April 7, 2022. Mr. William Graham Manager HR G4S 647 Serviceberry Lane Fairfield Bay, AR 64890.

  25. Senior Academic Services Administrative Assistant

    A cover letter addressing your specific interest in the position and outlining your skills and experience that directly relate to this position is required. ... The Academic Services Administrative Coordinator will have the unique opportunity to directly impact the student experience as the first point of contact for the many undergraduate and ...