
Top 20 No Essay Scholarships to Apply for in 2024

Harvard University

Introduction: No essay scholarships

Let's talk about no-essay scholarships. Whether you've been applying to scholarships for a while or you're completely new to the scholarship process, chances are, at some point you've felt tired, frustrated, or even fully on fed-up with writing all of those essays. Finding financial aid can be a lot of work - I feel you!

A smart strategy when applying for scholarships is to mix up the types of scholarships you're applying for. But what does this actually mean?

Well, if you're familiar with the world of scholarships, you've probably discovered that there are scholarships out there of all sorts, shapes, and sizes.

Some scholarships are for small amounts (think: anywhere from $100 to a few thousand dollars) while others go for larger amounts (sometimes even full-tuition!). Some scholarships have long lists of application requirements, while others only ask you to write a sentence, upload your transcript, or fill out a form.

So, when I say "mix up the types of scholarships you're applying for", I'm saying that it's important to consider things such as scholarship type (is there an essay required?), amount (generally, scholarships with  bigger awards  are harder to earn), and category (how specific does the scholarship get in terms of matching your unique profile?).

This post covers one specific type of scholarship that I'm sure you'll enjoy incorporating into your scholarship strategy: a no-essay scholarship!

Most of these no essay scholarships are open to high school , college , and  graduate  school students, be sure to get those easy applications in, and keep your toes crossed while you get to work on some of those other more labor-intensive opportunities.

*Pro-tip - While some of these no essay scholarships currently have specific deadlines, keep them bookmarked because they often renew monthly, quarterly, or yearly!

20 No essay scholarships to apply for ASAP!

Too cool to pay for school no essay scholarship.

Award Amount:  $1,000

Scholarship Deadline:  Quarterly (last day of the month in September, December, March, and June)

PS - this is one of no essay scholarships awarded by Access Scholarships (that's us!). It's open to high school, undergraduate, and graduate students studying in the United States, and is an easy way to win $1,000. 

Niche $10,000 No Essay Scholarship

Award Amount:  $10,000

Scholarship Deadline:  Rolling

ScholarshipPoints No Essay $2,500 Monthly Scholarship

Amount : $2,500 

Deadline : Expires on the last day of each month

Eligibility: The ScholarshipPoints Scholarship is a monthly no essay scholarship open to all high school and college students ages 16 and older, who are US residents!

Smart Owl No Essay $1,000 Scholarship

Amount : $1,000 (4 awards per month!)

Deadline : Expires on the 28th or 29th of each month

Eligibility: The Smart Owl Scholarship is a monthly no essay scholarship open to all high school and college students ages 16 and older, who are US residents!

Sallie Mae College Scholarship

Award Amount : $2,000

Scholarship Deadline : Monthly

Eligibility- Open to high school juniors & seniors and all college students

CollegeVine No Essay $2,000 Scholarship

Award Amount:  $2,000

Scholarship Deadline:  December 31

Open to high school students of all years (must be a US resident).

Scholarships360 $10,000 Scholarship

Scholarship Deadline:  Rolling 

Open to high school sophomores, juniors & seniors in the US. 

Bold $25,000 Scholarship

Amount:  $25,000

Deadline:  Continuous

CollegExpress Monthly Scholarship

Award Amount:  $2,500

Scholarship Deadline:  Last day of each month

Niche No Essay Scholarship

Appily easy money scholarship, around the corner from college scholarship.

Award Amount : $1,000

Scholarship Deadline : December 31, June 30

Open to all high school students, including students with DACA status and international students who are planning on attending a higher education institution in the US! 

Be Bold No-Essay Scholarship

Award Amount:  $25,000

Scholarship Deadline: Rolling

Christian Connector Scholarship

Eligibility:  Open to high school juniors and high school seniors who are interested in or planning to enroll in a Christian college or university.

Direct Textbook Photo Essay Scholarship

Award Amount:  $500

Discover Student Loans Scholarship Contest

Scholarship Deadline:  January 4

Lounge Lizard Web Design Scholarship

Scholarship Deadline:  February 27 and October 10

Create A Greeting Card Scholarship

Scholarship Deadline:  March 9

Frame My Future Scholarship

Award Amount:  $2,000 each (5 awards)

Scholarship Deadline: March 15

ULoop Dorm Survey Scholarship

Scholarship Deadline:  June 30

no-essay scholarships

Frequently asked questions about no essay scholarships

Are no essay scholarships legit.

No essay scholarships are 100% legit!

No essay scholarships are created to be more like contests or sweepstakes. Generally, all you have to do to be considered is enter some information on an application page and you're good to go. This is in contrast with other more labor-intensive scholarships, that require a greater amount of work and time commitment (think: essays, letters of recommendation, videos, interviews).

The fact that no essay scholarships don't require a whole lot of effort (they're definitely the easiest opportunities out there!) doesn't mean that they aren't just as real as other scholarships that do have more detailed eligibility and application requirements to apply. In fact, no essay scholarships can sometimes be just as competitive as full-ride scholarships , given the fact that so many students apply for these opportunities.

At the end of the day, each and every scholarship we feature in our database and in our blog posts aims to guide students in the direction of legitimate opportunities to help you navigate the journey of paying for college.

What are some common qualities of a no essay scholarship?

The most identifiable quality of a no essay scholarship is the fact that it doesn't require an essay! Rather than asking students to upload an essay on the application page, these scholarships generally will ask for the completion of a form, or for students to upload a photo, video, or other unique type of submission. The fact that these scholarships can often be completed much more quickly and easily than other scholarships is what makes them so great.

You'll also find that the majority of no essay scholarships are open to a wide variety of students, and they usually won't have any specific eligibility requirements such as only being open to students in certain majors or with a certain minimum GPA.

Who is eligible to apply for no essay scholarships?

When it comes to eligiblity, as I mentioned just above, no essay scholarships are usually open to a wide range of students. For example, a no essay scholarship might be open to students ages 13 and older in the US, or maybe it's open to all high school students in the US. These eligibility criteria are very generous and intended to give all (or nearly all) students who want to apply an opportunity to do so.

How difficult is it to win a no essay scholarship?

Because no essay scholarships are usually open to so many different types of students, along with the fact that they often require very little effort on the part of the student (and run more like sweepstakes than real in-depth scholarships), means that they are difficult to win, and the process is unpredictable.

Luckily, because these scholarships require so little time commitment to apply, not winning one of these types of scholarships doesn't necessarily indicate that you've wasted your time applying, since it likely didn't take that much time in the first place!

How can I increase my chances of winning no essay scholarships?

No essay scholarships are open to such a wide variety of students in terms of eligible areas of study, state residency, and year in school. This, in combination with the fact that the winners for these scholarships are generally always selected at random, means that increasing your chances of winning one of these scholarships is very, very difficult.

In the spirit of full-transparency: the only way that you can actually increase your chances of winning no essay scholarships is by applying for all of them and not missing any deadlines.

For example, take Tallo's monthly no essay scholarships . They pick at least 12 winners each year, usually at the end of each month. If you want to maximize your chances of winning one of Tallo's no essay scholarships, you should set a reminder to make sure that you apply for them every month, so that you don't miss out on an opportunity to win.

Most of the no essay scholarships I've come across are for small amounts, such as $1,000. Why is this the case?

Most no-essay scholarships are for small amounts (think: $500 - $2,000) because, in comparison to other scholarships that have lots of application requirements, no-essay scholarships tend to run more like contests.

Organizations love to give back to students in any and all ways possible, and they also like to try to make student's lives easier by offering easy scholarship opportunities.

However, from the perspective of private organizations, many of them would rather save their scholarships of higher amounts to be distributed through competitive opportunities where they can select students on the basis of merit, leadership, and other qualities. That's why you'll probably never come across a full-ride scholarship that doesn't require an essay or extra submission of some sort!

Where can I find more scholarships to apply for?

There are tons of resources and places out there that you can use to find "harder" scholarships to apply for to pair with your efforts in applying to the easy ones.

The first place I recommend you go is over to the Access Scholarship Search Engine or Blog, where you can find all types of scholarships based on criteria such as home state, area of study, ethnicity, and more.

After that, I recommend you also do some surfing of the web, as well as outreach to your guidance counselor or financial aid office to help you find local scholarships and even more nuanced opportunities.

Important tips and things to keep in mind with no essay scholarships

Tip #1: apply often..

Many of these scholarships run continuously on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Set a reminder for yourself to revisit these scholarships each month and reapply to give yourself the best chance at winning one!

Tip #2: Find ways to get a leg up.

Scholarships with no essays that have any sort of additional component (like an art or video submission) will tend to give you a "leg up" because they involve more than some luck.

Take full advantage of scholarships like these by putting your best foot forward with that extra submission!

Tip #3: Make no essay scholarships one piece of the puzzle.

Scholarships with no essays should be a key component of your scholarship application strategy because of how easy they are to apply for.

However, it's important to remember they should be balanced with other scholarships that have more specific and stringent requirements.

When you apply for essay-based scholarships, you're given the opportunity to tell the committee about you, who you are and why you should be selected for the opportunity. The winners for these scholarships, unlike their no-essay counterparts, are not chosen at random, so if you choose these scholarships carefully, apply for ones that are specific to your qualities, and write strong essays, you'll have the best chances of winning at the end of the day!

General tips for applying for all kinds of scholarships

Navigating the world of scholarships can be stressful and confusing to say the least. Follow these tips to make sure you’re covering all of your bases and giving yourself the greatest possible chance at success!

#1: Get yourself organized before you dive right in.

Just like with any other part of the college / financial aid process, organization is crucial to success when it comes to searching and applying for scholarships.

My top organization-related recommendation for students is to start by creating a readily-accessible folder on your computer where you can then create subfolders for your scholarship essays, transcripts, and other application materials. This is also the place where you’ll want to house your scholarship tracker , which will help you keep track of scholarships you find, upcoming deadlines, and your overall progress.

#2: Do your brainstorming.

You likely wouldn’t start an essay on the American Revolution without doing some initial brainstorming and planning first. The same rule should apply for when it’s time to search for scholarships.

Sit down with a pen and paper or a blank word document open, and start to bullet out a list of traits and things that you feel make up who you are as a person. These things should be both academic and personal. To give you an idea of what I’m talking about, here’s a sneak peek into what my own personal list might look like:

-I am from New Jersey

-I am a business student with an interest in marketing

-I like to play sports (tennis, basketball, etc)

-I hold leadership positions in my extracurriculars

-I identify as female

-I am a twin

-I am left-handed

-I enjoy doing crossword puzzles

-I go to college in Wisconsin

I could go on and on with this list, but I won’t bore you! What I’m trying to get at though is that creating a list like this to track your hobbies, academic pursuits, and other things that make up who you are can be incredibly helpful in allowing you to find scholarships that are highly specific to you.

PS - For some students, this may also fall under the initial organization step of the process, but ultimately it doesn’t matter when you do it as long as it gets done.

#3: Know where to look.

Knowing what types of scholarships you want to search for doesn’t really matter if you don’t know where to actually search for them! Here are a few ideas on where you can get started in searching for scholarships:

- Scholarship search engines like AccessScholarships.com, which allow you to search through thousands of scholarship opportunities all in one place

- Normal search engines , such as Google (the more specific you can be here, the better)

-Your school’s college prep, guidance, or financial aid page/website

- Social media (you can follow scholarship accounts and hashtags that might be relevant to help you discover local scholarships)

- Family, friends, teachers, coaches, and other people in your community who might know of local or community-based scholarships that you’re eligible for

#4: If a scholarship has an essay or additional type of submission, make sure you put your absolute best foot forward.

This is, in my opinion, the biggest key to help students see success in actually winning scholarships.

You can have a 4.0 GPA and solid letters of recommendation, but if you don’t also take the time to carefully craft, edit, and perfect the essay (or other additional submission), you’re missing out on giving the scholarship committee the opportunity to learn more about who you are as a person and why you’re a great fit to win the award.

#5: Keep those grades up.

Although this eligibility requirement can definitely vary, many scholarships require students to have at least a 2.5 or 3.0 GPA. Sometimes, the minimum requirement can be even higher, such as a 3.75/4.0.

While grades certainly aren’t the end-all-be-all, keeping your GPA up (as high as you possibly can!) will make sure that you are opening yourself up to as many opportunities as possible.

#6: Apply often.

Unfortunately, applying for scholarships is not a “one and done” process. To give yourself the highest chance at seeing success, you should apply for scholarships as often as you can, or whenever you come across an opportunity that you think is worth applying for.

Many students find it helpful to set specific goals in this area, like to apply for 3 scholarships each month. Ultimately, the goal you set should be one that is specific and realistic, based on all of the other things that you’re juggling!

#7: Ask for feedback along the way.

If you don't ever take the time to assess your weak spots, how can you possibly improve?

Asking for feedback throughout the scholarship process, whether it be from a committee, a teacher, or someone who is helping you along the way, is crucial to helping you grow and becoming a stronger applicant. 

Getting feedback is especially important when it comes to the scholarship essay piece of the puzzle. When we write and edit, we tend to overlook our own mistakes because we're so used to making them. Sometimes it takes an extra set of eyes on an essay to help lead you in the direction of success.

No-essay scholarships: To conclude...

To summarize, no-essay scholarships can be a great addition to any overall scholarship strategy for high school, college, and graduate students.

Since no-essay scholarships often operate on a monthly or quarterly basis, you can give yourself a better chance at winning these scholarships if you enter in every application period that you're eligible for.

Although no-essay scholarships usually aren't for large amounts, the process of entering to win is usually an easy one, so there's no harm in applying for these scholarships to round out your strategy and yes, give you a break from all those essays!

scholarships for high school seniors with no essay

Are you seeking one-on-one college counseling and/or essay support? Limited spots are now available. Click here to learn more.

100 Great College Scholarships for High School Seniors – 2024

June 25, 2024

Our list of the 100 best college scholarships for high school seniors is intended to guide you toward a wide range of opportunities in the world of private scholarships. These include no essay scholarships as well as offerings for those pursuing specific majors like nursing or education as well as members of minority groups.

At the same time, we want to remind all prospective college students not to spend an excessive amount of time in pursuit of private scholarships, particularly at the expense of more fruitful avenues. In one recent year roughly $234 billion in total student aid was awarded to undergraduate students. The overwhelming majority of student aid comes from the federal government and institutional aid from colleges and universities is the second largest source, accounting for $71 billion; state governments give just $12 billion of total aid. Only 7% of the total aid handed out comes in the form of employer and private scholarships, a number that doesn’t quite support all of the hype

Focus on Merit Aid Directly from Colleges

In an effort to boost attendance and meet enrollment targets, many colleges have devoted an increasing share of their budgets to attracting desirable students via the offering of merit-based (i.e., non-need-based) financial aid. Using merit scholarships to lure high-achieving or high-scoring students can improve a college’s ranking and eventually its desirability, ultimately fueling enrollment. And because “high-achieving” and “desirable” are relative terms, students don’t have to be academic superstars to earn merit money. A number of reputable schools now offer sizable merit awards to “B” students.

Don’t Forget to Fill Out a FAFSA/CSS Profile

For those with significant financial need, the federal government continues to be the largest source of student aid. Each year, roughly 40 billion dollars, money that comes in the form of Pell Grants, work-study programs, and educational tax breaks is awarded to families. Additionally, the feds loan out close to 85 billion with a far more favorable terms than private lenders. That’s over 125 billion dollars handed out each year for higher education, a sum greater than the Gross National Product of all but 58 countries in the world. The bottom line is that there is a substantial amount of federal money available, so filling out a FAFSA is certainly worth your time.

100 Best College Scholarships for High School Seniors – 2024

No essay scholarships.

Looking for scholarships that you can apply for in less time than it takes to brush your teeth? Here are some legitimate entities that offer regular no essay scholarships that allow real students to take home cash for college.

1) Niche No Essay Scholarship

Niche is giving one student $2,000 to put toward tuition, housing, books or other college expenses — no essay required.

  • Value: $2,000

2) Scholarships 360 No Essay Scholarship

The Scholarships 360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship is open to all students who want some extra help paying for their education.

  • Value: $10,000

3) Sallie Mae Scholarship

Takes less than 2 minutes to enter. New winners drawn monthly.

College Scholarships for High School Seniors (Continued)

4) collegexpress no essay scholarship.

Those with an account on this site are automatically entered to win.

5) Be Bold No Essay Scholarship

The scholarship will be awarded to the student whose profile is most bold, according to these characteristics. Earnest, Determined, and Moving.

  • Value: $25,000

6) Scholarship Owl No Essay Scholarship

50 winners per year. You’ll need to sign up for an account. 1/140,000 chance of winning.

  • Value: $1,000

7) CollegeVine No Essay Scholarship

All students enrolled in high school or looking to attend college next year who apply by the deadline will qualify for the scholarship. The winner of the scholarship will be chosen based on a lottery system and notified via email.

8) US Bank Scholarship

Complete free, in-app lessons about personal finance topics. The more modules you finish, the more scholarship money you could win.

  • Value: $20,000

9) Unigo No Essay Scholarship

This $10,000 Unigo Scholarship is open to any applicant who is 14 years of age or older and is a legal resident of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia.

10) College Board No Essay Scholarship

The $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship is available to students who are seeking a postsecondary education, including returning adult learners. U.S. citizens and permanent residents are welcome to apply.

Merit-Based Scholarships – College Scholarships for High School Seniors

11) coca-cola scholarship .

The Coca-Cola Scholars Program scholarship is an achievement-based scholarship awarded to students in their final year of high school. Students are recognized for their capacity to lead and serve, as well as their commitment to making a significant impact on their schools and communities. Visit our blog on How to Win a Coca-Cola Scholarship for more details. 150 Students are selected for a $20,000 award per year.

12) Equitable Excellence Scholarship

Equitable will provide 100 $5,000 annual scholarships that will be renewed to award recipients each academic year for four years, for a total of $20,000 per recipient.

13) Davidson Fellows Scholarship

We award $50,000, $25,000 and $10,000 scholarships to gifted and high-achieving students, 18 years old or under, who have completed a significant piece of work.

  • Value: $10,000-$25,000

14) National Honor Society Scholarship

Each year, scholarship recipients are selected based on their demonstration of the four pillars of NHS: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character.

  • Value: $3,200-$25,000

15) The Elks Foundation – Most Valuable Student 

The Elks National Foundation will award 500 four-year scholarships to the highest-rated applicants in the 2025 competition.

  • Value: $1,000-$7,000

16) The Gates Scholarship 

This prestigious scholarship program is based on evidence that by eliminating the financial barriers to college, a last-dollar scholarship can enable high-potential, low-income minority students to excel in their coursework, graduate college, and continue to be leaders throughout their lives.

  • Value: Full Cost of Attendance

17) Burger King Scholars Program

Offers a track for the general public as well as employees.

  • Value: $1,000-$50,000

18) QuestBridge Match Scholarship 

Dream  big  and apply for full four-year scholarships to over 50 top colleges through QuestBridge.

  • Value: Over $325,000

19) Cameron Impact Scholarship 

The Cameron Impact Scholarship is a four-year, full-tuition, impact-driven undergraduate scholarship awarded annually to 10-15 exceptional high school students who have demonstrated excellence in leadership, community service, extracurricular activities, and academics.

20) Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship Program

Open to students who intend to pursue research careers in the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering.

  • Value: Up to $55,000

Scholarships for African American Students – College Scholarships for High School Seniors

21) hbcu sustainable communities initiative scholarship.

Scholarship applications are open to students from eligible HBCUs majoring in STEM, business, and sustainability-related disciplines.

  • Value: $5,000 (renewable)

22) APA Foundation Diversity Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded annually to students intending to pursue careers as practicing planners who will diversify the profession and who can demonstrate a genuine financial need.

  • Value: $5,000

23) Lee Aca Thompson Performing Arts Scholarship

Any BIPOC undergraduate or graduate student who is pursuing the performing arts may apply for this scholarship.

24) HM Family Scholarship

This scholarship seeks to support ambitious BIPOC students who are exploring educational and professional STEM opportunities.

25) Endeavor Design Scholarship

The Endeavor Design Scholarship is offered in support of creating racial equity in the fields of Sportswear/Active Apparel Design, Fashion Apparel/Accessories Design & Footwear Design.

  • Value: $1,865

26) Jerzee Foundation Scholarship

Any African American high school senior or undergraduate student with a minimum 2.5 GPA who is attending or will attend an HBCU may apply for this scholarship.

27) PlayStation Career Pathways Scholarship

PlayStation Career Pathways is a multi-year career readiness program that elevates the next generation of business, creative and technical talent, bridges the opportunity gap, and removes financial barriers to higher education. Pathways Scholars get access to scholarships, mentorships and insider gaming industry expertise.

  • Value: Up to $30,000

28) CATALYSTS Scholarship

Black/African American undergraduate students are eligible to apply if they have a GPA of 2.8 or higher and have internship or work experience regarding social impact.

29) Anderson Engineering Scholarship

Any BIPOC undergraduate student who is pursuing engineering may apply for this scholarship opportunity, but applicants who are enrolled in co-op engineering programs are preferred.

  • Value: $7,000

30) ESOF Scholarship

This scholarship seeks to support minority students who need monetary support to pursue higher education at a Historically Black College or University (HBCU).

  • Value: $1,500

Scholarships for Hispanic Students – College Scholarships for High School Seniors

31) overcoming adversity carino scholarship.

Any Latinx high school senior student from the state of Washington who has a history of overcoming adversity may apply.

32) Futbol is Life Scholarship 

This scholarship seeks to celebrate and reward exceptional Hispanic students who exhibit outstanding academic performance and actively participate in a competitive soccer team.

  • Value: $4,000

33) The Alliance/Merck Ciencia (Science) Hispanic Scholars Program

Open to students of Hispanic heritage who are seniors attending a high school in Brownsville, TX; Elizabeth, NJ; or Los Angeles, CA.

  • Value: $2,000-$42,000

34) Se Vale Sonar Scholarship

This scholarship is to help and encourage first-generation, Latino/a, low-income high school students with academic success in pursuing a higher education.

35) Barreir Opportunity Scholarship 

Any high school senior or undergraduate student of Hispanic heritage who is from a single-parent, low-income household and displays academic potential and commitment to community service may apply for this scholarship opportunity.

36) Cybersecurity & The Latinx Community Scholarship

This scholarship aims to support Latinx students who are pursuing higher education in cybersecurity.

37) Hispanic Climb to Success Scholarship 

This scholarship is specifically designed to provide support to low-income Hispanic and Latinx students in New York,

38) El Café Del Futuro Scholarship

Each year, they offer multiple $5,000 scholarships to college students at institutions that are members of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU).

39) Prospanica Foundation Scholarships

Prospanica is proud to offer a select number of scholarships for qualified undergraduate and graduate business students committed to making a positive change through their contributions to society.

  • Value: Up to $5,000

40) Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards

Open to Latino high school seniors who excel in the classroom and community and for their excellence in various categories including: Business & Entrepreneurship, Community Service, Education, Healthcare & Science, Media & Entertainment, and Technology & Engineering.

  • Value: $3,500

Scholarships for First-Generation Students – College Scholarships for High School Seniors

41) ifsa first generation college student scholarship.

Designed to give first-generation college students a chance to benefit from the life-changing experience of studying abroad.

  • Value: $2,500

42) Dorrance Scholarship

The Dorrance Scholarship is a need-based award that aims to instill college-going traditions in future generations of Arizona families.

  • Value: $12,000

43) I’m First! Scholarship

Students must demonstrate financial need and also show a strong interest in their communities through volunteer work.

  • Value:$2,000

44) NFA First Generation in College Scholarship

The First Generation in College Scholarship is a merit-based, one-time monetary award granted to a flutist currently enrolled in or accepted to attend an accredited college, university or conservatory in the United States.

45) Golden Door Scholars Program 

Golden Door Scholars provides DACAmented & undocumented students with the financial aid and support needed to invest in their education and define their futures.

  • Value: $40,000

46) StudySoup First in Family Scholarship

The winning student will be able to clearly demonstrate leadership qualities, commitment to their education, and a capacity to triumph over challenges.

47) UNCF Coca-Cola First Generation Scholarship

The Coca-Cola First Generation Scholarship is available to students who are the first in their family to attend a 4-year college or university.

48) Florida FGMG

Be a Florida resident and a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen. A student’s residency and citizenship status are determined by the postsecondary institution.

  • Value: Varies

49) Sallie Mae and Hispanic College Fund First in My Family Scholarship

Applicants must be Hispanic and a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the United States. They need to have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and be an undergraduate attending school full-time in the United States or Puerto Rico.

  • Value: $500-$5,000

50) Smith Scholarship Foundation

Applicants must be Alabama residents who are graduating high school seniors, have a minimum 2.3 GPA, and have taken or plan to take the SAT or ACT.

Scholarships for Women in Stem – College Scholarships for High School Seniors

51) engineering and technical science achievement scholarship.

Engineering and Technical Science Achievement Scholarship provides financial assistance to women who are working on an undergraduate degree in a field of engineering or technical science are eligible to apply.

  • Value: Awards Vary

52) Palantir Women in Technology Scholarship

They hope to encourage women to pursue computer science, engineering, and technical studies, and to become leaders in these fields.

53) Virginia Heinlein Memorial Scholarship

The “Virginia Heinlein Memorial Scholarship” is dedicated to a female candidate majoring in engineering, math, or biological or physical sciences.

54) BHW Women in STEM Scholarship

Women who are pursuing an undergraduate or master’s degree and are majoring in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics.

  • Value: $3,000

55) Women at Microsoft Scholarship

The Women at Microsoft Scholarship is dedicated to supporting high school senior women and non-binary individuals who are targeting a career in STEAM fields.

56) Aysen Tunca Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to a female undergraduate student majoring in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) field, excelling in her studies, and demonstrating significant potential.

57) UPS Scholarship for Female Students

58) michigan council of women in technology undergraduate scholarship.

Our scholarship program encourages talented female students (high school seniors and current college/university students) to continue their higher education and ultimately help Michigan become the No. 1 state for girls and women in technology.

  • Value: $1,000-$5,000

59) Learner Education Women in Mathematics Scholarship

To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must be enrolled in an undergraduate mathematics or related fields degree program at a 4-year, 2-year, vocational, or technical institution in the United States OR a graduating high school senior who has plans to study mathematics or related fields.

60) SNC Women in STEM Scholarship

This scholarship program is designed to encourage women to pursue careers in currently underrepresented fields and industries.

  • Value: $7,500

Scholarships for Native American Students – College Scholarships for High School Seniors

61) cherokee nation higher education scholarships.

Cherokee Nation scholarships are available for eligible tribal citizens residing within the Cherokee Nation reservation and contiguous boundaries or citizens who are eligible for the Pell grant and live outside those areas. Eligible high school juniors and seniors may also qualify for concurrent college classes.

  • Value: Awards vary.

62) Minnesota Indian Scholarship Program

Minnesota Indian Scholarship Program provides postsecondary financial assistance to eligible Minnesota resident students who demonstrate financial need for an award.

63) Chickasaw Nation Scholarships

This program provides a wide variety of higher education grants, scholarships and incentives to Chickasaw college students each semester.

  • Value: Up to $4,500

64) Hopi Tribe Grants and Scholarships Program

Their goal is to provide quality services to the Hopi people by enhancing a full range of educational opportunities.

65) Catching the Dream Program

Catching the Dream has three separate scholarship programs, the MESBEC, NALE, and TBM program.

66) American Indian College Fund Scholarship

The American Indian College Fund has a close relationship with the  35 accredited Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCU) . Students attending TCUs are eligible for all the different merit-based scholarship programs we offer.

  • Value: $2,000-$3,000

67) Cobell Scholarship Program

Providing elevated opportunities for high achieving, community involved Native college students with leadership experience through empowering them with an impactful scholarship experience designed to support their success in higher education.

  • Value: Up to $6,000

68) Ke Ali’I Pauahi Foundation

Many awards may be determined based on merit, while some are restricted for students who demonstrate financial need or for students applying from specific geographic regions.

69) Association on American Indian Affairs Scholarships

Be enrolled with your respective Tribe, either federally recognized or non-federally recognized Native Nation, from the continental US or Alaska and possess a minimum GPA of 2.5.

70) American Indian Services Scholarships

The AIS Scholarship program is to help  undergraduate Native American students  with financial support to attend college, maintain enrollment, and graduate.

Scholarships for High School Seniors – Education Majors

70) teach grant.

The TEACH Grant Program provides grants of up to $4,000 a year to students who are completing or plan to complete coursework needed to begin a career in teaching.

71) Epsilon Sigma Alpha Scholarship

The ESA Foundation has awarded  more than $3 million  in scholarships and continues to award numerous scholarships annually. You  do not have to be an ESA member to apply for a scholarship, and our application process is 100% online.

72) James F. Reville Scholarship

The James F. Reville Scholarship is presented to an individual who intends to pursue a career related to the field of intellectual or other developmental disabilities such as behavioral sciences, social work, nursing, healthcare administration and management or psychology.

  • Value:$3,000

73) Early Childhood Educators Scholarship Program

The T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood Pennsylvania Scholarship Program offers early learning professionals a debt-free higher education, supporting them while they work to become stronger teachers and earn thriving wages.

  • Value: Up to $4,500 per semester

74) Mrs. Prindables Future Educator Scholarship

Open to any incoming freshman or current student majoring in education.

75) Underwood-Smith Teacher Scholarship

The Underwood-Smith Teaching Scholars Program is a competitive scholarship for recent high school graduates with a passion for teaching and a history of high academic achievement, community service, and active involvement in extracurricular activities while in high school.

  • Value: $10,000 (renewable)

76) Middle Class Scholarship

The Middle Class Scholarship is for undergraduates and students in California pursuing a teaching credential with family income and assets up to $217,000.

77) Barbara Lotze Scholarship for Future Physics Teachers

The AAPT Board of Directors offers scholarships for future high school physics teachers. Undergraduate students enrolled, or planning to enroll, in physics teacher preparation curricula and high school seniors entering such programs are eligible.

78) Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship

The Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship provides high-achieving high school and college students interested in pursuing a career in education the opportunity to earn a renewable scholarship of up to $10,000 each year for four academic years. In exchange, students agree to teach for five years at an eligible Indiana school or repay the corresponding, prorated amount of the scholarship.

  • Value: $10,000 (renewable each year)

79) Teacher Education Scholarships

Every year, the American Montessori Society awards teacher education scholarships to aspiring Montessori teachers in support of their professional growth.

80) Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers

The Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers was designed to encourage and support Texas’ most promising students to pursue a career in teaching through one of the state’s best university-based teacher preparation programs.

  • Value: $8,000-$10,000 per year

Scholarships for High School Seniors – Nursing Students

81) emergency nurses association foundation scholarships.

To further advance emergency nursing, the ENA Foundation proudly offers educational scholarships annually. Offerings include academic scholarships, available to members and nonmembers seeking to further their education with degrees ranging from associates to doctoral degrees.

82) National CPR Association

The National CPR Association invite you to join our Healthcare Training Scholarship Plan to aid you in your endeavors to become a qualified professional in your chosen field.

83) GoodRx Nurses for Change Scholarship

Be a current, enrolled student pursuing a healthcare or allied healthcare career at an accredited program recognized by the student’s state. Have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or its equivalent). Self-identify as a person from an underrepresented population in the healthcare field.

  • Value: $5,000 (renewable for four years)

84) Philippe Forton Scholarship

The Philippe Forton Scholarship aims to honor Philippe by supporting high school seniors pursuing nursing in post-secondary education.

85) Kansas Nursing Service Scholarship

The Kansas Nursing Service Scholarship is designed to encourage enrollment in LPN or RN nursing programs by Kansans committed to practicing in Kansas. Recipients sign an agreement/promissory note with the State of Kansas to practice nursing at a specific facility one year for each year of scholarship support.

  • Value: $4,500 (renewable each school year)

86) Nursing Foundation of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania nursing students at all levels of study are eligible to apply, provided they are matriculated in an accredited nursing school in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by the upcoming Fall semester. This includes students in their final year of high school who plan to pursue a nursing degree.

87) Hurst Review Services AACN Nursing Scholarship

Hurst Review and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) are partnering to offer this scholarship program that recognizes and rewards entry-level nursing students for outstanding academic performance. All applicants must already be enrolled in an AACN member institution and maintain at least a 3.2 grade point average in their current program or last school attended.

88) Gender-Inclusion Scholarship

The applications will be evaluated on a weighted scale using the following categories, listed with the areas of highest emphasis first: Personal statement, financial need, volunteer/community service history, professional associations, reference letter, academic status, honors/awards, resume, certifications, and workload.

89) Jane Delano Student Nurse Scholarship

The Jane Delano Nursing Student Scholarship which promotes nursing as a career and encourages new nurses to get involved with the Red Cross. A limited number of scholarships are awarded each year.

90) Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Board of Directors Scholarship

The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) awards 10 competitive $5,000 scholarships to qualified Alaska Native and American Indian students. This scholarship is open statewide

Scholarships for High School Seniors – Psychology Majors

91) jake thomas williams memorial scholarship.

For a high school senior majoring in social work, therapy, or psychology and planning a career in mental health or suicide prevention.

  • Value: $2,750

92) David L. Burns Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship aims to provide assistance to students in Missouri who are dedicated to supporting individuals grappling with addiction. It is open to students entering professions aimed at aiding individuals during their most challenging moments. Eligible fields include nursing, counseling/mental health, social work, and related careers.

93) Psi Chi Undergraduate Scholarships

The Psi Chi Undergraduate Scholarships help defray the direct educational costs (e.g., tuition, institutional fees, required textbooks) of exceptional Psi Chi undergraduate students.

94) Sharon Stephens Brehm Undergraduate Psychology Scholarships

Each year, their Sharon Stephens Brehm Undergraduate Psychology Scholarships award $5,000 to seven outstanding undergraduate psychology students who demonstrate financial need.

95) Inez Beverly Prosser Scholarship for Women of Color

This scholarship serves as a mechanism to empower women of color to complete their educational journey and pursue an advanced degree in psychology, and take a step toward supporting representation and impact of women of color in psychology, this scholarship will help defray the direct educational costs.

96) National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship

A college scholarship program for undergraduate students committed to careers in biomedical, behavioral, and social science research.

97) Workforce Shortage Student Assistance Grant Program

To be considered for the Workforce Shortage Student Assistance Grant you must be a Maryland resident. If you are a dependent student, your parent must also be a Maryland resident. You must also enroll at a two-year or four-year Maryland college or university each semester.

98) Aya Healthcare Future Travel Nurse Scholarship

Scholarships are available to students with a 3.0 and an interest in becoming a traveling nurse.

99) Bethesda Lutheran Communities Scholarship

Supports Lutheran students pursuing undergraduate degrees and seminarian and post-graduate students that will prepare them for ministry (such as pastor, pre-seminary and deaconess studies, deaconess, director of Christian education, or special-needs teacher),

100) Bilingual School Psychologist Scholarships

Applicants are evaluated on their leadership, work experiences, and passion to transform the bilingual speech-language pathology field.

  • Value: $7,000-$9,000

College Scholarships for High School Seniors – Additional Blogs of Interest

  • 26 Most Expensive Colleges in 2024
  • Automatic Scholarships Based on SAT/ACT Scores
  • Best Scholarships for California Scholarships 
  • Most Common Scholarship Interview Questions
  • How to Win Merit Scholarships 
  • National Merit Scholarship PSAT Score Cutoff by State
  • How to Write a Scholarship Essay
  • Costs & Financial Aid

Dave Bergman

Dave has over a decade of professional experience that includes work as a teacher, high school administrator, college professor, and independent educational consultant. He is a co-author of the books The Enlightened College Applicant (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016) and Colleges Worth Your Money (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020).

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The Best Scholarships for High School Seniors with Upcoming Deadlines in 2024

The Best Scholarships for High School Seniors with Upcoming Deadlines

princeton university

Sallie Mae No-Essay Scholarship

By: Sallie Mae

"Be Bold" No-Essay Scholarship

Matthew e. minor memorial scholarship, eligibility criteria:.

  • GPA : 3.0 or higher
  • Education Level : High school senior

Grassroot Heroics Scholarship

Dr. edward v. chavez athletic memorial scholarship.

  • Education Level : High school student
  • Background : Has lost one or both parents
  • Passion : Sports

Walking In Authority International Ministry Scholarship

  • Education Level : High school senior or undergraduate
  • Experience : Volunteering
  • GPA : 2.5 or higher

Jason David Anderson Memorial Scholarship

  • State : New Jersey
  • GPA : 3.0 GPA or higher
  • Background : Has been affected by addiction (personally or through a loved one)
  • Field of Study : Healthcare or rehabilitation
  • Education Level : High school or undergraduate student

Curtis Holloway Memorial Scholarship

  • Background : Has lost a parent or lives in a single-parent household

AB Foundation Scholarship

  • Education level : High school senior & undergraduates
  • Background : Teen mom and/or child of a teen mom

Juanita Robinson English Book Scholarship

  • Education Level : Undergraduate student
  • School : Howard University
  • Background : Non-profit or volunteering experience

Gussie Lynn Scholarship

  • Major : Childcare, early childhood education, or child development

Etherine Tansimore Scholarship

  • Background : Low-income
  • Field : Medical

Catherine (Kay) Williams Memorial Arts Scholarship

  • State : Florida
  • Field of Study : Art
  • Gender : Female
  • GPA greater than or equal to : 3
  • Financial Status : Low-Income

Pete and Consuelo Hernandez Memorial Scholarship

  • State : California
  • Background : First-generation
  • Identity : Underrepresented minority
  • Education Level : High school junior or senior

Strength in Neurodiversity Scholarship

  • Educational Level : High School Senior
  • Criteria : Diagnosed or suspected with a learning disability

William R. Godfrey Scholarship

  • Education Level : High school senior (2024) or undergraduate student
  • School Type : HBCU
  • Identity : Minority
  • Field of Study : Business
  • GPA : 3.0 or greater

Barnaby-Murphy Scholarship

  • Education Level : High school senior, undergraduate student, or graduate student
  • Heritage : Caribbean descent
  • Field of Study : Mental health or healthcare

Jacques Borges Memorial Scholarship

  • Ethnicity : Haitian
  • Degree : Civil Engineering

Sara Chaiton Scholarship for Resilient Women

  • Education Level : High school senior, undergraudate, or graduate student
  • Gender : Female-identifying
  • Identity : Jewish

Sallie Rowland Bright Futures Scholarship

  • Education Level : High school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student
  • Race/Ethnicity : BIPOC
  • Field of Study : Architecture or interior design

Strong Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship

  • GPA : 3.5 or higher
  • Education Level : High school, undergraduate or graduate student

Marshall and Dorothy Smith Music Scholarship

  • Education Level : High school senior or undergraduate student
  • Field of Study : Music

SWANA Cultural Heritage Scholarship

  • Identity : SWANA heritage

Rene Adrian Sandoval Sr. Jazz Scholarship

  • Education Level : High school
  • State : Texas
  • Desired Career Field : Music or performing arts
  • Involved : Performing arts, with a preference to jazz band students

Electric Cycle Studio Student Athlete Scholarship

  • Background : Athlete

Xero Trust Cyber Scholarship

  • Education Level : High school senior (2024)
  • Background : Passion for using technological tools and solutions to enhance daily activities

Andy Huff Memorial Scholarship

  • State : Washington

Powering Up.org: Empowering Pathways Into Energy Scholarship

  • Field of Study : Energy field
  • Education Level : High school or trade school student

Frank Vail Music Memorial Scholarship

  • State : Michigan

Gloria Rickett Memorial Scholarship

  • State : Maryland
  • Field of Study : Childhood development, nursing, or the arts

scholarships for high school seniors with no essay

Getting a college degree is a dream for many high school seniors. However, the cost of college can be a major barrier for students and their families. That's where scholarships come in - they provide financial support and make the dream of attending college a reality. High school senior scholarships reward successful students, aiding their transition to higher education with financial support and recognition.

As a scholarship platform, we understand the challenges students face when planning their higher education goals. That's why we will explore the best scholarships for high school seniors, discuss how to get scholarships in high school , and share tips for a successful application.

Make your college dreams a reality! Apply for high school senior scholarships to get a head start on scholarship applications to maximize your financial assistance.

About Scholarships for High School Seniors

For the average high school senior, the college admissions process is an exciting yet daunting experience. There are a lot of things to consider, with rising tuition costs and student loans at the top of the list.

Since 1977, college tuition rates have increased 150% for both private and public four-year universities. Back then, it cost the modern equivalent of $17,680 per year to attend a private college and $8,250 per year to attend a public college, figures that graduating high school seniors could keep up with. Today, tuition costs are a whopping $48,510 for private colleges and $21,370 for public colleges. 

Scholarships for High School Seniors Image 1

Despite soaring tuition rates, going to college is still a worthy investment. In 2018, college graduates earned weekly wages that were 80% higher than those of high school graduates. However, wages cannot keep up with rapidly increasing tuition costs.

To afford the cost of attendance, 34% of college students borrow money each year. On average, a student will borrow more than $30,000 to obtain their undergraduate degree. As a result, students collectively across the country owe more than $1.7 trillion in student loan debt.

That's where scholarships come into play. Scholarships are a form of financial aid that does not require repayment from the student. Approximately 25% of college costs are funded by college scholarships, grants, and fellowships.

To get started, click on one of the scholarships listed above and submit your application today! Or sign up now and apply for your first scholarship !

Also, view our full list of scholarships for high school students .

Best Scholarships for High School Seniors

When it comes to scholarships, there are a plethora of options available for high school seniors. Here are some of the best scholarships worth considering:

Scholarships for High School Students

There are numerous scholarships specifically tailored to assist high school seniors as they prepare to transition to college. This collection provides a variety of opportunities suited to diverse interests and backgrounds aimed at supporting your educational journey.

Easy Scholarships for High School Seniors

For high school seniors looking for a simpler route to financial aid, there are plenty of easy scholarship opportunities worth exploring. These scholarships are designed with straightforward applications to make the process less daunting.

Scholarships by Major

High school seniors focusing on their future majors should explore scholarships specifically aligned with their field of study. These major-specific scholarships offer tailored support, catering to students with clear academic and career pathways in various disciplines, like law or medicine .

Merit-Based Scholarships

Merit-based scholarships reward high school seniors who have excelled academically, demonstrated leadership, or showcased unique talents. These scholarships recognize your hard work and achievements, encouraging you to maintain your high standards as you transition into college. They're a great way to help fund your education based on your proven track record in school and beyond.

Nursing Scholarships

If you're a high school senior interested in a nursing career, there are scholarships specifically designed to support your educational journey. These scholarships can help manage the costs of nursing school, including tuition and textbooks, making it easier for you to focus on your studies and your future role in healthcare.

No-Essay Scholarships

For high school seniors looking for a simpler scholarship application process, no essay scholarships provide relief from the usual essay-writing requirements. These scholarships might be awarded based on your academic achievements, and extracurricular activities, or through random draws. It's an ideal option for busy students seeking to secure additional funding for college without the added stress of writing essays.

Scholarships for Women

Scholarships for women are tailored to help female students manage the costs of college tuition. These awards alleviate financial barriers, allowing recipients to dedicate their efforts to academic excellence and career readiness. They are particularly beneficial for those entering fields where women have traditionally been underrepresented.

The Gates Scholarship

Created by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, this scholarship covers the full cost of attendance for minority students who demonstrate leadership, academic achievement, and financial need. According to data, the Gates Scholarship has provided support to thousands of students.

The Coca-Cola Scholars Program

Recognizing students for their leadership skills, dedication to community service, and academic achievements, this scholarship grants funding to 150 high school seniors every year. The program has been instrumental in enabling students to pursue their higher education goals.

These scholarships are just a few examples of the amazing opportunities available for high school seniors. Researching and applying for scholarships like these can significantly reduce the financial burden of college.

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Why are Scholarships Important for High School Seniors?

While many universities offer some type of financial aid, and students can use the FAFSA to apply for governmental aid, college can still be difficult to afford. A shocking 65% of 2019 college graduates took out loans to pay for college. Furthermore, the cost of college has been rapidly increasing, more than doubling at public universities since the 1980s.

The increasing amount of loans that graduates are left with puts pressure on them to immediately find jobs, especially when student loans are compounded with the increase in housing costs. For current high school seniors, this means that scholarships can be critical for limiting student debt throughout college.

At Bold.org , we're here to help meet the financial need of students. You can check the scholarships by year here.

How to Find Scholarships for High School Seniors

To find scholarships for high school seniors, filter the list on Bold.org by education level in order to reduce the list to only scholarships open to high school students . Then, read through the descriptions and eligibility requirements to determine which scholarships you're interested in.

When to Start Applying for Scholarships

It's never too early or too late to start applying! It's great to begin your applications in high school in order to maximize the number of scholarships you can apply for and win , but many college students are just beginning their search, so don't worry if you're just starting! 

Scholarships for High School Seniors Image 3

What to Consider When Applying for Scholarships

When applying for scholarships, keep in mind that you want to make yourself stand out from other applicants. To do so, make sure your profile is detailed and unique so donors can get a sense of your personality, interests, and goals. Additionally, do everything in your power to increase your chances of winning, such as by following the tips below.

Read the instructions carefully: Before starting to fill out any scholarship application, make sure to read the instructions carefully. Follow them precisely and provide all the required information. Highlight your achievements: Make sure to highlight your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and any volunteer or community service work you have done.

Finally, don't get discouraged if you don't win every scholarship you apply for. Many students are looking for financial aid to fund their higher education , so not winning doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong.

How to Apply for Scholarships for High School Seniors

Applying for scholarships may seem like a daunting task, but with proper preparation and guidance, it can be an achievable feat. Here are some steps to help you navigate the scholarship application process:

  • Research extensively: Start by researching scholarships that align with your academic goals, extracurricular activities, and personal background. This will help you narrow down the scholarships that are the best fit for you.
  • Meet the requirements: Carefully read the eligibility criteria for each scholarship and ensure you meet all the requirements. Keep in mind that some scholarships may have specific GPA requirements, community service hours, or essays to be submitted.
  • Gather necessary documents: Organize all the required documents, such as transcripts, letters of recommendation, and financial aid information. Make sure to meet the deadlines and submit your application well in advance.
  • Write a compelling essay: Many scholarship applications require an essay that showcases your achievements, aspirations, and why you deserve the scholarship. Spend time crafting a well-written and genuine essay that highlights your unique qualities.
  • Proofread and submit: Before submitting your application, proofread everything thoroughly to ensure there are no errors or typos. Submit your application within the specified deadline and keep track of your submissions.

Following these steps will increase your chances of securing scholarships and funding your college education.

The first step in applying for Bold.org scholarships is to create an account on Bold.org . To do so, click on any of the scholarships above. Then, decide which types of scholarships you want to search for and use the filter to find good matches. Doing so will allow you to find scholarship opportunities based on your unique characteristics and interests, such as public service grants, merit scholarships, scholarships for college students, etc.

Once you find the scholarships you want to apply for, read the description to make sure you're eligible and to find scholarship instructions, such as an essay or video prompt. Once you're done with your application materials, just click apply, and you're all set!

Click here to read our complete guide on how to apply for scholarships .

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Scholarship Application Tips for High School Seniors

Applying for scholarships can feel like a lottery that you have no control over. With so many students in need of scholarships, it can feel impossible to make yourself stand out from other applicants. Luckily, there are many things you can do to improve your scholarship applications. Keep reading for our tips on how to win scholarships for high school seniors.

Find Your Best-Fitting Scholarships

Bold.org has scholarships for all types of students, regardless of academic performance, level of education, extracurricular activities, etc. Finding scholarships that fit your interests and experience will not only make you a better candidate but will also make your scholarship essays more personal.

Apply for a Variety of Scholarships

During your scholarship search, you will find different types of scholarships. While you may be tempted to apply only for easy, no-essay scholarships, it's a good idea to also apply to some essay-based scholarships to increase your chances of winning one. No-essay scholarships are great options for busy students , but the high number of applicants and the lack of an essay to distinguish yourself from the competition can make it difficult to win.

Apply Early and Often to Scholarships for High School Students

Begin your scholarship search and application process as early as possible. Some scholarships have early deadlines, so it's essential to stay organized and plan ahead.

There will be a scholarship deadline in the description of every scholarship, but don't wait until the last minute to apply! Being among the first to apply for a scholarship can boost your chances of winning and ensure that you won't miss the deadline if you experience difficulties with your application. To find scholarships that just launched, you can filter the scholarship list to show scholarships in descending order from newest to oldest.

Additionally, applying for more scholarships increases your chances of winning some, so apply for as many as you can. There are hundreds of open scholarships on Bold.org , and more are added each week, so there's no shortage of scholarships to apply for.

Scholarships for High School Seniors Image 5

Put Time and Effort into Your Essays

Tailor your application materials to each scholarship you apply for. Highlight your unique experiences, talents, and goals that align with the scholarship requirements. Be sure that you're putting your best foot forward with the essays you submit. Be sure to take the time to proofread so that your essay has proper spelling and grammar. Additionally, make sure you stay on topic and respond to the essay prompt.

Other essay tips include having a strong opening that grabs the attention of the reader, making the essay feel personal, and having a short conclusion at the end to sum up your essay. Many essays have low word limits, so be sure to stay on topic so you can fit all of the necessary information in your essay.

Seek Recommendations

Ask teachers, mentors, or community leaders who know you well to write recommendation letters for you. Their insights can greatly enhance your application and provide a holistic view of your abilities.

Stay Organized

Maintain a spreadsheet, a folder, or a calendar to track your scholarship applications, deadlines, and required documents. Being organized will help you submit everything on time and avoid any last-minute rush.

By following these tips, you can present yourself in the best possible light and increase your chances of receiving scholarships.

Additionally, when applying for scholarships, it's crucial to research the organizations offering the scholarships. Understanding their mission, values, and goals can help you tailor your application to align with their specific criteria. Take the time to explore their websites, read about their past scholarship recipients, and familiarize yourself with their selection process.

Scholarships for High School Seniors Image 6

Frequently Asked Questions

While some scholarships are specific to undergraduate or graduate students, there are many that are open to high school seniors, such as those listed above, so there is no need for students to wait to apply for scholarships until they begin college. After students make their college decisions and receive their financial aid packages, they should be able to see what amount of money they will need to pay for their tuition and housing. Applying for scholarships can dramatically reduce the amount of money students will need to take out in loans for the costs of college.

Some scholarships are open to high school students even before their senior year, so students can begin applying for scholarships even before applying to college. However, there is no need for seniors to worry if they’re just now starting their scholarship hunt as there are many scholarships to apply to, both throughout their senior year and during college. Scholarships can be competitive, so it’s best to apply to as many as possible so that you increase your chances of winning.

To find scholarships for seniors in high school, go to the scholarships page on Bold.org and filter by education level. You can then browse through scholarships that are open to high school students, and you can also filter by category to find scholarships related to your field of study, hobbies, and interests.

  • How To Find Scholarships With No Essay Requirements (With Examples)
  • Scholarships

When people are working through the rigors of not only higher education, but also working to fund higher education, they may simply lack the time or energy to produce meticulously-crafted, long-form essay responses to a scholarship application.

Fortunately, there are plenty of scholarships that don’t require any tedious writing responses. It’s important to note, however, that applicants should always be mindful and research the provider to avoid scams and fees. Read on for an overview of some no-essay scholarships and information on how to apply.

  • Cappex Easy Money College Scholarship

Every month, the scholarship database Cappex facilitates a no-essay scholarship drawing of six $1,000 awards. The only requirements applicants need to meet is a current high school or collegiate enrollment, a quick form response about why they deserve the scholarship, and a Cappex account, which will automatically qualify them for entry before the last day of every month. To begin the application process, simply head on over to the Cappex Sign Up page to create an account.

  • Cirkled In “No-Sweat” Scholarship

Cirkled In is a portfolio tool designed to give students a means of promoting their talents and academic expertise, and colleges an alternative method of evaluating applicants. The company offers a no essay, “No-Sweat” Scholarship. To qualify for a chance at winning the $2,500 award, all applicants need to do is merely create an account and complete their Cirkled In portfolio before the annual December 31 deadline. Both tasks can be done here.

  • ACS Scholars Award

scholarships for high school seniors with no essay

To be eligible for this aid, applicants must:

  • Be African-American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, or American Indian college. 
  • Be an underclassman or graduating high school senior. 
  • Plan to pursue a chemistry-related science program.
  • Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

To apply for the award, students must submit two letters of recommendation, one official transcript from their respective institution, and one copy of their FAFSA Student Aid Report before the annual March 1 deadline. 

For a more thorough overview of the award’s application criteria, visit ACS’s official Scholars Program page.

  • Scholly No Essay Scholarship

Coordinated by popular student success platform Scholly, this award offers one of the biggest payoffs on this list. To qualify for a shot at a potential $10,000 award, applicants need to fill out a brief contact form and promote the No Essay Scholarship on Facebook or Twitter with the @MyScholly tag. 

Enter before the annual May 31 deadline here .

  • Course Hero Award Scholarship

Every month, online learning platform Course Hero doles out scholarship awards ranging from $1,000-$10,000. Students can apply in three steps: 

  • Create a Course Hero account 
  • Fill out the short answer application 

scholarships for high school seniors with no essay

Awards, rules, and monthly deadlines vary with every scholarship. Evaluate each on Course Hero’s official Current Scholarships database.

  • College Survey Scholarship/Niche No Essay College Scholarship

Niche offers two monthly, no essay scholarship awards. The first is a $1,000 award, eligible only to college students and alumni who have graduated within the last four years. It can be completed by taking their official survey before the deadline at the end of each month.  The second is a $2,000 award, eligible to high school and college students alike. Students can enter the drawing by simply creating an account before the end of each month. Apply here .

Table of contents

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scholarships for high school seniors with no essay

30 Best Scholarships for High School Seniors in 2023

What’s covered:, overview of scholarships, 30 best scholarships for high school seniors, tips for applying for scholarships.

The final two years of high school are filled with classes, activities, and friends. It’s also time to think about post-graduation and college. As you look at different colleges, you need to consider how you are going to pay for your education. It’s important to think realistically about what your school will offer in financial aid and how you will pay for your share of the cost. 

The difference between scholarships and loans is huge. Scholarships don’t require repayment and loans must be repaid, with interest. Sometimes, student loans are unavoidable. However, you want to ensure that you minimize the amount of student loan debt that you take on.  

Start your scholarship search early in your high school career. Create a calendar with deadlines for each scholarship that you will apply for. Add notes for the different requirements for each application, such as an essay, your latest transcript, or financial information. Some scholarships are available for you in your junior year and many deadlines will land in the summer before your senior year.  

There are scholarships based on merit and academic performance. Others are most interested in meeting financial needs. Some organizations are looking to support students who are interested in certain fields of study. Others are open to students from the same community or geographic region. Check with your high school guidance office as they will have information on opportunities that are unique to your school or community. Your employer may also have a scholarship program. Starbucks, Burger King, and McDonald’s are just a few businesses that support their employees in this way. There’s almost certainly something for every student.

Now, let’s get into some amazing scholarship opportunities.

General Opportunities

1. equitable excellence scholarship.

Amount: $2,500-5,000 (plus a $500 donation to the high school of winners)

Deadline: N/A


  • High school seniors who demonstrate positive qualities such as courage and determination shown in community volunteer work 
  • U.S. citizen, legal resident, or current resident in the U.S., District of Columbia, or Puerto Rico 

Application Requirements: Transcript

The Equitable Excellence Scholarship is awarded to driven and determined students of high character, with recipients coming from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. In addition to a scholarship, recipients are also provided with development opportunities such as mentoring, networking, and skill-building programs. 

2. Live Más Scholarship – Taco Bell Foundation

Amount: Up to $25,000

Deadline: January 11 

  • Employed in a restaurant position with Taco Bell
  • On track to apply to a post-high school or post-secondary program (both two- and four-year programs are eligible)
  • Have not previously won a Live Más Scholarship

Application Requirements: A two-minute video describing your passion 

The Live Más Scholarship selects winners a little differently than the traditional scholarship award winners. The Taco Bell Foundation is less concerned with academic and athletic excellence and more interested in finding passionate students who blaze their own paths, pursue their dreams, and inspire others. Students who have already been awarded a Live Más Scholarship can apply for a renewal.

3. Too Cool to Pay for School  

Amount: $1,000

Deadline: Last day of the months of March, June, September, and December

Eligibility: Full-time high school, college, or graduate students

Application Requirements: Short application form 

The Too Cool to Pay for School Scholarship is Access Scholarships’ contribution to help four lucky students each year cover school-related expenses. The scholarship can be used to cover any education-related expenses, such as tuition, textbooks, housing, and other fees. This scholarship is super quick and easy to enter (no essay required!), making it a great opportunity to apply for each quarter. 

4. GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program

Amount: Up to $40,000

  • U.S. citizen
  • A high school senior
  • Demonstrated leadership, integrity, drive, and citizenship within the community, school, and workplace
  • Planning on enrolling full-time in a bachelor’s degree program at an accredited four-year college or university

Application Requirements:

  • Minimum 3.0 GPA 
  • Personal statement 

Sponsored by General Electric (GE) and the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation, this scholarship is dedicated to honoring the legacy of the 40th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan. Awarded to skilled and successful students, the scholarship promotes principles important to its namesake: individual liberty, economic opportunity, global democracy, and national pride. The GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program is looking for students with demonstrated leadership, drive, and citizenship. 

See our blog post on GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program for more information.

5. VFW Voice of Democracy Scholarship

Amount: Up to $35,000 

Deadline: October 31 


  • 9th-12th grade students
  • Enrolled in a public, private, or parochial school, or home study program in the U.S., its territories, or its possessions

Application Requirements: Three-five minute audio-essay

The VFW works to promote patriotism while investing in future generations, particularly “democracy-loving” high schoolers. Dating back to 1947, the Voice of Democracy Competition is an audio-essay program giving students the chance to express their thoughts through a recorded essay about democratic- and patriotic-themed principles. Essays are judged on three criteria: originality, content, and delivery. Applicants can win awards ranging from $1,000 to $35,000, making this an exciting scholarship opportunity.

6. Doodle 4 Google Competition

Amount: $30,000 for the student and $50,000 technology grant for their school

Deadline: March 7

  • K-12 students
  • U.S. citizen or legal resident 
  • Enrolled in a U.S.-based school (including homeschool or a school in Puerto Rico, Guam, or the U.S. Virgin Islands)

Application Requirements: Unique doodle that includes the letters G-O-O-G-L-E

The Doodle 4 Google Competition gives applicants the opportunity to create one of the doodles that graces Google’s homepage every day. The competition’s themes change yearly (this year’s theme is to share what you appreciate the most) and the only requirement for them is that they must include the letters G-O-O-G-L-E. Applicants are encouraged to express themselves through whatever medium they desire—although if you create a 3D doodle, you’ll need to submit it in a 2D format. 

7. Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest

Amount: Up to $10,000 

Deadline: November 6

Eligibility: High school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student (no citizenship requirements)

Application Requirements: Original essay between 800 and 1,600 words

Applicants for the Atlas Shrugged Essay contest are tasked with writing an essay about one of three provided topics on Ayn Rand’s novel, Atlas Shrugged . Judges of the contest are looking for clear, articulate writing; well-organized thoughts; and an exceptional grasp of the philosophy underlying Rand’s book. 

8. Create-A-Greeting Card Scholarship

Amount: $10,000 (plus a $1,000 donation to the winner’s school)

Deadline: March 2


  • 14 years of age or older
  • High school, college, or university student enrolled in an academic program designed to conclude with a diploma or degree
  • Legal resident of one of the 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Puerto Rico
  • International students who have a student visa to attend school in the United States are considered legal residents and are also eligible

Application Requirements: Submit a design for the front of a greeting card

Express your artistic side for a chance to win a $10,000 award from the Create-A-Greeting-Card Scholarship. Submit a photo, artwork, or computer graphic for use as the front of a greeting card that will both wow judges and win votes on the scholarship’s Facebook page for the chance to win this generous award. 

9. Tall Clubs International (TCI) Foundation Academic Scholarship  

Deadline: March 1

  • Entering the first year of higher education 
  • Meet height requirement: over 6′ 2″ for men and 5′ 10″ for women (in stocking feet) 
  • Sponsorship from a TCI member club 
  • Transcript 
  • Essay between 550-650 words
  • Two letters of recommendation 

This scholarship is aimed at students with their heads in the clouds, literally. Men must stand over 6′ 2″ and women 5′ 10″ in their stocking feet to qualify for the scholarship. In addition to meeting the height requirement, applicants must demonstrate merit in fields like academics, athletics, and community service to earn this award.

10. Niche $25,000 No Essay Scholarship

Amount: $25,000 

Deadline: March 29

Eligibility: High school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student 

Application Requirements: Create a Niche account 

You can enter for a chance to get a $25,000 scholarship in just minutes without the need to write an essay—all you need to do is create a Niche account for your chance to win. 

Scholarships for Academic Merit

11. cameron impact scholarship.

Amount: Full tuition 

Deadline: September 8

  • High school seniors 
  • Demonstrated excellence in leadership, activities, and community service or civic affairs
  • Planning on enrolling full-time at an accredited four-year college or university
  • Minimum 3.7 GPA 
  • Letters of recommendation

This scholarship is awarded to high school seniors who have demonstrated excellence in numerous pursuits—academics, extracurricular activities, and community service—with a desire to make a positive change in their communities and the world. Left intentionally broad, the scholarship welcomes students with the aspiration to make a positive impact in both the private and public sectors, and through any number of professional careers. A quarter of scholarships are allocated to students pursuing careers in education, nonprofits, government, and the military who have a goal of public service.

12. Coca-Cola Scholars Program

Amount : $20,000 


  • High school senior
  • U.S. citizen, U.S. national, U.S. permanent resident, asylee, Cuban-Haitian entrant, or Humanitarian Parole as defined by the U.S. Department of Education for Federal Financial Eligibility
  • Planning to pursue a post-high school education
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Complete an eligibility quiz
  • Must provide information on academic performance, leadership, and service

The Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship is awarded to exceptional students with a thirst for knowledge and a desire to make a difference in the world. Coca-Cola Scholars are high achievers and demonstrate leadership, service, and a commitment to change in their school and community. 

13. Davidson Fellows Scholarship

Amount: $10,000-$50,000

Deadline: February 15

  • 18 years old or younger
  • U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Created a significant piece of work
  • Nominations from two individuals who are not family members
  • Available to attend an in-person or virtual awards ceremony 

Davidson Fellows are gifted students who experts believe have the potential to make significant contributions to society. These students have completed a significant and meaningful piece of work in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Literature, Music, Philosophy, or “Outside the Box”. This can include the creative application of existing knowledge, a high-impact new idea, an innovative solution with a broad range of implications, or a remarkable performance, just to name a few examples. 

14. National Elks Foundation Most Valuable Student (MVS)

Amount: $4,000-$50,000

  • Plan to be a full-time student pursuing a four-year degree at an accredited U.S. institution of higher learning

Applicants work through the ranks of local, district, and state levels to be considered for the MVS. The Foundation selects the top 500 students from these applications for the national semi-finalist competition. The top 20 students from the semi-final competition will participate in a Leadership Weekend with in-person interviews. The top two students (one male and one female) are awarded $50,000 scholarships. Runners-up receive $40,000 and $30,000 scholarships. The remaining 14 students receive $20,000. The additional 480 of the top 500 applicants earn a $4,000 scholarship.   

Opportunities for Students with Significant Financial Need

15. horatio alger association – targeted scholarships.

Amount: Up to $52,000

Deadline: Varies

  • Critical financial need (defined as $55,000 or less gross adjusted household income)
  • Demonstrated integrity and perseverance through overcoming adversity

Horatio Alger scholarships are awarded to promising young students from low-income families. These targeted scholarships are endowed by members of the Horatio Alger Association at several different universities and colleges. Some are also targeted to specific fields of study. 

16. Jack Kent Cooke Foundation

Amount: Up to $55,000 per year

  • Cumulative, unweighted GPA of 3.5
  • Demonstrated unmet financial need—applicants with a family annual gross income up to $95,000 are considered 
  • JKCF uses the Common App (include JKCF as one of your “schools”)
  • Common App asks for a recommendation from your school counselor and two teachers
  • Several short essays
  • Household financial information

The Cooke College Scholarship Program offers scholarships to high-achieving high school seniors with financial need. JKCF Scholars join a nationwide community with ongoing personal and professional support and development opportunities. Recipients can use their scholarship funds to cover tuition, living expenses, books, and required fees. 

17. Engebretson Foundation Scholarship

Amount: $5,000 per semester

  • In need of financial assistance 
  • Planning to attend a four-year college

Application Requirements: 

  • Minimum 3.75 GPA and/or in the top 5% of graduating class
  • Score of 28 or higher on the ACT 
  • Teacher recommendation 

The Engebretson Foundation Scholarship is aimed at high-achieving, academically talented students with financial need. One winner is chosen annually to receive a $5,000 per semester scholarship. 

18. Dell Scholars Program

Amount: $20,000, a laptop, and $500 of textbook credits annually for four years 

  • Enrolled in an approved college-readiness program, like College Possible or Upward Bound
  • On track to graduate from high school in the coming academic year
  • Demonstrated financial need 
  • Pell-eligible

Application Requirements: Minimum 2.4 GPA

This program is for students with “grit, potential, and ambition” to strive for a college degree. Dell Scholars are also provided with wrap-around support for academic success, financial matters, and teletherapy professional counseling.

Opportunities for First-Generation Students 

19. colgate-palmolive haz la u educational grant program.

Amount: Up to $100,000

  • Of Hispanic heritage (includes Spain, Brazil, Philippines)
  • High school senior 
  • Planning to enroll in an accredited institution of higher education 
  • U.S. citizen, resident, or DACA-eligible
  • 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale

This scholarship program is designed for Hispanic students who have maintained academic excellence throughout high school, participated in community service, and demonstrated leadership. Colgate-Palmolive offers this program in partnership with the Hispanic Heritage Foundation in support of higher education for Hispanics.

20. Fontana Transport Inc. Scholars Program

Amount: N/A

Deadline: March 18

  • Planning to enroll in an accredited four-year higher education institution 
  • Demonstrated financial need
  • First-generation college student 
  • Planning to study: Transportation Management, Math, Science, Engineering (any field), Architecture, Environmental Design, Pre-Med, Psychology, or Spanish Language/Literature
  • Minimum 3.5 GPA
  • Teacher/advisor letter of recommendation (optional, but highly recommended)

This scholarship seeks to support first-generation, underrepresented college students studying in select fields. The intent of the award is to help students who are passionate about pursuing higher education overcome barriers—like lack of resources and hardships encountered in their communities—and achieve successful futures.  

For more info, check out our list of first-gen scholarships . 

Opportunities for Students of Color

21. ron brown scholarship.

Amount: $40,000

  • African American 
  • Academically excellent  
  • Community service participation 
  • Two essays 

This scholarship program provides awards for academically gifted African Americans who are active within their communities. Applicants should have demonstrated an interest in public service, community engagement, business entrepreneurship, and global citizenship—the four pillars of the late Ronald H. Brown’s mission to uplift people of all races, cultures, and ethnicities. 

22. McDonald’s HACER National Scholarship

Amount: $5,000-$100,000

  • U.S. resident or a DREAMer/DACA recipient
  • Under 21 years old 
  • Have at least one parent of Hispanic heritage
  • Minimum 2.8 GPA
  • Letter of recommendation 
  • List of community service projects

This scholarship program provides 30 college-bound students of Hispanic heritage awards ranging from $5,000 to $100,000. Recipients are selected based on a variety of factors including academic achievement, community involvement, and financial need.

23. APIA (Asian Pacific Islander) Scholars

Amount: $2,500-$20,000

Deadline: January 19

  • Asian or Pacific Islander ethnicity, heritage, or ancestry 
  • Citizen, national, or permanent resident of the U.S
  • Citizens of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of Palau are also eligible
  • Planning to enroll or continue in an accredited undergraduate program in the U.S.
  • Minimum 2.7 GPA

This scholarship is an excellent opportunity for students of Asian or Pacific Islander descent to receive valuable funds for college. APIA Scholars works to support underserved APIA students through their scholarships—a special focus is given to students who live at or below the poverty line, students who will be the first in their family to attend college, and students from backgrounds underrepresented in higher education. Strong applicants will have also demonstrated leadership and community service. 

24. Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholars

Amount: Up to $35,000 over four years 

Deadline: January 11

  • High school seniors
  • U.S. citizen 
  • Excellent academic performance 
  • Plan on attending a four-year, accredited college or university in the U.S.
  • Four essays 
  • Standardized test scores
  • Household information

The Jackie Robinson Foundation goes beyond sponsoring scholarships, to guide minority students through the process of higher education. JRF Scholars have access to many benefits, including networking and mentorship, internship and employment opportunities, an annual conference, and year-round programming. 

25. National Society of High School Scholars STEM Scholarship

Deadline: October 13

  • Planning to pursue a degree in a STEM field
  • List of STEM activities

The NSHSS STEM Scholarship provides support for students from groups underrepresented in STEM fields. The goal is to increase diversity in STEM-related professions through college and university education. Check out the other NSHSS scholarship opportunities for high school and post-secondary students.

26. Native American Education Undergraduate Scholarship–American Indian Education Fund

Amount: Up to $2,000

Deadline: April 4

  • Native American, Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian
  • All future undergraduate students in a two- or four-year college, university, vocational, or technical school are encouraged to apply
  • Personal summary 
  • Tribal enrollment card/documentation
  • There is an essay of no more than four, double-spaced pages typed in 12-point font

The American Indian Education Fund believes that “education is one of the most important cornerstones of self-sufficiency and quality of life.” With that in mind, the AIEF works to end the cycle of poverty by providing scholarships, literacy programs, and school supplies to Native American students. A GPA between 2.0 and 3.5 is desirable—as is an ACT score of 14 or above—however, all current or future undergraduate students are encouraged to apply.

Opportunities for Student-Athletes

27. foot locker scholar athletes.

Amount: Up to $20,000 

Deadline: January 30

  • U.S. Citizen or Permanent Legal Resident
  • Entering an accredited four-year institution for an undergraduate degree
  • Involved in high school sports, intramural sports, or community-based sports
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Two essays—one written and one video

Unlike most athletic scholarships, the Foot Locker Scholar Athletes Program is as likely to reward the student who kept team spirit high as it is the student who led the state in scoring. This scholarship honors athletes exhibiting excellence and leadership cultivated on the field and in the locker room to positively change the lives of others. 

28. Sara Scholarship

Amount: $2,000 per year—renewable for four years for a total of $8,000

Deadline: April 30 

  • Female high school seniors 
  • Active engagement with the sport of golf as a hobby, as a member of a team, working as a caddy, or at a golf course
  • Minimum 3.3 GPA 
  • Standard application
  • Personal essay
  • Student Aid Report (SAR)

Established in 2012, the Sara Scholarship was founded in memory of Sara Sheehan through the Henry & Sara Sheehan foundation. This scholarship grants awards to high-achieving female high school seniors who demonstrate financial need, excellence of character, a passion for golf, and a plan to pursue a college degree.

29. Lindsey Vonn Foundation Scholarships

Amount: $5,000

Deadline: March 31

  • Ages 10 to 18 
  • Passion and promise in a sport
  • Essay about you and your sport (students are encouraged to create submissions that will stand out)

The Lindsey Vonn Foundation provides scholarships, programs, and mentorship in order to support future generations by helping them pursue their passion, overcome obstacles, and achieve their goals. Applicants that are 200% below the Federal Poverty Line are prioritized. 

30. United States Tennis Association

Deadline: May 1

  • High school seniors  
  • Involved in community service or volunteering
  • Participant in National Junior Tennis and Learning
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Recent photo
  • FAFSA student report

There are several endowed scholarships available through USTA and students are encouraged to apply to all those that they are eligible to receive.

31 (Bonus). CollegeVine Scholarships

Amount: $2,000

Deadline: Quarterly

Eligibility: high school student and US resident

Application Requirements: create a free CollegeVine account or fill out chancing profile if you already have an account.

CollegeVine provides a quarterly, no-essay scholarship of $2,000. All you have to do is sign up for a free account, which allows you to see your chances of acceptance at 1,600+ schools, get your essays reviewed by a peer, ask questions in our community forum, and more. If you already have an account, just make sure your chancing profile is filled out.

Awards will be paid out directly to students to help them cover any educational costs. Learn more about the CollegeVine scholarships .

More work = fewer applicants

The more work applying for a scholarship is, the smaller the applicant pool will likely be. Scholarships involving video production, such as the Live Más Scholarship, or a well-thought-out essay, like the Dell Scholars Program, all demand a healthy amount of hard work which keeps the competition at bay. 

Apply to a mix of larger and smaller awards

All the above scholarships are relatively well-known, so they will still be incredibly competitive even if they involve a lot of work. Don’t limit yourself to applying for huge national awards—look for local groups who may have smaller awards, but also smaller pools of candidates.

Research past winners

Scholarship committees tend to have an idea of “what they’re looking for.” To present yourself in the best light, research past winners to get a better sense of what scholarship committees want to see. Most scholarship pages will have a section dedicated to past winners, what their application was like, and where they are now. If not, you can always Google the name of the scholarship and “past winners.”

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scholarships for high school seniors with no essay

24 Scholarships You Don

30 NO-ESSAY Scholarships for the Class of 2023

With so many application deadlines and SAT test dates piling up, applying for scholarships can quickly become overwhelming. Especially when those scholarships make you jump through hoops by writing essays and submitting transcripts. The stress of writing a scholarship essay on top of keeping up with school can deter students from taking advantage of free money . That’s not the case with these no essay scholarships. From surveys to sweepstakes these easy scholarship applications are a breeze. These programs want to help busy students like you pay for school, without adding extra stress to your life. Calling Class of 2023, these scholarships are looking for you! 

Applying to these scholarships is a no-brainer. Want more opportunities to score free money? 

Check out our other scholarship lists! 

Our Top Scholarship Pick

The $25,000 “be bold” no essay scholarship.

Rolling monthly application deadlines. Next deadline: June 1, 2023

Award: Awards $25,000

Overview: The $25,000 “Be Bold” Scholarship is a no-essay scholarship that will be awarded to the applicant with the boldest profile. No-Essay Scholarship in just a few clicks! Fund your education with verified new scholarships, available only on Bold.org. New scholarships are added daily, and membership is 100% free for students.

$2,000 Nitro Scholarship

Deadline: March 3, 2022 

Award Amount: $23,410 20 winners, $1,170 each

Overview: The Skin Grip Diabetes Scholarship will be awarded to 20 individuals who live fearlessly and fight to make the world a better place despite their diagnosis.

To be eligible for this scholarship, you must be a high school senior or any undergraduate in a 2- or 4-year degree program who has diabetes. To apply, please upload a short video (can be filmed via cell phone, Zoom, etc) two minutes max, answering this question:

How do you live fearlessly with diabetes?

$1,000 Cappex Easy College Money Scholarship

Deadline: December 31, 2023

Award Amount: $2,000

Overview: Apply to Nitro’s monthly No-Essay Scholarship in seconds for a chance to win $2,000!

2022 HireAHelper Skilled Trade & Technology Scholarships

Deadline:  July 17, 2023.

Award: $2,000

Overview: Growing demand and lack of qualified workers in skilled trades like the moving industry means it’s a great time to go back to school and enter these lucrative and fast-growing industries. To help keep up with demand and assist the next generation of professionals, HireAHelper will award a $2,000 scholarship four times a year to eligible students.

Scholarships for Creative High School Students Aspiring to Attend College

Kahoot Live Scholarship

Deadline: May 26, 2023

Award Amount: $500

Overview: Do we have any Swifties in the house? If so, this Kahoot scholarship is just for you! We will quiz you on all things Taylor Swift to test out just how much of a Swiftie you really are.

Hop on our Instagram live on Thursday, May 25 at 9 PM Eastern to join us as we give away another $500 scholarship to the winner of this Swifie-fied Kahoot game!

As always, we must have at least 1,000 viewers on the live stream and 1,000+ players in the Kahoot game to award the scholarship, and you must be a current or future college student with a Bold.org profile to participate.

ScholarshipPoints Scholarships

Deadline: See Website

Award Amount: Up to $10,000

Overview: Complete the form to be automatically entered into our $10,000 scholarship!

Scholly No-Essay Scholarship

Deadline: June 1, 2023

Overview: Are you looking to secure funding for college or graduate school?

We’ve partnered with Scholly to create this exclusive scholarship for high school students, transfer students, college students, and current or prospective graduate students.

20 Potential Scholarships for the Top 10 Academic Majors

CampusReel No-Essay Scholarship

Award Amount:$500

Overview: Are you on the hunt for financial aid for college?

We’ve partnered with CampusReel to create this exclusive scholarship for high school students, transfer students, college students, and current or prospective graduate students.

AFSA High School Senior Contest

Deadline: January 1, 2024.

Overview:  The High School Senior College Scholarship Contest is open to high school seniors who are citizens or aliens legally residing in the USA. Scholarship funds are payable to the winner’s college/university or certified trade school in the United States; winner must enroll for classes beginning no later than Fall 2022 session. Winner selection is NOT based on financial need, GPA or demographic criteria. Home-schooled students may apply as long as course of study is equivalent to that of a senior in high school.

GoSkills Scholarship

Deadline: Fall Deadline: Sept. 15 (11:59PM PST) Fall Award Date: Oct. 15 Spring Deadline: March 15 (11:59PM PST) Spring Award Date: April 15

Overview: Okay, Female high school and college students, here is your time to debut your online business ambitions. There are open-ended questions on the application, but it’s more like a friendly conversation. The questions ask you about your concerns and your role models. Besides the application, you need to provide a link to your business plan (GoSkills provides instructions for your business plan right above the area for the link). If you don’t get excited about writing an essay, try your hand at mapping a business plan

Nitro Pay For College No-Essay Scholarship

Award Amount: $10,000

Overview: We’ve partnered with Nitro to create this exclusive no-essay scholarship for anyone thinking through how to pay for college.

Nitro is a leading financial aid and loan resource platform, guiding you on everything from the FAFSA to best practices for federal and private loans.

By applying, you’ll automatically get registered for Nitro, setting you up for success in funding your education in the most effective way. The scholarship will be awarded to applicants who get the most out of the Nitro platform.

Bold.org No-Essay Community Scholarship

Award Amount: $5,000

Overview: This scholarship is for students who recognize the value of a strong community, and are always on the lookout for ways to help their friends and strengthen their community. It will be awarded to a student who has invited many friends to join Bold.org.

To invite a friend, visit your Invite Friends page on the Bold.org dashboard to copy your unique invite code and text it to your friends. For each friend who creates a profile, your chances of winning the Community Scholarship go up.

AFSA $2,000 College Scholarship

Deadline: January 1, 2024

Overview: The Second Chance College Scholarships Contest is open to citizens and aliens legally residing in the USA with High School Diploma, GED or equivalent. Scholarship funds are payable to the winner’s college/university or certified trade school in the United States; winner must enroll or already be enrolled for Spring 2022 session. Winner selection is NOT based on financial need, GPA or demographic criteria.

Expand Your Horizons Scholarship

Deadline: April 28, 2024

Overview: Getting the most out of life requires both the courage to explore the world, and the kindness and openness to welcome and accept all those you meet along the way.

One student whose profile demonstrates an openness to learning about other cultures and sharing their own will receive $2,000 to help them continue on their path to travel and learn.

This may include studying new languages, traveling to study in a new place, teaching or learning art styles or cooking methods from a new culture, or anything else that demonstrates openness to new cultures in your school, work, or hobbies.

Launchy Web3 Scholarship

Deadline: April 30, 2024

Award Amount: $1,000

Overview: Chain Catalyst by Launchy is a free newsletter for web3 builders and investors.

We’ve partnered with Chain Catalyst by Launchy to create this exclusive scholarship. By applying, you’ll automatically be subscribed to the Chain Catalyst by Launchy newsletter, getting web3 tips, news, and insights delivered directly to your inbox.

The scholarship will be awarded to applicants who get the most out of Chain Catalyst by Launchy.


Deadline: June 15, 2023

Overview: Over $1.2 million in scholarships given away. You could be the next winner!

New Scholarships for Student Athletes – Class of 2019-2020

CARiD.com Scholarship

Deadline: May 31, 2023

Overview: CARiD is giving away $1,000 to offset your educational expenses for college! Just getting the essentials can add up quickly and CARiD wants to help – books, food, backpacks, some sweet spinners for your commuter vehicle, or whatever else you need to get ready for school! Most importantly – CARiD believes in higher education and wants to help you achieve your goals!

Barbara Lotze Scholarship

Deadline: December 1, 2023

Overview: Undergraduate students enrolled, or planning to enroll, in physics teacher preparation curricula and high school seniors entering such programs are eligible. Successful applicants receive a stipend of up to $2,000 and a complimentary AAPT Student Membership for one year. The scholarship may be granted to an individual for each of four years.

Richard “88 Fingers” Turner, Jr. Music Scholarship

Deadline: August 1, 2023

Overview: Richard “88 Fingers” Turner, Jr. is a beloved husband and talented pianist.

Known for his dexterity and musical talent, Richard has inspired the next generation of aspiring African American musicians. In order to truly thrive in the industry, it’s critical for musicians to have a strong educational foundation, which can often be inaccessible due to the high cost of college.

This scholarship seeks to honor Richard Turner, Jr. by supporting African American musicians in their pursuit of education.

Any African American two or four-year undergraduate student who is pursuing a music degree and career may apply for this scholarship.

To apply, submit a 2-3 minute video of yourself performing.

“A Bold Mind” Psychology No-Essay Scholarship

Overview: Psychology is a great career field for students with a deep sense of curiosity about human behavior and the mind.

This scholarship seeks to support students who are passionate about psychology so they can afford to pursue their education.

Any student who is pursuing psychology may apply for this exclusive no-essay scholarship!

“Science for Life” Biology and Health Sciences No-Essay Scholarship

Overview: Biology and health sciences can require significant education which can be difficult for the average student to afford without becoming buried in debt.

This scholarship aims to support students who are pursuing biology and the health sciences so that they can complete their degrees no matter their financial status.

Any student who is interested in studying biology or the health sciences may apply for this no-essay scholarship opportunity!

Milk Road Crypto and Web3 No-Essay Scholarship

Deadline: August 16, 2022

Packed with insights, analysis, and entertainment, The Milk Road helps you get smarter about crypto without ever feeling dumb, regardless of how much you already know.

We’ve partnered with The Milk Road to create this exclusive scholarship. By applying, you’ll automatically be subscribed to The Milk Road, giving you essential crypto insights straight to your inbox.

This scholarship will be awarded to applicants who get the most out of The Milk Road. You will be a strong applicant if you:

  • Read The Milk Road every day
  • Share The Milk Road with your friends
  • Apply what you learn to accelerate your education and career

51 Scholarships Worth $1,000 for High School Students

CollegeXpress No-Essay Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,200

Overview: Are you a high schooler preparing to navigate through your college experience?

We’ve partnered with CollegeXpress to create this exclusive scholarship for high school students who are interested in college resources, an opportunity related to our 30 other no-essay scholarship awards.

This scholarship is also unique in that it will favor students who apply earlier—who are bold and seize the day without procrastinating.

The Discover Student Loans Scholarship Award Sweepstakes

Overview: Sign up for emails to get helpful college tips and resources, and enter for the chance to win a scholarship! Throughout the year, 12 eligible students or parents will be randomly selected to win a $5,000 Discover Student Loans Scholarship Award to help cover college expenses.

Huntington’s College Scholarship Sweepstakes

Deadline: June 30, 2023

Award Amount: $4,000

Overview: Scholarship contest for college-bound students. Simply submit this Official Entry form by the deadline posted in the Official Rules and you could win a $4000 College Scholarship!

Italian Catholic Federation Scholarships

Deadline: See Website 

Award Amount: Up to $1,000

Overview:  Since 1964, the Italian Catholic Federation has awarded over $2,000,000.00 in scholarships to more than 6,000 high school students, of the Catholic faith, attending college. Each spring, the Italian Catholic Federation receives nearly 400 applications for its yearly scholarship awards. Applications are received from students in public as well as Catholic high schools in California, Arizona, Nevada, and Illinois.

Scholarship Guidebooks: The Good, the Bad, and the Best of the 21st Century

No Essay Smart Owl Scholarship

Deadline: May 29, 2023

Award Amount: $7,000

Overview:  Apply Me, Inc. (“ScholarshipOwl”) is pleased to offer this scholarship sweepstakes (“Scholarship Sweepstakes”) in which you can apply for a chance to win a scholarship to be paid by ScholarshipOwl directly to your qualified high school, college or university.

For What It’s Worth Scholarship

Overview: We’ve partnered with For What It’s Worth to create this exclusive scholarship. By applying, you’ll automatically be subscribed to the For What It’s Worth newsletter, getting tips and news delivered directly to your inbox so you can invest in the world that you want.

The scholarship will be awarded to applicants who get the most out of For What It’s Worth. You will be a strong applicant if you:

  • Read For What It’s Worth every week
  • Share For What It’s Worth with your friends
  • Engage with For What It’s Worth’s content

Stuck At Prom Scholarship Contest

Deadline: June 7, 2023 

Overview: We’re giving away $20,000 in cash scholarships to high school students who make the best prom attire out of Duck® Brand Duct Tape! New this year? You can document your journey to prom perfection in a short video or written essay. Plus, once the voting period starts, a live voting counter lets you see the results in real time.

“A Bold Life” No-Essay Scholarship

Deadline: July 31, 2023

Overview: Regardless of where you find yourself today, remember that you only have one life to live, and it’s up to you to make it count. Embracing the world with boldness can help you do that.

To encourage people to create an adventurous and exciting life as they define it, the “A Bold Life” No-Essay scholarship exists to support a student who will do what it takes to live life to the fullest.

The scholarship is open to all students and non-students from any field of study. The only requirement is that you’re committed to overcoming fear and relentlessly pursuing a life that will leave you fulfilled.

The Mega-List of BIG Name Scholarships & Foundations

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How to Find—and Win—Scholarships: Your Complete Guide

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Top 15 No Essay Scholarships For High School Seniors

Scholarships are the financial assistances that help make a high schooler’s college education dream possible. The students with financial unavailability but with exceptional talent or academic excellence opt for scholarships to keep their studies’ plans fueled. Scholarships require students to fulfill certain criteria; submitting essay is one of them. Sometimes, essays make getting scholarships difficult because of the stringent checking procedures.

So, is there any way of getting scholarships without going through the grill of writing an essay?

The answer is yes. Let’s take a look at some of the no essay scholarships for high school seniors that offer easily available financial assistance.

No essay scholarships to watch for in 2022

1. be bold no essay scholarship.

Key features:

  • Educational level: Any
  • No of awardees: 1 per year
  • Amount: $25,050

Be Bold No Essay Scholarship requires students to be well-determined to achieve a goal. They are required to build their profile in such a way that showcases their goals and achievements made. The most ‘Bold’ candidate is selected based on their profiles to grant a scholarship of $25,000.

Last date to apply: April 1, 2022

Scholarship announced in: November, 2022

Sponsorship Details

2. Hustle Tech & Business News No-Essay Scholarship

  • Amount: $10,000

This scholarship provides educational grants to people interested in tech and business news or has plans to be an entrepreneur. Applying for this scholarship automatically makes you a subscriber to Hustle. You have to read Hustle every day, share the Hustle newsletter with friends, and apply learnings from the news to boost your career/education. On the basis of an interview, the winner of this scholarship is decided.

Winner announced in: June, 2022

Sponsorship details

3. Nitro Pay for College No Essay Scholarship

Key Features:

Nitro is a loan and financial assistance platform that helps students with debt issues. Those students who get the best support from Nitro and use it for various purposes are recognized by Bold.org funders. The candidate with the boldest Bold.org profile can apply for this scholarship. The application deadline is rolling every month. So, keep pouring the platform with applications whenever you get the chance.

Last date to apply: Every month

Scholarship awarded in: December, 2022

These are the three easiest scholarships to apply at Bold.org. Let’s move to other scholarships that allow you to have funds in hand without writing an essay.

4. Too Cool to Pay for School No Essay Scholarship

Key Features

Educational level: high school, undergraduate, graduates No of awardees: 1 per quarter Amount: $1,000

Too Cool to Pay for School No Essay Scholarship is open to all students studying at high school and above levels. It is announced for those who are currently enrolled in high school in a full-time course or plan to do so in the next 24 months. The winner is selected randomly and announced at the end of every quarter. All US residents, DACA, undocumented students, and international students studying in the US are eligible to apply for this no essay scholarship. One entry per student per quarter is allowed. This scholarship is an initiative of Access Scholarships.

Deadline: Last day of March, June, September, December

5. Ascent Monthly Shining Stars Scholarship Giveaway

  • Educational level: high school and above
  • No of awardees: 1 per month
  • Amount: $1,000

To become eligible for this scholarship, the candidate needs to demonstrate his knowledge of how credit works. By answering a simple question about what they wish they knew about credit before getting a credit card, they can apply for this sponsorship. They need to like Ascent’s Instagram post on credit card and leave a comment that necessarily be followed by #AscentSponsored. This scholarship is open for high school seniors who are above 18 years of age and wish to pursue higher education.

Announcements made: Every month

6. Around the Corner from College Scholarship

Key features

  • Educational level: high school seniors, sophomores, freshmen
  • No of awardees: 1 per application period

Around the Corner from College Scholarship is open for US residents as well as those international students who intend to study in the US. The applications are invited online only. There is no purchasing required. Also, the response to the question asked in the sponsorship application is evaluated to decide the winner. Read other terms and conditions here .

Last date to apply: June 30th, Dec 31st.

Winner announced on: Drawing date intimated by email

Scholarship Details

7. Scholly’s $1,000 Tuition Relief Scholarship

  • Educational level: high school students above 18 years of age

Scholly’s Tuition Relief Scholarship covers all vital expenses like tuition, student debt, etc. This scholarship is a joint initiative of Scholly and Aspiration. It does not require any essay submission. The applicants can submit their application form on their website and they need to open a cash management account at Aspiration to be eligible for this no essay scholarship for high school seniors.

Last date to apply: May 31st, 2022

8. $2,000 No Essay College Scholarship by Niche.com

  • Education Level: High school
  • No of awardees: 1
  • Amount: $2,000

It is an easy scholarship to try to win. Students can apply for this scholarship every month. They are not required to submit any essay. All they need to do is apply for this scholarship online or via email and open an account with the sponsor Niche. Even GPA is not asked. They can get the scholarship for 2-year, 4-year college, and trade/technical school.

Winner announced: Every month

Scholarship details

9. Skin Grip Diabetes Scholarship

  • Education Level: High school Senior, College
  • No of awardees: 20
  • Amount: $1,170 each

Just upload a video on how you live fearlessly with diabetes and continue to contribute to the world’s progress despite the condition and be eligible for this scholarship. Those diagnosed with diabetes can apply for this scholarship. Skin Grip Diabetes Scholarship can be helpful in managing various challenges that come with this medical condition and may cost students additional expenses

Last date to apply: March 03, 2022

Winner announcement date: March 31, 2022

10. The Discover Student Loans Scholarship Award

  • Education Level: High school Senior, Junior, etc.
  • No of awardees: 12
  • Amount: $5,000

12 students who sign up for emails from Discover to know about college tips and other resources can enter this scholarship scheme. The students must be enrolled at least half-time in Bachelor’s degree program within a year of winning this scholarship. It is a no essay scholarship scheme that helps cover college expenses.

Last date to apply: Last day of every month

Result announced: Every Month or Quarterly

11. #FinancialFreedom No-Essay Scholarship

  • Education Level: Any
  • No. of Awardees: 1 every six months

Financial freedom no-essay scholarship requires you to submit an online application form only. By evaluating your profile based on your ambition, your want to become free financially, and the motivation to improve life through education, winners are selected for this sponsorship. This grant is sponsored by Calvin Rosser, a writer, and a startup owner, who supports people who want to rise above the odds and contribute to make the world a better place for all.

Last date to apply: May 31, 2022

Winner Announced: June 30, 2022

12. AFSA High School Senior Scholarship Contest

  • Education Level: High School Senior
  • No. of Awardees: 10

The AFSA High School Senior Scholarship Contest is open to all high school seniors who are legal U.S. residents. This scholarship program provides aid in pursuing college academics. The students are required to enroll in the classes no later than the Fall session ensuing immediately after the award. Students need to visit AFSA scholarship official website for applying online.

Last date to apply: April 01, 2022

Winner Announced: A fortnight of the contest end date

13. Top Friend Scholarship

  • No. of Awardees: 1

Top Friend Scholarship is for those contestants who are invited to be a part of Bold.org. The contestant must have the place among the boldest profiles on Bold.org. This scholarship is quite easy to get and requires no essay submission. The selection is done solely on profile analysis and the number of friends made at Bold.org.

Last date to Apply: April 1, 2022

Winner Announced: November 2022

14. Dr. Magidson Memorial Theater Scholarship

Education Level: Any No. of Awardees: 1 Amount: $5,000

If you are aiming at excelling in theater arts and have no financial means to pursue your interest, this scholarship is for you. A background in theater is required for this scholarship. It is sponsored by the Magidson family. 5-10 minutes of video demonstrating your work in the theater is required along with the application form submitted online to prove candidature for this grant.

Last date to apply: Apr 20, 2022

Winner Announced: May 20, 2022

15. College Express Monthly Scholarship

Education Level: High school senior No. of Awardees: 1 Amount:$1,000-$2,500

Have an interest in sports and want to study beyond high school? Just mention in one sentence how you plan to pursue sports in college, that is it! It is an easy scholarship to apply for and helps you apply for a $10,000 scholarship draw automatically. You require to be a sports fanatic and demonstrate the need for finance through relevant documents. Apply online every month to increase your chances of winning.

Last date to apply: Rolling Winner Announced: Rolling

If the soccer sponsorships for high school sound tough to you due to essay requirements, you can opt for the grants mentioned above. With all conditions made as simple as possible, the sponsors stand by the high schoolers’ college education dream genuinely. Also, the segregation based on personality traits, specific medical conditions, or will to change the world around makes these sponsorships quite interesting to contend for. Apply for these to avoid finances becoming a hurdle in your path to higher education.

scholarships for high school seniors with no essay

Sananda Bhattacharya, Chief Editor of TheHighSchooler, is dedicated to enhancing operations and growth. With degrees in Literature and Asian Studies from Presidency University, Kolkata, she leverages her educational and innovative background to shape TheHighSchooler into a pivotal resource hub. Providing valuable insights, practical activities, and guidance on school life, graduation, scholarships, and more, Sananda’s leadership enriches the journey of high school students.

Explore a plethora of invaluable resources and insights tailored for high schoolers at TheHighSchooler, under the guidance of Sananda Bhattacharya’s expertise. You can follow her on Linkedin

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  • Student Loans

10 Scholarships For High School Seniors

Zina Kumok

Updated: Feb 21, 2024, 9:18am

10 Scholarships For High School Seniors

There’s no such thing as free money—but scholarships come pretty close. These financial aid awards can be need-based, merit-based or academic-based. And they can help reduce the financial burden of a college education.

Before you start applying for scholarships, carefully consider your options and target the best scholarships that appeal to your talents, interests and academic merit.

10 College Scholarships for High School Seniors

1. elks national foundation scholarship program.

The Most Valuable Student scholarship from the Elks National Foundation awards 500 scholarships to high school seniors, ranging from $1,000 to $7,500 annually. You must also be a U.S. citizen to qualify.

Students must also pursue a four-year undergraduate degree full-time to qualify, and the foundation doesn’t require you to be related to an Elks member to apply.

The organization will consider financial need, grades and leadership skills when selecting winners.

2. National Washington Crossing Foundation Scholarship

High school seniors planning to work in government service can apply for the National Washington Crossing Foundation Scholarship .

Only U.S. citizens are eligible. The one-year scholarship can range from $500 to $5,000. Students must write a one-page essay in 300 words or less describing their motivation for government work and exploring any inspiration from George Washington’s crossing of the Delaware River.

Students must also include a letter of recommendation from a high school principal or guidance counselor and a copy of their transcript.

3. Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation

The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation awards $3.55 million in scholarships to over 1,400 students annually. There are three different scholarship programs, including one for community colleges and one for two-year colleges.

The Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship is available to those attending a four-year program. Both U.S. citizens and permanent residents qualify for this award, and you must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA to qualify. The scholarship is awarded to 150 students, with each receiving a $20,000 scholarship.

4. Cooke College Scholarship Program

The Cooke College Scholarship Program is available to high school seniors planning to pursue an undergraduate degree after graduation. Students must demonstrate financial need to qualify, with a maximum family income of $95,000. The program also requires students to have a 3.5 GPA or higher.

The program awards up to $55,000 annually, depending on the cost of tuition and other scholarships that the student has received. Only those planning to attend college full-time are eligible.

5. QuestBridge National College Match

This scholarship program is designed for low-income high-school seniors who demonstrate financial need to cover college tuition. The QuestBride Match Scholarship offers recipients a four-year scholarship worth over $200,000. The scholarship program may also include matching students with other types of financial aid like grants and work-study.

Students must attend one of the program’s partner institutions, which include Brown University, Yale, Stanford and more. Only U.S. citizens and permanent residents can apply.

6. BigFuture Scholarship

This scholarship from the College Board is more like a lottery drawing than a traditional scholarship. There are two types of drawings: one for $500 and one for $40,000.

The scholarship incentivizes students to start the college application process and complete the steps necessary to get accepted and find enough financial aid.

To apply, you must finish each step by the respective deadline. Not only will completing the tasks render you eligible for the scholarship drawing, but they will also help you apply to college and qualify for more financial aid.

There is no minimum GPA or test score requirement to be eligible, and there is no essay component.

7. GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship

Students who apply for the GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship can receive a $10,000 annual scholarship for four years in total. The foundation also covers an all-expenses-paid retreat to California. They can use the money to cover tuition, living expenses, books, fees and more.

Students must have a 3.0 GPA, be U.S. citizens and plan to pursue a four-year undergraduate degree. To apply, you need a letter of recommendation from a community leader or a school principal. Proof of financial need and a strong academic record is also required.

8. Engebretson Foundation

The Engebretson Foundation provides scholarships to high school seniors attending a four-year college.

In addition to demonstrating financial need, you must score a 28 on the ACT or a 1240 on the SAT, and have a 3.75 GPA or be in the top 5% of your graduating class. A completed Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is also required to qualify.

Students must submit a letter of recommendation from a teacher with their application. You must mail or email the application form by the deadline.

9. Bryan Cameron Education Foundation

The Bryan Cameron Education Foundation offers four-year, full-tuition scholarships to students who demonstrate excellence in leadership, community service, extracurricular activities and academics. Between 10 and 15 deserving students are selected annually.

Students must have a 3.7 GPA and be U.S. citizens. High school seniors planning to attend a four-year college can apply for this scholarship. You must submit two letters of recommendation and a transcript.

10. Unigo $10K Scholarship

While many of the above-mentioned scholarships have high standards and strict application requirements, the Unigo $10K Scholarship is much easier to apply for. Students must write a 250-word essay answering the question, “Would you rather be smart, funny or rich?”

Only legal U.S. residents can apply, but there are no GPA requirements.

Can a Scholarship Affect Your Financial Aid?

External scholarships, which aren’t offered by your institution, can reduce your financial aid award from your school. If your total aid amount including scholarships, institutional aid and government funding exceeds your calculated need by $300, the government may reduce your need-based aid amount.

If you don’t report outside scholarships to your college’s financial aid office, you may need to repay some of your aid. Make sure you review your college’s policy on outside scholarships before you apply.

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Zina Kumok is a freelance personal finance writer based in Indianapolis. She paid off her own student loans in three years. She also offers one-on-one financial coaching sessions at ConsciousCoins.com.

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29+ Excellent Scholarships for High School Seniors

Secure some funding!

Yellow piggybank wearing graduation cap scholarships for high school students

Planning for college is tougher than it used to be. Not only is competition more fierce, but the cost of attendance has soared. It’s a shame to see students step back from their goals because they can’t afford to go to school. We’ve put together this list of scholarships for high school seniors to help keep the dream alive. 

Top Scholarships for High School Seniors

These awards are available to most or all high school seniors who plan to continue their education. Some require applicants to submit an essay or meet other criteria. Before applying, be sure to read the guidelines carefully. 

“College Here I Come” Essay Scholarship for High School Seniors

  • Amount: $1,000
  • Eligibility: Open to all high school seniors
  • Deadline: January 31

CollegeXpress “No Essay” Scholarship

  • Eligibility: Open to all high school students
  • Deadline: November 30

“Commencing at Community College” Essay Scholarship

  • Eligibility: High school seniors accepted to community college 

Beacon Scholarship for Rural America

  • Eligibility: Low-income high school students from rural backgrounds
  • Deadline: November 15

Nitro College Scholarship – No Essay

  • Amount: $2,000
  • Eligibility: High school, college, community college, and graduate students

“No Essay” College Scholarship

  • Eligibility: High school and college students

Student-Led Virtual Tours Scholarship

  • Eligibility: Open to all students
  • Deadline: December 31

$2,500 November ScholarshipPoints Scholarship

  • Amount: $2,500
  • Eligibility: High school students and college students

$10,000 CollegeXpress Scholarship

  • Amount: $10,000
  • Deadline: May 1

JFK Profile in Courage Essay Contest

  • Amount: 15 awards ranging from $100 to $10,000
  • Eligibility: High school students in grades 9-12 attending public, private, parochial, or home schools
  • Deadline: January 13

Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship

  • Amount: $26,000
  • Eligibility: Open to high school seniors and college students
  • Deadline: February 20

$40,000 BigFuture Scholarships

  • Award: Up to $40,000
  • Eligibility: Open to U.S.-based high school students

Niche $50,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

  • Amount: $50,000
  • Eligibility: High school, college, and graduate students
  • Deadline: December 14

Merit-Based Scholarships for High School Seniors

These scholarships are awarded based on a student’s GPA, college entrance exam scores, or other qualifying factors. The eligibility is often very specific, so read the guidelines carefully before applying. Be sure to review our comprehensive list of Merit-Based Scholarships for High School Seniors . 

Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation

  • Amount: $20,000
  • Eligibility: Based on academic performance, volunteer work, and leadership skills
  • Deadline: 2023 applications now closed; check website

Dell Scholars

  • Amount: $20,000 plus money for books and a new laptop
  • Eligibility: Applicants must qualify for a Pell Grant based on household income. 
  • Deadline: December 1

Scholarships for STEM Fields

High school students planning to pursue studies in STEM fields may be qualified for scholarships in this category. Take a look at the opportunities below. Plus, check out these STEAM scholarships for minority students .

Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship Program

  • Amount: $40,000 and a paid programming internship at Amazon
  • Eligibility: High school students interested in computer science
  • Deadline: January 25

Buick Achievers Scholarship

  • Award: Up to $25,000
  • Eligibility: Must be studying engineering, technology, or related subjects
  • Deadline: February 27

Geraldine Polly Bednash Scholarships

  • Amount: $5,000
  • Eligibility: High school seniors, college, and graduate students majoring in nursing
  • Deadline: Quarterly (July 31, October 31, January 31, April 30)

Lounge Lizard Web Design Scholarship

  • Eligibility: High school seniors and college students with an interest in web design 
  • Deadline: October 3 and February 19

Annual Prevounce Preventive Health Scholarship Program

  • Eligibility: High school seniors interested in healthcare fields
  • Deadline: October 15

Medical Scrubs Collection Scholarship

  • Eligibility: High school seniors and college students pursuing careers in medical fields
  • Deadline: December 15

Scholarships for Arts

Many students who intend to study the arts will find great scholarship opportunities by searching their specific field or interest. Here are a few examples. 

ServiceScape Scholarship

  • Eligibility: High school seniors must submit an essay about how writing impacts the world.
  • Deadline: November 29

Betty Harlan Memorial Art Scholarship

  • Amount: Varies
  • Eligibility: Students pursuing a degree in visual arts
  • Deadline: February 1

Food Dreams Scholarship

  • Amount: $20,000 
  • Eligibility: Pell-eligible high school graduates interested in culinary arts
  • Deadline: Rolling

Scholarships for Minorities

These financial awards are for students from diverse backgrounds. While these types of scholarships were once very rare, they are becoming more common. 

Alex Austin’s Overcoming Adversity Scholarship

  • Amount: $500 – $1,000
  • Eligibility: U.S. high school and college students, including DACA recipients, who identify as part of a minority or who will be first-generation college students
  • Deadline: September 1

Gates Millennium Scholars Program

  • Eligibility: Outstanding minority students with significant financial need
  • Deadline: September 15

Scholarships for Student Athletes

These financial awards are offered in support of high school students who were active in sports and/or plan to pursue a career in athletics. 

Big Sun Scholarship

  • Amount: $500
  • Eligibility: Student athletes who are high school seniors or in college
  • Deadline: June 19

Michael Moody Fitness Scholarship

  • Amount: $1,500
  • Eligibility: High school seniors planning to pursue a career in health and fitness
  • Deadline: August 1

Heisman High School Scholarship

  • Amount: $500 to $5,000
  • Eligibility: High school senior athletes
  • Deadline: October 20

More Scholarships for High School Students

Looking for more? Check out the scholarship opportunities below.

Scholarships for Future Teachers

Scholarships for Women

How To Get a Full-Ride Scholarship

What’s been your experience with scholarships for high school students? Share in the comments below!

Want more suggestions check out  the ultimate guide to college scholarships.

A college education is more expensive than ever, which is why this list of scholarships for high school seniors is so important.

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18 Top Scholarships for High School Seniors

Financial Aid


Aside from grants and loans , private scholarships are some of the best ways to help fund your college education. There are thousands of scholarships out there for high school seniors, all with different eligibility requirements, deadlines, and award amounts, so it's definitely worth your time to do some research.

To help you find scholarships—and free money!—for college, we've compiled a list of some of the best college scholarships for high school seniors based on availability and award amounts . These scholarships are generally flexible (so you'll be able to use them at any accredited college you attend), and they also don't have any geographical restrictions (so you're eligible to apply no matter where you live in the US).

The list is broken down into four sub-lists . You can click these links to jump between sections, or just keep scrolling:

  • Scholarship competitions
  • Merit-based scholarships
  • Need-based scholarships
  • Specialty awards 

Don't forget to check out the end of the article for strategies on getting the most scholarship money possible!

Scholarship Competitions

The following scholarships are awarded based on performance in some sort of contest . These types of scholarships can be pretty intensive, so give yourself extra time to effectively prepare if you plan on pursuing one of them.


All scholarships are competitions—to win the following scholarships, though, you'll have to go head-to-head with other students.

Voice of Democracy Scholarship Competition

Students compete for this award by writing and recording an audio essay on a patriotic theme. The theme for the 2023-2024 contest is "What Are the Greatest Attributes of Our Democracy?" The first-place winner gets a grand prize $35,000 scholarship to the American college, university, or technical school of their choice. The program gives out a total of $2 million in awards and incentives each year.

  • Eligibility: Students in grades 9-12
  • Deadline: October 31, 2023

The Fountainhead Essay Contest

Students compete for this award by writing an essay on one of three topics related to Ayn Rand's book The Fountainhead. The first-place winner will receive a grand prize of $5,000 . Runners-up also receive awards. Each year, a total of $22,500 is given out in prize money.

  • Eligibility: High school students ages 13+
  • Deadline:   Likely April 2024

Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest

Students compete for this award by writing an essay on one of three topics related to Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged. The first-place winner will receive a $10,000 prize. Runners-up also win prizes, and $40,000 in scholarship money is awarded annually.

  • Eligibility: High school seniors, college students, and graduate students
  • Deadline: November 6, 2023

American Legion National High School Oratorical Contest

Are you a good public speaker, or do you just want an excuse to hone your public-speaking skills? Then this competition would be a good fit for you. Students compete for this award by preparing and performing an eight- to 10-minute oration on some aspect of the US Constitution, as well as giving a three- to five-minute speech on an assigned topic. You can view this year's topics here .

The first-place winner receives $25,000 , second place receives $22,500, and third place receives $20,000. There are also smaller awards for state winners. More than $203,500 in prize money is given out annually.

  • Eligibility: US high school students under 20 years of age
  • Deadline: Varies by state , as contests are arranged by local American Legion departments

Create-a-Greeting Card Scholarship Contest (Gallery Collection Scholarship)

This scholarship is pretty unique—and it's great for students with some untapped artistic talents! Students compete for this award by submitting a photo, piece of artwork, or computer graphic to be used on the front of a greeting card. The winner will receive $10,000 , and the winner's school will also get $1,000.

  • Eligibility: High school and college students ages 14 or older
  • Deadline: May 15, 2024


To win these scholarships, you have to show that you're tough—or at least that your brain is tough.

Scholarships Based on Academic Strength

The following scholarships are generally awarded based on students' academic performance in conjunction with a few other factors , such as leadership skills and commitment to community service. As a result, the most competitive applicants will be dedicated, high-achieving students who are also invested in their communities.

Coca-Cola Scholars Program

Coca-Cola Scholars are judged primarily on their academic performance, extracurricular activities, leadership experience, and community service. This scholarship program is fairly big: 150 awards of $20,000 each are given out every year, and the program gives out $3.55 million dollars annually. You can learn more about the Coca-Cola Scholarship by reading our guide to winning the award .

  • Eligibility: US high school seniors; can't be children or grandchildren of Coca-Cola employees (current and former)
  • Deadline: October 2, 2023

Burger King Scholars Program

Applicants for this scholarship are judged on their GPA, work experience, extracurricular activities, and community service. Award amounts range from those as small as $1,000 to those as large as $50,000 . To apply for this award, applicants must be Burger King employees or  the spouse or child of a Burger King employee. 

  • Eligibility: Employees and their spouses/partners/children, US high school seniors
  • Deadline: Likely December 2023 (or until they receive 50,000 applications—so apply early!)

Ronald McDonald House Charities Scholarships

For these, award eligibility requirements will vary based on your local Ronald McDonald House Charity chapter. For example, some have ethnic eligibility requirements. Deadlines and award amounts will also vary by location, but some of the bigger national awards can be as large as $100,000 ! Check out our how-to guide to learn more about getting an RMHC scholarship.

  • Eligibility: High school seniors, but other requirements may apply depending on scholarship
  • Deadline: Varies depending on scholarship, but usually January


If your family income isn't enough to cover college expenses, need-based scholarships would be a great option for you.

Scholarships Based on Financial Need

The following scholarships take financial need into account when choosing award recipients. For many of these programs, though, financial need is just one of many criteria considered .

In other words, strong applicants will also be successful students, leaders, or community activists. For most of these applications, you'll likely have to submit documentation about your family income.

Horatio Alger Scholarship Award

This generous need-based scholarship is geared toward students who have faced and overcome great obstacles. To be considered eligible, your gross adjusted family income must be at o r below $55,000 . At the national level , there are 105 awards of $25,000 each; at the state level , there are scholarships of $10,000 each for all 50 states (plus the District of Columbia).

This one scholarship application will get you considered for many other national, state, and specialized scholarships , which means less work for you and more opportunities for scholarship funding!

  • Eligibility: US high school juniors with a GPA of 2.0 or above who plan on getting a bachelor's degree
  • Deadline: Likely March 15, 2024

Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship Program

Applicants to this need-based scholarship are judged on their leadership skills and commitment to community service. To be considered eligible, you must identify as a minority student and be a US citizen. As many as 60 new scholarships are awarded annually. The scholarships are four-year awards, and recipients can receive as much as $30,000 over four years .

  • Eligibility: US minority high school seniors with a minimum SAT of 1000/ACT of 21* who plan on getting a bachelor's degree in the US
  • Deadline: Likely January 2024

*JRF recognizes the difficulties posed by COVID-19; students applying without standardized test scores will not be disadvantaged in the selection process. 

Engebretson Foundation Scholarship

This need-based scholarship is pretty straightforward: it's awarded to one student each year who demonstrates not only financial need, but also shows impressive academic aptitude and leadership ability. The annual award winner receives $5,000 per semester of college . Winners may reapply for the prize every year.

  • Eligibility: High school seniors with high GPAs and SAT/ACT scores as well as financial need who plan to attend a four-year college
  • Deadline: Likely March 2023 (note that applications must be submitted via email or regular mail )

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Program

In addition to providing funding for college, this scholarship program offers personal advising on selecting a college, navigating the financial aid process, and transitioning from high school to college. Applicants are judged on academic ability and achievement, financial need, persistence, desire to help others, and leadership skills. Awards are given to students each year and can be as high as $55,000 per academic year. 

  • Eligibility: High school seniors who have an unweighted GPA of 3.5 or higher. Applicants must also demonstrate financial need (family gross income of $95,000 or below) and plan to attend a four-year college
  • Deadline:  November 2023

Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Competition

Applicants to this need-based scholarship are judged on their scholarship and leadership abilities. Each year, 500 scholarships are given out across the country, with award amounts ranging from $1,000 to $12,500 per year . Applications must be submitted to the Elks Lodge closest to your home address, so make sure to research the Elks Lodges in your area before you apply.

  • Eligibility: US high school seniors who plan to attend a four-year US college
  • Deadline: November 2023

Gates Scholarship

The Gates Scholarship aims to help scholastically outstanding minority high school seniors reach their full potential. Every year, 300 students receive a scholarship covering the full cost of attendance (including tuition, fees, room, board, books, and transportation) that is not already covered by other financial aid and expected family contribution . Read more about the Gates Scholarship and how to win it in our complete guide .

  • Eligibility: US minority high school seniors who are Pell-eligible (Pelligible?), have a minimum 3.3/4.0 GPA, and plan to attend a four-year US college
  • Deadline: Likely September 15, 2023


These next scholarships are unique—just like every student applicant!

Specialty Scholarships

The following scholarship programs are national awards that target students who have specific or unique interests or achievements . Whether you're the next president of the SPCA or even the USA, you should be able to find a specialty scholarship that's perfect for you!

Vegetarian Resource Group Scholarship

Are you a proud vegetarian? This might seem like a niche award, but the scholarship is very real! Applicants are judged on their "compassion, courage, and a strong commitment to promoting a peaceful world through a vegetarian diet/lifestyle." If you've promoted vegetarianism at school or in your community, you'll likely be a great candidate for this scholarship. The first-place winner usually receives $10,000 and two runners-up each receive $5,000, but the award total increased to $30,000 for 2024, so the awards for this year will be even larger.

  • Eligibility: High school seniors
  • Deadline: February 20, 2024

Adobe Design Circle Scholarship

Is graphic design your passion? Are you always brainstorming invention ideas? Do you see a website layout and think, “I could make this better?” The Adobe Design Circle Scholarship is open to students who plan to pursue any design-related major through an accredited program. This award offers 10 annual scholarships up to $25,000 per academic year for tuition and fees.  

The exact amount of each scholarship varies, determined by factors including projected cost of attendance (e.g., for a state university vs. a private college) and the applicant’s expected financial need. Scholarships can be renewed for up to four years, or until graduation, pending satisfactory degree progress. The Design Circle also provides a variety of mentorship opportunities to the scholarship winners, such as shadowing, internships, workshops, and networking.

  • Eligibility: Students pursuing any year of their undergraduate studies
  • Deadline: Likely March 2024

Equitable Excellence Scholarship Scholarship

The Equitable Excellence scholarship (formerly the AXA Achievement scholarship) targets students who have empowered society through achievements that mitigate risk . This idea can be interpreted pretty broadly, so spend some time figuring out what risk means to you and whether you've participated in making the world a safer place through any of your activities.

Every year, hundreds of students representing all 50 states; Washington, DC; and Puerto Rico receive one-time scholarships of $2,500, $10,000, or $25,000 .

  • Eligibility: US high school seniors
  • Deadline: Likely December 2023 (or until they receive 10,000 applications—so apply early!) 

William Randolph Hearst Foundations US Senate Youth Program

If you're passionate about public service, this is the scholarship for you. The Senate Youth Program targets students who participate in their high school student government and plan to study history or political science in college . Applicants are judged on their leadership skills, academic performance, community involvement, and extracurricular activities. Each winner will receive a $10,000 award in addition to an all-expenses-paid educational week in Washington, DC.*

  • Eligibility: High school juniors and seniors
  • Deadline: Varies depending on the state you're in , but typically September-November

*Currently, the 2024 program is scheduled to happen in person. However, the event could be moved online due to COVID-19 or other public health concerns. 


Tips here, get your tips here!

Making the Most of Your Scholarship Applications: 3 Key Tips

If you're going to go through all the work of submitting a scholarship application, then you want to make sure you have an excellent shot at winning awards . The following three tips will help you submit the greatest number of successful scholarship applications possible.

#1: Do Your Own Research

As you've probably noticed, many of the above scholarships are fairly generous national awards, so they’re going to be quite competitive. Unfortunately, even if you’re a strong contender, the sheer size of the applicant pool will likely lower your chances. So what's a student to do?

The good news is that there are countless scholarship programs out there. It just takes a bit of digging to find one that matches your interests, location, background, identity, etc. The more niche a scholarship program is, the better chances you'll have of winning an award (assuming you're qualified for it). So do some research on scholarships programs that operate in your area or are offered to students with your particular interests, experiences, skills, or passions.

The Ronald McDonald House Charities scholarships are a good place to start. You can also pay a visit to your guidance counselor, who should have more information on local scholarships.

In addition, you could branch out on your own by searching online for scholarships in your area . If you have a particular talent, skill, or interest, look for scholarships that are offered to students based on those criteria.

#2: Apply Broadly

Applying for scholarships—like applying to colleges—is, in part, a numbers game. You wouldn't apply to just one school if you wanted to optimize your chances of getting into a great college, would you?

Many scholarship applications ask similar questions and require similar information, so if you apply to one program, you might as well apply to a bunch . It's free to apply for most scholarships anyway—all it takes is a few hours of your time.

Finally, take advantage of applications that submit you for consideration for many scholarship awards , such as the Horatio Alger Scholarship mentioned above.

#3: Make Note of Deadlines

Scholarship applications are all over the place—there's no defined "scholarship season" for submission deadlines, but many are due before college application deadlines . As such, it's better to start your scholarship search sooner rather than later so you don't miss out on any great opportunities .

The summer before your senior year is a good time to start making note of programs you're interested in. Keep track of application deadlines by maintaining a spreadsheet that you update regularly. This is especially helpful if applications require you to ask for letters of recommendation ; you can make sure to give teachers and mentors plenty of advance notice to write you a letter.


What's Next?

Want to get a head start on scoping out scholarships? Then check out our comprehensive guides to winning some of the most competitive national scholarships available, including the Gates Scholarship , the Coca-Cola Scholarship , the Walmart Scholarships , and the McDonald's Scholarships .

Looking for scholarships with low-hassle applications? Our article on the easiest scholarships to apply for will give you a great starting list.

Wondering if you can get a scholarship for something like being left-handed ? Learn more about the weirdest scholarships you can win in our guide.

Need more help with your scholarship search? Read our expert guide on how to find college scholarships and the best scholarship search websites .

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

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Francesca graduated magna cum laude from Harvard and scored in the 99th percentile on the SATs. She's worked with many students on SAT prep and college counseling, and loves helping students capitalize on their strengths.

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  • The scholarship requires a fee to apply
  • The scholarship provider’s privacy policy allows for the misuse of student data
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  • Student are required to sign up for a site or service to apply*
  • The scholarship seems primarily used for lead generation** or idea harvesting purposes***
  • The scholarship website has many grammatical errors and/or advertisements
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* There are certain exceptions to this, for example if the sponsoring organization is a major corporation or nonprofit with its own scholarship application system. ** Lead generation scholarships will require students to sign up for an app or website and require minimal (if any) application requirements. ***Idea harvesting scholarships will require students to submit blog posts or other materials that companies may use for marketing purposes.

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High School Student Scholarship

Offered by Alaska State Firefighters Association

Zach Skillings

1 award worth up to

Grade level.

High School Senior

Expected deadline: This scholarship might not currently be accepting applications. Most scholarship programs only accept applications a few months ahead of their annual deadline. We’ve estimated this deadline based on last year’s deadline in order to help you plan out your scholarship applications.

Scholarship overview.

The High School Student Scholarship is available to graduating high school seniors of the Alaska State Firefighters Association (ASFA) members. Students seeking a professional certification, associate degree, or bachelor’s degree are eligible to apply.

Eligibility information

This scholarship is open to students meeting the below eligibility criteria.

Member of Alaska State Firefighters Association

Apply to these scholarships due soon

$10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

$10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

$2,000 Sallie Mae Scholarship

$2,000 Sallie Mae Scholarship

BigFuture $40k Essay-Free Scholarship

BigFuture $40k Essay-Free Scholarship

Niche $25,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

Niche $25,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

$10,000 CollegeXpress Scholarship

$10,000 CollegeXpress Scholarship

$25k “Be Bold” No-Essay Scholarship

$25k “Be Bold” No-Essay Scholarship

$1,000 Appily Easy College Money Scholarship

$1,000 Appily Easy College Money Scholarship

$5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship

$5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship

$2,000 No Essay CollegeVine Scholarship

$2,000 No Essay CollegeVine Scholarship

Application information.

To apply for this scholarship, submit the below application materials before the deadline.

Proof of enrollment

Academic transcript


scholarships for high school seniors with no essay

Danielle Emretane

Winner of the Scholarships360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

scholarships for high school seniors with no essay

Fiorella Ruiz

Winner of the "Commencing at Community College" Scholarship

scholarships for high school seniors with no essay

Jack Furman

Winner of the “Tuition Solution” STEM Scholarship

scholarships for high school seniors with no essay

Morgan Breitschuh

Winner of the “Follow Your Own Path” Scholarship

scholarships for high school seniors with no essay

Connor Godoy

Winner of the “Commencing at Community College Scholarship”

scholarships for high school seniors with no essay

Kyamani Atterbury

Winner of the “Outstanding Undergraduate” Scholarship

Discover similar scholarships by category

Create your Scholarships360 account to confirm your eligibility for the High School Student Scholarship. 0% Spam, 100% Free.

Scholarship FAQ

Where can i find help writing my scholarship essay.

While you wait for this scholarship to reopen, try applying to some additional opportunities

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  2. 6 Left-Handed Scholarships For High School Seniors

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  3. Top 15 No Essay Scholarships For High School Seniors

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  4. 70+ Scholarships for High School Seniors

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  5. No Essay Scholarships for High School Seniors

    scholarships for high school seniors with no essay

  6. You won’t have to write an essay to apply for any of these scholarships

    scholarships for high school seniors with no essay


  1. Top 68 No Essay Scholarships in August 2024

    Apply with confidence to the following no essay scholarships: Coca Cola Scholarship - $20,000 scholarship for college-bound high school seniors. Dell Scholars Program - For Pell Grant-eligible high school seniors who participated in a college readiness program. Worth $20,000 with 500 scholarships awarded every year.

  2. Top 60 Scholarships for High School Seniors (August 2024)

    Heisman High School Scholarship. Award Amount: $1,000 - $10,000. Scholarship Deadline: October 19. Details: Open to high-achieving high school seniors in the US with at least a 3.0 GPA who participate in a wide range of sports as well as school and community activities.

  3. Top 20 No Essay Scholarships to Apply for in 2024

    Smart Owl No Essay $1,000 Scholarship. Amount: $1,000 (4 awards per month!) Deadline: Expires on the 28th or 29th of each month. Eligibility: The Smart Owl Scholarship is a monthly no essay scholarship open to all high school and college students ages 16 and older, who are US residents!

  4. 100 Great College Scholarships for High School Seniors

    College Scholarships for High School Seniors (Continued) 7) CollegeVine No Essay Scholarship. All students enrolled in high school or looking to attend college next year who apply by the deadline will qualify for the scholarship. The winner of the scholarship will be chosen based on a lottery system and notified via email. Value: $2,000

  5. Top 2,490 Scholarships for High School Seniors in August 2024

    Worth $10,000 per year. Blacks at Microsoft Scholarship - For Black high school seniors pursuing a bachelor's degree in engineering, computer science, computer information systems, or a business field. Worth up to $20,000. The Gates Scholarship - For low-income minority high school seniors, offers a full ride to college.

  6. 100+ No Essay Scholarships (That Are Actually Worth It)

    So in this post, I'm sharing over 100 no-essay college scholarship opportunities available this year, from student contests that ANYONE can win to awards for specific degree paths, including grants for college-bound high school students and graduate-level studies.

  7. No Essay Scholarships

    Niche $2,000 No Essay Scholarship. Amount $2,000. Deadline August 31, 2024. The $2,000 No Essay Scholarship is open to high school student all the way up to, and including, graduate school students. Scholarship Details $2,000 No Essay Scholarship for tuition and any other college-related expenses No essay requirement.

  8. The 200 Best No Essay Scholarships for 2024

    1 Award. Nov 30, 2024 Deadline. The $25,000 "Be Bold" Scholarship is a no-essay scholarship that will be awarded to the applicant with the boldest profile. To us, boldest does not mean "best", or "most accomplished". Being bold means being: - Earnest - Determined - Moving The scholarship will be awarded to the student whose profile ...

  9. Top 210 No Essay Scholarships to Apply for in August 2024

    The world will be shaped by the bold—the fighters, the risk-takers, the earnest overachievers who won't take no for an answer. The $10,000 "Be Bold" Scholarship is a no-essay scholarship that will be awarded to the applicant with the boldest profile. All students are eligible. Amount: $25,124.

  10. 34 No Essay Scholarships to Save Thousands on College

    1. "Be Bold" No-Essay Scholarship. Amount: $25,000. Deadline: December 31. Eligibility: Students of any education level, school, field of study, and GPA considered. This scholarship is for bold students who are determined to change the world one step at a time. No essay is required to win this eye-popping award.

  11. No-Essay Scholarships 2024

    Students can use the money to help cover tuition, housing, meal plans, books, computers, or any education-related expenses. The scholarship is open to all high school and college students and those planning to enroll in the next 12 months. Deadline: 5/31/24 Award Amount: $2,000 The $25,124 "Be Bold" No-Essay Scholarship

  12. Top 85 Scholarships for High School Seniors (August 2024)

    The annual amount will be $500/year.This scholarship aims to honor the incredible life of Sara Chaiton by supporting Jewish students who have been impacted by the loss of a loved one. Eligibility Criteria: Education Level: High school senior, undergraudate, or graduate student. Gender: Female-identifying.

  13. Scholarships for High School Seniors

    The $2,000 No Essay Scholarship is open to high school student all the way up to, and including, graduate school students. Scholarship Details $2,000 No Essay Scholarship for tuition and any other college-related expenses No essay requirement. Eligibility High school, college or grad school students.

  14. How To Find Scholarships With No Essay Requirements (With Examples

    Niche offers two monthly, no essay scholarship awards. The first is a $1,000 award, eligible only to college students and alumni who have graduated within the last four years. It can be completed by taking their official survey before the deadline at the end of each month. The second is a $2,000 award, eligible to high school and college ...

  15. 30 Best Scholarships for High School Seniors in 2023

    This scholarship grants awards to high-achieving female high school seniors who demonstrate financial need, excellence of character, a passion for golf, and a plan to pursue a college degree. 29. Lindsey Vonn Foundation Scholarships. Amount: $5,000.

  16. 30 NO-ESSAY Scholarships for the Class of 2023

    Next deadline: June 1, 2023. Award: Awards $25,000. Overview: The $25,000 "Be Bold" Scholarship is a no-essay scholarship that will be awarded to the applicant with the boldest profile. No-Essay Scholarship in just a few clicks! Fund your education with verified new scholarships, available only on Bold.org.

  17. $2,500 Monthly No Essay CollegeVine Scholarship

    Scholarships > $2,500 Monthly No Essay CollegeVine Scholarship . $2,500 Monthly No Essay CollegeVine Scholarship Amount: $2,500 Deadline: September 15, 2024 Awards Available: 1. ... Open to all high school students navigating the college application process. Must be planning to attend college in the coming fall;

  18. Top scholarships for high school seniors

    Scholarships for high school seniors are a great way to get free money for college. Find and apply for the top high school senior scholarships for college. ... Enter to win our no-essay $2,000 college scholarship in 2 minutes or less. Scholarship Search. Easily find and sort through hundreds of college scholarships for free. Scholarships for ...

  19. Top 15 No Essay Scholarships For High School Seniors

    No essay scholarships to watch for in 2022. 1. Be Bold No Essay Scholarship. Key features: Educational level: Any. No of awardees: 1 per year. Amount: $25,050. Be Bold No Essay Scholarship requires students to be well-determined to achieve a goal.

  20. Top No-essay Scholarships

    No-essay scholarships are financial aid for college that allow a student to apply for scholarships without writing an essay. No-essay scholarships can help members of that community attain higher education opportunities that otherwise may be out of reach due to financial reasons. All scholarships are free money for college that you don't have ...

  21. 10 Scholarships For High School Seniors

    10 College Scholarships for High School Seniors. 1. Elks National Foundation Scholarship Program. The Most Valuable Student scholarship from the Elks National Foundation awards 500 scholarships to ...

  22. Best Scholarships for High School Seniors in Every Field

    Top Scholarships for High School Seniors. These awards are available to most or all high school seniors who plan to continue their education. Some require applicants to submit an essay or meet other criteria. Before applying, be sure to read the guidelines carefully. "College Here I Come" Essay Scholarship for High School Seniors. Amount ...

  23. High School Senior (Class of 2025) Scholarships

    The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. National High School Essay Contest Amount: $5,000 Due Date: October 18, 2024 Annual Sphinx Competition Amount: $50,000 ... High School Senior Scholarship for Future Teachers Amount: $1,000 Due Date: February 01, 2025 Hope College Alumni Honors Scholarships Amount: $44,000

  24. 18 Top Scholarships for High School Seniors

    The first-place winner receives $25,000, second place receives $22,500, and third place receives $20,000. There are also smaller awards for state winners. More than $203,500 in prize money is given out annually. Eligibility: US high school students under 20 years of age.

  25. High School Student Scholarship

    The High School Student Scholarship is available to graduating high school seniors of the Alaska State Firefighters Association (ASFA) members. Students seeking a professional certification, associate degree, or bachelor's degree are eligible to apply. ... Automatic entry to our $10,000 No-Essay Scholarship;

  26. How to Avoid Scholarship Scams

    While a junior in high school, Jocelyn Pearson spent many nights applying to dozens of college scholarships. Each took no longer than 15 minutes to complete and required nothing more than her ...