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How to Write a Concept Note: A Step-by-Step Guide

Concept notes are important documents that serve as a brief outline of a project. They are used to present a proposed project to potential stakeholders and funders, and are usually requested before a full project proposal is submitted. If you are planning to embark on a new project, it is essential to know how to write a concept note. In this guide, we'll take you through the step-by-step process of writing a winning concept note.

Understanding the Purpose of a Concept Note

Before we delve into the details of how to write a concept note, it is important to understand its purpose. A concept note serves several functions:

What is a Concept Note?

A concept note is a brief outline of a project proposal, usually submitted to potential stakeholders and funders to solicit their support.

Let’s take an example of a non-profit organization that wants to start a new project to provide education to underprivileged children. The organization will need funding and support from donors to make this project a success. To attract potential donors, the organization will need to submit a concept note that outlines the basic details of the project.

Why is a Concept Note Important?

Concept notes are important because they help to identify potential stakeholders and funders for a proposed project. By providing a brief overview of the project, concept notes help to gauge interest and support. This is especially important when dealing with multiple potential stakeholders and funders, as it allows the organization to tailor their proposal to the interests of each party.

Moreover, concept notes help organizations to save time and resources. Instead of preparing a full proposal for every potential stakeholder or funder, concept notes can be used to filter out those who are not interested in the project, allowing the organization to focus on those who are.

When to Use a Concept Note?

Concept notes are usually requested by potential stakeholders and funders before a full project proposal is submitted. They can also be used to introduce a new project to an organization or community. In addition, concept notes can be used as a tool for internal planning and decision-making.

For example, a company may use a concept note to introduce a new product or service to its employees before launching it to the public. This allows the company to gather feedback and make any necessary changes before investing resources into a full launch.

In conclusion, concept notes are an important tool for organizations to attract support and funding for their projects. By providing a brief overview of the project, concept notes help to gauge interest and support, saving time and resources. They can be used to introduce new projects to stakeholders and funders, as well as for internal planning and decision-making.

Key Components of a Concept Note

The following are key components that should be included when writing a concept note:

Project Title

The project title should be clear and concise. It should capture the essence of the project in a few words.

Project Objective

The project objective should be clearly stated, and should contain a succinct statement of what the project intends to achieve.

Background and Context

The background and context should provide an overview of the problem that the project intends to address. It should also highlight the relevance of the problem to the target audience and the broader community.

Target Audience and Beneficiaries

The target audience and beneficiaries should be clearly identified. This helps to ensure that the project is designed to meet the needs of the intended beneficiaries.

Project Activities and Methodology

The project activities and methodology should describe the specific steps that will be taken to achieve the project objectives. It should also provide details on how the project will be implemented.

Expected Outcomes and Impact

The expected outcomes and impact should clearly state what the project hopes to achieve and how it will contribute to the broader goals of the organization or community.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The monitoring and evaluation plan should outline how the project will be monitored and evaluated to determine its success.

Budget and Resources

The budget and resources section should provide a detailed breakdown of the costs associated with the project, as well as the resources required to implement it.

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Concept Note

Now that we have covered the key components of a concept note, it is time to take you through a step-by-step guide to writing a winning concept note.

Step 1: Research and Preparation

Before you start writing your concept note, it is important to conduct thorough research on the problem you are seeking to address, the target audience, and the available resources. This will help you to develop a comprehensive understanding of the project and its requirements.

Step 2: Develop a Clear Project Objective

The project objective is the backbone of your concept note. It should be clear, concise, and specific. A well-defined objective will help you to stay focused on the project and ensure that the project is designed to achieve the intended outcomes.

Step 3: Provide a Strong Background and Context

The background and context section of your concept note should provide a clear understanding of the problem the project intends to address and its relevance to the target audience and the broader community. This section should demonstrate the importance of the project and why it is needed.

Step 4: Identify Your Target Audience and Beneficiaries

The target audience and beneficiaries section of your concept note should clearly identify who the project is meant to benefit. This section should also provide details on how the project will improve the lives of the intended beneficiaries.

Step 5: Outline Your Project Activities and Methodology

The project activities and methodology section of your concept note should provide a detailed explanation of how the project will achieve its objectives. This section should outline the specific steps that will be taken to implement the project and achieve the desired outcomes.

Step 6: Describe Expected Outcomes and Impact

The expected outcomes and impact section of your concept note should detail the expected results of the project and how they will contribute to the broader goals of the organization or community. This section should also provide a clear understanding of the impact the project is expected to have on the beneficiaries.

Step 7: Develop a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

The monitoring and evaluation plan should outline how the project will be monitored and evaluated to determine its success. This section should also include the indicators that will be used to measure the project's impact.

Step 8: Prepare a Budget and Identify Resources

The budget and resources section of your concept note should provide a detailed breakdown of the costs associated with the project, as well as the resources required to implement it. This section should also include details on how the project will be funded.

By following these steps, you will be able to develop a comprehensive and winning concept note that will help you to secure funding for your project. Remember to keep your concept note clear, concise and focused on the project objectives. Good luck!

ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Concept Note

Chatgpt prompt.

Please prepare a comprehensive and detailed document outlining the key ideas, objectives, and strategies for a proposed project or initiative. This document should clearly articulate the purpose of the project, the target audience, the expected outcomes, and the resources required to implement it. The concept note should be well-structured, concise, and informative, providing a clear roadmap for the proposed project and demonstrating its potential impact and value.


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How to Write a PhD Concept Paper

format of a phd concept paper

A concept paper – or concept note – is one of the initial requirements of a PhD programme. It is normally written during the PhD application process as well as early on in the programme once a student has been admitted.

A concept paper is basically a shorter version of a research proposal – in most cases between 2,000 and 2,500 words – that expresses the research ideas of the potential PhD student.

Besides being short, it should be concise yet have adequate details to convince the Department the student is applying to that he/she is worth being admitted to the programme.

Example of a title with a sub-title

References/bibliography, why do phd programmes require applicants to submit a concept paper.

A concept paper serves four main purposes:

  • It gives the Department the student is applying to an idea of the student’s research interests.
  • Based on point one, it informs the Department whether the student will be a good fit to the Department or not. To be a good fit, the research interests of the applicant should match those of the Department’s faculty.
  • Based on the two points above, it enables the Department to offer support to the student throughout his/her PhD studies in the form of supervision and mentorship.
  • Because the concept paper is written – and must be accepted – before the full proposal, it saves the student time and effort that would otherwise be spent on topics that may end up being rejected by the Department. A concept paper is therefore the first step to writing the PhD thesis/dissertation (see the figure below).

research concept note outline

Format of a PhD Concept Paper

The format of a concept paper might vary from one university to another. A PhD student should therefore read the guidelines provided by his/her University of interest before writing a concept paper.

In general, the following is a common format of a concept paper:

Title of proposed study

The title of the proposed study is the first element of a concept paper.

The title should describe what the study is about by highlighting the variables of the study and the relationship between the variables if applicable.

The title should be short and specific: it is best to have a title that is not more than 15 words’ long.

Example of a title:

Use of Mobile Phone Applications for Weight Management in the United States

In order to add more specificity to the title, you can add a subtitle to the main title. The title and subtitle should be separated by a full colon.

Use of Mobile Phone Applications for Weight Management in the United States:

A Behavioural Economics’ Analysis

Background to the study

The background to the study contains the following elements:

  • The history of the topic, both globally and in the proposed location of your study.
  • What other researchers have found out from their own studies.
  • What the gaps in the existing literature are, that is, what the other researchers have not addressed.
  • What your study will contribute towards filling the identified gaps.

The implication of the above is that one must have conducted some literature review prior to writing the background to the study.

Statement of the problem

The statement of the problem is a clear description of the issue that the study will address, the relevance of the issue, the importance (benefits) of addressing the issue, and the method the researcher will use to address the issue.

Goal and objectives of the study

Once you have identified the problem of your study, the next step is to write the goal and objectives of the study. There is a difference between these two:

The goal of the study is a broad statement of what the researcher hopes to accomplish at the end of the study. The goal should also be related to the problem statement.

Any given project should have one goal because having many goals would lead to confusion. However, that one goal can have multiple elements in it, which would be accomplished through the project’s objectives.

The objectives of the study, on the other hand, are specific and detailed statements of how the researcher will go about accomplishing the stated goal.

The objectives should:

  • Support the accomplishment of the goal.
  • Follow a sequence, that is, like a step-by-step order. This will help you frame the activities needed to be undertaken in a logical manner so that the goal is achieved.
  • Be stated using action verbs, for instance, “to identify”, “to create”, “to establish”, “to measure”, etc.
  • Be about 3-4: having too few of objectives will limit the scope of your PhD dissertation, while having too many objectives may complicate the dissertation.
  • Be SMART, that is, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound.

The video below clearly explains how to set SMART goals and objectives:

Important tip 1: depending on your PhD programme, you may be required to have at least 3 journal papers to qualify for graduation. Each of your objectives can be converted into a separate journal paper on its own.

Research questions and hypotheses

Every PhD dissertation needs research questions. Research questions will help the student stay focused on his/her research.

The aim of the research is to provide answers to the research questions. The answers to the questions will form the thesis statement.

Examples of research questions:

In the title example given earlier about use of mobile phone applications for weight management in the United States, a student may be interested in the following questions:

  • To what extent do adults in the United States use mobile phone applications to manage their weight?
  • Is there any gender disparity in the use of mobile phone apps for weight management in the United States?
  • How effective are mobile apps for weight management in the United States?

Good research questions are those that can be explored deeply and widely as well as defended using evidence. Questions with ‘yes” or “no” responses are not academic-worthy.

When developing research questions, you also need to think about the data that will be required to answer the questions. Do you have access to that data? If no, will your time and financial resources allow you to collect that data?

Important tip 2: Your PhD study is time-limited therefore data requirement issues need to be thought through at the initial stages of your concept paper writing so that you don’t waste too much time either collecting the data in the future or trying to access the data if it already exists elsewhere.

Preliminary literature review

At the concept paper stage, a preliminary literature review serves three main purposes:

  • It shows whether you have knowledge of the current state of debate about your chosen topic.
  • It shows whether you are familiar with the experts in your chosen topic.
  • It also helps you identify the research gaps.

Proposed research design, methods and procedures

This sections provides a brief overview of the research methodology that you will adopt in your study. Some issues to consider include:

  • Will your study use quantitative, qualitative or mixed-methods approach?
  • Will you use secondary or primary data?
  • What will be the sources of your data? Will you need any ethical clearance from your university before collecting data?
  • Will the data sources be readily accessible?
  • Will you use external assistance for data collection? Or will you do all the data collection yourself?
  • How will the data be analysed? Which softwares will you use? Are you competent in those softwares?

While the above issues are important to think through, please note that the research design and methods will be informed by your research objectives and research questions. As an illustration:

A research question that aims to measure the effect of one (or more) variable(s) on another variable will definitely require quantitative research methods.

On the other hand, a research question that aims to explain the existence of a phenomenon will render itself to the use of qualitative research methods.

Contribution to knowledge

This is perhaps the most important aspect of a PhD dissertation. Your concept note needs to briefly highlight how your project will add value to knowledge.

Making significant contribution to knowledge at the PhD level does not mean a Nobel prize standard of knowledge (this you can do after your PhD when you’ll have all the time in the world to do so). You can achieve this in various ways:

  • New applications of existing ideas.
  • New interpretations of previous ideas.
  • Investigating an existing issue in a new location.
  • Development of a new theory.
  • Coming up with a new technique, among others.

The last section of the concept paper is the reference list or bibliography. This is the section that lists the literatures that you have reviewed and cited in your paper.

There is a slight difference between a reference list and a bibliography:

A reference list includes all those studies that have been directly cited in the paper.

A bibliography, on the other hand, includes all those studies that have been directly cited in the paper as well as those that were reviewed and consulted but not cited in the paper.

When creating the reference list/bibliography, one should be mindful of the referencing style that is required by their PhD department (that is, whether APA, MLA, Chicago, Havard, etc).

Final Thoughts on Writing a PhD Concept Paper

The concept paper is the first step to writing the PhD dissertation. Once accepted, the student will proceed to writing the proposal, which will then be defended before proceeding with writing the full dissertation.

The concept paper is a mini-proposal and has most of the components expected in the proposal.

However, the concept paper should be short and precise while at the same time have adequate information to enable the PhD Committee of the PhD Programme the student is applying to judge if the student will be a good fit to the programme or not.

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Grace Njeri-Otieno

Grace Njeri-Otieno is a Kenyan, a wife, a mom, and currently a PhD student, among many other balls she juggles. She holds a Bachelors' and Masters' degrees in Economics and has more than 7 years' experience with an INGO. She was inspired to start this site so as to share the lessons learned throughout her PhD journey with other PhD students. Her vision for this site is "to become a go-to resource center for PhD students in all their spheres of learning."

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research concept note outline

What is a concept note and how to write one for funding

research concept note outline

Every year, countless visionary projects struggle to take flight due to a lack of financial support. In the evolving landscape of social impact and community-driven initiatives, securing funding can be a transformative game-changer. A well-crafted concept note serves as a potent tool to unlock the resources needed to turn your ideas into reality. Whether you represent a non-profit organization, a social enterprise, or an individual with a passion for change, mastering the art of writing a compelling concept note is crucial.

This comprehensive guide is designed to equip you with the knowledge and confidence to craft an engaging and persuasive concept note. We will explore the purpose and significance of concept notes, delving into their essential elements and  practical tips to help you write a winning concept note.  By the end of this blog post, you'll be ready to seize funding opportunities, drive positive change, and make a lasting impact on the world.

Defining a Concept Note

At its core, a concept note is a brief, yet powerful, document that serves as a preview of your proposed project or initiative. Think of it as a captivating trailer for an inspiring movie.  It acts as a prelude to the full project proposal, offering potential funders a glimpse into the project's key objectives, activities, expected outcomes, and budget estimates. The main objective of a concept note is to capture the attention of  potential funders, enticing them to invite you to submit a comprehensive project proposal. Imagine the concept note as your project's golden ticket, granting you access to a world of funding opportunities.

Purpose and Advantages of Concept Notes

Concept notes serve as an essential screening mechanism for both funders and applicants. For funders, they act as gateways to efficiently evaluate numerous project ideas, identifying those that align with their funding priorities. By crafting a compelling concept note, you demonstrate your project's potential, making it more likely to get the green light for further consideration.

As an applicant, a well-crafted concept note offers you the opportunity to generate initial interest, receive valuable feedback, and refine your project proposal before dedicating extensive resources. Consider it as your project's first impression - a chance to dazzle funders with the brilliance of your idea.

Crafting an Impactful Concept Note

research concept note outline

1. Project Title and Executive Summary

Crafting an attention-grabbing project title is akin to creating the perfect movie title - it should be both intriguing and reflective of your project's essence. For instance, a project aimed at empowering underprivileged youth might use a title like "Rising Stars: Illuminating Futures Through Education."

Complementing the title, the executive summary serves as an elevator pitch that succinctly presents your project's core objectives, target beneficiaries, and potential impact. Imagine this summary as the opening scene of your concept note - captivating funders from the very beginning.

2. Identifying the Problem and Solution

Begin by articulating the problem or societal challenge your project aims to address. Use data, statistics, or relevant case studies to substantiate the issue's significance. For instance, if your project aims to tackle food insecurity, highlight the rising number of families facing hunger in your target community.

Next, present a compelling solution that sets your project apart from others. Use storytelling techniques to narrate how your project will be the hero that saves the day. Showcase how your innovative solution is well-aligned with the needs of the community you aim to serve, leaving no doubt that your project is the key to overcoming the challenges at hand.

3. Target Beneficiaries and Impact Assessment

Clearly identify the primary beneficiaries of your project and offer an insightful understanding of their needs, aspirations, and struggles. Introduce the heroes of your story - the individuals or communities whose lives will be positively impacted by your project.

Present a robust impact assessment plan, outlining specific indicators you will use to measure success. For example, if your project aims to improve healthcare access, highlight how you will measure reduced mortality rates or increased life expectancy in the target community. Data-driven storytelling adds credibility to your concept note, making it a compelling read for potential funders.

4. Project Methodology and Activities

In this section, bring your concept note to life by elaborating on the methodology you will employ to achieve your project's objectives. Use vivid language to describe the key activities, timelines, and expected outputs. Imagine this section as the heart of your project, showcasing how each activity contributes to your initiative's overall success.

Demonstrate the feasibility and practicality of your project by explaining how you will manage potential challenges. For instance, if your project involves training programs, outline how you will ensure qualified trainers, assess learning outcomes, and continuously improve the program based on participant feedback.

5. Sustainability and Scalability

Funders are interested in projects that create a lasting impact beyond the funding period. Address the sustainability of your project by outlining how you plan to secure long-term resources. Consider exploring avenues such as partnerships, community engagement, or income-generating activities to ensure the continuity of your project.

Furthermore, discuss the potential for scalability, illustrating how successful outcomes can be expanded to benefit larger populations or replicated in other communities. Imagine this section as the promise of an enduring legacy - one that will continue to create ripples of positive change long after the initial funding ends.

6. Budget and Financial Plan

In this final piece of the puzzle, present a well-structured and transparent budget that accurately reflects the financial needs of your project. Think of the budget as the roadmap for your project's financial journey. Offer a detailed breakdown of estimated costs for each activity, ensuring that your budget aligns with your project's goals and expected outcomes. Justify your funding request, assuring funders that their investment will be used efficiently and responsibly.

Tips for Writing a Winning Concept Note

research concept note outline

1. Know Your Audience

Before embarking on your concept note, conduct thorough research on the funding organization or donor. Tailor your document to align with their specific funding priorities and requirements. Consider this step as the process of understanding the preferences and expectations of your audience - ensuring that your concept note resonates with their interests.

2. Be Clear and Concise

Remember, concept notes are typically brief, ranging from one to three pages. Craft your narrative with clarity, avoiding jargon or technical language that may hinder comprehension. Present the most critical aspects of your project with eloquence and impact, creating a compelling story that is easy to follow.

3. Demonstrate Expertise and Capacity

Build trust with funders by providing evidence of your organization's expertise and track record in implementing similar initiatives. Clearly articulate your team's capacity to execute the project successfully and manage potential challenges. Use past successes and testimonials from beneficiaries to illustrate your competence in making a difference.

4. Tell a Compelling Story

Infuse your concept note with compelling storytelling techniques, bringing your project's vision and passion to life. Engage funders emotionally while maintaining a logical and data-driven approach to your proposal. Imagine this tip as the art of weaving an unforgettable narrative that leaves funders eager to know more about your project.

5. Seek Feedback and Review

Before finalizing your concept note, seek feedback from peers, mentors, or experts in the field. Incorporate their suggestions to enhance the clarity and persuasiveness of your proposal. Treat this step as a collaborative process of refining your masterpiece, ensuring that every word and element is finely tuned for success.

Writing a compelling concept note is a powerful skill that can open doors to funding opportunities and turn your ambitious ideas into tangible projects. By understanding the purpose and elements of a concept note and implementing effective writing strategies, you can confidently pursue funding opportunities, secure resources, and make a tangible impact on the world.

Remember, each concept note is a unique opportunity to showcase your vision, creativity, and dedication to creating meaningful change. So take the leap, draft your concept note, and embark on your journey to transforming the world, one impactful project at a time. Armed with this step-by-step guide, you hold the key to unlocking funding support and turning your vision into a remarkable reality. Take a look at What Funders Look for in A Winning Concept Note to learn more about how to write your concept note.

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Enago Academy

Concept Papers in Research: Deciphering the blueprint of brilliance

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Concept papers hold significant importance as a precursor to a full-fledged research proposal in academia and research. Understanding the nuances and significance of a concept paper is essential for any researcher aiming to lay a strong foundation for their investigation.

Table of Contents

What Is Concept Paper

A concept paper can be defined as a concise document which outlines the fundamental aspects of a grant proposal. It outlines the initial ideas, objectives, and theoretical framework of a proposed research project. It is usually two to three-page long overview of the proposal. However, they differ from both research proposal and original research paper in lacking a detailed plan and methodology for a specific study as in research proposal provides and exclusion of the findings and analysis of a completed research project as in an original research paper. A concept paper primarily focuses on introducing the basic idea, intended research question, and the framework that will guide the research.

Purpose of a Concept Paper

A concept paper serves as an initial document, commonly required by private organizations before a formal proposal submission. It offers a preliminary overview of a project or research’s purpose, method, and implementation. It acts as a roadmap, providing clarity and coherence in research direction. Additionally, it also acts as a tool for receiving informal input. The paper is used for internal decision-making, seeking approval from the board, and securing commitment from partners. It promotes cohesive communication and serves as a professional and respectful tool in collaboration.

These papers aid in focusing on the core objectives, theoretical underpinnings, and potential methodology of the research, enabling researchers to gain initial feedback and refine their ideas before delving into detailed research.

Key Elements of a Concept Paper

Key elements of a concept paper include the title page , background , literature review , problem statement , methodology, timeline, and references. It’s crucial for researchers seeking grants as it helps evaluators assess the relevance and feasibility of the proposed research.

Writing an effective concept paper in academic research involves understanding and incorporating essential elements:

Elements of Concept Papers

How to Write a Concept Paper?

To ensure an effective concept paper, it’s recommended to select a compelling research topic, pose numerous research questions and incorporate data and numbers to support the project’s rationale. The document must be concise (around five pages) after tailoring the content and following the formatting requirements. Additionally, infographics and scientific illustrations can enhance the document’s impact and engagement with the audience. The steps to write a concept paper are as follows:

1. Write a Crisp Title:

Choose a clear, descriptive title that encapsulates the main idea. The title should express the paper’s content. It should serve as a preview for the reader.

2. Provide a Background Information:

Give a background information about the issue or topic. Define the key terminologies or concepts. Review existing literature to identify the gaps your concept paper aims to fill.

3. Outline Contents in the Introduction:

Introduce the concept paper with a brief overview of the problem or idea you’re addressing. Explain its significance. Identify the specific knowledge gaps your research aims to address and mention any contradictory theories related to your research question.

4. Define a Mission Statement:

The mission statement follows a clear problem statement that defines the problem or concept that need to be addressed. Write a concise mission statement that engages your research purpose and explains why gaining the reader’s approval will benefit your field.

5. Explain the Research Aim and Objectives:

Explain why your research is important and the specific questions you aim to answer through your research. State the specific goals and objectives your concept intends to achieve. Provide a detailed explanation of your concept. What is it, how does it work, and what makes it unique?

6. Detail the Methodology:

Discuss the research methods you plan to use, such as surveys, experiments, case studies, interviews, and observations. Mention any ethical concerns related to your research.

7. Outline Proposed Methods and Potential Impact:

Provide detailed information on how you will conduct your research, including any specialized equipment or collaborations. Discuss the expected results or impacts of implementing the concept. Highlight the potential benefits, whether social, economic, or otherwise.

8. Mention the Feasibility

Discuss the resources necessary for the concept’s execution. Mention the expected duration of the research and specific milestones. Outline a proposed timeline for implementing the concept.

9. Include a Support Section:

Include a section that breaks down the project’s budget, explaining the overall cost and individual expenses to demonstrate how the allocated funds will be used.

10. Provide a Conclusion:

Summarize the key points and restate the importance of the concept. If necessary, include a call to action or next steps.

Although the structure and elements of a concept paper may vary depending on the specific requirements, you can tailor your document based on the guidelines or instructions you’ve been given.

Here are some tips to write a concept paper:

Tips to Write Concept Paper

Example of a Concept Paper

Here is an example of a concept paper. Please note, this is a generalized example. Your concept paper should align with the specific requirements, guidelines, and objectives you aim to achieve in your proposal. Tailor it accordingly to the needs and context of the initiative you are proposing.

 Download Now!

Importance of a Concept Paper

Concept papers serve various fields, influencing the direction and potential of research in science, social sciences, technology, and more. They contribute to the formulation of groundbreaking studies and novel ideas that can impact societal, economic, and academic spheres.

A concept paper serves several crucial purposes in various fields:

Purpose of a Concept Paper

In summary, a well-crafted concept paper is essential in outlining a clear, concise, and structured framework for new ideas or proposals. It helps in assessing the feasibility, viability, and potential impact of the concept before investing significant resources into its implementation.

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Role of AI in Writing Concept Papers

The increasing use of AI, particularly generative models, has facilitated the writing process for concept papers. Responsible use involves leveraging AI to assist in ideation, organization, and language refinement while ensuring that the originality and ethical standards of research are maintained.

AI plays a significant role in aiding the creation and development of concept papers in several ways:

1. Idea Generation and Organization

AI tools can assist in brainstorming initial ideas for concept papers based on key concepts. They can help in organizing information, creating outlines, and structuring the content effectively.

2. Summarizing Research and Data Analysis

AI-powered tools can assist in conducting comprehensive literature reviews, helping writers to gather and synthesize relevant information. AI algorithms can process and analyze vast amounts of data, providing insights and statistics to support the concept presented in the paper.

3. Language and Style Enhancement

AI grammar checker tools can help writers by offering grammar, style, and tone suggestions, ensuring professionalism. It can also facilitate translation, in case a global collaboration.

4. Collaboration and Feedback

AI platforms offer collaborative features that enable multiple authors to work simultaneously on a concept paper, allowing for real-time contributions and edits.

5. Customization and Personalization

AI algorithms can provide personalized recommendations based on the specific requirements or context of the concept paper. They can assist in tailoring the concept paper according to the target audience or specific guidelines.

6. Automation and Efficiency

AI can automate certain tasks, such as citation formatting, bibliography creation, or reference checking, saving time for the writer.

7. Analytics and Prediction

AI models can predict potential outcomes or impacts based on the information provided, helping writers anticipate the possible consequences of the proposed concept.

8. Real-Time Assistance

AI-driven chat-bots can provide real-time support and answers to specific questions related to the concept paper writing process.

AI’s role in writing concept papers significantly streamlines the writing process, enhances the quality of the content, and provides valuable assistance in various stages of development, contributing to the overall effectiveness of the final document.

Concept papers serve as the stepping stone in the research journey, aiding in the crystallization of ideas and the formulation of robust research proposals. It the cornerstone for translating ideas into impactful realities. Their significance spans diverse domains, from academia to business, enabling stakeholders to evaluate, invest, and realize the potential of groundbreaking concepts.

Frequently Asked Questions

A concept paper can be defined as a concise document outlining the fundamental aspects of a grant proposal such as the initial ideas, objectives, and theoretical framework of a proposed research project.

A good concept paper should offer a clear and comprehensive overview of the proposed research. It should demonstrate a strong understanding of the subject matter and outline a structured plan for its execution.

Concept paper is important to develop and clarify ideas, develop and evaluate proposal, inviting collaboration and collecting feedback, presenting proposals for academic and research initiatives and allocating resources.

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Information is key to the guidelines of a concept paper

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Concept Note Template: How to write (with Samples)

A concept note is the shortest possible text requested by a donor giving information on the project idea. A concept note would also provide a framework of ideas for the NGOs, which are seeking funds. Using concept note template as a guide can make things simple, clear, and easier to understand.

Here are some sample concept notes to help you.

Training Concept Note

A Training Concept Note would give information on the training workshop. It would include background information along with statistics and in the end; it would describe briefly how the workshop would be of assistance. Using the note as a sample can be a good idea to get the information on content.

Training Concept Note

Sample Concept Note

Sample Concept Note

Project Concept Note

A project concept note would give information on the relevant background of the project. It would mention the name of the project. There would be the rationale of the project, brief description, and other relevant information. It would give the reader an idea on the structure of the concept note as well.

Project Concept Note

Product Concept Note

A product concept note as the name suggests would provide information on the product being launched or a service being introduced. It would highlight the target market, description of the product, and other important and relevant information about the product.

Product Concept Note

Concept Note PDF

Concept Note PDF

Conference Concept Note

A conference concept note would include information on a certain conference like when it would be, where it would be, for whom it would be, aims and objectives, and the benefits of the conference.

Conference Concept Note

Basic Concept Note

A Basic Concept Note is likely to highlight an important issue, for example, the importance of education for girls. It would support the arguments by providing the relevant data and how knowledge, education can be of great help to the girls of the modern age.

Basic Concept Note

Foundation Concept Note

Foundation Concept Note

Security Concept Note

Security Concept Note

Design Concept Note

A Design Concept Note would give information on the website of a certain client. It would discuss the colors and design of the site and other project details along with the name of the client.

Design Concept Note

Steps on how to write a concept note

  • Start the concept note with a title. The header section would include information like submitted by along with the date of submission. It is important to keep in mind that the title should be short; however, it would be such that it reflects information about the project.
  • Mention the background of the issue, which you are trying to address and possibly solve. Introduce the idea. Mention statistics to address the issue and define the root cause of the problem. It would be wise to provide references in order to support the statistics.
  • Write the objectives and the goal, which you want to achieve through this project.
  • Mention the expected results. It would be wise to use statistics.
  • Mention the required budget for the project; however, the information should be comprehensive and not very detailed.

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Chapter 7: Guidelines for Developing Concept Notes

These aspects—problems, approaches and objectives—form concepts , the foundations upon which more detailed projects can later be proposed and developed. When agreement on these concepts is reached, then, both the selected country and MCC can confidently add staff and release other technical resources for the next stage of the compact development process, in which the agreed approaches will be developed into a set of specific activities and investments. The selected country will present these to MCC in detailed Project Proposals (as described in Chapter 9).

Taken together, Concept Notes create an opportunity for dialogue between the Compact Development Team and MCC about the purpose, direction, and scope of the proposed compact program well before substantial amounts of time, funding or other resources are invested. This dialogue should help focus the proposed compact program on the most critical issues or problems among those that the selected country has examined and proposed. It should also build agreement on the specific core problem(s) the most promising or viable approaches to address these problems, and the corresponding objective that these approaches aim to achieve.

The remainder of this chapter describes in more detail the rationale, required content, and process of review for Concept Notes.

  • Pinpoint a core problem that the selected country wants to resolve through a compact program, articulate it in a clear problem statement , explain how it relates to one (or more) of the binding constraints identified in the constraints analysis, and describe its extent and its impact on key populations;
  • Explain the underlying root causes of the core problem and provide data and evidence that demonstrate a full understanding of their impact, importance and weight;
  • Present a broad outline or strategic approach that the selected country expects to pursue in resolving the core problem;
  • Identify the primary objective that selected country expects to achieve by addressing the core problem and articulate it in a clear objective statement ;
  • Offer a clear theory of change that explains the cause-and-effect process by which the strategic approach, if implemented, will address root causes and resolve the core problem; decrease costs, add value or increase incomes among targeted beneficiaries; and thereby contribute to MCC’s objectives of stimulating long-term sustainable economic growth and reducing poverty;
  • Provide additional context on the selected country’s existing strategies, plans and policy and institutional reform goals to address the core problem, as well as the success or failure of any recent activities undertaken by the selected country’s government, international development agencies, or other organizations.

Selection of Concept Notes

In cases where the constraints analysis identifies cross-cutting issues or where two or more of the binding constraints to economic growth are very closely intertwined, the selected country may also identify core problems that address more than one constraint simultaneously. These may also be developed into Concept Notes for submission to MCC.

Required content and sources of information

In addition to these sources, the Compact Development Team is also encouraged to reach out to economic planning and development specialists, academics, researchers, sector specialists, private companies, consultants and international development agencies to collect data, reports, assessments and other information that will help shed light on similar experiences in other countries, lessons learned from prior efforts to address the problem, international best practices, and any other project work that is ongoing or planned for implementation in the near future.

These sources of information should allow the Compact Development Team to define a core problem that drives or contributes heavily to a particular binding constraint to economic growth, and to define a broad strategic approach that will address the root causes and resolve the core problem. The information should also allow the Compact Development Team to articulate a clear primary objective that it expects to achieve by resolving the core problem, including how the objective will stimulate economic growth and reduce poverty.

In drafting its Concept Notes, the Compact Development Team should take care to present the required information in the template for Concept Notes, in form and substance similar to the template attached below. Concept Notes should be written in a concise manner that focuses squarely on the argumentation, information and data that MCC requests without a substantial amount of additional information. To ensure that MCC is able to undertake its own review and assessment efficiently, each Concept Note should be between five (5) to ten (10) standard pages. If absolutely essential, a limited amount of supplemental information may be added to each Concept Note in the form of attachments or appendices.

To supplement this guidance, MCC can provide the selected country with helpful materials, such as a list of guiding questions and an example of a well-written Concept Note.

MCC review and assessment

MCC’s review and assessment will be based on the clarity, depth and coherence of the contents, as well as the likelihood that a project based on the concept will meet MCC’s criteria for investing MCC resources, commonly known as the “ MCC Investment Criteria ”. The MCC Investment Criteria require that each project:

  • Aims to alleviate root causes of a binding constraint. MCC expects the compact programs it supports to reduce the most critical impediments to a selected country’s long-term economic growth, as identified in the constraints analysis. To encourage such a focus at this early stage, MCC will examine each Concept Note to ensure that it reflects a complete understanding of a binding constraint; identifies a core problem that is critical to resolving the binding constraint and specifies its root causes, as supported by data, evidence and economic development experience; outlines an approach that will comprehensively address root causes and thereby resolve the core problem; sets a reasonable primary objective; and presents a clear, logical theory of change that explains how resolving the core problem will achieve the objective and lead to long-term economic growth.
  • Generates high economic returns: MCC expects each project it supports to generate economic benefits that significantly exceed its costs. To encourage projects that have a high likelihood of generating positive economic returns, MCC will examine each Concept Note to ensure that it identifies and explains potential benefit streams that are likely to reduce costs, add value or increase incomes; that are likely to be broadly shared; that can be measured; and that economic development experience suggests may outweigh costs. MCC does not expect detailed calculations of the cost-benefit ratio or the economic rate of return at this time.
  • Allows full implementation within a five-year compact term: MCC’s compact programs are strictly limited to an implementation period of no more than five years. To prevent further work on concepts that are unlikely to meet this tight timeline, MCC will look closely at this early stage at the nature and complexity of the proposed concepts; the selected country’s implementation experience and management capacity; the quality of the existing institutional framework in the selected country; and lessons learned from international work in similar sectors, among other factors.
  • Represents country ownership of both the problem and the solution(s): MCC believes that economic development assistance is most effective when it strengthens the relationship between a selected country’s government and its citizens, reflects the selected country’s own priorities, and augments the impact of other development projects and plans. To reinforce this belief, MCC will review the compact development process and examine each Concept Note to ensure that the proposed concepts reflect a commitment of political and economic resources from the selected country; incorporate timely, participatory and meaningful consultations with civil society and the private sector; link closely to the selected country’s poverty alleviation, economic development and sector investment plans; and take account of the experiences and plans of other international development partners.
  • Complies with the MCC Environmental Guidelines and the MCC Gender Policy: MCC recognizes that economic growth and poverty alleviation can only be achieved when the natural environment is protected and the participation of women, the poor and disadvantaged social groups is ensured. In accordance with its Environmental Guidelines and Gender Policy, MCC will examine each Concept Note at this early stage to ensure that gender, social and environmental considerations have been fully taken into account, particularly with public consultations and the root cause analysis.
  • Supports the long-term sustainability of results: MCC expects its compact programs to continue providing benefits to selected countries long after a five-year compact program comes to a close. To do so, compact programs must be designed and implemented for long-term sustainability. At this stage, MCC will examine each Concept Note for indications that problems can be addressed and solutions sustained over the long-term, with particular emphasis on the selected country’s willingness to address institutional, regulatory, legal and policy issues that may contribute to inefficiencies or reduce benefits.

As a general rule, MCC will provide detailed, written feedback to the Compact Development Team within six to eight weeks after it receives a formal submission of the Concept Note(s). In its feedback, MCC will identify the core problems, primary objectives and strategic approaches or frameworks that, in MCC’s assessment, represent the greatest opportunities for further development. MCC is also likely to identify questions and concerns that the Compact Development Team should explore and address as it begins to develop more detailed Project Proposals in the next stage of the compact development process. In some cases, MCC may recommend removing certain elements of a concept or an entire concept from further consideration, if not supported by adequate evidence or sound logic, not likely to meet the MCC investment criteria, or otherwise incompatible with MCC’s model. In other cases, MCC may offer recommendations to strengthen the definition of the core problem, the framing the primary objective, or refine the scope of the broad approach, or concept, based on its experience with the design and implementation of complex economic development projects.

Concept Note Writing - A Guide

"Everything Begins with an Idea", is a quote famously said by - Earl Nightingale who was also known as the “Dean of Personal Development". For a nonprofit organization to even take shape, it is necessary for an individual(s) to identify a problem and try to solve it through innovation and developmental ideas. Visualizing what you would like your organization to be doing, its future, and using that script as the starting point for focusing your time, energies, and resources on creating it are how most projects are created and plans are drawn to work on them. But ideas and projects only take shape when they are communicated well and to the right people. This is where we come across procedures such as concept note-writing. 

Nonprofit organizations , most of the time, find themselves knee-deep in organizational matters or on the field, catering to the needs of their beneficiaries. This can leave them with little to no room for drafting a winning project proposal or spending the right amount of time introducing their ideas through writing. In this blog, we aim at explaining what a concept note is, its importance, and how your nonprofit organization can leverage a good concept note to secure grants for your projects. 

Before we go any further, let us look at what constitutes a concept note.

What Is A Concept Note?

A concept note is a synopsis of a proposal that gives a brief explanation of the project's concept and the goals that will be pursued. In order to determine whether the proposed project is in alignment with the program's aims and to weed out concepts that are unlikely to be financed, funding agencies may request a concept note before a full proposal is submitted. Concept Notes are also given to Donors who wish to understand a project through a concise summary rather than a whole proposal paper.

To put it simply, it is the first document where you can introduce your idea for a project to your potential funders and donors in the shortest manner possible, yet capturing the essence of your idea. This way you will be saving your readers and potential funders from any unnecessary details while also helping them understand your intentions and how your idea/project can make a difference. 

What Is A Project Proposal?

A project proposal is a 5 to 20 page document that aims to answer important concerns about a specific project. A project proposal succinctly outlines the objectives of your project, their significance, and your plans for achieving them.

The proposal details the project's implementation strategy, providing in-depth details on the project's goals, methods of implementation, methods of management, and expected outcomes.

Importance Of A Concept Note

An NGO and a donor agency can establish an early professional interaction regarding a project to be carried out with the aid of a Concept Note, which is a crucial marketing document. It presents a case for what you intend to do in a broader sense.

Concept notes can be extremely crucial because of how much time they can save, both for the NGOs applying and the donors. They don't require as much time to write as a comprehensive proposal because they are significantly shorter. They are also much less comprehensive, allowing NGOs to modify the proposed project even after filing. Concept notes are also popular with donors since they are simpler to read, and share the essence of the project through a concise summary.

NGOs frequently mistake concept notes for brief proposals. However, a concept note does not specifically request funds, unlike a proposal. Instead, its objective is to capture a donor's interest and ignite a conversation. Ideally, this conversation will subsequently assist the applying group in creating a strong proposal that has a higher chance of being financed.

Some donors may also want a letter of inquiry in place of a concept note. Though they resemble each other greatly, concept notes seldom employ letter formatting.

research concept note outline

Benefits of Concept Notes For NGOs

When organizing thoughts on paper, concept notes effectively provide a framework, which has several benefits for securing funding. Additionally, it serves as the project's initial statement and provides the organization with the freedom to refine an idea before presenting it to a donor. Before submitting a formal proposal, concept papers allow donors to make an assessment of whether the proposed project is in line with their financing priorities and to make ideas to the applicant. A full project proposal can be prepared in less time and with fewer resources because a concept note is substantially shorter than a full project proposal.

The Structure Of A Concept Note

While a concept note is usually asked for by most funding organizations and donors before laying eyes on the actual project proposal and plans, having a project proposal handy in case your concept note is approved can help tremendously. Even though there is no set rule on whether the concept note should be prepared before or after the project proposal is ready, having both documents on hand when submitting your concept note is advised.

The type and length of a concept note are actually dictated by the donor organization. Donors typically don't have the same format for a concept note as they do for a complete proposal. However, some organizations publish requests for concept notes based on a standard format specified in their funding proposal criteria. In general, it's critical to keep in mind that the project idea should be presented in the lowest amount of language possible. The shorter, the better, then! Most donor organizations require between three and five pages, minimum.

The Format Of A Concept Note

An introduction, a background on the project, project objectives, a financial overview, and anticipated results are often included in a basic version of a Concept Note. Ideally, summaries should be no more than two to three pages long, unless the donor organization specifically wants more. Remember that the note should be brief so as not to saturate the donor with details. You also don't want to come out as confused or evasive regarding the objectives of your NGO. Any more details, such as your organization's profile, might be annexed or supplied at the funding agency's request.

The objective of a Concept Note is to highlight the most important aspects of the project, even if there is no set format to use. In order to help the donor understand the organization and the project, you should give details. The following information is crucial to a good concept note:

The Proposed Project's Title: The title should be concise, catchy, and unique in order to convey the project's or idea's essence.

Description of the Organization: A concise description of the organization's mission and the goals it wishes to accomplish. 

Information/Background (in about 300 words):   Explain what the underlying issues and bottlenecks are and why the issue should be addressed.

The justification for the Proposed Project: Include the significance of your project, the reasoning for the implementation strategy chosen, and why your organization is the best fit to carry out this project.

Why is this Project Unique: Features of the project that make the donors feel like you need funding. Mention the project's beneficiaries and effects, if any. Highlight what is unique about your project as this will interest the donors.

Although most concept notes may not have this section, if you include it, it will create a positive effect on the donor agency.

The objectives of the project: Mention the clear and precise project goals and objectives that have been established and include them in the action plan.

Expected Outcomes: These may include both tangible outputs, intangible benefits as an outcome and should be closely tied to the project's goals. Also mention the impact these outcomes will lead to.

Budget Estimates: Give a summary of the necessary inputs, as well as the price of employing personnel, purchasing machinery and supplies, paying for trips and accommodations, and more.

Prospective Donor/Benefactor:   Take into consideration what the donor organization's objectives are and highlight how your project aligns with their priorities.

Contact information of the nonprofit: This includes the name and phone number of the person who will serve as the donor's primary point of contact.

A Concept Note can be created in a few hours or over the course of a few days, depending on the project type being pursued or the humanitarian initiatives being addressed. Nonprofits can emphasize their objectives, social responsibility, and project ramifications. To cover the project's primary details, nevertheless, appropriate research must be done. In other instances, seasoned planners create in-depth notes and meet with project stakeholders to make notes that are more inclusive.

research concept note outline

Some tips to keep in mind when creating a concept note

  • Don't swamp the reader with information. However, try to avoid coming across as uncertain or unclear about your goals.
  • Think about your audience. The needs of various donors and financing organizations will vary. Your request will only be considered if your concept note fits into the donor's priorities.
  • Find out as much as you can about the organization's goals, "hot subjects," and interests before sending the concept message.
  • Keep your language in mind. Scientific jargon and technical phrases may be allowed if your idea paper will be evaluated by scientists in your field. However, this kind of wording won't successfully convey your thoughts if your proposal is being read by amateurs or generalists.
  • Only include budgetary information if it is specifically requested by the donor or reader. 
  • There is value in appearance. This idea paper is a reflection of you. The margins should be uniform in size, and the type should be large enough to read without difficulty.
  • Before submitting, make sure the spelling is correct. It's critical to pay attention to details. Count each page. Put the date and your name in the header. Along with the concept paper, including your contact details.

To Conclude

Before submitting a comprehensive proposal, many private donor agencies request that a concept paper be submitted for assessment. The usage of concept papers as a mechanism for candidates to get informal feedback on their ideas and projects before creating a proposal has recently been encouraged by international and state bodies. We are confident that by using this information on Concept Notes in this post, you will be able to create a strong concept note for your upcoming proposals.

At Chezuba , we understand the heavy lifting and organizational pressures nonprofit organizations face, and thus, we offer an online volunteering platform for nonprofits to avail the services of world-class professionals. With the volunteering being online, you can reach volunteers from across the globe to help you write a great concept note and various other skill-based volunteering projects. Sign up with Chezuba today and post a project with us to further your mission of making a difference.

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How to Write a Concept Note for Research

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Note Taking in College: Home


One of the most essential skills in college is note taking. While there are many different methods, the most successful students tend to combine different approaches that best fit their approach to learning. When most of us picture note taking, we see it in a classroom lecture setting. Taking notes can be as helpful when reading a textbook or journal article as well being a great way to chart your way through writing a report or giving a presentation. Let's focus on a few of the methods of note taking. 

  • Outline Method

Cornell Method

  • Charting Method
  • Mind/Concept Mapping

W rite headings on the left side.   Headings indicate the start of a new topic or idea. For example, we might call this part of the outline 'Note Taking".

Write subheadings indented to the right of the heading. Subheadings are an idea or topic that falls under the main topic. For example, the Outline Method is one of five sections in this presentation. The other subheadings are the Cornell Method, the Matrix Method and Concept Mapping.

Indent to the right of the subheading to add points.  Points are thoughts or facts that support the subheading.

Indent again to the right of the points to create Sub-points . These are additional details that are helpful in understanding the point that you have added to your notes.

Create new headings for different topics or new subheadings for ideas that relate to your current heading .

Works well in classes that have structured lectures and readings with clear headings and subheadings.

Use of indenting and grouping shows relationships between information.

Headings provide an active recall cue for study questions.

Works well for online learning and taking notes on a computer.


Easy to result in thoughtless recording of everything the professor says. 

Needs student to maintain organization as the class progresses. 

May be less effective in science, technology, and math (STEM) classes.

Method may be difficult to use in fast-paced classes or with unstructured lectures.

Best Used W hen

Class is presented using PowerPoints and other slide-based methods.

There is little time in class to decide on how to organize information.

When you re-write your notes in a different format to study for tests

The Cornell Method is useful for taking for taking notes in class, making notes from textbooks and with online resources. 

Set up your note page.  Divide your page into 3 sections. Put a column for cues on the left and notes on the right. Place a Summar y section at the bottom of the page.

Begin in the Notes Column . Use it to take notes as you normally would.

Fill in the Cue Column . The cues are questions, key terms and headings that relate to the Notes Column.

Fill in the Summary section . The summary should have one or two learning outcomes base on your notes and cues.  

Allows recording and reviewing notes in one location.

Fast highlighting of concepts and ideas

Enables reflection on material while taking notes.


Takes more work and time to process cues and questions.

Note column may not provide enough space.

Best Used For

Keeping class notes and study notes together on same page(s)

Allows more time to focus on class discussions over note taking.

Allows student to practice summarizing information. This can be helpful in studying for short answer or essay tests.


The Charting Method is a method for condensing and organizing notes. It uses columns and rows to organize and summarize notes and other information such as textbook chapters. 

Identify Categories and Topics.  Doing this will require that you read over your class notes, textbook assignments, PowerPoints etc. Determine what the main topic(s) are. What are the subtopics? How do the categories of information compare between the subtopics?

Set up your spreadsheet or chart before class. Use columns to set up information categories and rows subtopics. Be sure to add an extra column at the far right to accommodate extra notes and information that may not fit in the categories.

Write information in corresponding column.  As you listen to the lecture, add words and phrases, main ideas to the column.

Helps to quickly identify most important information.

Requires less writing in class. 

Simplifies memorization of facts and understanding of how topics relate to each other.

Great way to review and sort through handwritten class notes.


Requires prep work before class.

Not very flexible 

Not always suited to STEM type class instruction. 

Hard to manage when class instruction is fast-paced and/or unstructured.

Being   tested on facts and their relationships.

Complex content that is presented quickly. 

Saving time by needing less reviewing and editing when studying for a test.

Provides a broad overview of a class in one spot.

Mind or Concept Mapping  is a visual method for making connections between large quantities of information without writing out long notes or paragraphs. 

Identify the main topic of the day's class. Do some brainstorming about the topic using your textbook, course readings and other sources including your own experiences,

Organize the information into subtopics and main points. Use the main topic of the class as the center of your map. Create branches that link out to the subtopics. Connect key points to the subtopics that will be important to remember.

Review the map and look for more connections.  Use arrows, symbols or even colors to show relationships between ideas and information.

Revise or redraw the map as you learn new material and make connections . 

Advantages :

Creates a visual aid for studying.

Assists with brainstorming and recording ideas. 

Shows relationships between topics and helps with retaining information.


Need to distinguish between facts and thoughts.

Needs to be used along with other note taking methods. 

Needs strong concentration to be used during a class.

Details are easily missed particularly when dealing with complex subjects.

Class lecture content that is well-organized and focused.

Study of a concept with many categories and subcategories all linking back to a central concept.

research concept note outline

Outline Notes Template

research concept note outline

Cornell Method Template

research concept note outline

Mind Mapping Template

Examples of note taking.

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  • Mind Mapping

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research proposal is a comprehensive plan for a research project. It is a written description of a research plan that has to be undertaken. It determines the specific areas of research, states the purpose, scope, methodology, overall organization and limitations of the study. It also estimates its requirements for equipment (if necessary), finance and possible personnel.

Aksha Memon

A research proposal is a pre-written document which gives an overview of the research tactics. It gives a general idea of the objectives to be achieved and the ways and means to achieve it. Writing research proposal is however a challenging feat. Due to lack of clear guidance from any source, there are many substandard research proposals which are placed before evaluation committee. The researcher came across various people who had no clear understanding of the process and structure of research proposal or research design. This problem has led the researcher to develop a framework to guide the prospective researchers in framing their research design based on the following research questions.1) what is the procedure of writing the research proposal 2) what are the components of the research proposal.So, to give a clear picture about the problem the paper is divided into two parts I) Procedure of writing the research proposal II) Components of the research proposal. The procedure for writing the research proposal is discussed with regards to: 1) Identifying the problem 2) Deciding on the topic 3) Deciding the locale of study 4) Deciding on the data needs 5) Planning the source of data collection 6) Plotting down ways to collect data 7) Identifying methods for analyzing data collection 8) Establishing a basis for designing the Proposal. While the components of research proposal are discussed with regards to : 1) Cover page 2) Abstract 3) Keywords 4) Introduction 5) Review of literature 6) Statement of problem 7) Objectives of the study 8) Hypothesis of the study 9) Period of study 10) Methodology 11) Data analysis 12) Limitation of the study 13) Chapter framework 14) References 15) Appendices.

christopher Boateng

Nadia Mayahi

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Sara Gesuato

Fred Ntedika Mvumbi

Indrajit Goswami PhD

Dr. Moses Gweyi

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    Defining a Concept Note •A concept note is a brief document that presents brief summary of the proposed research. •It is a pre-proposal document with no more than three pages (preferably two pages). •This documents presents key details about the research, such as: •the rationale •research question •aim and objections •methodology

  2. How to Write a Concept Note: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Step 1: Research and Preparation. Before you start writing your concept note, it is important to conduct thorough research on the problem you are seeking to address, the target audience, and the available resources. This will help you to develop a comprehensive understanding of the project and its requirements.

  3. PDF concept note outline

    GUIDELINE FOR RESEARCH CONCEPT NOTE The following elements shall apply when writing your Research Concept Note 1. Title of Proposed Study 2. Introduction 3. Statement of the Problem 4. General and Specific Objectives of the Study ... Microsoft Word - concept_note_outline.docx Created Date: 3/23/2021 9:21:49 AM ...

  4. Guidelines to Develop Concept Note for Research Students/ Ph.D

    PDF | This is an attempt to outline to frame concept note to conduct research. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

  5. PDF Guidelines to preparing a research concept note

    A five-to-ten-page concept note is sufficient in most cases. The concept note is prepared as part of the application to provisional admission and needs to be uploaded as part of the application material on SUNStudent. Candidates that are provisionally admitted, will work with their academic supervisors to prepare a full doctoral proposal that ...

  6. PDF A guide to developing concept outlines for proposed studies

    providing a framework for writing a concept outline for a proposed study. A . concept outline. is a preliminary account of the plan for a project. The purpose of a concept outline is to provide a brief, clear summary that helps readers understand, discuss, refine and support (we hope) a proposed study. The key readers of an outline for a proposed s

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    Write to your audience. A concept paper is a piece of academic writing, so use a professional tone. Avoid colloquialisms, slang, and other conversational language. Your concept paper should use the same tone and style as your accompanying research paper. Write according to your reader's familiarity with the subject of your concept paper.

  8. PDF Guidelines for Writing Concept Notes, Proposals, Research Reports

    "Concept Note" means an outline of the research proposal of 3 to 5 pages (including references). "Dissertation" means an academic writing that presents the author's research and findings and is submitted in support of partial fulfilment of candidature for a degree or professional qualification. Dissertations shall be

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    The title of the proposed study is the first element of a concept paper. The title should describe what the study is about by highlighting the variables of the study and the relationship between the variables if applicable. The title should be short and specific: it is best to have a title that is not more than 15 words' long.

  10. PDF Types of concept paper

    Concept Notes. A concept paper/note is a brief paper written around a research question before undertaking the research. It can be seen as a pre-proposal document that is about two or three pages in length providing key details about the research, such as the question, purpose, and methods. The paper allows your supervisor or funders to gauge ...

  11. PDF University of South Africa

    Determine whether your research is aligned with their own interests and experience. Whether there is capacity in the research group to accommodate your study Writing a concept note will assist you in clarifying your ideas, defining your research topic and presenting the material in a logical and coherent manner.

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    The main objective of a concept note is to capture the attention of potential funders, enticing them to invite you to submit a comprehensive project proposal. Imagine the concept note as your project's golden ticket, granting you access to a world of funding opportunities. Concept notes serve as an essential screening mechanism for both funders ...

  13. How to write a concept paper with practical sample by Dr Lango

    follow these steps: 1. Concept paper title. Every pa per must have a title and concept paper is not left out as one needs to have a title that. summarizes what the paper is about. The title should ...

  14. PDF Appendix 2.1: Concept Note Template

    The Concept Note is a description of the research project idea, using this template. The description must not exceed 4 A4 pages excluding basic information (table 1) using Verdana font size 9 and 1.5 spacing. ... Outline the major outcomes and the expected policy/legislative, societal and economic impacts of the research project] 6. Scale up


    4. The fourth section, Support or Budget, contains either (1) an outline of the main budget categories for the requested project support or (2) a single bottom-line amount of the request and a brief discussion of how that amount will be used. Some concept papers may not even include an amount requested. 5.


    APPENDIX ICONCEPT NOTE: FORMAT AND EVALUATIONCall for Proposals is now in two stages: first, the submission of a Concept Note that briefly describes the research project idea or concept; next, submission of the. ull application form after initial evaluation. These concept notes will be evaluated; and the best concept notes will be selected and ...

  17. Concept Papers in Research: Deciphering the blueprint of brilliance

    Mention the expected duration of the research and specific milestones. Outline a proposed timeline for implementing the concept. 9. Include a Support Section: ... Here is an example of a concept paper. Please note, this is a generalized example. Your concept paper should align with the specific requirements, guidelines, and objectives you aim ...

  18. Concept Note Template: How to write (with Samples)

    In order to write a concept note, the following steps would be useful: Start the concept note with a title. The header section would include information like submitted by along with the date of submission. It is important to keep in mind that the title should be short; however, it would be such that it reflects information about the project.

  19. Chapter 7: Guidelines for Developing Concept Notes

    Each Concept Note should explain the core problem and its root causes, offer a broad outline or strategic approach designed to resolve or address it, and define the primary objective. These aspects—problems, approaches and objectives—form concepts , the foundations upon which more detailed projects can later be proposed and developed.

  20. Blog

    Concept Note Writing - A Guide. "Everything Begins with an Idea", is a quote famously said by - Earl Nightingale who was also known as the "Dean of Personal Development". For a nonprofit organization to even take shape, it is necessary for an individual (s) to identify a problem and try to solve it through innovation and developmental ideas.

  21. How to Write a Concept Note for Research

    Postgraduate Concept Paper Template A concept paper is meant to give your Department an idea of your area of research interest in order to avail the necessary assistance for you to develop a research proposal. Be as specific as possible in providing information. The Structure of a Concept Note; 1. Title of Proposed Study: 2. Area of Study: 3.

  22. Home

    For example, we might call this part of the outline 'Note Taking". Write subheadings indented to the right of the heading. Subheadings are an idea or topic that falls under the main topic. For example, the Outline Method is one of five sections in this presentation. The other subheadings are the Cornell Method, the Matrix Method and Concept ...


    The concept note will have the following five main elements: Title of your study Background of the study Problem statement Research objectives Research questions A. Title of your study The title of study originates from the discipline of your studies, that is we expect a BAF student to focus on Accounting and Finance related disciplines and BBA ...