Overview of forms and templates

Application and admission.

  • Contract for admission to the PhD programme (docx)

Contract with an external party (docx)

Agreement concerning institute affiliation (docx)  

Agreement for third party cooperation with UiO/OUS/company for Industrial PhD (docx)

Agreement for two party cooperation between UiO and public company for Public Sector PhD (docx)  

Project description (docx)

Peer review of PhD project (docx)

Start-up and development meetings

  • Start-up and development meetings (formerly called performance appraisals): report (docx)

Mid-term evaluation

  • The candidate’s self-report (docx)
  • Mid-term evaluation protocol (docx)  
  • Mid-term evaluation - routine description (docx)  
  • Application for extension (docx)
  • Application for corona extension (docx)

Educational component

  • Application for approval of the educational component (docx)
  • Research period at an institution abroad (docx)  


  • Contract for the change of supervisors (docx)  

Thesis, evaluation and public defence

  • Application for evaluation of thesis for the degree of PhD (docx)
  • Co-author declaration (docx)  
  • Declaration of procured permits (docx)
  • Proposal for evaluation committee and chair of the defence (docx)  
  • Declaration of impartiality (docx)  
  • Title of the trial lecture (docx)
  • Summary (docx)

Voluntary termination

  • Voluntary termination (docx)

Doctoral thesis

PhD candidates’ faculty or department will cover the cost of printing a specific number of thesis copies. You can also order extra copies for private use in the same order without VAT.

Order printing

There are two different ways you can order the printing of your PhD thesis:

  • Send the thesis as a PDF file to [email protected] .
  • Hand in the PDF file on a USB flash drive to the Graphic Centre (opening times are Monday to Friday, 9 am to 3 pm). See map .

Requisition form

Candidates, together with the faculty or institute, need to complete a requisition form in order to print their doctoral thesis. You can download the requisition form from Graphic Centre's web store.

  • The candidate must fill out all the fields marked green. The blue fields must be filled out by the faculty or institute. Submit the form in Excel format together with your PhD files. 

File format and dimensions

  • The thesis and attachments must be submitted to the Graphic Centre as PDF files in A4 format.
  • Note that most theses are printed in the format 17x24 cm. This corresponds to around 81% of A4. The Graphic Centre will scale down your files.
  • LaTeX users: Please submit in A4 format.

Cover page, title page, summary, photo of the candidate and colophon page

  • UiO uses standardised cover pages. Candidates are not permitted to use their own design for the cover page.
  • Candidate's name
  • Thesis title and subtitle
  • The UiO unit of the candidate
  • Year of public defence
  • ISSN/ISBN number
  • Abstract for the back page (max. 1200 characters including spaces)
  • Photo of the candidate for the back page (formats: jpg/tiff/png/psd)
  • If submission occurs in one year and the public defence follows the year after, the UiO cover will show year of defence.
  • The Graphic Centre has the ISSN series for all faculties apart from Faculty of Dentistry and Medicine, who submits a unique number from their ISBN series on the requisition form.

Printing costs to be covered by candidate

Copies for private use can be ordered at the same time as the main order. Specify the number of private copies in the requisition form.

Printing costs to be invoiced

The printing of additional copies can be invoiced, but you must give all invoice details in the requisition form. 

Print time and delivery

  • You need to submit the order 4–5 weeks before the public defence.
  • You will receive the cover page and a print file via e-mail for approval. Send the approval to [email protected]
  • The faculty/institute will receive the printed thesis 2 weeks before the public defence.
  • Any private copies can be collected from the Graphic Centre.  See map .

The requisiton form will automatically calculate the total cost. 

Please note that VAT is added to all additional orders.

  • The faculty/institute covers a specific number of copies. Contact your department to find out how many.
  • Extra copies must be paid by card or Vipps upon collection, or you may request an invoice to be sent. Remember to give complete invoice information.

DUO Research Archive

  • The University of Oslo recommends that all candidates upload their thesis digitally in the DUO Research Archive.
  • When you make your thesis available in DUO, it involves duties and responsibilities for both UiO and you as the author .  
  • The Graphic Centre can also upload the thesis upon request.
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Place your order

Orders covered by your unit, additional orders.

Private orders

If you have any questions, please contact the Graphic Centre: [email protected]

Thesis, evaluation and public defence - PhD

Thesis: requirements and guidelines.

  • PhD Regulations
  • Information on resources and library services
  • Scope, length, language
  • Article-based theses
  • Requirements and duties in relation to supervision

Submission and printing of the thesis

  • Before submission
  • Where do you submit the thesis?
  • What is the submission format?
  • Template for submission
  • Rejected thesis – resubmission
  • What happens after you submit?
  • Who performs the adjudication?
  • How long does it take?
  • When does the adjudication take place?
  • The recommendation
  • How and in what format do you receive the result?
  • How do you appeal?

Trial lecture and public defence

  • Preparations for trial lecture and public defence
  • Trial lecture and information about adjudication
  • Public defence and information about adjudication

Doctoral dinner and conferral of the PhD degree

  • Tips on holding a PhD dinner
  • Conferral and PhD diploma

Information for the chair of the defence and for the evaluation committee

  • Information for the chair of the defence
  • Information for the evaluation committee

Research proposal - template

Template for research proposals in connection with applications for a position as postdoc, PhD candidate or researcher

All research proposals must be based on this template. Research proposals must not exceed 14,000 characters including spaces.

Applications with a research proposal longer than 14,000 characters will not be considered.  

Title of the project

  • Main objective and summary of the project (Present the main objective of your project and a brief summary, explaining how you intend to attain this goal. The purpose is to give the reader sufficient information to decide whether the project is of interest.)
  • Background to the project (Provide a brief account of the existing knowledge in the field the project is part of and show how the project will contribute to new knowledge. Explain how your project is relevant to the research at the Faculty of Humanities – for individual researchers, research groups or projects.)
  • Theoretical framework (Outline the theoretical foundation of the project and the reasons you have chosen this particular foundation.)
  • Research question(s) and expected findings (hypothesis) (Describe the question(s) you want to answer through your project, and briefly outline what answer(s) you expect to find on the basis of previous research and theoretical background. Your research questions and hypotheses should focus and delimit the topic.)
  • Methods and research ethics (Give an account of the methodological foundation for your project. Discuss any research-ethical problems linked to the project with reference to the Guidelines for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences and the Humanities . Describe the underlying data and source material that will be used and how these will be collected and analysed)
  • Proposed dissemination (Outline your proposed outputs: your plans for communicating / publishing your project – articles, monographs, lectures, etc.)
  • Progress plan (Outline briefly how you intend to organise your work over the duration of the project, including any planned or anticipated periods of study/as a guest researcher outside the University of Oslo and/or field work. For PhD: We do not expect you to know about individual courses, seminars, etc. that will be included in the training component.)

Total: no more than 14,000 characters (including spaces). It is up to you to decide how they are distributed among the different sections of the research proposal. In addition, your research proposal may also include:

  • Literature references (max 3,000 characters) (The reference list must be sorted alphabetically by author.)

To count the number of characters in a text in MS Word, go to Review, and select Word Count. 14,000 characters with spaces is just under five pages of text written in Times, 12 point type, with one and a half line spacing.

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An NTNU thesis LaTeX document class for bachelor, master, and PhD theses


Folders and files.

55 Commits

Repository files navigation


CoPCSE@NTNU – Community of Practice for Computer Science Education at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology – is an informal forum for lecturers in computer science and related fields across campuses and departments.

The current repository provides a LaTeX thesis template that should in principle be applicable for theses at all study levels – bachelor, master and PhD. It is closely based on the standard LaTeX report document class with added packages and customisations. The purpose of the document provided in thesis.tex is threefold. It should serve (i) as a description of the document class, (ii) as an example of how to use it, and (iii) as a thesis template.

The template does not have any official status, and it is not a general NTNU-level requirement to use it. It replaces previous templates like https://github.com/COPCSE-NTNU/bachelor-thesis-NTNU and https://github.com/COPCSE-NTNU/master-theses-NTNU .

You can use the template with Overleaf , and you are strongly encouraged to do so. The alternative is to install local copy of LaTeX on your laptop (not adviced, huge, difficult).

You should fork the CoPCSE repo so that you have your own files to edit and you can always merge with the upstream changes to the template, in case the template is updated.

Setup using Overleaf

There are two ways for setting up the Overleaf project with the template:

  • Use the .zip copy and upload.
  • Fork the the CoPCSE repo so that you have your own files to edit.

Building document locally

The template also provides a simple Makefile which allows you to build the document locally. This requires that you have a LaTeX compiler, such as texlive , installed locally, which has to provide the commands pdflatex and biber .

  • Makefile 1.3%

Submit your Master's thesis to the University of Oslo's open research archive (DUO)

Submit in StudentWeb

Have the following ready in advance:

  • Do you use Internet explorer? It might not work. Use an other browser to submit the thesis.
  • Make sure you know your UiO username and password. Have you forgotten? Get your username or set new password . Problems? Contact IT support for students .
  • The title of your thesis
  • Summary, if you would like to make it available to the public in the DUO open research archive.
  • The thesis in a PDF-format. How to make a PDF from a document . Any attachments need not be converted to PDF.
  • The original file(s) may be provided if you wish, but this is not obligatory. If they are to be provided, have them ready. By original files we mean the document files the thesis was written in before it was converted to PDF, e.g. a Word file.
  • Make sure you know where on your computer you have saved the files you are going to submit.
  • Start your submission in good time before the deadline. It may take some time to enter the summary and upload the file(s).
  • Group thesis? Students who have collaborated on a thesis must individually submit the thesis in StudentWeb.

You may change and submit your thesis again - until the deadline for submission.

NB! In addition, deliver the thesis in accordance with the institute's / faculty's requirements.

How to submit in Studentweb

Log in to Studentweb with username and password

  • NB: You cannot submit if you log in with your Norwegian ID number and PIN code.
  • Click "More" in the task menu and choose "Thesis submission"

phd thesis template uio

The menu option will only be visible if you for the current semester have:

  • registered as a student
  • paid the semester fee
  • registered for examination in the Master's thesis course.

Start submission

On the front page for thesis submission you are reminded about all the things you need to have ready in advance. When everything is ready, click the green button to start submission.

phd thesis template uio

Register information about your thesis

  • Enter the language the thesis is written in.
  • If you are submitting a group thesis, tic the box to register it.
  • Enter the title of the thesis. The title will appear on transcripts, the diploma and in the DUO open research archive.
  • You should also enter the English title of the thesis so that it appears on the transcripts in English.
  • Enter the summary if you would like it to be published in the DUO open research archive.
  • Enter keywords which describe your thesis. Separate the keywords with a comma, e.g. inflation, economic crises. Keywords are searchable in the DUO open research archive and the Internet, and will make it easier for those interested to find your thesis.

Click the green button to move on.

Upload file(s)

phd thesis template uio

  • Click the button Select a file
  • Navigate to where you have saved your thesis file. You can only upload it as a PDF file.
  • You may also upload attachments that belong to the thesis and the original files (Word, LaTex, Open Office etc.).
  • If you upload the wrong file, you can delete it by clicking on the button 'Delete File'.

Determine Accessibility

phd thesis template uio

If you make the Master's thesis accessible in the DUO open research archive, the thesis will be searchable and accessible on the Internet. If you choose not to make the Master's thesis accessible, only the author, thesis title and any summaries will be searchable, and not the Master's thesis itself.

  • What does it mean to make the thesis accessible in DUO ?
  • Choose whether your thesis and any attachments will be accessible in the DUO open research archive.
  • Indicate whether the thesis should be restricted due to confidentiality .
  • Original files are automatically set to not-accessible in the DUO open research archive.
  • Failed theses are not accessible in the DUO open research archive.
  • Tick if you understand the University of Oslo’s rules regarding citations and references to sources .

Verify submission

phd thesis template uio

  • Check the information before submitting.
  • Use the Previous button at the bottom of the page and scroll back to change if needed.
  • When everything is correct, click on the green button. The thesis and the information you have registered is then send to the DUO open research archive.


phd thesis template uio

  • You also receive an e-mail confirmation.

Please note it is when you submit your thesis, your receive an e-mail confirmation. If you choose edit submission, and edit an already submitted thesis, you will not receive an e-mail conformation. On the other hand; if you delete your first submission, and submit your thesis again, you will receive a new e-mail confirmation.

As you can tell from the picture above, you will in all cases, see a text that confirms that your thesis has been submitted to DUO - open research library with date and time.

Edit, change or delete your thesis until the submission deadline

You can change the information and submit new files until the deadline. You find options to edit and delete by choosing Thesis submission in the task menu as showed above.

phd thesis template uio

What is possible to change after the submission deadline?


You can change the option that your thesis will be available to all, not electronically available, etc., but only after the thesis has become searchable in DUO. Your thesis is made searchable 98 days after the submission deadline. When you have found your thesis in DUO open research archive, please send an email to [email protected] .

If your thesis needs to be restricted due to duty of secrecy , please send an email to [email protected] immediately .

Spelling mistakes in the title or summary:

We can correct spelling mistakes in title and summary when your thesis is searchable in DUO. Your thesis is made searchable 98 days after the submission deadline. When you have found your thesis in DUO open research archive, please send an email to [email protected] .

Spelling mistakes in your thesis:

The version in DUO must be identical to the censored version. This means that we can't replace the file that you submitted with another. If you have any spelling mistakes or other errors in the thesis, we can add an errata list which state the mistakes and what it actually should be. A short errata list can be added to the summary field, a long errata list can be added as an extra file. An errata list can be added when your thesis is made searchable in DUO. That will happen 98 days after the submission deadline. When you have found your thesis in DUO, please send an email to [email protected]

Nice to know

  • How to make a PDF
  • After submission to DUO

Problems? Contact

  • Liminal Digital Innovation: Understanding digital innovation during a crisis.  Ragnhild Bassøe Gundersen ( pdf ).
  • Historical Analysis of the Institutional Dynamics Surrounding the Implementation of Health Management Information System in Developing Countries: The Case of Mozambique.  Nilza Eliana Correia de Lemos Collinson ( pdf ).
  • Towards Re-Calibrating the IS-Notion of Affordances. Bjørnar Valbø ( pdf ).
  • Institutional Shaping of Effective Use of Routine Health Data Management in the Context of Global Humanitarian Organizations.  Marta María Vila Pozo ( pdf ).
  • Institutional work for digitally mediated AMR data management: A process-based approach in a resource constrained setting in India.  Yogita Thakral ( pdf ).
  • Interplay of ICTs and social capital in building and scaling peace networks within contexts of violent ethnic conflicts: a study from Kenya. Festus Mukoya ( pdf ).
  • Enterprise Software as Design Infrastructure. Magnus Li ( pdf ).
  • Frugal Digital Innovation for Health Information Systems in Resource-Constrained Settings: The Case of Sierra Leone.  Eric Adu-Gyamfi ( pdf ).
  • Challenges and Approaches of Implementing Standard Health Indicators in Hierarchical Organizations: A multi-sited study.  Flora Nah Asah ( pdf ).
  • Digital Platforms for Standardisation in Global Health: The Case of the Digital Health Packages. Olav Poppe ( pdf ).
  • Institutional Work in Strengthening Health Information Systems in Fragmented Settings: An Action Research Study of Information Dashboards in East African Community and Indonesia.  Wilfred Felix Senyoni ( pdf ).
  • Design Principles for Data Use in Health Information Systems Developing Countries Perspective. Denis Leonard Adaletey.
  • Coordinating Patient Information in HIV/AIDS Care with Hybrid Health Information Systems: An Ethnographic Case Study from South Africa. Elise Østmo ( pdf ).
  • Understanding Conditions of Uncertainty in Disease Surveillance and Response in Burkina Faso: An inquiry into the sociological aspects of health information construction and use.  Stine Loft Rasmussen ( pdf ).
  • Understanding the Role of Institutional Incentives in Shaping Data Quality and Information Use in Devolved Health Systems: A Case of Health Information System Implementation in Kenya.  Ayub Shisia Manya ( pdf ).
  • Geodata Maintenance and Collaboration in GIS Implementation in Health Sector in a Developing Country Context: The Case of DHIS2 GIS in Malawi. Patrick Albert Chikumba ( pdf )
  • Scaling ICT4D Sustainably: A Naturalistic Inquiry of District Health Information System (DHIS) 2 . Elisabeth Fruijtier. ( pdf )
  • Leveraging Open Source Software Platforms towards HIS Implementation in Developing Countries.  Brown Chawanangwa Msiska. ( pdf ) 
  • MHealth systems, Transformations in Work and Implications for Sustainability . Esther Namatovu Landén. ( pdf )
  • Design Principles for Health Information Infrastructures in Developing Countries.  Thanh Ngoc Nguyen. ( pdf )
  • FOSS as a Platform Ecosystem: Understanding governance of open source HIS implementation in a Low and Middle Income Country context. Roshan Hewapathirana. ( pdf )
  • Designing architectural patterns for distributed flexibility in health information systems. Lars Kristian Roland. ( pdf )
  • Digitalization Trajectories of Health Information Systems and the Role of Governance in Development Projects. Mikael Gebre Mariam ( pdf )
  • Transformational Feedback: Breaking the vicious cycle of information use in Health Information Systems - A case from Malawi.  Christon Mesheck Moyo. ( pdf )
  • Empowerment: The invisible element in ICT4D projects? The case of public health information systems in India and Kenya . Arunima Mukherjee. ( pdf )
  • Crafting connections – practices of Infrastructuring: An ethnographic study of developing a village electricity grid in Bangladesh.   Hanne Cecilie Geirbo ( pdf )
  • Bottom-up Architecting of National and Regional Health Information Systems in Malawi and West Africa.  Edem Kwame Kossi. ( pdf )
  • Training as a Means for Cultivating Communities of Practice around Health Information Systems.  Pandula Siribaddana. ( pdf )
  • An Institutional Perspective on Health Information Systems' Standardization: Multiple Case Studies.  Selamawit Molla Fossum. ( pdf )
  • Producing the Agora: Appropriation of Health Information Systems in Developing Countries.  Rangarirai Matavire. ( pdf )
  • Health Information Systems Integration as Institutionalisation.  Yahya Hamad Sheikh. ( pdf )
  • Distributed Collaborative Practices in Resource Restricted Settings. Ethnographic studies from the Tanzanian Primary Healthcare Information System.  Nima Herman Shidende. ( pdf )
  • Grafting Information Infrastructure: Mobile Phone-based Health Information System Implementations in India and Malawi.  Terje Aksel Sanner. ( pdf )
  • Developing HIS Infrastructure: Negotiating Tensions to Design, Implementation, and Maintenance.  Tiwonge Davis Manda. ( pdf )
  • Development of Electronic Medical Record Systems for Maternal Health Services in Rural Settings.  Marlen Stacey Chawani. ( pdf )
  • The Genus of Information Infrastructures: Architecture, Governance & Praxis.  Saptarshi Purkayastha. ( pdf )
  • Approaches for Improving the Quality and Accessibility of Maternal and Child Health Data from Rural Communities: Action-Case Studies from Tanzania. Caroline Ngoma. ( pdf )
  • Open Generification: The case of District Health Information Software. Abyot Asalefew Gizaw. ( pdf )
  • Exploring the Institutional Logics and Complexity of Health Management Information Systems Implementation. Ime Effiong Asangansi. ( pdf )
  • Customization of Generic Open Source Software for Health Sector in Developing Countries: A Practice Based Approach. Zeferino Saugene. ( pdf )
  • Harnessing community knowledge for health: Case studies from community health service and information systems in Ethiopia. Zufan Abera Damtew. ( pdf )
  • Global Standards and Local Health Information Systems Applications: Understanding their interplay in the context of Tajikistan. Murodillo Latifov. ( pdf )
  • Global Scaling of Health Information Infrastructures: Circulating Translations . Johan Sæbø. ( pdf )
  • In Search of the Missing Data: The case of maternal and child health data in Malawi . Chipo Kanjo. ( pdf )
  • From technology for information to information for local action: the role of participatory networks from case studies in India . John Lewis. ( pdf )
  • Revisiting Networking of Actions and Knowledge Transfer:An Outline of Practice and Community Based Distributed Approach For Open Source Information Systems Implementation in Developing Countries. Cases from Ethiopia . Nigussie Tadesse Mengesha. ( pdf )
  • Organizational Open Source in the Global South: Scaffolding Implementation Based Distributed Development . Knut Staring. ( pdf )
  • Conceptualizing the Governance of Free and Open Source Software Development: A Framework Based on Case Studies of Three Software Projects in Norway.  Zegaye Seifu Wubishet
  • Shaping Technology across Social Worlds: Understanding Learning Dynamics in Implementing Computerised IS in the Ethiopian Public Health System . Shegaw Anagaw Mengiste. ( pdf )
  • A Complexity Inspired Approach to Co-Evolutionary Hospital Management Information Systems Development: Case studies from the "South" . Vincent Shaw. ( pdf )
  • Understanding and improving medical students’ exposure to health management in rural settings of Mozambique . Humberto Muquingue
  • Assessing the "window of susceptibility" in measels control: The case study from Mozambique . Jagrati V. Jani
  • The Interplay between Transformation in Everyday Work Practices and IS Design and Implementation Processes: Empirical Experiences From the Health Information Systems in Tanzania.  Faraja Igira. ( pdf )
  • Design-Reality Gaps in Open Source Information Systems Development: An Action Research Study of Education and Healthcare Systems in Tanzania. Juma Lungo. ( pdf )
  • Understanding the global and local interplay of standards: The case of the Expanded Program on Immunization in Mozambique.  João Carlos de Timóteo Mavimbe
  • Analysing Challenges and Opportunities of the Implemenation of e-Government Initatives for Development through the Lens of the Capability Approach: Case Studies from Mozambique . Gertrudes Adolfo Macueve
  • Decentralization and Sustainability of ICT Based Health Information Systems in Developing Countries: A Case Study from Tanzania . Honest Christopher Kimaro. ( pdf )
  • Re-Thinking Technology Transfer as Technology Translation: A Case Study of Health Information Systems in Mozambique. Jose Leopoldo Nhampossa. ( pdf )
  • Understanding Selves and Indentities of Information Technology Professionals: A Case Study from India.  Marisa D'Mello
  • Understanding Organisational Implementation of (G)IS From a Human Response Development Perspective . Jyotsna Sahay
  • Exploring Tensions in Information Systems Standardization.  Edoardo Jacucci. ( pdf )
  • Understanding the Introduction of Computer-Based Health Information Systems in Developing Countries: Counter Networks, Communication Practices, and Social Identity: A Case study from Mozabique . Emilio Luis Mosse. ( pdf )
  • Integrating Information Systems of Disease-Specific Health Programmes in Low Income Countries: The Case Study of Mozambique . Baltazar Gonçalo Mazungane Chilundo. ( pdf )
  • A participatory approach to the design of a child-health community-based information system for the care of vulnerable children.  Elaine Byrne. ( pdf )
  • The Challenges of Participation and Knowledge in GIS Implementation for Land Management: Case Studies from India.  Satish K. Puri
  • Use and Design of Information Technology in Third World Contexts with a Focus on the Health Sector: Case Studies from Mongolia and South Africa.  Jørn Braa
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UiO Master Thesis

This template does not comply with the design manual at the University of Oslo from 2022.

This is a clean template for the master thesis at UiO, for the Department of Informatics.

UiO Master Thesis

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  1. Doctoral theses in DUO

    There are three ways you can make your doctoral thesis available in DUO: Register your thesis in Cristin and upload the file. This way, your thesis will be searchable in Cristin, as well as in DUO. If you do not have access to Cristin you can contact us directly at [email protected]. If you have your thesis printed at the Graphic center, you ...

  2. Thesis requirements

    All PhD theses must have two scientific summaries: a Norwegian and an English (it can be the same text). Each summary should be up to 2 pages (800 - 1200 words) and both must be included in the thesis at the time of submission. Papers (articles/manuscripts): Normally you should be first author of at least two papers.

  3. Overview of forms and templates

    Application and admission. Contract for admission to the PhD programme (docx) Contract with an external party (docx) Agreement concerning institute affiliation (docx) Agreement for third party cooperation with UiO/OUS/company for Industrial PhD (docx) Agreement for two party cooperation between UiO and public company for Public Sector PhD (docx ...

  4. Writing and publishing

    The website PhD on track is a resource which offers support on literature search, citing and referencing, publishing, and evaluation and ranking. Search and write Search and Write is a website that provides introductions to effective reading methods and writing tips, introductions to information searching and how to reference and cite sources ...

  5. LaTeX templates

    The setup can easily be installed on your personal computer or be used in Overleaf. It is also installed on UiO's Linux machines. Bachelor's, master's and PhD theses. With the following document classes, you can prepare thesis documents that adhere to UiO's design manual: files for the document classes (.zip) documentation of uiobachelorthesis ...

  6. GitHub

    This LaTeX template was used for article based doctoral theses at the University of Oslo. For the current official template, see uiophdthesis. For monographic theses, see the template PHDUIO - Monograph. Available on Overleaf. The main features of the template are: Theses at the University of Oslo are printed in the book format 17 x 24 cm.

  7. GitHub

    This LaTeX template was used for article based doctoral theses at the University of Oslo. For the current official template, see uiophdthesis. For article based theses, see the template PHDUIO - Article based thesis. Available on Overleaf. The main features of the template are:

  8. The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

    Layout requirements. The thesis should be submitted to the University Print Centre as a single PDF in the format 17 x 24 cm or in A4 format. In addition, the layout must follow these rules: Page 1: The title page should be on the right-hand side (recto), without any visible page number. Page 2: The colophon page should be on the left-hand side ...

  9. Master's and Bachelor's theses, doctor degrees and compendiums

    See also: LaTeX templates for UiO theses. Bachelor's and Master's theses. Standardised templates have been developed for the front covers of Bachelor's and Master's theses. The students create the front cover themselves (go to links for downloads). Templates are available in different profile colours. Grid for front cover. Example covers

  10. Thesis: guidelines

    The scope of a PhD thesis should be such that it can be completed within the framework of the PhD programme, nominally 3 years net time for research training. The thesis can consist of one continuous work or several smaller works. A monograph will normally consist of 200-250 pages. In case of co-authorship, the thesis shall normally encompass ...

  11. Doctoral thesis

    There are two different ways you can order the printing of your PhD thesis: Send the thesis as a PDF file to [email protected]. Hand in the PDF file on a USB flash drive to the Graphic Centre (opening times are Monday to Friday, 9 am to 3 pm). See map.

  12. Thesis, adjudication and public defence

    Go to uio.no. ... Research > PhD > Thesis adjudication Norwegian version of this page Thesis, adjudication and public defence - PhD. The thesis: requirements and guidelines. Adjudication criteria; ... Form and template for submission; Printing; Read about submission and printing.

  13. PHDUIO

    Abstract. This template does not comply with the design manual at the University of Oslo from 2022. Template for article based Ph.D. theses written at the University of Oslo. More information can be found here. Questions can be directed to [email protected]. Why LaTeX? This template does not comply with the design manual at the University of ...

  14. PDF Writing your PhD thesis

    Writing your PhD thesis A guide to the LATEX document class uiophdthesis Dag Langmyhr ([email protected]) ... 16th February 2024. Dag Langmyhr ([email protected]) Writing your PhD thesis A guide to the LATEX document class uiophdthesis Thesis submitted for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor 2024. Abstract LATEX is an excellent tool for writing your ...

  15. Thesis, evaluation and public defence

    Thesis: requirements and guidelines. PhD Regulations. Guidelines. Information on resources and library services. Scope, length, language. Article-based theses. Co-authors. Time use. Requirements and duties in relation to supervision.

  16. Research proposal

    Template for research proposals in connection with applications for a position as postdoc, PhD candidate or researcher. All research proposals must be based on this template. Research proposals must not exceed 14,000 characters including spaces. Applications with a research proposal longer than 14,000 characters will not be considered.

  17. Master's thesis

    Formatting your Master's thesis. Search & Write describes formal requirements, and tips on how to work with styles, headings etc. Templates for the front covers of Master's theses, developed by Graphic Centre at UiO. Academic writing centre offers guidance in the writing process.

  18. PDF Template for PhD Project Description, Department of Informatics, UiO

    Template for PhD Project Description, Department of Informatics, UiO The PhD committee at IFI approves this template, effective January 1st, 2024. The project description and the application for admission to the PhD program are to be submitted within two months from the start date of your employment agreement. The PhD thesis is an independent ...

  19. Senja20/thesis-NTNU-template

    An NTNU thesis LaTeX document class for bachelor, master, and PhD theses - Senja20/thesis-NTNU-template

  20. UiO Mathematics Master's Thesis

    Template for master's theses written at the Department of Mathem... An online LaTeX editor that's easy to use. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX templates, and more. ... UiO Mathematics Master's Thesis. Open as Template View Source View PDF.

  21. Submit your Master's thesis to the University of Oslo's open ...

    Your thesis is made searchable 98 days after the submission deadline. When you have found your thesis in DUO open research archive, please send an email to [email protected]. If your thesis needs to be restricted due to duty of secrecy, please send an email to [email protected] immediately. Spelling mistakes in the title or summary:

  22. PhD Theses

    PhD Theses. 2024. Liminal Digital Innovation: Understanding digital innovation during a crisis. Ragnhild Bassøe Gundersen ( pdf ). Historical Analysis of the Institutional Dynamics Surrounding the Implementation of Health Management Information System in Developing Countries: The Case of Mozambique. Nilza Eliana Correia de Lemos Collinson ( pdf ).

  23. UiO Master Thesis

    Habibur Rahman. Last Updated. 4 years ago. License. Creative Commons CC BY 4.0. Abstract. This template does not comply with the design manual at the University of Oslo from 2022. This is a clean template for the master thesis at UiO, for the Department of Informatics. Tags.