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"…didn't finish…yet" versus "…haven't finished…yet"

If I worked on something yesterday but it was not finished, which tense should I use?

I didn't finish it yet or I haven't finished it yet
  • present-perfect
  • transatlantic-differences
  • present-perfect-vs-simple-past

Mari-Lou A's user avatar

  • 1 Per Difference between 'haven't …yet' and 'didn't… yet' , the presence of "yet" at the end of both these alternatives makes a huge difference to how "acceptable" they are. So unless you think it's somehow important to your question about didn't finish/haven't finished , you might consider editing the word out. –  FumbleFingers Commented Nov 2, 2012 at 22:46

3 Answers 3

If you worked on it yesterday, stopped yesterday before finishing then, and don't want to say anything else about whether you will or can continue or not, but more likely that you are done for good (like a one-time test), then:

I didn't finish it.

If you worked on it yesterday, stopped yesterday before finishing, and want to imply that you are still planning on working on it, then:

I haven't finished it.

or with a bit more emphasis on the expectation of continuing

I haven't finished it yet.

The sentence

*I didn't finish it yet.

sounds off, because "didn't" isn't particularly continuous, but "yet' implies an expectation or possibility, and so also a continuing act.

Mitch's user avatar

  • This is a very clear and precise explanaton, Thanks Mitch. –  Sarawut Positwinyu Commented May 11, 2011 at 3:58
  • 1 "I didn't finish it yet" is very odd in UK English. I have the impression that it is rather more normal in US English, but I don't know: can anybody comment on this? –  Colin Fine Commented May 11, 2011 at 11:27
  • 1 In US (spoken) English, didn't is used much more frequently that havent't done . Also, in US English you almost always say I don't have rather than I haven't got . –  Phonon Commented May 11, 2011 at 16:28
  • 2 @Colin Fine - Not normal in US English either (at least to this USAite.) –  MT_Head Commented Jun 9, 2011 at 0:20

The sentence "I did not finish it yet" is incorrect because of mismatched tense. The phrase did not finish is in the past tense, while the word yet indicates that the task is ongoing (present tense), which creates a contradiction.

The sentence "I have not finished it yet" is correct because the phrase have not finished is in the present tense and can be safely used with "yet". In fact, the word "yet" is not strictly necessary. "I have not finished" would carry the same meaning.

e.James's user avatar

  • I believe this explanation is slightly misleading. You can say I did not start it yet. It's not the past tense/present tense conflict that is wrong here, but the expectation that the task is not ongoing. –  Peter Shor Commented May 11, 2011 at 10:45
  • Strictly speaking "I have not finished it" is in the Present Perfect tense: . Present would be "I finish" or "I do not finish". –  Lunivore Commented May 11, 2011 at 10:46

“I haven't finished it yet” is definitely a much more natural-sounding version but “I didn't finish it yet” might also be acceptable (though a bit more awkward).

MetaEd's user avatar

  • It's certainly true your first version is more natural-sounding, but as @e.James indicates above, the second version is a bit worse than "awkward". Most native speakers would say it's just plain "wrong" - even if they couldn't explain exactly why as eloquently and succinctly as @e.James does. –  FumbleFingers Commented May 11, 2011 at 17:34
  • Anecdotally, the second sounds completely natural to this native speaker. –  recursive Commented May 11, 2011 at 18:27

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How can I tell my boss I have not been successful in completing an assignment?

I received an assignment almost 2 weeks ago that I have not been able to complete, due to lack of support, both from inside and outside my company, despite reaching out for assistance both in and outside the company (no response came from outside). This task was allocated to me by a coworker, who did not give much direction, even though it was known this is my first time trying to complete this type of task. Now the boss is asking for an update, and I have nothing to report, because it is not complete. Furthermore, it can't be completed today because the outside support I need is closed. How do I word an email saying this isn't done because no one helped me through the roadblocks that came up but I will fix it first thing in the morning by going down to the other company in person?

  • professionalism
  • work-environment
  • project-management
  • time-management

Joe Strazzere's user avatar

  • 10 Well, you've dug yourself a big hole here. You should have raised the issue with your boss when you were having problems, not after the deadline has passed. –  Philip Kendall Commented Feb 20, 2017 at 18:18
  • 7 "nothing to report" is sort of backwards relative to the situation. Reports of the form "I have encountered difficulty X in doing task Y, and I am not sure I can resolve it soon enough to finish on time" are especially important and urgent. Much more important to get to management than "Task Y is on track and expected to be completed on time." –  Patricia Shanahan Commented Feb 20, 2017 at 19:35

3 Answers 3

Now the boss is asking for an update, and I have nothing to report, because it is not complete.

It sounds like you have plenty to report.

It's unfortunate you waited until now to talk about it. If you had mentioned the roadblocks when they occurred, perhaps your boss could have helped "unblock" them.

The best you can do now is to explain where you are in the process now, what you plan to do to complete the assignment, and when you think you will actually be complete.

  • 1 I'd also add to this if you need help, say so . It is unlikely they expect you to do this with no support, but it is likely that they expect you to ask for help when you need it. –  Kat Commented Feb 20, 2017 at 22:34
  • My shortest report was "Boss, I think I f*ed this up really bad" (I knew I can use this word with this boss). Because I had no idea what exactly went wrong. Failure report is still a report, like Joe says. Oh, and my boss was really glad to hear this promptly, when we still had enough time to figure out what went wrong, and deliver on time. –  Mołot Commented Feb 21, 2017 at 10:40

The OP hasn't explicitly indicated a deadline has passed, but regardless, if there are problems which are blocking completion the boss needs to know as soon as that becomes a known risk.

Even blowing a deadline occasionally is OK as long as everyone knows it's going to happen in advance and isn't blindsided by it. One of the most important unwritten rules in the workplace that causes a lot of new people pain is " don't surprise your boss ".

To answer your question about the email:

  • First, its usually better to give bad news in person rather than email if that's possible and timely.
  • Blaming anyone else even if it is entirely their fault would be considered bad form at this point because you could have addressed it earlier. Much better to accept full responsibility and a willingness to solve the problem.
  • It's not the end of the world, just say what you've done so far, what the problems are and what help you need to move forward.

teego1967's user avatar

Email your boss (better, talk to them in person or by phone), and tell them exactly what you've put in this email. But, you should also tell them what you have done. If the job is not complete, did you manage to do any part of it? Even if you're just reporting the people you've contacted and the research you've done, that's more concrete than saying "I did nothing...". Maybe next time, give your manager a status report by email each Friday afternoon, so they know of any blockages in advance.

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Teaching Students About Homeostasis

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Are you looking for strategies to help students who have trouble completing assignments independently? If so, keep reading.

1. Create classroom rules: • Remain on-task. • Complete assignments quietly. • Request assistance when needed. • Remain in your seat. • Finish tasks. • Meet task expectations. Examine rules often. Praise students for following the rules.

2. Establish time limits for finishing tasks .

3. Praise the learner for performing tasks independently.

4. Get the learner to prioritize tasks by importance (e.g., task A must be done today, task B can be done today, and task C can wait until tomorrow).

5. Organize their surroundings to enable task conclusion (i.e., make sure the learner’s tasks are on their capacity and ability level , be sure that instructions are clear, and keep frequent interactions with the learner to enable success).

6. Urge parents to set aside and enforce a consistent period at home for the learner to finish homework . All family members should work on tasks (e.g., correspondence, balancing accounts, reading, etc.) during this time.

7. Give the learner structure for all academic learning activities (e.g., specific instructions, routine (schedule) format for tasks, time limits, etc.).

8. Praise the learner for beginning, working on, and finishing tasks .

9. Make sure that directions, explanations, and instructions are delivered on the learner’s capacity and ability level .

10. Assess the appropriateness of giving the learner tasks that require copying if the learner’s capacity and ability level make it impossible for him/ her to finish the task.

11. Let the learner have additional time to finish tasks when working independently.

12. Give the learner a selection of tasks and require them to select a minimum number of tasks to perform independently (e.g., present the learner with 10 academic tasks from which 6 must be finished that day).

13. Explain your expectations to the learner for the successful conclusion of tasks .

14. Give a written list of instructions for a long-term task.

15. Plan leisure activities at the end of the day. Make participation in these learning activities dependent upon the conclusion of tasks .

16. Connect with the learner’s parents to disseminate information about their child’s progress. The parents may reinforce the learner at home for finishing tasks independently.

17. Assess the degree of task difficulty concerning the learner’s capacity and ability to perform the task.

18. Be firm, fair, and consistent, expecting the learner to finish tasks. Do not let the learner fail to finish designated tasks one time and expect tasks to be finished the next time.

19. Praise those students in the classroom who finish tasks independently.

20. Urge the learner to follow a less desirable task with a more desirable task . Make the conclusion of the first appropriate to perform the second.

21. Consider using an education app to help the student sharpen their organizational skills. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend .

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Sentence examples for i haven't completed from inspiring English sources

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But it's not just about getting the stern face from Bill — think Robert De Niro in the Untouchables — if I haven't completed my action items.

To be honest, I haven't completed testing yet, as I'm moving apartments tomorrow.

The last five miles felt very long and painful indeed, reminding me that I haven't completed a road marathon for an entire year.

As a rule, I do not review books that I haven't completed , but this post just goes to show you that rules are meant to be broken.

" I have not completed a full season here yet.

' I had n't completed a book proposal since finishing my last novel last year,' he explains, 'but since March I've come up with six solid ideas.' There's still a way to go on the workspace front though, as he plans to have a completely clear desk by the end of the year.

I had not organized the previous week's records because I had n't completed the statistical analyses of the earlier data set.

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"I have completed" versus "I had completed"

I completed all the tasks assigned. How to convey this ?

I have completed all the tasks.
I had completed all the tasks.

Which one is correct ?

  • present-perfect
  • past-perfect
  • perfect-constructions

ColleenV's user avatar

  • Likely a duplicate of Difference between "has + verbed" and "had + verbed" –  ColleenV Commented Sep 22, 2021 at 19:01

4 Answers 4

As far as I understand meaning of Past Perfect tense, I think it makes sense when you have some more information in the sentence about something that happened later, example:

I had completed all the tasks before John came back.

(John came back in the past, but I had completed the tasks earlier)

Kamil Mikolajczyk's user avatar

Kamil is correct with his explanation. I would just like to add that the clause 'I have completed the tasks' is resultative perfect. Emphasis is on the state in the present: finished tasks. Simple past tense 'I completed the tasks' would put more emphasis on the fact that the action was taken in the past.

"have verbed" is called the "present perfect" and means that the action began in the past and is still going on, or that it happened at some unspecified time in the past (in which case it's not really "present" to my mind but that's what it's called).

Compare to the simple past:

"I ran to the store." I did this on some specific occasion that I am telling you about.

"I have run to the store." I did it some time in the past, but I'm not getting into details about just when right now.

Also, "I have run to the store many times." It's something I did in the past and will likely do again in the future.

"had verbed" is the "past perfect" and refers to something that happened in the past before some other event that is specified in context. Like:

"Before the police arrived, I had climbed out the back window."

This can indicate a state that existed in the past but no longer exists. Like:

"We had lived happily together, but then we had a big argument and she divorced me."

Or it can simply indicate an order of events. Like:

"I had removed the left wheel before I was able to change the spark plugs."

Note that the other event is necessarily specified in the same sentence. It could be elsewhere in the larger context.

"I could no longer fit through the window. I had gained too much weight."

(In this case I put it in the immediately preceding sentence, but that was just so I could make a short example. It could be many sentences before. Or you might not specify the other event until later, perhaps because you're building up to that for emphasis.)

So long explanation. In your example, you probably want to say, "I have completed all the tasks." It's something you did in the past -- probably the recent past, but whatever -- but you're not specifying exactly when.

If you were going to say just when, you would use the simple past. Like, "I completed all the tasks yesterday."

"I had completed all the tasks" only makes sense if there is some other event that you're relating to. Like, "I had completed all the tasks before I took my lunch break".

If you didn't give another event, it would sound -- to me, anyway -- like the "past state no longer in effect" case, implying that they were complete at some time in the past but then something happened so that they are not complete now. Like something happened to ruin what you had done. ("Well, umm, I HAD completed all my tasks. But then George came along and stole some of my parts to use in his project so I had to start over.")

Jay's user avatar

In my point of view, "I had completed my task" is correct, but for present tense it's become "I have completed my work" is correct.

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What happens if the "due date" for an assignment passes, but some students have not yet completed the assignment?

The assignment you created will be continue to be available to students past the due date within Google Classroom or Canvas. The Assignment Report will note how many days late the student completed the assignment.

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NOT YET in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use Not Yet

Sentence with Not Yet

Have you ever struggled with using “not yet” in an example sentence? Let’s simplify this for you.

Table of Contents

7 Examples Of Not Yet Used In a Sentence For Kids

14 sentences with not yet examples, how to use not yet in sentences.

Not Yet is used to indicate that something has not happened or is not completed at the present moment. Here’s a simple guide on how to use Not Yet in a sentence:

Negation: When using Not Yet , you are indicating that a particular action or event has not taken place up until now. For instance, “She has not yet received the package.”

Emphasizing the delay: This phrase is often used to emphasize that something expected or anticipated has not happened within the anticipated timeframe. For example, “The project is not yet finished.”

By following these guidelines, you can effectively incorporate Not Yet into your sentences to express that something has not occurred or been completed up to the present moment.

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Students are given a grade of NOT YET instead of a letter or number grade if work is not demonstrating mastery.

March 24, 2015

Many times, students see a grade on an assignment and conclude that there is nothing to be done about it- it is final.  Writing  Not Yet on a paper helps students understand that the work is not completed and that it is important to persist when challenged.

Strategy summary:

When grading student work, be it formative or summative, create a cut off point for what you would consider mastery.  All work that does not meet this expectation is marked NOT YET.  When returned to students, explain that they are to revise work and provide guidelines and structure for students to fix their assignments and demonstrate mastery. 

Before Class:

Create a grading system that meets expectations of your school and allows for students to revise work that doesn't meet standards.  This may include dedicated time each week in class for students to revise or a special time after school they can meet with you.

During Class:

1) Start a class discussion about what it means to get an F on an assignment.  Document student ideas.

2) Explain that your grading practices will be different- there will be no Fs.  Ask for student reactions- how will this change this class?  How will this change your responsibilities?

3) In order for student to understand why the grading procedure is being changed, give a mini-lesson on growth mindset.  Click here for a great resource.

4) Explain that NY ( Not Yet) will be the grade on assignments that have not demonstrated mastery. Provide a structure for students to redo NY assignments along with timing parameters. Share these procedures with fellow teachers and with parents.

Grades:  {[ gradeLevels[2] ]} through {[ gradeLevels[13] ]}

Subjects:  Math,  English / Lit.,  Science,  Social Studies,  Other

Time of year:   Anytime

Class period:   Anytime

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Tip: Do not submit assignments early

Get them done early if you want and save them but DO NOT submit them until after the last class before it’s due.

From personal experience, many times I have submitted something early and felt accomplished, only to have people ask questions in class and the professor clarifies something or the professor to go over some sort of concept which I then think “damn! I should have included this concept in my assignment/done this instead or something I wish I could have changed.”

This is just from personal experience. Would love to hear thoughts.

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View and navigate your assignments (student)

View both upcoming and completed assignments by class, or view them across all your classes. Selecting an assignment will allow you to view its details, turn it in, or view feedback and scores. You can also view your current grades by class.

View and sort assignments within one class

Navigate to a class team, then select Assignments .


Tip:  Use your search bar to search for an assignment by keyword.

Upcoming assignments

The Upcoming  tab will show all upcoming assignment you have not done yet, sorted by order of due date. The Past Due tab will show all Past Due assignment not completed yet. Sorted by today and older 

past due

Late assignments will include a Past due warning.

Select an assignment to view details, attach resources, and turn it in.


Upcoming assignment status

Assignment title and due date —Before the due date. You haven’t turned in work yet.

Past due —You haven’t turned your assignment in yet and it’s past the due date. This will only appear if your educator is accepting late turn-ins.

View turned in and returned assignments


Completed assignment status

Open a completed assignment to view more details on its status.

The due date for this assignment has passed and you can no longer turn it in.

This assignment has been submitted. You'll see a time and date stamp of your most recent turn-in.


You'll see a time and date stamp of when your educator returned the assignment to you. If the assignment is , your educator may want you to make edits and resubmit the assignment.

You'll see this option when your educator has returned an assignment to you but is still accepting submissions. This means you can submit any revisions your instructor has requested.

Your educator hasn't returned your work yet and submissions are still open. Use this option if you forgot to include something or want to update your work before turning it in again.

View grades in one class


Here you'll see all your assignments listed with the nearest due date at the top. View your status on each assignment as well as points you've received on graded work. Assignments without points will show as Returned after your educator has reviewed them.

Average Grade

If your class has enabled it, you can also see the Average Grade for this class and View Details to see your trend for your assignments.


View assignments across classes

To view assignments across all your classes, select Assignments from your app bar. Select an assignment to open it or turn in work. 


Select Upcoming to see any upcoming assignment across all of your classes.

Select Past Due to see any past due assignment across all of your classes.

Select  Completed to see work that you have completed across your classes.

Turn in assignment


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completed assignments not registering as completed


  • April 02, 2020 15:43

I have a student who completes assignments but they won't register as completed. The student can see this after completing the assignment(s) & when I check they are not checked off.

What can we do?

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  • April 03, 2020 03:55

Hi whitmane,

Is the student experiencing this issue with specific types of assignments (videos, exercises, quizzes, etc), or all assignments?

You may want to have the student try logging out and logging back in, as well as clear their browser cache .


  • April 18, 2020 11:49

Following this post.  I, too, am experiencing a few issues like this as well.  I will have students log out and back in again as well as clearing the cache.  And report findings...


  • August 19, 2021 17:44

Same, my kids are re-doing them and they still aren't showing up as completed. 

  • August 19, 2021 17:51

Jennifer Gallatin  Could you please submit a support ticket so we can take a closer look at the issue?


  • November 12, 2021 21:26

We see this kind of situation fairly frequently, and it could be due to a few scenarios. If you don’t mind, could you please verify the following:

Your students are completing the assignments while logged into the accounts that are connected to your teacher account. You can verify their account credentials from your dashboard directly if need be.

Your students are only completing the assignments after they have been assigned. If they complete assignments before having them assigned, they will not be reflected in your Teacher Dashboard.

Your students are completing the assignments that have been assigned to them. To check if assignments have been assigned to all students, please visit the Manage tab on your class settings.

If this does not resolve the issue, could you please  submit a support ticket ? This will allow the support team to look into your account to see why it is not recording progress

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30% of teachers have not completed literacy trainings required by Louisiana law, LDOE says

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Despite a 2021 state law requiring Louisiana teachers to learn the latest methods to teach reading, 30% have yet to complete the training, according to state data through May of this year. As of May 1, the most recent date for which numbers are available, about 71% of teachers and 79% of administrators in grades K-3 had taken the required reading course. Under state law, those groups should have completed the training by the start of the 2023-24 school year. Only 18 of more than 130 school districts and charter...

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  1. didn't finish…yet" versus "…haven't finished…yet"

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  2. Grammatical Dissection of "it is not completed yet"

    However, like many past participles, completed can also be an adjective, describing the state that results from completing. In that sense It is not completed yet is fine: it is not yet in the state "completed". Complete is more common than completed as the adjective, but both are po9ssible, and in this context I can't find any difference in ...

  3. How can I tell my boss I have not been successful in completing an

    This task was allocated to me by a coworker, who did not give much direction, even though it was known this is my first time trying to complete this type of task. Now the boss is asking for an update, and I have nothing to report, because it is not complete. Furthermore, it can't be completed today because the outside support I need is closed.

  4. 21 Strategies to Help Students Who Have Trouble Completing Assignments

    1. Create classroom rules: • Remain on-task. • Complete assignments quietly. • Request assistance when needed. • Remain in your seat. • Finish tasks. • Meet task expectations. Examine rules often. Praise students for following the rules.

  5. Verb phrases/Linking Verbs/Action Verbs Flashcards

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  6. i haven't completed

    1. Independent. 'I hadn't completed a book proposal since finishing my last novel last year,' he explains, 'but since March I've come up with six solid ideas.'. There's still a way to go on the workspace front though, as he plans to have a completely clear desk by the end of the year. 2. The Guardian. I had not organized the previous week's ...

  7. present perfect

    "I had completed all the tasks" only makes sense if there is some other event that you're relating to. Like, "I had completed all the tasks before I took my lunch break". If you didn't give another event, it would sound -- to me, anyway -- like the "past state no longer in effect" case, implying that they were complete at some time in the past ...

  8. Solved: How can I notify students about missing assignment

    First, you can run a "Missing Assignments" report. More details can be found at: How do I view and download reports in New Analytic... - Instructure Community ( Second, you can use the "Message Students Who" feature within New Analytics to message students who have missing assignment submissions in your course.

  9. A student's assignment is missing

    This help content & information General Help Center experience. Search. Clear search

  10. What happens if the "due date" for an assignment passes, but some

    What happens if the "due date" for an assignment passes, but some students have not yet completed the assignment? The assignment you created will be continue to be available to students past the due date within Google Classroom or Canvas. The Assignment Report will note how many days late the student completed the assignment.

  11. View and navigate your assignments (student)

    Learn how to view your assignments in a class team. Check due dates, status, and assignment details.

  12. End of Chapter Assignments

    click "save and exit". then, complete the assignment and click "Submit Assignment" before the due date."Answered" on the question map indicates that the question ________. To see a quick overview of an assignment, click on the blue arrow on the far right-hand side of the screen. True.

  13. NOT YET in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use Not Yet

    7 Examples Of Not Yet Used In a Sentence For Kids. I have not yet finished my drawing. The teacher has not yet arrived in the classroom. We have not yet sung the morning prayers. The bell has not yet rung for the lunch break. The school day has not yet ended. I have not yet cleaned my desk.

  14. Solved: Automatically message students who did not submit

    2 Solutions. 08-13-2022 03:26 PM. Canvas does have a feature available from the Canvas Gradebook called the "Message Students Who" feature, which allows you to send an Inbox message to any students who have not yet completed a particular assignment.

  15. Mindset Kit

    3) In order for student to understand why the grading procedure is being changed, give a mini-lesson on growth mindset. Click here for a great resource. 4) Explain that NY ( Not Yet) will be the grade on assignments that have not demonstrated mastery. Provide a structure for students to redo NY assignments along with timing parameters.

  16. George has not completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasn't neither

    George has not completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasn't neither. has not. the assignment. yet. hasn't neither. hasn't neither Correction: Hasn't either. Subject + auxiliary negative either.

  17. Troubleshoot quizzes & assignments

    Open the course the assignment is in. Click Grades and open the assignment you want to check for a saved draft. Click My submission. If your assignment has been saved as a draft, you'll be able to see and edit it. If you can see your assignment, but you can't edit it, that means you submitted the assignment.

  18. assignments not marked as completed

    2. And, try to open the assignment page using a different network or internet connection. 3. Make sure your browser does not have an interfering add-on or extension. And, Clear your cache and cookies. In case this tips do not solve your problem means you will need to contact help center by sending an email who can help you to resolve your issue.

  19. Tip: Do not submit assignments early : r/college

    Tip: Do not submit assignments early. Get them done early if you want and save them but DO NOT submit them until after the last class before it's due. From personal experience, many times I have submitted something early and felt accomplished, only to have people ask questions in class and the professor clarifies something or the professor to ...

  20. Solved: Completed assignment not showing that it has been

    95.45%. 31.50 / 33.00. Total. 95.45%. So, the above shows that I submitted and received scores, however, those three do not show anything. *UPDATE I was able to contact LIVE CHAT and the guy said: Okay so the 95.45% is not the percentage of completion it is the grad you received in the course since in 5.6 you got a 5/6 and in 3.9 you have a ...

  21. View and navigate your assignments (student)

    Upcoming assignments. The Upcoming tab will show all upcoming assignment you have not done yet, sorted by order of due date.The Past Due tab will show all Past Due assignment not completed yet.Sorted by today and older Late assignments will include a Past due warning.. Select an assignment to view details, attach resources, and turn it in.

  22. completed assignments not registering as completed

    If they complete assignments before having them assigned, they will not be reflected in your Teacher Dashboard. Your students are completing the assignments that have been assigned to them. To check if assignments have been assigned to all students, please visit the Manage tab on your class settings. Please sign in to leave a comment.

  23. 30% of teachers have not completed literacy trainings ...

    Despite a 2021 state law requiring Louisiana teachers to learn the latest methods to teach reading, 30% have yet to complete the training, according to state data through May of this year. As of May 1, the most recent date for which numbers are available, about 71% of teachers and 79% of administrators in grades K-3 had taken the required ...