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House Removes Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene From Her Committee Assignments

Barbara Sprunt

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., faces a vote over whether she should be removed from her two committee assignments because her past comments and social media posts promoting conspiracy theories and violence. Nicholas Kamm/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., faces a vote over whether she should be removed from her two committee assignments because her past comments and social media posts promoting conspiracy theories and violence.

Updated at 7:10 p.m. ET

The House of Representatives has voted to strip Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of her committee assignments, following uproar over her past incendiary comments and apparent support of violence against Democrats.

Thursday's vote was 230-199, with 11 Republicans joining with all Democrats to back the resolution.

The vote comes a day after the House Rules Committee advanced a resolution , put forth by Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., to remove Greene from her assignments on the Budget panel and the Education and Labor Committee.

The Georgia freshman has come under fire in recent weeks for her history of trafficking in racism, anti-Semitism and baseless conspiracy theories , along with her support for online comments encouraging violence against Democratic officials prior to taking office.

Greene spoke on the House floor ahead of the vote and said her past comments "do not represent me."

Greene's defense

Calling herself a "very regular American," Greene said she "stumbled across" the far-right QAnon conspiracy theory at the end of 2017 but stopped believing in it a year later when she "started finding misinformation." But Greene has continued to spread false, QAnon-fueled theories since then, telling a local news reporter in July 2020 that she was "concerned about a deep state."

"I was allowed to believe things that weren't true," she said on the House floor Thursday. "I would ask questions about them and talk about them and that is absolutely what I regret."

GOP Discord Over Liz Cheney, Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Still All About Trump

GOP Discord Over Liz Cheney, Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Still All About Trump

Greene went on to say, "If it weren't for the Facebook post and comments that I liked in 2018, I wouldn't be standing here today and you couldn't point a finger and accuse me of anything wrong."

She then went through a litany of retractions of past statements, saying school shootings are "absolutely real" and the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks "absolutely happened."

She recounted: "I remember [9/11] crying all day long, watching it on the news. It's a tragedy for anyone to say it didn't happen."

But back in 2018, Greene promoted Sept. 11 conspiracy theories while speaking to the American Priority Conference.

"We had witnessed 9/11, the terrorist attack in New York and the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania and the so-called plane that crashed into the Pentagon," she said at the time. "It's odd there's never any evidence shown for a plane in the Pentagon, but anyways, I won't — I'm not going to dive into the 9/11 conspiracy."

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Pro-Trump Election Conspiracist Lin Wood Investigated Over Possible Illegal Voting

Unwelcome On Facebook And Twitter, QAnon Followers Flock To Fringe Sites

Unwelcome On Facebook And Twitter, QAnon Followers Flock To Fringe Sites

Her comments Thursday on school shootings follow a resurfaced video of her berating and mocking a Florida school shooting survivor. She's also faced criticism for a series of videos unearthed by Politico in June in which she made numerous racist and anti-Semitic remarks.

Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass., responded to Greene's remarks on the floor, noting her defense sidestepped her "liking" social media posts prior to her election that advocated for violence against Democratic leaders.

"I just have to say that I did not hear a disavowment or an apology for those things. I did not hear an apology or denouncement for the claim, the insinuation that political opponents should be violently dealt with. I didn't hear anybody apologize or retract the anti-Semitic and Islamophobic remarks that had been made that have been posted over and over and over again."

Setting a precedent

Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla., distanced himself from Greene's past rhetoric but said the issue of kicking her off of committees should be adjudicated by the House Ethics Committee.

"What the majority is really proposing to do today is establish a new standard for punishing members for conduct before they ever became a member," he said. "This change opens up troubling questions about how we judge future members of Congress and whether or not we as an institution should impose sanctions on members for actions they took before they were even candidates for office."

McConnell Slams Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Conspiracies As 'Loony Lies'

McConnell Slams Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Conspiracies As 'Loony Lies'

McGovern countered saying he "hopes" the resolution does, in fact, set a precedent.

"Because if this isn't the bottom, then I don't know what the hell is," he said. "I hope we are setting a clear standard for what we will not tolerate. Anyone who suggests putting a bullet in the head of a member shouldn't serve on any committee period."

He added that Greene has been profiting off of her past remarks, referencing a tweet from Greene where she says she "will never back down." Greene tweeted that she has raised over $160,000 on Tuesday alone.

"If anyone has any question about the things that she has said or done, anybody who's watching, just spend a moment and look at her social media posts, don't take my word for it. Go research it for yourself. Google it. It's all there," McGovern said.

"I'm a big believer in the ethics committee process, but I don't need an investigation to tell me what I can read with my own eyes."

In a powerful moment, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., walked around the floor showing his colleagues a poster featuring a screenshot of a Facebook ad on Greene's campaign page.

The image featured a photo of Greene holding a gun alongside isolated images of Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. Underneath was the caption: "Squad's worst nightmare."

"I urge my colleagues can look at that image and tell me what message you think it sends," Hoyer said. "Here she is armed with a deadly assault rifle pointed toward three Democratic members."

WATCH: @LeaderHoyer during debate on Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA): "I urge my colleagues to look at this image." Rep. Hoyer then walks image around House floor to be seen by other members. Full video here: — CSPAN (@cspan) February 4, 2021

Hoyer added: "In 2019, during the same election cycle in which she ran, [Greene] showed support for comments online that the quickest way to remove [House] Speaker Pelosi from power would be, and I quote, a bullet to the head. Did any of you hear Steve King say anything like that?" referencing the former Iowa congressman who was removed from committee assignments for comments on white supremacy.

Republican discord

Democrats repeatedly pointed to the lack of action by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy on behalf of Republicans. McCarthy released a statement Wednesday night condemning Greene's past comments but didn't indicate that any party disciplinary action would be taken against her.

For her part, Greene has touted a particular ally in her corner: former President Donald Trump.

She tweeted Saturday that she had a "GREAT call" with him and that she is grateful for his support. Trump has not publicly commented on this week's actions.

Greene has been rebuked many in her own party, though, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell , who called rhetoric like hers a "cancer" on the GOP.

Greene is not the only Republican congresswoman who faced questions about her political future this week.

Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, the No. 3 Republican in the House, was the subject of discussions in the GOP Conference over her vote to impeach Trump . Late Wednesday night, House Republicans voted to keep Cheney in her leadership position.

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First Published: September 8, 2021 at 01:51 PM Last Updated: September 11, 2021 at 01:58 PM

117th Congress: House & Senate Committee Rosters

The US Congress – comprised of two chambers: the House of Representative and the Senate – considers, shapes and passes legislations into laws to govern the nation. The committees within each chamber serve an important role to help organize the work of the US Congress. Our publication lists final committee assignments for the 117th US Congress. The following House of Representatives and Senate committees are included:

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Marjorie Taylor Greene removed from House committee assignments

By Grace Segers

Updated on: February 5, 2021 / 6:18 PM EST / CBS News

The House voted Thursday to strip controversial Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of her committee assignments. All Democrats and 11 Republicans voted for the measure, despite Republican leader Kevin McCarthy's opposition to it.

In social media posts and videos made before she was elected to Congress, Greene, a freshman from Georgia, embraced a slew of far-right conspiracy theories, including questioning whether deadly school shootings had been staged and whether a plane really hit the Pentagon on 9/11 . A supporter of the fantastical QAnon conspiracy theory, she also shared videos with anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim sentiment, and expressed support for violence against Democratic leaders in Congress.

In a press conference on Friday, Greene did say she was "sorry" for her previous comments when asked directly, although she did not apologize for publicly contronting David Hogg, one of the teenage survivors of the Parkland school shooting. She added that committee work would have been a "waste of time," adding that she has "a lot of free time on my hands" to "talk to a whole lot more people and build a huge amount of support."

However, she also said that Republicans who voted to strip her of committee assignments would likely face political repercussions, given that she has the support of former President Trump.

"The party is his. It doesn't belong to anybody else," Greene said about Mr. Trump.

Democrats had slammed her seat on the Education and Labor Committee in particular, given Greene's previous promotion of conspiracy theories related to the Parkland and Newtown school shootings. Although some Republicans have  rebuked Greene , there was opposition to stripping her of committee assignments, which carry power since bills are crafted in committees.   

McCarthy said Wednesday that he "unequivocally" opposed Greene's comments, but he accused Democrats of a "power grab." On Thursday ahead of the vote, McCarthy said this resolution creates a "dangerous new standard that will only deepen divides." 

Other Republicans have likewise condemned Greene's comments but warned Democrats against setting a precedent in which the majority party dictates the minority party's committee assignments.

A handful of the 11 Republicans who broke with the party could face competitive 2022 races. Nicole Malliotakis, Chris Jacobs and John Katko are all from New York, a Democrat-run state that will likely lose a congressional seat during redistricting. Illinois' Adam Kinzinger, who voted yes on impeachment, could be in the same position. Young Kim of California and Maria Elvira Salazar of Florida are in districts President Biden won in 2020. 

Congressional Democrats have sought to tie House Republicans to Greene's extremist positions. In a statement on Wednesday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office referred to McCarthy as "Q-CA," labeling him the QAnon congressman from California.    

Before the vote, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ran ads in Kim's, Fitzpatrick's and Salazar's districts, looking to tie them to QAnon. Fitzpatrick, Upton, Jacobs, Diaz-Balart, Katko and Kinzinger all voted to condemn QAnon in a resolution passed in October 2020. 

Democrats have already targeted three of those 11 Republicans in previous cycles: Katko, Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania and Fred Upton of Michigan.  

In a speech on the House floor before the vote, Greene said that the terrorist attacks on 9/11 did occur, and that she believes children deserve protection from school shootings.

"These are words of the past and these things do not represent me, they do not represent my district, and they do not represent my values," Greene said. However, she also equated the press to QAnon, saying that the media was just as divisive as the insidious conspiracy theories promoted by QAnon supporters. 

Democratic Congresswoman Lucy McBath, whose son was shot and killed in 2012, said in the debate prior to the vote that Greene's "words are beneath the American people."

"This is about a member stalking the children of tragedy, attacking survivors, and threatening violence," McBath said. "This is about a member denying the existence of dead children at Sandy Hook Elementary and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. This moment is about parents across America who now celebrate their child's birthday just like me."

At a lengthy meeting of the Republican conference on Wednesday evening, Greene  expressed remorse  for her previous comments and past support for the QAnon conspiracy theory, according to two sources familiar with the meeting.

At the same meeting, Representative Liz Cheney fended off an effort to have her removed from her House GOP leadership role over her vote to impeach former President Donald Trump for inciting the attack on the Capitol. However, 61 GOP members voted to expel her from leadership, suggesting deep divisions within the Republican caucus over the party's direction moving forward.

House Democrats advanced the resolution calling for Greene's ouster from the committees during a meeting of the House Rules Committee earlier Wednesday, setting up a vote Thursday afternoon in the full House.

The refusal of House GOP leaders to exercise their authority to remove Greene from her committee assignments stands in contrast to their handling of a similar situation in 2019, when the party's steering committee  chose to remove then-Congressman Steve King from his committees over comments defending white supremacy.

Aaron Navarro contributed to this report.

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene
  • U.S. House of Representatives


Grace Segers is a politics reporter for CBS News Digital based in Washington, D.C.

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Idaho has two senators in the United States Senate and two representatives in the United States House of Representatives. Idaho is a state in the United States.

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Each state in the United States elects two senators, regardless of the state’s population. Senators serve six-year terms with staggered elections. Americans in the United States’s six territories do not have senators.

Idaho’s senators are:

Michael “Mike” Crapo

Michael “Mike” Crapo

James Risch

James Risch

The United States is divided into 435 congressional districts, each with a population of about 710,000 individuals. Each district elects a representative to the House of Representatives for a two-year term. Representatives are also called congressmen/congresswomen. Americans in the United States’s six territories are represented in the House of Representatives by an additional six non-voting delegates.

Idaho’s two representatives are:

Russ Fulcher

Russ Fulcher

Michael “Mike” Simpson

Michael “Mike” Simpson

All representatives serve until the end of the current Congress on Jan 3, 2025.

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Theodore  “Todd”  Achilles (D) [email protected] District 16 House Seat B 1 st term 2311 N. 32nd Street, Boise, ID, 83703 Home (208) 332-1075 Statehouse (208) 332-1075 (Session Only) Committees: Agricultural Affairs Judiciary, Rules & Administration State Affairs

Raised on family farm; graduate degrees in business, international studies, and public policy; served active duty in the Army; over 20 years in the technology sector; teach public policy with a focus on broadband access, antimonopoly, competition, renewable energy, and tech policy; wife: Robyn; daughters: Daphne and Georgia.

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Joe  Alfieri (R) [email protected] District 4 House Seat A 1 st term 1200 East Skyline Dr, Coeur d’ Alene, ID, 83814 Home (208) 699-0021 Statehouse (208) 332-1065 (Session Only) Committees: Judiciary, Rules & Administration Local Government State Affairs

Entrepreneur and businessman; opened the first retail computer store in New York City in 1980, selling Apple IIs to the New York Times, Newsweek, etc.; typography director for large advertising agency; started a boutique ad agency in California serving the Apple computer peripheral market; studied website design and became a corporate trainer; moved to Coeur d’Alene and served as a business developer for local company; involved in the chamber of commerce and the CDA Economic Development Committee.

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Christopher  M.  “Chris”  Allgood (R) [email protected] District 11 House Seat B 1 st term 1322 Wilson St, Caldwell, ID, 83605 Home (208) 249-0876 Statehouse (208) 332-1044 (Session Only) Private Investigator/City Councilman/Retired Police Officer Committees: Environment, Energy & Technology Judiciary, Rules & Administration State Affairs

Bachelor’s degree in leadership and management from George Fox University; retired police officer and police chief with 30 years of law enforcement service; current Caldwell city councilman; owner/ lead investigator of a private investigation company; spouse: Alisha Allgood; two adult children.

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Kevin  Andrus (R) [email protected] District 35 House Seat A 3 rd term 6948 E Old Oregon Trail Rd, Lava Hot Springs, ID, 83246 Home (208) 240-0201 Statehouse (208) 332-1045 (Session Only) Rancher/Horse Trainer Committees: Agricultural Affairs – Chair Business State Affairs

Born in Pocatello and raised on a ranch outside of Lava Hot Springs; graduate of Marsh Valley High School; attended Brigham Young University (Idaho) for B.S. in agriculture business; Idaho State University for M.B.A.; served two-year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the country of Panama; employed as a rancher and horse trainer on the family ranch. Kevin currently resides in Lava with his wife, Shelby, and six children.

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Vito  Barbieri (R) [email protected] District 3 House Seat A 7 th term 564 E Prairie Ave, Dalton Gardens, ID, 83815 Home (208) 620-0873 Statehouse (208) 332-1177 (Session Only) Attorney (Retired) Committees: Environment, Energy & Technology – Chair Business Ethics and House Policy State Affairs

Born October 22, 1951, in Bexar County, Texas; attorney; law degree, Western State University College of Law, Fullerton, CA; spouse: Joy; children: James, Paul, and Tina.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Steve  Berch (D) [email protected] District 15 House Seat A 3 rd term PO Box 4903, Boise, ID, 83711 Home (208) 890-9339 Statehouse (208) 332-1039 (Session Only) Businessman Committees: Business Education Local Government

Bachelor’s degree in marketing from the State University of New York at Albany and an M.B.A. in management information systems from the University of Minnesota; worked for Hewlett Packard in Boise for over 35 years as a computer programmer, marketing manager, strategic business planner and global program manager; owner of Steve Berch Consulting LLC, providing business planning and process consulting for local companies; former vice-president of the Board of Directors of the Greater Boise Auditorium District; former vice-president of the West Valley Neighborhood Association (WVNA); spouse: Leslie, for 40 years; daughter: Katie, graduate of Boise State University.

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Megan  Blanksma (R) [email protected] District 8 House Seat B 4 th term 595 S Thacker Rd, Hammett, ID, 83627 Home (208) 366-7976 Statehouse (208) 332-1054 (Session Only) Agribusiness Owner/Operator Committees: Health & Welfare Resources & Conservation Transportation & Defense

Graduate of Nampa High School; B.S. in economics from University of Idaho; spouse: Jeffery; children: Adrie and Tucker.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Judy  Boyle (R) [email protected] District 9 House Seat B 8 th term PO Box 57, Midvale, ID, 83645 Home (208) 355-3225 Bus (208) 355-3225 Statehouse (208) 332-1064 (Session Only) Agriculture and Writer Committees: Agricultural Affairs Resources & Conservation Revenue & Taxation

Attended Lassen Community College, Boise State University, and University of Idaho; rancher and freelance writer; natural resources director for former Congresswoman Helen Chenoweth; named one of the 100 most influential people in Idaho; two children; two grandsons.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Matthew  “Matt”  Bundy (R) [email protected] District 8 House Seat A 2 nd term 1735 Castle Way, Mountain Home, ID, 83647 Home (208) 599-2379 Statehouse (208) 332-1181 (Session Only) Teacher/Retired USAF Committees: Commerce & Human Resources – Vice Chair Appropriations Environment, Energy & Technology Ethics and House Policy

B.A. Weber State University, M.A. University of Utah, Ed.S. University of Idaho; 20-year Air Force veteran; achieved rank of Lt. Col. while serving as a B-1B and B-52 aviator; bomber nuclear alert duty during Cold War; post-9/11 combat deployment to Afghanistan; currently teaching civics and government at Mountain Home High School; served with the U.S. Department of State – Teachers for Global Classrooms program, working with educators in the 2012 Ukraine cohort; additional educational teacher exchanges in Jordan, South Korea, and Germany; selected by Veterans of Foreign Wars as the 2019-2020 VFW Idaho and National High School Civics Teacher of the Year; past member of Mountain Home City Council; spouse: Colette; three children; four grandchildren.

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Ned  Burns (D) [email protected] Minority Caucus Chair District 26 House Seat A 2 nd term PO Box 693, Bellevue, ID, 83313 Home (208) 332-1174 Statehouse (208) 332-1174 (Session Only) Realtor Committees: Resources & Conservation Revenue & Taxation Transportation & Defense Ways & Means

Born and raised in Twin Falls; graduate of Twin Falls High School (Class of ’95); attended the University of Montana and studied business administration and accounting; served on the Sun Valley Board of Realtors Board of Directors since 2017, board president 2019; elected mayor of Bellevue 2018, reelected 2020; served on the Bellevue City Council, the Bellevue Urban Renewal Agency, and the Sun Valley Economic Development Board; avid skier, hunter, fisher, and recreational league hockey player; currently resides in Bellevue; spouse: Sara; one silly Pug named Jimmy.

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David  M.  Cannon (R) [email protected] District 30 House Seat A 2 nd term 75 E Judicial St, Blackfoot, ID, 83221 Home (208) 332-1086 Statehouse (208) 332-1086 (Session Only) Attorney Committees: Revenue & Taxation – Chair Agricultural Affairs Judiciary, Rules & Administration

Raised in Blackfoot, Idaho, in a construction business family; graduated from Blackfoot High School; served church mission in Argentina; undergraduate from Brigham Young University (economics); University of Utah (law); criminal defense attorney (Cannon Law, P.A.); enjoys sports/fitness: basketball, running, pickleball, and disc golf; spouse: Lisa; children: Justin, Tyler, Rachel, and Scott; grandchildren: six (and counting).

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Richard  W.  “Rick”  Cheatum (R) [email protected] District 28 House Seat A 1 st term 2475 Ada Street, Pocatello, ID, 83201 Home (208) 339-2629 Statehouse (208) 332-1046 (Session Only) Retired Committees: Commerce & Human Resources Local Government Revenue & Taxation

Born in western Kansas, raised on a farm, and moved to Idaho in 1977; B.S. in broadcast journalism from the University of Kansas; employed in radio, automobile sales, and credit unions; retired in 2017 and decided to serve the community by seeking elective office; elected to the Pocatello City Council in 2017, re-elected in 2021, and served as Council President in 2022 and 2023; council liaison assignments included the Pocatello Airport Commission, Bannock Transportation Planning Organization, Pocatello Development Authority, Historic Downtown Pocatello, Senior Activity Center, and Southeastern Idaho Community Action Agency; serves as a regional director of the Association of Idaho Cities; Bannock County GOP precinct committeeman and past treasurer for the Bannock County GOP; member and past president of Portneuf Valley Partners; member and past president of the Chamber Chiefs; former Idaho Central Credit Union board member and board chair; Pocatello-Chubbuck Chamber of Commerce Volunteer of the Year; Idaho State University College of Education Volunteer of the Year; twice received the Award of Merit from the Region 5 supervisor for Idaho Fish and Game and served as member and chair of the Region 5 Idaho Fish and Game Wildlife Feeding Committee; NRA life member and an avid hunter, shooter, and reloader; married to Debra for 32 years; a daughter, Nicole, and step-son, Tony.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Lance  W.  Clow (R) [email protected] District 25 House Seat A 6 th term 2170 Bitterroot Dr, Twin Falls, ID, 83301 Home (208) 733-5767 Statehouse (208) 332-1188 (Session Only) Personal Financial Advisor (Retired) Committees: Business – Chair Education Local Government

Lived in Twin Falls (District 25) since 1977; Bachelor of Arts degree in economics, California Lutheran University, 1969; elected to the Twin Falls City Council, serving five terms since 1993 and serving six years as mayor; served on the Association of Idaho Cities Board, Idaho Public Transportation Advisory Council, District V Magistrate Commission, and Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer Comprehensive Aquifer Management Planning Committee; spouse: DeeDee.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Jeff  J.  Cornilles (R) [email protected] District 12 House Seat A 1 st term 1313 W Raelin Drive, Nampa, ID, 83686 Home (208) 880-3562 Bus (208) 880-3562 Statehouse (208) 332-1033 (Session Only) Life and Employee Benefits Sales Committees: Business Local Government Revenue & Taxation

Fourth-generation Nampa resident; attended Nampa High School and the University of Idaho; small business owner; member of the Nampa Rotary Club; member of the Nampa Chamber of Commerce; serves on the Nampa Impact Fee Advisory Committee; serves as a commissioner on Nampa Development Corporation (NDC), Nampa’s Urban Renewal Agency; spouse: Keriann Cornilles; five children; four grandchildren.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Brent  Crane (R) [email protected] District 13 House Seat A 9 th term PO Box 86, Nampa, ID, 83653 Bus (208) 466-0613 Statehouse (208) 332-1058 (Session Only) Co Owner – Crane Alarm Service Committees: Ethics and House Policy – Chair State Affairs – Chair Business

Rep. Crane is the Co-Owner of Crane Alarm Service, a family-owned security and fire alarm business that has been in Nampa since 1964. Rep. Crane is currently serving his ninth term in the Idaho House of Representatives. He is the ranking member on the House Business Committee and is the Chairman of the House State Affairs Committee. In 2022 his colleagues elected him to also serve as the Chairman of the House Ethics and Policy Committee. Rep. Crane is known as an advocate for a strong economy and a business-friendly environment. Rep. Crane received the Friend of Agriculture award in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, and 2022. Rep. Crane is active in his community, having served as an Ad Hoc member of the Nampa Chamber of Commerce Executive Board. Rep. Crane coaches’ youth basketball for Nampa Christian Schools.Rep. Crane was pleased when his company was selected by the TV show Extreme Makeover Edition to install the security system for the Ryan Stockdale family. Rep. Crane’s company also provided the security for the 2009 Special Winter Olympics. A life-long resident of Canyon County, Rep. Crane graduated from Nampa Christian High School and received a B.A. in political science with an emphasis in public administration from Boise State University. Rep. Crane is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys playing golf, fly fishing, and shooting clay targets. When not on the golf course, Rep. Crane can be found on the beach in South Florida reading a good book. Rep. Crane and his wife, Rochenda, have two children, a son Keaton and a daughter Riley.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Jaron  Crane (R) [email protected] District 12 House Seat B 1 st term PO Box 1804, Nampa, ID, 83653 Home (208) 812-2059 Statehouse (208) 332-1059 (Session Only) Business Owner Committees: Business – Vice Chair State Affairs Transportation & Defense

Ronald “Jaron” Crane was born and raised in Nampa, Idaho; third-generation Idahoan and youngest of six children of retired State Treasurer Ron G. and Cheryl A. Crane; attended Nampa Christian Schools (K-12); attended Hobe Sound Bible College in Florida; transferred to Ohio Christian University and received an associate degree in business management; enlisted in the Idaho Army National Guard while enrolled at Boise State University; graduated BSU with a bachelor’s degree in political science, emphasis in public policy (2014); fulfilled his contract with the Idaho Army National Guard (2019); current vice president of Crane Alarm Service; as of April 2020, co-owner of American Fire Protection with his brother; spouse: Clarissa, married since 2011; three children: Heavenly Joy, Jadon Lee, and Ronald Drew.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Chenele  Dixon (R) [email protected] District 24 House Seat A 1 st term 3430 Harvest Moon Drive, Kimberly, ID, 83341 Home (208) 332-1024 Statehouse (208) 332-1024 (Session Only) Educator and Realtor Committees: Health & Welfare Judiciary, Rules & Administration Local Government

Graduated from Brigham Young University with a BFA in English education; earned a Master’s of Education from George Wythe University; taught writing and literature in homeschool co-ops; currently president of the Kimberly Schools Foundation, raising money for scholarships for Kimberly graduates to continue their education; former director of the College of Southern Idaho Music Fest camp for youth for multiple years; resides in Kimberly, Idaho; spouse: Michael; two adult daughters.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Sage  G.  Dixon (R) [email protected] Assistant Majority Leader District 1 House Seat B 5 th term PO Box 206, Ponderay, ID, 83852 Home (208) 610-4800 Statehouse (208) 332-1185 (Session Only) Self-employed Committees: Business Revenue & Taxation Transportation & Defense Ways & Means

A man of little account who has been blessed to serve his district and State; spouse: Veronica;
seven children.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Melissa  Durrant (R) [email protected] District 23 House Seat A 1 st term 4000 W Hubbard Road, Kuna, ID, 83634 Home (208) 941-1963 Statehouse (208) 332-1055 (Session Only) Homemaker Committees: Resources & Conservation Revenue & Taxation

Resides in Kuna, Idaho; graduate of Union High School; bachelor’s degree in health science from Boise State University; bachelor’s degree in communicative disorders and deaf education from Utah State University; currently attending Yeshiva University graduate school for speech language pathology; 350-acre farming operation, small business owner; former Idaho Farm Bureau State board member and Young Farmer and Rancher Chair; spouse: Neil; four children.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Megan  Egbert (D) [email protected] District 17 House Seat B 1 st term 1630 S. Rand St., Boise, ID, 83709 Statehouse (208) 332-1049 (Session Only) Committees: Commerce & Human Resources Environment, Energy & Technology Health & Welfare

Bio to come

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Barbara  Ehardt (R) [email protected] District 33 House Seat A 4 th term 961 J St, Idaho Falls, ID, 83402 Home (208) 332-1189 Statehouse (208) 332-1189 (Session Only) Manager – Athletic Club Committees: Local Government – Chair Education Judiciary, Rules & Administration

Born and raised in Idaho Falls; attended North Idaho College and Idaho State University on a basketball scholarship; owns and operates Coach E’s Camps and Clinics; runs a highly successful travel basketball program with many young men going on to play collegiately; conducts leadership forums; motivational speaker, included EFY (Especially for Youth) through BYU, YES (Youth Education through Sports) clinics at the NCAA Final Four, as well as many other events; spent 15 years as a NCAA Division I women’s basketball coach at UC Santa Barbara, Brigham Young University (Provo), Washington State University, and Cal State Fullerton as the head coach; served as president of the Bonneville County Republican Women; elected to the Idaho Falls City Council 2013; named Idaho’s GOP Legislator of the Year, 2021; named National Legislator of the Year by Alliance Defending Freedom, 2021.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Jeff  Ehlers (R) [email protected] District 21 House Seat B 1 st term 3313 W Cherry Lane #1024 , Meridian, ID, 83642 Home (208) 278-2818 Statehouse (208) 332-1072 (Session Only) CFO/CPA/Small Business Owner Committees: Revenue & Taxation – Vice Chair Agricultural Affairs Business

Sixth-generation Idahoan; graduate of Shelley High School; bachelor’s and master’s dregree in accounting from BYU-Provo, Utah; MBA from University of Utah; CPA; business entrepreneur and small business owner; married; four children.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Marco  Adam  Erickson (R) [email protected] District 33 House Seat B 2 nd term 646 Crestview Ave, Idaho Falls, ID, 83402 Home (208) 241-5665 Statehouse (208) 332-1073 (Session Only) Coalition Program Director Committees: Health & Welfare – Vice Chair Judiciary, Rules & Administration Local Government

Born in Montana and raised in Boise, Idaho; bachelor’s degree in psychology from Montana State University and a master’s degree in psychology from Walden University; worked 14 years in eastern Idaho providing direct mental health services to families; employed with state government managing departments, including education and public and behavioral health, with projects focused on anti-bullying, mental health, HIV, homelessness, suicide, drug and alcohol treatment, Medicaid, maternal and child health, and drug prevention; currently serves various nonprofits statewide and on local committees focused on building positive community change; married for 22 years; five children (ages 9-20): four boys and one girl.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Rod  Furniss (R) [email protected] District 31 House Seat B 3 rd term 346 North 4456 East, Rigby, ID, 83442 Home (208) 589-1100 Statehouse (208) 332-1056 (Session Only) Insurance Sales/Land Developer Committees: Environment, Energy & Technology – Vice Chair Appropriations Business

Graduate of Rigby High School; associate degree in business from BYU-Idaho; bachelor’s degree in business administration and finance from Idaho State University; chartered life insurance underwriter and chartered financial consultant from American College in Pennsylvania; commercial and residential real estate developer; serves on the Revenue & Taxation Committee, the State Affairs Committee, the Business Committee, the Environmental, Energy, & Technology Committee, the Joint Finance and Appropriations Committee, the Property Taxes & Revenue Expenditures Committee, the Economic Outlook & Revenue Assessment Committee (EORAC), the Teachers Health Insurance Group, the Your Health Idaho Exchange Board, the Idaho Individual High Risk Reinsurance Pool Board, the Idaho Commission on Hispanic Affairs, and the Idaho Petroleum Storage Tank Fund; Precinct Committeeman for Jefferson County; past president, Idaho Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors; past president, Idaho Falls Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors; past president, Idaho Falls Society of Financial Service Professionals; past president, Idaho Falls Estate Planning Council; qualified for the Million Dollar Round Table, Court of the Table, and Top of the Table; National Sales Achievement and National Quality Award; past president, Education Foundation School Dist. #251; five children; eleven grandchildren.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Soñia  R.  Galaviz (D) [email protected] District 16 House Seat A 1 st term PO Box 7096, Boise, ID, 83707 Home (208) 332-1083 Statehouse (208) 332-1083 (Session Only) Educator Committees: Education Local Government Resources & Conservation

Born and raised in the Silver Valley; Ed.D. in curriculum and instruction, STEM education emphasis, Boise State University (2020); Boise State University Distinguished Alumni, 2021; Wassmuth Center for Human Rights, Idaho Human Rights Educator of the Year, 2020; National Education Association Foundation Awards for Teaching Excellence, National Teacher of the Year, 2017; Industry’s Excellent Educators Dedicated to STEM (INDEEDS) Award, 2016; children: MacKenzie and Max.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Jacyn  Gallagher (R) [email protected] District 9 House Seat A 1 st term 827 Pringle Road, Weiser, ID, 83672 Home (208) 960-0051 Statehouse (208) 332-1166 (Session Only) Retired Committees: Agricultural Affairs Health & Welfare Judiciary, Rules & Administration

Attended 2+ years of college; retired – public service; manages a small farm; former stay-at-home mother; married to a 22 year Navy Veteran; two children.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

John  Gannon (D) [email protected] District 17 House Seat A 6 th term   (Served 1 term, House 1990-1992) 1104 S Johnson St, Boise, ID, 83705 Home (208) 343-1608 Bus (208) 433-0629 Statehouse (208) 332-1082 (Session Only) Attorney Committees: Ethics and House Policy Judiciary, Rules & Administration State Affairs Transportation & Defense

Served 1 term, House 1990-1992; born in Ross, California; graduate UC Davis, Hastings College of Law and USAR JAG School; member of the House Judiciary, Rules & Administration, State Affairs, Transportation & Defense, and Ethics Committees; active leader in the Medicaid Initiative 2017-2018; member Boise School District Facilities Steering Committee 2005-2006 and various community organizations; director, New York Irrigation District 1989-1990 and Boise Project Board of Control 1990; spouse: Bev; two children.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Dan  Garner (R) [email protected] District 28 House Seat B 1 st term PO Box 43, Clifton, ID, 83228 Home (208) 244-0999 Statehouse (208) 332-1081 (Session Only) Farmer/Rancher Committees: Agricultural Affairs Education Judiciary, Rules & Administration

Farmed and ranched in Clifton, Idaho for 38 years; earned a bachelor of science degree in economics from BYU, Provo, Utah ; owned and operated several successful small businesses; serves on the local school board (2013 – present); serves on the State Farm Bureau Board (2015 – present); served on the American Farm Bureau Organic and Direct Marketing Committees; recipient of FFA Honorary State Farmer Degree (2012); four children.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Brooke  Green (D) [email protected] District 18 House Seat B 3 rd term 4936 E Woodcutter Drive, Boise, ID, 83706 Home (208) 332-1080 Statehouse (208) 332-1080 (Session Only) Senior Transportation Planner Committees: Appropriations Business Ethics and House Policy Local Government

Raised in Los Alamos, NM; master’s degree in business administration from Northwest Nazarene University and degrees in both communication and marketing technology from Boise State University; senior transportation planner; certified Professional Community Economic Developer (PCED) through Northwest Community Economic Development Institute; served as chairperson of Boise City Open Space and Clean water Advisory Committee; 2011 graduate of Leadership Boise; recognized as one of Idaho Business Review’s 2014 Women of the Year honorees; recognized as one of Idaho Business Review’s 2010, 40 under 40; recipient of 2018 Woman of the Year by Idaho Chapter of Women in Transportation.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Clay  Handy (R) [email protected] District 27 House Seat B 1 st term 29 S 150 E, Burley, ID, 83318 Home (208) 332-1074 Statehouse (208) 332-1074 (Session Only) Committees: Appropriations Judiciary, Rules & Administration Transportation & Defense

Fourth-generation Idahoan and Cassia County resident; more than 35 years political and community service: Burley City Council for eight years, Cassia County commissioner for eight years, Cassia Regional Hospital board member for 13 years and chairman for eight years, Burley Area Development Association chairman for eight years, Idaho Trucking Association (serving twice as president), various statewide and regional transportation advisory boards, Zions Bank Advisory Board, South Idaho Community Action Board for eight years, and current member of HEM board; enjoys hiking, skiing, fishing, and river rafting with family; spouse: Kristine Hansen; six children.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Dale  R.  Hawkins (R) [email protected] District 2 House Seat B 1 st term PO Box 245, Fernwood, ID, 83830 Home (208) 568-1275 Statehouse (208) 332-1070 (Session Only) Small Business Owner/Retired Committees: Commerce & Human Resources Education Local Government

Resident of Fernwood, Idaho for more than 24 years; Christian, serving the last 35 years in various leadership roles in the church including drug and alcohol abuse counselor; served seven years as a reserve deputy with the Benewah County Sheriff’s Office; worked in mining, logging and construction; small business owner; NRA certified firearms instructor; precinct committeeman and Benewah County GOP chairman; spouse: Debra, married for 36 years; six children; one grandchild.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Dori  Healey (R) [email protected] District 15 House Seat B 1 st term 8059 W Preece Dr, Suite 1106, Boise, ID, 83704 Home (208) 718-0464 Statehouse (208) 332-1176 (Session Only) Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Committees: Commerce & Human Resources Health & Welfare Local Government

Born in Midvale, Idaho; moved to Boise to study nursing at Boise State University; fourth-generation Idahoan and third-generation nurse; master’s degree in nursing education, master’s degree in business administration, and an advanced nursing degree from Loyola University-Chicago as a clinical nurse specialist; Ryan’s Case for Smiles, Idaho chair; Idaho American Nurses Association, immediate past president; precinct committewoman Ada County; serves in multiple volunteer positions; married; two children, ages 7 and 10.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Edward  H.  “Ted”  Hill (R) [email protected] District 14 House Seat A 1 st term 2488 E Windrose Street, Eagle, ID, 83616 Home (208) 332-1124 Statehouse (208) 332-1124 (Session Only) Airline Pilot Committees: Education Resources & Conservation Transportation & Defense

Born and raised in Idaho; attended Boise High School; graduated from Boise State University with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree; completed a master’s degree in international relations from Salve-Regina University; joined the Navy in 1984 and served as a fighter pilot (participating in three combat tours), a squadron commander, and an Airwing deputy commander; during his combat tours, acted as liaison to Arab countries on defense operations, training, and status of force negotiations; additionally, worked closely with alliance partners Great Britain, Australia, and Japan; involved with the Department of Defense for more than a decade in strategic war planning, force and weapon assessments, and recommendations; retired in April of 2022 after completing 38 years of service with the Navy; currently a contract adversary fighter pilot in support of naval aviator tactical training and an international pilot for United Airlines.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

James  Holtzclaw (R) [email protected] District 20 House Seat B 6 th term 3720 N Heritage View Ave, Meridian, ID, 83646 Home (208) 284-9542 Statehouse (208) 332-1041 (Session Only) Real Estate Broker/Small Business Owner Committees: Commerce & Human Resources – Chair State Affairs Transportation & Defense

Enlisted in USAF after graduating high school; first member of family to attain college degree upon graduating from George Fox University; served ten years in the armed forces and completed four tours of duty where he was awarded distinguished medals and commendations; small business owner in Meridian and a real estate agent/broker and property manager; Chairman of Commerce and Human Resources; member of Transportation & Defense, State Affairs, Occupational Licensing Oversight, and Change in Employee Compensation; honors: Outstanding Airman of the Year, National Defense Medal, Outstanding Unit with Valor Medal, Idaho Meritorious Service Medal for outstanding work for the State of Idaho – awarded by Governor Otter and Gowen AFB, Advocate of Justice Award for outstanding service to the public safety of Idaho’s citizens, Legislator of the year by the Fraternal Order of Police, Legislator of the year by the Firefighters of Idaho.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Wendy  Horman (R) [email protected] District 32 House Seat B 6 th term 1860 Heather Circle, Idaho Falls, ID, 83406 Home (208) 522-4387 Statehouse (208) 332-1071 (Session Only) Small Business Owner Committees: Appropriations – Chair Environment, Energy & Technology

Graduate of Roy High School; Associate of Science degree from Dixie State College; Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from BYU-Idaho; LDS; Leadership in Nuclear Energy (LINE) Commission; Founder and Chair, Energy and Technology caucus; former Bonneville School Board Trustee; former President, Idaho School Boards Association; spouse: Briggs; five children; eight grandchildren.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Mike  Kingsley (R) [email protected] District 7 House Seat A 4 th term 3413 Bluebird Cir, Lewiston, ID, 83501 Home (208) 791-8600 Statehouse (208) 332-1133 (Session Only) Semi-retired Committees: Local Government – Vice Chair Commerce & Human Resources Health & Welfare

1978 Graduate of Lewiston High School; studied electronics and received first-class Radio Telephone license in 1979; former president of the Lewiston Gun Club; founder of the Red Cross advisory board in Lewiston; served on Lewis-Clark State College business division advisory board, Tri-State Hospital board, Lewiston Air Quality commission, and Region 2 Behavioral Health board; assisted with establishment of First Steps 4 Life recovery center in Lewiston; owned many businesses in the Lewis Clark Valley and sold them in 2010; semi-retired; spouse: Carolyn (36 years); children: Bradley, Lucas, and Katie.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Tina  Lambert (R) [email protected] District 23 House Seat B 1 st term PO Box 1324, Caldwell, ID, 83606 Home (208) 504-8647 Statehouse (208) 332-1047 (Session Only) Home Educator (Retired) Committees: Appropriations Environment, Energy & Technology Judiciary, Rules & Administration

Graduate of Vallivue High School; B.S. in journalism from the University of Idaho; spouse: David; three children.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Greg  L.  Lanting (R) [email protected] District 25 House Seat B 1 st term 355 Elm St N, Apt 1, Twin Falls, ID, 83301 Home (208) 490-3511 Statehouse (208) 332-1182 (Session Only) School Administrator (Retired) Committees: Business Education Transportation & Defense

Born and raised on a ranch/farm in southern Twin Falls County; graduate of Filer High School, College of Southern Idaho, University of Idaho, and College of Idaho; served ten years in the Idaho Air and Army National Guard; employed 16 years as a teacher and 17 years as a middle school principal; served 16 years on the Twin Falls City Council; Twin Falls mayor, 2012-2013; Association of Idaho Cities president, 2013-2014; current member of the Twin Falls County Fair Board; committee assignments: Education, Transportation and Defense, and Business.

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Dustin  Manwaring (R) [email protected] Majority Caucus Chair District 29 House Seat A 2 nd term   (Served 1 term, House 2016-2018) 1469 W Quinn Road, Pocatello, ID, 83202 Home (208) 252-5295 Statehouse (208) 332-1079 (Session Only) Attorney Committees: Resources & Conservation Revenue & Taxation Transportation & Defense Ways & Means

Blackfoot and Pocatello native; graduate of Blackfoot High School, the University of Utah, and Drake University Law School; admitted to Idaho State Bar and State Bar of California; former law clerk for U.S. Attorney’s Office and former manager for SkyWest Airlines; founder and owner of Milestone Law PLLC, a business, estate planning, and intellectual property law firm; current board member and vice-president of Lillian Vallely Youth Foundation; spouse: Whitney.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Chris  Mathias (D) [email protected] District 19 House Seat B 2 nd term PO Box 8753, Boise, ID, 83707 Home (208) 332-1076 Statehouse (208) 332-1076 (Session Only) Self-employed Committees: Agricultural Affairs Education Ethics and House Policy Judiciary, Rules & Administration

Graduate of Boise State University; B.S. in criminal justice administration; member, the Idaho Criminal Justice Commission and the National Black Caucus of State Legislators; former chief academic officer, Idaho State Board of Education; former U.S. Senate law clerk; veteran, U.S. Coast Guard; spouse: Katie; two young children.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Lori  McCann (R) [email protected] District 6 House Seat A 2 nd term 1027 Bryden Avenue, Lewiston, ID, 83501 Home (208)743-5517 Bus (208) 743-5517 Statehouse (208) 332-1184 (Session Only) Business Owner, Cattle Rancher, and Property Developer Committees: Education – Vice Chair Agricultural Affairs Commerce & Human Resources

Born in Portland, Oregon; lived in Lewiston, Idaho, for the last 50 years; graduate of Lewiston High School and of the University of Idaho with a Bachelor of Science in education; served as program coordinator and professor in the paralegal and legal assisting programs at Lewis-Clark State College for 15 years; for the past 44 years, she has worked along with her husband to manage his law practice, their family corporation (consisting of a cattle ranch, timber, and commercial real estate development), and their personal partnership in residential and commercial rentals; past member of the Tammany School Board; past president of the Idaho Association for Legal Professionals; president of Lewis-Clark State College’s Foundation Board (2021-2023); board member of the Idaho Community Foundation, the Idaho Business for Education organization, University of Idaho’s Strategic Initiative Fund; advisory board member of the University of Idaho Extension Program; member of the Idaho Workforce Development Council; precinct captain for the Nez Perce County Republican Central Committee; spouse: William Vern McCann, Jr.; four children; eleven grandchildren.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Ron  Mendive (R) [email protected] District 5 House Seat A 6 th term 3732 S Dusty Ln, Coeur d’Alene, ID, 83814 Home (208) 667-9330 Statehouse (208) 332-1040 (Session Only) Self-employed, Construction and Land Services (Semi-retired) Committees: Resources & Conservation – Chair Education

Born in Elko, Nevada; graduate of Kellogg High School and North Idaho College; five-term precinct committeeman; principal in corporation that developed first successful self-igniting pellet stove; spouse: Sherlene; three children; six grandchildren.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Stephanie  Jo  Mickelsen (R) [email protected] District 32 House Seat A 1 st term 9088 N River Rd, Idaho Falls, ID, 83402 Home (208) 715-7770 Statehouse (208) 332-1042 (Session Only) CFO Mickelsen Farms, LLC Committees: Environment, Energy & Technology Resources & Conservation Revenue & Taxation

Born in Idaho Falls, Idaho; graduated Blackfoot High School; associate degree in economics BYU-I; potato farmer; former Idaho Farm Bureau State Director; former College of Eastern Idaho trustee; chair of Bonneville Jefferson Groundwater District; co-chair Idaho Groundwater Appropriators; EIRMC board member; spouse: Mark; children: Andrew, Michelle, Sam, and Chelsea; 14 grandchildren.

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Steve  Miller (R) [email protected] District 24 House Seat B 1 st term   (Served 3 terms, House 2012-2018) 1208 E 200 N, Fairfield, ID, 83327 Home (208) 332-1061 Statehouse (208) 332-1061 (Session Only) Farmer/Rancher Committees: Appropriations – Vice Chair Commerce & Human Resources Transportation & Defense

Born in Wendell, Idaho; graduated from Camas County High School; B.S. in agricultural engineering from the University of Idaho; former member of Camas County Planning and Zoning; former Camas County commissioner; graduate of Leadership Idaho Agriculture; past president of Idaho Association of Conservation Districts; past secretary/treasurer of the National Association of Conservation Districts; served six years in the Idaho House of Representatives; third-generation farm and ranch in Camas and Blaine counties producing organic hay and grain; spouse: Cheryl; children: Nancy, James, and Andrew; one granddaughter, Kaylea.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Brandon  Mitchell (R) [email protected] District 6 House Seat B 2 nd term PO Box 8897, Moscow, ID, 83843 Home (208) 596-5001 Statehouse (208) 332-1175 (Session Only) Small Business Owner Committees: Transportation & Defense – Vice Chair Business Health & Welfare

Raised in Syracuse, Utah; graduate of Clearfield High School; attended Weber State University and finished his degree at Brigham Young University-Idaho; small business co-owner with wife since January 2013; served as a leader in the Boy Scouts of America (2006-2018); have been certified therapeutic foster parents along with wife and served in that capacity for 12 years; lifetime benefactor member of the NRA; scuba instructor; 2nd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do; served in various ecclesiastical leadership roles; spouse: Marcie, 34 years; one son and two daughters (one adopted, still at home, and one foster); five grandchildren.

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Jason  A.  Monks (R) [email protected] Majority Leader District 22 House Seat B 6 th term 3865 S Black Cat Rd, Meridian, ID, 83687 Home (208) 884-8684 Statehouse (208) 332-1036 (Session Only) Small Business Owner Committees: Revenue & Taxation Transportation & Defense Ways & Means

Bachelor of Science degree from Brigham Young University with a dual emphasis in environmental health and industrial hygiene; construction, corporate environmental, health and safety experience; business owner and operator; spouse: Shelley; eight children; eleven grandchildren.

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Mike  Moyle (R) [email protected] Speaker of the House District 10 House Seat A 13 th term 480 N Plummer Rd, Star, ID, 83669 Bus (208) 286-7842 Statehouse (208) 332-1122 (Session Only) Agribusiness

1983 graduate of Meridian High School; attended BYU; LDS; farmer/rancher; serves on Middleton Irrigation Board; served on Far West Spearmint Committee; former fire commissioner of Star; served four years as House Assistant Majority Leader; served eight terms as Majority Leader; spouse: Janet; children: Kelsei, Jacob and Preston.

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Lauren  Necochea (D) [email protected] Assistant Minority Leader District 19 House Seat A 3 rd term PO Box 1634, Boise, ID, 83701 Home (208) 332-1078 Statehouse (208) 332-1078 (Session Only) Committees: Environment, Energy & Technology Resources & Conservation Revenue & Taxation Ways & Means

Fourth-generation Idahoan; graduate of Boise High School; undergraduate at Pomona College with a B.A. in economics; Master of Public Affairs from Princeton University; Fulbright Fellow; Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Leadership Institute for State-Based Advocates, fellow (2014-2016); Idaho Business Review’s Accomplished 40 Under 40, honoree (2015); Idaho Business Review Women of the Year, honoree (2014); Environmental Leadership Program, fellow (2009); married; two children.

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Jack  Nelsen (R) [email protected] District 26 House Seat B 1 st term 253 E 650 N, Jerome, ID, 83338 Home (208) 320-1921 Statehouse (208) 332-1032 (Session Only) Retired Committees: Agricultural Affairs Education Resources & Conservation

A.A. in music, College of Southern Idaho; B.A. in music, University Redlands; M.Ed. in curriculum and instruction, Boise State University; partner in dairy and farming operation in Jerome for 45 years; College of Southern Idaho pep band and classroom music part time instructor for more than 20 years; general music and band teacher for Wendell School District for three years; Jerome County Planning and Zoning Commission for 20 years, past chair; Mid-Snake Water Commission; Jerome County Republican Central Committee, past chair; College of Southern Idaho Foundation board member; Jerome Rotary Club, past president; College of Southern Idaho Board of Trustees for six years; enjoys fly fishing, fly tying, skiing, and time with family and grandchildren; spouse: Emily, married 42 years; children: Chris and partner Toni – three girls; Greg and partner Leah; Matt and wife Velia – two girls.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Joe  A.  Palmer (R) [email protected] District 20 House Seat A 8 th term 1524 N Meridian Rd, Meridian, ID, 83642 Home (208) 332-1062 Statehouse (208) 332-1062 (Session Only) Self-employed Committees: Transportation & Defense – Chair Business State Affairs

Fourth-generation Idahoan, born and raised in the Treasure Valley; graduated from Meridian High School; attended Ricks College; served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Montana; graduated from BSU; enjoys flying the backcountry of Idaho, experiencing our beautiful state, spending time with family; spouse: Leslie, 36 years; one daughter and three sons; eight grandchildren.

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James  Petzke (R) [email protected] District 21 House Seat A 1 st term 2628 S Afleet Ave, Meridian, ID, 83642 Home (208) 450-5615 Statehouse (208) 332-1043 (Session Only) Business Owner Committees: Appropriations Business Transportation & Defense

Raised in Hailey, Idaho; A.A. and B.A. from Boise State University; M.A. in finance from Harvard University Extension School; ten years experience in various eCommerce businesses; co-founder of Upland Optics.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Douglas  T.  Pickett (R) [email protected] District 27 House Seat A 1 st term 625 W 1700 S, Oakley, ID, 83346 Home (208) 862-3387 Statehouse (208) 332-1123 (Session Only) Rancher Committees: Agricultural Affairs Resources & Conservation Revenue & Taxation

Born in Twin Falls; graduate of Oakley High School; served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Duesseldorf, Germany; B.S. in economics from Brigham Young University; fourth-generation owner/partner of Pickett Ranch, an Idaho Century Farm and Ranch; board member of Oakley Valley Water Company; former member of the State Republican Central Committee; former youth football and basketball coach; former youth scout and ecclesiastical leader; wife: Brady; three sons.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Elaine  Price (R) [email protected] District 4 House Seat B 1 st term 1107 E Sherman Ave, Coeur d’ Alene, ID, 83814 Home (208) 654-3228 Statehouse (208) 332-1048 (Session Only) Small Business Owner Committees: Commerce & Human Resources Education Local Government

Earned an accounting assistant (AAS) degree from North Idaho College; small business owner; experience in corporate settings; married; four children.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Britt  Raybould (R) [email protected] District 34 House Seat B 1 st term   (Served 1 term, House 2018-2020) PO Box 653, Rexburg, ID, 83440 Home (208) 419-0768 Bus (208) 419-0768 Statehouse (208) 332-1173 (Session Only) Farmer/CFO/Business Strats Committees: Appropriations Environment, Energy & Technology Ethics and House Policy Resources & Conservation

Born and raised in eastern Idaho; graduate of Sugar-Salem High School, Boise State University, and Westminster College; CFO of Raybould Brothers Farms and founder of Write Bold, a consulting firm focused on small business strategy and marketing; past president of the National Potato Council; past Madison County Republican Party Youth committeeperson; past chair, Ag Affairs Committee, Idaho Potato Commission.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Jerald  Raymond (R) [email protected] District 31 House Seat A 1 st term   (Served 1 term, House 2018-2020) 3352 E 750 North, Menan, ID, 83434 Home (208) 497-2745 Statehouse (208) 332-1183 (Session Only) Rancher/Livestock Consultant Committees: Agricultural Affairs – Vice Chair Resources & Conservation Revenue & Taxation

Born in Rigby and raised in Menan; graduate of Rigby High School; attended Ricks College; involved in all aspects of the livestock industry including artificial insemination (AI), embryo transfer, cow/calf management, and feedlot sectors; received livestock industry service awards from Ricks College and Applied Reproduction Strategies in Beef Cattle (ARSBC); past president of the Idaho Cattle Association; former Jefferson County commissioner; engaged in local civic and church activities; spouse: Cheri, 46 years; six children; 24 grandchildren.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Jordan  Redman (R) [email protected] District 3 House Seat B 1 st term 1410 Lincoln Way, Ste 100, Coeur d’ Alene, ID, 83814 Home (208) 664-5263 Statehouse (208) 332-1180 (Session Only) Business Owner Committees: Business Environment, Energy & Technology Health & Welfare

Born in Coeur d’Alene and lifelong resident of North Idaho; homeschooled and attended North Idaho College, Whitworth University, and University of Idaho; business owner in the fields of insurance and financial services, medical, and real estate; Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of Idaho executive committeeman; Surplus Line Association of Idaho Board Region 1 Director; nonprofit Reach America board member; 208 Ministries chairman; active community member and supporter of local and worldwide nonprofits; wife: Amy Redman; six children (ages 11, 9, 7, 4, 2, baby).

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Nate  Roberts (D) [email protected] District 29 House Seat B 1 st term PO Box 2173, Pocatello, ID, 83206 Home (208) 269-1230 Statehouse (208) 332-1031 (Session Only) Electrician Committees: Agricultural Affairs Commerce & Human Resources Health & Welfare

Employed as an electrician for 32 years; worked in the western states and internationally on industrial, commercial, and residential construction projects; spouse: Kirsten, married for 36 years; two sons.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Ilana  Rubel (D) [email protected] Minority Leader District 18 House Seat A 6 th term 2750 Migratory Dr, Boise, ID, 83706 Home (208) 866-4776 Statehouse (208) 332-1034 (Session Only) Attorney Committees: Business Environment, Energy & Technology Health & Welfare Ways & Means

Born 1972; graduate of Harvard Law School (J.D. 1997) and Georgetown University (B.A. in American government and English, 1994); senior counsel in the law firm of Fenwick & West, one of the nation’s premier law firms focusing on technology clients; served as founding member of BSU Honors College Advisory Board; co-founder of Idaho Business for the Outdoors; board member of National Association of Jewish Legislators; spouse: John; children: Andrew, Claire, Thomas, and Evan.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Mark  Sauter (R) [email protected] District 1 House Seat A 1 st term PO Box 1031, Sandpoint, ID, 83864 Home (208) 332-1035 Statehouse (208) 332-1035 (Session Only) Fire Service (Retired) Committees: Agricultural Affairs Education Judiciary, Rules & Administration

Earned a B.A. in fire administration, California State – Los Angeles; MPA in public administration, University of Southern California; retired after 30 years in fire service (fire fighter to fire chief); executive fire officer certification, U.S. Fire Academy; professional/volunteer associations: fire service, YMCA, Optimist, Rotary, school district, and Elks; Idaho Family Forest owner since 1993; two adult children.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Heather  Scott (R) [email protected] District 2 House Seat A 5 th term PO Box 134, Blanchard, ID, 83804 Home (208) 332-1190 Statehouse (208) 332-1190 (Session Only) Aquatic Biologist Committees: Judiciary, Rules & Administration – Vice Chair Environment, Energy & Technology State Affairs

Resident of north Idaho for 25 years; born in Ohio; B.S. in biology from University of Akron, Akron, Ohio; professional aquatic biologist; small business owner; Idaho Freedom Caucus Co-Chair; Club for Growth fellow; Hazlit Coalition member; member of Board of Directors for local nonprofit; daughter of Vietnam veteran; granddaughter of two WWII veterans; spouse: Andrew.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Charlie  Shepherd (R) [email protected] District 7 House Seat B 2 nd term PO Box 293, Pollock, ID, 83547 Home (208) 859-0023 Statehouse (208) 332-1067 (Session Only) SRJSD243 Maintenance Supervisor Committees: Resources & Conservation – Vice Chair Revenue & Taxation Transportation & Defense

Raised in Garden Valley, Idaho; graduate of Salmon River High School, Riggins, Idaho; maintenance supervisor at Salmon River Joint School District; spent 10 years logging in Idaho, Utah, Oregon, and Washington; worked 15 years for family-owned sawmill and log home business; coached high school football, basketball, and track at Salmon River High School for 18 years; current member of the District III Basketball Officials Association; spouse: Susan, 29 years; four children: Charlie, Jimmy, Johnny, and Chevelle.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Bruce  D.  Skaug (R) [email protected] District 10 House Seat B 2 nd term 1226 E Karcher Rd, Nampa, ID, 83687 Home (208) 466-0030 Statehouse (208) 332-1178 (Session Only) Attorney Committees: Judiciary, Rules & Administration – Chair Local Government State Affairs

Born in Pocatello, raised in Jerome, and resident of Nampa since 1992; graduate of CSI and the University of Idaho College of Law (1988); civil practice attorney, 1992-present; former Ada County deputy prosecutor; former Nampa city councilman, 2014-2020; served on boards of multiple nonprofit organizations; as freshman legislator, sponsored numerous pieces of legislation that became law; avid historian and ATV rider; spouse: Debbie, since 1986; six adult children; seven grandchildren.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Josh  Tanner (R) [email protected] District 14 House Seat B 1 st term PO BOX 125, Eagle, ID, 83616 Home (208) 781-5211 Statehouse (208) 332-1057 (Session Only) Business Owner Committees: Appropriations Resources & Conservation

Raised in Idaho’s Treasure Valley area; graduated with an Executive MBA and Bachelor of Science from Boise State University; currently serving as the elected Eagle fire commissioner and have served as the chairman since 2018; entrepreneurial businessman currently operating three Eagle, Idaho-based businesses; Evangelical Christian; avid hunter and fisher who enjoys the great Idaho outdoors; spouse: Dominique, married 15 years; three children.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

John  Vander Woude (R) [email protected] District 22 House Seat A 7 th term   (Served 1 term, House 2006-2008) 5311 Ridgewood Rd, Nampa, ID, 83687 Home (208) 888-4210 Statehouse (208) 332-1037 (Session Only) Farmer Committees: Health & Welfare – Chair Environment, Energy & Technology Resources & Conservation

Served one term, House 2006-2008; served 16 years on the Nampa Christian School Board; former board member of the United Dairymen of Idaho, Milk Producers of Idaho and the Idaho Dairy Herd Improvement Association; spouse: Judy; three children; 12 grandchildren.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Jon  O.  Weber (R) [email protected] District 34 House Seat A 2 nd term 64 E Main St, Rexburg, ID, 83440 Home (208) 390-6128 Statehouse (208) 332-1053 (Session Only) Small Business Owner Committees: Ways & Means – Chair Commerce & Human Resources Local Government Revenue & Taxation

Raised in Michigan; attended Ricks College and Utah State University; owned and operated small business for 30 years; served 12 years as Madison County commissioner; served on board of directors for Rexburg Area Chamber of Commerce, Beehive Federal Credit Union, Idaho Association of County Commissioners and Clerks (past president); magistrate commission member; spouse: Heather, 34 years; five children; seven grandchildren.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Josh  Wheeler (R) [email protected] District 35 House Seat B 1 st term 1849 S Foothill Rd, Ammon, ID, 83401 Home (208) 360-3926 Statehouse (208) 332-1179 (Session Only) Contractor Committees: Commerce & Human Resources Environment, Energy & Technology Health & Welfare

Born and raised in Ammon, Idaho; graduated from Hillcrest High School; pursued a degree in construction management at BYU; received an MBA from Idaho State University; currently one-third of the third-generation owners at Wheeler Electric, an eastern Idaho electrical contractor; previously served on the Ammon City Council; wife: Dr. Laramie Wheeler; six children.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Tony  Wisniewski (R) [email protected] District 5 House Seat B 3 rd term PO Box 2483, Post Falls, ID, 83854 Home (208) 889-3437 Statehouse (208) 332-1060 (Session Only) Engineer (Retired)/Small Business Owner Committees: Commerce & Human Resources Education Environment, Energy & Technology

Born in Los Angeles, CA; graduate of Utah State University, B.S. in mechanical engineering; Catholic; small business owner; former chairman of the Spokane chapter of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers; industry representative of Career and Technical Education Advisory Group; four-term vice chairman of Kootenai County Republican Central Committee; spouse: Melody, over 40 years; five children; 20 grandchildren.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Kenny  Wroten (R) [email protected] District 13 House Seat B 1 st term PO Box 3324, Nampa, ID, 83653 Home (208) 989-8292 Statehouse (208) 332-1063 (Session Only) Committees: Judiciary, Rules & Administration Local Government Revenue & Taxation

Born in Nampa; Nampa High graduate; A.A. in computer programming from NNC (now NNU); B.B.A. in Finance from BSU; Idaho Press 2C Spotlight Award (2017-2018); past president of Jaycees, Optimist, Kiwanis, Salvation Army Advisory; current chair of Nampa Venue Management Advisory; married; two children; four grandchildren.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Julie  Yamamoto (R) [email protected] District 11 House Seat A 2 nd term 2619 S Willow Brook Pl, Caldwell, ID, 83605 Home (208) 989-4487 Statehouse (208) 332-1052 (Session Only) Retired Educator/Administrator Committees: Education – Chair Resources & Conservation Transportation & Defense

Lifelong Canyon County resident; B.A. and M.A. from The College of Idaho; Ed.D. from the University of Idaho; retired educator and administrator; Thomas Jefferson Charter School Board Director; community service: Love Inc. facilitator, Canyon County Branch Assistance League of Boise, Caldwell Lions; spouse: Leland Sasaki.

house of representatives committee assignments 2021

Julianne  Young (R) [email protected] District 30 House Seat B 3 rd term 275 N 400 West, Blackfoot, ID, 83221 Home (208) 201-1898 Statehouse (208) 332-1038 (Session Only) Homemaker/Mother Committees: State Affairs – Vice Chair Environment, Energy & Technology Ethics and House Policy Judiciary, Rules & Administration

Raised in Moreland, ID; graduate of Snake River High School; A.A.S. from Ricks College; B.S. in education from Idaho State University; Master Gardener certification; small business owner; loves to make beautiful music, hike and camp, and participate in musical theater productions with her family; spouse: Kevin.


  1. Committee Assignments

    house of representatives committee assignments 2021

  2. N.C. House Committee Assignments Announced for 2021-2022 Session

    house of representatives committee assignments 2021

  3. A Closer Look at House Committee Assignments

    house of representatives committee assignments 2021

  4. S.C. House Of Representatives Committee Assignments Announced

    house of representatives committee assignments 2021

  5. All 2021 House committee hearings, floor sessions expected to be video

    house of representatives committee assignments 2021

  6. A Closer Look at House Committee Assignments

    house of representatives committee assignments 2021


  1. Committees

    The House's committees consider bills and issues and oversee agencies, programs, and activities within their jurisdictions. ... Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; ... U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 Phone: 202-224-3121 TTY: 202-225-1904. Accessibility; Contact Webmaster; Feature Stories;

  2. Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives

    There are no subcommittees assigned to this committee. Committee on Education and the Workforce. Subcommittees. Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education. Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions. Higher Education and Workforce Development. Workforce Protections. Committee on Energy and Commerce. Subcommittees.

  3. House Committee Reports


  4. Rules Governing House Committee and Subcommittee Assignment Procedures

    Rules Governing House Committee and Subcommittee Assignment Procedures Members of the House are assigned to serve on committees at the start of every Congress. Most assignments involve a three-step process involving the party caucuses and action on the House floor. First, a Member is nominated to committee assignments by their party's steering

  5. PDF Subcommittees House of Representatives Select Committees List of


  6. List of United States House of Representatives committees

    Members of the Committee on Financial Services sit in the tiers of raised chairs (R), while those testifying and audience members sit below (L).. There are two main types of congressional committees in the United States House of Representatives, standing committees and select committees.Committee chairs are selected by whichever party is in the majority, and the minority party selects ranking ...

  7. PDF United States House of Representatives of The

    HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES ONE HUNDRED EIGHTEENTH CONGRESS July 8, 2024 Compiled by KEVIN F. McCUMBER, Acting Clerk of the House of Representatives Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Resident Commissioner and Delegates in boldface. Adams, Alma S., 12th NC ..... Agriculture.

  8. Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives

    CONTACT: 2021 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington DC 20515-0901, COMMITTEE: Committee on Armed Services,Committee on the Judiciary,Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

  9. Marjorie Taylor Greene Loses House Committee Assignments : NPR

    Updated at 7:10 p.m. ET. The House of Representatives has voted to strip Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of her committee assignments, following uproar over her past incendiary comments and ...

  10. Full Committee Organizational Meeting: Subcommittee Assignments ...

    Meeting: Full Committee Organizational Meeting: Subcommittee Assignments. Committee on Veterans' Affairs. Monday, September 13, 2021 (2:00 PM)--- Select one ... Added 09/11/2021 at 01:58 PM; First Published: September 8, 2021 at 01:51 PM Last Updated: September 11, 2021 at 01:58 PM ... U.S. House of Representatives U.S. Capitol, Room H-154

  11. House Committee Party Ratios: 98th-117th Congresses

    The party ratio in a House of Representatives standing committee refers to the proportional number of members of each party caucus assigned to each committee. Determining sizes, ratios, and committee assignments are among the first actions taken following a general election and at ... House Committee Party Ratios 117th Congress (2021-2023 ...

  12. 117th Congress: House & Senate Committee Rosters

    The US Congress - comprised of two chambers: the House of Representative and the Senate - considers, shapes and passes legislations into laws to govern the nation. The committees within each chamber serve an important role to help organize the work of the US Congress. Our publication lists final committee assignments for the 117th US Congress.

  13. Women in Congress, 1917-2022: Service Dates and Committee Assignments

    by the House of Representatives' Office of the Historian and the Office of Art and Archives, Office of the Clerk. The 117th Congress committee assignments sources are the House, Official Alphabetical List of the Members with Committee Assignments in the 117th Congress, available from the Clerk of the House's website at

  14. Marjorie Taylor Greene removed from House committee assignments

    The refusal of House GOP leaders to exercise their authority to remove Greene from her committee assignments stands in contrast to their handling of a similar situation in 2019, when the party's ...

  15. Committees of the U.S. Congress

    Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (U.S. Helsinki Commission) Congressional-Executive Commission on China. Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission. House Democracy Partnership. Congressional Oversight Commission. covers the activities of the standing committees of the House and Senate, which provide legislative, oversight ...

  16. House Committee Hearing Transcripts

    Oversight and Reform. House Event 66862. 04/15/2021. H. Res. 316, Providing for the expenses of certain committees of the House of Representatives in the One Hundred Seventeenth Congress, and Committee Resolution 117-13, a Resolution to Approve Franked Mail Allowances for Committees for the 117th Congress. House Administration. H.Res.316.

  17. 117th United States Congress

    117th U.S. Congress House of Representatives member pin. The 117th United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, composed of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.It convened in Washington, D.C., on January 3, 2021, during the final weeks of Donald Trump's presidency and the first two years of Joe Biden ...

  18. Text

    Whereas Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene should be removed from her committee assignments in light of conduct she has exhibited: Now, therefore, be it. Resolved, That the following named Member be, and is hereby, removed from the following standing committees of the House of Representatives: Committee on the Budget: Mrs. Greene of Georgia.

  19. Text

    Text for H.Res.697 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the courageous work and life of Russian opposition leader Boris Yefimovich Nemtsov and renewing the call for a full and transparent investigation into the tragic murder of Boris Yefimovich Nemtsov in Moscow on February 27, 2015.

  20. Idaho Senators, Representatives, and Congressional District Maps

    Some states have changed or are changing their congressional districts for the 2024 election. Although this map based on 2022 congressional districts is still the for determining who represents you in Congress, you may be in a different district when you vote in the 2024 election. Find your U.S. Congress senators and representative in Idaho ...

  21. House Membership

    Crane is currently serving his ninth term in the Idaho House of Representatives. He is the ranking member on the House Business Committee and is the Chairman of the House State Affairs Committee. ... 2013-2014; current member of the Twin Falls County Fair Board; committee assignments: Education, Transportation and Defense, and Business ...

  22. Jared Moskowitz

    Jared Evan Moskowitz (/ ˈ m ɒ s k ə w ɪ t s / MOSS-kə-wits; born December 18, 1980) is an American politician serving as the U.S. representative for Florida's 23rd congressional district since 2023. As a Southern Democrat, Moskowitz served on the Broward County Commission from 2021 to 2022 and as director of the Florida Division of Emergency Management from 2019 to 2021.