
Heartfelt Speech On Mothers [Mother’s Day Special]

Speech on Mother’s Day: All the words in the dictionary can’t express what our mothers mean to us. Their genuine love, sacrifice, and support are our real strengths. On the occasion of mothers Day, we want to express how valuable our mothers & their presence in our life.

A mother is an icon of sacrifice and love. She is our first well-wisher, our first teacher, and also our first friend. She has to awake many nights just for taking care of her child. A mother is always standing by her child in every situation whether it is a good moment or a bad one.

This page will help you compose a short & long speech on Mothers for Mother’s Day in 1, 2 & 4 Minutes duration. If you like this post, Do share it with your friends and loved ones. You can read an essay on mothers here.

Short Speech on Mothers for Mother’s Day | 1 Minute

If an angel asks me to make a wish, I would make a wish for good health and prosperity for another Angel on earth and that is my mother. If I am not wrong you would also do the same.

Greetings to everyone gathered here. I (your name) cordially welcome all of you & want to pay you thanks for having me a chance to speak in front of you.

Did you know? The word “ Mother ” is derived from the Sanskrit word “ maatri ” which means a woman who gives birth & a mother is the most influential character in everyone’s life. She is our first well-wisher, our first teacher, and also our first friend. She has to awake many nights just for taking care of her child.

Today I want to say a few words to my mother-“Dear mom, you made me the luckiest person in the world by being my mother. I can not repay you what you did for me. I just want to express my love to you. You’re the woman that has sacrificed all her life just to build mine”.

Thank you, Mom. Love you, Mom.

1 Minute speech on Mothers for mother's day

Emotional Speech on Mothers | 2 MInutes

Hello and welcome to all the people present here. Before I start my speech on mothers, I would like to wish you a Happy mothers Day. Also, I want to thank you for having me this valuable opportunity.

As you know I am here to speak a few words about mothers but the fact is; “No matter how much effort is made, it is impossible to define the word “Mother” in available words in the world”. A mother sacrifices her days and nights for her children’s happiness and to satisfy their needs.

I assure you, you will be running out of energy if you put yourself into the shoes of your mother. Then you will realize the actual workload that she has to deal with. After, you will question yourself,” how does my mother manage all that?”. And you will result in respecting her more intensely than ever.

Her love is unalloyed (unmixed). Those who have not experienced a mother’s affection are unfortunate. She loves their child with no expectations in return. Sorry to fathers but fathers can’t establish a connection with their child-like mothers does.

At last, I want to say a few words dedicated to my mother; “Dear mom, whatever I am today is because I have you. You taught me to be myself even during hard times. I wish you nothing more than fulfillment and happiness”

Thank you for always being my defence, fortress, and shield. Your love has been the pillow I rest on during the hard times, I can’t afford to repay you. Love you, Mom.

Heart touching Speech on Mothers | 4 Minutes

I cordially welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to deliver a speech on mothers. Before I start my speech, I would like to wish you a Happy mothers Day. Also, I want to thank you for having me this valuable opportunity.

In philosophy, it is said that when God found it tough to protect the whole world, he made mothers. A mother is a beautiful gem in everyone’s life and can not be replaced by anyone else. She is the one who takes care of us in our childhood, encourages us in our teenage, and supports us in our hard times.

When we were kids and could not be able to help ourselves, she took care of us and devoted her days and nights to the sake of our comfort. But, Today we are mature enough to take responsibility. Now we must serve our Mother with love.

Irrespective of what the condition is, you will always find your mother standing by you. She is our first well-wisher, our first teacher, and also our first friend. She will take care of you at every age. The connection she shares with her child, can’t be established with anyone else in the world.

There is no doubt that a mother’s love is very outstanding and hard to find anywhere else. This is unique because a mother perceives her child as her part. This attachment is very sensitive as a mother can sense your situations and feelings from a long distance.

One thing is crystal clear we cannot repay her favours but we should try to get her free from all her responsibilities at least once a week. What does she expect from us other than respect? So we need to respect her cordially. We must always try to keep her happy and relaxed.

Mothers are a great invention of God. All the mothers on the planet, be humans, animals, or any other species, are greatly appreciable. They are a combination of love, strength, and limitless courage. I am very thankful to God for blessing me with my mother.

At last, I want to dedicate some of my words to my mother; “my angel, my strength and my supermom. For replacing my shame with boldness, my sadness with happiness and my fear with courage, thank you.

Even after all these years, you are the most gorgeous and kindest woman I know. No wonder you don’t age. I’m so glad to be called your son. Looking at you reminds me that not all angels have wings and not all Superheroes wear special costumes. You have been my guardian angel from the first day and I love you, forevermore”.

Love you, Love you, Love you, My mother.

Heart touching Speech on Mother

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Speech on Mother’s Day in English for Students and Children

Speech on Mother’s Day in English for Students and Children

Points to Remember for Preparing a Speech on Mother’s Day

10 line speech on mother’s day, short speech on mother’s day, long speech on mother’s day.

Mother’s Day is not just a date on the calendar; it’s a celebration of the love, sacrifice, and unending support our mothers shower upon us. It’s a day to pause, reflect, and express our deepest gratitude to these incredible women who shape our lives in countless ways. So, let’s embark on this journey of appreciation and recognition, honoring the essence of motherhood through words and actions!

Whether you’re preparing to write a speech on Mother’s Day in English, our resources are designed to assist you. Find guidance for crafting a heartfelt speech of mother that resonates with your audience. If you need a Mother’s Day speech in English for students and children, we offer a variety of templates and examples. From 10 line on mothers day, short ones lasting a minute or two, and moving into longer ones that are more comprehensive, we provide everything you need to express your admiration and love for mothers in your speech.

Preparing a speech on Mother’s Day is a heartfelt endeavour that requires thoughtfulness and sincerity. It’s an opportunity to express our gratitude, share memories, and acknowledge the unparalleled role of mothers in our lives. Below are essential points to remember while crafting your best speech for Mother’s Day.

1. Start with a Personal Story

Begin your speech with a personal story or a memorable experience you share with your mother. This sets a warm, relatable tone for your audience and makes your speech more engaging.

2. Express Gratitude

Make sure to express your heartfelt gratitude. Acknowledge the sacrifices, love, and care that mothers consistently provide. This is central to the spirit of Mother’s Day.

3. Highlight Her Influence

Talk about the ways your mother has influenced your life. This could be her teachings, strength in difficult times, or the values she instilled in you.

4. Use Universal Themes

While personal stories are important, remember to touch upon universal themes like maternal love, sacrifice, and strength. This helps everyone in the audience connect with your speech.

5. Include Inspirational Quotes

Incorporate quotes about mothers and motherhood from famous personalities or literature. This adds depth and a broader perspective to your speech.

6. Keep It Simple and Sincere

Avoid overly complex language or concepts. The sincerity and simplicity of your words will resonate more with your audience.

7. Incorporate Visual Aids

Use photos or videos that complement your stories and quotes about your mother or mothers in general. Visuals can enhance the emotional impact and engagement of your speech.

8. Engage Your Audience

Ask rhetorical questions or invite the audience to reflect on their own relationships with their mothers. This interactive element makes your speech more engaging and thought-provoking.

9. Practice Your Delivery

Practice your speech multiple times to ensure smooth delivery. Focus on your tone, pace, and body language to effectively convey your message and emotions.

10. Conclude with a Message for All Mothers

End your speech with a general message honouring all mothers. This can be a thank you note, a poem, or a simple statement of appreciation for the universal role of motherhood.

For those seeking a brief yet impactful speech on Mother’s Day, specially tailored for younger audiences in classes 1, 2, and 3, the following few lines about mother in English capture the essence of this special day. This speech is designed to be simple, heartfelt, and easily understandable for young students, making it perfect for school presentations or small gatherings. Explore our 10 lines on Mother’s Day that succinctly express the love and appreciation children feel.

  • “Good morning, everyone! Today, I want to talk about someone very special to us – our mothers.”
  • “Mothers are like magic; they can turn a frown into a smile and make everything better.”
  • “They hug us, they help us, and they always love us, no matter what.
  • “My mom is my superhero. She is always there for me.”
  • “She cooks the tastiest food and tells the best stories.”
  • “She teaches me right from wrong and helps me with my homework.”
  • “Today, on Mother’s Day, I want to thank my mom and all the moms.”
  • “Thank you for your hugs, love, and always being there.”
  • “We love you more than you know and forever and always.”
  • “Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful mothers out there! You make the world a better place.”

10 Lines Speech on Mother's Day

Delivering a short speech on Mother’s Day is a beautiful way to express our love and gratitude towards our mothers. This section presents three samples of Mother’s Day short speech in english, designed for primary class students. These speeches are concise, heartfelt, and easily relatable for young minds.

Short Speech on Mother's Day

“Good morning, respected teachers and my friends. Today, I want to discuss someone extraordinary in our lives – our mothers. Mothers are the ones who make our world beautiful. They are our first teachers, best friends, and our biggest supporters.

My mother is my hero. She makes delicious food, cares for me when I’m sick, and helps me with my homework. She listens to my stories and always encourages me to try my best. She shows me what kindness, strength, and love mean daily.

So, on this memorable day, let’s thank our mothers for all they do. Let’s give them big hugs and tell them how much we love them. They deserve to know that they are the best part of our lives. Happy Mother’s Day to all the precious moms out there!”

“Hello, everyone! Today is a very special day – Mother’s Day— a day to celebrate the most loving person in our lives, our mothers. Mothers are like angels without wings, always looking out for and guiding us.

My mom is amazing. She wakes up early every day to prepare breakfast and get me ready for school. She works hard all day and still finds time to play games with me. She teaches me to be kind and brave and to always believe in myself.

But mothers are not just amazing because of what they do for us. They are priceless because of how much they love us. Even when we make mistakes, they forgive us and help us learn from them.

On Mother’s Day, let’s make our moms feel extra special. Let’s do something nice for them, like drawing a picture, helping around the house, or giving them a warm hug. Let’s tell them, “Thank you, Mom, for everything.”

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers here and around the world! Thank you for your endless love and for making our world more joyful. We love you so much!”

Sample 3 

“Good morning everyone! Today is Mother’s Day, a special time to celebrate our biggest heroes: our moms! Moms do so much for us, they are truly one of a kind and today is all about them.

My mom is a champion. She can juggle work, home, and still have time to be my coach, helping me practice soccer every weekend. She teaches me to be fair and to share, and she’s always there with the coolest crafts and the best after-school snacks.

Today, let’s shower our moms with the love they always give us. We can make today great by preparing a small surprise party with our families, creating a handmade crown to show her she’s our queen, or by simply telling her how much we love her and what she means to us.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the super moms! Thank you for your constant encouragement and for filling our days with joy and laughter. You make every day brighter!”

Speech On Mother's Day

Longer speeches on Mother’s Day allow us to touch upon the various aspects of motherhood and its impact on our lives. Here, we will explore two samples of longer speeches, each crafted to celebrate and honour the essence of motherhood in all its glory. These speeches are perfect for a more detailed and expressive tribute to mothers.

“Ladies and gentlemen and dear friends! Today, I would like to talk about the most extraordinary beings on this planet – our mothers. Mother’s Day is not just a day to celebrate; it’s a day to reflect, appreciate, and acknowledge the roles mothers play in our lives.

Mothers are the architects of society, shaping the future, one child at a time. They are the nurturers, the caregivers, the teachers, and our pillars of strength. From the moment we are born, our mothers become our first home. They hold us, teach us, and guide us through life’s challenges.

Think of the countless sacrifices they make, the sleepless nights they endure, and the unconditional love they shower upon us. Our mothers are our constant support system, the silent cheerleaders who believe in us even when we doubt ourselves. They teach us values, instil discipline, and impart the wisdom that guides us through life.

But motherhood is not just about what mothers do for us; it’s also about who they are. They are the embodiment of resilience, patience, and enduring strength. They face life’s hurdles with a smile and turn obstacles into opportunities.

On this Mother’s Day, let us pledge to show our appreciation with words and actions. Let’s listen to them as they have listened to us, support them as they have supported us, and love them unconditionally, just as they love us.

In conclusion, a mother’s love is the purest form of love. It’s selfless, enduring, and all-encompassing. So, here’s to all the mothers – the unsung heroes in our lives. Happy Mother’s Day!”

“As we gather here today to celebrate Mother’s Day, we embark on a journey of gratitude and love towards the most pivotal figure in our lives – our mothers. This speech is a tribute to their endless love, sacrifice, and strength.

The Role of a Mother

Firstly, let’s acknowledge the multifaceted role of a mother. She is a caregiver, a guide, a teacher, and so much more. Her influence shapes our character, our beliefs, and our future. A mother’s love is the foundation of all our successes and achievements in life.

Sacrifices of Motherhood

One cannot speak of motherhood without recognising the countless sacrifices made by mothers. They often put their needs and desires aside to ensure their children have everything they need. These sacrifices are acts of profound love and selflessness.

Lessons from Mothers

Mothers are our first teachers. The lessons they teach us, from our first steps to handling life’s challenges, are invaluable. They teach us kindness, resilience, and the importance of hard work. The wisdom they impart becomes our guiding light.

Celebrating and Appreciating Mothers

On Mother’s Day, it is essential to celebrate and appreciate all that our mothers do for us. This is a day to express our love, show our gratitude, and make our mothers feel as memorable as they are.

In conclusion, a mother’s role is unparalleled, and her love is boundless. Let us use this day to express our profound appreciation for all the sacrifices, love, and lessons. To all the mothers out there, thank you for being an endless source of support and love. Happy Mother’s Day!”

“Good afternoon, everyone! Today, we gather to honor a very special group of people in our lives—our mothers. Mother’s Day gives us the perfect chance to really think about everything our mothers mean to us and all that they do.

Mothers as Our Emotional Anchors

Mothers are our emotional anchors. They comfort us when we’re upset and share in our happiest moments, always there to offer a hug or a kind word when we need it. Their support helps us grow into caring, connected adults.

Guidance That Shapes Us

A mother’s guidance is a quiet, constant presence. It’s in the wisdom she shares, the life skills she teaches, and even in the ways she disciplines us. All these help steer us in the right direction throughout our lives.

Show Appreciation Through Actions

This Mother’s Day, let’s do more than say thank you. Let’s show our mothers our gratitude. Spend a day with her doing things she loves, help out more at home, or simply share a meal and talk. These actions mean more than words and show her how much we truly care.

As we close, let’s remember that our mothers deserve to feel special not just today, but every day. So, let’s keep showing our love and gratitude all year round. Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing moms out there!”

1. Why Do we celebrate Mother’s Day?

Mother’s Day is celebrated to honour and appreciate the immense contributions, sacrifices, and unconditional love of mothers and mother figures in our lives.

2. When is Mother’s Day celebrated?

Mother’s Day is celebrated on different dates worldwide, but it is observed on the second Sunday of May in many countries, including the United States.

3. How Can we make Mother’s Day special?

Mother’s Day can be made special by expressing love and gratitude towards mothers through heartfelt gestures like spending quality time with them, giving personalised gifts, helping around the house, completing chores, or simply sharing a meaningful conversation.

Mother’s Day is a heartfelt celebration of her endless impact on our lives and the unconditional love she bestows upon us. It’s a day to pause and reflect on the countless sacrifices and continued support these remarkable women offer. Let us use this occasion to express our deepest gratitude and love, making every mother feel cherished and valued.

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Speech for Mother’s Day

Speech generator.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, we gather to honor the most beautiful and enduring of all relationships: the bond between a mother and her child. As we celebrate Mother’s Day, let us take a moment to reflect on the profound impact mothers have on our lives, shaping our characters, nurturing our dreams, and standing by us through every challenge with unwavering love and sacrifice.

The Essence of Motherhood

Motherhood is not merely a role but an embodiment of love, strength, and selflessness. It is a journey filled with moments of joy, trials, and unconditional love. From the first heartbeat to the first step, from kindergarten tears to graduation cheers, a mother’s love remains the steadfast beacon guiding us through the storms of life.

A Tribute to Every Mother

To every mother here today and those in our hearts, we owe our deepest gratitude and respect. You are the architects of our society, tirelessly building the foundation of compassion, resilience, and integrity upon which we stand. Your sacrifices often go unnoticed, your efforts sometimes taken for granted, but today, we stand in awe of the incredible resilience and boundless love that define motherhood.

The Legacy of a Mother’s Love

A mother’s love is the first and most enduring love we know. It is a love that transcends time and space, a love that comforts, heals, and inspires. It is a love that teaches us the meaning of sacrifice, the beauty of giving, and the strength to face life’s challenges with grace and courage.

A Call to Cherish and Support

Let us not limit our appreciation to this day alone. Let us support, cherish, and honor our mothers every day. Let us recognize their dreams and aspirations, supporting them as they have supported us. Let us be the source of their strength, as they have been ours.

In Conclusion , As we celebrate Mother’s Day, let us renew our commitment to showing our mothers the love, respect, and appreciation they deserve. Let us remember that the greatest tribute we can offer is to live our lives in a manner that reflects the values they have instilled in us.

To all the mothers, thank you for your love, your sacrifices, and your unwavering belief in us. Your legacy is not just in the children you raise but in the kinder, more compassionate world you help create through your love and guidance.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the incredible mothers out there. Your love makes the world a better place.


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Mothers Day Speech | Speech on Mothers Day for Students and Children in English

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Mothers Day Speech: “My mother is a walking miracle.” said by Leonardo DiCaprio is very true in every sense. Right from the birth of the child and even before, a mother is born. She not only spends her time to grow her child but also to educate him and make him a good citizen of the country. By giving up self dreams, a mother spends her life to fulfill the dreams of others. She adds colors and melody to the life of a child as well as family.

It is said that God can’t be present everywhere and so he created mothers on earth. Mother is not only the epitome of love but also the biggest warrior. She is the one who fights against all the odds to make her child happy. She is the first teacher, friend, guide, philosopher, and even psychologist for everyone ever born.

The word mother is indeed small but the feelings and importance are very big. One can’t imagine the sacrifices a mother does and it is practically impossible to pay back those in the lifetime. In short, a mother is a constant source of energy and positivity for every child and we should feel lucky to have as our support, always.

Long and Short Speeches on Mother’s Day for Students and Kids in English

Below mentioned are short and long “Mother’s Day Speech” of 100-150 words and 500 words, respectively. The students can refer to this Mother’s Day Speech when required and grace the occasion with their words.

Long Speech on Mother’s day 500 Words in English

Mother’s Day Speech is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Welcome to one and all present here, today I am here to present a speech on Mother’s day. It is very true to say that the first god, teacher, philosopher, guide, and friend for everyone is their mother. She is the one who holds the hand and teaches us to walk. She is the one who teaches us to speak and write. She is the only constant in this ever-changing world. The words to describe her greatness and her deeds fall shallow.

Charley Benetto has rightly said, “When you are looking at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.” She acts as the binding material that keeps the family together and intact. With immense love in heart, she keeps everyone happy. The selfless nature of mothers is remarkable. She not only does things to make others happy but also do a lot of sacrifices as well.

She is a symbol of love and care. Even the god bows head before her. A child may not speak his heart out but by just looking into the eyes, the mother can know what is going inside the heart. That is the love a mother carries with her. No matter how much pain she suffers, how many people criticize her, still she will always act as a protective shield for her child and family. She is the biggest support on the child in hard times.

Practically, every day is a day of mothers. But to honor their motherhood, their sacrifices, their love and care, every year the second Saturday of May is celebrated as Mother’s day. A mother is the only person on this earth who dedicates her whole life for the children and never expects anything in return. She only gives and never wishes to have anything back. Every smile of her child makes her smile. The love and care of a mother cannot be compared to anything in this world. There is nothing that one can ever exchange in return for the love of mother.

But today, many kids take the love and care of the mothers for granted. They don’t give due respect and show gratitude for all the sacrifices their mother has done in her life. This kind of behavior is totally wrong. She is the one who always stood behind when the support is needed. So, it is the duty of the child as well as the family members to stand by her when she needs it.

Behind the success and growth of the child, there is a mother who stayed awake day and night to bring his dreams to reality. For the day a child is born, the work of the mother starts. Right from teaching to walk, eat, speak, and write she is always there for you. Today, we should all take a proud moment to honor and show our gratitude to such beautiful mothers everywhere. We should thank our mothers for being the constant support and guide for what we are today. Let us make this day memorable for the love of life, the Mother.

With this, I would like to take an opportunity to thank my mother for everything she has ever done for me. Also, much thanks to you, to everybody present here. It was a delight talking before you. These speeches will be useful for students who are addressing Mother’s day. Also to the people who are addressing women gathering, or NGOs. celebrating motherhood, or any organisation working for women.

Students can also a Paragraph on Mothers Day and 10 Lines on Mothers Day from here.

Short Speech on Mother’s day 150 Words in English

Mother’s Day Speech is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Welcome to every last one present here, today I am here to present a speech on Mother’s Day.

“Motherhood is the biggest gamble in the world. It is the glorious life force. It’s huge and scary – it’s an act of infinite optimism.”, said Gilda Radner. This one sentence is enough to explain the glory and significance of the mother in every life. A mother is the pillar and backbone of the family. By sacrificing everything and keeping all happy all time, she proves what true love is all about. She works constantly 24*7 without taking a break and with a big smile on the face.

Since the God can’t be present everywhere, he created mothers for us. She is not only the epitome of love and is a warrior. She constantly fights against all the odds to keep all happy. She is the first teacher, friend, guide, philosopher, and even psychologist for everyone ever born. I would like to conclude by saying that, mothers the only selfless lovers on this earth. So on this Mother’s Day Show your love and care by making this day memorable for them. Let us pray to the almighty to keep all the mothers happy always. I am much obliged to you for listening to my speech. It has been wonderful to talk before an audience such as this way.

10 Lines on Mother’s day Speech in English

  • Mother is the epitome of love, care, support, and is the biggest warrior.
  • Mother is the one who teaches you to walk, eat, write, speak, and learn.
  • Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May every year.
  • It is the day for the celebration of motherhood and honoring motherhood.
  • It is the day to remember all her sacrifices for the sake of others and respect them.
  • Mother’s Day teaches to respect and love our mothers.
  • It is day to show your gratitude towards your mother and all she has ever done for you.
  • She is the one to always support you whenever required.
  • On this day, you should make your mother feel proud and happy.
  • Mother’s Day should the day that your mother will remember always for being happy and cheerful.

FAQ’s on Mother’s Day Speech

Question 1. What is a Mother’s day?

Answer: It is a day celebrated on the second Sunday of every May month every year to honor the mothers and their motherhood.

Question 2. What does mother symbolizes?

Answer: Mother is a small word indeed but with deep meaning. She is the symbol of purest form of love, care, and sacrifice.

Question 3. What roles mothers play?

Answer: Mothers play many roles in the life of a child. She acts as the first teacher, guide, friend, philosopher, support, and various other uncountable roles in the lifetime of a child.

Question 4. What you should do on Mother’s Day?

Answer: On Mother’s Day, you should try to make your mother feel proud. You should show your gratitude and love. You should try to keep her happy.

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Mothers Day Speech to Make Your Mom Feel Special

Mothers Day Speech: It is a day to express our love, gratitude, and appreciation for all that mothers do for us. One of the best ways to celebrate Mother’s Day is by giving a heartfelt speech that truly captures the essence of the occasion.

Celebrating the Unconditional Love of Mother – Mothers Day Speech

  • Crafting a Mothers Day speech may seem daunting at first, but with a few simple tips, it can be easy and rewarding. The key is to keep your speech simple, genuine, and heartfelt. Your speech should focus on the love and appreciation you have for your mother or mother figure, and how they have impacted your life.

Honoring the Strength and Sacrifice of Mothers – Mothers Day Speech

  • To start, you should begin your Mothers Day speech with an attention-grabbing opening that sets the tone for the rest of the speech. You could start with a quote about motherhood, a personal anecdote, or a touching memory that highlights your relationship with your mother. The key is to make the opening memorable and impactful.
  • Next, you should move on to the body of the speech, where you can express your feelings and share stories about your mother. You can talk about how your mother has been a role model, teacher, and friend to you. You can also share stories about how your mother has supported and encouraged you throughout your life.

A Tribute to the Heart of Every Family:

  • When writing your Mothers Day speech, it is important to be specific and avoid clichés. Use concrete examples and specific details to illustrate your points. This will make your speech more engaging and memorable.
  • After your Mother’s Day speech, you should summarize your main points and end with a heartfelt message of love and appreciation for your mother. You could end with a quote or a poem that captures the essence of your feelings.
  • In summary, a Mother’s Day speech is a wonderful way to express your love and appreciation for your mother or mother figure. By keeping your speech simple, genuine, and heartfelt, you can create a speech that truly captures the essence of the occasion. With a little preparation and practice, you can deliver a speech that your mother will cherish for years to come.

Now, let’s take a look at some tips and guidelines to help you deliver a successful Mothers Day speech:

  • Start with a warm greeting: Begin your speech by greeting your audience and expressing your gratitude for their presence.
  • Express your gratitude: Take a moment to thank your mother for all the sacrifices she has made for you. Highlight her strengths and qualities that have inspired you.
  • Share some memories: Share some fond memories of your childhood with your mother. Talk about some of the experiences that have shaped you as a person.
  • Acknowledge other mothers: Take a moment to acknowledge the other mothers in the audience. Thank them for their contributions to society and for the love and care they provide to their families.
  • Share some inspirational words: Use this opportunity to inspire your audience with some motivational words. You can use quotes, poems, or stories to uplift their spirits.

Remember, the key to a successful Mothers Day speech is to speak from the heart. Be genuine, and sincere, and express your emotions with conviction. Keep your speech concise and focused, and make sure to practice it beforehand to ensure a smooth delivery.

  • This can help to demonstrate your appreciation for all that they do and the difficulties they have overcome. They may have to sacrifice their interests and desires for the sake of their family. This can be a powerful way to acknowledge and honor their hard work and dedication. This can help to make the speech more engaging and relatable to your audience.
  • When delivering your Mothers Day speech, it’s important to maintain a positive and uplifting tone. You might even consider incorporating a few jokes or lighthearted anecdotes to help keep the mood light and cheerful.

Conclusion – Mothers Day Speech

Mother’s Day is a special occasion to celebrate and honor the most important woman in our lives. Delivering a heartfelt speech is a great way to express our love and gratitude toward our mothers.

Mothers Day Speech Faqs:

What is a mother's day speech.

A Mother's Day speech is a heartfelt tribute to mothers, delivered on the occasion of Mother's Day.

Why is a Mother's Day speech important?

A Mother's Day speech is important because it provides an opportunity to express gratitude and appreciation towards mothers.

What are some tips for giving a Mother's Day speech?

Some tips for giving a Mother's Day speech include keeping it heartfelt, sincere, and concise, and focusing on the mother's positive qualities and contributions.

How do I start a Mother's Day speech?

You can start a Mother's Day speech with a heartfelt greeting, a personal anecdote, or a quote about motherhood.

What are some ideas for a Mother's Day speech?

Some ideas for a Mother's Day speech include expressing gratitude for the sacrifices and support provided by mothers, sharing personal anecdotes or memories, and praising the qualities that make mothers special with my Mothers Day Speech.

How long should a Mother's Day speech be?

A Mother's Day speech should be long enough to convey your message, but not so long as to lose the audience's attention. Ideally, a Mother's Day speech should be between 3-5 minutes long.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in a Mother's Day speech?

Some common mistakes to avoid in a Mother's Day speech include focusing too much on oneself, using inappropriate humor or language, and failing to convey genuine gratitude and appreciation.

Can I use a poem in my Mother's Day speech?

Yes, using a poem in a Mother's Day speech can be a creative way to express your feelings and add depth to your message.

How can I make my Mother's Day speech more memorable?

You can make your Mother's Day speech more memorable by including personal anecdotes, using vivid language, and conveying a heartfelt message.

What are some popular Mothers Day Speech that I can include in my speech?

Some popular Mothers Day Speech include God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers by Rudyard Kipling and A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take by Cardinal Mermillod.

How can I make my Mother's Day speech more engaging?

You can make your Mother's Day speech more engaging by using humor, incorporating multimedia elements like photos or videos, and interacting with the audience.

Can I include jokes in my Mother's Day speech?

Yes, including appropriate jokes or lighthearted anecdotes can add humor and personality to your Mother's Day speech.

What are some dos and don'ts of giving a Mother's Day speech?

Some dos of giving a Mother's Day speech include expressing genuine gratitude and appreciation, using appropriate humor, and keeping the speech concise. Some don't include making it about oneself, using inappropriate language, or failing to convey a heartfelt message.

How can I make my Mother's Day speech more emotional?

You can make your Mother's Day speech more emotional by using vivid language, including personal anecdotes, and expressing genuine gratitude and appreciation.

Can I use visual aids in my Mother's Day speech?

Yes, using visual aids like photos or videos can add depth and emotion to your Mother's Day speech.

How can I rehearse my Mother's Day speech?

You can rehearse your Mother's Day speech by practicing in front of a mirror, recording yourself, or delivering the speech to a friend or family member.

Can I include personal stories in my Mother's Day speech?

Yes, including personal stories or anecdotes can add a personal touch and make your Mother's Day speech more meaningful.

Speech On Mother’s Day

Today, we gather to celebrate Mother’s Day, a day dedicated to honoring the incredible women who have shaped our lives. Mothers are the embodiment of unconditional love, sacrifice, and strength. They nurture us, guide us, and stand by us through every challenge. Their wisdom and care are the foundation of our success and happiness. On this special day, let’s express our gratitude and appreciation for all the mothers who make the world a better place. To all the wonderful mothers out there, thank you for your endless love and support. Happy Mother’s Day!

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Mother's Day tribute: What to say

Need some help with a Mother's Day tribute? Whether you want to give a speech for Mom, a toast, or send a clever card, let her know how much her advice and momisms mean to you. After all, we all realize Mother Knows Best. On this special day, which has been around since the early 20th Century, you'll want to let her know that those kernels of wisdom she liberally dispensed have helped make you into the person you are today.

So collect those pearls of wisdom you heard as a child for your Mother's Day tribute. On this page, I've gathered some momisms here that my sister and I heard regularly when we were kids.

A brief Mother's Day tribute

Adapt these words which are suitable for a toast or for a special card you send to mom on Mother's Day.

From my very first days, you left imprints on my heart. You celebrated my triumphs and comforted me in my losses. And you never lost faith in me. Thank you, Mother, for the many things large and small that you have done  that helped make me who I am today.  I love you. Happy Mother's Day.

Mother's Day is another chance to let you know How  special you are to us. You're one of a kind, loving and caring. And now it's our turn to say We love you. So Cheers for the many Mom things You do every day. Happy Mother's Day.

A Mother's Day tribute to Midge and her momisms

Midge in the early 1940w

My sister and I called our mother Midge. She was a strong, no-nonsense woman who came of age during the Great Depression and knew about being frugal, keeping your opinions to yourself and treating self-pity like a waste of time. She also had a passion for literature and the well-turned phrase. Like many of that era, she doled out advice based on common-sense admonitions, her observations about the motives of other people and wisdom from the Bible. A highly respected high school English teacher, Midge sprinkled her momisms with bits of poetry, literary genius and guidance from the likes of Ben Franklin.

If you are doing something special for your mother -- perhaps a tribute or a toast -- think about the momisms you heard growing up. And if you have momisms to add to this list, let  Special Speeches.  know.

Mother's Day tributes: Mom always knows best 

If a job is first begun Never stop until it’s done. Be the labor great or small Do it well or not at all.

Pride goeth before a fall. (Her favorite Proverb)   If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.

Judge not that ye be not judged. Matthew 7:1

Money is the root of all evil. (Actually the Bible verse says the love of money is the root of all evil.)   Early to bed, early to rise Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. --Ben Franklin

Midge -- with Cathy and me

    Shut the door. We don’t need to be heating up the whole outside world.   Wear clean underwear. You never know when you’ll get in an accident and have to go to the hospital.

  Clean your plate. All those starving children in India would love to have what you’ve left.  (Sometimes it was China instead of India.)  

Waste not, want not.

Life isn’t fair. Just make the best of it.   Tell the truth and lies can't hurt you.

Stop procrastinating.

Cows get fat just eating grass. (Too much of anything will do you in.)

Rome wasn't built in a day.

I just saw an angel.

One impulse from a vernal wood Can tell you more of man, Of mortal evil and of good Than all the sages can. -- William Wordsworth (1770-1850)

Midge and Daddy

Hyacinth If Thou of fortune be bereft And have but left two loaves, Sell one and then with the dole Buy hyacinths to feed thy soul.                --Muslih-uddin Sadi

I will lift up my eyes unto the hills From whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord Who made heaven and earth.                                     --Psalm 23

What is so rare as a day in June!. Then if ever come perfect days.             Poet James Russell Lowell                 (1819-1891)  

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Anchoring Script: Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is a celebration honoring motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. As an anchor for a Mother’s Day event, your script is not just a guide through the program; it’s a tribute to the love, sacrifice, and strength of mothers everywhere. Whether for a small family gathering, a community event, or a large-scale celebration, an effective script can set the emotional tone and help make the day memorable. Here are some detailed guidelines on how to write an anchoring script for Mother’s Day.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Significance of Mother’s Day

Structuring the script.

A well-structured script should have a clear beginning, middle, and end, with each part serving a distinct purpose:

Writing the Opening Remarks

“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, sons and daughters, and most importantly, the magnificent mothers who grace this occasion with their presence. Welcome to our celebration of Mother’s Day, a time when we come together to express our deepest appreciation for the women who make life beautiful in countless ways.”

Introducing Mother’s Day

“Mother’s Day, a tradition rooted in love and gratitude, goes beyond flowers and greeting cards. It’s a day steeped in history, starting with the ancient Greeks and Romans, and later revitalized by Anna Jarvis in the early 20th century. Today, it’s our turn to continue this legacy, honoring the heroes in our midst—our mothers.”

Acknowledging Mothers

Take a moment to acknowledge all the mothers. This can be done with a round of applause, a moment of silence, or a ceremonial gesture.

Outlining the Program

“Our program today is woven with music, stories, and performances, each a mosaic piece in the larger picture of motherhood. From the melodies that echo a mother’s lullaby to the dance that embodies a mother’s joy, we promise you a journey through the myriad shades of maternal love.”

Introducing Performances and Speakers

Interactive segments.

Incorporate audience interaction to keep the event lively and engaging.

Closing Remarks

“As we draw this Mother’s Day celebration to a close, let us carry forward the love and appreciation we’ve shared today. May it not be confined to this occasion but be a guiding light in our daily lives. Thank you for being a part of this special day. To all the mothers, may you feel as cherished every day as you do today.”

Crafting an Effective Anchoring Script

Mother’s day anchoring script example #1.

Good [morning/afternoon/evening], ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and to all the wonderful mothers joining us today – welcome to our [Annual/Name of the Event] Mother’s Day celebration here at [Venue/Institution’s Name]! My name is [Your Name], and I am absolutely honored to be your host on this special occasion. Today, we gather not just to celebrate, but to express our deepest admiration for the pillars of love, strength, and nurturing – our mothers.

Program Overview

To kick off our festivities, I am thrilled to introduce [First Performer’s Name], a talent known for [his/her/their] melodious voice and captivating performances. [He/She/They] will be performing [Song/Piece Name], a melodious tribute to the endless love and sacrifice of mothers. Please join me in welcoming [Performer’s Name] to the stage with a warm round of applause.

[After the performance] Wasn’t that just touching? Music indeed has the power to convey what words sometimes cannot. Now, let’s shift gears to an interactive segment that involves each and every one of you. I invite you to pull out your phones and send a quick message of love to your mother, a motherly figure, or a mother you admire. Let’s flood their day with affection!

Introducing the Guest Speaker

As our Mother’s Day celebration comes to a close, I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of you for being a part of this special day. To our mothers, for your unconditional love, immeasurable patience, and unyielding support, we are forever grateful. May you feel celebrated not just today, but every single day.

Mother’s Day Anchoring Script Example #2

Special Acknowledgment

We have an array of delightful activities ahead, from soul-stirring poetry readings and melodious songs to dance performances that will make our hearts leap with joy. So sit back, relax, and let the tapestry of today’s performances wrap you in the warmth of maternal love.

Interactive Segment Prompt

[After the performance] How splendid! Now, let’s bring some interactive fun into our gathering. I’d like to invite all mothers to stand up. Yes, please stand! Now, let’s have the children and loved ones around them share one word that best describes their mother. Let’s fill the room with these powerful words!

After this wonderful exchange of heartfelt words, it’s time to shift our focus to some inspiring storytelling. I am honored to introduce our keynote speaker, [Speaker’s Name], whose life’s work has been a testament to the endurance and strength of maternal love. [He/She/They] will share insights on the theme, ‘The Unseen Threads of Motherhood.’ Please join me in welcoming [Speaker’s Name] to the podium.

Closing Words

Final Thoughts

About mr. greg.

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

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Anchoring Script for Mother’s Day in English

Mother’s Day is a celebration aiming to honor mothers, motherhood, and their influence in any society. In different parts of the world, People celebrate it on various days, yet most of them celebrate in the months of May, April, and March. And in most countries, it is on the second week of May. No matter when you celebrate the mother’s day, it is always as prestigious as the role of mothers in our lives. Nonetheless, hosting a mother’s day function at your school can be a great idea. For that purpose, we have crafted an Anchoring Script for Mother’s Day in English that can help you express your love for her.

how to write a mother's day speech

Mother is the beauty and the sunshine of life. She is the greatest teacher we would ever have; she is the teacher of love, compassion, forgiveness, perfection, creation, and fearlessness. Not only she carried us for nine months but she also continues to support and love us regardless of what we put her through to bring us up.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are thankful to God who has blessed all of us with the wonderful blessing called mother. So, today we all have gathered here to honor them and their influence on our lives.

My Lord, bestow on them your mercy as she has a heart as deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find love and forgiveness.

Initially, we would call (name of the reciter) upon the stage for the holy recitation.

(After the recitation)

On behalf of the entire school family, I would like to welcome honorable guests, benevolent parents, and shining students.

How to Celebrate Mother’s Day

Welcome Tableau

Now I would like to call upon (name of the instructor) and our little fairies for the welcome tableau. Put your hands together for them, please.

(After the Welcome Tableau)

Outstanding! So, ladies and gentlemen, a round of applause for the splendid performance of our cute little fairies, please.

At this moment, we would call on the stage (name of the speaker) to share his thoughts on the given topic. Round of applause for him, please.

(After the speech)

Thank you (name of the speaker) for your Inspiring words.

How to Write a Speech About Yourself

Ladies and gentlemen, our students have arranged a beautiful drama. So, now to alter your impression I would like to call the students from (insert the class) to come on the stage and show their talent. Please, may I hear the thunder for them?

(After the drama)

To appreciate the talent and the hard work of our students, please, put your hands together for them, please.

Calling the Principal on the Stage

Now, a big round of applause for the one who neither cares about night nor day, who is always volunteer to burn the midnight oil when it comes to quality education for our kids. Indeed, he is none other than Mr. (name of the principle). So, it is my honor more than a pleasure to welcome the respected principal, (name of the principle).

Thank you, sir. We appreciate your hard work and sincerity towards this academy.

Principal Speech

Wrapping Up

“ A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary. “

Thank you, all ladies and gentlemen for joining us. We hope you had a  great time and wish you all happiness, peace, health, success, and liberty. Lastly, all that we are, or hope to be, we owe to our angel mother.

You can read more on:

  • Download Anchoring Script PDF – Written Scripts for Different Events
  • Best Freelance Writing Services in 2024
  • How to Start a Welcome Speech in English with a Sample
  • Top 10 Ways to Improve Your English | Best Practices For English Learners

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how to write a mother's day speech

Tnq ,for the script

how to write a mother's day speech

You are welcome, hope it helped you a lot.

how to write a mother's day speech

Very useful script ..Thankyou

how to write a mother's day speech

Thanks, Pooja! We are glad that it was helpful.

how to write a mother's day speech

Its a wonderful script…. can we have more scripts for any other functions

Hi, We have already a lot of scripts for functions. You can search using the search box of the site.

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  • Funerals & Memorial Services

How to Write a Tribute Speech to Your Mother: Step-By-Step

Updated 06/6/2022

Published 11/12/2019

Cassie Barthuly, BA in English

Cassie Barthuly, BA in English

Contributing writer

Learn how to write an impactful tribute speech for your mother, including step-by-step instructions and a sample outline.

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Writing a tribute speech is one of the best ways to memorialize your mom. Recognizing your mom's legacy is a gift to one of the most important people in your life. A speech is a great way to praise her and a great way of laying her life to rest. 

Jump ahead to these sections:

Step 1: do your research, step 2: think about impact, step 3: pick thematic anecdotes, step 4: be truthful, step 5: deliver your speech, sample outline speech for mom.

For most people, though, writing and delivering a speech is a little scary. How do you start? How do you keep from breaking down? How do you conquer fears of public speaking?

We’ve included a list of tips, below. You can build your narrative from the ground so you can deliver a poignant, emotional speech.

If writing a tribute speech is just one of your responsibilities after a death, check out our post-loss checklist for some help through the process.  

Even if you and your mother were best friends, it’s still a good idea to confirm the facts. Family stories and blurred memories over the years can change hard facts. Make sure to verify details, even if you’re sure you know the answer. In most cases, Google can’t help you. Look through mementos to find your answers. Diplomas, marriage certificates, and photos can help you confirm most details. 

If you don’t have access to these mementos, or your mother didn’t save anything, try something else. Other family members may have stories and mementos that you don’t. Fact-check with many people to help you gather enough information for a foundation. 

Don’t make the mistake of writing a tribute speech like a biography. You don’t need to write a third-person essay. Focus on the relationship you had with your mother and how that changed you. 

Share your final wishes, just in case.

Create a free Cake end-of-life planning profile and instantly share your health, legal, funeral, and legacy decisions with a loved one.

What do you want to emphasize? How do you want your audience to feel when your speech is over? It can feel daunting to try to condense an entire life into a short speech. You’re faced with so many memories, it can be hard to pick one, but make it simple: Decide how you want your audience to feel. 

There are a few common results that you might want. You may want people to feel grateful for their mothers. To achieve this result, you could emphasize the role she held in keeping the family together. You may want people to feel impressed by the type of person your mother was. To do this, you could share memories of her tireless volunteer work. You may not have something specific in mind, though.

Sometimes, grief is so overwhelming that all you want to do is share what your mother meant to you. If that’s what you want, think of memories that show your close relationship. Consider what your mother did for you, taught you, or provided you with. After all, mothers leave an indelible footprint.

When you’re selecting memories, it’s easy to be vague. After all, being specific means spending a lot of time living in memories. After a recent death, your first instinct might be to avoid this — but it won't help you through it. 

It doesn't help people who are grieving with you to give vague generalities. They want to know details, ones that couldn’t apply to every mother in the world. Tell specific stories. What traits do you highlight? When you think of your mother’s personality, what stands out? You might want to talk about what your mom meant to you. It’s up to you to dig deep and think about why your mom mattered so much. 

Her sense of compassion might have changed your outlook on the world. You could always depend on her and her reliability structured your childhood. Once you’ve discovered your “why,” pick out traits. Then spend some time recounting your memories. Which ones illustrate the traits you want to highlight? 

When you pick your stories, keep them streamlined. No one wants to listen to a speech that meanders through someone’s life. Choose two or three traits. This will condense your story for the audience. Streamline your stories in the retelling, too. Condense them into a few poignant sentences for a great way to hook your audience. 

Whether you're speaking a funeral , memorial service, or her retirement party, chances are that most people in the room knew your mother. Not everyone has a great relationship with his or her mother. Some people never knew their mother well. Others had a complicated relationship and you may struggle to share good qualities. 

This is okay! Not everyone has a "Gilmore Girls" relationship with his or her mom. Here are a few options if you're struggling: 

  • Write the speech. If she had a drastic, public issue, such as alcoholism, most people attending already know. Dragging it into the light and expanding on it will make people uncomfortable. Using a tribute speech as a soapbox for your issues isn’t appropriate. 
  • Focus on the positive. If you can’t, though, it’s appropriate to refuse the offer to deliver a tribute speech. Not saying anything is better than lying or making it sound like someone was a better person than they were. 

Some people, gifted with words, offer anecdotes and attention-grabbing openers. They’re made for writing a speech. But do you feel terror at the mere thought of giving a speech? 

There are a few simple tips to follow to ensure that your speech goes well. One of the most important tips is giving your opening hook a time to shine. If you remember college essays, you remember the importance of an attention grabber. Rather than starting with a boring sentence, craft an attention-grabber. This will inform and excite listeners. Wait for the audience to settle down and pay attention before you start speaking.

It’s important to come prepared, too. Bring tissues and a bottle of water to help you through your speech. Bring notes, too. If you want to type out your entire speech beforehand, do so. If not, try writing out cue cards.

Struggling with how to craft your speech? Here’s an example outline for you. Customize or rearrange to fit your unique needs!

Introduction: Start with something that will grab the audience’s attention. It could be a fact about your mother that’s surprising, one that no one else knew. It could be a mild joke if the mood is appropriate. Once you’ve snagged the audience’s attention, introduce the basic facts about your mother. State your relationship, too, so people know who you are. 

Overview: Provide a birds-eye view of what your relationship with your mother was like. How did her upbringing influence the kind of person she was? How did she pass that onto you? This is the place to highlight the traits you remember most about your mother. 

Anecdotes: The anecdotes you select go here. Share your memories, with an emphasis on the traits you discussed above. Stating those traits serve as a thesis statement and a road map through the rest of your speech. 

Influence: Depending on how many anecdotes you shared, you can talk about her in two ways. You can do so after each separate anecdote. If you only have one or two, you may save this for the end. Talk about how these character traits changed your life. Illustrate them with stories.

Why Your Speech Matters

It’s easy to feel like a tribute speech is impossible to craft. It seems like there’s always someone who could do it better. But a tribute speech serves as a personalized gift, one of the only ones you can give after your mother dies.


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A sample tribute speech

- a speech in memory of my mother, Iris

By:  Susan Dugdale  

Here's a sample tribute speech. It's for my mother, Iris, and yes, it's all true.

If you're writing a tribute speech of your own, you'll find the outline, or template , my speech follows directly below it along with other helpful links on the writing process , and to funeral poems and quotations you may like to use.

When said aloud this speech is approximately between 7 to 9 minutes long , depending on how quickly you speak. 

A tribute speech for my mother: Iris

My Mother shares her name, Iris, with the goddess of the rainbow; a messenger for the ancient Olympian gods and carrier of faith, hope and wisdom.

But that's not why her parent's called her that. Instead, it was something much closer to home.

After her birth my grandmother saw a patch of beautiful dark purple flowers out her bedroom window. They were iris. She was named for them.

Image: purple iris flowers. Text: Iris: goddess of the rainbow, messenger of the gods.

Iris, the last of five children, arrived during the Depression Years.

When she was two years old her father suddenly died, and her family rapidly fell into hard times. Her brothers and sisters were sent out to work as soon as they were old enough. There was no government monetary assistance for widows in those days. On eve of World War Two Iris left school to work too. She was a tall, skinny, nervous thirteen-year-old who, as she said; knew nothing about anything worth knowing.

Soon being a shop girl behind the Woolworth's pick-and-mix confectionary counter was no longer enough. She wanted more. That hunger drove her to night school: a secretarial course, and speech lessons to learn " to talk proper".

Nothing, not even God, was exempt from her desire to break free of limitations imposed by circumstance. Her staunch Catholic upbringing was questioned. The family fall-out from her decision to abandon it was legendary.

My Great-Grandmother locked her in her room for several days. Prayers were said and priests brought to the door.

However, all the threats of hellfire and eternal damnation were powerless.  Finally, her family relented, the door was opened and she was reluctantly set free.

By the time World War Two ended Iris had become a competent personal secretary who thoroughly enjoyed life.    

In 1947 she met my father. It was "love at first sight" and they married six weeks later.

Now, let's fast forward eighteen years.

Iris and Graham had five children. I am the eldest and the youngest was two when, in a curious repetition of family history, my father suddenly died. This time, in this generation, there was a widow's benefit and although meager, my mother was grateful to have it.

Shocking events are tattooed into memories, remaining vivid despite the wear of passing years.

From her chaotic struggle to find a sense of place and purpose without my father, to effectively parent five children on her own, to balance their growing financial demands against a small, fixed income and more, flow a stream of images. Each one shows an aspect of Iris I respect and admire.

From my gallery: The God Books.

This is what we called them as children. They were philosophical discussions on varying world religions and often baptized in the bath. At the end of the day that was where she read and invariably, she nodded off. Sodden books, face down, their leaves splayed out to dry in the sun were a common sight.

No matter how fraught she was there were always fresh flowers on the dining room table: a bowl of velvet pansies, red roses; whatever was in season from her garden. They were, to use her expression, a hyacinth for the soul . She understood ' Man cannot live by bread alone .' Beauty was essential.

Money Jars.

In the high cupboard above the kitchen bench were a series of labelled glass jars. " Food " , " Electricity" , " Phone" , and so on. Every time her widow's benefit was paid out each jar got its portion.

Midnight Nursing.

My youngest brother and sister suffered from chronic bronchitis. Many nights I woke to find her cradling one, and sometimes both. She'd be wrapped in her old blue dressing gown, her long brown hair hanging loose, crooning and gently rocking them back to sleep. The Old Ford Cortina Car .

It was called Flower Power , sported a huge stylized black daisy on its boot, and was her faithful friend. She drove it everywhere, always, to my brother's great embarrassment, at the same speed, slowly.

Carrot Juice.

In this Iris was a trend setter. Long before the eat-healthy gurus arrived on the scene advocating " raw this"  and " juiced that"  with a side dish of mung bean sprouts, my mother was buying sacks of carrots for the daily juice-up. Every morning six full glasses were lined up on the kitchen bench, one for each of us. Inevitably, because they'd been filled much earlier, by the time we got to them, a top layer of brown scum had formed. Drinking or not drinking the stuff was a battle of wills. Mostly she won.

Her Spinning Wheel.

Its soft clack-clack whirring was a familiar soundtrack to our lives. Along with the wheel came sacks of wool straight off the sheep. The end result was homespun knitted garments for everyone.

Later she added making natural dyes and weaving to her skills. Her dye brews resembled a witch's cauldron. Into them went onion skins, green walnuts, lichens, flower petals, anything that might yield up its  color.

When seen through my teenage eyes much of who she was and what she did was incomprehensible. On a superficial level she was a mother doing what mothers did, mothering, albeit with a difference. Noone else I knew had a mother like mine. Beyond that, I didn't understand, or even begin to appreciate, what she gave us.

The hindsight of passing years and growing maturity have slowly revealed her real value. I look now and am humbled.

I see the enormity of raising five children on her own while hounded by the constant fear of "never having enough money". I marvel at the strength of will and determination  that kept her going.

I have her hunger and respect for knowledge to thank for my education.

I remember a small but significant scene that took place a year or so after my father died. A couple of well-meaning older family friends were discussing our financial situation.

"Of course, Susan will leave school and...", one of them began. My Mother cut her short. "No. That will never happen. We'll manage." 

We did, and I got an education, as did those following me.

She actively encouraged us to investigate and believe what we wanted to about life's BIG questions. The memory of her own struggle for permission and the right to find her own path was to leave us free. 

While there always the backdrop of her ongoing inquiry into religious beliefs, morality and spirituality it was never foisted on us. 

Her faith that we would each find our own " right"  path and relationship with what it is to be human living in the world held us strongly. We were never in any doubt as to who was ultimately responsible for the lives we would lead. It was us.

Beauty is free. That's another legacy from her. It's everywhere if you have eyes to see it: a sun rise, a child's smile, a flower from the garden, a meal prepared with love, or a tree in autumn. Appreciation of it doesn't depend on, or increase, with the amount of money in your wallet.

And that was Iris, our mother, our flesh and blood version of her overlooked namesake, the goddess of the rainbow. She was our example of persistence, courage, service, faith, hope, love of beauty and the ongoing quest for truth.

how to write a mother's day speech

Sample Tribute Speech Outline

Use the following headings as a guide to write the outline for your tribute speech.

Introduction Open with an attention getter followed by introducing who you are talking about.

Background Provide a context (setting) for accomplishments and obstacles. This validates your choice:- explains why you chose whom you did.

Relationship Why is this person important to you? Outline their impact on yourself and/or others. This is an opportunity to tell the stories highlighting the qualities you revere.

What has been learnt as a result of their influence? What will you and others value and carry forward?

Conclusion Restatement or summary of key points ending positively.

Related useful pages

Image: purple irises

These will help you prepare your own tribute speech.

Browse the quotations, read a poem or sample eulogies, and if you wish, find out more about writing a funeral or commemorative speech.

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  • How to write a eulogy
  • Sample eulogies
  • Poems for funerals
  • Inspirational quotations
  • Commemorative Speech Help

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how to write a mother's day speech

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Mother’s Day Speech – Discover the Heartwarming Mother’s Day Speech to Show Your Love and Gratitude

Mother’s Day Speech: Mother’s Day is a special occasion celebrated around the world to honor and appreciate mothers for their hard work and sacrifices. The idea of Mother’s Day originated in the United States in the early 20th century, and it has since become a global celebration. On this day, we take the time to reflect on the importance of motherhood and to express our gratitude for all that mothers do for their children and families. In this article, we will explore the significance of Mother’s Day and share tips on how to deliver a heartfelt speech that honors the special mothers in our lives.

Table of Contents

10 Lines on Mother’s Day Speech

  • Mother’s Day is a special occasion celebrated to honor and appreciate mothers.
  • The day is observed on different dates in different countries, usually in May.
  • The idea of Mother’s Day originated in the United States in the early 20th century.
  • The day is celebrated to recognize the important role that mothers play in society.
  • Children often express their love and gratitude for their mothers by giving them gifts and cards.
  • Mother’s Day is also an opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices that mothers make for their families.
  • The day is not only for biological mothers, but also for stepmothers, grandmothers, and other mother figures.
  • Many people also use the occasion to raise awareness about maternal health and the challenges that mothers face.
  • Mother’s Day is a time to appreciate the love, support, and guidance that mothers provide.
  • It is a day to say thank you to all the amazing mothers out there for everything they do.

Short Speech on Mother’s Day

It is my pleasure to address you today on the occasion of Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day is a special day to honor and appreciate the hard work and sacrifices that mothers make for their families. It is a day to celebrate the love, care, and dedication that mothers show every day.


Mothers are the backbone of our families. They are the ones who selflessly care for us, love us unconditionally, and support us through thick and thin. They make countless sacrifices to ensure that we have everything we need to succeed in life. From waking up early in the morning to prepare breakfast, to staying up late at night to take care of a sick child, mothers do it all with grace and without any complaints.

On this special day, let us take a moment to thank our mothers for all their hard work and dedication. Let us remember that they are the reason why we are here today. Let us also remember that Mother’s Day is not just about biological mothers, but also about stepmothers, grandmothers, and all the other mother figures in our lives who have played a significant role in shaping us into who we are today.

So, to all the amazing mothers out there, we say thank you. Thank you for your unconditional love, for your sacrifices, for your guidance, and for being our constant source of strength. Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful mothers out there!

Heart Touching Speech on Mother in English

Today, I want to talk to you about a very special person in our lives – our mother. Our mother is the one who brought us into this world, who nurtured us, loved us unconditionally, and who taught us everything we know.

A mother’s love is like no other. It is pure, selfless, and unconditional. From the moment we are born, our mothers make countless sacrifices to ensure that we have everything we need to succeed in life. They wake up early in the morning to prepare our breakfast, they stay up late at night to take care of us when we’re sick, and they put their own needs aside to make sure that we are happy and healthy.

But a mother’s love is not just about the things she does for us. It is also about the person she is – kind, caring, patient, and forgiving. Our mothers have a way of making everything better, of soothing our fears and worries, and of giving us the courage to face any challenge that comes our way.

As we celebrate Mother’s Day, let us take a moment to reflect on the incredible role that our mothers have played in our lives. Let us remember their love, their sacrifices, and their unwavering support. Let us also take this opportunity to thank them for everything they have done for us.

To all the wonderful mothers out there, we say thank you. Thank you for your love, your kindness, and your unwavering support. You are the heart and soul of our families, and we are forever grateful for everything you do. Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing mothers out there!

Mother’s Day Speech in Hindi

आज हम यहां माँ के प्रति अपना आभार प्रकट करने आए हैं। माँ, जो हमारी जिंदगी का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण अंग होती हैं। वो हमें जन्म देकर इस दुनिया में लायी होती हैं और हमें हर पल आगे बढ़ने के लिए प्रेरणा देती हैं।

इस दिन के अवसर पर हम सबको यह याद दिलाना चाहिए कि माँ जैसी कोई दूसरी नहीं होती हैं। उनका प्यार एक अनोखी शक्ति होती हैं जो हमें हमेशा समर्थ रखती हैं। वे हमें इस दुनिया में स्थान देती हैं, हमें पालती हैं, हमें संबोधित करती हैं और हमें सही और गलत के बीच का फर्क समझाती हैं।

माँ एक ऐसी शक्ति होती हैं जो हमेशा हमारे साथ होती हैं। जब भी हमें कोई मुश्किल आती हैं, हमारी माँ हमारे साथ होती हैं। उनकी ममता और लव आप हमेशा हमें सुरक्षित महसूस करवाती हैं।

इस मौके पर, हम सभी को यह याद दिलाना चाहिए कि माँ को हमेशा सम्मान देना चाहिए और उन्हें हमारी जिंदगी में अपना सबसे महत्वपूर्ण अंग मानना चाहिए। आज अपनी माँ को सारे दुनिया का सबसे अच्छा दिन देना चाहते हो तो अपनी माँ से अच्छा संबंध बनाए रखें। उन्हें प्यार देना, समझना और उनकी खुशी के लिए सब कुछ करना। माँ का प्यार बेजोड़ है और वो सदैव हमें आशीर्वाद देती हैं।

मेरी माँ मेरे लिए सब कुछ हैं। उनके बिना मेरा जीवन अधूरा हैं। मैं उनके लिए हमेशा एक खुश बेटा रहना चाहता हूँ। मैं उनके संग समय बिताकर, उनसे बातें करके बहुत खुश होता हूँ।

आज मैं आपको यह बताना चाहता हूँ कि माँ दुनिया का सबसे प्यारा और मासूम रिश्ता हैं। हम अपनी माँ के बिना अधूरे हैं और उनका प्यार हमारे लिए असीम हैं। माँ हमें जन्म देती हैं, हमें पालती हैं और हमारे साथ हमेशा खुश रहने का तरीका सिखाती हैं।

इस बार मदर्स डे को यादगार बनाने के लिए अपनी माँ को सबसे अच्छी तरीके से सम्मानित करे! आप उन्हें एक प्यारी सी गिफ्ट दे सकते हैं, उन्हें खाना पकाकर खिला सकते हैं या फिर उन्हें एक शांत और सुकून भरी छुट्टी का इंतजाम करके दे सकते हैं। ये सब करने से ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण बात है कि हम अपनी माँ के साथ अधिक समय बिताएं और उनके साथ खुशहाली की तलाश करें।

इस मातृ दिवस पर हम सब अपनी माँ को एक जड़ू भरी मुस्कान देना चाहते हैं जो उनके चेहरे पर खुशी का रूप लेकर आए। हम उन्हें बताना चाहते हैं कि हम उनके साथ हैं, हम उनका सम्मान करते हैं और हम उनसे बहुत प्यार करते हैं।

इस अवसर पर हम सब एक बार फिर से अपनी माँ को धन्यवाद देते हैं कि उन्होंने हमें जन्म दिया, हमें पाला और हमेशा हमारे साथ खड़ी रही। हम उनके लिए हमेशा एक आभारी रहेंगे।

मैं आप सभी से अनुरोध करती हूं कि आप अपनी माँ के साथ समय बिताएं और उन्हें अपना प्यार और सम्मान दें। इस मातृ दिवस को एक यादगार और सुखद दिन बनाएं।

Small Speech on Mother’s Day

Today we are gathered here to celebrate the most important person in our lives – our mothers. Mother’s Day is a special occasion to honor and appreciate our mothers for their unconditional love, care, and sacrifice.

Mothers play a vital role in our lives. They are the ones who brought us into this world and raised us with utmost love and affection. They are always there for us, through thick and thin, to support and guide us in every aspect of life.

On this special day, it is important to take a moment and thank our mothers for all that they have done for us. Let’s make them feel special and loved by expressing our gratitude and affection towards them.

So, let us celebrate this Mother’s Day with great enthusiasm and show our mothers how much we love and appreciate them.

Mother’s Day Special Speech

Today, we are here to celebrate a very special day – Mother’s Day. A day to honor and appreciate the most important person in our lives, our mothers.

Mothers are the ones who bring us into this world and raise us with unconditional love, care, and affection. They make countless sacrifices and put their own needs aside to provide us with everything we need. They are the ones who stand by us, no matter what.

Mother’s Day is a day to express our gratitude towards our mothers and show them how much we love and appreciate them. It is a day to thank them for all the sacrifices they have made, the sleepless nights they have had, and the endless love they have given us.

It is important to remember that Mother’s Day is not just about buying gifts or flowers, but it is about spending time with our mothers, listening to them, and making them feel valued and loved.

Let us take this opportunity to make our mothers feel special and appreciated. Let us thank them for being the pillars of strength in our lives and for always being there for us.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing mothers out there!

FAQs on Mother’s Day Speech

Mother’s Day is celebrated on different dates in various countries, but it is mostly celebrated on the second Sunday of May.

Mother’s Day is important as it is a day to express our gratitude and love towards our mothers. It reminds us of the invaluable role that mothers play in our lives and gives us a chance to make them feel special and appreciated.

We can celebrate Mother’s Day by spending quality time with our mothers, expressing our gratitude and affection towards them, and giving them gifts or flowers as a token of appreciation.

Some ideas for Mother’s Day gifts include personalized gifts, spa treatments, jewelry, and homemade gifts such as baked goods or handcrafted items.

Mother’s Day was first celebrated in the United States in 1908 by Anna Jarvis to honor her mother who was a peace activist. It later became a national holiday in the United States and is now celebrated in many countries around the world.

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By Gauri Malik

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What To Write in a Mother’s Day Card (Plus 13 Sweet Messages for Mom)

Are you looking for heartfelt messages for Mother's Day? Look no more—we have 13 sweet, ready-to-use messages that fit any situation (plus tips on how to write your own message).

Happy Mothers Day message: How to write one and ready-to-use templates.

How To Write a Mother’s Day Message

All you have to do to write a heartfelt Mother’s Day message is:

  • Choose a greeting
  • Show gratitude
  • Share memories
  • Be specific
  • End with a thoughtful message

Find Mother’s Day Messages:

  • For grandma
  • For daughter
  • For mother-in-law
  • For estranged mom

Writing a Mother’s Day Message

You’re here because Mother’s Day is around the corner, and you want to learn how to write a heartfelt message for the moms in your life.

Perhaps the situation is dire, and you’re here because it’s already Mother’s Day and you forgot to get cards for the moms in your life.

Or maybe, you want to write a sweet message for your mom on a random day and need some inspiration.

In any case, we’re here to help.

We’ll give you tips to help you write a touching Mother’s Day message. Plus, we’re going to make it even easier by providing 15 ready-to-use templates that you can use for your mom, wife, sister, grandmother, or any other motherly figure in your life.

Let’s begin!

How To Write a Sweet Mother’s Day Message

Writing a Mother’s Day message is easy. Just follow these steps:

1. Choose a greeting

You can go with the standard Dear Mom, or you can switch it up and write something like:

To the queen of our household,
To the CEO of our family,
To the best mom in the galaxy,

You know your mom best. Have fun with it!

2. Show gratitude

Moms work hard, and often their hard work goes unnoticed. After you choose a greeting, write a sentence or two that expresses how grateful you are to her.

3. Share memories

Is there a memory that stands out to you the most when you’re thinking about your mom? Share it with her and explain why it’s so special to you.

4. Be specific

Moms are special; we know. But what is it about your mom that makes her even more special to you? Is it the way she always listens? Or that she always knows how to cheer you up? Let her know what you love about her.

5. End with a thoughtful message

By now, mom should have a few tears in her eyes, so it’s time to wrap it up. End it with one last thoughtful message, and close with love, lots of love, or something funny like your favorite.

If you follow these steps, the message to your mom should look something like this:

To the queen of the household, I can’t thank you enough for all the love, support, and guidance you have given me throughout my life. I know I don’t say it enough, but I’m lucky to have you as a mom. Remember all those frantic trips we used to take to little league practice? Those are my favorite memories. Your compassion and commitment are the reasons I am who I am. Where would I be without you? Your favorite son, Mark

Is “Mom” Capitalized?

Whether mom gets capitalized depends on its part of speech in a sentence. When used as a proper noun , name , or title , always capitalize mom .

  • You’ve helped me so much, Mom .

However, when mom is used as a common noun , it is not capitalized.

  • My mom is the most helpful person I know.

Thirteen Happy Mother’s Day Messages

If you’re short on time or simply can’t seem to find the right words, try using any of the templates below. All you have to do is fill in the [bracketed text]. Please be aware that there are many templates to choose from, depending on whom the message is for.

A message for Mother's Day

Mother’s Day Message for Mom

Dear Mom, I would be lost without your love. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for always being my guiding light. Life is easier for me because of what you’ve taught me. I love you more than you’ll ever know! Lots of love, [Your name]
To the mom that makes the tastiest [steak] ever, Yes, the delicious food you cooked when I was a kid nurtured my body, but it was your love that nurtured my soul. For that, I’m forever grateful. Love you always, [Your name]
Mommy, I’m [caring], as you are. I’m [compassionate], as you are. I’m [good-looking], as you are. Apparently, I’m also funny, as you are! What I’m trying to say, Mom, is that I am who I am because of you. Thanks for showing me the way, [Your name]  
To my mighty mom, You always made it look easy, even though sometimes it was difficult. You exemplify grace, strength, and compassion. You have always been and will always be my role model. The world would be a better place if more people were like you. Love you infinitely, [Your name]
To the most patient and supportive woman I know, Thank you for always having my back no matter what. You endured my messes, my tantrums, and even my questionable fashion choices. You deserve a trophy and so much more! Your favorite [daughter/son], [Your name]

Mother’s Day Message for Wife

To my dearest wife, For a long time, [the day we got married] was my favorite day ever. But then [name] was born, and now every day that I get to witness you being an outstanding mom is my favorite. I’m always in awe of you, [Your name]

Mother’s Day Message for Grandma

Of course my mom is wonderful! Look who raised her. Grandma, I’m grateful for everything you have done for me, and all that you have taught me. Our family is beyond lucky to have you in our lives. But I’m the luckiest, considering that I’m your favorite [granddaughter/grandson/grandchild]. Don’t worry; I won’t tell anyone. [Your name]

Mother’s Day Message for Daughter

Dear [name], I didn’t think I could love you anymore, but then I watched you become a mom. I’m so proud of the woman you have become. My love for you overflows, [Your name]

Mother’s Day Message for Mother-in-Law

Dear [name], The [girl/boy] you raised, turned into a wonderful [woman/man], who is now a remarkable [wife/husband]. I have a lot to thank you for. Forever grateful, [Your name]

Mother’s Day Message for Sister

Dear [name], Who would’ve thought that my [annoying], [trouble-making], [crazy], sister would turn into a loving, caring, and compassionate mom? Not me! Thanks for proving me wrong, and for giving me the coolest [niece/nephew] ever. Love, [Your name]

Mother’s Day Message for Aunt

Dear [name], I feel like the luckiest person in the world because I basically have two moms! Thanks for saying yes when my mom always said no. I’m grateful for your unconditional love and support. With lots of love, [Your name]

Mother’s Day Message for Friend

Dear [name], Can you guess what’s my favorite part about our friendship? It’s not [our crazy, late-night trips], nor our [relaxing but wild days at the beach]. Nope. My favorite part about our friendship is watching you be a mom. You’re doing such a good job. Thanks for taking me along for the ride, [Your name]

Mother’s Day Message for Estranged Mom

Dear Mom, Our relationship may not be picture-perfect, but I wanted to take a moment to wish you a happy Mother’s Day. I appreciate who you are and the sacrifices you made for me along the way. Always remember that you are loved. No matter what, [Your name]

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Mother's Day

  • Mother's Day Speech

Mother’s day is the celebration which is one of the favourite occasions particularly of the children. On this day they celebrate their mother’s love!! A mother is the emblem of love and she selflessly showers upon all the affection she has on her children. She is the person, who, without the intention of getting anything in return sacrifices all her needs and wants just to get their children’s needs get fulfilled. Without the presence of Mother, our own existence would not have been possible.

On Mother’s day, in order to honour and celebrate the sacrifices of people on Mother’s day school children and kids prepare for Mother’s Day speech and present it in front of their mother. Here are a few of them:


This year, Mother’s day 2022 is going to be observed on 8th of May around the world which is the second Sunday of the month. It’s a perfect time when you can show your love and gratitude to you lovely Mother. Mothers are actually the people who play the most significant role in our life. No matter what, she will build her dreams only around yours. The relationship we share with our mother cannot actually be replaced by any other relationship of this entire world. She is the reservoir of unconditional love that makes us strong. She is the one who keeps us showing the right path in life at every stage. So, love her, honour her and respect her love!!


There have been many philosophers and preachers in the past, who have often compared the character of a Mother with that of God. And it is indeed true that germinates a powerful bond of love between you and your mother. She is the first person in one’s life who makes every experience a beautiful one. She helps us learn life and the way of making life a pleasant experience, in the initial stage of our life. So, it is our duty to make the experience at the end a beautiful one for her. Mother’s Day is a great opportunity to tell your mother, the deepest feelings of your heart.


The best thing is that, you do not need to express it in a grand way, rather a smaller one will do. A thoughtful gift, even a warm hug from her children is enough for her. You just need to plan something that will melt her heart on Mother’s Day. Tell her about your feeling; tell her how much you care and you can leave aside all the luxuries of life just to be with her. Do not hesitate to let her know that, she is your world and you cannot express your love in words. Pledge on this Mother’s day to make your mother feel special and loved for whatever she has contributed to your life.


Yes, once again the time has come when you can celebrate your Mother’s Love!! It’s Mother’s day and there’s a lot you want to tell your mother. No matter, however busy you are busy with your work on Mother’s day take some time out and tell her that your life is incomplete without her. A Mother-child relationship is the best of all the relations, there’s no substitute to it! Had she not been there, you would not have been able to learn and earn. May be she will not be that educated but she will make up an educated family. On Mother’s Day, we all should cherish this lovely relationship.


All the humans have been so, created by the God that, we need our effort to get acknowledged. On Mother’s day make sure that, she notices that you have, all this long years noticed her efforts. On Mother’s Day, spend the whole day with her and keep telling her that she is the person because of whom you have achieved whatever you have. All the hardships have gone though is worth appreciation. The thing is, she is never going to accept her struggles she has gone through in bringing you up in the best possible way but we have to understand her plight on your own. Mother’s Day is the time of the year when you can plan it out to delight you Mother. Make her feel special with special act of love on Mother’s Day.


This Angel makes our life simpler and full of love!! On Mother’s Day, it’s a child’s responsibility to make life a blissful one for her the way she did it for you while you were a child. We should plan out something special for her which will blow away all her pain. She only needs a bit of your attention and she will understand your effort. Hug her ands kiss her, she will feel loved. Mother’s day is the special occasion which is celebrated throughout the globe to celebrate motherhood . This Mother’s Day, make her feel alive by bringing on her face a sweet smile that she deserves.


Why is this Mother’s Day? God himself is the testimony to the great love of a mother, the sacrifices she did. None of us can match the effort a mother puts in to build the home you live in so, comfortably. She is the architect of her children’s dreams and she builds them by putting into the best ingredients. She puts aside all her aspirations when her child is born no matter what plans she had before becoming a mother. A Mother plays her part till her death and she expects her children to help them through her old age. Now that, you are big enough to realise her love, you make her happy by acknowledging her effort. On Mother’s Day you can gift her something she has been dreaming for a long time. Tell her that, life would not have been that happier, had you not been around to help.

Short Speech on Mother's Day 8

Mother’s Day is that time of the year when Motherhood is celebrated! Every child finds the most pleasantly surprising way of conveying love to the angel of their life. The love of a mother and her existence in your life is so pure that one should admire her every day. However, Mother’s Day acts as a reminder. This year in 2022, Mother’s Day is going to be celebrated on 8th May, (Sunday), with the similar zeal and enthusiasm. On this day, children make plans to give surprises to their mother and make her happy. This day has become a way of making the pious bond between mother and her children way more stronger. I’m immensely thankful to everyone here who has shown patience listening to my succinct thoughts on Mother’s Day.

Thank you Everyone!

Mother’s Day Speech 8

Today, I feel immense happiness to be a part of this celebration and talking about Motherhood in front of you all. It is nothing less than a pleasurable experience for me. First of all, I would like to show my gratitude to every single mother out there, who has nurtured the world with her unconditional love, and made it truly a “heaven on Earth”. Connecting this beautiful relationship of Mother & her children with my own experience, I want to say that the best thing that could ever happen to someone is their “Mother”. Without her love, life itself becomes a hardship! The purest form of love & affection that she pours in, secretly helps us meet that strongest person within. From my own experience, I can say that a Mother & her Love is the purest form of emotion that would ever exist in this Universe. I love you Mom!! Thanks for bringing out the strongest version of me with your supermom qualities & love!!

Happy Mother’s Day to all!

Mother’s Day Speech 10

First of all, I would like to wish everyone here, a very happy Mother’s Day! It’s hard to sum up the love & affection of a Mother in any number of words. The purity of her soul is, so immensely pure that, it cannot be found anywhere else in this Universe! Talking about my own experience, you all would be surprised to know that I lost my mother in the early stage of my life. And, I clearly know the difference between a child who has been brought up in the shadow of her mother and the one who has been brought up in her absence. I clearly know the nightmare life becomes when you can’t see your mother by your side.

On the auspicious occasion of Mother’s day, through my own experience of being a child who has been brought up without Mother, I want to request you folks, please give back the respect she deserves. Make her feel loved and cared for, the way she has done for you. She is the only person in this big world who will hold you, irrespective of anything and everything. Close your eyes and imagine her hand on your head, you’ll feel a magical power touching you inside out. Respect this incredible power she bestows upon you. Mother’s Day is the perfect time to show her that you are there and will always be. With this I would like to end my Mother’s Day speech.

Mother’s Day Speech 11

Thanks you all!!

Mother’s Day Speech 12

Today, I feel immense happiness to deliver this Mother’s Day speech in front of you. To start with, first of all I would like to throw light on the unconditional love of a mother. Talk about any field of your life, and you’ll realize that your mother has played the most vital role in shaping it up. This angel, she works day and night to make sure that her children are being brought up in right way and are fed with right kind of information. She will do anything and everything to make sure that her children are happy. The sacrifices she makes and the hardships she goes through the entire process of motherhood is unparalleled. Mother’s Day is an occasion when you can be a dutiful son/daughter and make her feel happy to have you in your life. At the end of my speech, I would like to request all the son/daughter to love your mother in the unconditional way as she has done always.

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  • Mother in Different Languages
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  • Mothers Day in Australia
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Mother's Day History

A mother is a God’s reflection. Mother’s Day is a splendid occasion to express and convey deepest love, regards and gratitude for everything she has done for us. To know more about this day’s history, click here... Know More

Mother's Day Mexico

Mexican food is every foodie’s delight! But, the beautiful country of Mexico is also known for its celebration in special days. Mother’s Day is a heartwarming event celebrated with great pomp and show in Mexican style. Click here to know more..... Know More

Mother's Day In India

India is not just known for its religious festivals, it is also a popular destination for celebration of special days like Mother’s Day. Often referred to as Bharat Mata, the celebration of motherly love on the occasion of Mother’s Day is a grand affair in India..... Know More

Mother's Day Gift Ideas

Mother’s Day is a remarkable moment of thanking mother for their eternal love and support through mesmerizing and captivating Mother's Day Gifts. If you are the one who is searching for exquisite gifts to surprise your mums on this special day, then here are some great ideas and suggestions to wish her the best Mother’s Day ever.... Know More

Mothers Day Celebration

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Mothers Day Speech in simple and easy words

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Mothers Day Speech

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Speech on Mothers Day

Mothers day speech – 1.

A Very Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen!

Today, our company has organized this event on the auspicious occasion of “Mother’s Day,” I would like to thank all the beautiful mothers who came here to grace this event. Today, as a manager and child, I feel blessed to have gotten this opportunity to thank my mother for everything she did and is still doing for me.

She is a big reason for everything I got in my life, and she is the most precious. She found her happiness in my happiness. It is the most blissful part of my life when she smiles.

I guess it is true that the mother-child relationship is the most beautiful and inseparable bond we all have in this world. For me, she is the person who taught me how to stand on my own feet by holding my hand, and it was she who taught me how to learn from my mistakes.

She was there for me to help selflessly without expecting anything in return except love. I can leave every luxury for my mother because I feel more relaxed and peaceful with my mother, and there is no substitute for it.

Mother is the most important person in one’s life, and so is me. When I reach home, it feels like nobody is in the house if my mother is not there. In my childhood, when I fell and got injured, the first word that exploded through my mouth was (mummy) mother because I always knew that my mother was there for me in every situation, and from that time to now, there has been nothing that has changed in our relationship. Today I am a manager of this huge prosperous company, and my mother is the biggest reason for my success.

Everything feels easy with her because I know she is behind me. In my childhood, she stood asleep during my exams just for my help and so that I could prepare for them well. She made infinite sacrifices for my happiness and success selflessly. She is a true goddess who gave me my life, happiness, and everything I have today.

Every mother did and is still making sacrifices selflessly; thus, they deserve huge respect from everyone. Without a mother, our creation would be impossible. She did everything she could for me, and now when I am fully grown, it is my turn to do everything possible to make my mother happy.

I believe that no one has enough potential for a mother because of the sacrifices she makes for her child. No one has the potential to do that much. There is a mother behind every child who gains success, which is why it was said that there is a woman behind every successful person, which means mother.

Now, at the end of my speech, I would like to grab this opportunity to thank our company’s owner, who allowed me to organize this auspicious event for our mothers and for the opportunity to thank my mother and I hope that this will become the most memorable day for our mothers and for us too.

Thank you all very much, and I wish you all a great day ahead!

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Mothers Day Speech – 2

Respected Principal, Respected Teachers, and My Dear Friend!

Today we all have gathered here on mother’s day, and as a head girl of this school, I feel very fortunate to have this opportunity to say a few words for our mothers. Although every day of our lives is dedicated to our parents, this day has been labelled as “Mother’s Day,” so it became quite special for our mothers and us. Mother’s day has been celebrated for thousands of years since ancient times.

In India, we follow the tradition of worshipping goddesses, and it is just similar to mother’s day. On this day, we show gratitude and love towards our mothers. A mother dedicates her whole life to her children without expecting anything. The only thing she wants is to be loved by her children. For her, a hug from her children is bigger than anything in this world, and so is for us as children.

Despite many relations, the most transparent and selfless relationship we all have is what we share with our mother. It does not matter how difficult the situation is; a mother is always there for her children till her last breath. Some children do not understand the value of their mother, but when they realize it, it is already late. They send their mothers to a very shameful nursing home. Many people compare mothers with God, but she is an actual goddess we can see with our eyes.

A mother is a goddess who gave us our lives through infinite sacrifices that no one else can ever do that much for anybody. Nothing in the entire universe could be compared with our mothers. A mother is the most reliable person in our lives. She is a person who we can trust blindly in every situation. It isn’t easy to imagine a world without a mother because she is the reason behind the creation of this entire world.

She stands behind her child for the support they want, and we must give her the support when needed. Behind every person’s success is their mother’s caring and helping hand. Without a mother, life seems impossible. She is the person who teaches her child to walk on their own feet.

Today we all have this worthy opportunity to thank our mothers for raising us and for all her support because we would not be standing here without her. A mother is a picture of sacrifices and dedication. Let us make this day a memorable and precious day for our mothers.

On this note, I would like to extend special thanks to my mother for everything and to all of you for your patience.

I wish you a great day ahead!

mothers day speech

Happy Mothers Day Wishes

Mothers Day Speech – 3

Respected Principal, Honorary Managing Committee, Respected Teachers, Loving Mothers, and My Dear Fellow Students – Good Morning to one and all!

I welcome everyone to the school auditorium on Mother’s Day special occasion. Being a head girl of this school, I have been given this wonderful opportunity by the managing committee to deliver a speech on Mother’s Day. I feel greatly privileged and want to thank the committee for giving me this honor. However, once I finish my speech, fellow students can join me on stage to express their feelings.

It feels really good to see all the children’s mothers under one roof, and their presence has become so vibrant. We all know that May 10 is dedicated to all mothers and is celebrated as Mother’s Day. So it is the best time for all the children to express their love and gratitude towards their mothers and make them feel special in special ways. Our mother is the most important relationship that God gifts us with; she makes our lives fulfilling and worth living.

The special connection and bonding we share with her cannot be described in words. She is the one who showers unconditional love on us and nurtures our lives through her valuable lessons and teachings. She helps us find the right path when we stumble, and with her support, we can overcome any difficulties in life. Her blessings remove the stumbling blocks from our path and help us accomplish our goals.

So does it not become our duty to listen to our mothers patiently and give them due importance in our lives?

Many philosophers raised a mother’s position to the level of deities and compared her to a goddess. This is quite true as she gives birth and is the reason behind our existence on this earth. She is responsible for making our lives beautiful and meaningful. So someone who adds so many colors to our lives, does it not become our responsibility as children to make her feel loved and special in many ways? However, she doesn’t expect grand things from us, just a thoughtful gesture that can make her realize her importance in our lives.

So don’t miss today’s time and tell her how special she is to you and that she is a priceless gift in your life. Celebrate this day with your mother, and make sure that she knows how dear she is to you by the end of this day.

Sometimes, we forget the struggle and pain of our mothers in raising us and inadvertently hurt her through our actions. Always remember that our mothers will never share their days of struggles with us, but in many ways, we can always try to ease her burden and help her in her work. I am sure you all will agree that she is like an angel in disguise who continuously prays for our better lives and showers us with her love and kindness.

So let’s come together and make this moment special for her. Thank You!

Mothers Day Card Ideas

Mothers Day Speech – 4

Hon’ble Principal, Respected Professors, and My Dear Friends – I heartily welcome all to our college event on Mother’s Day.

I, the final year student from Sociology Stream, would want to deliver a speech on Mother’s Day. While composing a speech on mothers, I realized that only on very rare occasions do we open up and express ourselves to say something for our loved ones, and today it’s about our mothers.

It didn’t take me much to compose the speech; nonetheless, it can be impromptu as we don’t have to struggle for words to say how much our mothers mean to us. More than saying it in words, I can feel from within a great upsurge of emotions.

I get even more excited for mother’s day because it falls in the month of spring. I hope everyone knows the significance of this season, i.e., birth, life, growth, and rejuvenation. All these qualities can be aptly associated with our mothers as she has given us life and brought us onto this earth – she is a nurturing figure who sustains us and guides us at every stage of life.

She is indeed God’s most wonderful gift for us, and the best part is that she shows us her unconditional love and affection. Her love for us is immeasurable, and she always remains protective of us. Even when we go wrong somewhere, she holds our hand and shows us the right path. She teaches us righteousness and how to uphold our principles in times of moral crisis. We cannot imagine a single moment without her.

The mother-child relationship is so special that she realizes our needs before we say anything. From knowing our likes/dislikes to sensing our mood swings – she knows our every nerve. So let’s not miss this opportunity and surprise our mothers with wonderful gifts and loving gestures. Most importantly, kiss and hug your mother and say how much you love her.

In fact, before closing my speech, I should also say a few words to my mother. She is not only my mother but my most wonderful companion as well. I never hide anything from her – whether it’s pleasant or unpleasant.

Her happiness knows no bounds when I accomplish my goals, and she gets very much disturbed if anything goes wrong with me. She can read my silence and knows what will be best for me. There’s no demand of mine, which she has never fulfilled, whether buying things of my choice or taking approval from papa for my college trips. I am feeling short of words to describe her unparalleled support in my life.

Now, I want to seek the blessings of God not only for my mother but for all the mothers who continue to nurture us and love us unconditionally. May God keep our mothers happy and hearty and in the best spirits! Not a single day should come in their lives when she feels upset or hurt.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Mothers day

What is the best speech for mother's day.

The best speech for Mothers Day is one that comes from the heart and reflects your personal relationship with your mother. It should express your love, gratitude, and appreciation for all that she has done for you. A heartfelt speech that shares meaningful anecdotes, memories, and highlights her selflessness and sacrifices is likely to resonate with the audience.

How to write a speech for Mother's Day?

When writing a speech for Mothers Day, consider the following steps: Start with an attention-grabbing introduction that captures the audiences interest. Share personal stories, memories, or experiences that showcase your relationship with your mother. Express your love, appreciation, and gratitude for her presence in your life. Highlight her qualities, virtues, and the positive impact she has had on your life and others. Include heartfelt anecdotes, quotes, or poems that reflect the depth of your emotions. Acknowledge and appreciate the efforts and sacrifices she has made for you. Express your wishes, blessings, and good thoughts for her on Mothers Day and beyond. Conclude with a memorable closing statement that leaves a lasting impression.

How do you start a speech for a mother?

You can start a speech for your mother by addressing her directly or by acknowledging the audience and the significance of the occasion. Consider using one of the following approaches: Begin with a personal anecdote or memory that showcases the special bond you share with your mother. Open with a heartfelt quote or poem about motherhood that sets the tone for your speech. Start with an attention-grabbing statement or question that emphasizes the importance of mothers in our lives. Express gratitude and appreciation right from the beginning, capturing the audience's attention with your heartfelt words.

What do I say in Mothers Day?

On Mothers Day, you can express your love and appreciation for your mother by saying: Happy Mothers Day, Mom! Thank you for your unwavering love and support. You are my guiding light and my greatest inspiration. Mom, your love has been a constant source of strength and comfort. I am forever grateful for your sacrifices and the countless ways you have enriched my life. Today, I celebrate the incredible woman who has shaped me into who I am. Mom, your unconditional love and selflessness are truly remarkable. I am blessed to have you in my life. To the best mom in the world, thank you for your endless patience, wisdom, and kindness. You are my rock, and I am forever grateful for your love. On this special day, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the love, care, and sacrifices you have made for me. You are not just my mother but also my best friend.

What is the best line for mother?

A beautiful line for a mother can be: A mothers love is like no other, it is pure, selfless, and everlasting

What is the best message for mother?

Dear Mom, your love has been my guiding light, your strength has been my inspiration, and your presence has been my greatest comfort. On this Mother's Day and every day, I am grateful for you. Thank you for being the amazing mother that you are.

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How to Write a Memorable Mother of the Bride Speech

Discover how to craft a heartfelt Mother of the Bride speech with our comprehensive guide, including tips on reflecting on cherished memories, welcoming the new in-law, and offering words of wisdom for the newlyweds.

  • Intro • First subsection

Being the mother of the bride is a special role that comes with a unique opportunity: delivering a speech that celebrates your daughter and her new life partner. Whether you're excited or a bit nervous about giving a speech, this guide will help you craft a meaningful and memorable tribute.

1. Start with a Warm Introduction

Begin by introducing yourself and expressing your gratitude to everyone who came to share in this special day. A welcoming opening sets a positive tone for your speech. For example: "Good evening, everyone. I’m [Your Name], the proud mother of [Bride’s Name]. I want to thank you all for being here today to celebrate this beautiful occasion with us."

2. Reflect on Your Daughter’s Journey

Take a moment to reflect on your daughter’s life and share a few cherished memories that highlight her journey to this day. Whether it’s a funny childhood story, a moment of pride, or an instance that captures her spirit, these anecdotes help paint a picture of who she is and what she means to you. "Watching [Bride’s Name] grow from a curious little girl into the incredible woman she is today has been one of the greatest joys of my life. I still remember [insert a special memory], and seeing her here today makes me so proud."

3. Welcome the New Member of Your Family

After reminiscing about your daughter, it’s time to welcome her partner into the family. Share your first impressions of your new son-in-law (or daughter-in-law) and express your happiness at gaining a new family member. Acknowledge what makes their relationship special and how their partner complements your daughter. "When [Bride’s Name] introduced us to [Partner’s Name], I could see right away how happy they made each other. [Partner’s Name], you’ve brought so much joy into [Bride’s Name]’s life, and we’re thrilled to welcome you into our family."

4. Offer Words of Wisdom

As the mother of the bride, you have a chance to share some advice or words of wisdom for the newlyweds. Whether your advice is light-hearted or serious, make sure it comes from the heart. "Marriage is a wonderful journey that’s filled with both joy and challenges. My advice to you both is to always support each other, communicate openly, and never stop making each other laugh."

5. Conclude with a Heartfelt Toast

End your speech by raising a toast to the happy couple. This is the perfect way to wish them a lifetime of love and happiness. Keep it short and meaningful: "Let’s all raise our glasses to [Bride’s Name] and [Partner’s Name]. May your lives together be filled with love, laughter, and endless happiness. Cheers!"

Mother of the Bride Speech Tips

  • Speak from the Heart: The best speeches are those that are sincere and personal. Don’t be afraid to show your emotions—they’re what make your words truly impactful.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Rehearse your speech several times before the wedding day to help ease any nerves and ensure you’re comfortable with what you’ll say.
  • Keep It Positive: Focus on the happiness of the day. Avoid mentioning any sensitive or potentially uncomfortable topics.
  • Stay Concise: Aim for a speech that’s about three to five minutes long. This gives you enough time to say what you want without losing the audience’s attention.

Final Thoughts

Giving a Mother of the Bride speech is a wonderful opportunity to express your love and pride for your daughter while welcoming her partner into your family. By following these tips and speaking from the heart, you’ll deliver a speech that’s both meaningful and memorable.

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80 Hearfelt Messages to Write in a Mother's Day Card

The perfect way to wish any mom or mother-figure in your life a Happy Mother's Day!

preview for 8 Celebrity Mother-Daughter Duos We Love

Finding the perfect Mother's Day gift is nothing compared to the pressure of figuring out what to write in a Mother's Day card to your mother , grandma and other maternal figures in your life. Even those who never struggle to express themselves might be left scratching their heads when it comes time to pen the perfect note to Mom. After all, how exactly are you supposed to put into words all the things you love about your hero?

But when you take a look at our list of Mother's Day messages and wishes, you'll see that all it takes is a few sweet sentiments to express your appreciation for all she has done and continues to do. If your mom isn't exactly the mushy type, we still have you covered with some funny and punny jokes that will leave her cracking up.

No mom is the same, but we can guarantee you that no matter who she is, she'll love reading these one-liners and quotes when it comes time to celebrate her this upcoming Mother's Day.

Mother's Day Wishes

  • Sending Mother's Day wishes today from the luckiest child in the world!
  • It’s my time to tell you how fortunate I am to be blessed with a mother like you. I wish you a happy Mother’s Day, Mom!
  • Wishing a very Happy Mother’s Day to someone who has been an inseparable part of my growing up.
  • Wishing you the very best day ever. You deserve it!
  • Wishing you a day that's full of relaxation, love and your favorite dessert.
  • I wish you the happiest of Mother's Day. Love, your favorite child.
  • Wishing you a Mother's Day that's as wonderful as you.
  • Wishing you a day as special as you are. Happy Mother's Day.
  • Wishing you all the love and happiness you so deserve. I hope you have a very happy Mother's Day!
  • Wishing you a Mother's Day as fabulous as you!

Mother's Day Messages of Appreciation

  • You are a total natural at being the world's best mom!
  • You are so full of compassion, love, and strength. I love you for all that you are and for all that you do. Happy Mother's Day to the most amazing mother.
  • Thank you for all the joy you've brought to my life as my mother.
  • Thank you for being my mom, my mentor, and my role model.
  • Out of all the moms in the world, I'm so glad that you're mine.
  • Thank you for being there every day with exactly what I needed.
  • Now that I’m older, I don’t just feel gratitude for you—but admiration. I only hope to be a mother as great as you one day.
  • Thank you for raising me in a time before you could post embarrassing pictures of me on social media.
  • Words can't begin to describe how much you mean to me. I'm so lucky to be your child.
  • To my mom, my friend, my angel. Happy Mother's Day.

Mother's Day Messages of Praise

  • Mom, you're the glue that holds our family together.
  • You made our house the happiest place to be. Thank you.
  • Happy Mother's Day to my greatest teacher, best friend and cheapest therapist!
  • I look at our family, and I am so thankful — you made that happen.
  • There's simply no one like you.
  • I'm who I am today because of you, Mom.
  • Thank you for taking care of us, even when it wasn't easy.

Mother's Day Messages from Daughter or Daughter-in-Law

  • I'm so proud to be your daughter.
  • Happy Mother's Day to the best role model I could ever have asked for!
  • All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to you.
  • Happy Mother’s Day to someone who is truly like a mother to me.
  • Words cannot express the unconditional love I have for you.
  • I would be lost without your guidance and grace.
  • Home is wherever you are, Mom.
  • The best compliment anyone can give me is to say that I'm just like you.

Mother's Day Messages from Son or Son-in-Law

  • You're more than an in-law to me, you're like a second mom. Thank you for all that you do!
  • I am so grateful to be a part of your family.
  • I really couldn’t have joined a better or more loving family. Thank you for accepting me with open arms.
  • We might not be blood, but you've shown me love just like any mother would.
  • Happy Mother's Day from the World's Luckiest Son.
  • Happy Mother’s Day to the woman who raised me into the man I am today.
  • Happy Mother’s Day to my “other mother.” I am so lucky to have two great moms.
  • Happy Mother's Day, thank you for everything you do for me and my family.

Funny Mother's Day Messages

  • Mom, thanks for being my first and forever friend on Facebook. Happy Mother's Day!
  • You're the best mom ever—just look at me, I turned out amazing!
  • Happy Mother's Day to the woman who gave me life, taught me how to live it, and never let me forget that I owe her big time.
  • Happy Mother's Day to the woman who put up with my teenage mood swings!
  • I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you—literally!
  • Mom, you deserve the world. But for now, I hope this card will do!
  • Mom, thank you for your infinite patience because we all know I didn't deserve it.
  • Mom, you're one of my favorite parents.
  • Thanks for putting up with me, mom. I know you like a challenge.
  • I love you more than (insert sibling's name here) does.
  • Congrats, you did a great job raising me to be awesome!
  • Don't you think it's funny that you're still my mother? You deserve to have been promoted by now!

Inspirational Quotes to Use for Mother's Day

  • "We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude." — Cynthia Ozick
  • "I felt the wash of her love every day, pouring over me." — Aimee Bender
  • "Sooner or later we all quote our mothers." — Bern Williams
  • "I think in a lot of ways unconditional love is a myth. My mom’s the only reason I know it’s a real thing." — Conor Oberst
  • "A mother’s love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible." — Marion C. Garretty
  • "Because I feel that, in the Heavens above, The angels, whispering to one another, Can find, among their burning terms of love, None so devotional as that of 'Mother'." — Edgar Allen Poe
  • "A mother's love liberates." — Maya Angelou
  • "When you look into your mother's eyes, you know that is the purest love you can find on this earth." — Mitch Albom
  • "God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers." — Rudyard Kipling
  • "Life doesn't come with a manual. It comes with a mother." — Unknown
  • "I attribute my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her." — George Washington
  • " If I know what love is, it is because of you." — Hermann Hesse
  • "Moms are like buttons — they hold everything together." — Unknown
  • “My mom taught me a woman’s mind should be the most beautiful part of her.” — Sonya Teclai

Mother's Day Messages for Grandma

  • Happy Mother's Day from your favorite grandchild!
  • I cherish every moment we get to spend together, Grandma.
  • Your love has shaped me in so many ways, Grandma. Thank you for always supporting me!
  • Happy Mother's Day to our family's matriarch!
  • "A garden of love grows in a grandmother's heart." — Unknown
  • Happy Mother's Day to my best friend, my grandmother.
  • You give the best hugs, cook the best meals and have the best grandchild. Happy Mother's Day.
  • "A grandmother is a little bit parent, a little bit teacher, and a little bit best friend." — Unknown
  • Thanks for spoiling me all these years. Now it's your turn! Happy Mother's Day.
  • Happy Mother's Day to my second mom.

Headshot of Amanda Garrity

Amanda Garrity is a lifestyle writer and editor with over seven years of experience, including five years on staff at Good Housekeeping , where she covered all things home and holiday, including the latest interior design trends, inspiring DIY ideas and gift guides for any (and every) occasion. She also has a soft spot for feel-good TV, so you can catch her writing about popular shows like Virgin River , Sweet Magnolias, Hallmark Channel’s When Calls the Heart and more. 

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3 Teacher’s Day 2024 Short Speeches To Memorise

Are you excited about Teacher’s Day 2024? If yes, here are some Teacher’s Day speech ideas to check out to deliver a beautiful and expressive speech. Choose from these short speeches for Teacher’s Day 2024 and impress your educators.  

Rajoshi Purkait

  • Rajoshi Purkait
  • Updated - 2024-09-02, 14:37 IST

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Short Teacher’s Day 2024 Speech

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Teacher’s Day 2024 Speech In English

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10 Lines On Teacher’s Day 2024

Image courtesy: Freepik

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Words at Ease

6 Speech Examples for Mother of the Groom

As the mother of the groom, your wedding speech is a wonderful chance to express your love, wisdom, and good wishes to the happy couple on their special day.

Your heartfelt words will be a treasured memory for many years ahead.

Speech Examples for Mother of the Groom

Speech Examples for Mother of the Groom

To assist you in writing a speech that perfectly reflects your feelings, we’ve compiled six examples of mother-of-the-groom speeches in different lengths and styles.

Whether you prefer a brief and touching toast or a more detailed expression of your love, you’ll discover inspiration in these sample speeches.

[Son’s name], from the instant you were born, I knew you were meant for wonderful things. Seeing you develop into the incredible man you are today has been the delight of my life. Your kindness, integrity, and steadfast love for [bride’s name] are an inspiration to us all.

[Bride’s name], you have brought so much joy into [son’s name]’s life and our family. Your grace, intelligence, and warmth brighten every room you enter. We couldn’t have hoped for a more wonderful daughter-in-law.

As you start this new chapter together, know that you have our unconditional love and support. May your marriage be filled with laughter, adventure, and endless love. Cheers to the happy couple!


Commentary: This short and sweet speech is ideal for a mother who wants to succinctly express her love and pride. It’s suitable for more casual weddings or as a warm introduction before the Father of the Bride speech.

[Son’s name], I still recall the day you were born like it was yesterday. From your first steps to your first day of school, I’ve watched in awe as you’ve grown into the remarkable man you are today. Your determination, compassion, and sense of humor are just a few of the many qualities that make you so special.

[Bride’s name], from the moment [son’s name] introduced you to us, we knew you were the one. Your kindness, intelligence, and ability to make [son’s name] smile even on his toughest days have been such a gift to our family. We are so grateful to have you as our daughter-in-law.

As you start this new adventure together, keep in mind that marriage is a journey filled with ups and downs. Cherish the good times, support each other during the challenges, and never stop making each other laugh. May your love for each other grow stronger with each passing year.

[Son’s name] and [bride’s name], we wish you a lifetime of happiness, love, and laughter. Always remember that you have a family who loves you and will always be here to support you. Congratulations and cheers to the newlyweds!

Commentary: This medium-length speech allows the mother of the groom to share a few cherished memories while imparting some words of wisdom to the newlyweds. It’s appropriate for most traditional wedding receptions.

[Son’s name], my dear boy, I’ve been looking forward to this day since the moment you came into this world. Watching you grow from a curious little boy into the incredible man you’ve become has been the privilege of my life. Your kindness, integrity, and dedication to those you love are just a few of the many reasons why we’re all so proud of you.

[Bride’s name], you have been such a blessing to our family. Your compassion, intelligence, and unwavering love for [son’s name] have brought so much joy into our lives. From the moment we met you, we knew that you were the perfect match for our son. Your strength, grace, and infectious smile brighten every room you enter, and we feel so lucky to have you as our daughter-in-law.

As you embark on this new chapter together, keep in mind that marriage is a partnership built on love, trust, and commitment. There will be moments of great joy and moments of challenge, but through it all, remember to always be there for each other. Listen with an open heart, communicate with honesty, and never stop making each other laugh.

[Son’s name], as your mother, I have watched you face life’s challenges with courage and determination. I know that with [bride’s name] by your side, you can overcome anything that comes your way. Cherish each other, support each other’s dreams, and always remember the love that brought you together on this special day.

[Bride’s name], thank you for loving our son and for being such an important part of our family. We couldn’t have asked for a more wonderful daughter-in-law, and we are so excited to watch your love story unfold.

To the happy couple, may your marriage be filled with adventure, laughter, and endless love. Always remember that you have a family who loves you and will always be here to support you. Congratulations, and cheers to a lifetime of happiness together!

Commentary: This longer speech allows the mother of the groom to share more personal stories and heartfelt advice. It’s perfect for a more formal wedding reception where longer speeches are expected.

[Son’s name], my firstborn, my pride and joy. From the moment I held you in my arms, I knew that you were destined for great things. Watching you grow into the incredible man you are today has been the most rewarding experience of my life. Your kindness, humor, and unwavering dedication to those you love are just a few of the many reasons why we’re all so proud of you.

I still remember the day you came home from your first date with [bride’s name]. The smile on your face and the sparkle in your eyes told me everything I needed to know. You had found someone truly special, someone who brought out the best in you and made you happier than I’d ever seen you before.

[Bride’s name], from the moment we met you, we knew that you were the perfect match for our son. Your compassion, intelligence, and infectious laughter have brought so much joy into our lives. You have a heart of gold and a strength of spirit that inspires us all. We are so grateful to have you as our daughter-in-law and as a part of our family.

As you stand here today, ready to begin your lives together as husband and wife, I want to share a few pieces of advice that I’ve learned throughout my marriage:

First, always make time for each other. In the busyness of life, it’s easy to get caught up in work, responsibilities, and the day-to-day routine. But never forget to carve out moments just for the two of you. Whether it’s a weekly date night, a surprise love note, or a simple “I love you” before bed, these small gestures will keep your love strong and your connection unbreakable.

Second, communicate openly and honestly with each other. Marriage is a partnership built on trust and understanding. Share your hopes, your dreams, your fears, and your challenges with each other. Listen with an open heart and an open mind. And never be afraid to ask for help or support when you need it.

Finally, choose love every single day. There will be times when life gets tough, when you may not see eye to eye, or when the world seems to be testing your strength. In those moments, remember the love that brought you together. Choose to be kind, be patient, forgive, and always put your love first.

[Son’s name] and [bride’s name], as you embark on this incredible journey together, know that you have a family who loves you and will always be here to support you. We are so proud of the individuals you’ve become and the couple you are together. May your marriage be filled with laughter, adventure, and a love that grows stronger with each passing year.

Congratulations, and cheers to the happy couple!

Commentary: This heartfelt speech allows the mother of the groom to share personal stories and impart wisdom gained from her marriage. It’s suitable for a more formal wedding reception where longer, more sentimental speeches are appreciated.

[Son’s name], my darling boy. I’ve been dreaming of this day since the moment you were born. Watching you grow from a curious, adventurous little boy into the remarkable man you are today has been the greatest joy of my life. Your compassion, integrity, and infectious sense of humor are just a few of the many reasons why we are all so proud to call you our son, brother, and friend.

I still recall the day you told me about [bride’s name]. The way your eyes lit up and the smile that spread across your face told me everything I needed to know. You had found your soulmate, your life partner, and your forever love.

[Bride’s name], from the moment we met you, we knew that you were the one for our [son’s name]. Your kindness, intelligence, and unwavering love for our son have been a constant source of joy and comfort for our entire family. You have brought so much laughter, light, and happiness into our lives, and we are so grateful to have you as our daughter-in-law.

First, always remember to be each other’s best friend. Life will bring its share of ups and downs, but having your best friend by your side will make every moment worth it. Laugh together, cry together, and never stop enjoying each other’s company.

Second, always make time for the little things. In the busyness of life, it’s easy to get caught up in the big moments – the promotions, the milestones, the achievements. But it’s the little moments that truly make a marriage special. The inside jokes, the late-night conversations, the lazy Sunday mornings – these are the moments that will fill your hearts with love and your lives with joy.

Third, never stop growing together. As individuals and as a couple, you will continue to learn, change, and evolve throughout your lives. Embrace these changes and use them as opportunities to deepen your love and strengthen your bond. Encourage each other’s dreams, support each other’s goals, and always be willing to try new things together.

Finally, always choose love. There will be times when you may not see eye to eye, when the stresses of life may weigh heavy on your heart. In those moments, remember the love that brought you together. Choose to be patient, to be kind, to forgive, and always put your love first.

[Son’s name] and [bride’s name], as you embark on this incredible adventure together, know that you have a family who loves you unconditionally and will always be here to support you. We are so proud of the individuals you have become and the beautiful couple you make together.

May your marriage be blessed with love, laughter, and endless joy. May you always find strength in each other, comfort in your love, and happiness in your life together.

Congratulations, my darlings. Here’s to a lifetime of love and happiness together. Cheers!

Commentary: This lengthy speech is filled with personal anecdotes, heartfelt advice, and an outpouring of love from the mother of the groom. It’s perfect for a more formal, traditional wedding reception where longer, sentimental speeches are part of the celebration. The speech touches on the couple’s love story, the joy they’ve brought to the family, and the mother’s hopes for their future together.

[Son’s name], my firstborn, my pride and joy. From the moment I held you in my arms, I knew that you were destined for great things. Your kindness, compassion, and unwavering love for those around you have been a constant source of inspiration for our entire family.

I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. Your father and I were overjoyed to welcome you into the world, and we knew from that very first moment that our lives would never be the same. We watched in awe as you took your first steps, spoke your first words, and embarked on your first adventures. Every milestone, every achievement, every moment of laughter and love – we cherished them all.

As you grew older, your determination, intelligence, and strong sense of self continued to amaze us. You faced life’s challenges with courage and grace, always staying true to yourself and your values. And when you met [bride’s name], we saw a side of you that we had never seen before. The love, the happiness, and the pure joy that radiated from you whenever you were together – it was truly a sight to behold.

[Bride’s name], from the moment we met you, we knew that you were the perfect match for our [son’s name]. Your kindness, your intelligence, and your infectious laughter have brought so much light into our lives. You have a heart of gold and a strength of spirit that inspires us all. We are so grateful to have you as our daughter-in-law and as a part of our family.

First, always remember that love is a choice. It’s not just a feeling or a fleeting emotion – it’s a decision that you make every single day. Choose to love each other, even on difficult days. Choose to be patient, to be kind, to forgive, and always put your love first.

Second, never stop making each other laugh. Life can be stressful, and there will be times when the world feels heavy on your shoulders. But laughter has a way of lightening even the darkest of days. Find joy in the little moments, the inside jokes, and the silly memories that only the two of you share. And never be afraid to be silly, to dance in the kitchen, or to have an impromptu karaoke session in the living room.

Third, always be each other’s biggest supporters. Marriage is a partnership, and you are each other’s teammates in life. Celebrate each other’s victories, both big and small. Encourage each other’s dreams and aspirations. And when the road gets tough, be there to lift each other and remind each other of your strength.

Finally, never forget the love that brought you together. The love that you share is a rare and precious gift. Cherish it, nurture it, and never take it for granted. Always make time for each other, even in the busyness of life. Always communicate openly and honestly with each other. And always, always choose love.

[Son’s name] and [bride’s name], as you embark on this incredible journey together, know that you have a family who loves you unconditionally and will always be here to support you. We are so proud of the individuals you have become and the beautiful couple you make together.

May your marriage be blessed with love, laughter, and endless joy. May you always find strength in each other, comfort in your love, and happiness in your life together. May your love story inspire others and stands the test of time.

Congratulations, my darlings. Here’s to a lifetime of love, laughter, and happily ever after. Cheers!

Commentary: This lengthy, heartfelt speech is filled with personal stories, words of wisdom, and an outpouring of love from the mother of the groom. It’s perfect for a formal, traditional wedding reception where longer, sentimental speeches are part of the celebration. The speech touches on the groom’s journey from childhood to adulthood, the love he’s found with his bride, and the mother’s hopes and dreams for their future together. It’s a beautiful tribute to the couple and a reminder of the enduring power of love.

As the mother of the groom, your speech is a wonderful opportunity to express your love, wisdom, and good wishes to the newlyweds.

Whether you choose a brief and touching toast or a longer, more sentimental speech, the most crucial thing is that your words come from the heart.

Keep in mind, that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to writing the perfect speech.

Draw inspiration from the examples we’ve shared, but don’t be afraid to make it your own. Share personal stories, impart heartfelt advice, and let your love for the couple shine through in every word.

Most importantly, enjoy this special moment.

Your speech is a gift to the newlyweds, a memory they’ll treasure for years to come.

So take a deep breath, raise your glass, and speak from the heart.

Your love and support will be felt by all who have the privilege of hearing your words.

Congratulations to the happy couple, and cheers to a lifetime of love, laughter, and happily ever after!

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Doria Ragland attends the TIAH 5th Anniversary Soiree at Private Residence on August 26, 2023 in Los Angeles, California.

Doria Ragland hasn't aged a day in rare photo with teenage Meghan Markle

The duchess of sussex's mom is celebrating her birthday.

Francesca Shillcock

Doria Ragland celebrates her 68th birthday on 2nd September but the mother of Meghan Markle hasn't aged a day.

The retired social worker and yoga teacher, who lives in California like her daughter and son-in-law Prince Harry , was featured in the royal couple's 2022 Netflix documentary in a throwback photo from her daughter's teenage years, and she looks incredible.

Meghan, now 43, looked adorable in the snap as she smiled alongside her mom while sitting at the dinner table at a party.

A young Meghan Markle and Doria Ragland at a dinner

The Duchess of Sussex wore a crisp white shirt and styled her hair in a ponytail.

Doria looked sensational in a black dress with beige flowers as she placed a loving arm around her daughter. She added an element of glamour to her look with a pearl necklace and matching pearl-drop earrings and kept her makeup neutral – simple yet elegant.

Don't miss

It's clear that Doria and Meghan have such a close bond and it's thought that Doria helps Meghan and Harry out when it comes to looking after Prince Archie, five, and Princess Lilibet, three .

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry and Doria Women of Vision awards

Doria is a hands-on grandmother and was also seen in video footage in the Netflix documentary playing with baby Archie in their mansion in Montecito, while also playing football outside on their huge lawn.

More recently, Meghan opened up about how her mom was a role model for her growing up. Speaking at a forum celebrating Afro-Colombian women, Meghan told the audience: "I find inspiration in the strong women around me. Of course, my mother is one of them."

Doria's close bond with Meghan and son-in-law Prince Harry

Prince Harry has also voiced his admiration for his mother-in-law in the past. When Harry and Meghan first got engaged, the pair sat down for a televised interview in which Harry called Doria "amazing."

Doria has also been present at Invictus Games tournaments with her daughter as they cheered on Harry from the sidelines. She was also, significantly, the only member of Meghan's family to attend their wedding at St. George's Chapel in May 2018.

Doria Ragland and Meghan Markle arriving for the royal wedding

When Meghan and Prince Harry relocated back to the States on early 2020, they were residing in a home in California which meant they were, geographically, much closer to Doria.

The 68-year-old lives in a humble bungalow in Windsor Hills, Los Angeles, and when Meghan lived nearby, she spent lots of time with her daughter in the local area and going on hiking trails.

Meghan and Doria

Meghan and Harry now live further up the coast of California in Santa Barbara and it's thought that Doria often visits them. Their mansion offers plenty of space to accommodate Grandma Doria when she visits as her home in Los Angeles is over an hour away by car.

MORE: Meet Meghan Markle's parents – everything you need to know about Doria Ragland and Thomas Markle

MORE:  Meghan Markle's close circle of friends in California

Prince Harry in a grey blazer and Doria Ragland in a cream outfit

Doria lives a relatively private life and doesn't speak publicly about her children or personal life. However, in the Netflix docuseries, fans were able to hear from Doria for the first time.

Recalling the moment she learned that her daughter Meghan was dating the British royal, she said: "When she told me, we're on the phone and she says, 'Mommy I'm going out with Prince Harry'. 

"I started whispering, 'Oh my god!'  I remember when I first met [Harry] too, a 6'1 handsome man with red hair, really great manners. It was just really nice and they looked really happy together, like he was the one. Once it was announced that they were together it seemed kind of like a novelty."

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  • Doria Ragland
  • Meghan Markle

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Meet a Murderer's Mother in New Look at Michael Bay’s Serial Killer Documentary ‘Born Evil’


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You’ve heard of Ted Bundy , Jeffrey Dahmer , and John Wayne Gacy , but Investigation Discovery’s latest docuseries is telling the horrifying tale of a lesser-known serial killer. Born Evil: The Serial Killer and The Savior kicked off its three-night run earlier tonight when it began unraveling the heinous acts committed by American serial killer, Hadden Clark . Executive produced by Michael Bay , who can be heard throughout the production interviewing the murderer, the production undoubtedly has audiences at the edge of their seats waiting for the next part of the story to roll out tomorrow night. Luckily for those who struggle with patience, we’ve got an exclusive look at what tomorrow has in store when Clark’s mother enters the conversation.

In the sneak peek, audiences will hear from Richard Fallin , one of the leading investigators on Clark’s case. Taking a trip down memory lane, Fallin recalls the day following the killer’s arrest when his mother came into the police station. Certain that she was going to fervently defend her child and lay into the detectives, Fallin approached the conversation with Clark’s mother with plenty of hesitation. But what he found was surprising, as she said that she was willing to help in any way possible as long as it meant keeping her son behind bars, even revealing that he had tried to kill her on multiple occasions. While we don’t get to see how the conversation played out in its entirety, the help of Clark’s mother certainly favored the investigation against him.

What Is ‘Born Evil: The Serial Killer and The Savior’ About?

The latest true-crime series to come from Investigation Discovery , so far, audiences have learned about part of Clark’s backstory and the crime that landed him in jail. Upon his arrival, he was placed in a cell with John “Jack” Truitt , another convicted murderer. Now out of prison, Truitt recalls the time he spent behind bars with Clark and how his bunkie’s belief that Truitt was Jesus helped law enforcement not just uncover where some of Clark’s victims were buried, but also discover the truth about how many people he killed. Along with Truitt, audiences also hear from Clark’s brother, Geoff Clark , law enforcement officials, and loved ones of the killer’s victims. Tracing his sinister behaviors back to his family, the series does a deep dive into Clark’s full life, attempting to paint a fuller picture of how he ended up becoming a serial killer.

Tune into ID tomorrow night for the continuation of Born Evil: The Serial Killer and The Savior , and check out our sneak peek above.


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  7. Mother of the Bride Speech: Template, How to Write & Examples

    Introduce yourself. It's pretty clear that most people will know who you are, but you'll still want to start your speech by introducing yourself. Start with a simple hello or other greeting, then share your name and specify that you're the mother of the bride. 2. Thank the guests for coming.

  8. Anchoring Script: Mother's Day

    Writing an anchoring script for Mother's Day requires a blend of empathy, organization, and an understanding of the event's emotional landscape. Use these guidelines to create a script that honors mothers with the reverence and joy they deserve, making your Mother's Day event a heartfelt and memorable experience. February 6, 2024 / by Mr ...

  9. Mother's Day Speech

    Long speech on Mother's Day. Mother's Day Speech - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech. Mother is considered the epitome of love and affection. Nobody in the world can replace a mother. Charley Benetto once said that when you look at your mother, you are looking at the purest form of love. The struggles of a mother start from the day she ...

  10. Speech on Mother's Day in English For Students

    The natural bond between the child and mother is a result of the nourishment and care she offers her child. She is the one who bears her child inside for 9 whole months. She endures all the pain and sacrifices her body to make a new life. Thus, it is the least that we can do to celebrate this phenomenal character is to celebrate Mother's Day.

  11. Anchoring Script for Mother's Day in English

    Wrapping Up. " A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary. Thank you, all ladies and gentlemen for joining us. We hope you had a great time and wish you all happiness, peace, health, success, and liberty. Lastly, all that we are, or hope to be, we owe to our angel mother.

  12. How to Write a Tribute Speech to Your Mother: Step-By-Step

    Write the speech. If she had a drastic, public issue, such as alcoholism, most people attending already know. Dragging it into the light and expanding on it will make people uncomfortable. Using a tribute speech as a soapbox for your issues isn't appropriate. Focus on the positive.

  13. A sample tribute speech for my mother

    A sample tribute speech. - a speech in memory of my mother, Iris. By: Susan Dugdale. Here's a sample tribute speech. It's for my mother, Iris, and yes, it's all true. If you're writing a tribute speech of your own, you'll find the outline, or template, my speech follows directly below it along with other helpful links on the writing process ...

  14. PDF Mothers Day Example Speech

    Microsoft Word - Mothers Day Example Speech.docx. EXAMPLE SPEECH. My Mother's Day Speech. Good afternoon everyone. My name is John. Today, I'd like to talk about Mother's Day and what makes my mom special. Mother's Day first began in the U.S. in 1872. Thanks to the work of Anna Jarvis, Mother's Day became a national holiday in 1914.

  15. Mother's Day Speech: Explore the heartwarming speeches here!

    Mother's Day Speech: Mother's Day is a special occasion celebrated around the world to honor and appreciate mothers for their hard work and sacrifices. The idea of Mother's Day originated in the United States in the early 20th century, and it has since become a global celebration. On this day, we take the time to reflect on the importance ...

  16. A Message for Mother's Day: 13 Pre-Written Messages for Mom

    To the best mom in the galaxy, You know your mom best. Have fun with it! 2. Show gratitude. Moms work hard, and often their hard work goes unnoticed. After you choose a greeting, write a sentence or two that expresses how grateful you are to her. 3. Share memories.

  17. A Special Tribute to Mothers Speech

    A Special Tribute to Mothers Speech. (This tribute may be read any year on Mother's Day, or even shared via snail mail or e-mail) Here we are on this special day in which we honor our Mothers in the congregation once again, and we would like to take a few moments to share the following tribute of appreciation and recognition.

  18. Speech on Mother in English: Short Speech in English for Mother

    Here we provide the best speech to deliver on Mother's Day, showing her importance in an individual's life. Short Speech on Mother's Day for Students in English ... 10 Pointers on How to Write a Speech on Mother. International Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of every May. A mother is a lover, a warrior, a teacher and a guide. ...

  19. Mother's Day Speech

    This year in 2022, Mother's Day is going to be celebrated on 8th May, (Sunday), with the similar zeal and enthusiasm. On this day, children make plans to give surprises to their mother and make her happy. This day has become a way of making the pious bond between mother and her children way more stronger.

  20. Mother's Day Speech In English

    Mother's Day Speech In English | Speech On Mother's Day In English | Speech Writing | Hello My Dear Friends, In this video we will learn how to write a short...

  21. Mothers Day Speech in simple and easy words

    Mothers Day Speech: Mother's Day is special for each one of us and is celebrated everywhere across the globe. In fact, in many educational institutions and organizations - this day is celebrated with great zeal. ... When writing a speech for Mothers Day, consider the following steps: Start with an attention-grabbing introduction that ...

  22. Mother's Day messages: What to write in a Mother's Day card

    I love our family, and I love you. Creativity, laughter, dedication…there's so much to admire in the way you do motherhood day in and day out. You hold us down, lift us up and keep us together—all with your love. Thank you for all the ways you go above and beyond every day for our family.

  23. How to Write a Memorable Mother of the Bride Speech

    Being the mother of the bride is a special role that comes with a unique opportunity: delivering a speech that celebrates your daughter and her new life partner. Whether you're excited or a bit nervous about giving a speech, this guide will help you craft a meaningful and memorable tribute. 1. Start with a Warm Introduction

  24. 80 Hearfelt Messages to Write in a Mother's Day Card

    Wishing you the very best day ever. You deserve it! Wishing you a day that's full of relaxation, love and your favorite dessert. I wish you the happiest of Mother's Day. Love, your favorite child ...

  25. 3 Teacher's Day 2024 Short Speeches To Memorise

    On this day, students honour their teachers for their immense efforts towards educating children and creating a brighter future for the nation. Students organise the Teacher's Day assembly where they perform skits, sing, dance, and deliver speeches. If you have been chosen to deliver the Teacher's Day speech this year, here are some references.

  26. 6 Speech Examples for Mother of the Groom

    It's perfect for a more formal, traditional wedding reception where longer, sentimental speeches are part of the celebration. The speech touches on the couple's love story, the joy they've brought to the family, and the mother's hopes for their future together. Speech 6 [Son's name], my firstborn, my pride and joy.

  27. Putting life insurance in trust

    "When you write a life policy in trust you pass the ownership of the policy to the trustees, who hold the policy for the benefit of the beneficiaries or potential beneficiaries that you nominate ...

  28. Nigerian woman appears in Canadian court today over threat to poison

    The House of Representatives had written a letter to the Canadian government, imploring it to probe Sunnberger over threats and hate speech against Nigerians of Yoruba and Benin ethnic groups. The letter signed by Biodun Omoleye and Tochukwu Chinedu Okere, stated Sunnberger's comments constitute threat to Nigerians.

  29. Doria Ragland hasn't aged a day in rare photo with teenage Meghan

    Doria Ragland celebrates her 68th birthday on 2nd September but the mother of Meghan Markle hasn't aged a day.. The retired social worker and yoga teacher, who lives in California like her ...

  30. Meet a Murderer's Mother in New Look at Michael Bay's ...

    Investigation Discovery's Born Evil: The Serial Killer and The Savior follows the life and crimes of lesser-known serial killer, Hadden Clark.