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FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2016 2016.

On Some Test Statistics for Testing the Population Skewness and Kurtosis: An Empirical Study , Yawen Guo

A Study on Residents' Perceptions and Attitudes Towards the Vieques National Wildlife Refuge in Puerto Rico , Ana C. Guzman

Database-Assisted Analysis and Design of Wind Loads on Rigid Buildings , Filmon Fesehaye Habte

Hydrogeochemical Modeling of Saltwater Intrusion and Water Supply Augmentation in South Florida , Yonas T. Habtemichael

Three Essays on International and Intranational Trade and Economic Growth , Rooholah Hadadi

Nanofabrication and Spectroscopy of Magnetic Nanostructures Using a Focused Ion Beam , Ali Hadjikhani

A Feminist Perspective on the Lack of Full Ordination for Burmese Buddhist Nuns , Darbee Nicole Hagerty

Water Quality Modelling Using Multivariate Statistical Analysis and Remote Sensing in South Florida , Mohammad Hajigholizadeh

(Un)Making the Food Desert: Food, Race, and Redevelopment in Miami's Overtown Community , William Hall

Exhaled Breath Analysis of Smokers Using CMV-GC/MS , D'Nisha D. Hamblin

Sulfur Based Electrode Materials For Secondary Batteries , Yong Hao

Pesticides and Pollination of Imperiled Plants of the Lower Florida Keys , Brittany M. Harris

Reward Responsivity in Parenting: Development of a Novel Measure in Mothers , Chelsey M. Hartley

Informal Urban Displacement in Rio de Janeiro: Ecolimits and Disaster Biopolitics in the Favela Santa Marta , Charles L. Heck

Peer-Assisted Social Learning In Urban After-School Programs , Sarah A. Helseth

The Relationship Between Undergraduate Hispanic Students' Choice of Living Arrangements and Retention, Academic Achievement and Graduation at a Hispanic-Serving Institution , Lynn N. Hendricks

The Degradation of Pharmaceutical Pollutants in Wastewater Catalyzed by Chloroperoxidase and the Construction of Chloroperoxidase H105R Mutant , Qinghao He

The Politics of Democratization: Jean-Bertrand Aristide and the Lavalas Movement in Haiti , Dimmy Herard

Simulation and Application of Binary Logic Regression Models , Jobany J. Heredia Rico

Help Me Chat: Eliciting Communicative Acts from Young Children Using Speech-Generating Devices , Rebecca A. Hernandez-Cartaya

A Study on the Dissolution of Autunite Minerals by Facultative Bacteria in Bicarbonate Media , Sandra C. Herrera Landaez

Doping as a Possible Means to create Superconductivity in Graphene , Kiar Holland

Impacts of User Heterogeneity and Attitudinal Factors on Roadway Pricing Analysis - Investigation of Value of Time and Value of Reliability for Managed Lane Facilities in South Florida , Md Sakoat Hossan

Characterizing the Molecular Structure and Reactivity of Natural Organic Matter in The Everglades , Wenxi Huang

Going Beyond the Analysis of Common Contaminants: Target, Suspect, and Non-Target Analysis of Complex Environmental Matrices by High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry , Anna Katarina Huba

Identification of the Active Odors From Illicit Substances for the Development of Optimal Canine Training Aids , Adhly M. Huertas-Rivera

Optimal and Miniaturized Strongly Coupled Magnetic Resonant Systems , Hao Hu

Characterizing Community-Based Usual Mental Health Care for Infants , Gabriela Marie Hungerford MS

Patient-centered care process enabled by Integrative Social Media Platform in an outpatient setting , Inkyoung Hur

Three Essays on Diversification and Corporate Policies , Catalina Hurwitz

Fragile Saints , Mary-Claire Ibarra

Analyzing Decision Making in Alternative Contracting for Highway Pavement Rehabilitation Projects , Mohamed Ibrahim

Channel and Noise Variance Estimation for Future 5G Cellular Networks , Jorge Iscar Vergara

Negotiating Globalization from Below: Social Entrepreneurship, Neoliberalism, and the Making of the New South African Subject , Oceane Jasor

Combined Computational-Experimental Design of High-Temperature, High-Intensity Permanent Magnetic Alloys with Minimal Addition of Rare-Earth Elements , Rajesh Jha

Mercury Sulfide Dissolution in Environmental Conditions: Thermodynamic and Kinetic Approaches , Ping Jiang

Innovative Two-Stage Fuzzy Classification for Unknown Intrusion Detection , Xueyan Jing

Qualities of Informal Leaders, Factors Influencing the Formation of Informal Leadership, and the Paradox of Formal Power , Kyungchool Joe

The Ecology of Extrafloral Nectar in Senna mexicana var. chapmanii , Ian M. Jones

EEG Spectral Changes Before and After an Eight-week Intervention Period of Preksha Meditation , Chintan Joshi

A Quantitative Investigation Exploring Illicit Drug Use Inside and Out of the Foodservice Industry , Kristen Kaminski

Evaluation of Surface Layer Parameterizations Using In-Situ Observations , Jeremy Katz

The Field View: An Initial Examination of an Exploratory Eyewitness Identification Procedure , Melissa Kavetski

Magnetoelectric Nanoparticles: Paradigm Shift in Biomolecular Diagnostics , Chooda Mani Khanal

Design and Development of Smart Brain-Machine-Brain Interface (SBMIBI) for Deep Brain Stimulation and Other Biomedical Applications , Muhammad S. Khan

Ethnographic Investigations of Commercial Aquaculture as a Rural Development Technique in Tamil Nadu, India , Brittany L. Kiessling

Corrosion Behavior of Steel in Deficient Grout with Enhanced Sulfate Ion Concentrations , Krishna Vigneshwaran Konda Krishnamurthy

Nationalism as a Process for Making the Desired Identity Salient: Bosnian Muslims Become Bosniaks , Mirsad Krijestorac

Where Are All the Bonefish? Using Angler Perceptions to Estimate Trends of Bonefish (Albula vulpes) Decline in South Florida , Emily K.N. Kroloff

Microbial Functional Diversity and the Associated Biogeochemical Interactions Across Miami-Dade County, Florida Soils , Priyanka Kushwaha

Mapping Integrity in the Domain of Trait Personality , Andrew J. Laginess

Status Competition Between the U.S. and China on the Stage of Africa , Vanessa C. Leon

Gold Nanoparticle-Based Colorimetric Sensors for Detection of DNA and Small Molecules , Pingping Liang

Maximizing Environmental Sustainability and Public Benefits of Highway Construction Programs , Charinee Limsawasd

Creation and Evaluation of Polymer/Multiwall Carbon Nanotube Films for Structural Vibration Control and Strain Sensing Properties , weiwei lin

Power Comparison of Some Goodness-of-fit Tests , Tianyi Liu

Optical Coherence Photoacoustic Microscopy (OC-PAM) for Multimodal Imaging , Xiaojing Liu

The Effect of Shortened Reporting Lag on the Usefulness of Form 20-F , Zhenfeng Liu

Sonic Activation: a Multimedia Performance-Installation , Alex Joseph Lough

Sustainable Resource Management for Cloud Data Centers , A. S. M. Hasan Mahmud

Childbirth Education in Jordan: Content, Feasibility and Challenges of Implementing a Childbirth Education Program in Jordan , Fatima Malkawi Ms

Firm Foundation: Rebuilding the Early Modern State in Lima, Peru after the Earthquake of 1687 , Judith M. Mansilla

Simple Models for Underdamped Slug Tests in High Permeability Aquifers , Maria E. Marquez

The Optimization of Pressure Cycling Technology (PCT) for Differential Extraction of Sexual Assault Casework , Vanessa Martinez

The Pneuma Network: Transnational Pentecostal Print Culture In The United States And South Africa, 1906-1948 , Lindsey Brooke Maxwell

Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Confronts the Death of the Author , Justin Philip Mayerchak

Responses of Four Non-tidal Forest Communities of the Florida Everglades to Hurricane Impact over 21 Years , Jeremy L. May

Use It or Lose It: Canadian Identity and the Construction of Arctic Security Policy , Michael P. McCormack

Carotenoids and Fatty Acids in Early Lactation: A Study of a Peruvian Population , Vanesa Mendez

Economic Aspects of Climate Change Adaptation and Natural Hazard Risk Mitigation , Sisi Meng

Stochastic Geometry Based Analysis of Capacity, Mobility and Energy Efficiency for Dense Heterogeneous Networks , Arvind Merwaday

The Effect of Project ProHEART- Promoting Healthy Eating and Activity using Robot-assisted Training- on Healthy Eating Habits and Physical Activity in School-Aged Children , Nadine Mikati

Transnational Capitalism and the Middle East: Understanding the Transnational Elites of the Gulf Cooperation Council , Seyed Ahmad Mirtaheri

Analysis and Modeling of Advanced Power Control and Protection Requirements for Integrating Renewable Energy Sources in Smart Grid, , Amirhasan Moghadasiriseh

Wind Performance Based Design for High-Rise Buildings , Alireza Mohammadi

But I Do Remember the Moon , Ellene Glenn Moore

Using a Repeated Measures ANOVA Design to Analyze the Effect Writing in Mathematics Has on the Mathematics Achievement of Third Grade English Language Learners and English Speakers , Zoe A. Morales

An Optical Design Configuration for Wireless Data Transmission , Seyed Mohammad Amin Motahari Bidgoli

Insight Into the Inhibition of Ribonucleotide Reductases by 2'-chloro-2'-deoxynucleotides and 2'-azido-2'-deoxynucleotides: Biomimetic Studies with Model Substrates , Mukesh M. Mudgal Dr.

Antenatal Stressful Life Events and Postpartum Depression in the United States: the Role of Women’s Socioeconomic Status at the State Level , Soumyadeep Mukherjee

Using Culturally Responsive Teaching with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students with Specific Learning Disabilities to Increase Performance in Algebra I , Lorena R. Munoz

Role of Students’ Participation on Learning Physics in Active Learning Classes , Binod Nainabasti

The Crafting of the Self in Private Letters and the Epistolary Novel: El hilo que une, Un verano en Bornos, Ifigenia, Querido Diego, te abraza Quiela, and Cartas apócrifas , Angelica A. Nelson

Institutional Investors, Insiders and the Firm , Vinh Huy L. Nguyen

Novel In Situ Study of Magnetocaloric Heusler Alloy , Roozbeh Nikkhah Moshaie

Effects of Catastrophic Seagrass Loss and Predation Risk on the Ecological Structure and Resilience of a Model Seagrass Ecosystem , Robert J. Nowicki

The Symphony of State: São Paulo's Department of Culture, 1922-1938 , Micah J. Oelze

Supporting Web-based and Crowdsourced Evaluations of Data Visualizations , Mershack B. Okoe

Training Through Serious Games: The Relationship Between Travel Agent Engagement, Knowledge of Cruise Products and Cruise Sales , Lizette Cruzie Pabon

The Association of Real Earnings Management with: Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, Audit Effort, and Future Financial Performance , Angel Arturo Pacheco Paredes

Carbon Nanotube- and Gold Nanoparticle-Based Materials For Electrochemical and Colorimetric Sensing Applications , Janak Paudyal 9255967

The Tensions of Karma and Ahimsa: Jain Ethics, Capitalism, and Slow Violence , Anthony Paz

Community-Governed Multifunctional Landscapes and Forest Conservation in the Sierra Norte of Oaxaca, Mexico , Barbara Pazos Almada

Anarchy and Anti-Intellectualism: Reason, Foundationalism, and the Anarchist Tradition , Joaquin A. Pedroso

Peers as an Academic Resource: An Investigation of an Afterschool Program to Socialize At-risk Students with Disabilities into Greater Academic Engagement , Cynthia Pellegrini-Lafont

Synthetic Studies Toward a Novel Hydroxylamine of Potential Utility in the Preparation of Mitochondriotropic Nitrones , Gloria Patricia Perez

On the Role of the Pore Water Chemistry of Deficient Post-Tension Grout to Promote Steel Corrosion , Samanbar Permeh

Edwidge Danticat and Shadows: The Farming of Bones As a Vehicle for Social Activism , Jessica Petit-Frere

Evaluation of Redundancy of Twin Steel Box-Girder Bridges , Huy V. Pham

Conformational Dynamics and Stability Associated with Magnesium or Calcium Binding to DREAM in the Regulation of Interactions between DREAM and DNA or Presenilins , Khoa Ngoc Pham

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Doctoral dissertation process.

All doctoral students are expected to complete a doctoral dissertation: a supervised original research project that makes a novel and substantive scientific contribution to the student's area of interest or specialization.

Students qualify to begin their dissertations after successfully completing the qualifying exams or papers. While completing the dissertation, students must be continuously enrolled in a minimum of 3 credits of PSY 7980 PhD Dissertation each semester they are completing their PhD.

Online Dissertation Milestones (formerly D-Forms)

Students can access the Online dissertation milestone forms via PantherSoft FIU, .  These online forms replaced the D forms a s of Monday, May 23, 2022. The submission of the dissertation milestone forms listed below are managed online.

  • Doctoral Candidacy  
  • Establishment of Dissertation Committee  
  • Defense of Dissertation Proposal
  • Oral defense of Dissertation
  • Submission of Electronic Dissertation final document

Training guides for doctoral students and faculty can be found at . 

Revised dissertation committee and  thesis-bound milestone forms will be integrated to the online submission soon, but continue to email these forms to the Director of Graduate Studies Dr. Shannon Pruden at [email protected] and copy Program Coordinator Brandon Isahack at [email protected] . These can be retrieved in PDF format at .  

All dissertation milestone forms must be received by the Director of Graduate Studies two weeks before the UGS deadline . Review the University Graduate School deadlines . The CASE deadline is one week prior to the UGS deadline, and the Department of Psychology deadline is one week prior to the CASE deadline.

There is NO flexibility with deadlines. The deans of CASE and UGS will not accept late forms under any circumstances. Consult with Director of Graduate Studies if there are any issues meeting the department deadline.

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Q. How do I find Dissertations?

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Answered By: Marissa C. Ball Last Updated: Aug 03, 2021     Views: 218

Finding general dissertations: .

For locating general dissertations follow these instructions:

  • Start on the FIU library homepage:
  • Hover your cursor over the  "Find"  drop down menu
  • Select  "A-Z List" 
  • Once on the A-Z database list, click the middle  "All Database Types"  drop down menu
  • Select  "Dissertations & Theses"  from this menu to filter the database results.

If you are looking for any dissertations, you can search the  "Dissertation Abstracts - With Fulltext" database from ProQuest.

Finding FIU dissertations:

For locating FIU-specific dissertations follow these instructions:

  • Hover your cursor over the "Find" drop down menu
  • Select "A-Z List" 
  • Once on the A-Z database list, click the middle "All Database Types" drop down menu
  • Select "Dissertations & Theses" from this menu to filter the database results.
  • Scroll until you find the "Dissertations & Theses @ Florida International University" or "FIU Electronic Theses & Dissertations: Digital Commons @ FIU" .

First check the Dissertations & Theses @ Florida International University  database. This database indexes FIU graduates' theses and dissertations with full text available from 1996. You can also search the FIU Digital Commons .

For print copies , search the FIU catalog and type in "Florida International University Dissertations and Theses" and any keyword you choose to see if we have a print copy in Special Collections, in storage, or on the shelf.

Links & Files

  • A-Z List: Dissertations & Theses
  • FIU Library Catalog: PRIMO VE Dissertation Search
  • FIU Digital Commons
  • Research: Locating Theses & Dissertations LibGuide
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7 Steps to Writing A Research Paper

The thesis statement is a sentence that summarizes the main point of your paper and previews your supporting points. the thesis statement is important because it guides your readers from the beginning of your essay by telling them the main idea and supporting points of your essay..

  • Purdue OWL: Developing a Thesis : An in-depth explanation of a Thesis Statement
  • Purdue Owl: Developing Strong Thesis Statements : Information on Developing Strong Thesis Statements
  • The Writer's handbook: Developing a thesis statement From the University of Wisconsin, Madison, the Writing Center
  • Purdue OWL: Tips and Examples for Writing Thesis Statements Find tips and examples of strong thesis statements


Check out the Purdue OWL to review sample MLA citations, learn how to do in-text citations, and get formatting tips. The FIU Libraries also has a comprehensive guide too!

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image of person saying, "this info could get me an A if I cite it correctly".

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  1. FIU Libraries: Graduate Studies: Research: Locating Theses & Dissertations

    via FLVC; This database gives access to the dissertations and theses produced by students at FIU ; Full text is available from 1996. NOTE: beginning in Spring 2012, submission of a dissertation to this database is done on a voluntary basis. See the FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations @ Digital Commons (above) for a more complete list.

  2. FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    Theses and Dissertations produced by graduate students at Florida International University. ... Theses/Dissertations from 2023 PDF. Teachers' Beliefs towards Learners' Heritage Languages inside Schools in a Multilingual Setting, Ivian Boruchowski PhD. PDF. Evolution and Biological Activity of Cycadophyta, Gustavo M. De Angeli. PDF.

  3. Thesis & Dissertation

    1. The title for the thesis or dissertation should include meaningful keywords descriptive of the subject and content to facilitate its location on a subject index. This is particularly important for doctoral candidates, since titles are the basis for computer searches. "Catchy" titles should be avoided.

  4. Home

    FIU Libraries (@ fiulibraries) • Instagram photos and videos. Floors at GL. Floors at HL. Floor. Resources Available. Floor. Resources Available. One. Center for Academic Success: University Learning / Testing Center.

  5. FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    Theses and Dissertations produced by graduate students at Florida International University. Follow. Jump to: Theses/Dissertations from 2022 PDF. Social Class and Workplace Norms: How African American and White Women and Men from Working-class Backgrounds Learn Workplace Norms as They Experience Career Mobility, Anna Kallschmidt. PDF.

  6. FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2021 PDF. Textile-Integrated Wearable Radio Frequency (RF) Wireless Power Transfer and Harvesting for Battery-Free Medical Sensing, Dieff Vital. PDF. Full-Scale Experimental Modeling to Study Wind-Induced Vibrations, Wind Driven Rain and their Effects on Curtainwall Window Systems, Krishna Sai Vutukuru. PDF

  7. How do I find a thesis or dissertation written by an FIU student

    This database indexes FIU graduates' theses and dissertations with full text available from 1996. You can also search the FIU Digital Commons (archives dating to 1975). For print copies, search the library Catalog and type in "Florida International University Dissertations and Theses" and any keyword you choose to see if a print copy is ...

  8. FIU Libraries: Psychology Research Resources: Find Dissertations

    Theses and dissertations produced by graduate students at Florida International University. Dissertations & Theses @ Florida International University This link opens in a new window via FLVC; This database gives access to the dissertations and theses produced by students at FIU; Full text is available from 1996.

  9. FIU Libraries Cataloging

    F.I.U. Libraries Cataloging Dept. Electronic Theses and Dissertations Workflow. ETD workflows ; MLC Policy and Procedure for Theses; List of call numbers and keywords for theses; Locations and Formats of theses; Step-by-step instructions for cataloging theses

  10. FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2022 PDF. Governing Addiction: The Role of the Government in Responding to the Opioid Crisis, Kaila Witkowski. PDF. Three Essays on Managerial Decision-Making in the Pursuit of Internationalization Strategies, Le Xu. PDF. Communicating with Culture: How Humans and Machines Detect Narrative Elements, Wolfgang Victor H ...

  11. FIU Libraries Cataloging

    FIU Libraries Cataloging Minimum-Level Cataloging for Dissertations/Theses: Before you start ... When a new batch of theses is received, check the FIU Electronic Theses & Dissertations webpage, Click here to check the site, to determine if any new ones are available electronically. If there are new ones available electronically, make a note of the authors and titles so that you can watch for ...


    FIU Institutional Review Board (IRB) must approve all research projects involving human subjects and the FIU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) must approve all projects involving animal research conducted by anyone affiliated with the University, including graduate students, before

  13. FIU Libraries: Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA): Find

    Theses and dissertations produced by graduate students at Florida International University. Dissertations & Theses @ Florida International University This link opens in a new window via FLVC; This database gives access to the dissertations and theses produced by students at FIU; Full text is available from 1996.

  14. FIU Libraries: ETD Guide: FAQ and Feedback

    An Electronic Thesis or Dissertation (ETD) is the electronic representation of your thesis or dissertation. It is the same as its paper counterpart in content and organization, and it must meet FIU's formatting requirements. What's an Embargo? An embargo is a limited and reasonable limitation of access to full-text of the ETD.

  15. FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    Theses and Dissertations produced by graduate students at Florida International University. Follow. Jump to: Theses/Dissertations from 2016 PDF. Peer-Assisted Social Learning In Urban After-School Programs, Sarah A. Helseth. PDF.

  16. Doctoral Dissertation Process

    Students can access the Online dissertation milestone forms via PantherSoft FIU, These online forms replaced the D forms as of Monday, May 23, 2022. The submission of the dissertation milestone forms listed below are managed online. Training guides for doctoral students and faculty can be found at ...

  17. How do I find Dissertations?

    For locating general dissertations follow these instructions: Start on the FIU library homepage: Hover your cursor over the "Find" drop down menu. Select "A-Z List". Once on the A-Z database list, click the middle "All Database Types" drop down menu. Select "Dissertations & Theses" from this menu to filter the database results.

  18. Template Library

    1. Click File --> Info --> Protect Document --> Restrict Editing. The Restrict Editing pane will open on the right side of the page. 2. Click Stop Protection at the bottom of the Restrict Editing pane. In the Mac version of Word, you'll need to make sure the Developer tab is visible before you can unlock the templates: 3.

  19. ETD Guide

    ProQuest/UMI will pay royalties of 10% of its net revenue from sales of the Work, conditioned on Author maintaining a current address on record with ProQuest/UMI. Royalties will be paid when accrued earned royalties reach $25.00 USD. If, after 25 years, earned royalties do not accrue to at least $25.00 USD, ProQuest/UMI's royalty payment ...

  20. Home

    The Thesis statement is a sentence that summarizes the main point of your paper and previews your supporting points. The thesis statement is important because it guides your readers from the beginning of your essay by telling them the main idea and supporting points of your essay (Pudue OWL, Developing a Thesis). Purdue OWL: Developing a Thesis.

  21. IDH1931

    The Thesis statement is a sentence that summarizes the main point of your paper and previews your supporting points. ... URL:; Print Page; Login to LibApps. Report a problem. Subjects: > Research Tips + Tools, Contemporary & Popular Issues, FYE: First Year Experience, General & Interdisciplinary, Global Learning.

  22. FIU Libraries: WST3120 / Global Women's Writing: Writing Resources

    The Thesis Statement is a sentence that summarizes the main point of your paper and previews your supporting points. The thesis statement is important because it guides your readers from the beginning of your essay by telling them the main idea and supporting points of your essay. ... and get formatting tips. The FIU Libraries also has a ...