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How to Write a Cover Letter That Will Get You a Job

Portrait of Alison Green

I’ve read thousands, maybe tens of thousands, of cover letters in my career. If you’re thinking that sounds like really boring reading, you’re right. What I can tell you from enduring that experience is that most cover letters are terrible — and not only that, but squandered opportunities. When a cover letter is done well, it can significantly increase your chances of getting an interview, but the vast majority fail that test.

So let’s talk about how to do cover letters right.

1. First, understand the point of a cover letter.

The whole idea of a cover letter is that it can help the employer see you as more than just your résumé. Managers generally aren’t hiring based solely on your work history; your experience is crucial, yes, but they’re also looking for someone who will be easy to work with, shows good judgment, communicates well, possesses strong critical thinking skills and a drive to get things done, complements their current team, and all the other things you yourself probably want from your co-workers. It’s tough to learn much about those things from job history alone, and that’s where your cover letter comes in.

Because of that …

2. Whatever you do, don’t just summarize your résumé.

The No. 1 mistake people make with cover letters is that they simply use them to summarize their résumé. This makes no sense — hiring managers don’t need a summary of your résumé! It’s on the very next page! They’re about to see it as soon as they scroll down. And if you think about it, your entire application is only a few pages (in most cases, a one- or two-page résumé and a one-page cover letter) — why would you squander one of those pages by repeating the content of the others? And yet, probably 95 percent of the cover letters I see don’t add anything new beyond the résumé itself (and that’s a conservative estimate).

Instead, your cover letter should go beyond your work history to talk about things that make you especially well-suited for the job. For example, if you’re applying for an assistant job that requires being highly organized and you neurotically track your household finances in a detailed, color-coded spreadsheet, most hiring managers would love to know that because it says something about the kind of attention to detail you’d bring to the job. That’s not something you could put on your résumé, but it can go in your cover letter.

Or maybe your last boss told you that you were the most accurate data processor she’d ever seen, or came to rely on you as her go-to person whenever a lightning-fast rewrite was needed. Maybe your co-workers called you “the client whisperer” because of your skill in calming upset clients. Maybe you’re regularly sought out by more senior staff to help problem-solve, or you find immense satisfaction in bringing order to chaos. Those sorts of details illustrate what you bring to the job in a different way than your résumé does, and they belong in your cover letter.

If you’re still stumped, pretend you’re writing an email to a friend about why you’d be great at the job. You probably wouldn’t do that by stiffly reciting your work history, right? You’d talk about what you’re good at and how you’d approach the work. That’s what you want here.

3. You don’t need a creative opening line.

If you think you need to open the letter with something creative or catchy, I am here to tell you that you don’t. Just be simple and straightforward:

• “I’m writing to apply for your X position.”

• “I’d love to be considered for your X position.”

• “I’m interested in your X position because …”

• “I’m excited to apply for your X position.”

That’s it! Straightforward is fine — better, even, if the alternative is sounding like an aggressive salesperson.

4. Show, don’t tell.

A lot of cover letters assert that the person who wrote it would excel at the job or announce that the applicant is a skillful engineer or a great communicator or all sorts of other subjective superlatives. That’s wasted space — the hiring manager has no reason to believe it, and so many candidates claim those things about themselves that most managers ignore that sort of self-assessment entirely. So instead of simply declaring that you’re great at X (whatever X is), your letter should demonstrate that. And the way you do that is by describing accomplishments and experiences that illustrate it.

Here’s a concrete example taken from one extraordinarily effective cover-letter makeover that I saw. The candidate had originally written, “I offer exceptional attention to detail, highly developed communication skills, and a talent for managing complex projects with a demonstrated ability to prioritize and multitask.” That’s pretty boring and not especially convincing, right? (This is also exactly how most people’s cover letters read.)

In her revised version, she wrote this instead:

“In addition to being flexible and responsive, I’m also a fanatic for details — particularly when it comes to presentation. One of my recent projects involved coordinating a 200-page grant proposal: I proofed and edited the narratives provided by the division head, formatted spreadsheets, and generally made sure that every line was letter-perfect and that the entire finished product conformed to the specific guidelines of the RFP. (The result? A five-year, $1.5 million grant award.) I believe in applying this same level of attention to detail to tasks as visible as prepping the materials for a top-level meeting and as mundane as making sure the copier never runs out of paper.”

That second version is so much more compelling and interesting — and makes me believe that she really is great with details.

what step in cover letter writing did michelle neglect to do

5. If there’s anything unusual or confusing about your candidacy, address it in the letter.

Your cover letter is your chance to provide context for things that otherwise might seem confusing or less than ideal to a hiring manager. For example, if you’re overqualified for the position but are excited about it anyway, or if you’re a bit underqualified but have reason to think you could excel at the job, address that up front. Or if your background is in a different field but you’re actively working to move into this one, say so, talk about why, and explain how your experience will translate. Or if you’re applying for a job across the country from where you live because you’re hoping to relocate to be closer to your family, let them know that.

If you don’t provide that kind of context, it’s too easy for a hiring manager to decide you’re the wrong fit or applying to everything you see or don’t understand the job description and put you in the “no” pile. A cover letter gives you a chance to say, “No, wait — here’s why this could be a good match.”

6. Keep the tone warm and conversational.

While there are some industries that prize formal-sounding cover letters — like law — in most fields, yours will stand out if it’s warm and conversational. Aim for the tone you’d use if you were writing to a co-worker whom you liked a lot but didn’t know especially well. It’s okay to show some personality or even use humor; as long as you don’t go overboard, your letter will be stronger for it.

7. Don’t use a form letter.

You don’t need to write every cover letter completely from scratch, but if you’re not customizing it to each job, you’re doing it wrong. Form letters tend to read like form letters, and they waste the chance to speak to the specifics of what this employer is looking for and what it will take to thrive in this particular job.

If you’re applying for a lot of similar jobs, of course you’ll end up reusing language from one letter to the next. But you shouldn’t have a single cover letter that you wrote once and then use every time you apply; whatever you send should sound like you wrote it with the nuances of this one job in mind.

A good litmus test is this: Could you imagine other applicants for this job sending in the same letter? If so, that’s a sign that you haven’t made it individualized enough to you and are probably leaning too heavily on reciting your work history.

8. No, you don’t need to hunt down the hiring manager’s name.

If you read much job-search advice, at some point you’ll come across the idea that you need to do Woodward and Bernstein–level research to hunt down the hiring manager’s name in order to open your letter with “Dear Matilda Jones.” You don’t need to do this; no reasonable hiring manager will care. If the name is easily available, by all means, feel free to use it, but otherwise “Dear Hiring Manager” is absolutely fine. Take the hour you just freed up and do something more enjoyable with it.

9. Keep it under one page.

If your cover letters are longer than a page, you’re writing too much, and you risk annoying hiring managers who are likely sifting through hundreds of applications and don’t have time to read lengthy tomes. On the other hand, if you only write one paragraph, it’s unlikely that you’re making a compelling case for yourself as a candidate — not impossible, but unlikely. For most people, something close to a page is about right.

10. Don’t agonize over the small details.

What matters most about your cover letter is its content. You should of course ensure that it’s well-written and thoroughly proofread, but many job seekers agonize over elements of the letter that really don’t matter. I get tons of  questions from job seekers  about whether they should attach their cover letter or put it in the body of the email (answer: No one cares, but attaching it makes it easier to share and will preserve your formatting), or what to name the file (again, no one really cares as long as it’s reasonably professional, but when people are dealing with hundreds of files named “resume,” it’s courteous to name it with your full name).

Approaching your cover letter like this can make a huge difference in your job search. It can be the thing that moves your application from the “maybe” pile (or even the “no” pile) to the “yes” pile. Of course, writing cover letters like this will take more time than sending out the same templated letter summarizing your résumé — but 10 personalized, compelling cover letters are likely to get you more  interview invitations  than 50 generic ones will.

Find even more career advice from Alison Green on her website,  Ask a Manager . Got a question for her? Email  [email protected] .

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How to Write a Cover Letter

Jacob Meade

What’s a Cover Letter?

How to write a cover letter in five steps, additional cover letter writing tips, cover letter examples, text-only cover letter examples, cover letter frequently asked questions.

A great cover letter highlights the most relevant and compelling aspects of your professional achievements, industry expertise, and qualifications. It also needs to convey why you’re drawn to a particular job or hiring organization. See below to learn about this writing approach and how you can write a cover letter that gets you more interviews for your next career opportunity.

A cover letter is a short letter that you send when applying for a job. While a resume shows you’re qualified for a job, it doesn’t allow you to speak to employers directly like a cover letter does. In today’s job search, hiring managers don’t just need to know you’re a great employee – they must see that you’re a great employee for their organization.

That’s why writing a cover letter is useful: It bridges the communication gap between your resume and an interview. In your cover letter’s first paragraph, you can tell a manager specifically why you’re attracted to their job opening or organization. You can also reveal more about your soft skills or communication style and provide context for issues such as employment gaps . Details like these may be crucial to starting a good conversation with a manager or recruiter.

Brainstorm key points

Before starting work on a personalized cover letter, you’ll need:

  • A working draft of your resume
  • A job posting or description you plan on pursuing

Once you have those two items, take 10 minutes to brainstorm and jot down on a blank document or sheet of paper why this job interests you. What does the role or organization share with your background or goals? For instance, maybe it’s an outside sales role in an industry you’re eager to return to. Or maybe the company’s brand or business model appeals to you somehow.

Research the employer. If a job posting gives few details on the hiring company, visit their website for more info. In addition to the home page, look at their “About Us” or “Careers” pages. Also, visit any linked social media pages to see how they present themselves. Are they formal and sophisticated, or down-to-earth and approachable? Figuring out the company’s voice makes it easier to strike the right tone in your cover letter.

When you’re done brainstorming, review your notes: Do any stand out as important or persuasive? Take another 10 minutes to brainstorm and elaborate on them. Repeat this process until you have at least two or three concise sentences that speak to the job opening at hand.

I’m interested in applying for the marketing manager position at Cadence Inc. Your brand’s product set and focus on corporate clients are ideal fits for my skills and experience. As a results-driven professional with deep knowledge of local markets, I can help your team significantly increase its revenue in 2024.

In your cover letter’s first paragraph, show hiring managers you read their job posting and are responding to it directly. It helps distinguish your cover letter from your resume. This also gets you past applicant tracking systems and sets the stage for a good discussion about how you fit the role and the office’s work culture.

This approach takes longer than sending the same generic letter for each application. But it can shorten your overall job search by getting you more interviews for jobs that truly interest you.

To write a great cover letter, you need to structure one effectively. Each section should have a clear goal. From the introduction to your conclusion, your top priority should be focusing on impactful achievements that demonstrate the value you can bring to potential employers. The cover letter needs to tell your story and illustrate your career journey differently from the resume, exploring your nuances as an industry professional.

Your cover letter format should include the following sections:

  • Heading and contact information
  • Hook or introduction
  • Body paragraphs

Below, we’ll walk you through each step of the cover letter writing process:

1. Header and contact information

The header of your cover letter should list all essential contact information, including your name, phone number, email, address, and LinkedIn URL. This allows the hiring manager to easily reach out for more information or to schedule you for an interview. Be sure to also feature your job title as the first item in your header.

Contact Information Example

Savannah Bateman Sales Representative | [email protected] | (678) 901-2345 | Columbus, OH 01234 | LinkedIn

February 11, 2024

Emma Neal Senior Hiring Manager Staples (543) 210-9876 [email protected]

2. Salutation

You must appropriately greet the hiring manager with your cover letter opening. We recommend addressing them by name — Mr. or Ms. [Last Name]. If you’re uncertain of the person’s gender, simply write their first and last name. If you can’t find their name, use a variation of “Dear Hiring Manager.” This shows you’ve researched the company before applying and you’re fully engaged in the job application process. It’s best to avoid salutations such as “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To Whom It May Concern,” as this language feels less direct and personal.

Salutation Examples

Dear Ms. Young,

Dear Mr. Jackson,

Dear Pat Martin,

Dear Sales Hiring Manager,

3. Introduction

Building a powerful introduction is the key to making a strong first impression on the hiring manager. This sets the tone for your cover letter and allows you to immediately send a clear message that you’re the ideal candidate for the position. Highlight your years of experience and convey your interest in the opportunity. But the hook of your cover letter’s first paragraph should come in the form of a stunning career achievement.

Leading with an accomplishment that you can quantify using a powerful number or metric is a great way to maximize the impact of your cover letter opening. Select an achievement relevant to the position you’re targeting, effectively showcasing your industry knowledge and expertise. Not only does this demonstrate your past success, but it also communicates how you can positively impact future employers.

Cover Letter Introduction Example #1

With over 10 years of experience within the energy industry, I’ve managed various multi-million-dollar initiatives to bring green energy solutions to the market for Clean Power Corp. My ability to create strategic partnerships with enterprise customers and C-level executives would create immense value for your company as the new senior vice president of energy.

Cover Letter Introduction Example #2

As you can see from my attached resume, I have an advanced background in human-centered design and visual storytelling. During my time with Ultimate Wedding Planner, I developed the user interface (UI) for the launch of a new mobile application for wedding planning services, which generated over 2 million downloads within one year. My experience in application development will allow me to thrive in the user experience (UX) designer position with your organization.

Cover Letter Introduction Example #3

In my first year as a registered nurse at Temple Hospital, I achieved patient satisfaction ratings of over 93%. As a nursing professional, I’m passionate and dedicated to providing superior care to my patients using evidence-based approaches to treatment. My clinical knowledge will allow me to achieve positive outcomes for patients at your esteemed hospital.

4. Body paragraphs

The body paragraphs serve as the core of your cover letter, allowing you to describe your professional experience in more detail. Start by mentioning specifics about the company’s reputation, mission statement, products, or culture. Describe why this sparks your interest in the opportunity and how you can support the organization’s goals.

Feature a mix of accomplishments that capture the most compelling aspects of your career. In addition to quantifying your achievements, be sure to provide examples of your leadership capabilities and interpersonal skills, as it’s important to show potential employers that you’re the right fit for the team’s culture. Consider adding a bulleted list of career highlights to break up the monotony of the text on the page and maximize the readability of your cover letter.

Cover Letter Body Paragraphs Example #1:

As an executive within the energy space, I identify with West Coast Solar’s mission statement of driving the expansion of renewable energy to combat climate change. My extensive background in providing green energy solutions would aid in this mission based on my career accomplishments:

  • Led strategic initiatives to reduce carbon emissions in energy portfolios for enterprise clients valued at up to $300 million by delivering wind, solar, and nuclear energy solutions
  • Structured energy transactions valued at up to $120 million and coordinated with the CEO and executive team to identify risk factors and negotiate purchases
  • Reduced carbon footprint for enterprise customers by 5% to 15%

Cover Letter Body Paragraphs Example #2:

PeopleSoft’s reputation as a thought leader within the HR software space draws me to apply for the position. My experience as a UX designer for both Employee Software Inc. and LinkedIn has allowed me to cultivate a holistic, human-centered approach that matches the needs of your organization. I can continue to grow your reputation as an industry leader based on the following achievements from my career:

  • Managed a team of over 25 UX designers for Employee Software Inc. and interfaced with stakeholders and C-level executives to recommend large-scale redesigns for the mobile UI
  • Improved the UX for LinkedIn’s website in coordination with a team of web developers and UX designers, which improved user satisfaction by 15%
  • Drove UI development and conducted wireframing for the launch of LinkedIn’s mobile app, which generated 3 million downloads over six months

Cover Letter Body Paragraphs Example #3:

Impossible Foods’ mission to provide ethically sourced, environmentally sustainable meat alternatives strongly aligns with my core values as a brand ambassador within the plant-based food space. I can aid your brand in continuing to improve its market share based on the following achievements from my career:

  • Managed overarching marketing strategy for vegan burgers and hotdog product lines, generating $2.5 million in annual revenue, which included conducting market research on target demographics
  • Improved annual sales for plant-based burger products by $450,000 by improving packaging and visual merchandising to emphasize environmental sustainability
  • Coordinated with media outlets to manage public relations and press releases for new product releases and media coverage of production methods

5. Conclusion

The closing paragraph of your cover letter is your last opportunity to impress the hiring manager. To finish on a strong note, include a call to action (CTA) that invites the hiring manager to schedule an interview or reach out for more information. Reinforce how your industry expertise and career experience can create value for your target company and help their team continue to excel. In the last sentence of your cover letter, thank the reader for their time and consideration, as being courteous also conveys your professionalism.

Cover Letter Closing Paragraph Example #1:

I look forward to telling you more about how my background in renewable energy can help drive the adoption of green energy solutions across your customer base. You can contact me for an interview at your convenience. Thank you for your consideration.

Cover Letter Closing Paragraph Example #2:

I hope to speak with you further regarding how my knowledge of eco-friendly design features aligns with your organization’s mission. Feel free to contact me via phone or email at your convenience. I appreciate your time and consideration.

John Bergsen

Cover Letter Closing Paragraph Example #3:

I would like to schedule an interview to provide more insights into how my HR management experience can help Cigna Health improve recruiting efforts and enhance employee engagement. Feel free to contact me via phone or email at your convenience. I appreciate your time and consideration.

Anthony Gentile

Align your cover letter with the job description

Tailoring your content according to the needs of individual employers is essential for any successful job application. As you review the posting, reflect on how your industry knowledge and background match the company’s needs.

Identify exactly what potential employers are looking for in a candidate and feature specific skill sets that match the job description. Emphasize how your core values are aligned with the organization’s mission statement. Although this additional customization can be time-consuming, your chances of landing the interview are sure to increase drastically.

Quantify your professional achievements

Writing a cover letter that stands out in today’s competitive job market is no easy task. With an overabundance of qualified applicants, you need to push your cover letter toward the top of the pile. Quantifying your achievements is one of the best ways to accomplish this.

Incorporating hard numbers, metrics, and monetary figures fulfills several objectives. First, it establishes a sense of scope for your achievements and helps to paint a much clearer image of your professional experience. Another added benefit is that numbers naturally draw the reader’s eye. In a cover letter with detailed paragraphs, this can help entice the hiring manager to engage with your content more thoroughly.

Feature your leadership and communication skills

Although your industry expertise should always be at the forefront of your cover letter, it’s important not to neglect your interpersonal skills. Companies want to see you can collaborate effectively in diverse, team-based environments. Rather than simply saying you’re a strong leader or communicator, convey these skill sets by featuring tangible examples from your work history.

For instance, if you were managing a team, focus on how you helped develop your team members and put them in a position to succeed. Showcase how you helped to cultivate inclusive and collaborative work cultures to drive employee engagement and retention. These insights are far more compelling than simply mentioning mundane details related to task delegation.

Proofread your cover letter repeatedly

With such a limited window to make a lasting impression on the hiring manager, the last thing you need holding you back is poor grammar or spelling errors. These mistakes are highly distracting for the reader, effectively drawing their attention away from your qualifications. A hastily written cover letter also sends a message to hiring managers that you lack attention to detail, which is key for almost any profession.

Editor Cover Letter Example

Editor Cover Letter Examples

Human Resources Cover Letter Example

Human Resources Cover Letter Examples

Customer Success Manager Cover Letter Example

Customer Success Manager Cover Letter Examples

  • Human Resources
  • Customer Success Manager

Candace Brown  Editor | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | Portland, OR 12345 | LinkedIn

January 1, 2024

Allen Jones Hiring Manager Innovate Web Solutions (987) 654-3210 [email protected]

Dear Mr. Jones,

As the senior editor at Portland Web Creators Inc., I oversaw all aspects of copy editing and quality assurance for over 300 web pages across a diverse client base. I identified opportunities to enhance content quality and improve search engine optimization (SEO) performance, resulting in a 30% increase in repeat business. I’m confident my marketing and web page development expertise would be a strong asset for the editor position at your organization.

Innovate Web Solution’s reputation for producing dynamic web content draws me to apply for this position. As a senior editor, I pride myself on my ability to enhance brand messaging for client websites. I believe my experience in editing and content development will continue to grow your prestigious reputation based on the following accomplishments from my career:

  • Led the development, editing, and publishing of web page copy for client accounts valued at up to $130,000 and managed a team of over 20 copywriters, editors, and marketing specialists
  • Performed quality assurance reviews on drafts from the creative team and identified opportunities to refine language, brand messaging, and keyword optimization, which generated increases of 50% to 100% in organic traffic for customer sites
  • Coordinated cross-functionally with graphic designers, web developers, and client stakeholders to ensure alignment with brand identity and customer goals

I would like to schedule an interview to provide more insights into how my editing and SEO experience can help drive success for your clients. Feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience for any additional questions you may have. I appreciate your time and consideration.

Candace Brown

John Smith Human Resource Manager |  [email protected]  | (1654) 739-9183 | 678 Location Rd., San Antonio, TX 78206

February 9, 2024

Julie Jefferson Senior Hiring Officer The People Company (346) 024-7536 [email protected]

Dear Ms. Jefferson,

In my current position, I implemented a new employee retention plan, which resulted in a 50% reduction in the total employee turnover rate within the company. The retention plan included an employee wellness program, additional staff benefits and an internal promotions program. I believe this is a great example of my success and demonstrates that I could be a great asset to The People Company’s team.

With 12 years of experience in Human Resources and a degree in Human Resource Management, I was drawn to The People Company because of the firm’s impressive employee retention rate and reputation for high-performing staff.

If I were to secure a role at The People Company, I assure you I will bring an even greater rate of success to the team. My previous accomplishments include:

  • Improved employee satisfaction by 28% via an incentive program.
  • Increased the speed of paperwork processing time by 30% in one year.
  • Established new application requirements to increase the quality of interviewees.

I would like to set up an interview to discuss further my capabilities, work experience and the benefits I can bring to The People Company team.

P.S. — I’d also like to tell you all about how I was shortlisted for an HR Excellence award!

Selena Ramirez Customer Success Manager | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | Miami, FL 12345 | LinkedIn

Rachel Johnson Hiring Manager Advanced Marketing Solutions (987) 654-3210 [email protected]

Dear Ms. Johnson,

At Brand Storytelling Inc., I led the development of the customer success departments and oversaw a team of more than 60 personnel to deliver brand consulting and digital marketing services. By establishing new support models, my team improved client satisfaction scores from 85% to 94% for top accounts. I can achieve similar success for your organization in the customer success manager position.

Advanced Marketing Solutions has a reputation for excellence in its dedication to customer care, which strongly aligns with my professional background. I’m confident I can help your organization continue to enhance its delivery of marketing consulting services based on my career achievements:

  • Built, developed, and managed the customer success department and defined strategies to enhance the client experience for accounts valued at up to $15 million
  • Coordinated with the director of marketing to refine digital marketing services based on brand objectives and market expansion opportunities, resulting in a 94% customer satisfaction rating
  • Led the customer onboarding process, identified opportunities to enhance client engagement, and served as the point of contact for senior management and stakeholders

I would like to schedule an interview to provide more insights into how my expertise in organizational development can help you improve your customer success department. You may contact me via phone or email at your earliest convenience. I appreciate your time and consideration.

Selena Ramirez

Do I really need a cover letter for my job search? -

Yes, in most cases. According to statistics gathered by LinkedIn , over 60% of employers require cover letters from applicants. In addition, over 83% of hiring managers in the study noted that they frequently read cover letters and considered them during the application process. This is also supported by Forbes , who cites a study published by Business and Professional Communication Quarterly. These findings indicated that 56% of employers valued the cover letter as a part of candidate assessment.

What’s the best way to start a cover letter? -

With a clear example of your success in the role you’re after. The concept of “show, don’t tell” absolutely applies to your cover letter’s opening. For instance, don’t just tell the hiring manager you’re a “proactive program manager.” Show you’re proactive by citing a time you exceeded expectations or found a new way to enhance project oversight.

What should my cover letter’s design look like? -

Your resume’s. Carry over all of that document’s basic format settings , like font style, line spacing, and page margins. Also, copy in the exact same contact header.

How long should my cover letter be? -

No more than one page, or around 250 words. Resist the urge to tell your whole career story, even if you have extensive background in your target role. Give just enough detail to pique hiring managers’ interest so they look closely at your resume.

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Jacob Meade headshot

Jacob Meade

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW, ACRW)

Jacob Meade is a resume writer and editor with nearly a decade of experience. His writing method centers on understanding and then expressing each person’s unique work history and strengths toward their career goal. Jacob has enjoyed working with jobseekers of all ages and career levels, finding that a clear and focused resume can help people from any walk of life. He is an Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW) with the Resume Writing Academy, and a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches.

Frank Hackett Headshot

Frank Hackett

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)

Frank Hackett is a professional resume writer and career consultant with over eight years of experience. As the lead editor at a boutique career consulting firm, Frank developed an innovative approach to resume writing that empowers job seekers to tell their professional stories. His approach involves creating accomplishment-driven documents that balance keyword optimization with personal branding. Frank is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PAWRCC).

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How to Write a Cover Letter That Gets You a Job Interview

Learn to avoid the biggest mistake job seekers make and write a cover letter that truly makes an impact.

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Most job seekers don’t know how to write a proper cover letter. They believe a cover letter is just a “here is my resume” note. This is a wasted opportunity!

In this article, you’ll discover the secret to writing a professional cover letter that’s truly effective. It’s not hard to do and will give you a significant edge over the competition. We’ll walk you through the process in a few straightforward steps and provide examples to help you along the way.

Ready to get started? Let’s dive in and create a cover letter that opens doors to your next opportunity.

What is a cover letter and do you really need one?

A cover letter is a short document (around 300 words) that accompanies your resume. Your cover letter should not simply repeat what your resume says . Instead, it should complement your resume, highlight your personality, and potentially address any weaknesses that could otherwise prevent you from getting an interview.

But do you really need a cover letter in 2024? The short answer is YES.

“Over 80% of hiring managers read a cover letter and 60% of applications require one as part of the application,” says career coach Madelyn Mackie . “Even hiring managers and recruiters who say they never read cover letters may find themselves drawn in by a particularly compelling letter.”

In fact, Jobscan analyzed nearly 1 million job applications and found that including a cover letter with your resume makes you  1.9 times more likely  to be invited for an interview compared to those who left out a cover letter.

How to write a cover letter

What’s the biggest cover letter mistake?

The biggest mistake job seekers make when writing their cover letter is to focus only on themselves .

“It’s not about you,” says career coach Susan Schwartz . “It’s about what you can do for them. Talking to them about what they care about—not about what you want—is what’s going to make them want to read your letter. And to hire you!”

According to Schwartz, this is the best way to write a cover letter:

Paragraph 1. A single sentence (maximum two) stating the PROBLEM that the company faces. What is the issue/need/opportunity that this role will address?

Paragraph 2. what solution do you offer how are you the answer to their need again, keep it to a sentence or two., paragraph 3. explanation: what experience do you have that supports your assertion that you can help this paragraph can be 3-4 sentences, but keep it short., paragraph 4. call to action: suggest next steps. not “thank you” but let’s plan to discuss this next week..

Since hiring managers often spend less than 20 seconds on an application, your cover letter needs to grab their attention and get them to look at your resume. By highlighting how your experience matches the job, you make it easier for them to see you as a great fit for the role.

Now let’s examine each of these steps in more detail.

How to write a strong cover letter step-by-step

Now that you know the basics of what to include in your cover letter, let’s go through the process from start to finish to see how you can write a cover letter that will make you stand out from the rest of the candidates.

1. Do your research

Before writing your cover letter, research the company to understand its current challenges and goals. Visit the company website, read their latest news and press releases, and follow their social media channels.

Don’t skip this step! It’s crucial for writing a cover letter that truly resonates with a potential employer and sets you apart from other candidates.

After you’ve researched the company, carefully read the job description. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What specific problems or challenges is this role designed to address?
  • How do my skills and experiences align with the job requirements?
  • Am I a good fit for the role?
  • What unique value can I bring to the company in this role?
  • Are there any keywords or phrases that I should incorporate into my cover letter?

After researching the company and the role, you’re ready to start writing your cover letter.

2. Write your opening paragraphs

Many job seekers make the mistake of being too wordy in their cover letters. You’re not writing a novel. Use short words in short sentences. Remember, a hiring manager is going to quickly scan your application, so you need to get right to the point.

Here are some examples of how to start a cover letter:

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I’ve noticed that NexGen is working hard to stand out in a crowded digital market, and keeping your brand top-of-mind for customers can be tough.

That’s where I come in—I specialize in creating engaging content and smart SEO strategies that boost online presence and drive customer engagement.

I understand that Weissman is seeking to maintain its innovative edge in the dancewear industry while consistently meeting sales and margin targets.

I am confident that my experience and passion for design can help Weissman continue to create stunning, market-leading dancewear.

I understand that Timmons Company needs motivated individuals to manage sales territories and boost product visibility in retail grocery stores around Quincy, IL.

I am excited to bring my self-motivation and sales-oriented mindset to your team, ensuring your products not only maintain their shelf presence but also thrive.

3. Prove you can do the job

Now you need to provide evidence that you’re the right person for the job. The best way to do this is to highlight your relevant experience and achievements. Here are some things you should focus on:

  • Specific Accomplishments : Share examples of your successes, such as increasing sales, leading projects, or improving processes.
  • Relevant Skills : Highlight the skills that match the job requirements, like planning, organizing, technical proficiencies, or specific industry experience.
  • Problem-Solving : Discuss times when you successfully tackled challenges, such as resolving issues, managing conflicts, or implementing solutions.
  • Industry Knowledge : Demonstrate your understanding of the field and awareness of current trends and standards.
  • Team Collaboration : Mention how you’ve effectively worked in teams, mentored others, or collaborated across departments.

Remember to keep it concise. Your letter isn’t meant to tell your whole story; it’s about making a compelling case that you understand the key aspects of the job.

Your goal is to leave the reader eager to learn more about you. Here are some examples:

“Over the past five years, I’ve led digital marketing campaigns that ramped up organic traffic by 40% and bumped up conversion rates by 25%. I’ve worked with diverse teams to create compelling content that resonates with audiences and used data analytics to refine strategies for maximum impact. My experience with social media management and email marketing also ensures a holistic approach to your digital marketing needs.”

“With over ten years in apparel design, specializing in activewear and dancewear, I have a proven track record of developing designs that resonate with customers and drive sales. My expertise includes conducting global trend research, selecting inspiring materials, and leading teams to transform creative concepts into market-ready products. I am proficient in Adobe Creative Suite and have experience with CLO3D, ensuring that my designs are both innovative and technically sound. My leadership skills have been honed by mentoring junior designers and managing cross-functional teams, fostering a collaborative and efficient design process.”

“With several years of experience in CPG retail sales and merchandising, I have successfully managed sales territories, maintained product placements, and executed promotional strategies. My ability to plan and organize, combined with proficiency in Microsoft Office and familiarity with iPads, positions me well to contribute effectively to your sales team. I am adept at thinking on my feet and delivering results in dynamic environments, ensuring that products are always tagged, rotated, and optimally displayed.”

4. Conclude with a call to action

When wrapping up your cover letter, it’s crucial to include a strong call to action in your closing paragraph. This isn’t just about expressing gratitude—it’s about setting the stage for the next steps in the hiring process.

Instead of a simple “thank you,” aim to propose a specific plan, such as scheduling a meeting or a call to discuss how you can contribute to the company.

Here are some examples of how to end a cover letter :

“Let’s discuss how I can help NexGen Creative Agency achieve its sales goals next week. Please let me know your availability for a meeting.”

“How about we chat next week about how I can help Weissman shine even brighter? Let me know when you’re free.”

“Let’s plan to discuss how my self-motivation and sales-oriented mindset can boost product visibility for Timmons Company next week. Please let me know your availability for a meeting.”

There is no need to add anything more. Time is valuable, so hiring managers won’t spend it on a cover letter that isn’t concise and to the point.

Expert tips for writing a cover letter

We’ve gone over the basics of how to write a good cover letter. Here are some expert tips for formatting and how to make your cover letter even better.

Format your contact information correctly

Before diving into the content of your cover letter, it’s important to format the contact details and header correctly. You’ll need to include your name, full address, phone number, and email address.

Here’s an example:

How to write a cover letter header.

Personalize your greeting

To whom should you address your cover letter to? “For maximum impact, see if you can find the hiring manager or recruiter for the role, and send your letter to them,” says career coach Susan Schwarz . “Addressing your letter to a specific person will significantly increase the likelihood of someone reading it.”

Check the company’s website or LinkedIn profile to find the name of the hiring manager. However, if you can’t find a specific name, “Dear Hiring Manager” will suffice.

To end a cover letter, you can use “best regards” or “kind regards” followed by your full name.

Show your personality

While it’s important to maintain a professional tone in your cover letter, don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through. But remember, you don’t want to overdo it—keep it concise and relevant .

Here are some ways to show your personality in your cover letter:

  • Briefly mention a specific project or experience you enjoyed.
  • Highlight a distinctive skill or trait that sets you apart.
  • Talk about how your values align with the company’s mission or culture.
  • Describe a unique volunteer experience.

Emphasize your adaptability

According to LinkedIn , the top “skill of the moment” is adaptability . This means being open to new ideas, ready to pivot when needed, and always looking for ways to improve. In a world where the only constant is change, being adaptable can set you apart.

Here’s an example of how to incorporate adaptability into your cover letter:

“In my previous role as a CPG retail sales merchandiser, I consistently demonstrated my ability to adjust to changing market conditions, customer preferences, and sales strategies. This adaptability allowed me to increase sales by 25% in a highly competitive market.”

Show enthusiasm

Research shows that 40% of employers would not hire a candidate if they lacked enthusiasm. Remember, you’re much more attractive to employers when you’re on fire .

Here’s an example of how to show enthusiasm for the company you’re applying to:

“I’ve long admired Weissman’s commitment to the dance community and the artistry of your costumes. Your dedication to empowering performances and celebrating creativity is inspiring, and I’m excited about the opportunity to join your passionate team.”

Balance professionalism with friendliness

Try to strike a balance between a professional and friendly tone. Don’t use overly formal language, but make sure your writing is polished and error-free. Use humor sparingly, as it can be easily misinterpreted.

This approach helps you come across as both competent and personable, making you an ideal candidate.

Cover letter do’s and don’ts

  • Do personalize . Address your cover letter to a specific person whenever possible.
  • Do be concise . Keep your cover letter to one page.
  • Do show enthusiasm . Mention specific reasons why you want to work there.
  • Do include measurable accomplishments . These are accomplishments that can be quantified, such as increasing sales by a percentage.
  • Do show your personality . Share brief anecdotes or unique experiences relevant to the job.
  • Do be professional yet friendly . Avoid overly formal language.
  • Do proofread your cover letter. A single mistake can damage your chances of getting an interview.
  • Do include a call to action. Suggest scheduling a meeting or a call.
  • Don’t be too formal . Strike a balance between professionalism and friendliness.
  • Don’t overuse humor . Humor can be easily misinterpreted or come off as unprofessional.
  • Don’t repeat your resume . Your cover letter should complement your resume, not repeat it.
  • Don’t include irrelevant information. Focus only on what’s most relevant to the job you’re applying for.
  • Don’t use clichés . Phrases like “I am a hard worker” or “I think outside the box” are overused and add little value.
  • Don’t make excuses . Avoid explaining gaps in employment or other potential negatives.
  • Don’t forget to tailor each letter . Customizing each cover letter will help it pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

Cover letter examples

Here are a few cover letter examples that show how to highlight your skills, show your personality, and match your experiences with the job.

Cover letter example for someone with no work experience

Starting your career can be challenging, especially when you don’t have much experience to showcase. But don’t worry—a well-written cover letter can highlight your strengths and potential.

Cover letter example for someone with no experience.

  • Addresses the company’s needs : The letter begins by acknowledging the challenges the company faces, demonstrating an understanding of the industry and the company’s needs.
  • Offers a solution : The candidate clearly states how they can provide value by offering a fresh perspective and innovative ideas.
  • Highlights relevant experience : Even with limited work experience, the letter mentions a successful internship project that aligns with the job’s requirements.
  • Shows enthusiasm and passion : The mention of a passion for sustainability and eagerness to contribute to the company’s efforts showcases the candidate’s genuine interest.
  • Proposes next steps : The call to action is clear and professional, suggesting a meeting to discuss how the candidate can contribute, which shows initiative and confidence.

Cover letter example for someone changing careers

Changing careers can be a bold and exciting move, especially when you have a strong foundation of transferable skills. The following example of a cover letter demonstrates how to effectively highlight your previous experience and enthusiasm for a new industry.

Cover letter example for someone changing careers.

  • Engaging opening : Starts with a bold question that captures attention and sets the tone for the rest of the letter.
  • Clear value proposition : Quickly establishes how the candidate’s project management skills can benefit the finance industry.
  • Relevant experience : Highlights a specific project that showcases the candidate’s ability to improve efficiency and manage complex tasks.
  • Expresses enthusiasm : Shows genuine excitement about the career change and the specific company.
  • Call to action : Concludes with a clear and confident call to action, suggesting a meeting to discuss how the candidate can contribute to the company’s success.

Cover letter example for someone re-entering the workforce

Re-entering the workforce after a significant break can be challenging, but it’s also an opportunity to showcase your resilience and the valuable skills you’ve developed during your time away.

The following cover letter example demonstrates how to effectively address employment gaps while highlighting your strengths and enthusiasm for the role.

Cover letter example for someone returning to work after an employment gap.

  • Strong opening statement : The cover letter begins with a compelling statement about the importance of adaptability and innovation, setting a positive and forward-thinking tone.
  • Addresses employment gap : It acknowledges the employment gap upfront, providing context without dwelling on it, which demonstrates honesty and transparency.
  • Highlights relevant experience : The letter emphasizes past accomplishments and specific projects, showcasing the candidate’s skills and ability to deliver results.
  • Shows enthusiasm for the role : The candidate expresses excitement about re-entering the workforce and aligns their values with the company’s mission.
  • Proposes next steps : It ends with a clear call to action, suggesting a meeting to discuss how the candidate can contribute to the company’s success.

Generate a perfectly crafted cover letter in seconds

If you’re still having trouble writing your cover letter, try Jobscan’s AI cover letter generator . It analyzes both your resume and the job ad to create a completely original cover letter customized for the job you’re applying for.

To learn more about how the cover letter generator works, watch this brief video:

You can try Jobscan’s cover letter generator for free below:

Key takeaways

Follow these key takeaways to write a compelling cover letter that sets you apart from other candidates and opens doors to new career opportunities.

  • Write with the employer’s needs in mind. Explain how you can address their specific challenges and contribute to their goals.
  • Keep it brief . Use short sentences and paragraphs to make it easy for hiring managers to scan quickly.
  • Address your letter to a specific person . If you can’t find a name, “Dear Hiring Manager” will suffice.
  • Showcase your relevant experience. Use specific examples to demonstrate your abilities.
  • Inject your personality. Share brief anecdotes or unique experiences relevant to the job.
  • End with a strong call to action . Suggest a meeting or a call to discuss how you can contribute to the company’s success.
  • Proofread your letter. A single error can torpedo your chances at getting an interview.
  • Show enthusiasm. Showing excitement and a willingness to learn can make you a more attractive candidate.

A cover letter should be one page long, consisting of three to four paragraphs. The total word count should be around 250-400 words.

When you don’t have a specific name, you can use “Dear Hiring Manager.” Avoid using “To Whom It May Concern,” as it is considered old-fashioned.

When emailing a cover letter, use a clear subject line like “Application for Content Developer – [Your Name].” Paste your cover letter into the email body. Attach your resume.

Yes, a cover letter is necessary because good first impressions are important. By highlighting your qualifications and showing enthusiasm for the role, you can gain an advantage over someone who doesn’t send one.

Employers look for personalization in a cover letter, showing that it’s tailored to the specific job and company. Highlight relevant experience and skills that match the job requirements. Include specific achievements that demonstrate your capabilities and contributions.

Yes. Providing specific examples of your achievements helps demonstrate your skills and qualifications, making your application more compelling to employers.

A cover letter starts with your contact information, first and last name, the date, and the employer’s details. Begin with an introduction about your suitability for the role. Include a brief section highlighting relevant experience and skills with examples. Conclude by asking for an interview.

The primary goals of a simple cover letter are to make a good impression, get someone to read your resume, and offer you a job interview. It also shows you have good communication skills, which are highly valuable in today’s workforce.

The opening sentence should state the problem the company faces or pose a thought-provoking question to grab the hiring manager’s attention.

author image

Robert Henderson, CPRW, is a career advice writer and a resume expert at Jobscan.

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11 Common Cover Letter Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

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When it comes to the job application process, cover letters are as relevant as ever.

They complement your resume and can effectively set you apart from a sea of other candidates…

And yet, most job-seekers tend to make the same common cover letter mistakes (which can even cost them the job).

To prevent you from making the same mistakes, we compiled this list of job-seekers' 11 most common cover letter mistakes.

Avoid these mistakes, and you’re well on your way to landing your next job!

Ready? Let’s dive in! 

11 Cover Letter Mistakes (That You Should Avoid)

Mistake #1. making it all about yourself.

“How can I not make it about myself,” you might think. “After all, this is my cover letter.”

Well, yes, but here’s the thing.

You should use your cover letter to better explain why you’re the perfect fit for the company, not as free space to talk about yourself. Think about what the recruiter wants to read, not only what you want to say. 

Specifically, do talk about a few relevant strengths and noteworthy achievements that will highlight your skills for the position (that you couldn’t elaborate on your resume). 

Don’t overuse “I,” don’t start sharing your life story as if your cover letter is your autobiography, and don’t come up with irrelevant competencies you just assume will make you look good. Huge cover letter mistakes.   

Mistake #2. Repeating your resume

There’s a quote by Zig Ziglar that says: “ repetition is the mother of learning. ” Great quote, but it still doesn’t justify using your cover letter to repeat your resume. 

Recruiters want you to prove that you’re worth the job. But if they open your cover letter and re-read your resume (which they’ve surely already read), you’d have made a big cover letter mistake. 

If you have nothing new to say, you can explain in more detail how one of your achievements prepared you for the job you’re applying for, or how you can contribute to the company’s mission. Anything that will add value instead of just listing out your job history and responsibilities will do.  

Want to promote your personal brand and make a lasting impression as a candidate? Match your cover letter with your resume! All of the Novorésumé resume templates come with a matching cover letter design. So, just pick a style you like and get started now!

matching resume and cover letter

Mistake #3. Exceeding one page 

Your cover letter shouldn’t be an autobiography.

You might be tempted to go on and on and describe your entire career history, but that’s simply not what the cover letter is for.

A good cover letter has 3 main objectives:

  • To (briefly) introduce you and your career goals
  • To summarize your (relevant) professional background
  • To explain anything that you didn’t have space for in your resume, but that the recruiter should know

As such, the ideal cover letter length is 250-400 words long or between three to six paragraphs . 

Mistake #4. Mass sending a cover letter

Ideally, your cover letters should be tailored to each job that you apply for. 

A generic cover letter that you just copy and paste from an internet sample shows you submitted one just because you have to, not out of genuine interest for the position. 

Your cover letter should show that you put in the effort—that’s what makes all the difference. 

If, however, you’re applying to many jobs and don’t really have the time to write, say, 20 cover letters, make sure to at least customize the company’s and the hiring manager’s name in each. 

Wondering how to start off your cover letter? Our guides on how to start a cover letter can help you with that! 

Mistake #5. Using cliches without backing them up

As you’re writing your cover letter, you might be tempted to use phrases like “I’m an excellent team player,” “dedicated problem-solver,” or “great communicator.” 

Which is fair - these are very important skills but any job out there.

Here’s the thing, though: these buzzwords are used so often in resumes & cover letters today that they’ve become cliches.

Sure, you can claim to be a “great communicator,” but so do all the other applicants.

The only case we do recommend mentioning such cliches is when you can actually back them up with your past experiences.

So instead of saying “I’m a great communicator,” you say “I’m a great communicator, as proven by Experience A, B, and C.”

Developed teamwork skills by coordinating with 10 other people on my project team to develop and deliver software solutions for the client both behind budget and ahead of schedule.

Mistake #6. Being too formal...or too informal

Look, extremes are rarely your friend. 

So, just like your instinct probably tells you that addressing the hiring manager like you would a friend isn’t the brightest idea, you should also refrain from being overly formal. 

Dear Sarah,

I’d like to apply for the role of junior project manager at Company X.

Hey Sarah, what’s up?

Name’s John and I’m here for that project manager gig!

Our guide on how to address a cover letter shows you the best ways to address a cover letter without being overly formal, or informal. 

Mistake #7. Typos and grammar mistakes

Out of all cover letter mistakes to avoid, typos and grammar mistakes should be the easiest. 

Microsoft Word will underline your typos red and your grammar mistakes green, but you have the option of easily proofreading your cover letter no matter where you’re writing it. 

A simple spell-checker and software like Grammarly should be enough to save you from this dreary, but easily avoidable, mistake.  

Mistake #8. Unnecessary flattery

You don’t need to write a love letter to the company for the hiring manager to like you. 

Sure, if you hold the company’s values, mission, or culture at a high standard, feel free to mention how it inspires you professionally. 

But if you just use your cover letter to throw random compliments at the company with the hopes the recruiter will like you, you’re in for an unpleasant surprise. 

Remember: you want to (smartly) flatter your achievements, not the company. 

Mistake #9. Going off-topic

Going off-topic is a big no-no when it comes to cover letters.

You might think it’s OK, as long as you’re talking about work, but explaining the backstories of your professional decisions will get you nothing but a yawn from the recruiter.

For example, opening up to the hiring manager about how you decided to leave your job because you broke up with your girlfriend is (as you might imagine) totally going off-topic and definitely too much information (even if that’s the reason you did quit your job). 

Generally, in your cover letter, refrain from discussing:  

  • Your weaknesses (unless they’re asking about them at an interview)
  • Uncomfortable life/professional experiences
  • Details of every job you ever had 
  • Reasons, excuses, or details on why you were fired from a past job (again, unless asked at an interview)

Mistake #10. Not following specific instructions

Did your teacher ever tell you to carefully read the test questions before starting to answer? 

Rightfully so! Sometimes, we hurry so much to get something done that we completely miss what we are being asked in the first place. 

You don’t want that cover letter mistake to happen to you, so read the job description carefully before you start writing your resume and cover letter.

If the hiring manager has any specific requirements about the cover letter’s content or format, you’ll find them in the job description. It might even happen that the position doesn’t require a cover letter at all, so give this part its due attention. 

If the job description doesn’t provide any specifications, your best bet is to submit your cover letter in PDF format.

Want to go the extra mile and impress the recruiter with your attention to detail? Use the same design as in your resume.

Mistake #11. Forgetting to sign your cover letter

Signing your cover letter goes a long way to showing business etiquette and attention to detail, so make sure to do that! 

If you’re sending your cover letter and job application as part of an email, though, then you don’t have to sign your cover letter. 

In any case, pay extra attention to how you end your cover letter. People are bound to remember the ending of things, so you want to conclude your cover letter as politely and memorably as possible. 

Not sure what that means? Our article on how to end a cover letter will show you all you need to know! 

Key Takeaways

And that’s a wrap! We hope you know what cover letter mistakes to look out for when you start writing. Here are a few of the main points we covered: 

  • Don’t overuse “I” in your cover letter. Instead, focus on describing a few of your most noteworthy achievements, relevant to the position.
  • Using your cover letter to repeat your resume is a cover letter mistake you must avoid.
  • Avoid using cliches such as “team player,” “great communicator” and the sorts when you’re describing yourself. Instead, prove your skills by backing them up with your professional experiences.
  • Make sure you proofread your cover letter before submitting it; typos and grammar mistakes are intolerable cover letter mistakes.

Related Readings: 

  • Top Cover Letter Examples in 2024
  • How Long Should a Cover Letter Be?

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CVs & Résumés

  • Aug 28, 2024
  • 11 min read

20 Horrifying Cover Letter Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

The hiring managers have spoken.

Chris Leitch

Chris Leitch

Editor-in-Chief & Résumé Expert

Reviewed by Electra Michaelidou

A cover letter containing mistakes to avoid

While cover letters have, to some extent, a bad rep and are viewed as unnecessary by many jobseekers and hiring managers alike, they can be a great way to introduce yourself to potential employers, market your unique selling points and demonstrate your written communication skills.

But there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about this document. And going the wrong way can only spell disaster for your job search efforts — and even your professional reputation.

We spoke to our recruiters and hiring decision-makers to share with you the 20 most common cover letter mistakes they hate seeing — so you know what to avoid to land your dream job.

1. Not writing one

The first of a very long list of cover letter mistakes, and perhaps the worst of all, is foregoing it entirely. Not including a cover letter in your job application only signals that you’re not genuinely interested in the job and, worse, you were too lazy to write one.

Even if the job description doesn’t specifically request a cover letter, it’s crucial that you send one, anyway. The only time you absolutely, categorically shouldn’t send a cover letter is when you’re asked not to. Which rarely ever happens.

2. Making it too long (or too short)

Hiring managers are busy creatures and don’t have the time (or the will) to read a novel in the form of a cover letter, which only suggests that you struggle to communicate concisely or prioritize the most relevant information.

Equally a turn-off is a cover letter of only a few lines, which tells hiring managers you have difficulty expressing your qualifications and enthusiasm effectively.

Aim for a total word count of between 250 and 400 words, and about 3–6 paragraphs. This translates to between three-quarters of a page to a maximum of one full page.

3. Discussing why you’re looking for a job

Overwhelming hiring managers with the reasons behind your job search can shift the attention away from the value you bring to the role — especially if those reasons have anything to do with financial need or dissatisfaction in your current job.

Focus on why you’re interested in the specific position and company that you’re applying to. Remember that the purpose of your cover letter is to demonstrate how and why you’re an asset.

4. Ignoring instructions

Employers will often include special instructions for applicants in job descriptions, such as answering a specific question in your cover letter or using a preferred file format.

Even accidentally missing these instructions could mean instant disqualification, as it demonstrates carelessness and disobedience — two things that employers are certainly not looking for.

Carefully read the job description (and then read it again ) to make sure you haven’t missed any instructions or specific requirements for your cover letter and overall job application.

5. Talking about salary expectations

When you include salary expectations in your cover letter, the only thing it tells employers is that you don’t really care about the job and that you’re only in it for the money. It can also be perceived as rude and unprofessional on your part.

Keep talk of salary to the job interview or when negotiating a job offer. Make sure you’re not the one to bring up the subject, though — leave it up to the hiring manager. Only ever discuss salary expectations in your cover letter if the job description requests this information.

6. Failing to end your letter with a compelling CTA

Not ending your cover letter with a call-to-action — or, worse, ending it with a generic or passive closing like “Thank you for your time and consideration” — is a wasted opportunity to reinforce your interest in the position and encourage the hiring manager or recruiter to reach out.

Always close your letter with a compelling CTA that will elicit a response. This should invite hiring managers to contact you, request an interview, or remind them why your accomplishments make you a great fit for the job — or a combination of these.

7. Addressing your letter to no one in particular

Starting your cover letter with “Dear Sir or Madam” or, worse, “To Whom it May Concern” is nothing short of impersonal. It also implies a lack of effort and interest in the job.

Worse, still, is foregoing the greeting entirely.

Address your letter (professionally!) to the person who will be reading it — you will often find their name listed in the job ad as a point of contact. If not, take the initiative to contact the company directly and ask them for a name. If all else fails, use “Dear Hiring Manager” — but only as a last resort.

8. Repeating your résumé

Simply using your cover letter to restate or recycle the same information from your résumé is a waste of space — and opportunity. Even if it’s worded slightly differently, hiring managers will lose interest, as it demonstrates a lack of creativity and originality.

Use your cover letter to complement — not regurgitate — your résumé by offering more context or sharing anecdotes that showcase your qualifications in action, and generally expanding on what you couldn’t in your résumé.

9. Not adding any value

A generic cover letter that reads like “Here’s my résumé — whatever” or a stock example of what hiring managers have already read won’t get you far. It shows a lack of interest and purpose.

Focus your letter on your achievements to provide proof of what you can do for the company you’re targeting. Make sure to quantify those achievements, too, with numbers, dollar amounts and percentages.

10. Using a different design from your résumé

One of the many things to avoid when putting your cover letter together is making it look completely different from your résumé. This is largely because it can give hiring managers the impression that the two documents aren’t connected — or, worse, that they belong to two different candidates.

Use the same fonts, colors and design elements across all your application documents (including your résumé, cover letter and list of references) to ensure a consistent personal brand. Consider investing in one of our résumé template packages if you’re not confident in your graphic design skills.

11. Ignoring employment gaps

While you typically won’t have the opportunity to address any employment gaps in your résumé , you will in your cover letter. If you waste this opportunity, it can raise red flags for hiring managers, who may assume the worst or become skeptical about your qualifications and commitment.

Make it a point to address employment gaps, but don’t dwell on them too much. Focus on how you stayed productive during those gaps (like freelancing, volunteering or upskilling), while emphasizing the skills and qualifications you gained.

12. Using a weak opening

“My name is John Smith and I’m applying for the X position at Company ABC.” That’s how most of the cover letters we’ve seen start off. And it’s bland and boring, and it loses the hiring manager’s interest from the get-go.

Feel free to be a little creative with your cover letter’s opening to really grab the reader’s attention. Take this opening paragraph for a proofreader cover letter for example: “Can you spot the the mistake? If so, kudos to you! But if not, it’s my job to catch those little typos so you don’t have to.”

13. Failing to research the company

When you don’t research the company that you’re applying to before you start writing your cover letter, you effectively miss the opportunity to learn about and really understand the company’s values, goals and culture. This amplifies the risk of writing a generic, impersonal letter.

Take the time to research the company , and use the information you gather to write your letter. This includes mentioning specific projects, news or challenges the organization is facing.

14. Making it all about you

“It’s my cover letter, so it should be about me.” While that is true to some extent, a cover letter that’s centered entirely on your own needs can seem self-serving, which isn’t the kind of quality that employers look for in employees.

Instead of mentioning what the job and company can do for you (for example: “to further develop my retail skills”), focus on what you bring to the role and how your skills and past experiences can help the company succeed.

15. Going off topic

One of the worst cover letter mistakes you can make is going off topic, as it shifts the focus away from what really matters: why you’re the right candidate for the job. This includes sharing uncomfortable life or professional experiences, the reason you quit your last job, or details about every job you ever had.

Keep your letter focused and aligned with the job you’re applying for, and only share the most relevant information that markets your top skills, achievements and qualifications.

16. Using the wrong tone

While the cover letter is a professional document, that doesn’t mean the tone should be overly formal. Indeed, it only makes your letter sound impersonal, cold and rather stiff. Likewise, an overly casual tone can come across as unprofessional.

Strike the right balance between professional, and friendly and conversational. You can achieve this by using clear, concise and easy-to-understand language, while avoiding jargon and complex sentence structures.

17. Sending the same letter for every application

Hiring managers can spot a one-size-fits-all cover letter from a mile away. And the worst thing about a generic, impersonal cover letter is that it tells employers you’re not exactly bothered whether you work for them or potentially their competitor. This calls your loyalty into question, if you were to land a job with them.

Tailor your cover letter to every company that you apply to. This can be achieved by mentioning company details and addressing job-specific details in your letter, as well as naturally incorporating important keywords from the job description.

18. Bringing attention to weaknesses

You might feel the urge to address, explain or even apologize for any weaknesses (for example, when you’re not familiar with a specific software), but doing so will only make hiring managers start to question your qualifications and candidacy as a whole.

Focus on showcasing your strengths and value. If you’re concerned about a weakness, subtly address it by demonstrating how you’re actively working on it, or frame it as an opportunity for growth without explicitly mentioning it.

19. Using flattery

While it’s okay to mention how you hold the company’s values, mission or culture in high regard, throwing in random compliments or going overboard with unnecessary flattery will make you sound insincere, insecure or desperate.

Feel free to mention specific aspects of the company that you admire, but frame them in the context of how you can contribute, and align your skills, experience and values to the employer’s needs.

20. Forgetting to proofread before submission

Many hiring managers will often review your application by first reading your cover letter. And if it’s riddled with grammar and spelling mistakes , they likely won’t even bother reading your résumé, as their initial impression of you is one of carelessness, poor communication skills and a lack of professionalism.

Always make the time to proofread your cover letter (and proofread it again!) before sending your application. It’s also a good idea to ask a trusted friend or relative to read over it, too, as they’ll be able to give you some constructive feedback.

Final thoughts

Because cover letters are so intimidating to write, it’s easy to mess them up. And when that happens, it can get in the way of securing the job you’re applying for, even if you’re the most qualified candidate.

But if you’re aware of the things to avoid when writing your cover letter, including the mistakes we covered in this article, you’ll know what to do instead — and get one step closer to your dream job .

Can you think of any other cover letter mistakes worth mentioning? Let us know in the comments section below.

This article is a complete update of an earlier version originally published on March 28, 2018.

Cover Letters

Job Applications

7 Things You Might Be Forgetting to Do in Your Cover Letter (That Make All the Difference)

person typing

We all know that we should tailor our cover letter to each company, show our enthusiasm for the role, include real-life examples of our accomplishments, and double (or triple) check everything we write for spelling and grammar mistakes.

But what else are we missing as we’re going to craft this important piece of our application? And the question many of us are probably asking ourselves: Why aren’t we still landing jobs if we’re covering all our bases?

Well, maybe you’re not aware you need to also do these seven things (or, could use a reminder):

1. Make it Ridiculously Clear How You Can Help Them

Nothing stands out more in a cover letter than using it as an opportunity to align yourself with the company’s interests, both in the experience you offer and the ideas you have for specifically helping them grow and succeed. Paint a clear picture of how you can help them. You should never make them try to guess or figure out how to utilize your skills, because they won’t.

— Andy Karuza, FenSens

2. Write Less (But Better)

Unless you’re applying to be a creative writer, be as concise and efficient as possible. Most people will scan and filter cover letters by keywords, and HR professionals respect and value quality brevity. Remember, the goal of your cover letter is to get them to read the rest of your application (read: your resume). So, explain in just a few well-crafted sentences why you’re a great fit.

— Nicole Munoz, Start Ranking Now

3. Find (and Include) the Easter Egg

When hiring, many companies put an ‘Easter egg’ in the job description—usually a keyword or value they’re specifically looking for. Any applicant who includes or references this special detail in their cover letter is more likely to move on to the interview stage. It helps identify the candidates who pay attention to details and it shows that they read the post and are actually interested in the opportunity, not just sending out generic applications to each job they see.

— Brian David Crane, Caller Smart Inc.

4. Vary Your Format

Some of the best cover letters I’ve seen have been the ones that were a little ‘out there.’—for example, two short, confidence-laden paragraphs combined with a bulleted list of what the employee would add to the company. These ones caught my eye not only because of the bullets (which were short and to-the-point) but because they were different from the rest. It helps to have a great resume, but an original approach to the cover letter works even better!

— Bryce Welker, Crush The CPA Exam

5. Include Your Contact Information

The first thing I want to do after reading an exceptional cover letter is contact the candidate. The good ones all include a cell phone number and email address so that an interview can easily be set up. The hiring process moves fast, and the easier you make it for a hiring manager to find you, the more likely they’ll do so.

— Brett Farmiloe, Markitors

6. Emphasize You’re Able to Pick Up New Skills Quickly

Candidates who can demonstrate they have a large capacity to learn and grow are the most valuable to a company of any size because they can easily shift to various positions—laterally or upwards—to adapt to how the market or organization may shift over time. Showing this upfront is a great way to separate yourself from other candidates.

— Diana Goodwin, AquaMobile

7. Show That You’re Adaptable

Show an interest in working on and exploring a broad range of topics and tasks. I always look out for those folks because they’re some of the most adaptable, and often accomplish things you didn’t know needed doing. Someone who isn’t just willing, but is interested, in having a wide breadth of knowledge will see unexpected connections and help innovate.

— Kyle Goguen, Pawstruck

what step in cover letter writing did michelle neglect to do

10 Unacceptable Cover Letter Mistakes

cover letter writing tips

But here’s a thing: if you have no idea what a cover letter is and what it is for, better look for a professional cover letter writer  (from  Resume Writing Lab ) and then come back to the actual topic. In the meantime, let us find out the top 10 mistakes that would contribute to your elimination.

Resume Without a Cover Letter Included

Once again, your cover letter can be simply ignored by the recruiter, but there are some, who pay quite much attention to them. Therefore, you must include the letter anyway.

Improper Cover Letter Format

Students tend to forget about the strictness of business letter formats , missing essential letter parts, such as recipient information, return addresses, dates, etc. Make sure your cover letter looks professional and standardized.

Not Personalizing

Addressing your cover letter to an unspecific person, using forms, like “Dear HR Director” or “Dear Sir or Madam” isn’t something your employer would be pleased with. On the contrary, this action demonstrates your lazy approach and your disinterest even for finding out the name of the person, who hiring you (or not).

After all, you got all the sources of information that you could use for your benefit: for instance, the Internet, contacts of the company and phone books to track down names of your possible recruiters. Just take another 5-10 minutes and research.

Emphasizing on Yourself And Your Career

Let’s be honest: your HR manager has no interest in how much profit you’ll receive from the job – on the contrary, he wants to know which way your qualifications meet the employer’s needs. Especially, that relates to job applicants applying for senior positions (check out tips for writing executive resumes ). Be specific and explain how you might enrich the particular business.

Using Clichés and Being Formulaic

Common clichés like “Enclosed please find my resume” or “As you can see on my resume enclosed herewith.” are very frustrating to almost each recruiter: after all, it’s just matter-of-course. Instead of being obvious and boring, use the first paragraph to catch the manager’s attention so that he would get interested in knowing you better.

Being Illiterate


Claiming Something Without Any Proof

It’s easy to select right words that sound tempting and professional, for instance “have deep IT knowledge” or “possess excellent communication skills”. Nevertheless, for the employer these are just empty words, if there were no evidence followed afterwards. Give examples for each written claim, because they need proof.

Rephrasing the Resume

Don’t waste time on things that have been already mentioned in your resume, but you simply want to add them to your cover letter. Yes, you can highlight something really valuable from it, although there’s no need to make a resume duplicate out of the letter.

Telling Your Long Success/Life Story

Just remember: it’s not a novel, where the author has a freedom to make long-paged descriptions of the characters’ lives and so on. A professional cover letter is no longer than a single page. Believe us: HR managers wouldn’t bother spending more than 1-2 minutes for both applicant’s resume and cover letter, which means you have to be concise and convincing. Like they say: brevity is the soul of wit.

Having Same Cover Letter For Every Job

Making one-size-fits-all letters won’t guarantee any success, because professional recruiters know how to identify those easily. Consequently, they may not even consider your candidacy anymore. Address to each company personally, use specifics and then you will definitely stay on track.

what step in cover letter writing did michelle neglect to do


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  1. Cover Letter Review Flashcards

    A: Michele's concluding paragraph works best for her cover letter. B: I am looking forward to meeting with you to discuss the Inventory Control Associate position further. I know that my experience and my dedication to doing the best job I can will benefit the organization. Please call me with any questions at 215-588-0989.

  2. How to Write a Cover Letter

    When a cover letter is done well, it can significantly increase your chances of getting an interview, but the vast majority fail that test. So let's talk about how to do cover letters right. 1. First, understand the point of a cover letter. The whole idea of a cover letter is that it can help the employer see you as more than just your résumé.

  3. Lesson 2

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Choose the best way to conclude a cover letter., Including personal details is fine as long as you relate them to the reason you are writing. Choose the best example of how to elaborate on Michele's sentence about her daughters and mother., It's a good idea to explain any lengthy gaps in your employment history. Choose the ...

  4. How To Write a Cover Letter (With Examples and Tips)

    Middle paragraph (s) Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. Your cover letter should be one page long and use a simple, professional font, such as Arial or Helvetica, 10 to 12 points in size. Your letter should be left-aligned with single spacing and one-inch margins. Show Transcript.

  5. How to Write a Cover Letter (Examples and Tips)

    Step 2: Add your contact info. At the top of your cover letter, you should list out your basic info. You can even copy the same heading from your resume if you'd like. Some contact info you might include (and the order to include it in): Your name. Your pronouns (optional) Your location (optional) Your email address.

  6. How to Write a Cover Letter

    Brainstorm key points. Before starting work on a personalized cover letter, you'll need: A working draft of your resume. A job posting or description you plan on pursuing. Once you have those two items, take 10 minutes to brainstorm and jot down on a blank document or sheet of paper why this job interests you.

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  8. How to Write a Cover Letter: Examples + Guide for 2024

    Avoid addressing the recipient with "Dear Sir or Madam," which is outdated and impersonal. It's always best to address them by their title and name. For example: Good cover letter greeting examples: "Dear hiring manager,". "Dear [XYZ Company] team,". "Dear Customer Acquisition Hiring Manager,". Weak cover letter greeting examples:

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    To start your cover letter, introduce yourself. This means including your full name, your specific interest in the position and the reasons you've chosen to apply. If you got a referral to the job from another party, ensure to mention this in the first paragraph. 2. Mention your skills and qualifications.

  10. How to Write a Cover Letter [Full Guide & Examples for 2024]

    How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter #1. Choose the Right Cover Letter Template #2. Put Contact Information in the Header #3. Address the Hiring Manager #4. Write an Eye-Catching Introduction #5. Use the Cover Letter Body for Details #6. Wrap It Up and Sign It Cover Letter Writing Checklist 15 Cover Letter Tips 15+ Cover Letter Examples 5 ...

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    Write 250-450 words in 3-4 paragraphs to hit the cover letter length preferred by hiring managers and recruiters. If you want to keep your cover letter brief, look at some short cover letter examples online to get an idea of how it should look. 3. Address the hiring manager by name.

  12. How to Write A Cover Letter In 2022 (6 Tips And 3 Templates)

    The cover letter is a tool to help introduce yourself in a memorable, personal way during a job application. A well-crafted cover letter goes over information on your resume and expands this information for the reader, taking them on a guided journey of some of your greatest career and life achievements.. Its purpose is to elaborate on the information contained in your resume while infusing ...

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  14. 5 Easy Steps to Writing an Unforgettable Cover Letter

    Step 1: Reference Your Resume in Content and Design. The cover letter is a companion to the resume. Where the resume is a line drawing of your work history, your cover letter is the color and shading. Use your cover letter to add context to some of the accomplishments mentioned in your resume.

  15. How to Write a Cover Letter in 30 Minutes

    Minutes 1 Through 10: Write Down Your Main Points. Maybe it's just me, but I often struggle the most on the opening line of a cover letter. I know I shouldn't lead with "My name is…," and I want something that'll grab the hiring manager's attention. But my quest for the perfect beginning can lead me to spend 15 minutes (or more ...

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    13. Failing to research the company. When you don't research the company that you're applying to before you start writing your cover letter, you effectively miss the opportunity to learn about and really understand the company's values, goals and culture. This amplifies the risk of writing a generic, impersonal letter.

  17. 15 Cover Letter Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

    Here are 15 things to avoid when writing a cover letter with tips and suggestions of what you can do instead: Not following instructions. Using the wrong format. Discussing why you are looking for a new position. Using the same cover letter for every application.

  18. here's a real-life example of a fantastic cover letter

    Here's the letter, with identifying details changed. Dear Hiring Manager, It's with great enthusiasm that I am applying to be your next Intergalactic Service Intern. I know that my background and expertise would serve the Mars Agency well and leave a lasting impression in your client management department. I've worked in some level of ...

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    Regrettable fonts. Embellishing your qualifications. Failing to use keywords. Being overly boastful. Typos and spelling mistakes. Inappropriate greetings. But that's just a taster. We uncovered all sorts of cover letter sins and got the low down on what recruiters really want in a cover letter.

  20. 7 Cover Letter Tips You May Be Forgetting

    Well, maybe you're not aware you need to also do these seven things (or, could use a reminder): 1. Make it Ridiculously Clear How You Can Help Them. Nothing stands out more in a cover letter than using it as an opportunity to align yourself with the company's interests, both in the experience you offer and the ideas you have for ...

  21. The Most Common Cover Letter Mistakes

    Destroying your well-written resume with a terrible cover letter makes your candidacy very doubtful to the employer. Even though many of HR managers neglect reading cover letters of their candidates, some of them do; so if you didn't do a great job with writing a good letter, your whole job application could easily get into a trash bin.