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What are core values 40 core values examples to consider.

In this post, we will cover the basics on what are core values and examine 40 examples we love.

What are core values?

Your core values define how you want the people in your organization to behave . Together with your mission and vision statement, they are a foundational part of your organizational structure. They articulate the underlying beliefs and purpose that each member of your organization is committed to embodying.

Because of their importance, values are often treated like mission statements, vision statements, and other elements of organizational strategy. However, it’s essential to recognize that, in many ways, values need to be their discussion .

As management guru Peter Drucker famously stated, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” No matter how effective your strategy is, it cannot outperform a weak company culture — and the heart of your organization’s culture is its core values. That’s why we believe and advocate the philosophy outlined in Change the Culture, Change the Game by Roger Connors and Tom Smith. There must be a dedicated process to developing and periodically refreshing your organization’s core values with the input of its members.

Your core values are the beliefs and behaviors that you consider non-negotiable , and that apply to every single person within your organization. They guide and inform your strategic plan as well as your day-to-day operations.

What are core values?

Video Transcript – What are Core Values (With Examples)

Hi, I’m Erica Olsen with OnStrategy. Today’s whiteboard video is on core values, core values answer the question, how will we behave in the context of the strategic planning process, you often hear, hey, we’re going to work on mission vision values. So we made this whiteboard video to help that piece of your strategic planning process.

But before we go too far, I just kind of want to call out a really important point. And that is just because we say mission vision values, doesn’t mean you need to define your values as part of your strategic planning process. If you don’t have them, and you’re starting from scratch, I would highly recommend that you take values and you put them into a dedicated process and work on that by itself. And a really great process that we love is from change the culture, change the game, check it out, it’s awesome.

If you have a set of values, and you just want to refresh them, then absolutely include them in your planning process. So with that, let’s talk about what makes up a good core value, the components of it how you know, you did it right and how you put it to use. So here is our anatomy of a core value. We love labels before the colon, a value as a noun, in this case, respect and authenticity, awesome.

We start with a verb in present tense, we believe in the value, connecting to the heart of the matter is something that again, isn’t like whatever everybody could replace it here, but just something that’s a little unique to you and your organization connecting to the heart of the matter. And the behavior you expect in this case, by listening respectfully, and acting authentically.

The most important part of values is this piece, what is the behavior that’s expected? We are saying that this is how we’re expecting everybody in the organization to behave. So that’s a great core value, we believe in connecting to the heart of the matter by listening respectfully and acting authentically. Ideally, you would have maybe five to seven values, maybe less, maybe three.

Something people can remember. Yes, Zappos has, like 12, that’s good for them. But we recommend less. Another thing when you’re thinking about, did we get it right? They should be your non negotiables. Meaning absolutely everybody should behave this way in your organization, you would stand by them no matter what happens, no matter what no matter what. And as I said before, the behavior is clear. Awesome.

So now that you have your core values, or you’ve refreshed them, and just a consideration if you are refreshing them, consider putting them in a survey in the first phase of your planning process to get feedback on people’s perspective on what does it look like when we were behaving with this core value? Great question.

How do we put it to use publish them, of course, right? Maybe posters, maybe on your intranet, maybe at the bottom of your CIG block, depending upon where you want to see them. Importantly, reinforcing them, I like to reinforce them at the beginning of every staff meeting, maybe pick one, maybe call out where you saw a value in practice the week before, super powerful.

And then last but not least, and this is from change the culture, change the game, establish intentional experiences that reinforce a core value. So experiences in your organization that reinforce in this case, respect and authenticity. So with that, that’s a quick overview of values.

You know how to get it right and construct ones that are really going to make a difference in your organization. Don’t forget, Peter Drucker said, culture eats strategy for lunch. And he’s right. So this matters tremendously. Make sure you pick the right part of the process to build out yours. With that. Thanks for tuning in. Subscribe to our YouTube channel. download the white paper for more information on core values. Happy strategizing.

What do core values answer?

Ask these questions to help you uncover your organization’s core values :

  • What key non-negotiables are critical to the success of the company?
  • What guiding principles are core to how we operate in this organization?
  • What behaviors do you expect to see from the team?
  • What are you willing to stand by , even if it costs clients or revenue?

5 tips to develop your values:

  • Keep the list of values to between five and seven.  Some organizations, even well-known ones, have a longer list of values. However, we recommend no more than five to seven. In fact, you might find that you have even fewer. Keeping the list short ensures that the values you choose will be memorable and authoritative.
  • Create phrases, but not paragraphs.  Again, we’re looking for memorable values. Concise statements are better than lengthy descriptions of desired behaviors.
  • Make these values specific, not generic.  Although it should be brief enough to be memorable, a core value needs to be specific enough to be actionable. This means that a single word, like “respect,” won’t be enough on its own to guide and inform your strategy and culture. There is a balance between brevity and specificity.
  • Values need to be shared.  While you don’t need consensus from everyone in your organization, you do need agreement from senior leadership. Gather input through surveys and whiteboard sessions as you develop your organization’s company core values.
  • If it’s already stated in your mission, do not repeat it.  Though there might be some overlap in language, try not to repeat content unnecessarily. Each of these foundational elements must be unique in order to be effective and appreciated, so avoid redundancy whenever possible.

Get the Free Guide to Identify and Live Your Values

The values cheat sheet.

Download this handy cheat sheet as you work on developing your organization’s values!

How to Write Core Values Examples

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Creating Your List of Core Values Statements

We recommend a simple, straightforward structure for core value statements that balances concision (for memorability) and specificity (for actionability) .

First, state the value in noun form (respect, sustainability, communication, etc.). This makes your core value easy to remember and envision.

Then, follow up the noun form with a statement that begins with a verb ( in the present tense , because these values are perennial) and includes the value in a verb form (to connect it to specific action), followed by a description of the specific behavior you want to see .

This outline offers a consistent, concise, and specific structure that still allows flexibility to adapt to the distinctiveness of your core values.

How to Write Core Values Examples

What are the 4 types of values?

Patrick Lencioni insightfully identified four different types of organizational values. When core values are mistaken for other types of values, management can seem out of touch.

Core Values

Core values are cornerstones of an organization’s culture. They express values that the organization is not willing to compromise , regardless of financial or other motive. They also embody something distinctive about the organization — so that without them, an organization cannot maintain its unique value. Core values run deep into the fabric of all the organization’s work.

Aspirational Values

Aspirational values identify qualities and principles that the organization does not have, but wants . They are values that you are currently lacking, but you aspire to attain. They could be set by the company to help implement new strategy or meet changing circumstances. In any case, they do not have the inherently defining and unchanging nature of values.

Behavioral Values

There is a layer of values that is usually not given much attention because they tend to be the same across industries. Rather than defining the key, distinctive values of a particular company, these behavioral values simply state the minimum expected behavior of any employee . For example, not misrepresenting information would be considered a behavioral value because it is generic and describes the “bare minimum” desired behavior.

Accidental Values

Sometimes, especially in the early days of an organization, common interests and culture among organization members become solidified as values. This can create unity, but if confused with values, can also breed stagnation.

40 Core Values Examples

Now that we have a clear idea of what core values are (and what they are not), as well as why they are so critical, let’s take a look at some examples of core values from a few recognized organizations You’ll see values from several types of organizations included—global private corporations, national non-profits, and others. We also wanted to share our own core values here at OnStrategy.

Notice that each organization takes a slightly different approach to its values, and not all of them exemplify each of our recommendations (for example, length). However, what they share is commitment and distinctiveness . It is clear from each of these statements that these companies view their core values as all-encompassing and unbreakable.

Values Examples – Zappos

Embrace and Drive Change: Part of being in a growing company is that change is constant.

Be Humble: While we have grown quickly in the past, we recognize that there are always challenges ahead to tackle.

Pursue Growth and Learning: We think it’s important for employees to grow both personally and professionally.

Passionate and Determined: Passion is the fuel that drives us and our company forward.

Values Examples – Patagonia

Build the best product: Our criteria for the best product rests on function, reparability, and, foremost, durability. Among the most direct ways we can limit ecological impacts is with goods that last for generations or can be recycled so the materials in them remain in use. Making the best product matters for saving the planet.

Cause no unnecessary harm: We know that our business activity—from lighting stores to dyeing shirts—is part of the problem. We work steadily to change our business practices and share what we’ve learned. But we recognize that this is not enough. We seek not only to do less harm, but more good.

Use business to protect nature: The challenges we face as a society require leadership. Once we identify a problem, we act. We embrace risk and act to protect and restore the stability, integrity, and beauty of the web of life.

Not bound by convention: Our success—and much of the fun—lies in developing new ways to do things.

Examples – Volunteers of America

Teamwork: Together, as a team, we can achieve what individuals cannot. Our individual strengths energize our joint efforts to improve the lives of the people we serve.

We are richer and stronger because of our diversity, and we promote an environment that offers dignity, understanding, and compassion in order to reach and empower all.

Accountability: We hold ourselves personally and collectively responsible to do right and adhere to ethical principles in an environment of openness and honesty.

Communication: We are committed to the timely and transparent exchange of information and ideas and encourage respectful interaction through listening, understanding, and assumption of positive intent.

Customer Service: We strive for the highest standards in all we do and seek continuous improvement through feedback from our partners and those we serve.

Company Values Examples – OnStrategy

Respect & Authenticity: Connecting to the heart of the matter. We listen actively and act with respect and authenticity.

Teamwork: Tribal spirit. Cohesive spirit that permeates our people-focus: family, team, clients, and partners.

Purpose & Impact: Make a difference. We approach everything with passion and purpose and know our work is bigger than ourselves.

All In – In Everything We Do: We do our best with excellence in everything we do.

Forward Thinking: Challenge the status quo. Continually pursuing innovation, not for innovation’s sake, but for the sake of propelling our clients and our work forward.

Enjoyable Work Environment: Perfect storm. Energizing atmosphere that nourishes a balanced personal/professional soul.

Teaching Organizations to Fish: Passing the torch of mastery. Our expertise transfer allows for sustainable strategic management.

Core Values Examples – Salesforce

Trust: We act as trusted advisors. We earn the trust of our customers, employees, and extended family through transparency, security, compliance, privacy, and performance. And we deliver the industry’s most trusted infrastructure.

Customer Success: When our customers succeed, we succeed. So we champion them to achieve extraordinary things. We innovate and expand our business offerings to provide all our stakeholders with new avenues to achieve ever greater success.

Innovation: We innovate together. Our customers’ input helps us develop products that best serve their business needs. Providing continual technology releases and new initiatives gives our customers a competitive advantage.

Equality: Everyone deserves equal opportunities. We believe everyone should be seen, heard, valued, and empowered to succeed. Hearing diverse perspectives fuels innovation, deepens connections between people, and makes us a better company.

Sustainability: We lead boldly to address the climate emergency. We are committed to bringing the full power of Salesforce to accelerate the world’s journey to net zero.

Examples – Ford

Put people first. We are a company driven by purpose. Whether it’s our customers, employees, partners, or communities, we obsess about the wants and needs of people to drive human progress.

Do the right thing. We begin with the belief that trust in our brand, and in each other, comes from acting with integrity and transparency. We foster safe, inclusive work environments that create freedom to be our whole selves and do our best work.

Be curious. We approach the world and each other with a sense of interest and wonder. We are humble enough to know we can learn from every situation, and actively question to understand and think critically.

Create tomorrow. We cultivate meaningful change to optimize today and create tomorrow. We look ahead in our focal length and bring clarity to the future. We solve problems creatively, accept risk, and experiment boldly.

Built Ford Tough. We accept challenges and overcome them with confidence, courage, and optimism. We put the world on wheels, embracing disruption to evolve. We are resilient and in it for the long haul.

Play to win. We are accountable. We are in business to create value, and we celebrate when we do. We are focused on our competitive fitness, efficiency, and agility. We make quality decisions and are each empowered to deliver excellence.

One Ford. We rely on, respect, and care for each other. We build networks and partners without boundaries. We welcome everyone’s unique contributions, communicate candidly, and work together as ONE team – we are a family.

Values Examples – Under Armour

Love athletes.

  • We believe in waking up every morning to make athletes legendary.
  • We put the focused performer, from the best of the best to the ones just getting started, at the center of everything we do.
  • We create fearlessly with the courage and conviction to defy convention.
  • We innovate by taking bold and smart risks. We show up big where athletes train, compete, and recover.

Celebrate the wins.

  • We believe our victories, big and small, bring us together as a team.
  • We celebrate our accomplishments, giving credit where it’s due.
  • We take time to have fun.
  • We channel past successes to inspire our next win.

Stand for equality.

  • We believe sport is the great unifier.
  • We don’t sit on the sidelines; we speak up for fairness and equity.
  • We treat each other with respect.
  • We apply different perspectives in our work.
  • We come together as a force for good to serve the communities we represent.

Act sustainably.

  • We believe our work is not just what we do but how we do it.
  • We work ethically and efficiently to perfect performance while reusing the Earth’s resources.
  • We seek new information to develop lasting solutions.
  • We protect our planet for all who now play, and all who will play, on our home field.

Fight on together.

  • We believe strength is built through tackling adversity.
  • We act with an enterprise mindset in the best interest of the Brand.
  • We help each other overcome obstacles.
  • We act with integrity, have honest conversations and grow over mistakes.
  • We approach challenges with positive intent and never quit.

Values Example – New York Times

Independence: Over a hundred years ago, The Times pledged “to give the news impartially, without fear or favor, regardless of party, sect, or interests involved.” That commitment remains true today: We follow the truth, wherever it leads.

Integrity: The trust of our readers is essential. We renew that trust every day through the actions and judgment of all our employees — in our journalism, in our workplace and in public.

Curiosity: Open-minded inquiry is at the heart of our mission. In all our work, we believe in continually asking questions, seeking out different perspectives and searching for better ways of doing things.

Respect: We help a global audience understand a vast and diverse world. To do that fully and fairly, we treat our subjects, our readers and each other with empathy and respect.

Collaboration: It takes creativity and expertise from people in every part of the company to fulfill our mission. We are at our best when we work together and support each other.

Excellence: We aim to set the standard in everything we do. The pursuit of excellence takes different forms, but in every context, we strive to deliver the very best.

Core Values Examples for Nonprofits

Values are essential in any organization, but we know that they’re especially important in a nonprofit strategy. They help serve as the guiding light for how nonprofits make strategic decisions and play an invaluable role in developing the culture of a nonprofit – which we all know is critical to helping nonprofit organizations retain talent.

Though we’ve worked with lots of nonprofits, check out Prosper Strategies’ seven nonprofit core values examples if you’re looking for specific nonprofit examples. There are also helpful tips on brining core values to life!

Integrate Values into Your Everyday

Developing and publishing your organization’s values is only the beginning. After values have been established, you need to set consistent and dedicated processes for holding members, behaviors, and organizational operations accountable to your core values . It’s not the whiteboard session, but the everyday application, that makes core values meaningful.

Integrate a Review into Your Staff Meeting

A great way to reinforce behavior backed by your organization’s core values is to integrate one value into each of your weekly staff meetings. In our own weekly staff meeting, we highlight a core value of the week and how that value impacted the team’s work in the previous week. In a week that is heavily focused on detail-oriented teamwork, we might highlight our value of “All In – In Everything We Do” to remind our team that those details matter.

Create a Dedicated Chat/Teams/Slack Channel

Create a dedicated channel in your preferred chat application to highlight team member behaviors that align with your core values. Think of this channel as a place to give “wins and kudos” for individual and group behavior that exemplifies your values. We like this tactic because it creates an instant line of positive feedback and helps keep your core values front-and-center within your organization.

Highlight Customer Feedback & Success

Highlighting customer feedback and success stories that were driven by behaviors outlined in your core values is a great way to reinforce their impact. Positive customer feedback and testimonials are high-value rewards in any organization. Tie those recognitions to values that contributed to them. This will leave a lasting impact on your team.

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This is going to be an excellent and informative panel from someone who’s been there and can give the hands-on perspective of how to deal with this infringement on one’s brand.

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Hi. I visited your site for the first time and just been your fan. Keep posting as I’m gonna come to read it everyday ! Thanks.

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For Business

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45 company values examples and steps to identify yours

man and woman brainstorming on a computer (1)

In my coaching work, I recommend exploring your personal core values early on.

Not only do you gain clarity on what is really important to you, but you also make sure that your goals are aligned with both your own core values and the company values of where you work. 

 Such an alignment leads to:

  • A greater sense of fulfillment
  • Your needs being met
  • A sense of belonging
  • Truly owning your goals

It’s important to note that each and every one of us has a different set of core values. 

In this article, we’ll discuss what core values are and why they’re important. We’ll then look at how to identify your company’s core values, some real-world examples, and ways of communicating them with your team.

What are core values?

Core values are what drive us , and what motivate us. It can be helpful to think of them as our North Star. Our guiding light to excellence. They help us navigate through difficult times and important decisions.

Core values represent what's most important to us. They're principles that we adhere to in life: our personal code of conduct. Values aren't chosen. They're intrinsic to who we are and are as unique as our fingerprints.

What are company core values? 

Company values are the principles guiding and often driving an organization’s mission and goals. They guide crucial actions and behaviors, such as how business decisions are made and successful relationships are formed. They inform the company’s culture , hiring practices, and product ideation. 

Core values are, therefore, visible in every aspect of the company. From operations, sales, and marketing to internal HR processes . Core values are also an important pillar of an organization's culture . So keeping the team informed and aligned on them is crucial to developing a cohesive organization.

According to Gallup, leaders should consider the following when defining their company’s core values :

  • They resonate with teams 
  • They can be (and are) exemplified by leadership
  • They are easy to understand
  • They’re relevant to your employees’ day-to-day
  • They resonate with your customers
  • They are easy to identify in employees and leadership

45 examples of company core values by category

There are hundreds of values that individuals and companies can connect with. To help you hone in on the values that could resonate most with your organization, we’ve broken them up by category. 

You can pull directly from this list or these examples of company values as a jumping board and inspiration for writing your own:

Company values around integrity

  • Open-mindedness
  • Personal responsibility

Goals-oriented core values

  • Accountability
  • Cost-conscious
  • Determination

Company values around building a better world

  • Accessibility
  • Environment
  • Sustainability
  • Social responsibility
  • Social justice

Company values that keep people at the core

  • Inclusivity
  • Mutual respect
  • Communication
  • Selflessness
  • Human (and animal) rights 

Whatever your company's core values are, remember that you'll need to review them periodically. Industries, markets, and environments change quickly. Ideally, your values can weather most storms, but they will likely need adjusting over time. This is to confirm an alignment between stated core values, actions and, behaviors.


Corporate core values vs. aspirational values?

The concept of corporate core values (also referred to as company values or organizational core values) was first formally introduced in corporate America in 1994 in the book “Built to Last” by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras . 

The book made the case that many of the best companies adhered to a set of principles called core values. 

As a consequence, a buzzing trend started for each corporation to jump on the core values bandwagon. 

If we look back over the past decades, people have often conflated core values and aspirational values. But these are actually distinct and separate ideas.

Let’s take a look at both.

Company core values

As mentioned above, core values are guiding principles and fundamental beliefs. They help a group of people function together as a team and work towards a common business goal. They guide all of a company’s actions.

Collins and Porras succinctly define corporate core values as:

“Being inherent and sacrosanct; they can never be compromised, either for convenience or short-term economic gain. Corporate core values may reflect the values of the company’s founders.”

Aspirational values

Aspirational values are those that a company needs to achieve business goals but currently lacks. 

For example, a company may need to develop a new aspirational value to support a new strategy, launch in a new market, or satisfy new regulatory requirements.

In growth-driven environments, one may work on the future state or vision as their main focus. Aspirational values can then feel very present. And while they are important to drive and support business goals, they aren't the same as core values.

A key question to distinguish a core value and an aspirational value is this:

Is the company as an ecosystem already exhibiting this behavior or adhering to this principle? 

If yes, the value is a core value. If not, it is an aspirational value.

When aspirational values are used in lieu of core values, it could alienate the people in the company. They may feel like the value isn't present in their work. Very quickly, they can feel that they don’t belong anymore.

Why are corporate core values crucial?

From a business perspective, having a set of core company values has several benefits.

It makes it easier for a company to:

  • Make decisions
  • Communicate principles to clients, partners, and stakeholders
  • Hire employees with the right attitude and as many shared values as possible

Additionally, companies find that employees who are aligned with their company’s core values are more engaged in their work .

Many organizations have designed a Corporate Code of Conduct. One of the first elements included is usually a statement about the values of the organization.

It’s with a shared code that you're able to function as a group.

man taking selfie with female coworkers (1)

Real-life organizational core values examples

Let’s take a look at five real-life examples of companies and their core values:

Netflix has a core philosophy of ‘people over process.’ They define their corporate values as: 

  • Impact 

There are a couple of things that I really like about Netflix’s approach. First, they dive deep into what each value means to them. This is crucial.

For example, they define the value of communication as: 

  • You're concise and articulate in speech and writing.
  • You listen well and seek to understand before reacting.
  • You maintain calm poise in stressful situations to draw out the clearest thinking.
  • You adapt your communication style to work well with people from around the world who may not share your native language.
  • You provide candid, helpful, and timely feedback to colleagues. 

Secondly, their Corporate Culture page doesn't stop at values. 

They talk about their vision of a dream team. And they also outline key cultural cornerstones for their ecosystem, such as informed captains , the importance of disagreeing openly, freedom, and responsibility. 

Apple values easy access to what they stand for as a company and lists their company values on the footer of every page of their website. These are:

  • Inclusion and diversity
  • Supplier responsibility 

They define what each core value means to them and how their current corporate actions express these values. 

They also draw a line between their corporate and aspirational values. For example, for their core value environment , they say: 

We’re carbon neutral. (What the core value ‘environment’ means ) 

And by 2030, every product you love will be, too. How it’s designed. How it’s made. How it’s shipped. How it’s used. How it’s recycled. Apple has a plan.

(How they link their core value to an aspirational value)  

Google came up with “ Ten things we know to be true ” to address their corporate values statement.

They didn't choose words to define them but an actual sentence instead.

This really speaks to the point that there aren’t set rules to create corporate values. What’s important is that they truly mean something to the group of people that stand by them.

Their strong company values are: 

  • Focus on the user, and all else will follow.
  • It’s best to do one thing really, really well.
  • Fast is better than slow.
  • Democracy on the web works.
  • You don’t need to be at your desk to need an answer.
  • You can make money without doing evil.
  • There’s always more information out there.
  • The need for information crosses all borders.
  • You can be serious without a suit.
  • Great just isn’t good enough. 

I appreciate how Google openly states that they revisit their corporate core values from time to time to check if they still hold true. It’s such an important point. 

Not only does there need to be a conscious process to define common core values (Either personal or corporate). 

It’s also important to review them on a regular basis to make sure that they still resonate and that you're still standing by them, especially as your company grows.

4. Ben & Jerry’s

The world-famous ice cream brand states that they're guided by their core values and seek in all they do at every level of business to: 

  • Advance human rights and dignity
  • Support social and economic justice for historically marginalized communities
  • Protect and restore the Earth's natural systems

And here again, each of these core values is defined with clarity. 

In addition to their core values, Ben & Jerry’s also defines progressive values . These are concerns that they integrate into their leadership and day-to-day business activities.

Adidas' core values, known as the 3Cs , are defined as a set of behaviors at the core of their company culture and that they want to see in their people.

Their core values are:

  • Collaboration
  • Creativity 


How to identify your company’s values (a step-by-step guide) 

It's never too late to define a company’s core values. The process may differ slightly depending on whether you are an early-stage start-up or an international company. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to defining your company’s core values:

1. Assign who is in charge 

Define who is leading this process in your company. Is it one individual or a group of individuals?

Agree on how accountability will be kept , making sure that the focus is steadily kept on core values and not aspirational values. It seems trivial, but it’s hard to detach from what we want to achieve when we're constantly in it as part of our day-to-day life.

2. Get everyone on board

Get commitment from the executive leadership team , C-suite, or co-founders. Why is it important for them to have core values? What difference will it create?

Speak individually with the executive leadership team, C-suite, or co-founders. How do they work together? What's important for them? 

3. Get inspired 

Find companies that inspire you from within your industry and beyond. What are their core values? 

Make sure to take the time to read their detailed description of each of their core values. Write down what resonates the most and why it resonates.

4. Take input 

Once you think you have a draft of core values, survey the people in your organization and ask for feedback .

5. Make it clear

Once you have a set of values, take time to concisely and intentionally articulate what they mean for the organization. Be prepared that this step can take time and several iterations.

6. Get internal feedback

Present the core values internally and organize a Q&A. It's important to surface any concerns.

7. Create a new corporate culture

The work doesn’t end when you articulate the values: you need to embed them in the company culture to make sure they succeed. 

Each process in the organization must be aligned with the core values.

How can you make sure everyone in the company will remember the values and live by them? Be creative. Some companies organize challenges and prizes to get the momentum going. See our list of fun corporate activities for inspiration.

How to communicate your organization’s core values

In many organizations, there are a plethora of channels to communicate with employees. Choosing the best mode for you will depend on what stage you are in with establishing your company values and the size and structure of your workforce.

Here are some common and effective ways of communicating company core values across teams:

For new hires:

  • During onboarding
  • In the interview and hiring process

For ongoing reference:

  • Documentation such as an employee handbook
  • Office murals or printed posters
  • Company website

For updates and emphasis:

  • All-hands and company-wide meetings
  • Company newsletter
  • Company messenger (e.g., Slack)
  • Email 

Regardless of the communication method you choose, the important thing is to ensure every employee knows what the organizational core values are. Also, try to communicate them in a way that they are understood and less abstract. Providing examples of employees living these values at work is one way to root them in reality for the entire team.

Create your own set of company core values 

A good set of core values helps us to make important decisions. They act as a guiding light in times of difficulty or confusion. 

In a corporate setting, they’re crucial for making decisions, as well as for companies to communicate their principles to employees, clients, and stakeholders. 

Use this guide as you define (or redefine) your values and communicate them to your teams.

Understand Yourself Better:

Big 5 Personality Test

Fiorenza Rossini

Fiorenza works with global leaders and emerging leaders to maximize their impact in their leadership journey. Fiorenza specializes in periods of career transitions and supports the development of resilience, agile leadership skills, communication skills across cultures, and healthy work-life balance. Fiorenza is also a global facilitator, podcast host, mindfulness teacher, and MBTI practitioner.

 Fiorenza is multicultural and multilingual in French, English, and Italian, and works in the 3 languages. She currently lives in London, England. She co-hosts The Belonging Project podcast which explores how belonging can show up in so many different ways, what it feels like to belong and the impact of truly belonging.

The 13 essential leadership values for anyone leading a team

How spiritual wellness unlocks creativity and resourcefulness, key values in a relationship: why are they important, how to craft an impactful company mission statement, what is company culture and how do you develop it, how to instill family values that align with your own, how core competencies can set your business — and you — apart, the meaning of personal values and how they impact your life, the 7 best strategies to help you empower your team, 30 personal values examples & how to live by yours, what are work values identify yours and learn what they mean, watch your company language (it shapes company culture), 8 ethical values every professional should adopt, stay connected with betterup, get our newsletter, event invites, plus product insights and research..

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Last updated August 7, 2024

Your guide to company values (best practices + examples)

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what are values in a business plan

Writer, Culture Amp

Our personal values inform how we think, feel, and act. They direct our behaviors and guide us to a success we can be proud of. The same can be said of businesses’ core values.

Core company values are the guiding principles or underlying rules that shape how organizations do business, make decisions, determine priorities, and work together. Strong values can improve internal alignment and keep your employees focused on what matters most to your company.

In this article, we explore what company core values are, why they’re important, and how to establish your own. Plus, we share core values examples from top brands to inspire your own core value creation process.

What are company values?

Company values are the principles that define how your company does business. They are often authentic aspects of your underlying culture , silently shaping how your company makes decisions, hires applicants, and even celebrates success. For example, if your workforce upholds ethics in every interaction, integrity may make sense as one of your company core values.

Oftentimes, company values celebrate the aspects of your company that make it a unique place to work. Every organization is different, so choose values that are genuine and true to the nature of your business and employees.

Here are a few examples of common company values:

  • Critical thinking
  • Giving back
  • Open communication
  • Professionalism
  • Sustainability
  • Transparency

While these values are all straightforward, don’t be afraid to create company values with more flair. In a later section, we’ll share examples of creative company values from leading brands to help you identify the values that characterize your company.

Why are company values important?

Company values are a tangible representation of what makes your company unique. They also:

  • Shape company culture . Company values establish a strong base from which your company can grow.
  • Guide hiring decisions. Strong, authentic values can attract like-minded individuals who are passionate about your brand, their job, and their work. When an employee’s personal values align with those of the business, they’re likely to experience higher job satisfaction , improved teamwork, and enhanced communication effectiveness.
  • Direct better decision-making. Your values set the foundation for the decision-making that will help your business scale and succeed in the future. For example, if your business considers integrity one of its core values, your employees may be less likely to use fraudulent business practices to get ahead.
  • Drive employee alignment. When your employees know what you’re trying to achieve (your mission) and how (your values), they see how their work supports your journey, which may motivate them to stick around and help.

Core values examples from top companies

Next, let’s examine some core values examples from leading brands. We’ve highlighted some companies with simple and straightforward values, as well as some with more custom, unique values. Here are a few examples of core values in the workplace:

Major League Baseball

Major League Baseball , often referred to as MLB, is the premier professional baseball organization spanning the United States and Canada. Committed to delivering engaging and socially responsible athletic entertainment, MLB is guided by a set of core values that help steer its mission. These values are:

  • Excellence: To consistently deliver the highest quality of work while producing the highest quality athletic entertainment product.
  • Accountability & Integrity: Toward each other and the public; holding all who are involved with MLB – players, coaches, ownership, employees – to the highest standards of professionalism, responsibility and conduct.
  • Inclusiveness: Building a vibrant community that encourages, offers and respects a broad range of ideas and perspectives where everyone is welcome on and off the field.
  • Teamwork: Developing solutions by building strong relationships and working together to fulfill our shared mission and vision.

→ Learn about MLB's culture-first approach to performance.

E-commerce company Etsy is a global marketplace where talented creators sell their handcrafted and vintage wares. To help connect employees to their mission and enable their business to have a greater impact, Etsy uses what it calls its “ guiding principles .”

Here’s what those guiding principles are:

  • ​​​​ We co​​​​​​​mmit to our craft: Our work has the power to change lives. That's why we strive to learn continuously and excel at what we do.
  • ​​​​ We minimize waste: Time, resources, and energy are precious, so we focus only on what will have the greatest impact.
  • ​​​​We embrace differences : Diverse teams are stronger, and inclusive cultures are more resilient. When we seek out different perspectives, we make better decisions and build better products.
  • ​​​​ We dig deeper: The best solutions to meaningful challenges are rarely easy or obvious. We stay curious, balance our intuition with insights, and decide with confidence.
  • ​​​​We lead with optimism: We believe in our mission, and we believe in each other. We see the world as it is, set ambitious goals, and inspire one another with generosity of spirit. Together, we reimagine what is possible.

→ Learn about how Etsy improved employee engagement while putting culture-first

Culture Amp

Culture Amp is a human resources software company offering an employee experience platform for all people and culture needs. As Didier Elzinga, our Founder and CEO, puts it, “Values are not created. They’re uncovered.” Here are the core values that embody the spirit of Culture Amp:

  • Have the courage to be vulnerable: Having the courage to be vulnerable at work is about being willing to step outside of your comfort zone, express your ideas, reach higher, and be open to both the disappointment and growth that comes with failing. Helping others build the courage to be vulnerable means creating a safe place, valuing our differences, and most of all, helping others stay motivated when faced with a challenge.
  • Learn faster through feedback: Growth and learning through feedback requires a commitment to vulnerability and the humility to seek out feedback and apply it. Feedback can come in many forms, from different sources, and utilizing these feedback loops can help build empathy, resilience, and ongoing development. When we let go of perfectionism, there is more space for iteration and improvement.
  • Trust people to own decisions: If we’re going to learn faster through feedback, then we need to trust people to make decisions, own them, learn from them, and share the outcomes. This keeps our teams moving faster than if we attempt to always reach a group consensus.
  • Amplify others: Amplifying others is about empathy, connectedness, and recognition. It's about supporting others and knowing others are here to support you. It's about looking for opportunities where you can apply your unique set of skills to lift others up and help them succeed. And part of amplifying others is recognizing those who've helped you achieve your success.

→ Interested in learning how we chose our company values? Check out our blog post, How we discovered our company values at Culture Amp , for an inside look into the process.

Staying true to the spirit of its business model, global fast food chain McDonalds ’ values are simple, straightforward, and effective. In order to serve its community convenient and delicious food, the company stands by these core values:

  • Serve: We put our customers and people first.
  • Inclusion: We open our doors to everyone.
  • Integrity: We do the right thing.
  • Community: We are good neighbors.
  • Family: We get better together.

Group fitness studio SoulCycle is known not only for making its riders sweat and smile, but also for bringing like-minded people together. SoulCycle infuses the importance of health and wellness into its core values:

  • We’re a community: We’re passionate participants and leaders within our communities. We work together to create a sanctuary where all are celebrated. We are here to bring Soul to the people.
  • We embrace change : We adapt, enhance, and evolve as we grow. We welcome feedback, and approach every challenge with an open mind and heart.
  • We care : We take care of each other and our surroundings. Every ride and every rider matters. We take time to ask questions, set intentions, and commit to do it right.
  • We show gratitude: We give thanks to each other and our riders. We are humble and remember it takes a village.
  • We recharge : We make sure to take care of ourselves and ask for what we need. We take time to rest, stay inspired, and recharge.
  • We move fast and are on it: We work with a sense of urgency. We hold ourselves and others accountable.
  • We have fun: We have a positive can-do attitude. We lift each other up. We love what we do.

→ Learn how Soulcycle drives engagement and retention through employee feedback

How to choose your own company values

Ready to start crafting your own company values? Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you define the guiding principles that influence how your company achieves its goals.

1. Assemble a team

First, assemble the team that will help you establish your goals. There are a few ways to go about doing this. You can use a:

  • Top-down approach , where founders and senior leaders set your core values.
  • Bottom-up approach to give employees a say in defining your company values.
  • Mix of both: Can’t decide? Combine these approaches to give everyone in your organization a voice.

Depending on which strategy you choose, schedule a meeting with all your participants. If you decide to use the bottom-up approach, be sure to include employees from different departments, levels of seniority, tenure, and demographics. This will give you a diverse set of perspectives and help you hear from all areas of your business.

Should you decide to use the top-down approach, we recommend running your final leadership-approved values by a group of employees to ensure they resonate with your broader workforce and feel genuine to your company.

2. Brainstorm values

Once you’ve built a team to establish your core values, it’s time to brainstorm. Kick off the discussion by highlighting your company’s existing culture and identifying what matters most to your employees. Consider how your teams talk and act, how you approach learning and growth, and what criteria you use to define success and failure internally.

You can also use prompts to kick off your employees’ brainstorming, like:

  • As a group, what is important to us?
  • What brings us together?
  • What are we proud of?
  • What do you admire about other organizations or leaders? Why?
  • Do we value X over Y ?

These questions can help your team compile a list of potential values that align with the underlying principles of your organization. For more inspiration, you can learn about how Culture Amp came up with our list of values .

2. Narrow down your list

In your preliminary brainstorm, you might notice a few terms or sentiments popping up again and again. These commonalities are an indication that you’re on the right track. At this stage, guide the discussion to a preliminary vote. To narrow the list, ask leaders or employees to express support for the values they feel most represent your company. Once you have a more manageable list, you can move on to the next step.

3. Flesh out your values

Now that you have your core values short list, it’s time to flesh out these ideas. In order for employees to embody your values, they have to be able to understand exactly what they mean. Think about how you will bring them to life across the organization – for example, how will you infuse them into your people practices ? That makes this step crucial in the adoption and success of your values.

Like in the examples we shared earlier, add a few sentences or phrases that provide more detail on each value. For example, while “Embrace innovation” might seem like a straightforward value, you can add additional context like, “Encouraging creativity, embracing change, and fostering a culture of forward-thinking,” to help employees understand exactly how they can embody this value.

4. Test them with focus groups

Again, your values will only serve you if your employees understand and embrace them. Once you finalize your list of core values, host a few focus groups to gauge employee reactions and collect feedback. Depending on what they say, you might need to make a few tweaks before rolling them out to the entire organization.

5. Debut your new values to the whole company

Once your list is final and you have employee buy-in, it’s time to officially launch your new core company values. To help employees learn about your values, you can:

  • Announce them in all-hands, departmental meetings, and company communications
  • Hang posters displaying company values around the office
  • Include them in performance reviews and employee recognition programs
  • Add them to the company intranet
  • Offer internal training sessions to share ways employees can center the values in their work
  • Encourage senior leaders to lead by example and embody company values every day

You can incorporate all or some of these ideas into your ongoing strategy. That way, employees will be able to keep the company values top of mind continually, not just in the weeks post-launch.

6. Revisit your core values as needed

In more tenured organizations, company mission and values will need to adapt over time. The organizational values you had when you were a team of 10 may no longer be appropriate when you have 2,000 employees. As your company evolves, you’ll want to update your values to reflect the company’s changing goals and priorities.

Periodically, you may have to take a step back and ask yourself, “Is this what [Company Name] stands for today?” If you’re unsure or if you feel certain values are missing , it may be time to return to step one and kick off the ideation process once more.

How to get employees to adopt company values

It’s not enough to add your company values to your careers page. Values are only impactful if your business and employees live and breathe them . But getting this internal buy-in takes effort.

To improve employee adoption, follow these best practices:

  • Communicate your values during employee onboarding Indoctrinate your newest hires with the company values on day one. Introducing your company mission and values during your new hire onboarding program ensures that employees are familiar with your core values from their first day of employment.
  • Add them to your company intranet Adding your core values to the company intranet makes it easy for employees to find and reference your values whenever they need.
  • Recognize employees who embody your values every day Company values are worth celebrating, so why not incorporate them into your employee recognition processes ? You can even add them to an employee recognition tool like Shoutouts , so your employees can tie their praise to a specific company value when they highlight a peer’s great work. If you don’t have such a tool, consider asking employees to nominate colleagues who embody the company values. Highlight these individuals and their contributions in an all-hands or team meeting.
  • Include values in performance reviews You can also build your company values into performance reviews. Adding a question like “How does this individual embody our core values?” to self , peer , and manager reviews can give your employees the opportunity to tie their contributions back to your values and mission.
  • Incorporate values into your hiring decisions Some companies, like Amazon, leverage “bar raiser” interviews in which an applicant is evaluated on their culture-add, rather than their technical abilities and past experience. By asking questions that relate to your values, you can evaluate the candidate’s approach to problem-solving, decision-making, collaboration, and more. This can help you determine if they’ll be a good addition to your company.

Bring your core values to life with Culture Amp

Company values are the guiding force behind an organization's culture, shaping its identity and actions. But merely identifying these values and putting them on an office poster isn't enough. A people experience platform like Culture Amp can help transform that list of words into lived experiences within your organization.

Our platform empowers businesses to reinforce their values at every level while simultaneously measuring, maintaining, and nurturing their culture. With Culture Amp, your company can create a workplace where your core values aren't just ideals but the guiding principles that drive behaviors, decisions, and success.

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250+ Company Core Values Examples to Guide Your Organization

Want to know how to write company core values? These examples will serve as inspiration.

Bailey Reiners

Core values are the principles and priorities that guide an organization’s actions. They represent the foundational commitments and deeply held beliefs that allow a company to navigate complex situations while keeping their identity and culture at the forefront.

Top Core Values Examples

  • Build for durability.
  • Appreciate the journey.
  • We’re iconoclasts and innovators.
  • Approach every day with curiosity.
  • Think like an underdog and remain humble.

Why Are Core Values Important?

Core values define you. Along with your mission statement , your company core values exist to summarize your ethos. They encapsulate what you’re all about and what you choose to focus on as an organization, even as you grow and scale.

Core values guide you. They give employees an example to follow, a spirit to embody, and this gets everyone on the same page.

Core values help you recruit. They provide job seekers a snapshot of what you care most about, and if there’s alignment between your priorities and those of the job seeker, it’s more likely you’ll want to work together.

Related Reading How to Describe Company Culture: 39 Examples of Culture Statements

What Goes Into Creating Core Values?

Make your core values unique to you. Ask key members of your organization what makes us us ? What are the characteristics of our company that would make someone want to work here instead of someplace else? How would you describe our culture in one sentence? One word?

Make your core values specific and realistic. They should still be aspirational and ambitious, too, though. While “change the world” is probably too big and too vague for it to be an actually useful guiding value, “innovate courageously” has a sharper point to it.

Make your core values succinct and memorable. You want your teammates and job seekers to be able to remember your core values.

25 experts share advice on how to create core values that will inspire your workforce.

Company Core Value Examples

To help you get started on creating your own core values list, we rounded up core values examples used by a few companies, breaking down what each of them gets right.

what are values in a business plan

  • We believe in the power of community.
  • We are a positive force.
  • We embody diversity and belonging.
  • We innovate with purpose.

Why it works: Hivebrite describes itself as an “all-in-one community management and engagement platform.” Its dedication to building, engaging and maintaining communities is reflected clearly in its core values to help each team member stay focused on the company’s mission.

what are values in a business plan

  • Recombination
  • Mission first
  • Continuous learning
  • Thoughtful communication

Why it works: Asimov draws on innovations in machine learning, computer-aided design and synthetic biology to push innovation in genetic engineering. The company’s core values draw on specific terms from its field to illustrate its emphasis on collaboration, innovation, sense of urgency and willingness to iterate.

what are values in a business plan

  • Raise the bar
  • Do the right thing
  • Empower customers
  • Embrace curiosity

Why it works: Governance, risk and compliance software provider LogicGate emphasizes quality, collaboration and initiative in its core values. The company also stresses integrity, customer focus and an ongoing focus on learning and humility.

what are values in a business plan

  • Accountable
  • Deliver joy

Why it works: The core values of healthcare navigation platform provider HealthJoy emphasize openness to new ideas and perspectives, humility and collaboration as well as taking responsibility for one’s work. The final two pillars, “deliver joy” and “care,” focus on the company’s relationship with its users.

what are values in a business plan

Greenlight Guru

  • Be innovative
  • Fanatical support
  • Culture of closing
  • True quality

Why it works: Greenlight Guru provides software for medical device companies to collect data and streamline the process of bringing products to market. Its values focus on innovating to help its customers stay one step ahead, following through and ensuring quality stays top of mind.

what are values in a business plan

  • Build a house you want to live in
  • Invest in each other
  • Discipline equals freedom
  • Strive for greatness

Why it works: A software company focused on supporting sales teams, Close puts a focus on transparency and honesty, building trust, and investing in relationships. Together, these elements reinforce the company’s first stated value of building with a long-term perspective in mind.

what are values in a business plan

  • Put individuals first
  • Go fast while maintaining quality and integrity
  • Challenge each other and state your good intent
  • Work to win together

Why it works: Evidation uses everyday health data to help people understand their own health and take action to improve their outcomes. The company’s focus on empowering individuals, and to innovate while ensuring accuracy and trustworthiness, shine through in its stated values.

what are values in a business plan

Bectran, Inc

Why it works: B2B credit management software provider Bectran puts innovation and the willingness to think outside the box front and center. The company also aims to hold itself to a high standard of integrity, and aims to create a welcoming workplace and a product that’s easy to understand.

what are values in a business plan

Grand Studio

  • Embrace the unknown
  • Trust in transparency
  • Inspire collaboration

Grand Studio develops user-centered digital products and experiences, specializing in UX/UI design and strategic consulting. Its values reflect the company’s commitment to meeting clients where they’re at to “take on complex challenges to build clearer paths and tools for success.”

what are values in a business plan

  • Customers Always Come First
  • We’re Humans, Not Robots
  • Our Reputation is Priceless
  • Simplicity Is Our Strength
  • Hard Work Pays Off
  • We Work Better Together

Why it works: AlertMedia develops an employee alert and communications platform for emergency preparedness. Its commitment to minimizing loss and reducing business interruptions to clients are reflected in its core values. When it says its customers always come first, it’s not just a statement about its customer service, but saving lives.

what are values in a business plan

Identity Digital

  • We are innovative
  • We act with integrity
  • We are driven to succeed
  • We have a growth mindset
  • We work as one team

Why it works: Identity Digital is the company behind what it describes as the world’s largest portfolio of top-level domains, helping its customers make their websites more memorable. The company, which also provides protection about cyberattacks and abuse, emphasizes innovation, hard work and teamwork in its core values.

what are values in a business plan

  • Good talent shouldn’t be hard to find
  • Serving both organizations and job seekers equally is the only way to create a world where everyone finds the right job
  • Every organization, regardless of size, should have access to world-class talent science

Why it works: Candidate assessment test provider Wonderlic has created a set of core values around the experience of both its customers and job seekers using its tools in the application process. 

what are values in a business plan

Strong Analytics

  • Credibility 
  • Collaboration

Why it works: Strong Analytics builds custom machine learning tools that help its customers make business-critical decisions, so it makes sense for its values to emphasize the importance of doing the job right. That said, Strong also wants to ensure its employees know it’s okay to take a breather and have fun together along the way.

what are values in a business plan

Belvedere Trading

  • Compete and succeed at the highest level. Make those around you better. Be the best teammate.
  • Share individually in the success of the company. Earn merit-based responsibilities. Balance high expectations and a healthy environment.
  • Act like an owner. Be accountable in all aspects of your role. Take pride in your work.
  • Dream big and be willing to fail. Deliver value consistently. Make decisions and verify results.
  • Speak with compassion and an open mind. Listen to understand. Bring new and challenging ideas to the table.

Why it works: Belvedere Trading ’s values are highly specific, making it very clear what working in accordance with them looks like. The company also says its values are more than words — they’re the “bedrock of our teamwork, pushing us to excel with integrity and respect.”

what are values in a business plan

  • Pets come first
  • Dig new holes
  • Trust the pack
  • Jump fences

Why it works: Pet insurance company pumpkin modeled its values after the patients it aims to serve. While the underlying values will feel familiar to many in the startup space — customer focus, innovation, collaboration and willingness to experiment — the company puts a unique spin on them to stand out from the pack.

what are values in a business plan

Elevate K-12

  • Obsess about the customer
  • Focus on outcomes
  • Act like owners
  • Ground decisions in detail and data
  • Collaborate to win together
  • Continuously elevate our performance

Why it works: Elevate K-12 refers to its values as “gyanisms” — a sanskrit word that can be translated as “wisdom” or “knowledge.” The company says it strives to draw on these values in how its team members act and make decisions.

what are values in a business plan

Wolverine Trading

  • Empowerment

Why it works: Wolverine Trading highlights its efforts to do more and go “beyond what is expected.” The company also backs its values up through community initiatives, fundraising and employee resource groups.

what are values in a business plan

Definitive Healthcare

  • Customer focused: We focus on our clients and work hard to ensure their satisfaction.
  • Problem solvers: We strive to identify problems and develop targeted solutions.
  • Honorable: We act with honesty and integrity in everything that we do.
  • Team first: We love to collaborate and celebrate the success of our company and colleagues.
  • Community oriented: We value our local community and make a determined effort to give back.
  • Highly motivated: We welcome new challenges and push ourselves to try new things.
  • Decisive: We make timely, informed decisions and aren't afraid to take risks.
  • Scrappy: We aren't afraid to roll up our sleeves and get the job done.
  • Balanced: We have fun at work and manage a healthy work-life balance.

Why it works: Definitive Healthcare says it’s cultivated a strong company culture where every employee embodies its core values. These nine principles give every team member something to strive for every day — and a way to keep each other accountable. 

what are values in a business plan

OTR Solutions

  • BE PASSIONATE: Conquering the day with energy and heart.
  • BE INNOVATIVE: Always finding new ways to improve our services and technologies. 
  • BE LIMITLESS: Dedicated to the growth of ourselves, the company and our clients. 
  • BE AGILE: Willing and eager to accept new challenges. 
  • BE ESSENTIAL:  Committed to being a strategic partner. 
  • BE OTRelite.

Why it works: OTR Solutions is unapologetically client driven and you can sense its commitment to customers in these core values. It’s easy to see how that commitment to excellence extends to its team members.

what are values in a business plan

Forward Financing

  • Drive the Mission: We believe in financial opportunity for underserved small businesses. We say “yes” when others say “no.”
  • Keep It Real: We value direct communication, candid feedback and authenticity. We are an open book.
  • Act With Kindness: We create an environment where caring is cool and helping is the norm. We do the right thing.
  • Shoot for Extraordinary: We are inspired by innovative thinking and continuous improvement. We never settle for yesterday’s best.

Why it works: Forward Financing’s core values reflect the company’s mission to provide capital to small businesses that have traditionally been underserved. These four simple principles remind every Forward Financing employee of the company’s north star.

what are values in a business plan

  • Act Like an Owner: To be successful, every employee needs to feel accountable, act with empowerment and be fully invested in the mission.
  • Create Simplicity: Creating simplicity is an exercise in mindfulness. Pursue thoughtful reduction; distill to the essentials and remove unnecessary complexity.
  • Lead with Empathy: Start with empathy. Assume positive intent. Allow yourself to be guided by curiosity and compassion. Manage with empathy. Create with empathy.
  • Use the Power of Today: Resist the urge to postpone important challenges, opportunities and decisions.
  • Know the Goal: Understand the big picture to understand what success looks like at a macro and micro level.
  • Learn and Improve Together: We are one team, and we win together. Taking proactive steps to master a new skill is a strength. Be a model of humility and perseverance for others as you learn by doing.

Why it works: BrainPOP’s mission is to “help empower kids to understand the world around and within them,” so it makes sense it would bring that principle to its core values. Can’t you almost see these inspiring notes on laminated poster in your homeroom? 

what are values in a business plan

  • Get Results: We are a startup, so we are very result oriented.
  • Build Trust: Getting results the right way to build long lasting relationships 
  • Have Fun: We spend a huge part of our life at work, so having fun is a must.

Why it works: These simple ideas drive zLinq’s mission and company culture. It believes that, by living up to these values, the company can create an environment that welcomes a diverse array of perspectives so everyone is heard and valued.

what are values in a business plan

  • The Golden Rule Works: Practice the principle of respect. Treat everyone with kindness and empathy, just as you would like to be treated by others.
  • Think Outside the Box: We are a solution-oriented company. Think bigger, be creative, and step outside your comfort zone to find innovations to our biggest problems.
  • Design Is Not a Luxury: Design is core to our company DNA and runs deeper than just aesthetics. Great design is necessary to convey great ideas.
  • Persistence Is Irreplaceable: Talent, genius and education are all inferior to persistence. Perseverance and determination are the keys to success.
  • Laughter Has No Accent: Have a sense of humor. We shouldn't take ourselves too seriously. Laughter and smiling is an international language that bonds us as a team.
  • You’re an Owner: You are a crew member on this company's long, crazy voyage! Roll your sleeves up and find pride and satisfaction in owning your work.

Why it works: Jackpocket’s core values are detailed and all-encompassing, serving as very clear guide posts for what it aims to achieve as an organization.

what are values in a business plan

Biz2Credit Inc.

  • C: Collaboration
  • R: Responsibility
  • E: Empowerment
  • D: Disruption
  • I: Innovation

Biz2Credit’s playful acrostic gets the point across — plus, it’s easy to remember. The company says it’s focused on funding small businesses and their big plans for the future and you can see that reflected here.  

what are values in a business plan

  • Swim against the current: Be innovative and differentiate.
  • Jet fast, but don’t wreck: Activate quickly, align and build for efficiency.
  • Glow brightly: Learn, teach and share.
  • Surf to morph: See ahead, evolve and act in the right moment.
  • Bloom together: Build culture, team cohesion and connection.

Why it works: Jellyfish’s core values play on the image of the company’s namesake and reflect the company’s interest in teamwork, efficiency and long-term solutions. 

what are values in a business plan

  • Curious and always improving
  • Diligent with intent 
  • Humble about oneself
  • Proud about our company
  • Respectful and positive

Why it works: As a company specializing in both virtual and hybrid event platforms, SpotMe’s core values reflect the company’s commitment to working as a team to constantly improve and help customers manage even the largest and most complex projects.

what are values in a business plan


  • Customers first
  • Better together

Why it works: Scorability provides a software platform to help college coaches recruit and you can feel that pep-talk spirit reflected in the company’s simple, straightforward, no-nonsense core values.

what are values in a business plan

Hiro Systems

  • We go together: A rising tide lifts all boats. We freely collaborate and share across our community.
  • We have a bias for action: We know that speed can magnify impact, and we move swiftly.
  • We make bold bets: We embrace the uncertainty, never let fear rule decisions, and once aligned, fully commit to executing our ideas.
  • We find a way: No challenge is too big or daunting. We are resourceful, tenacious and creative in finding solutions.

Why it works: Hiro System creates developer tools for Stacks, which is a network that enables apps and smart contracts for Bitcoin. Working in this space means working quickly and decisively, so its core values reflect that forward movement.

what are values in a business plan

Gogo Business Aviation

  • Mission minded: Every day, we seek new ways to enrich the lives of passengers and enhance the efficiency of operators worldwide. We celebrate our wins, learn from our setbacks and always move forward towards our next big breakthrough.
  • Bold problem solvers: In pursuit of the best inflight connectivity and entertainment solutions for every business jet, everywhere, we have a complex technological landscape to contend with. At Gogo, we eagerly rise to the challenge, always setting the goal post further to redefine innovation in airborne connectivity.
  • Performance obsessed: Continuous improvement in everything we do is the cornerstone of staying ahead, so we’re always challenging ourselves to work smarter and seeking new ways to offer the highest quality products and services to our customers.
  • Extraordinary harmony: Collaboration fuels innovation. Our team blends diverse talents in an environment that fosters mutual respect, healthy debate, personal empowerment and forward momentum.

Why it works: Gogo knows its diverse blend of employees is its greatest asset. While the company’s employees help Gogo achieve its mission and contribute to the organization’s overall success, the company also aims to ensure employees can maintain the flexibility to work toward their own professional goals and opportunities for personal growth. 

what are values in a business plan

Hotel Engine

  • Together We Thrive: We are a team and we win together. We support each other, push each other to be better and we build our culture together.
  • Customer Obsessed: Without our customers, we have nothing. We keep our customers at the core of everything that we do. We are committed to understanding their needs, delivering value at every turn, and exceeding their expectations.
  • Insist on High Standards: We do not just set high standards; we insist on them. These standards are not only for ourselves and our work, but for each other. We are creating a culture where excellence is standard.

Why it works: Hotel Engine says its values are its DNA and what propels the company forward. By putting its commitment to excellence for customers front-and-center, the company builds its list of priorities from the outset. 

what are values in a business plan

  • Neighborly Attitude: We treat our customers, employees and partners like lifelong neighbors.
  • DFY not DIY: When it comes to investing in a customer’s home, we believe that “done for you” is better than “do it yourself.”
  • Home Equity: We’re here to help customers enjoy, protect, and invest in one of their most important assets: the home.
  • Trust Over Transactions: We recognize that integrity and transparency are key to building trust. 
  • Unrivaled Culture: Our greatest asset: people. The Leaf Home team shows up every day for the mission of making homeownership easy and does so with focus, empathy and a growth mindset.

Why it works: Leaf Home’s brands provide consumers with an array of products and end-to-end services that enable them to maintain and upgrade their homes. The company’s values reflect its people-focused culture and commitment to “an innovative and welcoming workplace where all people feel respected, supported and driven to realize their full potential.”

what are values in a business plan

Core Digital Media

  • Innovative: Be curious, create new paths, make it happen.
  • Driven to Win: Give 100 percent and take ownership.
  • Transparent: Be open and share often.
  • Collaborative: Work, win and learn as a team.
  • Metrics Driven: Lead with business impact and measure results.
  • Adaptable: Embrace and run with change.

Why it works: Core Digital Media operates brands that provide consumers with educational resources and price comparisons to support their financial journeys, and its six values set the tone for how team members can contribute to the organization’s overall success.

what are values in a business plan

Blueprint Test Prep

Learners First

Own the Result 

Honesty and Transparency

Always Learning

Bias for Action 

Why it works:   Blueprint Test Prep offers digital exam prep courses, with a focus on LSAT and MCAT. Its core values are suited for its purpose, as they highlight education, results and action as opposed to inaction. 

what are values in a business plan

Max Courage 

Ubuntu, a term popularized in the “western world” during the twenty-first century by Nelson Mandela, roughly translating to "I am because we are."

Why it works : Hi Marley offers text-based communication tools to streamline the relationship between insurance professionals and their customers. Hi Marley told Built In “ The founders were adamant about ensuring leadership led by example by behaving in alignment with a shared purpose and set of values.

what are values in a business plan

  • Elevate People
  • Lead with Integrity
  • Focus on Impact
  • Invite Change
  • Trust in Transparency

Why it works: Meetup builds technology to help people cultivate meaningful social connections in their area. Its core values depict a work environment that empowers people to take on challenges that are meant to have positive real-world impact.

what are values in a business plan

  • Care (for everyone)
  • Get better (every day)
  • Collaborate (with everyone)
  • Act with integrity (every time)

Why it works: Fintech company Achieve boasts a “culture with impact,” and its values set the tone for the empathy and authenticity that team members are asked to carry with them as they engage with one another and perform their job duties. 

what are values in a business plan

  • We Are Trusted Partners
  • We Cultivate Innovation
  • We Value Differences
  • We Operate With Responsibility
  • We Work Together

Why it works: Nisos is a cybersecurity and threat intelligence company that aims to infuse the energy and spirit of its core values into every element of its people-first work culture, from training and professional development opportunities to its emphasis on work-life balance.

what are values in a business plan

Why it works: Cleo’s values represent the company’s four key business pillars, highlighting a commitment to the company’s mission to “deliver supply chain and organizational agility” — a message that serves as the driving force behind the work of Cleo’s passionate team members.

what are values in a business plan

First Entertainment Credit Union

  • Members First
  • Inclusivity

Why it works: First Entertainment Credit Union’s values illustrate the priorities at the center of its service model, which supports creators across the entertainment industry.

what are values in a business plan

  • Purpose: Lead with why.
  • Impact: Make it count.
  • Responsibility: Own it.
  • Collaboration: Choose teamwork.

Why it works: Thumbtack characterizes itself as a workplace where employees can make a tangible impact on the homeowners and businesses the company serves, and its values provide a simple set of guiding principles to steer their work.

what are values in a business plan

  • Bias for Action
  • Love Our Customers
  • Win as a Team

Why it works: DataGrail’s values reflect the nature of the company culture, which emphasizes, “We lead with trust — on our team and with our customers.”

what are values in a business plan

  • We put our teammates before our individual egos and extend ourselves to support each other professionally and personally
  • We set ambitious goals for ourselves and supportively challenge each other to get the best result.
  • We genuinely care about each other, the company, our customers and the broader world.
  • We all have things we’re passionate about outside of work - so don’t expect many dull conversations.

Why it works: Enigma describes its values as being “rooted in high-achievement, empathy and fair play,” laying the foundation for how team members engage with one another and the company’s work to bring innovation to small business intelligence.

what are values in a business plan

firsthand Health Inc

  • Individuals at the Center: We always do the right thing and go the extra mile for the individuals we serve, prioritizing their well-being above all else.
  • Seek Understanding and Remain Teachable: We assume positive intent and we lead with curiosity. All questions are welcome; we love to learn, whether about one another or ourselves.
  • Serious Fun: We work hard on an important mission, but we don’t take ourselves too seriously. We sprinkle fun in as much as possible!
  • Bias Toward Action: We all take many small steps to stride towards our vision. We are quick to ask for help and to begin wading into new and often unfamiliar territory, knowing that our team has our back.
  • Candor and Kindness: We have an obligation to give timely, direct feedback - delivered with care for our colleagues. We sometimes disagree, but we work through our differences and grow together.
  • Deliver Value: Our customers’ endorsement, support and success enables us to further our mission.

Why it works: In line with its vision to create “a world where individuals living with serious mental and physical illnesses live their best possible lives,” firsthand put together a list of values that prioritize engaging both clients and employees with compassion, support and an eagerness to make a positive impact.

what are values in a business plan

Accelerated Digital Media

  • Accountability
  • Respect every interaction
  • Do it with a smile
  • Encourage ideas, empower pursuit

Why it works:  Accelerated Digital Media uses the acronym A PRIDE on its website to convey its six core values, setting simple and transparent expectations to guide the way team members perform their jobs. It helps to illustrate the company’s goal of creating “an open, dynamic and productive work environment where expertise and creativity thrive together.”

what are values in a business plan

  • Purpose: We pursue work that matters.
  • Wholeness: We hold space for people to be their complete and authentic selves.
  • Trust: We build relationships based on trust – among teammates, customers, and partners.
  • Self-Management: We reinforce autonomy and local decision-making in individuals and teams.
  • Inclusion: We see, hear, and value people.

Why it works: Agile Six aims to establish a values system that clearly demonstrates a commitment to having a positive impact both on employees and its government clients. The overall message aligns with the company’s mission to “build better by putting people first.”

what are values in a business plan

Why it works: CompanyCam likes to keep it short and sweet. These core values succinctly reflect the company’s fast-paced people-first culture.

what are values in a business plan

The Predictive Index

  • Teamwork: Focus on the “we,” not the “me.”
  • Honesty: Follow your moral compass.
  • Reliability: Be someone others can count on.
  • Energy: Be balanced, be energized.
  • Action: Errors of action are better than errors of inaction. Be brave.
  • Drive: Own it.
  • Scope: Don’t try to boil the ocean.

Why it works: The Predictive Index refers to their seven core values collectively as THREADS, and that’s what this set of values does — it brings together disparate ways of working into a cohesive system and collaboration philosophy.  

what are values in a business plan

  • Transparency
  • Resourcefulness
  • Togetherness

Why it works : At Edmunds, TRUST is not only a value the company holds dear, it’s also the acronym for the Edmunds’ core values. 

what are values in a business plan

  • Obsessed with customer needs
  • Do the impossible
  • Build globally, serve locally
  • Constantly change, learn and evolve
  • Respect above all

Why it works:  Spotnana aims to change how we travel and their core values reflect their community-centric approach to building “stronger human connections through travel.”

what are values in a business plan

  • Play for each other
  • Make something better today
  • Build for durability

Why it works: Amperity’s core values are short and memorable and underscore the company’s commitment to “growing a company together” and “planning for long-term scale.”

what are values in a business plan

  • Elevate doers of good
  • Innovate courageously
  • Cultivate inclusivity
  • Appreciate the journey

Why it works: As a “leader in social good technology,” Bonterra’s core values tie directly back to — and help expand upon — its stated purpose: “We power those who power social impact.”

what are values in a business plan

  • We’re iconoclasts and innovators
  • We’re more than a company—we’re a community
  • We play as hard as we work

Why it works: By starting each value with “We,” these three values memorably describe the ethos of the company from the starting point of togetherness.

what are values in a business plan

  • Act boldly with courage
  • Be financially responsible
  • Be data-driven
  • Operate ethically with integrity
  • Be collaborative
  • Approach every day with curiosity

Why it works: PEAK6 says its culture is “rooted in innovation, inclusion and flexibility,” and that comes through in its core values, which succinctly sum up how the company’s employees should approach their work.

what are values in a business plan

  • Put customers first and value their business
  • Be the best at what we do
  • Innovate by taking intelligent risks
  • Provide an open, honest and constructive workplace
  • Promote a fun work environment
  • Achieve sustainable long-term growth and profitability
  • Think like an underdog and remain humble

Why it works: GoHealth’s core values are comprehensive and speak to company culture, business excellence and the character its teammates should embody.

what are values in a business plan

  • Openness is the future: For Narmi, openness means giving our customers the ability to grow and scale for their future, and a platform flexible enough to meet the needs of any financial institution.
  • Dependability is a given: Your customers need a tool that can meet their varied, demanding needs, right where they are — and Narmi surpasses expectations with an intuitive platform that offers users everything they want, and then some.
  • Rewrite the financial story: Narmi’s focus on the financial health and wellness of our end-users means building beyond traditional banking. Our products are easy and intuitive to use, empowering every user with a holistic view of their finances and giving them the information they need to live healthier financial lives.

Why it works: Narmi provides financial institutions with products that allow them to offer digital banking experiences. The company’s simple and straightforward value pillars serve as the building blocks for its tech development strategy.

what are values in a business plan

  • Be patient obsessed. We make every decision with our main focus in mind: improving the lives of patients.
  • Act like an owner. We speak up, share ideas, give feedback and are all accountable for growth.
  • Build to learn. We don’t fear making mistakes; innovation requires failing courageously over and over again.

Why it works: Healthtech company NuvoAir specializes in technology and services to address chronic cardiopulmonary diseases. The company touts a “mission-oriented culture,” and its values guide the work of current employees, as well as point to the qualities NuvoAir looks for when hiring new people. 

what are values in a business plan


  • Champion Customer Success
  • Build Honest Relationships
  • Choose Simple
  • Make a Difference
  • Team Player

Why it works: VelocityEHS aims to advance workplace safety and sustainability. It has a value system that encourages employees to work collaboratively and lets them know their efforts can lead to real-world impact for client companies that trust VelocityEHS.

what are values in a business plan

  • We build to benefit all customers (not just one)
  • We make good decisions and consider the long-term benefits for our customers, Adyen and the world at large
  • We launch fast and iterate
  • Winning is more important than ego; we work as a team - across cultures and time zones
  • We don’t hide behind email, instead we pick up the phone
  • We talk straight without being rude
  • We seek out different perspectives to sharpen our ideas
  • We create our own path to grow toward our full potential

Why it works: Businesses look to Adyen for solutions that allow them to accept payments, protect and grow their revenue and offer financial products. The company created its set of guiding principles known as the “Adyen Formula” to emphasize its commitment to “speed and autonomy across teams, regions and time zones.”

  • Our work is grounded in research, design and privacy.
  • At WHOOP, the best idea wins.
  • We have a bias for action.
  • We operate at the intersection of high intensity and high humility.
  • Our differences are a source of strength.
  • We are obsessed with the member experience.

Why it works: WHOOP makes wearable technology that provides users with insights about their health and fitness. With a mission “to unlock human performance,” WHOOP’s core values highlight the company’s dedication to responsible innovation and a quality member experience.

what are values in a business plan

  • Customer Obsessed: Listen, go above and beyond and deliver an amazing experience to our customers.
  • Be Open: We can do anything with hard work, innovation, an open mind and a positive attitude.
  • Skrappy: Always be in start up mode.
  • DTJAIBAI: Don’t just talk about it, be about it.
  • One Krew: Remember to have fun together while staying humble, respecting and leaning on each other — we are nothing without our team.
  • Win with Data: It’s through data that we verify, understand and quantify our decisions and actions.
  • Work fast and iterate: Continuous improvement over delayed perfection.

Why it works: Kustomer develops AI-powered conversational intelligence solutions to improve customer service operations. The core values that define Kustomer’s culture express a passion for hard work, collaboration and data-driven action. 

what are values in a business plan

  • Host: You are inclusive and kind
  • Serve: You are collaborative and empathetic
  • Deliver: You work hard and follow through
  • Celebrate: You are supportive and fun

Why it works: Provi runs a B2B alcohol marketplace. With fun labels like “Host” and “Celebrate,” Provi’s core values show the company puts a premium on creativity and an encouraging work environment that contributes to a positive culture.

More Core Value Examples

Still looking for more inspiration? Check out these additional company core values examples.

what are values in a business plan

  • We are rational
  • We strive to improve
  • We focus on results
  • We are trustworthy
  • We are team players

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  • Team on a mission
  • Act with integrity
  • Make a difference every day

what are values in a business plan

Restaurant Brands International

  • Meritocracy
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Authenticity

what are values in a business plan

  • Challenging
  • Understanding
  • Knowledgeable

Related Reading 21 Company Culture Examples to Get You Inspired

what are values in a business plan

Tapestry Solutions

  • Dedicated to the dream
  • Hold to high standards
  • Embrace difference by design
  • Break through with magic and logic
  • Stand taller together

what are values in a business plan

Magna International

  • Take responsibility
  • Never settle

what are values in a business plan

The HEICO Companies, LLC

what are values in a business plan

Two Barrels LLC

  • Check in with each other
  • Test new ideas
  • Make beautiful things
  • Teach and learn

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  • Love good food
  • Share positive vibes
  • Solve problems, together
  • Relentlessly seek greatness

what are values in a business plan

DailyPay, Inc.

  • Do your research
  • Start simple
  • See the circle
  • Pull the wagon
  • Move the line
  • We win with diversity
  • Act like an owner

what are values in a business plan

RealWork Labs

  • People first
  • Adopt a beginner’s mind
  • Strength in our differences
  • Empower to win
  • Relentless pursuit of improvement
  • Take ownership, not credit

what are values in a business plan

  • Champion the mission
  • Embrace the adventure
  • Be a cereal entrepreneur

what are values in a business plan

  • Make complex things simple
  • Set crazy big goals and make them happen
  • Be a force for good
  • Empower others

what are values in a business plan

Walmart Global Tech

  • Service to the customer
  • Respect for the individual
  • Strive for excellence

what are values in a business plan

  • Be the next
  • Remember the feeling
  • Action is our first instinct
  • Stronger united

what are values in a business plan

  • Be a hacker
  • Practice humility
  • Be an exceptional teammate

what are values in a business plan

Adage Technologies

  • Be an ambassador
  • Adapt and evolve
  • Enjoy the journey
  • Get it done

what are values in a business plan

  • Deliver the best customer experience, period
  • Grow 1 percent every day
  • Work hard and be an owner
  • Normal f*cking sucks
  • Pay it forward with random acts of kindness
  • Have fun, find joy, be you
  • Be transparent and direct, with optimism

what are values in a business plan

  • Put team first
  • Be admirable
  • Find a better way

what are values in a business plan

CB Insights

  • High standards
  • Helpfulness

what are values in a business plan

Ellevation Education

  • Long-term vision
  • Partnership

what are values in a business plan

  • Customer first
  • Best answer wins
  • Operate as an owner
  • Accountable for results
  • Top talent and teamwork

what are values in a business plan

  • Solve a problem
  • Work-life balance
  • 100 percent transparency
  • The best team, ever

what are values in a business plan

  • We are owners
  • We obsess over customer needs
  • We make F5 more agile
  • We create a more diverse and inclusive F5
  • We create clarity and alignment
  • We help each other thrive
  • We find and shape brilliance
  • We boldly raise the bar

Related Reading You’ve Finally Nailed Down Your Company Values. What Happens Next?

what are values in a business plan

  • Customer obsession
  • Debate openly, commit fully
  • Deliver results
  • Grit and focus
  • Think bold, think big, think broad

what are values in a business plan

  • Client focus
  • Professionalism

what are values in a business plan

  • Customers are king
  • Excellence is a state of mind
  • Embrace and drive change
  • Focus on focus
  • Make It fun

what are values in a business plan

  • Bias to action
  • Win together
  • Show up curious
  • Say it, do it
  • Customer success is our success
  • We love insurance

what are values in a business plan

Envoy Global, Inc.

We believe employees are happier, companies are more successful and our world is a stronger place when people are able to work and live anywhere an opportunity presents itself. We built our company on a simple idea: Never, ever forget that there are people behind every application and case file. We truly care about these people — their hopes, their dreams, their fears — and helping them realize what’s possible.

We take that job really seriously.

what are values in a business plan


  • Team spirit

what are values in a business plan

  • Sense of ownership
  • Constant changes

what are values in a business plan

  • Customer obsessed

what are values in a business plan

  • System1 supports you
  • Everyone is on the same team
  • Be yourself
  • Make an impact
  • 1 percent better every day

what are values in a business plan

  • Take action
  • Learn together
  • Build a foundation of trust
  • Own progress and outcomes
  • Focus on customers

what are values in a business plan

We champion the vitality of American enterprise. Our desire to continually build new things reflects our belief that the freedom to innovate, create, and celebrate advancements propels our country. All things are possible so long as we never stop building and improving.

We celebrate the pioneers. That’s why we do more than root for passionate entrepreneurs; we find them, fund them, and build with them. Every Pardon venture was born from this same entrepreneurial vigor and our own artistic sensibility.

Whether launching a new digital media brand or designing a space for deep collaboration and creation, our team approaches each venture and partnership with the same unwavering excitement over the possible path ahead.

what are values in a business plan

Boundless Immigration

  • Think without bounds
  • Understand the why
  • Focus on impact
  • Strive to simplify

what are values in a business plan

Morgan Stanley

  • Put clients first
  • Lead with exceptional ideas
  • Commit to diversity and inclusion

what are values in a business plan

  • Interfaces matter
  • Consumer advocate
  • Detail obsessed
  • Aligned DIY
  • Bold yet humble

what are values in a business plan

  • Customer focused
  • Collaborative
  • Transparent

what are values in a business plan

  • Make a difference
  • Work together
  • Reimagine the possible

what are values in a business plan

  • Embody a service mindset
  • Dream big, then make it real
  • Be proud of the how
  • Embrace an ownership mentality
  • Debate then commit

Andreas Rekdal, Sara B.T. Thiel, Ana Gore and Hal Koss contributed to reporting for this story.

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  • 5 tips to set great company values that ...

5 tips to set great company values that reflect your unique culture (with examples)

Julia Martins contributor headshot

Company values are the core philosophies that drive how your team works together and engages with one another. Strong company values are tailor-made for your organization’s specific qualities, and often include input from your team members. Get five tips on how to create effective company values, plus check out 15 examples—including how we set company values here at Asana. 

You want to build the best company you can. And one of the best ways to do that is to develop great company values. 

Company values aren’t just nice-to-haves—these values actually drive change, increase retention, and boost productivity. But they do take time and energy to develop. Here’s why company values matter—and how to go about building your own. 

What are company values?

Company values are the core principles that define how your company approaches work, interpersonal collaboration, and employee well-being. Your company’s core values set the tone for how you collaborate and take ownership of work within your organization. When done right, these philosophies serve as guiding beacons to help employees navigate their time at your organization. 

Do company values matter?

Company values aren’t just buzzwords that sound good on your organization’s about page. There are serious benefits to setting—and implementing—clear company values. According to a recent survey , 71% of professionals say they would be willing to take a pay cut to work for a company that has a mission they believe in and shared values.

Strong company values:

Build a healthy company culture

Set the standard for cross-functional collaboration

Increase team buy-in

Increase retention and employee engagement

Give your team members a shared purpose and common goal

Empower decision making

Unlock better teamwork

How Asana thinks about company values

At Asana, we approach company culture the way we approach our product —recognizing that it takes time, effort, and investment to effectively build. Just like our product, company values aren’t one-and-done either—we’re constantly thinking about how we can update and iterate on them so they’re most relevant for our team. Company values are a huge part of building a healthy company culture, but they aren’t just words we can put on a motivational poster and call it a day. 

quotation mark

Together we’re building a better way to work, and showing the world that it’s possible to create both a product and a culture that supports transparency, trust, and inclusion.”

To create strong company values, you need buy-in from your team members. That’s why, when we refreshed our company values a few years ago, the refresh wasn’t led by the executive team. Instead, individual team members spearheaded efforts to align on the values that mattered to us. In doing so, we landed on the following nine values:

Mission. We are purpose-driven people, dedicated to serving something beyond ourselves. Having mission as a value also allows us to continually ground ourselves in why we’re building Asana. 

Do great things, fast. We commit to being great at the things we do and doing them fast, without sacrificing one for the other. 

Clarity. Our product and culture aim to ensure that teams know who is doing what, by when, and why, which unlocks the best work experiences and outcomes.  

Co-creation. Great achievements are almost always the result of not one, but many. We bring our best, let go of egos, and work with empathy and trust to do great things together.

Give and take responsibility. Having integrity around our commitments means seizing exciting opportunities, and also owning it when we have to deprioritize something. We accept full ownership of our commitments, and empower and trust others to achieve theirs. 

Mindfulness. We focus on the present and aim to give ourselves time to reflect and space to integrate what we learn. These practices allow us to collectively learn from and improve all that we do, and to continually evolve our culture. 

Reject false tradeoffs. We stay curious, creative, and open to new perspectives. Choosing between two sides of an extreme results in losing the benefits of one, so we commit to searching for a third way that incorporates the truths of both.

Be real (with yourself and others). We know that our best work is tied to authenticity, which allows for growth and teamwork. We bring our whole selves to work and commit to building an inclusive work environment in which all people feel safe and excited about being their full selves. 

Heartitude. We embrace what makes us human, take time to play and have fun, and create meaningful experiences for their own sake. Why do we have a unicorn flying across our product when we mark a task complete? The real question is—why not?

[Inline illustration] Nine Asana values: mission, clarity, give & take responsibility, mindfulness, do great things fast, co-creation, reject false tradeoffs, be real, and heartitude (infographic)

5 elements of effective company values

If you’re thinking about defining—or updating—your company values, here are five things to keep in mind to ensure you develop successful values:

1. Tailor your core values to your company culture

It can be tempting to see another company’s values and want to copy them. But your company values should be unique to your organization. These aren’t one-size-fits all values—rather, you want your company values to reflect the unique things your organization values. 

2. Base them off of real values

Your company values ultimately represent a set of core principles that you want your employees to embody. When you go through the process of defining your core values, consider the elements that are most important to your team. These are things like curiosity, honesty, trust, or transparency—just to name a few. 

3. Gain team buy in

One of our values at Asana is co-creation for a reason. We think the best way to identify your core company values is to come up with them together. Instead of imposing company values, consider holding a team brainstorming event . You’ll find that co-creating values with your entire team is more meaningful than ones that you just pick as a leadership team. By involving your team in the values creation process, you’re automatically gaining buy-in and increasing team morale. 

4. Embrace quirkiness

In the same vein that you want your company values to be part of your company culture, don’t be afraid to be a little quirky with them. Lean into what makes your company unique and try to bring that out in your values, as well.

We’re definitely guilty of that at Asana—after all, our ninth value, heartitude, isn’t a real word. But it reflects the way we think about having fun while working hard within our organization.

On this note, though, don’t force quirkiness for quirkiness’s sake. If your organization is more straight-laced (and your employees like that about where they work), setting “quirky” values might make team members feel like they don’t quite belong.

5. Don’t overdo it

Ideally, your company values should be things your employees know off the top of their heads. To make this possible, avoid creating too many values, or making them complex and full of jargon. Aim for 10 values or fewer, and stick to simple, easily understandable language where possible. 

14 inspiring company value examples

Before you get started on writing your own company values, take a look at company values from some of the world’s largest and most successful companies. 

We’ve broken these values into three subcategories: unique, bold, and straightforward company values. Your company values don’t necessarily need to fit into one of these categories, but it can be helpful to think about the theme or type of values you want to create before you sit down to write yours. 

Unique company values

Unique company values are values that only make sense for one particular company. These could be puns or inside jokes, or values that reference specific product features. 

Core values

Champion the mission: We’re united with our community to create a world where anyone can belong anywhere.

Be a host: We’re caring, open, and encouraging to everyone we work with.

Embrace the adventure: We’re driven by curiosity, openness, and the belief that every person can grow. 

Be a cereal entrepreneur: We’re determined and creative in transforming our bold ambitious into reality

(And, yes, Airbnb spells it “cereal,” not “serial”—a value in line with their unique culture!)

Members first

Relationships matter

Be open, honest, and constructive 

Inspire excellence

Take intelligent risks

Act like an owner of #OneLinkedIn

Embody diversity, inclusion, and belonging

United Airlines

Our shared values

We fly right

We fly friendly

We fly together

We fly above & beyond

Wikimedia Foundation

Wikimedia Foundation guiding principles

Freedom and open source

Serving every human being




Shared power


Free speech


Bold company values

One thing you’ll notice about this second set of values: they’re personal and unique to the company. In fact, some of these might even be controversial if you were to implement it at your own company. That’s actually a key part of what makes them core values to their specific companies, and why we’ve included them on this list.

10 things we know to be true

Focus on the user and all else will follow. 

It’s best to do one thing really, really well.

Fast is better than slow.

Democracy on the web works.

You don’t need to be at your desk to need an answer.

You can make money without doing evil.

There’s always more information out there.

The need for information crosses all borders.

You can be serious without a suit.

Great just isn’t good enough.

Vox Media values

Cultivate passion

Be inclusive

Be ambitious

Collaborate well

Demand quality

Respect all

Thrive on change

What we live by

Deliver WOW through science

Embrace and drive change

Create fun and a little weirdness

Be adventurous, creative, and open minded

Pursue growth and learning

Build open and honest relationships with communication

Build a positive team and family spirit

Do more with less

Be passionate and determined

The Glassdoor culture code

Good people

Straightforward company values

More established or traditional companies tend to have straightforward company values. These are simpler values that are less quirky than the ones we’ve seen so far. That doesn’t make them better or worse—these companies are simply defining values that reflect their company culture .

Corporate values

Respect: We recognize that the thoughts, feelings, and backgrounds of others are as important as our own.

Integrity: We are honest, ethical, and trustworthy.

Accountability: We accept full responsibility for our decisions, actions, and results.

What brings us together guides us forward

Customer success

Dreams and curiosity

Integrity and sincerity


Real values



Behaviors we focus on

Use company values to build your ideal culture 

Setting company values is just the beginning. Company culture is an ongoing investment to establish team and group norms across your organization.

High-performance cultures don’t happen organically; they’re designed, architected and built with intention: your intention.”

To learn more, read our article on how to build a strong organizational culture .

Related resources

what are values in a business plan

How to give and take constructive criticism

what are values in a business plan

Data-driven decision making: A step-by-step guide

what are values in a business plan

Listening to understand: How to practice active listening (with examples)

what are values in a business plan

How executives and individual contributors differ when it comes to AI

Ready to get started?

  • Inspiration

How to create company core values the right way (+ examples)

Illustration of a human head silhouette with abstract shapes and a heart symbol inside, surrounded by a circular orbit path and geometric shapes on a purple background, perfect for Biteable video maker projects.

We’ve all seen those “company core values” posters laden with nice-sounding words that have zero effect on day-to-day operations. Too often, the act of creating core values is seen as a formality that has little to no actual impact on the business.

And there’s some truth to that.

Core values that are hastily written or poorly applied have very little impact. But when core values are created with care, they make a significant difference in the success of a company.

A strong set of core values guides better decision-making, attracts top talent, and builds a healthier organization in the long term. This article covers everything you need to know about creating core values for your business and putting them to work.

Next steps:  After you create your own core values, showcase them with a company values video. Head over to  Biteable  for hundreds of brandable video templates and workplace-ready scenes to get you started.

Create videos that drive action

Activate your audience with impactful, on-brand videos. Create them simply and collaboratively with Biteable.

What are company core values?

Your company core values are an established set of beliefs, principles, and philosophies that guide your business. A company’s values play out in both big and small ways. They help guide the business as a whole, and they also help define how individual members of the company behave toward customers and toward each other.

Your core values should be…

As you create your core values, remember that first and foremost that those values they should be:

Your core values will get ignored if they don’t align with what your business actually does in practice.

Likewise, if your company’s core values fail to give team members guidance for making decisions, they are useless.

Delivered in multiple formats

After you create your core values, put them into multiple formats so employees remember them. Turning your values into an acronym and creating a core values video are two great ways to make those values more memorable and engaging.

If you work from a  company values template , it takes very little time to create your own core values video.

Your core values should not be…

When it comes to creating core values, there are a few easy mistakes to make. When you think you’ve come up with a good set of company values, do a sanity check to make sure you haven’t stumbled into one of these common pitfalls.

Your core values should  not  be:

Basic moral principles

If you check around, you’ll see examples of core values that are little more than the bare minimum requirements of being a decent person.

“Honesty,” “respect,” and “teamwork” are great to have. But basic moral principles are best handled in your code of conduct and  HR materials . Your core values should be one layer up from foundational principles.

Focus on creating core values that help your business improve its products or services, develop better solutions, and operate more efficiently.

Vague platitudes

Being vague is an easy mistake to make. We naturally want our company core values to cover every possible situation, so we default to platitudes like “hard work” and “high quality.” The problem with being vague is that it doesn’t help people make better decisions.

The solution here is to be more specific. Refine your core values statement to reflect exactly what high quality or hard work looks like in action for your company.

Hard to remember

People need to be able to put your core values into practice. If your company values are too long or complex, they’ll be hard to remember. That makes them difficult to apply. It’s unlikely that anyone is going to whip out their company core values statement whenever they need to make sure they’re doing things right.

Keep your core values relatively short and sweet.

Why clearly defining your core values is important

Ultimately, your company core values act as a guidepost for making decisions at every level of your business.

Your core values guide everything from product development to marketing. Clearly defined core values enable your company to operate better as a whole and your employees to make the best individual work decisions in every stage of your business.

Explicitly stated core values also help your business attract the right people. Being skilled doesn’t always make a person a good fit for your company. And candidates assess your business just as much as you assess them. Clear core values help both you and your candidates determine if a working relationship is a good fit.

Creating core values: What to consider when crafting your own

Remember that your core values need to guide your business decisions and ultimately make your company more successful. Your company core values should reflect who your business serves, what your company delivers, and the overall environment of your industry.

Also, it’s best if you create your company core values after you develop your  company mission statement . That way, your values support your mission and align with that central goal. Have your mission statement on hand as you go through this process.

Follow this process when you sit down to create your own core values.

1. Get the team talking

The first step is to talk to your current team. Everyone can contribute, but your founders and long-time employees are going to be in the best position to offer insights. The goal here is to identify the values your company already has and what makes your business unique right now.

This is an information-gathering process. Encourage everyone to contribute anything they can think of. You want as many honest insights as you can get.

Ask yourselves these questions:

What are the most important aspects of your finished product?

Consider the most valuable part of your product or service. Your core values should give everyone in your company guide rails for every aspect of delivering the final product.

  • How do you want your business to make your customers feel?
  • How do you want your company to be different from the competition?
  • What is the most important goal when employees make design, production, or customer service decisions?

What are the best ways to measure success for your business?

Believe it or not, profit is a poor metric for measuring business success. Profit is a byproduct of solving problems for your customers and delivering a positive experience as you solve those problems.

When you answer this question, look for metrics that show how well you solve customer problems and whether or not you solve those problems in the way you want. From here, you can develop a core value that helps your company improve those metrics.

How do you want your core values to affect your internal company culture?

Your company values work in two ways: internally and externally.

Even if they’re externally focused, your core values still affect how your teams treat each other and what sort of internal decisions they make. Your values should be written in a way that doesn’t put excessive pressure on a single team or make it difficult for different parts of the business to work together.

After you answer these three questions, you should be ready to dig in and create your core values.

2. Synthesize the inputs

Talking to your team will give you a ton of unfiltered information. Naturally, the next step is to filter and synthesize that information. Set aside the outliers and anomalies that aren’t central to developing your core values. Then look at the bulk of the information and identify patterns.

Compare the input from your team with the insights you identified during the prep questions phase. This will show you where your current values match up with your goals and where you may want to take a leap and create some forward-leaning values.

At this point, you’ll begin to see a set of core values emerge. Trim that list down to a manageable number. Five to seven core values are enough to create strong guidance while still being easy enough to remember.

Once you’ve identified a rough set of core values, get everyone together again and gather feedback on the values you’ve identified. Be warned that you won’t get a full consensus. But make sure that at least a majority of your team agrees with the values and believes they can abide by them.

Tweak your rough list of values based on this feedback. Double-check to ensure that your values are viable over the long term. You can adapt and adjust your company’s core values as your business grows, but the goal is to create values that will remain stable for a long time.

3. Bring in the polish

At this point, you have a rough draft of core values. Now it’s time to polish them up and make them as memorable as possible.

This is where your copywriters, designers, and marketers come in. They’ll help you clarify the wording, create visuals, and add memory devices such as alliteration, an acronym, or a core values video to help make your values stick.

A word of warning: be careful with the memory device. It’s easy to go over the top here. You also don’t want your values to come off as silly. Often, being clear and simple is memorable enough.

Give your final draft a good once over before you go live with your core values. Double-check that they’re crystal clear, action-oriented, and that your visualization and memory device is well-polished.

You’re going to repeat your core values a lot. The visualizations will be distributed to everyone in your company, repeated often, and posted where customers will see them. Make sure your finished product is well-polished and that you’re proud of it.

10 examples of company core values done right

As promised, here are a few of our favorite company core values examples. We hope they help you as you create your own.

Text stating

1.  It is our nature to innovate.

2.  Nike is a company.

3.  Nike is a brand.

4.  Simplify and go.

5.  The consumer decides.

6.  Be a sponge.

7.  Evolve immediately.

8.  Do the right thing.

9.  Master the fundamentals.

10.  We are on the offense — always.

11.  Remember the man. (The late Bill Bowerman, Nike co-founder)

Why they work

One of the standout features of Nike’s core values is that they’ve held up for a very long time. These company values have helped Nike continue to be successful through decades of cultural evolution. Nike clearly took its time choosing and crystalizing its core values.

Beyond that, there are a few aspects of these values that really stand out.

First, values one and two state that Nike is a company and a brand. These make it very clear what Nike does (build a brand and let the products sell themselves) and give context for applying the other nine company values.

The other standout core value is number seven, “evolve immediately.” It’s a great groundwork for how the company solves problems. If they find that something isn’t working, they change what they’re doing ASAP.

Text in google's characteristic color scheme states the company's mission: "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.

1.  Focus on the user and all else will follow.

2.  It’s best to do one thing really, really well.

3.  Fast is better than slow.

4.  Democracy on the web works.

5.  You don’t need to be at your desk to need an answer.

6.  You can make money without doing evil.

7.  There’s always more information out there.

8.  The need for information crosses all borders.

9.  You can be serious without a suit.

10.  Great just isn’t good enough.

Google’s core values are a great accompaniment to the Nike values. Google is an example of core values that have driven meteoric success, while Nike shows how strong values can create long-term durability.

Google’s core values work because they are incredibly focused. All ten of these values relate in some way to the company being an expert in efficiently distributing information.

It’s clear that Google’s core values are derived from a singular goal. This makes those values actionable, which is likely why they’ve helped Google grow so quickly.

Infographic with three circular diagrams illustrating teamwork, improvement, and durability concepts in a business context.

1.  Play for each other.

2.  Build for durability.

3.  Make something better today.

The great thing about Amperity’s core values is that they’re quick and easy to remember. But despite being minimal, they’re effective. Just these three values can help anyone working for Amperity make decisions that move toward the larger goal: make an immediate impact that will also reverberate in the long term.

Promotional banner for apptio saas solutions, highlighting their commitment to enabling customer success in it operations.

1.  Create wildly successful customers.

2.  Deliver outstanding results.

3.  Continuously improve.

4.  Develop our people.

5.  Operate with transparency.

6.  Are accountable.

We like these core values because they’re a bit similar to the Biteable core values. They place emphasis on putting the customer first, overdelivering, and open communication.

Apptio also clearly understands that their core values influence the internal and external actions of the company, and they wrote their values to reflect that. Last thing: note how all these values are written so that they implicitly start with “we,” which subtly turns the values into actions.

CB Insights

An infographic created with Biteable video maker showcasing different workplace values such as hard work, high standards, tenacity, helpfulness, adaptability, and humility with corresponding illustrations.

1.  Hard work.

2.  High standards.

3.  Hunger.

4.  Helpfulness.

5.  Humility.

First and foremost, these company core values are easy to remember (note the alliteration). They’re also easy to visualize. They not only guide decisions for current employees, but also help potential hires quickly assess whether or not they’ll be a good fit for the company.

CB Insights did a great job of creating memorable core values that establish what sort of people they want in their company and how they want the company to operate.

Civitas Learning

Infographic showcasing company values: mission critical, curious and courageous, precision, and grace of space.

1.  Mission critical.

2.  Curious and courageous.

3.  Precision.

4.  Grace of space.

These core values cleverly distill complex goals into short, memorable value statements. Civitas Learning works to be indispensable to their customers. They’re not afraid to try new things to achieve that goal. And they focus on rigorous data to measure success.

The last one, “grace of space,” is the core value that guides how the company behaves internally as they move toward the other three goals. In short, these values quickly address what the business is trying to do and how it’s done.


An image displaying six numbered statements, each representing different company values such as customer-centricity, design quality, innovation, fast learning, creativity, and simplicity.

1.  Be the customer.

2.  Design is not a luxury.

3.  Build the ideal.

4.  Learn fast, act fast.

5.  Protect creativity.

6.  Simplify.

Squarespace’s core values are focused squarely (pun definitely intended) on being specific about the product they deliver and clear about which direction decisions should take the company. These values also establish a cool metric for measuring success: build something you would want to use.

An image displaying six text boxes with motivational workplace principles, emphasizing adaptability, ambition, transparency, innovation, customer centricity, and teamwork, created using Biteable video maker.

1.  Hit heavy, stay small.

2.  Lead with ambition.

3.  Open communication.

4.  Bring your big ideas.

5.  Customer-focused.

6.  Teamwork first.

The smart thing about these core company values is that they create an impressively specific vision for how the business is organized and operates. They work on the approach that the customer will be well-served if the company’s internal operation is strong.

These core values give a clear picture of what type of company Teachable is, which is great for recruiting and clarifying how the business works.

A company's core values presentation slide featuring principles such as customer love, belief in people, respect, collaboration, innovation, evolution, and drive.

1.  We love our customers.

2.  We believe in our people.

3.  We respect each other.

4.  We are driven.

5.  We collaborate.

6.  We innovate.

7.  We evolve.

8.  We are SpotX.

These core values are smart because they’re written with authority. They’re clear and direct, and they wrap up by giving ownership of the values back to the employees.

Additionally, they’re ordered logically.

SpotX’s core values clarify the company’s focus on its customers. Then they go through all the ways the business serves its customers and how employees treat each other. They wrap up with a value related to how the company does work, followed by a short affirmation.

Ordering your values so they progress naturally is a smart way to make them more memorable and sensible.

Social Solutions

Inspirational corporate message highlighting the importance of company values in creating a positive work environment and quality products.

1.  Get Stuff done.

2.  Be innovative.

3.  Be mission-minded.

4.  Be data-driven.

5.  Be passionate.

Social Solutions goes all in on being actionable. Their core values are superbly actionable because they’re imperative statements. They are also simple and clear. There’s no question about what these values mean.

Additionally, they cover all the aspects of business operation, from how Social Solutions manages work to the best mindset for the job. These values cover all the bases.

How to operationalize your core values

Defining your core values is just the first step. After that, it’s time to operationalize those values by reinforcing them and making sure your business abides by them.

Putting values into action comes with its own challenges. But the problem of abiding by your core values is a good problem to have because it’s much harder — maybe impossible — to honor values that you haven’t yet established.

What this looks like at our company

To give you a more tangible idea of what it means to operationalize your core values (and to make them “relevant and actionable”) here’s how we created  Biteable’s core values :

  • Customer first:  The Biteable teams make loads of decisions every day about design, marketing, and engineering. Following our “customer first” core value means always doing what’s best for the customer, even if it means more work or greater expense.
  • Results-focused:  Everything Biteable does has to work for our customers. We gauge Biteable’s success by the results our customers see with our product.
  • Easy to use:  This core value guides our user interface design and engineering decisions, but it also applies to our marketing and internal communications. We favor a user-friendly approach to everything we do.
  • Always human:  This is simpler than sounds. It boils down to being supportive and kind to each other and to our customers.
  • Transparent and inclusive:  Everyone gets a chance to speak, and we actively share information with anyone who needs it. This is especially relevant because our teams are fully remote. Open communication is critical to our success.
  • Extraordinary:  This is a work standard. It has to be extraordinary if we’re going to put the Biteable name on it. Good enough doesn’t cut it. In action, this means we favor maximizing quality over meeting deadlines.

Each of the Biteable core values has a direct impact on some aspect of the business. These values help drive actions, big and small, which make Biteable the sort of company that treats its team members as well as it treats its customers.

It’s core to our operations and it has been core to our success so far.

Put your core values into action with Biteable videos

A great way to start putting your company’s core values into action is to introduce them with a video. Do it in a flash with  Biteable , the world’s simplest video maker.

Biteable has hundreds of brandable templates, ready-to-edit video scenes, and workplace-focused animations (plus over 1.8 million stock video clips and images). Make it your own with smart editing tools, then add your company colors with a single click using Bitable’s innovative brand builder.

With Biteable, you can create your core values video and send it out into the world in less time than it took Steve Prefontaine to run his first mile in a new pair of Nike running shoes.

Make stunning videos with ease.

Take the struggle out of team communication.

Try Biteable now.

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  • No complicated design decisions
  • No experience necessary

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75+ examples of company values and how to create your own in 2024

When Hotjar was founded in 2014, our co-founders intuitively embraced values like agility, lean operations, and ownership. As Hotjar grew, however, we realized that shaping these priorities into a transparent set of core values was key to aligning business objectives with the real-world challenges we faced.

Well-crafted values foster team unity, shape your customer’s brand perception, and steer decision-making. But how do you translate your company’s vision into a handful of values that are authentic and practical?

Last updated

Reading time.

Team seated around a table, discussing matters

This article examines the importance of establishing company values , revealing Hotjar’s own process and providing guidance on how you can develop your own values to positively shape the future of your business. Here’s what we’ll cover: 

🔥 Practical examples of company values : discover over 75 examples of different corporate values to inspire your own and understand how values drive organizational success and improve brand identity

🔥 5 steps for designing and implementing your company values : follow these steps—from initial team consultation to putting values into action—to ensure your company values are more than just words

🔥 4 critical elements to consider when building core company values : understand how clarity, differentiation, actionability, and authenticity are crucial for building high-impact business values

Examples of company values from 20 of the world’s most dynamic and successful organizations 

Let’s take a closer look at the different guiding values that drive 20 successful organizations, organized into five subcategories.

Businesses that prioritize customer-centric values

Businesses that prioritize innovation-driven values

Businesses that prioritize social responsibility values

Businesses that prioritize employee-centric values

Businesses that prioritize inclusivity-based values

Caveat: while values often overlap, dividing them into distinct subcategories provides a useful framework for a broader analysis of your company, laying the groundwork for more detailed value development.

Businesses with customer-first values place the user experience at the heart of everything they do, prioritizing customer satisfaction, service excellence, and user relationships. 

This commitment to understanding—and exceeding—customer expectations empowers them to continuously develop products and services that resonate deeply with their target audience and foster a lasting emotional connection. 

Hotjar (that’s us 👋) is an example of a company with customer-centric values :

Put our customers at the heart of everything: we’re driven by empathy, leveraging qualitative and quantitative insights to delight and excite our customers

Be bold and move fast: we care about delivering value quickly, choosing incremental progress over perfection

Work with respect: we define success beyond profit, emphasizing respect for our team, customers, and community through inclusivity, diversity, and integrity

Build trust with transparency: we communicate with our team and users in a clear, timely, and open manner 

Challenge ourselves to grow: we embrace bravery, curiosity, and ambition—and view mistakes as learning opportunities, not setbacks

More examples of companies with customer-centric values

Amazon : customer obsession rather than competitor focus, passion for invention, commitment to operational excellence, long-term thinking

LinkedIn : members first, honesty, trust, collaboration, diversity and inclusion, dream big

Spotahome : live for the customer, act as a team, trust, innovation, decisiveness, simplicity, mission-oriented, more is less

📖 Read : how Spotahome used Hotjar to learn more about their customers and test new features to improve customer retention and satisfaction.

2. Businesses that prioritize innovation-driven values

Companies that champion innovation are leaders in disruptive thinking, taking bold risks, and continuously redefining what’s possible. 

Often recognized as pioneers in their fields, their commitment to challenging the status quo helps them anticipate customer expectations and needs, cultivating a devoted fan base that eagerly spreads their obsession through word of mouth.

An example of a company with innovation-driven values is Atlassian :  

Open company with no bullshit: communicate your ideas and opinions clearly while also being considerate

Build with heart and balance: infuse passion and urgency into everything you do, while carefully weighing your options to make wise decisions

Don’t #@!% the customer: prioritize the customer’s perspective, knowing that without happy customers, you’re ‘doomed’

Teamwork: be serious, without taking yourself too seriously, and strive to put what’s right for the team first

Continuous learning: have the courage and resourcefulness to spark change to improve the product and company

More examples of companies with innovation-driven values

Spotify : innovate, sincere, passionate, collaborative, playful

Adobe : create the future, own the outcome, raise the bar, and be genuine

Glassdoor : transparency, innovation, good people, grit

Pro tip: one of the tools we use at Hotjar to stay ahead of customer desires and pinpoint new innovation opportunities is Surveys .

Hotjar Surveys lets you

Quickly test and validate new ideas: use AI-driven customer insights to iterate and refine your products or services 

Optimize the user experience: identify new areas for improvement to continually elevate the customer journey

Get direct user input: get real-time feedback to pinpoint new customer needs or competitor offerings

3. Businesses that prioritize social responsibility values

Companies that focus on social responsibility initiatives strive to make a positive impact on the world by supporting efforts like environmental stewardship, community involvement, and ethical practices.

Their dedication to the ‘greater good’ lets them cultivate a brand known outside of their industry or product, instilling deep customer loyalty amongst those with similar values or belief systems.

An example of a company with social responsibility values is Patagonia :

Quality: build the best product, provide the best service, and constantly improve 

Integrity: examine company practices openly and honestly, learn from mistakes, and meet commitments

Environmentalism: protect our home planet. We’re all part of nature, and every decision you make is in the context of the environmental crisis challenging humanity. 

Justice: be just, equitable, and antiracist as a company and in the community

Not bound by convention: do it your way. Success—and much of the fun—lies in developing new ways to do things.

More examples of companies with social responsibility-oriented values

Volkswagen : sustainability, community, togetherness

Ben & Jerry’s : human rights, diversity, social and economic justice, environmental protection

Every.org : generosity, responsible tech, collaboration, partnership

📖 Read : how Hotjar developed and executed its environmentally-focused Giving Back program.

4. Businesses that prioritize employee-centric values

Companies that emphasize workforce well-being, professional growth, and teamwork recognize that satisfied and engaged employees directly contribute to the overall success of the business. 

Investing in the employee experience also builds loyal and committed teams, driving innovation and customer satisfaction through a company culture that values the consistency, respect, and trust of its people. 

An example of a company with employee-centric values is Miro :

Play as a team to win the world: work, learn, and celebrate in collaboration, rather than alone

Focus on impact and make it happen: dream big, prioritize outcomes that matter the most, and own your commitments

Practice empathy to gain insight : look from the perspective of customers, users, and each other, to deepen your understanding of their experience

Learn, grow, and drive change: reflect openly on successes and failures, and apply your learnings to improve the product and team

More examples of companies with employee-centric values

Netflix : encourage decision-making by employees, share information openly, communicate candidly, keep only our highly effective people, avoid rules

American Express : deliver for our customers, make it great, do what’s right, respect people and different views, work as a team, care about our community

Virgin Atlantic : heartfelt service, insatiable curiosity, smart disruption, red-hot relevance, straight up, delightfully surprising

what are values in a business plan

Hotjar organized a team meetup in La Mola, Spain, in June 2022 to build employee connections and further enhance company culture

5. Businesses that prioritize inclusivity-based values

Inclusivity-oriented business values celebrate diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences, which deeply influence the company’s culture, product development, and branding strategies. 

By embracing representation and product accessibility , companies enrich the customer experience with products and services that resonate with a global audience, fostering a sense of community and trust among their consumers.

An example of a company with inclusivity-based values is TomboyX :

Accountability: show up fully, hold yourself accountable, and lead with your most authentic self

Fearlessness: be brave, curious, and willing to experiment and make mistakes

Diversity: champion diversity and inclusion; everyone is welcome and appreciated

Trust: be honest, open-minded, and listen actively. Foster radical candor and clarity as kindness.

Unity: aim to build a more equal and progressive world

More examples of companies with inclusivity and diversity-focused values

Savage x Fenty : fearlessness, confidence, inclusivity

Universal Standard : revolutionary inclusivity, quality defined, advanced engineering, fit liberty, give back, customer-centric

Jobwell : representation matters, execute with excellence, embrace responsibility, be respectful, defend with data, challenge convention

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5 steps to build and implement your company values

If you’re thinking about defining—or updating—your business values, consider these five essential steps for designing values that are both impactful and meaningful:

1. Consult your core team members

Begin identifying ideas for initial company values by proactively seeking input from your company’s leadership and executive team . This foundational step ensures your early ideas are aligned with the company's mission and big-picture stakeholder perspectives.

💡 How Hotjar consulted their team for input

During Hotjar’s first year, David Darmanin scheduled informal discussions with his fellow co-founders to dig into their opinions and goals for the company. In particular, he wanted to ensure the values they chose would seamlessly support Hotjar’s early mission statement of “changing the way the web is built by democratizing analytics and feedback.”

David was also intentional about scheduling one-to-one conversations—and not a group discussion—so that everyone’s opinion was equally represented, regardless of who the more dominant or convincing speakers were.

#David (second from the left) consulted his fellow co-founders when defining Hotjar’s early company values

2. Conduct research

Once you’ve identified some fundamental values with your team, seek out fresh perspectives and inspiration by researching how other companies have framed and implemented their own values. Just be sure to filter these ideas through the lens of your company's unique circumstances, so you’re continuously aligned with your brand’s mission and objectives.

💡 How Hotjar sought out inspiration

After David met with his co-founders, he identified tech companies that were also ‘breaking the rules’ at the time, like Basecamp, MailChimp, Atlassian, and InVision. 

Many of these companies were either bootstrapped, capital-efficient, or remote, so he knew they had something in common—and therefore something he could learn from. 

But David had to continuously remind himself that Hotjar wasn’t a large company (yet) and therefore required tailored values that would resonate with a more intimate team, which was how Hotjar’s first core values (eight in total) came to life.

It’s a big mistake I’ve seen before: small companies get carried away with inspiration and then end up with these fluffy, amazing-sounding values that mean nothing to the team.

3. Collect, review, and implement feedback 

After sifting through and prioritizing your ideas, share your refined list of values with the broader team for feedback to ensure that the values resonate with the larger group—and not just a select few. 

This inclusive step validates your selection process, offers opportunities to course-correct, and further refines your list of values, while also cultivating a positive company culture of shared ownership and purpose.

💡 How Hotjar collected and implemented feedback

During Hotjar’s scaling period , David shared a list of eight values with the Hotjar team, followed by a company-wide survey to identify which values resonated with everyone the most.

Based on the feedback, the list was narrowed down to five key values. David then presented the results during a company Zoom call, where he welcomed live questions and additional feedback, using these insights to further iterate and solidify the company’s vision into a set of five values.

#Collecting, reviewing, and implementing feedback on the company values

4. Put your words into action

Once you’ve implemented feedback, it’s time to translate your business values from text to action by integrating them into your company’s culture and day-to-day operations. 

Practical application of your values does more than just uphold your company’s core principles; it actively shapes a work environment where values are deeply ingrained in your business strategy and employee engagement. 

💡 How Hotjar put their values into action

After the core values were finalized, David handed them over to the rest of the Hotjar team, where they were then embedded into the company’s processes, like being added to Hotjar’s public team manual .

The company values were also woven into internal workflows like the hiring process, to ensure that even the operational aspects of the company resonated with these foundational principles.

what are values in a business plan

5. Evolve your values with your business

Company values should be dynamic and adaptable. Regularly updating them to align with your company’s growth and industry changes ensures your values consistently inspire your team, direct your organizational goals, and resonate with your customers' changing expectations.

💡 How Hotjar evolves its company values

Hotjar reviews core company values as a team when necessary, ensuring they reflect the current user base and align with the team’s growth. This process prompted an update in values in 2019, and another in 2021.

"Re-examine company values as your team grows,” David advises, “and seek team feedback from existing employees to help guide this evolution.”

4 essential elements for crafting impactful company values

If you’re still finding it challenging to build or refine your company values, concentrate on these four crucial elements to dig in deeper:

✅ Clarity: pick values that are easy to understand, enabling employees to effortlessly integrate them into their daily routines. A short, bullet-point list of simple, single-sentence values is sufficient.

✅ Differentiation: choose unique values to sharpen your brand identity and improve your competitive advantage. While it may be tempting to mirror what bigger, more successful businesses are doing, lean into what sets you apart.

✅ Actionable: avoid abstract ideas or theoretical concepts, which can be confusing and lead to misinterpretation. Instead, choose values that translate into specific behaviors and drive effective leadership .

✅ Authenticity: leverage values that genuinely reflect your company’s culture, to empower teams to rally behind a shared vision and purpose, while also fostering a sense of belonging and commitment

Strong company values → happy customers, motivated employees, and a successful business

Company values are the backbone of a thriving business environment, leading to loyal customers, an improved employee experience, and successful business outcomes. By investing the time and effort to develop, implement, and evolve your company values today, you lay the groundwork for a resilient and prosperous business future.

Align your business goals with customer insights

Use Hotjar’s suite of behavioral analysis tools to connect your company strategies with customer expectations.

FAQs about company values

What are company values.

Company values (also called corporate values or core values) are a set of guiding principles and fundamental beliefs that help teams work toward a common business goal. These values are often related to business relationships, customer relationships, and company growth.

What are the benefits of implementing company values?

Improve employee retention and satisfaction

Increase customer loyalty

Foster a positive company culture

Enhance decision-making processes

Boost brand love

Drive long-term business success

What are some examples of company values?


What are the elements you need to build effective company values?




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56 Core Company Values That Will Shape Your Culture & Inspire Your Employees

Caroline Forsey

Published: June 15, 2023

Company values help you direct every person on your team toward a common goal. They remind you that you share a bigger purpose.

company values

Businesses often look to each other to figure out how to refine their values, habits, and ideas into a set of values. To keep growing, companies need something their teams can get behind and understand.


This search has led many people to HubSpot's culture code — and the original 2013 deck has almost 6 million views online.

In this post, we'll explore why company values are important. We'll show you how to create your core values and serve up some industry favorites for inspiration. And we'll talk about how HubSpot created our culture code and work to grow better.

What are company values?

Company values, or core values, are the fundamental beliefs and principles that guide your organization. These values shape your company's culture and promote cohesion and cooperation among your team. They also help explain why your business does what it does and differentiate your brand from competitors.

Keeping these common values top of mind will help you make business decisions that are in line with your core principles and stay true to the company vision.

what are values in a business plan

50 Examples of Company Values

50 examples and terms to help you define your company's core values, including examples from...

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Why are company values important?

Core company values give employees purpose. Purpose is undeniably critical for employee satisfaction. In fact, a McKinsey & Company survey of employees found 70% of employees said their sense of purpose was largely defined by work. However, that number drops significantly to 15% when non-executive participants were asked if they are living their purpose at work.

This is why it's important your core values are embraced at every level, not just by the executive team. Purpose doesn't just improve employee satisfaction — it also increases your bottom line and builds trust with customers.

Professor and author Ranjay Gulati explains in his book Deep Purpose that "To get purpose right, leaders must fundamentally change not only how they execute it but also how they conceive of and relate to it." Gulati calls this process deep purpose, which furthers an organization's reason for being in a more intense, thoughtful, and comprehensive way.

Ultimately, core values are critical if you want to create a long-lasting, successful, and motivating place to work.

Whether you work for a new company in need of core-value inspiration, or an older company in need of a value revamp, you're in luck — below, we've cultivated a list of some of the best company values. Additionally, we'll examine how some companies truly honor their values.

Company Values

  • Accountability
  • Commitment to Customers
  • Continuous Learning
  • Constant Improvement

Elements of Company Core Values

1. clear and concise.

It is essential to keep your company values clear so that they can be understood and embraced by employees, regardless of their level or position in the company.

Your company values should ensure that employees know what to expect and effectively communicate what's important to the organization.

2. Brief and Memorable

Don't over explain your company values — keep them brief, instead. Having bite-sized values will make them easier to remember, making it more likely that they will be internalized and adopted as part of your company culture.

Plus, having short and catchy values can help create a distinctive brand identity, giving your company a competitive advantage. It will be easier to differentiate your company from others in the market when the values are memorable and unique.

3. Action-Oriented

Want values that create a significant impact? Make them action-oriented.

Rather than focusing on abstract ideas and concepts, establish core values that serve as a guide for how employees should act and behave in their daily work. This will help establish accountability among your employees and empower them to do their best work.

4. Reflective

Your core values establish the foundation of your company's culture, which is why they must be unique to your company and accurately reflect your mission, vision, beliefs, and objectives.

Keeping your values consistent with your objectives can help create an authentic brand image and foster trust among your customers, partners, and employees. It will also help attract and retain employees who have the same beliefs, resulting in a more cohesive and effective staff.

5. Adaptable

While your core values should always be consistent with your overall mission, don't be afraid to make adjustments as your company grows. Your company may not look like it did when it first started out, and your original values may not be as relevant or effective as they were then.

For instance, HubSpot has updated its Culture Code over 30 times since its founding.

As your business evolves, regularly obtain feedback from employees and other stakeholders, and re-assess your core values when necessary.

Examples of Companies with Inspiring Core Values

1. patagonia.

  • Build the best product — Our criteria for the best product rests on function, repairability, and, foremost, durability. Among the most direct ways we can limit ecological impacts is with goods that last for generations or can be recycled so the materials in them remain in use. Making the best product matters for saving the planet.
  • Cause no unnecessary harm — We know that our business activity—from lighting stores to dyeing shirts—is part of the problem. We work steadily to change our business practices and share what we've learned. But we recognize that this is not enough. We seek not only to do less harm, but more good.
  • Use business to protect nature — The challenges we face as a society require leadership. Once we identify a problem, we act. We embrace risk and act to protect and restore the stability, integrity and beauty of the web of life.
  • Not bound by convention — Our success—and much of the fun—lies in developing new ways to do things.

For Patagonia, company values aren't just a few feel-good statements to put on the "About Us" page. When founder Yvon Chouinard's first venture, Chouinard Equipment, found that their pitons were damaging natural rock, they developed an environmentally-friendly alternative — aluminum chocks.

This bold act was the first of many, including offering on-site childcare, creating the Tools for Grassroots Activists conference, and Patagonia Action Works. The most recent is the news that Chouinard is shifting his family's ownership of the company to a trust that will support future operations. This $3 billion decision also has the potential to contribute about $100 million a year to climate change research.

"While we're doing our best to address the environmental crisis, it's not enough. We needed to find a way to put more money into fighting the crisis while keeping the company's values intact...

Truth be told, there were no good options available. So, we created our own."

This move is a clear reflection of the company's core values above.

  • Focus on the user and all else will follow.
  • It's best to do one thing really, really well.
  • Fast is better than slow.
  • Democracy on the web works.
  • You don't need to be at your desk to need an answer.
  • You can make money without doing evil.
  • There's always more information out there.
  • The need for information crosses all borders.
  • You can be serious without a suit.
  • Great just isn't good enough.

On Google's philosophy page , they don't just list their core values — they also provide examples.

For instance, consider their value, "You can make money without doing evil." While many companies likely tout the benefits of integrity, Google references strategic efforts it has made to avoid "evil" business, including — "We don't allow ads to be displayed on our results pages unless they are relevant where they are shown … We don't accept pop–up advertising, which interferes with your ability to see the content you've requested ... [and] Advertising on Google is always clearly identified as a 'Sponsored Link,' so it does not compromise the integrity of our search results."

Fulfilling values like "don't be evil" can be complicated. As Google grows and develops more products, there is more tension and scrutiny. Ultimately, a core value doesn't have much power if your company can't list intentional, calculated decisions it's made to put values ahead of profit.

3. Coca Cola

  • People are at the center of everything we do, from our employees to those who touch our business to the communities we call home.
  • Each one of us can make a big difference for a better shared future.
  • We value diversity, equity and inclusion — 700,000+ people around the world work at Coca-Cola and our bottling partners. We champion diversity by building a workforce as diverse as the consumers we serve. Because the more perspectives we have, the better decisions we make.
  • We value equality — Empowering people's access to equal opportunities, no matter who they are or where they're from. Our company has signed several gender diversity pledges and is working towards an even split of women and men in leadership roles.
  • We value human and workplace rights — For 130+ years, we have built a reputation on trust and respect – everywhere we do business.
  • We commit to supplier diversity — Our commitment is to spend $1 billion with diverse partners. We are more than doubling our spending with Black-owned enterprises across our U.S. supply chain—by at least $500 million—over the next five years.

Coca-Cola demonstrates its diversity core value with its public Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion page . It lists the company's diversity-related efforts, such as, "It's our ambition by 2030 to have women hold 50% of senior leadership roles at the company and in the U.S. to have race and ethnicity representation reflect national census data at all levels."

Additionally, Coca-Cola's Sustainability page exemplifies its commitment to climate, as well. This page includes charts and statistics about water usage, recycling, and more. By acknowledging both its efforts and its shortcomings, Coca-Cola is able to show its desire to live up to its values, while taking responsibility for any mismatch between its ideals and reality.

4. Whole Foods

  • We Sell the Highest Quality Natural and Organic Foods
  • We satisfy and delight our customers
  • We promote team member growth and happiness
  • We practice win-win partnerships with our suppliers
  • We create profits and prosperity
  • We Care About our Community and the Environment

Underneath each of its values on its core value page, Whole Foods provides a link, such as, "Learn more about how we care about our communities and the environment."

Ultimately, their page demonstrates their ability to walk the walk. For instance, to exemplify their commitment to local communities, Whole Foods created a Local Producer Loan Program , which provides up to $26 million in low-interest loans to independent local farmers and food artisans.

Additionally, Whole Foods provides a list of environmentally-friendly efforts they've practiced since 1980, including "Printing and packaging using recycled paper and water- or vegetable-based, composting to decrease landfill waste, and no single-use plastic bags at checkout since 2008".

Amazon's acquisition of the grocery chain in 2017 caused some loyal shoppers to question the authenticity of the brand. But they brought in a new CEO in 2022 who wants to more deeply connect to the core values of Whole Foods. And a 30% increase in local brands and double the number of banned food ingredients in stores show that the company is still focused on its core values.

If you've ever been to Whole Foods, you know they're serious about their efforts to reduce waste and help the local community. In fact, it's part of the reason so many customers are brand loyalists — because they support those efforts, too.

5. Nude Barre

  • We strive to make sure that all hu(e)mans feel seen and heard.
  • We believe that everybody deserves to find their perfect hue. — The diverse world we live in needs products that account for all skin tones and body types. Every hu(e)man deserves a choice. Our company is pioneering the change we want to see in retail by providing an unmatched level of choices, regardless of hue!
  • We believe in eliminating the "other." — Gone are the days of "sun tan" and "beige" being the only options for nude. No one should have to dye or customize their hosiery and intimates. Through our 12 inclusive shades, we are committed to making undergarments that look good, feel good, and are the perfect hue for you!
  • Because we all deserve to be center stage. — Here at Nude Barre, we are on a mission to reclaim and revolutionize nude. We provide people who have been historically overlooked and underrepresented with resilient and comfortable bodywear that becomes one with your skin. Our 12 unique shades close the representational gap and elevate all hu(e)mans. Because if we don't, who will?

Nude Barre founder Erin Carpenter used her experience as a professional dancer as a starting point for her product.

"I would spend hours dyeing my tights and 'pancaking' my shoes [applying pancake foundation to shoes with a sponge to mattify and change their color], and had many friends and colleagues who were doing the same to meet the industry's requirement of nude undergarments."

These frustrations didn't just lead her to solve a problem that she struggled with for years. They helped her create a set of company values that emphasize empathy, access, representation, and awareness.

This clear story and set of values have led to over $1.5 million in funding to continue to grow her business.

  • Embody a service mindset. — Never stop advocating for the needs of others.
  • Dream big, then make it real. — Be ambitious. Show and do is greater than tell and talk.
  • Be proud of the how. — Ensure deep integrity in everything you do.
  • Embrace an ownership mentality. — Take initiative to leave things better than you found them.
  • Debate then commit. — Share openly, question respectfully, and once a decision is made, commit fully.
  • Build with humility. — Put collective success before individual achievements.

This popular payroll app supports 200,000+ businesses in the United States. Gusto doesn't just talk about supporting the needs of employees and customers. Leaders at this company make it happen with radical transparency.

For example, Gusto's chief security officer recently wrote for Fast Company about transparency. His article talks about why he shares every performance review with each of Gusto's 2000 employees.

"Many organizations espouse transparency as a core value, but it typically doesn't extend to performance reviews. While leaders are often privy to our teams' reviews, it's rarely a two-way street. The result is that for many people, it's uncomfortable to give and receive constructive feedback at work.

When I first shared my review, the Google Doc...broke because hundreds of people—nearly 30% of our workforce—tried to read it that same day. Similarly, almost 40% of employees read our co-founder and CTO's review the day he first shared it."

This simple approach to company values shows their team how their leaders hold each other accountable, and that "it's okay to fall short sometimes as long as we commit to growth."

7. American Express

  • WE DELIVER FOR OUR CUSTOMERS — We're driven by our commitment to deliver exceptional products, services and experiences to our customers. We value our strong customer relationships, and are defined by how well we take care of them.
  • WE RESPECT PEOPLE — We are a diverse and inclusive company, and serve diverse customers. We believe we are a better company when each of us feels included, valued, and able to trust colleagues who respect each of us for who we are and what we contribute to our collective success.
  • WE CARE ABOUT OUR COMMUNITIES — We aim to make a difference in the communities where we work and live. Our commitment to corporate social responsibility makes an impact by strengthening our connections.
  • WE MAKE IT GREAT — We deliver an unparalleled standard of excellence in everything we do, staying focused on the biggest opportunities to be meaningful to our customers. From our innovative products to our world-class customer service, our customers expect the best —and our teams are proud to deliver it.
  • WE NEED DIFFERENT VIEWS — By being open to different ideas from our colleagues, customers and the world around us, we will find more ways to win.
  • WE DO WHAT'S RIGHT — Customers choose us because they trust our brand and people. We earn that trust by ensuring everything we do is reliable, consistent, and with the highest level of integrity.
  • WE WIN AS A TEAM — We view each other as colleagues – part of the same team, striving to deliver the brand promise to our customers and each other every day. Individual performance is essential and valued; but never at the expense of the team.

American Express doesn't just hit the bare minimum when it comes to polite, helpful customer service. They go above and beyond to solve for their customers, even when there's no protocol in place.

For instance, Raymond Joabar, the Executive Vice President at American Express, told this story in a Forbes interview : "One time, a hotel café manager [an Amex merchant] alerted my team that he had accidentally sold a display cake with harmful chemicals and needed to find the customers before they ate it. Obviously, there's no procedure for that, but our team took ownership of the problem. They gathered all the information they could from the record of charge, identified 21 Card Members who used their cards at the café during that time frame, reviewed the accounts to find the right match, and then called the Card Member in time before they served the cake at an anniversary party."

"The important point here," Joabar noted, "other than that everybody ended up safe and sound — is that there isn't a script for every situation, so we empower our care professionals to do what's right for the customer. And we recognize what they do with this empowerment as well. We give awards to employees who go above and beyond to help customers and we share their stories across the company."

This anecdote exemplifies American Express employees' commitment to their customers even when it's not easy, and demonstrates the company's dedication to living by its values.

At Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI) we believe a life outdoors is a life well-lived!

We believe that it's in the wild, untamed and natural places that we find our best selves, so our purpose is to awaken a lifelong love of the outdoors, for all.

Since 1938, we have been your local outdoor co-op, working to help you experience the transformational power of nature. We bring you top-quality gear and apparel, expert advice, rental equipment, inspiring stories of life outside and outdoor experiences to enjoy alone or share with your friends and family. And because we have no shareholders, with every purchase you make with REI, you are choosing to steward the outdoors, support sustainable business and help the fight for life outside.

So whether you're new to the outdoors or a seasoned pro, we hope you'll join us.

Recreational equipment co-op REI has remained true to its values since its founding in 1938. The co-op model allows them to invest a significant portion of profits back into their community through employee profit sharing and donations to nonprofits dedicated to the outdoors.

Since 2015, all REI stores close on Black Friday — perhaps the biggest shopping day of the year — so employees can enjoy time outdoors with friends and family.

The company states "We give all our employees a day off to #OptOutside with family and friends on the busiest retail day of the year. We continue this tradition because we believe in putting purpose before profits."

But some employees feel that the company could do more to meet the expectations set by its ambitious value statement. They're not the only people that feel this way about an employer. A 2022 Gartner survey says that 50% of employees have changed their employer expectations since the pandemic.

It's no longer enough to have a clear set of company values, companies must show action toward those stated goals. According to a 2021 McKinsey report, only 30% of consumers want to hear a brand's stance on societal issues. At the same time, 61% want to see companies take action on those issues.

Company values are more than a page on the website. They need to be a plan for what your company stands for over time. Let's talk about how you can create authentic company values for your business.

How to Implement Core Values

Now that you've seen what core values look like at other companies, you may be wondering how to create and implement your own. While defining your core values may be a hefty task, there are a few simple steps that will help you develop and iterate your own.

1. Check in with your team.

A quick way to get started is to consult your founders or executive team. They'll often already have a mission statement or vision for the company values.

If not, you may want to set up a few brainstorming sessions with your team. Company values can also come up as your team solves problems together.

As you start your business, jot down ideas as they come up, and keep them somewhere that's easy to find. This way you have an easy place to go for inspiration when you draw a blank or get stuck.

Once you have that framework, you can work on fleshing out your organization's core values.

If you're having a hard time getting started, this company culture code template can help.

How HubSpot completed this step: HubSpot was operating for three years before co-founder Dharmesh Shah started work on HubSpot's culture code . He started the project by asking questions and sending surveys to the team.

This took several rounds because one of the common themes was that employees love working at HubSpot because of the people. It took more time and effort to discover why and how that feeling could translate to a set of company values.

2. Solicit feedback.

The level of feedback you need for a project like this isn't a one-time and done sort of effort. While the responses to a question like "Why do you love working here?" may feel good to hear, they may not be specific or honest enough to build your core values on.

You'll want to ask tough questions and get into the details. This will help you collect constructive criticism. It will also help you understand the culture your business already has. Building on your existing values is the best way to create a lasting company culture .

It's also important to key into informal conversations and non-verbal signals. Let your team know what you're doing and why. Then, practice active listening. It may be tempting to argue or defend your point of view during these conversations. But interrupting in this way could mean that you'll lose valuable insights.

These are some useful resources for gathering feedback from your team:

  • Positive feedback examples
  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • Giving and receiving employee feedback

How HubSpot completed this step: HubSpot's core employee values were initially outlined in the acronym HEART:

  • Transparent

While getting feedback for HubSpot's culture code update, co-founder Dharmesh Shah realized that something was a bit off. He found that the acronym was missing one integral part of how HubSpot does business: empathy.

Company values examples: HubSpot, Empathy

3. Implement feedback.

Part of creating a set of company values is ensuring that employees buy into those ideas. So, if collecting feedback is an essential step, the next step has to be putting that feedback into action.

While not every piece of feedback will be useful, it's important to recognize these contributions. As you review updates from your team, you'll want to compare these insights and start to look for patterns. Once you have some clear ideas of what you want to add or update, outline your next steps to put these changes into place.

Then, share the plan with your team and thank them for their insights.

How HubSpot completed this step: In HubSpot's case, the team decided to update our culture code and the HEART acronym changed to Humble, Empathetic, Adaptable, Remarkable, and Transparent.

Company values example: HubSpot, HEART

Company Culture Code Template

Establish an inclusive organization with our free Company Culture Code Template. Outline your...

  • Culture code.
  • Company mission & values.
  • Company policies.

No matter what your creative process is, to make your company values unique, you'll want to think about what you want those values to do.

Ask yourself:

  • How can my team act on these ideas?
  • What will make these ideas easy to remember?
  • Do these ideas inspire me to do my best?
  • Are these ideas inclusive and relevant for everyone on the team?
  • Are they specific enough to guide us when making tough decisions ?

As you refine your core values, make sure that they embody the spirit of your business and team.

How HubSpot completed this step: Core values often relate to the problems your business wants to solve and how that relates to your personal values.

For example, in a talk at Stanford University, Dharmesh Shah shared the quote, "Sunlight is the best disinfectant." He told a story of how he interpreted this Louis Brandeis quote and then explained how it came into conversations that he and co-founder Brian Halligan were having about transparency.

You can hear the full story in the video below:

Company values often use short sentences and declarative phrases. Because of this, it can also be useful to explain how your team interprets a simple phrase within your values. For example, the culture code explains what transparency is and what it isn't at HubSpot.

Company values examples: HubSpot, Transparency

Don't forget to share this post!

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100 Team Core Values Examples to Help You Build a Strong Company Culture

Content Partnership Specialist

March 29, 2024

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What do you value as a company? 

This is a question that many business owners struggle with. It can be tough to come up with a list of core values that represents your organization accurately, but it’s important to get this right. 

Your corporate values are the foundation of your workplace culture—they let others get an inside look at who you are as a company, and can have a huge impact on your recruiting and hiring efforts, employee engagement , and overall success. 

So, to help inspire your company and define your work culture, here are 50 common core values examples for your team and 50 core values examples from successful companies across different industries to inspire your even further. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been in business for years, these 100 examples will give you some inspiration for determining what’s important to you and your team!

  • How Company Core Values Can Help Your Business
  • 50 Common Core Value Examples for your Business

Company Core Value Statement Example

50 of the most inspiring company core values examples for your team.

  • Define and Live By Your Core Value Statement   

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How Company Core Values Can Help Your Team

In simple terms, core values are your organization’s collective and fundamental beliefs, vision, mission, personal and work ethics, and core principles. 

It’s your company’s personality, the DNA of your organization, the reason why your company exists, and the north star that continuously guides your business toward your mission and vision. And in order to move your business forward in the right direction, teams across different departments will need to work together, believe in the same values, and practice them consistently at work. 

So if you’re asking yourself, “Why does any of this matter?” Here are a few reasons why:

  • Performance : Teams feel empowered to perform at their best when core values align with corporate strategy and goals. 
  • Talent Acquisition : Your organizational culture can help prospective employees decide if your company matches their personal core values, priorities, and goals when searching for a new position.
  • Competitiveness : Knowing what the company stands for makes you more competitive in the marketplace and as an employer.
  • Business Decisions : Knowing your company’s culture can help executives and project managers make informed decisions and take smarter calculated risks.

Check out the list below for common core values you can choose from to shape your team!

50 Team Core Value Examples for your Business

1. Respect and Integrity 2. Quality 3. Innovation 4. Teamwork 5. Accountability 6. Transparency 7. Collaboration 8. Continuous Learning 9. Positivity 10. Loyalty 11. Empathy 12. Inclusivity 13. Creativity 14. Passion 15. Honesty 16. Diversity 17. Adaptability 18. Flexibility 19. Open-mindedness 20. Communication 21. Respect for Individuality 22. Punctuality 23. Fun 24. Gratitude 25. Professionalism

26. Proactivity 27. Problem-solving 28. Self-improvement 29. Commitment to Excellence 30. Objectivity 31. Positive Attitude 32. Ambitiousness 33. Quality of Service 34. Excellence 35. Reliability 36. Honoring Commitments 37. Growth Mindset 38. Balance of Work/Life 39. Focusing on Solutions 40. Going Above and Beyond 41. Respect for Privacy 42. Listening to Customers 43. Pursuing Growth Opportunities 44. Resourcefulness 45. Self-awareness 46. Collaboration 47. Teamwork 48. Willingness to Learn 49. Developing Professional Networks 50. Becoming an Expert in Your Field

A core value statement is a declaration of the principles that guide how a company operates and behaves. Our core values are not just words on paper; they shape our culture and define who we are as a team. Here’s an example:

At our company, we are committed to upholding the following core values:

  • Innovation: We believe in constantly pushing the boundaries and exploring new ideas to provide our customers with cutting-edge technology solutions that exceed their expectations.
  • Integrity: We value honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior in all aspects of our business, from our interactions with customers to our internal decision-making processes .
  • Collaboration: We believe that teamwork and collaboration are essential to achieving our goals and creating a positive work environment where everyone feels valued and supported.
  • Continuous improvement: We are committed to continuously learning and improving our skills and processes to provide the best possible solutions and services for our customers.
  • Customer focus: We prioritize our customers’ needs and satisfaction above all else, and strive to provide personalized and exceptional service that exceeds their expectations.

We believe that by consistently embodying these values in our work, we can achieve our mission of becoming a leading technology solutions provider while providing a positive impact on our customers, employees, and society as a whole.

Use this core value statement template to craft your company’s core values statement:

At [Company Name], we are committed to upholding the following core values:

  • [Description or explanation of how this value is important to our company]

We believe that by consistently embodying these values in our work, we can achieve our mission and provide the best possible experience for our customers, employees, and stakeholders.

Pro Tip: Make it easy for team members to find your company core values with ClickUp’s Company Culture Template !

Use ClickUp's Company Values Template to visualize and align your team around what matters most

Now, it’s time to explore some of the best and most common core values that have shaped some of the most successful companies today. Here are 50 companies and their top values!

Core values:

Deliver the best customer experience

We are customer obsessed and create space for open communication and feedback, and empower ourselves to fix problems and say yes, with collective customer interest in mind. This value applies internally as well when working cross-functionally with other teams! 

Grow 1% every day

We support the professional growth of our crew and believe in progress toward perfection. We hold ourselves back by trying to get it perfect when the fastest growth is incremental, and we’re not afraid to fail lightly, as long as we learn and don’t repeat the same mistakes. 

Have fun, find joy, and be you

Personal core values and well-being are important to us, and with big goals comes hard work, but time is too precious not to have fun along the way. We promote a fun company culture through team building , encourage our crew to strive for greatness, transparency, and respect, and create a safe space to show up and be vulnerable, bold, daring truly, agree, disagree, laugh, cry, experiment, and play. 

ClickUp Crew LevelUp

Work hard and be an owner

We enjoy work, think in creative ways of solving problems, see the compounding fruits of our labor, and assume shared ownership in decisions, issues, and outcomes.

Normal f*cking sucks

We strive to build an organization that encourages freedom and responsibility. And while everyone has goals to accomplish, we encourage our crew to have creative freedom on how to achieve that goal in ways that make sense to them. 

Pay it forward with random acts of kindness

We create and sustain a safe and supportive culture and help out whenever we can. We encourage our crew to check in with your people and keep your finger on the pulse of how they are doing not only professionally but also personally, which forms open and honest relationships among peers. 

Promote empathy

Encourages leaders and representatives to be empathetic and courteous to each other and their customers

Accelerate craftsmanship

Show integrity and take accountability for all actions

Support diversity in the workplace

Promote harmony, provide equal opportunities, and practice inclusion through internal programs

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We believe in providing consumers, small businesses , and other organizations access to hardware, software, services, and technology that are needed to achieve their goals

Support education

Education gives everyone more ways to realize their potential; that’s why we are committed to providing people from all backgrounds to learn through partnerships in over 100 countries

Inclusivity, racial equity, and justice  

As a global leader, Apple acknowledges its responsibility to help promote equality and fight against injustices worldwide. 


We are sincere, trustworthy, and reliable.

We’re highly creative and always striving to connect new ideas with business realities.


We’re inclusive, open, and actively engaged with our customers, partners, employees, and the communities we serve.

5. LinkedIn

Trust and care

Create trust by practicing integrity, compassion, honesty, and respect.

Keep a growth mindset to create big ideas, while also providing value and finding joy in everyday interactions.

Valuing workforce  

Prioritize each employee’s success to help develop leaders and productive teams.

We’re original and creative in our thinking. To us, innovation is a default mindset – a hard-wired desire to improve things.

The best relationships are based on mutual trust and respect. We want to be fair and transparent in everything we do. We don’t micro-manage; we trust each other to do a great job.


We say yes to fun. We’re a playful company and a playful brand. We always have been. We never take ourselves too seriously.

Wow our customers

We go above and beyond to serve others with high-quality products and hospitality they can rely on. We work hard to leave our customers with a smile.

All-in ownership

We have grit. There is no job too small, nor challenge too big. We are all in. We think long-term and always optimize for Lyft as a whole. We never say, “that’s not my job.”

Take pride, be humble

We take pride in our work, and whatever we do, we do it well. We assess our own work critically, and we’re the first to call out our shortcomings, and continuously push ourselves and others to improve and set a higher bar.

Champion the mission

We’re united with our community to create a world where anyone can belong anywhere.

Embrace the adventure

We’re driven by curiosity, optimism, and the belief that every person can grow.

Be a cereal entrepreneur

We’re determined and creative in transforming our bold ambitions into reality.

9. National Parks


When the employees are honest, it automatically reflects on our work.

Team spirit and continuous learning

We believe in Kaizen, a Japanese concept in which everyone on the team contributes to continuous improvement.

Being open to feedback and showing respect to others 

We work to inspire and develop conservation and protection of the world’s natural resources found within national parks through education, promotion, and global community awareness.  To achieve this the company’s culture plays a big role. These company values help us become more inclusive and contribute to the company’s growth.

National Parks

10. Starbucks

Culture of warmth

We believe in creating a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome 


Delivering our very best in all we do, holding ourselves accountable for results.

Be present 

Being present, connecting with transparency, dignity, and respect.

11. Salesforce

We act as trusted advisors and earn the trust of our customers, employees, and extended family through transparency, security, compliance, privacy, and performance

Customer Success

We innovate and expand our business offerings to provide all our stakeholders with new avenues to achieve ever-greater success.


Hearing diverse perspectives fuels innovation, deepens connections between people, and makes us a better company.

Integrate ClickUp with Salesforce !

12. Donorbox

Creative leadership

We encourage development and innovation through research and audacious action

Passion for progress

We have a strict focus on excellence and effect


We behave with decency, morality, and consideration

Remaining faithful to our principles offers us meaning. It helps people make difficult choices with clarity and draws a large group of people who value honesty over dishonesty.  These values shape the culture at our company because it allows all the employees to have a drive and passion for succeeding in every aspect and lead creatively while focusing on continuous action and being gracious and considerate of others.

Maneesh Sharma Donorbox


We value diverse voices and approaches. We act with authenticity and respect. We create equitable experiences for all.

We build trusted relationships. We collaborate across business functions. We recognize and celebrate progress.

We do what is right for Target, our team & guests. We deliver results that matter. We continually learn by valuing progress over perfection.

14. Netflix

Honest and productive feedback

Meaningful feedback can be hard to give or accept. But like any new habit, it gets easier with practice. So we help people learn to give and receive feedback through coaching and modeling the behaviors we want to see across the company.

Freedom and responsibility

Our goal is to inspire people more than manage them. We want our teams to do what is best for Netflix. This, in turn, generates a sense of responsibility, accountability, and self-discipline that drives us to do great work. 

People over process

Our people-first approach allows us to build a dream team and be more flexible, creative, and successful in everything we do.

15. Ling App


 We rely on data to drive our decisions.

Curious with an open mind

We view every day as a new learning opportunity and use open feedback to improve ourselves.

Entrepreneurial attitude

We try new things. We move fast.

Creating these core values has strengthened not only our work culture, but our business decisions and determination to work toward a common goal.  At our quarterly meetings, we use these company values as team-building activity guidelines and ask our team to rate our company on a scale of 1-10 based on these values and explain their answers.

Simon Bacher Ling App

16. Hubspot

At HubSpot, you’re encouraged to think like a founder and take ownership. We believe amazing people should be trusted to do amazing work.


There’s no inner circle at HubSpot. We share information openly and often so that employees can make decisions and drive impact for our customers.


We’ve always believed results matter more than where or when they’re produced. HubSpotters have the flexibility to work remotely, take unlimited vacations, and build a work-life “fit” that matches their personal and professional goals.

We are all on the same team working towards the same goal, and everyone is open to learning from each other. This creates a culture of compassion and empathy. 


We want to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly so we can continue to improve as a team. This makes our workplace a safe and trust-filled environment. 

We are passionate about our work and persevere through difficult times. We use our failures to learn and grow. 

Our core values are what keep us grounded as a team.  We check our egos at the door, believe in open communication, deeply care about the team and people we serve, practice accountability and resilience, and never give up when times get tough.

Linda Shaffer Checkr

Give and take responsibility

We believe in empowering people. Giving and taking responsibility are ways to grow and develop as individuals. Trusting each other, and being positive and forward-looking inspires everyone to contribute to development.

Renew and improve

We are constantly looking for new and better ways forward. Whatever we are doing today, we can do better tomorrow. Finding solutions to almost impossible challenges is part of our success and a source of inspiration to move on to the next challenge.

Lead by example

We see leadership as an action, not a position. We look for personal values before competence and experience. People who ‘walk the talk’ and lead by example. It’s about being our best selves and bringing out the best in each other.

Our team members are always looking for new ways to improve and grow, and they are constantly pushing themselves to be the best. 


Our team members are always looking out for one another, and they are quick to offer help when needed. 

We strive to produce the best results possible, and we are always working to improve our performance. 

Our values shape our culture in a number of ways.  First, we believe that hustle fosters a spirit of determination and grit.  Second, we believe that kindness is essential in creating a supportive and inclusive workplace.  Finally, we believe that excellence is the cornerstone of our success.  These core values have helped to shape our culture into one that is ambitious, compassionate, and driven by success


Focus on the user and all else will follow

Since the beginning, we’ve focused on providing the best user experience possible. Whether we’re designing a new Internet browser or a new tweak to the look of the homepage, we take great care to ensure that they will ultimately serve you, rather than our own internal goal or bottom line.

It’s best to do one thing really, really well

With one of the world’s largest research groups focused exclusively on solving search problems, we know what we do well, and how we could do it better.

You can be serious without a suit

Our founders built Google around the idea that work should be challenging, and the challenge should be fun. We believe that great, creative things are more likely to happen with the right company culture.

Love your craft

We build for builders and try to make complex things feel simple. We ask why until we get to the core and continually focus on solving the right problem, not just shipping work.

Grow as you go

Everyone’s a work in progress, and we’re here to help each other grow.

Run with it

Building Figma is about taking initiative, being bold, and charting a new course, not running a playbook. Figmates are building the future of design by tackling big, scary, exciting challenges like Figma’s future depends on it. Because it does.

22. American Express

We respect people

We trust and respect one another for who we are and what we contribute. We are accountable to one another and empower every voice through open, courageous dialogue, so others feel heard.

We back our customers 

Relationships are at the heart of our business. We strive to be essential to our customers by delivering exceptional products, services, and experiences every day – and promise to have their backs in everything we do.

We do what’s right 

Customers choose us because they trust our brand and people. We earn that trust by ensuring everything we do is reliable, consistent, and with the highest level of integrity.

23. Techtopia

We are committed to doing what is right and being truthful about it, even when it’s not easy or popular. This value guides our actions and decisions. 

When we work together, we create an environment of trust and respect that allows us to challenge and push each other to improve.

We believe that to stay relevant and successful, we must evolve and find new ways to do things constantly.

Honesty is our founding principle and the cornerstone of our business. We believe that being honest with our clients, suppliers, and each other is the only way to do business.  Our team is full of passionate individuals who share the same goal: to be the best at what we do, be open to new ideas, take risks, and always have a student mindset.  It’s what keeps us fresh, relevant, and ahead of the curve .


24. Headspace

Selfless drive

We accelerate each other and are accountable to each other to deliver on our vision.

Courageous heart

We bravely go to new places, knowing we have the support of our team.

Curious mind

We learn that when we listen to others, we cultivate the curiosity and empathy to unlock innovation.

Leaders are owners. They think long-term and don’t sacrifice long-term value for short-term results. They act on behalf of the entire company, beyond just their own team. They never say “that’s not my job.”

Learn and be curious 

Leaders are never done learning and always seek to improve themselves. They are curious about new possibilities and act to explore them

Invent and simplify

Leaders expect and require innovation and invention from their teams and always find ways to simplify. They are externally aware, look for new ideas from everywhere, and are not limited by “not invented here.” As we do new things, we accept that we may be misunderstood for long periods.

26. Rank Secure

Honesty and transparency

We have transparency in our dealings with both employees and customers, and that builds trust. 

Building lasting relationships with customers 

Communicating effectively, addressing their concerns, and offering solutions to build rapport and create loyalty. 

Our values emphasize that which carries on with every one of our employees and how they do things both within the office and with customers. We have transparency in our dealings with both employees and customers, and that builds trust.  The overall culture is that we should make a difference while we’re here because, in the scheme of things, life is pretty short.

Baruch Labunski Rank Secure

27. Semrush

It’s what you have here by default. Speak up and be your true self

Sense of Ownership  

We all share the desire to set things into motion. Drive the projects you find meaning in, because it’s not worth wasting time on

Constant Changes

We are always looking to make things better. Change is exhilarating, it doesn’t have to be scary.


Stands for our commitment to our people, customers, partners, and the environment


Creates efficiency, clarity, and clear direction within our organization as well as for our customers.


We mean what we say. We are consistent in our dealings with people, products, price, and all other aspects of our day-to-day professional life.

We have a hybrid flexible schedule giving agency for each employee to construct their own work-life balance. 

Valuing what everyone brings to their role and the company.

Support learning to allow innovation and continue growing as an entire organization.

We hold monthly “lunch and learn” where we highlight a different employee to share their knowledge with the rest of the company. Valuing what everyone brings to their role and the company embraces humility and a willingness to keep learning and growing.  Combining our flexibility to keep our team members motivated with a culture that supports learning and growing means that our company can continue innovating. There is no growth without enough humility to be willing to change first

Monte Deere Kizik

30. Trader Joe’s

Caring for the community

Through our longstanding Neighborhood Shares Program, our stores donate products that go unsold but remain fit to be enjoyed to local food recovery agencies.


More than ever, sustainability has been a central focus in our work as your neighborhood grocery store.


We are dedicated to providing an environment that is safe, welcoming, inclusive, and respectful for all Crew Members and customers.

31. Fig Loans

Core values: .

Value our customers’ time

We are efficient and transparent, which builds real, trusting relationships with our customers.

Offer genuine help

We provide paths to financial stability for all.

Deliver quality service

We stand behind our commitment to offering financial products to our customers in a socially responsible way.

Our core values shape our identity as an organization. We aim to center everything we do around our customers, allowing us to build a cultured team based on genuine help.  Finally, we stand by our principle of customer satisfaction first, then profits next, which compels us to deliver quality service at every customer touchpoint.

Jeffrey Zhou Fig Loans

32. Mayo Clinic

The first value shows the clinic‘s aim to adhere to the high standards of ethics, professionalism, and personal responsibility so that patients trust the healthcare center.

We inspire hope and nurture people’s well-being by respecting their emotional, physical, and spiritual needs.

We believe in “giving respect to get respect.” That is why it cultivates the value of treating everyone in a diverse community with respect and dignity. It includes patients, colleagues, and their families.

Never stop innovating

With anything we do, we react quickly, and strategically, and always think about the future—we’re committed to pushing the boundaries of transformation with smart solutions driven by customer needs.

Act with integrity 

Integrity is about honesty, decency, and respect that we exhibit every day as we work with each other, our customers, our partners, and the extended community.

Empower our people 

We want every employee to know that Okta belongs to them and that they have a stake in our shared wins.

34. Crediful  

Commitment to customers

We expect our team to work with the customers to find the best solutions for them. 

Constant learning

The field we work in is constantly evolving, and it is vital to the business that the team evolves with it.

We believe that talent is to be found in people of every description. 

To ensure that we offer the very best service, everyone in the business must keep themselves up to date with the latest developments. At the same time, this also helps the employees to develop their own skill sets.  Moreover, we are very strict about who we accept in our business regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, age, or disability. They have been employed because they are skilled at what they do; if anyone cannot accept this, they are not welcome in the business.”

Colin Palfrey Crediful

35. Soul Cycle

We’re a community 

We’re passionate participants and leaders within our communities. We work together to create a sanctuary where all are celebrated.

We embrace change

We adapt, enhance, and evolve as we grow, welcome feedback, and approach every challenge with an open mind and heart.

We recharge

We adapt, enhance, and evolve as we grow. We welcome feedback and approach every challenge with an open mind and heart.

36. Marriott

Put people first

Take care of associates, and they will take care of the customers.

We hold ourselves to uncompromising ethical and legal standards. This extends to our day-to-day business conduct, our employee policies, our supply chain policies, our environmental programs and practices, and our commitment to human rights and social responsibility.

Embrace change

We’re driven to continually challenge the status quo and anticipate our customers’ changing needs with new brands, new global locations, and new guest experiences.

37. Snackable Solutions

We believe that successful small businesses and start-ups give people hope. They are shining examples of what can be achieved through focus and determination. 

Empowerment and Community

Our mission-driven podcast empowers our community of entrepreneurs to thrive by transforming themselves and their businesses. This mission shapes the culture of the small team behind the podcast. 

Owning and operating a business is hard. It requires expertise in your core competency. It also requires creativity to find solutions to new problems every day.  Our core values of hope, community, empowerment, and transformation make this success much more likely to happen.

Dennis Consorte

38. Tinuiti  

Don’t just do it. Own it

We take responsibility for our teammates, our clients, and our own personal happiness. We empower our employees to be the experts they are. If you can dream it, and you can do it, we’ll work with you to make it happen.

Talent over geography

While we’d absolutely love to have you around in one of our offices—and you can see them all below— you’re welcome to join us either way. Talent and drive transcend state lines.

Empowerment and education 

Whether you’re interested in getting an edge in Analytics or working on your client communication skills, we want to help you learn. It’s just another way we invest in our people, and it’s always worth it.

Being transparent means making relevant information and context easily accessible so that everyone can be more efficient and effective. 

We trust each other to make the right decisions, and we support each other in pursuit of our goals. But, we know we’re not perfect, and things won’t always go to plan. So when things go south, we talk about it and learn from our mistakes.

We recognize our differences and embrace the new perspectives those differences can provide, and we also understand that everyone has biases. Rather than ignore them, we strive to learn why they exist and how we can overcome them.

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40. GoodHire

Customer delight

We want to exceed expectations at every turn, with careful attention to detail and an emphasis on quality.

Preserve integrity

This means doing things in ways that are always ethically and morally correct. 

At GoodHire, we follow a core values list that shape the foundations of our company culture. We find that each of these values serve as our guiding principles for delivering great experiences and fostering a truly supportive company culture.  In all, they’re a reflection of our commitment to excellence, and to our mission statement of having a positive impact on the world.

Max Wesman

41. Life Time Fitness

Support a culture of inclusion

Create safe and respectful spaces, so everyone is encouraged to participate.

Expand the community

Build strategic relationships that create an impact across social and economic barriers.

Close the gap

Assess and revise our recruiting and casting practices.

42. Buy Here Pay Here

We act with integrity in everything we do. We are honest, transparent, and ethical in our dealings with others. 

We are constantly looking for new and better ways to do things. We encourage creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. 

We strive to make a positive impact in everything we do. We want to make a difference in the world and leave things better than we found them. 

These values shape our culture in a number of ways. First, they guide our behavior and decision-making. We always try to do what is right and best, and we are always looking for ways to improve.  Second, they create a positive and collaborative environment. We work together to solve problems and achieve our goals. Lastly, they inspire us to do great work. We are constantly striving to make a difference and have a positive impact on the world around us.

Buy Here Pay Here

43. SocialBee  

We act like owners. We treat our customers’ businesses as our own – with attention, care, and by putting their best interest first.

We choose continuous learning, always improving our skills, and growing as individuals.

Yes, it’s a made-up word. Who says we can’t do that? It shows we’re innovative, creative, digitally savvy, and willing to take risks.

44. Assisted Living Center

We believe in being upfront and honest about fees and application processes so that our clients don’t feel sidetracked


By offering free care information, we also make it possible for seniors to access the help they need. 


It’s equally important that we honor their privacy in these situations; every applicant has a story worth protecting. 

Our mission statement is built on helping others, but first living by example.  As a healthcare marketing company, we pride ourselves on the guiding principles of transparency, accessibility, and confidentiality.  These values aren’t only directed at clients; they form part of our work culture .

Stephan Baldwin

45. BetterUp


Find meaning in what we do through crafting excellence.

Perseverance is driven by determination and passion.

What sets you apart makes us unique.

Privacy and online security

We believe in the fundamental human right to staying private and secure online. Our employee’s right to privacy in the workplace is important too, so ensuring work-life boundaries are respected is a result of our core values

Customer support

We are a people-first company, and know the importance of human support, especially in the technology industry.

We have invested heavily in our customer support team, and always look at security and app updates from the perspective of what our customers want, not just what we think they need. It also means that our employees and contractors know their own value as people.

Volodymyr Shchegel Clario

47. Calendly

We never settle, never accept “it works well enough” or “that’s how we have always done it” reasoning. Our people take action, adapt quickly and persevere in the face of obstacles until they make meaningful progress.

Focus wisely

We operate as a lean and efficient team, but recognize that quality and speed go together as counterweights—neither is sufficient alone.

Strive for excellence

We are self-starters who crave empowerment, actively pursue opportunities for impact and are driven to produce exceptional results

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48. Jolly SEO

Show equal commitment to providing consistently high-quality work.

We rely on the team to record their work accurately and honestly.

Our team is fully remote and in order to make this work, we rely on each team member to take responsibility for their own time management and for completing their work in time.  We also accept that mistakes can happen, and that is to be expected, but provided that they own up when they make a mistake we don’t make an issue of it.  Most importantly, we insist that each team member is treated with respect in every aspect of their life. Discrimination in any form is simply not accepted; no excuses.

TR Doughterty

Take ownership 

We set clear expectations, and are proactive and accountable.

Win together

We are aligned, stronger together, and operate as one team.

We strive for inclusion, listen, learn, and speak with our actions.

50. Zach Grove

We value integrity and take responsibility for all our actions.

“Bring Innovation” value encourages team members to bring new growth ideas to the table.

Chill Work 

This means that we don’t subscribe to toxic “grinding” and “hustle culture.”

Instead, we’re deliberately calm and chill. 

We understand that work is a part of life, but not the entirety of life. This is non-negotiable—it shapes our culture in that team members know they should never feel guilty for completely unplugging on the weekends.

Zach Grove

Define and Live By Your Team Core Value Statement   

When it comes to identifying core values, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. 

First and foremost, what is important to you as a business? What do you stand for? And most importantly, what are your employees’ personal core values?

It’s also important to remember that not all values are universal or equal. Some may even conflict; you’ll have to choose the ones that are aligned with your own core values and vision statement . Use this core values list to help you create strong and authentic guiding principles that resonate with your business, employees, and customers.   

Once you have determined your company values, make sure to share them regularly with your team to keep them motivated and aligned with your goals. Setting the tone for your company culture will help you attract and keep like-minded people who share your values and desire to succeed, which will help your business thrive for years to come.

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130 Good Company Values Examples

Download our free Company Values Toolkit Download this toolkit

An Overview of Company Values

Coming up with good company values is hard. We've put together this extensive list of over 130 examples of good company values to help.

We've also compiled an awesome downloadable toolkit to help you choose the right values for your organization.

Just download the toolkit , select the categories that are most important to you, then build out your own set of core values.

This list of examples of company values should be used in conjunction with our guide to writing good company values , which is part of our overall guide to strategic planning .

Free Download Download our Company Values Toolkit Download this toolkit

Not only have we put together over 130 company values - we've also provided an inspiring write-up for each one that you can use within your own organization. We sorted our examples of company values into categories to help you build your own.

You can check out the full list of company values below - but the real fun comes when you download the toolkit. The toolkit will walk you through the following steps:

  • Select the areas that are most important to your company
  • Work through the categories you've selected to pick out the company values that resonate the most
  • Read our inspiring descriptions of each
  • The toolkit will automatically compile your company values into an output tab so you can see how they look side by side

Download the toolkit using the form above - or if you want a sneak peek of what's inside, we've included the entire list of company values below:


Curious Interested in everything around us and how to make it better

Dreamers Big thinkers with even bigger ideas

Fresh Original and modern way of doing things

Individual We value each other's differences

Imaginative Full of ideas and imagination

Inquisitive We ask lots of questions and are interested in everything

Inspirational Motivating each other to achieve great things

Inventive Practical solutions to complex problems

Mysterious Unexpected outcomes using unconventional techniques

Original We do things our way which is the same as no other


Caring We care primarily about the needs of our customers

Love We love the people whom we serve

Service Our purpose is to fulfil the needs of our customers

Devotion We are devoted to our customers no matter what it takes

Understanding We understand the needs of our customers

Accessible We are always available to help our customers

Friendly We are always friendly even in the face of hostility

Ethical We stand by our moral code

Hospitable We welcome customers to our store or service

Helpful We are always there to answer questions and assist

Fair We treat everyone equally


Candid We speak our minds even when it might not be popular

Honest We always tell the truth and proactively speak up

Humble We are thankful for what we have and no our own limitations

Trusting We have complete faith in one another

Listening We listen and actively encourage others to speak

Open We are transparent and open in our thoughts and actions

Tolerant We appreciate diversity and encourage different opinions

Loyal We are loyal to each other and to the organization

Generous We give our time and resources generously to one another

Supportive We support each others development and progress

Fair We treat each other equally at all times


Collaborative We work together always

Family We respect each other as a family

Partners We share equally in the success of the organization

Sharing We share our ups and our downs with one-another

Generous We are generous with our time and our resources

Open We are always honest and open with one-another

Structured We have a well defined structure and each know our role

Loyal We are loyal to one another always

Flexible We are flexible enough to cover for one-another when needed

Inclusive We include everyone in everything

Focused We are a single-minded focused unit


Caring We care for one-another and our customers

Helpful We help each other even when it's not required

Selfless We think of others before ourselves

Sensitive We are sensitive to others needs

Understanding We take the time to listen and understand each other's views

Welcoming We welcome all people to our team

Available We always make ourselves available to talk

Warm We are friendly and welcoming

Human We are human first and business people second

Loving We love each other as people


Relentless We pursue our goals even when they seem unreachable

Determined We are determined and focused

Single Minded We have one clear goal and fight to attain it

Enduring We endure even hard times in pursuit of our goals

Hard Working We work hard and effectively

Resolute We are confident that we will reach our goals

Tough We are unmoving and strong

Committed Our commitment to our goals is unbreakable

Dependable We are reliable and dependable always

No BS We are straight-talking and focused

Risk Taking We take risks whenever required


Brave We move forward confidently

Explorers Constantly pushing the boundaries of what has been done before

Innovators We invent things others thought impossible

Inquisitive We ask questions to better understand the world

Confronting We confront our fears and move past them

Confident We are confident in our abilities

Passionate We are passionate about achieving our dreams

Free We are free spirited and open minded

Bold We move forward boldly even in the face of adversity

Fast We are agile and move quickly on new opportunities

Risk Taking We are not afraid to take risks when necessary

Capable We are well trained and effective at what we do

Smart We only hire the smartest minds in the business

Experienced We have deep experience in our field

Wise We are intelligent and apply that intelligence wisely

Mature We've been around a while use that experience for the good

Quality Focused We are obsessed with quality

Skilled We are highly technically skilled

Organized We are well organized and efficient

Meticulous We pay extreme attention to the details

Careful We move carefully and assuredly

Dependable You can rely on us


Zen We are focused and together of the body and mind

Thoughtful We are thoughtful about every decision we make

Humble We know our limits and appreciate what we have

Selfless We put others first, always

Thankful We are thankful for what we have been given

Community Minded We are here primary to serve

Open We are open and transparent with those around us

Global Citizens We care for the world physically and emotionally

Safe We are a safe haven for our people and stakeholders

Self Aware We are aware of our skills and our weaknesses

Generous We give our time and resources generously


Cheerful We approach even hard situations with a smile

Fun We have fun at all times

Enthusiastic We are positive and enthusiastic no matter the task

Playful We are playful with each other and our customers

Balanced We have a great work / life balance

Sporty We are passionate about fitness

Happy We aim to be happy first, successful second

Positive We take a positive attitude into our work

Exciting We are fun to be around and full of surprise

Lively We are always up for a challenge and a new adventure

Surprising We delight and surprise customers


Curious We are interested in the world and how it works

Improvement Focused We take the time to improve our skills

Teachers We teach each other whenever possible

Explorers We are always seeking new opportunities to try new things

Humble We are aware of our limits and hungry to learn

Insight Led We use research and insight to make better decisions

Listeners We listen to each other and our customers

Open We are open about our work and our limitations

Innovative We try to apply creative solutions to problems

Experimental We invest in experiments even when it seems crazy

Risk Taking We take risks when needed


Aggressive We pursue our goals hard and fast

Ambitious We have big plans

Bold We move confidently and don't doubt our ability

Competitive We are aware of our competitive environment

Ferocious We are tenacious and ferocious is pursing our goals

Winners We aim to win in everything that we do

Intense We are intensely focused on what we do

Direct We move quickly and directly

Focused We have complete focus on a single-minded goal

Disciplined We are structured, disciplined and efficient

Assertive We are assertive about what we want

The is probably the most comprehensive list of company values available on the internet and we hope you find both this article and the toolkit useful.

If you'd like to suggest some great company values that we missed from our list, drop us a comment or hit us up on social media!

📚Recommended reading:  How to Create Company Values

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Business Values: Cultivating Ethical Practices for Sustainable Success

Table of contents.

Business values are the foundation upon which companies build their identity and practices. These are the principles and ethical standards that guide a company’s actions, influence its company culture, and determine how it interacts with customers, employees, and the larger community. They serve as a compass for decision-making and help align the goals of the company with the behaviors of its workforce.

A strong set of business values can profoundly impact a company’s success. They influence corporate strategies, employee engagement, and customer perception, often becoming a critical factor in distinguishing a business from its competitors. By establishing clear and meaningful values, businesses can foster a sense of purpose and direction, which can in turn drive productivity and innovation.

The importance of business values is recognized through their ability to give companies a competitive edge. They are not just inspirational quotes on a wall but actionable statements that shape the day-to-day operations. The right set of values can lead to improved business outcomes by promoting a positive corporate image, quality customer service, and a strong internal culture that supports both individual and collective growth.

Business Values


Business values function as the guiding principles that shape company culture and influence behaviors within an organization. These values lie at the heart of a business’s identity, reflecting what it stands for and believes in. A company’s core values are integral to the way they operate, often translating into the decision-making processes and customer engagement strategies.

The importance of business values cannot be understated; they serve as the foundation for creating a distinctive brand and fostering a supportive working environment. Not only do they guide internal conduct, but they also help in aligning employee actions with the company’s overarching mission and objectives.

There’s a consensus in the business world about values being benefactors of success . These values are pivotal because they can significantly impact customer satisfaction, employee retention, and overall business performance. Companies often publicize their core values to establish trust with clients, showing that they are about more than just profit.

The establishment and communication of core values is a reflection of a company’s commitment to acting ethically and responsibly. Transparency in a company’s core values can inspire confidence in potential customers and attract a loyal following.

In crafting business values, organizations must ensure that they are not just words on a wall but are actionable and evident in every aspect of the company’s operations. It’s these values that often drive the business forward and set the stage for long-term success and innovation.

What Are Business Values?

Business values are the fundamental beliefs and guiding principles that shape an organization’s culture and decision-making processes. They serve as a moral compass for a company, influencing how it interacts with employees, customers, and the broader community.

  • Principles: Business values manifest as core principles that staff members are encouraged to embody.
  • Culture: These values are instrumental in defining the organizational culture, promoting a sense of shared identity among team members.
  • Decision-making: Values also play a critical role in decision-making, ensuring actions and strategies align with the company’s ethical standards.

For example, a business might prioritize values such as integrity , quality , and innovation . Integrity ensures that a company conducts its affairs with honesty and fairness. Quality highlights a commitment to excellence in products and services, while innovation drives the company to stay competitive and forward-thinking.

Companies articulate their values to stakeholders through various channels. This can include internal communication, marketing materials, and corporate social responsibility reports.

Companies often reflect their values in everyday operations, using them to guide behaviors, business practices , and set long-term goals. When effectively integrated, business values contribute to the overall success and sustainability of an organization. They enhance employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and the company’s reputation in its industry.

Business values

Examples of Common Business Values

This section provides a concise overview of the fundamental values that shape the cultures and operations of many businesses.

Integrity: Conducting Business With Honesty and Transparency

Businesses that prioritize integrity ensure honesty and transparency in all transactions. They hold a firm stance against corruption, fostering trust with customers and partners.

Innovation: Continously Seeking New Ideas and Improvements

Companies valuing innovation are committed to the pursuit of new ideas and constant improvement. This relentless drive for innovation is often the catalyst for market leadership and growth.

Excellence: Striving for Outstanding Quality in Products and Services

Excellence is non-negotiable for businesses that aim to deliver the highest quality in products and services. Such companies set stringent standards and benchmarks to achieve unparalleled results.

Responsibility: Being Accountable for the Impact on Society and the Environment

Social and environmental responsibility guides businesses to operate sustainably and ethically, considering the wider impact of their actions on society and the planet.

Teamwork: Valuing Collaboration and Collective Success

The ethos of teamwork underscores the belief that collaborative efforts yield superior outcomes. Businesses that encourage teamwork often experience increased innovation and morale.

Business Values

The Role of Business Values

Business values serve as the cornerstone of company culture and strategy, influencing every facet of operations from internal decisions to external relationships.

Decision Making: Values Act as a Framework for Making Business Decisions

Values in business provide a moral compass for leaders and employees, guiding them through complex choices and dilemmas. The commitment to honesty and integrity, for example, can steer a company toward more ethical practices and away from short-term gains at the cost of long-term trust.

Behavior and Conduct: They Set the Standard for How Employees Are Expected to Behave

A company’s values define the acceptable behavior and conduct within the workplace. These standards help in maintaining a professional environment where all employees are aligned with the company’s ethical expectations, fostering consistency in how employees interact with each other and stakeholders.

Brand Identity: Values Help Shape the Public Perception of a Brand

The public image of a brand is molded by its core values which reflect the company’s personality and priorities. Companies known for prioritizing customer service, such as through transparency and accountability, often build stronger, trust-based relationships with their clients.

Employee Engagement: Shared Values Can Foster a Strong Sense of Community and Purpose

Organizations that share their values openly can cultivate a cohesive community where employees feel more connected to their work and to each other. This shared purpose can lead to increased motivation, loyalty, and overall engagement within the company.

Real-World Examples

Exploring how businesses integrate their core values into their operations provides insight into their success and cultural impact. Here, concrete examples from Patagonia and Google exemplify the translation of company values into practice.

Patagonia: This Outdoor Clothing Brand Is Renowned for Its Commitment to Environmental Sustainability

Patagonia sets a benchmark in environmental responsibility, embedding it into every aspect of their business. From innovative supply chain practices to advocating for ecological conservation, their actions consistently reflect their dedication to the planet’s health. Their initiative to repair rather than replace garments both reduces waste and encourages consumers to reconsider disposable culture.

Google: Known for Its Value of Innovation, Google Constantly Pushes the Boundaries of Technology

Google thrives on innovation, shaping the future of the internet and technology as they continuously introduce groundbreaking products and services . At Google, the spirit of ‘thinking big’ is omnipresent, and it is this hunger for breakthroughs that drives their market leadership and influences corporate cultures globally.

Business Values

In crafting the end of a business plan, clarity and brevity are paramount. A business plan’s conclusion serves to summarize the document’s main points, restate the business’s goals, and underscore the commitment to the proposed strategies. It is advised to place the conclusion at a strategic location, such as at the end of the executive summary or the entire document, especially when seeking investments.

  • Recapitulation : Succinctly reiterate the business model and key strategies .
  • Goals : Emphasize the short-term and long-term objectives of the enterprise.
  • Action Steps : Outline the immediate steps the business will take to achieve these goals.

When evaluating the company’s values, one should think ahead and consider whether current values align with the projected future of the company. A fresh look at a company’s values can be the catalyst for meaningful organizational change and growth.

The notion of business value extends beyond the financials; it includes both tangible and intangible elements. When a business undertakes valuation, it involves a series of steps that lead to a conclusive valuation , taking into account assets, equity, and intangible elements such as intellectual property and market position.

Companies may periodically reassess their values to inspire their culture and ensure adherence to a unified mission. An insightful examination of core company values can inform this reevaluation, fostering an environment where strategies and values are in continuous alignment.

In essence, the concluding section of any business-related document is the company’s final opportunity to articulate its vision, restate its commitment, and inspire confidence in its stakeholders.

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How to Find, Define, and Use Your Values

  • Irina Cozma

what are values in a business plan

Your values should reflect the most important aspects of your life.

There’s so much power in understanding what your values are — they can help you make decisions, guide your career, and even live a happier life. But how can you think about your values in an intentional way?

  • Step 1: Find your values. Your values aren’t hiding. Even if you haven’t vocalized them, they’re a reflection of the most important aspects of your life. To identify yours, reflect on what’s important to you, create a list of the top three things, and rank them if you can.
  • Step 2: Define your values. Write down what each of the values you identified really means to you, and try to keep your definition as short as possible — you want to be able to easily remember your values and how you define them. Ask yourself: If somebody were to wake me in the middle of the night and ask me to define my values, could I answer?
  • Step 3: Use your values. You’ll know you have identified your values and truly defined them once you find yourself looking at the world around you through the framework of your values. One way to practice using your values is to reflect on a situation that’s frustrating you. Ask yourself: What is lurking behind my frustration? Is one of my values not being met?

What are your values?

  • Irina Cozma , Ph.D., is a career and executive coach who supports professionals to have better career adventures. She coached hundreds of Fortune 500 executives from global organizations like Salesforce, Hitachi, and Abbott. Irina also coaches startups and the Physicians MBA at the University of Tennessee. Download her free career guide to help you prepare for your next career adventure.

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How to establish your company’s core values.

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Brian Town is the CEO of Michigan Creative , a creative agency that helps businesses in the Midwest and beyond grow their business

“Core values” refer to your company’s principles. They show what your company stands for, who your team is and the people you want to attract. Simply put, core values are the beliefs that drive the actions of your organization. When implemented correctly, a business’s core values can function as a guide for many different aspects of the company, including:

1. Company Culture

Core values help build the foundation of a business. When every member of the organization aligns with the company’s core values, making decisions that fit into the company identity becomes easier for everyone involved. It creates a positive and inspiring environment and opens up the lines of communication across the organization, thus making for a more collaborative community.

Core values also help people outside of your organization get a clear understanding of who you are as a company. Many people would rather be a part of a company with defined core values. After all, workers are increasingly looking for an employer that offers a positive and respectful company culture.

2. Messaging

Core values are one of the most important things anyone can do for their brand when crafting their messaging. They give your messaging value and serve as guidelines for conducting your brand voice. Core values set each business apart from the rest and make them distinctly unique. It’s a business personality. Multiple companies might offer the same service, but their core values and differentiating factors allow each brand to attract niche audiences.

When your core values and messaging are clear, your audience knows what to expect when working with your business. When used correctly, your core values integrated into your messaging can also help grab your customers’ attention and leave your audience with a message that resonates with them. Not only is your brand leaving a memorable impression but also building trust and awareness with your audience demographic.

3. Business Strategy

A business’s core values are a crucial part of the foundation used in strategic planning. When an entire team has a similar passion and purpose when coming to work, then the vision for growth is clear, and everyone can work toward the same goal. One of the most challenging parts of developing a business strategy is aligning your team and doing the necessary things to achieve the set goals. When your team aligns with the company values, your company can smoothly implement a strategic business plan. It also opens up increased lines of communication and collaboration, like mentioned above, which tends to make processes and procedures more streamlined and efficient.

Developing Your Values

There is nothing worse than leaders coming up with core values they think their staff will and can embody—only to learn that isn’t the case. After you’ve figured out what you want your business to be, it is imperative to get your staff involved in the process of creating your company’s core values, not just your leadership team. Work and communicate with your team to find out what they think, and use their feedback as you move forward to create a set of core values from which you can all benefit. Core values can be used as a guide for you to be able to put the right people in the right position.

Give your employees time to work on them, train them and share them. For those employees who were around when those core values were established, you better be their leading inspiration and the world’s best example. This doesn’t mean you have to be perfect in following them, but leading by example is important, so admit it if you mess up and fix it next time.

Core values help shape company culture while supporting the company’s vision. When the entire team is clear on their goals, they can better connect and involve themselves more with work and one another. When you have a team that is aligned and connected, stability and collaboration start to build, which leads to future business growth.

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Brian Town

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Organizational Culture

How, and why, to run a values-based business

Deborah Lynn Blumberg

Apr 22, 2024

Values-based businesses — and the backlash against them — can feel very of-the-moment, but the concept has been around for decades.

In the 1950s, IBM took a stand , saying it was committed to supporting a racially integrated workforce, even in states where segregation was commonplace and legal. Ultimately, a decade before the passage of the Civil Rights Act, white and Black employees worked side by side in IBM’s new plants in North Carolina and Kentucky.

“IBM succeeded in getting those facilities integrated by standing up for their values,” said Daniel Aronson, author of “ The Value of Values: How Leaders Can Grow Their Businesses and Enhance Their Careers by Doing the Right Thing ,” published by MIT Press.

In a recent webinar hosted by MIT Sloan Management Review, Aronson spoke about how companies from across industries can benefit from running a business based on values, whether those values are environmental-, social-, or governance-related.

There are obvious and hidden benefits to building a values-based business, Aronson said. Businesses can prosper from both by following his CORE framework — which stands for Customers, Operations, Risks, and Employees.

Customers: To build trust, show them your values

Consumers are the crux of a business, so that’s where a values-based approach should start, Aronson said. If you build trust and loyalty with customers, the other planks of the framework should easily fall into place.

Consider Tony’s Chocolonely , a company whose reason for being is to create change for the better in the cocoa supply chain. The Dutch confectionery calls itself “a social impact company that makes chocolate, not the other way around.” Last year, the its revenue grew 23%, to over $162 million , despite competition from more established brands.

Along the same lines, a cleaning products company discovered that once customers and prospects learned of its climate actions, they reported that its products smelled better. “Hearing about the values and seeing that values connect [to the product] changed their experience of the product, and this changes sales,” Aronson said.

On the flip side, “if customers don’t know that you share their values, then they can’t prefer you for that reason,” Aronson said. That’s why your first step should be articulating your values to your customers, followed by monitoring and measuring their actions, expectations, and values.

Operations: A values lens can boost efficiency

When companies evaluate operations through the lens of their values, they often uncover hidden inefficiencies, Aronson said. A prime example of this is an IBM semiconductor factory that ended up shifting its operations in an effort to cut back on its water usage.

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The factory had been bringing in large amounts of cold water from its local utility and then warming it for use in production. Elsewhere in the plant, towers cooled water that was used to lower the temperature of certain equipment. When IBM looked at its process from an environmental perspective, it realized it could save water and energy by changing its flow — using incoming cold water for cooling and existing warm water for production.

“This facility had been in place for decades, and yet they hadn’t seen this before,” Aronson said, because the problem wasn’t examined through a values lens.

When that changed, the factory realized water savings of 29% and cash savings of about three-quarters of a million dollars in “submerged” costs related to energy and treatment processes.  

Aronson quoted Eric Berliner, an IBM water manager in Burlington, Vermont, who said, “When you start to think like we think, you don’t see water in the pipes. You see dollar signs.”

Risk: A values-based approach helps companies better understand their risks

As is the case with the operations component of the framework, companies often identify risks sooner when they use a values lens. That’s important, Aronson said, because climate-related incidents and disasters are likely to continue to grow and threaten to disrupt operations.

In practice, companies can start by taking a close look at the resources, relationships, and routines their business depends on and determining which ones are already under pressure from climate change and what areas need to be addressed right now.

“When you look through values lenses, you look at what the world needs and where it’s going, and you see things that are different and that are potential risks,” Aronson said. Those threats could include extreme heat, hurricanes and tropical storms, or wildfires.

Employees: Poll your workforce and quantify your progress

“If you want the best people, then you want to have values that align with [theirs],” Aronson said. “And it turns out this is also true in reverse: Values can repel as well as attract.”

And here, too, those values should be articulated and measured. “While the idea that employees want to work for a company that shares their values is intuitive, values are often not quantified,” Aronson said.

Whatever your tools or method, first find out what your current and prospective employees think of your values, he said. Do they know what company values are? Do they believe that leadership believes in them?

Then demonstrate those values to employees and prospects in the best possible ways. This might include designing experiments to track the effect of your efforts. Always be thinking about how you can better connect with your people on a values level,” Aronson suggested.

Overall, “you want to [identify] the core values that you and your customers and your employees and your stakeholders share,” Aronson said. “And you want to think, ‘What can I do that I’ll be proud of in the future, just like IBM did?’”

Read next: 3 leaders detail practices that support stakeholder and societal values

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Home » Business Plans

How to Write a Business Plan Mission and Vision Statement [Sample Template]

Are you currently writing a business plan? If YES, here’s an in-depth guide and sample template on how to write a workable mission & vision statement for a business. A vision and mission statement are some of the most important requisite for business success and sustainability, but unfortunately, most entrepreneurs and small business owners run their business without these two thing out of ignorance.

What is a Mission and Vision Statement?

A mission and vision statement ( more commonly called a mission statement or a vision statement ) is a brief sentence that declares the goals that a business plans to achieve in the future. Like a compass guides a ship, it guides a business to success by providing continuously inspiring its stakeholders in their daily operations and strategic moves.

A mission statement helps you plan your business effectively. It provides the destination for your journey to business success. Of course, without a destination, you can’t plan a route. Before we discuss the steps involved in developing a mission statement for your business, let’s look at the components of a mission statement and why you really need a mission statement for your business.

Today, I will be sharing with you an underground secret to building a business from scratch. This secret is one of the contributing factors to the success of any business; yet, it’s often ignored. This secret is nothing more than a “ Business Mission Statement. ”

“The thing I really care about is the mission; making the world open.” – Mark Zuckerberg

The importance of a mission statement can never be over emphasized. I have seen so many startups without a mission; even some established firms also make the mistake of operating without a mission.

“Being an entrepreneur, I have come to realize that all successful businesses are driven by three fundamentals. One is the cash flow, two is the team and three is the mission. Of these three, the mission is the most important.” – Ajaero Tony Martins

Now what has a mission statement got to do with building a business? What’s the impact of a mission statement on an entrepreneur undergoing the entrepreneurial process? Is a mission statement a source of ? While I am not going to answer these questions directly, the following points will help you further understand why you need to develop a mission statement for your business?

Why Your Business needs a Mission Statement

1. The mission is the foundation on which your business will be built. It’s the true purpose of your business and that purpose is reflected in the mission statement. Without a strong mission statement, you don’t have a true business. All you have is just a profit making venture that will soon be wiped out with time.

“To turn really interesting ideas and fledging ideas into a company that can continue to innovate for years, it requires a lot of disciplines.” – Steve Jobs

2. The entrepreneurial spirit is found in the mission statement. When I look at the mission statement of any business, I get a peep into the life of the entrepreneur that founded that business. The entrepreneurial spirit is what drives the entrepreneur forward. If the mission is strong, your spirit will be strong towards the pursuit of your goal.

“The IKEA spirit is strong and living reality. Simplicity in our behavior gives us strength. Simplicity and humbleness characterize us in our relations with each others, our suppliers and our customers.” – Ingvar Kamprad

3. Your mission statement is the bond binding you, your team, employees and your customers to the business. Take away the mission and other key elements will fall apart. Your mission also has the power to attract other like-minded individuals and entities to your cause. The reason is that people with the same mission align together; more like birds of the same feather flocking together.

4. With a strong mission, your business will weather any storm. Take a look at businesses that has been around for over 100 years and you will see businesses with a strong mission. As an example:

  • General Electric has stood the test of time because the spirit of its founder “ Thomas Edison ” continues to guide the company through its mission.
  • Henry Ford’s mission statement was: “ To democratize the automobile ” and that mission has kept the Ford Motor Company going.
  • Aliko Dangote’s mission statement goes: “ Providing your basic need ” and this mission drives the Dangote Group to dominate the commodities market of
  • The Rich Dad Company; founded by Robert Kiyosaki keeps waxing strong because of its mission, which is “ To elevate the financial well being of humanity .”

By contrast; I have come to observe that when a company forgets its mission, its starts to lose its relevance. The bond holding the business will be broken and good customers will leave, employees will resign and the business will dwindle. Just as the case of the Dot com burst, many profitable Dot com companies went under because they forgot their mission.

3 Components of a Mission and Vision Statement

1.  a vision.

This, simply put, states the impact you envision your business having on the world in years to come. You can have more than a single statement in here, but don’t go beyond three. Gloss it over to make sure anyone who reads it feels at least one of inspiration, hope, commitment, and awe.

In addition, your vision statement must be compelling, detailed, and reflective of the intended end outcome. Avoid one that is bland, generic, uninspiring, or unreasonable. An example of a good vision statement is that of Amazon:

“Our vision is to be earth’s most customer centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.”

2.  A mission statement

This is a brief statement that states the important goal or purpose that your business is poised to achieve. In other words, it’s a single sentence stating why your business exists in a convincing manner. Keep your mission statement specific and concise ( the shorter it is, the better ), make it connect with both employees and stakeholders, and make it highlight your value proposition. Don’t make it too long, generic, or confusing. An example of a good mission statement is that of Nike:

“To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world.”

Here’s another example of a mission statement:

“To contribute to development of value-added agricultural businesses . ”

3. Core values

These outline the principles and values that the stakeholders in a business will follow in their bid to achieve their vision. They also specify the bounds or limits that the stakeholders must watch while trying to actualize the mission. The following are examples of core values:

  • Respect and protect the environment
  • Offer high quality products that are safe for consumers
  • Meet the ever-changing needs of consumers
  • Practice highly ethical business standards

If your business is going to stand the test of time, then you will have to build it upon a strong mission. With the above in mind, let’s now look at the steps involved in developing a mission and visions statement.

How to Write a Mission and Vision Statement for a Business Plan

Please bear in mind that you are learning as much of yourself each day as you are about your customer. So, don’t feel that anything you state here is etched in stone and cannot be changed. The more you understand your customer and the market, the more necessary it would become for you to shift grounds accordingly. But you need to state here what you have to offer at the moment. This will be a starting point for any changes you may need to effect later ( as your business grows ).

1.  Sit down in a quiet spot and reflect upon your thoughts

Ask yourself what drives you forward? What keeps you motivated? When you have figured out the answer to these questions, put it down in writing.

2.  Ask yourself how best you can serve your customers

What will your business stand for in the heart of your customers? What will be the ultimate benefit your customers can derive from your business? When you figure the answer to these questions out, put it down in writing.

3. Brainstorm for your vision statement

The vision is the most important component of your mission statement. Simply put, this is a picture or idea of what you plan to achieve in future . A vision statement is always concise and easy to remember, and for this reason, every stakeholder in a business can easily focus on it; and their decisions and activities are directed towards achieving the vision. Here is a good example of a vision statement:

“ Creating a vibrant rural economy driven by value-added agriculture. “

Once you get one down, then getting other components becomes very easy. To find the best vision statement for your business, simply ask yourself the question, “Why does this business exist?” Present answers from various angles, and you will find your mission statement among them.

4.  Get down your mission statement

As stated earlier, your mission statement is that action sentence that describes how you will achieve your vision. Finding this is much easier once you have found your vision statement. If you are stuck, just do it this way: If your vision is “A diabetes-free society” , then simply add the word “ To ” and another suitable verb to convert it to an action sentence. And there you will have your mission statement.

Using the same vision, you will get “To bring about a diabetes-free society .” You can go further by tweaking it, so that you will have something like: “To manufacture products that can cure diabetes effectively and permanently.” You get it now?

5.  List your core values

First off, you need to clarify your values. This means taking into account all the various stakeholders that your business is ( or will be ) accountable to—including investors, customers, employees, and suppliers. Now, consider how you would like to ideally conduct business with each of these stakeholders. Start making a list and your core values should start to emerge.

These are the various steps you will follow in your quest to achieve your vision. Brainstorm for as many as possible, list them down, and the prune your list down to as few as possible without leaving out any important ones. Now, let’s look at some additional tips that you will need to keep in mind when preparing your mission and vision statement.

4 Extra Success Tips for Developing a Business Plan Mission and Vision Statement

  • Your mission statement must be brief and simple. Being succinct as demanded by a mission statement isn’t easy. And you may need to go through several hours of tweaking and editing before arriving at the perfect sentence. Though short, your mission statement must capture the very essence of what your business plans to achieve. The fewer words the better. Use just only the few words needed to pass the message without leaving out any vital details.
  • Your mission statement must be in tune with your vision, and both sentences must blend to form a single thought.
  • There’s no rule that says you must get it perfectly at once. You can keep review your mission statement later, if necessary.
  • Your mission and vision statements must give the reader an insight, a covert one, at least into what you offer. This is more important if the name of your business doesn’t suggest what products or services you’re offering.

If you follow the guidelines I shared in this post, you will prepare a perfect vision and mission statement that will drive your business to success. Now I want you to know that no one can help you develop a mission statement. You alone can develop your mission and as a final note, it’s worthwhile you know that of the entire business system, the mission is the most important.

  • Go to Chapter 8 Part C: Writing your Business Plans Goals and Objectives
  • Go Back to Chapter 7 : H ow to Write a Business Plan Executive Summary
  • Go Back to Introduction and Table of Content

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12 Key Elements of a Business Plan (Top Components Explained)

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Starting and running a successful business requires proper planning and execution of effective business tactics and strategies .

You need to prepare many essential business documents when starting a business for maximum success; the business plan is one such document.

When creating a business, you want to achieve business objectives and financial goals like productivity, profitability, and business growth. You need an effective business plan to help you get to your desired business destination.

Even if you are already running a business, the proper understanding and review of the key elements of a business plan help you navigate potential crises and obstacles.

This article will teach you why the business document is at the core of any successful business and its key elements you can not avoid.

Let’s get started.

Why Are Business Plans Important?

Business plans are practical steps or guidelines that usually outline what companies need to do to reach their goals. They are essential documents for any business wanting to grow and thrive in a highly-competitive business environment .

1. Proves Your Business Viability

A business plan gives companies an idea of how viable they are and what actions they need to take to grow and reach their financial targets. With a well-written and clearly defined business plan, your business is better positioned to meet its goals.

2. Guides You Throughout the Business Cycle

A business plan is not just important at the start of a business. As a business owner, you must draw up a business plan to remain relevant throughout the business cycle .

During the starting phase of your business, a business plan helps bring your ideas into reality. A solid business plan can secure funding from lenders and investors.

After successfully setting up your business, the next phase is management. Your business plan still has a role to play in this phase, as it assists in communicating your business vision to employees and external partners.

Essentially, your business plan needs to be flexible enough to adapt to changes in the needs of your business.

3. Helps You Make Better Business Decisions

As a business owner, you are involved in an endless decision-making cycle. Your business plan helps you find answers to your most crucial business decisions.

A robust business plan helps you settle your major business components before you launch your product, such as your marketing and sales strategy and competitive advantage.

4. Eliminates Big Mistakes

Many small businesses fail within their first five years for several reasons: lack of financing, stiff competition, low market need, inadequate teams, and inefficient pricing strategy.

Creating an effective plan helps you eliminate these big mistakes that lead to businesses' decline. Every business plan element is crucial for helping you avoid potential mistakes before they happen.

5. Secures Financing and Attracts Top Talents

Having an effective plan increases your chances of securing business loans. One of the essential requirements many lenders ask for to grant your loan request is your business plan.

A business plan helps investors feel confident that your business can attract a significant return on investments ( ROI ).

You can attract and retain top-quality talents with a clear business plan. It inspires your employees and keeps them aligned to achieve your strategic business goals.

Key Elements of Business Plan

Starting and running a successful business requires well-laid actions and supporting documents that better position a company to achieve its business goals and maximize success.

A business plan is a written document with relevant information detailing business objectives and how it intends to achieve its goals.

With an effective business plan, investors, lenders, and potential partners understand your organizational structure and goals, usually around profitability, productivity, and growth.

Every successful business plan is made up of key components that help solidify the efficacy of the business plan in delivering on what it was created to do.

Here are some of the components of an effective business plan.

1. Executive Summary

One of the key elements of a business plan is the executive summary. Write the executive summary as part of the concluding topics in the business plan. Creating an executive summary with all the facts and information available is easier.

In the overall business plan document, the executive summary should be at the forefront of the business plan. It helps set the tone for readers on what to expect from the business plan.

A well-written executive summary includes all vital information about the organization's operations, making it easy for a reader to understand.

The key points that need to be acted upon are highlighted in the executive summary. They should be well spelled out to make decisions easy for the management team.

A good and compelling executive summary points out a company's mission statement and a brief description of its products and services.

Executive Summary of the Business Plan

An executive summary summarizes a business's expected value proposition to distinct customer segments. It highlights the other key elements to be discussed during the rest of the business plan.

Including your prior experiences as an entrepreneur is a good idea in drawing up an executive summary for your business. A brief but detailed explanation of why you decided to start the business in the first place is essential.

Adding your company's mission statement in your executive summary cannot be overemphasized. It creates a culture that defines how employees and all individuals associated with your company abide when carrying out its related processes and operations.

Your executive summary should be brief and detailed to catch readers' attention and encourage them to learn more about your company.

Components of an Executive Summary

Here are some of the information that makes up an executive summary:

  • The name and location of your company
  • Products and services offered by your company
  • Mission and vision statements
  • Success factors of your business plan

2. Business Description

Your business description needs to be exciting and captivating as it is the formal introduction a reader gets about your company.

What your company aims to provide, its products and services, goals and objectives, target audience , and potential customers it plans to serve need to be highlighted in your business description.

A company description helps point out notable qualities that make your company stand out from other businesses in the industry. It details its unique strengths and the competitive advantages that give it an edge to succeed over its direct and indirect competitors.

Spell out how your business aims to deliver on the particular needs and wants of identified customers in your company description, as well as the particular industry and target market of the particular focus of the company.

Include trends and significant competitors within your particular industry in your company description. Your business description should contain what sets your company apart from other businesses and provides it with the needed competitive advantage.

In essence, if there is any area in your business plan where you need to brag about your business, your company description provides that unique opportunity as readers look to get a high-level overview.

Components of a Business Description

Your business description needs to contain these categories of information.

  • Business location
  • The legal structure of your business
  • Summary of your business’s short and long-term goals

3. Market Analysis

The market analysis section should be solely based on analytical research as it details trends particular to the market you want to penetrate.

Graphs, spreadsheets, and histograms are handy data and statistical tools you need to utilize in your market analysis. They make it easy to understand the relationship between your current ideas and the future goals you have for the business.

All details about the target customers you plan to sell products or services should be in the market analysis section. It helps readers with a helpful overview of the market.

In your market analysis, you provide the needed data and statistics about industry and market share, the identified strengths in your company description, and compare them against other businesses in the same industry.

The market analysis section aims to define your target audience and estimate how your product or service would fare with these identified audiences.

Components of Market Analysis

Market analysis helps visualize a target market by researching and identifying the primary target audience of your company and detailing steps and plans based on your audience location.

Obtaining this information through market research is essential as it helps shape how your business achieves its short-term and long-term goals.

Market Analysis Factors

Here are some of the factors to be included in your market analysis.

  • The geographical location of your target market
  • Needs of your target market and how your products and services can meet those needs
  • Demographics of your target audience

Components of the Market Analysis Section

Here is some of the information to be included in your market analysis.

  • Industry description and statistics
  • Demographics and profile of target customers
  • Marketing data for your products and services
  • Detailed evaluation of your competitors

4. Marketing Plan

A marketing plan defines how your business aims to reach its target customers, generate sales leads, and, ultimately, make sales.

Promotion is at the center of any successful marketing plan. It is a series of steps to pitch a product or service to a larger audience to generate engagement. Note that the marketing strategy for a business should not be stagnant and must evolve depending on its outcome.

Include the budgetary requirement for successfully implementing your marketing plan in this section to make it easy for readers to measure your marketing plan's impact in terms of numbers.

The information to include in your marketing plan includes marketing and promotion strategies, pricing plans and strategies , and sales proposals. You need to include how you intend to get customers to return and make repeat purchases in your business plan.

Marketing Strategy vs Marketing Plan

5. Sales Strategy

Sales strategy defines how you intend to get your product or service to your target customers and works hand in hand with your business marketing strategy.

Your sales strategy approach should not be complex. Break it down into simple and understandable steps to promote your product or service to target customers.

Apart from the steps to promote your product or service, define the budget you need to implement your sales strategies and the number of sales reps needed to help the business assist in direct sales.

Your sales strategy should be specific on what you need and how you intend to deliver on your sales targets, where numbers are reflected to make it easier for readers to understand and relate better.

Sales Strategy

6. Competitive Analysis

Providing transparent and honest information, even with direct and indirect competitors, defines a good business plan. Provide the reader with a clear picture of your rank against major competitors.

Identifying your competitors' weaknesses and strengths is useful in drawing up a market analysis. It is one information investors look out for when assessing business plans.

Competitive Analysis Framework

The competitive analysis section clearly defines the notable differences between your company and your competitors as measured against their strengths and weaknesses.

This section should define the following:

  • Your competitors' identified advantages in the market
  • How do you plan to set up your company to challenge your competitors’ advantage and gain grounds from them?
  • The standout qualities that distinguish you from other companies
  • Potential bottlenecks you have identified that have plagued competitors in the same industry and how you intend to overcome these bottlenecks

In your business plan, you need to prove your industry knowledge to anyone who reads your business plan. The competitive analysis section is designed for that purpose.

7. Management and Organization

Management and organization are key components of a business plan. They define its structure and how it is positioned to run.

Whether you intend to run a sole proprietorship, general or limited partnership, or corporation, the legal structure of your business needs to be clearly defined in your business plan.

Use an organizational chart that illustrates the hierarchy of operations of your company and spells out separate departments and their roles and functions in this business plan section.

The management and organization section includes profiles of advisors, board of directors, and executive team members and their roles and responsibilities in guaranteeing the company's success.

Apparent factors that influence your company's corporate culture, such as human resources requirements and legal structure, should be well defined in the management and organization section.

Defining the business's chain of command if you are not a sole proprietor is necessary. It leaves room for little or no confusion about who is in charge or responsible during business operations.

This section provides relevant information on how the management team intends to help employees maximize their strengths and address their identified weaknesses to help all quarters improve for the business's success.

8. Products and Services

This business plan section describes what a company has to offer regarding products and services to the maximum benefit and satisfaction of its target market.

Boldly spell out pending patents or copyright products and intellectual property in this section alongside costs, expected sales revenue, research and development, and competitors' advantage as an overview.

At this stage of your business plan, the reader needs to know what your business plans to produce and sell and the benefits these products offer in meeting customers' needs.

The supply network of your business product, production costs, and how you intend to sell the products are crucial components of the products and services section.

Investors are always keen on this information to help them reach a balanced assessment of if investing in your business is risky or offer benefits to them.

You need to create a link in this section on how your products or services are designed to meet the market's needs and how you intend to keep those customers and carve out a market share for your company.

Repeat purchases are the backing that a successful business relies on and measure how much customers are into what your company is offering.

This section is more like an expansion of the executive summary section. You need to analyze each product or service under the business.

9. Operating Plan

An operations plan describes how you plan to carry out your business operations and processes.

The operating plan for your business should include:

  • Information about how your company plans to carry out its operations.
  • The base location from which your company intends to operate.
  • The number of employees to be utilized and other information about your company's operations.
  • Key business processes.

This section should highlight how your organization is set up to run. You can also introduce your company's management team in this section, alongside their skills, roles, and responsibilities in the company.

The best way to introduce the company team is by drawing up an organizational chart that effectively maps out an organization's rank and chain of command.

What should be spelled out to readers when they come across this business plan section is how the business plans to operate day-in and day-out successfully.

10. Financial Projections and Assumptions

Bringing your great business ideas into reality is why business plans are important. They help create a sustainable and viable business.

The financial section of your business plan offers significant value. A business uses a financial plan to solve all its financial concerns, which usually involves startup costs, labor expenses, financial projections, and funding and investor pitches.

All key assumptions about the business finances need to be listed alongside the business financial projection, and changes to be made on the assumptions side until it balances with the projection for the business.

The financial plan should also include how the business plans to generate income and the capital expenditure budgets that tend to eat into the budget to arrive at an accurate cash flow projection for the business.

Base your financial goals and expectations on extensive market research backed with relevant financial statements for the relevant period.

Examples of financial statements you can include in the financial projections and assumptions section of your business plan include:

  • Projected income statements
  • Cash flow statements
  • Balance sheets
  • Income statements

Revealing the financial goals and potentials of the business is what the financial projection and assumption section of your business plan is all about. It needs to be purely based on facts that can be measurable and attainable.

11. Request For Funding

The request for funding section focuses on the amount of money needed to set up your business and underlying plans for raising the money required. This section includes plans for utilizing the funds for your business's operational and manufacturing processes.

When seeking funding, a reasonable timeline is required alongside it. If the need arises for additional funding to complete other business-related projects, you are not left scampering and desperate for funds.

If you do not have the funds to start up your business, then you should devote a whole section of your business plan to explaining the amount of money you need and how you plan to utilize every penny of the funds. You need to explain it in detail for a future funding request.

When an investor picks up your business plan to analyze it, with all your plans for the funds well spelled out, they are motivated to invest as they have gotten a backing guarantee from your funding request section.

Include timelines and plans for how you intend to repay the loans received in your funding request section. This addition keeps investors assured that they could recoup their investment in the business.

12. Exhibits and Appendices

Exhibits and appendices comprise the final section of your business plan and contain all supporting documents for other sections of the business plan.

Some of the documents that comprise the exhibits and appendices section includes:

  • Legal documents
  • Licenses and permits
  • Credit histories
  • Customer lists

The choice of what additional document to include in your business plan to support your statements depends mainly on the intended audience of your business plan. Hence, it is better to play it safe and not leave anything out when drawing up the appendix and exhibit section.

Supporting documentation is particularly helpful when you need funding or support for your business. This section provides investors with a clearer understanding of the research that backs the claims made in your business plan.

There are key points to include in the appendix and exhibits section of your business plan.

  • The management team and other stakeholders resume
  • Marketing research
  • Permits and relevant legal documents
  • Financial documents

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Martin loves entrepreneurship and has helped dozens of entrepreneurs by validating the business idea, finding scalable customer acquisition channels, and building a data-driven organization. During his time working in investment banking, tech startups, and industry-leading companies he gained extensive knowledge in using different software tools to optimize business processes.

This insights and his love for researching SaaS products enables him to provide in-depth, fact-based software reviews to enable software buyers make better decisions.

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Company Values Statement as Part of the Business Plan

Now that you have read the article on why you need a business plan and the next article on your internal planning document, the business action plan, it's time to start putting together the formal business plan for your company.

The first page or two of the business plan will be the Executive Summary and the Table of Contents. Those pages are written last because you don't really know what you want to say in the Executive Summary until you write the entire business plan and you can't write the Table of Contents until you finish the plan.

Background for Corporate Values Statement

Instead, we start with your Company Overview and your company's values statement. This, like every section of the business plan, will require some thought on your part. Thinking about the values that your company will operate under has a lot to do with your own values. You may think about the marketplace today, and it may seem like it is a scenario where survival of the fittest reigns and ethics and values don't matter anymore. 

The thing is, that's not true. If you don't deal with your customers ethically, they won't be your customers anymore. If you have investors and you don't deal with them ethically, they will drop you like a hot potato. Your employees, while they may seem desperate for jobs, they aren't "that" desperate. Treat them with respect and they will do the same for you.

Business ethics and values may matter more than ever. People are looking for companies with values. Investors want to invest in socially responsible companies who can also make money for them. Customers are craving to buy from companies who employ U.S. workers and from whom they can buy U.S. products. Employees are looking for employers they can respect and earn their respect in return.

There is the background for your corporate values statement. Lack of ethics on Wall Street led to the financial collapse of 2008, from which many segments of our markets still have not recovered. As a small business person, you will see this as you start up or grow your business. If your small business is accused of a lack of values and ethics, it could quite possibly never recover.

Scenario Analysis

Here is a scenario analysis to test your values. John Jones is a management consultant running his own small business. He has a client who has hired him to make a recommendation on a project they are contemplating introducing in another country. That country has virtually no pollution guidelines as we have in the U.S. This project involves drilling for oil and natural gas in the other country.

Engineers have already determined that substantial pollution will be a consequence of the drilling. However, John Jones and the company he is working for has no idea if the drilling will be successful. It is a very risky project, but with possible high short-term profits if it is successful. Should John recommend the project?

In the first place, if John recommends this project, he would likely be sacrificing long-term profitability and maximization of shareholder wealth for short-term profits, if the project is successful. Is that ethical? No. The goal of a firm in a capitalist society is ​the maximization of shareholder wealth.

Second, even if a foreign country has no pollution guidelines, should a business owner who knows that dumping pollutants into a countries air and water is a terrible thing recommend it? No. That should be against their values. Most people would say that John Jones should definitely not recommend this project for both financial and ethical reasons.

Build Your own Values Statement

What is a values statement? A values statement is a set of beliefs and principles that guides your company as you do business. From a practical standpoint, it can keep your company on the right side of the law, and out of trouble with the IRS and other federal and state agencies.

If a crisis strikes and your company has a values statement, everyone knows how to react and chaos is reduced to a minimum. Remember that your values statement will have an impact on all stakeholders of your firm from customers to investors.

Building your values statement takes time. You can probably write down some of the values you want for your company right now. Others you may have to think about. Some will come to you as you write additional sections of your business plan. Don't rush.

The values statement will build itself as you build your business plan. If you are working with a partner or even with a senior manager or two, sit down and brainstorm with them about the values you want your company to uphold. Look at examples of values statements for other companies and see what you can learn from them.

Sybase, Inc. is a worldwide technology (SAP) company supplying enterprise management solutions to Fortune 500 companies. The CEO of Sybase has a very clear values statement on their website that might interest you and help you write your own. A smaller company, Whole Foods, the natural and organic food corporation, also has an interesting value statement on its website.

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Business values

Business values are the concepts that guide your business.

Business values can help you make decisions, foster a culture of teamwork and collaboration and create a positive working environment.

Types of business values

There are 3 main types of business values—principles, beliefs and standards of behaviour.

Principles are the concepts, such as the following, that you believe are fundamental for your business and its success.

  • Act with integrity
  • Take responsibility
  • Seek excellence
  • Reward collaboration
  • Be respectful

Beliefs and attitudes are views that you hold to be true and influence your actions.

They can relate to how people should behave, the way managers should act, how work should be done and how staff should treat each other at work. For example:

  • everyone has the right to be treated with respect
  • the business has zero tolerance for bullying and harassment
  • work should be completed on time.

Standards of behaviour for business outline what is acceptable business practice. From a customer viewpoint, these standards demonstrate the business values and outline the type of service they can expect to get when they deal with your business. For example, the business will:

  • minimise its effects on the environment
  • ensure a safe environment for staff and customers.

Steps for developing business values

A clear set of values that are agreed upon and understood by everyone in the business are important for success. If your business is yet to establish a set of values, the following process can help you to identify and develop them.

1. Reflect on your principles, beliefs and values

The first step is to think about your personal principles and beliefs and link these to the values that you have for your business.

Ask yourself:

  • What do I value in other businesses as an employee and as a customer?
  • What values do I hold that will be core to my business?

2. Assemble a team of people to work on value creation

Assemble a team of people that can work together to create and draft the business values.

If your business is trading and has staff, choose people that understand the business culture, demonstrate leadership skills and are key to the business function.

If your business is new and does not have staff, find trusted people from outside the business to help (e.g. mentors, friends and business advisers ).

3. Brainstorm your business values

Once your team is assembled, you can brainstorm ideas for business values by doing the following.

  • business growth
  • customer service
  • decision-making
  • business culture
  • social community
  • environmental sustainability .
  • Challenge the team to create impact values—these are values that outline the positive impact the business can have on other people and the environment.
  • Draft your values. They shouldn't be long, convoluted statements— 1 to 2 words or a short phrase is usually enough. You may need to give a brief explanation but avoid making the values too complicated. Simple, to-the-point values are more easily recalled by staff and embraced by customers and stakeholders.

Review your list of potential values

When you have completed brainstorming, create a draft list of values. If the list is long, select the top 3–5 important values you have identified. Aim for a mix of principles, beliefs and standards of behaviour within your selection.

4. Reflect on the meaning of each value

Once you've chosen the values, you should reflect on the meaning of each.

Consider the following.

  • What is this value about?
  • Will staff and customers easily understand its meaning?
  • What assumptions are behind it?
  • What other words, ideas or mental images might be associated with it?
  • Is it relevant to current operations?
  • Will the value help the business reach its identified goals?
  • Will it be relevant in 1, 3 or 5 years?

Include your business values in your business plan

Make sure to include your business values in your business plan (particularly in Section 1, Executive summary).

Learn about writing a business plan .

5. Translate your business values into a set of actions

The final step in creating business values is to convert them into a guiding set of actions or action statements. This helps to ensure that the values are understood and easily used across the business.

The actions that you create for your business should represent and build on your business values. The actions can be customer or internally focused.

Value: Respect

Action statement

All staff will treat customers with respect. In practice, this means staff will:

  • communicate openly and honestly
  • respond within expected timeframes
  • avoid any discriminatory behaviour
  • effectively resolve conflict
  • take responsibility for their actions.

All staff will treat each other with respect. In practice, this means staff will:

  • communicate openly and honestly with each other
  • seek to resolve conflict before escalating
  • attend meetings on time
  • avoid all discriminatory behaviour
  • own their own mistakes
  • respect boundaries
  • avoid any discriminatory behaviour.

Implementing business values

Implementing business values involves turning the values into recognisable actions and behaviours that can be measured and monitored across the business.

The following tips will help you implement business values effectively.

  • Translate each value into a set of measurable action statements.
  • Include value and action statements with job descriptions
  • Clearly communicate and document job expectations for all staff (e.g. create specific key performance indicators around the business values).
  • Link job expectations to regular staff performance reviews .
  • Develop a communication plan for the values. It may be appropriate to create value statements or visual representations of the values and display them internally (e.g. on posters, screensavers or email signatures)
  • Include your values where appropriate in business proposals and capability statements , on your website and in other marketing activities
  • Develop staff induction programs with specific activities to practice and demonstrate the business values (e.g. a procedure for eco-friendly waste disposal or greeting customers respectfully).
  • Reward staff for demonstrating the business values.

Also consider...

  • Find out how to create a business vision .
  • Read about the benefits of an environmentally friendly business .
  • Understand performance review benefits .
  • Learn about creating a digital marketing strategy .
  • Read about branding your business .
  • Last reviewed: 8 Dec 2022
  • Last updated: 8 Dec 2022

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Starting a seafood processing business presents a blend of challenges and opportunities, with the potential for significant profitability if approached strategically. In recent years, the global seafood industry has experienced substantial growth, driven by increasing consumer demand for high-quality, sustainably sourced seafood. The industry, valued at $159 billion in 2023, is projected to grow to $208 billion by 2028, highlighting the lucrative potential for businesses that can navigate the complexities of seafood processing​.

Market Overview and Initial Planning

To successfully establish a seafood processing business, one must first conduct a comprehensive market analysis. This involves understanding the local and global demand for seafood, identifying potential competitors, and determining the most viable processing methods for the target market. The market is characterized by its diversity; it includes various segments such as fresh, frozen, canned, and value-added seafood products. Each segment has its own set of challenges and opportunities, making it crucial to choose the right niche based on market research.

what are values in a business plan

The initial planning phase also requires identifying a reliable source of raw materials. Depending on the type of seafood you intend to process, this could involve establishing partnerships with local fishermen, aquaculture farms, or international suppliers. The proximity to raw material sources can significantly affect operational costs and product freshness, both of which are critical to maintaining competitive advantage.

Regulatory Compliance and Quality Control

Entering the seafood processing industry entails navigating a stringent regulatory environment. Governments worldwide impose rigorous standards to ensure the safety and quality of seafood products, which are highly perishable and prone to contamination.   Compliance with food safety standards , such as those set by the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system, is mandatory. These regulations cover various aspects of the processing cycle, from the initial handling of raw seafood to its packaging and distribution.

Quality control is a cornerstone of any successful seafood processing business. Implementing robust quality management systems ensures that products meet the required standards and reduces the risk of foodborne illnesses, which can be devastating to a company's reputation. In recent years, advancements in technology have made it possible to automate many aspects of quality control, such as using sensors to monitor temperature and humidity levels during storage and transportation.

what are values in a business plan

Investment in Fish Processing Equipment

Choosing the right fish processing equipment is crucial for the success of any seafood processing business. This equipment directly impacts the efficiency, product quality, and ultimately, profitability of your operations. Given the significant capital investment required, it is essential to make informed decisions about the types and brands of machines that will best suit your processing needs.

Types of Fish Processing Machines

Several key processes in seafood processing require specialized machinery. These include:

Fish Filleting Machines

Fish filleting machines are designed to automate the process of removing bones and cutting fish into fillets. These machines ensure consistent, high-quality fillets by precisely separating the fish flesh from the bones, reducing waste, and increasing yield. They are crucial in large-scale operations where manual filleting would be time-consuming and less efficient.

Descaling Machines

Descaling machines are used to remove scales from fish before further processing. These machines utilize rotating brushes, blades, or water jets to efficiently strip scales while maintaining the integrity of the fish's skin. Descaling is an essential step to prepare fish for subsequent processes like filleting or skinning.

Fish Heading Machines

Fish heading machines automate the process of removing the heads from fish, a critical step in preparing fish for filleting or other forms of processing. These machines ensure precision cuts, which minimizes waste and improves the efficiency of the processing line, making them vital for high-volume operations.

Fish Skinning Machines

Fish skinning machines are used to remove the skin from fish fillets, ensuring a clean, consistent product. These machines are designed to handle various fish species and can be adjusted for different skin thicknesses, ensuring that the maximum amount of flesh is retained while removing the skin efficiently.

Grading Machines

Grading machines sort fish or fillets based on size, weight, or quality. This equipment ensures uniformity in the final product, which is essential for meeting customer specifications and maintaining product consistency. Grading is a critical step for quality control in seafood processing.

Freezing Equipment

Freezing equipment, such as blast freezers or plate freezers, is used to rapidly freeze fish and seafood products to preserve their freshness and extend shelf life. Rapid freezing prevents the formation of large ice crystals, which can damage the texture of the fish, ensuring that the product retains its quality until it reaches the consumer.

Packaging Machines

Packaging machines in seafood processing are designed to automate the packaging of fish and seafood products. These machines use techniques like vacuum packing or skin packing to protect the product, extend shelf life, and maintain hygiene standards. Efficient packaging is essential for preserving product quality and ensuring safe delivery to the market.

what are values in a business plan

Leading Brands in Seafood Processing Equipment

When selecting equipment, it’s important to consider the reputation and strengths of various manufacturers:

Marel is a global leader in fish processing technology, known for its innovative and high-tech solutions that cover the entire processing line. Their equipment is designed to enhance efficiency and precision, with a focus on automation and sustainability. Marel’s machines are particularly renowned for their advanced filleting, portioning, and grading systems, which are widely used in large-scale operations. The company’s emphasis on integrating software with machinery also sets them apart, providing comprehensive solutions that improve both productivity and product quality.

PERUZA specializes in providing customized fish processing solutions, particularly for small to medium-sized operations. The company is known for its flexibility in designing and manufacturing equipment that meets specific customer needs, making their machines highly adaptable. PERUZA focuses on automation and efficiency, offering a range of equipment including filleting machines, grading systems, and packaging machines. Their commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency makes them a popular choice for businesses looking to optimize their processing lines with a smaller environmental footprint.

Baader is a pioneering company in the fish processing industry, with a long history of innovation. They offer a comprehensive range of equipment, including filleting, heading, and grading machines, known for their precision and durability. Baader’s machines are designed to maximize yield and minimize waste, making them a favorite in high-volume processing environments. The company’s strong focus on research and development ensures that their equipment is always at the cutting edge of technology, providing solutions that meet the evolving needs of the industry.

The Value of Purchasing Used Equipment

For newly established seafood processing firms, which often operate with limited initial capital, purchasing high-quality used equipment can be a strategic move. Companies like   Normar Trading AS specialize in refurbishing and selling reliable used machines, allowing startups to acquire essential equipment at a fraction of the cost of new machinery. This approach not only helps reduce startup expenses but also provides the necessary tools to begin operations without compromising on quality.

As the business grows and generates profits, there will be opportunities to gradually upgrade to newer, more advanced machines. While new equipment offers the latest technology, the initial focus should be on maximizing efficiency and reliability within a constrained budget. Prioritizing cost-effective, well-maintained second-hand equipment in the early stages ensures that financial resources are managed wisely, setting a solid foundation for future growth and expansion.

Marketing and Distribution Strategies

Once the processing operations are in place, the next step is to develop effective marketing and distribution strategies. The seafood market is highly competitive, with numerous players vying for market share. Building a strong brand and establishing a reputation for quality and reliability are essential for attracting and retaining customers.

Distribution channels vary depending on the target market. For instance, fresh seafood products are often sold through local markets, supermarkets, and restaurants, while frozen or canned products may be distributed through wholesalers and retailers. 

The rise of ecommerce has also opened new avenues for seafood distribution, allowing businesses to reach a broader customer base. However, the perishable nature of seafood presents unique logistical challenges, such as the need for efficient cold chain management to ensure products arrive fresh at their destination.

what are values in a business plan

Financial Planning and Risk Management

Starting a seafood processing business requires significant capital investment. This includes the cost of acquiring or leasing processing facilities, purchasing equipment, and securing a steady supply of raw materials. Financial planning should also account for ongoing operational expenses, such as labor, utilities, and maintenance costs. Securing funding through loans, grants, or investor partnerships is often necessary to cover these initial costs.

Risk management is another critical aspect of financial planning. The seafood industry is subject to various risks, including fluctuations in raw material prices, changes in consumer preferences, and regulatory shifts. Developing contingency plans and diversifying the product range can help mitigate these risks and ensure long-term profitability.

Adapting to Market Trends and Innovations

The seafood processing industry is dynamic, with constant changes driven by evolving consumer preferences and technological advancements. Businesses must stay informed about industry trends and be willing to adapt their operations accordingly. For example, there is growing demand for sustainably sourced seafood, prompting many companies to adopt eco-friendly practices and obtain certifications that appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.

Technological innovations are also shaping the future of seafood processing. Automation, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technology are being integrated into various stages of the processing cycle, from sorting and grading to tracking and tracing. These technologies not only improve efficiency but also enhance transparency and traceability, which are increasingly important to consumers and regulators alike.

Copyright © 2024 SCORE Association, SCORE.org

Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.



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What We Know About Kamala Harris’s $5 Trillion Tax Plan So Far

The vice president supports the tax increases proposed by the Biden White House, according to her campaign.

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Kamala Harris, in a lavender blazer, speaking into two mics at a lectern with a crowd of people seated behind her.

By Andrew Duehren

Reporting from Washington

In a campaign otherwise light on policy specifics, Vice President Kamala Harris this week quietly rolled out her most detailed, far-ranging proposal yet: nearly $5 trillion in tax increases over a decade.

That’s how much more revenue the federal government would raise if it adopted a number of tax increases that President Biden proposed in the spring . Ms. Harris’s campaign said this week that she supported those tax hikes, which were thoroughly laid out in the most recent federal budget plan prepared by the Biden administration.

No one making less than $400,000 a year would see their taxes go up under the plan. Instead, Ms. Harris is seeking to significantly raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans and large corporations. Congress has previously rejected many of these tax ideas, even when Democrats controlled both chambers.

While tax policy is right now a subplot in a turbulent presidential campaign, it will be a primary policy issue in Washington next year. The next president will have to work with Congress to address the tax cuts Donald J. Trump signed into law in 2017. Many of those tax cuts expire after 2025, meaning millions of Americans will see their taxes go up if lawmakers don’t reach a deal next year.

Here’s an overview of what we now know — and still don’t know — about the Democratic nominee’s views on taxes.

Higher taxes on corporations

The most recent White House budget includes several proposals that would raise taxes on large corporations . Chief among them is raising the corporate tax rate to 28 percent from 21 percent, a step that the Treasury Department estimated could bring in $1.3 trillion in revenue over the next 10 years.

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