414 Proposal Essay Topics for Projects, Research, & Proposal Arguments

Writing a proposal essay is an essential skill for students navigating academia and beyond. Whether you are advocating for change, proposing a solution to a problem, or presenting a new idea, your writing should be clear, convincing, and creative.

In this article, our expert team has listed proposal essay topics for school and college students. As a bonus, you will find an effective writing guide and a practical example of a proposal essay.

🔤 What Is a Proposal Essay?

  • ⭐ Best Topics in 2024
  • 💡 Easy Topics & Prompts

📝 Proposal Argument Topics

  • 📊 Project Proposal Ideas
  • 🔎 Research Proposal Topics
  • 😄 Funny Topics

🧩 Proposal Essay Structure

  • ✍️ Writing Guide
  • 📃 Proposal Essay Example

🔗 References

A proposal essay is an academic paper in which you propose something and justify your recommendation. Its goal is to convince the recipients to support your proposal and grant your request. Depending on what you are suggesting, there are three main types of proposal essays: proposal argument, research proposal, and topic proposal.

This image shows proposal essay types.

What Is a Proposal Argument Essay?

A proposal argument is an argumentative essay that offers a solution to a problem. It is often addressed to a particular company, non-profit organization, or government agency. It aims to persuade an organization to do something differently or perform a specific task. A proposal argument first describes a problem, then proposes a feasible solution to it, and explains why this particular solution is worth implementing.

What Is a Research Proposal Essay?

A research proposal essay is an academic paper that proposes a study and describes what, why, and how the author plans to investigate. This document should enable the audience to understand the quality and significance of the research and the author’s competence to perform it.

A research proposal usually includes a purpose statement , background and significance of the research topic, and methodology. It is also helpful to describe potential problems the researcher may encounter and how they will be solved.

What Is a Topic Proposal?

A topic proposal essay is a paper that suggests a topic for a major course assignment, such as a term paper. It usually presents your main argument or research question , explains why it is worth exploring, and outlines how you plan to support it. Also, it identifies a few scholarly sources to be used in the future paper.

⭐ 12 Best Proposal Essay Topics in 2024

  • The methods of reducing childhood obesity.
  • Do awareness campaigns increase funding for cancer research?
  • Why should schools add sex education to their curricula?
  • The role of government in protecting local businesses.
  • How to prevent cybercrime.
  • The impact of rap music on teenagers.
  • Do high cigarette prices reduce smoking rates?
  • The efficiency of using AI technology in education.
  • Why should the use of steroids be banned?
  • The use of art therapy in combating anxiety.
  • How can we combat the global warming?
  • The issue of bullying in high school.

💡 Easy Proposal Writing Topics & Prompts

Coming up with a good idea for your proposal essay can be challenging. Therefore, we’ve prepared writing prompts about common problems with possible solutions.

Proposal Essay on Texting and Driving

You can write a proposal suggesting a solution to the problem of driving while using a phone. First, describe the detrimental consequences of such behavior, proving that it’s worth paying attention to.

Then, focus on one solution that you consider to be the best. Check out some possible options:

  • Formation of a driver safety culture.
  • Implementation of a driver coaching program.
  • Use of real-time technology.
  • Execution of severe punishment.

Homelessness Proposal Essay

Highlight the issue of homelessness by indicating the root causes of this problem and its social and economic consequences. Then, provide your perspective on how to address it.

Here are some possible solutions to homelessness:

  • Rapid rehousing .
  • Permanent supportive or shared housing.
  • New career opportunities.
  • Volunteer initiatives.

Mental Health Proposal Essay

You can focus on the problem of the mental health crisis, manifesting in increasing rates of suicides and overdoses. Explore the causes and consequences of this issue and choose a solution to advocate for.

Consider the following solutions:

  • Investments in mental health apps .
  • Universal mental health screenings.
  • Raising people’s awareness of the problem.
  • Expanding access to psychological help.

Study Abroad Proposal Essay

You can focus on one of the issues that students face while studying abroad, such as language barriers, cultural differences, social isolation, financial difficulties, etc. Then, describe a solution to your selected problem.

Here are some possible solutions to international students’ issues:

  • Encouraging access to college resources.
  • The use of host families.
  • Establishing safe spaces on campuses .
  • Offering financial support and scholarships.
  • Conducting campus-wide cultural sensitivity training.

Abortion Proposal Essay

Your proposal can focus on the problem of supporting and expanding abortion rights. Explain how restricted abortion rights harm women, children, the healthcare system, and the economy. Then, explain how policymakers can address this issue.

Check out some solutions listed below:

  • Public and private insurance coverage of abortion.
  • Sex education for students.
  • Legal protections for abortion.
  • Prohibition of violence against abortion providers .

The proposal argument analyzes the problem and offers practical steps for its solution. Below, you’ll find interesting topics for your proposal argument!

Proposal Argument Essay Topics with Solutions

  • The use of replanting in combating climate change.
  • ABZ Cleaning Services marketing plan proposal.
  • Negotiation to stop military conflicts in the world.
  • Water disinfection and its efficiency in solving water pollution issues.
  • A business proposal for Kohl’s: improving product delivery.
  • Universal basic income to combat poverty.
  • The use of free education centers in improving people’s knowledge.
  • Luckin Coffee business problems-solutions proposal.
  • Ensuring refugees’ access to the labor market to protect their rights.
  • Decriminalization of homosexuality to protect LGBTQ+ rights.
  • Nestlé Inc.’s total quality challenge and solution.
  • The use of media in raising awareness of gender inequality.
  • Ensuring basic healthcare to protect children’s rights.
  • Food prices increase: causes and solutions.
  • The use of renewable energy to stop global temperatures rising.
  • Well-thought-out strategic plan to combat self-doubt in business.
  • Operations management: problem and solution.
  • Education about consumer responsibility to stop overconsumption.
  • The efficiency of book exchange for the promotion of reading.
  • Human resource management: problems and solutions.
  • Reduced cost of education to combat education inequality.
  • Electronic voting systems to increase citizen participation.
  • Truancy: causes, effects, and possible solutions .
  • AI technology and its application to help people with disabilities.
  • The effectiveness of wetland restoration in combating sanitation insecurity.
  • American educational system’s drawbacks and solutions.
  • Surveys of employee satisfaction to manage workflow.
  • The efficiency of the Arms Trade Treaty in decreasing weapons accessibility.
  • Sexual assault problem and solution.
  • Improved nutrition and sustainable agriculture to combat health inequality .

Practical Proposal Argument Ideas

  • Building buyer personas to find new customers.
  • Employee absenteeism and business proposal to address it.
  • Companies should make a shorter workweek to reduce unemployment.
  • Vertical farming technologies for improved land usage.
  • Proposal of employee training in Coca-Cola Company.
  • Plasma reactors as a way to create oxygen on Mars.
  • Community-based initiatives to encourage social interaction.
  • Organizational change proposal for healthcare institutions .
  • Entrepreneurship promotion to solve the wealth inequality issue.
  • Prioritizing border security to ensure national safety.
  • Public health legislation funding proposal.
  • Donating to charities to address third-world poverty.
  • Nutrition education to reduce obesity rates.
  • Business communication: proposal for receiving investment.
  • Implementation of Instagram restrictions to protect the self-esteem of teenagers.
  • The use of ADAS technologies to reduce the frequency of car accidents.
  • Vending machine “Great Coffee”: business proposal.
  • Employers should provide flexible hours to help workers with anxiety.
  • Expanding the range of services offered by postal providers to save postal service.
  • Wok to Walk: marketing plan proposal.
  • Work-life balance practices to prevent burnout at work.
  • Schools should implement year-round classes to improve student performance.
  • Cartier marketing analysis and strategy proposal for the post-pandemic era.
  • Application of sunscreen to reduce the risks of skin cancer.
  • Installation of sports facilities to encourage the population’s physical activity.
  • Leverage buyout proposal for CSL Limited.
  • Education about consumer responsibility to solve gun control issues.
  • Development of water resource management systems to avoid water scarcity.
  • Business ethics: business proposal for CEO.
  • The government should launch mHealth apps to make healthcare accessible.

📊 Project Proposal Ideas for College Students

Looking for a project proposal topic to write about? Below, you’ll find the best ideas for your paper!

Project Proposal Title Ideas in Health

  • The ban on tobacco to prevent illness and premature death.
  • Pressure ulcers: research proposal .
  • Recovery groups and their role in stopping substance abuse.
  • The efficiency of sex education in solving HIV/AIDS issues.
  • Community teaching work plan proposal: tuberculosis in Miami .
  • Accessible treatment centers to help people struggling with suicidal behavior.
  • Pediatric dentist training to create a positive experience for children.
  • Hospital-acquired pressure ulcers treatment proposal.
  • Water and sanitation projects to reduce water-borne disease rates.
  • The efficiency of regular balance training in preventing injuries.
  • Interdisciplinary plan proposal of a local hospital: objective and team organization .
  • Free screening for the early identification of breast cancer.
  • Workplace wellness initiatives to protect employee mental health.
  • Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting: research proposal .
  • The use of online apps to improve patient-doctor communication.
  • Geriatric care innovations to meet the health demands of the elderly.
  • Hypertension prevention plan proposal .
  • Machine learning and AI technology in the personalization of healthcare.
  • The effectiveness of parental courses to prevent children obesity.
  • Patient safety policy proposal .
  • Yoga promotion programs to improve mental health.
  • E-health platforms for remote monitoring of chronic conditions.
  • Capstone project change proposal: new staffing policy .
  • Women’s medical literature and its role in preventing maternal deaths.
  • Accessible mental health services to decrease depression rates.
  • Dementia: health promotion proposal.
  • The use of a healthy diet in preventing cancers and diabetes.
  • Vaccine access in poor countries to promote immunization.
  • A bed alarm budget proposal for healthcare .
  • Educational programs for parents to promote oral health at home.

Project Proposal Topics for Business

  • The use of verification links to stop online scamming.
  • Ocean Beauty Center: business proposal.
  • Customer experience technology to deliver positive customer experience.
  • Research into competitors to create a better brand presence.
  • Service marketing plan proposal.
  • The use of Amazon and eBay to pitch and brand your product.
  • Instant online help tools to prevent shopping cart abandonment.
  • Notes Restore: business plan proposal.
  • The efficiency of valuable content in maintaining customer loyalty.
  • Unique products to thrive in a competitive market.
  • Avlon: market research proposal.
  • The use of plain English in preventing product returns and refunds.
  • Increasing sales by offering a product at a reduced price.
  • Business proposal: a fitness center in Australia.
  • Employment of cybersecurity services to protect a corporate website from viruses.
  • The use of a recruitment agency to find qualified IT personnel.
  • Leisure facility in Sherbury: business proposal.
  • Regular developer training to save business during a crisis.
  • Optimization of website speed through efficient coding.
  • Talent management plan proposal.
  • The use of the latest updates to solve unreliable internet connectivity issues.
  • Mobile-friendly apps to improve customer support.
  • Southwest Airlines human resource recruitment plan proposal.
  • Authentic customer reviews to solve customer trust issues.
  • The use of multi-factor authentication to maintain payment security.
  • Emotional intelligence training proposal.
  • Chatbots and their role in solving poor customer support issues.
  • Workplace diversity and inclusion for fast business development.
  • Utah Symphony and Utah Opera: merger proposal.
  • The efficiency of social media influencers in business promotion.

Project Proposal Ideas for STEM Students

  • Floating gardens and rafts to grow food during a flood.
  • The use of innovative city technologies for solving a city’s design needs.
  • Navigating the engineering talent crisis.
  • Accessible infrastructure to improve the lives of people with disabilities.
  • Chemical dispersants to clean up an oil spill.
  • New technologies in retail supply chains.
  • The use of heat-absorbing materials to construct solar ovens.
  • AI healthcare diagnostics to provide patients with accurate results.
  • Uber case study: online technology development.
  • The use of monitoring systems to protect endangered species.
  • Making technologies more inclusive to help people with autism.
  • How can technology be used in healthcare?
  • Aerospace engineering strategies to ensure safe flights.
  • Eco-friendly packaging to stop plastic pollution.
  • How new heart-scanning technology could save your life.
  • Building earthquake-resistant structures to ensure urban safety.
  • The use of biodegradable plastics to reduce environmental impact.
  • Use of mathematics in a vocational context.
  • Building seawalls to protect beach erosion.
  • Solar farms for the production of renewable energy.
  • Computerized sewerage system in Bedford Town.
  • Creating artificial organs to save patients waiting for transplantation.
  • Increasing microbial diversity to create a healthy and balanced soil ecosystem.
  • Computerized accounting in an enterprise resource planning system.
  • Early warning systems to save vulnerable areas from flood.
  • The use of vitamin C bath to stop apple oxidization.
  • Effective supply chain practices for computer and phone repair shop.
  • Integration of damping systems to build earthquake-resistant structures.
  • AI technology to design resistant bridges in urban areas.

Project Proposal Topics for Students in Education

  • Funding for low-income schools to solve the problem of education access.
  • Digital citizenship education proposal in Saudi Arabia.
  • Inclusive teaching as a solution to inequalities in education.
  • Students’ portfolios as a better alternative to standardized testing.
  • Standardized testing: research proposal.
  • Incentives for teachers to provide highly professional classes.
  • Increasing federal school funding to improve education in low-income areas.
  • York College OneCard proposal.
  • A peer tutoring program to improve students’ performance.
  • Parent-teacher conferences to address a lack of parental involvement.
  • Proposal for the New National Constitution of Libya.
  • Mentorship programs to cope with ineffective teaching methods.
  • Anti-bullying policies to maintain a more positive school climate.
  • Proposal to reduce college textbook cost.
  • Video chats to address a lack of face-to-face communication in online courses.
  • Study skills workshops to cope with students’ poor study habits.
  • Virtual simulation curriculum technology proposal.
  • Flexible learning environments to help students with anxiety disorder.
  • The use of a rewards system to increase school attendance.
  • How semester exams affect students’ emotional stability: article proposal.
  • Monitoring cameras to ensure school safety and security.
  • Anti-cheating measures to solve the issue of academic dishonesty.
  • Analysis of student equity plan proposal.
  • Additional facilities to accommodate the growing number of students.
  • Global education partnerships to make higher education more accessible.
  • Education issues: group proposal.
  • Innovative classrooms to develop the creativity of students with disabilities.
  • Introducing a financial literacy class to improve students’ money management skills.
  • Proposal for the creation of K2 and K3-5 reading interventions.
  • Launching a community service learning program to promote social responsibility.

Project Proposal Ideas for Students about Environment

  • Buying e-books to protect the environment.
  • The issue of environmental pollution by Polipaks Group.
  • Extensive afforestation campaign to solve the deforestation problem.
  • Low consumption levels to avoid adverse ecological consequences.
  • Solar energy as an alternative energy source.
  • Fines and punishment to reduce illegal dumping.
  • Reusing things to stop climate change.
  • Business model of renewable energy.
  • Reducing single-use plastics on campus.
  • Collecting sunlight for energy to stop natural resource depletion.
  • Sustainable gas production in the UAE.
  • Tree planting programs to protect the environment.
  • Eco-friendly transportation methods to reduce carbon emissions.
  • Sustainable practices in the Coca-Cola Company.
  • Sustainable fashion and its role in reducing clothes consumption.
  • High taxes for activities that harm our planet to support eco-friendly behavior.
  • Carbon tax in the Australian industries.
  • Limiting time on the road to reduce vehicle emissions.
  • Supporting green businesses to encourage eco-friendly initiatives.
  • Optimizing food production to improve quality, reduce cost, and prevent waste.
  • Clean-up programs to remove litter and pollutants from public spaces.
  • Green roof technologies to mitigate the urban heat island effect.
  • Business plan: New Age Recyclers.
  • A carbon offset project to engage businesses in environment protection.
  • Education courses for people of any age to reduce their ecological footprint.
  • Recycling batteries: market analysis for a new product.
  • Replantation of native trees and plants to stop environmental degradation.
  • Investing in solar panels to solve the energy consumption problem.
  • Stanford University’s Habitat Conservation Plan.
  • Choosing recyclables to decrease waste production.

🔎 Research Proposal Essay Topics

If you’re looking for research proposal essay topics, check out the list below! We’ve collected ideas for a proposal in computer science, agriculture, history, and more.

  • Career counseling to support high school students.
  • Project proposal for counseling centers.
  • The effectiveness of advertisement in increasing brand awareness.
  • The reliability of criminological analysis in identifying the offender’s personality.
  • Research proposal on Ipad from Apple Inc.
  • Remote workplaces to save the small business during pandemics.
  • New therapeutic approaches to neurodevelopmental disorders.
  • Research proposal: stress in the UK (England).
  • The effects of socioeconomic status on access to quality education.
  • The effectiveness of regular self-analysis in overcoming the psychological trauma of rape.
  • Mitigation of supply chain risk in disasters: research proposal.
  • Race to the Top program to improve students’ outcomes.
  • Effective business communication practices contributing to business growth.
  • A research proposal on banks and customer satisfaction.
  • Psychological tricks of media to exploit impulsive buying.
  • The advantages of using antipsychotics for preventing delirium .
  • Congestive heart failure: research proposal .
  • Therapies for school students to stop substance abuse.
  • Controlling school attendance to improve children’s social skills.
  • Research proposal: background of the problem of handoff communication in nursing.
  • The impact of urbanization on biodiversity preservation.
  • Trade globalization to create more job opportunities around the world.
  • Research proposal: Chlamydia Trachomatis .
  • Increase the age of smoking to 25 to reduce lung cancer rates.
  • Potential effects of stricter laws on corruption and transparency.
  • Primary prevention of HIV & AIDS: community teaching work plan proposal .
  • The effectiveness of smart home systems in reducing energy consumption.
  • Testing AI technologies to improve children’s diagnostics and treatment.
  • High-performance work system proposal for workers.
  • Including mental health topics in the school curriculum to protect students’ mental health.
  • Paid vacations to support nurses’ emotional health.
  • Non-profit National Kidney Foundation’s strategy proposal.
  • Meditation to treat mental disorders nonchemically during pregnancy.
  • Workplace diversity and its role in increasing business productivity.
  • Business proposal report for a child day care.
  • Face-to-face games to promote healthy child development.
  • Investigating the relationship between sleep patterns and mental health in youth.

Proposal Essay Ideas in Computer Science

  • New AI approaches to decrease the energy consumption of 5G networks.
  • Informatics solution proposal: general solution – EHR.
  • Ways to ensure data privacy in machine learning models.
  • Exploring new applications of quantum computing.
  • DesignIT Company: network consultation proposal.
  • AI in art: exploring the boundaries between art and technology.
  • Cognitive radio networks for improving future wireless systems.
  • Informatics solution proposal for a supply issue.
  • Quantum computing to advance medical predictive systems.
  • Using NLP for code generation to increase software development productivity.
  • Techfite firm’s emerging technology proposal.
  • Developing methods to make AI algorithms more transparent to users.
  • Investigating novel biometric authentication methods.
  • ElekTron Company’s network design proposal.
  • Methods to detect and mitigate biases in AI systems.
  • Usability in computer interface to ensure effective human-computer interactions.
  • Advanced education in computational science.
  • 3D object modeling to improve the architecture of large cities.
  • The use of one programming language to cut the costs of programming training.
  • Computer technologies to be installed at TVU Hotel.
  • Constant feedback to minimize algorithmic bias in AI technologies.
  • The use of computers to sequence human genes.
  • Data science in the energy management field.
  • Using machine learning for optimizing traffic flow in a smart city.
  • AI-based approaches to the early detection and mitigation of cyber threats.
  • The development of an information system to support inventory management.
  • The use of AI in automatic data analysis.
  • Web-based monitoring to improve healthcare services.
  • Scrum methodology to develop Agile software.

Interesting Proposal Essay Topics for Agriculture

  • The use of social media to improve agricultural marketing.
  • How China’s agricultural reform contributed to its success on economic growth.
  • Organic farming to minimize pollution from agriculture.
  • Farmer organizations to implement effective agricultural transformation procedures.
  • Financial profile of Oman Agriculture Development Company SAOG.
  • Increased availability of fertile land to prevent the agricultural land shortage.
  • Modern farming technology to solve the issue of inadequate drainage.
  • Obstacles and barriers of AIS in agriculture companies.
  • The use of antibiotics alternatives in animal agriculture for public health.
  • E-commerce platforms to promote farming on social media.
  • Al Ain Poultry Farm: management strategy and policy.
  • The incorporation of ecological practices into agricultural systems to protect the planet.
  • Maintaining ground cover to restore soil health and biodiversity.
  • Case study of Holly Farm: problems and solutions.
  • Farmers’ collaborations to maintain knowledge and resource sharing.
  • New technologies for storage of agricultural products.
  • Competitive advantage in farming, car, and restaurant industries.
  • Organic materials to recycle nutrients within the agricultural ecosystem.
  • Alternative farming methods to provide efficient resource use.
  • Political argument on farm subsidies.
  • Anti-discrimination policies to expand the rights of women in the agricultural sector.
  • Online podcasts to build trustful relationships between farmers and consumers.
  • Quillstine Farm’s start-up business plan.
  • Conserving genetic variety in crops and livestock for future resilience.
  • Increasing investment to address a lack of modern farming equipment.
  • Business plan: integrated farming.
  • Favoring crop rotation over monoculture farming to save natural habitats.
  • Waste management to cut down on agriculture’s environmental footprint.
  • State farm: addressing problematic intersections.
  • The use of mulch and cover crops to protect soil from wind and water erosion.

Proposal Topics for a History Paper

  • World War II lessons to prevent future conflicts.
  • The City of Dubai: history, development, and challenges.
  • Modern technology to restore the chronology of ancient events.
  • The lasting impact of the Silk Road on global trade.
  • History of supply chain management.
  • The evolution of democracy in Ancient Greece.
  • Anti-nationalism programs to prevent an imbalanced view of the past.
  • Major historical influences on Karl Marx’s materialist conception of history.
  • The impact of colonialism on indigenous cultures.
  • The evolution of human rights: from declaration to practice.
  • Corporate social responsibility and its historical background.
  • The history of urban legends and folklore: transmission and societal impact.
  • Environmental change and its impact on historical societies.
  • Management and its historical evolution.
  • The economic motivations and consequences of colonization.
  • The history of entertainment and its social influence.
  • Enron Company’s history of rise and fall.
  • Disinformation and misinformation campaigns throughout history.
  • The evolution of humanitarian aid and international relief efforts.
  • Islamic banking: history and economic crises.
  • Economic and social impact of pandemics throughout history.
  • The evolution of warfare ethics: from ancient codes to modern international law.
  • Justice is one of the key themes in human history.
  • The history of human-animal relationships and their cultural significance.
  • The Marshall Plan for European economic recovery post-WWII.
  • History of inclusion in early childhood education.
  • The influence of global trade routes on culinary traditions.
  • New historical approaches to overcome scientific doubt.
  • The history of Saudi Aramco from 1930 to 1940.
  • AI technology to indicate fabricated historical documents.

😄 Funny Topics for Proposal Essays

Are you looking for funny proposal topics? Then, we have something for you! Read on to find some of the most outstanding ideas!

  • Mobile apps to prevent people from running into objects while they are texting.
  • Mindbody app: proposed business plan.
  • Mental exercises to increase student productivity at school.
  • Pavlov’s dog experiment to teach pets to use the toilet.
  • Financial proposal for ‘SILK’ hair protection gel.
  • The use of humor to reduce stress and depression.
  • Surviving Monday mornings: a comprehensive guide to coffee consumption.
  • Goals and features of a proposed school library.
  • Online monitoring to stop students’ procrastination.
  • Mini lie detector to get away with telling a white lie.
  • Business proposal for the Al-Yamamah College and JavaNet.
  • New device to ensure your shampoo and conditioner are at the same rate.
  • Plants and their role in reviving the space where you are working.
  • Marketing proposal for Bikemate.
  • The art of organization to protect the house from clutter.
  • AI kitchen appliances to ensure food safety.
  • Business plan for the proposed Chinese medicine clinic in Kuwait.
  • Rap music to make home tasks fun and effective.
  • Second hand to save budget from unplanned shopping.
  • Zetech Organization’s proposed change: strengths and weaknesses.
  • Funny mugs to throw a perfect tea party.
  • Online books to not die from boredom in the queue.

Proposal Title Ideas about Animals

  • The use of langur pee smell to protect New Delhi from monkeys.
  • Animal Foodland organization’s marketing plan.
  • Conducting a study on dogs’ understanding of human emotional cues.
  • Purchasing cruelty-free cosmetics to protect animals from being killed.
  • Woolly Mammoth project – mythical animal.
  • Animal adoption programs solve the problem of animal homelessness.
  • Spaying and neutering to solve the pet overpopulation issue.
  • Traveling by train among animals and plants.
  • Taking part in Animal Rescue Team training to help animals in crisis.
  • Veterinary care standards to improve conditions for animals in captivity.
  • Cosmetic and medical animal testing .
  • Establishing training programs to provide certificates of pet ownership.
  • Natural habitat rehabilitation to save endangered species.
  • Animal-based therapy overview and analysis.
  • Creating protected areas to safeguard oceanic biodiversity.
  • Responsible tourism to ensure wildlife safety and security.
  • Red fluorescent protein transgenic dogs experiment.
  • Global cooperation to stop illegal cross-border animal trafficking.
  • Education programs to raise awareness of animal conservation.
  • Business ethics decision situation in veterinary practice.
  • Supporting fur-free fashion to protect wildlife.
  • Encouraging TV talk shows to discuss animal issues.
  • China Southern Airlines and monkey transportation.

Proposal Paper Ideas about Sports

  • Developing a community-based sports initiative for physical fitness and health.
  • How does social media influence sports brands marketing?
  • Education on sports ethics to create an inclusive environment in a team.
  • Anti-doping programs to reduce the cases of steroid use.
  • Sports marketing affected by the internet of things.
  • Financial rehabilitation services to help athletes with injuries.
  • Creating fitness programs for children to promote a culture of health.
  • Leadership in the sports club group.
  • Equal pay for female athletes in professional sports to stop discrimination.
  • Increasing access to sporting opportunities for people with disabilities.
  • Preparing to be an effective follower in sports.
  • Detailed protocols to prevent and manage dangerous situations in sports.
  • Equipment-sharing programs to make sports activities more affordable.
  • Kids and sports: lack of professional sports guides.
  • Physical education programs in the schools to promote healthy lifestyles.
  • Recovery strategies to prevent burnout and overtraining of athletes.
  • Balancing college sports and academic mission.
  • Supportive team program to assist athletes in coping with eating disorders.
  • Monitoring systems to ensure safe and sustainable workloads.
  • Advertising campaign for online sports nutrition store.
  • Sports psychologists and their role in helping athletes with mental toughness.
  • Sponsorship programs to reduce individual financial pressure in the sports industry.

Creating a well-developed structure is vital for any writing assignment. That’s why we’ve prepared a detailed template with the elements of a good proposal.

Give your proposal a clear and unambiguous title. It should let the reader understand the key idea of your project.
The introduction should outline the purpose of your proposal and present a .
Describe the problem in detail and outline its history and importance.
This section should include the proposal itself. Explain how your suggested research or solution would address the problem and how you plan to implement it.
Consider problems you may encounter when implementing the proposed project and explain how you plan to solve them. Also, anticipate and respond to the objections that the recipients of your proposal may have.
In your conclusion, and add a call to action for the audience.
The reference list should include all the sources you’ve used in your work. You should format them according to your required citation style, like APA or MLA.

✍️ How to Make a Proposal Essay

Whether you are writing a proposal argument or a research proposal, the writing steps will be the same. Below are the steps you should take to complete this assignment.

This image shows how to write a proposal essay.

1. Choose Your Topic

Choosing a good topic is vital in writing a proposal essay. Select the subject you are interested in. This way, you’ll be more willing to invest your time and efforts into this project. In addition, ensure that your topic is narrow, specific, and significant. If your topic is too broad, reading background information can help you limit its scope.

2. Research

Find trustworthy sources with the information you can use to support your proposal. It will help you write the background section and highlight the importance of the problem. In addition, reliable sources will help you provide evidence justifying your chosen solution to the problem.

Developing a detailed outline helps ensure that your paper is logical and cohesive. The outline will let you see how you will link all of the facts to support the thesis statement. Also, it can save you time by identifying any gaps and weaknesses in your argument before you start writing your paper.

4. Draft Your Proposal Essay

When drafting your proposal, remember that it is a type of persuasive writing. It should present a project and encourage the reader to go along with a plan of action outlined in the paper. So, ensure your proposal is convincing, logical, and credible and considers the audience, purpose, and tone.

Start your essay by presenting the purpose and essence of your project. The main body of your proposal essay should contain background information on the problem and persuasive reasons to support your proposal. Finally, the conclusion should underline the significance of the issue and call the audience to action.

5. Revise and Edit

Carefully revise and edit your draft. Consider whether the problem is described concisely, the solution is complete, and your evidence is used appropriately. Also, read your work to find any grammar or spelling mistakes. If you still have doubts about your paper, you can ask your professor or classmate to read it and give their feedback.

📃 Sample of a Proposal Essay

To help you understand how a proposal essay is structured, we’ve prepared a topic proposal example. Check it out!

Equipping Schools with Recycling Bins for Environmental Preservation

The purpose of this proposal is to implement a school-wide recycling program by strategically placing recycling bins across the campus. This initiative will promote zero waste culture, ensure the school’s sustainability, and contribute to environmental preservation.

The school is a perfect place to develop environmental awareness because it has the opportunity to build students’ knowledge and skills necessary to address environmental issues. One way to do so is to teach students to avoid improper waste disposal through recycling.

The proposal involves procuring and placing recycling bins across the school, including classrooms, common areas, and outdoor spaces. In addition, educational campaigns will be held to raise awareness among students, staff, and parents about the significance of waste segregation and recycling. Regular monitoring and evaluation will ensure the program’s effectiveness.

Several problems may arise while implementing this project, including resistance to change and logistical concerns about bin placement. Some may also object to the proposal due to the costs associated with it. However, the resistance to change can be mitigated by educational campaigns. The bin placement problem can be solved by involving staff and students in determining the optimal locations for recycling bins. Finally, financial constraints can be addressed by seeking partnerships with local businesses and community organizations.

Equipping the school with recycling bins is a step toward a sustainable future. By reducing waste and promoting sustainable practices, our school can lead by example and inspire positive changes within the community. This initiative gives a chance to raise environmentally conscious students and contribute to a healthier planet. Let us embrace this program to foster a sustainable school environment.

❓ Proposal Topics FAQ

How to write a proposal for an essay topic.

  • Choose a topic.
  • Identify your thesis or research question.
  • Look for sources that you can use to support your thesis/research question.
  • Create a detailed outline.
  • Write the first draft.
  • Edit the finished paper to fix grammar or spelling mistakes and ensure coherence.

How to write a proposal essay introduction?

Start with an attention-grabbing hook to pique your audience’s curiosity. Then, summarize the details of the problem and outline the purpose of your proposed project. Finally, add a strong thesis statement, summarizing your suggested solution and giving a preview of your supporting arguments.

How to write a proposal argument essay?

  • Summarize the details of the problem and present the thesis.
  • Give a detailed history of the problem.
  • Present your proposal in detail.
  • Examine the contrasting viewpoints.
  • Sum up the main points of your essay.

What to write a proposal essay on?

Since you advocate for a change or a solution to a problem in your proposal essay, you should choose a topic you care about. You can write a proposal essay on virtually everything, from presenting a solution to climate change to implementing a community-based reading program or raising awareness about the importance of gut microbiota.

  • Topic Proposals | University of Hawaii
  • Selecting a Research Topic: Overview | MIT Libraries
  • Proposals | University of Mary Washington
  • Research Proposals | University of New Hampshire
  • 10 Major Social Problems That Could Be Fixed with Innovative Solutions | Listverse
  • How to Write a Topic Proposal | LUC Writing Center
  • The Art of Proposal Writing: Proposal as Genre | Graduate College at Illinois
  • Outline for Research Project Proposal | Portland State University
  • Tips for Successful Proposal Writing | University of California, Davis
  • How to Write a Good Postgraduate Research Proposal | The University of Edinburgh
  • Proposal Argument Topic Ideas | Classroom
  • What Is a Proposal Argument Essay? | Classroom
  • Proposal Argument Essay | Madigan Library at Penn College
  • Practical Proposal Essay Topics for Students | YourDictionary
  • How to Write a Proposal Essay/Paper | Owlcation
  • Guidelines for Proposal and Essay | York University
  • The Academic Proposal | University of Toronto
  • Writing Process: Creating a Proposal | Openstax
  • How to Write a Research Proposal | University of Sheffield
  • How To Write a Project Proposal (With Tips and Example) | Indeed

How to Write an Animal Testing Essay: Tips for Argumentative & Persuasive Papers

Descriptive essay topics: examples, outline, & more.

348 Interesting Proposal Essay Topics and Ideas for 2024

A proposal argument is an essay in which you describe a specific issue that needs fixing. It focuses on problem solutions.

Are you interested in writing high-quality proposal essays? Or maybe you’re wondering what can make your writing truly outstanding? Here you will find answers to these questions as well as 348 brilliant proposal essay topics collected by Custom-writing.org .

  • 🔝 Top 10 Topics

📝 What Is a Proposal Essay?

  • 🌐 Environment Topics
  • 👔 Business Topics
  • 🎓 Education Topicsn
  • 🏥 Healthcare Topics
  • 💸 Economics Topics
  • 🎭 Culture Topics
  • 🖊️ Other Topics
  • 💡 Writing Guide & Example
  • ✏️ Frequent Questions

🔝 Top 10 Proposal Essay Topics

  • How to deal with job burnouts.
  • The ways to deal with exam stress.
  • Better methods of tree harvesting.
  • Embracing cycling for the environment.
  • Deforestation: raising awareness.
  • Use of gamification in online education.
  • Do positive affirmations improve one’s health?
  • Community involvement for crime prevention.
  • Grading system to encourage student development.
  • Public transport use for air pollution prevention.

A proposal argument is an essay focused on an issue that needs fixing. In it, you propose solutions as a response to a problem.

The picture shows the definition of a proposal essay.

Before writing a proposal, it’s important to know that it’s a type of argumentation. Argumentation is the process of persuading the reader via reasoning and evidence. This means that your proposal essay’s aim is to influence the audience’s beliefs and actions. If you perform argumentation correctly, you can convince even the most skeptical readers.

Before you start writing, you need a topic to work with. If your instructor didn’t assign you one, you would need to do some research and brainstorming.

Want to save yourself some time? Then check the proposal essay topics list below.

🌐 Project Proposal Ideas: Environment

The environment is degrading as globalization’s negative impact becomes increasingly apparent. That’s why it’s a good idea to propose a solution to this issue. For instance, you can focus on innovations that can help stop global warming.

  • How can an individual change their routine in an environment-friendly way? Environmental consciousness is a crucial part of living in the modern era. People can adjust their lifestyle to bring more benefits to the world. List environmentally conscious practices that anyone can do.
  • Who are the most significant contributors to climate change? A variety of factors lead to global warming. Some of them are minuscule, while others are much bigger. Knowing them will help us prevent irreversible damage to the biology of our planet.
  • Which parts of the world will be most affected by the melting ice? Melting ice sheets are one of the consequences of climate change. The rising of sea levels leads to the additional release of CO2 into the air. Analyze these phenomena and become more aware of the issues.
  • How can people emotionally cope with the irreversibility of climate change? The nature of climate change is difficult to reconcile with emotionally. Some may feel despair or dissatisfaction with human development. Write about techniques to understand one’s place within the world.
  • Technological advancement: gateway to pollution or a solution to a problem? Technology is developing with the advancement of civilization. It’s facilitated by the need to solve problems that arise with the progress. Is further progress able to mend the mistakes of the past? Or will it serve to exacerbate existing issues even further? Answer this question in your essay.
  • How do pet owners contribute to pollution, and what are environmentally friendly options for them?
  • What energy sources can help reduce global warming?
  • How can we battle famine and food waste excess at the same time?
  • Ways to manage water resources in India during the summer.
  • What is the most efficient energy type people can use?
  • An action plan of how to wisely use coal resources.
  • How can we protect woods in Australia from fires?
  • What is energy conservation , and what are its benefits?
  • The most effective solutions to land degradation.
  • Implementing renewable energy technology in developing countries.
  • Floating cleaning devices as a way to battle ocean pollution .
  • Ways to measure air pollution in remote areas.
  • Forest conservation as a method to preserve biodiversity.
  • How can we reduce the damage that dams cause the environment?
  • How can we stop desertification?
  • Casual veganism as a way to manage food resources with a growing population.
  • How should we educate students about environmentally-friendly behavior?
  • Investigate the powers of new energy sources. How could they help us?
  • What are the most effective ways to prevent deforestation?
  • Biodegradable materials as a substitute for plastic.
  • What is the best solution to the problem of plastic bags?
  • How can countries promote bicycle use for short journeys?
  • How can governments tackle the problem of electronic waste? Contrast export to developing countries vs. recycling.
  • Using electricity from wind to reduce global warming.
  • Evaporative coolers as green alternatives to air conditioners.
  • What are the benefits of zero-waste living, and what solutions can communities implement straight away?

👔 Proposal Argument Essay Topics: Business

Business is a relevant topic that offers an array of essay ideas. From improving business performance to developing effective marketing strategies, you can easily craft a proposal paper that may be useful for your future career.

  • The effects of lockdowns on consumer buying power. The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that extreme circumstances are dangerous to the economy. It also offers insights into how to avoid making the same mistakes. Analyze them with this proposal topic idea in business.
  • Personal qualities of a leader. Leadership is a challenging function to perform. A good leader is careful and daring, stern and understanding. To define a leader, take into account their personal qualities.
  • A healthy work environment as a gateway to business success. While many other factors are essential to consider, cultivating a healthy environment is especially beneficial to a developing business.
  • Customer satisfaction and communication styles: which approaches are the most beneficial? The way a business approaches communication greatly influences its brand image. Some strategies to speaking with clients are tested and true. Others are less valued in the corporate setting.
  • Business and crime: the portrayal of corporate crime in the media. Companies often fall into the limelight for negative reasons. Some of these are related to executives’ individual actions. Or, it can be the decisions made on the corporate level.
  • How can small businesses recover quickly after an economic crisis?
  • Preferring local farmers to the international grocery chains to support the development of small businesses.
  • What are the methods to eliminate the erosion of trust in business?
  • When bankruptcy is coming, what are the ways out with minimum damage?
  • Paid internships as a solution for youth unemployment.
  • What are the benefits of keeping private emails available at the workplace?
  • Overtime payments as a way to prevent qualified teachers from leaving.
  • How should parents educate their children in finances?
  • How can we reduce the underemployment rates?
  • What should a customer do if they notice that a salesperson is lying?
  • Ways to prevent misunderstanding with customer rights.
  • Healthy snacks, corporate weekends, and gym memberships as ways to support employee motivation.
  • What is the best way to create an ethical policy in a company?
  • Discuss the benefits of advanced training instead of firing in cases of low performance.
  • Volunteering at college as a way to boost the graduate’s CV.
  • How should companies adjust their policies to attract talented students ?
  • What is corporate responsibility, and how can it be improved?
  • Innovative ideas on creating more jobs with the help of social media.
  • How can we make opening a business be more accessible for students?
  • Suggest how small businesses can survive national riots.
  • Outsourcing as a solution for backup business activities.
  • What transformations does corporate culture need for more effective mergers?
  • Training programs for effective assimilation of new employees.
  • The use of performance feedback for retention of valuable employees.
  • What e-commerce strategies can be used to attract new customers?

🎓 Project Proposal Title Ideas in Education

Issues in education are always high on the agenda. Many topics need closer inspection, from supporting teachers to improving students’ educational outcomes. Check out these school-related suggestions for your proposal.

  • Punishment as motivation: effectiveness and consequences. Fear of repercussions is capable of influencing human actions. It’s often discussed in relation to rules. Consider how the prospect of punishment affects people’s incentive to learn.
  • How effective is the process of learning among older adults? The pace at which people learn information can differ. Discussing how education among older people differs from younger people is an excellent proposal paper idea. Use it to further the discussion and bring about understanding.
  • Education systems throughout the years: how the way we educate children has changed. Education is a field where changes are inevitable. We continuously discover more and more about the world. Meanwhile, we develop new ways to impart knowledge to others. What changes are more effective than others? You can focus the research on your school or college.
  • Historical revisionism in education. A lot of what people know about history relies on accounts of the past. We process them through our current understanding of those times. In most cases, history is relayed somewhat accurately. Still, there are instances of intentional misinformation.
  • Education in a non-classroom environment. Classrooms are a long-standing staple of the education sphere. They serve as the formal space where students learn and practice their skills. However, they’re not the most efficient environment for some situations. What approaches may be more suitable for different activities?
  • Best ways to let educational shows have more airtime on TV.
  • How can you improve the effectiveness of language courses?
  • The benefits of implementing more foreign languages into the school curriculum.
  • Effective ways for teachers to prevent bullying in schools.
  • The best solutions for boosting reading comprehension in preschool.
  • Why is sex education essential, and how do you convince schools to include it?
  • Letting students learn from mistakes instead of failing them.
  • The most fruitful ways for parents to get children interested in science .
  • What methods can teachers use instead of grading?
  • Psychological support for students coming from teachers.
  • What psychological techniques can teachers use to motivate students?
  • How can students prevent procrastination?
  • Educating students about their health as a mandatory practice.
  • How can students make the most of the time they spend on physical activity at school?
  • Simple ways to talk on taboo topics with kids.
  • Best ways to enjoy and benefit from a subject you don’t like.
  • What are the advantages of separating classes according to gender?
  • Ways to limit smartphone usage at schools.
  • Should practical classes and debates substitute lectures?
  • Self-esteem boosting practices for students and teachers.
  • Programs encouraging students to do sports more frequently.
  • Exercises improving students’ reading comprehension .
  • How can you adapt standardized tests to the needs of ESL students and students with learning disabilities?
  • What classroom activities can improve students’ motivation and involvement?
  • Social support for young teachers in rural areas.

🏥 Proposal Essay Ideas: Healthcare

An essay on healthcare can go in various directions. One way is to explore patient-physician relationships. Alternatively, you could look at the system as a whole. Below you’ll find plenty of proposal topics to choose from.

  • The use of music in therapy and recovery programs. It’s undeniable that music has a profound psychological influence on individuals. The use of music can open new possibilities for faster recovery. It can also make medical procedures more pleasant.
  • Communication with patients as a treatment method. Communication plays a vital role in the medical field. Doctors are the main assistants and confidants for their patients. They can not only assist in overseeing treatment but also participate in healthy interactions.
  • Mobility devices with increased accessibility and maneuver potential. Wheelchairs are a large part of many individuals’ lives. Still, the progress of designing other types of mobility devices is slow. How can we accelerate it?
  • The stigma around wheelchair use among disabled people. The use of wheelchairs is generally accepted and understood. Yet, this trend is not fully translated to all of the population. Decreasing the stigma around the practice is a great medical topic for a proposal essay.

The picture enumerates the main components of healthcare.

  • Private and public healthcare: pricing and accessibility. Healthcare is an issue that concerns everyone. Some may have the necessary resources to take care of their needs. Others are not as fortunate. In your essay, propose the most effective strategy to address the lack of readily available healthcare.
  • How can we decrease the rate of in-hospital deaths among minorities?
  • Organ donation: raising awareness.
  • Physical education: how can we ensure positive sports experiences?
  • The healthcare in minority groups: medical treatment and the LGBTQ.
  • Does the patient’s privacy always need to be a priority?
  • Income-related payments for previously uninsured citizens.
  • Training programs for improvement of physician-patient relationships.
  • Should pharmaceutical companies share their findings at pre-competitive stages to reduce research and development expenditures?
  • A program for attracting more men in the nursing profession.
  • Improving the integrity of interdisciplinary teams.

💸 Proposal Topics in Economics

The world revolves around money. It concerns individuals as well as big corporations. Due to this, economics is the perfect subject for proposal essays.

  • The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy. The world economy has seen an unprecedented decline in 2020. Describe the factors leading to the crisis.
  • Impact of globalization on the economic development of various countries. The economy is affected by a variety of factors, including the globalization efforts of the world. Explore them in your paper.
  • Economic development and the emotional wellbeing of people. Economic growth affects people’s ability to seek and receive the assistance they need.
  • Mental health statistics and their effects of the economy on the mental stability of the nation. Mental health and the economy are two fields that may not be seen as connected but have an underlying significance to each other.
  • The economic development of the country and the attitude towards minorities. Economic growth can be a signifier for many variables within a society. It includes its ability to understand and welcome people different from the perceived norm.
  • Economic stability and the minimum income of a family.
  • How the economy affects the way people make their purchasing decisions .
  • Is economic development affected by the economy of other countries?
  • The economy impacts the lives of every citizen in the country: is it true or false?
  • Accumulation of wealth and monopolies are harmful to the economy.
  • The scarcity of economic resources with regards to poverty, income gaps, and the distribution of wealth.
  • The economics of death and disease: how industries impose unnecessary regulations to increase revenue.
  • Agree or disagree with the following statement: there should be a limit placed on private property ownership.
  • Has the 2008 economic collapse ended? What has been the impact of this crisis on the modern economy?

🎭 Proposal Argument Topics: Culture

Everyone expresses their culture differently. That’s why cross-cultural communication can be tricky. Do you want to explore how people with diverse backgrounds interact? This section is for you.

  • What can communities do to facilitate integration for immigrants? The process is vital for every person moving to a different country. However, some individuals are often better integrated than others. Language barriers and cultural differences are significant obstacles on the path to integration.
  • How can recruiters avoid an ageist bias when considering candidates? On the job market, ageism is a common occurrence. Hirers, especially in the IT sector, routinely deny interview requests from people above a certain age. Discuss this issue in your essay.
  • How can one avoid falling for problematic nationalist promises? Nationalism is on the rise in many countries. Some leaders use populist rhetoric to fixate the population on their nation’s glory. What can be done about it?
  • What is the best way to eliminate the gaming industry’s misogyny? Sexist clichés and anti-feminist sentiment are prevalent in this industry. In your essay, analyze this problem and propose a solution.
  • How can one determine if culture is used to justify ignorant behavior? Cultural practices can encompass many things. Some of them might seem strange to an outsider, while others are outright hurtful.
  • On what basis should states grant minority rights?
  • Is positive discrimination a worthwhile practice?
  • Think about how to make cross-cultural communication more efficient.
  • What obstacles do couples with diverse backgrounds often face?
  • Examine ways of to modernizing old-fashioned cultural values .
  • The definition of cultural awareness: when does it become relevant?
  • Simple ways to end the debate on stereotyping and cultural profiling.
  • Racism and reverse racism in college campuses: how students deal with the ongoing discussion on race in light of recent cultural developments.
  • The impact of extreme patriotism on the reputation of Americans in the international arena.
  • Excellent questions to ask a foreigner to step away from cultural stereotyping .
  • The long process of cultural accommodation: what to do and what to avoid when entering a foreign culture.
  • Explain how the debate concerning racial profiling should be managed. In doing so, concentrate on the role of so-called “social justice warriors.”

🖊️ Proposal Topics List: Other Ideas

Proposal essay topics: social life and social issues.

Our society is facing many challenges nowadays. Poverty, racism, and stress are some of the most prominent social issues. What can we do to improve our co-existence? You can answer this question in an essay with one of the following engaging prompts:

  • Social workers and incentive to care. Social workers fulfill an irreplaceable role in society. Still, their work is rarely discussed. The struggles of social workers themselves are also often overlooked. You can dedicate your project to this issue.
  • Crime rates and wealth distribution: a disparity fueled by desperation. Crime rates in low income areas are more prevalent than in wealthier places. The difference, however, is born out of the underlying conditions perpetuated by wealth inequality. Society can address them in specific ways. Explore them in your policy proposal essay. The topic allows various interpretations.
  • Discrimination in the workplace and sensitivity training. This issue can be an interesting proposal essay topic. For example, businesses can combat disrespectful behavior via promoting relevant training among employees. Persuade the readers that it’s an effective way to tackle the problem.
  • Harassment on social media and mass reporting. With the widespread usage of social media, thousands of people become famous for their presence on the internet. This trend is also accompanied by online harassment. In your essay, propose warranting methods of combating its spread.
  • Environmentally-friendly ways to use modern technology . The questions on the sustainability of new technology are becoming more and more vital. Discuss how people can enjoy technology while making a positive contribution to the environment.
  • Cleaning marathons as a way to engage citizens in keeping their neighborhood tidy.
  • Safe driving educational materials as a preventive measure.
  • Is there a way to make students more socially responsible ?
  • How can a person help orphans without spending money?
  • Best ways to promote subcultures and manage their activities.
  • What are the sexism-related issues at school? How can we solve them?
  • Social programs for educating the general public about disabled people’s problems and needs.
  • Installing book exchange boxes around the city to promote reading.
  • Support groups for teenagers suffering from depression.
  • Think of the most effective ways to help your friend if you suspect they are addicted to alcohol or drugs.
  • Banning social media : can it be a solution to reduce suicides?
  • What can you do to be less susceptible to advertisements?
  • Choosing the right idols for teenagers to encourage positive lifestyle changes.
  • Ways to support single-parent families in times of need.
  • What should you do if you realize your friends are toxic?
  • Ways to show how social media controls people’s lives and how to change it.
  • How can you prevent daily information overload?
  • Practical solutions for skyrocketing cybercrime rates.
  • How can people preserve national identity in times of globalization?
  • Reasons to implement more restrictions on legalized substances.
  • Script for an educational film for enhancing population awareness of the hazards of excessive television viewing.
  • Hate-crime laws as a response to increased violence against minorities.
  • Propagating healthy eating habits to reduce obesity levels.
  • Can cyber-bullying alerts decrease online harassment?
  • Healthy alternatives to free beer parties to prevent the dangers of unrestrained drinking.

Proposal Argument Topics: Technology

Technological advancements have drastically changed how people live and communicate. That’s why these essay ideas are related to exploring the impact of progress in modern societies. Be creative: think about the role technology plays in your life and provide real-life examples.

  • Technology accessibility for the disabled. For some, new technology is less accessible than for others. This category includes people with disabilities and impairments. Use this proposal argument topic to suggest a plan of action.
  • Technology to make public spaces more accessible. The inclusion of disabled people and those who require further assistance is on the increase. How can technology make public spaces more accessible to people with impairments and disabilities?
  • Technological advancements in study environments . With the use of technology, we can achieve more effective functionality in different fields. For example, by introducing technology to the educational sphere, we can improve its quality.
  • Technology in the house : balancing privacy with functionality. Many homes are now using smart technology. It makes the question of confidentiality more prevalent. The issue of balancing personal space and the use of new technology is quickly gaining traction.
  • Safety and security online: ways of controlling the online experience. Today, millions of people are using social media. Each of them has to manage the amount of private data they post online. Understanding what is safe to publish on the internet is a good proposal topic to explore.
  • How can one keep up with the increasing speed of technological development ?
  • Digital detox as a preventive measure for depression and apathy.
  • What is the optimal way to implement more technologies into the educational process?
  • Child control applications for looking after children’s safety on the internet.
  • What are the financial benefits of switching to wireless technologies ?
  • Effective ways to resolve the issue of online identity theft.
  • Would implementing modern technologies in libraries encourage people to visit them more often?
  • Online safety and personal data protection .
  • Cyberbullying at schools: what are the most effective strategies to fight it?
  • How can virtual reality help children with learning disabilities?
  • How to preserve your imagination while using modern technology .
  • Limiting the age of modern technology users for the sake of healthy child development.
  • Implementing censorship in the media to stop the collapse of moral values.
  • Does technology help college students in their performance? If so, how can they use it to boost their grades?
  • Banning children from watching TV: is it the best solution for the development of inappropriate behavior patterns?
  • How can one make the best out of technology in medicine for inheritance disease testing?
  • Research current issues with mechanical reproduction and find the most appropriate ethical solutions.
  • Technology and the food industry: using GMO to stop world hunger.
  • How can technology solve some of the environmental issues?
  • Recommendations on how to use modern technologies and preserve mental health .
  • Machines have replaced people in many fields. Has this trend brought more benefits than disadvantages?
  • Computers and smartphones make younger generations less sociable: is this statement true?
  • How has technology changed the way modern businesses work?
  • Develop a paper with solutions and recommendations for overcoming the gap between the rich and the poor that has been caused by technology.
  • What problems do parents face when preventing their children from accessing the internet unsupervised?

Proposal Argument Topics: Law and Justice

Do you wish to make the world a more just place? Start with a proposal essay on law and justice . These topics will help you choose the right direction.

  • Justice system and the lack of fresh talent: a need for change? Similar to other fields, the justice system needs to work within the boundaries of the current age. However, it isn’t easy to accomplish. Currently, high-ranking positions are occupied primarily by older people. Discuss the need to give way to new perspectives and promote young talent.
  • Juvenile justice system : what is the best course of action for children? Juvenile justice is a complicated issue. Many people don’t know how to approach it. Right now, there’s a need to guide and reprimand youth for their illegal behavior. What other solutions can be effective?
  • Rehabilitation of convicts: education as a betterment tool. It’s generally believed that criminals should be punished for their wrongdoings. However, it may be impractical to rely on punishment as a way of correcting unruly behavior. Use this essay idea to propose a more effective solution to the problem. For example, think of rehabilitation that helps convicts acquire new skills.
  • Legalization of drugs and its possible benefits. The effects of using psychoactive drugs are well-known among the public. Most people find the risk not worth the benefits of addictive substances. In your paper, consider the decriminalization of some drugs as a way of combating drug use.
  • Simple interpretations of the law as a tool a raising awareness. Law is a difficult subject to approach for an unprepared person. The issues presented by the justice system require knowledge that’s difficult to acquire for the general population. Adapting law into simpler terms may be useful in increasing awareness.
  • Elimination of a judicial bias from the trial process .
  • Social justice as an aspect of the legal sphere.
  • Increasing the influence of law through societal encouragement.
  • Law as a source of societal order and control.
  • Punitive justice: is it an ethical way to prevent crime?
  • Solutions for overcoming prison overcrowding and prison violence.
  • Discuss some of the most controversial issues that persist in courtrooms: false confessions, mistreatment of evidence, and witness framing.
  • The duty of care for senior citizens: who should be held accountable for the mistreatment of residents and wrongful deaths in nursing homes?
  • “He said—she said”: is “innocent until proven guilty” still valid when it comes to sexual assault allegations?
  • Arguments for and against police funding to increase neighborhood safety.
  • Types of civil litigation cases everyone should know.
  • Business and law: how to manage sexual harassment lawsuits in the workplace.
  • How to mitigate the negative impact of police violence on the reputation of law enforcement agencies.

Proposal Writing Ideas: Literature

If you enjoy reading, why not write about it? A paper is a perfect opportunity to show off your literary knowledge. Best of all, you can use these interesting proposal essay topics to practice for the ISC.

  • What are the central vices portrayed in Nabokov’s Lolita ? Vladimir Nabokov’s novel deals with the subjects many people of today may find controversial. The novel’s main focus is on the main character’s sexually deviant relationship with a young girl. You can explore other characters’ vices as well.
  • Is An American Tragedy a deconstruction of the American dream? Explore the novel’s main themes and plotlines in your essay. Consider looking at the nature of the upper class society and superficial human relationships.
  • How The Yellow Wallpaper portrays emotional abuse in families. The Yellow Wallpaper is one of the foundational books to feminist literature in America. Its focus is on the inner struggles of a woman stuck with her thoughts for far too long. It covers a multitude of topics, including misogyny and emotional mistreatment.
  • Literary trends that permeate modern literature . The number of books written in years and years of human development is incredibly vast. The conditions of the society during every epoch have an overarching influence on literature. Compare modern literature to other periods and say what makes it special.
  • Objectification of women in literature. Writing compelling female characters is difficult, especially considering the discrepancies between men and women in societies. Across history, men were often unable to write about women understandably and respectfully. It’s further reflected in how people perceive female literary characters.
  • Satire of propaganda in literature.
  • The occult in fiction is a gateway to mysticism: is this statement true?
  • Discuss the effect of classic literature on international outlook among counties.
  • Does literature always signify the author’s personality?
  • “Death of the author”: uses of the term and its consequences on interpretation.
  • The most prominent symbols and motifs in The Great Gatsby and their influence on storytelling.
  • Use of satirical dialogue in The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde.
  • How Shakespeare’s “To be, or not to be?” became one of the most iconic questions.
  • Meaningful lessons that readers can take from Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five .
  • Contemporary writers who have influenced literary trends.
  • Discuss programs targeted at encouraging children and teenagers to read classic literature.

Creative Proposal Writing Ideas

Essays, short stories, and novels all come with their challenges. In your paper, you can find the best way to overcome them. If you need brilliant proposal ideas for your English class, this section is for you.

  • Writing as a way to alleviate stress. Writing is a hobby for many enthusiasts. The creative process demands a lot of emotional effort from a person. Yet, it also gives them the ability to work through their worry in an artistic format.
  • Chances for success in writing. Writing is an intriguing career. Depending on the type of content a person produces, their chances of succeeding in the literary industry vary greatly. Describe these and other factors in an essay.
  • The importance of setting and background in writing. Characters and their actions are the most important parts of creating a story. However, smaller details are crucial for the reader’s engagement.
  • Immersive writing: keeping the audience invested. Immersion dictates how much the audience will care about the events of the story. By establishing a setting, the author can retain audience investment. Explore how one can achieve it.
  • Importance of negative emotions in response to written media. Writing is something people can do for entertainment. In many cases, eliciting positive emotions is the desired goal behind writing a story. But, that is not always the case. Negative emotions can create engagement and interest in the audience just as well. Present the reasons why it happens.
  • How can we retain the context in translations?
  • Discuss writing as an exercise in imagination .
  • What are the possible pitfalls of pursuing writing as a career?
  • Burnout is a consequence of long-standing authors’ success.
  • Writing minorities: what’s the best approach?
  • How to structure a research proposal : from the abstract to the list of references.
  • Writing a 1000-word summary of a book: what to include and what to avoid. 
  • Recommendations on becoming a citation style expert (MLA edition.) 
  • Practical guidelines for writing an astonishing discursive paper.
  • The quickest method to write a 5-paragraph reflective essay.
  • Specifics of technical writing: how to differentiate between specialized and non-specialized text. 
  • Coming up with memorable titles for articles and research papers: how to capture the audience’s attention.
  • The easiest way to develop a draft for any paper.

Proposal Argument Topic Ideas: World History

Much has happened since the dawn of humanity. Human actions have left their marks all around the globe. Check out these essay ideas if you want to dive into past times .

  • Why was the Cold War one of the tensest periods in world history? The Cold War has signified the continued arms race between the two biggest nations of the world. While tensions were slowly rising, the world has come closest it has ever been to destruction.  
  • World history: effects of misinformation on communication. History is unique to each nation of the world. The approach countries take to recording their history is ultimately unreliable. Discuss why such misinformation is ineffective in bringing people together.
  • The Iron Curtain and the years of hidden developments. The progress America and Asian countries made during the 20 th century is impressive. Meanwhile, Russia, one of the major nations of the world, was uninvolved in the global trade and has chosen an alternative path for its development. Write about the factors that elevated the Soviet Union to the global stage. 
  • World history as a tool for understanding other cultures . History simultaneously unites and separates people all over the world. In many cases, working together with people of different upbringings may prove difficult. Explore how we can turn to history itself for guidance in such situations.
  • Cultural separation between the East and the West. People usually divide the world into the East and the West. These culturally and historically different categories encompass several nations. Meanwhile, Europe is unique, as it displays a remarkable variety of cultures and traditions. You can discuss Europe’s place in the world between the East and the West.
  • Write about the America-centric historical approach and its consequences.
  • Discuss studying the mistakes of the past as a way to guide the present.
  • Is the downfall of ancient civilizations a blueprint for understanding the development of modern societies?
  • Assess the impact of conservative belief on how history is studied.
  • Explore the effectiveness of non-location-centric approaches to teaching history. 
  • How did strong female leaders such as Jeanne d’Arc impact the development of societies? 
  • An introduction to the Paleolithic Age: the development of societies through fishing, scavenging, and hunting and gathering. 
  • A list of the most significant historical events that shaped modern society. 
  • Speculate on the basis of historical sources: What could have happened after WWII if the axis had won?

Proposal Essay Ideas: Religion

Religion plays an important spiritual role in many people’s lives. It’s also an interesting subject to study. If you want to explore it in your essay, consider any of these topics:

  • Ways to fix the Catholic Church’s reputation. The Catholic Church is often at the center of scandals. Dedicate your assignment to finding ways to restore its good name.
  • How can we raise money for church renovations? Churches are often considered architectural wonders. Sadly, many of them are now dilapidated. Discuss the ways to fix this situation.
  • What can communities do to bring pagan rituals and beliefs back? Plenty of ancient traditions died out with the rise of Christianity . In discussing this topic, think about how the existing practices can be preserved.
  • Multiple religious belonging: different approaches. Being a member of a specific religion often requires you to renounce other beliefs. Is it possible to simultaneously believe in different creeds?
  • The virtue of modesty in the modern world. Modesty is a staple for many religions. What’s the best way to follow this virtue?
  • How can you reconcile religious beliefs with modern science?  
  • Improving religious education in class 11.
  • Suggest ideas to raise the popularity of Buddhism in the West. 
  • A life in monastic abstinence as the best way to find true peace.
  • How can priests make young people interested in sermons?
  • A short evaluation of current issues prevailing in the Catholic Church: what has changed and what has not? 
  • A factual analysis of the Bible: comparing historical facts with the descriptions of events given in the religious text. 
  • Advantages and disadvantages of religious education and how it influences children’s worldviews.
  • The best solution for overcoming religious discrimination. A fruitful approach could be to explore the Christianity – Islam opposition .
  • Different views on the importance of religion, including how it helps people and how it harms them.

Proposal Essay Ideas: Politics and Government

Surely, at some point, you wondered: “Why doesn’t the government just do this?” Now is the time to use this thought creatively! Whether you want to write about animal treatment or expensive engineering projects, these essay topics will inspire you.

  • Voting as a tool of change: effectiveness and results. Voting is one of our fundamental rights. With its help, people can influence how their government operates. It also allows them to participate in making changes to society. But is it always effective?
  • Political affiliation as an instrument in understanding personal character. The role politics play in the daily lives of many people is often understated. Explain what a person’s affiliations can tell about their values and character.
  • Foreign intervention and the right to sovereignty in modern society. Any system of power should have the ability to make its own decisions unaffected by outside influence. It’s essential in the age when many countries are fighting for their personal political goals.
  • The political power of the masses and the ways of displaying it. Technically, the government holds power in any given society. Yet, it’s true as long as people believe in its legitimacy. The public can take power away from the government if needed. Describe how it can be done.
  • Refraining from voting as a form of political protest. People have attempted many forms of influencing the government’s deciding power. One of such efforts is the refraining from voting. Debate whether it’s a valid strategy for protest.
  • Voting in a two-party system: is it worth it? 

The picture shows a quote by Blaise Pascal.

  • Government support for low-income families: a benefit or a vice?
  • Government support of corporations and individuals during a crisis: difference in approach.
  • Political alignment and the likelihood of donating to charity .
  • Government persecution of political opposition: is it an effective way to prevent violence?
  • Interesting insights into whether governments should make decisions about their citizens’ lifestyles. If so, what limitations are there?
  • Subjects to discuss with your local government : its role in the economy, social equity, and the well-being of neighborhoods.
  • Should the government be involved in controlling the interne t and other media outlets for news?
  • Problems in society that government intervention had caused.
  • What role should politicians play when providing formal support for underserved and underrepresented communities?

Proposal Essay Ideas in Psychology

Studies in psychology and personal development can profit from both qualitative and quantitative research. Are you looking for interesting prompts in either direction? Check out the following sample topics:

  • Self-improvement apps. Plenty of phone apps and programs promise you to become your best self. How do you find out which one is right for you?
  • Discuss ways to use personality test results to your benefit. Personality tests claim that within a few ticks, you know what type of person you are. But how useful are these predictions?
  • What can governments do to ensure everyone who needs it can get therapy? There are not enough doctors to satisfy the demand for psychotherapy. Waiting lists are endless, and many patients give up even before trying.
  • Ways of reducing employee burnout. Nowadays, burnout is a common disease among workers. What can employers do to provide a less stressful environment? 
  • What’s the best way to stay stable in tough times? Depression has developed into a global public health issue. Propose a way to avoid it in times of crisis.
  • What can you do to make getting up in the morning easier?
  • How do you build resilience?
  • The best way to document your habits and stick to them.
  • Management and psychology: effective workplace organization.
  • How can psychology help to make houses more intuitive to navigate?
  • How harmful is the advertising industry to the development of a child?
  • Develop a descriptive essay about the experiences that have shaped your personality and your sense of self-worth. Have you learned more from positive or negative experiences?
  • What format should training courses and personal development sessions take when working with developmentally disabled individuals?
  • To what extend do you agree with the statement that people’s genetic heritage predetermines their personalities? Is it true that it’s impossible to alter personality traits?
  • Discuss the current theories about anxiety and the impact of this disorder on the development of individuals.
  • Recommendations for managing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) . 

Proposal Essay Topics: Music and Art

It’s hard to make it in the music or arts businesses. How should successful people use their influence? How can we make arts more accessible for everyone? Keep these two questions in mind when researching for your paper.

  • Music as a way of alleviating stress. Music has several positive effects on the brain and the body. It’s demonstrated by a variety of tests and research. The use of music is effective in addressing the problems that traditional medicine is unable to solve.
  • Music instruments in the modern age. Music is an ever-developing and art form that attracts a variety of people. With the availability of new technology, many people start to use unconventional means for creating music. Outline them in your essay.
  • The spread of music production-oriented software as a gateway to creating more music. With the introduction of the personal computer, software suited for making music has become available to a bigger public. The ability to create without the need for specialized tools allows many more creators to try their hand at making music. What does it mean for the future of the industry? 
  • The place of traditional painting in the digital age. The computer has made digital painting possible while streamlining the process for convenience. With the advent of drawing software, traditional art may be experiencing a decline in its quantity. Can it be detrimental to the art scene in general?
  • People’s opinions on the value of abstract art. Abstract art is a divisive subject for many people. Some consider it to be a testament to human creativity . Others see it as a farce parading as meaningful creation. Give your opinion on this interesting proposal essay topic.
  • Art as the means of channeling emotions.  
  • Can commissioned art be considered a work of true creative freedom?
  • Do paintings reflect the personality of an artist? 
  • Can music effectively control the moods and emotions of people?
  • Music as a tool of conditioning.
  • Should the government invest in funding and grants for up-and-coming musicians and artists?
  • Discuss the benefits of art for societies in juxtaposition to art for individuals.
  • Which contemporary artists and musicians have had the most impact on you as a person, and why?
  • Does rap music influence the behavior of modern teenagers? If so, is there a difference between the rap of the 70s and modern rap regarding their messages for society? 

Proposal Essay Ideas: Globalization

It seems as if globalization has reached every last corner on Earth. Where should humanity go from here? Decide in your paper.

  • Globalization as a way to increase income levels in poor countries. Globalization is an inevitable and quick process in the modern generation. It affects the way nations grow and develop. Global growth can foster particular behaviors among different populations, used for personal profit and public benefit.
  • The effect of globalization on erasing local cultures. Globalization efforts have a variety of positive effects on how countries develop. Still, there can be a multitude of negative consequences. The erasure of local culture, language, and traditions are among the most apparent effects. Discuss how globalization is endangering small communities and the livelihood of individuals.
  • Globalization and the spread of the English language. English has become the international language of the world through the colonial expansions of the British Empire . The ability to speak in a shared language is undoubtedly a benefit. It’s also important to understand the underlying reasons why the world has accepted English as a lingua franca.
  • The effect of globalization on CO2 emissions. Climate change is one of the most apparent negative consequences of globalization. CO2 released into the air is harmful to life on Earth. Explore the link between these phenomena in your essay.
  • Can globalization be stopped? Globalization seems to be an inseparable part of the human experience in the 21st century. Is there a way to stop it and its harmful effects?
  • Globalization and the rapid development of the Chinese economy.
  • How globalization affects the rates of growth among 3rd world countries.
  • The impact of globalization on education levels and progressive outlook among the population.
  • Is there a correlation between globalization and an increase in LGBTQ acceptance? 
  • Globalization as a tool for creating a unified culture.
  • Discuss the negative consequences globalization has had on societies .
  • What’s the role of globalization in agriculture?
  • Explain the correlation between global wealth and the transfer of knowledge between countries and cultures.
  • Has globalization affected you personally? If so, what did you do to mitigate the impact of this process?
  • Based on the example of developing economies, investigate the relationship between globalization and democratization.

💡 How to Write a Proposal Argument Essay

Now, let’s see what you need to take into account before writing a proposal argument paper.

  • Choose a problem that interests you personally. It can be related to your school, city, or your hobby. Make sure the problem you’ve chosen is concrete and feasible.
  • Think about the potential readers of your essay. Consider whether they are already aware of the problem you’re describing. If not, make sure you provide enough background information.
  • Present various kinds of evidence. Naturally, you want your essay to be persuasive. Using credible sources is a must, but you can also add some personal anecdotes. Vivid real-life examples are a great tool in argumentative writing.

Making your essay well-structured is a part of its success. Like any argument, your proposal should consist of three parts:

  • A claim that proposes some action to solve a problem.
  • Evidence that illustrates the solution’s effectiveness.
  • Reasoning that proves that the proposed solution will work.

Here’s what your proposal argument can look like:

Claim: Reducing stress levels helps to improve one’s quality of life.

Evidence: Excessive stress leads to physical and mental health problems.

Reasoning: Managing stress helps to avoid health problems and thus improves one’s quality of life.

Keep this structure in mind while planning your paper and you will surely ace it.

Proposal Argument Essay Outline

Now, let’s take a closer look at each part of a proposal essay.


Follow this outline to write an excellent proposal!

Proposal Essay Examples & Formatting Tips

Now you know how to write proposal arguments and have a topic to work with. In this last part, we want to give you some formatting tips. Depending on your requirements, you can choose either MLA or APA format.

written in bold and centered.

Below you’ll find a free sample of a proposal essay. You can use it as inspiration for your own paper. Pay attention to the way it’s structured:

Topic How to Promote Draught Safety
Introduction Draught is one of the gravest problems humanity faces today. Even with all the technological development, people are still powerless when it comes to the power of nature. A drought can last several months or even years, and it has a substantial impact on the environment, ecosystem, and people.
Thesis Statement Taking some precaution measures and promoting draught safety is essential for avoiding severe consequences and casualties.
1 Body Paragraph The first step to promote draught safety is to educate people on the issue. Talking about the possible consequences and introducing drought safety tips will help spread awareness. It will also encourage people to make water conservation practices a part of their daily routine and teach them how to respond while in a drought.
2 Body Paragraph The second step is to monitor and provide people with early warnings concerning the anticipating drought period. That will allow them to develop a plan of action, as well as do their own research on the issue. That way, everyone can take precaution measures and consider the consequences of the dry season.
3 Body Paragraph Lastly, the third step is to focus on the study and identification of drought-related impacts. It will help reduce and consider all potential risks draught poses and improve resilience. That way, every next draught season will pose less threat than the previous one, and people’s safety ensured.
Conclusion In case there are no actions taken to promote draught safety, the consequences people may face later on are likely to be more severe. Educating people on the issue is the easiest way to reduce casualties and keep everyone safe.

You are welcome to use these proposal essay suggestions to write A+ papers. Choose a proposal essay topic idea that matches your interests. This way, you can enjoy the essay writing process and later reap the fruits of your hard work. Good luck with your studies, and don’t forget to share this article with your friends!

Learn more on this topic:

  • Top Ideas for Argumentative or Persuasive Essay Topics
  • Best Argumentative Research Paper Topics
  • 97 Inspirational & Motivational Argumentative Essay Topics
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  • Free Exemplification Essay Examples

✏️ Proposal Essay FAQ

A proposal essay is a description of a well-defined problem with a solution proposal and supporting arguments. A good proposal essay contains some elements of research and persuasive writing (explain why your solution is the best option.)

The key to writing an outstanding proposal essay for college or your job are persuasive arguments. They should convince your readers that your solution is the best one. Try to make your paper impressive yet modest. Creating an outline might be helpful.

Create an outline for your future thesis first. Start off with ideas to cover in the body part. Make sure to include relevant examples and supporting arguments. Then, add an appropriate introduction.

Any problem that might have a list of possible solutions to choose from can become your topic. Some ideas are “the optimal meeting format,” “the best way to celebrate something,” or even “finance allocation.”

🔍 References

  • Argument: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Proposal Essay: Kean University
  • Elements of Reference List Entries: APA
  • The Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice Debate
  • The Importance of Self-Worth
  • How to Prepare a Research Proposal
  • Most Reliable and Credible Sources for Students
  • 40 Ways to Be Successful in School: Practical Tips for Students
  • Research Proposal Example
  • Proposal and Academic Support Center Essay
  • How to Write a Proposal Essay
  • Conference Papers Writing
  • Writing A PhD Proposal
  • 122 Tone Words to Set the Mood in Your Story
  • Environmental Topics: US Environmental Protection Agency
  • Responding to Climate Change: NASA
  • Managing People: Harvard Business Review
  • Business Topics: University of Michigan-Flint
  • Education Technology: Vermont Official State Website
  • Education Research Topics: University of York
  • Social/Family Issues: Medline Plus
  • Social and Policy Issues: Gallup
  • Tech Topics: CES
  • Technology Innovation Strategy: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Hot Topics in Health Care: The University of Arizona
  • 10 Healthcare Technology Trends to Improve Your Well-Being: G2
  • All Topics: Office of Justice Programs
  • Legal Topics: New York City Bar Association
  • Choosing a Literary Topic: Northern Michigan University
  • Why Do We Write?: University of Nottingham
  • Topics: History.com
  • Access to Health Services: Healthy People
  • Politics Topics: Pew Research Center
  • Research Themes: Politics and International Relations: University of Southampton
  • Impact of Globalization on World Culture: Research Gate
  • Share to Facebook
  • Share to Twitter
  • Share to LinkedIn
  • Share to email

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392 Proposal Essay Topics for Arguments, Projects, and More

392 Proposal Essay Topics for Arguments, Projects, and More

An academic proposal is a starting point in creating a thesis or research project. There are different forms of proposals: a proposal essay, a research proposal, and an argument proposal. Each presents a clearly formulated problem for research, proves its importance, and provides possible solutions, similar to the problem-solution essay. In addition to identifying your action plan, an academic proposal should indicate your theoretical perspective and link to previous works in the field.

In this article, we’ve combined a list of engaging proposal essay topics on different subjects. You’ll also learn about various types of academic proposals and get familiar with a proposal essay structure.

⭐ 15 Best Proposal Topics

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  • The efficiency of urban rooftop farming in improving food security.
  • The gender pay gap in the workplace.
  • Urban air pollution in major cities and possible solutions.
  • How to protect personal information on Instagram?
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder in the military.
  • E-books: disadvantages of the use of modern technologies.
  • Childhood obesity and ways to deal with it.
  • How to decrease the number of smokers?
  • Tolerant behavior as a way to live in a multi-cultured society.
  • Interracial adoption and its consequences.
  • Business and politics: the issue of corruption.
  • Low self-esteem and strategies to raise it.
  • The dangers of unrestrained alcohol drinking.
  • Can cyberbullying alerts reduce online harassment?
  • Ways to deal with daily information overload.

A proposal essay is a type of writing that presents an idea and gives evidence to convince the target audience why that idea is a good or bad one. Proposal assignments are common among students majoring in Economics, Business Management, and Engineering.

The structure of the proposal essay may look as follows.

An should present a subject and demonstrate its value to the target audience. Since proposals are produced to solve a problem, you should discuss your chosen issue to highlight the benefits of your proposal.
This section should be concise and only describe the gist of what you propose.
Here, you should explain how the proposal will be carried out. Also, this section should convince the audience of the proposal’s and ways to overcome potential barriers to implementation.
In this part, you should present the core goals of your proposal.
You should mention all the tangible (money, technologies, etc.) and intangible (time, people) things needed to complete the proposal.
The final paragraph should quickly each section and explain all the “why’s” of the paper.

Below, we will break down related terms that can be misleading for you to understand the structure of the proposal essay better!

Proposal Argument

A proposal argument is a piece of writing that presents a solution to a problem. It aims to outline the main points and offer compelling proof to support it. The proposal argument and proposal essay are closely connected in that both describe an issue, propose a solution, and give evidence and reasoning to back up the suggested solution.

Essay Proposal

An essay proposal is a brief description of your future paper. It outlines your topic, literature review , and proposed solutions. It helps organize thoughts, gather feedback, and maintain coherence. Writing an essay proposal is essential if you want to find a clear direction for the paper and receive assistance before the writing process.

Research Proposal

A research proposal is a paper that outlines the proposed research project, including the study question, objectives, methods, and expected results. It aims to obtain funds, secure approval, or establish the viability and relevance of the research. A research proposal should include a clear issue description, study objectives, methodology , anticipated findings, and a project timeframe.

This image shows three types of academic proposals.

Below is a list of issues with solutions you can argue for in your proposal essay. We hope this selection will help you understand what topics can be used for this paper type.

  • Teach children how to recognize and avoid sexual abuse.
  • Talk during the lessons about the 5 personal safety boundary rules.
  • Develop a child abuse program in your school.
  • Give parents instructions on how to talk to children about sexual abuse.
  • Reduce the consumption of single-use plastics.
  • Educate people about the benefits of recycling.
  • Use fewer chemicals.
  • Make homes more energy-efficient.
  • Reform public administration and finance management.
  • Increase public activity and awareness.
  • Encourage transparency in the political system.
  • Strengthen legal frameworks and regulations.
  • Pass gun laws that reduce gun violence.
  • Invest in gun safety programs and coalitions to stop gun violence.
  • End legal immunity for gun manufacturers.
  • Encourage responsible gun ownership and safety education.
  • Educate all students about the signs of bullying and cyberbullying.
  • Create an inclusive school environment.
  • Provide comprehensive support for bullied students.
  • Implement strict anti-bullying policies and laws.
  • Raise public awareness of a problem.
  • Impose strict legal penalties on violators.
  • Support organizations and programs aimed at protecting human rights.
  • Get the media to talk about discrimination.
  • Invest in infrastructure and resources for schools and hospitals.
  • Encourage education for both children and adults in less developed countries.
  • Increase parental and community participation in education .
  • Provide clean water and healthy food to poor regions.
  • Encourage diplomacy and conflict resolution through peaceful methods.
  • Address the leading causes of conflict, such as poverty and inequality.
  • Help with humanitarian efforts and conflict resolution in conflict zones.
  • Create arms control laws for conflict prevention.
  • Teach youngsters to use positive affirmations about themselves.
  • Praise children when they achieve their goals.
  • Create a welcoming and inclusive classroom environment.
  • Offer opportunities for skill development and personal growth.
  • Utilize strong and unique passwords for online accounts.
  • Install anti-virus software.
  • Avoid reading suspicious emails or opening suspicious links.
  • Back up important data and files.
  • Young people’s unemployment: possible solutions.
  • Assisted Suicide as a Humane Solution .
  • The causes of car accidents in the US and ways to address them.
  • What measures should be taken to prevent global warming?
  • Plagiarism, Its Reasons and Solutions .
  • Ways to avoid sexual harassment in high school.
  • Internet safety: methods to prevent cyberbullying.
  • Environmental Problems and Their Potential Solutions .
  • Paper recycling as a way to address environmental concerns.
  • How to avoid workplace discrimination based on race and religion?
  • Should Illegal Immigrants be Made Legal Citizens?
  • The education access issue: practical solutions.
  • Strategies for dealing with epidemics in the 21st century.
  • Should Smoking Be Illegal?
  • How to deal with smoking addiction in teenagers?
  • Should Same-Sex Marriages be Legalized?
  • Recycling as the best way to reduce environmental waste.
  • A step towards overcoming the financial challenges confronting higher education.
  • The Best Way to Address Obesity in the United States .
  • The causes of deforestation and its solutions.
  • Ways to protect oneself from stress and anxiety.
  • Social Media in Aviation Crisis Management .
  • Eating and weight-related disorders in adults.
  • How to solve the problem of fast fashion?
  • Mistakes in Marketing and How to Resolve Them .
  • The impact of texting on face-to-face communication.
  • Advertisements of harmful products: ethical and safety issues.
  • Eco-Friendly Packaging and Its Issues .
  • Put an end to suicide among people with mental disorders.
  • Addiction to prescription drugs and ways to overcome it.
  • Group Problem-Solving Techniques and Ethical Law .
  • How to reduce animal experimentation for beauty products?
  • The issue of toxic relationships and methods to solve it.
  • Health Promotion Strategies for Obesity .
  • Migration: a global problem that needs a solution.
  • What are the leading causes of heart attack, and how can we protect ourselves?
  • E-Marketing Strategies Proposal .
  • The use of steroids in professional sports.
  • Racial discrimination in the workplace and possible solutions.
  • Wal-Mart Stores Learning and Growth Perspective .
  • Capitalism as the main reason for the conflict between capital and labor.
  • Business development during COVID-19.
  • Breastfeeding Challenges in Post-Partum Mothers .
  • The pitfalls of the current student grading system.
  • Community Colleges: Making Education More Affordable .
  • What are the methods for reducing tobacco consumption?
  • Teen pregnancy as a result of sex education absence.
  • Should Public Colleges and Universities Be Tuition-Free?
  • The lack of modern technologies and their impact on work efficiency.
  • What are the leading causes of crime and violence?
  • Infection Prevention and Educational Interventions .
  • Dependence on social media and ways to overcome this problem.
  • Corruption and referee bias in the football industry.
  • Why It Is Important to Fight Social Inequality .
  • Key urban issues: bad roads, garbage, and parking on sidewalks.
  • The issue of homeless people in Los Angeles.
  • Challenges of Transgender Patients .
  • How can we encourage more tolerant behavior in European society?
  • Texting While Driving: Risks and Prevention .
  • Excess weight and physical inactivity as the key causes of diabetes.
  • Effects of sunlight on visible signs of aging.
  • Smoking in Public Places: Should It Be Banned?
  • The influence of rap music on the behavior of modern teenagers.
  • What actions should be taken to make the electoral system more transparent?
  • The Treatment of Alcohol Abuse among the Elderly .
  • Domestic violence and its impact on children’s self-esteem.
  • Online educational platforms as the new approach to affordable education.
  • Sexual Harassment in the Nursing Workplace .
  • The issue of unrealistic body perfection of Victoria’s Secret brand.
  • Governments must prohibit single-use plastics to ensure environmental safety.
  • Best Practices in Addiction Treatment .
  • Pharmaceutical companies should increase transparency in drug pricing to ensure medication affordability.
  • Educational institutions should prioritize physical education to promote students’ health.
  • Local law enforcement agencies must implement community policing programs to foster the population’s security.
  • Addressing Homelessness Issue: Current Policies .
  • Schools should incorporate technology into the curriculum to prepare students for the digital age.
  • Communities should develop peer-led recovery groups to help those suffering from alcoholism.
  • The Problem of Overpopulation and Energy Scarcity .
  • Food retailers should donate surplus food to reduce food waste and address food insecurity.
  • Fashion brands must prioritize showing various body types to promote inclusivity.
  • Strategic Preparedness for Disasters .
  • Governments must invest in public campaigns promoting the use of SPF to reduce the incidence of skin cancer.
  • Should the Federal Government Legalize the Use of Marijuana?
  • Beauty enterprises should develop natural beauty products to avoid the harmful effects of cosmetics.
  • Violent Computer Games Must Be Banned .
  • Companies should invest in renewable energy sources to enhance sustainability and minimize carbon footprints.
  • Translators should uphold ethical standards in their practice to maintain client trust.
  • Renewable Energy: Why Do We Need It?
  • Employers must establish paid maternity leave and flexible work arrangements to accommodate pregnant employees.
  • Educational institutions should develop programs on healthy relationships to reduce violence among teenagers .
  • How to Manage Stress as a Student?
  • Tattoo studios must provide comprehensive aftercare instructions to minimize potential complications.
  • Apple should enhance its support for educational initiatives to raise the next generation of creators and innovators.
  • Gender is an Often Culturally-Prescribed Role .
  • Religious organizations should dialogue with LGBT communities to combat discrimination and prejudice.
  • Parents should limit screen time for children to reduce sedentary behavior.
  • Why Humans Should Not Visit Mars .
  • Neighbors should be proactive in helping one other in times of need to foster a friendly neighborhood atmosphere.
  • Pop music should prioritize artistic experimentation and creativity to push the boundaries of mainstream pop.
  • Water Recycling: Why Is It Important?
  • Ecologists must actively participate in restoration initiatives to improve ecosystem resilience.
  • McDonald’s should enhance its workers’ working conditions to solve its labor problems.
  • Animals Should Have the Same Rights as Humans: Pros and Cons .
  • People should prioritize their mental health to build positive life experiences and strengthen resiliency.
  • Doctors must actively set boundaries between work and personal life to avoid burnout and keep high productivity.
  • Sexual Assault Female Victims Avoid Reporting to Police .
  • Instagram should work with mental health professionals to create and promote digital well-being tools.
  • Logistics organizations must hold regular training programs to help employees adapt to shifting logistics trends.
  • The Role of Nurses in Environmental Health .
  • People should actively participate in community eco-friendly initiatives to restore the natural environment.
  • Governments must prioritize the training and capacity building of their diplomatic corps and intelligence personnel to prevent potential war conflicts.
  • Mental Health Needs of Patients with Comorbidities .
  • Bilingual schools should promote cultural awareness to develop cross-cultural communication skills in their students.
  • Gaming Influence on Psychology and Personality .
  • COVID-19 patients should receive psychological and mental health treatment to reduce anxiety and stress.

Business Proposal Topics

  • Is sustainable packaging effective for reducing environmental pollution?
  • Lack of Leadership in Pharmaceutical and Medical Companies .
  • How to improve customer satisfaction with the help of AI-driven customer service chatbots?
  • Flexible remote work policy and its impact on reducing employees’ stress.
  • The Importance of Planning in the Establishment of a Small Business .
  • Personalized loyalty program as the best way to boost customer retention rates.
  • The leading causes of small business failure.
  • A Discussion on Whether Financial Rewards is the Best Way to Increase Work Motivation .
  • How to reduce waste in the manufacturing processes of big corporations?
  • Data analytics : new technologies and their role in optimizing business decision-making processes.
  • Market Globalization and Global Marketing Pitfalls .
  • The lack of a customer feedback system and its consequences.
  • Social media marketing as a method to increase brand awareness.
  • How Can American Cities Raise More Money?
  • The issue of low-value customers and its possible solutions.
  • Why does automation play an essential role in business growth?
  • Procurement Process Improvement: Supply Chain’ Data Transfer .
  • Remote monitoring solution for better asset management and maintenance.
  • The everyday challenges of SMEs at the start of trade.
  • Digital Marketing Activities to Sell High-Involvement Products .
  • The impact of gender inequality on employees’ performance.
  • The balance between employee expectations and the organization’s profit.
  • Nurse Staffing Levels and Employee Retention .
  • Misleading advertisements as a way to destroy the trust between the brand and customers.
  • US Banking Expansion in Emerging Markets .
  • How to cope with a crisis in an organization?
  • Abuse of laborers: involuntary servitude, forced labor, and sex trafficking.
  • Nokia Corporation’s Development and Change .
  • Workplace diversity as a way to increase productivity.
  • The value of a business plan in starting a small business .

Sociology Research Proposal Topics

  • The influence of government policies on the family structure.
  • Use of Technologies in the Educational Process .
  • How does poverty affect the educational system?
  • The issue of harassment in social media and its possible solutions.
  • Cultural Diversity in the Workforce .
  • The efficiency of using social media in increasing self-esteem.
  • The impact of increased meat consumption on ecology.
  • Use of Social Programs by Social Class in Canada .
  • Immigrant cultures: positive and negative sides.
  • Transsexuality as a new social dimension of self-definition.
  • The Impact of Divorce and Separation on Family Relationships .
  • What role does the US government play in the healthcare system?
  • Toxic friendship: emotional abuse among teenagers.
  • Unequal Opportunity of Urban Youth .
  • The feminine forms of words as a solution to gender discrimination.
  • The effectiveness of the one-child-per-family policy in addressing overpopulation in China.
  • Relations Between Women Equality, Cultural Prerequisites and Feminism .
  • How does a global crisis affect social institutions?
  • The influence of cultural values on marriage patterns.
  • Problems With Blaming Poor Workplace Performance on Low Motivation .
  • Social movements in the US: Black Lives Matter and its purpose.
  • Does globalization make national governments weaker?
  • Obesity, Its Demographics and Health Effects .
  • Same-sex marriage as a religious issue.
  • The impact of technological progress on people’s health.
  • Burnout Syndrome and the Ways It Is Manifested in Trauma Nurses .
  • Beauty standards in the fashion industry and their negative consequences.
  • Women’s Health: Predictors of Postpartum Depression .
  • Intellectual property security as a number one issue in the 21st century.
  • How can physical appearance affect various social situations?

Criminal Justice Research Proposal Topics

  • Racism in the criminal justice system.
  • Crime Prevention Programs and Criminal Rehabilitation .
  • The effectiveness of restorative justice programs in lowering recidivism rates.
  • The impact of socioeconomic status on criminal behavior.
  • Illegal Immigrants and Its Effects on Crime .
  • How do psychological factors affect criminality?
  • Death penalty : the method of lethal injection and why it is wrong.
  • How Local Television News Viewing Relates to Fear of Crime?
  • Domestic violence as a form of child abuse: methods of prevention.
  • The efficiency of modern technology in combating cybercrime.
  • Parental Responsibility for Children’s Crimes .
  • How does community policing reduce crime rates?
  • Cultural and racial prejudices in the criminal justice system.
  • Cybercrimes: How to Protect Yourself?
  • Gun control policies and their impact on crime rates in the US.
  • The factors contributing to police misconduct and corruption.
  • The Impact of Crime and Violence on Tourism in Jamaica .
  • The influence of media portrayal on public perceptions of crime.
  • The effects of reentry programs on the integration of ex-offenders into society.
  • Racial and Ethnic Disparity in Pretrial Criminal Processing .
  • Budget reduction in criminal justice administrations and its consequences.
  • Major social issues affecting criminal justice professionals.
  • Capital Punishment Is Not a Fair Method of Punishing Criminals .
  • The issue of suicide in people with a criminal justice history.
  • Drugs and alcohol as the key triggers of robbery and crime.
  • Getting Involved in Advocacy Practice for Social Justice .
  • How does racial profiling impact community trust in law enforcement?
  • Males and females: the difference in treatment in the criminal justice system.
  • Gender Equity and Social Justice in Schoolchildren .
  • The problem of confidentiality and ethics in criminology.
  • Code of Professional Responsibility for Lawyers .

Psychology Research Proposal Topics

  • Fat shaming as a type of mental harm.
  • Mental Health Services: Public Spending and Usage .
  • The influence of childhood trauma on adult mental health.
  • How does sleep quality affect our mental health?
  • Anxiety Disorders Psychology: Managing Panic Attack .
  • The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression.
  • Job burnout: how to spot it and take action.
  • Communication Anxiety and Treatment Methods .
  • How to discuss race with black teens and their families?
  • The role of optimism in coping with adversity.
  • Major Depression’ Symptoms and Treatment – Psychology .
  • Perfectionism as a leading cause of psychological distress.
  • Meditation effects on reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Smoking Cessation and Depression .
  • Trauma-related symptoms: methods and strategies to overcome the problem.
  • A history of weight bullying as a major cause of eating disorders.
  • Stress and Coping: Social Support and Social Ties .
  • Social media impact on body image and self-esteem.
  • Group therapy as a strategy to deal with social anxiety disorder.
  • Risk of Burnout Syndrome in the Nursing Profession .
  • How can social media isolation aid in improving mental health and well-being?
  • The effects of childhood attachment on adult romantic relationships.
  • Work-Life Balance and Social Intelligence .
  • Head trauma and its role in developing Tourette’s syndrome.
  • Importance of mindfulness practices in improving academic performance.
  • Peer Support for Intellectually Disabled People .
  • Social factors triggering panic attacks and ways to address them.
  • How can stress lead to memory formation?
  • Effectiveness of Acupuncture on the Treatment of Nervous System Diseases .
  • Brain development and the impact of early childhood experiences.
  • How can a playground promote physical activity and social interaction?
  • Gender Stereotyping Experiment: The Level of Gender Stereotyping in Society .
  • Literacy campaign as a way to improve reading skills in underprivileged communities.
  • Introducing sex education in primary school.
  • The Stanford Experiment by Philip Zimbardo .
  • Promotion of responsible water usage and its consequences.
  • The role of environment documentaries in raising awareness about climate change.
  • Computer Intelligence Tested With Human Tests .
  • Impact of social networks on students’ academic performance.
  • Cultural exchange program as a way to build cross-cultural understanding .
  • Self-expression with the help of a community-based art project.
  • How to engage students in the greening of parks?
  • Evaluation Essay: How To Achieve High Grade .
  • Designing a website to attract more customers to a small company.
  • Environmental project: Making your university campus more sustainable.
  • How to Become an International Businessman?
  • Sustainable farming initiative as a method to support local agriculture.
  • How to stop homophobic attitudes among children?
  • Cybersecurity Threats for Students & How to Fight Them .
  • The role of digital marketing strategy in increasing brand visibility.
  • Gender-neutral beauty products and their importance in promoting inclusivity.
  • How to Use Company Assessment Tools .
  • Improving pedestrian and cyclist safety in urban areas: methods and strategies.
  • Meditation practices in school curricula as a way to improve student well-being.
  • How to Address Obesity in the United States ?
  • Sustainable fashion: promoting eco-friendly practices in the industry.
  • How can mobile apps assist in language learning to promote bilingualism in communities?
  • Seven Ways to Find Help in Starting a Business .
  • Cybersecurity education program and its role in improving students’ online safety.
  • The effectiveness of sustainable transportation initiatives in reducing carbon emissions.
  • Environmental Pollution Impact and Ways to Reduce It .
  • How to promote cultural inclusivity through community festivals and events?
  • Mentorship programs as a method to support women in leadership roles.
  • Vital Issues of Terrorism and Ways to Counter Terrorism .
  • Reducing plastic waste with the help of reusable alternatives promotion.
  • The role of storytelling programs in improving children’s communication skills.
  • Strategies to Help Students Retain Information .
  • How to foster entrepreneurship skills in high school students?
  • Accessibility audit and improvement plan for public spaces and buildings.
  • Development Strategies to Protect Natural Assets .
  • The issue of support and integration for immigrants and possible solutions.
  • Strategies to Cope with Ethical Dilemmas .
  • LGBTQ+ inclusivity through awareness campaigns and safe space initiatives.
  • The importance of sports facilities to accommodate individuals with disabilities.
  • Rising Sea Levels: Solutions to Global Concern .
  • The role of mandatory financial literacy courses in high school.
  • Enterprise Resources Planning System Implementation .
  • Why using renewable energy sources can save the environment?
  • Texting while driving: possible solutions to the problem.
  • Nursing Core Competencies: Comparison and Implementation .
  • Meditation practices in the workplace and their impact on work quality.
  • Food insecurity among college students and how to deal with it.
  • The efficiency of recycling incentive programs in decreasing plastic waste.
  • Natural Disasters and Disaster Management in Katmandu .
  • Implementing survival skill classes as a part of the school curriculum.
  • Why are healthy eating habits vital since early childhood?
  • Health Promotion Proposal Obesity Prevention .
  • The importance of menstrual products in public restrooms.
  • Increasing employment and income as a way to reduce homelessness.
  • Capital Punishment Applied Research Proposal .
  • The issue of air pollution from industrial sources and possible solutions.
  • Workplace diversity: the use of inclusive hiring practices.
  • Training Design Proposal for Employees .
  • The effectiveness of free education for underprivileged students.
  • Strategies to raise awareness about mental health issues among students.
  • Nurse Understaffing and Change Proposal .
  • How to reduce food waste in restaurants and grocery stores?
  • Bike-sharing programs as a way to cope with traffic jams.
  • Technology for Patient Safety: Change Proposal .
  • The impact of voting on country development.
  • What are the effective ways of protecting wildlife and their habitats?
  • Gun violence and control measures to reduce it.
  • Proposal for New Leadership Training .
  • Reducing smoking rates with the help of stricter regulations on the tobacco industry.
  • How can awareness about organ donation aid in saving millions of lives?
  • Green Supply Chain Management Research Proposal .
  • The role of income inequality on access to education.
  • Childhood vaccinations and their influence on public health.
  • Proposal for Providing Healthier Food Choices for Elementary Students .
  • The relationship between the media portrayal of beauty and body image.
  • How can sugar consumption lead to obesity and chronic diseases?
  • Air Pollution as a Health Risk Factor: Policy Proposal .
  • The benefits and challenges of autonomous vehicles.
  • Parental divorce and its impact on the mental health of children.
  • Heart Disease and Stroke: Project Proposal and Budgeting .
  • The drawbacks of genetically modified crops for agricultural productivity.
  • Deforestation : how to save the lungs of the Earth?
  • Biodiversity conservation against the backdrop of climate change.
  • The role of smoking in making acquaintances.
  • What are the ethical issues of cloning people?
  • Ethical Concerns of Advertising .
  • Noise pollution and its influence on mental health.
  • Optional lecture attendance as a new approach to educational methods.
  • Genetically Modified Foods and Their Impact on Human Health .
  • Placebo treatment as a method to cope with physical disorders.
  • Tinder: the app that kills romantics .
  • Music in shopping malls and its negative impact on employees’ productivity.
  • Role-Playing Games as a Learning Tool .
  • Distribution of condoms in high school and its importance.
  • Why are conflicts necessary for healthy relationships?
  • Parents Need Help: Restricting Access to Video Games .
  • Radical solutions: legalizing marijuana to reduce drug-related crime.
  • The role of color psychology in marketing and consumer behavior.
  • Is Bilingualism Beneficial or Harmful for America?
  • The strategies for preventing divorce.
  • Casual veganism as a way to manage food resources with a growing population.
  • Harry Potter and the Magic at Hogwarts .
  • The rise of cat memes and their impact on internet culture.
  • Robot delivery service as a new approach to the restaurant industry.
  • How can GIFs and memes in workplace communication boost productivity?
  • Mars and Earth Comparison .
  • The alleged moon landing conspiracy and its impact on public perception.
  • The issue of persuasion techniques of politicians.
  • Home Training and the Issue of Dancing Outside of the Home .
  • Why should mind reading during exams be banned?
  • The effectiveness of crush tests for parents before giving birth to a child.
  • Prime Time Ideology: The Hegemonic Process in Television Entertainment .
  • The problem of human innovation addiction and possible solutions.
  • The lie about Santa Claus and its impact on children’s world perception.
  • COVID-19 Influence on the Entertainment Industry .
  • How to deal with hyperactive students in elementary school?
  • The role of personality in placebo effects.
  • The Robots Are Coming – For as Many as 800 Million Jobs .
  • Early marriage and its possible consequences.
  • Implementing mandatory “nap time” for adults in the workplace.
  • Androids and Iphones: Operating Systems Comparison .
  • The effectiveness of Wednesday off in increasing employees’ productivity.
  • Laughing yoga championship as a way to overcome depression.
  • The Benefits of a Home Gym .
  • Procrastination Day: new national holiday and its positive influence.
  • Why will modern teenagers never survive one-on-one with wild nature?

We have prepared a proposal essay example to show how everything works in practice!

Topic How to avoid the dangers of AI in education?
AI has significant promise for revolutionizing education by providing new instruments and personalized learning experiences. However, it is critical to address the risks associated with implementing AI in education, namely, and ethical issues.
Promoting responsible and ethical use of AI in education is vital to mitigate the potential dangers and maximize the benefits of tools like .
One way to promote the ethical use of AI in the classroom is to revise student assignments. Teachers can give more in-class assignments and develop prompts requiring students to demonstrate their personal experience and intelligence. This way, students will have less temptation and fewer opportunities to cheat with AI.
Another way to encourage the responsible use of AI is to integrate it into the curriculum. Testing AI tools with students and discussing their strengths and limitations seems more feasible than banning these tools altogether. By using this strategy, students and teachers will reap the benefits of AI in education while avoiding plagiarism and other .
Finally, collaboration between educators and AI developers is critical. Involving teachers in the design and development of AI systems can help tailor them to specific educational aims and address the most pressing ethical issues. This partnership can lower the danger of algorithmic bias and support the ethical use of AI in education.
If nothing is done about the irresponsible use of AI in education, teachers risk nurturing a generation of students with poor writing and skills and low ethical standards. Therefore, it is vital to promote the responsible use of AI with such strategies as student-centered assignments, thoughtful integration of AI into the curriculum, and collaboration between educators and software developers.

A proposal essay offers an opportunity to address pressing issues and explore potential solutions. By carefully selecting relevant and compelling topics, writers can engage readers and spark meaningful discussions. Whether advocating for social change, proposing innovative ideas, or addressing practical concerns, proposal essays provide a platform for constructive dialogue.

❓ Proposal Essay Topics FAQ

What is a proposal essay.

A proposal essay is a piece of writing in which the author proposes a specific solution for an issue and then convinces the audience to accept the writer’s position. Typically, proposal writing presents an overview of the problem, suggests a course of action, and includes supporting evidence and reasoning.

What are good proposal topics?

Good proposal essay topics have several characteristics:

  • Relevance to current issues.
  • Availability of research and evidence.
  • Clear objectives.

For example:

  • The impact of childhood bullying on social and emotional development.
  • The effectiveness of rehabilitation programs for juvenile offenders.

How to start a proposal essay?

Begin a proposal essay with a compelling introduction that captures the reader’s attention and gives background information on the problem. State the problem and its relevance, then provide your recommended solution. Also, it is crucial to include a thesis statement summarizing the key ideas you will explore in the essay.

What is a research proposal?

A research proposal is a paper that outlines your strategy for carrying out a study. It defines the research objectives, methodology, analysis techniques, expected findings, and importance of the study. Its purpose is to get approval and finance for the research project.

How to write a research proposal?

You should take these steps to write an effective research proposal:

  • Choose a topic that piques your curiosity.
  • Research helpful information for your paper.
  • Create a detailed outline.
  • Review the materials and the outline.
  • Start writing the research proposal.
  • A Sample Research Proposal with Comments | University of Houston
  • Outline for Research Project Proposal | Lynn Santelmann
  • Elements of a Research Project or Proposal: Questions to Consider | The University of Maine
  • Writing Research Proposals | Harvard University
  • Research Proposals | Northeastern University
  • Steps in Developing a Research Proposal | Writing for Success
  • How to Write a Research Proposal | Louisiana State University
  • Academic Proposals | Purdue Online Writing Lab
  • How to Write a Paper Topic Proposal & Thesis Statement | Dean’s Book w/ Prof. Connie Griffin
  • Valencia Campus Library: Proposal Essay Model | The University of New Mexico-Valencia Campus
  • What Is a Proposal Argument Essay? | Classroom
  • Proposal Components | Stanford University
  • Practical Proposal Essay Topics for Students | Your Dictionary
  • Choosing a Topic and the Research Proposal | SAGE
  • Proposal Writing Guides | University of California, Davis
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Home — Blog — Topic Ideas — 100+ Proposal Essay Topics for All College Students

100+ Proposal Essay Topics for All College Students

proposal essay topics

Proposal essays are a valuable way for students to develop critical thinking skills, engage with complex issues, and propose viable solutions. These essays require you to identify a problem, present a detailed plan to address it, and persuade your audience that your proposal is practical and beneficial. In this guide, we will explore a variety of proposal essay topics, including proposal argument topics, project proposal ideas, and proposal essay topics for college students. Additionally, we will provide tips on how to select good proposal essay topics and discuss why topics involving problems or controversies make for strong essay subjects.

106 Proposal Essay Topics

Here is a comprehensive list of proposal essay topics across various subjects, including those suitable for college students, addressing current issues, and those involving significant controversies:

Arts & Culture

  • The Role of Youths in Shaping The Future of The World
  • The Importance of Proper Documentation of History
  • The Benefit of Using Postmodern Characteristics in Stranger than Fiction
  • Fearless Girl as a Feminist Piece of Art

Social Issues

  • Addressing Homelessness in Urban Areas: Propose solutions to reduce homelessness in cities.
  • A Modest Proposal to Solve The Issue of Homelessness
  • Modest Proposal Ideas on The Topic of Abortion
  • Improving Mental Health Services : Suggest ways to enhance mental health support in communities.
  • Combating Racism in Schools: Develop strategies to address and reduce racism in educational institutions.
  • Proposal for an Effective Speech for Pitching The Strict Gun Policy in Parliament
  • An Examination of Abortion and its Health Implications on Women
  • Gun Control: An Essential Step in Reducing Gun Violence
  • The Role of Slavery and Immigration in The Production of American Musical Theatre
  • Reducing Gun Violence : Propose measures to decrease gun violence in high-risk areas.
  • The Issue of Gun Violence Prevention by Congress
  • The Controversies of Immigrants Support in The Us
  • Implementation of Zero-tolerance Policy in Schools to Stop Bullying
  • Supporting Single-Parent Families : Suggest policies to provide better support for single-parent households.
  • Proposed Smart Evacuation Plan for Risk Reduction Management
  • Proposed Management of New Enterprise – Belly Happi Café
  • Scientist-practitioner Divide in Employee Development
  • Review of The Issue of Conflict of Interest in a Workplace
  • Recruitment and Selection and Training as Procedures that Unite Associations and Human Resource
  • Philosophy of Thanos and Its Connection with The System of Eugenio Lopez Jr. Center for Media Arts
  • Key Responsibilities and Code of Ethics in Engineering Profession
  • Effective Leadership in a Multicultural & Multigenerational Workplace
  • Disaster Recovery Plan for a Commercial Enterprise

Environmental Issues

  • Reducing Plastic Waste : Propose initiatives to reduce plastic consumption and waste.
  • Promoting Renewable Energy : Suggest ways to increase the use of renewable energy sources.
  • Conservation of Endangered Species : Develop strategies to protect endangered wildlife.
  • Addressing Climate Change : Propose actions to mitigate the effects of climate change.
  • Improving Urban Green Spaces: Suggest ways to enhance green spaces in urban areas.
  • Air Pollution : Causes, Effects, and Proposed Solutions
  • The Unintended Consequences of The Plastic Straw Ban
  • The Problem of Global Warming in Diary of an Interesting Year by Helen Simpson
  • Integrating Resilience Thinking with The Rehabilitation of Dry Forest Ecosystems
  • In Vitro Meat as a Sustainable Solution
  • Sexual Harassment and Bullying: The Need for Developing Safer Educational Environments
  • Enhancing Remote Learning: Propose improvements for online education systems.
  • Addressing Student Loan Debt : Suggest solutions to reduce the burden of student loans.
  • Implementing Online Classes Instead of The Traditional Classes
  • Study Plan for Master's Degree Program
  • The Problems of Illiteracy Pakistan is Facing Today
  • The Possibilities of Offering Fine Arts in Rural Schools
  • Improving STEM Education : Develop strategies to enhance STEM education in schools.
  • Promoting Diversity in Higher Education : Propose measures to increase diversity and inclusion in colleges and universities.
  • Preventing Bullying in Schools : Suggest effective anti-bullying programs for schools.
  • The Need for Repeating Policy in Educational Institutions
  • The Flaws in America’s Reproductive Education
  • Application of The Pedagogy of Discomfort in Teaching

Health and Wellness

  • Combating Obesity: Propose initiatives to reduce obesity rates in children and adults.
  • Improving Access to Healthcare: Suggest ways to increase healthcare access in underserved areas.
  • A Tax on High-Calorie Foods: A Solution to the Global Obesity Epidemic
  • A Proposed Policy for a Campus-Based Food Cooperative
  • Prioritizing Early Intervention for Children's Mental Health
  • The Treatment of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss with The Help of a Cochlear Implant
  • The Effectiveness of Narrative Medicine in Health Care Practice
  • The Benefits of the Medicaid Program in America
  • Sport as a Public Health Issue
  • Self-myofascial Release as a Treatment Approach to Improve Joint Range of Motion
  • Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Cancer
  • Ban Gambling on Dog Races
  • Addressing the Opioid Crisis : Develop strategies to combat opioid addiction.
  • Promoting Mental Health Awareness : Propose campaigns to increase awareness about mental health issues.
  • Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits : Suggest programs to promote healthy eating in schools and communities.
  • Enhancing Cybersecurity : Propose measures to improve cybersecurity for individuals and businesses.
  • Risk Mitigation Techniques in Information Security
  • Application of The Internet of Things in the Solar Energy Industry
  • Regulating Social Media : Suggest ways to address the negative impacts of social media.
  • Promoting Digital Literacy: Develop strategies to increase digital literacy among various age groups.
  • Addressing Data Privacy Concerns: Propose policies to protect user data and privacy online.
  • Encouraging Ethical AI Development : Suggest guidelines for the ethical development and use of artificial intelligence.
  • The Question of Using Technology in S Classroom

Politics and Governance

  • Campaign Finance Reform: Propose measures to reform campaign financing in elections.
  • Improving Voter Turnout : Suggest strategies to increase voter participation in elections.
  • Addressing Political Polarization : Develop ways to reduce polarization and promote bipartisan cooperation.Proposed Integrated Model for Our Armed Sources
  • The Importance of Participation in Democracy
  • The Effect of Agricultural Practices on Society
  • Discussion on Whether Governments Should Subsidize The Arts
  • Reforming the Criminal Justice System : Propose changes to improve fairness and effectiveness in the criminal justice system.
  • Enhancing Government Transparency: Suggest initiatives to increase transparency and accountability in government.

Proposal Argument Topics

  • Mandatory Vaccinations for Public Health: Argue for or against mandatory vaccinations to protect public health.
  • Banning Single-Use Plastics: Propose a ban on single-use plastics to reduce environmental pollution.
  • Implementing Universal Basic Income: Argue the benefits and challenges of a universal basic income.
  • Regulating Big Tech Companies: Propose regulations to limit the power and influence of big tech companies.
  • Legalizing Assisted Suicide: Argue for or against the legalization of assisted suicide for terminally ill patients.

Project Proposal Ideas

  • Community Garden Projects: Propose a community garden to provide fresh produce and promote sustainability.
  • Recycling Programs in Schools: Suggest a recycling program to reduce waste in schools.
  • Mental Health Support Groups: Propose the creation of support groups for mental health in your community.
  • The Great Financial Crash: New Thinking Needed
  • After-School Programs for At-Risk Youth : Suggest an after-school program to support at-risk youth with academic and social development.
  • Public Transportation Improvements: Propose enhancements to the public transportation system in your city.

School Proposal Ideas

  • Implementing Anti-Bullying Programs : Propose an anti-bullying initiative in your school.
  • Creating Student Mentorship Programs : Suggest a mentorship program to support students academically and socially.
  • Enhancing School Safety Measures: Propose measures to improve safety in schools.
  • Esports Deserves to Be Called a Sport
  • Promoting Extracurricular Activities: Suggest ways to increase student participation in extracurricular activities.
  • Positive and Negative Sides of Video Games: Shadow of The Tomb Raider
  • Improving School Lunch Programs : Propose improvements to the nutritional quality of school lunches.

Proposal Essay Topics for College Students

  • Addressing Sexual Assault on Campus : Propose measures to prevent and address sexual assault in colleges.
  • Improving Mental Health Services for Students: Suggest ways to enhance mental health support on college campuses.
  • The Role of Understanding of ‘Domestic’ in The Ways in Which We Understand The History of Mughal India
  • Promoting Diversity and Inclusion: Propose initiatives to increase diversity and inclusion in college communities.
  • Enhancing Academic Advising: Suggest improvements to academic advising services for students.
  • Transforming Traditional Business: An Electronic Business Proposal
  • Reducing College Tuition Costs: Propose solutions to make college more affordable for students.

Proposal essays are a powerful tool for identifying and addressing problems within various contexts, from local communities to larger societal issues. By choosing good proposal essay topics and following a structured approach, you can effectively communicate your ideas and persuade your audience to support your proposed solutions.

Whether you're tackling social issues, environmental concerns, educational challenges, or health and wellness topics, the key is to present a clear, well-reasoned argument supported by evidence and practical steps for implementation. Additionally, addressing potential counterarguments and demonstrating the feasibility of your proposal will strengthen your essay.

For further refined guidance on proposal essays or any other type of academic writing, consulting with GradesFixer experts can provide you with the support you need to excel in your studies. Our professional insights can help you deepen your research, sharpen your thesis, and ensure your essay is both compelling and well-structured.

By leveraging these resources and topic ideas, you'll be well-equipped to master the art of proposal essays and achieve academic success.

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200 Unique Problem Solution Essay Topics in 2024

Updated 31 Jul 2024

The new year gives one a lot of opportunities to research different essays and the ways how they can be written. In the academic world, every essay has its purpose and value. By default, they all provide a training ground for US students, not depending on their university, who need to perfect their writing skills. Essays are also good ways for expression of ideas. Hence, their topics should be chosen carefully and accordingly.

Problem Solving

Problem Solving Essay Topics for the Most Creative Students

Problem solution essay topics are particularly interesting as they are used to heading problem-solution essays. This type of essay deals with identifying an existent issue, challenge or problem in our society and tangible ways to fix them. Besides being very educative and intriguing, a problem solution essay ideas open doors towards a good cause like a relief program in a developing country. This would also imply that it has to be worded persuasively and able to address important social challenges. This makes working with such papers a bit complicated, but anything is achievable with the right set of solutions. And it makes students consider choosing problem solution topics for their essays. It is important to know that there are numerous problem solution essay ideas one can choose and dwell on. So, learning how to write my essay for me has never been easier!

Read also: The Most Impressive Social Issues Iist   for Essay or Paper

In this article, we would aid your efforts at writing by making a list of about 50 examples of problem solution essay topics, as well as the ideas one could come up with that could go beyond the academic scope and have a tangible community impact. If you're looking for inspiration, you can find a problem solution essay example that showcases effective problem-solving approaches and their real-world applications. This will provide a practical reference and guide for crafting your essay.

Here are 200 problem solution essay ideas suitable for any US university be it Stanford or Yale. Unlike some philosophy essay topics , each of these offers a suitable solution to some most burning social issues. You are encouraged to get inspired by these examples and create your own topics, but it’s okay to pick any of these and modify them to your preference. Choosing the right problem-solution essay topics can be challenging, but a scholarship essay writing service can help you craft a compelling essay that highlights your critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Education Essay Topics

  • The impact of technology on modern education systems.
  • Homeschooling vs. traditional schooling: Pros and cons.
  • The effectiveness of standardized testing in measuring student achievement.
  • The role of extracurricular activities in student development.
  • The importance of financial literacy in the school curriculum.
  • The impact of social media on student productivity and learning.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of online learning platforms.
  • The significance of teacher-student ratios in educational outcomes.
  • The influence of cultural diversity on teaching methods and student learning.
  • The challenges and solutions for education in rural areas.
  • The role of parental involvement in children's academic success.
  • The impact of school uniforms on student behavior and school culture.
  • The importance of arts education in fostering creativity.
  • The challenges of special education and inclusive classrooms.
  • The future of higher education: Trends and predictions.
  • The effects of bullying on student mental health and academic performance.
  • The role of physical education in combating childhood obesity.
  • The impact of language barriers on immigrant students' educational achievement.
  • The benefits of study abroad programs and international education.
  • The role of education in promoting environmental awareness and sustainability.

Family and Relations Essay Topics

  • The changing dynamics of the modern family structure.
  • The impact of divorce on children's psychological well-being.
  • The role of grandparents in family upbringing.
  • The effects of single parenting on child development.
  • The influence of cultural traditions on family practices.
  • The challenges of balancing work and family life.
  • The impact of technology on family communication and relationships.
  • The role of family therapy in resolving conflicts.
  • The significance of family meals in fostering closeness.
  • Adoption and its impact on family dynamics.
  • The challenges faced by blended families.
  • The impact of parental expectations on children's career choices.
  • The role of siblings in personal development.
  • The effects of aging parents on family dynamics.
  • The importance of family traditions and heritage.
  • The impact of military service on family life.
  • The challenges of long-distance family relationships.
  • The role of families in supporting members with mental health issues.
  • The impact of substance abuse on family relationships.
  • The significance of family support in overcoming life challenges.

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Climate Change and Environmental Issues

  • The effects of climate change on global biodiversity.
  • Renewable energy sources vs. fossil fuels: A comparative analysis.
  • The impact of deforestation on the environment and climate.
  • The role of individual actions in combating climate change.
  • The challenges of water scarcity and solutions for sustainable management.
  • The effects of air pollution on human health and the environment.
  • The importance of sustainable agriculture in environmental conservation.
  • The impact of plastic pollution on marine life.
  • Urban planning and its role in reducing environmental impact.
  • The significance of international agreements in addressing climate change.
  • The challenges of transitioning to a green economy.
  • The role of technology in environmental monitoring and protection.
  • The impact of climate change on weather patterns and natural disasters.
  • The importance of environmental education in fostering sustainability.
  • The role of conservation efforts in protecting endangered species.
  • The impact of tourism on the environment and sustainable practices.
  • The challenges of electronic waste management and recycling.
  • The significance of carbon footprint reduction in combating climate change.
  • The role of green spaces in urban environments.
  • The impact of climate change on agriculture and food security.

Health-Related Essay Topics

  • The impact of diet and nutrition on overall health.
  • Mental health awareness and the importance of early intervention.
  • The challenges of healthcare accessibility in rural areas.
  • The role of exercise in preventing chronic diseases.
  • The impact of stress on physical and mental health.
  • The challenges of managing chronic illnesses.
  • The importance of vaccination in public health.
  • The role of technology in modern healthcare.
  • The ethical considerations of genetic testing.
  • The impact of environmental factors on health.
  • The challenges of addiction and substance abuse treatment.
  • The importance of sleep in health and well-being.
  • The role of public health policies in disease prevention.
  • The impact of aging on healthcare systems.
  • The challenges of mental health stigma and discrimination.
  • The importance of sexual health education.
  • The impact of obesity on health and healthcare systems.
  • The role of alternative medicine in healthcare.
  • The ethical considerations of end-of-life care.
  • The impact of global health initiatives on disease eradication.

Romantic Relationships Essay Topics

  • The impact of social media on romantic relationships.
  • The challenges of long-distance relationships.
  • The role of communication in maintaining healthy relationships.
  • The impact of financial stress on romantic partnerships.
  • The challenges and benefits of intercultural relationships.
  • The importance of trust and honesty in relationships.
  • The impact of relationship counseling and therapy.
  • The role of shared interests and values in relationship compatibility.
  • The challenges of navigating romantic relationships in the workplace.
  • The impact of parental and family approval on relationships.
  • The significance of commitment and marriage in modern society.
  • The challenges of dating in the digital age.
  • The impact of childhood experiences on adult relationships.
  • The role of physical attraction in romantic relationships.
  • The challenges of balancing career and romantic relationships.
  • The impact of infidelity on relationships and trust.
  • The importance of self-love and independence in relationships.
  • The role of compromise and negotiation in relationships.
  • The impact of societal expectations on romantic relationships.
  • The significance of emotional intelligence in maintaining relationships.

Government and Politics Essay Topics

  • The impact of political systems on economic development.
  • The role of international organizations in global governance.
  • The effectiveness of democratic vs. authoritarian regimes in crisis management.
  • The influence of lobby groups on public policy.
  • The impact of electoral systems on political representation.
  • The role of social media in political campaigns and elections.
  • The challenges of implementing environmental policies.
  • The impact of nationalism on international relations.
  • The role of youth in political activism and change.
  • The effectiveness of the United Nations in maintaining global peace.
  • The impact of corruption on governance and public trust.
  • The challenges of migration and border control policies.
  • The role of women in politics and governance.
  • The impact of political ideologies on social welfare policies.
  • The challenges of achieving bipartisan cooperation in divided governments.
  • The role of technology in enhancing or undermining democracy.
  • The impact of global trade policies on local economies.
  • The challenges of nuclear proliferation and disarmament.
  • The role of education in fostering political awareness and participation.
  • The impact of climate change on national security policies.

Finance and Banking Essay Topics

  • The impact of central bank policies on inflation and unemployment.
  • The role of microfinance in poverty alleviation.
  • The challenges of regulating cryptocurrencies.
  • The impact of global financial crises on banking stability.
  • The role of technology in transforming banking services.
  • The challenges of achieving sustainable finance.
  • The impact of consumer credit on economic growth.
  • The role of insurance in economic development.
  • The challenges of financial inclusion in developing economies.
  • The impact of stock market volatility on investor behavior.
  • The role of ethical investing in promoting social responsibility.
  • The challenges of managing national debt.
  • The impact of taxation policies on economic growth.
  • The role of financial literacy in personal wealth management.
  • The challenges of combating money laundering and financial terrorism.
  • The impact of trade tariffs and barriers on global finance.
  • The role of sovereign wealth funds in global investment.
  • The challenges of pension fund management.
  • The impact of interest rates on saving and spending behaviors.
  • The role of financial technology (fintech) startups in disrupting traditional banking.

Mass Media and Social Media Essay Topics

  • The impact of social media on news consumption and dissemination.
  • The challenges of maintaining privacy in the age of digital media.
  • The role of mass media in shaping public opinion.
  • The impact of fake news on democracy and public trust.
  • The role of social media influencers in marketing and advertising.
  • The challenges of regulating content on social media platforms.
  • The impact of digital media on traditional publishing and journalism.
  • The role of media literacy in combating misinformation.
  • The impact of social media on interpersonal communication and relationships.
  • The role of mass media in promoting cultural diversity and understanding.
  • The challenges of cyberbullying and online harassment.
  • The impact of streaming services on television and movie industries.
  • The role of social media in political activism and social movements.
  • The challenges of digital media addiction and screen time.
  • The impact of visual media on body image and self-esteem.
  • The role of digital media in education and learning.
  • The challenges of protecting intellectual property in digital media.
  • The impact of social media on mental health and well-being.
  • The role of mass media in emergency and crisis communication.
  • The challenges of ensuring ethical standards in digital journalism.

Communications and Technology Essay Topics

  • The impact of mobile technology on global communication.
  • The challenges of data security and privacy in the digital age.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in transforming communication.
  • The impact of the internet of things (IoT) on daily life.
  • The role of virtual and augmented reality in media and entertainment.
  • The challenges of bridging the digital divide.
  • The impact of digital transformation on the workforce and employment.
  • The role of technology in enhancing accessibility for people with disabilities.
  • The challenges of managing information overload.
  • The impact of cloud computing on business and technology.
  • The role of satellite technology in global communications.
  • The challenges of ensuring net neutrality.
  • The impact of wearable technology on health and fitness.
  • The role of blockchain technology beyond cryptocurrencies.
  • The challenges of ethical AI development and deployment.
  • The impact of 5G technology on communication and connectivity.
  • The role of drones in delivery and logistics.
  • The challenges of technological obsolescence and e-waste.
  • The impact of telecommuting on organizational culture and productivity.
  • The role of technology in disaster response and management.

Miscellaneous Essay Topics

  • The impact of urban green spaces on community well-being.
  • The challenges of sustainable tourism development.
  • The role of creativity and innovation in problem-solving.
  • The impact of climate change on traditional farming practices.
  • The role of cultural festivals in promoting heritage and tourism.
  • The challenges of achieving work-life balance in the digital era.
  • The impact of language learning on cognitive development.
  • The role of sports in fostering community and national identity.
  • The challenges of ethical consumerism and sustainable shopping.
  • The impact of global cuisine on cultural exchange.
  • The role of public art in urban regeneration.
  • The challenges of water conservation in arid regions.
  • The impact of volunteerism on personal and community development.
  • The role of mentorship in career and personal growth.
  • The challenges of preserving indigenous languages and cultures.
  • The impact of gardening and urban farming on mental health.
  • The role of libraries in the digital information age.
  • The challenges of combating ageism in society.
  • The impact of adventure sports on personal development.
  • The role of mindfulness and meditation in stress management.

Help with Problem Solution Essay

From the list above, every student can observe that there are lots of problem and solution examples to choose from. At EduBirdie.com one of our main objectives is to provide you with the best help regardless of the task. We will get you the grade you deserve. All you need to do is get in touch with us and describe your challenge clearly. 

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Written by David Kidwell

David is one of those experienced content creators from the United Kingdom who has a high interest in social issues, culture, and entrepreneurship. He always says that reading, blogging, and staying aware of what happens in the world is what makes a person responsible. He likes to learn and share what he knows by making things inspiring and creative enough even for those students who dislike reading.

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Problem Solution Essay Topics

Jason Burrey

Table of Contents

Academic writing usually pursues a broad goal – identifying how well the student embraced the learning material and how accurately they can apply theory to practical events, phenomena, and processes. That’s exactly what you can do in a problem-solution essay, which is meant to test your skill of problem identification and scholarly evidence evaluation. You will need to find an issue in your area of study and scan the literature to find appropriate solutions to it. As a result, you should display a variety of analytical skills in this writing piece, proving to your professor that you can determine a problem, dissect it to realize its causes, and evaluate external evidence to find effective remedies to that issue. 

So, you should understand how to write analysis paper first and then proceed to the problem-solution type of academic writing. 

Problem Solution Topics for College Students 

Problems and solutions vary by discipline and academic level. High school students typically face the need to resolve some basic-level problems, while college students face the need to dive deeper into the essence of things and find non-obvious solutions to complex issues. Here are a couple of suggestions to inspire your writing effort. 

  • The dark side of the body positivity movement. 
  • Driving under the influence: incidence rates, causes, and solutions to the problem. 
  • Ways of addressing police brutality and abuse of power.
  • Solutions to the problem of racial violence in the USA. 
  • Solutions to the ever-present problem of white-collar crime in European corporations. 
  • Effective remedies to cybercrime and hacker attacks. 
  • Solutions to the problem of body shaming. 
  • Ways of improving privacy in the increasingly digitalized society. 
  • Solutions to loosen the intimate relationship between poverty and criminality. 
  • Solutions to concealed domestic violence. 
  • Ways to encourage more families to adopt children from orphanages. 
  • Reasons for wrongful sentencing and solutions to this problem. 
  • Long-term remedies to the unemployment issue. 
  • Ways to effectively promote the development of CMEs in the developing states. 
  • Tech-savvy solutions to the problem of increasing waste and improper waste management in cities. 
  • Solutions to the post-COVID-19 decrease in tourism industry’s popularity. 
  • Workable solutions to the looming hyperinflation danger. 
  • Ways to promote cultural diversity in the modern workplace. 
  • Solutions to the harmful impact of perfect body images promoted on social media. 
  • Addressing the increasing consumerism in modern society. 
  • Effective solutions to help people exit abusive relationships. 
  • Rising ageism and ways to address it in society and in the workplace. 
  • Effective approaches to cultural exchange promotion. 
  • Working solutions for promoting support for the elderly at the community level. 
  • Reducing military tensions and risks across the globe via diplomatic means. 
  • Efficient methods for curbing the global human trafficking industry. 
  • How can humanity stop child labor practices in developing countries? 
  • Using legislative means to limit the political candidates’ use of taxpayer money for their campaign financing. 
  • Improving the quality of disabled individuals’ lives. 
  • Solutions to the rising costs of education. 
  • Problems that immigrants come across during assimilation and solutions to these challenges. 
  • Possible solutions to the mounting substance abuse rates across the globe. 

University-Level Problem Solution Topic List 

Undergraduate writing about problems and their solutions is a distinct area of academic activity for which you should be sufficiently prepared. It engages students in a fascinating journey of problem identification, which is usually more complex than college-level writing. It would help to make sure that the problem is original – nobody has researched it in depth before. After that, you should construct genuinely new knowledge by analyzing the existing scholarly evidence, connecting the dots in theory, and finding brand-new solutions to the problem. 

The task may seem daunting at first, but it is highly rewarding as an independent scholarly effort in the end. Here are some suggestions for directions you can take in the process of working on such papers. 

  • The magnitude of the STD problem in African countries and possible solutions to the STD spread. 
  • Electricity-powered cars as a solution to the deteriorating air quality in North America. 
  • Approaches to individual education on recycling practices. 
  • Why is deforestation remaining at high levels?
  • Workable solutions to reducing the volume of plastic waste disposal. 
  • Landfill problem: an international comparison of the problem’s severity and regional approaches to addressing it. 
  • School bullying: scope of the problem, causes, and solutions. 
  • Effective educational techniques that may help resolve the problem of racial discrimination. 
  • Workable methods for resource depletion minimization. 
  • Is the problem of production process externalities acute in third-world countries? What can be done to curb it? 
  • What can be done to reduce children’s exposure to illegal drugs? 
  • Possible solutions to high divorce rates’ prevention. 
  • Efficient approaches to reducing the number of school dropouts among students from low economic status families. 
  • Educational techniques to ensure safe teenage driving.
  • A variety of approaches to teen pregnancy reduction. 
  • Best ways to help victims of home violence. 
  • Effective methods of reintroducing ex-prisoners to society so that they integrate smoothly and don’t return to crime. 
  • Effective approaches to curbing illegal immigration to the USA. 
  • What can be done to make third-world countries safe for tourists? 
  • How can humanity address illiteracy on a global level? 
  • A variety of approaches to balancing free speech with individual protection against abuse and insults. 
  • Workable techniques to help people transition to a healthy lifestyle. 
  • Solutions to the problem of substance abuse. 
  • Effective methods for seizing smoking. 
  • Making large cities more pedestrian- and cycler-friendly. 
  • The best solutions to the problem of joblessness in the tech era. 
  • Effective methods of overcoming one’s limits in sports. 
  • Solutions for harsh injury prevention in professional athletics. 
  • How can students choose courses more effectively and avoid costly career changes early in their lives? 
  • Possible solutions to dealing with a nasty roommate. 

Problem and Solution Ideas for all Study Levels and Subjects 

At times, you might only need to compose a short essay about a problem relevant to your field of study. Here are some topic ideas for various academic subjects that you can consider and choose a good, fresh idea for your homework task. 

  • What can people do to help animals cope with the consequences of climate change and the loss of their natural habitats? 
  • Financial fraud is flourishing today. How to make people more financially literate and protected against scams and criminals? 
  • Working in a multinational company is a cultural challenge. How can a company help its employees integrate better? 
  • Remote work is the new reality of the post-COVID world. What are the best solutions to communication hurdles in remote teams? 
  • Pets are a great responsibility for people of all ages. What solutions can be found to reduce the number of abandoned pets on the streets? 
  • Manufacturing gets costlier, and producers often resort to unethical cost-saving techniques that are reflected in product quality. What are the optimal solutions to maintaining the profit margin while at the same time keeping the manufacturing pipeline ethical? 
  • Eating disorders are a growing global health concern. What are the possible solutions to this problem, and what causes should be addressed to minimize its scope? 
  • Depression is a common occurrence among teenagers coming of age. What can parents do to help their children overcome depressive episodes with minimum harm to their mental and physical health? 
  • Unethical advertisers often resort to people’s fears and prejudice to produce a convincing effect. What regulations should be implemented to guarantee rigorous consumer protection from such practices? 
  • The elderly worldwide often suffer from loneliness and isolation, which causes their premature cognitive deterioration. What are the possible solutions to this problem on a community level? 
  • Gender role education still follows many age-old stereotypes and prejudices that harm people at an adult age. How can these stereotypes be dropped across all educational levels to free the growing generation from their limiting nature? 
  • Water is increasingly polluted with industrial waste across the globe. What effective regulations can be put in place to prevent the problem from aggravating? 
  • Some countries are more successful in responding to climate change challenges, while others have failed in their efforts. How can successful states educate the less successful ones to ensure global progress toward curbing climate change? 
  • Monarch butterflies, as well as hundreds of other species, are on the verge of extinction. How can we help preserve them? 
  • People need transportation to move globally, but vehicles pollute the atmosphere. What are the alternative solutions to sustaining economic activities without so much pollution? 

What should I write my problem-solution essay about? 

As the name of this essay type suggests, you should compose a writing piece with an actual problem in focus. It’s vital to choose a serious topic that covers a really existing problem instead of making a problem out of nothing. Once you delineate the issue’s scope and magnitude with figures and significant stats, you may proceed to a range of possible solutions you’ve identified in scholarly literature. 

What is a problem-solution topic? 

There are tons of worthy topics for your problem-solution essays, and the choice primarily depends on your academic subject and the area of your interest. This way, you can work on the problem topical for your community, your research subject, or the broader science. If you’re a biologist, you may study the problems that flora and fauna may experience in your neighborhood and use academic evidence to suggest workable solutions. Otherwise, if you’re an MBA student, it may be a good idea to study a concrete managerial issue in a particular organization and propose data-backed solutions. 

What are some good topics for essays? 

Again, it’s hard to determine the topic’s quality without understanding your subject and area of research interest. However, in a nutshell, a good topic for problem-solution essays should be debatable and realistic. In other words, your identified problem should indeed exist and offer no self-obvious solutions.

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180+ Proposal Essay Topics in 2024


Table of contents

  • 1 What Is a Proposal Argument Essay?
  • 2 Interesting Proposal Essay Topics
  • 3 Environment & Global Warming
  • 4 Technology
  • 5 Business Proposal Essay Ideas
  • 6 Proposal Essay Topics on Education
  • 7 Personal Development and Psychology
  • 8 History Proposal Essay Topics
  • 9 Culture Proposal Writing Ideas
  • 10 Literature Proposal Essay Topics
  • 11.1 Law and Justice
  • 11.2 Politics and Government
  • 11.3 Topics on Economics
  • 12 Tips for Proposal Argument Essay Writing
  • 13 Conclusion

Do you need to work on a proposal essay but don’t know where to start? Don’t worry; we’re here to help! This guide will walk you through how to start drafting a proposal essay that will get you the desired grade. We’ll discuss how to choose a topic, how to structure your document, how to make sure it is persuasive and well-written, and cover more than a hundred themes to choose from.

Regarding the themes, we’ll cover interesting proposal essay topics with solutions, ranging from medical proposal essay topics to even funny proposal essay topics. So let’s get started!

What Is a Proposal Argument Essay?

It is an argumentative essay in which you propose a solution to a problem . It can be written for an academic audience, such as your professor or classmates, or it can be for a more general audience, such as a government body or business.

To come up with a good paper, you need to have a subject you are passionate about and know there is a problem. For example, if you are interested in environmental issues, you might research the problems with plastic pollution. If you are interested in education, you might research problems with the current school system.

Once you have chosen your field of study, you can seek help from various services, such as a research proposal writing service , to explore themes related to your topic. This approach will help you gain a deeper understanding and find evidence to support your findings. After completing your research, you will be ready to start putting together your paper!

proposal to solve a problem essay ideas

Interesting Proposal Essay Topics

Choosing the right topic for a proposal essay can be challenging, but it is crucial for success in college. A good topic captures interest and provides a solid foundation for your research. To help you get started, we have compiled a list of intriguing proposal essay topics that cover various subjects.

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Environment & Global Warming

Here are some environment essay ideas to get you started:

  • Ways to reduce plastic pollution
  • Effects of air pollution on human health
  • Methods to reduce food waste and control global climate change
  • Risks associated with fracking
  • Importance of protecting endangered species
  • Steps to reduce car emissions
  • Advantages of using renewable energy
  • Exploring climate change through contemporary literature
  • Issues with nuclear power plants
  • Strategies to encourage recycling
  • Importance of conserving water resources
  • Ways to combat global warming effectively
  • Implementing sustainable practices in daily life
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions through innovative solutions
  • Adapting to climate change at a community level
  • Promoting environmental sustainability in urban areas
  • Addressing environmental issues through policy changes
  • Methods for effective environmental conservation
  • The impact of environmental policies on local communities
  • Alternatives to plastic bags for a cleaner environment
  • The role of sustainable agriculture in mitigating climate change
  • Policies to reduce the use of plastic bags in retail stores
  • How sustainable agriculture practices can combat climate change
  • Innovative solutions to replace plastic bags and reduce environmental impact

When creating this kind of text, it is important to remember that you are trying to persuade the reader to accept your solution. This means that you need to make sure your text is clear and easy to follow. You will also need to find evidence to support your claim. Finally, practice makes perfect!

Technology themes are easy proposal essay topics and always evolving. There are always new problems to solve. Here are technology subjects to get you started:

  • The problem of Internet addiction
  • How to secure data online
  • The dark side of social media
  • How to stop cyberbullying
  • Identity theft
  • The pros and cons of artificial intelligence
  • How driverless cars will impact society
  • The future of virtual reality
  • The impact of the Internet on education
  • How biometrics will change security measures
  • The impact of modern technologies on education
  • Ethical considerations in scientific research advancements
  • The influence of modern media on public opinion
  • How social media platforms shape political discourse
  • Economic benefits of adopting renewable energy sources

Business Proposal Essay Ideas

Business writing is a common assignment in business school. To craft a good one, you need to choose a relevant theme that can be expanded. Here are ten business project proposal ideas to get you started:

  • The pros and cons of starting your own business
  • How to come up with a business plan
  • What investors look for in a startup
  • How to pitch your business idea
  • The challenges of being a young entrepreneur
  • How to balance work and life when you’re self-employed
  • The importance of customer service
  • How a social presence can help or hurt your business
  • The role of marketing in a successful business
  • Developing an effective sales strategy
  • The impact of economic development on small businesses
  • Balancing economic development with environmental sustainability
  • The role of corporate social responsibility in modern business practices
  • Strategies to ensure economic stability in volatile markets
  • Economic benefits of embracing digital transformation in businesses
  • Challenges faced by developing countries in attracting foreign investment

These are just some of the potential subjects you could develop in a business paper. Do some research and pick one that interests you!

Proposal Essay Topics on Education

Here are education proposal topic ideas to get you started:

  • Ways to address the problem of illiteracy
  • Strategies to improve test scores
  • Solutions for reducing the high dropout rate
  • Methods to reduce bullying in schools
  • Techniques for improving communication between teachers and students
  • How to make school more engaging for students
  • The impact of technology on education
  • Pros and cons of homeschooling
  • The importance of implementing comprehensive sex education
  • Effective methods for disciplining children
  • Ways to support the mental health of college athletes
  • Improving nutritional quality in school lunch programs
  • How to enhance educational outcomes through innovative teaching methods
  • Strategies for increasing parental involvement in children’s education
  • Free unlimited checks
  • All common file formats
  • Accurate results
  • Intuitive interface

The possibilities are endless when it comes to the kinds of papers you can write. Research, pick an interesting topic, and go from there!

Personal Development and Psychology

Here are personal development and psychology topic proposal ideas to get you started:

  • How to overcome procrastination
  • How to deal with anxiety
  • How to manage stress
  • The benefits of meditation
  • The role of therapy in personal development
  • How to set good goals and achieve them
  • How to overcome negative thinking
  • Building self-confidence
  • Dealing with envy
  • Overcoming jealousy
  • Strategies to raise mental health awareness in schools
  • Effective ways to support mental health during the college years
  • Improving social life for better mental well-being
  • Building stronger interpersonal relationships in the digital age
  • Techniques for personal development in a fast-paced world
  • Addressing ethical dilemmas in modern psychological practices

History Proposal Essay Topics

  • How the American Revolution changed America
  • The causes of the Civil War
  • How the Industrial Revolution changed America
  • The Roaring Twenties: A decade of change
  • The Big Depression and the New Deal
  • World War II: The home front experience
  • The black lives matter movement in 2024
  • The civil rights movement
  • The fall of communism in Eastern Europe
  • The end of apartheid in South Africa
  • The influence of the modern world on global politics
  • Challenges facing contemporary society in the 21st century
  • Analyzing the most significant historical events of the last decade
  • Economic development challenges in developing countries
  • The impact of cultural diversity on national identity
  • Key historical events that shaped modern society

History is so much more than just the past, it’s an exploration of human nature. And that means there are all sorts of fascinating themes you can write about!

Culture Proposal Writing Ideas

  • How social networks have changed the way we communicate
  • The impact of globalization on culture
  • How immigration has changed America
  • The role of women in society
  • Racism in America
  • Homophobia in America
  • Promoting gender equality in the workplace
  • Fostering tolerant behavior in multicultural societies
  • The effects of streaming services on traditional television consumption
  • The impact of meme culture on political discourse
  • Challenges and opportunities of remote work in the digital age
  • The influence of online education on traditional schooling
  • Cyberbullying and its effects on mental health
  • The role of social media influencers in shaping public opinion
  • The representation of minorities in digital media
  • Privacy concerns in the era of big data
  • The digital divide and its impact on education equality
  • The influence of virtual reality on social interactions

Culture is a fascinating subject that can make for an engaging paper. There are so many different areas to explore, and it’s up to you as the writer how in-depth your research will be!

Literature Proposal Essay Topics

  • The decline of printed media in the 21st century
  • How the Internet has changed the way we consume literature
  • The evolution of dystopian themes in contemporary literature
  • The portrayal of mental health in modern fiction
  • The impact of social media on literary criticism
  • Representation of LGBTQ+ characters in 21st-century novels
  • The role of women writers in shaping modern literary trends
  • The influence of technology on narrative structure in fiction
  • Depiction of immigrant experiences in recent literature
  • The resurgence of poetry in the digital age
  • Exploring themes of identity in young adult literature
  • The impact of self-publishing on the literary market
  • The role of literature in the Black Lives Matter movement
  • Portrayal of pandemics in contemporary fiction
  • The influence of graphic novels on literary culture
  • Exploring cultural hybridity in global literature

Social Life and Social Issues Proposal Essay Topics

Here are some social life issues headlines to get you started:

  • How to reduce crime in your community
  • The role of the media in society
  • Addressing illegal drug use in urban areas
  • Solutions for improving healthcare accessibility for low-income families
  • Strategies to combat homelessness among low-income families
  • Domestic violence: Causes and solutions
  • Preventing drunk driving through community initiatives
  • Elder abuse: Recognition and prevention strategies
  • Child abuse prevention and intervention programs
  • Human trafficking: Global and local responses
  • Addressing the rise of illegal immigration during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Combating childhood obesity through effective programs
  • Animal cruelty: Legislation and enforcement
  • The importance of comprehensive sex education in schools
  • Exploring moral responsibility in contemporary society
  • The role of religious education in promoting ethical values
  • Addressing world hunger through sustainable practices
  • Ethical implications of modern surveillance technologies
  • The importance of early childhood education in social development

Why not develop your own social life paper? There are an infinite number of potential subjects you could choose from! Research and pick one that interests you.

Law and Justice

Here are ten law and justice high-level but good themes to get you started:

  • The death penalty: Pros and Cons
  • The problem of false confessions
  • How to manage sexual harassment lawsuits
  • The issue of police brutality
  • Racial discrimination in the criminal justice system
  • The problem of mass incarceration
  • Is our current immigration system fair?
  • Can you argue that there should be stricter gun control laws?
  • Should the legal drinking age be raised?
  • Should marijuana be legalized?

These are just some of the potential topics you could research about.


Politics and Government

Here are ten politics and government themes to get you started:

  • The problem of voter turnout
  • How to improve the political process
  • The issue of campaign finance reform
  • How to reduce corruption in government
  • The role of lobbyists in government
  • Is our current tax system fair?
  • Should the government do more to regulate big business?
  • What is the best way to handle the issue of illegal immigration?
  • Should the government do more to protect the environment?
  • What is the best way to handle the issue of climate change?

Topics on Economics

Here are ten economy proposal paper topics to get you started:

  • The problem of income inequality
  • The issue of jobs outsourcing
  • How to improve the American economy
  • The role of the Federal Reserve in the economy
  • The problem of trade deficits
  • Should the minimum wage be raised?
  • Is capitalism the best economic system?
  • What is the best way to reduce unemployment?
  • Should there be stricter regulation of the financial sector?
  • The role of the Federal Reserve

When it comes to writing a proposal essay, students can face several challenges. However, with the help of an online essay writing service , students can get professional assistance in selecting a suitable proposal essay topic and completing the entire essay. Papersowl.com provides guidance on researching the issue, outlining the essay, and crafting the final draft, ensuring that the essay meets the course requirements.

Tips for Proposal Argument Essay Writing

Let’s talk about some essential tips to ensure your essay stands out and persuades your reader effectively. Here are key strategies to enhance your proposal argument essay:

  • Ensure Clarity and Accuracy:

Your essay must be well-written, free of grammar and spelling errors. A polished document enhances credibility and shows that you take your work seriously. Be clear and concise in your writing. Your goal is to persuade the reader, so ensure your arguments are easy to follow and understand.

  • Support with Evidence:

Back up your proposal argument with solid evidence. Use reliable sources to support your claims and strengthen your argument. Look for top proposal essay examples in your field to gather insights and ideas on structuring and presenting your proposal.

  • Practice and Revise:

Writing is a skill that improves with practice. The more you write and revise, the better your essays will become. Don’t be afraid to draft and redraft until your essay is compelling and clear. Seek feedback from peers or instructors to refine your arguments and improve your writing.

  • Choose the Right Topic:

Select a topic you are passionate about and that addresses a specific problem. A topic that genuinely interests you will be easier to research and write about. Ensure the topic is debatable, with clear opposing viewpoints to address in your essay. This will make your argument more robust and comprehensive.

  • Conduct Thorough Research:

Once you’ve chosen a topic, conduct extensive research to understand the issue fully. Gather information from various sources to get a well-rounded view. Use this research to build a strong foundation for your proposal, making your argument more persuasive and credible.

And if you’re willing to get some extra help to save time and effort, you can always try our pay to write essay offering today and kick back while professional writers craft a top-notch paper just for you!

So, what are you waiting for? Pick your favorite theme and get started typing proposals with any topic you like! The sooner you start, the more time you’ll have to revise and polish your work. And don’t forget to ask for help if you need it – professors are always happy to offer guidance and feedback.

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Problem Solution Essay

Nova A.

Problem-Solution Essay - Writing Guide, Definition & Examples!

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Problem-Solution Essay

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Feeling stuck when it comes to writing a solid problem-solution essay?

You're not alone—many students find it challenging. This essay type requires careful consideration and skillful execution, which isn’t always easy.

But fret not! This guide is your go-to solution. We've got all the crucial steps, structures, and examples to make essay writing a breeze for you.

So, keep reading!

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  • 1. What is a Problem-Solution Essay?
  • 2. Problem Solution Essay Structure
  • 3. How to Write a Problem-Solution Essay?
  • 4. Problem-Solution Essay Examples
  • 5. Problem Solution Essay Topics
  • 6. Problem Solution Essay Checklist

What is a Problem-Solution Essay?

A problem-solution essay is a form of argumentative writing that looks into a specific issue, providing a detailed examination of the problem and proposing effective solutions. 

A problem-solution essay stands apart from narrative , descriptive , and expository essays by focusing sharply on identifying a problem, analyzing its causes, and proposing effective solutions. 

Unlike other types of essays , it places a strong emphasis on presenting practical remedies to real-world problems. This makes it a unique and impactful type of academic essay writing .

Why Write a Problem Solution Essay

There are significant reasons to write a problem solution essay. 

  • First, it encourages the practical application of knowledge by addressing real-world issues and proposing solutions.
  • Develops deeper understanding of societal problems.
  • Refines analytical skills and fosters a solution-oriented mindset.
  • Enhances communication abilities through clear explanation of complex issues and solutions.
  • Facilitates intellectual growth by tackling significant societal challenges.

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Problem Solution Essay Structure

In crafting a problem-solution essay, the structure plays a pivotal role in presenting ideas coherently and persuasively. 

Two commonly used structures for this type of essay are the block structure and the chain structure. Each has its unique approach to organizing information, offering writers flexibility in presenting their analysis and proposed solutions.

Block Structure

The block structure, also known as the whole-to-whole or one-side-at-a-time structure, is a straightforward organizational method. 

In this type of structure, the writer dedicates separate blocks of text to first presenting the problem comprehensively. The solutions to the problems are presented in the next sections subsequently. 

This structure allows for a clear separation between the problem and solution sections, providing a systematic and easy-to-follow presentation.

Here is an outline for block structure problem-solution essay:

outlining the problems that will be discussed.

Chain Structure

Contrasting the block structure, the chain structure takes an interconnected approach. 

In this format, the essay addresses a specific problem and promptly proposes a solution. 

The pattern repeats as each problem is introduced, followed immediately by its corresponding solution. This structure aims to maintain a continuous and engaging flow, presenting a transition between problems and solutions. 

Here is a chain structure problem solution essay template:

How to Write a Problem-Solution Essay?

A problem solution essay requires taking a systematic approach. Here are the basic steps for writing this type of essay:

Step 1 - Topic Selection

Choosing the right topic is the first crucial step in writing a problem-solution essay. Pick a real-world issue that genuinely interests you. 

Consider problems that have personal significance or affect your community. The goal is to engage with a problem that allows for meaningful discussion and exploration.

Step 2 - Understanding the Problem

Before diving into solutions, take the time to fully grasp the intricacies of the problem at hand. 

Research the issue thoroughly, aiming to comprehend its various aspects and implications. This step is essential for presenting a well-informed analysis in your essay, ensuring a solid foundation for proposing solutions.

Step 3 - Explore Viable Solutions

Once you've identified and understood the problem, brainstorm possible solutions. 

Think about practical, achievable, and effective ways to address the issue. Consider different angles and perspectives, aiming for solutions that are not only feasible but also have the potential to make a positive impact in real-world scenarios.

Step 4 - Create an Outline

Organize your thoughts and structure your essay by creating a clear outline. 

Allocate specific sections for introducing the problem, proposing solutions, and crafting a conclusion. A well-organized outline serves as a roadmap, guiding you through each step of the writing process.

Step 5 - Write the Introduction

Begin your essay with a captivating introduction . Start with an attention-grabbing essay hook that draws your reader in. 

Clearly state the problem, emphasizing its significance. Conclude the introduction with a concise thesis statement that outlines the solutions you will explore in the essay.

Step 6 - Craft Body Paragraph

Dedicate an individual body paragraph to each problem and its corresponding solution. Elaborate on the details of the problem and present practical solutions. 

Support your ideas with examples, evidence, or real-life scenarios. This section forms the core of your essay, providing a comprehensive exploration of the issues at hand.

Step 7 - Address Possible Objections

Acknowledge and address potential counterarguments to your proposed solutions. 

Anticipating objections adds depth to your essay, showcasing a thorough consideration of alternative viewpoints. By addressing possible objections, you strengthen the overall persuasiveness of your solutions.

Step 8 - Conclude The Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points without introducing new information. Reinforce the importance of the proposed solutions and leave a lasting impression. 

Consider ending with a call to action or a thought-provoking statement that resonates with your reader. The conclusion should provide a sense of closure to your essay.

Problem-Solution Essay Examples

We know that writing this kind of essay could be a challenge. Here are some problem solution essay samples, you can download and read them for free:

Problem Solution Essay Sample PDF

Financial Problem Solution Essay

Garbage Problem Solution Essay

Problem Solution Essay IELTS

Problem Solution Essay Topics

When picking a topic for your problem-solution essay, think about a few important things. 

Choose something that matters to your audience and is important in society right now. Pick issues that really affect people or communities and need attention. 

Make sure the problem can be realistically solved with practical solutions. Here is a list of problem solution essay questions and topics you can use:

  • Tobacco should be banned to control lung cancer. Discuss.
  • Obesity is caused by genetically modified and processed food. Discuss the solution.
  • Movie scripts should be censored to control violence in youth. Discuss.
  • How to tackle the lack of resources in urban homeless shelters?
  • Government should propose some policies to deal with illegal immigration. Discuss.
  • How can we use social media to improve awareness?
  • Propose some ways to keep your friends and family safe.
  • College students in the United States are overburdened with homework.
  • How to improve the quality of education in high school?
  • Providing equal opportunities to under-privileged children is important. Discuss.

These are some good problem-solution topics that you can tweak to use as your own. 

Problem Solution Essay Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure your problem solution essay is well-crafted and effective:

Clear Problem Definition

Strong Thesis Statement

Thorough Research

Feasible Solutions

Audience Understanding

Logical Structure

Engaging Language

Addressing Multiple Perspectives

Revised and Edited

Careful Proofreading

So, wrapping up, with this guide and checklist, you can now write a problem-solution essay that fulfills its purpose. Just remember to be clear, practical, and interesting. 

But if you still feel unsure or want extra help, our professional essay writing service is here for you. 

Our experts know how to handle any type of essay, making sure it's top-notch. If you need that extra boost, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We're here to make sure your essay shines and gets the job done.

So, why wait? Place your order today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a problem-solution essay called.

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A problem-solution essay is often simply called a "problem-solution essay." It's named this way because its primary purpose is to identify a problem and propose effective solutions.

What type of paper is a problem-solution?

A problem-solution essay is categorized as an argumentative essay. It aims to persuade the reader that a particular problem exists and that specific solutions can address it effectively.

What is the problem-solution essay test?

There isn't a standardized test specifically called a "problem-solution essay test." However, in academic settings, instructors may assign problem-solution essays as assignments or assessments to evaluate students' abilities to analyze problems and propose viable solutions.

What is the problem solution essay topics list for IELTS?

Here are ten potential topics for a problem-solution essay suitable for the IELTS exam:

  • Discuss measures to mitigate the impact of climate change on local communities.
  • Analyze strategies to reduce youth unemployment rates globally.
  • Propose solutions to alleviate traffic congestion in urban areas.
  • Suggest ways to combat rising obesity rates among children and adults.
  • Recommend actions to reduce plastic pollution in oceans and waterways.
  • Discuss how to improve access to quality education for marginalized communities.
  • Analyze methods to ensure equitable access to healthcare services in underserved regions.
  • Propose strategies to tackle cyberbullying and its psychological effects on victims.
  • Suggest measures to address water scarcity issues in drought-prone regions.
  • Discuss solutions to make housing more affordable for low-income families in urban areas.

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Nova A.

Nova Allison is a Digital Content Strategist with over eight years of experience. Nova has also worked as a technical and scientific writer. She is majorly involved in developing and reviewing online content plans that engage and resonate with audiences. Nova has a passion for writing that engages and informs her readers.

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100 Good Problem Solution Essay Topics for Firm Writing

The problem-solution essay is a popular academic assignment. It is a form of persuasive writing where you have to explain the problem to your readers, convince them that the problem is significant and worth solving, present your solution, and refute any possible counterarguments that you can foresee.

A good problem and solution essay suggests an actionable and efficient solution. It doesn't have to be easy, but it must be realistic and possible to implement. Keep that in mind while brainstorming problem solution essay topics.

The composition depends on your essay's volume. However, there are some necessary elements.

  • Introduction to the problem

In your essay's introduction, lay the problem out before your readers. If the word count allows it, you can add some background information, such as the cause of the problem, contributing issues, and its effects on a community. Include a short solution proposal as a thesis statement – just outline it in one or two sentences.

  • Explain the significance of the problem

In the body of your essay, explore the problem and the solution you propose in detail. Present relevant research data to reinforce the importance of the issues at hand. Why should it be solved? Why should your audience care? How will the solution benefit everyone? Depending on the nature of the problem you've chosen, you can build your arguments on logic and statistical data or appeal to your audience's emotions by sharing a relatable human-interest story.

  • Detail the solution you propose

Depending on the problem and word limit, you can propose several solutions. If that's the case, make sure you explore each answer in a different paragraph. Alternatively, if you have chosen to examine one solution, give each reason why this specific solution is good in a separate section.

  • Be practical

Your solution doesn't have to be a step-by-step business plan with every little thing provided for, but a healthy dose of pragmatism never hurts. If your solution requires funding, think of where the funds can be procured. What non-profit organizations can you involve in your project? What is the approximate timeline of the project? And so on.

  • Be persuasive

Don't forget that your goal is to persuade the audience that the problem is worth solving and that your solution is the most efficient. Appeal to any successful implementations of the solution if it was carried out before. If this is a new and original proposition, you may have to build your case on logical arguments. Cite any relevant data, expert opinion, studies, statistics, etc., as evidence. Explain why you are convinced your solution will be effective.

  • End on a strong note

In your concluding paragraph, reiterate the gravity of the problem and reaffirm your solution's importance by putting it into a broader context. Recap your most significant arguments for the answer you've proposed and outline the steps that should be taken immediately. End with a call to action or with a thought-provoking rhetorical question that will make your audience agree with you. For example, "Wouldn't we all benefit from living in a fairer society?" or "Isn't human life the most important value we should strive to protect?"

As you can see, writing a problem and solution essay is not rocket science. If you have basic essay-writing skills and have ever dealt with research and persuasive writing, you will do just fine.

However, for your essay to be a success, you must choose the appropriate topic you can handle. Here is where we can help. Below you will find 100 topics for problem solution essays grouped by discipline. Some of them are interdisciplinary, so if you don't find what you need in a corresponding section, look in others. You may find something suitable there. The scale skews on the larger side, so feel free to narrow the topic down if you need something less ambitious.

Note that some of the suggestions below are linked to full samples from our free database – check them out! Already written essays are illustrative, which can be more instructive than guides. However, if the topic you like isn't linked, or you have your original idea you wish to see explored, turn to our essay writing service . We will prepare a customized sample for your following all the instructions – from word count to the tone of voice.

Problem Solution Topic Suggestions on Economics and Business

This subject area is one of the most popular for problem solution essay topics: from hands-on decisions on staff and marketing to global issues of financial markets. Start exploring the field with these topics:

  • Gaining Strategic Advantage Through Customer Value
  • Problems in the acquisition of the CRM
  • Employee Attraction and Retention
  • The Fiscal Cliff Crisis and the Solution
  • Organizational Development and Change
  • Staff Communication Problem
  • Wastage and Embezzlement of Funds in an Organization
  • Ways of Gaining a Competitive Edge in Overcrowded Markets
  • Addressing Problematic Links in Your Supply Chain and Taking Social and Environmental Responsibility
  • Reputation Management in the Age of Social Media Influencers and Instant Feedback

Sociology Problem Solution Speech Topics

Strive to eradicate inequality? Dream of improving life for your local community? Hone your problem-solving skills on these sociology topics.

  • Income Inequality
  • Burglary in Your Neighborhood
  • Child Abuse
  • Crime in the Community
  • Keeping Kids Safe From Violence in Schools
  • Consumption and Food Safety
  • Sexual Assault on Campuses
  • Accumulated National Student Debt
  • Incel Subculture and Mass Shootings
  • Bringing Down Unemployment Rates in Your Area

Technology Problem Solution Essay Topics for College Students

Problem-solving in technology requires you to stay one step ahead of the curve – often foreseeing the problem even before it arises. Prepare your analytic skills for the future with these topics.

  • Linear and Integer Programming Modeling
  • Design Problem Solutions via Singleton Pattern
  • Problem Solving Using Microsoft Excel
  • A Solution to Water Cooling System Issues in the Office
  • Intelligent Lighting Condition to Solve Rising Energy Expenses
  • Improvement of Dynamic Image Recognition for Self-Driving Vehicles
  • Increasing Dexterity for Robotic Manpower
  • Cloud Storage Crunch and Cleanup
  • Technical Solutions for Organ Transplantation
  • Distributed Manufacturing for Production Decentralization

Law and Criminal Justice Problem Solutions Topics

This area is ripe with the most challenging problems and ethical dilemmas rooted in politics, social issues, and psychology. Can you propose a fair solution to these often controversial problems?

  • Felon Disenfranchisement in America
  • Reducing the Growing Rate of Black on Black Crime in Baltimore City
  • Effective Police Supervision
  • Rehabilitation vs. Incarceration for Juvenile Offenders
  • Action Plan For Addressing Political Issues
  • Racial and Gender Discrimination in Drug Courts
  • Racial Profiling and Police Brutality
  • Ways to Counteract Human Trafficking and Forced Labor
  • Inmate Abuse by Correction Officers
  • Reducing Violence Against Homeless People

Environment Problem and Solution Essay Topics

Preserving our beautiful planet in a state fit to be a home to humanity for generations to come is one of the most pressing issues today. Try your best with these topics. Who knows, maybe your ideas will save the world?

  • Reducing Waste by Upcycling
  • Air Pollution from Cars and its Impact on Global Warming
  • Climate Change as a Man-Made Problem, and its Solutions
  • Grape Phylloxera, Daktulosphaira Vitifoliae
  • Deforestation
  • How to Make Our Buildings Green
  • Overconsumption in Fashion and Textile Waste
  • Fracking, Its Effects on the Environment, and the Alternatives
  • Wildlife Endangered by Farming and Development
  • Light Pollution and Its Effects on Wildlife

Media and Communications Problem Solution Essay Topics List

We live in a watershed moment in the history of media and communications. As exciting as they are, these times always come with a host of challenges that usually accompany paradigm shifts of such a tectonic scale. You are the generation destined to grapple with problems that didn't even exist some ten years ago. Are you up to it? Try your ingenuity with these topics!

  • Newspapers as a Dying Media
  • Usage of Mobile Phones While Driving: Its Effects and Solutions
  • The Problem of Anonymous Speech Online
  • Managing Information Overload
  • Cybersecurity of Personal Information
  • Modern Problem of the Historical Context for a Right to Bear Arms
  • Online Predators and Minors on Popular Apps
  • Echo Chamber Effect of Social Media Algorithms
  • Effects of Online Dating: Consumerism Mentality in Relationships
  • Social Media Role in Terrorist Organizations

Problem Solution Essay Ideas for Nursing and Health Care

Health care has progressed far in recent years, prolonging life and improving its quality. However, the sky is the limit for such a noble endeavor. We urge you to think about these problems and push the boundaries of what is possible.

  • The Problem of Obesity Across the Globe
  • Problems of Healthcare in America
  • Reducing the Nurse Turnover and Improving Nursing Satisfaction
  • The Issues with Cardiopulmonary Bypass (CPB) Procedure and Possible Improvements
  • Ways to Reduce Catheter Association Urinary Tract Infections (CA-UTI)
  • The ER that Became the Emergency
  • Food Additives and Unhealthiness
  • Lack of Universal Quality Healthcare
  • Ways to Reduce Consumption of Tabaco and Its Substitutes by Teenagers
  • Adverse Effects of Added Sugar in the Diet and Ways to Reduce the Consumption

Psychology Problem-Solving Essay Topics

The human mind is one of the greatest mysteries of creation. We have only begun to understand how it works and what it is capable of. Care to explore the frontiers of gnosis? Start with these topics.

  • Stress in the Mid-West Region of the United States
  • Diagnosis and Treatment Planning for Couple's Therapy
  • Critique of Conflict Management Styles
  • Reducing Early Readmission Rates in Mentally Ill Patients By Implementing Multi-Component Transition Care Plan
  • The Contribution of a Strength-Based Approach to Counselling
  • Teenage Suicide and Possible Prevention Measures
  • Work-Life Balance and Emotional Burnout
  • Mental Health Effects of LGBTQ Youth Discrimination
  • Influence of Screen Time and Interactivity on Early Cognitive Development
  • Adverse Effects of Noise Pollution on Mental Health and Ways to Alleviate the Problem

Topics for Problem Solution Essay on Politics and International Relations

Politics is one of the trickiest subjects to handle. Polarizing and controversial, it encompasses every aspect of our existence – from money to moral values. Every solution to a political problem has wide ramifications that are sometimes impossible to foresee. Choosing the one that will satisfy everyone and will have primarily positive outcomes in the future is as tricky as treading on the edge of the sword. Care to try?

  • The Solution to Syrian Conflict
  • How Ordinary Men Became Genocidal Killers in the Holocaust
  • Solution for the Problem of Undocumented Immigration
  • European Business and Politics Are Too Close Are Often in Closed and Corrupt Relationships
  • How Critical Theory Improves The Study Of International Politics
  • Non-State Factors in Global Politics
  • Globalization and Violent Radicalization
  • Sustainable Development of Global Systems
  • Viable Theory of International Democracy
  • Peace-Making in Destabilized Regions

Problem Solution Paper Topics on Education

Solving one problem in education prevents a myriad of new issues from ever arising. This is a genuinely worthwhile endeavor, don't you think? Try solving one of these and put a stone into the edifice of a better future.

  • Implementing Multicultural Education
  • Description And Feasibility Of Solution To In The Inheritors
  • Elementary School Quality Physical Education
  • China's Problem With Graduate Unemployment
  • Promotion of Art Education in Saudi Arabia by New Curriculum development
  • Drawbacks of Fixed Mindset and Ways of Encouraging Growth Mindset in Older Students
  • Persisting Stereotypes and Gender Bias in the Classroom
  • Increasing Flexibility of Education Budgets for Sustainability and Innovation
  • Updating and Personalizing Professional Development
  • Developing Best Practices to Select and Evaluate Educational Digital Content

Jana Rooheart

Jana Rooheart

Jana Rooheart came to WOWESSAYS™ with a mission to put together and then slice and dice our vast practical experience in crafting all kinds of academic papers. Jana is an aspired blogger with rich expertise in psychology, digital learning tools, and creative writing. In this blog, she willingly shares tricks of pencraft and mind-altering ideas about academic writing any student will find utterly beneficial.

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Writing a Proposal Solution Essay Tips

Writing a Proposal Solution Essay Tips

An essay with solutions can be a difficult and challenging task to complete. Tutors when proposing a solution essay as an assignment, want to check student’s critical thinking and ability to solve issues. A problem-solution essay is a type of argument, it’s an essay where students analyze and write about a topic by identifying and explaining a problem proposing one or more solutions to the problem, and trying to convince the reader to take a specific approach. We gathered a few tips for you to ease your problem-solving writing process. Let’s take a look at them.

Create a Problem-Solution Pattern

Create a problem-solution pattern that will divide your writing process into two parts – one will represent the problem and another – the solution, and focus on trying to change the reader’s opinion or behavior. Begin with a little brainstorming, collecting your thoughts and ideas, organizing them, and planning them out into a problem-solution essay outline or a map according to the reader’s mind.

  • Spot a good topic
  • Specify the problem. Engage the target audience in the problem by assuring that the problem is important and needs to be solved
  • Define the solution proposal
  • Offer on the best solution
  • Explain that the solution you offer is the best
  • Oppose objections

Writing an Excellent Essay

Choosing a good topic is an important part of the writing process. Choosing one might seem not an easy thing to do but try to think about situations or people that bother or irritate you. If you’ve thought about a solution for that you may use it as a topic for your essay. Consider also groups (family, friends, college students, hobby and sports clubs, library, hometown community, culture, or language groups, etc.) that you think you belong to and the problems they have; generate a list of the problems and think of solutions that didn’t work or those that could be improved.

When structuring a persuasive solution essay follow the basic essay structure that includes an introductory paragraph with a hook, body paragraphs that analyze data, and a conclusion.


In the introduction, it’s essential to define the issue first and present your solution or hint at the solution in a thesis. Try to explain the problem in detail if it happens to be unfamiliar, or create a bright image of the issue in case it is well-known. Mention those who should be concerned about it. The goal is to prove that the problem is very important before the stage of proposing a solution. Here are some tips for you to create an introduction to your essay: portray a realistic story about the issue, give a specific example of a problem from your personal experience, and state facts and information about the problem to make it more vivid for the target audience, specific case, you may use information from TV, books, movies, etc., how people were affected by the problem, and emphasize why it needs to be solved and worth dealing with. After the reader understands the problem the thesis statement proposes the solution and summarizes the solution. Ask a thesis question and propose a valid solution idea you think is the most suitable clearly in one solution sentence that would lead to the body of the essay.

The body of your paper will conclude with three or more paragraphs in which you need to explain the solution of the problem and how it will be solved in detail. Arriving at the solution depends on the way of thinking. Every individual does it differently according to the level of knowledge of the problem, attitude towards the problem, and even profession or field of study. That is why it is crucial to do good topic research. Examine the problem in detail further. Do not jump to conclusions without considering the details. Deciding on the best solution is an important part of writing your paper. Think of the solution that could be achieved effortlessly. Name a person, if necessary, who will be in charge, and provide some confirmation about how your solution will work (opinions of experts, cases when it has worked before, facts, arguments). If it requires some steps or actions to be taken, explain them putting them into a problem-solution order. Try to prove that the solution you offer will solve the problem in the best possible way; and that it is reasonable, cost-effective, sustainable, reliable, and better than other solutions. Analyze alternative solutions by explaining in detail their processes and results, and identify the fragility of the alternative solutions. Oppose objections with clear pieces of evidence. The final sentence of each paragraph should have a suggestion – a description of other solutions that didn’t work, or a further review of the problem.

When writing a conclusion of one or more problem solution paragraphs, mention the negative sides of other solutions, try to back up your argument with facts, and convince the reader that your solution is the best by describing benefits and how the situation will be changed if the plan is supported.

To convince the target audience you need to find an area of agreement with the audience. Try to distinguish your audience for your paper by asking some questions, such as: Who represents your target audience? What do they understand about the issue? What values do they have regarding the issue? What values do you have regarding the issue? What values, principles, and needs do you share? What motivates the audience and how effectively it can be appealed to in your paper?

As with any other essay, every sentence of a solution essay is valuable and all of them should be connected. Edit your writing attentively. Check if an accurate description of a situation was provided which is helpful for the readers to comprehend the issue. Reading the paper aloud might help to spot mistakes and phrases that don’t sound too well. Ask a friend to take a look at your work for possible mistakes, spelling, or any other errors that you’ve missed.

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The Research Trajectory/Proposal

Picking a topic.

Think about what problem would you like to see solved. You should pick something that will be motivating to you, something that you are passionate about. Why? For one, it will make it easier for you to research and to keep yourself motivated to do the research. For another, it will make it easier for you to write on and make your paper more engaging for others to read. Your paper and the research it documents should be impactful to those who read it.

Important: make sure that you pick a problem that really has possible solutions. The same considerations apply to picking a topic for this paper as for any other -- the topic can't be too broad or too narrow, and it has to be something that can actually be researched. For more information on choosing a topic, check out this webpage on finding problem topics and useful ways to approach finding solutions to those problems .

Forming research questions

Not sure what to research for your topic? Take the topic you have selected and turn it into a research question. For instance, if your topic is "obesity in America," you could frame that into research questions like "What are measures that prevent weight gain?" or "What are the most sustainable diets for weight loss?" (Tip: Avoid search terms like "best" or "worst" because they are very vague and subjective. Choose terms that are more specific and quantifiable in meaning.)

Still stuck on how to create a research question? Check out this video for more help:

Researching your topic

Now that you have a research question, do some preliminary research to give you direction on breaking your problem down in to feasible solutions. Choose more specific Browse the library's databases, skim through a book, or search the web for possible information.

Keep these questions in mind as you search:

  • What type of information is available on your topic?
  • Where did you find this information?
  • Who are the experts, and what do they have to say about your topic?

Creating a thesis and presenting your proposal

Using the research you gathered from your research question(s), create a claim indicating what solutions you plan to propose in your paper. What three solutions are you proposing to the problem? The topic you submit in your proposal cannot be changed, but the research process is still ongoing, so your solutions may change if you find better ones in your ongoing research. This is a tentative thesis; you can make some changes to it later if you need to.

Now that you have taken some time to seriously think about and research your topic, you are ready to present your trajectory/proposal (intentions) for the research project. The proposal must contain your final subject/topic for the research project.

Not sure how to put together a thesis? Watch this helpful video that breaks it down for you:

Outlining a Problem-Solution Paper

A problem-solution paper is exactly what it sounds like. First, an issue or obstacle is posed, then a solution or series of solutions is suggested to resolve that issue or obstacle.

Problem-solution essays can be structured differently depending on the nature of the topic. (For instance, if there is important historical information to your problem that is a bit too long for your intro, then you might want to spend a paragraph between your intro and your solution body paragraphs to give your audience that history.) Most essays, however, follow this basic formula:

I. Introduction: Communicating the Problem

  • Paint a vivid picture of the problem. Focus on the how and why: how did this become a problem? why is it (still) a problem? why is it important / why does it need to be fixed? 
  • End your intro with a thesis statement recapping the problem and providing a preview of the solution(s) you will offer in the rest of your paper.

II. Body: Communicating the Solution(s)

  • Cover each potential solution to the problem in its own paragraph, or cover each step of a multi-step solution with each step having its own paragraph.
  • Each body paragraph should have a clearly stated claim that is distinct from, though connected to, the other paragraphs.
  • Support each solution or solution step with several pieces of evidence from authoritative sources of information. (Best to go to the library catalog and article databases for these.)
  • Cite each source used to support your claims correctly according to MLA citation format , using an in-text citation that corresponds to an entry in your works cited page.

III. Conclusion: Reiterating Importance

  • Recap your thesis statement (problem + brief overview of solution)
  • Close out your paper by emphasizing the importance of solving the problem you have covered.
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Problem Solution Essay Examples

A problem-solution essay presents a complicated case and brainstorms its possible solutions. Most such tasks will require you to do some preliminary research.

The structure of this writing type is different from a standard five-paragraph essay. Start with introducing the circumstances where the problem emerged. Then describe the issue and mention why its resolution is critical. After that, suggest one or several solutions (they usually take up the main body paragraphs). And conclude with an evaluation and call for action.

You can consult problem solution essay examples for free to see how other high-school and college students dealt with the assignment.

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Problem Solution Essay

Caleb S.

Learn How to Write a Problem Solution Essay in No Time

16 min read

Published on: Feb 1, 2022

Last updated on: Jul 23, 2024

Problem Solution Essay

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Are you facing difficulties when it comes to writing problem solution essays? 

You're not alone!                          It's a critical skill to master, as these essays provide opportunities to address real-world issues and propose practical solutions.

Well, CollegeEssay.org is here to save the day!

In this blog, we will provide you with invaluable insights, expert tips, and a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the challenges of problem solution essays.

With our comprehensive strategies and examples, you'll learn to craft powerful essays that propose innovative solutions and captivate your readers.

Get ready to conquer the essay-writing battlefield and make a difference with your words.

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What is a Problem Solution Essay?

A problem-solution essay is a type of academic writing that requires the writer to analyze a problem, propose a viable solution, and support their ideas with relevant evidence. 

The primary objective of this essay is to address real-world issues and provide practical solutions to those problems.

In a problem-solution essay, the writer typically begins by describing the problem, highlighting its severity and impact. The writer then proposes a solution to the problem, providing a detailed explanation of how the solution will work. 

The essay may also include a discussion of the potential challenges or limitations associated with the proposed solution.

Importance Of Problem Solution Essays

Problem-solution essays play a crucial role in academia and beyond. Here are some reasons why these essays hold significant importance:

  • Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills

Writing a problem-solution essay enhances critical thinking abilities by requiring the writer to deeply analyze and understand complex problems. It encourages the development of analytical skills to assess the root causes, consequences, and potential solutions to a given problem.

  • Practical Application of Knowledge

Problem-solution essays provide an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world issues. By researching and proposing solutions, students bridge the gap between theory and practice, making their education relevant and meaningful.

  • Problem-Solving Mindset

Engaging in problem-solution essays cultivates a problem-solving mindset. It encourages individuals to identify problems, think creatively, and propose effective solutions. This mindset is highly valuable in various academic disciplines, professional settings, and everyday life.

  • Awareness And Social Impact

Problem-solution essays promote awareness of social, environmental, or political issues. By addressing pressing problems and proposing solutions, these essays contribute to raising consciousness and fostering positive change within society.

  • Persuasive Communication

Crafting a compelling problem-solution essay hones persuasive communication skills. Writers must effectively communicate their ideas, present logical arguments, and convince readers of the feasibility and effectiveness of their proposed solutions.

  • Empowerment and Personal Growth

Successfully tackling problem-solution essays instills a sense of empowerment and personal growth. As students overcome challenges and present innovative solutions, they gain confidence, expand their knowledge base, and develop essential skills for future endeavors.

Features of Problem Solution Essay

A problem-solution essay possesses distinct features that set it apart from other essay types. Let's explore some key features of a problem-solution essay:

Problem Identification

The essay begins by clearly identifying and defining the problem . It is essential to provide a comprehensive understanding of the problem, its scope, and its impact on individuals or society. 

The writer should establish the urgency and significance of the problem to capture the reader's attention.

Solution Proposal

The heart of a problem-solution essay lies in proposing a feasible solution.

The writer must present a well-reasoned and practical solution that directly addresses the identified problem. The proposed solution should be logical, realistic, and supported by evidence or expert opinions.

Evidence-Based Approach

A strong problem-solution essay relies on evidence to support the proposed solution. This may include statistical data, research findings, case studies, or expert testimonies. 

The writer should provide convincing evidence that demonstrates the effectiveness and viability of the proposed solution.

Consideration of Limitations

Acknowledging and addressing any potential limitations or challenges associated with the proposed solution is crucial. This demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the problem and a realistic approach to solving it. 

By acknowledging limitations, the writer shows a balanced perspective and invites further discussion or alternative solutions.

Call to Action

A problem-solution essay often concludes with a call to action, urging readers to take steps toward implementing the proposed solution or supporting related initiatives. This call to action encourages readers to reflect on the problem and motivates them to contribute to positive change.

Problem Solution Essay Format

Like other essays, problem-solution essays also follow a format. Creating a problem-solution essay outline will make the essay writing process smoother. 

Have a look at the problem-solution essay structure:


An introduction is important because you will not be able to write a good essay without one. You need to describe the problem and then show why it is important. If it is a new or uncommon problem, you will need to explain how it works and its consequences. 

If it is a common problem, you will need to tell us about what happens when the problem isn't solved and how people feel about that. Whatever the case may be, you want to convince readers of its importance.

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  • Brief Thesis Statement

The thesis statement serves as a concise and informative sentence that outlines the main focus of your essay. It provides the readers with an understanding of the knowledge they will gain by reading it.

For example, if you're writing an essay about how to solve a problem, your thesis statement should be: 

"This essay explores the impact of social media on mental health and proposes strategies to promote a healthier digital environment, enabling readers to understand the potential risks and empowering them with effective solutions for maintaining their well-being in the digital age."

You can also add other solutions that did not work before explaining your solution in detail.

An essay usually has three paragraphs, one for each problem and solution. When working on each solution, it is important to review these things:

  • Explain the problem in detail
  • Propose your solution and explain it properly
  • Explain how this will help solve that problem
  • If you want to show why your solution is best, use an expert or personal experience, statistics, other people's work, or examples.


The last part of an essay is as important as the first. It is often the strongest part, and many people think it doesn't matter because it comes at the end. But that's wrong! 

If you don't do a good job on your conclusion, you might fail to earn a good grade. Here are some tips for writing a strong conclusion for your essay: 

  • Make sure that you summarize what was said in your introduction 
  • List the main points of your argument 
  • Give advice to someone who has similar problems

This was all for the Problem solution essay format. Now it's time to get started to write an essay. 

How to Write a Problem Solution Essay? 5 Easy Steps

A good problem-solution essay should propose a solution that is easy to implement, reasonable, and solves the problem. Make sure your essay stays focused on the main topic. 

Below are steps for writing a good and impressive problem-solution essay.

1. Choose the Topic

Think about the issues that are bothering you. These could be anything, but they need to be big enough for them to affect people. Make a list of these issues or problems that are facing some groups or your community.

2. Think How to Implement Solution

To make a great solution, it needs to be easy to understand and do. Good solutions can be done easily, solve the problem well, and are not expensive.

One of the common ways people try to solve problems is by getting rid of what is causing the problem. 

For example, if someone does drugs, they may stop doing them. It can also help if you educate people about how it works or use advertising to motivate them. 

Final ly, you might be able to change something that is not working, like an old law, or introduce new ones. Of course, there are other solutions too, so think about all of them!

3. Create an Outline

An outline is important in writing. It helps you to remember what you were going to say, and it also tells your readers what they will learn from the essay. When you write an outline, divide the information into sections or paragraphs.

Pick a topic and then add all of your points in order to make the essay easier for the reader.

Here's a generic outline for a problem solution essay.

A. Hook or attention-grabbing statement

B. Background information on the problem

C. Clear statement of the problem's significance

D. Thesis statement introducing the proposed solutions

A. Causes and factors contributing to the problem

B. Consequences and implications of the problem

C. Supporting evidence and data to strengthen the analysis

A. Brief overview of the proposed solutions

B. Explanation of how the solutions directly address the problem

C. Potential benefits of implementing the solutions

A. Detailed description of Solution 1

1. Step-by-step instructions or strategies

2. Supporting evidence or examples

B. Detailed description of Solution 2

1. Step-by-step instructions or strategies

2. Supporting evidence or examples

C. Detailed description of Solution 3 (if applicable)

1. Step-by-step instructions or strategies

2. Supporting evidence or examples

A. Assessment of the effectiveness and feasibility of each solution

B. Discussion of potential challenges or limitations

C. Proposed strategies to overcome the challenges

A. Summary of the main points discussed in the essay

B. Restatement of the problem's significance and the urgency of implementing solutions

C. Call to action, encouraging readers to support or implement the proposed solutions

4. Start Writing Your Essay

Now the outline is created, it's time to fit in the extensive detail. A problem-solving essay follows the structur e of having an introd uction paragraph, three supporting body paragraphs, and a concluding one. 

Start adding the details as discussed in the outline section. 

5. Revise Your Essay

The last step in the process of writing an essay is to proofread it. Proofreading means that you go through it a lot of time to ensure there are no mistakes or errors in your essay. 

Ensure that the vocabulary, grammar, spelling, citation, facts, syntax, and format are accurate and appropriate. If you find any errors during this step, then correct them before submitting your essay to your instructor.

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Problem Solution Essay Examples

We know that it can be hard to write this kind of essay. We have a sample essay below to help you understand.

Problem-solving is an essential skill that plays a crucial role in both personal and professional realms. It is a process of identifying challenges, analyzing their root causes, and developing effective solutions to overcome them. The ability to solve problems efficiently is a highly valued skill in today's complex and dynamic world. This essay explores the importance of problem-solving, its impact on personal and professional growth, and provides practical strategies for enhancing problem-solving abilities.

Problem-solving enables individuals to face adversity, learn from failures, and develop resilience. By actively seeking solutions, individuals can build the mental strength required to overcome obstacles and grow personally.

Effective problem-solving necessitates critical thinking, which involves evaluating information, analyzing multiple perspectives, and making informed decisions. This process strengthens cognitive abilities and helps individuals become more adaptable and open-minded. Problem-solving encourages individuals to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions. Engaging in creative problem-solving nurtures imagination and helps individuals develop a proactive and resourceful mindset.

Problem-solving skills enable individuals to recognize hidden opportunities within challenges. Businesses that cultivate a problem-solving culture are more likely to identify gaps in the market and devise strategies for growth and success.

Problem-solving often requires collaboration and teamwork, as diverse perspectives and expertise contribute to more comprehensive solutions. Individuals with strong problem-solving skills can facilitate productive teamwork, fostering a positive work environment and driving success.

: Effective problem-solving leads to continuous improvement and innovation within organizations. By analyzing and resolving issues, companies can optimize processes, enhance productivity, and stay ahead of competitors in rapidly evolving industries.

Clearly defining the problem is essential to identify its underlying causes and develop appropriate solutions. Ask questions, gather relevant information, and break down the problem into manageable components.

: Explore different perspectives and generate a range of potential solutions. Evaluate the pros and cons of each option, considering feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and long-term impact.

: Once a solution is selected, create an action plan and implement it. Monitor the results, gather feedback, and make necessary adjustments. Embrace failures as learning opportunities and refine strategies accordingly.

Problem-solving is a vital skill that empowers individuals to overcome challenges, foster personal growth, and drive professional success. By cultivating problem-solving abilities, individuals can navigate complex situations with confidence, harness creativity, and contribute to innovative solutions. Through defined strategies and a commitment to continuous improvement, problem-solving can be nurtured and enhanced, creating a positive impact on both personal and professional spheres. Embracing problem-solving as a lifelong learning process is key to unleashing innovation and achieving sustained growth in today's dynamic world.

Below are additional examples of problem solution essays that can serve as sources of inspiration for your writing.

Problem Solution Essay Sample pdf

Garbage Problem Solution Essay

Problem Solution Essay Topics

When you write about a problem solution topic, make sure it is something important to you. Usually, people write about things that are happening around them or in the world.

Below are some topics to choose from when writing your essay.

  • What can be done to stop body positivity from going too far?
  • How can we encourage people to adopt children in real life?
  • How can we reduce domestic violence in our society?
  • How to prevent people from drinking alcohol while driving?
  • What are ways to reduce racial violence? 
  • What is the best way to solve cybercrime? 
  • What are the best ways to reduce fraud in real estate deals?
  • How can the government solve the problem of immigrant assimilation in the United States?
  • What steps should the government take to increase voter turnout?
  • What legislation can be used to limit sources of campaign financing for political candidates?

If you're still having trouble writing this type of essay, check out this informative video below.

In conclusion , a problem-solution essay is an effective way to address and propose solutions to issues that affect individuals or society. 

By identifying a problem and presenting supporting evidence, you can inspire readers to take action and contribute to positive change. 

However, if you still think that you could benefit more from professional essay writing aid, we've got your back!

Our team of experienced writers provides a reliable problem solution essay writing service . They will ensure to deliver you a well-written and compelling essay that effectively addresses the identified problem. 

For deadlines that are too close for comfort, consider seeking assistance from our AI essay writing tool . 

So, what are you waiting for? Hire our online essay services  today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to start the solution paragraph in an essay.

The best way to start a solution paragraph in an essay is by explaining the problem and then suggesting people to try it. 

How should I start the first paragraph of a problem-solution essay?

Start your first paragraph by following the below steps: 

  • Telling a story about the problem 
  • Then, describe what happened or your experience with it 
  • End with how you solved it. 

Caleb S. (Literature, Marketing)

Caleb S. has extensive experience in writing and holds a Masters from Oxford University. He takes great satisfaction in helping students exceed their academic goals. Caleb always puts the needs of his clients first and is dedicated to providing quality service.

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Problem Proposals

People write problem proposals when they want to bring about some kind of change within an organization they belong to or work for. This change could be a new method, system, or procedure for carrying out the organization’s activities; a new program, a new facility, or new personnel. Any organizational change requires time, effort, and other resources, and any change may raise new problems, so a problem proposal should be detailed and persuasive.

Audience and purpose

Primary audience : The decision-maker who can make the proposed change or provide resources to allow others to make that change.

Secondary audiences : Those who are affected by the problem addressed in the proposal or who would be affected by the proposed change.

Purpose : To secure permission and/or resources to make the proposed change; to persuade the decision-maker to implement the proposed plan of action.

The content and structure of a problem proposal are driven by the writer’s need to answer the questions a decision-maker brings:

  • Does the problem actually exist? Is it widespread or urgent enough to warrant taking action? Is there evidence of the problem and its effects?
  • Is the author adequately acquainted with the history of the problem and previous efforts to address it?
  • What is the proposed plan of action? If implemented, would it actually solve the problem? Is it feasible? Will it create new problems?
  • Who is affected by the proposed plan of action?
  • Are there other plans of action that are cheaper or easier to implement? Why not adopt those?
  • What is the budget? Is it reasonable? Is it adequate for implementing the plan of action?
  • What are the additional benefits of addressing the problem with this proposed plan of action?

Sections of a problem proposal

Executive summary

This section provides an overview of the entire proposal; compose it after drafting the rest of the proposal. It should provide a one to two sentence version of the problem description, the plan of action, and the anticipated benefits.

Introduction (Optional)

Some proposals begin with background or context that helps readers understand the problem. For example, the introduction might provide some information about the organization’s mission and goals, especially if the problem undermines that mission and those goals. Or the introduction could provide background about the organization’s personnel, procedures, or recent changes, if these elements of the organization or situation are relevant to the problem.

Problem Description

This is a core section of the proposal. It defines and describes the problem, showing that the situation actually exists, that the situation has negative consequences, and that these effects are serious, widespread or urgent. The proposal should offer evidence for these claims. This evidence may be statistical; it may come from experts or authorities on the issue, or it may be anecdotal or narrative.

The problem description section should be well organized, not a random array of facts and figures. Most problem descriptions include a basic description of the situation or problem, a set of consequences of the problem (its negative or harmful effects), and an account of the cause or causes of the problem. Whatever the order you choose for these basic topics, discuss causes in one place, consequences in another; don’t mix them up. These are some possible frameworks for organizing a problem description:

Framework 1

Framework 2*

Framework 3

1. The situation/problem

-- Element 1

-- Element 2

2. The cause(s) of the situation/problem

-- Cause 1

-- Cause 2….

3. The consequences (harmful effects) of the situation

-- Consequence 1

-- Consequence 2….

1. The situation/problem

2. The consequences of the problem

3. The apparent cause of the problem

4. The actual cause(s) of the problem



1. a. Element 1 of the situation/problem

     b. Consequences (harmful effects) of element 1

2. a. Element 2 of the problem

     b. Consequence (harmful effect) of element 2…

3. Cause(s) of the problem


The problem description should end with a statement that summarizes the problem and its consequences.

Objectives (Optional)

Proposals may include a brief section that lays out the criteria that any acceptable solution must meet. For example, a writer proposing a new dining facility might list four criteria that any plan of action must fulfill: It must be cost-neutral; it must not reduce existing dining options; it must accommodate up to 75% of personnel at once; and it must allow for future growth. The writer would explain the rationale for each of these criteria briefly.

“Objectives” sections are optional, but they can be effective for two main reasons: first, they demonstrate the writer is considering the “big picture” from the organization’s point of view, and second, they set up the solution the writer will propose as an effective one.

Plan of Action

Another core section of the proposal, the “Plan of Action” or “Proposed Solution” lays out the writer’s plan of action. It should begin with a brief overview, then provide a detailed version of the plan.

The writer should take care to present the plan of action as a logical fit to the problem, as the problem was described earlier in the proposal. If the problem has been described as “too many cars on campus,” the proposed solution should not be “build more parking lots” (a solution that would bring still more cars to campus). Either the problem description would need to be revised (“not enough parking on campus”), or the plan of action reformulated (“expanded bus system to reduce the need to drive”).

The “Plan of Action” section does not need to be structured exactly like the “Problem Description,” but it should allow readers to see how the proposed solution does address all the elements of the problem, as they were described.

This section should provide plenty of detail, anticipating questions the decision maker might bring about the feasibility of the proposed plan.

If appropriate, build yourself in as taking on some of the work involved. If you’re proposing a speaker series, for example, designate yourself as its coordinator.

Alternative Solutions (Optional)

Your audience may be aware of possible solutions different from the one you have proposed, and they may wonder why you have not opted for those solutions. If you think this is the case, you can include a section that describes these solutions and presents the advantages and disadvantages of each. By presenting these alternative solutions, you control the audience’s interpretation of them.

Provide a detailed budget, with a rationale for each item. Most budget sections begin with a brief narrative that provides an overview of the budget and follow the narrative with a list, table, or other visual representation of the budget breakdown.

Provide a short conclusion that looks to the future and presents the anticipated benefits of addressing the problem with this plan of action.

  • Instead of generic “Problem” and “Proposed Solution” headings, consider using more specific phrases such as “Gridlock on Campus” and “A Network of Shuttles.”
  • Single-space within paragraphs and double-space between them.
  • If the proposal is long (4+ pages), provide a cover page with a title, your name, the date, and the name of the person you’re presenting it to. If it’s short, you may use a memo header with its To, From, Date, and Subject lines.

Last updated 7/3/2024

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What Kamala Harris has said so far on key issues in her campaign

As she ramps up her nascent presidential campaign, Vice President Kamala Harris is revealing how she will address the key issues facing the nation.

In speeches and rallies, she has voiced support for continuing many of President Joe Biden’s measures, such as lowering drug costs , forgiving student loan debt and eliminating so-called junk fees. But Harris has made it clear that she has her own views on some key matters, particularly Israel’s treatment of Gazans in its war with Hamas.

In a departure from her presidential run in 2020, the Harris campaign has confirmed that she’s moved away from many of her more progressive stances, such as her interest in a single-payer health insurance system and a ban on fracking.

Harris is also expected to put her own stamp and style on matters ranging from abortion to the economy to immigration, as she aims to walk a fine line of taking credit for the administration’s accomplishments while not being jointly blamed by voters for its shortcomings.

Her early presidential campaign speeches have offered insights into her priorities, though she’s mainly voiced general talking points and has yet to release more nuanced plans. Like Biden, she intends to contrast her vision for America with that of former President Donald Trump. ( See Trump’s campaign promises here .)

“In this moment, I believe we face a choice between two different visions for our nation: one focused on the future, the other focused on the past,” she told members of the historically Black sorority Zeta Phi Beta at an event in Indianapolis in late July. “And with your support, I am fighting for our nation’s future.”

Here’s what we know about Harris’ views:

Harris took on the lead role of championing abortion rights for the administration after Roe v. Wade was overturned in June 2022. This past January, she started a “ reproductive freedoms tour ” to multiple states, including a stop in Minnesota thought to be the first by a sitting US president or vice president at an abortion clinic .

On abortion access, Harris embraced more progressive policies than Biden in the 2020 campaign, as a candidate criticizing his previous support for the Hyde Amendment , a measure that blocks federal funds from being used for most abortions.

Policy experts suggested that although Harris’ current policies on abortion and reproductive rights may not differ significantly from Biden’s, as a result of her national tour and her own focus on maternal health , she may be a stronger messenger.

High prices are a top concern for many Americans who are struggling to afford the cost of living after a spell of steep inflation. Many voters give Biden poor marks for his handling of the economy, and Harris may also face their wrath.

In her early campaign speeches, Harris has echoed many of the same themes as Biden, saying she wants to give Americans more opportunities to get ahead. She’s particularly concerned about making care – health care, child care, elder care and family leave – more affordable and available.

Harris promised at a late July rally to continue the Biden administration’s drive to eliminate so-called “junk fees” and to fully disclose all charges, such as for events, lodging and car rentals. In early August, the administration proposed a rule that would ban airlines from charging parents extra fees to have their kids sit next to them.

On day one, I will take on price gouging and bring down costs. We will ban more of those hidden fees and surprise late charges that banks and other companies use to pad their profits.”

Since becoming vice president, Harris has taken more moderate positions, but a look at her 2020 campaign promises reveals a more progressive bent than Biden.

As a senator and 2020 presidential candidate, Harris proposed providing middle-class and working families with a refundable tax credit of up to $6,000 a year (per couple) to help keep up with living expenses. Titled the LIFT the Middle Class Act, or Livable Incomes for Families Today, the measure would have cost at the time an estimated $3 trillion over 10 years.

Unlike a typical tax credit, the bill would allow taxpayers to receive the benefit – up to $500 – on a monthly basis so families don’t have to turn to payday loans with very high interest rates.

As a presidential candidate, Harris also advocated for raising the corporate income tax rate to 35%, where it was before the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that Trump and congressional Republicans pushed through Congress reduced the rate to 21%. That’s higher than the 28% Biden has proposed.

Affordable housing was also on Harris’ radar. As a senator, she introduced the Rent Relief Act, which would establish a refundable tax credit for renters who annually spend more than 30% of their gross income on rent and utilities. The amount of the credit would range from 25% to 100% of the excess rent, depending on the renter’s income.

Harris called housing a human right and said in a 2019 news release on the bill that every American deserves to have basic security and dignity in their own home.

Consumer debt

Hefty debt loads, which weigh on people’s finances and hurt their ability to buy homes, get car loans or start small businesses, are also an area of interest to Harris.

As vice president, she has promoted the Biden administration’s initiatives on student debt, which have so far forgiven more than $168 billion for nearly 4.8 million borrowers . In mid-July, Harris said in a post on X that “nearly 950,000 public servants have benefitted” from student debt forgiveness, compared with only 7,000 when Biden was inaugurated.

A potential Harris administration could keep that momentum going – though some of Biden’s efforts have gotten tangled up in litigation, such as a program aimed at cutting monthly student loan payments for roughly 3 million borrowers enrolled in a repayment plan the administration implemented last year.

The vice president has also been a leader in the White House efforts to ban medical debt from credit reports, noting that those with medical debt are no less likely to repay a loan than those who don’t have unpaid medical bills.

In a late July statement praising North Carolina’s move to relieve the medical debt of about 2 million residents, Harris said that she is “committed to continuing to relieve the burden of medical debt and creating a future where every person has the opportunity to build wealth and thrive.”

Health care

Harris, who has had shifting stances on health care in the past, confirmed in late July through her campaign that she no longer supports a single-payer health care system .

During her 2020 campaign, Harris advocated for shifting the US to a government-backed health insurance system but stopped short of wanting to completely eliminate private insurance.

The measure called for transitioning to a Medicare-for-All-type system over 10 years but continuing to allow private insurance companies to offer Medicare plans.

The proposal would not have raised taxes on the middle class to pay for the coverage expansion. Instead, it would raise the needed funds by taxing Wall Street trades and transactions and changing the taxation of offshore corporate income.

When it comes to reducing drug costs, Harris previously proposed allowing the federal government to set “a fair price” for any drug sold at a cheaper price in any economically comparable country, including Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Japan or Australia. If manufacturers were found to be price gouging, the government could import their drugs from abroad or, in egregious cases, use its existing but never-used “march-in” authority to license a drug company’s patent to a rival that would produce the medication at a lower cost.

Harris has been a champion on climate and environmental justice for decades. As California’s attorney general, Harris sued big oil companies like BP and ConocoPhillips, and investigated Exxon Mobil for its role in climate change disinformation. While in the Senate, she sponsored the Green New Deal resolution.

During her 2020 campaign, she enthusiastically supported a ban on fracking — but a Harris campaign official said in late July that she no longer supports such a ban.

Fracking is the process of using liquid to free natural gas from rock formations – and the primary mode for extracting gas for energy in battleground Pennsylvania. During a September 2019 climate crisis town hall hosted by CNN, she said she would start “with what we can do on Day 1 around public lands.” She walked that back later when she became Biden’s running mate.

Biden has been the most pro-climate president in history, and climate advocates find Harris to be an exciting candidate in her own right. Democrats and climate activists are planning to campaign on the stark contrasts between Harris and Trump , who vowed to push America decisively back to fossil fuels, promising to unwind Biden’s climate and clean energy legacy and pull America out of its global climate commitments.

If elected, one of the biggest climate goals Harris would have to craft early in her administration is how much the US would reduce its climate pollution by 2035 – a requirement of the Paris climate agreement .


Harris has quickly started trying to counter Trump’s attacks on her immigration record.

Her campaign released a video in late July citing Harris’ support for increasing the number of Border Patrol agents and Trump’s successful push to scuttle a bipartisan immigration deal that included some of the toughest border security measures in recent memory.

The vice president has changed her position on border control since her 2020 campaign, when she suggested that Democrats needed to “critically examine” the role of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, after being asked whether she sided with those in the party arguing to abolish the department.

In June of this year, the White House announced a crackdown on asylum claims meant to continue reducing crossings at the US-Mexico border – a policy that Harris’ campaign manager, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, indicated in late July to CBS News would continue under a Harris administration.

Trump’s attacks stem from Biden having tasked Harris with overseeing diplomatic efforts in Central America in March 2021. While Harris focused on long-term fixes, the Department of Homeland Security remained responsible for overseeing border security.

She has only occasionally talked about her efforts as the situation along the US-Mexico border became a political vulnerability for Biden. But she put her own stamp on the administration’s efforts, engaging the private sector.

Harris pulled together the Partnership for Central America, which has acted as a liaison between companies and the US government. Her team and the partnership are closely coordinating on initiatives that have led to job creation in the region. Harris has also engaged directly with foreign leaders in the region.

Experts credit Harris’ ability to secure private-sector investments as her most visible action in the region to date but have cautioned about the long-term durability of those investments.


The Israel-Hamas war is the most fraught foreign policy issue facing the country and has spurred a multitude of protests around the US since it began in October.

After meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in late July, Harris gave a forceful and notable speech about the situation in Gaza.

We cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering. And I will not be silent.”

Harris echoed Biden’s repeated comments about the “ironclad support” and “unwavering commitment” to Israel. The country has a right to defend itself, she said, while noting, “how it does so, matters.”

However, the empathy she expressed regarding the Palestinian plight and suffering was far more forceful than what Biden has said on the matter in recent months. Harris mentioned twice the “serious concern” she expressed to Netanyahu about the civilian deaths in Gaza, the humanitarian situation and destruction she called “catastrophic” and “devastating.”

She went on to describe “the images of dead children and desperate hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third or fourth time.”

Harris emphasized the need to get the Israeli hostages back from Hamas captivity, naming the eight Israeli-American hostages – three of whom have been killed.

But when describing the ceasefire deal in the works, she didn’t highlight the hostage for prisoner exchange or aid to be let into Gaza. Instead, she singled out the fact that the deal stipulates the withdrawal by the Israeli military from populated areas in the first phase before withdrawing “entirely” from Gaza before “a permanent end to the hostilities.”

Harris didn’t preside over Netanyahu’s speech to Congress in late July, instead choosing to stick with a prescheduled trip to a sorority event in Indiana.

Harris is committed to supporting Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression, having met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at least six times and announcing last month $1.5 billion for energy assistance, humanitarian needs and other aid for the war-torn country.

At the Munich Security Conference earlier this year, Harris said: “I will make clear President Joe Biden and I stand with Ukraine. In partnership with supportive, bipartisan majorities in both houses of the United States Congress, we will work to secure critical weapons and resources that Ukraine so badly needs. And let me be clear: The failure to do so would be a gift to Vladimir Putin.”

More broadly, NATO is central to our approach to global security. For President Biden and me, our sacred commitment to NATO remains ironclad. And I do believe, as I have said before, NATO is the greatest military alliance the world has ever known.”

Police funding

The Harris campaign has also walked back the “defund the police” sentiment that Harris voiced in 2020. What she meant is she supports being “tough and smart on crime,” Mitch Landrieu, national co-chair for the Harris campaign and former mayor of New Orleans, told CNN’s Pamela Brown in late July.

In the midst of nationwide 2020 protests sparked by George Floyd’s murder by a Minneapolis police officer, Harris voiced support for the “defund the police” movement, which argues for redirecting funds from law enforcement to social services. Throughout that summer, Harris supported the movement and called for demilitarizing police departments.

Democrats largely backed away from calls to defund the police after Republicans attempted to tie the movement to increases in crime during the 2022 midterm elections.

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On Soccer With Rory Smith

Should soccer make space for other sports.

The saturation of soccer can be suffocating for the rest of the athletic landscape.

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Erling Haaland walks past fans as they lean over a railing seeking handshakes.

By Rory Smith

For almost half a century, the BBC’s broadcast schedule on a Saturday afternoon was both startlingly simple and comfortably unchanging. It amounted, in fact, to just a single word, one that somehow conveyed everything while telling viewers absolutely nothing. That word was Grandstand.

As anyone who has ever tried explaining the idea of a landline telephone to a teenager will know, the speed with which technology has shifted has rendered certain concepts not just redundant but somehow alien to generations who did not directly experience them.

The program “Grandstand” falls squarely into that category. From the moment it first appeared in 1958, it was a cornerstone of British broadcasting, a national institution, its bright, jolly theme song burned into the country’s consciousness. Its timings were consistent: “Grandstand” was on (almost) every Saturday, from midday until a little after 5 p.m.

Its content, though, was not. “Grandstand" was bookmarked by two soccer-related elements: “Football Focus,” a magazine-style preview of the weekend’s games, and “Final Score,” in which the host and a phalanx of reporters tracked the results live as they happened.

What happened in the middle was a sort of sporting potpourri, the exact opposite of on-demand television. Some weekends might contain international rugby or live tennis from Wimbledon or a Formula 1 grand prix. Others, a little thinner, might bring you hot badminton action from Kuala Lumpur, a few frames of snooker or some lawn bowling. (American readers of a certain age are probably flashing back to “Wide World of Sports” at this point, so here’s its famous intro .)

In 2001, the BBC made a slight tweak to the format, sluicing off “Football Focus” and “Final Score” as separate, identifiable entities. The Grandstand brand — beloved, but hemorrhaging viewers to satellite and cable broadcasters who had, by that stage, bought the television rights to anything anyone wanted to watch — would now apply only to the filling.

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    1.Describe the problem and tell why it is important to solve. 2. Explain your solution and why it will work. 3. Refute objections. Problems are easy to see, but finding solutions is not as easy. To write an effective paper, you need to spend some time preparing your ideas. This step-by-step guide leads you through the process of getting your ...

  15. How To Write a Problem Solution Essay

    Propose practical and reasonable solutions for the first problem. Support each solution with evidence and rationale. Solution 2: Repeat the process for the second problem's solutions. Ensure a clear connection between each problem and its respective solution. Conclusion.

  16. 100 Good Problem Solution Essay Topics for Firm Writing

    The problem-solution essay is a popular academic assignment. It is a form of persuasive writing where you have to explain the problem to your readers, convince them that the problem is significant and worth solving, present your solution, and refute any possible counterarguments that you can foresee. A good problem and solution essay suggests ...

  17. How to Write a Proposal Solution Essay: Step-by-Step Instructions

    Begin with a little brainstorming, collecting your thoughts and ideas, organizing them, and planning them out into a problem-solution essay outline or a map according to the reader's mind. Spot a good topic. Specify the problem. Engage the target audience in the problem by assuring that the problem is important and needs to be solved.

  18. 30 Proposal Essay Topics That Are Easy and Fun to Write

    This type of essay can be super easy (and also pretty fun) to write. All you need is the right topic. The right topic involves planning, research, and passion. Below, I'll show you how to choose the right topic and give you some example proposal essay topics that you can either use as is or use as inspiration to come up with your own topic.

  19. Problem-Solution Essay

    Outlining a Problem-Solution Paper. A problem-solution paper is exactly what it sounds like. First, an issue or obstacle is posed, then a solution or series of solutions is suggested to resolve that issue or obstacle. Problem-solution essays can be structured differently depending on the nature of the topic.

  20. Problem Solution Essay Examples

    Start with introducing the circumstances where the problem emerged. Then describe the issue and mention why its resolution is critical. After that, suggest one or several solutions (they usually take up the main body paragraphs). And conclude with an evaluation and call for action. You can consult problem solution essay examples for free to see ...

  21. Ultimate Guide to Writing a Winning Problem Solution Essay

    A good problem-solution essay should propose a solution that is easy to implement, reasonable, and solves the problem. Make sure your essay stays focused on the main topic. Below are steps for writing a good and impressive problem-solution essay. 1. Choose the Topic.

  22. PDF Planning a "Problem-Solution" Essay

    educator John Dewey as a reflective method for solving problems. The idea is to work through the list of questions and use the answers you come up with as the basis for organizing and developing the ideas for your essay. Step One: Define the Problem . 1. What is the specific problem that you or your colleagues are concerned about? 2.

  23. The Writing Center

    If the proposal is long (4+ pages), provide a cover page with a title, your name, the date, and the name of the person you're presenting it to. If it's short, you may use a memo header with its To, From, Date, and Subject lines. Last updated 7/3/2024. Problem Proposals People write problem proposals when they want to bring about some kind ...

  24. What Kamala Harris has said so far on key issues in her campaign

    The proposal would not have raised taxes on the middle class to pay for the coverage expansion. Instead, it would raise the needed funds by taxing Wall Street trades and transactions and changing ...

  25. Should Soccer Make Space for Other Sports?

    That distinction has only become more pronounced in the years since. The major leagues in the major sports — the Premier League, the Champions League, the N.B.A. and the N.F.L. — are now year ...