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  • Graduate Admissions
  • PhD application

The Doctoral Program in English Literature

Applying to the doctoral program.

Look for Program Code E25PH when searching for the PhD program in the online application system

Application information FOR

Matriculation in fall 2025, application deadline: tba, all application materials are due by 11:59 pm (cst) on the day of the deadline.

When reviewing applications, we look for evidence of keen intellectual ability, skill in literary analysis, scholarly potential, and a strong sense of academic purpose. We do not emphasize any single factor, but pay close attention to written work and to applicants' competency in one or more foreign languages. We typically expect to receive between 200 and 300 applications for admission to the doctoral program, with a target class size of between 6 and 8 students.

Notification of the admissions committee's decisions will most likely occur in early February. Once our offers of admissions have been made, we will invite those prospective students to campus for a Visiting Weekend around the beginning of March. This is a chance for you to meet with faculty and current graduate students, discuss future projects, and hear about current doctoral work, tour the department and the campus, sit in on graduate seminars, and to look at some of the many advantages that Evanston and Chicago have to offer.

All supplemental application materials must be submitted through The Graduate School's application system. Please do  not  send, or have sent, paper copies of any documents. If you or your recommenders are having difficulty submitting any component of the application online, and the application system's online help is unable to resolve your problem, please contact the  Graduate Program Coordinator .  Never have any application materials sent directly to The Graduate School or their Office of Admission.

In all cases , our department's specifics regarding supplemental application materials supersede those listed on The Graduate School's website, as well as any listed in the application itself.  

Supplemental Application Materials

The English Department requires that the following documents be submitted as part of the online application for the PhD program (program code E25PH).  

  • We cannot accept printouts of unofficial grade reports,
  • Transcripts for non-degree courses are  not  needed,
  • Transfer credits and courses taken as part of a study-abroad program will usually be included in your degree-awarding institution's transcript. There's no need to submit separate transcripts from those other institutions;
  • Two letters of recommendation , though we strongly advise you to ask for three;
  • An academic statement (1000 word max) answering the following questions: what are your academic interests, why do you wish to pursue graduate studies in our department, how has your academic and professional background prepared you for graduate study, and how will our program help you achieve your intellectual and professional goals? Please include mention of any research, training, or educational experiences you have that would be relevant to our program;
  • A personal statement (500 word max)  addressing how , as a student in our graduate program, you could contribute to an intellectual community that prioritizes equity, inclusion, belonging, and cultural humility.  Your answer may draw upon past or present experiences, whether in academic work, extracurricular or community activities, or everyday life;
  • It is not required, but feel free to submit an additional statement (250 word max) addressing concerns you may have with your application. If you feel that your academic credentials do not demonstrate your true capabilities, or if there are gaps in your academic career that you think it would  like to explain, this is the section in which to share that information;
  • Please do not submit creative writing samples of any kind;
  • Standard margins, Times New Roman 12 pt, double spaced;
  • You may submit more than one sample, so long as the total page count does not exceed 25
  • To be considered official, the exam must have been taken no more than two years prior to the intended September of entry ,
  • Because of the level of English fluency required of students in our program, we will only consider applications with a TOEFL score of at least 100, or IELTS score of at least 7,
  • Rules governing exemptions from this requirement can be found in our  FAQ ;
  • Additional details from Northwestern's Graduate School about the application (including further details on the TOEFL/IELTS requirement, transcript submission, application fees, etc...) can be found on The Graduate School's website .

Ph.D. Admissions

Thank you for your interest in our Ph.D. program, which offers an unparalleled combination of intellectual rigor and graduate support.  We are dedicated to training the next generation of scholars, and to confronting the opportunities offered by a changing job market. We look for various qualities in our applicants, including a proven capacity for advanced critical thinking and independent research.

The Department of English recognizes that the Supreme Court issued a ruling in June 2023 about the consideration of certain types of demographic information as part of an admission review. All applications submitted during upcoming application cycles will be reviewed in conformance with that decision. 

Note: Stanford does not offer a terminal Master of Arts in English.  

Autumn 2025 Admission

The deadline for the submission of graduate application forms to the Department of English for matriculation in Autumn 2024 will be  December 2, 2024 at 11:59pm PST .

Read all instructions at the  University Graduate Admissions website  before starting the application process.

Application Requirements/Checklist:

  • Application form: Completed online through the  University Graduate Admissions website
  • Non-refundable fee of $125.  For information on eligibility for fee waivers, please refer to  Graduate Application Fee Waiver
  • Statement of Purpose (ideally 500-600 words, maximum 1000, double spaced, submitted as part of the application): reasons for applying, preparation, specific study and research interests (e.g., 18th century, American lyric poetry, Middle English, etc.), future career plans, and any other information to elucidate background and potential as a scholar/teacher.
  • Letters of Recommendation:  Three letters of recommendation are required from faculty members or others who are qualified to evaluate academic work and teaching potential.  Recommenders submit their letters through the online system by the application deadline.
  • Transcripts: Unofficial transcripts from all universities and colleges you have attended for one year or more must be uploaded to the online application.  We only require admitted applicants who accept the offer of admission to submit official transcripts that show degree conferral. Please do not send any official transcripts to us at this time.
  • Writing sample: a critical paper of approximately 12-25 pages, ideally in your stated field of interest. The writing sample is also submitted with the online application.
  • Official TOEFL and/or TSE: required for all international applicants (whose primary language is not English) sent via ETS.  To see if you need to provide this information, please check the  Exam Requirements for International Applicants . Stanford does not accept IELTS scores.

Note to Stanford Undergraduates (both current and former):  

As a department we are gratified when some of our undergraduate majors decide to pursue advanced degrees in English.  To foster breadth in the students’ educational experience and also to expose our department to diverse ideas, our philosophy is that students who receive their undergraduate degrees from our department should generally look elsewhere to pursue their doctorates.

Inquiries about the Ph.D. in English should be directed to  englishadmissions [at] lists.stanford.edu (englishadmissions[at]lists[dot]stanford[dot]edu) .

Knight-Hennessy Scholars 

Join dozens of  Stanford School of Humanities and Sciences students  who gain valuable leadership skills in a multidisciplinary, multicultural community as  Knight-Hennessy Scholars (KHS). KHS admits up to 100 select applicants each year from across Stanford’s seven graduate schools, and delivers engaging experiences that prepare them to be visionary, courageous, and collaborative leaders ready to address complex global challenges. As a scholar, you join a distinguished cohort, participate in up to three years of leadership programming, and receive full funding for up to three years of your PhD studies at Stanford. Candidates of any country may apply. KHS applicants must have earned their first undergraduate degree within the last seven years, and must apply to both a Stanford graduate program and to KHS. Stanford PhD students may also apply to KHS during their first year of PhD enrollment. If you aspire to be a leader in your field, we invite you to apply. The KHS application for 2025 cohort opens on June 1, 2024. Learn more about  KHS admission .

Start English PhD Application

University of Notre Dame

Department of English

College of Arts and Letters

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Ph.D. in English

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The Ph.D. in English is a highly selective doctoral program at a top-ranked private research university that trains students for the academic profession of literary studies while building knowledge and skills relevant to a wide range of careers. As a student in our program, you will enjoy access to outstanding scholars working in a variety of fields and practicing diverse theoretical and methodological approaches.

Through our classes, individual student mentoring, and professionalization practicums, you will gain advanced training in the many facets of scholarship and professional life, including research methods, pedagogy, writing for publication, applying for funding, and the job search. Our faculty are committed to helping you develop your interests, voice, and skills as a researcher, writer, and teacher.

Logan Quigley

“I chose Notre Dame for my English Ph.D. because I wanted to land in a program with as much community support as possible. The stresses of graduate school are real, and it's important to be surrounded by supportive people who respect your needs, interests, and personal career goals. Notre Dame’s English Department is filled with faculty and administrators who truly care about setting their students up for success, whether that's on the academic job market or beyond. Throughout my dissertation process, I've been grateful to have a network of faculty and graduate students who are interested in supporting both my area of research and my personal goals.” — Logan Quigley, Ph.D. May 2022

Academic Partnerships

Notre Dame is home to renowned centers and institutes that enrich doctoral study and help build interdisciplinary connections. As a student here you will have the opportunity to participate in projects and colloquia—and apply for additional research and conference support—from institutes including:

  • Initiative on Race and Resilience
  • Institute for Latino Studies
  • Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies
  • Medieval Institute
  • Nanovic Institute for European Studies
  • Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values
  • Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study

Arnaud Zimmern

“As an applicant many years ago, Notre Dame struck me as a place where graduate students were encouraged to find multiple intellectual homes outside their own departments, through centers and institutes that recognize not only the promise of graduate student's intellectual contributions but the precarity of those contributions if left unsupported. I'm happy to say the University delivered, rewarding me time and time again with some of the richest, most rigorous academic conversations and, to boot, the means to pursue the research questions that those conversations generated.” — Arnaud Zimmern, Ph.D. May 2021. Now a Postdoctoral Fellow in the History of Philosophy and Science at Notre Dame

Graduate Minors

As a Ph.D. student in English you might also decide to pursue one of five graduate minors:

  • Gender Studies
  • Peace Studies
  • Irish Studies
  • Screen Cultures
  • History and Philosophy of Science

International Opportunities

Our Ph.D. program provides exciting opportunities to participate in an array of international opportunities, events, and partnerships. You might, for instance:

  • work with scholars in the UK or Germany as part of the “Global Dome” Ph.D. Summer Workshop in History and Literature;
  • live and teach at Notre Dame London while conducting your own research;
  • participate in the Irish Seminar, joining scholars and students from other institutions for workshops in locations such as Dublin, Paris, or Buenos Aires;
  • participate in the International Network for Comparative Humanities (INCH), a series of workshops that bring Notre Dame students together with faculty and students at Princeton and other major universities worldwide.

And, of course, you will have access to support from the department  and a range of other university sources  for research and conference travel.

Shinjini Chattopadhyay

“As an Irish grad minor, I participated in the Irish Seminar and traveled to Dublin and Kylemore Abbey where I had the wonderful opportunity of learning about Irish literature and culture from renowned international scholars. My participation in the Irish seminar was complemented with my engagement with INCH. For the INCH annual retreats, I traveled to Athens and Rome and got the opportunity to work with scholars and graduate students from various universities in the US and Europe. The international exposure generously provided by the program has significantly enriched my scholarship." — Shinjini Chattopadhyay, Ph.D. January 2022. Now Assistant Professor of Global Anglophone Literatures at Berry College

Have questions about the Ph.D. in English? Contact:

Department of English


Graduate Program Overview

Graduate students in Firestone Library Special Collections room

Ph.D. Program in English at Princeton

The aim of the Princeton graduate program in English is to produce well-trained and field-transforming scholars, insightful and imaginative critics, and effective and creative teachers. The Ph.D. program is both rigorous and supportive. With two years of coursework and three years of research and teaching, all fully funded, it is possible to complete the degree in five years. We offer multiple funding opportunities for research fellowships in year six, should students need additional time for dissertation completion and for the academic job market, or for pursuing other career opportunities.

Princeton is a research institution with strengths across the disciplines, but it maintains a feeling of intimacy. In keeping with the goals of the University at large, the Department of English seeks to cultivate and sustain a  diverse , cosmopolitan, and lively intellectual community. Because this is a residential university, whose traditions emphasize teaching as well as research, the faculty is easily accessible to students and committed to their progress.

The  faculty  of the Department of English is notable for its world-renowned scholarly reputation, and commitment to teaching and close collaboration with colleagues and students. The faculty showcases wide-ranging interdisciplinary interests as well as a diverse range of critical approaches within the discipline. In addition to offering seminars in every major historical field of concentration, from medieval to contemporary literatures, we offer a wide range of theoretical specializations in fields such as feminist theory, gender and sexuality studies, psychoanalysis, Marxism, postcolonialism, environmental studies, political and social theory, and cultural studies. Students may also take courses in cognate departments such as comparative literature, classics, philosophy, linguistics, history, and art history.

Course of Study

The graduate program in English is a five-year program (with multiple opportunities for funding in year six) leading to the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). Students may not enroll for a Master of Arts degree. During the first two years, students prepare for the General Examination through work in seminars, and directed or independent reading. The third, fourth, and fifth years are devoted the writing of a dissertation, and to teaching in undergraduate courses. Through numerous funding opportunities, we are able to offer sixth-year students generous research support.

Although programs are flexible, during the first two years graduate students normally take an average of three courses per semester, to complete the required 12 courses by the end of the second year. The comprehensive General Examination is then taken at the beginning of the third year of study.

Students must also demonstrate a reading knowledge of two foreign languages before the completion of the General Examination.

Course Requirements

Graduate students are required to take a minimum of twelve courses over their first two years in the program, usually enrolling in three courses per semester.

Our distribution requirements are designed to acquaint each student with a diverse range of historical periods and thematic and methodological concerns. The Department values both historical expertise and theoretical inquiry, and assumes that our discipline includes the study of film, visual culture, and media studies.

Graduate Students in English must take courses in each of the following six areas:

  • Medieval and Renaissance
  • 18th Century and 19th Century
  • Modern and Contemporary
  • Race, Ethnicity, and Postcoloniality
  • Gender and Sexuality

All distribution requirements must be taken for a letter grade. The six-course distribution requirement comprises 50% of the courses required for the degree, leaving sufficient room for intensive coursework in areas of specialization. 

While some graduate seminars may cover more than one field, students may not use one course to fulfill two or more distribution requirements at the same time. For example, a medieval course with a substantial commitment to theory may fulfill either the medieval and Renaissance or the theory requirements.

Each entering student is assigned a faculty advisor who works with the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) in planning course selection in the first and second years. After successfully submitting and presenting the dissertation proposal during the spring of the third year, students choose three faculty members to serve as their dissertation advisers.

Graduate Action Committee (GAC)

The Graduate Action Committee (GAC) is a representative group of graduate students in the Department that advocates for graduate student with faculty and administration. Among its primary goals are representing the concerns of the entire graduate student body, promoting intellectual and social interaction between faculty and graduate students, organizing an annual speaker series of distinguished academics, and improving the quality of graduate student life at Princeton. Every graduate student in the Department is welcome and encouraged to participate in GAC.

Working Group on Graduate Issues (WGGI)

The Working Group on Graduate Issues (WGGI) is a four- or five-person elected group of students who meet at several points during the academic year with the chair, director of graduate studies, and one additional faculty member to represent graduate student concerns.

In addition to participating in a variety of seminars and colloquia organized by the Department and other units at the University, graduate students are welcome to organize colloquia of their own. These may involve the discussion of an article or problem, the presentation of a paper, or a forum for debate.

Graduate students who have passed the General Examination are required to teach in undergraduate courses. While the minimum Department requirement is four hours, most students teach more than this. Students may conduct sections of large lecture courses, or direct precepts in upper-division courses. This teaching is supervised by experienced members of the faculty. The Department and University also offer, on an annual basis, a teacher training seminar and workshop. Advanced graduate students may co-design and co-teach courses with faculty through the  Collaborative Teaching Initiative . 

Library Collections

In addition to the general collections of Princeton’s libraries, Firestone Library has a number of special collections that are particularly rich in materials for study: one of the most important collections of medieval and renaissance manuscripts in the United States; works of the Restoration Period, with emphasis on drama; the theater collection, which contains materials for the study of theatrical history; extensive collections concerning the history and literature of the middle Atlantic and southern states; little poetry magazines; concrete and visual poetry; the Sinclair Hamilton Collection of American Illustrated books, 1670–1870; the Morris L. Parrish Collection of Victorian Novelists; the J. Harlin O’Connell Collection of the 1890's and the Gallatin Collection of Aubrey Beardsley; and the archives of major American publishing houses. The extensive Miriam Y. Holden Collection of Books on the History of Women is located adjacent to the Department’s literature collection in the Scribner Room.

Job Placement

We offer strong support and deep resources for students pursuing careers inside and outside academia. Our Job Placement and Career Resources page provides details, as well as information and statistics about recent academic appointments.

Admission  and Financial Aid

Competition for admission to the program is keen. About ten new students from a wide range of backgrounds are enrolled each year. The Department looks for candidates of outstanding ability and intellectual promise who have the potential to be lively, effective, and sympathetic scholars and teachers. Its judgments are based on letters of recommendation, transcripts, a personal statement, and a sample of the candidate’s academic writing. GRE scores are not required. Facility in foreign languages is also taken into account. To access the online application, please visit the  Graduate Admission Office .

All admitted students are fully funded. Fellowships are awarded by the Graduate School on the Department’s recommendation. Students are also eligible to apply for competitive external and internal fellowships, such as those offered by the Graduate School, the Center for Human Values, and the Center for the Study of Religion.

English Department

The Department offices, lecture halls, and seminar rooms are located in McCosh Hall. There are two libraries in McCosh Hall: the Thorp Library, home to the Bain-Swiggett Library of Contemporary Poetry, and the Hinds Library, the Department’s reading room and lounge. There is also a separate English Graduate Reading Room in Firestone Library, where reserve books for graduate seminars are kept on the shelves. It is adjacent to the Scribner Room, the Department's large non-circulating collection of books and journals.

The Graduate School provides University housing for about 65 percent of the graduate student body. New students have first priority. Although housing in the Princeton area is expensive, many graduate students find convenient and attractive private housing, sharing accommodations or investigating neighboring towns. There are also opportunities for graduate students to apply for resident positions in the undergraduate colleges.

Visiting Princeton

Applicants for admission are welcome to visit the campus at any time, and  tours  of the campus are available. Once the formal admissions period is over by the end of February, admitted students will be invited to campus and will have the opportunity to visit seminars, and meet with faculty and current graduate students.

english phd admission 2021

Doctor of Philosophy in English

Explore the opportunities offered by our innovative PhD program, which integrates rhetoric, writing, and discourse studies (RWD), technology and media studies (TMS), and literary and cultural studies (LCS). Our courses offer creative reinterpretations of these fields within the discipline of English. We emphasize research on texts and media as they are affected by form, purpose, technology of composition, audience, cultural location, social practices, and communities of discourse.

The program provides coursework and research opportunities that appeal to those who are pursuing an academic career as well as to professionals with careers outside the classroom or at another educational institution. Students may elect full- or part-time study, on campus or from a distance. Residency requirements may be met through Summer Doctoral Institutes, which offer hybrid on-line and on-site courses.

english phd admission 2021

I'm extremely grateful for my ODU classes at this point as my transition to online Zoom teaching and ability to provide support for our faculty at UR was made much easier! I knew while I was in classes it was an invaluable experience, but seeing our faculty struggle with the online environment, I felt so lucky to be comfortable in both teaching and participant roles in the Zoom world. - Carol Wittig, English PhD Candidate
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Student Announcements

Jessica Kubiak

Jessica Kubiak Wins Inaugural 2021 CCCC Outstanding Teaching Awar

Jessica Kubiak, student in Old Dominion University's English PhD program and professor at Jamestown Community College (NY) has won an inaugural 2021 CCCC Outstanding Teaching Award.

Megan Weaver

Dr. Megan Weaver Wins CWPA Dissertation Award

Dr. Megan Weaver, recent graduate of our Ph.D. program (ODU '20), received the inaugural dissertation award from the Council of Writing Program Administrators (CWPA).

Enhance your college career by gaining relevant experience with the skills and knowledge needed for your future career. Discover our experiential learning opportunities.

Picture yourself in the classroom, speak with professors in your major, and meet current students.

From sports games to concerts and lectures, join the ODU community at a variety of campus events. 

UMD UMD English Logo White

Ph.D. in English

Our nationally ranked Ph.D. program provides specialized training in literary, cultural and language studies for students who plan to teach at universities and colleges. 

Related Resources

  • English Ph.D. Handbook
  • Job Placement

English Ph.D. students pursue individualized programs of study within the parameters of our degree requirements; they share the qualities of excellent critical thinking and writing, and above all, of intellectual curiosity. Admission to the Ph.D. program is highly competitive, but all admitted students receive a five-year funding package. Once our students enter, they are mutually supportive and develop networks of collegial friends often maintained beyond their time at UMD.

Our students gain extensive teaching experience as part of their training at UMD, and our placement record is among the best in the nation.

Students moving successfully toward the Ph.D. degree are expected to complete the degree typically in five to six years. To maintain their status, students are expected to make satisfactory progress; those who do not may be eligible to change their degree objective from the Ph.D. to the M.A.

The Ph.D. curriculum offers opportunities for advanced study in a variety of literary and language fields, including literary and cultural history; aesthetic, critical and cultural theory; digital and media studies; humanistic engagement with the sciences; and language, rhetoric and composition. The curriculum addresses a series of broad questions relevant to such studies: What are the histories, genealogies and futures of literary, cultural and rhetorical studies? What is the relationship of such work to society, politics and history? To the media of representation and communication? To reading and writing practices? To disciplinarity and institutional contexts? How do we conceptualize, teach and apprehend aesthetics through literary and other modes of cultural expression? The courses available to doctoral students particularize such broad issues and, together with extensive attention to pedagogy and teacher-training, have as a general objective the training of students to identify and formulate compelling research questions and the preparation of students for long-term careers in academia.

The program combines flexibility with consistent and continuous mentorship from the faculty and the director of Graduate Studies (DGS). The degree requirements are as follows:

  • a minimum of 10 courses (30 credits) at the graduate level, including three required courses, with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.6 (see Satisfactory Progress)
  • between 3 and 6 credits of ENGL898, Pre-candidacy Research
  • reading facility in a second language
  • successful passage of a qualifying examination
  • an approved dissertation prospectus
  • a successful dissertation defense

Students who begin the Ph.D. program having earned an M.A. in English would be expected to complete a minimum of 8courses (24 credits) of coursework.

Course Requirements

The Ph.D. requires a minimum of 10 courses (30 credits) for students entering the program without an M.A. This includes 2 required courses. All coursework must be completed with a minimum of a 3.6 GPA (see Satisfactory Progress). Students are required to take ENGL601: “Introduction to Graduate Studies”; and ENGL611: “Approaches to College Composition” as part of their 10 course requirement. In addition, students will select a minimum of 8 additional graduate courses. The degree assumes conversance with the major body of English and American literature as well as familiarity with bibliography, research methods and other necessary tools of the trade.

Students may take up to 2 independent-study courses to fulfill 600-level electives. Students interested in taking an independent-study course for elective credit should collaborate with their professor in writing up an intended course of study and file it with the Graduate Office for approval by the DGS before the first day of classes each semester. Please see the form here .

Students may also make special arrangements to do additional work in their 600-level courses to have those courses count as a seminar/700 level course. Students wishing to take a 600-level class as a seminar must provide the Graduate Studies Office with the required seminar credit form and syllabus detailing the additional work that will be undertaken in order for the course to be counted as a 700-level seminar at the beginning of the semester. Students may not take an independent study for seminar/700 level credit except in extreme circumstances and only after receiving permission from the DGS.

Newly admitted Ph.D. students entering the program with an M.A. from another institution should meet with the director of Graduate Studies (DGS) to have their academic record evaluated; the DGS will establish what courses taken during the previous M.A. can count toward the Ph.D. distribution requirements or recommend courses that will enable their completion. Students who begin the Ph.D. program having earned an M.A. in English from another institution would be expected to complete a minimum of 8 courses (24 credits) of coursework, but may be required to complete more at the DGS’s discretion. All Ph.D. students should select courses with two primary goals in mind: 1) filling in gaps in their knowledge of literary history and 2) developing an area of scholarly expertise and professionalization.

The DGS will help students select courses and act as the general advisor for students entering the program. Students will be assigned mentoring teams just prior to their first semester and this mentoring team, in conjunction with the DGS, will help them select courses for the second semester. After the first year in coursework, students can work directly with their mentors to choose appropriate courses.

During the coursework phase of the program each student will meet with his or her advising team and/or the DGS in order to assess academic progress and to discuss his or her intended degree track and plans for professionalization. Students whose GPA for the first completed 15 credits of coursework is 3.0 or lower will be offered the option of pursuing the terminal M.A. degree or of resigning from the graduate program altogether.

A note on incompletes: Students are generally discouraged from taking incompletes, but especially so at the beginning of their coursework, in order to ensure that academic progress can be accurately assessed. If an incomplete is necessary in the first 15 credits of coursework, the DGS must be consulted in addition to the instructor of the course. 

Foreign Language Requirement

Students must demonstrate, by equivalencies or exam, reading knowledge of one language other than English. When satisfying this requirement, students are encouraged to choose a foreign language that is appropriate for his or her area of doctoral studies. The director of Graduate Studies (DGS), the student's mentors and the student will coordinate in determining the appropriate language. In addition to the foreign language requirement administered by the Graduate Studies Office (GSO), the student's dissertation committee may also recommend more advanced proficiency in the language selected and/or work in an additional language; however, the student is obliged to be tested on (or to provide an equivalent for) only one language. The foreign language requirement must be fulfilled before the student can be admitted to his or her qualifying exam and no later than the fifth semester in the program in order to maintain satisfactory progress.

Equivalencies : Equivalencies include: native speaking ability; undergraduate major; passage of an equivalent requirement in another graduate program; a grade of B or better in a 300-level course in the language taken at the University of Maryland after starting the Ph.D. program. A 300-level course must emphasize the fluent use of the language in a variety of formats and all major assignments in the course must be conducted in the language and not in English. The written work for the course must be evaluated for language and style as well as for organizational accuracy and coherence. The DGS will determine whether coursework or other equivalencies are appropriate and sufficiently recent to attest to proficiency.

Timeline : If foreign language equivalency is not fulfilled prior to admission, students have the option of taking a foreign language exam at the end of their first or second semester of the Ph.D. program. Students who have not fulfilled the foreign language requirement by the end of their second semester will test out of or enroll in a prerequisite entry-level foreign language class in their third semester. Students will have the opportunity of (re-) taking the exam during the first week of their third semester. Students who pass the exam can drop the prerequisite language class. Students who do not pass will complete (or test out of) the pre-requisite class and will have another opportunity to take the language exam at the end of their third semester. Students who have not fulfilled the foreign language requirement by the end of their third semester will take a 300-level language class in their fourth semester. Students who do not receive a grade of “B” or better in the foreign language class during their fourth semester will retake the class or/and the language exam in their fifth semester. (Students admitted prior to Fall 2015 must fulfill their foreign language requirement by their 5th semester in the program, and before taking a qualifying exam, but are exempt from the rest of this timeline.)

The Foreign Language Exam : At least one month prior to the exam, students will choose and submit to the GSO for its approval two books of at least 200 pages in the foreign language, one primary work and one secondary work (both works must have been originally written in the target language and may not be translated works). The GSO will determine the appropriateness of the student’s choice. ('Appropriateness' does not necessarily mean that the primary text must come from your period of specialization and that the secondary text must be about your period, simply that the texts are equivalent in difficulty to other texts students are tested on.) Once the student’s choice of texts has been approved, the GSO will assign an appropriate faculty member to administer the exam and provide this faculty member with a set of guidelines and expectations for the foreign language exam. The faculty member administering the exam will choose a 250- to 300-word passage from each, the primary and the secondary work. The student will have three hours to prepare the translation with the help of a dictionary. The faculty administrator will evaluate the translations and determine whether or not the student passed or failed, based on the guidelines provided by the GSO. The GSO will keep on file all exams and make them available to students preparing for the exam.

Students will be assigned two faculty mentors in their first year and will serve as a research assistant for one of them in the fall and the other in the spring.

These advising teams are charged with meeting with the student at least once each semester and with filing a report (no more than a page) each semester on the student’s progress with the Graduate Studies office. Students are expected to remain in regular contact with their advisors.  The members of each advising team will help students select courses, otherwise navigate the program and begin the process of professionalization, and they will act generally as resources for the student, as well as sign off on the student's self-evaluation form. The DGS will remain available to all students in all stages of the program to assist in advising.

As students are preparing to advance to candidacy, the advising team will help the student form the qualifying examination committee. The advising committee may be separate from the examination committee. From this point until the constitution of the dissertation defense committee, the qualifying examination committee will act as the student's primary advisors.

All students are expected to keep regular contact with the DGS and their advising teams throughout all stages of the program. Measures to be used to assess progress include the student’s grades, other evidence of the quality of coursework, schedule for meeting requirements for candidacy and schedule for completing the dissertation.

Qualifying Exams

To advance to candidacy, all Ph.D. students must complete the oral Qualifying Examination. The language requirement must be satisfied before a student can take his or her qualifying exam. Students should contact the Graduate Office eight weeks before to schedule an exam date and reserve a room. A signed copy of the reading list must also be submitted when scheduling the exam .

Planning for the Qualifying Examination

In order to be admitted to Qualifying Exams, students must have satisfactorily completed all their coursework and met the foreign language requirement. Students with outstanding incompletes in coursework are not eligible to take the exam. Students should consult with their appointed advising teams in forming an examination committee that will administer the Qualifying Exam and serve as the student's advising committee until the constitution of the dissertation committee. The exam committee consists of four graduate faculty members, including a chair and three committee members. (Please note that while many students do keep the same committee for their dissertation, it is not a requirement.) Students register for a range of 3 to 6 credit hours of ENGL898, “Pre-Candidacy Research,” and are expected to meet regularly with the chair and at least one member of their examination committees under this rubric.

We encourage Ph.D. students to take the Qualifying Examination by their sixth semester in the doctoral program and expect them to sit for the exam no later than their seventh semester. Students who received an M.A. prior to admission are expected to complete coursework more quickly and take their qualifying exams as early as the fifth semester in the program.

The Reading List

The Qualifying Examination is based on a reading list compiled by the student in consultation with his or her committee. The list will include roughly 80-120 works, chosen to cover two of the following categories: a literary period; a recognized field; the proposed area of the dissertation.  For students planning to work in literature, it is assumed that a 100-year period will be covered. The field may be interpreted as any discrete literary concern that has accrued a body of serious critical thought and may include such diverse subjects as genre; literary, linguistic or theoretical criticism or methodology; a sub-period. Typically, students develop a literary period or field list of approximately 75 works and a more focused list of 25 works on the proposed dissertation topic; also typically, around 80 percent of the list consists of primary texts and 20 percent of secondary titles. But there are wide varieties in lists (some will be longer than others; some will have more criticism than others; etc.) The reading list must be approved by the committee chair and all committee members eight weeks prior to the examination. A copy of the reading list, signed by your committee, must be turned into the Graduate Office eight weeks prior to scheduling the exam.

The exam consists of two 60-minute parts: 1) an oral presentation by the student and follow-up discussion of the presentation; 2) a general examination on the reading lists.

Working in consultation with other members of the committee and the student, the committee chair prepares 2-4 topics for part one of the exam, the student's oral presentation. The student will receive the topics from the Graduate Office one week before the oral examination. The exam begins with the student's 15-20-minute oral presentation on the selected topic. The student may bring a copy of the reading list and brief notes to the exam. Students may also use PowerPoint or any other technological aid for their presentation. A 35-40 minute discussion follows the student's presentation.

Part two is an approximately one-hour examination on the student's two reading lists. The emphasis here is on breadth.

At the conclusion of the examination the student leaves the room and the committee discusses and votes on the student's performance. Three passing votes constitute a passing grade on the exam. If the student fails the exam, they can retake the exam the following semester. The student will receive a written assessment from the chair of the committee indicating the reasons for the failure. The examination committee and reading list should remain the same from the initial to the second attempt. Changes must be requested, in writing, to the DGS, and may be made only upon approval by the DGS. Failing the exam a second time disqualifies the student from continuing in the Ph.D. program. The DGS or a representative from the Graduate Studies Committee will be present at the second attempt to ensure procedural fairness. The chair of the examining committee informs the director of Graduate Studies in writing about the result of the exam.

Teaching assistants receive a step promotion and a small raise in stipend once they have advanced to candidacy. Upon advancing to candidacy, the student has four years to complete the dissertation; the Graduate School grants extensions only in extreme circumstances.  Students generally complete the dissertation in 2-3 years. Candidacy forms to be submitted to the Graduate School must be filed at the English graduate office. See Ph.D. Deadlines and Paperwork. Upon advancing to candidacy, students are expected to file a dissertation progress form (save to your hard drive to access the text fields) with the Graduate Office each semester.

Dissertation Prospectus

The prospectus is to be submitted within four months of passing the qualifying exam. The prospectus establishes that the student has defined a research question that is worth pursuing and is in a position to do a good job of pursuing it. The prospectus should be developed in consultation with your committee.


Students have successfully passed the qualifying exam and have advanced to candidacy. Upon advancing to candidacy, students are expected to file a dissertation progress form with the Graduate Office each semester. Ph.D. candidates are expected to file an approved dissertation prospectus within four months of passing the qualifying exam. At least three of the four members of the student’s dissertation committee are expected to meet annually with the student to review progress. A successful defense of dissertation is the final requirement for the degree. Students must graduate within four years of advancing to candidacy. All graduate students must register for courses and pay associated tuition and fees each semester, not including summer and winter sessions, until the degree is awarded. 

Dissertation Committee

The Ph.D. student should be thinking about assembling a Dissertation Committee while still taking courses and identifying areas of specialization for the Qualifying Examination. In many cases, the dissertation committee is the same as the Qualifying Examination committee. A Dissertation Committee consists of four faculty members (one of whom may be University of Maryland faculty outside of the English department), who advise the student on his/her dissertation. One member serves as the student's dissertation director. All members of the dissertation committee must be members of the University of Maryland's graduate faculty. If a student wishes to include in his or her dissertation committee a person who is not currently a member of the University's general graduate faculty, that person will have to be nominated by the department as adjunct or special member of the university's graduate faculty and approved as such by the Graduate School. The nomination by the department is made on the recommendation of the department's full graduate faculty by simple majority.

The Ph.D. student should consult with the director of Graduate Studies and his or her advising team concerning the selection of the Dissertation Committee.

The prospectus should demonstrate that the student:

  • has defined and delimited an interesting research question
  • can explain the importance of the research question and the contribution that it will make to the field
  • is familiar with the existing scholarship related to the research question and can describe the relationship of the dissertation project to that scholarship (review of the literature)
  • has developed a theoretical framework for the argument and a methodology for your project.

The prospectus should be between 8-12 pages in length. It should be written in clear prose and include a bibliography. The prospectus, including a one-page abstract and the completed prospectus form (signed by the all four committee members), should be turned in to the English graduate office.

Dissertation Workshop

We urge students to take the Dissertation Workshop (1 credit of ENGL898) in the semester following successful passage of the qualifying examination. Taught by members of the department’s faculty and convened weekly as a seminar, usually during the fall semester, the workshop concentrates on helping students advance their work on the dissertation, whether they are developing a prospectus or writing individual chapters.

Dissertation Template

Please refer to the Graduate School instructions for dissertation templates here (full dissertation template available here ) for clarity and guidance in constructing your dissertation for submission and committee review.

Dissertation Defense Committee

When the dissertation is nearly complete and the major advisor has approved moving on to this penultimate step, the Ph.D. candidate 1) submits to the Graduate School a request to appoint the Dissertation Oral Committee and 2) schedules the dissertation defense. Consisting of five faculty, this committee normally includes the four members of the candidate's Dissertation Committee and an additional member of the university’s graduate faculty serving as the graduate dean's representative.  

In accordance with Graduate School regulations, that representative must be from outside the department. All members of the Defense Committee appointed by the Graduate School must attend the defense. Students must submit their final draft of their dissertation to their committee at least two weeks before the defense date. Typically, the defense is a two-hour discussion of the dissertation. Four of the five members of the Dissertation Defense Committee must approve the dissertation in order for the student to pass.  

Please see the Dissertation Policies here

Submission of Dissertation

The approved dissertation must be submitted electronically to the Graduate School by the deadlines posted for graduation in a given semester (see the Graduate School Deadlines ). Information about all aspects of electronic submission of the dissertation is available on the Graduate School's website .

Completing the Ph.D. involves careful attention to deadlines imposed and paperwork required by the Graduate School.

Students are expected to complete their coursework and meet the foreign language requirement by no later than their fifth semester in the program. Please contact the Graduate Office to schedule your language exam and confirm the acceptability of equivalences if you wish to not take an exam to meet your language requirement. 

Students are expected to advance to candidacy by successfully passing their qualifying examination by their seventh semester in the program. Please contact the Graduate Office to schedule your qualifying exam. Submit your form for candidacy advancement to the Graduate Office (2116 Tawes) upon successful completion of your qualifying exam. Upon advancing to candidacy, students are expected to file a dissertation progress form with the Graduate Office each semester.

Students must file an approved dissertation prospectus with the Graduate Office no later than four months following the qualifying examination. 

Specific deadlines for students intending to graduate will be announced on the English graduate-student reflector and are also available from the Graduate School's Deadlines for Graduates . Most of the necessary paperwork for these deadlines can be found on the Graduate School's General Forms for Graduate Students .

Graduate Admissions

We seek applicants who will enhance our highly motivated, academically accomplished, and intellectually and culturally diverse student body. We normally receive about 100 applications annually for M.A. and Ph.D. programs.

Ph.D. Application Instructions

Submit the complete application and all supporting materials by December 1, 2023 . Please note that the system will close promptly at midnight, so you will be unable to edit your application past 11:59 pm on this date. The system is set to Maryland time (EST). If you are uncertain about what time that the system will close in your timezone, please look it up. We are unable to make exceptions for late applications based on timezone.

Admission to the Ph.D. is highly competitive. If you would like to be considered for the M.A. program if not selected for the Ph.D. program, please indicate that in your personal statement. We expect to enroll between 6-8 Ph.D. students for this year's cohort.

University of Maryland's Graduate Application Process

The University of Maryland’s Graduate School accepts applications through its application system . Before completing the application, applicants are asked to check the Admissions Requirements site for specific instructions.

As required by the Graduate School, all application materials are to be submitted electronically:

  • Graduate Application
  • Non-refundable application fee ($75) for each program
  • Statement of Goals, Research Interests, and Experiences. The statement, which should be around 1000 words, should address relevant aspects of your educational experience, the focus of your academic interests, and reasons for applying to our program. If you are applying to the PhD program but would like to be considered for the MA if you are not selected for the PhD, please indicate that here.
  • Unofficial transcripts of your entire college/university record (undergraduate and graduate), including records of any advanced work done at another institution. Electronic copies of these unofficial transcripts must be uploaded along with your on-line application. Official transcripts will be required after an applicant is admitted to the program.
  • Three letters of recommendation . In your on-line application, please complete fully the information requested for your recommenders and ask them to submit their letters electronically. We do not accept letters through Interfolio.
  •  A single sample of critical writing of approximately 12-20 pages double-spaced (not including works cited/bibliography). While we encourage you to submit your best writing sample, we prefer a writing sample in your declared field of interest. If you are submitting an excerpted selection, please include a brief description or introduction to the selection. The MLA citation format is preferred.
  • Academic CV/Resume

The electronic submission of application materials helps expedite the review of an application. Completed applications are reviewed by an admissions committee in each graduate degree program. The recommendations of the committees are submitted to the Dean of the Graduate School, who will make the final admission decision. Students seeking to complete graduate work at the University of Maryland for degree purposes must be formally admitted to the Graduate School by the Dean.  To ensure the integrity of the application process, the University of Maryland authenticates submitted materials through TurnItIn for Admissions .

Information for International Graduate Students

The University of Maryland is dedicated to maintaining a vibrant international graduate student community. The office of International Students and Scholars Services (ISSS) is a valuable resource of information and assistance for prospective and current international students.  International applicants are encouraged to explore the services they offer, and contact them with related questions.

The University of Maryland Graduate School offers admission to international students based on academic information; it is not a guarantee of attendance.  Admitted international students will then receive instructions about obtaining the appropriate visa to study at the University of Maryland which will require submission of additional documents.  Please see the Graduate Admissions Process for International applicants for more information.

Questions related to the admissions process, prospective students may contact the Graduate School .

Prospective Student FAQ

Because many of our applicants share general questions about the application process, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions to make applying a bit easier.

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Students are admitted to graduate study (only in the fall) by the Graduate School on the recommendation of the Department. Entering classes average five to ten students. Students must apply either to the six-year PhD program or the one-year Master of Arts program, although applicants who are accepted to the PhD may elect to complete a three- or three-and-a-half-year MPhil degree instead. (For further details on this alternative, please consult the Yale University Graduate School Programs and Policies . )

Special Admissions Requirements for English

Application should be accompanied by a statement of academic purpose, and a writing sample of up to twenty double-spaced pages. Selection is based on the applicant’s undergraduate record; evidence of motivation supplied in the personal statement; evidence of ability to do advanced work as expressed in the writing sample and supported by three letters of recommendation; and preparation in languages sufficient to satisfy the language requirement. We do not require or accept GRE scores. The committee would like to see a sample of your best writing in a literary critical mode. If that sample is more than a few pages longer than the suggested 20-page limit (excluding works cited), you can submit an excerpt, with a brief explanation of how it fits into the larger paper at the top.

The application deadline is December 1. Note: The deadline for those applying for a combined program (e.g., African American Studies) is always the  earlier deadline of the two individual programs. The application is available online through the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Admissions page . All application materials, supporting credentials and recommendations, and application fee must be received by the deadline to be considered by Yale for admission. Admissions decisions are announced by early March.

Combined Programs

The Department of English offers combined PhD with  African American Studies , Early Modern Studies ,  Film and Media Studies ,  History of Art , and   Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies .

General New Student Information, Questions, and Referrals

The Office for Graduate Student Development and Diversity  is committed to building and maintaining a nurturing and caring community of scholars where students from diverse backgrounds and experiences are supported in their professional and intellectual goals and pursuits.

The McDougal Center serves as “information central” for incoming students. The Center can address new student questions about families, childcare, parking, travel, schedules, or other areas of life at Yale and in New Haven.

Living in New Haven  is a Yale-wide web page for all prospective & current students, faculty & staff. Pictures, video testimonials, neighborhood profiles and information links on community, housing culture, shopping, transit and services in New Haven are posted on the site.

The  Yale Visitor Center  offers tours, exhibits, attractions, lodging, directions, and more.

Gateway for New Students  provides information on Orientation and the New Student Checklist.

Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Programs and Policies . “The Blue Book,” listing policies, programs and courses, is available online in August each academic year.

Our Graduate Housing office begins to accept applications for on-campus dormitories and apartments on April 22, and Off-Campus and  Yale University properties begin leasing apartments now for summer. Apply promptly, as space is limited.

Ph.D. in English

General info.

  • Faculty working with students: 24
  • Students: 47
  • Students receiving Financial Aid: 100%
  • Part time study available: No
  • Application terms: Fall
  • Application deadline: December 5

Kathy Psomiades Director of Graduate Studies Department of English Duke University Box 90017 Durham, NC 27708-0017

Phone: (919) 684-5538

Email: [email protected]

Website:  http://english.duke.edu/graduate

Program Description

The department offers a wide range of program options, from the study of historical periods and genres (medieval to postcolonial) to literary criticism and theory. The department's recent emphasis on contemporary anglophone and trans-national studies, the relationship of science and literature, and questions of "modernity" complement the more traditional canonical concerns of the department. There is close cooperation with the Literature Program, with which the department shares faculty, and our own English and American literature offerings are supplemented by the program's interdisciplinary and internationalist interests. For more information, visit http://english.duke.edu/graduate .

  • English: PhD Admissions and Enrollment Statistics
  • English: PhD Completion Rate Statistics
  • English: PhD Time to Degree Statistics
  • English: PhD Career Outcomes Statistics

Application Information

Application Terms Available:  Fall

Application Deadline:  December 5

Graduate School Application Requirements See the Application Instructions page for important details about each Graduate School requirement.

  • Transcripts: Unofficial transcripts required with application submission; official transcripts required upon admission
  • Letters of Recommendation: 3 Required
  • Statement of Purpose: Required
  • Résumé: Required
  • GRE Scores: GRE General (Optional)
  • English Language Exam: TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo English Test required* for applicants whose first language is not English *test waiver may apply for some applicants
  • GPA: Undergraduate GPA calculated on 4.0 scale required

Department-Specific Application Requirements (submitted through online application)

Writing Sample A writing sample (nonreturnable, limited to 25 pages) is required and must be submitted in the Departmental Requirements section of the Graduate School’s online application. The writing sample should be a copy of an essay (nonfiction), preferably a critical or scholarly essay submitted as an academic requirement in a literature course. The applicant's name should appear on each page in top right corner.

We strongly encourage you to review additional department-specific application guidance from the program to which you are applying: Departmental Application Guidance

List of Graduate School Programs and Degrees

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PhD and MA Graduate Admissions

Our application deadline is December 15th at 11:59 pm. Due to our application portal's technical specifications, the system may allow submission of applications after that deadline. No applications submitted after the December 15th deadline will be reviewed.

Application Procedures

Applicants to all graduate degree programs should apply online through  ApplyWeb . We do not accept paper applications.

For both the terminal M.A. and Ph.D. programs,  the application portal opens on  October 2nd  and closes on  December 15th  of each year. There is a short grace period after December 15th in which we will still accept letters of recommendation and official test scores. The Graduate Coordinator will follow up with you after December 15th if you are missing any of these elements and will provide a need-by date. Please note that the grace period is meant to allow recommenders to be a little late without negatively affecting your application, and should not be considered an alternate due date. Applicants should provide the December 15th due date to their recommenders. Applicants are ultimately responsible for ensuring that we receive their letters of recommendation.

Applications for submatriculation  are accepted until February 10th  of each year.   Students interested in submatriculating should be in touch with the Undergraduate Chair, the Graduate Chair, and their College contact (assigned and listed in Path@Penn ) before or during the application process. Each of these contacts provide important information about the submatriculation process.

We only accept full-time students for the M.A. and Ph.D. program , and do not offer part-time options for either program. All applicants are applying to begin in the fall semester of the following year. We do not accept applications for spring admission.

The application fee is $90 , payable via credit or debit card at the time of submission. 

NOTE: Application fee waivers are managed entirely by the Graduate Division of the School of Arts and Sciences, and individual departments do not have the power to grant them. To apply for a fee waiver, applicants should send a brief letter to Patricia Rea, Associate Director for Admissions, at  [email protected] , stating the reason for the request. This letter should be sent no later than  December 1st . Please be advised that the applicant must demonstrate a clear and compelling case of financial hardship.

Technical isues with ApplyWeb should be addressed to Technical Support ( [email protected] ).

Elements of the Application

In addition to your application form, which you will complete via ApplyWeb, we ask that you attach the following supporting documents to your application.

A personal statement.*  In the personal statement, all M.A. and Ph.D. applications within the Graduate Division of Arts & Sciences should address the following: Please describe how your background and academic experiences have influenced your decision to pursue a graduate degree and led you to apply to Penn. Your essay should detail your specific research interests and intellectual goals within your chosen field. Please provide information about your educational trajectory, intellectual curiosity and academic ambitions. If you have overcome adversity and/or experienced limited access to resources or opportunities in your field of study, please feel free to share how that has affected the course of your education. We are interested in your lived experiences and how your particular perspective might contribute to the inclusive and dynamic learning community that Penn values and strives to create. In the English Graduate Group, we ask that you discuss in this same personal statement your particular interest in our program, including why it is a good fit for your goals in graduate school. Your personal statement should not exceed 1200 words.

A critical writing sample.*  This should be approximately 20 double-spaced pages long and should reflect your writing abilities and most up-to-date critical thinking.  The writing sample must match one of your field interests or concentrations.  We strongly prefer a single, 20-page paper over two shorter papers that add up to 20 pages.

Three letters of recommendation.  These should be written by professors who know your work and can attest to your academic ability. Personal and other non-academic recommendation letters are strongly discouraged. Applicants should use the ApplyWeb system to submit letters. Applicants will submit the names, titles, and contact information of their recommenders, who will receive an emailed invitation to submit a letter on the applicant's behalf. If you or your recommenders have issues with this system, please email Meghan Hall ( [email protected] ) for troubleshooting.  Please do not submit more than four recommendation letters. 

Electronic versions of your academic transcripts.  These do not have to be official transcripts, but can either be a pdf downloaded from your student portal or a scanned copy of a paper transcript.  If accepted, you will need to provide a final, official paper copy of your transcript before you matriculate.

  • Proof of English Proficiency.  Applicants with citizenship or permanent resident status in the United States, Canada, the UK, Australia, or New Zealand are not required to provide this, and their applications will automatically waive the requirement. Citizens of other countries may satisfy this requirement by either  1 ) submitting proof of having graduated from an institution where English was the primary language of instruction to Meghan Hall, Graduate Coordinator (in most cases, your transcripts will suffice), or  2 ) submitting TOEFL or IELTS scores . Our TOEFL code is 2986.  IELTS scores must be sent via mail to University of Pennsylvania, Department of English, 3340 Walnut Street, Rm 127, Philadelphia, PA 19104, Attn: Meghan Hall, Graduate Coordinator. The University of Pennsylvania only accepts hard copies of IELTS scores. Questions about individual cases should be directed to Meghan Hall ( [email protected] ).

*  For both your  personal statement  and  critical writing sample , please include  1 primary field of interest  and up to  2 additional fields of interest  at the top of the first page, or in the page's header. Your primary field of interest should match your selection of concentration on the ApplyWeb application form. Please choose from the following list:

  • Medieval Literature
  • Early Modern/Renaissance Literature
  • Restoration and Eighteenth-Century British Literature  (includes Restoration, Eighteenth Century, Early Romanticism, British Empire Studies)
  • Nineteenth-Century British Literature  (includes Later Romanticism, Victorianism, British Empire Studies)
  • Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century British Literature  (includes British Modernism, Postwar, Contemporary, British Empire Studies)
  • American Literature through the Nineteenth Century
  • Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century American Literature  (includes American Modernism, Postwar, Contemporary)
  • American Studies/Ethnic Studies  (Asian American, Latino/a, Native American, Critical Race Studies, Transnational Americas)
  • African American and Afro-diaspora Literature
  • Contemporary Poetry & Poetics
  • Postcolonial Studies  (Global South: South Asia, Africa, Caribbean, Latin America, East Asia)
  • Film, Television, and New Media
  • Gender & Sexuality Studies
  • Material Texts and Digital Humanities

Example: a student interested in the 18th-century British Novel, colonial discourse, and feminism would include at the top of their personal statement, “Primary: 18th-Century British Literature, Additional: British Empire Studies, Gender & Sexuality Studies”

Example: a student interested in studying Latino/a literature, Latin American Literature, and Film would include at the top of their personal statement, "Primary: American/Ethnic Studies; Additional: Postcolonial-Latin America and Film, Television, and New Media." 

For International Applicants & Admittees

NOTE TO APPLICANTS FROM THE UK: we encourage UK applicants to apply for a Thouron Fellowship. The Thouron is a 1-2 year fellowship that pays for a Masters degree. Fellows who are admitted to our Ph.D. program may then continue with fellowship support from Penn. Note that the Thouron deadline is in November. Information and application materials are available on the Thouron.org website .

International Students admitted into the program should apply for their Social Security number as soon as possible so that they don't experience a delay in receiving their stipend.

Questions about the admission process? See our  Frequently Asked Questions  or contact Meghan Hall, Graduate Coordinator ( [email protected] ).

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Course closed:

English is no longer accepting new applications.

Cambridge is an outstanding place to work on Anglophone literature. Students and scholars benefit from world-class libraries, and from each other. The PhD cohort is diverse and large in number. No particular area or approach is preferred. Faculty members who act as supervisors and advisors for doctoral theses work on a great variety of topics and in varied ways. Proposals of all kinds are therefore welcome: on little-known as well as canonical authors; from innovative and interdisciplinary as well as from more traditional thematic, theoretical, cultural and literary-historical perspectives. Regular postgraduate training sessions offer guidance at every stage of the process - from first-year assessment to learning to teach to applying for jobs. In addition to the formal training, there are excellent opportunities for the sorts of enriching conversations and collaborations that emerge informally, between fellow PhDs, MPhils and Faculty members. Some of these take place under the auspices of the student-run Graduate Research Forum.  Regular Research Seminars focus on particular periods and fields (for instance, Medieval, Nineteenth Century, Postcolonial and Related Literatures); these combine internal and invited speakers, and encourage discussions and relationships between the entire research community.  The Faculty also puts on occasional conferences on all manner of topics; like the research seminars, many of the most successful and exciting ones are conceived of and run by PhD students.

The Postgraduate Virtual Open Day usually takes place at the end of October. It’s a great opportunity to ask questions to admissions staff and academics, explore the Colleges virtually, and to find out more about courses, the application process and funding opportunities. Visit the  Postgraduate Open Day  page for more details.

See further the  Postgraduate Admissions Events  pages for other events relating to Postgraduate study, including study fairs, visits and international events.

Key Information

3-4 years full-time, 4-7 years part-time, study mode : research, doctor of philosophy, faculty of english, course - related enquiries, application - related enquiries, course on department website, dates and deadlines:, michaelmas 2024 (closed).

Some courses can close early. See the Deadlines page for guidance on when to apply.

Lent 2025 (Closed)

Easter 2025 (closed), funding deadlines.

These deadlines apply to applications for courses starting in Michaelmas 2024, Lent 2025 and Easter 2025.

Similar Courses

  • English Studies MPhil
  • European, Latin American and Comparative Literatures and Cultures by thesis MPhil
  • European, Latin American and Comparative Literatures and Cultures by Advanced Study MPhil
  • Asian and Middle Eastern Studies by Research (Japanese Studies) MPhil
  • Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Japanese Studies) MPhil

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  • Mass Communication
  • Health Sciences
  • Nanoscience
  • Social Work
  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Spiritual & Cultural Studies
  • Introduction to Hinduism
  • Essence of Hinduism
  • Mahabharata Upanayanam
  • B.COM – Bachelor of Commerce
  • M.COM – Master of Commerce
  • MCA (Specialization: Artificial Intelligence)
  • BBA – Bachelor of Business Administration
  • MBA – Master of Business Administration
  • MCA (Specialization: Cybersecurity)
  • BCA – Bachelor of Computer Application
  • MCA – Master of Computer Application
  • Publications
  • International
  • M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering -
  • Fellowship In Interventional Pulmonology and Pulmonary Critical care   - Fellowship

From the news

  • Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus Celebrated the 27<sup>th</sup> Graduation Day.
  • Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kochi Campus Celebrates Samavarthanam 2024
  • Context-Aware Edge Computing in IoT
  • Revision Patellar Tendon Reconstruction in Prosthetic Joint Infection following Total Knee Arthroplasty – A Case Report


Doctoral Programs

Doctoral programs at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham are designed to develop outstanding educational researchers with a wide range of research skills as well as in-depth knowledge and practical understanding and expertise in their chosen field of educational research.

Programs Offered

  • Research Topics
  • Eligibility & Process
  • Dual Degree
  • Amrita Advantage

Doctoral programs at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham are designed to develop outstanding educational researchers with a wide range of research skills as well as in-depth knowledge and practical understanding and expertise in their chosen field of educational research. Candidates seeking admission can enroll in the Amrita campuses at Amaravati, Amritapuri, Bengaluru, Coimbatore, Kochi, Mysuru and Chennai.

Eligible candidates shall be provided a variety of research and teaching assistant scholarships.Amrita has a pool of outstanding faculty with Doctorate from globally known Institutions and Universities who continuously engage in research with partners across the world.

Candidates with UGC-NET (including JRF), UGC-CSIR NET (including JRF), SLET, GATE, teacher fellowship holder or have passed M.Phil Program (with the required criteria) are exempted from Entrance Test but are required to pass Ph. D. course work and other conditions laid down by Amrita for the award of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).


At a Glance


Important Note

2024 phase 2 ph.d. admissions opening soon, last date to apply : july 15, 2024.

  • Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • Computer Science and Engineering

Physical Sciences

  • Mathematics
  • Organizational Behavior and Human Resources
  • General Management
  • Sociology of Management
  • Information Systems
  • Management Strategy
  • Sustainable Development

Arts, Humanities & Commerce

  • English Language and Literature
  • Philosophy \ Spirituality
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Cyber Security
  • Earth Sciences
  • Wireless Networks & Applications
  • Biomedical Engineering & AI
  • Neural Engineering

Life Sciences

  • Computational & Cognitive Neuroscience

Arts Humanities & Commerce 

  • Commerce and Management
  • Special Education and Assistive Technology

Physical Sciences 

  • Environmental Sciences
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Social Sciences and Technology
  • Cognitive Sciences and Technology

Artificial Intelligence

  • Internet Studies & Artificial Intelligence
  • Dravyagunavijnana
  • Prasuti Tantra and Stri Roga
  • Public Health and Healthcare Management
  • Data Analytics
  • Public Policy
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Education Management
  • Healthcare Management
  • Business Analytics
  • Computational Engineering & Networking
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Philosophy/ Spirituality
  • Communication
  • Environmental Science
  • Food Science and Nutrition

Social & Behavioral Sciences

  • Social and Behavioural Sciences

Medical Sciences

  • Medical and Health Sciences
  • Computer Science and IT
  • Information Technology
  • Public Health
  • Visual Media and Communication
  • Visual Media
  • Commerce & Management
  • Computer Science
  • Bio Sciences

Doctoral Program Call Letter July 2024 Admission (Mid Admission)

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, AIMS, Faridabad Campus, invites applications for Full-Time and Part-Time PhD Admission in Medical And Health Sciences for the academic year 2024 (Mid-admission).

The last date of submission of the duly filled Application Form is July 11, 2024. The application should be submitted by email to the Coordinator, PG studies, AIMS Faridabad at [email protected]

Applicants are requested to download the attached form, fill it, paste a recent passport photograph and scan the form along with required enclosures. Please mail the scanned document (scan as one PDF document) to the above email ID with “Doctoral Program 2024” as the mail subject heading. Please bring the hard copy of the form and all supporting documents when appearing for the admission exam.

The admission exam shall be conducted as per following schedule Exam Date: July 18, 2024 Theory Paper: 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Interview: 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM

The theory paper shall consist of 10 short answer questions on the basics of research methodology and biostatistics. The candidate must answer 7 of the 10 questions. Each answer shall have a maximum score of 5 marks. The interview shall be of 15 marks where the candidates aptitude for research and subject expertise shall be explored.

Please note that candidates have to identify a Thesis Advisor (guide) at AIMS, Faridabad, get a letter of willingness from her/him and submit it along with the application form on/before 11 July 24. The details of available thesis advisors of seven departments. You may contact them directly.

Kindly check the Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham website for any information needed. Further queries may be directed via email to the Coordinator PG studies, AIMS, Faridabad.

Research Topics  

Faculty members at Amrita welcome passionate scholars to study for a PhD in one of their areas of research interest. Visit the research topics page to know more details

How to Apply

Candidates interested to study various research areas at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham can apply through the details given below:


Eligibility & Process

  • NET qualification; If no NET then the following are used:
  • PG degree percentage greater than 65%;
  • For PhD in Engineering, a candidate seeking admission after a 4 year/ 8 semester Bachelor’s degree with Research should have a minimum CGPA of 7.5/10.
  • Research publication or conference presentation;
  • Interview score greater than 70%
  • Entrance exam/Online interview

Full Time PhD

  • Applicants holding a Master’s degree are eligible to apply for admission. Examples of Master’s degree include: ME, M. Tech., M. Sc., MCA, M. Com., MFA, MJMC, MSW, MBA, MS by Research and MPhil.
  • All applicants are expected to have strong academic records.

Part Time PhD

  • Applicants who have a full-time appointment at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham or at another academic/ R&D organization are eligible to apply for part-time admission.
  • Other eligibility requirements of such applicants are same as full time applicants.
  • Part Time students are permitted to proceed at a slower pace in completing their doctoral requirements.

Integrated PhD

  • In order to encourage exceptional students in Bachelor’s and Master’s programs at Amrita, students are allowed to pursue Ph.D, and can be considered for Integrated Ph.D. admission.
  • Completion of undergraduate degree is mandatory for such applicants.

Dual Degree PhD

  • Applications for dual degree admissions are solicited as and when opportunities for such admissions become available at the International Partner University (IPU).
  • Candidates with Fellowships from national institutions like UGC NET and CSIR.
  • Candidates working in Research Centre / Funded Project.
  • Candidates with International Scholarships.
  • Candidates with Fellowships/ Scholarships from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.
  • Self Funded Research Scholars.
  • Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Research and Teaching Assistants.
  • Sponsored candidates from Governmental, Semi Governmental and recognized Private Institutions.
  • Chancellor’s Scholarship
  • Dean’s Fellowship
  • International Scholarships
  • Industry Sponsored Scholarships
  • Research and Teaching Assistant Scholarships
  • Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham PhD Scholarship – From Rs. 10,000 to 30,000 per month stipend alone. Additional support for research infrastructure, facilities and publications.
  • Visvesvaraya Scholarship – Upto Rs. 43000 per month stipend alone. Additional support for research infrastructure, facilities and publications.

Click here for details

  • International Internships – Additional stipends during International internships at Partner universities in Europe, Australia, Asia and US

Program Fee


Dual Degree Programs

The amrita advantage.

At Amrita students work closely with the faculty who become their mentors, advisors and friends. Our faculty aims to provide holistic education to students, strives to structure their skills, helping them to reflect on real-world issues by thinking critically, allowing them to channelize their skills to be used in real life scenarios, by giving them optimal industrial and academic exposure. To achieve this, faculty combines modern state-of-the-art equipments and teaching techniques with time tested ancient techniques like Yoga and Meditation for keeping the body, mind and spirit in harmony and in sync, carving the students into self sustainable individuals, rich in mental strength and human values. Candidates interested in learning yoga, music and musical instruments like Tabala, Harmonium, etc are provided with opportunities to learn, and master them in Amrita Campuses. Those interested in social and philanthropic services will relish their life here, where they encounter innumerous opportunities to quench their thirst for selfless service.

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, has been awarded the Number One Rank in the ‘Technical Institutions’ category in the Swachhta Rankings 2017 & 2018 released by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. This ranking is based on a sustainability audit focusing on campus greenery, cleanliness and maintenance, toilet adequacy in campus, tree planting and community outreach in promoting Swachh culture.

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has always given paramount importance to research. Amrita is a partner in various international bilateral governmental research programs and initiatives, such as Indo-US Initiative (Cyber Security, Cyber Crimes,) Cyber Forensics), Indo-European Union (Erasmus Mundus, India4EU programs), Indo-Japan Initiative in Wireless Networks & Applications. It has links with 20 US universities for research into areas such as robotics and cyber security, and further associations with European and Japanese institutions. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham also has research partnerships with many premier government research bodies like ISRO, DRDO, BARC etc. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham also operates 60 + state-of-the-art research centers in many emerging and frontier areas in Biotechnology, Cyber-Security, Engineering, Green-Technologies, Humanitarian-Robotics-HCI, Learning-Technologies, Management, Medical-Sciences, Nanoscience, Social-Sciences-Women-Empowerment and Wireless.

Over the years, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has developed working relationship with many of the best universities in the world. Amrita collaborates with many renowned foreign universities in many diverse fields of knowledge like engineering, security, communication, medicine and social sciences. In addition to the advantages of shared research efforts, such collaborations helps the universities to benefit from each other’s expertise in field of research, and helps to gains access to new technologies and partners. These collaborations are effective in deepening the knowledge and skills of both students and faculty. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has working collaborations with many leading international Universities like University of Buffalo, New York, University of New Mexico, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, Vrije University, Amsterdam, University of L’Aquila (Italy), University of Louisiana, Lafayette (USA), University of Oakland, Michigan, TELECOM School of Management (France), National llan University, Taiwan, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, BarcelonaTech (UPC), Uppsala University, Sweden, University of Twente, Netherlands, University of Trento, Italy, Politecnico Di Milano, Italy, to name a few. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham also holds the No.1 rank in India for its International Faculty ratio as per ‘Times Higher Education World University Ranking.

Amrita Tie-ups with 400+ Industries to set up innovation labs, thingQbators etc., to boost innovation, and to help students in gaining skills that equip them as the future leaders.

Dual Degree Programs at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is an academically attractive alternative to traditional methods of study, where the students from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham can undertake their graduate coursework towards two separate degrees, simultaneously, usually completing the course in just two years, giving them an opportunity to earn their second degree from an internationally recognized institution in the U.S. or Europe.

Amrita students are strongly encouraged to supplement their current academic experience by participating in a student exchange program with one of our partner universities. Through our semester exchange program (one or two semesters), Amrita aims to provide students with a meaningful overseas educational experience.

Placements at Amrita have always been excellent. Students who are eligible and opted for placements have more than one job offer, on an average. Placements are facilitated by enhancing industry-academia association through frequent visits, interactions with the top management and facilitation of Faculty Development Programs, Student Visits, Industrial Training, and Project Guidance under Corporate Action Plan.

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham provides world class entrepreneurship opportunities to its students through Amrita Technology Business Incubator (Amrita TBI) and Amrita Centre for Entrepreneurship. In 2017, Amrita TBI won the National Award for the Best Technology Business Incubator in India from the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.

Past Events

Webinar on  Challenges of AI for Portable Real-time Signal Processing Applications and VLSI Implementation

Webinar on Challenges of AI for Portable Real-time Signal Processing Applications and VLSI Implementation

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is organizing a Webinar on Challenges of AI for Portable Real-time Signal Processing Applications and VLSI Implementation on October 12, 2022, from 04.00 pm to 05.00 pm.

Webinar on Computational Fluid Dynamics

Webinar on Computational Fluid Dynamics

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is organizing a Webinar on Computational Fluid Dynamics on October 8, 2022, from 04.00 pm to 05.00 pm.

Webinar on Materials for Organic Solar Cells and Battery Applications

Webinar on Materials for Organic Solar Cells and Battery Applications

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is organizing a Webinar on Materials for Organic Solar Cells and Battery Applications on August 31, 2022, from 03.00 pm to 04.00 pm.

Webinar on Intelligent Power and Energy Systems

Webinar on Intelligent Power and Energy Systems

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is organizing a Webinar on Intelligent Power and Energy Systems on August 29, 2022, from 04.00 pm to 05.00 pm.

Webinar on Microgrid Network- Transition towards Smartgrid

Webinar on Microgrid Network- Transition towards Smartgrid

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is organizing a Webinar on Microgrid Network- Transition towards Smartgrid on August 26, 2022, from 02.00 pm to 03.00 pm.

Webinar on Water and Thermal Management in a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell- A CFD Approach

Webinar on Water and Thermal Management in a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell- A CFD Approach

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is organizing a Webinar on Water and Thermal Management in a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell- A CFD Approach on August 25, 2022, from 03.00 pm to 04.00 pm.

Webinar on Inference of Gene Regulatory Network: An Application of AI

Webinar on Inference of Gene Regulatory Network: An Application of AI

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is organizing a Webinar on Inference of Gene Regulatory Network: An Application of AI on August 20, 2022, from 11.00 am to 12.00 am.

What is your plan after Ph.D.?

  • You have to spend time in networking with academicians, teaching students, attending conferences.
  • Develop your teaching skills through your experience and inspire the students with your passion.
  • You have to spend time collaborating with Industries, visiting various industries, and participating in industrial conferences related to your area.
  • You can find real time problems in industries and work on it to give a solution which will be a real value addition to your Ph.D. and career.
  • You have to spend time finding customer pain points, participating in start up events, patenting an innovation and making a business plan
  • Network with people having entrepreneurial interest. Entrepreneurship is not a one man show. Find a Co-Founder through networking who is highly motivated and committed in your ideas.

Doing high impact research

  • Doing high impact research is a perquisite of you Ph.D.
  • Spend more time in labs, experiments and testing your research to gain a deep knowledge in your research area.
  • Add insights that you gained through your studies distinguishes your research work and makes it unique.

Communicating your work

  • Communicating your research contribution to the research community is important.
  • Communication of your research work can be done by writing blogs, doing vlogs. Do these communications regularly as this will help you to stand out and learn a lot.
  • Publish research papers in articles and journals consistently.
  • As you begin your Ph.D. journey, you are finding your own way out to give new research insights in your area and there is no clear route map. Your first paper is your first milestone towards in your route towards your Ph.D. destination. So, it is important for you to reach your first milestone.
  • As you pursue your Ph.D., your opportunities, and possibilities to learn in endless. However, publishing your first paper helps you to align you towards your research area keeps you focused by avoiding what is unnecessary. So, it is high time that your efforts go into one direction of your research area.
  • As your make your first publication, you show how serious you are in your research. You become visible to the research community and you build an image for yourself with your research. So, go out and build an image for yourself.
  • Motivation is the key to anything and it is vital to stay motivated in your entire journey of your Ph.D. graduation. Your first publication will give you a great confidence and motivation than anything or anyone can give you during your Ph.D. journey. So, it is important to keep working to publish your first paper as a graduate.
  • As one starts his research, your opportunities to contribute to the research world is endless. As you make your first contribution, it motivates you to contribute more research work.

Motivation is the key driver for you to complete you Ph.D. Many a times researchers lose their motivation due to various reason as the results are not tangible or visible to you despite doing a ton of hard work for a significant duration of time. Also, it is difficult for your family and friends to motivate you as they may not be able to understand what you are experiencing. So, it is your responsibility to keep your energy, momentum, and motivation throughout your Ph.D. journey. This motivation can be sustained and your confidence in research can be increased during your research by developing certain habits and doing a few activities.

  • Record your daily activities in a journal
  • Review it every week
  • A research journal gives you a view of your direction.
  • When you lose your motivation, it will show you how far you have travelled and keeps you motivated.
  • When you feel lost, it helps you to redirect and get on track.
  • Most importantly when you are making your thesis, you can make 200–300-page manuscript with it.
  • Investing a few hours weekly in your hobby refreshes your mind. It helps you to keep focused. Your hobby can be anything like art, sport, adventure, travel, or volunteering.
  • You must spend time with your family, kids, parents, and friends. Pursuing your Ph.D., you cannot afford to miss your relationships with them. Spending quality time with family and friends keeps you motivated
  • As a research, publications are important not only for getting your degree awarded but also to keep your motivation in your Ph.D. journey.
  • Keep publishing your research work continuously and the learn from the critics and reviews that can mould you as a prominent researcher.
  • You have an irrational LOVE for research.

You are investing a significant duration of your lifetime to earn  A Ph.D. degree. It is a choice that you make even when you have other family responsibility, have good earnings. So, A choice to pursue a Ph.D. is an outcome of your intense love towards research. You cannot quantify or express this love for research through words making your love for research irrational.

  • Challenging the status quo.

As an individual when you always think of solutions how good things can be and how better the world can be and how prosperous the society can be through your innovative ideas. When you are not satisfied with the current status quo of the knowledge that you possess now. Successful Ph.D. graduates have worked on projects that are challenging the status quo or the present.

  • You know why you want a Ph.D.

Once you decided to pursue your Ph.D., you must have a clarity on why you do a Ph.D. Only if you know exactly what you want to accomplish at the end of the Ph.D.

  • You have a desire to invent.

A Ph.D. is one of the best ways to have the intellectual freedom to invent things you are passionate. You can invent something so critical that the marketplace licenses it from you and your impact translates from lab to the ‘real world.

  • You enjoy the learning-teaching process.

As a graduate student you will be responsible to teach students and handle classes. Even if you don’t want to be a professor after the Ph.D., enjoy the process as teaching is a great way to learn.

  • Before you find your dissertation topic, do exhaustive research on the various research area of your fields.
  • Try to figure out the future of your research area by accessing how it can impact the society by adding value.
  • Take time to discuss with researchers from similar area and get inputs.
  • Do not hesitate to reach out to them. Reach out to the researchers who have done high impact research. They will always guide you. You can reach them virtually, through mail or any means. Reach out to researchers across the world.
  • Spend time reading research papers that has meaningful contribution and insights.
  • Incorporate the learnings from your literature survey to come out with a quality dissertation.

People who pursue a Ph.D. after working in industry knew exactly what they wanted the Ph.D. for. They are always more motivated than the average Ph.D. student in the class. If you are currently working in industry, and get clarity and want to pursue a Ph.D., you are making the right decision

“Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress.  Working together is success .”

The benefits of collaboration in research are

  • When you collaborate and brainstorm, you can come out with a number of ideas and solution which are novel and creative.
  • You do not get stuck at a point and your ability to think out of the box and come with root cause of the problem is high.
  • You can accomplish your work in a much short duration than doing it individually.
  • Collaboration gives you the opportunity to work with people from other disciplines who are skilled and knowledgeable in another domain. You can get insights of their knowledge and experience.
  • Not only your learnings in not restricted to knowledge but also you can learn to work a team, improve your interpersonal skills, and learn various approaches to solve a problem
  • Collaborations not only gives you learning but it gives you an acknowledgment of your work by the way that you get your name in the research paper published as an outcome of your team work.
  • When you contribution to the research work is significant, you can share the author position. It gives you a greater weightage to your profile and career in a long run.
  • When you collaborate carefully and work together as a team leveraging the strengths of everyone, you can complete the research in a quicker duration.

A great Ph.D. student has the character to be comfortable with long periods of intangible progress without losing motivation and, more importantly recognizes stagnation or failure of an approach early.

The qualities of a great Ph.D. student are

  • You might go wrong in the direction of your research. You must have the strength and passion to realign your research to the desired direction without losing you motivation. Also, you can have your personal problems during your research which you have to be resilient and continue your progress in your research.
  • At time there can be prolonged time of same situation without any progress in your research because of things beyond your control. There shall be no tangible research or progress in your experiment and you must continue doing your work with patience even is such difficulty.
  • All great researchers have developed the quality of being on time. You must put in anything that it takes to build this character in you. You earn a profound respect by developing this one character.
  • As a researcher it is your ability to see things in detailed than anyone can do. So, develop a thorough knowledge in the field you are pursuing the research.
  • It is not that you only have detailed knowledge but also you seek attention to minute details and learn it deeply and make contribution with your deeper study in your field.
  • As a researcher you must be aware of various progress in your research field. You must be a continuous learner and being aware of the advancements in your field can make you more futuristic.
  • By being courteous as a researcher, you inspire other people to learn. Also, it makes you easy for collaborating with other researchers and work which gives you a great research experience.

A PH.D. is a marathon not a sprint  – Do not think how quickly you can finish a Ph.D. Find your pace that works for you. Be disciplined in terms of how you write, do your classes & assignments, develop your research plan, etc.

Take care in choosing your program  – When exploring the right doctoral program, make sure to carefully explore the curriculum, faculty, potential for receiving scholarships, do you have teaching opportunities, and related things.

Use your Coursework to Explore Possible Thesis Ideas- If one is doing a Ph.D. program that includes extensive coursework, try whenever possible to start exploring thesis ideas.

Attend conference and Publish Papers – Do at least one major conference a year. It develops you contacts, get feedback, and learn what is happening in your field.

Apply for Funding –  Most good programs will provide funding (3–5 years) for eligible doctoral students. You can take the opportunity to its fullest.

Look at the Job Market frequently –  A Ph.D. helps you to get an exciting career. Ensure to look at the marketplace of career opportunities in your field and other career paths such as the private sector, policy, government, foundations, social enterprise, etc.

The best dissertation is a done dissertation  – Too many people try to do a magnum opus and solve huge questions in their dissertation. However, be precise and narrow it down to give solutions to your research problem

  • You become an expert in your field and you will be able to communicate easily with other experts in your field. Then you can work with experts in other fields doing inter-disciplinary works that can contribute to the society
  • As an expert in the field, you are exposed to the latest advancements and technologies in your field. This will help you to pursue a career that is more promising and exciting that others do not get.
  • Your way of thinking and analysis a problem in your field is improved. You can become a think-thank in your field making significant contribution.
  • As a Ph.D. graduate you become more proactive and your ability to approach and solve a problem becomes more systematic and structured.
  • You will be able to communicate with any resource person across the world in your discipline with ease and confidence.
  • Writing your Ph.D. manuscript improvise your language skills and you become flawless in writing skills. Also, since you deliver or present things that you have learned so deeply, you will be able to speak more confidently.
  • Once you complete your Ph.D., your desire to learn and gain knowledge increases. You will enjoy the pursuit of knowledge.

An excellent Ph.D. thesis must have the following characteristics.

  • It must be analytically path-breaking with authentic results.
  • It must have absolute formatting and referencing.
  • It must be comprehensive without any grammatical errors & plagiarism.
  • It must be a done dissertation.

Coursework is an essential part of any doctoral program, and it sets the stage for the dissertation phase. It is intended to ensure that students develop breadth and depth in their understanding of their field. As per regulations of UGC each Ph.D. student shall be required to undertake pre-Ph.D. course work for a minimum of one semester (six months). The course work must include a course on research methodology, which may include experimental methods, quantitative and statistical methods, and computer applications

A Statement of Purpose is a life changing document that puts forward your research interest, academic achievements, skills, achievements outside of work, and your potential to achieve higher goals. It is a way to describe you as a scholar.

  • Appropriate words to describe you than impressive words.
  • Write it from your heart.
  • Describe your background, past experience, and some personal achievements, academic strengths and your accomplishments in your master’s field.
  • If you want to refer to something big, like your portfolio, your research, a research paper available online on a website, or an important online course, use references at the bottom of the SOP like a research paper.
  • Keep working on your SOP for some days and refine it until you are fully satisfied and confident.
  • Keep it concise and understandable.
  • Seek help from scholars at university. Take ideas from them.

A Ph.D. is indeed a wonderful experience by itself in academics and research. It also teaches one the following life lessons.

  • The problem with an average human being is that he is reactive to any situation and make things worse. However, your Ph.D. experience will make you more proactive and make you approach and handle any situation in a structured manner and make right decisions in life.
  • Your experience will help you to prioritize things based on its importance and relevance and utilize the resources in an optimal way.
  • As a researcher, you develop a habit of writing a research journal and planning your activities. This helps you to keep you in an organised manner and manage your time effectively.
  • You are a newer version and the best version of yourself. You will no longer be a prisoner of the past and your will be more optimistic in life.
  • Collaborations is the key in your research. Your doctoral experience will develop your skills to work as a team. You will enjoy working in a team and accomplish great task easily.
  • As a research graduate, you will take a holistic view of anything and even a little thing matters to you. You will enjoy every little thing in your life and
  • You will understand that learning never stops. You will learn new things daily through in various ways.
  • You will never lose motivation in your life. Your motivation comes from within. No external factors can influence you. You will stay self-motivated in your activities.
  • To earn your Ph.D., you will be investing a fair amount of your life time. You need to consider your personal responsibilities, priorities and ensure that you will be able to schedule and accommodate the time needed for it.
  • While pursuing a full time Ph.D. your opportunity to make an earning is very less. You will be entitled to get scholarship which still may not satisfy the needs of your dependents. So, you need to make a personal financial plan to ensure your dependents do not get affected. Also, make a financial plan if you may need to extend your Ph.D. duration during which you are not entitled to get scholarship.
  • Make sure that your if your motivation will carry you through the years, long hours, challenges, and frustration associated with doctoral research.
  • What are your expectations for earning a Ph.D.? Are they realistic?
  • Earning a Ph.D., will give you a promising career. You must make sure what career path you wish to choose after Ph.D., be it academics or industrial research or scientist or start a company.

As per the UGC_Ph.D._Regulations-2022, UGC has barred any Indian Institute from offering a Ph.D. degree online or in distance education mode. Hence no Indian University or Institution can offer a Ph.D. degree in online / distance education mode.

In 2018, the UGC had stipulated that Ph.D. shall be mandatory for direct recruitment as assistant professors from July 2021. However, UGC in view of the COVID-19 pandemic has decided to extend the date of applicability of Ph.D. as a mandatory qualification for direct recruitment of assistant professors from July 1, 2021, to July 1, 2023. So, if you aspire to start your career as an academician, it is high time that you enrol for your Ph.D.

Yes. You can do Dual Degree Ph.D. program and get two Ph.D. degrees awarded. Dual Ph.D. degrees are issued when one doctoral dissertation is used to fulfil the requirements for a doctorate in two different universities in two different countries. The candidate must have a supervisor at each institution. Dual Degree Ph.D. does not mean a degree in two different courses.

Alumni Speaks

english phd admission 2021

Thesis Title: Enhanced Perspective Switching Frameworks for Gaze Alignment in Interaction Intensive Elearning Environments The whole experience imbued a sense of academic rigour while working on solutions that have deep, far-reaching societal impact.

Durga Prasad Muvva

Thesis Title: 2-Diamensional layered structures of bismuth oxyiodide &triiodide based photoactive perovskite material Constant guidance, encouragement and freedom to work liberally.

Sreejith P. M.

Thesis Title: Development of Multifunctional Solution processed Quaternary Chalcogenides via cation exchange of Cu2ZnSnS4 Dr.Sudip K batabyal , he not only supervised my thesis work, but also taught me almost everything I had to know about my research work. I am also thankful to the University for the research facilities.

K.Yamini Yasoda

Thesis Title: Metal chalcogenides based polyaniline nanocomposites for super capacitor applications I am very thankful to my supervisor Dr. Sudip K.Batabyal for their support throughout my career. Thank to amrita university

Rajasree G. Krishanan

Thesis Title: Development of Electrochemical sensors for clinic, food safety and Environmental Analysis I would like to appreciate the opportunity provided by Amrita out of my doctoral research at the Institution

Anandkumar Velusamy

Thesis Title: On The Topoligical Indices of some Graph Operations on Graphs. My feedback about the course , faculties and the Institution and all aspects are excellent.

Jayasree T.G.

Thesis Title: A Study on Some Domination Parameters in Graphs Even if I was a part time research scholar, I was so attached to the department and the campus and even now I miss. My open defense was held on 29th April 2021 in online mode due to the pandemic situation COVID-19. Now I take this opportunity to thank each and every one of the department for their support and care they extended towards me during my research days.s the campus very much. I joined the campus in the year 2016 March, with lot of enthusiasm and anxiety.

Thesis Title: Best Proximity Point Iteration for Various Types of Non Self Mappings I am happy to sharing my experience what I had during my Ph.D. I came to you when I didn’t know what to do for my research, you provided advice and guidance. Then, you took me under your supervision; you showed me how research is done, and how a researcher should think. You gave me a fixed spot in your busy schedule and walked with me through every detail. For all the above I am grateful and ever indebted to you. I thank the university for facilitating such a positive learning environment.

Rosmin Elsa Mohan

Thesis Title: Numerical modeling of II-VI planar waveguides for nonlinear applications. During my Ph.D. at Amrita, I was blessed to have excellent mentors who guided me and nurtured my growth, both as a researcher and an individual. Highly appreciate the support that we scholars received from our supervisors, directors, and department with respect to the various milestones in our Ph.D. journey.

Thesis Title: Development of Novel Control Algorithms for Unified Power Quality Conditioner Excellent University with good facilities and fortunate to get excellent guidance.

M. Suresh Kumar

Thesis Title: Development of earth abundant quaternary chalcogenide materials for photovoltaic applications The knowledge you’ve imparted upon me has been a great asset throughout my career.

Fabien Chidanand Robert

Thesis Title: Low cost, reliable rural electrification using microgrid powered by renewable energy To do a Ph.D focused on uplifting society was an honour. Thank you Amrita for all the support and guidance

Dr. Neethu Parvathy S.

Thesis Title: Contemporary Vignettes of Tribal Life: A Study on Gender in Correlation with Interaction Rituals and Media Interactions Pursuing my Ph.D. in Amrita University gave me a world-class research experience. I was fortunate to attend interactive sessions and classes with accomplished researchers from different parts of the world. In addition, I was fortunate to have national and international co-supervisors and a strong DC committee whose rigorous and dedicated review helped me complete a good quality Ph.D. work in time.

Leena Chandran

Thesis Title: Interpersonal Support and Coping Strategies – Identity consideration for Transgender Persons The days in Amrita is something which I can always cherish. The dual role as a working woman in corporate world and student was really challenging, but motivating. The campus was the area where we found ( myself and fellow scholars) age is just a number and we become students again and again. It was really a great relief from the tiresome work schedule. The Department of social work and the faculties are really wonderful and they gave us the real student environment (even though we were holding high job positions) by all means. Happy to be an alumni of Amrita.

Thesis Title: Life skills, Social support and Self esteem of Children in Child care Institutions Excellent learning experience

english phd admission 2021

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Indian Scholars: [email protected] International Scholars: [email protected] For Specialized PhD Program (currently offered in Sustainable Development / Interdisciplinary Studies): [email protected] For Dual-Degree PhD : [email protected]

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PhD in Social Work (Amritapuri):

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Department of English

Phd admissions.

Deadline : January 15, 2025

Application Status for Fall 2025:

Applications for Fall admits are processed by Graduate Admissions staff and English program staff.  Applications go to PhD graduate admissions committee members in two batches; we meet in mid February and early March to discuss applications.  Admissions announcements are expected after the second week of March 2025.  Those with offers have until April 15 to accept or decline the offer.  Those placed on a waitlist may be offered space, if a funded space becomes available, anytime from late March until late April.

You must apply to the University online through the main University Portal .  The portal will guide you through the process. You must upload all documents prior to submitting the application. You will not be able to add documents after submission is complete. All applicants should choose Fall as their application term . We do not admit for spring or summer.

The application fee is non-refundable .  It is valid for one calendar year: an application may be updated within one year from the original anticipated term of admission without payment of a new application fee. UF currently does not offer application fee waivers.

The materials you will need for your application are:

  • Test scores:  As of Fall 2021, the department of English no longer requires the GRE
  • Updated resume or CV: Upload as a pdf file. Pursuant to Florida Statute, your application requires inclusion of all post-high school education and employment, as well as information about ongoing international affiliations and research funding. Please ensure this information is included on your curriculum vitae (CV) or résumé.
  • Statement of purpose: In an essay of up to 800 words, please describe how your previous studies and, if applicable, work and life experiences, have prepared you for graduate study. You should also outline your research, teaching, and other interests and explain how UF English’s PhD program might support them. Please also briefly explain why you are interested in pursuing the PhD, including how the PhD degree is related to your goals for the future, including career plans, and explain how this program can help you achieve your goals. Upload as a pdf file. The online application specifies a 400-500 word limit. Please disregard those instructions and send an essay of up to 800 words.
  • Writing Sample: The writing sample should demonstrate your best work in criticism or theory and be about 15 pages.  Upload your writing sample to the online application on the “Additional Questions” page under “Resume/Other”. Please upload it as the “Other Upload” file.  If you have trouble uploading the file, please contact  [email protected]  before you submit your application.
  • If you have not yet completed a program, you may upload incomplete unofficial transcripts to the online application.
  • You may also upload official transcripts to the online application.
  •   If you would like to send official electronic transcripts, UF accepts electronic transcripts only from e-SCRIP-SAFE, Parchment, National Student Clearinghouse, and F.A.S.T.E.R. Please have electronic transcripts sent to [email protected] . (Please also submit an unofficial transcript through the online application).
  • You may also send an official paper copy of your transcript to UF at Office of Admissions, 201 Criser Hall – PO Box 114000, Gainesville, FL 32611-4000 – Please do not send your transcripts directly to the English Department.
  • International students must send transcripts in the native language and an English translation, along with a copy of the degree certificate in English and the native language.
  • Letters of Recommendation: We require three recommendations, but will accept more. These should be completed by someone in a position to assess your ability to succeed in the program. Please use the submission instructions in the online application to send a recommendation request to your recommenders. If they have trouble submitting their letters through the online application, please email or have them email  [email protected] . UF does not accept letters of recommendation through any other online process, including Interfolio.

Notes for international applicants

International students should consult the University Admissions requirements for TOEFL IELTS and SPEAK .   The minimum  scores for students holding a teaching assistantship in the English department: TOEFL – 550 on the written Speaking Portion or  28 on the internet-based test. The department may accept students with scores of 23-27 on a conditional basis pending the satisfactory completion of a course in Academic Spoken English. IELTS – score of 6. MELAB – score of 77.

International applicants are exempt from the English proficiency requirement if enrolled for one academic year in a degree-seeking program at a recognized/regionally accredited university or college in a country where English is the official language prior to your anticipated term of enrollment at UF, or if you are from one of the following  countries.

Florida law requires all non-U.S. students who are going to be graduate teaching assistants– even if exempted from the IELTS, MELAB and TOEFL requirement — to prove adequate command of the English language. One way to demonstrate oral proficiency in order to teach is to take the SPEAK test.

Transcripts: International students may use unofficial transcripts for the admissions process. However, once admitted they must provide official transcripts and certificates of degree. UF requires transcripts in the native language and an English translation, as well as copies of the degree certificate in the native language and an English translation.

Further useful information may be obtained through the University of Florida International Center .

Additional fellowship materials

  • The Kirkland Fellowship in English literature of the Victorian Era and studies in oral narrative, requires a letter and a FAFSA.
  • The McKnight Doctoral Fellowship for African-American and Hispanic students requires additional materials and another separate, additional application.

Before you submit your completed application to our PhD program, we recommend that you read advice on crafting a strong application .

Comments are closed.

What are you looking for?

  • International Students
  • Prospective International Students

English Proficiency

English-language proficiency requirements.

Effective for applications submitted for summer 2024 and later terms only.

The ability to communicate effectively in English—to read, write and speak the language fluently—is vital to your success as a USC student.

International graduate applicants are therefore expected to demonstrate their proficiency in English as part of the application process and should carefully review the guidelines below.

U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents (such as green card holders) are considered to be “domestic” applicants, regardless of where they have studied or reside. Domestic applicants are exempt from the university’s English-proficiency requirements.

Test Score Guidelines

Important: USC does not set university-wide score minimums for graduate admission. The scores listed below are typically used for placement purposes only—to determine if an admitted student will need to take the International Student English (ISE) examination upon arrival at USC.

English-proficiency scores must be dated within 2 years (24 months) of the date you submit your graduate application. For example, a prospective student applying to fall 2024 who submits their USC application in December 2023 will need to have taken the test no earlier than December 2021.

USC students

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)

USC accepts the TOEFL iBT Home Edition, iBT Paper Edition, and the standard in-person TOEFL iBT administered in official test centers. Admitted students are exempt from taking the ISE Exam with the following scores:

100 or above, with 20 or above in each section.
90 or above, with 20 or above in each section.

Sending official scores to USC: USC must receive scores electronically from the testing service for them to be considered official. Photocopies or paper copies of scores are not acceptable.

USC’s institution code is 4852. No department code is required.

IELTS (International English Language Testing System)

USC accepts IELTS Academic and IELTS Indicator (Online version) scores. Admitted students are exempt from taking the ISE Exam with the following scores:

7 or above, with 6 or above on each band.
6.5 or above, with 6 or above on each band.

Sending official scores to USC: USC must receive scores electronically from the testing service for them to be considered official. Photocopies or paper copies of scores from the testing service are not acceptable.

Select “University of Southern California” from the list of available institutions when you register to take the IELTS test. Alternatively, provide this information to your testing center after you have taken the test. Contact information for the USC department to which you are applying is not required.

PTE (Pearson Test of English) Academic

USC accepts PTE Academic and PTE Academic Online scores. Admitted students are exempt from taking the ISE Exam with the following scores:

68 or above, with 53 or above on each band.
61 or above, with 53 or above on each band.

Select “University of Southern California” from the list of available institutions when you register to take the PTE Academic test. Alternatively, provide this information to your testing center after you have taken the test. Contact information for the USC department to which you are applying is not required.

Special Accommodations

The Educational Testing Service (TOEFL), the British Council (IELTS) and Pearson (PTE Academic) will provide accommodations for those with disabilities.

Score Minimums Set by Programs

Please note that some individual programs may set internal score minimums that are higher than those listed here. Please refer to your intended graduate program(s) for information about their English proficiency requirements.

English-Language Test Waiver

International applicants are exempt from submitting English-proficiency scores under the following circumstances:

  • You hold a degree (bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate) from USC or are currently enrolled in a USC degree program.
  • You hold a bachelor’s degree completed in its entirety in the United States or the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree in a qualifying Anglophone country (as defined below). To determine degree equivalency, please refer to our country requirements .The bachelor’s degree should be earned at a regionally accredited university located in the United States, or at an officially recognized university in another country where English is both the language of instruction and the only officially recognized language of the country. The entire program needs to have been completed in the qualifying country. Dual-degree holders who completed just part of their degree in the U.S. or other qualifying country, and students who have transferred credits from a non-Anglophone country, do not qualify for this waiver.
  • You have completed a master’s or doctoral degree from a country in which English is both the language of instruction and the only official language. The degree needs to have already been completed at the time you submit your USC application. Applicants who have not yet completed a qualifying master’s or doctoral program at the time they apply will still need to submit English-proficiency scores.
  • Your native language is English. This applies to native English speakers from countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada (except Quebec), where English is both the only official language of the country and the language of instruction.

USC does not waive the English-proficiency requirement based on any other consideration such as work experience, ESL enrollment, amount of time spent in the U.S., etc. It also cannot be waived on the basis of programs taught in English in non-Anglophone countries.

To determine if USC requires TOEFL/IELTS/PTE scores for your country of study, please check our Country Requirements page.

USC International Academy

Students looking to prepare their English and academic skills for the rigors of graduate study at USC may wish to explore the USC International Academy as an option.

Exceptions: The Office of Graduate Admission does not have the authority to grant exemptions to the university’s English-proficiency policies on the basis of applicant requests. Exemption requests submitted directly to our office by applicants themselves are automatically denied. If you have extraordinary circumstances that you believe may merit an individualized exemption, please contact your intended graduate program to discuss available options.

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University of Lucknow

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  • Notice regarding seat allotment to candidates under PhD Admission Examination (Session 2021-22) and submission of fee latest by 08.11.2022.
  • Ph.D Cut Off First Allotment List
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  • Ph.D(Part Time) Candidate List
  • Schedule of interview Reporting for PhD Full Time and Part Time Programme Admission 2021-22
  • List of eligible candidates for interview in PhD Admissions (2021)
  • Tentative Entrance Test Schedule
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english phd admission 2021

Application Opening and Closing Dates for Autumn 202 5

Applications to the MA/PhD and PhD open on 1 September 2024. The closing date is December 2, 2024.  A NOTE ON THIS DUE DATE : This application due date is real and is a completion due date. Applications and all required documents received after the due date will not be considered. Applications and all required documents must be uploaded to our online application system. We do not accept any mailed materials.

  • Minimum 3.0 or B grade point average over the two most recent years of study (90 quarter or 60 semester credits) guarantees consideration. However, average GPAs for the students we have admitted have been higher. See recent applicant statistics below on this page.
  • Ph.D. applicants must show proof of completion of a master’s degree prior to starting the program, though it is common for those applying to the Ph.D. program to be working on their thesis in the year during which they apply.
  • M.A./Ph.D. applicants must show proof of completion of a U.S. equivalent bachelor’s degree prior to starting the program, though it is common for applicants to be in their senior year of college when they apply to the M.A./Ph.D. program.
  • Full-time status is required for all funded students, but domestic U.S. residents who do not receive assistantships can enroll half-time (please note this is exceedingly rare).
  • Applicants who are not native speakers of English must provide  evidence of English language proficiency  (see  Policy 3.2: Graduate School English Language Proficiency Requirements ) and  evidence of spoken English proficiency  (see  Policy 5.2: Conditions of Appointment for TAs who are not Native Speakers of English ).
  • Applicants who hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution in the United States meet both requirements (Note: A master’s or doctoral degree does not satisfy this requirement). Applicants who do not hold a bachelor’s degree from a U.S. institution must have a minimum total score of 92 and speaking score of 26 if using the TOEFL, and a minimum total score of 7.0 and speaking score of 7.0 if using the IELTS. If proof is not provided that these minimums are met as of December 1, the applicant will not be considered.

Submit the following materials online:

  • Graduate School online application . The Graduate School requires all applicants to use the web application (if you are truly unable to use the web application, e-mail [email protected] ).
  • Application fee . The application fee must be received and recorded by Graduate Admissions prior to the application deadline. You must pay the fee online using a MasterCard or Visa card (both credit and debit cards are accepted) or a TeleCheck (an online “check” taken from your existing checking account). If eligible for and requesting an application fee waiver, please note you must submit your application a minimum of 7 days prior to the application deadline, and earlier is recommended. Details on application fee waivers are available here .
  • Unofficial transcripts from each institution from which you received a degree of Bachelor or higher within the online application. Official transcripts are not required for the admissions application and should not be mailed. An unofficial transcript could be a scan of an opened official transcript, or a printout of your academic history from your university’s web portal. It must include all classes taken, grades received, and degrees granted.
  • Important : It can take up to two weeks after your testing date or report request for UW to receive your scores, so the GRE should be taken/scores requested no later than November 15 to ensure your scores arrive by the December 1 application completion deadline.
  • Important : It can take up to two weeks after your testing date or report request for UW to receive your scores, so the TOEFL or IELTS should be taken/scores requested no later than November 15 to ensure your scores arrive by the December 1 application completion deadline.
  • Three recommendations . Letters of recommendation from professors are strongly preferred, but if you have been out of school for many years or have another reason for using non-academic references, other professional recommendations are acceptable. These recommendations are completed online and should not be mailed. The online recommendation includes a short questionnaire, ratings assessment, as well as the opportunity to paste or upload a letter. Please designate your recommenders within the online application early to allow enough time for them to submit their online recommendations no later than December 1.
  • Describe explicitly why you have chosen to apply to earn an M.A./Ph.D. or Ph.D. in communication, and why specifically at the University of Washington. If there are additional UW departments in which you would like to take courses, feel free to mention them.
  • Describe the main ideas and/or veins of theory that interest you as well as the kind of communication phenomena you wish to study.
  • State your academic goals so that the admissions committee may determine whether your goals could be met in our department.
  • Explain how the expertise of the 2-3 particular Graduate Faculty whom you selected in the Overview Questions section could support scholarly interests you would like to pursue.
  • Write this letter honestly and to the best of your ability, because the admissions committee will read it for its substance and as an indicator of your readiness for and fit with this program.
  • For Ph.D. applicants : Please provide a sole-authored academic writing sample , roughly 10-30 pages long, that demonstrates your research competence and your ability to produce original scholarship. This might be a thesis chapter, a journal publication, a seminar paper, or something similar. If necessary, edit your paper for length before submitting it with your application. The admissions committee will read your paper to evaluate your writing competence, the clarity of your argument, and the depth of your analysis and insight.
  • For M.A./Ph.D. applicants : Please provide a sole-authored academic writing sample , roughly 10-30 pages. This is typically a paper you wrote for a college or university class, but it can also be a thesis chapter, a journal publication, or a seminar paper. The admissions committee will read your paper to evaluate your writing competence, the clarity of your argument, and the depth of your analysis and insight.
  • Resume or curriculum vitae . If you don’t have a vitae, don’t worry. A resume will do. If you do have a vitae, use it instead.
  • Overview questions. You will be asked about your career goals and research experiences, given the opportunity to explain any transcript anomalies, and asked to specify 2-3 Graduate Faculty by whom you would like to be mentored.
  • In one or two pages, please describe how your experiences and/or academic interests could contribute to a diverse community of communication scholars. For example, you might describe interactions you have had with people of cultural or ethnic backgrounds different from your own, or you might write about intellectual exchanges you have had with persons holding different viewpoints. Your essay might also discuss the unique qualities of your own intellectual or cultural background and how these are likely to enhance diversity in any community.

Are you an international applicant? An international applicant is anyone who is not a United States citizen or a Permanent Resident (green card holder). Please go to the following at the Graduate School website for further information for international applicants: Graduate School international applicant information . Undocumented applicants should follow the instructions here for completing the online application.

  • Applicants who hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution in the United States meet both requirements (Note: A master’s or doctoral degree does not satisfy this requirement). Applicants who do not hold a bachelor’s degree from a US institution must have a minimum total score of 92 and speaking score of 26 if using the TOEFL, and a minimum total score of 7.0 and speaking score of 7.0 if using the IELTS. If proof is not provided that these minimums are met as of December 1, the applicant will not be considered.
  • Newly-admitted international students will be required to demonstrate adequate financial support without resorting to unauthorized employment. More information will be sent to applicants who receive an offer of admission. Financial documentation is not necessary at this stage of the application process.
  • Full-time status is mandatory for all international students.

102 Communications Box 353740 Seattle, WA 98195 Phone: (206) 543-2660 Fax: (206) 616-3762

Graduate Program (206) 543-6745 Undergraduate Program (206) 543-8860

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Applying to the PhD Program

Doctoral student studying and taking notes.

What you need to know to apply

If you are intellectually curious and like to be challenged by new ideas and experiences, consider a Kellogg PhD. Our students shift from being consumers of knowledge to being producers of new knowledge. Through their publications and teaching, Kellogg graduates contribute to business practice and society.

Preparing to apply

Each year, Kellogg receives over 850 applications to its eight PhD programs. On average 25 students enroll each fall.

PhD study requires strong quantitative skills to develop theories and manage and analyze data. This program is especially well suited to those who have previously studied social sciences (such as economics, political science, psychology and sociology), mathematics, natural sciences or engineering.

To be eligible for admission, you must hold a U.S bachelor’s degree — or a comparable non-U.S. degree — from a regionally accredited institution. You may be considered for admission before you finish your undergraduate degree, but you must complete that degree before you enroll at Kellogg. A three-year bachelor’s degree is also accepted.

Application review

During the admissions process, we will evaluate your application file and how your research interests align with the research expertise of our faculty. Also included in our review is the strength of your recommendation letters, academic record, and performance on standardized tests. Your application will help us understand if you are ready to seize all the opportunities that come with joining Kellogg.

Our faculty will assess your:

  • Application responses


  • Test scores
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Writing sample (optional)

For international candidates, the committee also assesses:

  • English language proficiency 

Master’s degree holders

A master’s degree is not required for enrollment in our PhD programs. For applicants with a master’s degree, note that the coursework taken in a master’s program will not shorten your time to degree. No transfer credit is provided with a master’s and students must satisfy their PhD coursework requirements in full while studying at Kellogg.

Opportunities for collaborative research across programs and schools at Northwestern University are always available; interdisciplinary research is our strength. However, Northwestern permits applicants to apply to one PhD program a year .

There is an exception through the dual application option with the Economics PhD Program, which is outlined below.

Academic experience

The Kellogg PhD Program offers eight distinct areas of focus, each with varying types of experience that are needed for success.

Economics-based PhD programs

  • These include Accounting Information & Management, Finance, Financial Economics, Managerial Economics & Strategy, Operations Management, and Marketing (quantitative area)
  • Evidence of solid training in math, econometrics and statistics within the application
  • Recommended math courses include calculus, linear algebra, probability and mathematical statistics

Behavioral/Sociological-based PhD programs

  • These programs include Marketing, Management & Organizations, and a joint program between Management & Organizations & Sociology
  • Evidence of statistics for social scientists and quantitative thinking, as well as a strong understanding of central concepts of probability and statistics
  • Background in social psychology and sociology

Dual application with Weinberg Economics

Applicants seeking to enroll in an economics-based doctoral program have the option to submit a second application for review to the Economics PhD Program. Kellogg PhD programs participating in this dual application option include, Accounting Information & Management, Finance, Managerial Economics & Strategy and Marketing (quantitative area).

More details about this option are available on The Graduate School website.

Financial aid

Kellogg offers a five-year financial aid package to all admitted doctoral students that includes a stipend, tuition scholarships, health insurance, moving allowance and a subsidy to purchase a computer.

Contact CollegeNET Technical support for help with its online application .

Get a sense for Kellogg faculty expertise, academic research and published work.

  • Faculty directory
  • Northwestern Scholars database
  • To apply for a Kellogg PhD, you will need an updated version of your resume or CV, transcripts from all academic institutions, test scores, an academic statement, a personal statement and three recommendation letters.

How to write your application

Your resume or cv.

Your resume or CV should summarize all of your qualifications, honors, educational accomplishments, and if applicable, current research papers.

Please list all schools where you were registered for courses at the college level, including community colleges, study abroad institutions and current registrations whether or not in a degree program.

Provide one transcript from each college/university you have attended that documents each course taken beyond high-school level, whether or not within a degree program. Certification of degrees received, including the date the degree was awarded, should be noted on the transcript and/or diploma. Please note:

  • The Kellogg PhD application requires unofficial transcripts . There is no need to send official transcripts prior to enrollment. Official transcripts are needed only if you decide to enroll
  • For applicants who studied at international institutions, transcripts must be accompanied with an official English translation, if applicable

Form for courses taken

The Courses Taken form lets anyone applying to our economics-based programs highlight advanced university courses that directly support their chosen field of study and proficiency in the subject matter. The form allows for up to six advanced courses in each specific area. If you cannot access our form, you may create and upload a form that contains the same information in applicable areas of study.

Download the following forms if you plan to apply to one of these programs. Forms are required with your application submission:

  • Accounting Information & Management
  • Financial Economics
  • Operations Management

If you plan to apply to either of these programs, we highly recommend you fill out one of these forms:

  • Managerial Economics & Strategy
  • Marketing (quantitative)

Standardized tests

All applicants are required to submit either the GRE or the GMAT regardless of previous experience and/or advanced degrees. We take a holistic approach to the application-review process, meaning there is no minimum score required for eligibility. Test scores are reviewed within the context of the entire application.

GRE required for:

  • Management & Organizations & Sociology

GRE or GMAT required for:

  • Management & Organizations

The Finance program prefers the GRE, but will accept the GMAT.

The GRE At Home and the GMAT Online exams are accepted. GRE and GMAT scores are valid for five years from the date taken. The institution code for GMAT is: 6WZ-3J-54 (PhD Program, Kellogg). The institution code for GRE is: 1565 (Northwestern Graduate School).

Unofficial test score reports are used during the application review process; however, official GRE and GMAT test scores are required if admission is recommended.

English language proficiency tests

If your native language is not English, The Graduate School requires that you certify proficiency in the English language in one of the following ways:

If your native language is not English, Northwestern requires that you certify proficiency in the English language in one of the following ways:

  • TOELF:  We accept 600 or higher on the paper-based exam, 250 or higher on the computer-based exam, or 100 or higher on the Internet-based exam. TOEFL scores through at-home testing service are accepted. The TOEFL institution code is: 1565 (The Graduate School)
  • IELTS:  Unofficial score report, submitted at the time of application, for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) . The IELTS Academic test must be taken no more than two years before the intended quarter of entry (fall quarter). IELTS test takers should score 7.0 or higher. IELTS scores submitted through its at-home testing service are accepted
  • MET:  We accept Michigan English Test scores of 70 or higher
  • Earning an undergraduate or graduate degree from an accredited institution where the language of instruction is English. Please note, Kellogg provides the waiver after an application is submitted and transcripts have been reviewed. No additional documentation is required. Applicants will see the waiver noted within their online account
  • Automatically Waived:  Applicants that are citizens from the following countries where English is the native language will have the requirement automatically waived upon submission of the application (Australia, Barbados, Bermuda, Great Britain, Gibraltar, Israel, Jamaica, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands)

Standardized exams must be taken no more than two years before the intended quarter of entry. Unofficial scores are used during the review process. Official test scores are required only if admission is recommended.

DuoLingo or TOEFL Essentials are not accepted. Kellogg does not require the Test of Spoken English (TSE).

This is your opportunity to share the depth and breath of your academic education. In addition to the tactical and practical elements, think about how each experience helped you grow into the candidate you are today.

Academic statement 

You have a max limit of 1,000 words to answer the following questions:

  • What are your academic interests, and why do you wish to pursue graduate studies in this specific program?
  • How has your academic and professional background prepared you for graduate study? (Include any research, training, or educational experiences that align with the program you are applying to)
  • How will our program help you achieve your intellectual and professional goals?
  • What scholarly questions do you wish to explore in the program? (Make sure to include any specific faculty members whose research interests align with your own)

Personal statement 

Write a statement that addresses the following prompt (500 words max):

The Graduate School values diverse backgrounds, approaches, and perspectives, understanding them as essential ingredients for true academic excellence. As a Northwestern graduate student, how would you contribute to an intellectual community that prioritizes equity, inclusion, belonging and cultural humility?

Your answer may draw upon past or present experiences, whether in academic work, extracurricular or community activities, or everyday life.

While a paper is not required for admission to Kellogg’s PhD programs, the Sociology Department does require one, where the applicant is the sole-author, for consideration to the joint program in Management & Organizations and Sociology.

We do not require a writing sample to be submitted with the application; however, you may include one writing sample (30-page maximum) with your application. Hyperlink this paper and any other papers you have on your resume. *Please note: Only one writing sample will be reviewed. Do not upload more than one paper.

We require three letters. Additionally, we ask all recommenders to include Northwestern University’s Graduate Applicant Assessment Form found within the application. Recommendation letters from professors or instructors could include:

  • A description of the nature of your relationship. Did you take one or more classes with the professor?
  • A description of a research project or honors thesis, discussing the quality of the work, technical and writing skills, research methods used, data analysis, originality, depth of research undertaken, questions/problems raised, contribution to the field, etc.
  • The letter should also provide a ranking — how you compared to other students

Recommendation letters from employers and business associates could include:

  • Insights into your aptitude, character and working style — ability to work on your own, self-starter, complete a project on time, etc.
  • Any research or data analysis you have done within the scope of your work

All letters must be submitted online through our web-based application, CollegeNET . Directions for uploading letters and accessing the Graduate Applicant Assessment Form will be sent to recommenders once the applicant has entered the contact information within the application. We are not able to accept recommendation letters by email.

A $95 non-refundable fee must be paid by credit or debit card within the online application. For those participating in the dual application option with the Economics PhD Program, the application fee is $175. The Graduate School (TGS) at Northwestern University administers the fee waiver program. If you wish to be considered for a fee waiver, please refer to The Graduate School’s website on Application Fees .

After you submit

You’ve invested time, energy and resources into completing your application, so no doubt you’ll want confirmation that your application was received. And we want you to have that peace of mind, too.

So, once you submit your application, you can log back into CollegeNet at any time to view the status and double check that all sections were successfully completed.

We welcome anyone who is interested in reapplying to the doctoral program. Additional time can frequently further cement your research goals and application strength. However, we are unable to provide specific application feedback if you applied in the past.

All candidates can reapply in future years, but you must submit a new application, supporting documents and application fee.

Application dates and deadlines

Application deadline Decision released
Round 1 Dec. 15, 2024

Application questions? We’re here to help

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Doctoral Program (Ph.D.)

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Important links.

Click here Ph.D Advertisement

Click here Ph.D Admission Brochure

Click here Ph.D (Part Time)

Click here Ph.D (Aspirant)

Click here Ph.D (Aspirantapplication form)

Click here Self Declaration

Click here Fee structure 2023-24

Click here Ph.D. Positions in Interdisciplinary Areas

Click here PhD in Data Sciences for Global Health

BITS Pilani is a Deemed to be University, offering on-campus programs to more than 18,500 students across its campuses in Pilani, Goa, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Dubai.It has been recognized as an Institute of Eminence by the Ministry of Education, Government of India in 2020.

QS World University Subject Rankings 2024 has ranked BITS Pilani globally at

  • 101-150 in Pharmacy and Pharmacology
  • 301-350 in 4 subjects namely, EEE, Computer Science, Mechanical and Chemical Engineering
  • 451-500 in 3 subjects, namely, Mathematics, Business & management Studies and Physics & Astronomy
  • 501-550 in Chemistry

In ǪS Asia University Rankings 2024, BITS has been ranked 215th in Asia and at 22nd in India. Further, BITS Pilani has been ranked among the top 300 in ǪS World University Graduate Employability Rankings 2022 and within top 6 in India.

Having pioneered several curricular and pedagogic attributes, BITS Pilani has a vision to be amongst the top research-led Institutes in the country. The qualities of innovation, enterprise, commitment to excellence, adherence to merit, and transparency, have characterized the Institute during its inexorable march to eminence.

The Institute has secured over Rs 398 crores as external research funding in the last 5 years. State of the art facilities have been developed to support cutting edge research, led by students and about 930 faculty members, leading to a Scopus h-index of 156, with 221 patents filed so far, and 41 patents granted. Currently, there are 14 BITSian Unicorns and 1 Decacorn. There are over 7500 BITSian founders and co-founders of enterprises.

Doctoral Programme (Ph.D.)

List of Candidates shortlisted for Ph.D. Admission Test and/or Interview is now available

Admissions portal open 01st march 2024.

Please click here for more information.

List of Candidates shortlisted for Ph.D. Admission Test and/or Interview is now available.

  • CLICK HERE to know the Result.

Department preference with regard to the full-time and part-time Ph.D student admission is given in the table below.

Department Preference for Ph.D. Admission(Second Sem. 2022-23)
Department Pilani Goa Hyderabad
Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time
Biological Science            
Chemical Engineering            
Civil Engineering            
Computer Science & Information Systems            
Electrical & Electronics Engineering            
Humanities & Social Sciences            
Economics & Finance            
Mechanical Engineering            

Yes – A Department intends to admit students under the specified mode. No – A Department does not intend to admit students under the specified mode.

Minimum Eligibility Qualifications

ME / MTech / MPharm / MBA / MPhil (minimum of 60% aggregate)* MSc/BE/BPharm or an equivalent degree (minimum of 60% aggregate)* For admission into Humanities and Social Sciences, MA degree (minimum of 55% aggregate)* For part-time applicants, a minimum of one-year experience in the related field of study is required

[*In the Qualifying Degree examination]

In addition, Departments may set specific admission criteria for shortlisting. Meeting the minimum eligibility qualifications does not guarantee admission into the PhD program. Shortlisted candidates will have to appear for an admission test, which may comprise a written exam and/or interview. Information on specific Departments and related research activities is available on the Department homepage of respective campuses.

Full-time students

Preferably individuals who would like to pursue PhD in-house, residing on campus.

Part-time students

Preferably individuals who are working in organizations providing basic facilities and an environment for research.

Financial Assistance

Full-time PhD students admitted into the PhD program are eligible to be considered for an Institute fellowship of Rs. 34,000 or Rs. 37,000 per month in the first year based on their qualifications at the time of admission. Students admitted with M.E./M.Tech./M.Pharm./MBA/M.Phil. or an equivalent Degree are eligible to receive an Institute fellowship of Rs. 37,000/-. Students admitted with M.Sc./B.E./B.Pharm. or an equivalent degree are eligible to receive an Institute fellowship of Rs. 34,000/-. These students on successful completion of coursework will receive Rs. 37,000/- from the Semester following the one in which the course work was completed Higher fellowship may be made available in subsequent years. Consideration for Institute fellowship will be as per Institute norms. It will be obligatory on the part of every admitted full time student to undertake 8 hours (per week) of work as assigned to him/her by the institute.

Important Dates

Activity Date
Admission Portal Open 01-March-2024
Last date for submission of application 29-April-2024
Declaration of shortlisted candidates for written test and interview 06-May-2024
Written test and/or interview date (at a BITS Pilani campus) To be Announced
Announcement of admission offers To be Announced
Last date for fee payment To be Announced
Reporting at the BITS Pilani campus 25-July-2024
Orientation 26, 27-July-2024
Course registration 01-August-2024
Beginning of classwork 02-August-2024

The Institute reserves the right to change the above deadlines. Candidates will be informed in advance should there be such a change.

Department Brochures

Pilani campus – biological sciences, pilani campus – chemistry, pilani campus – chemical engineering, pilani campus – civil engineering, pilani campus – electrical & electronics engineering, pilani campus – humanities and social sciences, pilani campus – physics, pilani campus – mechanical engineering, goa campus – biological sciences, goa campus – chemistry, goa campus – computer sciences, goa campus – electrical & electronics engineering, goa campus – humanities and social sciences, goa campus – mathematics, goa campus – mechanical engineering, hyderabad campus – biological sciences, hyderabad campus – chemical engineering, hyderabad campus – chemistry, hyderabad campus – civil engineering, hyderabad campus – computer sciences, hyderabad campus – electrical & electronics engineering, hyderabad campus – humanities and social sciences, hyderabad campus – mathematics, hyderabad campus – mechanical engineering, hyderabad campus – pharmacy, top resources.

Doctoral Program (Ph.D.)

For Further Information Contact

Admissions office.

Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani Campus, Pilani, Rajasthan 333031 (INDIA).

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(Note : For any query you may contact through the above phone numbers on any working day from Office Hours : Monday to Friday 9AM - 1PM & 2PM - 5PM Saturday 9AM - 1PM)

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  • PhD in English

PhD in English Literature has always been a hugely popular program in India and abroad, especially by those who wanted to build illustrious and lavish careers in the fields of (English) literature and mass communication. A prolific phd in english prepares the candidates or professionals for pedagogical roles in academia and publishing, and many other avenues related with literature and mass communication. The lowest section mentions the most prominent career options after a phd in english in various employment avenues.

This diligently-written webpage offers the full-gamut of necessary information about phd admission in english subject /literature in India to help aspiring Indian and foreign professionals or candidates. Besides information about the eligibility requirements and phd admission procedure , some famous Indian universities for pursuing this phd program in english are also informed. In the majority of Indian universities, the PhD in English takes 3 to 5 years in general. It may also be mentioned that the PhD in English literature is the highest research-based academic degree provided by a university, and therefore, requires a master's degree in English or an M.Phil. in English literature.

PhD Admission 2021 in English Literature (Full Time/Part Time)

The admissions to the full time and part time phd courses in english are made based on the performance of a candidates both at the research entrance test and then at the personal interview, conducted by the concerned university. As far as the phd admission 2021 is concerned, these test and interview will be conducted as per the provisions and regulations provided in the new UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of Ph.D./M.Phil. Degrees) (1st Amendment) Regulations, 2018. The eligibility conditions for participating in the research entrance exam for phd in english are stipulated separately under the section just below.

At present, the following are some highly renowned indian universities offering phd in english literature under the full-time or/and part-time programs:

  • University of Delhi (DU), Delhi
  • Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi
  • Panjab University (PU), Chandigarh
  • Mangalayatan University, Aligarh
  • Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra
  • University of Mumbai, Mumbai
  • Loyola College, Chennai
  • Christ University, Bangalore
  • Jadavpur University, Kolkata
  • Shiv Nadar University, Greater Noida

Eligibility/Qualification/Syllabus/Sample Papers for PhD in English

In general, the eligibility conditions/qualifications for applying for a phd in english to any Indian university are the following:

  • A robust master's degree in English [MA (English)] or an equivalent degree to it, obtained from any duly recognized university or institution located in India or abroad. Again, the minimum marks in aggregate at postgraduation must be 55% for general candidates, and 50% for the candidates belonging to the reserved categories, or equivalent grades to these, for participating in the research test.
  • The qualifying score in the research entrance test will be 50% for general-category candidates, and 45% for the candidates belonging to the categories of SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layers)/Differently-abled, etc. For more info in this connection, please refer to: https://www.ugc.ac.in/pdfnews/8303216_1st-Amendment---M.PhilPh.D.-Regulations.pdf
  • Good academic records during graduation and postgraduation, and some literary research work in English, will be added advantages.
  • The M.Phil. holders in English or the candidates who have qualified any of the following exams --- UGC (JRF) Examinations/NET/SET/SELT etc., are made exempt from participating in the research entrance test. They are given the privilege to tackle the interview directly.

The syllabus of phd program in english will be well-devised to develop and hone the linguistic research skills of the candidates, for promote constructive research and betterment in the literature of English. In addition to the core courses in English language and literature, the syllabus will cover the following ---- various topics related with research methodologies;advanced matters related with English language or literature; in-depth learning about translation; and then, preparation of the required original and in-depth dissertation. This syllabus may readily be obtained from the Internet, along with the phd english sample paper , related with the research tests conducted by the concerned universities in previous years.

PhD Admission in English for International or Foreign Students in India

All eligibility conditions and qualifications specified above for phd admission in english , hold good also for foreign/international students. Differ only the application fee and the structure of the course fees, for international students. Again, depending upon the education system or the grading of educational degrees or performance employed in their respective countries, the documents to be submitted by foreign candidates may also vary more or less. All other matters, processes, and procedure followed during the research program remain the same, with no any discriminations on any grounds.

Career Options after PhD in English

Advanced knowledge in English language and literature offers affluent and respected careers in many fields where it is pertinent. The most probable and popular employment fields among these are the following --- Colleges & Universities; Publishing Houses; Data Centers; Translation Offices; News & Media; Technical Writing in Companies; and Coaching Centers. And, their designations or positions will be the following depending upon their respective field of interest:

  • Executive English/Bilingual Assistant
  • English Teacher/Professor
  • Philosophical Journalist
  • Technical Writer
  • Media Journalist

PhD Admission 2021 - Courses Offered

  • PhD in Education
  • PhD in Computer Science
  • PhD in Management
  • PhD in Pharmacy
  • PhD in Nursing
  • PhD in Economics
  • PhD in History
  • PhD in Mass Comm. & Journalism

Registrations Closed

The registrations for spring term have been closed. Registrations for Academic session 2018-19 will start in the month of March 2018. Click here to enquire

LPUNEST Applications for Ph.D. (Spring Term) are closed. Applications for the next term will be updated shortly. For any kind of query please call 01824-404404 or Click here

LPUNEST Applications for Ph.D. (Spring term) will be updated shortly. For any kind of query please call 01824-404404 or Click here


Doctoral Programmes


Doctoral Programmes Proposed UGC regulations: Ph.D. must for university teachers from 2021, so Register now. To see draft UGC regulations click here.

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Accreditation, Rankings & Award

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Shri Narendra Modi

Hon̕ble Prime Minister of India at LPU

Hon’ble Prime Minister of India at LPU

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Research @ LPU

The information provided is based on the August term and may be subject to change; please keep checking for further updates.

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Due to the rise in the daily cases of Covid-19 in different parts of the country, many state governments have put various restrictions to curb the spread of the virus. Considering the scenario of restricted movement and keeping the focus on the safety of the candidates, LPU extends the option of Online Remotely Proctored LPUNEST exam from home. The remotely proctored exam will be monitored live through various Artificial Intelligence tools and by the invigilators. Please refer How to Apply for your test to apply for LPUNEST. Click Here to view other support initiatives taken by University to support the prospective students.

Lovely Professional University is conducting National Entrance and Scholarship Test (LPUNEST) for Ph.D. aspirants. Research Scholars Students studying in Post-Graduation can apply for LPUNEST (Ph.D.). From the outset of the LPUNEST (Ph.D.) numerous aspirants have been appearing in the LPUNEST exam every year. LPUNEST (Ph.D.) provides an extensive opportunity to the aspirants who wish to join Ph.D. programme at LPU and pursue their careers in the direction of research. The purview of this exam is to identify Ph.D. aspirants that have potential to engage in ground-breaking research and inspire future generations. "Important Dates". The test will be conducted through online mode throughout the country for all disciplines except for Hindi, which will be conducted in pen and paper mode at university campus only as per the schedule mentioned under the head "Important Dates". This test will have twofold advantage as it will act as Entrance Test as well as Scholarship Test. Entrance Test: LPUNEST (Ph.D.) will provide a gateway to all Ph.D. programmes in LPU and will act as an Entrance test for admission to Ph.D. Programmes at LPU. For details, refer “Eligibility” . Extensive Scholarship: LPU envisages to usher an era of accessible and affordable quality higher education to the youth of our country on the basis of score in LPUNEST (Ph.D.). For details of scholarship, please refer “Fee and Scholarship ”.

Lovely Professional University is conducting National Entrance and Scholarship Test (LPUNEST) for the Ph.D. aspirants. Research Scholars studying in Post-Graduation can apply for LPUNEST (Ph.D.). From the outset of the LPUNEST (Ph.D.) numerous aspirants have been appearing in the LPUNEST exam every year. LPUNEST (Ph.D.) provides an extensive opportunity to the aspirants who wish to join Ph.D. programme at LPU and pursue their career in the direction of research. The purview of this exam is to identify Ph.D. aspirants that have the potential to engage in ground-breaking research and inspire future generations. Further details can be referred under the head "Important Dates". This test will have a twofold advantage as it will act as Entrance Test as well as Scholarship Test. The test will be conducted in the form of Remotely Proctored Online Exam from home.--> Entrance Test: LPUNEST (Ph.D.) will provide a gateway to all Ph.D. programmes in LPU and will act as an Entrance test for admission to Ph.D. Programmes at LPU. For details, refer “Eligibility” . Extensive Scholarship: LPU envisages unsharring in an era of accessible and affordable quality higher education for the youth of our country on the basis of scores in LPUNEST (Ph.D.). For details of scholarship, please refer “Fee and Scholarship”. NOTE: Individuals who have been awarded a Ph.D. degree in accordance with UGC regulations are exempted from the requirement of the minimum eligibility condition of NET for recruitment/ appointment of Assistant Professor or equivalent positions in Universities/Colleges/Institutions.


View more Research-related activities and infrastructure that is an integral part to undertake research in high-priority areas.

Research Scholars Research Spotlight

Research Spotlight Click Here

IPR/ Patents field Click Here

Flexi Course Work (August 2024 Intake)

Classes on weekends (From August to December on Saturdays and Sundays only) View more

4 days course work every month (August to December) View more

15 days course work (in the month of December) View more

Disciplines / Departments

Applications are invited for admission to Full Time and Part Time --> Ph.D. Programmes under various disciplines. Admission to the Ph.D. Programmes will be through LPUNEST (Ph.D.) and Interview.

P h .D. Programmes offered at LPU

For details, click on the specific programme:, full time mode, part time mode.

To know more about admissions Click Here


  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Ayurvedic Pharmacy
  • Biochemistry
  • Bioinformatics
  • Biotechnology
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Clinical Biochemistry
  • Clinical Microbiology
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Electronics & Communication Engineering
  • Entomology*
  • Food Science and Technology*
  • Genetics and Plant Breeding*
  • Horticulture (Fruit Science)*
  • Horticulture (Vegetable Science)*
  • Hotel Management
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Microbiology
  • Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering
  • Performing Arts-Music
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Pharmacognosy
  • Physical Education
  • Plant Pathology*
  • Soil Science and Agriculture Chemistry*

Facilitation to qualified Chartered Accountant and Company Secretaries for admission in Ph.D. Management/ Commerce and allied programmes at LPU

To view Recognition Letter on ICAI Website Click Here

To view Recognition Letter on ICSI Website Click Here

Conferment of Honoris Causa Degrees

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Mr. Michael Ashwin Satyandre Adhin Vice President of Suriname

Dr. Ashok Mittal, Hon’ble Chancellor LPU, conferring Honoris causa degree upon the Vice President of Suriname, Mr. Michael Ashwin Satyandre Adhin during the 10 th Convocation.

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Shri Pranab Mukherjee President of India

Dr. Ashok Mittal, Hon’ble Chancellor LPU, conferring Honoris Causa degree upon the President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee during the 8 th Convocation.

english phd admission 2021

Dr. (Mrs) Ameenah Gurib-Fakim President of Mauritius

Dr. Ashok Mittal, Hon’ble Chancellor LPU, conferring Honoris Causa degree upon the President of Mauritius, Dr. Ameenah Gurib-Fakim during the 7 th Convocation.

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Roosevelt Skerrit Prime Minister of Dominica

Dr. Ashok Mittal, Hon’ble Chancellor LPU, conferring Honoris Causa degree upon the Prime Minister of Commonwealth of Dominica, Mr. Roosevelt Skerrit, during the 6 th Convocation.

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Dr. Pakalitha B. Mosisili Prime Minister of Lesotho Kingdom

Dr. Ashok Mittal, Hon’ble Chancellor LPU, conferring Honoris Causa degree upon the Prime Minister of Lesotho Kingdom, Dr. Pakalitha B. Mosisli during the 5 th Convocation.

english phd admission 2021

His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso

Dr. Ashok Mittal, Hon’ble Chancellor LPU, conferring Honoris Causa degree upon Laureate the Dalai Lama during the 5 th Convocation.

english phd admission 2021

Kailash Purryag President of Mauritius

Dr. Ashok Mittal, Hon’ble Chancellor LPU, conferring Honoris Causa degree upon the President of Mauritius, Mr. Kailash Purryag during the 4 th Convocation.

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Mr. Hamid Karzai President of Afghanistan

Dr. Ashok Mittal, Hon’ble Chancellor LPU, conferring Honoris Causa degree upon the President of Afghanistan, Mr. Hamid Karzai during the 3 rd Convocation at LPU.

Shri Pranab Mukherjee

Dr. Ashok Mittal Hon’ble Chancellor LPU, Confering Honorary Causa Degree to President of India during 8th Annual Convocation.

Nobel Laureate Dalai Lama

Nobel Laureate Dalai Lama Chaired 5th Convocation of LPU

Dr. Pakalitha B. Mosisili

The Hon’ble Prime Minister of Kingdom of Lesotho at LPU during 5th Convocation

To view Ph.D. Awarded Details

Conferment of Ph.D. Degrees

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The Hon’ble Vice President of Suriname Mr. Michael Ashwin Satyandre Adhin conferring degrees during the 10 th Convocation.

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Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu Vice-President of India

The Hon’ble Vice President of India Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu conferring degrees during the 9 th Convocation.

english phd admission 2021

The Hon’ble President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee conferring degrees during the 8 th Convocation.

english phd admission 2021

Her Excellency, President of the Republic of Mauritius, conferring degrees during the 7 th Convocation.

english phd admission 2021

The Hon’ble Prime Minister of Kingdom of Lesotho, conferring Degrees during the 5 th Convocation.

Ph.D. Degrees Awarded

Shanti Devi Mittal  Audi

Largest residential capacity with all the modern facilities in one campus.

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Fast and convenient bus service and ample parking facility.

Shanti Devi Mittal  Audi

Creche Facility

On campus day care and creche facilities.

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LPU Uni-Mall

The eight storey Uni-Mall with a network of banks, food courts, branded shops and many more.


Admission related.

  • Can I apply for the Ph.D. programme online or I have to personally visit campus? Yes, you can apply online for Ph.D. Programme through https://nest.lpu.in/phd/how-to-apply.php and no need to visit campus personally for the application purpose.
  • I have completed my post-graduation through distance learning. Am I eligible to apply for the Ph.D. programme? Yes, you can apply for the Ph.D. programme in all disciplines except in engineering subjects, and sciences provided you meet the eligibility criteria. (i.e. minimum pass percentage/ recognized university/ recognized programme)
  • I❜m a qualified Chartered Accountant. Can I apply for Ph.D. at LPU? The candidate having passed the Chartered Accountants (CA) examination with a minimum 55% marks or equivalent grade from ❛The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India❜ (ICAI) are eligible to apply for Ph.D. Programme in Commerce and allied disciplines.
  • I am a qualified Company Secretary. Can I apply for Ph.D. at LPU? The candidate having passed the Company Secretaryship examination with a minimum 55% marks or equivalent grade conducted by the Institutes of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) are eligible to apply for Ph.D. Programme in Management / Commerce and allied disciplines.
  • What is the admission procedure after final selection? The final admission can be done via offline/online mode. If a candidate wants to take admission through online mode so, he/she can apply through our website www.lpu.in . After taking provisional admission, student has to upload his/her documents in Post Admission Services, Document Submission Tab. In case of any assistance regarding the same, he/she can contact his/her admission officer (details are available in his/her dashboard). It is mandatory for candidate to upload all the supporting documents through his/her LPU Admit portal and get them verified online through their Admission Officers. The candidate can also complete the admission process offline at Admission Block 30, LPU campus or Admission-Out campus office in your city (https://www.lpu.in/admission/lpu-in-your-town.php#lpu-town).
  • I am an international student, what is the process of admission? First of all you have to register on the link https://admit.lpu.in/. After registration, go to Log in and fill the requisite form and upload the required documents along with proposal. Once your proposal is approved you have to appear for the interview through online mode (Skype/ WhatsApp calling etc).
  • Can I pay my Ph.D. programme fee online? Yes, you can pay the applicable fee online. Please click on https://www.lpu.in/frmloginaccounts.aspx


  • Does LPU offer any scholarships for Ph.D. Scholars? Yes, there are many scholarships are available for Ph.D. scholars. We are offering scholarship under various categories to candidates on the basis of performance in LPU-NEST (entrance test for Ph.D.), who have qualified JRF/ NET (LS)/ GATE/ GPAT exam. For more details, please follow the link https://nest.lpu.in/phd/fee-and-scholarship.php
  • I have done my previous qualification from Lovely Professional University. Will I get any scholarship benefits? Yes, we are offering scholarships for our students who have completed their previous qualification degree (regular/ODL/online) from LPU.
  • As a Ph.D. scholar, will I get any chance of teaching at LPU to support myself financially? Yes, a Research Scholar can apply for Teaching Fellowship after the completion of coursework as per requirement. The teaching fellowship awardee will be paid an honorarium of Rs. 15,600/ per month (consolidated) subject to qualifying the eligibility criterion and he/she is required to take a Practical/Tutorial load of a minimum nine hours per week.
  • I have completed a degree in distance mode from LPU. Can I avail additional scholarship on the basis of a LPU alumni? Yes, you can avail the alumni scholarship of 20%, if in case no other scholarship is applicable on you.
  • If I am LPU employee then how much is the duration of “Special Benefits for LPU Employees”. scholarship for me? For all LPU employee (Faculty/Staff) can avail this benefit under “Special Benefits for LPU Employees” https://nest.lpu.in/phd/financial-assistance.php with the maximum duration of 4 years.
  • I am ICAR (SRF) qualified. Am I eligible for exemption from LPUNEST entrance test and also will I be getting any scholarship/fellowship for Ph.D. programme? On the basis of ICAR (SRF), you are exempted from LPUNEST entrance test, however the scholarship is subject to verification of valid score/result card by the candidate. For more updates on scholarships, kindly visit: https://nest.lpu.in/phd/fee-and-scholarship.php
  • I am getting a “Government Fellowship”, am I eligible for “LPU Research Fellowship”? Yes, scholar can avail both of these fellowships at the same time.
  • I am getting a “Government/LPU-Research Fellowship”, am I eligible for any other scholarship or vice-versa? Yes, if a scholar found eligible, he/she will be entitled for both scholarship as well as “Government/LPU-Research Fellowship”, as scholarship is to be deducted from tuition fee and fellowship is to be awarded on monthly basis.
  • If my “LPU Research Fellowship” got cancelled due to non-compliance of continuation condition, am I eligible for any other scholarship? Yes, if a scholar found eligible, he/she will be entitled for both scholarship as well as “Government/LPU-Research Fellowship” as scholarship is to be deducted from tuition fee and fellowship is to be awarded on monthly basis. Henceforth, if in any case “Government/LPU-Research Fellowship” got cancelled during the tenure of Ph.D. due to non-compliance of continuation conditions; there will be no effect on scholarship amount which is to deducted from the tuition fee.
  • What is “Teaching Assistance Fellowship” all about? As per requirements from individual schools, the scholars would be selected for the “Teaching Assistance Fellowship” positions. The selected scholars would be entitled for the amount of Rs. 15,600/- per month. This fellowship is in addition to any other scholarship except in case, if scholar is getting any “Government/LPU Research Fellowship”. Under “Teaching Assistance Fellowship” the scholar will be allowed upto 2 courses in a given academic term with nine hours per week.
  • Am I eligible for admission in Ph.D. programme on the basis of my integrated master degree? Yes, you are eligible if you have done integrated Master’s with subject to fulfillment of eligibility admission criteria.

Ph.D. Entrance Test Related

  • I have completed M. Phil. programme. Will I be exempted from the Entrance Test? The candidates, who have completed M.Phil. programme only in regular mode are exempted from entrance test. However, for getting scholarship you are required to qualify LPUNEST entrance test and meet the scholarship eligibility criterion.
  • I have substantial years of teaching / corporate work experience, so am I exempted from the Entrance Test? You are not exempted from the entrance test and you have to participate in the entire selection procedure in order to be considered for the programme.
  • What is the pattern of the Ph.D. entrance test, what subjects will I be tested for? The duration of the test is of two hours, and it consists of 100 objective types multiple choice questions (MCQs). It is divided into two papers, i.e. Paper-I and Paper-II. Paper-I will consist of 50 MCQs based on the research methodology. Paper-II will consist of 50 MCQs compulsory questions based on the subject selected by the applicant. Each question will carry 1 mark and there will be no negative marking for a wrong answer. Syllabus will be as per UGC-NET, UGC-CSIR, GPAT, ICAR, and GATE. For more details, please follow the link https://nest.lpu.in/phd/question_paper_pattern_for_lpunest.php
  • After clearing LPUNEST for Ph.D. Programme, what preparation is required for the interview? After clearing LPUNEST, you will be evaluated for research aptitude; innovativeness / feasibility of topic/area of research, concept clarity in discipline and attitude.
  • How long is Ph.D. entrance test valid? If the candidate who has been selected for Ph.D. programme after qualifying for the LPUNEST and interview for the August or January intake, then he/she can take admitted in the August or January session respectively. If the candidate fails to take admission in the above-said session then his/her candidature will stand cancelled.
  • After clearing entrance exam and interview for Ph.D. programme, what will be the next step? The research scholars are shortlisted on the basis of their overall performance in the entrance examination and personal interview. The final results will be communicated to the research scholars, who have qualified, and they will then be eligible to take admission to Ph.D. program in the concerned subjects.

Ph.D. Programme Related (General Queries)

  • What is the minimum & maximum duration of Ph.D. programme? The duration of Ph.D. Programme is minimum 3 years and maximum 6 years from the date of registration.
  • What is the duration of the Ph.D. programme for M.Phil. candidates? There will be no change in the duration of the programme for the research scholars who are M.Phil. (Min. duration is 3 years and Max.6 years).
  • Can I upload/write research proposal/coursework/thesis in a language other than English? The PhD applicant/scholar must upload/write research proposal/coursework/thesis in English only. Note: Scholar pursuing PhD in Punjabi or Hindi can upload/write research proposal/coursework exam /thesis in their respective language. However, the coursework class will be delivered in English only.

Ph.D. Course Work Related

  • What are the details of course work? For all PhD programmes except agriculture (including PhD in Food Science and technology): The course work will consist of four courses having 14 credits. All research scholars admitted to the Ph.D. programme will be required to complete the course work during the initial first or second semester and secure minimum attendance of 75% in the course work classes to be eligible in end term examination. For Agriculture programmes: The course work will be in accordance with ICAR guidelines for details go for our website link: https://nest.lpu.in/phd/course_work.php Further, a minimum 75% attendance is required during coursework classes to be eligible in end term examination.
  • What are the minimum marks required to pass Ph.D. course work? For all PhD programmes except agriculture (including PhD in Food Science and technology): A Ph.D. scholar has to obtain a minimum grade of 55% of marks in each course in coursework, with subject to at least 40% marks in end term examinations. For agriculture programmes: A Ph.D. scholar has to obtain a minimum OGPA of 6.5 with minimum grade of 6.0 in individual courses.
Every Weekend January – April August – December Saturdays 02:00 P.M.- 05:00 P.M.
Sundays 09:00 A.M.- 05:00 P.M.
4 days every month January – April August – December 09:00 A.M.- 07:00 P.M. (daily)
15 days May/June December 09:00 A.M. - 07:00 P.M. (daily)
Three Semester January - May Onwards August – December Onwards As per Weekdays time table
  • Is there any difference in the syllabus or number of credits in any of the option for course work? No difference in any course work options. The syllabus and credits are same for three options.
  • If, I am not able to do course work in the first semester, so when can I complete this? It is essential to complete the course work in the initial two semesters Ph.D. programme except for Ph.D. programme in agriculture where coursework is spread among more than 2 semesters.
  • Is there any additional fee for the course work? No, there is no additional fee for the course work. Semester fee will be applicable only throughout the programme duration.
  • I am a PhD Scholar but I am not able to complete the coursework in the first two semesters. Is there any way to complete my coursework now? No. The Scholar must complete the coursework in the first two semesters only otherwise the admission will be deemed cancelled in such cases. It is highly suggested to complete the coursework in the first semester of the PhD admission.

Ph.D. Supervisor/Co-Supervisor

  • What is the process of selection of Ph.D. supervisor? The supervisor allocation can be done through online "Supervisor Selection Module" UMS interface wherein the list of all eligible supervisors’ profile will be visible. The Research Scholars can book the slot with the supervisor and can select the supervisor through the interface only.
  • I am a M. Phil. student and exempted from the course work. When I will be given supervisor and can start my research work? For M. Phil. candidates, supervisors will be allocated during their first semester only and such research scholars can start their research work from the first semester itself.
  • How many Ph.D. supervisors am I allowed to work with? Maximum two supervisors will be allowed, one main supervisor from the concerned department from LPU and one Co-supervisor can be opted from LPU or from other institution/university/industry provided he/she meets the eligibility requirement as per LPU policy.
  • What is the procedure to opt for Co-supervisor? The Research Scholar will be allowed to take Co-supervisor after the completion of his/her course work successfully. He/she is required to get the consent from Co-supervisor in the prescribed form (available at CRDP) and submit it to the Center of Research Degree Programmes (CRDP), Block 38-202. Once it is approved, the Research Scholars and the co-supervisor will be notified by CRDP.
  • Am I allowed to change my assigned supervisor during the course of the Ph.D. Programme? Generally, it is not advisable to change supervisor, but it is allowed under specific circumstances such as if, the supervisor leaves the university or there is a mismatch in research interest between Research Scholars and supervisor. In such cases, Research Scholars can submit a request for change of supervisor in writing to Center for Research Degree Programmes.

International Research Programme

  • I want to pursue my research in abroad. Can I do my research work by taking admission at LPU? Yes, LPU offers International Research Exchange Programme (IREP). In this program Lovely professional university gives its Ph.D. scholars opportunity of getting global exposure for their research. The scholar is allowed to visit an international university /Institution for a period of 3-6 months. Also, LPU offers International Co-Supervision Programme (ICSP). In this program Lovely professional university gives its Ph.D. scholars opportunity to collaborate with reputed international Professors/ Scientists in terms of co-supervision.
  • The Ph.D. scholar should have cleared the coursework with minimum CGPA of 7, with no backlogs.
  • The scholar must have a valid passport for at least up to 1 year.
  • The scholar must have cleared the intermediate evaluations of Ph.D.
  • Supervisor should be punched.
  • The scholar shall not have any outstanding fee dues at the time of application for ICSP.
  • If I am eligible for IREP, am I liable to pay the fees at LPU or to international institution itself for that duration? Yes, the scholar will continue to pay his/her Ph.D. fees at LPU as per university norms during the time spent at partner international university/Institute. However, there is no tuition fee applicable for partner international university/ institute under IREP unless otherwise specified by the partner international university.
  • Step 1: The scholars will receive an email from CRDP regarding the upcoming opportunity along with the instructions to apply for IREP and ICSP.
  • Step 2: Required documents: I. Research proposal II. Undertaking from the scholar III. Supervisor consent form
  • If I am eligible for IREP, then travel and related expenses will be arranged by myself? Travel and related expenses under IREP programme depend upon the availability of funds with your co-supervisor at the partner University.
  • What are the benefits of participating in IREP and ICSP? Participating in IREP and ICSP offers several benefits, including exposure to international research environments, collaboration with renowned researchers, access to advanced facilities and resources, networking opportunities, cross-cultural learning experiences, and the enhancement of research skills and knowledge.


  • Does University provide any hostel facility to a Ph.D. scholar? Yes. Hostel facility is provided to research scholars subject to availability. PhD scholars can also avail hostel facility as per their require.

Happenings @ LPU

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Admission - 2023 live video counselling.

To continue interaction with our expert admission counsellors enter the passcode 123456 for career guidance to discover the best suited programmes for you. Available from 10 am to 5 pm on all working days.

  • The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
  • UGC ( Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of sexual harassment of Women employees and students in Higher Educational Institutions ) Regulations, 2015
  • Handbook on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace issued by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India
  • Internal Complaints Committee against Sexual harassment
  • Internal Complaints Committee
  • Sexual Harassment Complaint Registration: - [email protected]
  • Anti Sexual Harrasment Policy

Admissions for 2017-2018 are closed, except for the following programmes.

Integrated b.ed. - m.ed., important information - lpu admissions 2020 update., for b.tech. admissions:.

  • Last date to apply has been extended from 31st March, 2020 to 20th April, 2020. Click here to apply
  • LPUNEST Test Dates will be informed as and when Government announces JEE Mains schedule in order to provide candidates with clash free schedule. University is also evaluating the options to offer Online proctored LPUNEST remotely.
  • Two Schedules of Counselling will be conducted (both online):
  • Regular Schedule of Counselling – After the conduct of LPUNEST exam which is dependent upon Government decision on lockdown due to Covid-19.
  • Special Schedule of Counseling – Before the conduct of LPUNEST exam, for all those candidates who already have JEE Mains or LPUNEST score (exams conducted in January 2020).
  • Special Schedule of Counselling will be conducted online only as per the dates mentioned below:
Result / Rank declaration 22nd April, 2020
Filling of Seat Preference (Online) 22nd April, 2020 to 24th April, 2020
Allotment letter (Online) 25th April, 2020
Fee Deposit & Admissions (Online) 25th April, 2020 to 30th April, 2020
  • This Special Schedule of counselling will help the students with existing score of JEE (Mains) or LPUNEST to confirm their admission and they need not to appear for LPUNEST exam again.
  • Regular Schedule of counselling may be conducted only on the basis of LPUNEST exam and not on the basis of JEE (Mains) score so all candidates having JEE Mains (Jan Schedule) score are advised not to wait for Regular Schedule of counselling and try to confirm the admission through Special Schedule of counselling .
  • Applicants who do not have LPUNEST score or JEE (Mains) score because they did not appear for exams in January / February shall apply on or before 20th April, 2020. The schedule of LPUNEST exam and counselling / admission process will be informed later.
  • Candidates participating in Special Counselling schedule (as per Table mentioned above), if interested, may appear for LPUNEST to improve their score for Scholarship and/or participate in Regular Schedule of counselling again for changing / improving the allotted branch.
  • The ranks declared in Special Counselling schedule will not be used for LPUNEST Study Grant.

For MBA Admissions:

  • Last date to apply has been extended till 20th April, 2020. Click here to apply
  • University has decided to conduct remote video Interviews for admission in MBA during the national lockdown period due to Covid-19. LPUNEST will now be conducted for scholarship only.
Interview Scheduling  8th April, 2020 – 20th April, 2020
Interview Conduct 10th April, 2020 - 23rd April, 2020
Interview Result  25th April, 2020
Admission 25th April, 2020 - 30th April, 2020
  • Considering the current COVID-19 Pandemic situation, University has also decided to extend the Last date of MBA Admissions for January applicants till 30th April, 2020.

For All other Programmes:

For ph.d. programme:.

  • LPUNEST and subsequent interview will be conducted as per schedule communicated earlier.
  • Slot booking for exam will be open from 15 April 2020 onwards. Click here to apply

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Toll Free: 1800-102-4057

  • Students should download and install the “LPU Live” App for online/remote academic connect (the details in this regard have been updated on UMS). The students shall continue their studies through the “LPU Live” App and LPU-UMS.
  • The University shall remain functional and faculty/staff shall be available during the working hours for all kinds of academic support required by the students.
  • Incase students opt to undertake any personal domestic travel; it is advised that all necessary precautionary measures and hygiene advisories should be followed.
  • International travel by the students is strongly discouraged.
  • Students should avoid participation in large gatherings or venturing out to crowded places.
  • All University events scheduled till March 31st, 2020 stand postponed till further notice.
  • There shall be no changes in the Academic Calendar of the current term.

Notifications/ Events

Admission- 2021 Live Video Counselling

LPUNEST Studygrant 4th Edition result declared Result for LPUNEST Studygrant 4th Edition has been declared. Details of the award ceremony will be communicated shortly. Candidates who are eligible to get studygrant can check their result at https://lpu.in/studygrant.


LPUNEST Application Invited for Study Grant Lovely Professional University launched LPUNEST Study Grant 5th Edition to augment the same spirit of expanding the purview of previous Editions of LPUNEST Study Grant i.e. ‘LPUNEST Study Grant 1st Edition, 2019’, ‘LPUNEST Study Grant 2nd Edition, 2020’ and ‘LPUNEST Study Grant 3rd Edition, 2021’ LPUNEST Study Grant 4th Edition, 2022’.

  • Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) - 2020
  • Email ID for Comments & Feedback : [email protected]
  • Report of NIRF Data Capturing System: Management
  • Report of NIRF Data Capturing System: Pharmacy
  • Report of NIRF Data Capturing System: Engineering
  • Report of NIRF Data Capturing System: Overall
  • Report of NIRF Data Capturing System: Law
  • Report of NIRF Data Capturing System: Architecture
  • Report of NIRF Data Capturing System: Agriculture

Applications for academic session 2020-21 are closed. For 2021-22, details will be updated shortly. You may call 01824-404404 or Click here to submit your query.

LPUNEST Applications for 2020-21 will be updated in 2nd week of September. For any kind of query please call 01824-404404 or Click here

LPUNEST Applications for 2020-21 will be updated Shortly. For any kind of query please call 01824-404404 or Click here

Applications are closed in Post Graduate Agriculture Programmes. If seats remain vacant after the first counselling, we will inform you and will guide you for further process. However to apply for any other Post Graduate Sciences Programme Click Here. For any kind of query please call 01824-404404 or Click Here.

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  • Discipline Select Discipline
  • Stream Select Stream
  • Course / Option Select Course / Option

What programme type are you looking for?

What's your last qualification, which discipline are you interested in, select a stream, select course / option, ph.d. (english) minimum 3 yrs. (from the date of initial registration), programme details, scholarships.

  • Career Prospects

How to Apply

Important dates, eligibility criteria (qualifying exam), admission criteria, key highlights, why data science and data engineering hons. programme at lpu.

english phd admission 2021

Specialization and Industry Certifications

Specialization and Industry Certifications 12-16 courses of specialization. Industry certifications are integral part of the curriculum. Indicative list of Certifications for Data Science and Data Engineering: Tableau Desktop Certified Associate IBM Data Science Professional Certificate Google Professional Data Engineer Certification Cloudera Certified Associate (CCA) Data Analyst Associate Certified Analytics Professional (ACAP)

Programme Architects and Experts

english phd admission 2021

Patents Filed

Eminent Industry Experts

International Tie Ups

Student Achievements

LPU Students Bagged First Position at North-India Cyber Security Hackathon at IIT Delhi.
SpaceTech startup by LPU Alumni Digantara Research and Technologies Pvt. Ltd. has been incubated by SID (Society for Innovation and Development) at the Indian Institute of Science, (IISc), Bengaluru.
LPU student selected in Entrepreneurship Development Programme under Skill Vigyan Program, GOI.
Computer Science and Engg. student fetches an offer of Rs. 31 Lakhs at Nutanix Inc!

Curriculum Highlights








Generic Elective

Undergraduate Research

Study Abroad International Exposure Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Credit Transfer Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Semester Abroad Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
Industry certifications, MOOCs, Hackathons / Co-curricular Competitive events, Workshops, Guest lectures, Educational Trips, Live projects, Incubation projects, Community projects, projects with NGOs etc. are an integral part of curriculum.

Curriculum Details

Click on a course name below for viewing the course description and course outcomes.

Electives Offered In Curriculum

Note: The Curriculum is subject to changes and/or review as and when prescribed by the University

english phd admission 2021

Fee details and Allied Issues

Modes of payment, requisites and highlights.

  • Phase I till 31 st May 2019
  • Phase III till 31 st May 2019
  • Phase IV till 31 st May 2019
  • Phase II till 31 st May 2019
  • Phase V till 31 st May 2019

Requisites & Highlights

  • Career Prospects / Salient Features
  • Program Educational Objective
  • Prog Out Title
  • Admission Session 2021
  • Admission Session 2022
  • Phase IV and V
  Schedule-I (January Schedule) Schedule-II August Schedule (Phase III) September Schedule (Phase IV) October Schedule (Phase V)
  Schedule-I (January Schedule) Schedule-II August Schedule (Phase III) September Schedule (Phase IV) October Schedule (Phase V)

^ Details of Online Counselling and Seat Allocation

Schedule - i.

Schedule - II

Schedule - iii, schedule - iv, schedule - v.

  Schedule-I (January Schedule) Schedule-II August Schedule (Phase III) September Schedule (Phase IV) October Schedule (Phase V)
  Schedule-I (January Schedule) Schedule-II Schedule-III Schedule-IV Schedule-V
  • Due to steep spike in infection cases in India and adhering to the central government's guidelines to safeguard health and safety of candidates, conduct of physical test is postponed for now, so currently LPUNEST for Ph.D. would be conducted in online mode only i.e. remotely proctored online LPUNEST from home will be conducted. Click here to view General Guidelines for Remotely Proctored Online Exam.

Special Schedule of Counselling

Last date to participate in Special schedule of counselling has elapsed; aspirants now need to apply for Regular Schedule of Counselling. Click here to Know more.

For any kind of query please call 01824-404404 or Click Here .

Search result.

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Admission - 2023 live video counselling.

To continue interaction with our expert admission counsellors enter the passcode 123456 for career guidance to discover the best suited programmes for you. Available from 10 am to 5 pm on all working days.

  • The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
  • UGC ( Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of sexual harassment of Women employees and students in Higher Educational Institutions ) Regulations, 2015
  • Handbook on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace issued by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India
  • Internal Complaints Committee
  • Sexual Harassment Complaint Registration: - [email protected]
  • Anti Sexual Harrasment Policy

Admissions for 2017-2018 are closed, except for the following programmes.

Integrated b.ed. - m.ed., important information - lpu admissions 2020 update., for b.tech. admissions:.

  • Last date to apply has been extended from 31st March, 2020 to 20th April, 2020. Click here to apply
  • LPUNEST Test Dates will be informed as and when Government announces JEE Mains schedule in order to provide candidates with clash free schedule. University is also evaluating the options to offer Online proctored LPUNEST remotely.
  • Two Schedules of Counselling will be conducted (both online):
  • Regular Schedule of Counselling – After the conduct of LPUNEST exam which is dependent upon Government decision on lockdown due to Covid-19.
  • Special Schedule of Counseling – Before the conduct of LPUNEST exam, for all those candidates who already have JEE Mains or LPUNEST score (exams conducted in January 2020).
  • Special Schedule of Counselling will be conducted online only as per the dates mentioned below:
Result / Rank declaration 22nd April, 2020
Filling of Seat Preference (Online) 22nd April, 2020 to 24th April, 2020
Allotment letter (Online) 25th April, 2020
Fee Deposit & Admissions (Online) 25th April, 2020 to 30th April, 2020
  • This Special Schedule of counselling will help the students with existing score of JEE (Mains) or LPUNEST to confirm their admission and they need not to appear for LPUNEST exam again.
  • Regular Schedule of counselling may be conducted only on the basis of LPUNEST exam and not on the basis of JEE (Mains) score so all candidates having JEE Mains (Jan Schedule) score are advised not to wait for Regular Schedule of counselling and try to confirm the admission through Special Schedule of counselling .
  • Applicants who do not have LPUNEST score or JEE (Mains) score because they did not appear for exams in January / February shall apply on or before 20th April, 2020. The schedule of LPUNEST exam and counselling / admission process will be informed later.
  • Candidates participating in Special Counselling schedule (as per Table mentioned above), if interested, may appear for LPUNEST to improve their score for Scholarship and/or participate in Regular Schedule of counselling again for changing / improving the allotted branch.
  • The ranks declared in Special Counselling schedule will not be used for LPUNEST Study Grant.

For MBA Admissions:

  • Last date to apply has been extended till 20th April, 2020. Click here to apply
  • University has decided to conduct remote video Interviews for admission in MBA during the national lockdown period due to Covid-19. LPUNEST will now be conducted for scholarship only.
Interview Scheduling  8th April, 2020 – 20th April, 2020
Interview Conduct 10th April, 2020 - 23rd April, 2020
Interview Result  25th April, 2020
Admission 25th April, 2020 - 30th April, 2020
  • Considering the current COVID-19 Pandemic situation, University has also decided to extend the Last date of MBA Admissions for January applicants till 30th April, 2020.

For All other Programmes:

For ph.d. programme:.

  • LPUNEST and subsequent interview will be conducted as per schedule communicated earlier.
  • Slot booking for exam will be open from 15 April 2020 onwards. Click here to apply

english phd admission 2021

Toll Free: 1800-102-4057

  • Students should download and install the “LPU Live” App for online/remote academic connect (the details in this regard have been updated on UMS). The students shall continue their studies through the “LPU Live” App and LPU-UMS.
  • The University shall remain functional and faculty/staff shall be available during the working hours for all kinds of academic support required by the students.
  • Incase students opt to undertake any personal domestic travel; it is advised that all necessary precautionary measures and hygiene advisories should be followed.
  • International travel by the students is strongly discouraged.
  • Students should avoid participation in large gatherings or venturing out to crowded places.
  • All University events scheduled till March 31st, 2020 stand postponed till further notice.
  • There shall be no changes in the Academic Calendar of the current term.

Notifications/ Events

  • Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) - 2020
  • Email ID for Comments & Feedback : [email protected]
  • Report of NIRF Data Capturing System: Management
  • Report of NIRF Data Capturing System: Pharmacy
  • Report of NIRF Data Capturing System: Engineering
  • Report of NIRF Data Capturing System: Overall
  • Report of NIRF Data Capturing System: Law
  • Report of NIRF Data Capturing System: Architecture
  • Report of NIRF Data Capturing System: Agriculture

Following is the list of other programmes of LPU accredited by ACBSP (USA)

english phd admission 2021

BBA (Hons.) MBA (Hons.)
BBA (IT ) MBA (International Business)
B.Com. M.Com.
B.Com. (Hons.) MBA (Hospital and Healthcare Management)

Tentative cut-off

The tentative cut-off’s for the scholarship are suggested based upon the performance of last year applicants. However, cut-off may vary this year. Candidates are advised to put their best efforts and aim for getting high scores.

Tentative cut-off is 220 out of 400 marks
Tentative cut-off is 175 out of 400 marks
Tentative cut-off is 150 out of 400 marks

Fee Details

Cuet eligibility.

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Admission Steps

English and literary arts - creative writing - phd, admission requirements.

Terms and Deadlines

Degree and GPA Requirements

Additional Standards for Non-Native English Speakers

Additional standards for international applicants.

For the 2025-2026 academic year

See 2024-2025 requirements instead

Fall 2025 quarter (beginning in September)

Final submission deadline: December 16, 2024

Final submission deadline: Applicants cannot submit applications after the final submission deadline.

Degrees and GPA Requirements

Bachelors degree: All graduate applicants must hold an earned baccalaureate from a regionally accredited college or university or the recognized equivalent from an international institution.

Masters degree: This program requires a masters degree as well as the baccalaureate.

University GPA requirement: The minimum grade point average for admission consideration for graduate study at the University of Denver must meet one of the following criteria:

A cumulative 2.5 on a 4.0 scale for the baccalaureate degree.

A cumulative 2.5 on a 4.0 scale for the last 60 semester credits or 90 quarter credits (approximately two years of work) for the baccalaureate degree.

An earned master’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution or the recognized equivalent from an international institution supersedes the minimum GPA requirement for the baccalaureate.

A cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for all graduate coursework completed for applicants who have not earned a master’s degree or higher.

Official scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), International English Language Testing System (IELTS), C1 Advanced or Duolingo English Test are required of all graduate applicants, regardless of citizenship status, whose native language is not English or who have been educated in countries where English is not the native language. Your TOEFL/IELTS/C1 Advanced/Duolingo English Test scores are valid for two years from the test date.

The minimum TOEFL/IELTS/C1 Advanced/Duolingo English Test score requirements for this degree program are:

Minimum TOEFL Score (Internet-based test): 80

Minimum IELTS Score: 6.5

Minimum C1 Advanced Score: 176

Minimum Duolingo English Test Score: 115

Additional Information:

Read the English Language Proficiency policy for more details.

Read the Required Tests for GTA Eligibility policy for more details.

Per Student & Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) regulation, international applicants must meet all standards for admission before an I-20 or DS-2019 is issued, [per U.S. Federal Register: 8 CFR § 214.3(k)] or is academically eligible for admission and is admitted [per 22 C.F.R. §62]. Read the Additional Standards For International Applicants policy for more details.

Application Materials

Transcripts, letters of recommendation.

Required Essays and Statements

Writing Sample

We require a scanned copy of your transcripts from every college or university you have attended. Scanned copies must be clearly legible and sized to print on standard 8½-by-11-inch paper. Transcripts that do not show degrees awarded must also be accompanied by a scanned copy of the diploma or degree certificate. If your academic transcripts were issued in a language other than English, both the original documents and certified English translations are required.

Transcripts and proof of degree documents for postsecondary degrees earned from institutions outside of the United States will be released to a third-party international credential evaluator to assess U.S. education system equivalencies. Beginning July 2023, a non-refundable fee for this service will be required before the application is processed.

Upon admission to the University of Denver, official transcripts will be required from each institution attended.

Three (3) letters of recommendation are required.  Academic recommendations preferred.  Letters should be submitted by recommenders through the online application.

Essays and Statements

Essay instructions.

Applicants should submit a sample of critical prose (e.g., a seminar paper, scholarly publication, or excerpt from thesis or other longer work demonstrating familiarity with the conventions of academic research and writing) not to exceed 20 pages.

Personal Statement Instructions

Personal statements should be 2 pages maximum and should address the applicant's past academic experience, future scholarly goals, and their suitability for graduate study and research in our program.

Résumé Instructions

The résumé (or C.V.) should minimally include the applicant's educational history, work experience, academic experience (including research opportunities or presentations), selected publications, and/or volunteer work.

Writing Sample Instructions

Applicants must submit representative samples of creative work (for Prose, no more than 30 pages; for Poetry, 5 - 10 poems).

Start the Application

Online Application

Financial Aid Information

Start your application.

Your submitted materials will be reviewed once all materials and application fees have been received.

Our program can only consider your application for admission if our Office of Graduate Education has received all your online materials and supplemental materials by our application deadline.

Application Fee: $65.00 Application Fee

International Degree Evaluation Fee: $50.00 Evaluation Fee for degrees (bachelor's or higher) earned from institutions outside the United States.

Applicants should complete their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by February 15. Visit the Office of Financial Aid for additional information.

  • The Student Experience
  • Financial Aid
  • Degree Finder
  • Undergraduate Arts & Sciences
  • Departments and Programs
  • Research, Scholarship & Creativity
  • Centers & Institutes
  • Geisel School of Medicine
  • Guarini School of Graduate & Advanced Studies
  • Thayer School of Engineering
  • Tuck School of Business

Campus Life

  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Athletics & Recreation
  • Student Groups & Activities
  • Residential Life
  • [email protected] Contact & Department Info Mail
  • Frank J. Guarini '46
  • Board of Advisors
  • Guarini School Impact and Initiatives
  • Visual Identity
  • From the Dean
  • Visiting Dartmouth
  • Get Involved
  • Living Here
  • Student Services
  • Guarini Student Survey
  • Sarah Cornelius, Guarini
  • Rachel Garlick, Guarini '21
  • Dylan Green, PhD '24
  • Ansh Gupta, MS '24
  • Kayla Iuliano, Postdoc
  • Tongtong Li, Guarini Postdoc
  • Karina Madzari, MALS '24
  • Catherine Miller, Guarini
  • Camella Pham, Guarini '23
  • Stephen Pike, Guarini
  • Behishta Sadaat, MALS
  • Sharanya Sarkar, Guarini
  • Jasmine Shirey, MALS Thesis Award
  • Rebecca Valls, PhD '24
  • James Washington, Jr., MALS
  • Huan Zhao, Guarini
  • Pradipta Debnath, International Graduate Student Mentor Program
  • News & Events
  • Investiture and Commencement
  • Mental Health Awareness Month
  • Ethics Training Sessions
  • Orientation
  • Graduate Student Appreciation Week
  • Postdoc Appreciation Week
  • Academic Requirements
  • Academic Standing
  • Transcript Requests
  • Enrollment Verification
  • Academic and Conduct Regulations
  • Thesis, Dissertation, or Course-Track Fulfillments
  • PhD Innovation Program at Dartmouth
  • IvyPlus Exchange Scholar Program
  • Internship and Experiential Dartmouth Learning Courses - Graduate Students
  • Academic Policies
  • Thesis and Dissertation Forms
  • Admissions & Financial Aid
  • Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Comparative Literature
  • Computer Science
  • Earth Sciences
  • Ecology, Evolution, Environment and Society
  • Health Policy and Clinical Practice
  • Integrative Neuroscience
  • Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS)
  • Mathematics
  • Molecular and Cellular Biology
  • Physics and Astronomy
  • Psychological and Brain Sciences
  • Quantitative Biomedical Sciences
  • Sonic Practice
  • Interdisciplinary Programs
  • Summer Research Opportunities
  • Postbac Research Education Program (DPREP)
  • Recruitment

Admissions Information

  • Admissions FAQ
  • Fee Waiver Criteria
  • Fellowships
  • Awards & Grants
  • Tuition & Living Costs
  • Childcare Subsidy
  • Emergency Loan Funds
  • Institutional Financial Aid
  • International Students
  • Non-Degree Applicants
  • Economic Benefits
  • Student Support
  • Graduate Student Council Resource Guide
  • Grievance Policy
  • Mental Health
  • Title IX Office
  • Dartmouth Compliance and Ethics Hotline
  • Ethics Training
  • Professional Development
  • Language Support for International Graduate Students and Postdocs
  • Disability-related Accommodations
  • Teaching Support
  • CVs and Resumes
  • Correspondence
  • Individual Development Plan (myIDP)
  • Interview Practice & Techniques
  • Student Professional Development Groups
  • Academic Jobs
  • Non-Academic Jobs
  • For Employers
  • Finding Funding
  • Get in Touch
  • First-Generation Students
  • LGBTIQA+ Persons
  • Students with Disabilities
  • Service Members and Veterans
  • Campus Diversity Initiatives
  • Postbac Research Education Program (Dartmouth PREP)
  • International Scholars
  • Affiliated Fellows
  • Postdoc Research Day
  • National Postdoc Association Core Competencies
  • Professional Affiliations
  • Professional Development Award
  • National Postdoc Association
  • Mentoring Resources
  • Dartmouth Postdoc Community Resources

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  • Collective Bargaining Agreement Updates

Application Instructions

The online graduate application opens early September.

The following application instructions are for graduate programs under the Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies application system.

Please read the following instructions carefully. Only complete applications by the application deadline will be considered for admission. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all materials, including recommendation letters, are submitted by the deadline. The application fee must be paid for an application to be considered complete.  

Acknowledgement   .

After submission of your application, you will receive an email acknowledgement through the application system.

Application Status  

To see the status of your application, visit your online application status page . Please note that it may take a few days for application materials to be processed. 

Application materials and supporting documents become the property of the Admissions Committee and are not returnable. 

Updating Your Application Materials   

Your self-reported test scores, mailing address, and references can be updated at any time through your application status page. After submission, other components (CV, statement of purpose, essays, etc.) cannot be updated. Please be sure you have entered the most accurate information at the time of submission. Due to the volume of applications received, we cannot update these materials after submission. 

General Policies 

  • False Statements/Materials: If a candidate for admission to Dartmouth makes a false statement or submits falsified material in connection with his or her application, and the misrepresentation is discovered after the candidate has been admitted, the offer of admission ordinarily will be withdrawn. If the misrepresentation is discovered after a student arrives on campus or at any time during their enrollment, the student will be subject to loss of credits earned and disciplinary action that could include separation from the College. If the discovery occurs after a degree has been awarded, the degree normally will be rescinded. 
  • Equal Opportunity: Dartmouth College is committed to the principle of equal opportunity for all its students, faculty, employees, and applicants for admission and employment. For that reason, Dartmouth does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or status as a disabled or Vietnam era veteran in its programs, organizations, and conditions of employment and admission. 
  • Security and Fire Safety Report: Dartmouth prepares an annual Security and Fire Safety Report which is available to all current and prospective employees and students. The report includes statistics of reported crimes that have occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings, or on property owned or controlled by Dartmouth, and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus as well as reported fires occurring in residential facilities. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning sexual assault, fire safety, and other matters. You may obtain a copy of this report by contacting the Director of Safety and Security and the College Proctor at +1 (603) 646-4000. 

International Students 

Language proficiency test scores are required for non-US citizens, with the exception of those who are earning or have earned a degree from institutions in the US, Canada, or the UK or whose primary language of instruction at their non-US institution was English. *Some programs have different requirements. Visit the program page for more details.

While all applications are looked at holistically, we recommend the following score ranges: 

TOEFL scores of 100 or higher 

IELTS scores of 7 or higher 

Duolingo scores of 135 or higher 

The Guarini School initiates the visa process upon admission into one of our graduate programs. For information about the visa and immigration process, visit Dartmouth's Office of Visa and Immigration Services . 

English Language Proficiency Scores (International Applicants) 

Language proficiency test scores are required for non-US citizens, with the exception of those who are earning or have earned a degree from institutions in the US or Canada, or whose primary language of instruction at their non-US institution was English.  

For all graduate programs, Guarini accepts the following English proficiency tests: TOEFL , IELTS , and Duolingo . During the application process, self-reported scores are acceptable. However, once admitted, students will be required to electronically submit official test results directly from the testing organization.

GRE requirements vary by program. Please visit the individual program page for testing requirements.

If you enter self-reported scores, you will be required to provide official scores if admitted. Visit the ETS website and use code 3351.

Application Fee

The application fee for most programs is $75USD apart from Computer Science, which is $100. Application fees are non-refundable.

Letters of Recommendation 

3 letters of recommendation are required, you may have up to 4.     Letters of recommendation must be completed and submitted online directly by your recommenders. Please note that letters of recommendation should be on official letterhead. If the company/institution does not have or allow letterhead the recommender should note that. Letters of recommendation from personal email accounts will be subject to additional review. 

Letters of recommendation should ideally come from your college professors using their official school email address. Applicants with work or military experience or currently in another graduate program should submit a recommendation from their immediate supervisor, a current or former employer, or someone who knows them well through some other professional or community activity. 

The Guarini School partners with a company specializing in educational verifications to help with the verification of recommendations upon admittance. After acceptance, they will reach out to recommenders for verification.      Academic Transcripts  

All applicants are required to submit academic transcripts from each undergraduate or graduate institution from which you obtained your degrees (eg. your bachelor's degrees or other advanced degrees).

Non-degree coursework: If you attended institutions other than those from which your degree(s) were granted, you are required to scan and upload your academic transcripts from these institutions (transfer coursework, domestic or study-abroad programs, postgraduate non-degree coursework, etc).

International Transcripts: You will upload a copy of your academic transcript (not diploma) issued by the institution(s) from which you obtained your undergraduate degree(s) and any advanced/graduate degree(s) directly to the online application. While a WES evaluation is not mandatory for admission, it can help expedite the application review process.  

Upload BOTH sides of your transcript (provided the second side is not blank). 

The file must be less than 1 MB, in a standard format, WITHOUT password protection or macros. Any of these problems will cause the upload process to fail. 

A diploma is not a transcript. 

Please make sure the upload is clear and easy to read.

If you upload a scanned copy of your transcript, you do not need to send a hard copy. The scanned copy fulfills the requirement for the application process. Upon admission, you will be required to supply an official hard copy of your transcript. 

Enrolling Students: If admitted, you will be required to submit one final official, original hardcopy transcript) directly from each college and/or university you have attended. 

International applicants must make arrangements to have their academic records translated and sent along with the originals. Where American-style transcripts are not used, the applicant must include all available records including courses, grades, degrees, and rank-in-class. The appropriate university officials must certify these records. Evaluations from WES (World Education Services) can be used instead of official transcripts, but they must be sent directly by the evaluation service provider, and they must include a copy of the official transcripts that were evaluated. 

The Guarini School partners with a company specializing in educational verifications to help with the verification and collection of official transcripts and degrees. After acceptance, they will reach out to collect the required documents.  

For all graduate programs, Guarini accepts the following English proficiency tests: TOEFL , IELTS , and Duolingo . During the application process, self-reported scores are acceptable. However, once admitted, students will be required to electronically submit official test results directly from the testing organization. 

The ETS code for the Guarini School is 3351. 

Admissions Decisions 

The Guarini School does not handle the application review process. Individual program admission committees review applications and render admission decisions. 

Applications are not reviewed until AFTER the program application deadline. Applying before the deadline does not necessarily mean you will receive an early decision. 

Admission committees release decisions on various timelines. You will receive an email when a decision has been made. 

Contact Email 

[email protected]  Please be aware that during peak admissions times we may not be able to reply immediately. 

Admission Information

Read admission information here

Read program requirements here


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  5. PhD Admission 2021

  6. PhD Admission 2021


  1. The Doctoral Program in English Literature

    All application materials are due by 11:59 pm (CST) on the day of the deadline. Applications for doctoral study are considered for Fall admission only. Prospective students must submit all application materials by the deadline listed above. The English Department admissions process occurs once a year and ends in early February.

  2. Ph.D. Admissions

    Stanford PhD students may also apply to KHS during their first year of PhD enrollment. If you aspire to be a leader in your field, we invite you to apply. The KHS application for 2025 cohort opens on June 1, 2024. Learn more about KHS admission. Start English PhD Application

  3. Ph.D. in English

    Ian Newman. Director of Graduate Studies. Associate Professor of English. Email: [email protected]. Blake Holman. Graduate Program Coordinator. Email: [email protected]. Notre Dame's English Department offers graduate and undergraduate degrees with a focus on literature's cultural and interpretive contexts, creative writing, creative reading, film ...

  4. Ph.D. Program Overview

    There are several options for teaching after students have completed the M.Phil. requirements: The Writing Program is associated with the Department of English and Comparative Literature, but is run separately. Consult the University Writing Program webpage for a more detailed description of the program. For 8-10 students in their third year ...

  5. Information for Prospective PhD Students

    In 2024-2025 students will receive a $35,000 stipend for nine months, plus a full tuition scholarship, registration and services fees, and full coverage of NYU student health insurance for an individual under the comprehensive plan. The MacCracken award includes a one-time $1,000 Dean's Supplementary Fellowship Grant.

  6. Graduate Program Overview

    The graduate program in English is a five-year program (with multiple opportunities for funding in year six) leading to the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). Students may not enroll for a Master of Arts degree. During the first two years, students prepare for the General Examination through work in seminars, and directed or independent reading.

  7. Doctor of Philosophy in English

    Explore the opportunities offered by our innovative PhD program, which integrates rhetoric, writing, and discourse studies (RWD), technology and media studies (TMS), and literary and cultural studies (LCS). Our courses offer creative reinterpretations of these fields within the discipline of English. We emphasize research on texts and media as ...

  8. Ph.D. in English

    English Ph.D. students pursue individualized programs of study within the parameters of our degree requirements; they share the qualities of excellent critical thinking and writing, and above all, of intellectual curiosity. Admission to the Ph.D. program is highly competitive, but all admitted students receive a five-year funding package.

  9. Applying to Yale

    The application is available online through the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Admissions page. All application materials, supporting credentials and recommendations, and application fee must be received by the deadline to be considered by Yale for admission. Admissions decisions are announced by early March.

  10. Ph.D. in English

    Kathy Psomiades Director of Graduate Studies Department of English Duke University Box 90017 Durham, NC 27708-0017 Phone: (919) 684-5538 Email: [email protected]

  11. PhD and MA Graduate Admissions

    We only accept full-time students for the M.A. and Ph.D. program, and do not offer part-time options for either program. All applicants are applying to begin in the fall semester of the following year. We do not accept applications for spring admission. The application fee is $90, payable via credit or debit card at the time of submission.

  12. PhD in English

    PhD in English. English is no longer accepting new applications. Cambridge is an outstanding place to work on Anglophone literature. Students and scholars benefit from world-class libraries, and from each other. The PhD cohort is diverse and large in number. No particular area or approach is preferred. Faculty members who act as supervisors and ...

  13. Ph.D.

    Doctoral Program Call Letter July 2024 Admission (Mid Admission) Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, AIMS, Faridabad Campus, invites applications for Full-Time and Part-Time PhD Admission in Medical And Health Sciences for the academic year 2024 (Mid-admission). The last date of submission of the duly filled Application Form is July 11, 2024.

  14. PhD Admissions

    PhD Admissions. Deadline: January 15, 2025. Application Status for Fall 2025: Applications for Fall admits are processed by Graduate Admissions staff and English program staff. Applications go to PhD graduate admissions committee members in two batches; we meet in mid February and early March to discuss applications.

  15. English Proficiency

    English-proficiency scores must be dated within 2 years (24 months) of the date you submit your graduate application. For example, a prospective student applying to fall 2024 who submits their USC application in December 2023 will need to have taken the test no earlier than December 2021.

  16. PhD English Course, Admission, Fees, Eligibility, Entrance Exams

    PhD English Admission Process. The basic eligibility criteria for gaining admission for PhD English courses is completion of the Masters level course. It could be M.A. in Arts or M.Phil. Students appearing for the final examinations can also apply for the entrance examination. ... Osmania University - [OU] (Enrolled 2021) Ph.D, English July 27 ...

  17. English Ph.D.

    See the program curriculum and learn about admission. Apply Now. ... English and American Literature . Contact the Program. Jamison Lancaster Graduate Student Coordinator Phone: 803-777-5063 Email: [email protected]. Eli Jelly-Schapiro Graduate Director Phone: 803-576-5908

  18. Ph.D.Programmes Admission Session 2021-22

    Notice regarding seat allotment to candidates under PhD Admission Examination (Session 2021-22) and submission of fee latest by 08.11.2022. Ph.D Cut Off First Allotment List. Ph.D Admission (Session 2021-22) Provisional complete Merit List after Interview. Ph.D (Part Time) Candidate List.

  19. Applications Process

    The application fee must be received and recorded by Graduate Admissions prior to the application deadline. You must pay the fee online using a MasterCard or Visa card (both credit and debit cards are accepted) or a TeleCheck (an online "check" taken from your existing checking account). ... Graduate School English Language Proficiency ...

  20. University of Delhi Admission 2021: More than 1,000 PhD Seats and 500

    New Delhi, 29 July 2021: University of Delhi, a Central University, has announced Admission to UG, PG, MPhil/PhD Admission for 2021-22. The application portal has opened from 26 July 2021 for PG and PhD Admission. The National Testing Agency will conduct Delhi University Entrance Test (DUET) 2021 for PG and PhD Programmes in 27 cities across India.

  21. How to Apply

    Unofficial test score reports are used during the application review process; however, official GRE and GMAT test scores are required if admission is recommended. English language proficiency tests. If your native language is not English, The Graduate School requires that you certify proficiency in the English language in one of the following ways:

  22. Doctoral Program (Ph.D.)

    QS World University Subject Rankings 2024 has ranked BITS Pilani globally at. 101-150 in Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 301-350 in 4 subjects namely, EEE, Computer Science, Mechanical and Chemical Engineering. 451-500 in 3 subjects, namely, Mathematics, Business & management Studies and Physics & Astronomy. 501-550 in Chemistry.

  23. PhD in English, PhD Admission 2021 in English

    PhD Admission 2021 in English Literature (Full Time/Part Time) The admissions to the full time and part time phd courses in english are made based on the performance of a candidates both at the research entrance test and then at the personal interview, conducted by the concerned university.

  24. LPUNEST Ph.D. National Entrance and Scholarship Test 2024

    LPUNEST (Ph.D.) will provide a gateway to all Ph.D. programmes in LPU and will act as an Entrance test for admission to Ph.D. Programmes at LPU. For details, refer. LPU envisages unsharring in an era of accessible and affordable quality higher education for the youth of our country on the basis of scores in LPUNEST (Ph.D.).

  25. Ph.D English (Full Time) Courses, Scope, Fees, Eligibility, Admission 2024

    Category I cut-off. Tentative cut-off is 220 out of 400 marks. Category II cut-off. Tentative cut-off is 175 out of 400 marks. Category III cut-off. Tentative cut-off is 150 out of 400 marks. Get Admission in Full Time Ph.D English From India's Top Ranked Colleges/ University In Punjab - LPU. Check Course details, Fees, Scope, Eligibility ...

  26. English and Literary Arts

    Degrees and GPA Requirements Bachelors degree: All graduate applicants must hold an earned baccalaureate from a regionally accredited college or university or the recognized equivalent from an international institution. Masters degree: This program requires a masters degree as well as the baccalaureate. University GPA requirement: The minimum grade point average for admission consideration for ...

  27. Admissions Information

    The online graduate application opens early September. The following application instructions are for graduate programs under the Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies application system. Please read the following instructions carefully. Only complete applications by the application deadline will be considered for admission.

  28. Admission|May-July|2024

    Admission to the PhD programme ---Centre for Research in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology: 15-5-24: Admission to MBA (Financial Management) Programme - 2024-26 [Extension of Dates] 11-5-24: M.A. English Semester IV Semester End Examination: 3-5-24: Results of PhD Admission Test Department of Business Management: May - August 2024; March - April ...