Ms. Owl Assignment Helper

Jimat !! Diskaun RM 20 untuk tugasan pertama anda!

Jimat diskaun rm 20 untuk tugasan pertama anda, upah buat assignment & thesis murah dan last minute di malaysia. 100% sulit., tengah cari servis buat assignment & peperiksaan , hantarkan permintaan anda .

*Maklumat anda adalah 100% sulit*

Sila Whatsapp Kami untuk maklum balas yang lebih cepat.

upah assignment last minute

Servis Upah Buat Assignment Ms. Owl

Report turnitin.

Jangan tertangkap kerana plagiat! Database yang kami guna bukan sahaja daripada laman web tetapi juga buku dan artikel jurnal. Dengan gabungan alat perisian pengesanan plagiat yang paling maju dan anda boleh memeriksa unsur-unsur plagiat dengan perisian kami.

Upah Assingment

Team Ms Owl Assignment Helper adalah team yang berdedikasi dalam menyediakan perkhidmatan penulisan, upah buat assignment murah, dan pruf untuk pelajar. Kami akan memastikan kerja dapat dihantar pada tepat waktu tanpa ada unsur-unsur plagiat dan semakan pembetulan tanpa had jika diperlukan.

Bantuan Peperiksaan

Menyediakan perkhidmatan bantuan peperiksaan, merangkumi upah buat exam Malaysia, merangkumi ujian bertulis, pemeriksaan jawapan pelajar oleh penulis yang berpengalaman daripada pelbagai bidang. Segala persiapan akan kami sediakan ketika menghadapi peperiksaan untuk memastikan pelajar mendapat nilai yang terbaik.

Upah Buat Slide Presentation

Perlukan bantuan buat slide presentation anda ? Kami akan menyediankan slaid yang konstruktif dengan kandungan yang baik untuk menarik perhatian khalayak ramai. Kami juga menawarkan semakan slaid kepada para pelajar.

Upah Buat Tesis

Perkhidmatan menulis tesis atau disertasi secara online, upah buat assignment master dan proposal, merangkumi penulisan, penyuntingan dan pruf untuk tesis anda di Malaysia. Kami menawarkan penghantaran bab demi bab dan akan sentiasa mengemaskini maklumat tentang kemajuan tugasan anda secara berkala.

Upah Buat FYP

Selain upah assignment, kami juga menerima upah buat FYP ! Penulis kami akan membantu anda dalam menulis penyelidikan dan FYP secara atas talian. Kami menawarkan bimbingan professional dan maklum balas atas permintaan anda.

upah assignment last minute

Secara ringkas, berikut adalah perkhidmatan penulisan yang disediakan oleh Ms. Owl Assignment Helper :

  • Penulisan esei
  • Upah buat FYP
  • Upah buat thesis
  • Slaid powerpoint
  • Upah assignment
  • Penulisan disertasi
  • Rujukan & bibliografi
  • Penulisan kerja kursus
  • Bantuan peperiksaan online
  • Penyemakan & penyuntingan
  • Penulisan kertas penyelidikan

Kenapa Pilih Perkhidmatan Kami?

Servis Upah Buat Assignment No.1 di Malaysia

3,860+ Penulis Berpengalaman

Sama ada anda seorang pelajar PhD atau pelajar tahun pertama universiti, anda akan mendapat bantuan assignment dalam semua peringkat pengajian.

100% Perkidmatan Sulit

Kami memastikan bahawa segala perkhidmatan assigment dijalankan secara private. Privasi anda adalah keutamaan kami, oleh itu kami akan merahsiakan maklumat pelanggan, sama ada anda mendaftar atau tidak untuk perkhidmatan penulisan kami di Malaysia.

Tepat Pada Masa

Kami akan menghantar assignment pelajar sebelum tibanya tarikh akhir supaya anda lebih bersedia dan mempunyai masa yang cukup untuk menyemak hasil tugasan bagi mengelakkan kehilangan markah kerana hantar lewat.

Tiada Plagiat

Kami mengenakan tindakan yang tegas terhadap penulis kami sekiranya gagal memenuhi syarat minimum untuk memastikan tiada unsur-unsur plagiat. Kami akan menyediakan report turnitin secara percuma sebagai bukti jaminan plagiarisme.

Jaminan pulangan wang

Kualiti adalah keutamaan no 1 kami. Oleh itu, tugas kami adalah memastikan hasil tugasan yang memenuhi piawaian yang diperlukan. Kami berbesar hati untuk mengembalikan wang anda jika hasil tugasan atau peperiksaan gagal.

Semakan tanpa had

Penulis yang bertugas akan memberi perhatian terhadap hasil penulisan. Sebelum kami menghantar semula tugasan akhir kepada pelanggan, kami akan melakukan semakan berulangkali sekiranya diperlukan bagi memastikan kepuasan pelanggan.

Hanya Perlu 3 Langkah Mudah Saja!

Kami sedia berkhidmat untuk anda, hantar butiran assignment, menerima sebut harga.

Anda akan menerima sebut harga untuk assignment anda. Setelah pembayaran dibuat, pasukan kami akan mula menulis assignment anda.

Menerima Kerja Yang Lengkap

Kami akan hantarkan assignment dengan jawapan yang lengkap kepada anda sebelum tarikh akhir.

Pencapaian Kami Dalam Bantuan Assignment

Terima kasih atas segala sumbangan dan sokongan dalam menjayakan Ms. Owl Assignement Helper

Ahli Ijazah Ph.D yang cekap

Assignment & thesis yang selesai, kadar kepuasan murid, dipercayai oleh pelajar universiti-universiti utama di seluruh malaysia.

upah buat assignment

Apa Kata Klien ?

upah assignment last minute

Tengah mencari pakar dalam menyelesaikan tugasan anda?

Selain mempunyai pembantu yang rajin untuk membantu menyelesaikan tugasan anda, anda juga akan mendapat manfaat berikut dengan setiap pesanan:

  • Tempoh semakan tanpa had
  • Laporan plagiarisme oleh Turnitin
  • Kemas kini mengenai kemajuaan tugasan
  • Perkhidmatan sokongan yang berdedikasi
  • Jaminan pulangan wang (jika anda tidak lulus)



Selamat Datang ke Upah Buat Assignment

UpahBuatAssignment menawarkan perkhidmatan menulis dan mengarang tugasan, tesis, kertas kerja/cadangan, jurnal akademik dan lain-lain pada harga yang kompetitif dan hasil kerja yang berkualiti. Team UpahBuatAssignment terdiri daripada penulis-penulis yang berkelayakan dan berpengalaman dalam pelbagai bidang akademik dari dalam dan luar negara. Hasil kerja kami boleh didapati dalam semua jenis bahasa mengikut keperluan pelanggan.

UpahBuatAssignment sentiasa mementingkan hasil kerja yang berkualiti dan asli untuk pelanggan-pelanggan kami. Kami juga komited dengan semua keperluan pelanggan dan sentiasa memastikan setiap tugasan dihantar tepat pada masa yang telah ditetapkan. Team kami juga bersedia 24/7 dan boleh dihubungi melalui Whatsapp, Twitter, dan Live Chat bagi memastikan tahap kepuasan dan sokongan pelanggan. UpahBuatAssignment sentiasa menawarkan harga yang kompetitif kepada pelanggan kami. Sila rujuk jadual harga di bawah untuk senarai harga perkhidmatan kami. Sebarang pertanyaan atau maklumat tambahan sila hubungi kami melalui Whatsapp atau emel.

PhD Sains Politik

Muhammad Hizwan

Sarjana Pendidikan

Amirul Zakbar

Sarjana Grafik Multimedia


Sains Sosial

Falsafah dan Teori

Reka Grafik dan Pembangunan Laman Web

Kemahiran Kami

Penyelidikan dan metodologi, pendidikan dan teori, pengaturcaraan, pembangunan web, rekaan grafik, perkhidmatan kami, penulisan akademik.

Kami menyediakan perkhidmatan mengarang tugasan di semua peringkat pengajian

Profil Syarikat

Kami menawarkan perkhidmatan menyediakan profil syarikat yang lengkap dengan rekabentuk moden dan kontemporari

Kertas Kerja/Cadangan

Kami juga menawarkan perkhidmatan menyediakan kertas cadangan atau kertas kerja mengikut keperluan pelangga


Copywriting ada kemahiran utama team kami di UpahBuatAssignment. Berpengalaman lebih 10 tahun dalam industri pengiklanan

Kami juga berkemahiran merekabentuk grafik berdasarkan keperluan pelanggan. Team kami berpengalaman dengan perisian rekabentuk grafik utama.

Team kami berpengalaman membangunkan laman web menggunakan kod dan perisian utama dunia


Hasil kerja yang sangat memuaskan walaupun last minit. Terima kasih Upah Buat Assignment!

___ Qistina Sarah ___

Hampir berputus asa dengan supervisor sehinggalah Upah Buat Assignment datang membantu. Terima kasih!

___ Fariq Asri ___

Upah Buat Assignment memudahkan perjalanan pembelajaran jarak jauh saya.

___ Atikah Ismaeil ___

Hasil kerja kami, tips menulis esei refleksi.

upah assignment last minute

Menulis esei refleksi boleh menjadi satu proses yang memperkaya pengalaman dan memberikan peluang untuk merenung kembali terhadap apa yang telah dipelajari atau dialami. Esei refleksi adalah lebih daripada sekadar menceritakan peristiwa; ia melibatkan analisis mendalam dan penilaian terhadap pengalaman tersebut. Berikut adalah beberapa tips untuk menulis esei refleksi yang efektif:

1. Fahami Tujuan Esei Refleksi

Langkah pertama dalam menulis esei refleksi adalah memahami tujuan penulisan tersebut. Esei refleksi bertujuan untuk menggambarkan bagaimana pengalaman tertentu telah mempengaruhi pemikiran dan perasaan anda. Ia juga bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan menilai pengalaman tersebut secara kritis.

2. Pilih Pengalaman yang Bermakna

Pilihlah pengalaman yang memberikan impak besar kepada diri anda. Pengalaman ini boleh berkaitan dengan pembelajaran, kerja, atau situasi peribadi yang telah membantu anda berkembang. Pastikan pengalaman yang dipilih relevan dengan tema atau topik yang diberikan.

3. Gunakan Kerangka 5W1H

Kerangka 5W1H (What, Why, When, Where, Who, How) boleh membantu anda menyusun esei refleksi dengan lebih teratur. Gunakan soalan-soalan ini untuk merangka penulisan anda:

  • Apa yang berlaku?
  • Mengapa ia berlaku?
  • Bila ia berlaku?
  • Di mana ia berlaku?
  • Siapa yang terlibat?
  • Bagaimana ia memberi kesan kepada anda?

4. Merenung dan Menganalisis

Setelah menyusun peristiwa atau pengalaman, langkah seterusnya adalah merenung dan menganalisis bagaimana pengalaman tersebut memberi kesan kepada anda. Apakah perasaan anda ketika itu? Bagaimana pengalaman itu mengubah pemikiran atau pandangan anda? Apa yang telah anda pelajari daripada situasi tersebut?

5. Hubungkan dengan Teori atau Konsep

Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kualiti esei refleksi anda adalah dengan menghubungkannya dengan teori atau konsep yang telah anda pelajari. Contohnya, jika anda menulis mengenai pengalaman dalam pembelajaran, anda boleh mengaitkannya dengan teori pendidikan atau model pembelajaran tertentu.

6. Gunakan Gaya Penulisan Peribadi

Esei refleksi adalah tentang pengalaman peribadi anda, jadi gunakan gaya penulisan yang mencerminkan suara anda. Jangan takut untuk menunjukkan emosi dan pandangan peribadi anda. Ini akan membuatkan esei anda lebih autentik dan menarik.

7. Susun dengan Struktur Jelas

Walaupun esei refleksi lebih bersifat peribadi, ia masih memerlukan struktur yang jelas. Mulakan dengan pengenalan yang memperkenalkan pengalaman atau peristiwa yang akan dibincangkan. Ikuti dengan badan esei yang merangkumi perincian dan analisis pengalaman tersebut. Akhir sekali, tutup dengan kesimpulan yang merangkumi refleksi keseluruhan dan pelajaran yang diperolehi.

8. Semak dan Sunting

Setelah menulis draf pertama, luangkan masa untuk menyemak dan menyunting esei anda. Pastikan tiada kesilapan tatabahasa atau ejaan, dan pastikan esei anda mengalir dengan baik. Membaca esei anda dengan kuat boleh membantu mengesan kesilapan yang mungkin terlepas pandang.

Menulis esei refleksi memerlukan masa dan usaha, tetapi ia adalah satu latihan yang sangat berharga. Dengan mengikuti tips di atas, anda boleh menghasilkan esei refleksi yang mendalam dan bermakna. Selamat menulis!

Tips Menulis Esei Refleksi

Apakah Ciri-ciri Kertas Cadangan Penyelidikan yang Bagus?

upah assignment last minute

Ciri-ciri kertas cadangan penyelidikan yang bagus:

Kesesuaian (Relevansi)

Kertas cadangan penyelidikan yang bagus adalah berkaitan secara langsung dengan topik, isu, atau masalah yang sedang dikaji atau dibincangkan.

Ia mengajukan soalan penyelidikan yang relevan dan memberi impak yang signifikan dalam bidang pengetahuan yang berkaitan.

Sumbangan yang Asli

Kertas cadangan penyelidikan yang bagus mempersembahkan gagasan, konsep, atau pendekatan baru yang belum dijelajahi secara meluas sebelum ini.

Ia memberi sumbangan baru kepada literatur akademik dan membuka ruang untuk penyelidikan dan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam.

Landasan Teori yang Kuat

Kertas cadangan penyelidikan yang bagus berpaksikan pemahaman yang kukuh tentang landasan teori yang relevan dengan topik penyelidikan.

Ia menggunakan kerangka konseptual yang jelas untuk memandu analisis dan interpretasi data.

Metodologi Penyelidikan yang Tepat

Kertas cadangan penyelidikan yang bagus menghuraikan secara terperinci kaedah penyelidikan yang akan digunakan untuk mengumpul data dan menganalisis maklumat yang relevan.

Ia menggunakan pendekatan metodologi yang sesuai dengan objektif penyelidikan dan memberi keyakinan tentang keakuratan dan kebolehpercayaan dapatan.

Analisis yang Mendalam

Kertas cadangan penyelidikan yang bagus menunjukkan kemampuan untuk menganalisis secara kritis data dan maklumat yang diperoleh.

Ia mampu mengaitkan dapatan penyelidikan dengan landasan teori yang relevan dan mengenal pasti implikasi dan sumbangan yang mungkin.

Struktur yang Jelas dan Teratur

Kertas cadangan penyelidikan yang bagus mempunyai struktur yang jelas, termasuk pengenalan yang informatif, pembangunan argumen yang teratur, dan kesimpulan yang kukuh.

Ia mengambil kira susunan yang sesuai, termasuk penggunaan tajuk, sub-tajuk, dan perenggan yang jelas.

Rujukan yang Kuat

Kertas cadangan penyelidikan yang bagus menyenaraikan rujukan yang relevan dan kredibel yang menyokong argumen dan penyelidikan yang dilakukan.

Ia mengikuti gaya penulisan dan sistem kutipan yang diiktiraf dalam bidang akademik yang bersesuaian.

Gaya Penulisan yang Jelas dan Mudah Dikupas

Kertas cadangan penyelidikan yang bagus ditulis dengan bahasa yang jelas, ringkas, dan efektif.

Ia mengelakkan penggunaan istilah yang tidak perlu dan memberikan penjelasan yang mencukupi untuk konsep yang kompleks.

Perlu diingat bahawa kriteria dan ciri-ciri ini boleh berbeza bergantung kepada disiplin ilmu dan keperluan institusi atau jurnal yang bersesuaian.

Apakah Ciri-ciri Kertas Cadangan Penyelidikan yang Bagus?

Mengapa Memilih Perkhidmatan Kami?

upah assignment last minute

Di dunia yang semakin sibuk dan penuh dengan tuntutan, tidak menghairankan bahawa pelajar dan profesional berlumba-lumba mencari bantuan dalam menangani tugasan dan kertas akademik mereka. Untuk memberikan solusi kepada keperluan ini, dengan rasa bangga kami memperkenalkan, laman web yang diwujudkan untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan menulis tugasan dan kertas akademik yang berkualiti tinggi.

Kami mengakui bahawa setiap tugasan atau kertas akademik mempunyai kepentingan dan impaknya sendiri dalam perkembangan akademik dan profesional seseorang. Kami berusaha untuk menyediakan bantuan yang diperlukan agar anda dapat fokus pada aspek lain dalam kehidupan anda, sambil memastikan kejayaan akademik yang anda idamkan.

Cara Kami Bekerja adalah portal yang menyediakan perkhidmatan penulisan tugasan dan kertas akademik secara profesional. Kami mempunyai pasukan penulis berpengalaman dan berkualiti tinggi yang mempunyai kecekapan dalam pelbagai bidang pengajian. Mereka memahami keperluan dan standard yang dikehendaki oleh pelajar dan profesional di semua peringkat.

Apabila anda mengunjungi laman web kami, anda akan disambut dengan antara muka yang mesra pengguna dan mudah navigasi. Anda boleh memilih jenis tugasan yang anda perlukan dan mengemukakan butiran berkaitan seperti tajuk, panjang tugasan, garis masa, dan sebarang keperluan khas lain. Kami juga mengalu-alukan maklumat tambahan yang membantu penulis memahami tuntutan khusus tugasan anda.

Selepas kami menerima pesanan anda, kami akan menugaskan penulis yang paling sesuai dengan bidang pengajian dan keperluan kertas akademik anda. Penulis kami akan mencari maklumat yang relevan, menganalisis data, dan menghasilkan tugasan atau kertas akademik yang berkualiti tinggi, bebas plagiarisme, dan mengikut garis panduan yang ditetapkan oleh institusi pendidikan anda.

Kelebihan Kami

  • Penulis Berkualiti Tinggi: Kami hanya bekerjasama dengan penulis berpengalaman yang mempunyai kecekapan dalam bidang pengajian tertentu. Mereka mempunyai keupayaan untuk menyampaikan tugasan dengan cara yang tepat dan berkualiti tinggi.
  • Kepatuhan Terhadap Garis Panduan: Kami memastikan bahawa setiap tugasan atau kertas akademik yang kami hasilkan mematuhi garis panduan dan standard tertinggi yang ditetapkan oleh institusi pendidikan anda.
  • Penghantaran Tepat Waktu: Kami menghargai kepentingan masa anda dan berusaha untuk menghantar tugasan dalam jangka masa yang ditetapkan oleh anda. Kami memahami bahawa penyerahan tepat pada masanya adalah kunci kejayaan akademik anda.
  • Keselamatan dan Kepercayaan: Kami menjamin keselamatan dan kepercayaan maklumat anda. Kami mengambil langkah-langkah berhati-hati untuk memastikan data peribadi dan maklumat tugasan anda dirahsiakan.
  • Sistem Sokongan Pelanggan yang Efisien: Pasukan sokongan pelanggan kami sentiasa sedia membantu anda dengan sebarang pertanyaan atau masalah yang anda hadapi. Kami berusaha untuk memberikan pengalaman pelanggan yang luar biasa dan memenuhi keperluan anda. adalah mitra pemulihan masa kritikal anda dalam menangani tugasan dan kertas akademik. Dengan penulis berkualiti tinggi kami, kepatuhan terhadap garis panduan, penghantaran tepat waktu, keselamatan maklumat, dan sokongan pelanggan yang efisien, kami berjanji untuk memberikan hasil yang memuaskan. Kunjungi laman web kami hari ini dan berikan kepada diri anda ruang untuk mengejar matlamat akademik dan profesional anda dengan yakin!

Mengapa Memilih Perkhidmatan Kami?

How to published a quality academic journal

upah assignment last minute

Are you an aspiring academic who is looking to publish a quality journal but don’t know where to start? Have you been struggling with the process of writing and submitting your journal? If so, then Upah Buat Assignment has the answer for you.

In this blog post, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to publish a quality academic journal. Whether you’re just starting out or an experienced researcher, this guide will help you understand the basics of journal publication.

First, you need to decide what kind of journal you want to publish. There are many types of academic journals, including peer-reviewed journals, open access journals, and interdisciplinary journals. It’s important to understand the differences between these types of journals so that you can choose the right one for you.

Next, you’ll need to find a publisher. This can be either a traditional publishing house or an online platform. Research your options and decide which one is right for you. Make sure to read the guidelines and requirements of each publisher to ensure that your journal meets their requirements.

Once you’ve found a publisher, you’ll need to write your journal article. Start by selecting a topic and researching the current literature on the subject. Make sure to include detailed and up-to-date information. Also, make sure to follow all the formatting and guidelines as provided by your publisher.

Once you’ve finished writing your article, the next step is to submit it to the publisher. You’ll need to provide them with a cover letter, an abstract, and the full text of your article. Additionally, you’ll need to provide them with a list of references and a copy of any permissions you’ve obtained.

Finally, the publisher will review your article and decide whether or not to accept it for publication. This process can take several weeks, so make sure to keep track of the progress of your article. If your article is accepted, then congratulations – you’ve just published a quality academic journal!

We hope this blog post has helped you understand the steps involved in publishing a quality academic journal. If you need additional help, then feel free to contact Upah Buat Assignment – we’re here to help you every step of the way!

How to published a quality academic journal

Best practice to choose correct thesis tittle

upah assignment last minute

Are you stuck in choosing the right thesis title for your thesis paper? You have been researching for hours and still haven't come up with something that feels right? Don't worry, you are not alone! Choosing the right thesis title for your thesis paper can be a daunting task.

At Upah Buat Assignment, we understand the importance of the right thesis title for the success of your thesis paper. That's why we are here to provide you with the best practice to choose the correct thesis title.

First of all, you need to determine the scope of your research. You must consider the topic, the structure, the methodology, and the potential findings. This will help you narrow down the range of possible thesis titles. Once you have determined the scope of your research, the next step is to brainstorm potential thesis titles.

This is where Upah Buat Assignment can help. We provide you with a list of potential titles based on your research and can help you create the best title. Our experts are well-versed in the art of thesis title selection and will help you find the perfect title for your paper.

Once you have selected the best title for your thesis paper, you need to consider the presentation and formatting. You must consider the font size, line spacing, and the use of visuals or graphs. Additionally, you must ensure that the title is clear and easy to understand. This is especially important for the cover page and title page of your paper.

Finally, you must make sure that your title accurately reflects the content of your thesis paper. You must make sure that the title accurately describes the paper and its findings.

At Upah Buat Assignment, we understand the importance of finding the right thesis title. Our experts are here to help you pick the best title for your thesis paper. We provide you with a list of potential titles and can help you create the perfect title. We also ensure that your title is clear and easy to understand.

With Upah Buat Assignment, you can be sure that your thesis paper will be of the highest quality and will be sure to impress your professors. Contact us today and get the best thesis title for your paper! 

Best practice to choose correct thesis tittle

How to prepare for your viva examination

upah assignment last minute

Are you ready to ace your upcoming viva examination? Let Upah Buat Assignment guide you through the preparations you need to make to ensure your success. From understanding the expectations of the examiners to technique tips to stay calm, we’ll break down the steps you need to take to make sure you’re fully prepared for your viva exam. So, get ready to get the best results!

Are you ready for your viva examination? As a student, the upcoming viva examination can be daunting and overwhelming. However, with the right preparation and knowledge, you can prepare yourself to ace your viva examination.

At Upah Buat Assignment, we understand the importance of being well-prepared for your viva examination. That is why we have put together this guide to help you prepare for your viva examination. Here are some tips that you can use to ace your viva examination:

1. Understand the Format of the Examination: Every viva examination is structured differently. It is essential that you familiarize yourself with the format of the examination. Make sure you understand the type of questions that you will be asked, the duration of the examination, and the grading system.

2. Familiarize Yourself with the Subject: Make sure that you have a thorough understanding of the topic you are being examined on. Make sure you are familiar with the key terms and concepts associated with the subject. It is also important to review any relevant reading material that is available.

3. Prepare Your Answers: Before the examination, it is important to prepare your answers. Think about the questions that you might be asked and prepare your answers accordingly. This will help you stay organized during the examination and ensure that you are able to provide accurate answers.

4. Practice the Questions: It is important to practice the questions you might be asked during the examination. You can do this by setting up practice sessions with friends or reviewing old examination papers. This will help you get comfortable with the type of questions that you might be asked and also help you stay organized during the examination.

5. Take Breaks: During the examination, it is important to take breaks to help you stay focused. Taking a few minutes to rest and relax can help you stay focused and help you stay on top of the exam.

By following these tips, you can prepare yourself for your viva examination. With the right preparation and knowledge, you can ace your viva examination. Good luck!

How to prepare for your viva examination

Sampel Popular


Biar Kami Bantu Anda

Hubungi kami.

main news image

KUALA LUMPUR: At a time when Malaysian universities are struggling to be on a par with their counterparts globally, some students are paying good money for others to complete their assignments.

Julie, a writer who used to offer such services, says she could earn a lucrative side income of up to US$3,000 (RM11,130) a month by doing the assignments of university students, especially those from the Middle East, who need help churning out a quick paper on a tight deadline.

She said she earned that amount helping 10 to 12 undergraduates and made good money from it before finally getting a permanent job.

“It was lucrative part-time work, especially if the students are from the Middle East. The majority of them were willing to pay although I quoted a high price, especially if it was a last-minute assignment,” she said, not wanting to give her full name.

“The rates depend on the needs of the students. If it’s a tough subject, they will be charged US$50 and if it’s a last-minute assignment, the charges will be different as well,” Julie said.

The Malaysian Insider recently attempted to verify the use of such freelancers hired by university students at local institutions by posing as a foreign student.

Such services are easily found on the Internet with a search using “upah buat assignment” (charges to do assignment).

In an email communication between an individual who offered such a service and a reporter from The Malaysian Insider posing as a Middle Eastern student, it was found that assignment writing services are provided by a team known as “Pasukan Tugasan” (assignment team). According to its website, the charges are based on the number of pages, deadline and assignment category.

Saad, a student from a Middle Eastern country currently studying at a well-known local private institution of higher learning, said he was not surprised that foreign students use such services to complete their assignments.

“This is normal among us. Regardless if they are from public or private universities, graduates or non-graduates.”

Saad claimed he did not pay others for his assignments, but said he had friends who did. He said his friends had never been caught by their lecturers, because they made sure they were thoroughly familiar with what had been written for them.

“As far as I know, my friends have never paid for heavier assignments like thesis writing.”

Saad confirmed that writers who offer such services are easily found on the Internet or within the institutions of higher learning themselves.  

A lecturer from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia admitted that such incidents do happen but said it is difficult for educators to address the issue as they need proof.

If the assignment involves a thesis, the hired writers ask the students to record the contents of lectures.

The assignment team then uses information from the recordings to write the thesis and even directs the students on what to do and say during presentations.

“The students study the assignments and we lecturers would not be able to detect anything.  

“But if there is proof students are utilising these people to do their assignments, action will be taken, regardless of whether they are local or foreign students,” the lecturer said. — The Malaysian Insider

This article first appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, on March 31, 2015.

Copyright © 1999-2023 The Edge Communications Sdn. Bhd. 199301012242 (266980-X). All rights reserved

Upah Buat Assignment

Total pageviews, biodata helper, monday, august 14, 2023, harga upah tugasan assignment & testimoni.


Harga upah tugasan assignment masih sama

Antara subject assignment yang boleh dilakukan :

🖤 Accounting

🖤 International Business

🖤 Management

🖤 Entrepreneurship

🖤 Integrated Case Study

🖤 Marketing

🖤 Organizational Behavior

🖤 Research Methodology


Week 4 :  MODERATE

September 2023





Last minute task assignment tidak digalakkan. Tapi sekiranya task helper sanggup buat dan boleh adjust jadual sedia ada, akan  dicaj additional RM50  bergantung kepada kesukaran soalan. 

Reminder : Untuk task exam/quiz online, pembayaran sama ada penuh (jawab dalam portal) atau pun separuh dahulu (due 1-2 hari). Baki apabila task sudah disiapkan. Sekiranya memerlukan jawapan per soalan, bayaran yang dirasakan bersesuaian perlu dilakukan.  


upah assignment last minute

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Harga upah tugasan assignment.

Harga upah tugasan assignment masih sama..

Tugasan dibuat mengikut sistem GILIRAN.

Untuk berurusan dengan lebih cepat, 

Email   soalan tugasan  +  due date   ke   [email protected]

Saya akan bagi rate dan no telefon selepas review soalan tersebut    dalam tempoh 24 - 48 jam . Sekiranya bersetuju, baru lah deal untuk deposit dan sebagainya.

Week 1 :  MODERATE


Proposal / Final Year Project ( NOT AVAILABLE)


upah assignment last minute

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Harga upah tugasan assignment april 2022 - may 2022.

Updated on April 30, 2022

upah assignment last minute

Week 2 : FULL


Week 3 :  MODERATE

 JULAI 2022


Testimoni Jun 2021 - April 2022

upah assignment last minute


[Terkini] Upah Buat Assignment / Thesis, & Analisis

' src=

Admin Radarpena

May 25, 2024

upah assignment last minute

Dalam beberapa bulan kebelakangan ini, joki buat assignment agak trending.

Biasanya mereka menawarkan perkhidmatan mereka dalam talian melalui Instagram atau Twitter. Mereka menawarkan perkhidmatan ppt, menulis, meringkaskan, dll.

Lebih melampau, ada yang menawarkan perkhidmatan assignment oum, thesis dll.

Harga yang mereka tawarkan juga tidak murah. Untuk perkhidmatan penulisan RM2.00 / halaman dan perkhidmatan soalan RM4.00 / soalan (bergantung kepada kesukaran).

Harga setiap perkhidmatan assignment juga berbeza, bergantung kepada kesukaran dan masa assignment.

Tetapi anda tidak perlu risau, berikut adalah beberapa senarai harga untuk mengerjakan assignment secara umum.

Upah Buat Assignment

Assignment HelperRM30 – RM100
Statistics and data analysisRM30
Academic Writing, Proofreading and Editing ServiceRM30 – RM150
Data EntryRM20
Thesis Writing/Article Writing/Book SummeryRM150 – RM300
Slide PresentationRM30
Assignment OumRM30 – RM100

Itu adalah beberapa rujukan kepada kos yang mesti ditanggung jika anda ingin menggunakan perkhidmatan assignment dalam menyelesaikan assignment yang diberikan kepada anda.

Setiap perkhidmatan assignment mempunyai harga yang berbeza, ada yang murah dan ada yang sangat mahal, harga di atas adalah harga purata yang boleh anda gunakan sebagai rujukan sebelum memilih perkhidmatan assignment. Semoga Berguna Terimakasih.

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Maklumat Terkini

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13 Jenama Sport Rim Kereta Terbaik, Murah dan Berkualiti!

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Cara Daftar dan Menggunakan Bank Islam Online Banking Terkini

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[Terkini] Piawaian dan Contoh Saiz Foto Polaroid yang Betul!

upah assignment last minute

8 Kedai Emas Putrajaya Paling Lengkap & Dipercayai!

Westside Nannies

Last Minute NCS Assignment for Preemie Pro! 5 Day Booking!

Lovely first-time parents in the Fairfax area near The Grove (90036) are bringing their sweet baby girl home from the hospital this weekend, and they are seeking some compassionate support during their first week at home. Born at 26 weeks, their little one is now 40 weeks and doing remarkably well. The ideal candidate for this role is incredibly supportive, gentle, and kind, exuding warmth and expertise, especially with preemies.

LOCATION: Fairfax, Los Angeles, CA (90036)

START DATE: August 18th, 19th, or 20th (depending on discharge date)

SCHEDULE: 5 Consecutive Shifts, 9pm-7am (10 hours/shift)

RATE: $40-45/hr


  • Dog Friendly
  • Fully Vaccinated + Up to Date
  • Extensive NCS Experience Working Nights
  • Ideally Strong Preemie Experience

Grandma reached out on behalf of the new parents to ensure they have loving support from an expert who can guide them in best practices and provide a “soft landing” as they transition from the NICU to home. If you have availability and are interested, please apply!

Interested in this position?

Not the right job for you?

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Darul FurQan

Kelas Al-Quran & B.Cina (DEWASA/KANAK-KANAK) | Jawatan Kosong Guru Al-Quran / Mandarin (Sambilan/P.time) di Seluruh Malaysia

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  • :: Kelas Online
  • :: Jawatan Kosong Guru Quran / Cikgu Mandarin P.Time - Homebased / via Whatsapp (Dewasa / Kanak)

Isnin, 11 September 2017

Khidmat upah buat assignment / jurnal / tesis ( ijazah / diploma/ master / phd).

upah assignment last minute

Catat Ulasan

Borang tempahan khidmat Guru Al-Quran ke rumah anda ( Hanya untuk diisi oleh PELANGGAN !!!): Emelkan maklumat dibawah ke " [email protected] " ATAU hantar melalui ruang komen dibawah sekali : ================================================== Tajuk/Email Title: " Tempahan Guru Al-Quran / Mandarin " Isi emel/content: - Nama penuh anda/pelajar : - No. Tel anda : - E-mel anda : - Jenis Kelas? : (Mandarin? / Quran?) - Kategori? : (Dewasa ATAU Kanak-Kanak ATAU Keluarga? Lelaki ATAU Wanita?) - Hari pengajian yang diingini : (hujung minggu/hari biasa? e.g every Tuesday) - Waktu pengajian : (pukul berapa? e.g 8.30 pm - 9.30 pm) - Adakah anda berminat untuk belajar Quran secara online: ( Ya / Tidak ) - Jika ya, nyatakan medium pembelajaran yang diingini: (YM? FB? Skype? Whatsapp? Line?) - Alamat rumah pelajar: (Kelas akan dibuat secara online jika alamat rumah tidak diisi) - Negeri anda : (e.g Sarawak) ==================================================

Guna Search Function di atas untuk mencari Guru berhampiran AREA anda

upah assignment last minute

Hukum Wanita belajar dgn Ustaz berdua sahaja !

Jumlah Pelajar Sehingga Kini

Buku agama sesuai utk sendiri / sbg hadiah.

  • Terjemahan Al-Quran Al-Karim Al-Mau'izah Plastic Pouch ~ Sesuai sbg Hadiah Ulangtahun
  • Mushaf Qiyam Al Quran Al Karim Dengan Panduan Wakaf Ibtida’ + stand untuk dibaca ketika Tarawih
  • Terjemahan Al-Quran Al-Hidayah Bahasa Melayu dgn Kulit Keras ~ sesuai sbg Hantaran Perkahwinan
  • Ibanah Al-Ahkam Syarah Bulugh Al Maram Subulus Salam (4 Jilid)
  • Fiqih Islam Wa Adillatuhu HC Jilid 1-10 (SETS)
  • Buku Tafsir Al-Azhar Hard Cover Jilid 1-9
  • Fathul Bari Jilid 1 - 21 Hard Cover (IMAMSYAFI'I)
  • Tafsir Ibnu Katsir Jilid 1 - 6 Hard Cover (IMAMSYAFI'I) ~ Sesuai untuk di Wakafkan di Pustaka
  • Ensiklopedia Peradaban Islam Jilid 1-10
  • The Amazing Ensiklopedia Wasiat-Wasiat Rasulullah S.A.W ~ Boleh dibuat Hadiah Harijadi
  • Mushaf Al-Madinah Al-Quran Al-Karim ~ Sesuai untuk Dibuat Koleksi
  • Set Al- Masaa-Il (masalah-masalah agama) Jilid 1-10 ~ Sesuai Untuk di Wakafkan di Masjid

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Testimoni Pelajar

belajar Al-Quran seremban belajar Al-Quran nak belajar Al-Quran panduan belajar Al-Quran cara mudah belajar Al-Quran cara belajar Al-Quran kursus Al-Quran belajar Al-Quran seremban,Negeri Sembilan - Panchor,paroi,senawang,ampangan, Seremban Negeri Sembilan,OUM,PTPTL,Kolej Negeri,cosmopoint, taman putra perdana, puchong, cyberjaya, putrajaya selangor.

Guru-Guru Darul Furqan

Bantuan anak-anak yatim.

rumah anak yatim

Classified / Iklaneka

Senarai Rumah Anak Yatim diseluruh Malaysia

upah assignment last minute

College Info Geek

How to Finish a Huge Assignment or Project Overnight

upah assignment last minute

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The great American writer Mark Twain once said,

“Never put off till tomorrow what may be done the day after tomorrow just as well.”

When we live by that advice, though, we sometimes find ourselves chugging concentrated coffee at 2 a.m. in a valiant effort to stay awake and finish a huge project that’s due in 6 hours.

As productive as I’d like to think I am… I’ve been there.

If you’ve been there as well – or maybe if you’re there right now – this week’s video is for you. I’m not going to waste time lecturing you about the importance of planning, there are other videos for that – let’s just look at the best plan of attack when you find yourself in a time crunch.

Now, we’re going to look at some specific concepts related to planning and willpower in a minute – The Impact Effort Matrix, Ego Depletion – but let’s start with the foundation: location selection .

I think your location is vital when you’re working under pressure, and personally I like to pick my study locations based on their “vibe” – that is, what’s going on around me. I tend to favor coffee shops and libraries – I still go to my university library at times even though I’ve graduated – because I work well when I’m surrounded by other people who are also working. Also, close proximity to caffeine is helpful.

The most important part of location selection, though, is avoiding the “call of the pillow”. When you’re studying in a time crunch, it’s likely you’ll be doing it late into the night. That’s why you want to get as far away from your bed as possible.

The later it gets, the more you’ll start rationalizing how good a nap might be and the more you’ll start deciding that certain parts of your project don’t matter. So pick a place where going to bed would be more effort than finishing the next part of your project.

That piece of business taken care of, it’s now time to plan your efforts . Before you start working, take some time to break down your workload into individual parts. Then, it’s time to figure out which ones should get the bulk of your attention.

Dwight Eisenhower often remarked that,

“What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.”

In the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People , Steven Covey popularized the “Eisenhower Decision Matrix”, which is based on this principle. In the matrix, tasks are categorized based on their importance and urgency.

When you’re in a time crunch, though, everything can seem urgent – so importance is the factor you should focus on in this case. To that end, let’s use a similar but more fitting tool – the Impact/Effort matrix .

Impact/Effort Matrix

Here, tasks in a project are given scores based on their impact to the overall success of the project and the effort it will take to implement them. To illustrate how this works, here’s an example from my life.

When I was a senior in college, one of my final projects was building a web app. My idea was called AMPanic, and it was an app that would require you to log in and tell if you’re awake before a certain time – otherwise it would send an embarrassing email to someone. This was actually the precursor to the early wake-up system I use now, which I detailed in this video .

With this project, though, I found myself in a time crunch trying to finish it. So I broke my project down into different parts that I’d have to code and prioritized them using this Impact/Effort matrix.

The core functionality – the code that would let you set an alarm and an email message, the code that would schedule and send the email on time, and the function to cancel the email if the user checked in on time in the morning – those required a lot of effort to build, but they also had the highest impact on the project.

On the other hand, some parts of the site – like the About, FAQ, and Contact pages – didn’t have as high of an impact, but they were low-effort tasks. Since they didn’t take much time to create, I made sure to include them to make the site look more complete.

The main element of the site that I chose NOT to focus on was the user registration and login system. A proper one needs functions for resetting passwords, but I decided that the core alarm setting functionality would be more important to my grade since that was the point of the whole project. So I used a login system I had written for an old project and didn’t bother creating a way to reset passwords.

In the end, it was a worthwhile decision; the alarm system was more advanced than most of the other projects in the class, so I ended up getting an A.

To assign Impact/Effort scores to each component of your project – or each assignment if you’re juggling multiple – consider the following factors:

  • What the core deliverables are
  • The grading criteria for the project, what which components count for the most points
  • What percentage of your grade each assignment counts for
  • How much each component will contribute to the knowledge you need to have for tests, which usually impact your grade the most

Once you’e assigned scores to each component, I think it’s a good idea to tackle the ones with the highest impact and highest effort first. This is due to Ego Depletion – a phenomenon explained in Daniel Kahneman’s book Thinking, Fast and Slow . Citing research from the psychologist Roy Baumeister, he reveals that:

“…an effort of will or self-control is tiring; if you have had to force yourself to do something, you are less willing or less able to exert self-control when the next challenge comes around.”

Use the bulk of your willpower to complete the harder tasks first; that way, you’ll only have to deal with low-effort, high-impact tasks when you’re feeling drained.

That’s where we’re going to close for this week. If you select your location well, plan based on impact and effort, and tackle your tasks in a way that utilizes your willpower effectively, you’ll make if through your time crunch in one piece.

Need help finishing a personal project you’ve been procrastinating on? Read this next .

If you’re unable to see the video above, you can view it on YouTube .

Looking for More Study Tips?

10 Steps to Earning Awesome Grades - Thomas Frank

You’ll find more tips on planning, study environments, and maintaining willpower in my free 100+ page book called 10 Steps to Earning Awesome Grades (While Studying Less) .

The book covers topics like:

  • Defeating procrastination
  • Getting more out of your classes
  • Taking great notes
  • Reading your textbooks more efficiently

…and several more. It also has a lot of recommendations for tools and other resources that can make your studying easier.

If you’d like a free copy of the book, let me know where I should send it:

I’ll also keep you updated about new posts and videos that come out on this blog (they’ll be just as good as this one or better) 🙂

Video Notes

How to Finish a Huge Assignment or Project Overnight

  • Eisenhower Decision Matrix
  • Impact/Effort Matrix
  • Ego Depletion

What other topics related to working under tight deadlines would you like to see covered in the future?

Do you have any additional tips? Share them below 🙂

If you liked this video, subscribe on YouTube to stay updated and get notified when new ones are out!

Images: Eisenhower , Twain , Twain living room , James Cameron , ocean trench , Everest , wall of books , Big Ben , coffee shop

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We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. Share your stories, struggles, and non-medication strategies. Nearly a million and a half users say they 'feel at home' and 'finally found a place where people understand them'. Note: this is a community for in-depth discussions, not a dumping ground for memes, pictures, videos, or short text posts.

Did any of you always start assignments last minute, then finally one day you forced yourself to do an assignment properly with more effort than any others, and then received absolutely no gratification from either the process or the result and then go back to always last minute?

I think the only assignment I've ever started a couple of weeks early was a history essay that I did at school. I put more effort into it than almost anything else I've ever done and wrote way more than was asked, and I did get a very good grade. But when it came down to it, I didn't enjoy the process and the result was barely if at all gratifying, so the last minute technique returned forever. It's not like I'm happy with last minute technique but if I don't receive gratification either way, I might as well put in the least amount of effort possible

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Nurul Assignment :D

Masih buat assignment - JUN 2023 - BOLEH WHATSAPP +60173346402

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Nurulassignment - service available - update 22 jun 2024.


Helo , mana nak dapat upah assignment semurah dan setrusted saya ? 

Saya masih aktif melakukan servis assignment, dan sekarang saya dah upgrade buat thesis / final year project ya


upah assignment last minute

Friday, July 21, 2023

Assignment kajian penyelidikan / research methodology ..

  • Harga yang berpatutan 
  • Rate harga saya daripada RM250 - RM350 untuk setiap 10 page / 2500 words - 3500 words
  • Saya berkerja seorang diri, no scam
  • Saya menggunakan no telefon personal, di mana saya meletakkan gambar sendiri
  • Saya tiada team ,awak hanya berurusan dengan saya sahaja. 

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Promo : last minute assignment - flat rate is open - valid dari 18th july - 25th july sahaja, promo : last minute assignment - flat rate is open - valid dari 18th july - 25th july sahaja .. .

  • Sudah berpengalaman buat assignment sejak tahun 2016.
  • Pembuat assignment yang dipercayai, tiada isu penipuan, tiada isu hilang dari radar. Kalau saya ada salah, saya akan cuba sebaik untuk recover 
  • Slot saya limited. Setiap sem OUM , biasanya hanya 8-10 assignment atau 10-15 customer sahaja. 
  • Bulan selain OUM, selalunya satu bulan tu ada 4-5 assignment sahaja saya ambil 
  • Berpengalaman buat THESIS, dan term paper. 
  • Saya juga sudah melakukan servis exam ( T&C applied ) 
  • Boleh membantu melakukan google form untuk 500 responden juga. 

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Upah assignment telah dibuka , sunday, april 30, 2023, servis upah oum mei / may 2023 sudah dibuka .

  • Setiap assignment / slot perlu diberi terlebih dahulu untuk review 
  • Harga bergantung dengan kesukaran, dateline & jumlah ms yang diperlukan 
  • Saya tiada team. Saya buat sendiri :)  -- Jadi slot sangat limited ya. 

upah assignment last minute

  • Human resource 
  • etc , boleh wsp tanya dulu ok ?
  • Sila bg tempoh , sekurang kurang nya seminggu . Untuk 4 hari pertama Nurul akan bg finalize draft , lepas tu owner akan tgk , either ada benda yg salah . So the whole week adalah hari membuat assignment .
  • Perlu bagi deposit masa assign assignment , sekurang kurangnya 50% dr jumlah sebenar . Kemudian baru Nurul akan proceed buat assignment , apabila dah siap , bank in balance amt dulu , baru Nurul bg full done assignment . 
  • Kalau ada special request , sila bagi tahu siap siap . 
  • Upah assignment Nurul murah murah je dr orang lain. 
  • Nurul tentukan upah mengikut jenis assigment ( susah , intermediate , senang )
  • Nurul juga tentukan upah mengikut jumlah page . 
  • Sebarang maklumat tentang owner assignment akan dirahsiakan , jgn risau ! 
  • siapa ada buat part time buat assignment 
  • perlukan pembuat assignment 
  • nak cari orang buat assignment
  • Assign tajuk and klu saya setuju , bank in DEPO ( 50% ) . Assignment hanya akan mula di buat jika depo telah di beri .
  • Saya akan siapkan sebelum tarikh submission , and no fussy ( buat assignment perlukan mood ). Paling lewat saya akan bagi adalah seminggu sblm tarikh submission . 
  • Lepas siap , saya akan screenshot dulu assignment tuh , and bg cust for checking . 
  • Kalau cust dah puas hati , bank in balance payment dulu , baru saya bg softcopy . 
  • Subjek business
  • Administation
  • Management 
  • Subjek principles

upah assignment last minute

Friday, March 31, 2023

Upah assignment masih aktif dan sentiasa dibuka :), saturday, may 21, 2022, upah assignment untuk oum may / mei 2022 telah dibuka, saturday, january 15, 2022, upah assignment untuk oum january 2022 telah dibuka., attention to oum student, upah assignment.

upah assignment last minute

Nota kasih sayang

Basic terms and condition, last minute terms & condition, penentuan harga.


How to Overcome Last-Minute Essays and Score Better

Does this sound familiar? You have swirling must-do assignments that seem to pile up with each passing minute, and even the simplest task seems overwhelming.

We all know the feeling of putting off a big essay until the last day and rushing to complete it on time. It’s like a rite of passage for every student.

You may be wondering why this happens. Is it procrastination or lack of interest? Or are you just not interested in working on the assignment? What drives you to push your assignment until the 11 th hour?

In this article, we will dive into all the reasons for writing essays at the last minute.

Reasons Students Write Essays and Assignments Last Minute

There is no valid reason for writing essays at the last minute. So why do so many students write assignments at the last minute? Here are some of the reasons this happens:

Complexion Anxiety

Completion anxiety is the fear of not being able to finish a task. This fear can be so crippling that it causes you to procrastinate your most important tasks. If this is your case, you may feel overwhelmed by the work or find it difficult to begin the assignment; while it's normal to feel this way, sometimes, it becomes a problem when it affects your assignments.

One way to tackle this complexion anxiety is by identifying its root cause. Understanding where your anxiety comes from can help you decide how to manage it. This fear often stems from low self-esteem, problems at home, or fear of failure.

Lack of Proper Preparation

Another big reason for writing essays at the last minute is the inability to properly prepare for the essay or assignment. The academic assignment demands a lot from students, from proper research of topics, coming up with a thesis, writing flawless work, and finally proofreading it for errors. If you have not prepared adequately, you will struggle to finish it on time.

Therefore, you must begin the assignment immediately by reading the prompt to understand all the requirements.

Lack of Interest

If you are not interested in the given task, chances are you won't put much time into it or feel motivated enough to begin working on it. Without genuine interest, you may be tempted to put it off until the last minute or delay the writing process.

Additionally, a lack of interest will cause you not to focus on the different stages of writing an essay. You will struggle to gather relevant information or develop coherent arguments and ideas necessary for your task.

You can combat this by finding a connection between the given task and personal interest. Find out whether the topic is directly or indirectly related to something you are dealing with.


Another reason for writing essays at the last minute is perfectionism. Perfectionism is a double-edged sword. While high standards can help you maintain high grades and help you avoid mistakes like late submission of assignments, it can be a trap. It can prevent you from even attempting or completing a task. The desire to submit a perfect essay or assignment can cause overthinking, leading to mistakes like putting your essay off until the last minute.

As a perfectionist, you may excessively plan and organize your thoughts before you begin working on the assignments. This can lead to you delay working on it until the last minute. You may also use excessive editing, revising, and proofreading to make your work flawless. Therefore, you may delay submitting your assignment until the last minute.

The best way to deal with this is to set realistic goals and reasonable standards for your essays or assignments. Understand that writing is a process that demands continuous improvement.

Improper Time Management

Writing essays at the last minute is a sign of improper time management. Poor time management will cause you to push tasks until the last minute, leaving you with limited time to work on them. If you have no control over your time, procrastination will force you to delay your work until the pressure of the imminent deadline causes you to work on it at the last minute.

Without proper time management, you will not allocate enough time for each essay stage, such as selecting a topic, coming up with a thesis, etc.

So, to address these issues, you must learn how to manage your time by setting realistic goals or breaking down the task into manageable chunks.

Fear of Failure

Fear of failure or receiving negative feedback from teachers can cause you to delay working on your assignments until the last minute. If you usually feel unable to produce high-quality assignments that earn good grades, you may put it off as a way of avoiding it.

Instead of being afraid, you can deal with this fear head-on and ensure you don't work on essays at the last minute. For instance, ask your teachers which areas to work on if you fear negative feedback. Then, use this feedback to improve your writing.


Feelings of doubt are a significant factor that can lead to writing essays at the last minute. If you are faced with a difficult topic or one which you are not familiar with, it's natural to experience feelings of uncertainty. Such feelings may stem from not fully understanding the particular assignment or not having confidence in your abilities to do a good job.

In such situations, you may be caught in a cycle of indecisiveness and reluctance to begin or complete your assignments. This then leads to the need for excessive clarification or second-guessing your arguments, and before you know it, the assignment is due.

To overcome these feelings of uncertainty, seek clarification from your instructor about the assignment requirements. It is also important to thoroughly prepare for the assignment and set realistic goals about what you intend to work on. This will also help you approach your work with more confidence.

Pros and Cons for Writing Essays/Assignments Last-minute

Writing an essay or assignment at the last minute is a challenging experience, but unfortunately, it is one that most students find themselves in most of the time. While this situation has positive sides, there are certainly some drawbacks. The following are the pros and cons of writing your essay at the last minute.

You can reap the following benefits from writing essays at the last minute.

Most students thrive under pressure and find that an impending deadline is a big motivation. When you are under pressure, your body releases adrenaline, increasing alertness and forcing you to focus on the task and be more efficient with a limited time. This enhanced adrenaline rush will force you to channel your stress and use it to finish your essay on time.

In addition, when you are focused on the task, it's easy to block out distractions and maintain a steady flow of ideas. Your mind will be alert, which can help you write the essay much faster. You won't have time to doubt your capabilities or arguments. There is no time to do anything but focus on the task before you.

Increased Efficiency

Writing essays at the last minute helps you use your limited time wisely. Your mind will focus on the most important task, the assignment. You can easily manage your time and know what to prioritize and what to keep aside for later.

Proper time management takes a shift in focus from task to results. Remember, being busy isn’t the same as being effective. Better time management also forces you to give your best, thus helping you achieve the set objective much faster. Many high achievers manage their time exceptionally well by using time management tools such as activity logs and a to-do list. These tools allow you to be better in control, giving you the confidence to achieve your target.

Increased Creativity

The pressure of an impending deadline can help enhance your creativity and create a unique perspective and diverse ideas for your assignment. This urgency in deadline will push you to think outside the box and come up with solutions that can help you accomplish tasks much more quickly.

Increased Motivation

Writing last-minute essays can indicate a lack of motivation to work on a task. However, a looming deadline, even if annoying, will help you complete your assignment. A looming deadline sparks intrinsic motivation, the internal desire to get things done for its own sake. This internal desire allows you to fully absorb the task and ensure you complete it on time.

Furthermore, an impending deadline creates the desired psychological stress, motivating you to finish your task faster and increasing your sense of urgency. This is because your mind will embrace a positive mindset. In other words, stress is a challenge to be embraced, and when embraced, it will help you become more effective and productive in class. The imminent deadline for the task becomes more urgent and raises the priority of getting it done at the last minute.

Even though pulling an all-nighter is a common way to finish assignments, it's not good. The following are the disadvantages of writing essays at the last minute.

Missed Errors

When trying to finish an essay or assignment at the last minute, there is a high chance that you will make and miss many grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors because you are working at a high speed. This speed is dangerous for assignments because your mind won't pick out the simplest errors. Reading the finished work, your brain will make assumptions about the words.

Moreover, you are also likely to need more time to edit and proofread your work effectively. As a result, you will submit an assignment with many grammatical errors, redundant phrases, or unclear sentences that you could have easily rectified with enough time and more careful revision.

Increased Stress 

Writing essays at the last minute can increase the risk of stress because of the possibility of not completing the assignment on time. Knowing that your time is limited increases the feelings of urgency and pressure. Additionally, you may also feel out of control over the situation. You will feel overwhelmed by the amount of work and feel like time is running out, which can further exacerbate stress.

Additionally, the closer the deadline, the higher you will feel the stakes. You will worry about not completing the assignment on time or submitting high-quality work, which can intensify feelings of stress.

Low-Quality Work

Writing essays at the last minute often means that there is limited time to do thorough research, develop a strong thesis statement, or develop stronger arguments to support your thesis. This means you will be sacrificing a lot of essential aspects of essay writing.

The rush to complete work on time will likely hinder your ability to do a good job on the assignment, thus increasing the risk of getting a bad grade. Research shows that students who begin their assignments early tend to get better grades than those who don't. It also leads to a pattern of poor time management and overall lower academic performance. If you consistently don't work on assignments until the last minute, it can create a cycle of poor performance, which could eventually lead to discontinuation from school.

Tips to Get essays/Assignments Done well at the last minute

Having limited time to finish your essay or assignment is incredibly stressful. Fortunately, here are tips on how you can pull off writing essays last minute successfully.

Don't Panic

At this point, you are probably panicking or filled with anger about delaying until the 11 th hour. But this is counterproductive. The more you panic, the more you will feel the pressure and waste your precious time. While moderate pressure is good, too much can cause you to freeze up.

The best thing you can do is calm down and avoid negative thoughts. Panicking will lead to feelings of paralysis, which can stop you from even attempting to work on the assignment. So, create a positive environment for yourself that will motivate you to work on the assignment.

Avoid Distractions

Sometimes, you may set aside time with the intention of working on it later but get distracted. Distractions can come in many forms, including text, social media news, your family, loud noises, etc. Getting distracted at the last minute when you should be working on your essay or assignment can keep you from finishing and submitting your assignment on time.

Writing essays at the last minute demands undivided attention. It would be best to remind yourself that you cannot afford to waste time on irrelevant things. Since your time is limited, every second should be dedicated to the assignment.  

Keep distractions by turning your phone off, temporarily blocking all social media apps, moving to a quiet room, and asking your family to give you a break to focus on your assignment.

Plan the Remaining Time Wisely

Since your time is limited, you need to use it wisely. Writing essays last minute requires that you understand how to plan your time well to ensure you accomplish the task on time. To achieve this, break down your essay or assignment into manageable chunks. For instance, you can divide it like this: choosing a topic, researching, outlining, writing, editing, etc., then setting time for each specific task. Ensure there is enough time to do all this and for revisions and proofreading.

Additionally, remove all non-essential activities and let your mind focus on what's important. Excessive activities or tasks can steal your time. So, determine and prioritize what’s important and what's not by labeling them like this:

  • Important and urgent.
  • Important but not urgent.
  • It's urgent but not important.
  • Not urgent and not important.

Good time management will keep your mind focused on the urgent task and ensure you submit it on time.

Gather Relevant Resources

Determine what resources you need to write a high-quality essay and gather them before writing. Doing this can streamline the process and help write essays at the last minute for several reasons. First, having relevant resources for your essay allows easy access to information and evidence to support your arguments. Thus saving you time since you won’t have to pause to look for particular information.

Secondly, thorough research ensures you develop your understanding of the topic and strengthen your arguments, allowing you to present a comprehensive analysis of the material.

Thirdly, having relevant resources lets you plan and structure your assignment effectively. Based on the information given, you can organize your ideas and create a logical flow of information faster because you have a clear roadmap.

Cite Sources as You Write

Citations and references are critical in academic writing because they show you have done research and are willing to show the sources of your information. Under normal circumstances, you can cite your sources after writing.

But given this isn’t a normal circumstance, there is a high chance for you to skip this process. Writing essays at the last minute demands that you submit a high-quality essay. So, to ensure this, you must cite your sources as you type the assignment.

Type Your Essay

When writing your essay or assignment, your chosen method will impact your speed and efficiency. Unless your teacher tells you to write by hand, type your essay because it is much faster.

Typing allows you to input information much faster. Using a computer will be easy since you are already proficient with digital devices. You can quickly transfer your ideas and arguments onto a screen without the need to rewrite or erase wrong information.

Furthermore, typing makes it easier to edit and revise your work. Thanks to digital programs like Microsoft Word, you can easily make changes to your essay, rearrange the order of your essay, or add more information. This flexibility allows you to finish your essay faster and more efficiently.

Use Editing Tools to Save Time

If you want to save time when writing essays last minute, use tools to help you write and edit your assignments faster. There are various online tools, most of which are free, that can help you accomplish your task with ease. Some of these tools include:

Grammarly- this tool uses artificial intelligence to pick out grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors quickly.

Evernote- this tool will help you finish your essay faster by capturing, organizing, and keeping your thoughts flow.

Hemmingway editor -This editing tool highlights all the areas that need editing and also helps improve the readability score of your essay.

Incorporating these tools will save you so much time and allow you to finish your work on time and submit a high-quality essay before the deadline elapses.

Develop a Strong Thesis Statement

Another tip for writing essays at the last minute is developing a strong thesis statement for your essay . A strong thesis statement is the backbone of every essay that provides a clear and concise summary of the main argument of your essay. It will simplify your writing process by ensuring your essay is clear and making it easier for you to complete it before the deadline for various reasons. First, a strong thesis statement helps you maintain focus and clarity from the beginning to the end. It guides your writing by ensuring every paragraph sticks to the theme of your essay.

Additionally, when you are focused on the main argument of your essay, it's hard to go off-topic, and you won't include irrelevant information, thus saving you time in the long run.

Our Final Insights

Writing essays at the last minute is a common phenomenon among students. While there could be some advantages, such as increased focus, efficiency, and motivation, it also has several downsides. It’s important to understand all the reasons why you could be consistently working at the last minute and the risks that come with an impending deadline to find solutions.

Don’t let a deadline sneak up on you again. Incorporate the above tips to ensure you finish and submit a flawless assignment on time.

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