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Last Updated : 10 Aug, 2023 03:15 PM

Published : 10 Aug 2023 03:15 PM Last Updated : 10 Aug 2023 03:15 PM

ஜெயிலர் Review: ரஜினி - நெல்சன் கூட்டணியில் அதகளமும் ‘அமைதி’யும்!

jailer movie review in tamil behindwoods review

’அண்ணாத்த’ - ‘பீஸ்ட்’ என்ற இரு தோல்விகளுக்குப் பிறகு ஒரு ஹிட் கொடுத்தே ஆக வேண்டிய கட்டாயம் ரஜினி - நெல்சன் இருவருக்குமே இருந்தது. ‘கபாலி’ திரைப்படத்துக்குப் பிறகு சிறப்பான ஓபனிங் என்று சொல்லப்படும் அளவுக்கு மிகப் பெரிய எதிர்பார்ப்பை ஏற்படுத்திய ‘ஜெயிலர்’, ரஜினி - நெல்சன் இருவருக்கும் கம்பேக் ஆக அமைந்ததா என்று பார்க்கலாம்.

சிட்டியில் சிலை கடத்தும் கும்பல் ஒன்று பல்வேறு கோயில் சிலைகளை திருடி வெளிநாடுகளுக்கு கடத்தி வருகிறது. இதனைத் தடுக்க பல ஆண்டுகளாக முயற்சித்து வருகிறார் போலீஸ் அதிகாரியான அர்ஜுன் (வசந்த் ரவி). சிலை கடத்தல் கும்பலின் தலைவனான (விநாயகன்) எதற்கும் வளைந்து கொடுக்காமல் நேர்மையாக இருக்கும் அர்ஜுனை கடத்திக் கொல்கிறார். இதனால் நிலைகுலைந்து போகும் அர்ஜுனின் தந்தையும், ஓய்வுபெற்ற போலீஸ் அதிகாரியுமான முத்துவேல் பாண்டியன் (ரஜினி), தன் மகனுக்காக பழிவாங்கப் புறப்படுகிறார். பல கொலைகள், தேடுதல், சண்டைகளைக் கடந்து விநாயகனை அடையும் ரஜினியை வேறு ஒரு நெருக்கடிக்கு உள்ளாக்கி, அவரிடம் தனக்கு தேவையான ஒரு வேலையை செய்ய சொல்கிறார் விநாயகன். அந்த வேலையை ரஜினி செய்து முடித்தாரா, இறுதியில் என்ன ஆனது என்பதே ‘ஜெயிலர்’ படத்தின் திரைக்கதை.

படம் தொடங்கியதுமே சிலை திருடும் கும்பல், கொடூர வில்லன், அவரைப் பிடிக்க தீவிரம் காட்டும் போலீஸ் அதிகாரி என பரபரக்கிறது திரைக்கதை. ஆர்ப்பாட்டமில்லாமல் சாதுவான குடும்பத் தலைவராக அறிமுகம் ரஜினி கவர்கிறார். எந்தவித பஞ்ச் டயலாக்கோ, ஓபனிங் பாடலோ இல்லாமல் மகனுக்கும் பேரனுக்கும் ஷூ பாலிஷ் போடும் காட்சிகளில் நெகிழ வைக்கிறார். மகன் கொலைக்கு காரணமானவர்களை பழிவாங்க ஒவ்வொருவராக தேடிக் கொல்லும் காட்சிகள் தரமான ‘சம்பவங்கள்’.

சாதுவான முத்துவாக இருக்கும் ரஜினி, ’டைகர்’ முத்துவேல் பாண்டியனாக மாற்றம் அடையும்போது அரங்கம் ஆர்ப்பரிக்கிறது. இங்கு தொடங்கும் ரஜினியின் ராஜ்ஜியம் படத்தின் கிளைமாக்ஸ் வரை எங்கும் தொய்வடையவில்லை. ஐந்து தசாப்தங்களாக ரஜினி தக்கவைத்திருக்கும் அந்த கரிஷ்மா அசாதாரணமானது. எந்தப் படங்களிலும் இல்லாத வகையில் பல இடங்களின் தனது இமேஜை பற்றி கவலைப்படாமல் நடித்துள்ளார். குறிப்பாக, யோகிபாபு உடனான காட்சிகளில் ரஜினியை வைத்து அவர் அடிக்கும் கவுன்ட்டர்களை மற்ற பெரிய நடிகர்கள் ஒப்புக் கொள்வார்களா என்பது கூட சந்தேகமே.

படத்தின் முதல் பாதி முழுவதுமே இயக்குநர் நெல்சன் அதகளம் செய்திருக்கிறார். யோகிபாபுவும் ரஜினியும் சேர்ந்து வரும் காட்சிகளில் தியேட்டர் முழுவதும் சிரிப்பலை. படம் முழுக்க வரும் டார்க் காமடி காட்சிகள் நன்றாக கைகொடுத்திருக்கிறது. படத்தின் இடைவேளைக் காட்சி ‘திரை தீப்பிடிக்கும்’ ரகம். ரஜினியின் உடல்மொழியில் ஏற்படும் மாற்றமும், அதுவரை அலட்சியமாக டீல் செய்து கொண்டிருக்கும் குடும்பம் கொடுக்கும் ரியாக்‌ஷனும் கூஸ்பம்ப்ஸ்-க்கு உத்தரவாதம். ஒரு ரஜினி ரசிகனுக்கு என்ன தேவையோ அவை அனைத்தும் முதல் பாதியில் நிறைவாக உள்ளன.

சமீபகாலமாக ஓரிரு படங்கள் தவிர்த்து தமிழ் சினிமாவில் வெளியாகும் பெரும்பாலான படங்கள் மீது வைக்கப்படும் குற்றசாட்டு, முதல் பாதி அளவுக்கு இரண்டாம் பாதி இல்லை என்பதே. காரணம், முதல் பாதியே கிட்டத்தட்ட ஒரு முழு படம் போல எழுதப்பட்டு விடுகிறது. இடைவேளைக்கு முந்தைய காட்சி ஒரு க்ளைமாக்ஸ் போல அமைக்கப்படுவதால் அதற்கு பின்னால் வரும் காட்சிகளின் வீரியம் குறைந்து விடும் சாத்தியக்கூறுகள் அதிகம். இதில் ‘ஜெயிலர்’ படமும் தப்பவில்லை.

jailer movie review in tamil behindwoods review

முதல் பாதியில் இருந்த விறுவிறுப்பும், சுவாரஸ்யமும் இரண்டாம் பாதியில் எழுதப்பட்ட ‘வீக்’ ஆன திரைக்கதையால் காணாமல் போய்விடுகின்றன. கூடவே முதல் பாதியில் காமெடிக்கு உதவிய யோகிபாபுவும் காணாமல் போய்விடுகிறார். அதுவரை பழிவாங்கும் கதையாக போய்க் கொண்டிருக்கும் கதை, திடீரென ‘ஹெய்ஸ்ட்’ பாணிக்கு மாறுவது சுவாரஸ்யம் தரவில்லை. அதற்காக வைக்கப்பட்ட காட்சிகளும் ஏற்றுக் கொள்ளும்படி இல்லை. முதல் பாதியில் அதகளமாக ஆர்ப்பரிக்க வைத்த காட்சியமைப்புகள், இரண்டாம் பாதியில், பார்க்கும் நம்மை அமைதியாக்கி விடுகின்றன.

முதல் பாதியில் பெரிதாக தெரியாத லாஜிக் குறைகள், திரைக்கதையின் பலவீனத்தால் இரண்டாம் பாதியில் அப்பட்டமாக தெரிகின்றன. உதாரணமாக, ஒரு அசிஸ்டெண்ட் கமிஷனர் கொல்லப்படுவது என்பது சாதாரண விஷயமா? ஆனால், படத்தில் குடும்பத்தினருக்கு தகவல் சொல்வதோடு போலீஸாரின் பணி முடிந்துவிடுகிறது. அதன் பிறகு ரஜினி இஷ்டத்துக்கு ஆட்களை போட்டுத் தள்ளுகிறார. தலையை ஒரே வீச்சில் துண்டிக்கிறார், தொண்டையில் கத்தியை இறக்குகிறார், ஸ்னைப்பர் மூலம் சுட்டுத் தள்ளுகிறார். ஆனால் படத்தில் அதையெல்லாம் போலீஸ் கண்டுகொள்வதே இல்லை.

15 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்பு திகார் சிறையில் ஜெயிலர் ஆக ரஜினி இருந்ததாக காட்டுகிறார்கள். அதற்காக அவருக்கு இந்தியாவின் எங்கோ ஒரு மூலையில் இருக்கும் ரவுடி எல்லாம் உதவுவதாக காட்சிகள் வைத்திருப்பது நெருடல். எனினும், அந்த ஃப்ளாஷ்பேக் காட்சியும், அதில் ‘டீ-ஏஜிங்’ தொழில்நுட்பம் மூலம் ரஜினியை ‘சிவாஜி’ பட தோற்றத்தில் கொண்டு வந்திருப்பது சிறப்பு.

படத்தில் இந்தி நடிகர் ஜாக்கி ஷெராஃப், கன்னட நடிகர் சிவராஜ் குமார், மலையாள நடிகர் மோகன்லால், தெலுங்கு நடிகர் சுனில் ஆகியோர் சிறப்பு தோற்றத்தில் நடித்திருப்பது படத்தின் விளம்பரத்துக்கு மட்டுமே உதவியுள்ளதே தவிர கதைக்கு கிஞ்சித்தும் உதவவில்லை. க்ளைமாக்ஸில் ஆளுக்கு ஒரு ஸ்லோமோஷன் காட்சிகளைத் தவிர, 'காவாலா’ பாடலுக்காக மட்டுமே தமன்னா பயன்படுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளார். சுனில், தமன்னா வரும் காட்சிகள் போரிங் ரகம். அந்தக் காட்சிகளை நீக்கியிருந்தாலே இரண்டாம் பாதி சிறப்பாக வந்திருக்க சாத்தியங்கள் உள்ளன.

ரஜினிக்கு அடுத்து படத்தில் கவனம் ஈர்ப்பவர் வில்லனாக வரும் விநாயகன். ஆசிட் நிரம்பிய தொட்டிகளை ஆட்களை கொல்லும்போதும், ரஜினியின் கட்டளைக்கு இணங்கி ரம்யா கிருஷ்ணனிடம் பிச்சை எடுக்கும் காட்சிகளில் பவ்யம் காட்டியும் அப்ளாஸ் பெறுகிறார். ரம்யா கிருஷ்ணன், மிர்னா ஆகியோருக்கான காட்சிகள் குறைவு. ரஜினியின் பேரனாக வரும் மாஸ்டர் ரித்விக் சிறப்பாக நடித்துள்ளார். வசந்த் ரவி முகத்தில் எந்தவொரு உணர்வையும் காட்டாமல் வந்து செல்கிறார். மற்ற நெல்சன் படங்களில் நகைச்சுவை காட்சிகளில் பலம் சேர்க்கும் ரெடின் கிங்ஸ்லி இதில் அடக்கி வாசித்திருக்கிறார்.

தொழில்நுட்ப ரீதியில் குறை சொல்ல எதுவும் இல்லை. அனிருத்தின் இசையில் பாடல்கள் அனைத்தும் ஏற்கெனவே ட்ரெண்டிங். படத்தில் பாடல்களைத் தாண்டி பின்னணி இசையிலும் ஸ்கோர் செய்துள்ளார். விஜய் கார்த்திக் கண்ணனின் ஒளிப்பதிவு கச்சிதம்.

முன்பே குறிப்பிட்டதைப் போல முதல் பாதியில் சிறப்பான காட்சியமைப்புடன், மினி க்ளைமாக்ஸ் போன்ற ஒரு இடைவேளை கொடுத்த ‘ஹைப்’-பால் இரண்டாம் பாதியின் வீரியம் குறைந்துவிடுகிறது. முதல் பாதியின் விறுவிறுப்புக்கு ஏற்ப இரண்டாம் பாதியை சீராக்கி, தேவைற்ற காட்சிகளை கத்தரித்திருந்தால் ரஜினி - நெல்சன் இருவருக்குமே ஒரு நிறைவான ‘கம்பேக்’ ஆக இருந்திருக்கும். ஆனாலும், இருவருக்குமே மிக முக்கியமான கம்பேக்தான் இந்த ‘ஜெயிலர்’.

jailer movie review in tamil behindwoods review

அன்பு வாசகர்களே....

இந்த ஊரடங்கு காலத்தில் வீட்டை விட்டு வெளியே வராமல் நமக்கு நாமே சமூக விலகல் ( Social Distancing) செய்து கொள்வோம். செய்தி ஊடகங்களின் வழியே உலகுடன் தொடர்பில் இருப்போம். பொதுவெளியில் இருந்து தனிமைப்படுத்திக் கொண்டு கரோனா பரவலைத் தடுப்பதில் நம் பங்கை முழுமையாக இந்த சமூகத்துக்கு அளிப்போம்.

CoVid-19 கரோனா தடுப்பு / விழிப்புணர்வு கையேடு - இலவசமாக டவுன்லோடு செய்து பயன்பெறுங்கள்!

- வாசகர்கள் நலனில் அக்கறையுடன் இந்து தமிழ் திசை


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‘Jailer’ movie review: Rajinikanth, Nelson make a captivating comeback that majorly works

Though far from perfect, the towering presence of rajinikanth — along with nelson’s fortified writing, unique sense of humour and fan service — make ‘jailer’ a commendable comeback for both the actor and filmmaker.

August 10, 2023 05:34 pm | Updated August 23, 2023 02:36 pm IST

Gopinath Rajendran

Rajinikanth in a still from ‘Jailer’ | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

A line from our review of Rajinikanth’s first film, Apoorva Raagangal (1975), goes, “Newcomer Rajinikanth is dignified and impressive.” Even after almost 50 years, the actor has managed to maintain if not multifold that dignity and impressiveness; something that has been etched in his fans’ minds in the form of the “Vayasanalum un style-um, azhagum...” dialogue from Padayappa . It’s this seasoned charisma, along with filmmaker Nelson’s quirky touches, that make their latest collaboration Jailer an enjoyable entertainer.

In the film, the veteran actor plays Muthuvel Pandian, a retired jailer who spends his time helping shoot videos for his grandson’s YouTube channel. When his son Arjun (Vasanth Ravi), a conscientious cop, digs deep into an idol smuggling racket, trouble knocks on Muthu’s door. Blaming the situation on his honest ways that have apparently rubbed on his son, Muthu steps back into a world he voluntarily took a break from.

Jailer (Tamil)

Apart from fantastic visuals, wacky humour, and lead characters sporting deadpan faces, all of Nelson’s previous three films have had rather simple plots that are accentuated by the director’s nifty ideas; Jailer is no different. In fact, Jailer might feel similar to Thangappathakkam (1974) to senior audiences while the youngsters are sure to be reminded of Kamal Haasan’s latest hit Vikram . Both the recent films, apart from featuring the legendary stars in age-appropriate characters, are about men who were once officials in service but are now out for blood, with their trusted connections, to avenge their son’s fate. But the similarities stop there, as Vikram is a page from a cinematic universe... while Jailer is a cinematic universe compressed into one feature. Nelson packs Jailer with a host of characters and despite limited screen space for almost all of them, they almost fit in perfectly like pieces of a large puzzle.

The biggest pillar of support for Jailer is its racy screenplay and right from the get-go, we’re thrown into the thick of it. Within moments, Muthu is out on a mission and the film shifts to top gear until intermission. It’s in the second half where the film wavers a little into inconsistent territory. While cameos from Mohanlal and Shiva Rajkumar are excellent additions, the same can’t be said about other characters that are introduced in the second half.

Apart from his first film Kolamaavu Kokila, Nelson has also had trouble writing strong female characters and it hasn’t changed in Jailer as well. The much-awaited Padayappa-Neelambari reunion featuring Rajini and Ramya Krishnan (who plays his wife Vijaya) isn’t as sensational as one might have wanted it to be. Meanwhile, Vinayakan does a fantastic job as the menacing antagonist, but his character Varma doesn’t end up being an equal foe to Muthu. Moreover, for all the righteousness that Muthu bats for, his flashback glorifies custodial violence.

What makes the rest of the film palatable are Rajinikanth’s sheer presence and Nelson’s unique sense of humour and fan service, which, unsurprisingly, transcends the boundaries of mere fandom. Nelson’s love for the Breaking Bad series has been evident from his previous three films and in Jailer too, the inspirations have inconspicuously seeped in. Muthu’s character shares a number of similarities to Mike Ehrmantraut, one of the hit series’ fan-favourite characters. Even Varma’s underground den reminds one of the super lab beneath the industrial laundry and the ‘use of acid to dispose of bodies’ trope is a clear reference to the series. Easter eggs to Rajini films are aplenty; like the mentions of Baasha , a scene pandering to Rajini’s snake ‘sentiment’, a callback to his iconic ‘Na oru thadava sonna’ line, and even his character name Muthuvel Pandian being a blend of two of his iconic characters, Muthu and Alex Pandian. Not only are these gratifying but double as a hat-tip to the nostalgic magical moments of cinema many of us grew up watching.

Add to that are some decent action sequences that are emphasised by Anirudh’s banger score and scintillatingly shot by Vijay Kartik Kannan; there are a number of mass sequences too that we missed in Nelson’s previous film Beast . Rajini’s last two films, Annaatthe and Darbar , were also underwhelming, to say the least, which explains why they tread on safe grounds for most of this outing.

Jailer might be far from perfect, but with the towering presence of Rajinikanth standing tall along with Nelson’s fortified writing, this is a commendable comeback for both the actor and filmmaker.

Jailer is currently running in theatres

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Jailer Review: The Rajini We Love Is Here, But In A Nelson Movie Without An Edge

Rajinikanth and Vasanth Ravi in Jailer

Director: Nelson Dilipkumar

Cast: Rajinikanth, Ramya Krishnan, Vinayakan, Vasanth Ravi, Yogi Babu, Jackie Shroff, Mohanlal, Shivarajkumar

Duration: 168 Minutes

Available in: Theatres

Jailer Movie Review

One of the best sequences in Nelson’s  Jailer  is served during interval.  Rajinikanth ’s Tiger Muthuvel Pandian sits across his wife (Ramya Krishnan) and daughter-in-law — both of whom are jolted from their sleep as hoodlums sneak into their house — flaunting his greys and smiles at the dinner table. As devout mass film viewers would predict, a spectacle is expected and a spectacle is what we get. But as we know, the  how  of it all is what has come to matter in high-voltage entertainers. What happens next is one of the most subtly-constructed action sequences in a Rajini film I can think of. Blood is shed, bones are broken and the 72-year-old action star we love is established with pomp, but with the smartest nod to his age. It is in moments like these that we get a glimpse of what  Jailer  was intended to be — a reinvention of Rajinisms for the new age. But at this point, a question begs itself to be answered. Is there a place for Nelson’s edge to shine in a film like this?

Nelson Transforming Rajinikanth's Legacy

It’s always interesting to see what legacy stars become in the molds of young directors. Lokesh Kanagaraj took Kamal Haasan and made him a forceful yet silent protector with  Vikram   (2022). Nelson, on the other hand, takes Rajinikanth’s legacy, and squeezes it to make a realistic life-sized version. This is apparent in the smallest of details that register his age in every form. “Thatha dhaan ella padathaliyum first sethupovaru (It is the grandfather who dies first in every film),” Vinayakan’s Varma spews at him over the phone with a grating laugh. “There is no respect for a retired man,” Muthuvel himself says at one point, feeling insufficient at the family dinner table. In fact, the first time we see Muthuvel is of him at leisure, a grandpa who gives into the whims of a cloyingly annoying five-year-old. But as we all know a tiger (or in this case dinosaur, as he is called in perhaps yet another delightful dig) is asleep and it’s only time before he wakes up.

Muthuvel Pandian lives a pretty domestic life. When he is not spending his time locked inside the prayer room, he diligently records YouTube videos with his grandson, runs the usual vegetable market errand and shines his son (Vasanth Ravi) Arjun’s police shoes with a sparkle, proud to have transferred his innate sense of virtuousness into his successor. Even if theirs is a bond that isn’t dwelled on, Nelson just needs one moving dialogue to inform us of a father’s love — Muthuvel always carries something that reminds him of his son. Arjun goes missing, fishily enough, days after being on the trail of an idol heist. And Muthuvel’s ‘tiger’ is forced to come out from hiding. 

Rajinikanth's Fierce Comeback in 'Jailer'

And this tiger looks good in Nelson’s hands. Rajinikanth is in raging form in Jailer , who embraces the machismo with grace. One of the wittiest things about Jailer is the irreverence with which it treats the star film action template. In Jailer , Rajinikanth kicks ass, but he’s so powerful (and also let’s face it, he is an aging macho man) most of the heavy lifting is done for him. Even if Shiva Rajkumar, Mohanlal and Jackie Shroff make token appearances and quite predictably manage a line or two in the film before disappearing, the way Nelson uses these characters is still excellent. Everyone comes to Tiger’s aid and in absolute style (Mohanlal’s Mathew, in particular, could demand a separate film about his ninja skills for always thinking 10 steps ahead than any of his enemies).

But the pitfalls of working with an incandescent star such as Rajinikanth himself looms large over the film. Nelson is among the crop of modern Tamil directors who has managed to register an indelible voice for himself. His voice is his edge. So, in his films, even in a story about a cocaine smuggling woman ( Kolamaavu Kokila ), we still remember the massage-obsessed wife of a policeman (played by Aranthangi Nisha and Saravanan, whose roles are brilliantly reversed in Jailer ). In a story of a doctor with a saviour complex ( Doctor ), we remember the smart-mouthed Killi (Shiva Arvind) who is always a step ahead of his lovestruck boss. Nelson’s strength lies in his knack for bringing together a motley gang of misfits. The filmmaker’s distinctive take on the age-old tradition of the “comedy track” in a commercial film, too, is something to be noted even in a film like Beast . In Jailer , none of the characters (it’s unfortunate to see Redin Kingsley and Yogi Babu wasted) register their presence.

Director’s Narrative Depth

It’s especially underwhelming to see the formidable Ramya Krishnan being reduced to a clueless wife clutching tufts of tissues to wipe the blood off her face and just witness the chaos. It is in the writing of truly warped people and situations that Nelson’s craft becomes visible. Take Vinayakan’s Varma for instance. Far more than being merely a dummy villain that combusts at the hero’s punch, Varma is a complicated god-fearing idol thief. When Muthuvel questions his morals on stealing an auspicious temple idol, he rebuffs him for his sentimentality. But when his idol is actually in the process of being stolen, he lets out a quick prayer to the same god he is looting from. Similarly, when a middle-class household has been turned into a murder scene, Nelson is more interested in showing us who is scrubbing the house clean off blood. 

But the most exciting part about Jailer is its exploration of how far Muthuvel will go to preserve his sense of justice. We wish this wistful side of Rajinikanth — that comes quite late and fleetingly— could’ve been explored with some more time. But that’s not the film Jailer wants to be. It is the kind of film that quite happily declares to us that whatever type of dinosaur Rajinikanth may be, he is never the type to get extinct. 

Jailer Review by Vishal Menon & Ram Venkat Srikar

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Rajinikanth's 'Jailer' film review: A glorious first half tapers off into oblivion

Rajinikanth in and as Jailer.

Even if director Nelson hadn’t flaunted the  Breaking Bad  tee in that teaser video of  Jailer ’s single, we all know by now, on evidence of his films, that the series has had a serious impact on him. Cocaine smuggling in  Kolamavu Kokila , twin assassins in  Doctor , Walter White masks in  Beast … and now,  Jailer   gives us more evidence of its influence on him.

In this film, people get dissolved in acid, a ceiling comes crashing down, a policeman pretends to be drunk and lures away two enemies before finishing them off… and perhaps most importantly, a cop father deals with the loss of his cop son.

We also know by now that Nelson’s film universe milks tragedy for comedy—and that, and his visual signatures, make him such a unique filmmaker. In  Jailer , heads get lopped off, family members disappear, women are perpetually unsafe… and like its men, the universe of  Jailer  feels cold. Nelson isn’t interested in your tears (not unless they are of laughter)—and so, he shows little interest in capturing the emotional consequences of events like the disappearance of Muthuvel’s son (Vasanth Ravi). In fact, soon after this event, you see Muthuvel and their grandson enjoying an ice cream—which is a strange scene to come up with so early after a profound loss. But I wasn’t in the mood to resist these developments. This is Nelson’s world, after all, and he has proven ways of delivering unique entertainment. He thrives in unexpected, cool violence; he specializes in deadpan humor. And often, he combines both to powerful effect. When Muthuvel drags a sack to Yogi Babu’s car, we know it’s the aftermath of a murder. But that doesn’t stop the scene from being funny. Quite the opposite, in fact.

These are such great moments in a wildly entertaining first half. Every time Rajinikanth agrees to work with a filmmaker, a question that pops up immediately is, ‘Will the filmmaker, in making the Rajini brand work, compromise on his previous strengths?’  Jailer ’s first half suggests no dilution in the Nelson brand of filmmaking. In his fascinating world, when Muthuvel smiles, it’s an expression of pain. When characters squeal in pain, it’s often for laughs (like when a character is hung from a fan). You know it’s the Nelson world when a husband calmly looks at his wife, who’s shocked about a dead body falling on her, and simply advises, “Just push it.” Rajinikanth, at one point, refers to himself as a dinosaur—and somehow, Nelson ensures that this lands as a mass moment. It’s the first half in which Yogi Babu’s quips seem like the perfect foil for Rajini’s serious demeanor. The film, in these portions, establishes enough motivation for ‘Tiger’ Muthuvel Pandian to go berserk; it establishes a menacing, nutty villain and actor Vinayakan’s performance (those unforgettable eyes!) is wonderfully physical. And above all, perhaps the most important—and likable—decision Nelson seems to have taken in this film concerns Rajinikanth’s fight sequences. This film almost wholly does away with hand-to-hand combat. Even when it uses it, Nelson ensures it delivers maximum impact (like in that memorable interval scene). Finally, we are realizing that Rajinikanth has enough charisma to ensure that he doesn’t need to do all the killing. It’s enough if, like in that pre-interval scene, he sits down and asserts control, while someone else takes care of the shooting.

So, yes, I do think the world of everything that happens in this film before it breaks for an interval, but then, as the click-bait text goes on social media, ‘what happened next shocked me’. The film, for no rhyme or reason, goes into freefall, in directions that don’t feel organic at all. There’s a flashback in which we see a ‘younger’ Rajinikanth—and the Rajini admirer in me felt compelled to enjoy it (make the most of everything you get from him, right?). Let it not matter that the walk of the younger Muthuvel isn’t as dynamic as it needed to be, or that the look itself is not-so-convincing. This scene also shows the policeman, Muthuvel, happily lopping off a prisoner’s ear as punishment, and declaring that he won’t follow ‘rules’ when dealing with those who don’t follow them. Such blatant romanticization of police violence has always made me uncomfortable—and this time too, it was no different. This film, interestingly, also talks of how cops are generally corrupt—and it’s perhaps for this reason that Muthuvel seems to have closer alliances with reformed gangsters than he does with those in his department. So, no, it’s definitely not a film that’s out to whitewash the police department—but still, the preeminent star of our times, wearing a police uniform, unleashing brutality to Anirudh’s thumping music, doesn’t exactly scream responsibility.

Soon, the film, bizarrely, turns into a sort of heist; suddenly, it’s all a far cry from the pre-interval joys. You get something about a film shoot; there’s something about a bad actor vying to win Tamannaah over a rival, his own assistant; wigs are worn and removed; Redin Kingsley, who was so funny in  Doctor , stares aimlessly and mumbles something about ‘refraction’… All these flabby portions fill up big chunks in the second half, and Rajinikanth seems strangely absent for a while. To prop things up perhaps, top actors from other languages play cameos, and we get representatives from across regions including Shiva Rajkumar, Mohan Lal, Sunil, and Jackie Shroff, all making brief, forgettable appearances… Even more forgettable are the women in this film. Ramya Krishnan plays Rajinikanth’s wife in the film, and she’s largely relegated to looking meek and frightened. Somewhere around the interval, there’s a striking visual of Ramya Krishnan rising and Padayappa, sorry, Rajinikanth sitting down, but the film doesn’t make any more of it or of her.

A last-ditch attempt to wrest control over the film feels too little, too late—and there’s a downer of an end as well, for a film that seemed so dynamic, so explosive for long periods in the beginning. I went with the film with all its fanciful leaps (like the convenient idea of CCTV footage bailing out Muthuvel, like allies constantly showing up when needed), in the hope that consistent, memorable payoffs would come, but there just aren’t enough.

None of this is Rajinikanth’s fault though. The man seems to belong as organically in Nelson’s universe as Sivakarthikeyan did in  Doctor . He’s smiling while killing. He’s crying while laughing. He’s lopping off heads like a vendor slices vegetables, which perhaps leads Yogi Babu to confuse bloodstains with beetroot coloring. He polishes the shoes of younger actors; he even does a self-deprecatory jig as a backup dancer at one point. This is an actor who clearly doesn’t have a problem submitting, on evidence of this film; if there are problems in  Jailer —and the second half is a sackful of it—it has to be attributed to the writing.

As  Jailer  ended, I was left with many thoughts. I thought about whether that brief flashback was enough to justify the title. I thought about the film seeming so full of promise at the halfway mark and bizarrely losing direction from then on. I thought about another unforgettable Tamil film from 27 years ago that spoke about an incorruptible father dealing with his son, without compromising on ‘commercial entertainment’. Above all, I thought about how many more films Rajinikanth has in him and whether we are making the most of his willingness to submit to filmmakers.

Rating: 3/5

(This story first appeared on  Cinema Express )

READ MORE:  Rajinikanth: The Superstar title is always a problem

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'Jailer' Review: Rajinikanth returns to supreme form in Nelson Dilipkumar's film

Director nelson dilipkumar's 'jailer', starring rajinikanth, vinayakan and vasanth ravi, is a proper paisa-vasool commercial entertainer. with solid performances and good camera work, 'jailer' is strictly a theatre watch, says our review..

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Superstar Rajinikanth's 'Jailer' released in theatres worldwide on August 10.

  • 'Jailer' released in theatres on August 10.
  • The film is helmed by Nelson Dilipkumar.
  • Jackie Shroff, Mohanlal and Shiva Rajkumar play cameo roles in the film.

Release Date: 10 Aug, 2023

Rajinikanth is truly back and how! Whenever Thalaivar scores a hit, it almost feels personal. After ‘Annatthe’, which received unfavourable reviews, it has been quite a while since Rajinikanth delivered a solid entertainer. And for Nelson Dilipkumar, who is coming back from Thalapathy Vijay’s ‘Beast’, getting ‘Jailer’ right was much-needed. And he did a great job!

‘Jailer’ opens with a group of people involved in idol smuggling, with its main leader as Varma (Vinayakan). Arjun (Vasanth Ravi) is an honest police officer who wants to track the idol smuggling network and bust them. However, Arjun gets kidnapped by Varma, and everyone in the police department fears that he is dead. His father, Muthuvel Pandian (Rajinikanth), an ex-police officer himself, is distraught.

Muthuvel Pandian is a doting father as well and now wants to take revenge. He goes on a killing spree, which leads him to Varma. But that’s not the end. Varma gives Muthuvel a daunting task as well. And Muthuvel agrees to it on one condition. The whys, whats, and hows are explored in nearly three hours.

Director Nelson Dilipkumar is known for his impeccable comedy timing, and he incorporates dark comedy in all his films. ‘Jailer’ is no different. In fact, Rajinikanth gets a subdued introduction as a retired man taking care of the household chores. He helps his grandson with his YouTube channel, buys vegetables for the house, and has absolute fun. It is great to see Thalaivar do mundane stuff as opposed to the stylish antics we’d always see. But Nelson has struck a balance in tapping into both sides of Rajinikanth, which is essentially why ‘Jailer’ works.

It is Rajinikanth who does all the heavy lifting in ‘Jailer’. The story of ‘Jailer’ has shades of Kamal Haasan’s ‘Vikram’. The two films are about a father going to any lengths for their sons, even if it means taking on a criminal gang. While ‘Vikram’ sticks to its genre righteously, ‘Jailer’ is a commercial actioner, with the right doses of action. The initial portions of Jailer have Rajinikanth attempting black comedy. While the comedy works in some parts, it also falls flat in many places. The film takes its sweet time to get into the main conflict. But Rajinikanth makes up for his subdued performance whenever the film lags.

‘Jailer’ is a film that celebrates the film industry at its core. We have Shiva Rajkumar, Jackie Shroff, and Mohanlal with their explosive cameos setting the screen on fire. And seeing these greats share screen space with Rajinikanth offers several whistle-worthy moments. The film also has many callback moments to Rajinikanth's superhit movies like 'Baasha' and 'Enthiran', among others, which add a nice touch of nostalgia.

The interval sequence, which shows Rajinikanth's epic transformation, is a total banger! It is one of those sequences that brings forth the best of everyone. And when Anirudh's 'Hukum' plays, you are sold!

‘Jailer’ also has its own shortcomings. While the story is extremely predictable, there are places where you’d begin to question how Rajinikanth has people all over the country to chip in and help him. The flashback to his early days as a police officer looks unconvincing. Several murders take place, but there are no repercussions. The story begins in Arakonam and travels to Kavali, Bangaluru and several other cities in India. And sometimes, we feel that ‘Jailer’ is incohesive.

‘Jailer’ is Rajinikanth’s return to form. Even at 72, his charisma and style make you scream in theatres. After Rajinikanth, it is Vinayakan, who has stolen the show completely. His piercing gaze and deadly wrongdoings make him a worthy villain for Rajinikanth. Vasanth Ravi, too, has a meaty role in the film.

While the performance of Rajinikanth is an asset to ‘Jailer’, it is also Anirudh Ravichander, who acts as a solid pillar of support for the film. His thumping background score will make you enjoy Rajinikanth’s swag. Whenever the ‘Hukum’ song plays on screen, the theatre erupts in joy.

Cinematographer Vijay Kartik Kannan’s frames are grand and offer visual extravaganza. Editing by R Nirmal complements the film's mood as well. Ramya Krishnan, Sunil, Tamannaah, Yogi Babu and several others appear in short-lived roles.

‘Jailer’ is a film that celebrates Rajinikanth for what he is. There are sparks of Nelson’s intelligence in ‘Jailer’ which makes it quite enjoyable.

jailer movie review in tamil behindwoods review

A full house screamed throughout last night’s Times Square premiere of “Jailer,” a grisly and comedic action Indian thriller starring Rajinikanth, the marquee-topping, Tamil-speaking septuagenarian and self-advertised “Super Star.” Or at least, everybody alive in that auditorium seemed to be cheering for Rajinikanth.

Rajinikanth (“Robot,” “Kaala”) is now 72 years old. His “Jailer” character, a retired cop and prison warden named Muthu “ Tiger ” Pandian, has a sassy young grandson and a knack for murdering villains. Beheadings and fatal stabbings are a Muthu specialty. He also has a vast network of shady old friends, played by a deep bench of Indian character actors and fellow leading men, who help Muthu kill the bad men who threaten his family.

In “Jailer,” the bad men are led by Varman (Vinayakan), a manic crime boss who kidnaps Muthu’s adult son Arjun ( Vasanth Ravi ), also a cop, and threatens to behead Arjun’s grandson Rithvik (Rithvik Jothi Raj), an aspiring YouTube star, while Rithvik and Muthu get ice cream. Varman’s men taunt Muthu by doing a grotesque dance of joy in the street. He retaliates by hacking at some of them with a gigantic blade: “After a point I don’t talk, I slash.” If you come to “Jailer” for anything but Rajinikinath, you will probably leave disappointed.

“Jailer” simultaneously is and isn’t a typical Rajinikanth vehicle. It’s more self-conscious and more committed than some of his other recent vehicles, as far as reconciling the tonal whiplash banked into the Indian cinema’s kitchen sink, mass-audience-minded masala style. The makers of “Jailer” toggle between emotional registers with confidence and alarming frequency, like whenever Muthu helps Rithvik film a gardening program for his YouTube channel, and then resumes his bloody feud with Varman. In a musical montage that only makes sense after a long-delayed plot twist, Muthu and Rithvik bask in each other’s company while an acoustic guitar plays and a singer paints a sunny picture of a man who, in Rithvik, also sees “my leader … my son.” Meanwhile, Arjun tortures one of Varman’s men, and also orders a fellow cop to not give water to his blood-soaked victim. The acoustic guitarist never takes a break.

The persistent extremity of Varman’s character-defining violence also gives old man Rajinikanth a mandate to be merciless. It’s sometimes even touching to see him match Varman since, as our antihero’s theme song boasts, “He will make your next generation dance to his tunes.” Rajinikanth is perhaps unusual when compared to, say, a Sylvester Stallone or a Steven Seagal , in that he still attracts the sort of young idolatrous filmmakers who all seem obsessed with making the now biologically mature star look eternally iconic. A friend who saw “Jailer” in Los Angeles last night joked about how many times Rajinikanth enters a new room with dramatic flair. In Times Square, each new slow-motion turn to the camera was met with screams. So were Rajinikanth’s lusty action scenes, especially when he finally notices Varman’s barrels of sulphuric acid.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell if director Nelson Dilipkumar knows what he’s doing, either with his star or this movie’s volatile mix of tones and styles. “Beast,” Dilipkumar’s loopy third-generation “ Die Hard ” clone, gives some helpful context since “Beast” pits the relatively young four-quadrant star Vijay against a shopping mall full of terrorists, one of whom he also beheads. In “Jailer,” Muthu is an older man with a legacy to consider. On-screen, Rajinikanth occasionally bumps his head against his emotional range’s low ceiling, like when Muthu cries about Arjun’s fate. In this scene, Rajinikanth leans as hard into his angles as he does whenever Muthu loses it and cackles like a lunatic with a secret.

Before an “INTERMISSION” intertitle flashed across the screen—they never pause for intermission at the AMC Empire 25—Muthu tells us that now that he’s got nothing to lose, he can stop juggling three different faces and just wear one. He says this to his family members after he warns them to stay perfectly still, so that he and his action-pose-ready friends can pick off some more bad men. After the “INTERMISSION” title, there’s an extensive new subplot involving an extra-marital affair, a bad toupee, the comedian Sunil, and the starlet Tamannaah Bhatia . Everybody acts as a version of themselves in “Jailer,” but only Rajinikanth’s performance pulls everything together by sheer willpower.

Rajinikanth is 72 years old, so it’s weirdly moving to see that, every two or three years, he can still crank out a freewheeling star vehicle as vigorous and exhausting as “Jailer.” Just outside Theater 25, I overheard a 40-something-year-old man ask an older companion what he thought about “Jailer.” I couldn’t make out the older fellow’s response, but his chuckle and little shake of the head suggested that he was still enjoying Rajinikanth’s eternal summer.

In theaters now.      

jailer movie review in tamil behindwoods review

Simon Abrams

Simon Abrams is a native New Yorker and freelance film critic whose work has been featured in  The New York Times ,  Vanity Fair ,  The Village Voice,  and elsewhere.

jailer movie review in tamil behindwoods review

  • Rajinikanth as Tiger Muthuvel Pandian
  • Mohanlal as
  • Shivaraj Kumar as Ravana
  • Jackie Shroff as
  • Sunil Varma as
  • Ramya Krishnan as
  • Vinayakan as
  • Tamannaah Bhatia as
  • Vasanth Ravi as
  • Nagendra Babu as

Original Music Composer

  • Anirudh Ravichander

Playback Singer

  • Rajinikanth
  • Arunraja Kamaraj
  • Nelson Dilipkumar

Director of Photography

  • Vijay Kartik Kannan

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'Jailer' Twitter review: Blockbuster action entertainer from Rajinikanth - Nelson earns early Praise

'Jailer' Twitter review: Blockbuster action entertainer from Rajinikanth - Nelson earns early Praise

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Jailer Review: Rajinikanth & Nelson Make A Dual Mass Comeback In This Action-Packed Film

When danger befalls his son, a police officer's quest to save his family targeted by the villain forms the storyline of the movie jailer..

Jailer Review: Rajinikanth & Nelson Make A Dual Mass Comeback In This Action-Packed Film Jailer Review: Rajinikanth & Nelson Make A Dual Mass Comeback In This Action-Packed Film

Nelson Dilipkumar

Rajinikanth, Tamannaah Bhatia, Mohan lal, Shiva Rajkumar, Ramya Krishnan

At a time when star-studded masala movies struggle to make a mark in Bollywood, a dark comedy movie directed by Nelson starring Rajinikanth is sure to come as a delight to the fans of that genre and ‘Thalaivar’. The love of father and son, an honest cop, and the threat to his life are common themes in Tamil cinema. There is a perception that these themes are done to death and don't interest the audience anymore. However, with these same themes, Director Nelson has attempted to cast his net to rope in the fans of ‘Superstar’ Rajinikanth. Along with Rajinikanth, the movie produced by Sun Pictures also stars Ramya Krishnan, Vinayakan, Jackie Shroff, Tamannaah Bhatia, Vasanth Ravi, and a cameo of Mohanlal. Whether these themes coupled with the dark comedy of Nelson's works or not is to be seen. 

Story Of "Jailer"

When danger befalls his son, a police officer's quest to save his family targeted by the villain forms the storyline of the movie Jailer .

Unlike most movies starring 'Superstar' Rajinikanth, Jailer does not begin with a grand introduction of the hero; it takes a different turn. The film opens with the villain Varman ( Vinayakan ) shooting three people who are part of his idol smuggling racket for betraying him. Varman's criminal enterprise remains untouched until an honest cop named Arjun (Vasanth Ravi) enters the picture.

Cut to, Tiger Muthuvel Pandidan (Rajinikanth), a retired jailer, who spends his days making YouTube videos, buying vegetables, and doing household chores. However, life takes an unsettling turn for the retired cop.

Arjun, who is also Muthuvel Pandian's son, seizes a lorry containing stolen idols. Following this, it is reported that Arjun has been murdered by the antagonist.

Things take a deeper dive from this point onward. Ashtalakshmi (Ramya Krishnan), Muthuvel Pandian's wife, blames her husband for Arjun's death due to his honest upbringing, as she believed it led to the tragedy. Muthuvel Pandian himself feels guilty.

As a result, Muthuvel steps in to avenge his son's death in a high-octane, action-packed battle, as the villain's gang also attempts to eliminate the family. The remaining plot unfolds to reveal how Varman's group is brought to an end and to uncover the truth behind what really happened to Arjun.

Jailer Detailed Review

Rajinikanth: the show stealer.

While the movie focuses on Rajini's reign, the supporting cast, including Ramya Krishnan, Yogibabu, Vigneshkanth and Sunil contribute immensely. Sivaraajkumar, Mohanlal, and Jackie Shroff have perfectly portrayed their special characters. Actress Tamannaah steals the show with already a rage ‘Kaavaalaa’ song.

The portrayal of the hero seeking vengeance against those who kill his son is a recurring theme in Indian cinema, but what sets this narrative apart is its incorporation into the idol smuggling racket storyline. Nelson's direction, combined with Rajini's signature style and Anirudh's music, makes this dark comedy movie a must-watch. This is a sure comeback for Nelson. 

The screenplay captures the audience's attention and keeps them engaged. The funny interactions between Yogibabu and Rajini bring a unique charm to the film's first half . However, it may not work in all languages since the humor might be lost in translation. Vijay Karthik Kannan's cinematography and Nirmal's editing greatly enhanced the storytelling. The editor and director, however, could have trimmed some of the excesses in the second half, which induces a lag before the climax. "I am the king here" sought dialogues by ‘Thalaivar’ peppered throughout the film are sure to resonate with the audience. The songs "Kavaalaala" and "Thalaivaru Alapparai" create a celebratory atmosphere in the theater, stirring up the fans. Overall, the first half of the movie is for the family audience while the second half is for the fans. Thalaivar's reign is unstoppable!

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Jackie Shroff, Ramya Krishnan, Mohanlal, Rajinikanth, Mirnaa, Tamannaah Bhatia, Vinayakan, Shivarajkumar, and Yogi Babu in Jailer (2023)

A retired jailer goes on a manhunt to find his son's killers. But the road leads him to a familiar, albeit a bit darker place. Can he emerge from this complex situation successfully? A retired jailer goes on a manhunt to find his son's killers. But the road leads him to a familiar, albeit a bit darker place. Can he emerge from this complex situation successfully? A retired jailer goes on a manhunt to find his son's killers. But the road leads him to a familiar, albeit a bit darker place. Can he emerge from this complex situation successfully?

  • Nelson Dilipkumar
  • Manish Bhavan
  • Rajinikanth
  • Shivarajkumar
  • 285 User reviews
  • 22 Critic reviews
  • 5 wins & 10 nominations

Trailer [OV]

Top cast 34


  • Muthuvel Pandian …


  • Vijaya Muthuvel Pandian


  • Blast Mohan

Vasanth Ravi

  • Arjun Pandian

Yogi Babu

  • Dr. S. Dhandapani
  • (as Vtv Ganesh)


  • Swetha Arjun
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Did you know

  • Trivia Shivarajkumar agreed to act in this film even without listening to the story plot as the lead role is done by Rajinikanth as a sign of respect. Director Nelson had narrated the story to him later on.
  • Soundtracks Kaavaalaa (Tamil) Music by Anirudh Ravichander Lyrics by Arunraja Kamaraj Vocals by Shilpa Rao & Anirudh Ravichander

User reviews 285

  • harineem-209-525488
  • Aug 19, 2023
  • How long is Jailer? Powered by Alexa
  • August 10, 2023 (India)
  • Sun Pictures
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro

Technical specs

  • Runtime 2 hours 48 minutes
  • Dolby Atmos
  • Dolby Digital

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Jackie Shroff, Ramya Krishnan, Mohanlal, Rajinikanth, Mirnaa, Tamannaah Bhatia, Vinayakan, Shivarajkumar, and Yogi Babu in Jailer (2023)

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'Jailer' Movie Review & Rating: What's Good, What's Bad; Find It Out From Viewers' Response

The Independence Day celebration will begin early in Tamil Nadu with the release of Tamil movie 'Jailer', which stars superstar Rajinikanth.

Malayalam superstar Mohanlal and Kannada actor Shivaraj Kumar are part of the cast in 'Jailer'. Bollywood actor Jackie Shroff, Ramya Krishnan, Sunil, Vinayakan, Naga Babu, Yogi Babu and a host of other actors are part of the supporting cast. Tamannaah Bhatia has added colour to the movie with a special number.

Jailer Movie Review: Whats Good, Whats Bad; Find It Out From Viewers Response

'Kolamaavu Kokila' and 'Beast' fame Nelson has directed the movie which is being dubbed in several languages including Malayalam and Kannada. The film has Vijay Kartik Kannan's cinematography and R Nirmal's editing. Rajini's nephew Anirudh Ravichander has scored the music.

Scenes from LAKSHMI THEATRE ,BANGALORE 🥵🥵🥵 #JailerFDFS — 🆂🅹 (@sivathejay) August 10, 2023

His 'Kaavaalaa', 'Rathamaarey', 'Hukum' and 'Jailer Drill' songs have stuck the chord with the viewers.

#JailerFDFS This is Not TN this is #Bangalore 🔥🔥💪 Tharamaana Sambhavam 🕴️❤️💯 #Jailer #JailerFDFS #JailerBlockbuster #Thalaivar #SuperstarRajinikanth — ONLINE RAJINI FANS🤘 (@OnlineRajiniFC) August 10, 2023

Rajinikanth will be seen as a jailer in the movie with a twist. The story revolves around a cop Muthuvel Pandian who has to stop a gang from trying to rescue their leader from prison. Will he succeed? The answer to this question forms the crux of the story.

𝐎𝐌𝐆 😱 First Half 😱😱😱 Thalaivaaaa 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 PURE THALAIVERI 🔪 @rajinikanth #Jailer #JailerBookings #JailerFDFS @Nelsondilpkumar — Ⓜ️🅰️N🅾️ (@rajini_mano) August 10, 2023

'Jailer' Review The movie has generated a lot of buzz. The success of the trailer and audio songs have increased viewers' expectations on the movie. Will it live up to their expectations? Find it out in their words below:

#Jailer Andhra/TS celebration started already 🤗💥💥💥 #Rajinikanth #SuperstarRajnikanth #Thalaivar #ThalaivarNirandharam #ThalaivarAlapparai #JailerBookings #JailerTickets #JailerFDFS — Achilles (@Searching4ligh1) August 9, 2023

Aryan Raj: Prepare to be spellbound as "Jailer" unfolds its magic on the silver screen. Sir Rajnikanth's performance is nothing short of amazing, leaving audiences in awe of his captivating presence. The real showstopper, however, is the music by Anirudh, which transports you to a different world entirely - truly out of this world.

Sir Mohanlal's divine cameo is a stroke of genius, adding a touch of ethereal elegance to the film. Meanwhile, Sir Shivarajkumar's brief appearance is an acting marvel in itself, showcasing his versatility effortlessly.

The interval break is the stuff of legends, a masterclass in suspense that will have you yearning for the second half. Nelson's direction is a breath of fresh air, steering the film with finesse and creativity.

As for Vinayakan, words fall short to describe his enigmatic performance. Experience it firsthand; watch the movie, and you'll be left in awe.

In the end, "Jailer" is a cinematic triumph that seamlessly blends star power, music, suspense. Don't miss out on this spellbinding experience!

Krishnan Unni: Jailer, a movie that revolves around an ex cop and his post retirement entanglement with villains. There's only one Super star. No one comes close to his swag, what an entertainer. The cast of remya k, mohanlal, Shiva Kumar, Vinayakan does there job in an excellent manner. Go and watch the movie, it's a must theater experience. Hats off to Anirudh for the musical prowess. Hats off to SuperStar Rajni.


Telugu 360: First Half Report : Jailer first half is superb ! Nelson mark Comedy, Superb Stylish Action by Rajini worked out BIG TIME Interval block is goosebumps Mass masala entertainer all the way 🔥👏

Kousik Karthikeyan: #Jailer is a blast ! Career best for Nelson. He nails the screenplay with exact proportions of Fun, thrill and Thalaivar moments... It's the best mass film since Sivaji .. It's a festival 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Industry hit!!!! Thalaivara ah ipadi paathadhu podhum. Life time settlement .. #JailerReview #JailerFDFS

Rajasekar: Halfway through #Jailer - Blockbuster vibes! After a long time, a proper Superstar Rajinikanth's commercial entertainer. Action sequences are lit, comedy scenes are laugh riot! 🔥🔥🔥 #Superstar and @Nelsondilpkumar are back with a bang! I'm waiting for second half now 💥💥

Blue Sattai Maran: Jailer - First review is OUT. 1st half 100 days. Second half 500 days. What a calculation. What a entertainer.. this 70s kid is. ROFL.

Ⓜ️🅰️N🅾️: Jailer Climax is the one what we are missing for many many years 💜💜💜💜 Tharamana Sambavam 👏👏 Expect the unexpected 🔥👌🏽 CLIMAX IS 10000% Theatre Material 🔥🔥🔥

Manobala Vijayan: Superstar #Rajinikanth as Tiger Muthuvel Pandian is Charismatic, Valiant and Indomitable throughout the movie. Huge comeback from Nelson with a gripping story line and magnificent direction. The Film has a Good first half and an extraordinary second half to entertain the audience. Action scenes were terrific. Dark comedy works well. BGM and Music were fabulous. Supporting cast did justice to their roles.

This film will sail through the box office storm with ease.

AmuthaBharathi: #Jailer First half was superb & totally engaging 👌 Full of Thalaivar Sambavam 👊❤️‍🔥 If the second half continues on this phase, Blockbuster loading 💯 Nelsaaa🏆⌛

Kumar Swayam: Blockbuster🔥

#SuperstarRajinikanth get terrific writing & performs well✌️ Other Casts like Vinayakan, Ramya, Yogi were too good💥 Anirudh's BGMs👌 Past Scenes😃 Mathew & Narasimha Scenes👏 #Nelson 👍 Rating: ⭐⭐⭐💫/5 #JailerFDFS #JailerReview #Tamannaah

Vikram Aditya: Super 1st half & Block buster 2nd half 🔥🔥 Overall Blockbuster Movie 🔥🔥 Anirudh bgm Vere level 🥵🥵 hukum hukum song 🔥🔥 Massive collection's loading 🔥🔥

Films Society: #Jailer first half - Fantastic!! Mass, comedy, action are nicely done. #Rajini at his vintage best. Stylish and totally underplaying. One-liners are good. It's engaging. The interval block is explosive. #Anirudh's background score is lit 🔥 #JailerFDFS #Nelson

Mathivanan: #Jailer Fun filled first half with Yogi Babu and Thalaivar combo !!! Oly one action block for thalaivar at the interval!!! ✌️✌️ Mass filled the second half along with the cameos. And a major twist🔥🔥 Jailer won't disappoint 🔥💯✌️ #JailerFDFS #JailerFromAug10 #Rajinikanth𓃵

Kumar Swayam: #Jailer Review FIRST HALF Good👍 #SuperstarRajinikanth is shown in a subtle manner, similar to Nelson's lead characters👌 #YogiBabu & Rajini scenes work effectively✌️ Comedy👍 Racy Screenplay😃 #Anirudh's BGMs🔥 especially Hukum BGM💥 Interval👍

Rajasekar: Thalaivar aggression, Style, Innocence, Fight🔥❤️‍🔥😍😍 #ThalaivarVeriAatam Yogi babu one liner 😄🔥 Ani 🔥🔥🔥❤️‍🔥😘 Waiting for second half 🤩❤️ Industry Hit loading da haters venamavanugala 🤙🏻💪🏻💥

Midknightreviews: #Jailer #JailerFDFS it's interval... 1st half very slow and drags.. Only Rajni sir and background music superb.. Got bored ... Let's see what happens in second half... Now very low expectation..

AITAGI: #Jailer first Half Over... #Nelson what a come back🔥👏👏👏 #Anirudh Fire🔥 #Thalaivar sollavey venaam , God of Maaasssess 🔥🔥🔥 Waiting Second half🔥

noufalbasha_official: I am So impressed on Nelson's work.. There are some questions in first half.. Hope it will get answered in second half!.. Really am so happy.. #JailerFDFS #jailer At Interval

Achilles: #Jailer Charge ethurom💥💥💥 Have been waiting to see the full rage of #Thalaivar for a long time. Petta was superb but truly hoping & believing this one will surpass 🤞❤️ Incredible edit by @AyyAyy0 ❤️ #Rajinikanth #SuperstarRajinikanth #JailerFDFS

Umair Sandhu: Typical Action Saga with " Stupid " Stunts by Grandpa #Rajinikanth. He is looking Worst in movie. Boring Black Comedy Story & Screenplay. Action Scenes are well executed. But Direction is not upto the mark. #Tamannaah looking so aged as Sex symbol.

Jailer - First review is OUT. 1st half 100 days. Second half 500 days. What a calculation. What a entertainer.. this 70s kid is. ROFL. #Jailer . — Blue Sattai Maran (@tamiltalkies) August 10, 2023

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  1. Jailer Review

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  2. Jailer Public Review

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  3. Jailer Movie Review

    jailer movie review in tamil behindwoods review

  4. Jailer Review

    jailer movie review in tamil behindwoods review

  5. Jailer Tamil Movie Review

    jailer movie review in tamil behindwoods review

  6. Jailer review. Jailer Tamil movie review, story, rating

    jailer movie review in tamil behindwoods review


  1. Jailer Movie Review

  2. Jailer Full Movie In Tamil 2023

  3. Jailer

  4. Jailer Review

  5. Jailer Public Review: Rajinikanth Steals Show, Nelson Dilipkumar Makes Massive Comeback

  6. Jailer Movie Review by Filmi craft Arun


  1. JAILER Review

    Updates on latest Tamil movies online, Tamil cinema, Kollywood & Tamil film releases. Tamil movie news, reviews, photos, stills, trailers, videos & interviews ... JAILER Review - Superstar Rajini ...

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    Behindwoods TV trailers other videos Trending videos movie reviews Web Series reviews song reviews Jailer Review | Rajini, Anirudh, Nelson | Jailer Movie Review

  3. Rajini, Anirudh, Nelson

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  5. 'Jailer' movie review: Rajinikanth and Nelson make a captivating

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  6. "Nelson என்னயா பண்ணி வச்சிருக்க" அதிரடி Jailer Movie Review

    #nelson #rajini #jailer Subscribe - We will work harder to generate better content. Thank you for your support.BEHINDWOODS INFORMING ...

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    #jailer #rajinikanth #review Subscribe - We will work harder to generate better content. Thank you for your support.BEHINDWOODS INFOR...

  8. Jailer Review: The Rajini We Love Is Here, But In A Nelson Movie

    Jailer Movie Review. One of the best sequences in Nelson's Jailer is served during interval.Rajinikanth's Tiger Muthuvel Pandian sits across his wife (Ramya Krishnan) and daughter-in-law — both of whom are jolted from their sleep as hoodlums sneak into their house — flaunting his greys and smiles at the dinner table.As devout mass film viewers would predict, a spectacle is expected and ...

  9. Jailer review: Rajinikanth and Nelson Dilipkumar rediscover alchemy of

    Jailer movie review: Nelson Dilipkumar film is Rajinikanth's version of Kamal Haasan's Vikram, but with a twist. ... The alchemy of good masala films appeared to have been forgotten by filmmakers, at least in Tamil cinema, when Nelson Dilipkumar reminded us how it is done with the de facto poster boy of Tamil masala films, Rajinikanth. The ...

  10. Rajinikanth's 'Jailer' film review: A glorious first half tapers off

    Jailer 's first half suggests no dilution in the Nelson brand of filmmaking. In his fascinating world, when Muthuvel smiles, it's an expression of pain. When characters squeal in pain, it's ...

  11. 'Jailer' Review: Rajinikanth returns to supreme form in Nelson

    3 out of 5 stars for 'Jailer'. Director Nelson Dilipkumar's 'Jailer', starring Rajinikanth, Vinayakan and Vasanth Ravi, is a proper paisa-vasool commercial entertainer. With solid performances and good camera work, 'Jailer' is strictly a theatre watch, says our review.

  12. Jailer movie review & film summary (2023)

    August 10, 2023. 4 min read. A full house screamed throughout last night's Times Square premiere of "Jailer," a grisly and comedic action Indian thriller starring Rajinikanth, the marquee-topping, Tamil-speaking septuagenarian and self-advertised "Super Star.". Or at least, everybody alive in that auditorium seemed to be cheering for ...

  13. Jailer

    The makers of "Jailer" toggle between emotional registers with confidence and alarming frequency. Rated: 3.5/4 • Aug 11, 2023. It is the kind of film that quite happily declares to us that ...

  14. Jailer Movie Review: It's director Nelson's show in the first half

    Jailer Movie Review: Critics Rating: 3.0 stars, click to give your rating/review,Rajnikanth is not a hero anymore; he is a superstar and this film shows him exactly as that.

  15. Jailer Review: ஜெயிலர் விமர்சனம்

    tamil News; tamil cinema; movie review; Rajinikanth Starrer Jailer Movie Review And Rating; திரைப்பட விமர்சனம் ... Comedy, Crime கால அளவு:2 Hrs 49 Min Review Movie. Critic's Rating. 3.0/5. Avg User Rating. 3/5. Rate This Movie. 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5. 2.5 /5. Submit.

  16. 'Jailer' Twitter review: Blockbuster action entertainer from

    Rajinikanth starrer 'Jailer' had an early start in locations excluding Tamil Nadu, and the FDFS for the film began from 6 AM. Fans didn't miss to gather in large as shows go houseful across locations.

  17. Jailer Review: Rajinikanth & Nelson Make A Dual Mass Comeback In This

    Nelson's direction, combined with Rajini's signature style and Anirudh's music, makes this dark comedy movie a must-watch. This is a sure comeback for Nelson. The screenplay captures the audience's attention and keeps them engaged. The funny interactions between Yogibabu and Rajini bring a unique charm to the film's first half.

  18. Jailer (2023)

    Jailer: Directed by Nelson Dilipkumar. With Rajinikanth, Mohanlal, Shivarajkumar, Jackie Shroff. A retired jailer goes on a manhunt to find his son's killers. But the road leads him to a familiar, albeit a bit darker place. Can he emerge from this complex situation successfully?

  19. Tamil Movie reviews

    latest Tamil Movie Event images, is a leading Kollywood entertainment website, Tamil Films, Kollywood Tamil songs & movies online, film reviews & box office report. Worldwide no.1 ...

  20. Jailer movie review and release LIVE UPDATES: Rajinikanth-Nelson

    Jailer has already achieved an impressive pre-booking total of Rs 14.18 crore in India, as reported by industry tracker Sacnilk. The Tamil version of the film has generated Rs 12.82 crore in revenue from the sale of 5,91,221 tickets, while its Telugu variant accumulated Rs 1.35 crore in advance bookings through the sale of 77,554 tickets, taking the grand total of tickets that flew off the ...

  21. Jailer Review In Tamil

    #JailerReview #Jailer #Rajinikanth For ADS And Promotions, Mail Me: [email protected] Follow w w Me On Instagram:*My ...

  22. Tamil Movie reviews

    TAMIL MOVIE REVIEWS. This page hosts the reviews of the latest Tamil and Hindi movies. It also includes a verdict about the movie and a final star rating. People looking for film reviews, movie ...

  23. 'Jailer' Movie Review & Rating: What's Good, What's Bad ...

    Huge comeback from Nelson with a gripping story line and magnificent direction. The Film has a Good first half and an extraordinary second half to entertain the audience. Action scenes were ...