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The Experience Of Junior and High School Prom. (2017, Jan 04). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/the-experience-of-junior-and-high-school-prom-essay

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"The Experience Of Junior and High School Prom." StudyMoose, Jan 04, 2017. Accessed August 23, 2024. https://studymoose.com/the-experience-of-junior-and-high-school-prom-essay

"The Experience Of Junior and High School Prom," StudyMoose , 04-Jan-2017. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/the-experience-of-junior-and-high-school-prom-essay. [Accessed: 23-Aug-2024]

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The Experience Of Junior and High School Prom essay

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school prom essay

What is prom, and why is prom important?

Prom is more than a dance. It's a journey filled with traditions, thoughtful preparations, etiquette norms, budgeting, and safety considerations that all come together to create an unforgettable event. Yes, it’s a lot! Let’s walk through it so you can help your teenager prep for prom.

.css-26rqae{font-weight:500;} What is prom? 

Prom, short for promenade, is a semi-formal dance usually held toward the end of high school. It's a celebration and final send-off for graduating students before they embark on their next journey. Typically, prom takes place in late spring and is often considered a rite of passage for teenagers.

The importance of prom

Prom holds different levels of significance for different people. For some, it's a chance to dress up and have a fun night with friends. For others, it's an opportunity to create lasting memories before parting ways with classmates and entering adulthood. No matter the significance, prom is a special event that marks an important milestone in many people’s lives.

Prom traditions: The essence of the occasion

Prom traditions make this event truly special. These are some of the most popular prom traditions, from old to new.

Corsage and boutonniere

One of the most iconic prom traditions is the exchange of corsages and boutonnieres. Corsages are small floral arrangements usually worn on the wrist or pinned to a dress. Boutonnieres are smaller versions worn on the lapel of a tuxedo or suit jacket. This tradition dates back to ancient Greece, where men would wear corsages to symbolize their love and affection for their partners. Today, it's a popular way for prom dates to show appreciation and affection for each other.

Prom king and queen

Crowning the prom king and queen is a popular tradition that’s been around for decades. This practice started in the 1930s to celebrate and honor students who excelled in academics, athletics, and extracurricular activities. Today, it's a highly anticipated moment at most proms when students vote for which peers to hold those coveted titles.

In recent years, “promposals” have become an increasingly popular way of asking someone to prom. A promposal is a creative, sometimes elaborate way of popping the prom-date question. From presenting a bouquet to showing up with elaborate signs and surprise performances, students are getting more creative in their requests. Promposals allow teens to put their spin on this time-honored school tradition.

The ultimate list of prom FAQs

Q: How much does it typically cost to attend prom? A: The cost can vary widely depending on ticket prices, attire, and transportation. It can range from $50 to several hundred.

Q: Is there usually adult supervision at prom? A: Usually, school faculty and parent volunteers supervise the event.

Q: Can my child go to prom without a date? A: Absolutely! Many students attend prom with friends or independently.

Q: What are the safety measures in place at prom? A: Schools typically implement security measures such as chaperones, strict entry and exit rules, and sometimes even security officers, depending on the venue.

Q: What is the dress code for prom? A: Prom is usually semi-formal or formal, with students wearing cocktail dresses, suits, evening gowns, and tuxedos.

Q: What types of activities happen at prom? A: Besides dancing, there might be a meal, photo opportunities, contests, and the crowning of a prom king and queen.

Q: Can my child attend prom if they're not a senior? A: This depends on school policy. Some schools allow juniors and even first- and second-year students to attend, often as the date of a senior.

Q: How can I ensure my child makes responsible choices at prom? A: Open communication, setting clear expectations, and trust are essential.

Q: How can I help my child prepare for prom? A: You can help them shop and buy their outfit, arrange transportation, and discuss expectations and safety.

Q: Do all schools have a prom king and queen? A: Not all, but many schools uphold this tradition.

Q: Is prom a good opportunity for my child to learn social etiquette? A: Yes, prom can teach students about formal social manners, respect, and courtesy. 

Q: What if my child has social anxiety? A: It's important to discuss with your child and possibly a counselor to determine if attending prom is the right choice.

Q: Can prom be a good bonding experience for my child and their friends? A: Many students find prom a special time to create shared memories with friends.

Q: Can my child be expelled from prom for misbehavior? A: Students are expected to follow a code of conduct at any school and could be asked to leave for inappropriate behavior.

Q: Can I chaperone at prom? A: Policies vary by school, but many allow for parent volunteers.

Q: What if my child doesn't want to go to prom? A: That's perfectly okay. Prom isn't for everyone, and there are many other ways to celebrate the end of high school.

Q: Are there any age restrictions for attending prom? A: Typically, only high school students are allowed to attend prom. Check your school’s specific prom guidelines.

Q: What if my child wants to go with someone from a different school? A: It's best to check with the respective schools' policies and coordinate transportation if needed.

Q: Can my child bring a friend as their date instead of a romantic partner? A: Absolutely! Prom is for everyone, not just couples.

Q: What if my child doesn't know how to dance? A: That's perfectly normal. Many students attend prom just to have fun and don’t worry about their dancing skills. But of course, you can always sponsor classes if your teen wants to master a specific dance.

Final thoughts on prom

Prom is a milestone in a teenager's life. It's a night filled with tradition, preparation, etiquette, budgeting, and safety considerations. Above all, it's a night for enjoyment and creating lasting memories with friends. 

For more ideas and tips on managing your teen's milestones, visit the Greenlight Learning Center for valuable family and parenting insights.

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Why is Prom even important?

N. Wilson | March 25, 2022

Why is Prom even important?

Prom is a right of passage

Prom is more than just a dance. There’s more. It’s a part of a greater picture. This year, make Prom a priority, even if you have to get creative with how you go about it. Here are some of the reasons why Prom is such a big deal in high school.

For the senior class, prom night serves as a symbol of four years of learning, friendship, and school spirit, and it’s frequently the last time the entire class is all together before graduation. Prom, along with graduation, marks the conclusion of high school and the beginning of adulthood for students. It’s an experience that students will never forget.

Prom is a school tradition

Prom is the peak of high school tradition. Many schools have held their year-end Prom celebration since the school’s inception, and many have never missed one.  Prom is a source of pride for students, and the memories will last a lifetime. If you ask anyone who has ever attended a Prom, they will most likely be able to recount every detail of the night, including what they wore, who their date was, the Prom theme, and so on. Prom is a big occasion, and it’s something that schools look forward to every year as a chance to say farewell to the Senior class.

Prom brings students together

Homecoming is traditionally thought of as the most significant event of the year for building school spirit, but Prom is just as crucial for bringing students together. It’s frequently seniors’ last chance to have fun with their friends, reflect on their high school years, and share memories before moving on to their post-high-school lives. It’s the season’s biggest social gathering, and the best chance for students to display their pride in their school and class.

How did prom even start?

Prom, short for promenade, “the formal, introductory parading of guests at a reception,” developed in the middle 1800s at schools and institutions in the northeast to encourage social decorum and graces in each graduating class. Early references to prom include a remark in an 1879 issue of the Harvard Crimson, which links it to the yearly Ivy League ritual of presentation week, during which formal attire and dancing accompanied a promenade performance. An 1894 diary entry from an Amherst College student who was asked to attend a prom near the women’s institution, Smith College, also mentions it. After a few years, high schools began to host proms.

These proms used to be hosted in college gyms, with senior classes convening for a couple of teas and beverages, mostly for mingling and dancing under crepe paper and in the eyes of chaperones. Since the 1930s, prom has been quite popular in America, with banquets and local bands becoming increasingly popular. Proms got more costly and sophisticated in the 1950s as Americans obtained more money and leisure time, similar to today’s proms. Sophomore dances (soph hop) may have been permitted in the high school gym, but junior prom and senior balls eventually shifted to hotel ballrooms and country clubs. Competition erupted as teenagers vied for the best outfit and mode of transportation and the best-looking date. Competition for the prom court also intensified, as the designation of “prom queen” became an important distinction of popularity.

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Best High School Essay Examples

High school prom.

514 words | 2 page(s)

Although not on a par with graduation or college application, one of the milestones of a high school career is attending prom. While historically proms (a term abbreviated from “Promenade Ball”) were upscale gatherings of young people dressed in their Sunday best clothes and sipping tea (Hickey, 2013), they have evolved throughout the decades into the social climax of the school year for juniors and seniors, often featuring live music, tasty punch (sometimes “spiked”) and rowdy post-prom parties. Imagine my surprise, therefore, when the parent of one of my classmates asked me if her daughter, a special education student, could attend prom with me and my date. I was taken aback to be sure, but did not want to immediately decline the request, for social, political and personal reasons. Although I did not know the girl well, I knew that she had worked hard as part of the prom decorations committee, and deserved a chance to see the products of her efforts. Likewise, I felt a tinge of political correctness informing me that it would be unfair to exclude this student, who was unable to find her own date or drive to prom herself, according to her mother, due to her status as a challenged individual. Therefore, I reserved judgment and resolved to discuss the matter with my date.

There was no doubt to me that this discussion would be reflective of symbolic interaction and socio-historic context on several levels. First and foremost, I was well aware of my date’s impressions of and expectations for prom, and vice versa. Prom is a “couples” event, where young people are seen together, dance together, and interact as a pair with their friends. It is a romantic occasion. Prom, we both knew, was not an event where two young people on a date play host to a third party. Even if that person were a close friend or relative, he or she would be a third wheel. Therefore, we faced a problem, in that neither one of us was comfortable in making what seemed to us an unkind act of preventing a dedicated class member from attending prom; on the other hand, we both wanted this to be our own special moment. Finally, after some discussion of the social impacts of bringing another person with us (how our friends would react, how it might affect our own interactions), my date hit upon a solution. We called the girl’s mother and offered to arrange for her daughter to oversee the registration book throughout the night. In this way, the girl could experience prom herself, buying a pretty dress and wearing nice make-up, and greet every person who came to the dance. We even made sure that she was asked to dance several times. A socially awkward situation had a successful, if not optimal, solution, thanks to direct and symbolic interaction between myself and my (very wise) date.

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  • Hickey, C. 2013. “The High School Prom: An American Ritual for Teenagers.” The Washington Times Community. [Online]. Available at: http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/feed-mind-nourish-soul/2013/may/2/high-school-prom-american-ritual-teenagers/ [Accessed on 13 Jan 2015].

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Prom 101 - What Happens on Prom Night and What to Expect

Find out everything you need to know about this major teen event, including when prom is, who goes to it, and how to make it fun.

Kate is an experienced writer who has written hundreds of articles for publication.

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Prom night is a custom where high school juniors and seniors dress in formal attire and participate in activities surrounding a dance. Prom activities vary across the United States, but most traditions involve dates, prom dresses, tuxedos, dinner and dancing.

Traditionally considered a major rite of passage for teens, planning starts months in advance in order to remember all the little details that go with the event. This isn't just any dance, though. We're talking fancy gowns, flowers, jewelry, and limousines - plus all the other associated awesomeness of this night.

What Is Prom?

Prom is a formal dance and is usually the last dance of a senior's high school career. It's one last chance to get together as a class, have fun, and celebrate their accomplishments. In many schools, the junior prom and senior prom are held together, especially if the class isn't super large. However, in big schools, these can be two different events. Juniors usually have a lower budget for prom, so the event isn't quite as over-the-top when it comes to decorations and location.

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Prom is actually a shortened version of the word "promenade," which means to walk around in a formal and showy way. Back in the 1800s, it was an event for couples to walk together at a dance and show off their good manners and fine fashions. By the 1900s, it became the ultimate high school dance, and eventually, the walking or promenade part fell out of favor.

Why Is Prom Important?

Culturally, prom is a big deal. It's a rite of passage to adulthood from adolescence, and it's a major social event for teens. It's also a chance to show off your fashion sense (many little girls dream of their future prom dresses for years before the big event).

It can be a time for teens to have one last get-together with friends and classmates and celebrate the end of teen's high school career. It can be a special event for dating couples or those who choose to go solo. However, there's no requirement to attend prom, and not everyone feels it's important to go.

Who Goes to Prom?

In most schools, the juniors and seniors are allowed to purchase tickets for prom (costs generally range from about $20 to $200 for tickets). Each student can usually bring one date, and that person can be from another school or even a college. Asking someone to prom is a major social undertaking, and in recent years, promposals have become popular. Historically, it was common for a guy to ask a girl to prom , but things have changed in that respect. Today, pairs of any gender (or non-binary partners) go together.

Some students go to prom as a large group of friends, foregoing the date thing altogether. This is an awesome way to keep the event chill and take the romantic pressure off the social interactions.

It's important to note that not everyone goes to prom. Some people choose to skip it because it's not their thing, while others find the hefty cost of this event too high for their budgets (going to prom can cost several hundred dollars).

  • Should I Go to Prom?

When Is Prom?

Prom is a springtime event, but the exact timing can vary depending on the school. Prom season can last for a couple of months with different area schools having prom on different weekends throughout the spring. Most proms happen in April or May when the weather is warm enough to make heavy winter coats unnecessary (nothing wrecks your formal look like a giant coat).

Although some schools hold prom on a Friday night, prom usually happens on Saturdays.

How Long Does Prom Last?

A typical prom is held on a Saturday evening for about four hours sometime between 7 p.m. and 2 a.m.

However, the events leading up to prom can make it into a multi-day event. In addition to the traditional prom planning tasks of buying or renting formalwear, arranging transportation, and other getting-ready tasks, many people extend the event by having before and after parties. There are lots of things to do before prom , including having hair and makeup done, getting a manicure, and getting dressed together as a group.

When Does Prom Planning Start?

Months before prom, the junior and senior classes start planning the event. They need to book a prom venue , arrange for music, and choose a prom theme .

About two months before the event, people start choosing formalwear and arranging for dates or groups of friends to go together.

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Prom Day Traditions

Prom celebrations can start early in the day as everyone gets ready for the dance. If prom is being held on a Friday, some schools give kids a half day off to get ready. It takes time to get dressed and go through some of the major prom day traditions. These are a few of them:

  • Hair styling - Many people choose to have their hair professionally styled for prom. This usually happens a few hours before the dance.
  • Makeup - Not everyone wears makeup to prom, but those who do tend to take a little extra time to make sure it's perfect.
  • Manicures - Pretty nails can be an important part of the prom look, and it's best to have them done close to day of the event so they don't get chipped or broken.
  • Transportation - A lot of people choose to go to prom in a special car, either one that belongs to a family member or a rented limo. Picking up this car or confirming timing are part of the prom day activities.
  • Flowers - Most people wear flowers for prom . These can be a gift from a date or something you choose for yourself. Because the flowers or corsage need to be fresh, it's traditional to pick them up the day of prom.

Groups of friends often get ready for prom together at one person's house. They might have a light snack and do one another's hair and makeup before taking photos.

Going to Prom

After everyone is ready, it's time to start the fun. Pre-prom events usually begin a couple of hours before the prom starts.

Pre-Prom Group Photos

The beginning of prom night usually kicks off with group photos. Teens, with and without dates, usually meet up in larger groups before dinner and prom. This is a chance for close friends to get pictures together and create a new memory. Look for a public place with a beautiful backdrop or get permission ahead to use a private location if you plan to take photos yourself.

Pick a specific time for photos and make sure all your friends and their parents know the plan. Depending on the size of the group, allow at least a half-hour, and up to an hour, for pictures. This is usually the only time parents are involved in prom night activities.

Once dates and groups are gathered, parents usually take pictures or have a photographer get some shots. Usually, everyone tries to get pictures of each teen alone, with their date if they have one, and with the entire group of friends. Teens can try out different serious and silly poses. Parents and teens can share these photos on social media for other family members to see.

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Transportation for Prom

After the photos, people usually go to dinner. If there's a limo, the limo picks them up and takes them to a restaurant or the prom itself (if it includes dinner). If they're driving themselves, they leave after photos to attend.

Prom Night Dinner Plans

If your prom includes dinner, you'll head straight there after photos. This is more common if the prom is held at an event center or banquet hall. Dinner can take anywhere from one to two hours and may be a served meal you chose ahead of time or a buffet.

If your prom doesn't include a sit-down dinner, many teens make dinner plans with their dates or a small group. There are lots of options for prom dinner:

  • Make reservations at a fancy restaurant. In this case, make sure you arrive on time so they don't give away your table.
  • Drop in at a fast-food restaurant or diner. These places don't require reservations, are good for last-minute planning, are more affordable and make fun photo ops where teens are all dressed up in a casual place.
  • Have a potluck dinner at home. One person hosts the dinner in their home and everyone brings a dish to share for a homestyle family meal.

Getting to the Dance

After dinner, it's time to go to prom. Prom locations include school gymnasiums, local banquet halls, and other event spaces. Parents need to know the name and address of the prom location in case of an emergency. However, this information is generally printed in a newsletter to parents, the tickets themselves, and even on a school's website.

What Happens at Prom

The actual events of prom start when people get to the dance. They hand their tickets to a teacher or parent chaperone helping with the event. Then they enter the venue, which is usually decorated in things like fancy streamers and sparkling lights.

Prom Pictures

The pictures you take at home aren't the only photographic record of prom night. Most schools have a photo booth set up for taking prom pictures. Couples or groups of friends pose together in front of a fun backdrop and get photos taken. You can buy prints of these photos or order digital files for sharing online.

Dancing at Prom

Although there are a ton of other traditions involved with prom, dancing is the main event. Most schools have a DJ to play music from a playlist the prom planning committee has arranged ahead of time. There's usually a mix of slow songs and fast songs. Couples dance together during the slow songs, and the faster songs often involve everyone dancing as a group.

Prom court nominees are selected during the school day in the week or two before prom. Some schools don't do prom court because it's viewed as an unnecessary popularity contest. Traditionally, only seniors can be nominated for king and queen , but sometimes juniors are also nominated for prince and princess.

Voting for prom court happens a few days before prom or at the actual event. Only teens get to vote, but teachers and administrators tally the votes and keep them secret until the announcement. During prom, chaperones announce and crown the winners in front of everyone. The elected king and queen usually share a dance together as well.

For many teens, a prom is an all-night event. After dinner and dancing, teens look for other ways to keep the fun going and spend more time together before graduation. These after prom activities are planned by parents and teachers or groups of teens.

School-Sponsored Events

Some schools, parent organizations, or community clubs host drug and alcohol-free after-prom parties , usually in the school building. These events start as soon as prom ends and feature organized activities, snacks, and raffle drawings. Events are usually free.

Teachers and parents volunteer to plan and chaperone, and the party can last until 8 a.m. Teens who attend are typically required to stay for the entire event, which can include a quiet area for those who are ready to get some sleep.

House Parties and Sleepovers

If your school doesn't offer an after-prom event, consider hosting one. Teens coordinate with their parents to plan activities and invite friends for an all-nighter, and some teens find ways to host unsupervised parties while parents are away. These parties typically involve word-of-mouth invites.

Most parties are supervised and don't involve drinking and drug use, despite the depictions in movies and on TV. Teens can't legally purchase alcohol, although some find a way to get beer and liquor anyway. About 29 percent of teens drink alcohol , including on prom night.

Prom Night Sex

In movies and TV shows, you often see teens losing their virginity or expecting sexual experiences on prom night. In one survey of over 12,000 teens , results showed that only 14 percent of girls said they had sex on prom night.

This real data seems to say that prom night sex is more of an urban legend rather than a popular activity. Your teen can talk to their date about sexual expectations before prom night and should feel comfortable expressing their preference to not engage at any point in the evening.

Parents can talk to teens about views on sex and other sexual activities before, on, and after prom night. When you talk to your teen about sex, remember to:

  • Listen to them
  • Provide factual and accurate information
  • Be prepared to answer uncomfortable questions
  • Withhold judgment

Everyone's Prom Night Is a Little Different

The prom experience is unique to each person and varies from school to school. Learn all you can about the times and locations of various prom night activities to be best prepared for the evening. The goal for teens is to have fun with friends, celebrate the transition from childhood to adulthood, and just have a great time dressing up and dancing.

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school prom essay


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Spread Of Prom

Well I'm more awake than this morning, and I'm braining better. Since the prom spread is Megan x2, Emily, and Mine's I just was wondering if you know what Dani has in terms of prom-posal pictures, or information. Next class I would like to gather those resources so that we're not scrambling next Monday. Also since this is Dani's spread should we keep the title and layout, and everything and just plug in pictures or take creative control. I'm fine with any of them but I don't want to overstep/understep my boundries.

Satire Essay On Prom

Prom is supposed to be a very exciting night. I think finding a date for prom is even more exciting. You see my school has this thing called grand march and you have to have a prom date/ friend to even participate in the walk. So if you are a loner you can’t go. Well my experience finding a prom date so I wouldn’t be a loner was quite the adventure.

James Reiley: A Fictional Narrative

Blake and Kelsey both smiled. Neither girl knew what to say back, so they took a seat on the smaller couch and waited. For the first few minutes they all just played on their phones, and small conversations were exchanged between the two friends. Before things could get too awkward, Blake turned towards James and tried to start a conversation.

"Prom Night: Youth, Schools, and Popular Culture" by Amy L. Best

Whether it was a wonderful experience or a terrible one, if you went to your high school senior prom, I am sure that it was a night to remember. For so many teenagers the prom is the highlight of high school. It is the one thing so many students look forward to. Many see it as a rite of passage into adulthood. For Amy L. Best, the author of "Prom Night: Youth, Schools, and Popular Culture", the prom is a perfect opportunity to explore teen identity and individuality. It is also a place to look at how this event speaks so much about today's kids.

Prom At Belleville West Essay

Prom at Belleville West has been in the same place for the last 20+ years, Belleville West lunchroom. The tickets for Prom last year were $60, this year the tickets have increased by $15, but the location for it is still the same.

Twelfth Night Essay

In Shakespeare’s play, Twelfth Night or What you Will, the characters are involved in a plot complete with trickery, disguise, and love. Each character is defined not by his or her gender or true identity, but by the role they are forced to take because of the complicated situation that arises. Unlike their gender, the speech the characters give an insight to their true personalities. In the Twelfth Night, the character Duke Orsino uses flowery and over-dramatic language, long poetic sentence structure, and melodramatic metaphors to display his overemotional romantic nature despite the different emotions in his various speeches.

The Run: A Short Story

“Hey, what are you doing.” Chloe said as she walked over to Kara on the track behind the school after school was over.

Although he doesn’t seem to learn or develop much through the duration of the play, Feste is no dull character. In fact, Feste is known as one of Shakespeare’s greatest, most interesting and well-written characters. The complexity of Feste’s speech and each of his interactions with other characters reveal multiple important perspectives and roles that help contribute to the play. In Twelfth Night, Shakespeare puts a spin on the importance of Feste’s role by casting him as Olivia’s licensed fool, the play’s commentator and a connection joint towards the reality of the audience as well as for the play’s storyline. Through his frequent witty comments, Feste’s extensive intelligence of the other characters shines through as he pinpoints their

Essay about Graduation: A Defining Moment

Graduation day arrived and I had butterflies out of this world. It seemed as if I misplaced everything. I could not find my dress. My family came from one state to another. I finally got to the church were the commencement was going to be held. I

How Prom Is The Transition Into Womanhood Essay

In the United States, a promenade dance, informally known as prom, is commonly described as a semi-formal black tie event usually for high school juniors and seniors. For many, prom night of firsts: the first adult social event as a teenager, the first time kissing someone, maybe the first time being out after dark, or even the first time dressing formally. Specifically, prom serves as a significant milestone in an adolescent teenage girl’s life as she makes the transition into womanhood. On the site, Stage of Life.com, a young student blogger described prom as “a happy celebration for the top classes’ years of hard work that got them to where they are going.” While most would agree to all the statements previously made, just as many would agree that prom can be very pricey and even a waste of money. Prom costs in recent years have been known to spiral up-to $1300 for just one night. This example may be an extreme but even expenses as low $200 could be considered too expensive for some families. Sadly, there are many teenage girls who do not even attend their senior prom because of the costly expenses associated with prom. At A Night to Remember Inc., we believe no young lady should have to miss out on her night of important “firsts” and her chance to celebrate her hard work and dedication as a student.

I think the reason Olivia quickly falls in love with Cesario because he is not like other men. He understands her in the emotional way that many other man, such as the duke can not. This is something all women crave from men, but rarely are able to achieve. Not only this, but because Viola (Cesario) has no interest in Olivia, he’s able to speak freely and however bluntly he desires. Which would be refreshing for Olivia after having all these men try to seduce her, by showering her in complements from the duke. I believe she would enjoy the chase of making Cesario fall for her, because she’s finally found someone who doesn’t want her the way all the other men do. I think another one of the reason Olivia falls in love with him is because he’s not always down her throat about the duke, due partially because he (Viola) likes the duke himself.

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The fear of being alone at the prom.

I want to say I had fun at my first prom but I didn’t. It made me feel untold emotions of fear, loneliness, and depression. In the story “The Terror” Diaz had a similar experience with fear taking over. While I could have danced with...

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Do you want you make your child’s prom night or graduation one they'll always remember? With reasonable and dependable prom limo service in San Francisco, you can achieve this goal. A graduation or prom night is an important occasion for any youngster and as a...

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The Negative Preconceptions Surrounding the Prom Night

Prom is like the Met Gala of highschool, it is your exit from highschool and it is customary to look damn good on your way out. I remember when I was a sophomore, a girl in my grade was going to prom with her cousin...

The Search for a Suitable Limo for a Prom Night

For youngsters, prom is an extremely uncommon night, and thus, everything should keep running as easily as would be prudent. So for the individuals who choose to contract a prom limousine benefit, there are a few things that ought to be done before calling and...

Best topics on Prom

1. The Fear of Being Alone at the Prom

2. Prom Night and Prom Limo Rentals as Integral Parts of Graduation

3. The Negative Preconceptions Surrounding the Prom Night

4. The Search for a Suitable Limo for a Prom Night

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How Prom Traditions Have Evolved Through History

By: Lesley Kennedy

Updated: April 27, 2023 | Original: April 28, 2023

Teenagers dressed in long prom dresses and suits crowning the prom queen, with streamers radiating behind them like the rays of the sun

Prom, an iconic rite of passage for many teenagers, has been a tradition celebrated by students since the late 19th century. Short for "promenade,” proms are modeled after the debutante balls of high society and have evolved from semi-formal end-of-the-year dances held in school gyms to become a billion-dollar industry encompassing limousines, flowers, photography, special attire and over-the-top invitations.

Early Origins of Prom

The concept of a celebratory event for young people traces back to ancient Greece , when formal banquets, called “symposia,” were held for elite men to honor their transition into adult society. Often featuring lavish dinner parties, theatrical performances, speeches, debate, music and general revelry, the gatherings also involved excessive wine drinking. ancient Romans celebrated a young man’s coming of age with a similar banquet, called a “convivium.” 

In 18th- and 19th-century Europe, women participated in aristocratic formal dances and balls that grew in popularity, with debutante balls becoming common as coming-out ceremonies for the elite.

The First American Proms

According to the Oxford Dictionaries, the word promenade, defined as a leisurely walk or place for walking, is also used to describe movements in ballet and ballroom dancing. It morphed in the late 19th century when promenade concerts often included attendees dancing in formal attire during Ivy League college festivities. 

Although it’s not clear who hosted the first American prom, an article in the December 5, 1879, issue of The Harvard Crimson references the “Junior Prom,” and an 1895 diary entry from then-Amherst student Dwight Morrow, who later served as an ambassador to Mexico and U.S. senator, cited that he had been invited to a junior prom at Smith College. An 1895 photo in the Smith archives shows a junior prom held at the school’s Alumnae Gymnasium. 

Prom Gets Popularized

The popularity of the dances quickly spread to high schools, becoming what Amy Best calls in her book, Prom Night: Youth, Schools and Popular Culture , “a democratized version of the debutante ball.” 

“The prom afforded anyone attending high school the opportunity to feel as though they too were ‘coming out,’ that they could transcend the boundaries of class,” she writes. “The message was that you did not have to be rich to wear a fancy frock, to be adorned with a corsage, or to waltz the night away.”

Proms experienced a surge in popularity in the early 1930s, and, in 1936, The Junior-Senior Prom served as the first guidebook for students attending the dance. A May 18, 1934, article in The Stanford Daily reported on that evening’s junior prom, held in the women’s gym, noting its decor would feature a mini replica of San Francisco “as a panorama surrounding the penthouse” along with trellises filled with climbing roses, sparkling fountains and red and white awnings. 

By the 1940s, when teens came to be considered a distinct consumer category, the trend really took off, and the late 1940s and 1950s became the “golden age of prom,” writes Ann Anderson in High School Prom: Marketing, Morals and the American Teen . During this time, dances began moving from school gyms to luxe hotels and banquet rooms, and the crowning of prom kings and queens became commonplace.  

Presidential Proms

President John F. Kennedy made news on June 7, 1963, when he stopped by the John Burroughs High School senior prom, held in the bigger ballroom at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, after attending a fundraiser in the smaller upstairs ballroom. The president, along with comedian Jack Benny, addressed the teens . 

“Actually, this is a better room than the room we have upstairs,” he told the teens to laughter and applause. “Next to being president—in fact rather than being president—I’d prefer to be a senior in this high school. And if Mr. Benny and I are not too old, we may apply.” 

school prom essay

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Susan Ford, daughter of President Gerald Ford and First Lady Betty Ford , hosted the first and only White House prom about a decade later, on May 31, 1975. Susan, a senior at the all-girls Holton-Arms School in Bethesda, Maryland, and her class paid for the evening from fundraising efforts, according to the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library & Museum . The prom committee made their own tablecloths and flower arrangements.

The menu included punch, miniature quiche lorraine and pigs-in-a-blanket hors d’oeuvres. Entertainment came from rock groups the Outerspace Band and Sandcastle. (The Beach Boys, reportedly, were too expensive.)

Her parents, however, did not serve as chaperones, as they were out of the country. (Ford did speak at the school’s graduation ceremony a few days later.)

Proms Evolve

Political unrest and the counterculture movements of the 1960s and 1970s reduced the popularity of prom, leading many schools to cancel the dances altogether. But the lull didn’t last long. By the 1980s, attending the big dance came back into style, as evidenced by a host of popular, enduring prom-themed movies from the decade, including Pretty in Pink and Footloose . 

Teenagers dressed in colorful prom attire dancing

However, despite their popularity, proms have not been without controversy. In the Jim Crow South , many schools held segregated proms , a practice that continued well past the passage of civil rights laws. It wasn’t until 2013 that Wilcox County High School in Georgia held its first school-sponsored desegregated prom. In 2010, a school in Fulton, Mississippi barred a lesbian from attending prom with her girlfriend and told her she couldn’t wear a tuxedo. She sued the school after it canceled the dance for all students rather than allow the couple to attend. The school settled and agreed to create a policy banning discrimination or harassment based on gender identity and sexual orientation. In the 2000s, students have held their own alternative—or “anti”—proms with religious, LGBTQ+ and other themes. 

Still, today’s proms are big business: According to a 2015 Visa survey , the average cost of prom was $919 per person, which includes everything from attire and flowers to dinner, tickets, limo services, photography and after parties, as well as the phenomenon of “promposals.” The survey found that American households spent an average of $324 alone on this practice of making elaborate, over-the-top invitations to the dance.

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Prom Experience Essay

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Show More Bri Pinkston Holland 5A Honors English III 19 February 2016 Prom Experience “Senior prom is a big deal because it’s your last big dance together before everybody goes to college,” Lindsey McMahon, a senior at Vestavia Hills High School, tells Vollers. “It’s like your last hurrah.” For many, prom is known as an American rite of passage. It’s supposed to be the best night of your life. But for others, the night falls short of all the build up. Prom is a memorable high school experience, but it’s not worth all the money and complications because finding a date or group is too stressful. It can also provide a dangerous atmosphere for teens mentally and physically if drugs and alcohol are involved. Most importantly the expenses are far too costly …show more content… For many, spending a ton of money on one night of high school is not worth all the fuss. You remember the people you are with and the dancing and just being together. You won’t care about the six hundred dollar dress that was uncomfortable and that you only wore once. Money spent on outfit apparel and all the accessories is ridiculous. “I actually ended up hating how my hair looked. It was awful! I cried as soon as I got home and took it all out and did it myself,” (Albert). Some people, on the other hand, believe that spending money on prom is a worth every penny. “For me, since prom only happens twice in your life, it is worth investing in it. You want to look back at pictures and remember the fun you had and how it was a night you felt and looked your best,” (Galo). The Guardian also states that the average prices of prom essentials are as followed: dress $250, tickets $90 for juniors, $85 for seniors, hair and makeup $65, spray tan $25, bag and jewelry $100, and shoes $75. Not to mention the extra costs of dinner, corsages, limos, pictures, and more. Due to the outrageous prices, students with families that have lower incomes aren’t able to afford some or even any of the expenses of

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For Parents

Prom's Real Purpose

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​​This information is included in our Guide to Teenage Dating. Click here to see the rest of the guide.

The whole purpose of prom, or any school-sponsored formal, is to give young people the chance to develop their social skills. Somehow that always gets forgotten. That's why it's important to remind your daughter that prom is really an opportunity for her to practice the social behaviors that will benefit her for the rest of her life. She needs to learn how to walk, talk, dress, and act appropriately in formal situations. The more you can help your daughter understand the purpose of prom, the less likely she is to inflate prom into something it was never meant to be. A good way to start your discussion is to ask, "What do you want to remember?" We've posed that question to hundreds of girls. While they all say they want to have fun and be "seen," most talk about wanting to remember their friends and not having any regrets. That's a great goal! Prom should be about social relationships, not social status.

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Magical JS Prom Night: Sparking Friendships and Relieving Students’ Stress

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Students experienced an enchanting evening of dancing and celebration under the starlit sky, surrounded by blooming flowers during the Junior-Senior promenade held on March 25. With the theme “Royalties in the Garden,” this event marked a much-needed break from the stress of three years of distance learning during the pandemic.

Principal Arliza Reyes of Integrated Basic Education (IBED) explained that while a promenade is a regular feature in their calendar of activities, this year’s ball was organized in response to the students’ request. “For this school year, we initially had no plans for a JHS prom. However, the Grade 9 and 10 students, through their Supreme Student Government leaders, expressed their desire for this event. Considering that DepEd allowed extracurricular activities with adherence to health protocols and proper risk management systems, we decided to grant their request. We scheduled it outside of class hours or during weekends,” she said.

The JHS prom serves as an avenue to promote holistic development among students, fostering positive interpersonal relationships and providing an opportunity to learn how to interact and mingle in formal settings.

One notable moment from the night was when Gian Carlo Manalato, a grade 10 student attending his first and final JS prom, was crowned Prom King. “The most memorable experience for me that night was when I had the chance to dance on stage with my best friends and classmates, surrounded by lively music. Winning Prom King was an incredible highlight. I hope to experience such magic again in the future,” shared Manaloto.

In addition to making new friends, the “Royalties in the Garden” prom aimed to teach students proper table etiquette and enhance their social skills. The event also served as a much-needed respite from the monotony of classroom activities, allowing students to relieve stress.

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Urica Loise Lalu, a grade 10 student and the Prom Queen, described the night as a once-in-a-lifetime experience. She expressed her happiness in being able to dance with her grade 7 adviser, who had mentored and guided her since transferring to HCC. “Experiencing this program in HCC was a perfect transition to another stage in our lives. It allowed us to create lasting memories with friends and classmates before we graduate,” Lalu shared.

The IBED Department also recognized the following students with awards:

  • Gian Manaloto

Prom Queen:

Prom Prince:

  • John Vincent Tarifa

Prom Princess:

  • Yna Mitshie Suarez

Early Birds:

  • John Timothy Lacbu
  • Precious Edejer

Best Dressed Grade 10:

St. Michael:

  • Sean Ivan Turla
  • Lindsay Pineda

St. Raphael:

  • Choi Pangilinan
  • Marie Joyce Pangan
  • Hayden Almoquera
  • Vyanca Gaviola

St. Gabriel:

  • Clarence Lulu
  • Maria Bethlehem Cunanan

St. Jeremiel:

  • Crystal Gaza
  • Mark Louise Yanga

Best Dressed Grade 9:


  • Angel De Vera
  • Mark Andrei Flores


  • Arianne Samson
  • Loise Dizon


  • Yangel Dungca
  • Ian Humphrey Arante
  • Alicia Navarro
  • Marquine Juno Pasion


Proms were joyous.

Proms were masked and unmasked.

Proms were socially distanced, even on the dance floor.

Proms, even in these times, survived.

Pandemic or Not, Proms Are Back

Four California high schools. Four Covid-influenced proms. The more rituals of growing up change, the more they stay the same.

By Jill Cowan

Photographs by Maggie Shannon

As in any other year, teenage girls in California stepped out of salons, only to sit in front of mirrors at home carefully rearranging their coifs.

They wore jewel-toned cocktail dresses and floor-skimming gowns. Some strapped themselves into rhinestone-encrusted heels while others, planning for a night on their feet, stuck with Vans or Air Force 1s.

Their dates wore white tuxedos, three-piece suits, corsages. In Fowler, a small city southeast of Fresno, there were cowboy boots and hats.

Yet unlike any other year, there were custom-made masks to match outfits. There were silent discos to encourage social distancing, as revelers donned headphones and danced to the beat, quite literally, of different drummers. Vaccine cards or coronavirus tests were required for entry. In Petaluma, dinner was prepacked sandwiches eaten picnic-style on the football field before the dancing started on the painted lines.

The 2021 prom season has shown that American high school rites of passage are durable, flexible, pandemic-proof. Teenage traditions, like teenagers themselves, have a resilience. Somehow, the prom — that timeworn clichĂ© of growing up — turned into something vital and emotional.

Strict pandemic rules meant that most of California’s Class of 2021 spent roughly a year learning from home. As the spread of the virus has waned in California and around the country, proms — even those retooled with mask-wearing and other precautions — have served the twin function for many of celebrating both the end of high school and the end of the worst of the pandemic.

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The Student Voice of North Allegheny Senior High School

The History of Prom

The iconic school dance has a history that stretches over 100 years.

North Allegheny's 1957 Prom.

photo by Jess Daninhirsch

North Allegheny’s 1957 Prom.

Anna Parsons , Senior Staff Writer April 19, 2022

On Saturday nights in the month of May, Pittsburgh’s Mt. Washington is crowded with hundreds of high school students dressed in elaborate gowns and strapping suits taking endless pictures before a night full of dancing. This is how most of Pittsburgh’s high school seniors start one of their most anticipated nights of the year: prom.

Across the country, the formal dance is a tradition that many high schools participate in. Prom has an interesting history dating all the way back to the 19th century, and its rich past has led it to become one of the most famous dances to exist. 

First held for the graduating classes of colleges and universities in the late-1800s , prom, short for promenade, was initially a way to teach manners and etiquette to the college senior students. Written by a male student at Amherst College, a journal entry was one of the first recordings of a formal prom in 1894. It talked of being invited to a prom-style dance at Smith College.

Throughout the early and mid 1900s , the dance slowly evolved into the present high school event that it is today. Starting out with being a simple tea dance for high school students, the early proms were initially a reason for high school students to wear their fanciest clothes. That soon turned into a class banquet in the 1920s and 1930s where students would wear fun party clothes and, of course, dance. 

Finally, in the 1950s , proms started to resemble the dances of today. The dance moved from the cafeteria and gyms to hotel ballrooms and country clubs. There was more elaborate transportation, clothing, dates, and the beginning of the competitive aspect of prom, including selections for “prom queen” and “prom king,” in addition to the most extravagant gowns and the best dates.


However, as schools in America started to integrate in the 1960s and 70s , their dances did not. Many school districts refused to allow both Black and white students to participate in the same prom, leaving them to either make two separate dances or completely exclude Black students. Parents would also create their own proms for their children. 

However, in the 1980s, with the rise of teen movies that represented high school norms such as the beloved dance, prom rose back to popularity. New bright colors and styles dominated the dance floor. Big hair, neon clothing, and the brightest eyeshadows and lipsticks took over the traditional black suits and formal dresses. 

After the return in the 1980s , annual proms stood strong across American high schools all throughout the 1990s, changing with the different trends of the decade. Primarily starting in the 90s and early 2000s, a push for LGBTQ inclusion began where students protested rules against same sex couples attending the dance together and clothing regulations that were gender stereotypical in nature. 

Throughout the 2010s, the price of prom skyrocketed. In 2013 , the average family was estimated to spend over $1,100 on their child’s dance attire and preparations. But the steep cost has not diminished the desire to participate in the dance. 

Another aspect of the present day’s prom era is the elaborateness of the “promposal”. Colorful posters decked out with creative lines can be seen all over social media and even in the school cafeteria when a student asks during a school lunch. Asking a person to be a date to prom evolved from a simple question to something resembling marriage proposals–But the creativity behind some “promposals” can never be denied. 

Today, prom is still considered a high school bucket list experience that most adults encourage young people to attend. Even though school dances can have their ups and downs, being a part of a high school tradition that is about 90 years old is something that will never be forgotten. 

The one night a year that students dress up in their nicest and most glamorous clothing has a longer and more interesting history than many suspect. From starting in the colleges and universities of America to developing into an iconic high school opportunity, prom has always been an anticipated event guaranteed to grant long-lasting memories. 

Photo of Anna Parsons

Anna Parsons is a current senior at NASH. This is her second year writing for The Uproar, but her third year writing for a school newspaper. As a sophomore, Anna wrote for the NAEye. She enjoys expressing herself through her writing. She also enjoys acting in local theatre productions, as well as the NA musicals and plays.

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