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SAP Purchase Order Tables: Main PO tables in SAP MM – SAP PO Tables

List of SAP Purchase Order Tables in SAP MM SAP PO Tables

In this post, you will find the main SAP Purchase Order Tables for header, item, and historical.

As well as, all relevant SAP tables related to Purchasing process.

First, we will explain the main Purchase Order SAP Tables, then we will list the main SAP Table for Purchase Document in SAP MM (Material Management).

Table of Contents

SAP Purchase Order Tables

The main SAP Purchase Order Tables or SAP PO Tables as commonly called are:

PO Table
Purchasing Document Header
Purchasing Document Item
History per Purchasing Document

Check also this post for more detail about SAP Purchase Order Overview

EKKO Table in SAP

EKKO Table in SAP is the Purchasing Document Header.

The most important SAP Purchase Order Tables is EKKO. Each Purchase order is identified by EBELN (PO Number)

The main EKKO fields are:

Purchasing Document Number
Company code
Purchasing Document Category
Purchasing Document Type
  • SAP Purchase Order Process & Doc. Flow SAP SD / MM (Tcodes & Tables)
  • Complete list of SAP Purchase Document ME21N Exit and BADI
  • EDI 870: Order Status Report SAP ORDERS05 IDoc Explained


The lines of SAP PO (Purchase Order) can be found in EKPO table.

The main fields at EKPO are:

Purchasing Document Number
Item Number of Purchasing Document
Material Number
Company Code
Storage Location
Vendor Account Number
Material Number Used by Vendor
Target Quantity
Net Price in Purchasing Document (in Document Currency)

EKBE Table is SAP

The Historical data for a SAP Purchase Order Tables is set on EKBE . The details are saved by items.

The main fields for EKBE are:

Purchasing Document Number
Item Number of Purchasing Document
Sequential Number of Account Assignment
Transaction/event type & purchase order history
Material Document Year
Number of Material Document
Item in Material Document

Check this book Materials Management with SAP ERP: Functionality and Technical Configuration (SAP MM) (4th Edition) (SAP PRESS) 4th Edition

SAP Purchase Order Reference Tables

Purchasing document category bstyp.

The purchasing document category allows differentiation between the various kinds of purchasing documents (e.g. purchase order, scheduling agreement, contract).

The purchasing document category determines the applicable number range, for example, and the fields that are offered to you for maintenance.

The relevant document category is suggested by the system when you create a purchasing document.

Purchasing document categories can be further subdivided into Purchasing Document Types.

List of Purchasing Document Category Value

The Document Category (EKKO-BSTYP) values are set on Value Range for Domain EBSTYP.

The different Values of SAP Purchasing Document Category are:

Request for Quotation
Purchase Order
Scheduling Agreement

Purchasing Document Type BSART

The Document Type EKKO-BSART  differentiates between the different kinds of requisition and purchases order in the SAP system.

The order type controls the number assignment for a purchase order, for example, and determines which fields you must maintain.

The reference table for Document Type is T161

The Document Type are a subdivision of Document Category. The keys for T161 are BSTYP and BSART .

Vendor Account Number

The vendor Master Data table in SAP is LFA1 for general information.

Full list of SAP MM Purchasing Tables

Sap tables for po (purchase order tables in sap).

The first list contains only PO Data Tables. The next part will list the customizing tables for purchase orders in SAP MM Purchasing.

SAP Purchase Order Tables are:

EBANPurchase Requisition
EBKNPurchase Requisition Account Assignment
EBUBIndex for Stock Transport Requisitions for Material
EINAPurchasing Info Record: General Data
EINEPurchasing Info Record: Purchasing Organization D
EIPAOrder Price History: Info Record
EKABRelease Documentation
EKANVendor Address: Purchasing Document
EKBEHistory per Purchasing Document
EKBEHRemoved PO History Records
EKBZHistory per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs
EKBZHHistory per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs
EKEHScheduling Agreement Release Documentation
EKEKHeader Data for Scheduling Agreement Releases
EKESVendor Confirmations
EKETScheduling Agreement Schedule Lines
EKETHScheduling Agreement Schedules: History Tables
EKKIPurchasing Condition Index
EKKNAccount Assignment in Purchasing Document
EKKOPurchasing Document Header
EKPAPartner Roles in Purchasing
EKPBMaterial Provided” Item in Purchasing Document
EKPOPurchasing Document Item
EKPVShipping-Specific Data on Stock Tfr. for Purch. D
EKRSERS Procedure Goods (Merchandise) Movements to b
EKUBIndex for Stock Transport Orders for Material
EORDPurchasing Source List
EQUKQuota File: Header
EQUPQuota File: Item

SAP Table for Purchase order history

The Purchase Order History can be found in the standard Table EKBE .

The Key fields for PO History Table are :

EBELNPurchasing Document Number
EBELPItem Number of Purchasing Document
ZEKKNSequential Number of Account Assignment
VGABETransaction/event type/ purchase order history
GJAHRMaterial Document Year
BELNRNumber of Material Document
BUZEIItem in Material Document

There is also SAP Tables for Purchase Order Further History such as:

  • EKBEH, Removed PO History Records
  • EKBZ, History per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs
  • EKBZH, History per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs

SAP Customizing Tables for PO

The main customizing for PO or Purchase Order can be found in the following Table.

SAP PO Customizing Table Part 1

(Note that some following SAP tables contain SAP PO related Master)

T024Purchasing Groups
T024EPurchasing Organizations
T024WValid Purchasing Organizations for Plant
T024ZPurchasing Organizations
T027AShipping Instructions Purchasing
T027BTexts: Shipping Instructions
T027CCodes for Compliance with Shipping Instructions
T027DCompliance with Shipping Instructions Texts
T069Certificate Categories
T069QControl Data for Source Determination and Checking
T069TCertificate Categories: Text Description
T160SAP Transaction Control : Purchasing
T160BSAP Transaction Control: List Displays/Purchasing
T160CSAP Transaction Control for List Displays in CALL
T160DFunction Authorizations: Purchase Order
T160EFunction Authorizations: Purchasing: Descriptions
T160IControl of Intrastat. Reports
T160JText Table for Intrastat. Reports
T160LScope of Purchasing Lists
T160MMessage Control: Purchasing (System Messages)
T160ODescription of Scope of List
T160PEntities Table Routines
T160QScope of List: Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet: Routine
T160RRoutines for Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet
T160SSelection Parameters for Purchasing Lists
T160TDescription of Selection Parameters
T160VDefault Values for Purchasing
T160WDescription for Default Values for Purchasing Ope
T160XScope of List: Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet
T160YScope of List: Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet: Description

Read also List of Important SAP Material Types in SAP MM

T161* PO Customizing Table Part 2

The next list of Purchase Document SAP Customizing Tables starting with T161* are:

T161Purchasing Document Types
T161ALinkage of Requisition Doc. Type to Purchasing Do
T161BDefault Business Transaction Type for Import
T161ERelease Codes
T161FRelease Point Assignment for Purchase Requisition
T161GRelease Prerequisite: Purchase Requisition
T161HFields for Release Procedure: Purchase Requisition
T161IDetermination of Release Strategy
T161MFine-Tuned Control: Message Types
T161NMessage Determination Schema: Assignment
T161PCheck of Document Type /Document Category:Item C
T161RREORG Control: Purchasing
T161SRelease Indicator: Purchase Requisition
T161TTexts for Purchasing Document Types
T161UTexts for Release Indicator
T161VShipping-Specific Data for Stock Tfr. for Purch.
T161WOrder Types for Stock Transfer
T161ZAdditional Checks for Outline Agreements on Reorg

T162* PO Customizing Table Part 3

Here the list of SAP Purchase Order Customizing Tables starting with T162*

T162Field Selection: Purchasing Document
T162KField Selection: Account Assignment Fields/Purch
T162TDescription of Field Selection Reference Key
T162XDescription of Field Groups from T162/T162K
T162YGroups: Field Selection

T163* PO Customizing Table Part 4

Here the list of SAP Purchase Order Customizing Tables starting with T163*

T163Item Categories in Purchasing Document
T163ACheck Item Category/Account Assignment Category
T163BPurchase Order History Categories
T163CTexts for Purchase Order History Categories
T163DAssignment Internal/External Confirmation Categories
T163EConfirmation Categories
T163FConfirmation Categories: Descriptions
T163GConfirmation Control
T163ITexts for Account Assignment Categories
T163KAccount Assignment Categories in Purchasing Document
T163KSAssignment of Tax Indicator to Account Assignment
T163LConfirmation Control Keys
T163MConfirmation Control Keys: Description
T163PRelease Creation Profile
T163SDescription for Release Creation Profile
T163YTexts for Item Categories

T165/T166* PO Customizing Table Part 5

Here the list of SAP Purchase Order Customizing Tables starting with T165/T166*

T165KCopying Options: Header Texts
T165PCopying Options: Item texts
T166ASupplement Text in Purchasing Document Printouts
T166CPrint-Relevant Purchasing Document Changes
T166KHeader Texts in Purchasing Document Printouts
T166PItem Texts in Purchasing Document Printouts
T166TChange Texts in Purchasing Document Printouts
T166UHeadings in Purchasing Document Printout
T167Number Range Management for Purchasing Master Data
T167TTransaction Description
T168Screen Control: Purchasing
T168FFunction Codes / Purchasing
T168TScreen Titles

Sap Purchase Order Tables: T16F* PO Customizing Table Part 6

Here the list of SAP Purchase Order Customizing Tables starting with T16F*

T16FBRelease Indicators:
T16FCRelease Codes
T16FDDescription of Release Codes
T16FEDescriptions of Release Indicators: Purchasing Do
T16FGRelease Groups
T16FHDescriptions of Release Groups
T16FKRelease Statuses
T16FSRelease Strategies

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Account assignment purchase order Table in SAP

  • JKSDPORDERFLOW Table for IS-M: Assignment of Purchase Order Book to Purchase Order Table Type : TRANSP Package : JSDI Module : IS-M
  • DPR_OBJLINK_SCPO Table for Purchase Order and Purchase Order Item for SRM Shopping Cart Table Type : TRANSP Package : DEVELOPMENT_PROJECTS_SRM Module : PPM-PRO-EXT
  • T460C Table for Order/Purchase order types for planned order Table Type : TRANSP Package : MD Module : CRM
  • T460D Table for Order/Purchase order types for planned order Table Type : POOL Package : MD Module : CRM
  • BBPD_OR_PCO Table for Object Link: Purchase Order/Order Confirmation Table Type : TRANSP Package : BBP_PRODOC Module : SRM-EBP
  • BBPD_OR_SUSPCO Table for Object Link: SUS Purchase Order/Order Confirmation Table Type : TRANSP Package : BBP_PRODOC Module : SRM-EBP
  • FRE_OP_PO_KEY Table for Key-Completion F&R Order Proposal R/3 Purchase Order Table Type : TRANSP Package : WFRE_PI Module : CA
  • EBKN Table for Purchase Requisition Account Assignment Table Type : TRANSP Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • TOIAE Table for Purchase Fee Account Assignment Table Type : TRANSP Package : OIA Module : CRM
  • VSEBKN_CN Table for Version: Purchase requisition account assignment Table Type : TRANSP Package : CNVS Module : SRM-EBP
  • /XNFE/NFEASSIGN Table for NFe-E Assignment: Purchase Order / Delivery Table Type : TRANSP Package : /XNFE/APPB2B Module : SLL-NFE-MGM
  • CRMC_ACC_MAP Table for Assignment of Account Assignment Group to Account Table Type : TRANSP Package : CRM_LEASING_SRM Module : CRM-LAM-BTX
  • BBP_PDCON Table for Purchase Order Item Confirmation Table Type : TRANSP Package : BBP_PRODOC Module : SRM-EBP
  • BLK_REASON Table for Blocking Reason in Purchase Order Table Type : TRANSP Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • BLK_REASON_TX Table for Text Table for Blocking Reason in Purchase Order Table Type : TRANSP Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • CDBD_PO_H Table for Purchase Order header - CDB table Table Type : TRANSP Package : CDB Module : CRM-MSA
  • CDBD_PO_I Table for Purchase Order item - CDB table Table Type : TRANSP Package : CDB Module : CRM-MSA
  • CFIORPURITM0C Table for FIN Objects for Purchase Order Items Table Type : TRANSP Package : CON_ACC Module : FIN-BAC-INV
  • CONT03_EKPO Table for Container Table for Purchase Order Item Table Type : TRANSP Package : CBZID Module : PS
  • CRMC_PODCACTIV Table for Purchase Order Number Check: Activation Table Type : TRANSP Package : CRM_ORDER Module : CRM-BTX-BF
  • CRMC_PODCGROUP Table for Purchase Order Number Check: BP Group Table Type : TRANSP Package : CRM_BUPA_MD Module : CRM-BTX-BF-CU
  • CRMC_PODCGROUP_T Table for Purchase Order Number Check: BP Group (Texts) Table Type : TRANSP Package : CRM_BUPA_MD Module : CRM-BTX-BF-CU
  • FINORDPUR01 Table for Data Storage for Purchase Order Information - Items Table Type : TRANSP Package : FIN_INTERFACE_MODEL Module : FIN
  • FINORDPUR0C Table for Data Storage for Purchase Order Information - Header Table Type : TRANSP Package : FIN_INTERFACE_MODEL Module : FIN
  • FIP_D_STAT_POQ Table for Table containing the Past Purchase Order Quantity stat. data Table Type : TRANSP Package : FIP_DDIC Module : MM-PUR-FIP
  • FMRE_MM_CATASS Table for Permitted Types of Earmarked Funds in Purchase Order Docs Table Type : TRANSP Package : FMRE Module : FI-FM-PO
  • FRE_PO_POINTER Table for Change Pointers Changed Purchase Order Documents Table Type : TRANSP Package : WFRE_PI Module : CA
  • GLS_CNT_REDEL Table for Control of Document Sequence for Purchase Order Change Table Type : TRANSP Package : RS_BCT_SRM Module : BW-BCT-BBP
  • L2TC_SETTINGS_PO Table for Raw-Exposure Update for Purchase Order: General Settings Table Type : TRANSP Package : LOG_TRM_INTEGRATION Module : LO-INT-TRM
  • LIPSPO Table for LIPS Reference Data Purchase Order Table Type : TRANSP Package : VL Module : CRM
  • MLBEKEPH Table for ML: Cost Comp. Split (Elements) for Purchase Order History Table Type : TRANSP Package : CKMLCCS Module : CO-PC-ACT
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  • POEXT Table for Enhancement Fields for Purchase Order Table Type : TRANSP Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • PUROB Table for Original Batch for Purchase Order Table Type : TRANSP Package : VBOB Module : LO-BM
  • RSBCT_XSA_PO_TT Table for Purchase order text (Training) Table Type : TRANSP Package : RS_BCT_XSA_ABAP Module : BW-BCT-EPM
  • RSBCT_XSA_PO_TXT Table for Purchase order text Table Type : TRANSP Package : RS_BCT_XSA_ABAP Module : BW-BCT-EPM
  • SDEMO_PO Table for Purchase Order Header Table Type : TRANSP Package : S_NWDEMO_MODEL_PURCHASE_ORDER Module : BC-SRV-NWD
  • SDEMO_PO_I Table for Purchase Order Item Table Type : TRANSP Package : S_NWDEMO_MODEL_PURCHASE_ORDER Module : BC-SRV-NWD
  • SDEMO_PO_SL Table for Purchase Order Item Schedule Line Table Type : TRANSP Package : S_NWDEMO_MODEL_PURCHASE_ORDER Module : BC-SRV-NWD
  • SDEMO_PO_ST Table for Purchase Order Header Status Table Type : TRANSP Package : S_NWDEMO_MODEL_PURCHASE_ORDER Module : BC-SRV-NWD
  • SER08 Table for Document Header for Purchase Order Item Serial Numbers Table Type : TRANSP Package : IQSM Module : CRM
  • SNWD_PO Table for EPM: Purchase Order Header Table Table Type : TRANSP Package : S_NWDEMO_MODEL_DDIC Module : BC-SRV-NWD
  • SNWD_PO_I Table for EPM: Purchase Order Item Table Table Type : TRANSP Package : S_NWDEMO_MODEL_DDIC Module : BC-SRV-NWD
  • SNWD_PO_INV_HEAD Table for EPM: Purchase Order Invoice Header Table Table Type : TRANSP Package : S_NWDEMO_MODEL_DDIC Module : BC-SRV-NWD
  • SNWD_PO_INV_ITEM Table for EPM: Purchase Order Invoice Items Table Table Type : TRANSP Package : S_NWDEMO_MODEL_DDIC Module : BC-SRV-NWD
  • SNWD_PO_SL Table for EPM: Purchase Order Schedule Line Table Table Type : TRANSP Package : S_NWDEMO_MODEL_DDIC Module : BC-SRV-NWD
  • T160D Table for Function Authorizations: Purchase Order Table Type : POOL Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • T163B Table for Purchase Order History Categories Table Type : TRANSP Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • T163C Table for Texts for Purchase Order History Categories Table Type : TRANSP Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • T175DP_STATE Table for Update Down Payment Requests in Purchase Order History Table Type : TRANSP Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • TEE003 Table for Customizing Purchase Order from Easy Execution Table Type : TRANSP Package : CKEXECUTION Module : CO-PC-PCP
  • FM_CIACC Table Data element for Assignment of FM account assignment to account is binding
  • KNTBU Table Data element for Account assignment category: unknown account assignment
  • J_CO_AUFNR Table Data element for Order number of internal CO order for account assignment
  • J_RK_AUFNR Table Data element for Order Number of RK Order for Account Assignment
  • JHCO_AUFNR Table Data element for IS-M: Order No.of Internal CO Order for Account Assignment
  • BBP_ACC_NO Table Data element for Sequential Account Assignment No. in EBP Purchase Document
  • FM_BEKNT Table Data element for Account assignment type for unassigned purchase orders
  • ORVTP Table Data element for Value type of purchase order/sales order values
  • MSR_REP_REPL_PO_BSART Table Data element for Order Type for Purchase Order with Replacement From Vendor
  • BPBMG Table Data element for Purchase order quantity in order price unit
  • MCBW_DMBE Table Data element for BW: Delta Purchase Order/GR in Order Unit
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Account assignment purchase order Table in SAP

Account assignment purchase order related terms


SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

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2733310 - Account Assignment and Free Items in Purchase Orders

Creating a Purchase Order for a free item with material type Non-valuated , the system requests account assignment details.


  • Materials Management (MM)
  • SAP ERP Central Component
  • SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
  • SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA

REPOV, PO, ME 062, ME062, UNBW, cost center, free item, STO, UB, free, UMSON, account assigment, ME21N, ME22N, ME23N , KBA , MM-PUR-PO , Purchase Orders , MM-PUR-GF-ACC , Account assignment , Problem

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  • MEPOACCOUNTING - Account Assignment Fields for Purchase Order


Account assignment fields for purchase order.

MEPOACCOUNTING (Account Assignment Fields for Purchase Order) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. Below you can find the technical details of the fields that make up this table. Key fields are marked in blue.

Additionally we provide an overview of foreign key relationships, if any, that link MEPOACCOUNTING to other SAP tables.


Field Data element Checktable Datatype Length Decimals
EBELN Purchasing Document Number EBELN CHAR 10 0
EBELP Item Number of Purchasing Document EBELP NUMC 5 0
ZEXKN Sequential Number of Account Assignment DZEKKN NUMC 2 0
LOEKZ Deletion Indicator: Purchasing Document Account Assignment KLOEK CHAR 1 0 Yes
U Update
I Insert
E Delete (Single Field Documentation)
D Delete
J Insert (Single Field Documentation)
X Yes

MEPOACCOUNTING foreign key relationships

Table Field Foreign key table Foreign key field Check table Check field
MEPOACCOUNTING AA_FINAL_REASON SYST MANDT Reason for Final Account Assignment Indicator MANDT
MEPOACCOUNTING SAKTO T001 KTOPL G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts) KTOPL
MEPOACCOUNTING ZZSTATE * Taxes: Region (Province) Key LAND1

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SAP Purchase Order tables

Below is a list of Purchase order related SAP database tables, what data they store and how they are related to each other. Also, click on the table name for full details of its fields including which make up the table key along with other information such as check tables, text tables…

Purchasing Documents

This is a list of the main SAP PO tables which store the Purchasing information including the header and item details of each Purchase Order. EKKO – Purchasing Document Header        EKPO – Purchasing Document Item              MARA – General Material Data              EKET – Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines              EKKN – Account Assignment in Purchasing Document              EKBE – Purchasing Document History

Accounting Documents

Accounting forms a big part of the purchase process so there are a number of direct relationships between the PO tables and the accounting tables such as BKPF and BSEG. BKPF – Accounting Document Header        BSET – Tax Data Document Segment        BSEG – Accounting Document Segment              BSEC – One-Time Account Data Document Segment              EKKO – Purchasing Document Header                    EKPO – Purchasing Document Item                          EKBE – Purchasing Document History

Purchasing Activities per Requirement Tracking No.

Also see relationship with purchase requision tables EBAN and EBKN. EKDY – Dummy Table for Database EBM        EKKO – Purchasing Document Header              EKPO – Purchasing Document Item                    EKET – Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines                    MARA – General Material Data                    EKKN – Account Assignment in Purchasing Document                    EKBE – History per Purchasing Document        EBAN – Purchase Requisition              EBKN – Purchase Requisition Account Assignment

Archiving of Purchasing Documents

As you can imagine an SAP system can process a large amount of purchasing data via many thousands of PO documents. This data therefor needs to periodically archived and there are a number of standard SAP tables related to this archiving process, see below for list including the relationship to the main Purchase order tables. EKKO – Purchasing Document Header        EKPO – Purchasing Document Item              EKBE – History per Purchasing Document              EKBZ – History per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs              EKAB – Release (Order) Documentation        EKKN – Account Assignment in Purchasing Document        EKET – Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines        ESSR – Service Entry Sheet Header Data        ESKN – Account Assignment in Service Package        A019 – Contract Header        A016 – Contract Item        A068 – Outline Agreement Item: Plant-Dependent        KONM – Conditions (1-Dimensional Quantity Scale)        KONW – Conditions (1-Dimensional Value Scale)        KONP – Conditions (Item)        KONH – Conditions (Header)        KONV – Conditions (Transaction Data)        STXH – STXD SAPscript Text File Header              STXL – STXD SAPscript Text File Lines        CDHDR – Change Document Header              CDPOS – Change Document Items        EIKP – Foreign Trade: Export/Import: Header Data              EIPO – Foreign Trade: Export/Import: Item Data        NAST – Message Status        EKUB – Index for Stock Transport Orders for Material        EKPV – SD-Specific Data f. Stock Transfer for Purch. Doc.        RESB – Reservation/Dependent Requirements        EKES – Vendor Confirmations        EKPA – Partner Roles in Purchasing        EKBEH – Order History, Scheduling Agreement (Reorganized)        EKBZH – Delivery Costs History, Sched. Agreement (Reorg)        EKETH – Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines (Reorganized)        EKEK – Scheduling Agreement Release History, Header        EKEH – Scheduling Agreement Release History, Sched. Lines

Purch. Order Tables and there relationship including Scheduling Agreement Releases

Details of how the Scheduling Agreement Releases tables EKEK and EKEH are related to PO data as well as the PRPS Project Structure Plan table. EKKO – Purchasing Document Header        EKPO – Purchasing Document Item              EKKN – Account Assignment in Purchasing Document              EKES – Vendor Confirmations              EKAB – Release Documentation              EKBZ – History per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs              EKBE – History per Purchasing Document              EKEK – Header Data for Scheduling Agreement Releases                    EKEH – Scheduling Agreement Release Documentation              EKET – Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines              T160T – Description of Selection Parameters              RESB – Reservation/Dependent Requirements              PRPS – PSP (Project Structure Plan) Element Master Data

Creating a Purchase Order for Consumable Material

After completing this lesson, you will be able to create a purchase order for consumable material


In this unit, you will learn how to perform a procurement process for a consumable material, consisting of a purchase order, goods receipt, and invoice.

The following video describes the process, focusing on the first step, a purchase order for a consumable material, and introduces the account assignment category.

Purchase Order Creation with Account Assignment

When you buy a material, you procure it either for stock or for direct consumption. When procuring for direct consumption, you must specify the consumption purpose in the purchase order by manually entering account assignment data, such as the account assignment object.

At goods receipt and/or invoice receipt, the consumption account specified in the purchase order is debited with the procurement value. In addition, the data for the account assignment object is updated.

The goods receipt does not affect the total value and usually does not affect the total quantity of the stock.

To be able to enter account assignment data in a purchase order item, you must first specify an account assignment category in the item. The account assignment category determines which account assignment object can be entered.

The graphic illustrates a procurement process for consumption using the account assignment category.

To procure material for a project and a cost center, Paula must use the account assignment categories P for the account assignment object project and K for the account assignment object cost center.

Here are some examples of account assignment categories defined in the SAP S/4HANA system:

K for cost center

P for project

C for sales order

F for production order

A for asset

In the following demo, you will learn how to order a material with a material master record for a project using the Manage Purchase Orders app. 

Free Text Item

When a material is procured directly for consumption, a material master record is not mandatory. This means that a material number can be entered in a purchase order item with an account assignment category, but is not required.

When procuring a consumable material without a material master record, you must manually enter a short description, a material group, and a purchase order unit in a purchase order item, since this data cannot be taken from a master record. This is different from a material with a master record. 

This screenshot shows a purchase order item for a consumable without a material master record.

Paula has been asked to purchase oil pumps and LED desk lamps. She has already created the purchase order for the oil pumps. However, the message for this purchase order has not yet been sent. Since the supplier for the lamps is the same as the supplier for the oil pumps, Paula wants to add another purchase order item to her existing purchase order. She already knows that there is no material master record for the lamps. 

In the following demo, you will see how to add another item to an existing purchase order using the Manage Purchase Orders application. You will also learn how to order a material without a material master record. 

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SAP Purchase Order Tables: Main PO tables in SAP MM – SAP PO Tables

  • Created 2021-01-13
  • Author SAP Online Tutorials
  • Category SAP MM

In this post, you will find the main SAP Purchase Order Tables for header, item, and historical.

As well as, all relevant SAP tables related to Purchasing process.

First, we will explain the main Purchase Order SAP Tables, then we will list the main SAP Table for Purchase Document in SAP MM (Material Management).

SAP Purchase Order Tables

The main SAP Purchase Order Tables or SAP PO Tables as commonly called are:

PO Table
Purchasing Document Header
Purchasing Document Item
History per Purchasing Document

EKKO Table in SAP

EKKO  Table in SAP is the Purchasing Document Header.

The most important SAP Purchase Order Tables is EKKO. Each Purchase order is identified by EBELN (PO Number)

The main EKKO fields are:

Purchasing Document Number
Company code
Purchasing Document Category
Purchasing Document Type


The lines of SAP PO (Purchase Order) can be found in  EKPO  table.

The main fields at EKPO are:

Field SAP 
Purchasing Document Number
Item Number of Purchasing Document
Material Number
Company Code
Storage Location
Vendor Account Number
Material Number Used by Vendor
Target Quantity
Net Price in Purchasing Document (in Document Currency)

EKBE Table is SAP

The Historical data for a SAP Purchase Order Tables is set on  EKBE . The details are saved by items.

The main fields for EKBE are:

Purchasing Document Number
Item Number of Purchasing Document
Sequential Number of Account Assignment
Transaction/event type & purchase order history
Material Document Year
Number of Material Document
Item in Material Document

SAP Purchase Order Reference Tables

Purchasing document category bstyp.

The purchasing document category allows differentiation between the various kinds of purchasing document (e.g. purchase order, scheduling agreement, contract).

The purchasing document category determines the applicable number range, for example, and the fields that are offered to you for maintenance.

The relevant document category is suggested by the system when you create a purchasing document.

Purchasing document categories can be further subdivided into Purchasing Document Types.

List of Purchasing Document Category Value

The Document Category (EKKO-BSTYP) values are set on Value Range for Domain EBSTYP.

The different Values of SAP Purchasing Document Category are:

Request for Quotation
Purchase Order
Scheduling Agreement

Purchasing Document Type BSART

The Document Type  EKKO-BSART  differentiates between the different kinds of  requisition  and  purchase order  in the SAP system.

The order type controls the  number assignment  for a purchase order, for example, and determines which fields you must maintain.

The reference table for Document Type is  T161 

The Document Type are a subdivision of Document Category. The keys for T161 are BSTYP and BSART.

Vendor Account Number

Vendor master Data table in SAP is  LFA1  for general information.

Full list of SAP MM Purchasing Tables

Sap tables for po (purchase order tables in sap).

The first list contains only PO Data Tables. The next part will list the customizing tables for purchase order in SAP MM Purchasing.

SAP Purchase Order Tables are:

EBAN Purchase Requisition
EBKN Purchase Requisition Account Assignment
EBUB Index for Stock Transport Requisitions for Material
EINA Purchasing Info Record: General Data
EINE Purchasing Info Record: Purchasing Organization D
EIPA Order Price History: Info Record
EKAB Release Documentation
EKAN Vendor Address: Purchasing Document
EKBE History per Purchasing Document
EKBEH Removed PO History Records
EKBZ History per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs
EKBZH History per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs
EKEH Scheduling Agreement Release Documentation
EKEK Header Data for Scheduling Agreement Releases
EKES Vendor Confirmations
EKET Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines
EKETH Scheduling Agreement Schedules: History Tables
EKKI Purchasing Condition Index
EKKN Account Assignment in Purchasing Document
EKKO Purchasing Document Header
EKPA Partner Roles in Purchasing
EKPB Material Provided” Item in Purchasing Document
EKPO Purchasing Document Item
EKPV Shipping-Specific Data on Stock Tfr. for Purch. D
EKRS ERS Procedure Goods (Merchandise) Movements to b
EKUB Index for Stock Transport Orders for Material
EORD Purchasing Source List
EQUK Quota File: Header
EQUP Quota File: Item

SAP Table for Purchase order history

The Purchase Order History can be found in the standard Table  EKBE .

The Key fields for PO History Table are:

EBELN Purchasing Document Number
EBELP Item Number of Purchasing Document
ZEKKN Sequential Number of Account Assignment
VGABE Transaction/event type/ purchase order history
GJAHR Material Document Year
BELNR Number of Material Document
BUZEI Item in Material Document

There is also SAP Tables for Purchase Order Further History such as:

  • EKBEH, Removed PO History Records
  • EKBZ, History per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs
  • EKBZH, History per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs

SAP Customizing Tables for PO

The main customizing for PO or Purchase Order can be found in the following Table.

SAP PO Customizing Table Part 1

(Note that some following SAP tables contain SAP PO related Master)

T024 Purchasing Groups
T024E Purchasing Organizations
T024W Valid Purchasing Organizations for Plant
T024Z Purchasing Organizations
T027A Shipping Instructions Purchasing
T027B Texts: Shipping Instructions
T027C Codes for Compliance with Shipping Instructions
T027D Compliance with Shipping Instructions Texts
T069 Certificate Categories
T069Q Control Data for Source Determination and Checking
T069T Certificate Categories: Text Description
T160 SAP Transaction Control : Purchasing
T160B SAP Transaction Control: List Displays/Purchasing
T160C SAP Transaction Control for List Displays in CALL
T160D Function Authorizations: Purchase Order
T160E Function Authorizations: Purchasing: Descriptions
T160I Control of Intrastat. Reports
T160J Text Table for Intrastat. Reports
T160L Scope of Purchasing Lists
T160M Message Control: Purchasing (System Messages)
T160O Description of Scope of List
T160P Entities Table Routines
T160Q Scope of List: Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet: Routine
T160R Routines for Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet
T160S Selection Parameters for Purchasing Lists
T160T Description of Selection Parameters
T160V Default Values for Purchasing
T160W Description for Default Values for Purchasing Ope
T160X Scope of List: Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet
T160Y Scope of List: Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet: Description

T161* PO Customizing Table Part 2

The next list of Purchase Document SAP Customizing Tables starting with T161* are:

T161 Purchasing Document Types
T161A Linkage of Requisition Doc. Type to Purchasing Do
T161B Default Business Transaction Type for Import
T161E Release Codes
T161F Release Point Assignment for Purchase Requisition
T161G Release Prerequisite: Purchase Requisition
T161H Fields for Release Procedure: Purchase Requisition
T161I Determination of Release Strategy
T161M Fine-Tuned Control: Message Types
T161N Message Determination Schema: Assignment
T161P Check of Document Type /Document Category:Item C
T161R REORG Control: Purchasing
T161S Release Indicator: Purchase Requisition
T161T Texts for Purchasing Document Types
T161U Texts for Release Indicator
T161V Shipping-Specific Data for Stock Tfr. for Purch.
T161W Order Types for Stock Transfer
T161Z Additional Checks for Outline Agreements on Reorg

T162* PO Customizing Table Part 3

Here the list of SAP Purchase Order Customizing Tables starting with T162*

T162 Field Selection: Purchasing Document
T162K Field Selection: Account Assignment Fields/Purch
T162T Description of Field Selection Reference Key
T162X Description of Field Groups from T162/T162K
T162Y Groups: Field Selection

T163* PO Customizing Table Part 4

Here the list of SAP Purchase Order Customizing Tables starting with T163*

T163 Item Categories in Purchasing Document
T163A Check Item Category/Account Assignment Category
T163B Purchase Order History Categories
T163C Texts for Purchase Order History Categories
T163D Assignment Internal/External Confirmation Categories
T163E Confirmation Categories
T163F Confirmation Categories: Descriptions
T163G Confirmation Control
T163I Texts for Account Assignment Categories
T163K Account Assignment Categories in Purchasing Document
T163KS Assignment of Tax Indicator to Account Assignment
T163L Confirmation Control Keys
T163M Confirmation Control Keys: Description
T163P Release Creation Profile
T163S Description for Release Creation Profile
T163Y Texts for Item Categories

T165/T166* PO Customizing Table Part 5

Here the list of SAP Purchase Order Customizing Tables starting with T165/T166*

T165K Copying Options: Header Texts
T165P Copying Options: Item texts
T166A Supplement Text in Purchasing Document Printouts
T166C Print-Relevant Purchasing Document Changes
T166K Header Texts in Purchasing Document Printouts
T166P Item Texts in Purchasing Document Printouts
T166T Change Texts in Purchasing Document Printouts
T166U Headings in Purchasing Document Printout
T167 Number Range Management for Purchasing Master Data
T167T Transaction Description
T168 Screen Control: Purchasing
T168F Function Codes / Purchasing
T168T Screen Titles

Sap Purchase Order Tables: T16F* PO Customizing Table Part 6

Here the list of SAP Purchase Order Customizing Tables starting with T16F*

T16FB Release Indicators: Purchasing Document
T16FC Release Codes
T16FD Description of Release Codes
T16FE Descriptions of Release Indicators: Purchasing Do
T16FG Release Groups
T16FH Descriptions of Release Groups
T16FK Release Statuses
T16FS Release Strategies

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  3. SAP Purchase Order Tables: Main PO tables in SAP MM

    The Document Type EKKO-BSART  differentiates between the different kinds of requisition and purchases order in the SAP system. The order type controls the number assignment for a purchase order, for example, and determines which fields you must maintain. The reference table for Document Type is T161.

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