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How to Present a Lesson Plan

How to Present a Lesson Plan PPT Template

First days are always exciting, and expectation builds up about the contents of the task ahead, especially if you’re starting a class as a student or professor. This interaction will be significant because it will establish and define the subjects to be covered and the set of expectations flowing from the instructor towards the audience. 

Perhaps you are ready to begin your career as a teacher and need some guidance; otherwise, you are a seasoned instructor searching for a refresher in your program. No matter which of the above you represent, the truth of the matter is that you are probably seeking a better way to introduce the subjects you’ll be teaching to your students. 

What is a lesson plan? 

A lesson plan will be the set of subject matter materials you will be teaching during a specific timeframe. The lesson plan should be an index that students can constantly consult to understand better the parts of the learning journey they will go through during each session. 

Teachers and professors should have a lesson plan template that happens in every session. This is different from a syllabus because, in the latter case, the whole curriculum of the program will be laid out; however, for each lesson, there should be one individual lesson plan example to guide the instructor in the set timeframe. 

When building the materials for the class or lesson’s attention, it’s always essential to share elements like the purpose or rules that guide the learning process . This article will explore the best way to present a lesson plan and drive a learning session successfully from the instructor or professor’s view. 

How to write a lesson plan 

Education nowadays guides different sorts of students and target specific learning needs. Therefore, it’s important and relevant to understand how lesson plans can change and be varied to truly implement the best learning path for your students. Once you have this part figured out, the next step is to understand how you will transmit the information and use a PowerPoint Presentation to simplify creating and presenting a lesson plan to your students. 

Lesson plans will comprise several different sections that will clarify the first questions students can have: How long will the course be? Will it be an online course ? What will be the main objectives? Which subjects will be discussed along with the class? 

1. Introduction 

As the lesson begins, it’s essential to place a brief yet descriptive introduction about what the session will cover. A good practice is to create a catchy title for each lesson to have an overall understanding of the information they will be receiving.

Example: Digital Marketing Basics: Industry background, historical review years 1980-2010. In this session, we will cover the birth of digital marketing, including all the touchpoints that shaped today’s industry. 

2. Audience

If your class is a one-time-only or recurring session, or even a blended learning journey, it’s essential to explain to your students who this class is for; this will allow them to calibrate their expectations about the matter to be taught ahead. 

Example: This lesson is directed to professionals who work in traditional marketing, business owners, or communication specialists seeking to have a profound understanding of how digital marketing came to be. 

3. Lesson Objectives 

This piece is critical because it will allow the students to assess the intention of each lesson. When thinking about the objectives, it’s vital to consider the acquired skills we expect our students to have at the end of the class. Like any other goals in life or business, each one should be actionable and measurable, meaning after each class, students should be able to use what they have learned and put into action the concepts. 

Example : Understand and be able to create a timeline framework of reference to explain the story of the Internet.

4. Materials 

Suppose the lesson requires using any specific materials, physical or not, including any software or hardware necessary. In that case, it´s important to list or include within the lesson plan so students can set clear expectations on what they might require. This is particularly important if the session you will be delivering requires them beforehand to bring anything. 

Example : 

  • Computer 
  • Scratch paper 

5. Learning Activities 

We´ve covered all the logistics by this point; however, now we need to start sharing the actual activities during the lesson. Ideally, this is a play-by-play of how each activity will guide the lesson towards the already established objectives. To add the list of learning activities that will be helpful for your students, take into account how all of them align with each goal and the requirements students need. 

Make sure that you add variety to the activities that you are proposing, go ahead and research trends of how many other teachers or professors, students will appreciate your search to engage them in learning. 

Also, consider how much time they will take so that you can note it in the next section. 

  • Create a timeline on the wall with the most important moments of digital marketing history, including creation of social media, mainstream of email, etc.

Time periods

Pairing each learning activity with a specific timeframe will be useful both for instructors and students. Make sure you calculate a reasonable amount of time for each activity and list it within the lesson plan so everyone can set correct expectations. Assigning time slots for each exercise will also help students and teachers stay on track with the lesson and not waste valuable time invested in learning.

Example : Creation of a timeline – 45 min

1 Slide Lesson Plan One Page PPT Template

How to present a lesson plan 

We have now listed the components of the lesson plan structure, everything looks beautiful in the draft, but now we need to start planning how we will present the program to the students. This part is challenging because you have to choose a template that makes sense for you and will be helpful for your students to understand.

A PowerPoint presentation is a great way to showcase all the contents of the lesson plan, however, the trick is to decide how you want to structure it.

Lesson Plan Design

By this point, you’ve structured a lesson plan template that can go through any test. Nevertheless, creating the materials to accompany it can be a key in the commitment generates between the students and the professor.

Design and Style

Before adding any text to your presentation template , think about the requirements you have: Does the academic institution where you work require the use of logos? Do you have to follow any visual guidelines? This might be important for the cohesiveness of your presentation.

It’s essential to think about how you would like to present the lesson plan. You may want to keep it simple and have a 1 pager and talk through it to understand your students fully, or perhaps you need to create one full presentation where every slide will be a relevant piece of information. Let’s explore this a bit further. 

One Pager Lesson Plan 

If your style is more towards simplicity, this is a great solution: succinct, minimalistic, and straight to the point. You can complete a one-page lesson plan with bullets of the relevant data and send it out to students. A great advantage of this format is that you can either send it as a PDF or even as a single image (JPG or PNG), exporting it directly from PowerPoint. 

One significant advantage is that your students will only have to check for one source by choosing this simple format when revising the lesson during the class or afterward. 

Several pages lesson plan 

Almost like a syllabus, a more extended presentation will include several slides so you can include the information in different formats. 

For example, you can use the first slide to include the lesson title; afterward, a new slide can define the purpose or introduction of the lesson. In the upcoming slides, you can include materials, contents, and even ad charts or similar to explain how grades will be affected by each lesson’s assignments on the upcoming slides. 

Text in the presentation 

It’s always good to follow the reliable practices of presentations and include the necessary information without overwhelming students. Don’t add an excessive amount of text to one slide; actually, make sure that every piece of data is helpful for students to plan their time both during and after class. 

However, if you will be sending out the presentation to your students before reviewing it, consider that they will be using it for their reference to follow through with your lesson. So make sure all the information is easy to read and accessible. 

Additional elements 

Learners of all sorts have become increasingly visual, so don’t be afraid to add infographics, images, photographs, icons or any other elements to make your lesson plan presentation more appealing visually. 

Flat Course Syllabus Lesson Plan PPT Template

Final Words 

Remember the lesson plan presentation will be the first approach your students will have with the subject matter. Take your time, enjoy the process, and create comprehensive and attractive lesson plan slides that will inspire your students to have thoughtful and deep learning. 

1. 1-Slide Lesson Plan PowerPoint Template

how to presentation lesson plan

Create a simple and minimalist one-pager lesson plan for your academic uses, course planning, and even as student handouts, with this eye-catching PowerPoint template. 

Use This Template

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how to presentation lesson plan

How to Create an Effective Lesson Plan Presentation

Regardless of the subject or content you’re teaching, having a lesson plan in place prepares you for class by offering detailed guidelines for the session. The lesson plan doesn’t have to be lengthy or complex—it just needs to include elements about what you’re teaching, the method of presenting this material, and what objective and goals you wish your students to achieve as part of the curriculum.

Why Lesson Plans Are Important

It’s crucial for teachers to prepare their lessons in advance and implement the best teaching approaches. Attending a session without a lesson plan can be counterproductive for both students and teachers. Without the right preparation beforehand, classes can end up being unproductive or confusing.

Below are a few reasons why you should consider lesson planning:

Lesson Planning is Handy for Classroom Management

Developing the lesson plan from the learning objectives provides flexibility in adapting to different teaching methods and classroom management techniques. For instance, hybrid or online classes require a different delivery approach from the traditional classes, which means making modifications to any existing plans. With the right foresight and plan in place, classes can stay on topic and effective. Such circumstances underscore how crucial lesson plans are in ensuring that the class runs smoothly, regardless of the learning environment.  

Lesson Planning Creates Student Success

Various studies have shown that students benefit immensely from and appreciate well-structured lessons. Thus, success is more likely when students engage and show interest in the material being taught. Using a curriculum guide, teachers can develop valuable lesson plans based on specific objectives and goals (what’s intended for students to learn). 

​​Lesson Planning Is Central to Teacher Success

Teachers’ success is, to some extent, pegged on students’ success. Besides that, the documents you develop as part of the lesson planning process are often part of your assessment by school administrators. What’s more, as you advance your teaching career, your lesson plans serve as a repository for your expanding body of knowledge. Thus, the significance of lesson planning cannot be overlooked when it comes to advancing your career as an educator.

Lesson Planning is Vital in Student Assessment

Lastly, lesson plans turn the learning sessions into clear objectives for students and a way to gauge their understanding of the subject matter. One notable benefit of the lesson plan is tailoring the assessment to a particular objective while considering students’ specific needs. You can use common assessment methods such as quizzes, tests, and homework assignments.

How to Write a Lesson Plan

Lesson plans include different sections that clarify questions students might have about the subject on hand. What are the lesson objectives? What subjects will be covered during the session? How long will the course take?

  • Introduction – As the lesson commences, it’s good to have a concise yet vivid introduction about what the lesson will cover. The ideal practice is to create a memorable title for every lesson to create a general understanding of the learning material students will be interacting with.
  • **Lesson Objectives –**This section is critical as it allows the students to ascertain each lesson. When it comes to objectives, it is crucial to consider the acquired skills you expect the students to gain by the end of the session. Each objective should be measurable and actionable; meaning after every session, students should be able to apply what they’ve learned.
  • Learning Activities – This should be a detailed account of how each activity will lead the class to achieve its predetermined goals. To create valuable activities, consider how each learning activity fits each objective, and the requirements students need.
  • Practice – Practices are primarily intended to assess students’ comprehension of the material and aid in memorizing what they have learned in class. Therefore, it is crucial to include this in the lesson plan so that assessments can always be done at the appropriate time.

Today, lesson planning has been made less time-consuming and easier, thanks to smart whiteboards for the classroom . A digital whiteboard like the Vibe Board Pro provides unmatched performance that shows you know your craft and are way ahead of the pack.

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How Smart Whiteboards Simplify Lesson Plan Creation and Presentation

Not only does using a smart whiteboard make learning accessible , it’s also a great way of enhancing and enriching your lesson plans with interactive activities for the class. Smart whiteboards function as a touch screen for all; during class sessions, you and your students can use it as a digital whiteboard to create a space where students’ engagement, knowledge, and teamwork are appreciated.

While the smart whiteboard aids in making your lesson more engaging, interactive, and educational, you as the teacher can still customize your teachings to what you want them to be. This helps in foiling any hitches in your lesson presentation and makes switching from one topic to another seamless.

Below are more specific ways how smart whiteboards make your lesson plan presentation better:

Take Advantage of Built-in Templates

Once you invest in a smart whiteboard, make sure to take advantage of the wide variety of built-in lesson planning templates. You can use these templates to improve lesson plans while leveraging the technology associated with smart whiteboards. Even better, these templates can be easily customized for every lesson plan and cover different subject matters, allowing you to create new lesson plans without always starting from scratch quickly. How cool is that?

Organize and Present Lesson Plans Better

Smart whiteboards combine the power of the traditional whiteboard and a TV/projector into one hub, allowing you to write on the board while concurrently projecting it to the classroom. This allows you to conduct lesson plan presentations on a larger scale while also letting students see what’s going on.

For instance, if you’re presenting on an extensive topic involving multiple subtopics, a smart whiteboard will help you walk students through each subtopic with ease. Begin with the presentation divided into primary or main sections, highlight key definitions, and add infographics and videos to ensure that every student understands the tiniest detail.

Additionally, you can get students involved in the lesson plan presentation by asking questions, polling them on key points, or allowing them to follow along on their tablets or laptops.

Record Lesson Plan Presentations

Another benefit of using smart whiteboards in the classroom is that a lesson plan presentation can be recorded and accessed long after the session is over. This allows your students to access the material on their own time.

Final Words: Creating a Lesson Plan Presentation

Lesson plan presentation offers students the first interaction with the material they will learn. Take your time, appreciate the process, and create an attractive and comprehensive lesson plan that will encourage your students to have deep and thoughtful learning experiences. Even better, all of this can be made easier with smart whiteboard technology. Leave the spiral notebooks and sticky notes at home. A smart whiteboard is all you need.

What is the presentation stage in lesson planning?

Presentation is usually the core of the lesson plan. During this stage, theteacher introduces the topic and the key subject matter the students need to master. Presenting with smart whiteboards is exceedingly easy and less time-consuming.

What are the 5 steps in lesson planning?

The five steps are:

  • Objective: A learning concept or objective is introduced.
  • Warm-up: Revise the previous lesson
  • Presentation: Present the material using suitable tools and techniques.
  • Practice: Students try to apply what they have learned.
  • Assessment: Evaluate whether the objectives were achieved

How does lesson planning help teachers?

Planning lessons in advance allows teachers to arrive at class each day prepared to introduce new concepts and facilitate engaging discussions rather than improvising as they go. In other words, without a lesson plan, teachers may be left scrambling, making students lose interest in the material to be learned.

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  • Creating Lesson Plans

How to Build a Lesson Plan: Templates, Requirements, and More

Last Updated: April 7, 2024 Fact Checked

Sample Lesson Plans

Constructing a lesson plan, adjusting your lesson plans efficiently, presenting the lesson, expert q&a.

This article was co-authored by César de León, M.Ed. and by wikiHow staff writer, Eric McClure . César de León is an Educational Leadership Consultant and currently serves as an Assistant Principal for the Austin Independent School District in Austin, TX. César specializes in education program development, curriculum improvement, student mentorship, social justice, equity leadership, and family and community engagement. He is passionate about eradicating inequities in schools for all children, especially those who have been historically underserved and marginalized. César holds a Bachelor’s degree in Education and Biology from Texas State University and a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership from The University of Texas at Austin. There are 20 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 3,834,113 times.

As a teacher, developing a thoughtful lesson plan is an essential part of your job. Not only do your lesson plans lay out everything you’ll do in a given class, but they can be shared with subs to complete your lessons when you’re out sick, and administrators can use them to provide feedback and monitor your classroom. While writing a lesson plan may seem like a daunting task at first, take it from a former teacher that they’ll soon become second nature. In this article, we’ll walk you through what you need to include in each lesson plan, show you how to use your lesson plan to make you a better teacher, and walk you through what a class might look like based on your plans.

Things You Should Know

  • A lesson plan outlines what you’ll teach in a given lesson and provides justification for why you’re teaching it.
  • Every lesson plan needs an objective, relevant standards, a timeline of activities, an overview of the class, assessments, and required instructional materials.
  • Overplan in case your lesson ends early and tailor your plans to suit the needs of your students.

how to presentation lesson plan

  • An example of a good objective might be, "Students will be able to analyze nonfiction texts by performing a close reading on a historical document."
  • Most teachers will use Bloom’s taxonomy when choosing their objective verb.
  • Teachers often abbreviate “Students will be able to” with “SWBAT” on their lesson plans.
  • Many teachers start with the objective then work their way out from there, choosing class activities last. This is called “backmapping” and it’s the most widely accepted lesson organization style around today. [2] X Research source

Step 2 Include the standards that you’re covering in your objective.

  • Our previous objective aligns nicely with the CCSS R.L.8.2, which reads “Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text…”
  • A handful of states, including Florida, Virginia, and Texas, refuse to adopt common core. They have their own state standards.
  • If you’re still in school to become a teacher, you may not have specific standards you need to cover just yet.
  • Many schools will allow teachers to cover the objectives in whatever order they’d like so far as they cover all of them. Some schools will map out the standards to cover in their curriculum, though.

Step 3 Provide an overview of the lesson’s activities.

  • For example, if your class is about Shakespeare's Hamlet , your overview might be “Introduction to Hamlet . Historical context, biographical info, and preliminary information. We’ll cover the folio, character list, and assign reading roles. Start Act 1 if time allows.”
  • A single overview may get you through multiple classes, so you may find yourself copy and pasting the same overview into multiple plans. That’s totally okay!

Step 4 Map out your activities and timeline for the class.

  • 1:00-1:10: Warm up . Bring class into focus and recap yesterday's discussion on great tragedies; relate it to Hamlet .
  • 1:10-1:25: Present information. Discuss Shakespearean history briefly, focusing on his creative period 2 years before and after Hamlet.
  • 1:25-1:40: Guided practice . Class discussion regarding major themes in the play.
  • 1:40-1:55: Freer practice. Class writes single paragraph describing current event in Shakespearean terms. Individually encourage bright students to write 2 paragraphs, and coach slower students.
  • 1:55-2:00: Conclusion. Collect papers, assign homework, dismiss class.

Step 5 Include the formative or summative assessments you’ll use.

  • Formative assessments are instructional tools. They’re anything you use to check if students are learning so you can adjust your lessons. Examples include: class discussions, teacher questions, pop quizzes, group work, surveys, and self-reflections.
  • Summative assessments are how you prove a student learned something. They occur at the end of lesson arcs, units, or sections. Examples include: tests, quizzes, essays, presentations, and final projects.
  • All summative assessments (outside of tests and quizzes) have rubrics, which are the set of standards you’re judging students on. You do not need to include your rubrics in the lesson plan, but you should be making rubrics.

Step 6 List the instructional materials you need for the class.

  • You might list textbooks, worksheets, novels, calculators, or whiteboards. If you need to borrow a TV or need a link to a specific YouTube video, include that, too.
  • Skip the basic school supplies every student needs. You don’t need to mention pens, pencils, etc.
  • Need a worksheet or special materials for a class but don’t want to spend super long making them from scratch? Check out Teachers Pay Teachers . Seasoned educators sell their instructional material to other teachers for cheap!

Step 1 Script out what you’re going to say if you’re nervous.

  • Over time, you’ll need to do this less and less. Eventually, you'll be able to go in with practically nothing at all!

Step 2 Allow for some wiggle room in your timeline.

  • If you find yourself constantly running over your schedule, know what you can and cannot scratch. What must you cover in order for the children to learn most? What is just fluff and time killers?

Step 3 Tailor your lessons to suit your students’ needs.

  • Odds are you'll be working with a pile of extroverts and introverts. Some students will benefit more from working alone while others will thrive in pair work or in groups. Knowing this will help you format activities to different interaction preferences. [11] X Research source
  • You'll also wind up having a few students that know just about as much as you do on the topic and some that, while smart, look at you like you're from another planet. If you know who these kids are, you can plan accordingly.

Joseph Meyer

Joseph Meyer

Effective teaching strategies consider a student's individual strengths. Tailoring instruction to a student's existing skills and encouraging collaborative activities can improve a student's outcome. Recognizing diverse learning styles allows for a stronger approach, fostering potential in all learners.

Step 4 Use a variety of different instructional styles to keep things fresh.

  • Really, any activity can be manipulated to be done separately, in pairs, or in groups. If you have ideas already mapped out, see if you can revamp them at all to mix it up.

Step 5 Design your lessons to account for different learning styles.

  • Every student learns differently. Some need to see the info, some need to hear it, and others need to literally get their hands on it. If you've spent a great while talking, stop and let them talk about it.
  • You will likely have some students with IEPs, or Instructional Educational Plans. These are legal documents for students with special needs that require specific instructional adjustments.

Step 6 Over-plan in case you run out of material.

  • The easiest thing to do is to come up with a quick concluding game or discussion. Throw the students together and have them discuss their opinions or ask questions.

Step 7 Make it easy enough for a substitute to perform your lesson.

  • Avoid using shorthand or acronyms that only you’ll be able to understand.

Eric McClure

Eric McClure

"It helps if your backup lesson plans are very easy to find and clearly labeled as substitute plans. If there are any handouts, print those out ahead of time as well. This is the kind of thing that’s easy to overlook early in the year, but trust me—you’ll need a day off at some point and when you do, you won’t want to come in just to drop off lesson plans."

Step 8 Keep a few spare lessons in your back pocket if things go wrong.

  • The warm up can be a simple game (possibly about vocab on the topic to see where their current knowledge lies (or what they remember from last week!). Or, it can be questions, a mingle, or pictures used to start a conversation. Whatever it is, get them talking and thinking about the topic.

Step 2 Set expectations and present the key information.

  • Go over the objective at the beginning of class! Always let your students know why they’re doing what they’re doing.

Step 3 Oversee some guided practice for rote skills.

  • This is often explained by teachers as “I do, we do, you do.” In other words, you show them how to do it. Then, the whole class does it together. Finally, the students do it on their own.
  • If you have time for two activities, all the better. It's a good idea to test their knowledge on two different levels -- for example, writing and speaking (two very different skills). Try to incorporate different activities for students that have different aptitudes.

Step 4 Check the student work and assess their progress.

  • If you've been teaching the same group for a while, odds are you know the students who might struggle with certain concepts. If that's the case, pair them with stronger students to keep the class going.
  • You don't want certain students left behind, but you also don't want the class held up, waiting for everyone to get on the same level.

Step 5 Do a freer practice to let students try things on their own.

  • It all depends on the subject at hand and the skills you want to use. It can be anything from a 20-minute puppet making project to a two-week long dalliance with the oversoul in a heated debate on transcendentalism.

Step 6 Leave time for questions.

  • If you have a group full of kids that can't be paid to raise their hands, turn them amongst themselves. Give them an aspect of the topic to discuss and 5 minutes to converse about it. Then bring the focus to the front of the class and lead a group discussion. Interesting points are bound to pop up!

Step 7 Conclude the lesson with some upbeat praise and final notes.

  • Assign and hand out any homework at the end of the class.

César de León, M.Ed.

  • Don’t worry if lesson planning feels really unfulfilling and pointless to you. A lot of new teachers think they feel like busy work at first—especially when classes don’t go as planned. Luckily, once you finish one year of teaching, you’ll have a full year’s worth of lessons to use! [24] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Lesson plans typically cover a single class period, although a more complex lesson may require 2-3 days to get through. A single lesson plan may also bleed over into multiple classes if there’s a fire alarm, some behavioral issue that requires attention, or you have to modify your schedule due to a school-wide event. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 1

how to presentation lesson plan

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  • ↑ César de León, M.Ed.. Educational Leadership Consultant. Expert Interview. 11 November 2020.
  • ↑ https://onlineprograms.ollusa.edu/ma-in-counseling/resources/learning-styles-of-introverts-and-extroverts
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  • ↑ https://www.tefl.net/elt/ideas/younglearners/finishing-preschool-english-lessons/

About This Article

César de León, M.Ed.

If you need to make a lesson plan, start by creating a timeline based on the length of the class or the school day. As you get to know your class throughout the year, try to tailor your lesson plan to their strengths. For instance, some groups might learn better by taking notes during a lecture, while others might benefit more from group discussions or worksheets. Try to include several different activities during each class period so the kids don’t get bored, and also to appeal to the different learning styles in the classroom. Read on for sample lesson plans and more tips on how to budget your time! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to build a lesson plan (+ templates), share this article.

So you’ve got a great course topic , you’ve built a course outline to help you deliver, and now you’re all set to start your first lesson plan.

When it comes to building an online course that delivers, you need to be strategic about your lessons. Each lesson plan is a building block that ladders up to your overarching course goals.

Let’s talk about how to build a lesson plan that hits home.

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What does a good lesson plan look like? 

5 steps for building a lesson plan from scratch .

A well-designed lesson plan has seven key elements: 

Class objectives 

Objectives, at a basic level, are what the lesson sets out to achieve — think of them as your North Star. Objectives communicate three key things:

  • Why students need the lesson
  • What they’ll be able to do at the end of the lesson
  • How they’ll demonstrate knowledge. 

Say one of the lessons in your social media course is “choosing the right channels.” In that case, your objective could be: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to compare different social media channels and choose the one that best aligns with their content goals. 

Teaching and learning are more effective when all the stakeholders understand the purpose of the lesson. When anyone veers off the track, they can easily realign themselves with the North Star.

Hook is what grabs the attention of your students. It is usually a statement surfacing the problem they are having — which is why they signed up for your course in the first place. This is your chance to prove that you understand their problem and can solve it. 

Back to our previous example, the hook could be a story about a creator who switched channels and finally got traction on social media after trying for many years. Or you could share data around how social channels affect how much money creators make.  

Learning activities 

Here, you spell out everything the lesson entails — from class activities and instruction time to independent work time and even assessments. Everyone involved needs to know what the lesson covers so they can prepare ahead of time. 

Again, referring to our earlier example, the learning activities might look like this: 

  • Worksheets 
  • Instructor-led sessions
  • One Q and A session at the end of the class 
  • Independent work time (which doubles as assessment) 
  • Class discussions 

Learn more: Blended learning and scheduled class activities  

Timeline shows the duration of each activity in the lesson. More than showing how long the class will take, assign time limits to the different sessions within each lesson, including assessment, main instruction, breaks, and student participation. 

Build in a buffer between each session to take care of any unforeseen issues. Say you want to spend 15 minutes on a class presentation; assign 20 minutes to it instead. 

Having a realistic lesson timeline helps you stay on track, making sure you have enough time to cover all the key areas of your lesson. 

This is where you highlight what students need to make the most of your class — to set them up for success. The last thing you need is for your course to lose credibility because a particular student wasn’t sufficiently equipped for it. 

Maybe they need to complete a foundational course first to bring them up to the level of knowledge required for the lesson. Or they need access to certain tools and equipment. Tell them all about it here. 

For a social media class, for instance, students must have active accounts and maybe a certain number of followers. 

Closure is how you wrap up the class. It typically involves a recap of the key points covered in the lesson and a quick review of the class objectives. 

The instructor might ask reflective questions such as “What was the most challenging part of the lesson for you?” or “What would you like to learn more about in this topic?” Or ask students to create a mind map of the key points covered in the lesson.

At this point, students and instructors can reflect on the lesson activities at the end to see if they met their goals. Students can also ask last-minute questions before the final assessment. 


This is the parameter for measuring how well a student understands what they’ve learned in a particular lesson. It helps the course instructor assess students fairly. 

The assessment can take several forms. One might administer a summative test — like an end-of-class quiz. Or conduct a survey with open-ended questions at intervals to gauge students’ knowledge. 

Whichever method you choose, make sure you inform students ahead of time so they prepare adequately for it. 

Before you begin

Before you dive into lesson planning, start with a few key questions to determine the goal of your lesson. As the topic expert, the breadth of this course content is clear in your head, but your students are still figuring it out as they go along. 

Keep a narrow focus for each lesson while keeping the bigger picture in mind – this will help your students build knowledge in context so they can use it independently and remember it forever!

  • What do your students already know? This is back to what you’ve covered in previous lessons or what foundational knowledge you expect students to have. Do they have all the definitions they need to understand today’s topic? Are there any gaps you need to close before you dive in? That will be your starting point for this lesson.
  • What do they need to learn today? Eyes on the prize here – keep your goal clear, or you’ll get lost along the way! Set yourself a single goal for this lesson: should students understand the formula for a unique value proposition, or should they be able to write a great cover letter? What single concept or skill do you want this lesson to impart to your students? Remember to keep it simple; if it’s too complex, you might want to consider splitting it into smaller lessons to avoid confusing your students with information overload.
  • What’s the best way to lock it into place? Now that you’ve locked down the goal for today’s lesson, you can decide on the best way to deliver the information. Is this something best delivered through video, or is it better explained with text and diagrams? Could you represent this as an infographic? What practice activities would help your students lock in their newly acquired skills?

Related: How to do a training needs assessment

It’s not always about downloading your brain onto the page. You need to consider how you explain things so your students fully understand not only the new facts, but the context surrounding them – that’s the key to them being able to apply these new skills independently when the course is over. 

With the Thinkific course builder, you have so many teaching tools and resources at your disposal – use them in harmony with one another to give your students a dynamic learning experience .

Now that you’ve got those three guiding principles in mind, let’s put them to work in your lesson plan.

Set the stage

Begin each new lesson by setting the stage for your students. You can do this in three key steps:

  • Take a brief moment to look back at what you covered in the last lesson,
  • Give a high-level overview of what today’s lesson will entail, and
  • Tell students the key skills or takeaways they will have conquered by the end of the lesson.

In particular, consider if any content from previous lessons is applicable to the new lesson. Never miss an opportunity to name-drop or draw examples from old content while introducing new material! It’s a great opportunity to help your students build context between what might feel like a confusing array of new facts. When you build bridges between old and new knowledge, it creates that lightbulb moment for students to see how all the pieces fit together.

This is more than just summarizing or expectation-setting – it’s a strategic educational principle. By reminding students of previous lessons, you help them draw connections between old and new content so they can understand how everything fits together. 

When you share the key touchpoints for today’s lesson, you set up a framework for them to contextualize everything that follows. If they know what the final goal is, they will naturally be more attuned to anything you say about those skills from that point onwards. This brief process at the beginning of each lesson provides anchors for students to shape their understanding throughout the rest of the lesson.

Explain new information

This is the main component of any lesson plan. When it’s time to introduce new content, make sure to do so clearly and simply. Explain new concepts in the most straightforward way possible. Consider your weakest student, and explain things with them in mind – even your strongest students will still benefit from that simplicity!

Be sure to use lots of examples to help students develop context with new information. One tip here is to use a mix of examples that draw from general knowledge and subject-specific knowledge. For example, you can and should give concrete examples grounded in the course subject matter; for more abstract concepts, however, it can be helpful to explain things using everyday examples that everyone can relate to. 

Related: The Ultimate List of Free Online Course Lesson Plan Templates

Consider using apples and oranges to explain abstract economic concepts, or using nursery rhymes to explain music theory. This doesn’t mean you have to come up with mysterious hypothetical examples like the ones you might have found on a high school math quiz – just look for everyday situations you can use to explain more difficult concepts, so your students can ground their new understanding in something familiar.

Students learn in a myriad of different ways – some through text, others through video, and still others through graphic design or activities like writing by hand. While explaining things clearly in a well-produced video or article is always a great place to start, consider using a variety of methods to make your lesson plan stick.

  • Create an infographic to illustrate key points from the lesson
  • Provide fill-in-the-blank notes so students can follow along with you and pay attention for key information queues
  • Link key words and concepts to external articles or videos to provide students with additional learning resources
  • Create a slide deck of key points that students can use as a review tool
  • The sky’s the limit – if you can think of an alternative way to present your information, your students will benefit! The Thinkific course builder has a number of different content types to suit your needs, wherever the inspiration leads you.

Learn more about different learning styles and how to teach to them . 

Practice makes perfect

After introducing new material to students, it’s vital to give them an opportunity to put their new skills into practice . This is what helps them lock new information into their brains and build contextual links with other skills. It’s also an important tool to help students master the content from this lesson before they move on to the next – as they work through practice activities and find themselves stuck on particular concepts or tasks, it will become clear which aspects of the material they didn’t quite understand. That gives students a targeted opportunity to ask good questions or go back through the course material until they master that skill.

Even in an online course , there are a number of practice activities you can prompt students to use:

  • Ask students to define key concepts and use them in a paragraph, so they have an opportunity to put things into their own words
  • Suggest students rephrase concepts by converting your notes into questions, like those they might expect to see on a quiz
  • If you have a community or online group, ask students to share their summaries or reflections with each other in a dedicated lesson thread

Related: 8 ways to make online classes more interactive  


Sometimes, you also need to assess student knowledge. While you won’t do this for each and every lesson, it’s a helpful tool to check student understanding at important course milestones.

Thinkific’s course platform makes it easy to deliver student assessments with quizzes, exams, and assignments to put your students to the test, but you should keep future assessments in mind while you plan lessons. As you build a series of lessons, keep these questions in mind for future assessments:

  • What facts and skills from this lesson are necessary for a student to succeed in this course?
  • Are there any facts in this lesson that students need to be reminded of to make sure they stick?

Keep a running list of these answers as you build your lessons. By the time you reach a course milestone and you’re ready to build an assessment, you’ll already have a list of key questions to use in your quiz or assignment. By drawing questions from across a series of lessons, you help students build contextual links between different batches of information and end up with a more cohesive learning experience.

Get ahead with our free lesson plan template

Building a lesson plan from scratch is challenging and quickly gets complicated if it’s your first time. To help you, we’ve created a customizable template you can tweak to suit your needs fast. 

You’re well on your way to building a great course , with solid principles that help you deliver dynamic lessons to your students!

Put your learning into action with Thinkific:

This blog was originally created in August 2020, it has since been updated in August 2023 to become even more useful!

Jenny is a Content Marketer at Thinkific. A lifelong learner, she loves writing about anything from Byron to blockchain. Formerly from Cape Town, she now spends her spare time wandering Vancouver in search of the perfect coffee.

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  • 10 Steps To Creating A Wildly Successful Online Course
  • 5 Techniques to Create an Effective Online Course
  • 5 Ways to Validate Your Online Course Concept
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The Will to Teach

Creating Effective Lesson Plans: A Guide for Teachers

Lesson planning is the cornerstone of effective teaching, guiding educators in orchestrating engaging and purposeful student learning experiences. This article explores the art of crafting robust lesson plans, delving into why they are essential, strategies for different career stages, and examples that cater to novice and experienced teachers.

how to presentation lesson plan

The Importance of Lesson Plans

Beginner level:, intermediate level:, experienced level:, new teacher, experienced teacher, frequently asked questions about lesson planning.

Lesson plans serve as a compass that guides teachers in delivering organized and meaningful instruction. They ensure that essential skills, learning objectives , and curriculum components are covered. Moreover, well-structured lesson plans make it seamless for relief teachers to take over the classroom if needed, maintaining instructional continuity.

Strategies for Crafting Lesson Plans

  • Clear Objectives: Set specific learning objectives that align with curriculum goals. Identify what you want students to know, understand, and be able to do by the end of the lesson.
  • Structured Format: Use a consistent format with sections like objectives, materials, introduction, activities, assessment, and closure.
  • Engagement Strategies : Incorporate diverse instructional strategies to engage different learning styles, such as group discussions, visual aids, or hands-on activities.
  • Differentiation: Tailor activities to cater to diverse student needs . Include extension tasks for advanced learners and additional support for struggling students.
  • Assessment Strategies: Integrate formative assessments throughout the lesson to gauge student understanding. This can be quizzes, discussions, or group work.
  • Technology Integration: Integrate technology tools that enhance learning experiences, such as interactive simulations or digital resources.
  • Real-world Application: Design activities that relate to real-life scenarios, connecting classroom learning to practical situations.
  • Student-Centered Approach: Foster student agency by incorporating opportunities for self-directed exploration and inquiry-based learning.
  • Reflection and Adaptation: Incorporate a section for post-lesson reflection, where you analyze what went well and identify areas for improvement in future lessons.

Lesson Plan Examples

  • Objective: Introduce students to basic fractions.
  • Materials: Fraction manipulatives, whiteboard, markers.
  • Introduction: Engage students with a relatable scenario involving pizza slices.
  • Activities: Group work using fraction manipulatives to practice adding and subtracting fractions.
  • Assessment: Quick quiz at the end of the class.
  • Closure: Review key concepts and provide a preview of the next lesson.
  • Objective: Analyze the impact of historical events on society.
  • Materials: Primary source documents, multimedia resources.
  • Introduction: Pose a thought-provoking question related to historical events.
  • Activities: Small group discussions analyzing primary sources and creating presentations.
  • Assessment: Peer review of presentations and individual reflections.
  • Closure: Facilitate a class discussion on the broader implications of historical events.

Effective lesson planning is an art that evolves with experience. It ensures that teaching is purposeful, engaging, and aligned with educational goals. By tailoring lesson plans to your career stage and employing strategies that promote student engagement and understanding, educators can create impactful learning experiences that empower their students to succeed.

  • Why is lesson planning important for teachers? Lesson planning provides a roadmap for teachers to organize their instruction, ensuring that learning objectives are met, curriculum requirements are covered, and students are engaged. It also facilitates smooth classroom management and allows for effective assessment of student progress.
  • What should a well-structured lesson plan include? A comprehensive lesson plan typically includes clear learning objectives, a list of materials needed, an engaging introduction, interactive activities, assessment strategies, and a meaningful closure.
  • How can lesson plans benefit substitute teachers? Well-crafted lesson plans make it easier for substitute teachers to seamlessly step into your role. Clear instructions, organized activities, and outlined objectives help substitute teachers maintain the learning flow in your absence.
  • How can I make my lesson plans more engaging for students? Incorporate diverse instructional strategies, interactive activities, technology tools, and real-world applications to cater to various learning styles and make lessons more engaging.
  • How can I ensure that students act on the feedback I provide? Encourage student self-assessment and reflection. Set specific goals for improvement based on your feedback, and revisit those goals periodically. Provide ongoing support and praise for their progress.
  • Why should I share lesson plans with parents? Sharing lesson plans with parents fosters transparency and opens channels for meaningful conversations about their child’s learning. It helps parents understand the curriculum, learning objectives, and ways they can support their child at home.
  • What is reflective teaching, and why is it important? Reflective teaching involves self-assessment and critical analysis of your instructional practices. It helps you identify strengths, areas for improvement, and adapt your teaching methods to better meet students’ needs.
  • How can I make my reflections on teaching meaningful and regular? Set aside dedicated time for reflection, either daily or weekly. Use a journal or digital platform to record observations, successes, challenges, and strategies. Consider seeking feedback from peers or mentors to gain different perspectives.
  • How can I effectively incorporate technology into my lesson plans? Integrate technology tools that enhance learning experiences, such as interactive simulations, multimedia presentations, and online resources. Ensure that technology supports the learning objectives and engages students.
  • Can I use the same lesson plan format throughout my teaching career? While your basic lesson plan structure might remain consistent, adapting and refining your approach based on your experience and changing classroom needs is essential for continuous improvement.

Remember, lesson planning is an evolving process that grows with your teaching journey. By staying open to experimentation and incorporating feedback from both students and colleagues, you can refine your lesson planning skills and provide enriching educational experiences for your students.

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How To Create A Lesson Plan: 6 Easy, Effective Steps

A lesson plan is a blueprint of your lesson that includes learning goals and the educational elements students need to master the learning outcomes. Lesson planning increases thoughtful and intentional teaching and ensures that students get the most out of each lesson or subject.

Significance of Creating Lesson Plans

Lesson plans are vital to address concepts properly and facilitate the efficient flow of learning. This way, students can become a co-creator of knowledge and understanding. A lesson plan provides structure and helps the teacher create a more conducive environment for teaching and learning. Having a daily agenda that details what the students are to expect is also important to framing the students’ learning experience.

When discussing a lesson plan, it's important to remember that it doesn't need to be a script or a lengthy outline. Instead, even just a few bullet points will help the teacher effectively navigate the session and ensure a positive learning experience.

5 Step Method for Creating a Lesson Plan

Now that you understand the importance of establishing a lesson plan, let's look at what you have to include to make it more effective:

Step 1: Establish the Learning Outcomes

Setting the learning outcomes for a lesson plan is critical for ensuring that students learn consistently across classes or courses. The curriculum (state standards) is the basis for every lesson. Learning outcomes define what the students need to achieve by the end of the lesson. Teaching with the end result in mind increases the likelihood that the expected learning outcomes and activities are aligned.

These outcomes should include clear goals so teachers can align the learning and assessment activities tightly to the objectives.

Step 2: Include Any Relevant Resource Materials for the Lesson

Integrating relevant and interesting learning tools into the classroom helps improve learning and participation. These might include things such as presentations, handouts, online videos, pages from a book, etc. ‍

Step 3: Cite Lesson Plan Procedures

Make sure to provide a level of detail in the descriptions of your lessons that will support efficient instruction and learning.  Include all the specific information needed to facilitate a more effective flow of discussion.

In addition to the topic and lesson objectives, identify all the relevant resource materials for the lesson including the delivery method, student grouping, activities, etc.

Step 4: Create Instructional Activities or Independent Practice

Include independent practice or activities that you'd like your students to participate in. Consider different projects on a lesson to assess students on their academic abilities and areas for growth. Instructional practices should address various modalities of learning throughout the lesson.

Step 5: Reflect and Plan Lesson Closure

Once you’ve completed your plan, take a few moments to assess yourself and consider what you can do to improve the lesson plan's effectiveness. Any further thoughts or notes on the future stages should be included here. During closure formative assessment of students’ learning needs to occur. Lesson closing notes are a great way to reinforce what students have learned as students and teachers will both benefit.

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Things to Consider When Making a Lesson Plan

Before creating a lesson plan, it’s essential to know the best practices that you can apply for effective implementation. Here are a few points of note:

  • Prepare and Get to Know Your Students

Before creating a lesson plan, it is critical to understand your students thoroughly. Students do not care what you know until they know that you care. Developing an appropriate professional rapport with your students is vital to their success. Then you should investigate what instructional style best benefits them by identifying their ability, attention span, degree of subject knowledge, the intensity of the lesson, and how they would manage it. Planning a lesson for a specific topic can be complicated and a little overwhelming at first. The good thing is once you’ve created a lesson plan for one topic, you no longer need to start from scratch.

  • Ensure Mastery of the Topic

Lesson planning may be simple, but you cannot teach something you don’t fully understand. Before creating a lesson plan, double-check your mastery of the concepts, definitions, applications, and search for new updated information on the topic.  

  • Curate Your Tools and Resources

Teachers should consider using new tools such as instructional games, quizzes, and many more formats that can be found online. Simple online research can help teachers find resources that match their lessons to benefit both you and your students.

  • Prepare a Backup Plan

Things may not always go as planned so it's always a good idea to have a backup plan. Accidents happen,  unexpected events occur, unscheduled guests show up for lectures—or a slew of other circumstances might throw your plans off. So, it's always a good idea to think ahead—and always have a Plan B.

Benefits of Creating Lesson Plans

Lesson plans help hone a teacher's skills and fine-tune their responsibilities. The following are a few additional benefits for generating an effective lesson plan.

  • It Aids in Organizing Online Classes

One of the most critical advantages of lesson plans is that they help you stay organized. This outline creates a macro picture of the course rather than just the individual portions. Teachers can contemplate more about the length of time needed for delivering each subject, as well as the sequence in which each theme will be presented because they will know exactly what to teach even before they can formally begin a discussion.

  • It Gives You Access to Resources and Tools

Teachers can utilize a lesson plan to determine which tools and resources are appropriate for their content and when to use them. In addition, teachers can use various educational technologies to increase the quality of their online classes.

You may experience challenges or perhaps forget to utilize other tools if you solely focus on one or two resources. It's much easier to plan which materials you’ll need—a lesson plan presents the perfect opportunity to do it.

  • It Allows for Potential Adjustments

Teachers may discover that particular topics need revisiting, materials need updating, or a lesson requires special attention while developing the lesson plan. Creating a lesson plan provides a foundation for reflection and adjustments for future instruction.  Teachers’ reflection and revision of content delivery allows for lesson plans to become artifacts that describe students' progress.

In a Nutshell

Lesson planning enables teachers to design a guided approach to the teaching process and consider various factors such as students' learning styles, prior knowledge, types of intelligence, and hobbies. As a result, lesson plans are essential for assisting students in achieving their short- and long-term learning goals. An effective lesson plan ensures that as a teacher, you are creating not just an efficient teaching environment but a conducive learning environment as well.

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Top 10 Teacher Lesson Plan presentation templates


Having a Teacher Lesson Plan template is crucial for educators as it provides a structured and organized approach to delivering lessons. Teachers, tutors, and instructors across various educational levels and subjects benefit from using these templates. Utilizing a presentation template, like the examples below, streamlines the process of creating visually appealing and engaging content, allowing educators to focus on the quality of their instruction and save valuable time.

What makes a good Teacher Lesson Plan?

  • Clear objectives: Clearly outline the goals and learning outcomes for the lesson, ensuring that students understand what they are expected to achieve by the end of the session.
  • Engaging visuals: Incorporate relevant images, graphics, and multimedia elements to capture students' attention and enhance their understanding of the subject matter.
  • Logical structure: Organize the content in a coherent and easy-to-follow manner, breaking down complex topics into smaller, manageable sections for better comprehension.
  • Interactive activities: Include opportunities for students to actively participate in the learning process through group discussions, hands-on exercises, or problem-solving tasks.
  • Assessment methods: Provide a variety of assessment tools, such as quizzes, assignments, or projects, to evaluate students' progress and understanding of the lesson content.

1. Tome's Teacher Lesson Plan Template

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Easily organize and execute educational lessons with the Tome's Teacher Lesson Plan Template , perfect for educators aiming to structure their sessions effectively. This template is ideal when preparing detailed lesson plans that align with course objectives, facilitating student engagement and learning.

  • Slides: Guides for lesson structuring, engaging questions, and student involvement.
  • Format: Available online via Tome app, exportable in PDF or PowerPoint format.
  • Pricing: Free to use on the Tome.app.

2. Space Illustrative Lesson Plan for High School PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

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The Space Illustrative Lesson Plan for High School Template captures the vastness of space in an educational format, perfect for high school and college astronomy units. Use it when the lesson's aim is to explore celestial phenomena and foster scientific curiosity.

  • Slides: Engaging and themed visuals to complement space-related lessons.
  • Format: Available in PowerPoint and Google Slides formats.
  • Pricing: Free to download.

3. STEM Elective Subject for Middle School - 7th Grade: Principles of IT, Cybersecurity and Engineering Template

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STEM Elective Subject for Middle School Template is ideal for introducing students to the basics of IT, cybersecurity, and engineering, best used in middle school STEM curricula.

  • Slides: Includes 3D illustrations and various educational resources.
  • Format: Available in Google Slides format.

4. Global Education PowerPoint Template Template

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Global Education PowerPoint Template is suited for presenting global educational concepts and multicultural learning experiences, great for broadening students' worldviews.

  • Slides: Features vibrant colors and interactive design elements.
  • Format: Compatible with PowerPoint.
  • Pricing: Specific pricing information is not publicly available. Users may buy the template through a subscription at SlideModel.

5. Kimok Science Doodles Style Lesson Template - Daily Learning: STEM Infographics

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Kimok Science Doodles Style Lesson Template makes science subjects approachable and fun, ideal for daily STEM lessons that encourage interactive learning and creativity.

  • Slides: Doodle-style graphics and STEM-focused infographics.

6. 1-Slide Lesson Plan PowerPoint Template

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The 1-Slide Lesson Plan PowerPoint Template simplifies the educational planning process, ideal for teachers needing a quick overview of daily or weekly educational objectives.

  • Slides: A single slide for a concise lesson summary.
  • Format: Available in PowerPoint format.

7. Math lesson PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

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Math Lesson PowerPoint and Google Slides Template offers a vibrant and engaging approach to math lessons, perfect for educators looking to make math fun and accessible for students.

  • Slides: Colorful and math-themed design to enhance learning.
  • Format: Available in both PowerPoint and Google Slides formats.

8. Lesson Roadmap Presentation Template

how to presentation lesson plan

Lesson Roadmap Presentation Template is great for outlining the journey of a lesson or unit, helping educators plan and communicate the path of learning effectively.

  • Slides: Customizable for different educational needs.
  • Format: Available for Google Slides, PowerPoint, and Canva.

9. Biology Subject for High School: Stem Cells Presentation Template

how to presentation lesson plan

Biology Subject for High School: Stem Cells Presentation Template is designed for high school biology lessons, especially effective for topics on stem cells and advanced biological concepts.

  • Slides: Rich in scientific illustrations and content.

10. Simple 5-Step Timeline Concept for PowerPoint Template

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The Simple 5-Step Timeline Concept for PowerPoint Template is perfect for educators and professionals needing to outline processes or timelines clearly and concisely.

  • Slides: Features a straightforward 5-step timeline design.

Create the best presentations with Tome!

As an educator, you're always looking for ways to create engaging and interactive lesson plans that capture your students' attention. With Tome , you can effortlessly craft polished presentations that not only look great on any screen but also incorporate AI tools to help you express your ideas quickly and effectively. Our platform is designed to assist you in developing structured starting points for compelling presentations, integrating web references, and ensuring your finished output is both captivating and clear.

Whether you're teaching a science class or a history lesson, Tome's versatility allows you to create immersive and interactive experiences for your students. By transforming your existing documents into polished presentations, you can elevate your lesson plans and make learning more enjoyable for your students.

Ready to see how Tome can enhance your lesson plans? Sign up for free and start shaping your ideas with Tome today.

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Teacher Lesson Plan PowerPoint Template

Playful Title Slide for a Teacher Lesson Plan Presentation

Number of slides: 10

The first day of classes is approaching and this time you want to truly captivate the attention of your students. Instead of handing a boring syllabus sheet that will probably get lost, present the objectives, tasks and topics you’re going to cover during your lessons in this creative Teacher Lesson Plan PowerPoint Template. The Agenda Slide, Weekly Schedule, checklists and other visual items featured here will be helpful tools to dive into a successful term!

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Free Teacher Lesson Plan PowerPoint Template

Lesson agenda slides.

Start Simple. Outline the topics to be discussed at the session in a 4-point checklist and a colorful numbered list. You will have a special section in this template to share more information about the main subjects.

Weekly Lesson Schedule Slide

Break the lesson of the month in 4 weeks and explain the activities scheduled for each period. For example, list the required readings, set dates for class presentations and tests or determine when you’re going to post the final grades. This is the most useful and engaging slide of the entire template!

Lesson Topics Slide

Unlike the lesson agenda slides, here you can create a summary of the topics you’re going to cover. Place your content inside a whiteboard graphic that enhances your text, insert an inspirational quote related to the topic and use the numbered list to share interesting facts. You won’t find anything more eye-catching for a young audience than this vibrant color theme.

Welcome your students in a fun way

The Teacher Lesson Plan Template includes a slide to introduce yourself and set a fun tone during your presentation. First days are a good opportunity to connect with your students.

Encourage open communication

Use the “thank you” slide to add an email and phone number as channels to receive inquiries from your students.

Planning and organization skills

A well-structured lesson plan functions as a roadmap for a memorable class. Review your plan often and follow the indications so you don’t run behind schedule.


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VP of Marketing at Avella

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The digital classroom, transforming the way we learn

Articles and "Free lesson plans on the go"

how to presentation lesson plan

Lesson plan; How to Improve Your Presentations

As the year progresses, students across schools grapple with the task of preparing presentations. While these presentations are an essential part of the learning process, making them engaging and relevant to the audience remains a challenge. Teachers play a crucial role in guiding students toward creating impactful presentations that resonate with their listeners. This post is hopefully an improved version of this post !

A smart approach in the classroom is to adopt a unique approach by focusing on the “ 5 Things You Need to Know Before You Leave in the Morning. ” These short, informative presentations ensure that students stay updated on current events while fostering a sense of community within the classroom. We consciously avoid repeating the same news to ensure that each presentation offers fresh insights.

However, when presenting longer material, it’s essential to consider the audience’s familiarity with the topic. Many students may have already encountered the information, making it crucial to present it in a fresh and engaging manner. Additionally, teachers should acknowledge the potential stress that students may experience when presenting in front of their peers. By creating a supportive and encouraging environment, teachers can help students overcome their anxieties and deliver presentations with confidence.

Ultimately, confidence and thorough knowledge of the subject matter are the cornerstones of effective presentations. When students feel confident in their abilities and have a strong understanding of the material, their presentations shine through. Do’s and Don’ts of Presenting. This infographic serves as a valuable reminder for students and teachers alike, offering practical tips for crafting presentations that capture the audience’s attention and leave a lasting impression.

Introduction :

  • What makes a good presentation?
  • What are some common mistakes that presenters make?
  • Discuss the importance of creating a good first impression and engaging the audience. Look at the text below.

Work in class

  • Explain the do’s and don’ts of presenting. Emphasize the importance of knowing your audience, being confident, and practicing your presentation.
  • Discuss the importance of the content of your slides and the words you use.
  • Explain the three elements of physical communication: words, tone of voice, and body language. Provide examples of how each element can be used effectively in a presentation.
  • Show students how to use presentation software to create effective slides. Provide tips on how to use images, graphs, and other visual aids to enhance the presentation.
  • Discuss how to handle questions from the audience.

Conclusion :

  • Review the key points of the lesson.
  • Ask students to create a short presentation on a topic of their choice using the skills they learned in the lesson.
  • Have students present their presentations to the class and provide feedback to each other.

Assessment :

  • Assess students based on their ability to create and deliver an effective presentation.
  • Provide feedback on their use of presentation software, visual aids, and physical communication.
  • Evaluate their ability to engage the audience and handle questions.
When it comes to presentations, no matter what industry you’re in, creating that first impression and providing a presentation that will win over your audience comes with its pressures. Standing in front of that audience and involving them in what you’re saying is important in the success of any presentation. If you have great content, your presentation has a great starting point for success and will help to give you confidence as a presenter. The content of your slides will set the scene of your presentation, where the words used really do matter. You also need to take into consideration all three elements of physical communication when presenting – words, tone of voice and body language. With the right preparation and the right attitude, you can channel your nerves and improve your confidence. Words, tone of voice and body language all must be in harmony with each other for effective communication. For an interesting and gripping presentation, your words need to be interesting, as well as your tone of voice and you should engage with the audience with your body language to keep it interesting as well. Source: Educators technology.

Please include attribution to walkerstone.com with this graphic.

Effective presentation skills infographic

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PowerPoint slide from the Alphabet Book: Airplane image and sound clip.

  • PowerPoint Lesson Plan for Elementary Students

Fun themes for teaching students to create PowerPoint Presentations.

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Students are learning to create PowerPoint (or the Apple equivalent, Keynote presentations) in early elementary school.  Here are some simple PowerPoint themes to help you and your students get started!

PowerPoints are a ‘slide show’ on a computer. Each slide is like a page in a book.  Students can write their ‘story’, add pictures, sound effects, and videos.

Initially, have the student create a ‘paper’ draft of his/her first PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) to plan what the presentation will look like.  Depending the student’s age or abilities, the student can write an outline for each slide or write the full text for each slide.

Class Project

The classroom teacher should walk the class through step-by-step instructions on how to create PPT slides and if desired, how to add features.  Consider creating a class PPT presentation; divide the students into groups and have each group create a slide or several slides that will be combined for the class presentation.  For younger students, the class PPT could be an alphabet book.  Each slide would be a letter in the alphabet, with a picture that is associated with the letter.  Add a fun sound clip too!  Example:  The ‘A’ slide could have a picture of an airplane, the word ‘airplane’ (or sentence about an airplane) and a sound clip of an airplane flying.  Students can draw the picture or find a picture on-line.  The teacher can demonstrate creating the first slide or two, then the student groups can create the rest of the slide deck. 

Another class project could be to create a PPT about their class.  This PPT could include a slide for each student and staff (take digital pictures of the class/staff), the classes’ schedule, class rules, etc.  This PPT can be shown to parents during Open House and each student can keep a copy of the PPT.

All About Me

If the students are learning to write, for homework, ask the parents to help the student answer these questions:

  • Slide 1:  Name
  • Slide 2: My family
  • Slide 3: My pet(s)
  • Slide 4: I like to _____.
  • Slide 5: I like to eat _____.
  • Slide 6: I like the color ____.
  • Slide 7: My favorite thing about school is ____.

Students can bring in pictures, send in digital pictures or draw pictures. For students who are working on writing/story skills, the classroom teacher may determine how many slides are required and/or the minimum length of text per slide. 

Favorite Pet (Day as your pet)

  • Slide 1: Title, author, illustrator
  • Slide 2: Main characters (intro your pet)
  • Slide 3: Setting
  • Slide 4: Favorite activity #1
  • Slide 5: Favorite activity #2
  • Slide 6: Favorite activity #3
  • Slide 7: “My favorite part”

School Day 

  • Slide 2: Main characters (teachers, classmates)
  • Slide 3: Setting (Mrs. B’s classroom)
  • Slide 7: Ending
  • Slide 8: “My favorite part”

Book Report

  • Slide 2: Main characters
  • Slide 4: Important event #1
  • Slide 5: Important event #2
  • Slide 6: Important event #3

Create a PPT about your student’s eye condition, IEP modifications, preferences, technology that the student uses, etc.  For ideas, see the post on Samantha: Self-Advocating Transition to Middle School Video .  A video like Samantha’s can be embedded into the PPT presentation or the video content can be written and incorporated into the slide deck.  For additional Advocacy ideas, see the post on College Preparedness #3: How to Explain Accommodations .

This Advocacy PPT can be shared with the IEP team, current staff and next year’s staff (at the end/beginning of the school year)

How to create an Accessible PPT

Create a PPT to share with Teachers (or peers) about how to make an accessible PPT or Word Document.

Teacher Hints

  • Once the students have prepared their presentations, discuss how to include accessibility features, such as adding alt text to images, so that the PPT is accessible to everyone.
  • Have each student write the content (text) of each slide before adding pictures, animations, sounds, and other features.
  • Teacher of the Visually Impaired Hint: Pre-teach how to create PowerPoint slides, if your student would benefit from one-on-one instruction.
  • For students who use a screen reader, be sure that pictures are named appropriately to identify the picture (vs. a random number).  Once the image is placed into the PPT, be sure to include Alt Text descriptions.
  • For information on how to create an accessible PPT, see the attached Creating Accessible PowerPoint and/or go to the post, 7 Ways to Create an Accessible PowerPoint.

Did you create a PowerPoint presentation that can be used by other students and teachers?  Please send your educational PowerPoint to [email protected] or share the PPT directly on Paths to Technology!

JAWS PowerPoint Commands

PowerPoint Shortcuts, exercise and Notes for JAWS Screen Reader by Maeve May .  This website contains the following categories:

  • Run a slideshow Presentation Shortcuts
  • Create and Edit Presentations Shortcuts
  • Work in an outline
  • Navigation Shortcuts
  • Creating a PowerPoint Presentation – an exercise using JAWS
  • Layout of PowerPoint Screen
  • Creating a new Presentation from Beginning: Practice Excercise 1
  • Bulleted Slide
  • Practice creating Bulleted Slide
  • Practice creating a Text and Clipart Slide
  • Changing the appearance of Slides
  • Changing the layout of a Slide
  • Adding Animations to Slides
  • Tech Standards: Adding Image Descriptions to iOS Photos
  • Tech Standards: Accessing Keynote Presentations with VoiceOver
  • Tech Standards: Keynote Presentations with VoiceOver Activity Part 1
  • Tech Standards: Creating a Keynote Presentation Part 2
  • Technology lesson: Excel and PowerPoint  (Amazing Animal PowerPoint Activity)
  • Tech lesson Week #1: (PowerPoint, Google Slides, Keynote)
  • Mother’s Day Activity: Presentation Tech Activity with Self-Advocacy Skills
  • Apple Keynote Instructions (VoiceOver)
  • Navigating Google Slides with ChromeVox  (Deep dive into navigating presentations)
  • Mainstream  Technology Standards Scope and Sequence

Collage of power point lesson

Attached File(s)

https://www.perkins.org/sites/elearning.perkinsdev1.org/files/Creating%20%20Accessible%20PowerPoint%20Presentations_0.docx By Diane Brauner

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how to presentation lesson plan

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National Homework Hotline for Blind or Visually Impaired Students: Part 2

  • Grades 6-12
  • School Leaders

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30 Lesson Plan Examples for Every Grade Level and Subject

Lots of ways to prepare for top-notch learning.

Lesson plan examples including an elementary history plan and a 5E model plan

Lesson planning: Most teachers either love it or hate it. Either way, it’s something every teacher has to spend at least some time doing, so it’s worth learning to do well. Whether you’re a brand-new teacher or an experienced educator looking for some new ideas, these lesson plan examples offer inspiration for every subject and every grade level.

Lesson Plan Sections

Preschool lesson plan examples, elementary school lesson plan examples, middle and high school lesson plan examples.

Many lesson plans include some or all of the following sections.

  • Objective : These should be specific and measurable. Often they align with Common Core or other learning standards.
  • Materials: List any items you’ll need, including worksheets or handouts, school supplies, etc.
  • Activities: This is usually the longest section, where you’ll lay out what the lesson and its activities look like. Some teachers write these in great detail. Others include just an overview to help them plan.
  • Assessment : How will you assess your students’ learning? This could be a formal assessment or something simple like an exit ticket.
  • Differentiation : Describe how you’ll vary the level of difficulty for students at all levels, including any enrichment for early finishers.

Some people think preschool is just playtime, but pre-K teachers know better! Here are some of the ways preschool teachers plan for their lessons.

Weekly pre-k lesson plan broken down by day and activity type

Weekly Lesson Plan

Weekly preschool lesson planning helps you plan each day and ensure you’re tackling all the most important skills.

Learn more: Pre-K Weekly Lesson Plan

Caterpillars and Butterflies pre-k lesson plan showing activities in various categories (Lesson Plan Examples)

Pre-K Theme Lesson Plan

If you like to plan by theme, try a template like this. It includes space for a variety of activities that fit your topic.

Learn more: Pre-K Theme Lesson Plan

Preschool weekly lesson plan for teaching the letter S (Lesson Plan Examples)

Alphabet Letter Lesson Plan

If you’re focusing on a new letter of the alphabet each week, try lesson planning like this. You can see the week at a glance, including all the materials and books you’ll need.

Learn more: Alphabet Letter Lesson Plan

Lesson plan examples for elementary classroom learning centers

Centers Lesson Plan

Your centers need some planning too! Whether you change them out weekly, monthly, or as needed, use plans like these to stay prepared.

Learn more: Centers Lesson Plan

Weekly lesson plan for pre-K unit on teaching weather (Lesson Plan Examples)

Weekly Unit Lesson Plan

Adding pops of color and a few images can make it easier to locate the lesson plan you’re looking for in a snap.

Learn more: Weekly Weather Unit Lesson Plan

Since elementary teachers tackle multiple subjects every day, their lesson plans might look like a general overview. Or they may prepare more detailed lesson plans for each topic to help them stay on track. The choice is up to you.

Open lesson plan binder to show lesson plan examples

Weekly Overview Lesson Plan

Don’t be afraid to write out your lesson plans by hand! A side-by-side setup like this lets you see a whole week at once. We love the use of color to highlight special things like fire drills.

Learn more: Elementary Weekly Overview Lesson Plan

Color-coded lesson plan for a unit on forest life, with learning objectives, activities, and outcomes

Unit Lesson Plan

Planning out a unit helps ensure you cover all the important topics and meet your learning objectives.

Learn more: Unit Lesson Plan

Yearlong Schedule

Planning a whole year may seem daunting, but it can show you where you’re going to need to stretch a unit and where you can circle back and review. Mrs. D from Mrs. D’s Corner has ideas on how to structure a yearlong lesson plan using Google Sheets.

Detailed guided math lesson plan example on adding three-digit numbers

Guided Math Lesson Plan

This example on adding three numbers together can be altered to fit any math lesson plan.

Learn more: Guided Math Lesson Plan

Lesson plan example for teaching art in elementary school

Art Lesson Plan

While these are elementary art lesson plan examples, you can easily use this style for teaching art at upper levels too.

Learn more: Art Lesson Plans

lesson plan example for special education

Special Education Lesson Plans

Lesson planning for special education looks different than general classroom lessons in that the lessons have to cover specific IEP goals and include lots and lots of progress monitoring. The Bender Bunch starts each lesson with independent work (read: IEP practice) and then heads into mini-lessons and group work.

Learn more: Special Education Lesson Plan

Interactive Read-Aloud Plan

Interactive read-alouds take some careful planning. The Colorful Apple explains how to choose a book, get to know it, and get ready to teach it. Once you’re in the book, sticky notes may be the best lesson-planning tool you have for marking questions and vocabulary words you want to point out to students.

Learn more: Interactive Read-Aloud Plan

Detailed social studies lesson plan for elementary school on rules

Social Studies Lesson Plan

Including images of your anchor charts is a great idea! That way, you can pull one out and have it ready to go in advance.

Learn more: Social Studies Lesson Plan

A detailed and colorful lesson plan example using the 5E planning process

5E Lesson Plan for Elementary School

The 5Es stand for Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaborate, and Evaluate. This type of lesson planning can be helpful for students as they work through each of the 5Es related to the topic you’re studying.

Learn more: 5E Lesson Plan for Elementary Math

Elementary science lesson plan example for building a bridge

Science Lesson Plans

If you like to plan your lessons in more detail, take a look at this elementary science lesson plan example.

Learn more: Science Lesson Plan Template

Reading Group Lesson Plan

Lots of elementary schools have differentiated reading groups. Use a template like this one to plan for each one, all on one page.

P.E. lesson plan example for throwing and catching

P.E. Lesson Plan

Gym teachers will love this lesson plan idea, which includes directions for playing the games.

Learn more: PE Lesson Plan

Music class lesson plan example for first graders

Music Class Lesson Plan

Plan out the skills and songs you’ll need for a meaningful music class with a lesson plan like this one.

Learn more: Music Class Lesson Plan

At the middle and high school levels, teachers often need more detailed plans for each class, which they may teach multiple times a day. Here are some examples to try.

Google Sheets template for high school lesson planning

Google Sheets Lesson Plans

Google Sheets (or Excel) is terrific for lesson planning! Create a new tab for each week, unit, or class.

Learn more: Google Sheets Lesson Plan

Handwritten lesson plan with highlighted lines and more notes

Handwritten Lesson Plan

Some people really prefer to write things out by hand, highlighting important parts and making notes as they go. You can always convert this kind of plan to a digital format later if you need to.

Learn more: Handwritten Lesson Plan

HS history class lesson plan example

Weekly History Plan

This example shows how you can plan out a week’s worth of lessons at once, and see the entire week all in one spot. This example is for history, but you could use this for math, ELA, or social studies too.

Learn more: Weekly History Plan

Outline and Pacing Guide lesson plans for A Long Walk to Water

Outline and Pacing Guide Lesson Plan

A pacing guide or outline works for both you and your students. Share it at the beginning of a unit to let them know what’s ahead.

Learn more: Outline and Pacing Guide

Example of a 5E lesson plan that includes engagement, explanation, exploration, evaluation, and elaboration for lesson planning for science

5E Lessons in Middle and High School

5E lesson plans (Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaborate, Evaluate) are great for middle and high school as well. This example is for science, but you can use the 5E structure across all lessons.

Learn more: Middle and High School 5E Lesson Plans

Example of using sticky notes to plan lessons

Sticky-Note Lesson Plan

At some point, you’ll know what students are doing each day, you’ll just need some reminders for questions to ask and key points to cover. The nice thing about using sticky notes for lesson planning is if you get ahead or behind schedule, you can move the entire sticky-note lesson to another day. ( Find more ways to use sticky notes in the classroom here .)

Learn more: Sticky Note Lesson Plan

Example of an understanding by design lesson planning template

Backwards Planning Lesson Plan

If your school uses backwards planning, you’ll be thinking about the outcome first and working back from there (rather than forward from an activity or task). Backwards planning lesson plans are intensive, but they’re also something you can use over and over, modifying them slightly for each group of students you have.

Learn more: Backwards Planning Lesson Plan

Two-page lesson plan for middle or high school visual arts on creating from recycled materials

Visual Arts Lesson Plan

Detailed lesson plans take longer to prepare, but they make it easier on the day (especially if you wind up needing a sub).

Learn more: Visual Arts Lesson Plan Template

A lesson plan example for teaching ESL speakers to give personal information

ELL or World Language Lesson Plan

Whether you’re teaching English-language learners (ELL) or a world language to English speakers, this lesson plan style is perfect.

Learn more: ELL/World Language Lesson Plan

Detailed music lesson plan example

Music Lesson Plan

Use a lesson plan like this for choir, orchestra, band, or individual music lessons.

Learn more: HS Music Lesson Plan

Blended learning lesson plan example

Blended Learning Lesson Plan

If your instruction includes both computer-based and in-person elements, this lesson plan idea might be just what you need.

Learn more: Hot Lunch Tray

On sentence lesson plan stating what students will learn, how they will learn, and how they'll demonstrate their knowledge

One-Sentence Lesson Plan

This kind of lesson planning isn’t for everyone, but the extreme simplicity works well for some. Describe what students will learn, how they will learn it, and how they’ll demonstrate their knowledge.

Learn more: One-Sentence Lesson Plan

Need more help with lesson planning? Come ask for ideas in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook !

Plus, check out ways to make time for more creativity in your lesson plans ..

These lesson plan examples include pre-K, elementary, and middle and high school, in a range of subjects and styles. So many smart ideas!

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how to presentation lesson plan

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how to presentation lesson plan


Lesson Plan Template

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Product details

A lesson plan is a teacher’s daily guide for what students need to learn, how it will be taught, and how learning will be measured. Lesson plans help teachers be more effective in the classroom by providing a detailed outline to follow each class period. This ensures every bit of class time is spent teaching new concepts and having meaningful discussions. The most effective lesson plans have six key parts – lesson objectives, related requirements, lesson materials, lesson procedure, assessment method, and lesson reflection. Pre-planning helps the teacher to be better equipped in answering questions asked by the students during the lecture. An organized teacher will always be able to deliver the lesson within the given time frame. By sending a preliminary lesson plan to the students, the teacher enables the students to work through the questions about the upcoming lesson. This will facilitate the active involvement of students in the learning process.

Lesson Plan Template offers a complete set of tools for planning the learning process for teachers, coaches, and company employees who train young professionals. The template consists of four slides that complement each other organically. The first slide provides information on lesson duration, audience, lesson content, learning objectives, and grading system. This slide can be used when describing KPIs for company employees. The second slide is the lesson schedule. Students and pupils can use it to schedule lessons. Also, teachers can use it when scheduling their timetables for different classes or students of different specialties. The slide can be used to compose appointments with clients. An example of great infographics is the next slide. The slide contains four items, each with a bulleted list. The slide perfectly structures the data that will be useful to anyone involved in training or conducting training. The slide can be used as a short description of the course so that potential listeners can familiarize themselves with the content of the training. You can also display a plan for a meeting with employees or a plan for a meeting with a client. The last slide is divided into three blocks – topics, learning outcomes, assessment. The infographic on the right side of the slide shows the relationship between these blocks. This slide can be useful for sharing experiences between teachers or coaches.

The template will be useful to everyone involved in training. Creating a lesson plan makes the presenter feel confident. The combination of different colors allows these slides to be used in conjunction with our other templates. You can independently change the parameters of the slide so that this one does not stand out from the rest of the slides in your presentation. The template can be used in their work by specialists in the planning department, as well as executive assistants to schedule meetings with their bosses. Anyone who has a plan of action will be more effective at doing their job. The Lesson Plan Template helps you highlight the main objectives of your presentation and visually present your plan to the audience.

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Delivering presentations

how to presentation lesson plan


With this lesson set, your students will:

  • learn dos and don’ts of presenting ,
  • discuss different structures and types of presentations (e.g. elevator pitch);
  • learn and practise signposting language (e.g. to start, elaborate, make a connection, recap, deviate),
  • watch a video about virtual presentations ,
  • consolidate their knowledge by doing a few revision exercises and preparing mini presentations .

These three lessons were designed to introduce  language useful for going through business presentation  and practise using it in controlled scenarios to finally  do presentations on different topics  in the final lesson.

This is a lesson set. Use the lessons in the set in the suggested order. Learn more about sets here.

Each lesson in the set is also a standalone lesson.

business presentations in English

How to nail that presentation

The first lesson in this set includes a video about how to nail a virtual presentation . Apart from the tips, in this lesson students also learn the types of presentations such as an elevator pitch, team briefing, roadmap presentation , etc. and their structures.

phrases for presentations

Moving through your presentation

Students learn the phrases to start, elaborate, make a connection, recap, deviate , etc. You can revise the vocabulary and the tips from the first lesson by encouraging students to use them in the first discussion question in ex. 1 (slide 3) , as well as in ex. 8 and ex. 11 (slide 45 and slide 51) of this lesson.

giving a presentation

Presentation: putting skills into action

In the last lesson of this set, students consolidate their knowledge by doing a few revision exercises (ex. 1-4 / slides 3-12) and preparing mini presentations based on the information they receive.

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how to presentation lesson plan

Discussing social media

In this lesson set, students not only discuss different aspects of social media but revise and practise useful grammar and vocabulary

how to presentation lesson plan

Expressing likelihood

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Learning to say ‘no’

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Revising conditionals

With this lesson set, your students will review three types of conditional sentences during 2 lessons. Each lesson in the set requires some pre-class student work (watching a video or reading an article).

how to presentation lesson plan

Talking about advantages and disadvantages

In the first lesson, students learn language to talk about advantages and disadvantages. In the second lesson, they practise the target language while talking about a topic of interest.

how to presentation lesson plan


The set was created to provide revision and practice of three past tenses (Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect) and let students practise storytelling.

how to presentation lesson plan

Conversations for foodies

The set is perfect for food lovers and students who think that food is much more than nutrition.

how to presentation lesson plan

Getting to know each other

Use this lesson set to get to know your (Business) English students. Let them talk about themselves, their jobs and motivations and evaluate their skills.

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  • Instructional Guide

Lesson Plan: Presentation

Oral communication is a highly valuable skill that is becoming lost in a world of emails, texts, and tweets. There is a new generation of youngsters and young adults for whom speaking-discussion, or a group presentation is frightening. If it is true that “practice makes perfect,” then it is no wonder that students may find themselves dreading speaking in a formal setting, there are fewer and fewer opportunities to practice. Effective presentation skills foster student learning by establishing clear communication and helping students to engage in the learning process. While it might begin for a presentation, practicing public speaking will carry over to important life experiences and help students build self-confidence, poise, and learn to communicate effectively in a variety of settings.

The student will be able to select a topic, create a presentation that will provide information on that topic, and deliver the presentation to others in an interesting, informative and engaging way.


Academic Content:

(This will be provided in the curriculum of the section that you are teaching.)

  • Select an appropriate topic.
  • Narrow the topic so that it can be comfortably delivered in the allotted time.
  • Create an outline of the important points to be covered.
  • Create visual aids, when appropriate, to enhance the understanding of the topic.
  • Present the information clearly.
  • Check for understanding.

Presentation Skills:

  • Identify the elements that will be used to deliver the information including, demonstration, visual aids, technology, etc.
  • Identify a plan for connecting with the audience including the use of questions, anecdotes, humor, etc.
  • Practice speaking clearly and loudly enough to be heard by everyone.
  • Engage the audience with opportunities to interact and provide feedback.
  • Consider a variety of elements of delivery including, making eye contact, speaking with enthusiasm and relating subject matter to life experiences.

Lesson Sequence:

A successful presentation begins with identifying an appropriate topic and carefully planning the content and delivery of the presentation.

  • Select a topic. While it is possible to assign topics, students will be more engaged and enthusiastic about the presentation when they have had an opportunity to identify the topic they would like to present.
  • Narrow the topic. Select the information that will be presented in order to effectively communicate the essential information in the time frame provided.
  • Identify what listeners will learn from the content of this presentation.
  • Create an outline for presenting the information. The outline should have enough detail that the ideas are clear but should consists of words and phrases that cannot be used as a script, but rather guide the explanation.
  • Select and design appropriate supporting materials that most effectively enhance the topic.
  • Practice the delivery of the presentation until a comfort level is established and delivery is smooth and relaxed.
  • Build in opportunities to interact with the audience including time for comments, questions and feedback.
  • Create a feedback form for the audience that will provide them with an opportunity to explain what they learned from the presentation. How does this compare with what was identified as intended learning?

A successful presentation is characterized by engaging the listeners in both the content and the delivery of the information. The audience should provide feedback in terms of what they learned from the presentation and suggestions for improvement.

With each presentation it is anticipated that the presenter will improve both content identification skills and delivery skills. This feedback can be reflected by teacher observation, audience participation, and self- reflection.


In presentation development, both content and process are considered. Students should demonstrate improvement in topic selection, identification of appropriate supporting details and visual aids, and organization of the introduction, body, and summary of the presentation. The process of delivery should improve in voice, clarity, tone, eye contact, and movement.

When considering the evaluation of presentation skills, it is as important to assess the presentation itself relative to the improvement of skills over time and with practice. Teacher input, student feedback, and self-reflection are key in developing a comfort level with oral communication skills.

TED-Ed Lesson Plan

This interactive TED-Ed lesson plan is designed to provide educators with ideas for integrating a digital tool into their instruction


We are all probably familiar with TED Talks and similar videos of intelligent, engaging, and influential people discussing a broad range of topics relevant to society. In that vein, TED-Ed offers a platform dedicated to teachers and students to speak, view, and learn from others across the world. In addition, TED-Ed is focused on teaching and learning, providing a space for educators to create interactive lessons. 

For more information about TED-Ed, check out What is TED-Ed and How Does It Work for Teaching?  

This lesson plan provides an idea on how to use the TED-Ed platform for a ELA lesson focused on helping students develop their oral communication skills. 

Subject : English Language Arts

Topic : Oral Communication/Public Speaking 

Learning Objectives : 

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 

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  • Develop talking points for a oral presentation 
  • Record a Ted Talk-style public speaking presentation 

TED-Ed Lesson Plan: Topic of Interest Selection 

One of the special aspects about TED Talks in general, and TED-Ed as well, is the broad range of topics covered, including education, finance, politics, and business. This diversity of videos provides the chance for students to explore and learn about a topic of interest that they typically would not focus on in the traditional school curriculum. 

To start, allow students to browse the TED-Ed videos. Once they have chosen a video, there are questions to encourage deeper thinking and discussion. 

As an alternative, if you want students to focus on a specific topic, they can use TED-Ed’s database, which is organized by subject areas:

  • The Arts 
  • Business & Economics
  • Design, Engineering & Technology 
  • Literature & Language
  • Mathematics
  • Philosophy & Religion
  • Science & Technology
  • Social Studies
  • Teaching & Education
  • Thinking & Learning

For younger elementary students, the short, animated videos may work better, such as What Animal Can Hear the Best , whereas older students could watch a more traditional TED-Ed video, such as The Difference Between False Empathy and True Support .

Prep, Practice, and Perform 

Inspired by the TED-Ed videos that the students have watched, have them prepare their own videos starting with preparing a script. It may be helpful to provide students with your school district’s standards on oral communication and a checklist to follow. 

Students can use a digital tool such as VoiceThread to practice recording themselves, which has an immediate pause feature and the ability to re-record a segment. You can decide when students give their talk live in class with an audience (their classmates) or if the final version will be recorded. 

Share And Discuss

In the spirit of TED-Talks being shared widely, share your students TED-Ed with other educators, students, and their families. 

If you do not want to house the videos on YouTube or other public video platforms, consider using a Padlet or similar tool to house the videos in one location that can be easily accessed by those with whom you share the link.  

What Other Lesson Plan Options Are Available through TED-Ed? 

In addition to lessons that you create using a lesson plan such as this, TED-Ed offers the ability to create a lesson by using a YouTube video of your choice (you can search for one within the TED-Ed platform). You can develop corresponding questions for discussion with associated resources. 

Also, an option is available to create collections in which all of your videos will be easily accessible for your lessons.

Can Teachers Get Involved with TED-Ed? 

Absolutely! TED-Ed encourages teachers to participate in the TED-Ed community and has a dedicated space for educators on the website to connect with resources. In addition, there are opportunities for educators to share their voice and create their own TED-Ed talks to be shared. 

TED Talks are very entertaining, but TED-Ed adds an exciting layer to the oral communication format. Students can learn course content more deeply while developing the skills needed to effectively speak in public. Try to incorporate TED-Ed into your lesson and share widely with your learning communities.

  • Top Edtech Lesson Plans
  • What is TED-Ed and How Does It Work for Teaching?  

Dr. Stephanie Smith Budhai is faculty member in the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Delaware, focusing on Educational Technology, Learning Design, and Justice-centered Pedagogies. She holds two national education technology leadership positions on the Information Technology Council and as Chair of the Culture and Climate Committee for the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE).  She holds a Ph.D. in Learning Technologies, and a M.S. in Information with a specialization in Library and Information Science, and K-12 teaching certifications in Technology Education, Instructional Technology and Business, Computers, Information Technology, Special Education and Elementary Education. Dr. Smith Budhai is the 2021 SITE Emerging Leader and the 2017 ISTE Awardee for Excellence in Teacher Education. She is also a Nearpod, and VoiceThread Certified Educator.  Dr. Smith Budhai has more than a decade of online teaching experience, and has published myriad books (two have been translated into Arabic), articles, and invited editorials surrounding the use of technology and online learning in education. A few of her book publications include: 

- Leveraging Digital Tools to Assess Student Learning 

- Increasing Engagement in Online Learning: Quick Reference Guide

- Culturally Responsive Teaching Online and In-Person: An Action Planner for Dynamic Equitable Learning Environments 

- Teaching the 4Cs with Technology

- Best Practices in Engaging Online Learners through Active and Experiential Learning Strategies

- Nurturing Young Innovators: Cultivating Creativity in the Classroom, Home and Community

How Makerspace Cross-Curricular Projects Have Made a Positive Impact on Culture and Learning

Teaching STEM With Holograms

6 Ways Teachers Can Tell Students Are Using AI

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