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15 Class 9 Reading Comprehension Passages with Answers

15 Class 9 Reading Comprehension Passages with Answers

Class 9 Reading Comprehension Passages with Answers provides students diverse texts and questions to enhance their reading and comprehension skills. These passages cover various topics, helping students practice critical thinking and analytical skills through questions designed to assess their understanding of the content.

Importance of Class 9 Reading Comprehension Passages

Class 9 Reading Comprehension Passages with Answers are important as they foster critical thinking, language comprehension, and analytical skills, preparing students for academic success and real-world applications.

How to proceed Class 9 Reading Comprehension Passages

  • Start grasping the main idea and topic of the passage: 
  • Identify keywords and phrases: 
  • Focus on the central message or argument:
  • Analyze Structure and Organization:
  • Understand the author’s logic in presenting information:
  • Read each question carefully:
  • Approach comprehension questions systematically:
  • Refer back to the passage for relevant information:
  • Practice Regularly with Diverse Passages:

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1 Unseen Reading Comprehension Passages
Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Class 9 Reading Comprehension Passages 1

1. Read the following passages and answer the questions given below.

1. Kausani is a picturesque town nestled in the central Himalayas at an elevation of 6,075 feet. Covering a modest 5.2 sq. kms, it resides north of Almora in the scenic Kaumaon region of Uttarakhand. The town offers a breathtaking 300 km panoramic view of the Himalayas, with snow-capped peaks standing in majestic rows. The prominent Nanda Devi, India’s second-highest mountain, is the star attraction at a height of 25,645 feet, 36 miles away.

2. Among the other notable peaks visible are Choukhamba (23,420 feet) and Trishul (23,360 feet), accompanied by Nilkanth, Nandaghunti, Nandaghat, and Nandakot. The sky’s vivid blue on clear days provides a splendid backdrop to these towering peaks, creating a mesmerizing sight at sunrise and sunset when the sky transforms into a golden orange hue. This spectacle left Mahatma Gandhi awe-struck during his 1929 visit, leading him to dub Kausani the ‘Switzerland of India.’ His stay extended to fourteen days, during which he penned the book ‘Anashakti Yoga’ in a guest house, later renamed ‘Anashakti Ashram.’

3. Kausani holds significance as the birthplace of Sumitranandan Pant, India’s poet laureate, whose poems drew inspiration from its natural surroundings. Tea gardens intermingle with dense pine forests and fruit orchards, creating a serene ambiance. The region also hosts numerous fairs and religious ceremonies. Kausani, often considered God’s own backyard, embraces tranquility, devoid of traffic and haste. If serenity could be painted, it would mirror the charm of Kausani.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the following questions:

A. Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

1. what is the elevation of kausani in the central himalayas.

A. 5,075 feet

B. 6,075 feet

C. 7,075 feet

D. 8,075 feet

2. Which peak is NOT mentioned as visible from Kausani?

A. Nanda Devi

B. Choukhamba

C. Mount Everest

3. What did Mahatma Gandhi name Kausani after his visit in 1929?

A. Heaven on Earth

B. The Switzerland of India

C. Himalayan Paradise

D. Serenity Haven

4. Why was the guest house in Kausani renamed ‘Anashakti Ashram’?

A. Mahatma Gandhi’s extended stay

B. Birthplace of Sumitranandan Pant

C. Presence of tea gardens

D. The panoramic view of the Himalayas

B. Reason (R) and Assertion (A) Type MCQs:

5. Assertion (A) : Kausani is often referred to as the ‘Switzerland of India.’

Reason (R): The town’s breathtaking view of the Himalayas and serene ambiance justify the comparison.

A. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

B. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

C. (A) is true but (R) is false.

D. (A) is false but (R) is true.

6. Assertion (A): Sumitranandan Pant’s poems were inspired by the natural surroundings of Kausani.

Reason (R): Kausani is home to dense pine forests, fruit orchards, and tea gardens.

C. Fill in the Blanks:

7. Kausani is situated at an elevation of ______ feet in the central Himalayas.

8. Mahatma Gandhi named Kausani the ‘__________ of India’ after his visit in 1929.

9. The vivid blue of the sky provides a splendid backdrop to the towering peaks during __________ and __________.

D. True and False:

10. Kausani is located south of Almora.

11. The book written by Mahatma Gandhi during his stay in Kausani is titled ‘Himalayan Serenity.’

12. Sumitranandan Pant, India’s poet laureate, was born in Kausani.

E. Word Meaning:

13. Give a word that means the same: “Sweeping”

14. Find a word from the passage that means the following “Enchanting”

F. Short Answer Type:

15. What did Mahatma Gandhi name Kausani after his visit?

16. Who is the poet laureate born in Kausani?

G. Long Answer Type:

17. Explain the significance of Kausani as mentioned in the passage.

18. Describe the natural features that inspired Sumitranandan Pant’s poems in Kausani.

Five years have past; five summers, with the length

Class 9 Reading Comprehension Passages 2

2. Read the following poem and answer the questions given below.

Five years have past; five summers, with the length Of five long winters! and again I hear These waters, rolling from their mountain-springs With a soft inland murmur. Once again Do I behold these steep and lofty cliffs, That on a wild secluded scene impress Thoughts of more deep seclusion; and connect The landscape with the quiet of the sky. The day is come when I again repose Here, under this dark sycamore, and view These plots of cottage-ground, these orchard-tufts, Which at this season, with their unripe fruits, Are clad in green hue, and lose themselves ‘Mid groves and copses. Once again I see These hedge-rows, hardly hedge-rows, little lines Of sportive wood run wild: these pastoral farms Green to the very door;

Based on your understanding of the poem, answer the following questions:

1. What is the speaker’s emotion towards the landscape in the poem?

A. Aversion

C. Indifference

D. Confusion

2. What season is described in the poem?

3. which natural elements are prominent in the poem.

A. Deserts and sand dunes

B. Mountain-springs and cliffs

C. Urban buildings and highways

D. Caves and underground rivers

4. What is the significance of the dark sycamore in the poem?

A. It symbolizes death

B. It represents evil

C. It provides shade and a place of repose

D. It is irrelevant to the poem’s theme

B. Reason (R) and Assertion (A) Type MCQ s:

5. Assertion (A): The speaker expresses a sense of deep seclusion in the landscape.

Reason (R): The steep and lofty cliffs impress thoughts of isolation and connect with the quiet of the sky.

6. Assertion (A): The speaker is indifferent to the changing seasons.

Reason (R): The speaker mentions the passage of time with a neutral tone.

C. Poetic Device :

7. which poetic device is used when the speaker mentions “rolling from their mountain-springs”.

A. Metaphor

C. Alliteration

D. Personification

8. What does the phrase “wild secluded scene” exemplify?

A. Oxymoron

C. Hyperbole

D. Fill in the Blanks:

9. Once again, the speaker hears the waters rolling from their ____________.

10. The landscape is connected with the quiet of the ____________.

11. The plots of cottage-ground and orchard-tufts are clad in green hue and lose themselves ‘mid ____________.

E. True and False:

12. The speaker expresses aversion towards the steep and lofty cliffs.

13. The day described in the poem marks the first time the speaker repose under the dark sycamore.

14. The pastoral farms are described as barren and lifeless.

F. Word Meaning:

15. Give a word that means the same: “Impact”

16. Find a word from the passage that means the following: “Rest”

G. Short Answer Type:

17. Explain the significance of the dark sycamore in the poem.

18. How does the speaker feel about the passage of time as described in the poem?

H. Long Answer Type:

19. Discuss the role of nature and the changing seasons in creating the atmosphere of the poem.

20. Analyze the poetic devices used in the lines “Five years have past; five summers, with the length / Of five long winters!” and their impact on the overall theme of the poem.

Class 9 Reading Comprehension Passages 3

3. Read the following passages and answer the questions given below.

1. Time and tide wait for none,goes the proverb. It establishes the psyche that recognizes as well as tensely awaits the fleeting moments hurrying away out of hand instead of living the moment in and out. The modern concept of time has taken shape ever since the advent of industrialization by the end of the nineteenth century. For the pre-industrial man time used to move in a slow and easy pace. He was not worried about minutes for there was no existence of minutes to him. He knew time in its daily,monthly and seasonal rhythms. 

2. The sunrise, noon and sunset, the full moon and new moon, the equinox and solastice completed the sense of time. The scenario underwent a havoc change in the modern age. Today the expansive majesticity of thoughts of cosmic time gave way to the narrow awareness of minutes, seconds and milliseconds. This microscopic vision of time counts every minute and second of man’s life. There are trains to be caught, meetings to  be attended at scheduled hours, records to be broken by fractions of a second. This time bound life compels man to learn discipline. He has to do the daily chores within the prerdetermined period.

3. Even the leisure is not spared from being time bound. Each and every moment of life is now signified by the work to be done in the moment. It may be the hour of daily meal or the time at which one has to reach the workplace. Man is gradually becoming more and more mechanized and thereby centering into isolation of work and self satisfaction. As a result he is going away from the vast expansiveness of mother Nature, the vibrancy and fragrance of greenery and the openness of the blue firmament.

1. What does the proverb “Time and tide wait for none” emphasize?

A. The importance of punctuality

B. The unstoppable nature of time

C. The significance of leisure

D. The slow pace of pre-industrial life

2. According to the passage, when did the modern concept of time take shape?

A. Pre-industrial era

B. 19th-century industrialization

C. Equinox and Solstice

D. Sunrise and sunset

3. How has the modern concept of time changed the perception of life?

A. It emphasizes cosmic time

B. It values daily, monthly, and seasonal rhythms

C. It prioritizes minutes, seconds, and milliseconds

D. It promotes a slow and easy pace

4. What is the consequence of the modern, time-bound life mentioned in the passage?

A. Increased awareness of cosmic time

B. Greater mechanization and isolation

C. Decreased emphasis on discipline

D. Slower completion of daily chores

5. Assertion (A): The advent of industrialization in the 19th century transformed the perception of time.

Reason (R): The pre-industrial man knew time in its daily, monthly, and seasonal rhythms.

6. Assertion (A): The modern age is characterized by a microscopic vision of time.

Reason (R): Daily life is now signified by the work to be done within specific moments.

7. The proverb “Time and tide wait for none” emphasizes the unstoppable nature of ______.

8. The pre-industrial man knew time in its daily, monthly, and ______ rhythms.

9. The modern age values every minute and second, creating a ______ vision of time.

10. The pre-industrial man was concerned about minutes and seconds.

11. According to the passage, leisure in the modern age is not time-bound.

12. The consequence of the modern, time-bound life is greater mechanization and self-satisfaction.

13. Give a word that means the same: “Grandeur”.

14. Find a word from the passage that means the following “Consciousness” .

15. What is the consequence of the modern, time-bound life mentioned in the passage?

16. How did the perception of time change with the advent of industrialization?

17. Discuss the transformation in the concept of time from the pre-industrial era to the modern age as described in the passage.

18. Explain the impact of the modern, time-bound life on daily chores and leisure, as mentioned in the passage.

Class 9 Reading Comprehension Passages 4:

4. Read the following passages and answer the questions given below.

1. A massive artificial lake was formed after a landslide blocked a tributary of the Zanskar river which burst early yesterday. It prompted hundreds of terrified residents in Ladakh to flee their homes and raised questions over army claims of cleaning the blockage through controlled blasts last months. 

2. Officials said water from the lake swamped farm lands, washed away bridge and other infrastructure but no causalties were reported. Eight suspension bridges, three motorable bridges, a school, agricultural land and plantation on the banks of the river have been washed away.

3. People are very scared and many villagers have shifted to safer places, Tsering Angdus, the Kargil Autonomous Hill Council’s executive councillor for the Zanskar told, ‘The Telegraph’. The 15-km-long lake was formed in January after landside blocked the Phuktal, a tributary of the Zanskar, at an altitude of 13,000 feet around 100 km east of Padam, the headquarters of the Znaskar Fegion in Kargil. The authorities had to close the 150-km Chadar trek, a hauntingly beautiful journey on the icy surface of the frozen Zanskar, for the safety ot trekkers and civilians.

1. What caused the formation of the massive artificial lake in Ladakh?

A. Controlled blasts by the army

B. Landslide blocking a Zanskar tributary

C. Melting of glaciers

D. Torrential rainfall

2. What infrastructure was affected by the lake burst according to the officials?

A. Housing complexes

B. Suspension bridges

C. Underground tunnels

D. Shopping malls

3. What did the authorities have to do in January due to the formation of the artificial lake?

A. Open a new trekking route

B. Close the Chadar trek for safety reasons

C. Introduce boat rides for tourists

D. Construct a dam to control water flow

4. How did the residents of Ladakh react to the bursting of the lake, as mentioned in the passage?

A. Celebrated the event

B. Organized rescue missions

C. Fled their homes in fear

D. Conducted controlled blasts to divert water

5. Assertion (A): The lake burst in Ladakh raised questions over army claims of cleaning the blockage through controlled blasts.

Reason (R): The controlled blasts by the army were unsuccessful in preventing the formation of the artificial lake.

6. Assertion (A): The authorities closed the Chadar trek for safety reasons.

Reason (R): The 15-km-long lake formed after a landslide blocked the Phuktal, a tributary of the Zanskar.

7. The massive artificial lake was formed after a ______________ blocked a tributary of the Zanskar river.

8. The 15-km-long lake was formed in January after a landslide blocked the ______________ tributary.

9. The authorities had to close the 150-km Chadar trek for the safety of trekkers and ______________.

10. The bursting of the lake resulted in casualties.

11. The Chadar trek is known for its dangerous and risky paths.

12. The authorities used controlled blasts to divert the water and prevent the formation of the artificial lake.

13. Give a word that means the same: “Independent” .

14. Find a word from the passage that means the following “Facilities”.

15. What prompted the residents of Ladakh to flee their homes?

16. Why did the authorities close the Chadar trek in January?

17. Discuss the consequences and impact of the bursting of the artificial lake on the region of Ladakh.

18. Explain the cause of the artificial lake formation and the measures taken by the authorities for safety reasons.

Class 9 Reading Comprehension Passages 5:

5. Read the following poem and answer the questions given below.

The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers: Little we see in Nature that is ours; We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon! This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon; The Winds that will be howling at all hours And are up gathered now like sleeping flowers; For this, for everything, we are out of tune; It moves us not-Great God, I’d rather be A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn; So might I, standing on this pleasant lea, Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn; Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea; Or wear old Triton blow his wreathed horn.

1. What is the central theme of the poem?

A. Celebration of nature

B. Critique of materialism

C. Romantic love

D. Pagan rituals

2. In the poem, the speaker expresses a desire to:

A. Embrace modern society

B. Reject traditional beliefs

C. Connect with nature

D. Accumulate wealth

3. The Sea and the Winds in the poem are described as:

A. Sleeping flowers

B. Sordid boons

C. Out of tune

D. Howling at all hours

4. What does the speaker prefer to be in the last stanza?

A. A modern individual

B. A Pagan with outdated beliefs

C. A religious zealot

D. A materialistic person

5. Assertion (A): The speaker rejects the materialistic pursuits of the world.

Reason (R): The poem laments the disregard for nature and the obsession with worldly gains.

6. Assertion (A): The Sea and the Winds represent elements of tranquility and harmony.

Reason (R): The poet sees solace and beauty in the natural world, contrasting with the chaos of human existence.

C. Poetic Device:

7. which poetic device is employed in the line “getting and spending, we lay waste our powers”, 8. what is the predominant meter used in the poem.

A. Iambic pentameter

B. Trochaic tetrameter

C. Anapestic hexameter

D. Dactylic pentameter

9. The Sea bares her bosom to the ____________.

10. The Winds are up gathered now like ____________.

11. For this, for everything, we are out of ____________.

12. The speaker celebrates the modern world’s achievements.

13. The Sea and the Winds symbolize elements that are in tune with the speaker’s sentiments.

14. The poet expresses a preference for being a Pagan over embracing modern beliefs.

15. Give a word that means the same: “Gift”

16. Find a word from the passage that means the following “Forsaken”

17. Explain the significance of the Sea and the Winds in the poem.

18. How does the speaker view the materialistic pursuits of the world?

19. Discuss the contrast between nature and materialism as portrayed in the poem.

20. Analyze the impact of the speaker’s preference for being a Pagan on the overall theme of the poem.

Class 9 Reading Comprehension Passages 6:

6. Read the following passages and answer the questions given below.

1. The secret of Leonardo da Vinci’s talent and Pablo Picasso’s success may have been their dyslexia. The two men suffered from ‘word blindness’ that affects as many as one in twelve children, but it seems it can develop keen spatial awareness that makes the difference between a jobbing painter and a master of art.

2. Researchers put forty-one men and women through tests to assess their visuo-spatial abilities. Although we tend to think of this skill in terms of map-reading and parking, the ability to process 3D information accurately is also a key to art and design./

3. Around half of those taking part were dyslexic and so had trouble learning to spell, read and write. The dyslexie men did better than the other men on many of the tests, including recalling the direction of the Queen’s head on a postage stamp and reproducing designs using coloured blocks, According to a report of the journal Learning and Individual Differences’ they were also faster and more accurate at navigating their way around a virtual town on a computer screen,

4. The researchers said there could be several explanations for the findings, including dyslexies developing an enhanced sense of space to compensate for problems with language. Also, many (dyslexic people prefer to work-out problems by thinking and doing, rather than by speaking.

This could help dyslexic men develop the kind of skills they need to succeed in the artistic and creative world. However, the dyslexic women had no better spatial awareness than the other women, perhaps reflecting that the ability to manipulate 3D images tends to be more of a male trait,

5. Now, we have real evidence to indicate that dyslexic men are better in this area. Artists who are known or believed to have suffered from dyslexia include Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso, Rodin and Andy Warhol, Leonardo da Vinci, who is also thought to have suffered from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), wrote his notes backwards, from right to left and Picasso had trouble reading and struggled at school.

1. What common condition did Leonardo da Vinci and Pablo Picasso share?

A. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

B. Dyslexia

C. Visual impairment

2. According to the researchers, what key skill is relevant to both map-reading and art and design?

A. Mathematical ability

B. Verbal communication

C. Visuo-spatial abilities

D. Musical talent

3. What did the dyslexic men excel at, according to the tests conducted by the researchers?

A. Reading comprehension

B. Map-reading accuracy

C. Recalling the direction of a postage stamp

D. Spelling and writing

4. Why do researchers suggest dyslexic individuals may develop enhanced spatial awareness?

A. Compensation for language problems

B. Preference for speaking over thinking

C. Gender-related traits

D. Lack of interest in artistic pursuits

5. Assertion (A): Dyslexic individuals may develop enhanced spatial awareness to compensate for language difficulties.

Reason (R) : Dyslexic men outperformed others in tests assessing visuo-spatial abilities.

6. Assertion (A): Dyslexic women showed better spatial awareness than non-dyslexic women.

Reason (R): The ability to manipulate 3D images tends to be more of a male trait.

7. Dyslexic individuals may develop enhanced spatial awareness as a ______________ for language problems.

8. The dyslexic men were faster and more accurate at navigating a virtual town on a ______________.

9. Many dyslexic people prefer to work out problems by ______________ and doing.

10. Dyslexic individuals commonly struggle with spatial awareness.

11. Dyslexic women showed better spatial awareness than non-dyslexic women.

12. The researchers found evidence that dyslexic men tend to develop skills needed for success in the artistic and creative world.

13. Give a word that means the same: “Offset”.

14. Find a word from the passage that means the following “Characteristics”.

15. What did the researchers find regarding dyslexic individuals’ spatial awareness in the study?

16. Name two famous artists mentioned in the passage who are believed to have had dyslexia.

17. Explain the relationship between dyslexia and enhanced spatial awareness, as suggested by the researchers in the passage.

18. Discuss the challenges faced by dyslexic individuals and how their preferences in problem-solving might contribute to success in artistic and creative fields.

Class 9 Reading Comprehension Passages 7:

7. Read the following passages and answer the questions given below.

1. Our history makes it evident that the Indian Plastic Industry made a vigorous beginning in 1957, but it took more than 30 years to pervade Indian lifestyles. In 1979, the market for plastic was just being seeded by the state-owned Indian Petrochemicals and it was only in 1994 that plastic soft drink bottles became a visible source of annoyance.

2. In the same year, people in other cities were concerned about the state of public sanitation and also urged regulatory bodies to ban the production, distribution and use of plastic bags. However, the challenge was greater than it appeared at first.

3. The massive generation of plastic waste in India is due to rapid urbanisation, spread of retail chains, plastic packaging from grocery to food and vegetable products, to consumer items and cosmetics. The projected high growth rates of GDP and continuing rapid urbanisation suggests that India’s trajectory of plastic consumption and plastic waste are likely to increase.

4. According to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Report of 2018, India stands among few other countries like France, Mongolia and several African countries that has initiated total or partial national level bans on plastics in their jurisdictions. On World Environment Day in 2018, India vowed to phase out single-use plastics by 2022, which gave a much-needed impetus to bring this change.

5. In this context, thereafter, ten states (Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya, Odisha, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu) are currently sending their collected waste to cement plants for co-processing. Twelve other states/UTs are using plastic waste for polymer bitumen road construction and still four other states are using the plastic waste for waste-to-energy plants and oil production. A world of greater possibilities has now opened up to initiate appropriate and concrete actions to build up the necessary institutions and systems before oceans turn, irreversibly, into a thin soup of Plastic.

6. However, there is no one single masterstroke to..counter the challenges witnessed by the staggering plastic waste management in the country. The time is now to formulate robust and inclusive National Action Plans, and while doing so, the country will establish greater transparency to combat the plastic jeopardy in a more sustainable and holistic way.

1. In which year did the Indian Plastic Industry make a vigorous beginning?

2. what event prompted india to vow to phase out single-use plastics by 2022.

A. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Report

B. World Environment Day 2018

C. Plastic soft drink bottles becoming a source of annoyance

D. State-owned Indian Petrochemicals initiative

3. According to the passage, what contributes to the massive generation of plastic waste in India?

A. Ban on plastic production

B. Spread of retail chains

C. Single-use plastic phase-out

4. What is the primary challenge in countering plastic waste management in the country?

A. Lack of government initiatives

B. Limited use of plastic in consumer items

C. No masterstroke solution

D. Rapid urbanization

5. Assertion (A): India initiated total or partial national level bans on plastics in 2018.

Reason (R): The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Report highlighted India’s efforts to combat plastic pollution.

6. Assertion (A): Plastic waste in ten states is being sent to cement plants for co-processing.

Reason (R): These states are actively participating in World Environment Day initiatives.

7. In 1979, the market for plastic was being seeded by the state-owned Indian ______________.

8. On World Environment Day in 2018, India vowed to phase out ______________ by 2022.

9. Ten states are currently sending their collected waste to cement plants for ______________.

10. Plastic soft drink bottles became a visible source of annoyance in 1979.

11. India is among the few countries that have not initiated any bans on plastics, according to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Report.

12. The passage suggests that the challenges in plastic waste management can be overcome by a single masterstroke solution.

13. Give a word that means the same: “Pledge”.

14. Find a word from the passage that means the following “Comprehensive”.

15. What significant event prompted India to vow to phase out single-use plastics?

16. Name one initiative mentioned in the passage that some states are currently undertaking for plastic waste management.

17. Discuss the factors contributing to the massive generation of plastic waste in India, as mentioned in the passage.

18. Outline the various actions and initiatives that India is currently taking to address the plastic waste issue and their potential impact.

Class 9 Reading Comprehension Passages 8:

8. Read the following passages and answer the questions given below.

1. Located at the border of the Sariska Tiger Reserve in the Alwar district of Rajasthan, Bhangarh Fort is a 17th-century fort, infamous all over India for being the ‘Most haunted place in India’. Because of the numerous ghostly experiences and happenings in the fort premises, villages have sprung up far away from the fort, due to the fear of what lies within.

2. Even the Archaeological Survey of India or the ASI has forbidden the locals and tourists from entering the fort at night. This completely ruined, haunted fort of Bhangarh does have a very eerie, negative aura to it. Several legends have attested to the paranormal happenings inside the fort. No one is allowed to enter the fort after sunset or before sunrise. The entire landscape is subsumed by a pall of gloom and a chilling hollowness once the last ray of sunlight bids adieu until its arrival the next morning.

3. There are many local tales about the paranormal activities in the fort. It depends on a person whether he would believe it or not. It is said that the spirits roam in Bhangarh Fort at night and various strange noises are heard. Also, as it is said, anyone who enters the fort at night would not be able to return in the morning.

4. One always feels as if their movements are being watched, and the air is charged with at dizzying heaviness. A board put up by the Archaeological Survey of India cautions the visitors not to venture within the premises of the fort during the dark hours.

5. The haunted fort of Bhangarh has had several stories associated with it. Believing one of them is akin to believing that the fort indeed is haunted, and this is a tale that has been in circulation for years. There is evidence to support the claim of those who say that those who tried their luck either went missing or weren’t able to explain anything coherently.) You might say that the entire episodes were mere figments of imagination by ruminating minds, but the fact remains a fact.

1. Where is Bhangarh Fort located?

A. Jaipur, Rajasthan

B. Sariska Tiger Reserve, Rajasthan

C. Delhi, India

D. Alwar district, Gujarat

2. What is the reputation of Bhangarh Fort?

A. Most beautiful fort in India

B. Most haunted place in India

C. Archaeological wonder

D. Popular tourist destination

3. What precautionary measure has the Archaeological Survey of India taken regarding Bhangarh Fort?

A. Limited daytime access

B. Ban on entry at night

C. Guided tours only

D. Free entry for locals

4. Why have villages sprung up far away from Bhangarh Fort?

A. Strategic location

B. Fear of paranormal activities

C. Rich natural resources

D. Cultural significance

5. Assertion (A): Bhangarh Fort is considered the most haunted place in India.

Reason (R): Numerous ghostly experiences and legends surround the fort, creating fear among locals.

6. Assertion (A): The Archaeological Survey of India has forbidden entry to Bhangarh Fort at night.

Reason (R): The negative aura and paranormal happenings inside the fort make nighttime visits unsafe.

7. Bhangarh Fort is located at the border of the Sariska Tiger Reserve in the Alwar district of ______________.

8. Legends have attested to the ______________ happenings inside Bhangarh Fort.

9. The Archaeological Survey of India cautions visitors not to venture within the premises of the fort during the ______________ hours.

10. Villages have sprung up near Bhangarh Fort due to its positive and welcoming aura.

11. The Archaeological Survey of India encourages nighttime exploration of Bhangarh Fort.

12. There is concrete evidence supporting the paranormal activities inside Bhangarh Fort.

13. Give a word that means the same: “Adverse” .

14. Find a word from the passage that means the following “Attestation”.

15. Why has the Archaeological Survey of India forbidden entry to Bhangarh Fort at night?

16. What is the reputation of Bhangarh Fort, and how has it affected the local population?

17. Discuss the legends and tales associated with the paranormal activities inside Bhangarh Fort as mentioned in the passage.

18. Explore the impact of the haunted reputation of Bhangarh Fort on tourism and the local community.

Class 9 Reading Comprehension Passages 9:

9. Read the following passages and answer the questions given below.

1 Music is perhaps the most popular and widely practised form of Fine Arts, transcending all kinds of cultural and linguistic barriers. Any form of fine art is difficult to master and almost impossible to perfect and music is no exception.

2 Nature, it is learnt, has blessed almost two-thirds of the human race with musical ability of some sort. Music has the power to bring out the deepest emotions. It can make one cry or bring a smile on one’s face. In fact it is a magic medicine and many seek refuge in it when they are depressed or stressed. It is this intimacy that makes us listen to music or even hum or sing sometimes. This singing, or realistically speaking, expressing one’s emotion musically sometimes takes a serious turn. This desire to show musical expression in public then becomes a serious business profession. And from here the musical journey begins.

3 This desire to sing before an audience is innocent and beautiful and indeed it is perfectly alright to have such a genuine desire. But it is also important to understand that singing is an intricate art — a highly refined one at that, which requires systematic, prolonged and strict training, to be acceptable. This is an aspect we forget in our keen desire to reach the stage and perform. It is almost like preparing a formal meal for some specially invited guests, without even having learnt and trained in the basics of cooking. This is why we have more noise and less music nowadays.

4 These days almost everyone sings and it does not stop here. Most of us want to become professional singers. Result : a complete disregard for and ignorance of the training part, as the need is never felt to go through one and the urge to get to the stage and perform overcomes even a little desire to learn, if any. If at all, somewhere along the way one feels the need to gain some knowledge and training, it leads to hurried shortcuts and half-hearted attempts, best described as ‘Crash Courses’.

5 It is observed that those who have attained the so called partial success, suddenly feel that they lack the required knowledge and are not learned enough. But it is too late by then. It should be understood here that the stage or a performance brings in a different mindset within the artist. It is always recommended and rightly said, that while on stage, cover the mistakes and weaknesses if any, and get along. But the contrary is true when it comes to acquiring knowledge and during the learning process.

6. While under training, the student is expected to make mistakes but then rectify those mistakes under the supervision and guidance of the teacher. Therefore, it is good to make mistakes and then be corrected during the process of learning as this subsequently makes one flawless and educated. This is a different mindset. And these two mindsets discussed above, (those of a performer and that of a student) cannot co-exist.

1. What is stated about music in the passage?

A. It is an easy form of fine art.

B. It transcends cultural and linguistic barriers.

C. It is only appreciated by trained professionals.

D. It is not a popular form of fine art.

2. According to the passage, what is the power of music?

A. It has the power to bring out the deepest emotions.

B. It is only for those who are depressed or stressed.

C. It can only make people cry.

D. It is a magical cure for physical ailments.

3. Why does the passage mention the analogy of preparing a formal meal?

A. To emphasize the importance of learning the basics of cooking.

B. To discourage people from becoming professional singers.

C. To highlight the complexity of performing music on stage.

D. To promote the idea of quick and easy musical training.

4. What does the passage suggest about the trend of people wanting to become professional singers?

A. It is a positive development in the music industry.

B. It leads to a disregard for systematic training.

C. It results in a decline in the popularity of music.

D. It encourages thorough and prolonged training.

5. Assertion (A) : Music has the power to bring out deep emotions and is considered a magic medicine.

Reason (R): Nature has blessed almost two-thirds of the human race with some form of musical ability.

6. Assertion (A): The passage recommends making mistakes and being corrected during the learning process.

Reason (R): The mindset of a performer and that of a student cannot coexist.

7. Nature has blessed almost two-thirds of the human race with some form of ______________ ability.

8. The desire to sing before an audience is innocent and beautiful, but singing is an intricate art that requires systematic, prolonged, and strict ______________.

9. The stage brings in a different mindset within the artist, while under training, the student is expected to make mistakes and then ______________.

10. Music is an easy form of fine art to master and perfect.

11. The passage suggests that learning music requires systematic, prolonged, and strict training.

12. Those who attain partial success in music often feel the need to gain more knowledge and training.

13. Give a word that means the same: “Complex” .

14. Find a word from the passage that means the following “Pure”.

15. Why does the passage compare learning music to preparing a formal meal?

16. What is the significance of making mistakes during the learning process, according to the passage?

17. Discuss the power of music, as highlighted in the passage, and its impact on emotions.

18. Explore the challenges and trends mentioned in the passage regarding individuals aspiring to become professional singers.

Class 9 Reading Comprehension Passages 10:

10. Read the following passages and answer the questions given below.

1. I learned to handle money at a very young age. But most children become adults with little or no financial literacy. Here are four ways to make children understand money.

2. The first way is to set good examples. Children must understand by example that money comes from hard work, and that it must not be wasted. I grew up seeing my parents work hard, earn more and save sensibly. And like Dad, I have never run into debt.

3. Secondly, we must teach basic money management at home, because that‘s never taught at school. Many parents don‘t discuss money with their children, one reason why there is financial illiteracy among adults.

4. Most experts feel it‘s best to give an allowance, depending on the child‘s age and how much the parents feels is right. By the time I was in high school, my Dad told me about his small investment-fixed deposits, gold and property. Today I know that he was allocating his assets to spread the risk.

5. Children also learn money management by working part-time jobs. Teenagers can work part time in advertising, malls and restaurants. These jobs provide the joy of their very first earning; they‘ll also learn the dignity of labour. Today, many youngsters are deep in credit card debt and parents are partly to blame for not teaching them that borrowing money, costs money which can ruin you. Make children understand that the craving for more and more, which their friends might have, is not wise or appropriate behaviour.

6. In the age 8-10, the children are a bit more mature. They understand that money is valuable and should be used carefully to get essential things. The first lesson would be to give your kid a certain amount of money every month, similar to pocket money. If your kid demands a new toy, ask him to save the pocket money for a few months and only then will he or she get the toy. This way your child will learn to save and understand that everything cannot be bought by thinking impulsively. Every financial decision needs to be planned and then taken into account. You can also give examples from real life or some stories that the kid understands.

1. According to the passage, what is a crucial aspect of teaching children about money?

A. Keeping financial matters secret from children.

B. Providing children with unlimited pocket money.

C. Setting good examples of hard work and sensible saving.

D. Encouraging children to borrow money from friends.

2. Why does the passage suggest that basic money management should be taught at home?

A. Because schools don’t have the resources to teach it.

B. Because financial literacy is already well-covered in schools.

C. Because parents are more knowledgeable about money matters.

D. Because financial illiteracy among adults is due to a lack of home education.

3. How does the passage recommend teaching children about the value of money in the age 8-10?

A. By giving them unlimited access to money.

B. By providing examples from real life or stories.

C. By preventing them from handling money until they are older.

D. By avoiding discussions about money altogether.

4. What does the passage emphasize regarding part-time jobs for teenagers?

A. They are unnecessary for teenagers.

B. They provide the joy of their very first earning.

C. They are the primary cause of credit card debt.

D. They distract teenagers from focusing on their studies.

5. Assertion (A): Financial illiteracy among adults is partly due to parents not discussing money with their children.

Reason (R): Basic money management is rarely taught at school.

6. Assertion (A): The passage recommends giving children an allowance based on their age and the parents’ judgment.

Reason (R): T his helps children understand the value of money and learn basic money management.

7. Children must understand by example that money comes from ______________ work.

8. Te enagers can work part-time in advertising, malls, and restaurants to learn the dignity of ______________.

9. In the age 8-10, children understand that money is valuable and should be used carefully to get ______________ things .

10. Teaching children to save money for a few months before buying a desired item is a recommended approach.

11. The passage suggests that financial illiteracy among adults is solely the fault of schools.

12. The joy of teenagers’ first earning through part-time jobs is highlighted as a positive aspect in the passage.

13. Give a word that means the same: “Desire”.

14. Find a word from the passage that means the following “Spontaneously”.

F. Short Answer Type :

15. What is the importance of setting good examples in teaching children about money, according to the passage?

16. How does the passage suggest teaching children about the value of money in the age 8-10?

17. Discuss the role of part-time jobs and the recommendation for giving an allowance in teaching children about money.

18. Explain the significance of teaching basic money management at home, as emphasized in the passage.

Class 9 Reading Comprehension Passages 11:

11. Read the following poem and answer the questions given below.

Milton! thou should’st be living at this hour; England hath need of thee; she is a fen Of stagnant waters; altar, sword, and pen, Fireside, the heroic wealth of hall and bower, Have forfeited their ancient English dower Of inward happiness, we are selfish men; Oh! rise up, return to us again; And give us manners, virtue, freedom and power, Thy soul was like a star, and dwelt apart; Thou hadst a voice whose sound was like the sea; Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free, So didst thou travel on life’s common way, In cheerful godliness; and yet thy heart The lowlest duties on herself did lay.

1. What does the speaker wish for in addressing Milton?

A. Political power

B. Artistic inspiration

C. Virtue, freedom, and power

D. Personal fame

2. The stagnant waters mentioned in the poem symbolize:

A. Political stability

B. Economic prosperity

C. Social stagnation

D. Environmental pollution

3. The speaker describes Milton’s soul as:

A. A stagnant fen

B. A star dwelling apart

C. A heroic sword

D. A majestic sea

4. What does the speaker emphasize about Milton’s heart?

A. It was selfish

B. It laid lowly duties on itself

C. It lacked virtue

D. It was detached from humanity

5. Assertion (A): The speaker believes that England needs Milton’s influence to regain its virtues.

Reason (R): The poem suggests that England has lost its inward happiness and needs the return of Milton’s spirit for a moral and powerful revival.

6. Assertion (A): The description of Milton’s soul as a star emphasizes its celestial and elevated nature.

Reason (R): The comparison to a star suggests Milton’s separation from earthly concerns and his elevated, pure character.

C. Poetic Device MCQ-type Questions:

7. what poetic device is used in the line “thy soul was like a star”.

C. Personification

D. Alliteration

8. What type of figurative language is employed in the phrase “voice whose sound was like the sea”?

D. Hyperbole

D. Fill in the Blank s:

9. England hath need of thee; she is a ____________ of stagnant waters.

10. Milton had a voice whose sound was like the ____________.

11. Rise up, return to us again; And give us manners, virtue, freedom, and ____________.

12. The speaker primarily wishes for Milton’s return for personal gain and recognition.

13. The stagnant waters symbolize the thriving and lively state of England.

14. Milton’s soul is described as being in cheerful godliness despite dwelling apart like a star.

15. Give a word that means the same: “Grand”

16. Find a word from the passage that means the following “Righteousness”

17. Explain the significance of the sea in describing Milton’s voice.

18. What virtues and qualities does the speaker seek in Milton’s return to England?

19. Discuss the poet’s plea for Milton’s return, emphasizing the perceived decline in England’s moral and cultural values.

20. Analyze the symbolic significance of Milton’s soul being compared to a star and its separation from worldly concerns. 

Class 9 Reading Comprehension Passages 12:

12. Read the following passages and answer the questions given below.

1. Traveling can be a delightful experience, especially for the younger generation, driven by the desire to explore new places and immerse themselves in unfamiliar surroundings. However, it is essential to consider whether we make this experience trouble-free for others.

2. Before engaging in a conversation with your fellow traveler, ascertain their willingness to converse. They might prefer to read or take a nap, and may not be in the mood for a chat. Respect their space and preferences.

3. When on a plane, bus, or train, place your baggage in the designated rack above your seat, avoiding encroachment on others’ space. Wait until the transportation mode comes to a complete stop before retrieving your luggage.

4. Promote eco-friendly practices by carrying a plastic bag for waste during sightseeing trips. Dispose of the waste in a proper bin later. Embracing “Sustainable Tourism” is crucial for preserving the Earth’s resources and beauty.

5. If you plan to stay with friends or relatives at your destination, inform them in advance and avoid surprising them with an unannounced visit. Be considerate by assisting with domestic chores and refraining from troubling them during sightseeing trips. Use your own toiletries and towels, limit your use of their telephone to necessary calls, and avoid interfering in their domestic affairs unless invited to do so. Additionally, don’t expect your host to cater to your needs constantly.

1. According to the passage, what is essential for a trouble-free travel experience?

A. Ignoring fellow travelers’ preferences.

B. Engaging in conversations with everyone.

C. Considering the comfort and preferences of others.

D. Traveling without any prior planning.

2. What eco-friendly practice is emphasized in the passage?

A. Using plastic bags for waste during sightseeing.

B. Throwing waste anywhere during sightseeing.

C. Ignoring sustainable tourism practices.

D. Avoiding plastic bags altogether.

3. What should travelers do when staying with friends or relatives at their destination?

A. Expect constant catering to their needs.

B. Surprise them with an unannounced visit.

C. Use their hosts’ toiletries and towels freely.

D. Inform them in advance and assist with domestic chores.

4. What is the primary message regarding conversations with fellow travelers in the passage?

A. Always engage in conversations to make the travel experience enjoyable.

B. Respect fellow travelers’ preferences and ascertain their willingness to converse.

C. Ignore fellow travelers and focus on personal activities.

D. Start conversations without considering the mood of fellow travelers.

5. Assertion (A): Sustainable tourism is crucial for preserving the Earth’s resources and beauty.

Reason (R) : Travelers should promote eco-friendly practices, such as carrying a plastic bag for waste during sightseeing trips.

6. Assertion (A): Travelers should avoid surprising friends or relatives with an unannounced visit.

Reason (R): Unannounced visits are considered a polite and considerate gesture.

7. Before engaging in a conversation with your fellow traveler, ascertain their ______________ to converse.

8. Promote eco-friendly practices by carrying a plastic bag for waste during ______________ trips.

9. If you plan to stay with friends or relatives, inform them in advance and avoid surprising them with an ______________ visit.

10. Sustainable tourism practices involve disposing of waste in any convenient location during sightseeing.

11. Travelers should expect constant catering to their needs when staying with friends or relatives.

12. The passage recommends using friends’ or relatives’ toiletries and towels during a stay.

13. Give a word that means the same: “Thoughtful”.

14. Find a word from the passage that means the following “Disturbing”.

15. What eco-friendly practice is emphasized for sightseeing trips in the passage?

16. How should travelers approach conversations with fellow travelers, according to the passage?

17. Explain the importance of informing friends or relatives in advance when planning to stay with them, as mentioned in the passage.

18. Discuss the significance of promoting sustainable tourism and eco-friendly practices during travel.

Class 9 Reading Comprehension Passages 13:

13. Read the following passages and answer the questions given below.

1. The ship is man’s oldest and most important means of transportation. Today, thousands of ships cross oceans, sail along sea coasts and ply inland waterways. Trade among  countries depends heavily on ships. Many kinds of ships are used to carry goods and people. Giant tankers haul petroleum, vegetable oil, wine and other liquids. 

2. Other vessels carry cargoes such as grain, ore and sand. Passenger liners carry travellers across the oceans. Man’s first ‘ship’  was probably a log that he used to cross a river. He probably used his hands to paddle the log. Later, he learned to build rafts by lashing logs together. In ancient Egypt, the people made their first rafts out of bundles of reeds. 

3. Later, they learned to lash bundles of reeds together to make boats. By about 4000 B.C., the Egyptians had learned to build galleys. Galleys were long boats powered by a row of paddles. By about 3200 B.C., the Egyptians had invented sails and therefore, they were able to use the power of the wind to propel their boats. 

4. The basic pattern for ships became set with the invention of the sail. Shipbuilders began concentrating on designing bigger and better ships. The 20th century saw some of the biggest ships in the world. The three largest transatlantic liners launched to carry passengers across the Atlantic during the 1960’s were the ‘Michelangelo’, the ‘Raffaello’ and the ‘Queen Elizabeth II’. The ships of the future are expected to be even more efficient and will cost less to operate.

1. What is the primary means of transportation mentioned in the passage?

A. Airplanes

2. What was man’s first ‘ship’ according to the passage?

A. Cargo ship

3. What powered the galleys built by the Egyptians around 4000 B.C.?

4. What marked a significant development in ship design, according to the passage?

A. Invention of the sail

B. Building galleys

C. Use of reeds

D. Cross-country transportation

5. Assertion (A): The invention of sails by the Egyptians led to more efficient boats.

Reason (R): Sails allowed boats to use the power of the wind for propulsion.

6. Assertion (A): The 20th century saw some of the biggest ships in the world.

Reason (R): Shipbuilders focused on designing bigger and better ships during this time.

7. Many kinds of ships are used to carry goods and ______________.

8. The Egyptians invented sails around ______________ B.C.

9. The three largest transatlantic liners launched during the 1960s were the ‘Michelangelo,’ the ‘Raffaello,’ and the ‘Queen Elizabeth II’ for carrying ______________.

10. Passenger liners are primarily used for carrying cargo.

11. The Egyptians initially used logs to build their rafts.

12. Shipbuilders began focusing on designing smaller ships in the 20th century.

13. Give a word that means the same: “Capable” .

14. Find a word from the passage that means the following “Focusing”.

15. What marked a significant development in ship design according to the passage?

16. How did the Egyptians power their galleys around 4000 B.C.?

17. Discuss the role of sails in ancient Egyptian boats and how it revolutionized maritime transportation.

18. Explore the advancements in shipbuilding during the 20th century, highlighting the three mentioned transatlantic liners.

Class 9 Reading Comprehension Passages 14:

14. Read the following passages and answer the questions given below.

1. Young people are always concerned about finding the right career for themselves. However, identifying this right career is not an easy task. In some cases, people are not clear about their career goals. In some other they lack information about the career choices available before them.

2. A career in Social Work is suitable for those who have high concern for making the world a better place to live. Personal traits to succeed in such career include empathy, determination, adaptability, ability to consider interests of others and persistence, etc. Good inter-personal skills are required to connect with people whose life you want to improve. The driving force for choosing a career in Social Work has to be passion for creating positive change by helping people who need it most.

3. Study of social work aims at developing deeper understanding of various social issues. Students here are made to understand the matters pertaining to simple and complex transactions between people and their environments. Subjects taught under social work include Human Psychology, Communication, Development, Physical, Mental and Community Health, Social Policy, Management of non – governmental and voluntary organizations etc.  The curriculum involves much of field work that exposes students to what they are supposed to do in the field.

4. There has always been demand for professionally trained social workers. To meet this demand many universities came out with courses of study in this subject years ago and some have introduced this course recently. A social worker’s job will involve community work, work as a volunteer, fundraiser, communication professional researcher, promoting public engagement, raising awareness about social issues via various communication platforms, relevant content development etc. Social work as a career is not for those who want to enter into a glamorous career with lot of money and perquisites. In the initial phase of a social work-related career, salary can be low. With experience and proven track record it will be possible to work with leading corporates and well known international organizations which offer decent pay. 

1. What is a crucial personal trait for a career in Social Work, according to the passage?

A. Ambition

B. Adaptability

C. Artistic skills

D. Assertiveness

2. What is emphasized as the driving force for choosing a career in Social Work?

A. Financial gain

B. Passion for positive change

C. Personal popularity

D. Prestigious recognition

3. What subjects are taught under social work, as mentioned in the passage?

A. Astronomy, Literature, Chemistry

B. Human Psychology, Communication, Social Policy

C. Economics, Political Science, Mathematics

D. Geography, Philosophy, Computer Science

4. What does the passage suggest about the initial phase of a social work-related career?

A. High salary

B. Glamorous lifestyle

C. Low salary

D. Immediate recognition

5. Assertion (A): Good inter-personal skills are essential for a career in Social Work.

Reason (R): Social workers need to connect with people to improve their lives.

6. Assertion (A): Social work as a career is for those seeking a glamorous lifestyle.

Reason (R): In the initial phase of a social work-related career, the salary can be low.

7. A career in Social Work is suitable for those who have a high concern for making the world a better ______________.

8. Social work aims at developing a deeper understanding of various ______________ issues.

9. Social workers may work as a volunteer, fundraiser, communication professional, or researcher, promoting public engagement and raising awareness about social issues via various ______________ platforms.

10. Social workers enter the field for immediate financial gain.

11. The curriculum for social work involves theoretical knowledge only, without any practical exposure.

12. In the initial phase of a social work-related career, salary can be high.

13. Give a word that means the same: “Benefits”.

14. Find a word from the passage that means the following “Helper”.

14. What personal traits are mentioned as crucial for success in a career in Social Work?

15. What subjects are taught under the study of social work?

16. Explain the emphasis on passion for positive change as the driving force for choosing a career in Social Work.

17. Discuss the diverse roles that social workers may take on in their careers, as mentioned in the passage.

Class 9 Reading Comprehension Passages 15:

15. Read the following passages and answer the questions given below.

1. Human mind is not meant to work in chaos. Our senses are prone to easy distractions, with our concentration breaking with a slight buzz in any aspect of our atmosphere. Someone plays a song in distance, we get distracted; someone texts, we get distracted; someone chats, we get distracted; no one does anything, we still get distracted.

2. Most think that there isn’t much you can do about your concentration level. However, that isn’t true. There are many ways by which you can improve your concentration. Your environment is the most crucial decision you make when you have to focus. Remember choosing environments which are calm, have the least distractions, proper lighting and a comfortable seat. Lie down the way you would like and keep all things you may need around you, like water bottle or snacks. This will help you keep any thoughts of hunger or thirst at bay.

3. It is a must to have a plan in mind. If you set a time target to achieve a certain task, adhering to it will give you a sense of accomplishment. This is what will keep you on the task. Also, it will lessen any distractions by increasing your drive towards your goal. If you think your concentration power is bad, so it will be. Stop telling yourself the negatives and start focusing on positives. Positivity is a habit which needs to be inculcated in your behaviour. So, it is necessary to control your thoughts. This will only happen through practice but you must try to control your wandering mind while you are at work.

4. Although, it is an age of multi-tasking and the ability to multitask is considered as a strength you must possess, it isn’t a thing you should indulge in. Millennials and corporates are realizing this and now the focus has shifted to mono-tasking. This is because multi-tasking doesn’t let you focus on the more important thing at hand.

5. There are many exercises which can help you increase your concentration power. They focus on mind and body coordination and help you improve your memory preservation. Mediation is a very powerful tool that can be used to increase your concentration power. Meditating basically works like a magnifier. To meditate, you need some degree of concentration, but once you pour that into it, your ability to concentrate improves, along with many other benefits that you get. 

1. What is emphasized as a crucial decision for improving concentration in the passage?

A. Background noise

B. Chaotic surroundings

C. Comfortable seating

D. Constant distractions

2. According to the passage, why is it important to have a plan in mind for improving concentration?

A. It reduces drive towards goals

B. It increases distractions

C. It provides a sense of accomplishment

D. It hinders positive thinking

3. Why is multitasking discouraged in the passage?

A. It is a weakness millennials should avoid

B. It prevents focus on the more important task at hand

C. Corporates do not value multitasking skills

D. It is not mentioned as a relevant skill in the passage

4. What is suggested as a powerful tool to increase concentration power in the passage?

A. Distractions

C. Multitasking

D. Meditation

5. Assertion (A): Positivity is a habit that needs to be inculcated in your behavior.

Reason (R): Controlling your thoughts is a necessary practice to increase concentration.

6. Assertion (A): Millennials and corporates are realizing the drawbacks of multitasking.

Reason (R): Mono-tasking allows a better focus on the more important task at hand.

7. You should choose environments that are calm, have the least distractions, proper lighting, and a comfortable ______________.

8. If you set a time target to achieve a certain task, adhering to it will give you a sense of ______________.

9. Meditating works like a ______________, improving your ability to concentrate.

10. Distractions have a positive impact on concentration.

11. Multitasking is encouraged in the age of millennials.

12. Positivity is not a habit that needs to be cultivated in behavior.

13. Give a word that means the same: “Instilled”.

14. Find a word from the passage that means the following “Concentration”.

15. What is the most crucial decision for improving concentration, according to the passage?

16. How does meditation work as described in the passage?

17. Explain the drawbacks of multitasking as mentioned in the passage.

18. Discuss the importance of having a plan in mind for improving concentration, according to the passage.

Answers: Class 9 Reading Comprehension Passages

8. Switzerland

9. Sunrise, sunset

12. Not mentioned

13. Panoramic – Sweeping

14. Mesmerizing – Enchanting

15. ‘Switzerland of India’

16. Sumitranandan Pant

17. Kausani is a picturesque town in the central Himalayas known for its breathtaking view of the Himalayas, including peaks like Nanda Devi. It gained significance when Mahatma Gandhi, captivated by its beauty, named it the ‘Switzerland of India.’ The town is also the birthplace of Sumitranandan Pant, a renowned poet laureate whose works drew inspiration from Kausani’s natural surroundings.

18. Sumitranandan Pant found inspiration in Kausani’s dense pine forests, fruit orchards, and tea gardens, which he vividly incorporated into his poems. The serene ambiance and panoramic view contributed to the town’s cultural and literary significance, making it a source of inspiration for poets and visitors alike.

9. Mountain-springs

11. Groves and copses

15. impress

17. The dark sycamore serves as a symbol of repose and reflection, providing shade and a connection to nature.

18. The speaker expresses a sense of nostalgia and reflection on the passage of time, noting the changes in the landscape.

19. Nature and the changing seasons play a significant role in creating a contemplative and reflective atmosphere in the poem, emphasizing the cyclical nature of life and the passage of time.

20. The lines use metaphor and hyperbole to convey the extended duration of time, creating a sense of nostalgia and emphasizing the impact of the changing seasons on the speaker’s emotions.

8. Seasonal

9. Microscopic

13. majesticity.

14. awareness.”

15. The consequence of the modern, time-bound life is greater mechanization and self-satisfaction.

16. The perception of time changed with the advent of industrialization by the end of the 19th century. The modern age values every minute and second, creating a microscopic vision of time.

17. The pre-industrial man knew time in its slow and easy pace, characterized by daily, monthly, and seasonal rhythms. With the advent of industrialization, the modern concept of time emphasizes minutes, seconds, and milliseconds, leading to a narrow awareness of time.

18. The modern, time-bound life compels individuals to complete daily chores within predetermined periods. Even leisure is not spared from being time-bound, signifying each moment by the work to be done. This trend contributes to greater mechanization and self-satisfaction, pulling individuals away from the expansiveness of nature.

7. Landslide

9. Civilians

11. Not mentioned

13. autonomous.

14. infrastructure.

15. The bursting of the lake after a landslide prompted the residents of Ladakh to flee their homes in fear.

16. The authorities closed the Chadar trek in January for the safety of trekkers and civilians due to the formation of a 15-km-long artificial lake after a landslide blocked the Phuktal tributary.

17. The bursting of the artificial lake resulted in the swamping of farmlands, washing away of infrastructure, and displacement of residents in Ladakh. The passage does not mention casualties.

18. The artificial lake in Ladakh formed after a landslide blocked a Zanskar tributary. The controlled blasts by the army were questioned as the blockage was not effectively cleared. The authorities closed the Chadar trek for safety reasons, affecting trekking and civilian activities.

10. Sleeping flowers

16. forlorn

17. The Sea and the Winds represent elements of tranquility and harmony, contrasting with the chaos of human existence and symbolizing the speaker’s desire for a connection with nature.

18. The speaker criticizes the materialistic pursuits of the world, lamenting the waste of human powers in getting and spending.

19. The poem contrasts the destructive nature of materialism with the tranquility of nature, emphasizing the speaker’s longing for a connection with the natural world.

20. The speaker’s preference for being a Pagan reflects a desire for a simpler, nature-centric existence, rejecting the complexities and materialism of the modern world.

7. Compensation

8. Computer screen

9. Thinking

13. compensate.

14. traits.

15. The researchers found that dyslexic men outperformed others in tests assessing visuo-spatial abilities, including navigating a virtual town on a computer screen.

16. Leonardo da Vinci and Pablo Picasso.

17. Dyslexic individuals may develop enhanced spatial awareness as a compensation for language problems, allowing them to excel in tasks requiring 3D processing.

18. Dyslexic individuals, particularly men, might prefer thinking and doing over speaking, leading to enhanced spatial awareness. This preference, coupled with compensation for language difficulties, could contribute to success in artistic and creative fields.

7. Petrochemicals

8. Single-use plastics

9. Co-processing

14. inclusive

15. World Environment Day in 2018 prompted India to vow to phase out single-use plastics by 2022.

16. Ten states are currently sending their collected waste to cement plants for co-processing.

17. The massive generation of plastic waste in India is due to rapid urbanization, the spread of retail chains, and plastic packaging from grocery to food and consumer items.

18. India has initiated total or partial national-level bans on plastics, vowed to phase out single-use plastics by 2022, and some states are undertaking initiatives like sending waste to cement plants for co-processing. These actions aim to combat plastic pollution more sustainably and holistically.

7. Rajasthan

8. Paranormal

13. negative.

14. evidence.

15. The Archaeological Survey of India has forbidden entry to Bhangarh Fort at night due to numerous ghostly experiences, legends, and paranormal happenings, creating an eerie and negative aura.

16. Bhangarh Fort is infamous as the ‘Most haunted place in India’ and has led to villages springing up far away from the fort due to the fear of paranormal activities. The negative reputation has affected the local population by instilling fear and caution.

17. Bhangarh Fort, located at the border of the Sariska Tiger Reserve, is infamous for its haunted reputation, and legends tell of spirits roaming at night, strange noises, and the belief that those entering the fort after sunset won’t return in the morning.

18. The haunted reputation of Bhangarh Fort has negatively impacted tourism, discouraging nighttime exploration, and influencing the local community to settle far away. The fear and caution associated with the fort have shaped the community’s perception and lifestyle.

8. Training

9. Be corrected

13. intricate.

14. innocent

15. The passage compares learning music to preparing a formal meal to emphasize the importance of understanding the basics before venturing into a profession or performance.

16. Making mistakes during the learning process is significant because, under the guidance of a teacher, it allows the student to be corrected, leading to a flawless and educated outcome.

17. The power of music lies in its ability to bring out deep emotions, acting as a magic medicine for those who are depressed or stressed. It transcends cultural barriers and has an intimate connection with human emotions.

18. The passage suggests a trend where many aspire to become professional singers without understanding the intricate and systematic training required. This trend results in a disregard for training, leading to more noise than music in the industry.

Passages 10:

9. Essential

14. Spontaneously

15. The passage suggests that setting good examples is crucial in teaching children about money because children must understand, by example, that money comes from hard work, and it must not be wasted.

16. In the age 8-10, the passage suggests giving children a certain amount of money every month as pocket money. If a child demands a new toy, they are asked to save the pocket money for a few months before getting the toy. This way, children learn to save and understand that not everything can be bought impulsively.

17. Part-time jobs for teenagers are emphasized as a way to provide the joy of their very first earning and to learn the dignity of labor. Giving an allowance based on age and the parents’ judgment is recommended to help children understand the value of money and learn basic money management.

18. The passage emphasizes teaching basic money management at home because it is not taught at school, contributing to financial illiteracy among adults. Parents need to discuss money with their children, and providing examples from real life or stories can aid in understanding the importance of money management.

Passages 11:

15. majestic

16. godliness

17. The sea symbolizes the vast, powerful, and enduring nature of Milton’s voice, echoing its influence and significance.

18. The speaker seeks manners, virtue, freedom, and power in Milton’s return to England.

19. The poet appeals to Milton to bring back virtues and values to England, emphasizing the perceived decline in its moral and cultural fabric.

20. The star symbolizes Milton’s celestial and pure nature, detached from earthly concerns, emphasizing his elevated character and moral integrity.

Passage 12:

7. Willingness

8. Sightseeing

9. Unannounced

13. Thoughtful

14. Disturbing

15. The passage emphasizes carrying a plastic bag for waste during sightseeing trips to promote eco-friendly practices.

16. Travelers should ascertain the willingness of fellow travelers to converse before engaging in a conversation, respecting their space and preferences.

17. Informing friends or relatives in advance when planning to stay with them is essential to avoid surprising them with an unannounced visit. It demonstrates consideration and allows for better coordination.

18. Sustainable tourism is crucial for preserving the Earth’s resources and beauty. Travelers can contribute by promoting eco-friendly practices, such as carrying a plastic bag for waste during sightseeing trips and disposing of waste properly. These practices help minimize the environmental impact of travel.

Passage 13:

9. Passengers

13. Capable

14. Focusing

15. The invention of the sail.

16. The Egyptians powered their galleys using a row of paddles.

17. Sails allowed boats to use the power of the wind, making them more efficient and revolutionizing maritime transportation.

18. The 20th century saw advancements in shipbuilding, with a focus on designing bigger and better ships. The three largest transatlantic liners launched during the 1960s were the ‘Michelangelo,’ the ‘Raffaello,’ and the ‘Queen Elizabeth II.’

Passage 14:

9. Communication

13. perquisites

14. volunteer

15. Empathy, determination, adaptability, ability to consider interests of others, persistence, etc.

16. Human Psychology, Communication, Development, Physical, Mental and Community Health, Social Policy, Management of non-governmental and voluntary organizations, etc.

17. Passion for creating positive change by helping people who need it most.

18. Social workers may work as a volunteer, fundraiser, communication professional, researcher, promoting public engagement, raising awareness about social issues via various communication platforms, relevant content development, etc.

Passage 15:

8. Accomplishment

9. Magnifier

13. inculcated

15. The most crucial decision for improving concentration is choosing environments that are calm, have the least distractions, proper lighting, and a comfortable seat.

16. Meditating works like a magnifier, improving your ability to concentrate by requiring some degree of concentration.

17. The drawbacks of multitasking include preventing focus on the more important task at hand, hindering concentration, and not allowing a deep engagement with any one activity.

18. Having a plan in mind for improving concentration is important as it provides a sense of accomplishment, reduces distractions by increasing drive towards goals, and helps in controlling negative thoughts.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English

english assignment 9 class

Chapter Wise Solutions of Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 1. The Fun They Had Chapter 2. The Sound of Music Chapter 3. The Little Girl Chapter 4. A Truly Beautiful Mind Chapter 5. The Snake and the Mirror Chapter 6. My Childhood Chapter 7. Reach for the Top Chapter 8. Kathmandu Chapter 9. If I were you

Chapter Wise Solutions of Class 9 English Moments Chapter 1. The Lost Child Chapter 2. The Adventures of Toto Chapter 3. Iswaran the Storyteller Chapter 4. In the Kingdom of Fools Chapter 5. The Happy Prince Chapter 6. Weathering the Storm in Ersama Chapter 7. The Last Leaf Chapter 8. A House is not a Home Chapter 9. The Beggar

NCERT Solutions of Class 9 English

Revised and updated NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English for academic session 2024-25 are given here. The study materials and answers to questions provided by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) for CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) are helpful for students in India. As per the new curriculum, there are only 9 chapters in Beehive and 9 in Moments for 2024-25 exams.

If you need NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English based on NCERT textbooks published for session 2024-25, be here for Beehive (Prose) and Moments (Supplementary Reader) solutions to use it online. These solutions are designed to help students understand and master the English curriculum prescribed by the CBSE board for Class 9. Here’s what you can expect from NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English. NCERT Solutions Class 9 English are typically organized chapter by chapter, corresponding to the chapters in the Class 9 English textbook prescribed by CBSE. Each chapter is covered comprehensively. The solutions provide detailed explanations and step-by-step answers to questions and exercises found in the textbook. This helps students understand the concepts and how to solve problems effectively.

Class 9 Learning Apps for iOS and Android

Class 9 English solutions often include grammar explanations, writing tips, and examples to enhance the writing and language skills of students. If the English curriculum includes literary texts such as poems, stories, or plays, the solutions also offer analysis, summaries, and discussions of these texts. This helps students interpret and appreciate literature better.

Class 9 English Solutions

Look for question answers, Hindi translation and summary of chapters that offer understanding the lessons and writing tips. These can help you improve your writing skills and better understand the rules of English grammar. If your English curriculum includes literature, Tiwari Academy provide study guides, summaries, and analyses of the prescribed literary texts. When writing your responses, be clear and concise. Use proper grammar and sentence structure to convey your thoughts effectively.

Making Class 9 English exams more comfortable requires effective exam preparation and strategies to manage stress and anxiety. Here are some tips to help you feel more comfortable and confident during your English exams. Familiarize yourself with the exam format, including the types of questions (e.g., multiple-choice, short answer, essay), marking scheme, and time allocation for each section.

Student can download UP Board solutions for 9th English books in PDF format as Class 9 English Books are being used in Uttar Pradesh as a course book. Many States in Bharat like Punjub, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, etc., have implemented the textbooks of NCERT Publication updated for new CBSE session 2024-25.

Class 9 Solutions App for all Subjects All the Questions answers and solutions of back exercises are available on Tiwari Academy free to use without any login or registration. The solved exercises of Class 9 English Beehive textbook with grammar part are given in the format of PDF file.

It doesn’t matter whether you are studying in UP Board or Rajasthan Board or any other board who are using CBSE NCERT Textbooks, you can use the solutions available on this page. So, download UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English here free of cost for session 2024-25.

Some solutions include additional practice questions and exercises to reinforce learning and test comprehension. NCERT Solutions Class 9 English are valuable for exam preparation, as they help students prepare for the CBSE Class 9 English exams by providing insights into the types of questions and concepts likely to be covered.

Class: 9English
Books:Beehive and Moments
Number of Chapters:18 (Beehive – 9 and Moments – 9)
Contents:NCERT Solutions & Hindi Translation
Academic session:Year 2024-25 Board Exams

Get here the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English main textbook and supplementary books solutions which covers all the exercises given at the end of the chapter of Beehive, like working with the text, working with the poem, reading and writing section, working with the language, etc.

Since NCERT is the official body responsible for curriculum development in Bharat, these solutions align closely with the CBSE syllabus, ensuring that students cover the required topics. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English are available for free and accessible online, making them widely available to students.

In UP Board Class 9 English Subject, now NCERT Books are implemented. Students of High School in Uttar Pradesh can now use UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English free of cost for 2024-25. Download NCERT Textbook Solutions Offline Apps 2024-25 for new academic session free from Play Store or App Store .

To access NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English, you can visit the official NCERT website, look for resources related to Class 9 English, or you can find them on various educational websites and platforms like Tiwari Academy that provide free study materials for CBSE students. These solutions are a valuable resource for CBSE students to excel in their English studies and perform well in Class 9 English exams.

Making class 9 English studies easier involves adopting effective study strategies and techniques. Here are some tips to help you excel in your class 9 English studies. Familiarize yourself with the Class 9 English syllabus to know what topics and texts you need to cover throughout the academic year.

Keep your textbooks, notes, and other study materials well-organized so that you can easily access what you need. Develop a study schedule that allocates sufficient time for English study. Consistency in your study routine is key.

Class 9 English Beehive

How to Make Class 9 English Solutions Simpler for Exams

If we want to score good marks in both the books of Class 9 English , we should write one or two paragraph daily on any chapter related to class 9 English. If you have an important exam coming up that you really want to ace and probably want to surpass topper of your class to be the new topper. Avoid comparing yourself to others during the exam. This also gives you anxiety. The structural practices will trick you to achieve 99% marks for your upcoming English exams. Self-confidence can significantly impact your performance. This article will help you to prepare the structure and plan ahead to improve your marks significantly. English subject is as easy to raise your grades and this articles will tell you to plan smartly.

Step 1: Follow rationalised NCERT Books for 2024-25 for summary and exercises.

Step 2: prepare notes based on each chapter based on curriculum 2024-25., step 3: manage your time to study english in class 9 perfectly., step 4: always check your progress attempting tests in english., step 5: practice in writing the questions frequently asked in cbse exams.

Step 1: Follow rationalised NCERT Books for 2024-25 for summary and exercises.

Tiwari Academy provides detailed solutions to 9th English textbooks prescribed by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT). These solutions can be very helpful in understanding the concepts and preparing for exams.

Reading comprehension is a significant aspect of English studies. Read a variety of texts, including novels, short stories, newspapers, and magazines to improve your vocabulary and comprehension skills. While reading or in class, take notes on key points, important concepts, and new vocabulary words. This helps reinforce your understanding.

Tiwari Academy offer comprehensive notes and study materials for Class 9 English , covering important topics and chapters in the syllabus. You find sets of practice questions, exercises, and worksheets to help you improve your understanding of grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension.

To get the most accurate and up-to-date information about the resources available on Tiwari Academy for Class 9 English , I recommend visiting their website directly. Additionally, you can consult your school or teachers for specific recommendations regarding online resources and study materials that align with your curriculum.

Practice writing essays, paragraphs, and creative pieces regularly. Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. Seek feedback from your teacher or peers. Try to understand the context in which they are used. Work on your grammar and sentence structure. Understanding the rules of English grammar is essential for clear and effective communication.

Class 9 English Moments

After the class tests, analyze your performance, identify areas where you made mistakes, and use this as a learning opportunity for future exams. Remember that exam comfort and success come with consistent preparation and practice. By following these strategies and maintaining a calm and focused mindset, you can enhance your performance in Class 9 English exams and reduce exam-related stress.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Supplementary Reader all chapter’s question answers are given below for new session. Before starting the exam, carefully read all instructions provided on the question paper. Ensure you understand the requirements for each section. Use NCERT Solutions as well as NCERT Books are according to latest CBSE Syllabus 2024-25.

If your curriculum includes literature, analyze the texts thoroughly. Pay attention to themes, characters, literary devices, and the author’s purpose. You can also seek help from peers or online resources. Practice with previous years’ question papers and sample papers to get a feel for the exam pattern and types of questions that may be asked.

Important Questions on 9th English – Moments

Why does the lost child lose interest in the things that he had wanted earlier.

The lost child loses interest in all the things that he had wanted earlier because he was frightened on being separated from his parents in the crowd. His aim was to find and be with them. All the things that fascinated him in the fair no longer attract to him and now the only thing that matters is finding his parents.

What do you think happens in the end? Does the child find his parents?

The ending of the story is open for us to decide. At the end the parents, who continuously make sure that he was with them right from the beginning of their journey may have suddenly realized that he was missing and come looking for the lost child. The helpful man who tried to console the little boy by offering him various things at the fair may have also asked him for the description of his parents and helped him to be reunited with them at the fair reception.

How does Toto come to grandfather’s private zoo?

The author’s grandfather was fond of collecting animals and made a zoo at home. Toto was in the control of a tonga owner. The grandfather felt sympathetic with the monkey and thinks that his private zoo would be a better place for Toto. So he purchased Toto from the tonga wallah for five rupees.

Why does grandfather take Toto to Saharanpur and how? Why does the ticket collector insist on calling Toto a dog?

Toto was a really mischievous monkey and nuisance for every living soul in the household. Other animals in grandfather’s zoo were at Toto’s mercy even during night. So, grandfather decided to provide some relief to other animals in the zoo and thought of taking Toto to Shaharanpur. The ticket collector was performing his duty. As there seems to be no rule for fixing a monkey’s fare so he equated Toto with dog and charged a similar.

In what way is Iswaran an asset to Mahendra?

Iswaran was a good domestic help for Mahendra. Apart from cooking and doing household work he was also a great entertainer for his master. He was expert at managing resources as he could find vegetables out of nowhere and never complained while accompanying his master.

How does he narrate the story of the tusker? Does it appear to be plausible?

He began the story of the elephant by giving a preface in which he called elephants ‘big and huge well-fed beasts.’ He said that after absconding from the timber yard, the elephant started roaming around, engraved on bushes and tore apart the wild creepers. It came to the main road of the town and broke all the stalls which were there selling fruits, mud pots, and clothes etc. Then it went into a school ground where children were playing. It pulled out the football goal-post, broke down the volleyball net and crushed the drum kept for water and uprooted the shrubs. All the teachers and students were so afraid that they started climbing up to the terrace of the school building. According to Iswaran, he was in the junior class at that time. He took a cane from one of the teacher and ran into the open. The elephant was grunting and stamping its feet. The entire scene was frightening. Still, he moved slowly towards it and when the elephant rushed towards him, he moved and dead beat its third toe nail. It looked surprised and then fell down. This story does not appear to be believable so it is not plausible.

Why does the disciple decide to stay in the Kingdom of Fools? Is it a good idea?

The disciple decided to stay in the Kingdom of Fools because all he wanted cheap and good food. He was amazed that everything cost a single duddu and was very cheap. According to the Guru, staying there was not a good idea as they were all fools which could land them into trouble in future and the king’s men also took him for execution.

Who is the real culprit according to the king? Why does he escape punishment?

According to the king, the real culprit was the merchant’s dead father. But his father was dead and someone had to be punished in his place. He escapes the punishment because he is too thin to be properly executed on the stake.

Why do the courtiers call the prince ‘the Happy Prince’? Is he really happy? What does he see all around him?

The courtiers called the prince ‘the Happy Prince’ because he was always happy. When he was alive, he was unaware of what tears were. He lived in a palace where grief was not allowed to enter. However, when he died and was made into a statue, he was not happy and tears flowed down his eyes on seeing poor state of his city and the people around.

Why does the Happy Prince send a ruby for the seamstress? What does the swallow do in the seamstress’ house?

The Happy Prince sent a ruby for the seamstress as she was extremely poor and had nothing to feed her child who was suffering from fever. The swallow went to the seamstress’s house after being convinced by the prince and kept the ruby on the table. He then flew round the bed and flapped the boy’s forehead with his wings. This made the boy feel comfortable and he went to sleep.

What havoc has the super cyclone wreaked in the life of the people of Orissa?

The cyclone brought heavy rains and strong winds with it. Due to this, majority of the houses were blown away and only the ones with strong cement grip were spared. The land was covered by dirty water and could be seen from a distance. A large number of people lost their lives. The place was filled with floating human bodies and bloated animal carcasses all around. Even the strongest of the trees were not spared from the havoc. Many people lost their close relatives and many children become orphans. There was acute shortage of food and supplies were nil. Everyone was sad and helpless.

How has Prashant, a teenager, been able to help the people of his village?

Prashant was initially bewildered on witnessing the destruction caused by after effects of the cyclone. Later he got a grip over himself and helped the people of his village. He decided to take over as the leader of his village. He united a group of young and old people to come together and pressurize the merchant to given rice for the people living in the shelter. He was successful in this task. His next course of action was to organize a team to clean up the shelter and cure the wounds of the people injured because of the cyclone. Prashant also helped the orphaned children together by constructing a polythene shelter for them. While women had the duty to look after them, the men made arrangement of food and other essentials for the shelter.

What is Johnsy’s illness? What can cure her, the medicine or the willingness to live?

Johnsy was ill because she had pneumonia. Only her willingness to live could cure her. Prior to getting cured she started believing that she was not going to get well. The doctor said that if she doesn’t want to live, then medicines would not help her.

Behrman has a dream. What is it? Does it come true?

Behrman was a sixty year old painter. His lifelong dream was to paint a masterpiece. It does come true when he paints a leaf that looks extremely natural. He painted the last leaf left on a creeper.

Why does he break down in tears after the fire?

The feeling of suffering a major loss broke him down into tears. He soon realized that his cat was not to be seen anywhere. Then he had flashback of everything at once − the new school, the fire, and his cat. That was when he broke down and cried.

What is the meaning of “My cat was back and so was I”? Had the author gone anywhere? Why does he say that he is also back?

Here the author wants to point out that his ideology of life has gone a complete change. His schoolmates have helped him with their open hearts. They have extended invitations for their houses. Their genuine concern makes the author touch his heart so much that he breathes a sigh of relief. He feels that the things will be okay very soon. After a month woman came with a cat. The narrator grabbed and hugged her. His friends were hugging the narrator. This overwhelming feelings of loss and tragedy seemed to diminish. He was deeply obliged to the stranger who had brought his cat. He could not help say that he was back to his original self. In reality he had gone nowhere but had become exhausted with life due to colossal lose. He felt that he had returned to his original self like the cat who came to his house.

What happens when the zip on his carry-on bag gives way?

The side of the bag was open and everything within the bag fell on the ground from the zip when his carry-on bag gave way. These things included newspaper cuttings and other loose papers, a 14-ounce tin of pipe tobacco, magazines, passport, English money and film.

How does Bill Bryson end up in a “crash position” in the aircraft?

Once while travelling in an aeroplane, he bent over to tie his shoelace and at the same time someone in the front seat pushed back into full recline. That was when he ended up in the ‘crash position’. He had to claw at the leg of the man sitting next to him in order free himself from the tangle.

Has Lushkoff become a beggar by circumstance or by choice?

Lushkoff became a beggar by circumstance and not by his choice. Formerly, he was a part of a Russian choir, but was sent away for drunkenness. This led him to beg.

Lushkoff is earning thirty five roubles a month. How is he obliged to Sergei for this?

Lushkoff was obliged to Sergei because if he had not come to Sergei, then he might still have been begging and drinking alchohol. By listening to Sergei, he had changed his path. He became a notary and earned thirty five roubles a month.

Studying with peers can be beneficial as you can discuss and clarify doubts together. Just make sure to stay focused during group study sessions. Regular revision is crucial. It helps reinforce what you’ve learned and ensures that you retain the knowledge for exams.

During Class 9 English exams, if you don’t understand a question or need clarification, don’t hesitate to ask the invigilator for assistance. Physical well-being contributes to mental clarity. Keep your stationery, ID, and exam admit card ready the night before the exam to avoid any last-minute rush or panic.

Develop a study plan that allocates sufficient time for revision, practice, and relaxation. Stick to your plan and avoid last-minute cramming. During the exam, manage your time wisely. Allocate specific amounts of time to each section or question, and stick to your plan to ensure you complete the paper within the allocated time.

What are the chapter names and summaries of Class 9 English Beehive?

The Class 9 English Beehive textbook includes the following chapters:

  • The Fun They Had – A story by Isaac Asimov about children learning in a future with robotic teachers, contrasting with the traditional school system.
  • The Sound of Music – This chapter describes the lives and careers of two musicians who overcome personal challenges to achieve success.
  • The Little Girl – This story delves into the complex relationship between a young girl and her father, highlighting themes of fear and misunderstanding.
  • A Truly Beautiful Mind – A biography of Albert Einstein, focusing on his life, achievements, and personal struggles.
  • The Snake and the Mirror – A humorous tale about a doctor’s encounter with a snake while reflecting on his life in a mirror.
  • My Childhood – An autobiographical excerpt from A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s life, describing his early years and influences.
  • Reach for the Top – This chapter features two separate stories of women who reached the pinnacle of their careers through determination and perseverance.
  • Kathmandu – A travelogue detailing the author’s experiences and observations in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal.
  • If I were you – A dramatic play that involves themes of identity, deception, and personal choices.

What are the NCERT solutions for Class 9 English Moments?

NCERT solutions for Class 9 English Moments provide question answers, detailed explanations of intext questions and answers to all the objective questions in the Moments, the supplementary reader. These solutions, at Tiwari Academy, are crafted by educational experts to help students understand the themes, characters, and moral lessons conveyed in each story. It helps to break down complex concepts into simpler explanations and provide summaries to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the text, aiding in effective learning and revision.

What are the chapter names in the Class 9 English Moments textbook?

The Chapter names of Class 9 English Supplementary Textbook Moments are as follows:

  • The Lost Child : A young boy gets separated from his parents at a fair, showcasing his panic and ultimate comfort by strangers when he can’t find his family.
  • The Adventures of Toto : A mischievous monkey named Toto creates chaos in the narrator’s household with his playful antics, proving to be a challenging but amusing pet.
  • Iswaran the Storyteller : Iswaran, the servant of Mahendra, entertains with his imaginative storytelling, blending daily life with supernatural elements, enhancing the mundane with his creativity.
  • In the Kingdom of Fools : This story satirizes a kingdom where foolish rulers reverse normal daily routines, leading to absurd laws and eventually their own downfall.
  • The Happy Prince : A statue of the Happy Prince and a swallow work together to alleviate the suffering of the poor in the city, emphasizing themes of compassion and sacrifice.
  • Weathering the Storm in Ersama : The narrative recounts the survival of Prashant, a young boy, during the 1999 Orissa cyclone and his efforts in organizing relief and support for his community.
  • The Last Leaf : Two artists, Sue and Johnsy, face pneumonia. Johnsy loses hope of surviving, but is inspired to recover by a painted leaf on the wall, believing it real.
  • A House is not a Home : The personal account of a teenager feeling alienated after a house fire, and his eventual realization that home is more about people than places.
  • The Beggar : The transformation of a beggar, Lushkoff, from deceit to dignity through honest work, guided by the compassionate and firm Sergei, who offers him a chance to change.

How can I access free NCERT solutions for Class 9 English?

Free NCERT solutions for Class 9 English can be accessed online through various educational websites such as the official NCERT website or Tiwari Academy. These platforms offer downloadable PDFs and interactive content to help students understand the material better. Some websites also provide video explanations and step-by-step guidance for each chapter, enabling students to study at their own pace and improve their comprehension of the text.

How do NCERT solutions for Class 9 English help in exam preparation?

NCERT solutions for Class 9 English are invaluable for exam preparation as they offer precise answers and extensive explanations that align with the CBSE curriculum. By studying these solutions, students can grasp the key points of each chapter, improve their answer-writing skills, and understand how to structure responses effectively during exams. Along with this, the regular practice with these solutions helps students identify common themes and questions, enhancing their ability to tackle various question types confidently during examinations.

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NCERT English

Unseen Passage for Class 9 | Reading Comprehension with Solutions

Explore challenging Unseen Passage for Class 9, designed for NCERT and CBSE students. Our meticulously crafted passages enhance reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. Accompanied by detailed solutions, these passages cover a spectrum of topics, fostering holistic development. Elevate your understanding and excel in exams with our comprehensive resource tailored for Class 9 students.

Table of Contents

Unseen passage for class 9 – passage 1.

Directions: Read the following unseen passage for class 9 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-

In today’s world, when many countries interact closely, it’s more important than ever to reduce the ignorance people have about each other. We should try to understand a bit about the history and thinking of other nations. It’s a mistake for the English to assume that people from other countries will react the same way they do to political and international situations.

Sometimes, our genuine goodwill and good intentions don’t work because we expect everyone to be just like us. This could be fixed if we had a basic understanding of the history and the social and political conditions that have shaped each nation’s character.

Furthermore, by learning about the historical experiences of different nations, we can foster better relations and avoid misunderstandings. It’s essential to recognize the unique perspectives and reactions that stem from diverse backgrounds. Such understanding can lead to more effective communication and cooperation in our interconnected world.

Please read the questions carefully asked from the unseen passage for class 9 and answer them.

1. Why is it important to reduce ignorance about people from other countries in today’s world?

2. What does the passage suggest about understanding other nations’ history and thinking?

3. According to the passage, what is the mistake that the English often make when dealing with people from other countries?

4. What can be done to fix the issue of expecting everyone to be like us, as mentioned in the passage?

5. Why does understanding different nations’ historical experiences lead to better relations and fewer misunderstandings?

6. What is the main benefit of recognizing the unique perspectives and reactions stemming from diverse backgrounds, according to the passage?

7. What is the opposite of “ awareness .” as mentioned in the passage?

8. Find a synonym for “ benevolence ” as used in the passage.

  • The Unseen Passage for Class 9 with answers pdf

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 2

Waking up early in the morning is a great advantage because it helps us start our day’s work well. Early risers do a lot of work while others are still in bed. In the early morning, the mind is fresh, and there are fewer noises or distractions, so the work done at that time is usually done well.

Many early risers also find time to exercise in the fresh morning air, which gives them energy for the whole day. Starting early gives them enough time to complete their work without rushing. Once they finish their work, they have a long evening to rest before going to bed early. Getting a good night’s sleep and waking up early in good health is refreshing, and it gives them energy for the new day’s tasks.

 1. What is the great advantage of waking up early in the morning, according to the passage?

 2. Why is the early morning a good time for work, as mentioned in the passage?

3. How does early rising benefit one’s productivity, as per the passage?

4. What advantage does waking up early provide for one’s overall health and well-being?

5. How does getting a good night’s sleep benefit those who wake up early, as stated in the passage?

6. Find a word that is similar in meaning to “ benefit .” as used in the passage.

7. Find a word that is the opposite meaning of “ late .” as used in the passage.

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 3

Think of the human body as a fantastic machine that can do many things. To keep this machine running, we need fuel, and that fuel is food. Plants are amazing because they can make their own food using sunlight. But animals can’t do that. Some animals eat plants, while others eat other animals as their food. And then there are animals, like humans, who eat both plants and animals.

Now, the sun is the source of energy for all of us. It’s super powerful, but by the time its energy gets into a plant, it’s not as strong. So, when we eat plants, we get more of the sun’s energy compared to when we eat animals. That’s why it’s a good idea to eat fruits and vegetables.

When an animal eats a plant, it gets even less of the sun’s energy because some of it is used to find and eat the plant. And if another animal eats that first animal, it gets even less energy. That’s because it spent a lot of energy chasing its prey, kind of like how a car needs gasoline to run. 

So, all living things need to eat over and over to keep their bodies going. Instead of gasoline, we use food as our fuel.

1. What is the source of energy for all living things mentioned in the passage?

2. Why is it a good idea to eat fruits and vegetables, according to the passage?

3. What is the primary source of energy for plants and animals?

4. Why do animals that eat other animals as their primary food source receive less energy from the sun compared to herbivores?

(a) Because they have more efficient digestive systems.

(b) Because they are larger in size.

(c) Because they use a lot of energy to chase their prey.

(d) Because they have a preference for meat.

5. What do living things use as fuel instead of gasoline?

(a) Sunlight

 (c) Food

 (d) Air

6. Find a synonym for “ energy source ” as used in the passage.

7. What is the opposite of “ weak ” as mentioned in the passage?

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 4

Fuel is like the magic ingredient that makes our stoves cook food, cars go vroom, and power plants generate electricity. When we burn fuel, it’s like a special mix with the air around us, and it creates heat and light. This special mix is a chemical reaction, and it’s what makes things work. There are different types of fuels: solid fuels, like wood; liquid fuels, like gasoline; and gaseous fuels, like natural gas.

A long time ago, people used wood for fuel because it was easy to find and didn’t cost much. But as wood started to run out, they turned to coal, which has a lot of carbon and burns really well. These days, we mostly use liquid fuels from petroleum, but the problem is we’re using it up, and it won’t last forever. We need to find more sustainable alternatives to keep our world running.

1. What is fuel, and what does it do when burned?  

2. What are the three main types of fuels mentioned in the passage?

3. What did people use as a primary fuel source before coal became popular?

4. Why is coal considered an effective fuel?

5. What is the primary issue with using petroleum as a fuel source, according to the passage?

 6. Find an antonym for “solid” as used in the passage.

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 5

Homeopathy is an alternative medical approach created by German physician Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. It involves treating patients with highly diluted remedies. Homeopathic solutions are made by repeatedly diluting substances and vigorously shaking them, with the belief that this amplifies their healing power. This process is called “potentization,” and it continues until no original substance remains.

To pick the right remedy, homeopaths consult reference books known as repertories and consider the patient’s overall symptoms. Homeopathic treatments are generally considered safe but have been criticized for discouraging conventional medical treatments like vaccines and antibiotics. In some highly diluted remedies, there might not be any active molecules left, which contradicts scientific principles.

Modern homeopaths suggest that water has a “memory” that allows remedies to work without containing the original substance, although there’s no scientific support for this idea. Due to the lack of strong scientific evidence and the use of remedies with no active ingredients, homeopathy is often considered pseudoscience.

1. What is homeopathy, and who is credited with its creation?

2. How are homeopathic solutions prepared, and what is the purpose of this process?

3. What is the term used to describe the process of repeatedly diluting homeopathic solutions?

4. Why has homeopathy faced criticism despite being considered generally safe?

5. What is the concept of “water memory” in homeopathy, and does it have scientific support?

6. Synonym for ” substitute ” as used in the passage.

7. Antonym for “ reduces ” as used in the passage.

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 6

My next pet was a pigeon, the most revolting bird to look at, with his feathers pushing through the wrinkled scarlet skin. Because of his repulsive and obese appearance, we called him Badru. Since he had an unorthodox upbringing, without parents to teach him. Badru became convinced that he was not a bird at all, and refused to fly. He walked everywhere. He was always eager to join us in anything we did.

He would even try to come for walks with us. So you had to either carry him on your shoulder, which was risking an accident to your clothes, or else you let him walk behind. If you let him walk, then you had to slow down your own pace to suit his, for should you get too far ahead you would hear the most frantic and imploring coos and turn around to find Badru running desperately after you.

One day, we decided to introduce Badru to a group of other pigeons in the park. Surprisingly, he fluffed up his feathers, cooed confidently, and joined the gathering with unexpected enthusiasm. It turned out that beneath his quirky exterior, Badru had a social side. From that day on, he became a regular at the pigeon meet-ups, proving that even the oddest-looking birds can find their flock and spread their wings in unexpected ways, teaching us a lesson about embracing differences with an open heart.

1. What was the appearance of the pigeon named Badru, and why was he given that name?

2. Why did Badru refuse to fly, and how did he move around instead?

3. How did the author’s family members have to adjust their pace when walking with Badru?

4. What surprising behavior did Badru display when introduced to a group of other pigeons in the park?

5. What lesson did Badru teach about embracing differences?

6. Find a Synonym for “ disgusting ” from the passage.

7. Find an Antonym for “ apathy ” from the passage.

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 7

One warm afternoon, Mrs. Siva wanted to make some cold drinks for her family. She asked her son, Kumar, to go to the nearby shop to buy a big packet of ice. On his way back from the shop, Kumar spotted a newly- built playground in his neighborhood. He saw many children playing on the slides, swings, and merry-go-round.

They were having a wonderful time. Kumar told himself that he would stay for only a short while. He put the plastic bag full of ice on a bench and joined the other children. However, he began to enjoy himself so much that he soon forgot about everything else.

When Kumar finally decided that he was ready to go home, he was surprised to find that the bag of ice was no longer on the bench. Instead, there was a bag of water. “Someone has stolen my ice!” Kumar exclaimed. “He took my ice and left some water in the plastic bag!” Confused, Kumar looked around the playground, trying to figure out who played the prank.

He heard some kids giggling and saw them pointing at a water balloon fight that started while he was playing. It seems his ice bag got mixed up in the water fun. Kumar joined the laughter, realizing that unexpected surprises, even if a bit tricky, can make a regular day super fun and memorable.

 1. Why did Mrs. Siva ask her son, Kumar, to go to the nearby shop?

2. What did Kumar discover on his way back from the shop?

3. Why did Kumar initially plan to stay at the playground for only a short while?

4. What happened to Kumar’s bag of ice when he returned to the bench?

5. How did Kumar react when he realized his ice bag got mixed up in the water fun?

6. Find a Synonym for “ joke ” as used in the passage.

7. Find an Antonym for “ forgettable ” as used in the passage.

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 8

On a particular evening, a well-dressed young man stepped into a large textile shop. He captured the attention of the salesmen who assumed he was affluent and likely to make substantial purchases. Eager to assist him, they presented the finest suit lengths and sarees.

However, after a casual examination, he proceeded to the next section featuring readymade goods and then to the hosiery section. As he continued exploring, the salesmen grew doubtful about his intentions. He drew the attention of the manager. 

Upon inquiry, the manager questioned the young man about his specific needs. Surprisingly, the man in a fine suit expressed a desire for courteous treatment. He revealed that he had visited the same shop that morning in casual attire, he got no notice.  His pride was hurt and he wanted to assert himself. He had come in good dress only to get decent treatment, not for getting any textiles. He left without making any purchase. 

1. Why did the salesmen assume the young man was likely to make substantial purchases?

2. What did the salesmen present to the young man in the textile shop?

3. When did the young man proceed to the readymade goods and hosiery sections?

4. Why did the salesmen grow doubtful about the young man’s intentions?

5. What was the young man’s surprising request when questioned by the manager?

6. Find a Synonym for “ wealthy ” as used in the passage.

7. Find an Antonym for “ yield ” as used in the passage.

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 9

Improving your English depends on where you live, especially if you’re in an English-speaking community. If you hear English every day and talk with English-speaking people, it’s an advantage. But having the whole language thrown at you at once can be confusing. It’s better to have a step-by-step course leading up to this experience. It’s also helpful to easily get the kind of English books you like.

Reading a lot is important. Don’t limit yourself to just the books for exams or the textbooks you study intensively. Read many English books for pleasure. Don’t pick books that are too difficult just to learn new words. Choose books that interest you, and make sure they’re not too hard. You shouldn’t have to constantly look up words in the dictionary; that makes learning less fun.

Instead, try to read without stopping too much, guessing the meaning from the context. Extensive reading, not intensive, usually helps you enjoy extra reading and improve your English. You should feel a sense of command over the language. As you read more, you’ll become more familiar with words and sentence patterns, understanding them better in different contexts.

1. What does the effectiveness of improving your English depend on?

2. Why is it an advantage to hear English every day and talk with English-speaking people?

3. Why is it suggested to have a step-by-step course for improving English?

4. According to the passage, what kind of reading is recommended for improving English?

5. What is the key to enjoying extra reading and improving English? 

6. Find a Synonym for “ benefit ” as used in the passage.

7. Find an Antonym for  “ extensively ” as used in the passage.

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 10

In some countries, they say everyone should have the right to get medical help when they need it. But in the United States, it’s seen more like a special thing for people who can pay for it. It’s treated like buying a TV or VCR, not something everyone gets just because they live there. Healthcare in America used to be very different. Hospitals were mostly places where sick people stayed until they passed away.

Doctors didn’t often work in hospitals, and only those with money could get proper care either at home or in private clinics. Nowadays, health care has improved a lot. The goal now is to give patients continuous care that’s well-connected at all levels. When people leave the hospital, many places have plans to help them continue their care. Someone called a discharge planner talks about what the patient needs for health care after leaving the hospital.

Nowadays, there’s a lot more to health care than before. Hospitals not only take care of the sick but also plan for what happens after they leave. The idea is to make sure people continue to get the care they need. The discharge planner helps figure out the best way for the patient to keep getting proper health care once they’re back home. It’s all about making sure everyone has the chance to stay healthy, no matter where they come from or how much money they have.

1. What is the difference in how health care is perceived in the United States compared to some other countries?

2. How was healthcare in America different in the past?

3. What is the current goal of health care in America?

4. What role does a discharge planner play in the health care system?

5. Why is health care now considered more than just taking care of the sick in hospitals?

6. Find a Synonym for “ uninterrupted ” as used in the passage.

7. Find an Antonym for “ Deteriorate ” as used in the passage.

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 11

Directions: Read the following Reading Comprehension for class 9 carefully and answer the questions given below the Reading Comprehension:-

It once occurred to a certain king, that if he always knew the right time to begin everything; if he knew who were the right people to listen to and whom to avoid; and, above all, if he always knew what was the most important thing to do, he would never fail in anything he might undertake.

And this thought having occurred to him, he had it proclaimed throughout his kingdom that he would give a great reward to anyone who would teach him what was the right time for every action, and who were the most necessary people, and how he might know what was the most important thing to do. Learned men came to the King, but they all answered his questions differently.

In reply to the first question, some said that to know the right time for every action one must draw up in advance a table of days, months, and years, and must live strictly according to it. Only thus, said they, could everything be done at its proper time. Others declared that it was impossible to decide beforehand the right time for every action; but that, not letting oneself be absorbed in idle pastimes, one should always attend to all that was going on and then do what was most needful.

Others, again, said that however attentive the King might be to what was going on, it was impossible for one man to decide correctly the right time for every action, but that he should have a Council of wise men who would help him to fix the proper time for everything.

Please read the questions carefully asked from the Reading Comprehension for class 9 and answer them.

1. What three factors did the king believe would prevent him from failing in his undertakings?

2. How did the king express his desire to acquire knowledge about the right time, people, and important tasks?

3. What was the varied response of the learned men who came to the king in response to his questions?

4. According to some, what was the suggested method for determining the right time for every action?

 5. What was the alternative viewpoint presented by some individuals regarding deciding the right time for actions, and how did they propose to approach it?

6. Find the similar word from the passage which means, “proclaimed”

7. Find the opposite word from the passage “possible”

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 12 

Once upon a time there lived a king in central India. He was handsome but very vain. He looked at himself constantly, in mirrors, in pools of water, even in other people’s eyes when they spoke to him. “I am the handsomest King on Earth.” he said to his courtiers. He paid less attention to ruling his kingdom than he did to having his hair styled and his body massaged. As a result, his people grew poorer and unhappier.

But the king did not care. “Why!” He boasted one day in court, “I am probably more handsome than all the gods.” Unfortunately for the king, a particularly bad-tempered god happened to be flying by and was incensed at what he heard. “Something will have to be done about this king.” He searched in his mind for an appropriate punishment.

Then his eyes fell upon a bull. “Horns!” The god clapped his hand with malicious glee. “I’ll see how his handsomeness likes himself with horns.”When the king awoke the next morning, he followed his normal routine. First, he drew his mirror out from under his pillow and gazed into it.

Suddenly the guards outside the king’s chamber heard a loud shriek. They came rushing in to find the king sitting upright in bed with a large pillow on his head. “Out… out…” he waved a trembling finger at them. As they backed away, he shouted after them, “Send for the royal barber immediately.”

1. Describe the king’s personality and his attitude towards his appearance.

2. How did the king’s vanity affect the well-being of his kingdom and its people?

3. What boast did the king make in court that angered a god?

4. How did the god decide to punish the king for his arrogance?

5. What was the king’s reaction when he discovered the punishment imposed by the god?

6. What did the king ask the guards to do after he woke up with the pillow on his head, and why did he want to summon the royal barber?

7. Find a similar word from the passage which means, “arrogant”

8. Find the opposite word from the passage “steady”

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 13

The postmaster took up his duties first in the village of Ulapur. Though the village was small, there was an indigo factory near it, and the proprietor, an Englishman, had managed to get a post office established.

Our postmaster belonged to Calcutta. He felt like a fish out of water in this remote village. His office and livingroom were in a dark thatched shed, not far from a green, slimy pond, surrounded on all sides by a dense growth.

The men employed in the indigo factory had no leisure; moreover, they were hardly desirable companions for decent folk. Nor is a Calcutta boy an adept in the art of associating with others. Among strangers he appears either proud or ill at ease. At any rate, the postmaster had but little company; nor had he much work to do. At times he tried his hand at writing verse.

That the movement of the leaves and the clouds of the sky were enough to fill life with joy-such were the sentiments to which he sought to give expression. But God knows that the poor fellow would have felt it as the gift of a new life, if some genie of the Arabian Nights had in one night swept away the trees, leaves and all, and substituted for them a macadamised road, and had hidden the clouds from view with rows of tall houses.

1. Where did the postmaster take up his duties first, and what was the notable establishment near the village?

2. Why did the postmaster feel like a fish out of water in the remote village of Ulapur?

3. Where were the postmaster’s office and living room located, and what was the surrounding environment like?

4. Why did the men employed in the indigo factory not make desirable companions for decent folk?

5. How did the Calcutta boy, the postmaster, appear when associating with strangers, and what sentiments did he express in his writing?

6. What change would the postmaster have welcomed as the gift of a new life, according to his sentiments expressed in the passage?

7. Find the similar word from the passage which means, “rhyme.”

8. Find the op posite word from the passage “visible”

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 14

The village Somal, nestling away in the forest tracts of Mempi, had a population of less than three hundred. It was in every way a village to make the heart of a rural reformer sink. Its tank, a small expanse of water, right in the middle of the village, served for drinking, bathing, and washing the cattle, and it bred malaria, typhoid, and heaven knew what else.

The cottages sprawled anyhow and the lanes twisted and wriggled up and down and strangled each other. The population used the highway as the refuse ground and in the backyard of every house drain water stagnated in green puddles. Such was the village. It is likely that the people of the village were insensitive, but it is more than likely that they never noticed their surroundings because they lived in a kind of perpetual enchantment.

The enchanter was Ragu Kaka the storyteller. He was a man of about sixty or seventy. Or was he eighty or one hundred and eighty? Who could say? In a place so much cut off as Somal (the nearest bus stop was ten miles away). reckoning could hardly be in the familiar measures of time. If anyone asked Ragu Kaka what his age was, he referred to an ancient famine or an invasion or the building of a bridge and indicated how high he had stood from the ground at the time.

He was illiterate, in the sense that the written word was a mystery to him; but he could make up a story, in his head, at the rate of one a month; each story took nearly ten days to narrate.

1. How does the description of the village of Somal paint a picture of its living conditions?

2. What role does the village storyteller, Ragu Kaka, play in the community?

3. How does Ragu Kaka measure his age when asked?

4. Despite the challenging conditions of the village, why might the people be described as living in a state of enchantment?

5. What is Ragu Kaka’s literacy level, and how does he compensate for it?

6. How long does it take Ragu Kaka to narrate a story, and how frequently does he create them?

7.  Find a similar word from the passage that means, “stretch .”

8. Find the op posite word from the passage “ sensitive ”

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 15

Deep in the hearts of the Indian people, one name is held ever dear – the name of Vikramaditya, who became King of Malwa, it is said, in the year 57 before Christ.

He was so strong and true and gentle that the men of his own day almost worshiped him, and those of all after times were obliged to give him the first place, though they had never looked in his face, nor appealed to his great and tender heart-simply because they could see that there had never been a king loved like this king. But one thing we do know about Vikramaditya. It is said that he was the greatest judge in history.

Never was he deceived. Never did he punish the wrong man. The guilty trembled when they came before him, for they knew that his eyes would look straight into their guilt. And those who had difficult questions to ask, and wanted to know the truth, were thankful to be allowed to come, for they knew that their King would never rest till he understood the matter, and that then he could give an answer that would convince all.

1. Who is held dear in the hearts of the Indian people?

2. In what year is it said that Vikramaditya became King of Malwa?

3. How is Vikramaditya described by those of his own day?

4. What is one thing known about Vikramaditya according to the passage?

5. How were the guilty affected when they came before Vikramaditya?

6. What did people know about Vikramaditya’s ability to understand difficult questions and provide answers?

7. Find the similar word from the passage which means “powerful”

8. Find the opposite of “innocent”

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 16

The principal spread his hands in a helpless gesture. He looked at Mr Sastri, a small thin man in his slightly yellowed dhoti and his coat of a nondescript colour and his black cap. Outwardly he looked the same as he had for the last fifteen years that the principal had known him. A solid teacher, a mature and rational man, suitably diplo- matic in his dealings with those in authority, a good man to work with. The principal, heartened by his scrutiny of his colleague, continued with more hope-‘But the boy has already been punished for this misconduct,’ he said. ‘Why take it all up again?’

          ‘When More hurt that boy yesterday-the glass cut his cheek, and a small piece of it had to be removed from the wound at the government dispensary-I decided that he had to be stopped before he did any further damage. The boy who was hurt comes from a poor family. His parents are not in a position to do anything about More.’ ‘I am sure Veerendra did not mean this particular boy any harm.’ ‘Most certainly he did not. He merely wanted to break a windowpane and disrupt my class. If in the process someone got hurt that was an added bonus.’ Question 1. How does the principal describe Mr. Sastri’s appearance?

2. What qualities does the principal attribute to Mr. Sastri?

3. Why does the principal feel heartened by Mr. Sastri’s scrutiny?

4. Why does the principal question the need to take up the issue again?

5. What incident prompted the principal to take action against More?

6. What is the principal’s assessment of Veerendra’s intentions?

7. Find the similar word from the passage which means “capable”

8. Find the opposite of “Lethargic”

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 17

Sir Kanti Lal  looked at himself in the mirror of a first class waiting room at the railway station. The mirror was obviously made in India. The red oxide at its back had come off at several places and long lines of translucent glass cut across its surface. Sir Kanti lal smiled at the mirror with an air of pity and patronage.

  The mirror smiled back at Sir Kanti lal. “You are a bit of all right, old chap,’ it said. ‘Distinguished, efficient,even handsome. That neatly trimmed mustache- the suit from Saville Row with the carnation in the button-hole-the aroma of eau de cologne, talcum powder, and scented soap all about you! Yes, old fellow, you are a bit of all right.’ Sir Kanti lal threw out his chest, smoothed his Balliol tie for the umpteenth time and waved a goodbye to the mirror.

Outside the waiting room Sir Kanti Lal’s luggage lay piled along the wall. On a small grey steel trunk Lachmi, Lady Kanti Lal, sat chewing a betel leaf and fanning herself with a newspaper. She was short and fat and in her middle forties. She wore a white sari with a red border. On one side of her nose glistened a diamond nose-ring and she had several gold bangles on her arms. She had been talking to the bearer until Sir Kanti Lal had summoned him inside. As soon as he had gone, she hailed a passing railway coolie.


1. What is Sir Kanti lal’s reaction upon seeing himself in the mirror?

2. Describe the condition of the mirror at the railway station.

3. How does the mirror respond to Sir Kanti lal’s appearance?

4. How is Lady Kanti Lal described physically?

5. What was Lady Kanti Lal doing before Sir Kanti Lal summoned the bearer inside?

6. How does Lady Kanti Lal signal for assistance after the bearer leaves?

7.  Find the similar word from the passage which means “Baggage”

8. Find the opposite of “Untalented”

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 18

There was once a young man who was strong and healthy and enjoyed his work. In every way he felt on top of life, and had no sympathy for the uninteresting folk who seemed to form such a large proportion of the population.

One day he got an attack of influenza. He had had it before and paid little attention to it but this time he developed pneumonia and was dangerously ill. When he recovered he could only move slowly. He was easily tired and life became difficult for him. When he was well enough to go to work he found the journey home very tiring. He looked at the strong young men sitting comfortably in the train or bus, and then, feeling tired himself, noticed how tired some of the older people who were standing beside him.

Gradually he got strong again, but when he was in a train or bus he now looked round to see if there was any older person in need of a seat, and if there was he gave up his. “I’ve got my strength back now,” he said to himself; “these older people will never have their strength again.”

1. Describe the young man before his illness. How did he view others?

2. What happened to the young man after he fell ill with pneumonia?

3. How did the young man’s perspective change after his recovery?

4. Why did the young man find life difficult after recovering from his illness?

5. What did the young man notice about older people while traveling on public transport?

6. How did the young man’s behavior change towards older people after regaining his strength?

7.  Find the similar word from the passage which means “people”

8. Find the opposite of “weak”

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 19

There was once a young man who was strong and healthy and enjoyed his work. In every way he felt on top of life, and had no sympathy for the uninteresting folk who seemed to form such a large proportion of the population. One day he got an attack of influenza. He had had it before and paid little attention to it but this time he developed pneumonia and was dangerously ill.

When he recovered he could only move slowly. He was easily tired and life became difficult for him. When he was well enough to go to work he found the journey home very tiring. He looked at the strong young men sitting comfortably in the train or bus, and then, feeling tired himself, noticed how tired some of the older people who were standing beside him.

Gradually he got strong again, but when he was in a train or bus he now looked round to see if there was any older person in need of a seat, and if there was he gave up his. “I’ve got my strength back now,” he said to himself; “these older people will never have their strength again.’

1. What was the young man’s attitude towards life before he fell ill?

2. How did the young man’s perception change after he recovered from his illness?

3. What did the young man notice about the older people on public transport?

4. How did the young man’s actions reflect his change in attitude towards others?

5. What realization did the young man have about his own strength compared to the older people?

6. How did the young man’s experience with illness change his perspective on life?

7.  Find the similar word from the passage which means “tiredness”

8. Find the opposite of “ill”

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 20

Sometimes people ask very tiresome questions and we like to make a joke about it. “Are you a boy Scout?” said a lady to a boy wearing shorts, a jersey with badges, a Scout’s hat, and carrying a Boy Scout pole. “No.” said the little fellow. “I’m two eggs on toast.” The lady only meant, however, ‘How nice you look in your uniform; that is the Scout uniform, isn’t it?’ and there was really nothing silly in her remark.

It is only stupid people who take remarks too literally, as we say; that is, who do not look for the real meaning in the statements people make. Thus, when a friend says, “You will not be going past the post office, will you?” he may mean, “I should be grateful if you would post a letter for me if it is not too much trouble.” If you say “No” to the question because you are not going past the post office, it means to your friend that you are not willing to go out of your way even a little to oblige him.

1. What did the lady ask the boy wearing Scout attire, and how did the boy respond?

2. What does the passage suggest about interpreting remarks too literally?

3. Explain the intended meaning behind the lady’s question to the boy.

4. How does the passage illustrate the importance of understanding the real meaning behind statements?

5. What might a friend imply when asking if you’re going past the post office?

6. Why does the passage advise against taking remarks too literally?

7.  Find the similar word from the passage which means “Outfit” 8. Find the opposite of “Intelligent”

Unseen Passage For Class 8 Unseen Passage for Class 10


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Class 9 Assignments

Advantages of Solving Class 9 Assignments

  • By clicking on the links above you can access the largest collection of assignments for Grade 9, you will be able to find critical and scoring questions which can come in your exams and school tests.
  • While you do the assignments, it is also important to go through all your CBSE textbooks for Class 9 .
  • All assignments for standard 9 for all subjects have solutions and step by step answers. Students and parents will be able to understand then easily.
  • Class 9 students who are currently studying in CBSE, NCERT and KVS schools will be able to easily download subjectwise and chapterwise worksheets and assignments in Pdf
  • Class 9 practice question banks will help to further strengthen subject understanding which will help to score better rank in exam

FAQs by Students in Class 9

At, we have provided the biggest database of free assignments for Class 9 which you can download in Pdf

We provide here Standard 9 subject-wise assignments which can be easily downloaded in Pdf format for free. Our teachers have provided these Grade 9 test sheets for all subjects given in your books.

You can click on the links above and get assignments for all subjects in Grade 9, all subject and topic-wise question banks with solutions have been provided here. You can click on the links to download in Pdf.

We have provided here subject-wise Grade 9 question banks, revision notes and questions for all difficult topics, and other study material. You can download it all without any charge by clicking on the links provided above.

We have provided the best quality question bank for Class 9 for all subjects. You can download them all and use them offline without the internet.

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CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English

CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English: One of the best teaching strategies employed in most classrooms today is Worksheets. CBSE Class 9 English Worksheet for students has been used by teachers & students to develop logical, lingual, analytical, and problem-solving capabilities. So in order to help you with that, we at WorksheetsBuddy have come up with Kendriya Vidyalaya Class 9 English Worksheets for the students of Class 9. All our CBSE NCERT Class 9 English practice worksheets are designed for helping students to understand various topics, practice skills and improve their subject knowledge which in turn helps students to improve their academic performance. These chapter wise test papers for Class 9 English will be useful to test your conceptual understanding.

Board: Central Board of Secondary Education( Subject: Class 9 English Number of Worksheets: 41

CBSE Class 9 English Worksheets PDF

All the CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English provided in this page are provided for free which can be downloaded by students, teachers as well as by parents. We have covered all the Class 9 English important questions and answers in the worksheets which are included in CBSE NCERT Syllabus. Just click on the following link and download the CBSE Class 9 English Worksheet. CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English can also use like assignments for Class 9 English students.

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  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English News Reports Assignment 2
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Passage Assignment 1
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Passage Assignment 2
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Prepositions Assignment 1
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  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Rearrange Assignment
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English The Solitary Reaper Assignment
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Villa For Sale Assignment
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Writing Assignment
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 1
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 2
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 3
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 4
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 5
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 6
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 7
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 8
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 9
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 10
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 11
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 12
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 13
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 14
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 15
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 16
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 17
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 18
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 19
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 20
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 21
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 22
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 23
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 24
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 25
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 26
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 27
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English Assignment 28

Advantages of CBSE Class 9 English Worksheets

  • By practising NCERT CBSE Class 9 English Worksheet , students can improve their problem solving skills.
  • Helps to develop the subject knowledge in a simple, fun and interactive way.
  • No need for tuition or attend extra classes if students practise on worksheets daily.
  • Working on CBSE worksheets are time-saving.
  • Helps students to promote hands-on learning.
  • One of the helpful resources used in classroom revision.
  • CBSE Class 9 English Workbook Helps to improve subject-knowledge.
  • CBSE Class 9 English Worksheets encourages classroom activities.

Worksheets of CBSE Class 9 English are devised by experts of WorksheetsBuddy experts who have great experience and expertise in teaching Maths. So practising these worksheets will promote students problem-solving skills and subject knowledge in an interactive method. Students can also download CBSE Class 9 English Chapter wise question bank pdf and access it anytime, anywhere for free. Browse further to download free CBSE Class 9 English Worksheets PDF .

Now that you are provided all the necessary information regarding CBSE Class 9 English Worksheet and we hope this detailed article is helpful. So Students who are preparing for the exams must need to have great solving skills. And in order to have these skills, one must practice enough of Class 9 English revision worksheets . And more importantly, students should need to follow through the worksheets after completing their syllabus.  Working on CBSE Class 9 English Worksheets will be a great help to secure good marks in the examination. So start working on Class 9 English Worksheets to secure good score.

CBSE Worksheets For Class 9

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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 1 The Fun They Had

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 1 The Fun They Had are given below. This chapter contains many questions that are essential for exams. Our expert teachers answered all the questions with a detailed explanation that help students to complete their assignments and homework. We have also provided NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter 1 The Fun They Had in PDF format so that you can download them for offline use.

The Fun They Had NCERT Questions and Answers

Thinking About Text

I.  Answer these questions in a few words or a couple of sentences each. 

Question 1.  How old are Margie and Tommy?

Answer:  Margie is eleven and Tommy is thirteen years old.

Question   2 . What did Margie write in her diary?

Answer:  Margie wrote in her diary “Today Tommy found a real book!”

Question   3 . Had Margie ever seen a book before?

Answer:  No, Margie had never seen a book before.

Question   4 . What things about the book did she find strange?

Answer:  Margie found it strange that the words printed on a book stood still instead of moving the way they did on a screen. She also found it odd that the words on a page always remained the same as the first time they were read. Besides, the idea that someone would write a book about schools was itself strange for Margie. 

Question   5 . What do you think a telebook is?

Answer:  I think the telebook must be a book that gets displayed on the screen of the television.

Question   6 . Where was Margie’s school? Did she have any classmates?

Answer:  Margie’s school was next to her bedroom. No, she did not have any classmates.

Question   7 . What subjects did Margie and Tommy learn?

Answer:  Margie and Tommy learnt Geography, History and Arithmetic.

  II. Answer the following with reference to the story.

Question 1.  “I wouldn’t throw it away.”

(i) Who says these words?

(ii) What does ‘it’ refer to?

(iii) What is it being compared with by the speaker?

Answer:  (i) Tommy says these words.

(ii) “It” refers to the books.

(iii) The paperback book is being compared with the telebooks by the speaker.

Question 2.  “Sure they had a teacher, but it wasn’t a regular teacher. It was a man.”

(i) Who does ‘they’ refer to?

(ii) What does ‘regular’ mean here?

(iii) What is it contrasted with?

Answer:  (i) “They” refers to the students centuries ago.

(ii) “Regular” means the usual for the people in 2157. Here, regular teacher means the mechanical teacher.

(iii) The mechanical teacher is contrasted with humans as teachers of earlier times.

III. Answer each of these questions in a short paragraph (about 30 words).

Question 1.  What kind of teachers did Margie and Tommy have?

Answer:  Margie and Tommy had mechanical teachers with large black screens on which all the lessons were shown and questions were asked. These mechanical teachers had a slot in which the students had to put their homework and test papers. They didn’t have a living human being as a teacher who would teach the students in a classroom.

Question 2.  Why did Margie’s mother send for the County Inspector?

Answer:  Margie’s mother sent for the County Inspector because the mechanical teacher was not functioning efficiently.   Margie had been given many tests in geography by the teacher, but there was no improvement in her performance. So, Margie’s mother wanted to find out the reason behind it.

Question 3.  What did he do?

Answer:  The County Inspector smiled at Margie and gave her an apple. He took the mechanical teacher apart from her. Then he fixed the mechanical teacher. He told Margie’s mother that the geography sector of the mechanical teacher was geared a little too quick and that he has slowed it up to an average ten-year level.

Question 4.  Why was Margie doing badly in geography? What did the County Inspector do to help her?

Answer:  Margie was doing badly in geography because the geography sector of the mechanical teacher had been adjusted at a higher level. In order to help her, the County Inspector slowed down the geography sector of the mechanical teacher to an average ten-year level.

Question 5.  What had once happened to Tommy’s teacher?

Answer:  Tommy’s teacher had to be taken away altogether for a month as the history sector had blanked out completely.

Question 6.  Did Margie have regular days and hours for school? If so, why?

Answer:  Yes, Margie had regular days and hours for school because Margie’s mother believed that little girls learned better if they learned at regular hours.

Question 7.  How does Tommy describe the old kind of school?

Answer:  Tommy says that the old kind of school had special buildings. All the kids went to that building for studying.

Question 8.  How does he describe the old kind of teachers?

Answer:  Tommy describes the old kind of teachers as living human beings who did not live in the house. Instead, they taught the students in a special building. They taught the children in groups and gave them homework.

IV. Answer each of these questions in two or three paragraphs (100 –150 words).

Question 1:  What are the main features of the mechanical teachers and the schoolrooms that Margie and Tommy have in the story?

Answer:  Margie and Tommy had mechanical teachers. They had large black screens on which all the lessons were shown and questions were asked. These teachers were adjusted according to the age and potential of the student concerned. They had a slot in which students had to put their homework and test papers. They had to write their answers in a punch code and the mechanical teacher calculated the marks immediately. Their schools were in their homes itself. They did not have any classmates. They had regular days and hours for school. The mechanical teacher always turned on at the same time every day except Saturdays and Sundays. They learned geography, history and arithmetic.

Question 2:  Why did Margie hate school? Why did she think the old kind of school must have been fun?

Answer:  Margie hated school because she felt it boring. The mechanical teacher started the class at the same time regularly. Margie’s mechanical teacher was giving her test after test on Geography and she was performing badly. Margie also did not like inserting homework and test papers in the slot on the mechanical teacher.

She thought that the old kind of school must have been fun because it would have had kids from various places of the neighbourhood. It would have been so interesting to sit together in the classroom and leave the school together at the end of the day. All the kids learned the same things so they could help each other in studies and homework.

Question 3:  Do you agree with Margie that schools today are more fun than the school in the story? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer:  There is no doubt that today’s schools are more funny than the future school discussed in the story. This school has nothing but a mechanical teacher with no emotions and sentiments. It does not have the ability to understand the psychology of a child. Moreover, it guides a pupil according to its adjusted modes. But today’s schools work for the overall development of a child. They learn the same thing. The teaches are real human beings. They learn how to adapt themselves to the new surroundings and cope with the strangers. The students sit and leam together. These activities don’t give vent to the feelings of depression, alienation and segregation.

Thinking about Language

Question 1.  Find the sentences in the lesson which have the adverbs given in the box below.


Answer:   Awfully:  They turned the pages, which were yellow and crinkly, and it was  awfully  funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to − on a screen, you know.

Sorrowfully:  The mechanical teacher had been giving her test after test in geography and she had been doing worse and worse until her mother had shaken her head  sorrowfully  and sent for the County Inspector.

Completely : They had once taken Tommy’s teacher away for nearly a month because the history sector had blanked out  completely .

Loftily:  He added  loftily , pronouncing the word carefully, “Centuries ago.”

Differently : “But my mother says a teacher has to be adjusted to fit the mind of each boy and girl it teaches and that each kid has to be taught  differently .”

Quickly:  “I didn’t say I didn’t like it,” Margie said  quickly .

Nonchalantly : “May be,” he said  nonchalantly .

Question 2. Now use these adverbs to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

(i) The report must be read ________ so that performance can be improved.

(ii) At the interview, Sameer answered our questions _________, shrugging his shoulders.

(iii) We all behave _________ when we are tired or hungry.

(iv) The teacher shook her head ________ when Ravi lied to her.

(v) I ________ forgot about it.

(vi) When I complimented Revathi on her success, she just smiled ________ and turned away.

(vii) The President of the Company is ________ busy and will not be able to meet you.

(viii) I finished my work ________ so that I could go out to play.

(i) The report must be read  carefully  so that performance can be improved.

(ii) At the interview, Sameer answered our questions  loftily , shrugging his shoulders.

(iii) We all behave  differently  when we are tired or hungry.

(iv) The teacher shook her head  sorrowfully  when Ravi lied to her.

(v) I  completely  forgot about it.

(vi) When I complimented Revathi on her success, she just smiled  nonchalantly  and turned away.

(vii) The President of the Company is  awfully  busy and will not be able to meet you.

(viii) I finished my work  quickly  so that I could go out to play.

Question 3.  Make adverbs from these adjectives.

(i) angry ___________ (ii) happy __________ (iii) merry___________ (iv) sleepy __________ (v) easy ____________ (vi) noisy ___________ (vii) tidy ___________ (viii) gloomy ________

Answer: (i) Angrily (ii) Happily (iii) Merrily (iv) Sleepily (v) Easily (vi) Noisily (vii) Tidily (viii) Gloomily

II. Complete the following conditional sentences. Use the correct form of the verb.

1. If I don’t go to Anu’s party tonight, _________.

2. If you don’t telephone the hotel to order food, __________.

3. Unless you promise to write back, I __________.

4. If she doesn’t play any games, ___________.

5. Unless that little bird flies away quickly, the cat _________.

1. If I don’t go to Anu’s party tonight,  she will get irritated.

2. If you don’t telephone the hotel to order food,  you will miss your meal.

3. Unless you promise to write back,  I will not write you another letter .

4. If she doesn’t play any games,  she will become lazy.

5. Unless that little bird flies away quickly, the cat  will pounce on it and kill it.

Question:  A new revised volume of Isaac Asimov’s short stories has just been released. Order one set. Write a letter to the publisher, Mindfame Private Limited, 1632 Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi, requesting that a set be sent to you by Value Payable Post (VPP), and giving your address. Your letter will have the following parts.

  • Addresses of the sender and receiver
  • The salutation
  • The body of the letter
  • The closing phrases and signature Your letter might look like this:

Answers 1212, Sector 14 Urban Estate Gurgaon Date: 15 April, 20xx M/s. Mindfame Private Limited 1632, Asaf Ali Road New Delhi

I have come to know that you have just released a new revised volume of Isaac Asimov’s short stories. I hereby place an order for one set for the same. Kindly send it by Value Payable Post (VPP) at the address given above.

Yours sincerely, Samir

In groups of four discuss the following topic. ‘The Schools of the Future Will Have No Books and No Teachers !” Your group can decide to speak for or against the motion. After this, each group will select a speaker to present its views to the entire class. You may find the following phrases useful to present your argument in the debate.

  • In my opinion …..
  • I/we fail to understand why ……
  • I wholeheartedly support/oppose the view that ….
  • At the outset let me say …..
  • I’d/we’d like to raise the issue of/argue against …..
  • I should like to draw attention to …..
  • My/our worthy opponent has submitted that …..
  • On the contrary ……
  • I firmly reject ……

Answers: Note:  Students to do as desired. For a full speech they may expand the following points for and against the motion.

For the motion

  • Future to be exclusively scientifically and technologically more and more advanced.
  • Life to depend heavily on latest gadgetry.
  • New experiments in all fields including education.
  • Future schools to have no books, no teachers.
  • Concentration of mind more and more.
  • Knowledge widespread, more advanced.
  • Human teachers to be replaced by mechanical ones.
  • Each student’s mechanical teacher to be upgraded as per the mental calibre.
  • Individual talents to be sharpened to make him or her utility oriented.
  • An important step in scientific progress.

Against the motion

  • Future to be governed and controlled by scientific, electronic or technological gadgetry.
  • Human side of life totally absent.
  • All human beings like machine tools.
  • Interaction among them at human, social, emotional level to be negligible.
  • Schools and human teachers absent but their absence to be felt greatly.
  • Human beings’ growth at human level to be zero.
  • They would exist as human beings. But won’t know emotions of fellow-feeling, sympathy, pity, mercy, love, likes/dislikes.
  • These emotions very necessary for balanced growth of human personality.
  • So future bleak and bad for humans in such an age of science and technology.
  • ‘Old is Gold’ saying to be missed greatly.

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  • English Grammar
  • Grammar Exercises
  • English Grammar Exercises For Class 9

English Grammar Exercises for Class 9

Learning any new language includes the process of learning its grammar . The term ‘grammar’ refers to the speaker’s or writer’s use of language in a set particular manner. Applying grammatical rules when employing different sentence structures , using parts of speech , following word order and putting ideas and thoughts into words, sentences and paragraphs will help you make meaningful communication.

In this article, you will find grammar exercises based on various grammatical components which students of Class 9, as well as all language learners, can try their hand at.

Table of Contents

Exercise 1 – use of articles, exercise 2 – use of modal verbs, exercise 3 – use of suitable verb forms, exercise 4 – use of prepositions, exercise 5 – use of punctuation.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the article.

  • Murty is ____ old friend of mine. (an/a)
  • I had ___ weirdest day yesterday. (the/a)
  • I spoke to ____ teacher yesterday after class. (the/a)
  • There is ____ storm coming soon this way. (a/the)
  • ___ baby gorilla sleeps on its mother’s lap all day. (the/an)
  • India is ____ South Asian country. (a/the)
  • Samar might be poor, but he is ___ honest man. (an/a)
  • Paris is one of ____ most beautiful cities in the world. (a/the
  • The teacher asked me ___ question that I could not answer. (a/the)
  • The man who was injured in ____ accident was my uncle. (the/a)
  • The Chinese restaurant is ___ hour away from our house. (the/an)
  • Can you give me ___ glass of water? (a/an)
  • Bring me _____ board markers. (an/the)
  • This is ______ tallest building in ____ area. (a/the)
  • Do you have ____ umbrella? (an/a)
  • Murty is an old friend of mine. (an/a)
  • I had the weirdest day yesterday. (the/a)
  • I spoke to the teacher yesterday after class. (the/a)
  • There is a storm coming soon this way. (a/the)
  • The baby gorilla sleeps on its mother’s lap all day. (the/an)
  • India is a South Asian country. (a/the)
  • Samar might be poor, but he is an honest man. (an/a)
  • Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. (a/the)
  • The teacher asked me a question that I could not answer. (a/the)
  • The man who was injured in the accident was my uncle. (the/a)
  • The Chinese restaurant is an hour away from our house. (the/an)
  • Can you give me a glass of water? (a/an)
  • Bring me the board markers. (an/the)
  • This is the tallest building in the area. (a/the)
  • Do you have an umbrella? (an/a)

Fill in the gaps with ‘would’ or ‘should.’

  • _____ you like to go with me to the prom?
  • Timmy ____ listen to his parents.
  • The doctor _____ like to examine you.
  • ____ the culprit try to run, arrest him immediately.
  • Parents ___ take care of their children’s diet.
  • Penny _____ love to go shopping with you.
  • How ____ you like your pizza base?
  • ____ he fail the test, he ___ be demoted.
  • The dogs ___ keep coming for more treats.
  • Hina ____ be late if she doesn’t hurry.
  • Manisha ______ be here in some time.
  • Neetu and Rita _______ not be able to make it.
  • _______ Danny be able to accompany Jibin to the hospital?
  • Did someone say something? _______ we carry our ID cards?
  • Bring me the books, ______ you?
  • Would you like to go with me to the prom?
  • Timmy should listen to his parents.
  • The doctor would like to examine you.
  • Should the culprit try to run, arrest him immediately.
  • Parents should take care of their children’s diet.
  • Penny would love to go shopping with you.
  • How would you like your pizza base?
  • Should he fail the test, he would be demoted.
  • The dogs would keep coming for more treats.
  • Hina would be late if she didn’t hurry.
  • Manisha should be here in some time.
  • Neetu and Rita would not be able to make it.
  • Would Danny be able to accompany Jibin to the hospital?
  • Did someone say something? Should we carry our ID cards?
  • Bring me the books, would you?

Choose the correct option to complete the blanks.

  • The gardener ____ his job efficiently. (do/did)
  • The children ___ playing in the garden. (were/was)
  • Either of the boys ____ broken the glass. (has/have)
  • The planets ____ on their own axis. (rotate/rotates)
  • Trees ___ an important part of our ecosystem. (were/are)
  • Yusuf and Rasid ____ brothers. (are/is)
  • The poet and novelist ____ dead. (is/are)
  • The horse and carriage ___ arrived. (has/have)
  • I ___ an orchard full of apple trees. (has/have)
  • The team ____ developing a new robot. (is/are)
  • The committee members ____ not agreeing with one another. (are/is)
  • The jury ___ found the man innocent. (have/has)
  • Our solar system ____ to the Milky Way galaxy. (belong/belongs)
  • The girls ____ quite early. (arrive/arrived)
  • _______ the door. (closes/close)
  • The gardener did his job efficiently. (do/did)
  • The children were playing in the garden. (were/was)
  • Either of the boys has broken the glass. (has/have)
  • The planets rotate on their own axis. (rotate/rotates)
  • Trees are an important part of our ecosystem. (were/are)
  • Yusuf and Rasid are brothers. (are/is)
  • The poet and novelist is dead. (is/are)
  • The horse and carriage has arrived. (has/have)
  • I have an orchard full of apple trees. (has/have)
  • The team is developing a new robot. (is/are)
  • The committee members are not agreeing with one another. (are/is)
  • The jury has found the man innocent. (have/has)
  • Our solar system belongs to the Milky Way galaxy. (belong/belongs)
  • The girls arrived quite early. (arrive/arrived)
  • Close the door. (closes/close)

Fill in the blanks by choosing the most suitable preposition from the list given below. Make sure to use each of the given prepositions only once.

(across, from, on, to, by, between, for, on top of, opposite, under, at, into, around, with, in front of, in)

  • The cat is lying ______ the bed.
  • The little boy kept running _______ the table.
  • I walked ______ the street.
  • When are you going ____ your grandparents’ house?
  • I will meet you ____ the park.
  • Put the clothes _____ the bed.
  • Kevin is going ______ Kannan.
  • Sanju will be sitting _______ you and Raswanth.
  • Make sure to collect the books _______ the store.
  • My brother had kept the remote _________ the fridge and forgot all about it.
  • My mom baked a cake ______ my birthday.
  • We were standing __________ the railway station.
  • The dog ran straight _____ the swimming pool.
  • The students were asked to assemble ____ the auditorium ____ 11 a.m.
  • The grocery store ________ the school was shut down.
  • The cat is lying under the bed.
  • The little boy kept running around the table.
  • I walked across the street.
  • When are you going to your grandparents’ house?
  • I will meet you at the park.
  • Put the clothes on the bed.
  • Kevin is going with Kannan.
  • Sanju will be sitting between you and Raswanth.
  • Make sure to collect the books from the store.
  • My brother had kept the remote on top of the fridge and forgot all about it.
  • My mom baked a cake for my birthday.
  • We were standing in front of the railway station.
  • The dog ran straight into the swimming pool.
  • The students were asked to assemble in the auditorium by 11 a.m.
  • The grocery store opposite the school was shut down.

Go through the following sentences and punctuate them appropriately.

  • mahesh is my uncle
  • we met the president
  • did you finish the project
  • my brother and i are going to buy some clothes
  • who is that
  • what a wonderful movie
  • ashraff the new manager is from delhi
  • i will prepare lunch you do the dishes
  • you will be visiting us wont you
  • saniya ramzan and suhaid are best friends
  • she said i am going to paris for the holidays
  • the cafe around the corner is new
  • the man who is wearing a white shirt and black pants is my brothers friend
  • the taj mahal one of the wonders of the world is located in india
  • what is the time
  • M ahesh is my uncle .
  • W e met the P resident .
  • D id you finish the project ?
  • M y brother and I are going to buy some clothes .
  • W ho is that ?
  • W hat a wonderful movie !
  • A shraff , the new manager , is from D elhi .
  • I will prepare lunch ; you do the dishes .
  • Y ou will be visiting us , won ’ t you ?
  • S aniya , R amzan and S uhaid are best friends .
  • S he said , “I am going to P aris for the holidays .”
  • T he cafe , around the corner , is new .
  • T he man , who is wearing a white shirt and black pants , is my brother ’ s friend .
  • T he T aj M ahal , one of the wonders of the world , is located in I ndia .
  • W hat is the time ?

Frequently Asked Questions

Is knowing english grammar necessary for class 9.

The key to learning any new language perfectly is learning the grammatical rules of usage and applying them. The same is the case with the English language. So, in order to be able to communicate meaningfully and effectively, it is crucial that students learn grammar.

How can I practise English grammar?

One can practise English grammar by solving grammar exercises based on different topics. Doing this on a regular basis will aid in improving one’s language skills.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Moments

  • Chapter 1 The Lost Child
  • Chapter 2 The Adventure Of Toto
  • Chapter 3 Iswaran The Storyteller
  • Chapter 4 In The Kingdom Of Fools
  • Chapter 5 The Happy Prince
  • Chapter 6 Weathering The Storm In Ersama
  • Chapter 7 The Last Leaf
  • Chapter 8 A House Is Not A Home
  • Chapter 9 The Accidental Tourist
  • Chapter 10 The Beggar

CBSE Sample Papers For Class 9 English

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NCERT Solutions for class 9 English Moments(Download PDF)

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Assignments For Class 9

Assignments for Class 9 have been developed for Standard 9 students based on the latest syllabus and textbooks applicable in CBSE, NCERT and KVS schools. Parents and students can download the full collection of class assignments for class 9 from our website as we have provided all topic wise assignments free in PDF format which can be downloaded easily. Students are recommended to do these assignments daily by taking printouts and going through the questions and answers for Grade 9. You should try to do these test assignments on a daily basis so that you are able to understand the concepts and details of each chapter in your book and get good marks in class 9 exams.


Some advantages of Free Assignments for Class 9

  • Solving Assignments for Class 9 helps to further enhance understanding of the topics given in your text book which will help you to get better marks
  • By solving one assignments given in your class by teacher for class 9 will help you to keep in touch with the topic thus reducing dependence on last minute studies
  • You will be able to understand the type of questions which are expected in your class test
  • You will be able to revise all topics given in the ebook for Class 9 as all questions have been provided in the question banks
  • NCERT Class 9 Workbooks will surely help you to make your concepts stronger and better than anyone else in your class.
  • Parents will be able to take print out of the assignments and give to their child easily.

All free Printable practice assignments are in PDF single lick download format and have been prepared by Class 9 teachers after full study of all topics which have been given in each chapter so that the students are able to take complete benefit from the worksheets. The Chapter wise question bank and revision assignments can be accessed free and anywhere. Go ahead and click on the links above to download free CBSE Class 9 Assignments PDF.

Assignments For Class 9 all subject

You can download free assignments for class 9 from

You can get free PDF downloadable assignments for Grade 9 from our website which has been developed by teachers after doing extensive research in each topic.

On our website we have provided assignments for all subjects in Grade 9, all topic wise test sheets have been provided in a logical manner so that you can scroll through the topics and download the worksheet that you want.

You can easily get question banks, topic wise notes and questions and other useful study material from without any charge

Yes all test papers for Class 9 are available for free, no charge has been put so that the students can benefit from it. And offcourse all is available for download in PDF format and with a single click you can download all assignments. is the best portal to download all assignments for all classes without any charges.

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    Chapter 7 - The Last Leaf. Chapter 3 - Iswaran the Storyteller. Chapter 8 - A House Is Not a Home. Chapter 4 - In the Kingdom of Fools. Chapter 9 - The Beggar. Chapter 5 - The Happy Prince. The following are the chapters that have been removed from the NCERT Class 9 English Supplementary textbook 2023-24. The Accidental Tourist.

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  4. Class 9 Reading Comprehension Passages with Answers

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  5. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English

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  6. Unseen Passage For Class 9

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  8. Assignments For Class 9 English

    Assignments for Class 9 English have been developed for Standard 9 students based on the latest syllabus and textbooks applicable in CBSE, NCERT and KVS schools. Parents and students can download the full collection of class assignments for class 9 English from our website as we have provided all topic wise assignments free in PDF format which ...

  9. Class 9 Assignments Download Pdf free with Answers

    All practice test papers and question banks for Class 9 subjects and CBSE Assignments for Class 9 will be really useful for students to properly prepare for the upcoming exams. Class 9th students are advised to free download in Pdf all printable question banks given below.

  10. CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English

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  11. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 1 The Fun They Had

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  12. English Grammar Exercises for Class 9

    Answers: Murty is an old friend of mine. (an/a) I had the weirdest day yesterday. (the/a) I spoke to the teacher yesterday after class. (the/a) There is a storm coming soon this way. (a/the) The baby gorilla sleeps on its mother's lap all day. (the/an) India is a South Asian country. (a/the)

  13. Class 9 CBSE English Assignment

    Class 9 CBSE English Assignment - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This passage discusses communication through different mediums like language, sound, touch, and music. It provides examples of how Helen Keller learned language through vibrations and how animals can learn and respond to human language without formal training.

  14. English Assignment Class 9

    English Assignment Class 9 - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The passage discusses the importance of decision making and provides tips to enhance decision making abilities. Some key points: 1) Our present and future are largely determined by past and present decisions respectively.

  15. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Moments

    NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Moments. Chapter 1 The Lost Child. Chapter 2 The Adventure Of Toto. Chapter 3 Iswaran The Storyteller. Chapter 4 In The Kingdom Of Fools. Chapter 5 The Happy Prince. Chapter 6 Weathering The Storm In Ersama. Chapter 7 The Last Leaf. Chapter 8 A House Is Not A Home.

  16. Class 9 assignment all subjects available in pdf free download

    Assignments for Class 9 have been developed for Standard 9 students based on the latest syllabus and textbooks applicable in CBSE, NCERT and KVS schools. Parents and students can download the full collection of class assignments for class 9 from our website as we have provided all topic wise assignments free in PDF format which can be ...