Human Behavior and Psychology in “The Good Will Hunting” by Gus Van Sant Term Paper

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Difficulty in social and psychological functioning, theories that apply, cognitive theory and rational emotive therapy, genetic hereditary theory, critique of theories.

The movie ‘Good Will Hunting’ is directed by Gus Van Sant. The script of this movie is written by co-stars Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. The screenplay is quite thought-provoking, with a touch of irony.

Good Will Hunting is a movie that is emotionally and intellectually stirring, with straight, honest, but engaging dialogues. This movie centers on Will Hunting, who is a foster child, and has been abused during his childhood. He grew up in orphanages in South Boston. Emotionally he is unstable, angry, and confrontational. He is a janitor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Will Hunting has a photographic memory. He is self taught in the fields of arts and history. He is inherently an expert at mathematics.

Will solves a graduate-level mathematics problem from algebra which Professor Gerald Lambeau, a Fields Medalist, and an erudite, leaves on a board to be solved by his students. When it was anonymously solved by Will Hunting, Lambeau asked from the class who had solved it, to which no student took responsibility. Then, Lambeau posed a more difficult problem; he saw janitor Will Hunting solving it. Lambeau is dumb founded that he found the correct answer to it.

On the other hand, Will attacks a youth who had messed up with him during his kindergarten days. He even attacked a policeman. Meanwhile, Lambeau comes to his rescue because he finds Will quite intelligent. He gives him two options: either to face imprisonment or to study mathematics and see a therapist. Will finds the second option more convenient.

Five expert therapists left Will one after another because he behaved with them with contempt until he met Sean Maguire, who had been an old friend of Lambeau’s. He and Will had grown up in the same neighborhood. He finally overcomes his sarcastic replies and defense systems. Sean somehow convinced Will that he missed an important show just to meet a stranger to whom he got married. This indirectly seeded his mind with thoughts of Skylar, a young woman, he met at a bar.

At another point, Sean Maguire convinces him that it was not his fault that he has been a victim of child abuse, and that he is not responsible for his misery. Finally, he accepts these facts and overcomes his defense systems, bursting into tears.

The second important person with him is his best friend Chukie, who he tells that he would love to be a laborer for the rest of his life. But Chukie feels that it is not becoming of Will to waste his talent, he thinks that Will is full of hidden talents. He imagined him to reach a higher position with his latent abilities.

Will Hunting has passed through very tough times. He has been through orphan houses. He has not experienced the relations of love and mutual trust and care. His environment during the initial days of his upbringing had been the worst. He was abused during his childhood. He came to believe that he was responsible for his faults. He felt guilty about it all the time (Greene, R. Roberta, 2002). He had formed such a firm opinion that he doubted his inner talents and felt that he was good at labor, and would continue to do it for life. He had read street books, so he developed a fear, thinking how his knowledge could compare to that of well-read students. Later in life, he had been in contact with four people who tried to bring him out of his state of fear and baseless defense mechanisms. Sean Maguire teaches him to believe in himself. He indirectly gives Will a clue that sometimes strange people can have a lifelong affiliation, after which he falls in love with Skylar. He has to overcome his fear of being lonely and left out to develop trust, care, and love that people extend towards him.

  • Personality Theory by Sigmund Freud – The elements of personality as depicted by Sigmund Freud is three in number, namely, id, ego, and superego. We will examine the personality traits of Will according to this theory. The three systems mentioned above represent biological, psychological, and social forces.
  • Id – The newborn is stimulated by his biological urges such as hunger, thirst, need for warmth, and need for sleep. These all are inborn in the human personality. These are called id. Id functions on the principle of pleasure. It aims at pleasure. It seeks immediate gratification of his needs. When a baby is hungry he wants food right away. If it is not available he may suckle on his fingers. Acting on the principle of id, an individual only responds to impulses, regardless of circumstances.
  • Ego – As the biological needs of a person continue for life, so is id; in other words, it is an essential attribute of our personality. But what happens with time is that id becomes modified, keeping in view changing circumstances. That is, a child adopts to take a world view in his mind. Simply put, he identifies reality. The reality principle asks the child to suspend his biological needs until the right time. It includes remembering, learning, perceiving, and reasoning. It emerges out of id. The ego will make the person act or refrain from acting in a certain way which he has learned through his worldview (Goldstein, E., 2004).
  • Superego – In reacting to his environment, a child finally learns values, social standards from his parents, peers, and other settings in which he has been. These aspects of personality are called superego.

Superego has two components both of which are of relevance to our study of Will. One is ‘conscience’; it usually discourages a person to act in a certain way in society because it is thought of as undesirable. As such conscience develops under scorn, and threats of punishments. For example, a parent may say to his child, “You are bad”. If a child acquires this trait in his personality, he will behave much like his parent.

The other component of the superego is the “ego ideal”, which is the behavior encouraged by elders. It develops through rewards received, and appreciation gained. Statements such as ‘good work’ and ‘excellent job’ serve as an example of this variety.

Together, this conscience and ego ideal shape the whole personality of an individual and determine what he should do and what he should avoid. The development of personality is ensured when there is advancement in ego and superego concerning id. The ego develops in response to the problem-based learning of animate and inanimate objects, whereas the superego develops only when a person comes into contact with human beings.

In addition to the above-mentioned theories, others are oral, anal, and phallic development. According to this theory, if breast milk is sufficiently available, an infant will likely be optimistic and trusting, and if the same is not available, the infant may develop a pessimistic view of life and lack of trust. Furthermore, Sigmund Freud argues that if anal training was not properly started then the infant may prefer messiness and disorder, over cleanliness.

At this juncture, the mention of the Freudian theory of consciousness, and its importance is necessary. Mental life as described by Sigmund Freud consists of three levels of awareness. The first level is the conscious level, at which the person is aware of what is going on in his environment. Below this is the area for feelings and thoughts, which are not available at any time but maybe recalled. Then there is the unconscious. This area of our brain is deep-seated. Freud believes that this area of our mind is sitting on the driver’s seat. He believes much of our behavior is formed because of this area. Unconscious is not easy to tap but it can be discovered by using special techniques of psychoanalysis, such as free association.

It is believed that traumatic experiences are deeply buried in the unconscious. To avoid pain with their expression these are repressed and buried.

As is evident, Will Hunting has passed through severe orphan houses training. It is possible that he has not been completely satisfied with his basic needs of ‘id’. In orphan houses, individuals being many are not properly taken care of. Additionally, there is the absence of warmth of a mother there. As he has been brought up in such an atmosphere where there was no proper care, his superego had learned values that were best fitted there. He became a person of low esteem and no self-worth.

It is quite possible that oral and anal phases have not been done properly, which could be the cause of sarcastic use of language, absence of trust, care, and love. Messiness of his living place may be due to an improper anal stage (Freud, S., 1938).

This theory deals with the acquisition of thought and knowledge; and a reflection of these in our actions and feelings. So it is a holistic function of thoughts, memories, feelings, and our reaction to the environment as a result of which we all have unique expressions depending upon how we perceived our world view.

Cognitive theory is not a single theory but a combination of many, each presenting certain aspects of human personality and behavior. For example, the effects of id, ego, and superego in Freudian concepts, and the shaping of our behavior in relation to the environment. They believe that the human mind is like a computer, and his environment is like information. The information gained is processed in the mind and then individuals react to it. In essence, theories of Gestalt psychology by Wolfgang Kohler, Kurt Koffka, and Jean Piaget incorporated the development of moral values over some time.

Environmental influences on a person are many and varied. It is interesting to see how an individual who is made of certain biological traits and has certain psychology, reacts to the environment in which he is placed. Environmental theorists claim that human behavior is a product of two-way interactions between an individual and the environment he is faced with. This provides him with an external environment according to cognitive theorists. He thereby attaches personal meaning to the behavior of others, circumstances, and events (Berzoff et al, 1991). This leads to the formation of a uniquely real environment for him. This reality may be different from that of others, such that it may either create hopelessness or optimism and forward-looking behavior. When an individual learns from this environment, there is some ‘poor fit’ between him and his environment. In other words, the individual cannot completely grasp the message of his environment, and there can be misconceptions. These misconceptions and gaps in personality can be filled up by the active involvement of a helper who seeks to rectify some of the concepts that the individual has learned through interaction with his environment. Therefore, certain specific therapies may be implicated to change his perspective about his environment to make them more compatible socially. One such therapy is rational-emotive therapy which focuses on irrational thoughts which contribute to a person’s self-defeating behavior and emotional distress (Applegate, 1990).

Basic assumptions of cognitive theory state that the growth spectrum is a continuous one. There is cognitive growth in every individual. It is because of a person’s physical maturation and interaction with his environment at a specific age. A person’s intelligence, problem-solving, and decision making vary with age, due to different treatments of environment upon us and our specific reaction to it. Any individual only specifically reacts to the environment. He focuses selectively on events (Vourlekis, B., 1999).

In the movie, it is quite clear that Will Hunting has a distorted view of reality, which is hampering his matching in society. It is due to the environment he has lived in decision-making and was brought up in. He blames himself for all his miseries and behaves in a self-defeating way, such that he prefers to be labor throughout life. He does not understand that he can be elevated to a high rank which many people covet their entire lives but never reach there. For this reason, Lambeau, who has seen Will, admits in these words to Sean Maguire that he should change his irrational behavior if he could. He tells Sean, “This kid’s special, Sean. I’ve never seen anything like him.”

After Sean is convinced, he engages in multiple therapy sessions with Will. Here we will discuss some important points of rational emotive therapy, which Sean involves in with Will Hunting; we shall also see any reaction of Will towards these developments and visible change of behavior. At first, Sean is unsuccessful to break into his reality constructs of Will. But at one point where Sean tells him, he missed a game show, which he had waited for night to get the tickets, to meet a stranger girl whom he had just seen there. This is the first breakthrough that Sean gains in Will’s personality. Will says in response, “So wait a minute. The Red Sox haven’t won a World Series since 1918, you slept out for tickets, games gonna start in twenty minutes, in walks a girl you have never seen before, and you give your ticket away?”.

At one point, Sean tells Will the importance of being in relation, to overcome unforeseen fears that may arise due to break up, “That’s what I’m saying, Will. You’ll never have that kind of relationship in a world where you’re afraid to take the first step because all you’re seeing are the negative things that might happen ten miles down the road.”

Finally, Sean makes Will realize that it was not his fault; therefore he had no reason to be guilty about himself. He tells Will his story thus: “My dad used to make us walk down to the park and collect the sticks he was going to beat us with. Breaking the worst of the beatings were between me and my brother. We would practice on each other trying to find sticks that would break”.

After some time, Will tells him that he was also beaten and abused he says, “He used to just put a belt, a stick and a wrench on the kitchen table and say “choose” when Will admits that he was beaten; Sean Maguire capitalizes on it and insistently tries on Will to express by his mouth that it was not his fault but it was the circumstances that he had been in. Here, from these few lines we can realize how Will bursts into tears upon conceding that it was not his fault:

SEAN (cont’d)

This is not your fault.


Oh, I know.

It’s not your fault.

(dead serious)

Don’t fuck with me.

(comes around desk,

sits in front of Will)

(tears start)

It’s not…

(crying hard)

I know, I know…

(Good Will Hunting script).

This narrative clearly indicates that Will’s views about his reality concepts had changed. Rational-emotive therapy can bring about behavior change. It presents in vivid by a therapist about his patient. What is unconsciously driving his thoughts, without the realization of a patient that he has changed, is a misfit view of reality? A therapist’s role is to make his patient think differently about his environment, in a way, which is more suitable, to his environment, to change the defeatist view that blocks his communication with people, resulting in at the end of relationships.

When a person is born, he brings with him many hereditary qualities, which are transformed into one form or the other, with time. Whatever he comes with into this world has to influence by his genes, taken from his parents, the mother, and the father. The hereditary factor is that, which shows coinciding qualities of a person with those of the parents. Genes are automatically transferred to the offspring, and the qualities of parents and children match.

Among the various psychological aspects that the human possesses, are certain factors that distinguish him from others. Every individual has his or her quality to boast of, and no two persons are the same. But some individuals have special character traits in them, due to the environment they have been brought up in, or with the kind of upbringing, they have undergone. The same is the case with Will here, that his behavior is different and distinguishable due to his environment in childhood. But the environment is not solely responsible for human behavior. The heredity factor, and adoption of genes from the parents, also affect the behavior that is carried out by an individual.

Each individual can learn things and accept or adopt things from their surroundings or the environment in which he is placed. Will adopted his strange behavior patterns and irritable behavior due to the conditions he was kept in while being brought up. His parents beat him up, but they still lay inside him, some form of hidden talent, which the professor wanted to be explored, and made use of it. So the question is, where did that capability come from, to answer the toughest of questions, and perform outstandingly on the one hand, but on the other, he was so unconfident and uncertain about his future endeavors, that he thought he could do nothing worthwhile and would stick to being a laborer for life.

The famous English scientists Francis Galton came up with the nature-nurture debate, which speaks of the relationship between nature, and the effects of the nurturing of individuals, which are the results of the human being’s personality. It says, that whatever genes the individual brings into the world with him, are linked to the environment he grows in. the two factors are greatly dependent on one another, the nature side states that intelligence is based on the hereditary factor, and the nurture side emphasizes on the environment affecting the intelligence and mental capacity of the individual (Neuroscience of Intelligence).

Studies have shown that the IQ or intelligence quotient of an individual is dependent upon heredity factors. Scientists have shown the influence of genetics on the IQ of individuals, and the heritability factor amounts to about 50% for IQ (Kaufman, A., 1999). However, genetics and environmental factors overlap one another, and are interdependent, as aforementioned.

Coming back to the nature and nurture factors of heredity, the natural genes a person is born with are solely said to be responsible for the intelligence that a person possesses, as well as the behavior that is a result of this intelligence (Neuroscience of Intelligence).

Will, in the movie, is seen to be distinct from his character and had some sort of a genetic influence apart from the terrible abusive environment he was brought up in. On the other hand, Francis states that the mental aptitude of an individual is markedly influenced by the atmosphere that has been created for him to nurture. Both of these aspects are right to their extents, but it cannot be stated that only nature or only the environment is independently influential.

Thus it is clear from the genetic theories that relate to intelligence, that genes and heredity plus the environment play a role in the intelligence acquired by an individual. Will had a unique intelligence which was noted by his professor and wanted it to be enhanced, by the help of his friend, Sean, who was attempting to treat him out of his complexities. His professor was stunned at the fact that Will could answer those questions that others could not, and was sure that he had some sort of hidden talent that could be utilized efficiently. This hidden talent that Will possessed was probably genetically transferred, and he may have had some hereditary transfer of intelligence genes, that made him an introvert, but at the same time, exclusively intelligent.

Genes are passed on from one generation to the next and are contained in the human cell, in DNA. Some physical traits such as eye color, or hair color, are evident when transferred, but the secondary traits which are invisible, like the intelligence, or personality of individuals, are also incorporated in a person’s DNA. There is proven evidence of the effect of genetics and genes on the offspring. Children share 50% of the genes of their parents, and that also, with each of them. Heredity influences the intelligence levels of people substantially, and research has shown such results through tests performed on twins also, to signify the effect of genes on the intelligence they possess.

Some findings in France and Canada have shown that an infant’s earliest environment affects the IQ level that is reached in later years (Kaufman, A., 1999). This is proof of the fact that Will in the movie, had some hereditary intelligence, then had a reasonable environment to reside in, which made his IQ reach a certain level, and finally, he got all the beatings, which led to his furious nature, and irritable moods.

The personality theory put forth by Sigmund Freud is very factual, in that it speaks of the necessities of life, and how the human reacts to the elementary and most essential needs of life, like hunger, and thirst. It is very rightly stated, that each person has an ego to take care of, and performs accordingly, in his life, and for all the activities that he undertakes. The superego of individuals includes those aspects which he has learned from his families, which are inclusive of all the values that have been set forth, to follow. These may also include the standards set by peers, and which are the norm of the society, which he is to follow. This is also a positive point of the personality theory, as whosoever does not wish to follow the norms of the society, is considered an outcast and each individual’s elders teach him what is best for him to lead a successful life. The theory has not included any instances of people not living successful lives on not following the norms of society. There is also no mention of the types of standards that are meant to be followed.

The cognitive combination of theories relates the thoughts of a person to his actions. This is true in the sense that whatever each person thinks is executed in daily routines. The thoughts that are accumulated in a person’s mind are brought into practicality.

The genetic theory of intelligence has to influence approaches that since other elements are inherited genetically, so can intelligence be inherited. This is convincing to quite an extent.

It can be seen that psychology has a great impact on the personality of an individual, and the entire life span is dependent on psychological factors. Will also showed offensive behavior in his daily acts due to the psychological disturbances caused during his upbringing. The behavior of Will has been influenced due to the psychological gains and losses he faced during his upbringing. Psychology plays a vital role in a person’s life, and all theories put forth concerning human behavior, are authentic, practicable, and worthwhile.

  • EDA G. Goldstein, D.S.W (2004) Object relations theory and self-psychology in social work practice.
  • Freud, S. The basic writings of Sigmund Freud (A. A. Brill , trans). New York: random house, 1938. A compendium of many of Freud’s most significant writings.
  • Kaufman, A. Genetics of Childhood Disorders 1999. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 1999 38:4.
  • Neuroscience of Intelligence: Nature vs. Nurture Debate.
  • Vourlekis, B.S (1999). Cognitive theory for social work practice. In R. Green(Ed), Human Behavior theory and social work practice (2 nd Ed) page 173-185. New York: Aldine de Gruyter.
  • Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, Good Will Hunting Original Script.
  • Greene, R. Roberta. (2002) Human behavior theory and Social work place. 2 nd Edition. Aldine de Gruyter, New York. Rowman & Little Field Publishers.
  • Berzoff, J., Flanogan, F.M and Hertz, P. (1991)Inside out and Outside In. Psychodynamic Clinical Theory and Practice in Contemporary Multicultural context.
  • Applegate, J. S. (1990) Theory, Culture and Behavior: Object relations in context. Child and Adolescent Social work. Volume 7, Number 2, 1990
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IvyPanda. (2021, October 22). Human Behavior and Psychology in "The Good Will Hunting" by Gus Van Sant.

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IvyPanda . 2021. "Human Behavior and Psychology in "The Good Will Hunting" by Gus Van Sant." October 22, 2021.

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Psychological Analysis Of Identity In "Good Will Hunting"

Psychological Analysis Of Identity In "Good Will Hunting" essay

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Good Will Hunting Film Analysis: a Profound Exploration of Identity and Transformation

How it works

In the realm of film reviews, "Good Will Hunting" stands as a remarkable work of cinematic storytelling, firmly rooted in the category of drama and character-driven narratives. Directed by Gus Van Sant and released in 1997, this film has left an indelible mark on both the world of cinema and the hearts of its viewers. In this essay, we delve into the essence of "Good Will Hunting," exploring its originality and its profound examination of identity and transformation.

At its core, "Good Will Hunting" is a story of human potential and the transformative power of relationships.

The film follows the life of Will Hunting, a young janitor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), who possesses a prodigious intellect and mathematical genius. However, Will's troubled past and inner demons have led him to a life of underachievement and resistance to authority.

One of the unique aspects of the film is its portrayal of the complex character of Will Hunting, played brilliantly by Matt Damon. Will is a young man with a troubled past, having grown up in foster care and facing numerous challenges. His genius is a double-edged sword, a gift that isolates him from the world and feeds his sense of superiority. Yet, it is also a potential lifeline out of his circumstances.

The film introduces an equally compelling character, Sean Maguire, portrayed by Robin Williams. Sean is a therapist tasked with helping Will confront his emotional baggage and unlock his potential. The relationship between Will and Sean forms the heart of the narrative, and it is in their interactions that the film's profound themes of identity and transformation come to the fore.

Will's journey of self-discovery is both poignant and relatable. As he confronts his past, his fear of intimacy, and his reluctance to embrace his talents, viewers are drawn into a deeply personal exploration of identity. The film asks essential questions about the nature of intelligence, the scars of childhood trauma, and the capacity for change.

The transformation of Will Hunting is gradual and authentic. It is not a sudden revelation or a miraculous change but a painstaking process of self-reflection and healing. This authenticity is a testament to the film's originality and its commitment to portraying the complexities of human psychology and growth.

The character of Sean Maguire, portrayed with depth and nuance by Robin Williams, adds layers of emotional depth to the narrative. Sean, too, grapples with his own past traumas and regrets, allowing the film to delve into themes of forgiveness, empathy, and the healing power of human connection. The scenes between Will and Sean are masterfully crafted, offering moments of both humor and profound insight.

The supporting cast, including Ben Affleck as Will's best friend Chuckie and Minnie Driver as Skylar, provide stellar performances that enrich the film's emotional landscape. Their relationships with Will serve as mirrors through which he can better understand himself and his place in the world.

"Good Will Hunting" also stands out for its portrayal of the city of Boston as a character in its own right. The gritty streets and working-class neighborhoods provide the backdrop for the characters' lives, adding authenticity and depth to the narrative.

In conclusion, "Good Will Hunting" is a film that transcends the boundaries of conventional storytelling. Its originality lies in its profound exploration of identity and transformation, embodied in the complex character of Will Hunting and the therapeutic relationship with Sean Maguire. Through their journey, the film delves into the depths of human psychology, the scars of the past, and the potential for change. "Good Will Hunting" is a timeless cinematic masterpiece that continues to resonate with audiences, inviting them to reflect on their own paths of self-discovery and growth.


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‘Good Will Hunting’ – Film Review and Analysis

good will hunting analytical essay

What happens when you bring together two of the best actors of the modern age who meet at just the right time in their careers? The short answer is that you get some old-fashioned movie making magic. Both men have made their mark on Hollywood and this film that they carry together is one of the reasons for that happening. While a generation sets them apart, their commitment to the craft of acting shines through in this classic film that takes place in the city of Boston where I currently reside titled ‘Good Will Hunting.’

‘Good Will Hunting’, released in 1997, over twenty years ago is a film that I have gone back to again and again throughout the years since I grew up with it in a way. As I have gotten older, the themes of the film stick with me more and more. This film is a timeless piece that a lot of people, especially young men, can relate to. While it’s not a blockbuster and isn’t a mainstream favorite, it carries deep messages regarding relationships, dealing with the future, and learning to love and trust other people.

The two actors that I was referring to earlier are Robin Williams and Matt Damon. Both men are known for their more popular roles in movies like ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ and ‘Good Morning, Vietnam for Mr. Williams and ‘The Bourne Trilogy’ movies and ‘The Departed’ for Mr. Damon. Unlike those other movies, I believe that this movie really shows off the talent of these two men and how they’re able to push each other in emotionally trying roles. On top of those two performances, Gus Van Sant is an excellent director who does a great job of filming this movie set in late 1990s Boston.

As if that weren’t enough, you have a great cast of supporting actors including Ben Affleck, Minnie Driver (has she been in any major movies since?), Stellan Skarsgard, and Casey Affleck of Manchester-by-the-Sea fame who really add depth and substance to this movie. These character-driven movies such as ‘Good Will Hunting’ are usually the hardest to make but if done right, they really stay with the viewer long after the film is over. They really capture different moods, emotions, and feelings and this one in particular captures the struggles inherent in being a brilliant mind in a troubled world.

The title of this film ‘Good Will Hunting’ is based off the name of its main character, Will Hunting (played by Matt Damon) a 20-year old, born and raised in South Boston. You would think from this description that he’s just a regular guy but Mr. Hunting was born with the innate gift of having genius level intellect. He has few possessions except for hundreds of books from Foucault to Shakespeare. He’s an avid book reader but has a specialty in solving advanced mathematical equations that few others in the world can figure out. You would think that this college-aged guy would be working on advanced mathematics at MIT or CalTech but he’s not an enrolled student there or anywhere for that matter.

Will Hunting has had a rough upbringing in that his parents abandoned him when he was a baby and he grew up in foster homes where his foster father abused him physically multiple times. Abandoned by those people who were supposed to love and cherish him, Will, for good reason has a fear of abandonment and does not trust other people. His social interactions are limited because of the abusive childhood he endured but he is happy with his group of three friends: Billy, Morgan, and his best friend Chuckie. While Will does not have many friends, he would do anything for his three neighborhood buddies who he grew up with and he literally considers them to be his family.

While Will’s friends are loyal, they are not the best influence on him and they can be crass, crude, and spend too much time drinking. The group’s antics lead Will into a fight against some neighborhood miscreants, which draws the attention of the local police. Will, acting out his aggression violently, ends up assaulting a police officer causing him to do mandatory community service and therapy sessions. Will, a janitor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, works after hours to help clean the bathrooms and empty the waste paper baskets. Unbeknownst to both students and professors alike, Will in his spare time has been going around solving advanced Math equations that the regular MIT graduate students can’t even begin to conceive a solution for. One night, Will is caught in the act as he gets caught doing an extremely difficult problem that no one else has solved yet. Professor Lambeau of the Mathematics department discovers Will solving this problem and calls after him to no avail but with a four-letter crude response from Mr. Hunting.

Professor Lambeau does Will a huge favor and gets him out of some serious jail time for assaulting the police officer. In exchange for his favor, Will has to sit and work with Professor Lambeau on advanced mathematics in a mutual exchange. Professor Lambeau is fascinated by Will’s brilliance but it appears to the audience that he cares more just about Will’s brain than who he is as a person. Professor Lambeau tries to get Will to open up to different psychiatrists but Will messes with all of them and doesn’t take his therapy sessions seriously. Lambeau, out of options, goes to an old friend from his college days at MIT, Sean Maguire (played by Robin Williams), who now teaches psychology at Bunker Hill Community College and is also a licensed therapist.

Despite a few sessions where Will is argumentative and closed off, Sean is able to break down Will’s defensive mechanisms partly by talking about his own rough upbringing. Sean was beat by his alcoholic father while he was a child. In an effort to protect his mother and little brother, Sean would endure the brunt of his father’s anger and vitriol. The two men bond over the fact that they have a high intellect, have both grown up in Boston, share a love of the Red Sox, have had rough upbringings, and can be a bit closed off from their loved ones.

Will is going through a transition period in his young life where he is starting to think about a future beyond just getting drunk with his buddies and hiding his talents from the world. He is also trying his best to form healthy relationships with not only his friends but in his love life too. Instead of endlessly pursuing casual one-night stands, Will finds a girl one night at a Harvard bar whom peaks his interest named Skylar (played by Minnie Driver). Despite them coming from very different family backgrounds as well as her being born into wealth, they share a love for learning and have the same sense of humor. Most important to Will in all of this courting is that she likes his friends and that means a lot to him since they have essentially been his family his whole life.

The problem that Will struggles with in terms of his relationships whether its romantic with Skylar or personal with Sean is that he can’t open up to them about his being abused as a child due to a mixture of shame, guilt, and anger. He turns his emotional pain outward and directs that anger at society, the past therapists, Professor Lambeau, and even at Will and Skylar. Will is self-conscious about his genius and is not sure he wants to have a prestigious office job or even to leave his home city of Boston. He says to his best friend, Chuckie, at one point that he doesn’t “feel like doing long division in a room for the rest of my life.”

However, what Will realizes is that he’s not the center of the world. With the help of Sean and Skylar, he learns eventually that while his life has been tragic, that should not prevent him from reaching his true potential and that he is literally “bound by nothing.” He’s a genius of great intellectual capacity who can change the world in a number of ways. Will has a great gift that a lot of people would kill to have including his best friend, Chuckie. As Chuckie puts to Will bluntly towards the end of the movie, “You’re sitting on a winning lottery ticket and you’re too chicken to cash in on it.” Chuckie tells Will that he’ll essentially be working construction until he retires which is fine because he doesn’t have Will has and that Will owes it not only to himself but to him and his other buddies to do more with his life.

Sean also is the father figure that Will never had and is able to give him tough life. Sean was also abused as a child and knows where Will is coming from. However, he has to learn how to put the past behind him and to not blame himself for what had happened because it simply wasn’t his fault. Will was an innocent child and can’t be blamed for such a horrific event. Will has to learn again how to be emotionally open and vulnerable with the people who care about him like Sean and Skylar. Will had lost the inability to love and be loved but it’s never too late to get that back.

The mentorship of Sean throughout the film helps to bring Will around and the time they share together in the therapy sessions make them true friends. Sean is able to tell Will that he is not so special in the fact that his life has been extraordinarily difficult. Sean, himself, fought in the Vietnam War as a young man and had his best friend there die in his arms. He also lost his wife, the one true love of his to a long battle with cancer years ago and hasn’t been able to become romantically involved with anyone since then. However, he implores Will to also see the beauty in life such as in the form of a woman who can ‘level you with her eyes’ and be your own angel.

There are also the wonders of the world that Will can experience such as how it smells in the Sistine Chapel in Italy.    Will may be an intellectual genius but he still has a lot to learn about the beauty and ugliness of life. Sean’s experiences help to enlighten Will about what life is all about and how to persevere through the struggles and setbacks that are inevitable. Both men have their inner demons to battle but they encourage each other to become better, to strive for more, and to live good lives. With Will’s urging, Sean is also ready to put his tragic past behind him to begin anew. He sets out to travel the world, meet a special someone like Will has with Skylar, and truly live life again.

The positive mentorship between Will and Sean is a beautiful thing to see develop over the course of the film. To see true friendship between the two and the chemistry that Damon and Williams have in their scenes together makes ‘Good Will Hunting’ a really special movie. Similar to ‘ Lost In Translation ’, it’s also nice to see a true romance between Will and Skylar develop as well that starts out very inconspicuously. It’s a young, innocent kind of love that is beautiful to watch and it’s both real and raw to see with how much they truly care for each other and want to best for one another. One of the best lines in the film that Will and Sean both use for courting the special women in their lives is “Sorry, I had to go see about a girl.” Is there anything in modern cinema that can compare to this phrase so simple yet so full of meaning? I don’t think so.

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Good Will Hunting

It must be heartbreaking to be able to appreciate true genius and yet fall just short of it yourself. A man can spend his entire life studying to be a mathematician–and yet watch helplessly while a high school dropout, a janitor, scribbles down the answers to questions the professor is baffled by.

It’s also heartbreaking when genius won’t recognize itself, and that’s the most baffling problem of all in “Good Will Hunting,” the smart, involving story of a working-class kid from Boston.

The film stars Matt Damon as a janitor at MIT who likes to party and hang around the old neighborhood and whose reading consists of downloading the contents of whole libraries into his photographic memory. Stellan Skarsgard (the husband in “ Breaking the Waves ”) plays Lambeau, the professor, who offers a prize to any student who can solve a difficult problem. The next morning, the answer is written on a blackboard standing in the hall.

Who claims credit? None of the students does. A few days later, Lambeau catches Will Hunting (Damon) at the board and realizes he’s the author–a natural mathematical genius who can intuitively see through the thorniest problems. Lambeau wants to help Will, to get him into school, maybe, or collaborate with him. But before that can take place, Will and some buddies are cruising the old neighborhood and beat up a guy. Will also hammers on the cops a little and is jailed.

He’s a tough nut. He sees nothing wrong with spending his whole life hanging out with his friends, quaffing a few beers, holding down a blue-collar job. He sees romance in being an honest bricklayer, but none in being a professor of mathematics–maybe because bricklaying is work, and, for him, math isn’t.

“Good Will Hunting” is the story of how this kid’s life edges toward self-destruction and how four people try to haul him back. One is Lambeau, who gets probation for Will with a promise that he’ll find him help and counseling.

One is Sean McGuire ( Robin Williams ), Lambeau’s college roommate, now a community college professor who has messed up his own life, but is a gifted counselor. One is Skylar ( Minnie Driver ), a British student at Harvard, who falls in love with Will and tries to help him. And one is Chuckie ( Ben Affleck ), Will’s friend since childhood, who tells him: “You’re sitting on a winning lottery ticket. It would be an insult to us if you’re still around here in 20 years.” True, but Will doesn’t see it that way. His reluctance to embrace the opportunity at MIT is based partly on class pride (it would be betraying his buddies and the old neighborhood) and partly on old psychic wounds. And it is only through breaking through to those scars and sharing some of his own that McGuire, the counselor, is able to help him. Robin Williams gives one of his best performances as McGuire, especially in a scene where he finally gets the kid to repeat, “It’s not my fault.” “Good Will Hunting” perhaps found some of its inspiration in the lives of its makers. The movie was co-written by Damon and Affleck, who grew up in Boston, who are childhood friends, and who both took youthful natural talents and used them to find success as actors. It’s tempting to find parallels between their lives and the characters–and tempting, too, to watch the scenes between Damon and Driver with the knowledge that they fell in love while making the movie.

The Will Hunting character is so much in the foreground that it’s easy to miss a parallel relationship: Lambeau and McGuire also are old friends who have fought because of old angers and insecurities. In a sense, by bringing the troubled counselor and the troublesome janitor together, the professor helps to heal both of them.

The film has a good ear for the way these characters might really talk.

It was directed by Gus Van Sant (“ Drugstore Cowboy ,” “ To Die For ”), who sometimes seems to have perfect pitch when it comes to dialogue; look at the scene where Matt and Skylar break up and say hurtful things, and see how clear he makes it that Matt is pushing her away because he doesn’t think he deserves her.

The outcome of the movie is fairly predictable; so is the whole story, really. It’s the individual moments, not the payoff, that make it so effective.

“Good Will Hunting” has been rather inexplicably compared to “Rainman,” although “Rainman” was about an autistic character who cannot and does not change, and “Good Will Hunting” is about a genius who can change, and grow, if he chooses to.

True, they can both do quick math in their heads. But Will Hunting is not an idiot savant or some kind of lovable curiosity; he’s a smart man who knows he’s smart but pulls back from challenges because he was beaten down once too often as a child.

Here is a character who has four friends who love and want to help him, and he’s threatened by their help because it means abandoning all of his old, sick, dysfunctional defense mechanisms.

As Louis Armstrong once said, “There’s some folks, that, if they don’t know, you can’t tell ’em.” This movie is about whether Will is one of those folks.

good will hunting analytical essay

Roger Ebert

Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. In 1975, he won the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished criticism.

good will hunting analytical essay

  • Robin Williams as Sean McGuire
  • Minnie Driver as Skylar
  • Ben Affleck as Chuckie
  • Stellan Skarsgard as Lambeau
  • Matt Damon as Will
  • Ben Affleck

Directed by

  • Gus Van Sant

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Movie Analysis : ' Good Will Hunting '

"Good Will Hunting" is a film that delves deep into the complexities of human relationships, personal growth, and the power of intellect. The story follows Will Hunting, a janitor at MIT who possesses an extraordinary mathematical talent but struggles with his past traumas and emotional barriers. Through his interactions with therapist Sean Maguire, played by Robin Williams, Will begins to confront his inner demons and unlock his true potential.

One of the central themes of the movie is the idea of self-discovery and personal growth. Will Hunting is a character who is incredibly intelligent but lacks the emotional maturity to truly understand himself and his place in the world. Through his sessions with Sean, Will is forced to confront his past and come to terms with the pain and trauma that have shaped him. This journey of self-discovery is not easy, and Will faces many challenges along the way. However, it is through this process that he is able to grow and evolve as a person.

Another important theme in the film is the power of human connection and the impact that relationships can have on our lives. Sean Maguire serves as a mentor and father figure to Will, guiding him through his emotional struggles and helping him to see his own worth. Their relationship is built on trust, honesty, and mutual respect, and it is through this connection that Will is able to break down his emotional barriers and open himself up to the possibility of a better future.

Overall, "Good Will Hunting" is a powerful and thought-provoking film that explores the complexities of the human experience. Through its compelling characters, emotional depth, and poignant storytelling, the movie challenges viewers to reflect on their own lives and relationships. It is a reminder that true growth and self-discovery often require us to confront our past, face our fears, and open ourselves up to the transformative power of human connection.

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"Selma," directed by Ava DuVernay, is a poignant portrayal of a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. Released in 2014, the film chronicles the historic 1965 voting rights marches from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The movie effectively captures the spirit of the era, highlighting both the courage and the challenges faced by those fighting for equality. One of the film's strengths lies in its portrayal of Dr. King as a multifaceted leader. Rather than presenting him as an untouchable figure, "Selma" humanizes him, showcasing his doubts, fears, and internal struggles. This approach makes Dr. King more relatable and serves to inspire viewers by demonstrating that even great leaders face adversity. Moreover, "Selma" sheds light on the systemic racism and violence that African Americans endured during this period. Through powerful and often harrowing scenes, the film exposes the brutality of segregation and the lengths to which authorities would go to maintain the status quo. By depicting these injustices in stark detail, "Selma" underscores the urgency and necessity of the Civil Rights Movement. The movie also explores themes of unity and solidarity within the movement. Despite facing opposition from both the government and within their own ranks, activists from diverse backgrounds come together to fight for a common cause. This emphasis on collective action highlights the importance of community organizing and grassroots activism in effecting social change. In addition to its thematic depth, "Selma" is visually striking, with cinematography that effectively captures the tension and emotion of the events depicted. From the peaceful protests to the violent confrontations with law enforcement, each scene is masterfully crafted to evoke a visceral response from the audience. Overall, "Selma" is a powerful and thought-provoking film that offers valuable insights into the Civil Rights Movement. Through its compelling storytelling, nuanced characterizations, and striking visuals, the movie honors the legacy of those who fought for justice and serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for equality....

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The Titanic is a timeless classic that has captured the hearts and minds of audiences around the world. This epic romance and disaster film, directed by James Cameron, was released in 1997 and continues to be a beloved piece of cinema. The movie tells the story of the ill-fated RMS Titanic, a luxurious ship that sank on its maiden voyage in 1912 after hitting an iceberg. At the center of the film is the love story between Jack Dawson, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, and Rose DeWitt Bukater, played by Kate Winslet. One of the most remarkable aspects of "Titanic" is its stunning visual effects and cinematography. The film's recreation of the ship and its tragic sinking is nothing short of breathtaking. The attention to detail in depicting the luxurious interiors of the Titanic, as well as the chaos and horror of its demise, is truly remarkable. The special effects used to bring the ship to life and ultimately to its watery grave are a testament to the skill and artistry of the filmmakers. Furthermore, the performances of the lead actors, Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, are exceptional. Their on-screen chemistry and portrayal of a love that transcends social class and adversity are truly captivating. The emotional depth and authenticity they bring to their characters make the audience deeply invested in their fates. Their performances have contributed to the enduring legacy of "Titanic" as a powerful and moving cinematic experience. In addition to its visual and emotional impact, "Titanic" also delves into the social and historical context of the time. The film skillfully portrays the stark contrast between the opulence of the ship's upper-class passengers and the struggles of those in the lower decks. It also sheds light on the rigid societal norms and expectations of the early 20th century, as well as the tragic consequences of the Titanic's sinking. Through this lens, the film serves as a poignant exploration of love, sacrifice, and the human spirit in the face of adversity. In conclusion, "Titanic" is a masterful piece of filmmaking that continues to resonate with audiences worldwide. Its powerful storytelling, breathtaking visuals, and compelling performances make it a timeless classic. The film's ability to transport viewers to a pivotal moment in history and immerse them in a captivating love story has solidified its place in the annals of cinema. "Titanic" is a cinematic triumph that will continue to be celebrated for generations to come....

Movie Analysis Of The Movie Precious By Sapphire

The movie "Precious" is a powerful and emotional film that delves into the life of a young African American girl named Claireece "Precious" Jones. Directed by Lee Daniels and based on the novel "Push" by Sapphire, the film portrays the harsh realities of Precious' life as she struggles to overcome abuse, poverty, and illiteracy. Through the use of raw and gritty storytelling, the movie sheds light on the challenges faced by many young women living in similar circumstances. One of the most striking aspects of the film is the exceptional performances by the cast, particularly Gabourey Sidibe in the role of Precious. Sidibe's portrayal of the character is both heartbreaking and inspiring, as she brings to life the pain and resilience of a young girl who has endured unimaginable hardships. In addition, Mo'Nique delivers a chilling performance as Precious' abusive mother, Mary, showcasing the complexity of a character who is both monstrous and tragic. The film also explores themes of race, class, and gender, highlighting the intersectionality of oppression that Precious faces in her daily life. From the systemic barriers that prevent her from receiving a quality education to the cycle of abuse that she experiences at home, the movie exposes the ways in which societal structures perpetuate the cycle of poverty and violence. Through Precious' journey towards self-acceptance and empowerment, the film offers a message of hope and resilience in the face of adversity. Overall, "Precious" is a thought-provoking and emotionally charged film that challenges viewers to confront the harsh realities of poverty and abuse. Through its powerful performances and poignant storytelling, the movie sheds light on the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of empathy and compassion in the face of adversity. As we follow Precious on her journey towards self-discovery and healing, we are reminded of the strength and courage that lies within us all, even in the darkest of times....

Movie Analysis : Movie Review : Forrest Gump

"Forrest Gump," directed by Robert Zemeckis and released in 1994, is a timeless classic that transcends its era to deliver a poignant and enduring message about life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. Set against the backdrop of significant historical events in the latter half of the 20th century, the film follows the extraordinary journey of its titular character, Forrest Gump, brilliantly portrayed by Tom Hanks. Through Forrest's unique perspective, the audience is taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, traversing themes of friendship, adversity, and the inherent goodness of humanity. The film's narrative structure is masterfully crafted, employing a nonlinear approach that weaves together past and present seamlessly. This technique allows the audience to witness Forrest's life unfold in a nontraditional manner, jumping from one significant event to another without losing the coherence of the storyline. By intertwining Forrest's personal experiences with real-world events such as the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Watergate scandal, "Forrest Gump" offers a thought-provoking commentary on the interconnectedness of individual lives with broader historical contexts. One of the most captivating aspects of "Forrest Gump" is its ensemble cast of characters, each contributing to the richness and depth of the narrative. From the fiercely independent Jenny, played by Robin Wright, to the lovable Lieutenant Dan, portrayed by Gary Sinise, every character brings a distinct flavor to the story, enhancing the overall viewing experience. Moreover, the film's portrayal of disability through characters like Forrest himself and Lieutenant Dan challenges societal norms and fosters empathy and understanding towards individuals with disabilities. Thematically, "Forrest Gump" explores the concept of destiny versus free will, posing profound questions about the role of chance and choice in shaping one's life trajectory. Through Forrest's mantra of "life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get," the film underscores the unpredictable nature of existence while advocating for resilience and optimism in the face of adversity. In essence, "Forrest Gump" celebrates the beauty of the human spirit and the enduring power of love and friendship to overcome life's greatest challenges. In conclusion, "Forrest Gump" stands as a cinematic masterpiece that continues to resonate with audiences worldwide decades after its initial release. Through its compelling storytelling, memorable characters, and timeless themes, the film invites viewers on a transformative journey that inspires reflection, empathy, and a renewed appreciation for the complexities of the human experience. As Forrest himself would say, "I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is," encapsulating the enduring message of hope and resilience that defines this iconic film....

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  1. "Good Will Hunting": Movie Review: [Essay Example], 695 words

    Good Will Hunting is a cinematic masterpiece that tells the story of a traumatized young genius, gifted by unimaginable knowledge and an uncomparable photographic memory. The movie captures a young Matt Damon as "Will Hunting" and a young Ben Affleck as "Chuckie" before their big Hollywood debut. The movie was written by both Matt Damon ...

  2. Good Will Hunting: Movie Analysis Free Essay Example

    13153. Good Will Hunting, the movie, is about a young man, Will, who is a gifted mathematician, be it unrecognized by his peers, growing up in a rather low economic social class. Even with Will's genius IQ, he chooses to work as a janitor at MIT. It is here that we see first hand the true giftedness Will possesses after he is able to solve a ...

  3. The Movie Good Will Hunting": Psychology Analysis

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  4. Good Will Hunting: Analysis Through Psychoanalytical Theories

    The essay provides a comprehensive analysis of the psychological themes depicted in the film "Good Will Hunting." It effectively explores the psychotherapy sessions between the main character, Will Hunting, and his therapist, Sean Maguire, highlighting key psychological concepts and their application in counseling.

  5. Analysis of Good Will Hunting Through The Psychological Lens

    Good Will Hunting is a film about the pronounced relationship between a therapist and janitor, Will Hunting. The film demonstrates egos and how ego can affect people in their daily lives. Will experienced a not ideal upbringing, as he was an orphan.

  6. Human Behavior and Psychology in "The Good Will Hunting" by ...

    Good Will Hunting is a movie that is emotionally and intellectually stirring, with straight, honest, but engaging dialogues. This movie centers on Will Hunting, who is a foster child, and has been abused during his childhood.

  7. Psychological Analysis Of Identity In "Good Will Hunting"

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    Essay Example: In the realm of film reviews, "Good Will Hunting" stands as a remarkable work of cinematic storytelling, firmly rooted in the category of drama and character-driven narratives. Directed by Gus Van Sant and released in 1997, this film has left an indelible mark on both

  9. Good Will Hunting

    Get 2 months of Skillshare for free by going to: to our podcast episode where we dive deeper into Good Will Hunting:

  10. Good Will Hunting Analysis

    Good Will Hunting, a world famous film by Matt Damon, is one of the most well-crafted and profound films the world has ever seen. Released in 1998, the movie depicts a young South Boston screwup as he journeys from convict to mathematician thanks to his brilliant mind and the guidance of two clever but contentious men at each shoulder.

  11. 'Good Will Hunting'

    They really capture different moods, emotions, and feelings and this one in particular captures the struggles inherent in being a brilliant mind in a troubled world. The title of this film 'Good Will Hunting' is based off the name of its main character, Will Hunting (played by Matt Damon) a 20-year old, born and raised in South Boston.

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  14. Good Will Hunting movie review (1997)

    Good Will Hunting. 125 minutes ‧ R ‧ 1997. Roger Ebert. December 25, 1997. 4 min read. It must be heartbreaking to be able to appreciate true genius and yet fall just short of it yourself. A man can spend his entire life studying to be a mathematician-and yet watch helplessly while a high school dropout, a janitor, scribbles down the ...

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    1921 Words. 8 Pages. Open Document. Art often represents the challenges overcome by individuals as they search for life meaning. Gus Van Sant's Good Will Hunting, released on12 March 1998, follows the story of protagonist Will Hunting, played by Matt Damon, who has Attachment Disorder. Abused as a child, he has trouble developing meaningful ...

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    "Good Will Hunting" The film "Good Will Hunting" is definitely one of the most thought-provoking movies and offers the viewers an easy overview of the multiplicity of character traits, motivations, and issues that people face in everyday life. There is no single protagonist in the picture; rather, the leading character, Will Hunting, is portrayed as a troubled but talented young man whose life ...

  17. Essay about Good Will Hunting Character Analysis

    In Good Will Hunting, Will Hunting did not believe that he was able to make a positive change in his life. Will is a prodigy, particularly in mathematics, who did not recognize his gift. He was born and raised in the slums, where he is now comfortable. He was abandoned by his parents and in and out of numerous foster homes.

  18. Analysis of a Hero's Journey in Good Will Hunting

    Throughout the film, there are different recognizable characters and storylines for every viewer, an idea that goes back to Carl Jung. He believed every human mind shares collective unconscious memory. This is the Archetype concept, which in Good Will Hunting is the hero's journey, a classic story structure that follows twelve steps.

  19. 'Good Will Hunting'

    308. For this paper, I will be discussing the very popular movie Good Will Hunting directed by Gus Van Sant. This movie I believe held an amazing storyline the entire time. This was greatly in part because of some of the production and technical effects that were displayed. The visual effects, setting, and lighting, helped demonstrate his ...

  20. Good Will Hunting Movie Analysis Essay Example (600 Words

    Download. Good Will Hunting Movie Analysis The movie Good Will Hunting is about Will Hunting, a janitor with an Irish background and a pure gift for math. He is the janitor at the notorious college MIT and often cleans near a prominent math/chemistry professor's classroom. This professor assigns his class a task that would involve solving a ...

  21. Good Will Hunting Essay

    Good Will Hunting Essay. Sort By: Page 1 of 50 - About 500 essays. Decent Essays. Good Will Hunting. 752 Words; 4 Pages ... An Analysis of Good Will Hunting, Directed by Gus Van Sant Director Gus Van Sant's Academy-Award winning movie Good Will Hunting, is set in South Boston. The story is centered on a kid named Will Hunting, an undercover ...

  22. Good Will Hunting Summary Sparknotes

    In this essay, I will delve into a summary of Good Will Hunting using Sparknotes as a guide, offering a detailed analysis of the characters, themes, and plot points. By examining key moments in the film and exploring the emotional depth of the characters, I aim to provide insight into the overarching message and impact of Good Will Hunting.

  23. Movie Analysis : ' Good Will Hunting

    Explore this Movie Analysis : ' Good Will Hunting ' essay sample that boasts high quality and thorough research. Absorb the insights from this expertly written essay to spark your own creative inspiration. ... "Good Will Hunting" is a film that delves deep into the complexities of human relationships, personal growth, and the power of intellect ...