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How To Write A Killer Best Man Speech (With Templates)

A funny, heartfelt speech from the best man is one of the most memorable parts of a wedding. Here’s how to give a great toast (without embarrassing yourself).

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A best man speech is the perfect way to send your brother or friend the best wishes in their marriage, but standing up in front of the crowd can be super nerve-wracking. If you’ve been invited to be the best man at a wedding but have no idea what to say in your speech, you’re not alone! 

Over 75% of the population cites public speaking as one of their biggest fears. Thankfully, it’s a people skill that anyone can develop. A great event toast can be a game-changer and make you feel like a celebrity amongst the wedding guests. 

Watch our video to learn the best (and worst) speech openers:

Here’s how to overcome your public speaking anxiety and give a knockout best man speech that will incite laughter, smiles, or even sentimental tears. 

Quick Answer: How to Write a Best Man Speech Fast (with Template!)

A killer best man toast has a formula:

  • Start with a funny or complimentary introduction
  • Lead into a short story
  • Add a dash of vulnerability
  • End with genuine congratulations to the bride and groom. 

You won’t want to wing the speech after you’ve had a few drinks when you feel strapped for time before the wedding. Instead, take just 30 minutes of planning and note-making to save you (and the bride & groom) the embarrassment of an excessively long or inappropriate ramble. 

If you want to write a best man speech fast, follow this brief template for a great toast. Your toast should be roughly 3 to 5 minutes long. You can use numbered index cards to jot down the highlights of each section. Then, rehearse a few times in the mirror in the days leading up to the event. 

The most straightforward speech outline includes seven main components: 

  • A great one-liner : This could be a funny joke, a compliment, or an inspirational quote about brotherhood or marriage. The first 15 seconds of the toast should capture the audience’s attention and leave them excited for more. Modify this:

“I’d like to begin by congratulating the groom for his superb taste in choosing the best man [chuckle].” 

  • Compliment the wedding : Build your respect with the guests by highlighting things you like about the wedding. For example, you can compliment the beauty of the venue, the delicious food, or the great choice of music. Modify this:

“All jokes aside, this is a beautiful wedding. The bride and groom look like a movie star couple together. And if you didn’t taste the cake, you are missing out!” 

  • Express gratitude : Say “thank you” to those who made the wedding possible and show appreciation to the groom for choosing you as his best man. Modify this:

“I am so grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Zimerman for hosting us here today, and thank you to the bride and groom for inviting me to be part of their special day.” 

  • Tell a story : Did you and the groom meet as kids on the baseball field? Were you there when he first met his bride? Did you share a funny experience in college that is appropriate to share? The “meat” of the speech will be a short story about your relationship with the groom. A great story sounds like this:

 “When I first met Jeff, he was in a period of transition in life, like we all go through. He had just started a new job at my office in San Francisco, and we met because of our mutual addiction to double shot espressos (iced with a little cream) at 6 AM every morning from the corner coffee shop Bob’s Cup O’ Joe. When we both arrived at the office at the same time, 3 days in a row with eyes like this [widen eyes big], I knew we would be friends for life. A million espressos, meetings, and after-work beers later, I am so proud to call Jeff my best friend. When he told me about meeting a beautiful blonde named Anne at Bob’s Cup O’ Joe a few years later, I knew something would become of it. She even drank the same double shot espressos, iced with a little cream!”  

  • Admire the couple : Strengthen your bond with the newlyweds by expressing your support for their marriage. If you know a bit about the bride and groom’s relationship, list a few things you admire about their bond. You may emphasize how the bride has positively impacted the groom’s life or how they make a great team. 

“Jeff and Anne are a perfect pair, and it seriously warms my heart to see a couple so amazingly in love. They compliment each other in every way and radiate joy when they are together.” 

  • Summarize your thoughts : Before you wrap up your speech, go back and highlight your key ideas. You can pre-write 2-3 crisp sentences summarizing your support of the couple’s marriage. Modify this:

“I wish I could say I predicted this day would come, but Jeff’s incredible character and charm won Anne over. I am so grateful to be friends with both of them and to join you all in this celebration.” 

  • Toast to the future : At the end of your speech, raise your glass for a toast to the couple’s love. Modify this: 

“Please join me in raising our glasses to a lifetime of happiness and espressos for Jeff and Anne Allison!” 

Here is an awesome example of a short and sweet 4-minute toast that left the crowd cracking up:

It’s best to memorize your speech, but there is no shame in bringing a few index cards in your pocket to reference if you get nervous. Don’t forget to prepare and rehearse in advance. 

For a more in-depth speech, see our step-by-step guide below. 

What to Say in a Best Man Speech (Do’s and Don’ts)

A best man’s speech traditionally takes place at the wedding reception after the maid of honor gives her speech. The best man’s speech should be positive, respectful, and congratulatory. It can last 3 to 5 minutes and should focus on a central theme or story about the groom. 

Remember, a best man speech is not the time to “wing it.” If you do that, there may come the point when everything suddenly goes silent, and a crowd of 50-100+ people is staring at you, waiting for what you’re going to say about the groom. You probably don’t want to end up with a cringing audience while telling a story about the groom’s previous relationships:

Instead, remember these key best man speech tips for a successful toast: 

Pre-plan your speech with a layout and index cardsDon’t wing it or try to go on the fly
Keep your speech 3-5 minutes longDon’t give an excessively short or long speech
Open with a catchy one-liner or jokeDon’t start with a dull or droning tone 
Tell a short story about the groomDon’t make it about you 
Use fun, family-friendly humorAvoid risky or inappropriate topics and jokes
Use deep breathing to calm your nerves before the speech Don’t drink too much 
Congratulate the groom Don’t ignore the bride
Compliment the brideInsult or tease the bride (I know it may be tempting, but it NEVER goes over well)
Read the room and get to know the guestsDon’t use profanity (unless it’s acceptable in the family)  

Here are a few examples of what you should say in a best man speech:

  • How did you meet the groom?
  • What is one of your favorite memories with him?
  • How did the groom meet the bride? Were you there?
  • What is special about the groom?
  • What do you like most about him? 
  • What are his positive traits? 
  • Playful banter : You don’t want to be too corny and cheesy with your bro. Depending on your relationship with the groom and the culture of the wedding, you may want to throw in a little banter with your dude. For example, you might make a funny joke about how much the groom loves going out to eat:

You should also avoid some key topics in a best man speech. 

Do not mention:

  • The groom’s past relationships
  • Sexual jokes
  • Drugs, alcohol, or past mistakes
  • Insecurities of the groom
  • Financial or personal information 
  • Insults to the bride or the wedding guests 
  • Overly embarrassing stories
  • Teasing the bride
  • Anything that could potentially harm your friendship

Keep things positive and lighthearted. While a little witty banter or playful teasing can be fun (depending on your relationship with the groom), you should avoid insulting him or highlighting any major insecurities. The “playful” part of the speech is an excellent fun icebreaker, but it shouldn’t hurt anyone’s feelings or make them feel publicly embarrassed in front of their wedding guests.

How to Write a Best Man Speech for Best Friend or Brother: Easy Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re ready to prepare something more in-depth than the quick ideas above, this step-by-step guide can help you write a thoughtful speech that the groom may remember forever. After all, being named the best man at your friend or brother’s wedding is a tremendous honor. But like any honor, it comes with some responsibilities. After you finish all your bachelor party and wedding duties, an epic best man speech can be like the fireworks at the show’s end. 

Here are 5 simple steps to make it count:

#1 Start with a theme

Before you start writing and rehearsing your speech, it helps to decide on a theme for your talk. This will give a nice flow to the speech. A theme ensures that you stay on track to communicate your congratulations and appreciation to the groom. 

What is the main message you want to get across? A few theme ideas include:

  • Anecdotes : Best man toasts center around storytelling. This theme is the easiest way to stay on track because you are telling a simple story from beginning to end. 
  • Humor : Whether you’re naturally funny or working on your jokes ,  your speech is the perfect opportunity to get the audience laughing. Best man speeches are known for getting a little saucy, but you must be careful about offending the crowd or making crude jokes that might insult the bride and groom. If you want to tease the groom with some witty banter, it helps to make fun of yourself or reference an appropriate inside joke.
  • Inspirational : Have you and the groom achieved an important business goal or accomplishment together? Do you have a shared role model or favorite motivational book you both read in college? This speech theme can leave the audience feeling inspired.
  • Morality : Use your speech to highlight the great person the groom is. Perhaps you give examples of his integrity, trustworthiness, or generosity. You can emphasize how lucky you are to know the groom and how glad you are that he found a woman to spend his life with. 
  • Sentimentality : When humor and storytelling aren’t your fortes, it doesn’t hurt to get a little corny. Sentimental speeches require a level of emotional vulnerability, but they can leave a huge impact on the newlyweds and their attendees.

#2 Create an outline

You wouldn’t go on a road trip without a navigation system, so don’t go into your speech without a plan. The best toasts and speeches follow the same structure. Pull out a piece of paper and brainstorm some ideas using this format, then use the following steps to fill in the details:

  • Hook/Opening statement : The opening statement should be a 1 to 3-line description about the groom. The first 7 seconds of the speech should hook the audience immediately. It warms them up to you and makes them want to pay attention to the amusing stories. You’ll find an abundance of opening-line ideas in the next section. 
  • Background context : Now comes the why of your speech. This is where the context of your relationship with the groom comes in. You can throw in some funny jokes and a few details about your experience with him. Use this intro to build up the anticipation for the story to come. Write down a few ideas of stories you can tell. 
  • Tell the story : Choose 1-3 short stories about the groom that is funny, slightly embarrassing, or interesting. Jot down a few of the sensory elements you want to reference, like the smelly locker room or the squeaking of tire wheels. Most stories follow a bell-curve pattern—they start with an intro, lead to rising action, peak with a capstone moment, then tie back to the beginning. Keep this in mind as you brainstorm and follow the story-planning steps below. 
  • Take-home message : After you get a good laugh or “awww” out of the audience, you’ll want to bring the story back to the beginning. What do you want them to remember about your speech and friendship with the groom? 
  • Thank the wedding party : Use a quick sentence to thank the wedding party and hosts. Express your genuine gratitude for being invited. 
  • Closing toast and congratulations : After wrapping up the story and thanking the wedding party, you should invite the audience to toast the bride and groom with you. For an extra cheery finale, act as if you are speaking on their behalf and include lots of well-wishes for the newlyweds. 

Pro Tip : Before filling in your outline details, watch this video for an overview of how to give a memorable toast. Human behavior expert Vanessa Van Edwards explains the most common mistakes (don’t start with “I,” “me,” or “my”) and a few secrets to getting the audience to perk up in their seats. 

#3 Nail the opening line 

Once you have your outline, it’s time to dig into the details. People decide their first impression of you within 7 seconds, so it’s extra important to nail the opening line of your speech. Best men use this opportunity to crack a joke, compliment the wedding, or set a sentimental tone for the speech. 

Avoid making the first lines about you. No “me”, “I”, or “my”. Instead, start with a juicy or mysterious line about the groom, for example:

I was the groom’s roommate in college.Ben was the self-proclaimed organization king in college. As his roommate, I feared leaving a pen on the desk.
I am the groom’s younger brother.As a kid, the groom was so excited to have a younger brother that he quickly crowned me as his servant for the next 10 years. 
My favorite thing about the groom is his…Tonight you’ll learn why the groom was always… 
My favorite story about the groom was…The best story I have about the groom starts with a greasy cheeseburger and a speeding ticket.

If you need a little inspiration, here are some hilarious and quirky best man speech opening lines: 

  • “Caring, loyal, honest, good-looking, and an all-around-great guy… OK, enough about me, onto the groom…!” 
  • “This is the perfect chance to tell you about [Groom] and how talented, special, smart, good-looking, and… sorry, man, I can’t read your handwriting here.” 
  • “I’d like to give a toast to the bride and groom.” [pull a piece of toasted bread from your pocket and give it to them]
  • “[Groom’s name] is the kind of person you call when you lock yourself out of the dorm bathroom without any clothes on.” 
  • “The bride and groom asked me not to share embarrassing stories or crude jokes during my speech… so that’s it from me! Thanks for listening, everyone.”
  • “I’d like to start by congratulating the groom for his excellent taste in choosing the best man.” 
  • “[Groom] had a tough time choosing his best man. First, he called his most handsome friend, but he said no. Then, he called his smartest friend, and he said no. Then, he called his most successful friend, who also said no. Then he called me, and I said, ‘Bro, I can’t say no to you four times.'”
  • “What can I say about [Groom]? I guess I’ll start at the very beginning. He was born on [groom’s birthday]. Our parents were hoping for a girl, but I’ve always said… close enough.”

Here is a genuinely funny opening line from a best brother wedding speech:

Pro Tip : Don’t forget to pause for laughter. If it doesn’t come, you can chuckle at yourself and cue the audience that they are supposed to laugh by saying, “This is where you are supposed to laugh,” or joking, “Sound guy, can you please cue the laugh track?” Then, keep going with your speech.

Don’t worry. You need not be a jokester to give a great opening line. If you want to go the nostalgic or tearjerker route, be sure it is highly personalized and thoughtful. Here are some sentimental opening line ideas:

  • “There are friends, and there is family, but friends also become family. This is so true for [Groom] and me. We’ve been best friends since we were X years old, and I’ve always considered him my brother.” 
  • “There’s an old Irish proverb that says a good friend is like a four-leaf clover—hard to find and lucky to have. I think that’s true. Good friends are hard to find, and I’m lucky to have called [Groom] my best friend for the last X years.” 
  • “I’ve heard that the best relationships come from the foundation of a deep friendship. Experts say that laughter, mutual respect, and enjoying each other’s company are the ingredients for a long-lasting, joyful marriage. After knowing [Groom] and [Bride] for X years, there is no doubt in my mind that they will make a great pair.” 
  • “In Good Will Hunting , Robin Williams said, ‘It doesn’t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect as long as they are perfect for each other.” Anyone who has seen [Groom] and [Bride] together can agree that this is true for them. I haven’t seen a perfect pair, and I’m happy to be part of this celebration of their love.” 

To learn more about the best speech openers, use this guide on How to Start a Speech: The Best (and Worst) Speech Openers . Some top tips include:

  • Avoid starting with a lackluster nicety like “thanks for having me.” 
  • Don’t mention your nervousness.
  • Avoid mentioning technical difficulties like the microphone or saying, “Can you hear me?” 

How To Write A Killer Best Man Speech (With Templates)

Bonus Tip: Learn the Art of Stage Presence

Did you know that public speaking is actually a skill? Many people struggle with stage anxiety because they feel they ‘missed the memo’ on public speaking or they are lacking because they do not have a natural stage presence. Not true!

Stage presence and public speaking are skills you need to be taught—very few people have them naturally. 

Watch our video to learn 7 steps to overcome stage fright and beat performance anxiety:

Here are all the aspects of public speaking you can master.

  • How to make a first impression with an audience
  • How to have stage presence
  • Powerful body language
  • How to speak with a commanding voice
  • What to do with your hands while speaking

For every speaking skill you add to your toolbox, the less speaking anxiety you will feel.

If you want help really diving into your presentation skills, be sure to sign up for our course…

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Master Your People Skills

  • Create a Memorable Presence
  • Communicate with Confidence
  • Achieve Your Goals

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#4 Background context

Now that you’ve grabbed the audience’s attention, it’s time to give them a little background on why you are giving a speech in the first place. This is another sneak peek at some details you’ll cover in the speech. 

The whole point of this part is to tell them how you know the groom—but it isn’t about you. You’ll often hear wedding speeches that start with a drab, “I met the groom in college” or, “My name is ___, and I’m the best man.” You can do better than that! Try saying:

  • “The groom was the first friend I made on the high school football team. I had no idea we would become roommates in a bachelor pad throughout college.” 
  • “As little kids, the groom and I were known to be a dangerous duo in the neighborhood. He always carried the eggs and toilet paper, then instructed me where to throw them. But you can guess who always took the blame for his antics….” 
  • “The groom and I have been friends and business partners for X years, and as you’ll hear shortly, he is the main reason I broke my arm during the last office basketball game. But first, I want to tell you a less embarrassing story….” 

Pro Tip : Focus on the groom, and don’t make it about you. One of the biggest mistakes people make during wedding speeches is talking too much about themselves. Your speech shouldn’t discuss where you’re from, what you think, or how you ended up at the party. The best man’s speech is a time to focus on the groom and his bride. 

#5 Tell the story  

After your punchy opening line and background info, it’s time to tell the perfect story about the groom. Depending on the length of your speech and the details of your story, some best man speeches cover 1 to 3 short stories. 

Reference back to the memories you wrote when brainstorming. Pick a story that includes the most of these captivating elements:

  • A little bit of embarrassment : Whether it’s you, the groom, or a mutual friend, it helps to poke some fun at someone in the story. If you fear being offensive, the best person to joke about is yourself.  
  • Audience member references : You can get major bonus points if you bring wedding guests into the storytelling moment. You might say, “Mom, you might want to close your ears on this one!” or, “Brian, we’re talking about you!” 
  • Sensory details : What did the scenery look like? What were the prominent smells, sounds, and tastes at the moment? A great story should make the audience feel like they were with you. Don’t forget to mention the frigid cold lake you jumped into or the outrageously spicy food that left you both panting and crying for water. 
  • A final punch line : Ideally, the best story ends with a shocking moment or funny line. It should leave the audience laughing, crying, surprised, or even gasping. For example, in an epic adventure story about you and the groom on a hunting trip, you may end with, “Just as the shark was about to bite the line, Joe reeled in the massive bluefin and yelled, ‘I think we’re gonna need a bigger boat!’”

Pro Tip : If you have to ask, “Is this appropriate?” it probably isn’t. Some stories are better for late-night beers than they are for weddings. Avoid telling stories related to sexual topics, drugs, alcohol, illegal activities, or anything you wouldn’t want grandma to hear. 

#6 Take-home message

When the story finishes, you’ve hopefully elicited some laughter or maybe some tears. All jokes aside, there is a reason you were the best man, and you are probably a significant person to the groom. This is a great time to emphasize the best qualities of the groom and why you’re so happy for his new love. 

Here is an excellent example of tying together the opening and closing lines with a heartfelt message about finding the perfect soul mate:

#7 End your speech with a heartfelt toast

We’ve all heard “let’s raise a glass to [Bride] and [Groom]” before. You can do better than that! The final toast is like the fireworks at the end of your best man speech. Instead of something mediocre, invite the audience to join you in a genuine, thoughtful congratulations. Examples include:

  • “Please join me in raising our glasses to the beautiful bride and handsome groom. May your lives together be long, healthy, and happy. We love you so much and are excited for you. Cheers!” 
  • “Lift your glasses to thank Mr. and Mrs. [Bride’s Parents] for hosting this beautiful wedding. Let us all toast to the perfect union of the bride and groom. We wish you a bright and beautiful future. Cheers!”
  • “Here’s to the past, for all you’ve learned. Here’s to the present for this beautiful moment we all share. Here’s to the future for all you’ve got to look forward to. Cheers to the happy couple!” 

Pro Tip : Make your toast inclusive and communal, so the audience feels like they’re cheering for the couple with you. Use words like “we”, “lets”, and “us”. This congratulation invites them to join as if you are speaking on their behalf. 

#8 Use a best man speech template

A template makes things simple if you’re still feeling uneasy about writing your best man speech. You can take the structure of an example speech and incorporate your ideas and stories to make it your own. 

Best man speech example for a best friend :  

“Tonight, you’ll learn why the groom was destined to marry [Bride]. The year was 2002, and we were all in a bar with friends on New Year’s Eve in New York City. Snow was falling outside, and we were sipping champagne, waiting for the big ball to drop. Seemingly out of nowhere, a woman with a red dress entered the room, and everything seemed to stop. All the bachelors in our group were captivated, but only [Groom] had the guts to walk up to her. Rumor has it that his first opening line was ‘

Everyone talks about a woman’s glow when she’s falling in love, but I swear that [Groom] was smiling from ear to ear from the second they met. We could hardly get him to stop talking about her by the following week. We’d be watching football and drinking beers only to have [Bride’s] name brought up every 5 minutes. 

Fast forward 3 years, and we’ve all seen how much [Bride] has positively impacted his life. When he came to me to tell me he was proposing, my only response was, ‘ Finally, dude !’

There’s something extra special about these two. They go together like peanut butter and jelly. They love and respect each other so much. [Bride] was the one for [Groom] from the second they locked eyes in that hazy NYC bar. We are all so happy to be here for your big day. Let’s raise our glasses to the beautiful bride and groom! Cheers!” 

Another Best man speech example for a best friend :  

“The groom was the first friend I made on the high school basketball team. He wasn’t very good [pause for laughter]. I was the tallest player and obviously had the best free throw, but I was majorly lacking in the ladies department. Thankfully, [Groom] took me under his wing and showed me how to be a true gentleman. That includes opening doors for women and carrying their bags instead of just running in with my own. What would I have done without you, man?

Even though he was no good at basketball, [Groom] always had his head on his shoulders. He’s a respectful, intelligent, and relatively clean-cut guy. All joking aside, it’s no surprise that he ended up with a woman as intelligent and beautiful as [Bride]. You both deserve a lifetime of love, happiness, and success together. Please raise your glasses and join me in congratulating the bride and groom! We love you!” 

#9 Practice your body language

Public speaking isn’t only about what you say but how you carry yourself. Your body language can drastically affect your confidence, your delivery, and how the audience perceives you. Use these body language hacks to take your speech to the next level: 

  • Signal “friend” : Smile and show your open palms to send the message that you are the audience’s friend. This makes people feel more comfortable with your presence and more likely to listen.
  • Stand up straight : When you look confident, you also feel more confident. Check your posture if your voice is a little shaky before the speech. Roll back your shoulders and tuck your shoulder blades down towards your back. Slightly lift your chest and chin as you speak. 
  • Make eye contact: Throughout the speech, you should change your eye contact with different audience members. As you mention specific compliments or thanks, make eye contact with the bride, groom, groomsmen, bridesmaids, and the bride’s father.
  • Genuinely smile : Smiling may seem obvious, but it’s easy to forget when you feel so focused on a perfect delivery. At the same time, you don’t want to look like you’re fake smiling throughout the speech. Use these 9 Simple Tips to Smile Better (in any situation!)
  • Use your hands : It’s easy to let your nerves get the best of you and feel like a “deer in the headlights.” Instead of tucking your hands in your pockets, widen your stance and take up space. Use your hands and gestures while you talk to show that you are comfortable and happy during the speech. 

Want more tips? Here are 17 Body Language Presentation Cues to Use in Your Next Speech . 

#10 Rehearse before the big day

Experts say you should rehearse a speech 10 times before performing it. Research also shows that people who mentally prepare themselves before a speech by imagining it going well are more likely to perform fluently and easily. So before you get in front of an audience, be sure you’ve gone over your speech at least 10 times, either in your head or out loud. Better yet, practice in the mirror, on camera, or in front of a trusted friend. 

It also helps to review the gist of the speech with the groom (without giving away any secret details) to make sure it’s alright with him. A few weeks before the wedding, you may pull him aside and ask, “Hey man, is it OK if I tell the story about ____ in my best man speech? I think it’ll get some good laughs.” 

Although this example is long, this best man very clearly rehearsed his speech for a near-perfect performance without any notes:

Key Takeaways: Express Gratitude and Sentimentality in 3-5 Minutes

Ultimately, a best man speech is an opportunity to make your best bro look good in front of all his friends and family. Your speech should demonstrate how much you value your brotherhood or friendship. At the same time, you can enjoy 5 minutes of wedding fame without making things all about you. A great toast can make you a memorable celebrity at the wedding and have people laughing at your

Before jumping up at the reception and speaking off the cuff, remember to:

  • Outline and plan your speech ahead of time. Use notecards if needed.
  • Focus on the groom and his bride. Don’t go on and on about yourself. 
  • Nail the opening line with a funny joke, quote, or teaser that leads into a great story. 
  • Avoid inappropriate or cringey topics that could embarrass the groom.
  • Express gratitude to the groom and wedding hosts. 

Giving a toast or speech is an essential social skill that can make you one of the most likable people in a room. If you want to learn more about the art of giving showstopping toasts, read this guide on How to Give an Awesome Toast: Advanced Strategies for Speeches . 

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how to write a groomsman speech

How to Give a Perfect Groomsman Speech (With Examples)

  • The Speaker Lab
  • June 11, 2024

Table of Contents

You’ve been asked to give a speech as a groomsman, and you want to make it count. But where do you start? Crafting the perfect groomsmen speech can feel like a daunting task, but don’t worry—we have your back. With our collection of sample groomsmen speeches and expert tips, you’ll be well on your way to delivering a heartfelt, humorous, and unforgettable tribute to the happy couple.

No matter your experience with public speaking , our guide will help you create a speech that will make the groom proud and leave the audience smiling. From choosing the right tone to incorporating personal anecdotes, we’ll cover all the essential elements of a standout groomsmen speech. So, let’s get started on this journey together!

Choosing the Right Tone for Your Groomsman Speech

When it comes to giving a groomsman speech, one of the biggest decisions you’ll have to make is what tone to strike. Do you want to keep things light and humorous? Or do you want to go for a more heartfelt and sincere approach? The answer, of course, depends on a few factors. For instance, you’ll want to consider your relationship with the groom, the overall vibe of the wedding, and your own personal style.

The best groomsman speeches are the ones that find a balance between humor and sincerity. You want to make people laugh, but you also want to express your genuine love and appreciation for the groom and the couple. It’s a delicate balance, but when you get it right, it can be truly magical.

Deciding Between Humorous or Heartfelt

If you’re struggling to decide between a humorous or heartfelt tone for your groom speech, start by thinking about your relationship with the groom. If you’ve always been the class clown and the groom loves your silly sense of humor, then a more lighthearted speech might be the way to go. On the other hand, if you’ve been through some serious life experiences together and have a deep, meaningful bond, a heartfelt approach could be more appropriate.

Balancing Humor and Sincerity

Once you’ve decided on your overall tone, the key is to find a balance between humor and sincerity. Even if you’re going for a more humorous speech, make sure to include some genuine moments of appreciation for the groom and his new spouse. And if you’re going the heartfelt route, don’t be afraid to throw in a few jokes or funny stories to keep things from getting too heavy.

One way to strike this balance is to start with a funny story or joke to get the audience laughing. Then, transition into a more sincere expression of your feelings. You could say something like,

“But in all seriousness, [Groom’s Name], I’ve never met anyone with a bigger heart or a more generous spirit. I’m so grateful to have you as a friend, and I know that [Bride’s Name] is the luckiest woman in the world to have you as her husband.”

Tailoring Your Speech to the Couple

Finally, remember to tailor your speech to the couple and their unique relationship. If they’re a more traditional couple, a classic, heartfelt speech might be the way to go. But if they’re known for their silly sense of humor and laid-back attitude, feel free to have some fun with your speech.

At the end of the day, the most important thing is to speak from the heart and express your genuine love and support for the couple. Whether you make them laugh or cry, they’ll appreciate the thought and effort you put into your speech.

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Essential Elements of a Groomsman Speech (with Samples)

If you’ve been asked to give a groomsman speech, it helps to have a few samples to get started. Luckily for you, that’s exactly what we have in store. Once you’ve taken a look at our samples and learned how to organize your groomsman speech, you’ll be set to go. Let’s get started!

Opening with a Strong Introduction

The opening of your speech is your chance to grab the audience’s attention. In addition, the opening sets the tone for what’s to come. Start with a strong, confident introduction that lets everyone know who you are and your relationship to the groom. You could say something like,

“For those of you who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the pleasure of being [Groom’s Name]’s friend for [Number] years.”

If you’re feeling nervous, take a deep breath and remember that the audience is on your side. They want to hear what you have to say and are rooting for you to succeed. So stand tall, speak clearly, and let your personality shine through.

Sharing Personal Stories and Memories

One of the most important parts of a groomsman speech is sharing personal stories and memories that illustrate your relationship with the groom. These stories should be both entertaining and meaningful, giving the audience a glimpse into your friendship and why it’s so special.

When choosing stories to share, look for moments that highlight the groom’s best qualities. For example, you could focus on his kindness, his sense of humor, or his loyalty. And don’t be afraid to get a little emotional. A heartfelt speech that comes from a place of genuine love and appreciation will always be well-received.

Expressing Gratitude and Well Wishes

In addition to sharing personal stories, your groomsman speech should also include expressions of gratitude and well wishes for the couple. Take a moment to thank the bride and groom for including you in their special day, and let them know how much their friendship means to you. Below is a sample to consider for this part of your groomsman speech.

“[Groom’s Name], I can’t tell you how much it means to me to be standing up here with you today. You’ve been an incredible friend to me over the years, and I know that you and [Bride’s Name] will have a lifetime of happiness together. I wish you both all the love and joy in the world.”

Closing with a Toast or Words of Wisdom

Finally, it’s time to wrap up your speech with a toast or some words of wisdom for the newlyweds. This is your chance to raise a glass and invite the rest of the room to join you in celebrating the happy couple.

Your closing words could be something simple and heartfelt, like

“To [Groom’s Name] and [Bride’s Name], may your love for each other continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Cheers.”

Alternatively, you could end with a piece of advice . For instance:

“Remember, [Groom’s Name], as Ruth Bell Graham once said, “A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers.” So when you want to deliver a biting remark and slam the door, remember that kindness will always be worth it and never regretted.”

Whatever you choose to say, make sure it comes from the heart and reflects your unique relationship with the couple. With these essential elements and samples, you’re well on your way to delivering a groomsman speech that will be remembered for years to come.

Crafting the Perfect Opening for Your Groomsman Speech

When it comes to delivering an unforgettable groomsman speech, the opening lines are crucial. This is your chance to capture the audience’s attention and set the tone for the rest of your speech. Of course, giving a speech on such a momentous occasion can be nerve-wracking. However, with a little preparation and a few sample groomsman speeches, you can craft the perfect opening.

Greeting the Audience and Introducing Yourself

Start by warmly greeting the audience and introducing yourself. A simple “Good evening, everyone” or “Ladies and gentlemen” followed by your name and your relationship to the groom is a classic way to begin. This helps the audience connect with you right off the bat and sets the stage for your speech.

For example, you might say something like,

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the pleasure of being [Groom’s Name]’s best friend since we were kids.”

Setting the Tone for Your Speech

Your opening lines should give the audience a sense of the tone and style of your speech. If you plan to be more humorous, consider starting with a lighthearted joke or playful comment. For example, you might say,

“Well, it’s about time this guy tied the knot. I was starting to think he’d be a bachelor forever.”

On the other hand, if you’re going for a more sentimental approach, begin by expressing your joy and honor at being a part of this special day. You might say,

“I’ve been looking forward to this moment for a long time. It’s truly an honor to stand beside [Groom’s Name] on the biggest day of his life.”

Capturing the Audience’s Attention

Engage your audience from the very beginning by using a captivating opening line or story. This could be a funny anecdote about the groom, a poignant memory of your friendship, or even a thought-provoking quote about love and marriage.

One of the best ways to grab the audience’s attention is by sharing a personal story that highlights the groom’s character. For instance,

“I’ll never forget the time when [Groom’s Name] dropped everything to drive across the country and be there for me during a tough time. That’s just the kind of guy he is—always putting others first.”

Remember, the key to a great opening is to be authentic, engaging, and true to yourself. With a little creativity and heart, you’ll have the audience eager to hear more.

Incorporating Personal Anecdotes and Memories in Your Speech

One of the most important elements of a memorable groomsman speech is sharing personal stories and memories that illustrate your relationship with the groom. These anecdotes not only add depth and emotion to your speech but also give the audience a glimpse into the person you’re honoring.

Choosing the Right Stories to Share

When selecting stories to share in your groomsman speech, choose ones that are both entertaining and meaningful. Look for moments that showcase the groom’s character, your friendship, or the couple’s relationship. As we discussed above, aim to strike a balance between humor and sincerity.

For example, you might share a story about a time when the groom went above and beyond to support you during a challenging period in your life. Consider this sample groomsman speech:

“When I lost my job a few years ago, [Groom’s Name] was the first person to show up at my door. Not only was he there to listen, but he was also there to help. He helped me update my resume, connected me with potential employers, and never let me lose faith in myself. That’s the kind of friend he is—always there when you need him most.”

Highlighting the Groom’s Best Qualities

Use your personal stories and memories to highlight the groom’s best qualities, such as his kindness, loyalty, sense of humor, or dedication. Share examples of times when he demonstrated these traits, whether it was through your friendship or in his relationship with his now-spouse.

Consider the groomsman speech sample below, which highlights the groom’s work ethic and determination.

“I’ve watched [Groom’s Name] pour his heart and soul into building his business from the ground up. He’s faced countless obstacles and setbacks along the way, but he never once threw in the towel. His unwavering commitment to his dreams is just one of the many reasons I admire him so deeply.”

Demonstrating the Strength of Your Friendship

Your anecdotes should also serve to demonstrate the depth and importance of your friendship with the groom. Share stories that illustrate the challenges you’ve faced together and the ways you’ve supported each other over the years. For example, you might say something like,

“It all started on the first day of college when we were assigned as roommates. Little did I know that the guy who showed up with a suitcase full of comic books and a guitar would become my best friend for life. From late-night study sessions to epic road trips, we’ve been through it all together. And I couldn’t be more grateful to have him by my side on this incredible journey.”

Remember, the goal is to paint a picture of your friendship that resonates with the audience. By choosing stories that are both entertaining and heartfelt, you’ll create a speech that truly celebrates the amazing person you’re honored to call your friend.

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Delivering Your Groomsman Speech with Confidence

Your groomsman speech is a chance to show your support and love for the happy couple on their wedding day. But giving a speech in front of a crowd at the wedding reception can be nerve-wracking, even for the most seasoned public speaking pros. If you’re feeling nervous about your groomsman speech, we have several tips and strategies to help you build confidence before the big day.

Practicing and Preparing Beforehand

First things first, write out your speech . Don’t just wing it. Get your thoughts down on paper, then practice, practice, practice. Stand in front of a mirror, record yourself, or rope in a trusted friend to be your audience. The more you run through your speech, the more natural it’ll feel when you’re up there on the big day. Plus, it will allow you to work out any kinks or awkward phrasing ahead of time.

Managing Nerves and Anxiety

A little bit of nervousness is totally normal, so don’t be alarmed if you experience a little anxiety before giving your speech. To calm yourself, take some deep breaths before you head up to the mic. Remind yourself that everyone in that room is rooting for you. They’re all there to celebrate love and happiness, not judge your public speaking skills. If you start to feel the jitters, just focus on the happy couple—after all, they’re why you’re here.

Redirecting your focus and taking calming breaths are just two ways of calming performance nerves. In cases of extreme anxiety, you may want to learn how to overcome your fear of public speaking .

Speaking Clearly and at a Suitable Pace

When it’s time to deliver your speech, speak slowly and clearly. Remember, it’s not a race. Take your time, enunciate your words, and don’t be afraid to pause for effect or to let a joke land. If you find yourself rushing, take a breath and slow down. The audience wants to hear what you have to say, so give them a chance to take it all in.

Using Body Language and Eye Contact

Your body language can say just as much as your words. Stand tall, keep your shoulders back, and try not to fidget too much. Make eye contact with the couple and different sections of the room. It’ll help you connect with your audience and make your speech feel more genuine and heartfelt.

Keeping Your Groomsman Speech Concise and Engaging

If there’s one thing you don’t want to do when giving a groomsman speech, it’s talking too long. To keep your groomsman speech concise and engaging, take a look at some of these strategies.

Ideal Length for a Groomsman Speech

Ideally, a groomsman speech lasts about 3-5 minutes. That’s enough time to share a couple of anecdotes, express your love and support, and raise a toast to the newlyweds. Remember, there are likely several other speeches on the docket, so be mindful of the overall timeline. You don’t want to be the one holding up the dinner speeches.

Maintaining the Audience’s Attention

To keep your audience engaged, focus on quality over quantity. In addition, vary your tone and pacing to create a dynamic delivery. Share stories that are both entertaining and meaningful, and don’t be afraid to inject a little humor. Just be careful not to go overboard with the jokes—you want to strike a balance between sincerity and levity.

Avoiding Rambling or Getting Sidetracked

It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and start rambling or going off on tangents. Resist the urge. Stick to your main points and keep your stories concise. If you find yourself veering off-topic, take a pause, glance at your notes, and get back on track. Your audience will thank you for it. At the end of the day, your groomsman speech is a chance to celebrate the love and happiness of your favorite couple. Speak from the heart, keep it concise, and let your personality shine through. You’ve got this!

Incorporating Quotes and Sentiments in Your Groomsman Speech

When it comes to delivering a memorable groomsman speech, one of the most effective ways to add depth and meaning is by incorporating relevant quotes. The right quote can emphasize a key point, evoke emotion, and leave a lasting impression on the wedding guests. But with so many quotes out there, how do you choose the perfect one for your speech? To help you get started, we have some groomsman speech quotes for you to sample, as well as some strategies for using them.

Finding Relevant and Meaningful Quotes

Before you can choose a quote, you first have to consider the overall tone and message you want to convey in your speech. Are you aiming for a heartfelt and sentimental tribute to the bride and groom? Or perhaps a more lighthearted and humorous approach?

Once you have a clear idea of your speech’s direction, begin searching for quotes that align with that tone. Look for words of wisdom from famous authors, poets, or philosophers that speak to the beauty of love, the joys of marriage, or the importance of friendship. For example, say you want to highlight the groom’s unwavering love for his beautiful bride in your speech. In this case, you might consider a quote like this one from Roy Croft: “I love you, not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.”

Using Quotes to Emphasize Key Points

Once you’ve found a few meaningful quotes, think strategically about where to place them within your speech. Remember, you don’t want to recite a quote just for the sake of it. Instead, use them to punctuate key moments or ideas.

For instance, if you’re sharing a story about the groom’s unwavering support during a challenging time, you could follow it up with a quote that underscores the power of true friendship, such as this one from Walter Winchell: “A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.”

By using quotes to emphasize your main points, you’ll add an extra layer of depth and significance to your words, making your speech all the more impactful and memorable.

Ensuring Quotes Align with Your Speech’s Tone

As you incorporate quotes into your groomsman speech, be mindful of maintaining a consistent tone throughout. If your speech is primarily humorous and light-hearted, a sudden shift to a deeply philosophical or somber quote could feel jarring and out of place.

Aim to choose quotes that seamlessly blend with your own words and the overall style of your speech. If you’re unsure whether a particular quote fits, try reading it aloud within the context of your speech. Does it flow naturally, or does it feel forced and disconnected?

Remember, the goal is to use quotes to enhance your speech, not to overshadow your own heartfelt sentiments. By selecting quotes that align with your speech’s tone, you’ll create a cohesive and compelling tribute.

Navigating Sensitive Topics and Avoiding Common Pitfalls

As you craft your groomsman speech, it’s important to be mindful of potential pitfalls that could detract from the joyful atmosphere of the wedding day. While it’s natural to want to share funny stories and memories, there are certain topics and approaches that are best avoided.

Steering Clear of Embarrassing or Inappropriate Stories

One of the most common mistakes groomsmen make is sharing embarrassing or inappropriate stories about the groom. While a gentle ribbing can be amusing, it’s crucial to remember that the wedding guests include family members and friends of all ages.

Before including a potentially controversial story or joke, ask yourself: Would sharing this in front of the groom’s grandparents or young nieces and nephews make someone uncomfortable? If the answer is yes, it’s best to leave it out of your speech.

Instead, focus on stories that highlight the groom’s positive qualities, such as his kindness, loyalty, or sense of humor. These anecdotes will not only be more appropriate for the occasion but will also paint the groom in the best possible light.

Respecting the Bride and Groom’s Wishes

Another important consideration when navigating sensitive topics is respecting the bride and groom’s wishes. If they have expressed any specific preferences or boundaries regarding the content of the speeches, it’s essential to honor those requests.

For example, if the couple has asked that speeches remain under a certain time limit or avoid mentioning past relationships, make sure to adhere to those guidelines. By showing respect for the bride and groom’s wishes, you’ll demonstrate your support and understanding of their vision for the big day.

Avoiding Inside Jokes or Obscure References

While inside jokes between you and the groom can be tempting to include, it’s important to remember that the majority of the wedding guests may not be in on the joke. Similarly, obscure references or niche topics can leave people feeling confused or excluded.

Aim to craft a speech that is accessible and enjoyable for all attendees, regardless of their relationship to the bride and groom. If you do choose to include a personal joke or reference, provide enough context so that everyone can appreciate the humor or significance.

By steering clear of embarrassing stories, respecting the couple’s wishes, and avoiding inside jokes, you can craft the perfect groomsman speech. Plus, you’ll be able to celebrate the joy of the wedding day without any awkward or uncomfortable moments.

FAQs on Groomsmen Speeches

What do you say in a wedding speech to the groomsmen.

Thank them for their support, highlight shared memories, and express excitement for the adventures that lie ahead.

What is an example of a groom’s speech toast?

“To love, laughter, and happily ever after. Cheers to my bride and our future together.”

Do groomsmen usually give speeches?

Groomsmen sometimes speak at weddings, but it’s more common for the best man to handle this honor.

What should a groom say about his best man?

Mention how he’s been a rock in your life, share funny or heartfelt stories, and thank him sincerely.

Crafting the perfect groomsmen speech is all about speaking from the heart, sharing meaningful stories, and celebrating the love between the newlyweds. By utilizing our strategies and drawing inspiration from our sample groomsman speeches, you’ll be well-equipped to deliver a toast that will leave a lasting impression on the happy couple and their guests.

Remember, your role as a groomsman is an honor and a privilege. So embrace the opportunity to express your admiration and support for the groom and his partner. Choosing your words carefully could elevate their big day from memorable to truly extraordinary.

  • Last Updated: June 4, 2024

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How to Write The Perfect Groom’s Speech (With Examples)

Author: Hollie Bond

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How to Write a Grooms Speech

Funny groom's speech ideas, emotional groom's speech ideas, unusual groom's speech ideas, famous groom's speech ideas.

No idea where to start when it comes to making a speech on your big day? We’ve compiled all the best tips and inspiration to help you write and deliver the best groom’s speech ever.

The groom’s speech is always a highlight at a wedding. It’s a chance for guests to hear all the romantic and heartfelt sentiments that you, as a newlywed, will be experiencing.

It’s also a feel-good part of the day where you get to acknowledge all your guests and thank individuals who have helped you bring this special day together. Everyone in the ‘audience’ will be friends and family, so put any public speaking nerves aside, as everyone will be willing you on to do your best and if you stumble over your words or well up when you’re talking about your new wife or husband – well, they’ll just love you even more!

We’ve rounded up 40 of the best groom’s speech ideas, with inspiration for funny, emotional, and unusual speeches, plus examples from famous grooms, to help you write your own Oscar-worthy speech.

What should the groom say in his speech?

Good news! The groom’s speech is one of the easiest speeches to write and deliver as it is essentially just one big thank you.

A groom’s speech should focus on thanking everyone who has helped make the wedding day special including the mother and father of the bride (or equivalent), the guests, his own parents, the best man, the bridesmaids, ushers, and anyone else who has contributed to the wedding.

The other main focus of the groom’s speech is to lavish praise and compliments on his new wife (or groom) and to tell them how happy he is to be married. Finally, the groom should raise a toast to his new wife or husband.

How long should a groom’s speech be?

Any speech at a wedding, including the groom’s speech, should be no longer than ten minutes. When written down this is approximately 1500 words, but make sure to time yourself before the big day in case you’re a particularly slow or fast speaker.

Ten minutes is the ideal length to get across everything you need to say, but not so long that your guests get bored and start to fidget. If you’re not a confident speaker you can always just say a few lines lasting a couple of minutes.

Less is definitely more when it comes to speeches. That said, if it’s too short you could sound flippant! Anywhere between five and ten minutes and you’re in safe territory.

1. Don’t be too formal

Unless you’re known for your love of a bit of pomp and circumstance then you don’t suddenly have to become the master of all things etiquette and stuffy speech-making just because it’s your wedding day. Your guests will want to hear you speak in your usual way, and as long as you cover the expected formalities like thanking everyone for coming, both sets of parents, the bridal party, and anyone who went above and beyond to help you with something like making a cake, then you don’t have to worry about anything else.

2. Focus on the start

If you can get guests smiling from the very beginning of the speech, then both you and your guests will feel relaxed and enjoy the rest of it. Have a think about something humorous that specifically relates to your guests or wedding situation rather than an obvious/ heard-100-times-before gag. Perhaps you’re known for your non-stop chatter, so you could open with “I know you’re all thinking you should take a loo break before I start talking, but I promise I’ll keep this as short (as I can!)…”

3. Don’t forget the main purpose of the speech

A romantic and heartfelt ode to the person you’ve just married should be the main focus of this speech. Try to avoid just saying empty words that anyone could say like “she/he is wonderful, beautiful, kind” etc. Think of specific things that your other half has done that makes you proud/ really love them/ that makes them unique. Anecdotes and stories that highlight a personal trait are the best way to do this.

4. Be romantic, not cheesy

Try not to fall into the trap of sounding like a compilation of all the lines you might find inside a cheesy Valentine’s Day card. Instead of “I’m so lucky to have found you” think about “My parents always told me nothing good would come of always being late, but I’m so glad to say I proved them wrong. I missed my train (as usual) that fateful day and the best thing ever came out of it… you.” Or a simple list of all the things that you particularly love about your partner, from the way they constantly fiddle with their hair to the way they talk to your dog like it’s a human.

5. Don’t give out gifts

This isn’t prize-giving at school and giving out weddinggifts to bridesmaids and ushers etc. will just take up valuable partying time. Give your bridal party their gifts in the morning when you’re all getting ready as it’ll be more personal in private.

6. Think about timing

A speech around the 7 – 10 minutes mark is considered the perfect amount of time for a groom’s speech (written down that’s about 1200 – 1400 words). Any less and you’ll sound a bit flippant. Any more and guests will start getting bored.

7. Don’t go into massive amounts of detail

We all know someone that tells a story as intricate and descriptive as a Tolstoy novel and how we automatically glaze over as soon as they start speaking. Don’t be that person. Your guests don’t want War and Peace – they want a nice easy to listen to a speech that doesn’t mentally challenge them, especially once they’re a few drinks down.

8. Find the perfect quote

If you’re not a wordsmith, let someone else more qualified sum up your feelings for you. There are plenty of amazing quotes from authors and famous orators out there and one or two of them may be exactly what you need to succinctly put all your feelings about the day and your partner into one neat sentence. Just make sure to acknowledge the original author!

9. Give your partner a promise

A lovely way to be funny and also heartfelt at the same time is to make a promise or two to your partner in front of your guests. Don’t just repeat your vows here, promise something that is unique to her/him. Perhaps she’s an avid rock climber and you’re more of a couch potato? Promise you’ll learn to love her crazy hobby. Maybe you’re not exactly Heston Blumenthal in the kitchen? Promise you’ll learn to cook your partner more than beans on burnt toast. Perhaps she/he is the world’s greatest Swiftie. Promise you’ll learn the lyrics to all their favourite Taylor Swift songs… you get the idea.

10. Prepare the delivery

The biggest mistake you can make is to write a great speech on paper and then not read it out loud before the big day. You need to practice talking slowly and confidently and leaving little pauses after funny bits (for any of the slower guests to get it!). Also, some written sentences don’t sound great when spoken, so reading out loud will help you to iron out any clunky syntax. Plus, you’ll want to know the speech almost by heart so that you don’t have your head in a piece of paper reading word-for-word on the day. Eye contact with your guests is one of the most important parts of delivering a successful speech.

You don’t have to be the next Michael McIntyre, but giving your guests a giggle and making them smile is the quickest way to make both them and you feel at ease with the speech.

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you have to pepper your speech with gags and silly one-liners to make it funny. Instead, just focus on things that are unique to you as a couple or for the audience (perhaps the region you’re from for example) and have a bit of fun at your/ their expense. Be careful not to reference something that only a few members of the audience will understand as that will very quickly alienate your other guests.

Here are ten funny speech ideas to take inspiration from:

Focus on your differences

Comparing your differences can be an easy way to make the guests smile. Are you obsessively tidy and your new partner a bit of a slob perhaps? Can you cook like a pro while they can’t even heat soup without burning the place down? Whatever your differences, exaggerate them and make a joke out of them to get guests giggling.

Tell the crowd something they don’t know

Do you know some funny things about your bride/groom’s past that others in the audience might not? Now’s a good time to reveal that she/he did some hilarious hobbies or geeky things as a child. Perhaps they have a funny secret crush or can do a really odd trick.

Exaggerate your weaknesses

Putting yourself down and acknowledging something everyone knows about you can be a good way to make guests smile. E.g. “Would you believe it? The bride/ groom has finally given up holding out for Ryan Gosling and decided a bald, beer-swilling Insurance Broker from Newcastle is a better option instead.”

Here’s a good example of a funny, self-deprecating groom’s speech:

Make a joke about the wedding itself

“Before I begin, please can we ensure that all the aisles and fire exits are kept clear throughout the reception. There’s a medical team waiting outside the building and I’d like them to have a clear run when my in-laws are presented with the final bill.”

“I’d like to thank Mastercard and Visa, without whom this would never have been possible. My wife and I will be forever in their debt.”

Mother-in-law jokes

These always go down well if you actually get on with her! Reference something unique to your mother in law like her shopping obsession or how long she takes to get ready perhaps. Or keep it classic with: “I’ve been told that this is usually one of the only times in a man’s life when he can be around his wife/husband and mother-in-law and not be interrupted – so hang in there, I’m going to take full advantage.”

“In [in-law’s names], I have found the perfect in-laws. I always cringe when I hear jokes about difficult mothers-in-law because my own experience has been far from that stereotype. [Turn to in-laws and whisper audibly] Did I read that right? Please don’t hurt me…”

Tell a story

If your first date, engagement or the time you asked the in-laws if you could marry their daughter/ son has a funny element to it, go ahead and tell the story. Just remember not to kill the humour with too many details.

Talk about your partner’s quirks

Does your wife/ husband have any weird habits? Divulge a few to the guests but make it romantic by saying how much you love her/him even though they… still get drunk after one glass of wine/ still go to bed with a teddy bear at the age of 33/ always get the words to songs wrong/ always have to be the last person on the dance floor even when the lights come up…

Make the thank yous funny

Instead of a boring list of thank yous, try and inject a bit of fun. For example: “I’d like to thank my mother in law for passing on such wonderful traits to her daughter; her kindness, her humour, though unfortunately, an unwavering support for Arsenal has also slipped down the genetic line.”

Trip the guests up

Everyone expects the first line of the groom’s speech to mention his new wife/ husband. Momentarily confuse them with a sentence like this: “My ex-girlfriend/ boyfriend and I would like to thank you all for coming today” – and then pause while they work it out and laugh.

Use props or videos

If there’s a funny prop or a video that you can show during the speech go for it, plus holding something or giving yourself a break in video form can help stop the nerves.

Leave guests guessing

It’s fine to reference the stag do , but don’t tell a long and boring story about something that happened while you were on it. That’ll only be funny to the stags. It’s best to mention something and leave the end of the story untold as a cliff-hanger so that guests can fill in the blanks with all manner of funny thoughts.

As a groom, you have free reign to get emotional and if you’re not normally an emotional person it will really surprise and delight guests as they will realise just how much the day and marrying your loved one means to you.

You don’t want to get too over the top though and make your guests feel uncomfortable. Keep the really mushy stuff for your bride or groom on your honeymoon and instead focus on the sort of emotional sentiments that will make guests smile.

Here are some ideas for how to make your groom’s speech just the right amount of emotional:

Look guests in the eye

The quickest way to get guests to buy into what you’re saying and to feel the raw emotion of your words is by looking them in the eyes as you deliver each sentence. If you’ve had a difficult time in the run-up to the wedding and are really grateful for the support they’ve all shown, say so while looking sincerely at the guests you really want to show your gratitude to.

Put your heart into the thank yous

If you don’t want to make the thank yous funny or witty, how about making them emotional by not just thanking the person for what they did, but by explaining how much it meant to you.

Mention absent friends

If a member of your family or a friend isn’t at your wedding and is greatly missed then make sure to raise a toast to their memory. You don’t want to be morbid, but a few words about how much the person/ people meant to you both and how much you miss them, followed by inviting all guests to raise a toast to them is a lovely emotional gesture.

Let yourself feel the emotion

If you feel yourself welling up don’t stop the emotion – guests won’t mind if your voice breaks a bit or if you have to take a deep breath. In fact, it just shows how much the words actually mean to you.

Be creative when it comes to describing your partner

If you want to inject emotion into your speech, don’t just say sentences that could describe any bride/ groom. Think specifically about your partner and be poetic when you talk about them and it will be much more sincere than just saying: “My new wide is beautiful” or “My husband is kind”. Here’s a lovely example from a groom’s speech about how to reference your new spouse:

Want to make sure your speech is unforgettable? Make it unusual and unique with some of these stand-out suggestions…

Rap the speech

Got a hidden talent for rapping (or if you don’t it can still be hilarious), then why not attempt to rap the speech instead. You could do part of it normally, before breaking out into a fun rap perhaps.

Sing the speech

Got a good set of pipes on you? How about singing your speech instead? Choose a famous song and then write personalised lyrics to fit. You can make it funny or heartfelt – whatever suits your personality best. Having the words on PowerPoint beside you can help in case some guests miss the words.

Write your speech on blackboards around the room

If the idea of public speaking really is too much for you and threatens to ruin your whole wedding day, why not write it up on blackboards that can be displayed around the venue for guests to read instead. You could even pre-record a video of you reading the speech too. Guests who know and love you will appreciate the effort and know how stressful making a speech in person would be for you.

Speak in a different language

Are you marrying someone who is originally from another country and has another language that you don’t speak? Impress both your new wife or husband and especially their family members who make not speak your language by learning some lines in secret in their language. Starting the speech in English for example before changing seamlessly into French will wow your audience and be very emotional for your new partner.

Get other people to do it for you

Track down important guests who can’t make it to the wedding or some famous people if you can and ask them to say something special that you can record and play as part of the speech.

Borrow the words

If you don’t want to make a traditional groom’s speech, how about performing a poem or reading out the lyrics to a song that means a lot to you as a couple (just don’t make it as awkward as Pam and Mick’s rendition in Gavin & Stacey!)

Write a story

Why not make your groom’s speech sound like the start of a novel or children’s story in a ‘once upon a time’ format, but insert yourself and your new spouse as the main characters. After all, your wedding is part of your love story and you can end your speech with a toast to your happily ever after.

Get your guests involved

Don’t like the idea of all eyes being on you? Surprise your wife/ husband by prepping guests beforehand to each say a sentence. Or you can encourage audience participation by turning your speech into a quiz about you as a couple/ the wedding day.

Perform a musical mash-up

Make it themed.

If your bride or groom has a love for something specific, theme your entire speech around it. Take these maids of honour who did a Disney medley as an example:

Tom Fletcher from band McFly did one of the most famous and unusual groom’s speeches of all time. If you can hold a tune why not replicate his speech with your own song…

Nick Jonas went down the heartfelt route for his groom’s speech at his wedding to Priyanka Chopra in 2018 and nailed the thank you to his new mother in law.

Mark Wright from TOWIE gave way to the tears when talking about new wife Michelle Keegan at their wedding: “Not only are you beautiful, but you are one of the most incredible people I have ever met. You truly are sensational in every single way.” Take inspiration from his touching way to be emotional without making everyone feel awkward.

Not a groom’s speech, but you could definitely steal the idea from the best man speech of Danny McKenzie at footballer Jamie Milligan’s wedding – he pretended he had forgotten the speech and then played a video that “showed” him racing through fields and various places James Bond-style to retrieve it…

Hollie Bond

Hollie is a lifestyle journalist with over ten years’ experience working in the wedding industry as Lifestyle Editor for You & Your Wedding magazine Also a Regional Editor for Muddy Stilettos, Hollie has written for Square Meal magazine, Family History Monthly, BBC History magazine and Homes & Antiques. In her spare time you can find Hollie in a dance studio practising ballet…

Learn more about Hollie Bond

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Best Man Speech Ideas

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Best Man Speech Magic: Crafting Words that Resonate and Inspire

Natalia Bayeva

Via Unsplash

Hey there! Your friend’s wedding is just around the corner, and he’s chosen you to be the best man? Crafting the perfect best man speech might seem daunting, but trust us, it’s simpler than you imagine.

Below, you’ll find a wealth of tips and examples from Wedding Forward team to guide you through crafting a best man speech that will leave a lasting impression. Moreover, our editorial team interviewed two distinguished experts in the field: Mindy Weiss, the founder of Mindy Weiss Party Consultants and a best-selling author, and Steven Greitzer, a wedding tech entrepreneur and officiant, serving as CEO of Provenance . Their invaluable tips and advice also have been integrated into this article.


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Top Best Man Speeches Examples

It is much easier to write a best man speech when you have some examples to draw upon for inspiration. That’s why Wedding Forward team have prepared variety collection of inspired best man speech to help you craft your own!

Best Man Speech For Friend

Best Man Speech for Brother

“Good evening, hope everyone is having a good time tonight. I feel very privileged and honored to be standing here tonight celebrating this lovely union. Two years ago, Matt gave the best man speech at my wedding and made a lot of awkward jokes. So needless to say, I’ve been waiting for this moment for a really long time! For those who don’t know, I am Matt’s brother, Mike. I first met Matt when I was two years old at our parent’s house in Boston. To be quite honest, I wasn’t thrilled because I really wanted a sister. And I think he knew because Matt would do ridiculous things like throw my toothbrush in the toilet, pour water at me when I was asleep and run across the room naked when I had any friends over. This made me less popular than I already was. Matt always excelled in school, was captain of the debate team (apologies to Cara, but he can argue his way out of anything!) and can make a mean steak. The truth is, despite him being an annoying brother at the time, I came out winning in the end. Because of him and this beautiful night, I am getting the sister I always wanted. Cara, you’re beautiful and our family loves you so much. Thank you for making my brother so happy. Let’s celebrate this amazing union and raise a glass to the newlyweds ! On behalf of the groomsmen and bridesmaids, we’d like to wish you a life full of love, happiness, and joy. To everyone who made tonight happen, thank you. You’ve made this night very special.” Source

Short Best Man Speeches

“Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? As the best man, I stand here today to say a few words about the remarkable love story between my incredible friend, [groom’s name], and his beautiful bride, [bride’s name]. [Groom’s name] and I have been through thick and thin together, and I’ve had the privilege of witnessing his growth as a person. But it wasn’t until [bride’s name] came into his life that I saw a change I can only describe as transformative. Their love is like a beacon, guiding them through life’s ups and downs. So here’s to the newlyweds—a couple who have found not just love, but true companionship. May your journey be filled with happiness, passion, and an everlasting bond.”
“Sure, here’s an even shorter best man speech example: Good evening, everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], the best man. I want to thank [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name] for this wonderful celebration. [Groom’s Name], you’ve been an amazing friend, and seeing you with [Bride’s Name] brings such joy. [Bride’s Name], you complete [Groom’s Name] perfectly. Together, you both inspire us with your love. Let’s raise a glass to the happy couple. May your life together be filled with love and happiness. Cheers!”

Funny Best Man Speeches

Best man talk for adam and kate.

“Adam and Kate – What a great day to get married! Marriage carries new responsibilities. Kate – from now on, you should never argue or disagree with Adam, because he is now the head of the family and the king of his castle. You will be expected to keep your hair and make-up perfect at all times – to dress in a way that pleases Adam. You should cook his favorite meals every night and encourage him to go out with his friends on a regular basis. Do these simple things and your marriage will be blessed with many years of happiness. Kate – I know that Adam loves you very much… because he spent a long time writing this speech for me. Congratulations to the both of you!” Source

Best Man Presentation for Sarah & Simon

“Sarah & Simon – every great relationship starts with rings. In the beginning, the phone would ring and just the thought of speaking to one another was exciting. Your love grew and so did your commitment to each other. The engagement ring soon came after. There were no doubts… your love was true. The engagement ring has now turned into a wedding ring and we are all here today to celebrate your marriage. Now of course… the suffer-ring begins. (smile and raise your glass) Peace and happiness to the new bride and groom!” Source

Speech for Neil and Claire

“Hi my name is Paul and Neil has asked me to be his best man for this wonderful occasion. I would like to say it is a very special honor but with it, comes the responsibility of giving the bloody speech. I would not say it is very comfortable to wear a tuxedo in a 30-degree church, which is not air-conditioned. The church ceremony I’m sure you’ll all agree was a wonderful, wonderful occasion. Maybe a little hot, but I’m glad to see so many of you have replaced your electrolytes with fuel of the alcoholic kind since the reception began. I have known Neil and Claire for_________ [how many years] years. You might say Neil and I met by accident, but it is no accident that Neil met Claire. If you know Neil you know he is an excellent athlete, in fact I noticed his Athletes foot right away. This was a man who had his knees and ankles shaved, for easy taping. I knew this was a hard-core sports fanatic. We both share a tremendous love of football and basketball. For many years, we have had a running bet during the season as to who will score more goals or more runs which of course, I always won. Neil is a ______________ [Groom’s Occupation] in Truro, and I thought__________________________________[Funny or quirky aspect about grooms occupation] Neil is a man who has dedicated his life to __________________[Grooms occupation] And now I’m sure will use his experience with ___________________________[what the Groom does in his occupation] in his marriage with Claire. It is great that Neil found Claire. He has always been looking for someone young, dynamic, intelligent, attractive, and with good health insurance. Neil and Claire met_________________________ [where they meet], But I have it on good authority that Neil started looking for a wife on the internet. And with a multitude of resources at his fingertips, he found some really great stuff, but sadly was unable to find himself a suitable partner. That is, until I mentioned to him that the correct category to be looking should be Woman Seeking Man. I explained the way it works, send an old picture when you still had lots of hair, lie about your height and weight, and at all other times be sincere and honest. I imagine that when Neil and Claire met and introduced each other he said I’m Neil and she said, “I need a Diamond.” So, Neil said, sure let’s pick one out. Claire is a Diamond. Neil is a gem; I think together they make beautiful jewellery. No Marriage would be complete without some brotherly advice to help set you on your way… So I canvassed the room and got some really good stuff for you! Love, honor and cherish each other, and don’t forget to take out the garbage. Your wife is always right. Just in case she is not right, refer back to #2. Always, yes always, notice every new hairstyle or dress. Do something nice for each other every single day. If she asks if something makes her look fat the answer is categorically, NO. Flowers are always a good Idea, even if you are not in trouble. There is really nothing better than a good foot rub or massage. Your wife is more important than sports. I guess. Even the cup final. It is a great joy for me to see Neil and Claire so happy. You learn things when you get older. Hmmm, I mean more mature. You make better decisions, isn’t it great that two people would entwine and commit to each other for life. Love, isn’t that what it is all about? We are here to celebrate that glorious event and this ceremony is all about letting the world know how much Neil and Claire’s love for each other is a reflection of one’s own soul in another’s. Anyway, it is time to celebrate the joyous and unbridled love that these two spectacular people will share the rest of their lives. Would you please stand now and join me in a toast. To love and laughter and happily ever after.” Source

What are the key elements that should be included in a memorable and heartfelt best man’s speech?

That is what Steven Greitzer, wedding tech entrepreneur and officiant, CEO of Provenance, said:

“There are many key elements to take into account when pulling together a great toast:

  • Include 2-3 stories in your speech that capture the essence of the groom and your friendship.
  • Make sure your speech is appropriate by discussing “no-go’s” with the couple beforehand.
  • Acknowledge the groom’s partner in your speech and speak about how the relationship has helped the groom grow (more on that below).
  • Offer a thematic takeaway, such as the importance of friendship or the strength of the couple’s love.
  • Be sure to practice

The Provenance Toast Builder is the best and easiest way to make sure your wedding toast captures what you’re trying to say.”

Try the Toast Builder

How to Write Best Man Speech

For a great wedding speech, there are some simple rules you have to follow. Here you will find examples of best man speeches Dos and Don’ts from our editors.

  • Plan your speech ahead (think about your best man speech structure, choose formal or funny style) and practice.
  • Tell a short story ( keep the speech to about 5 minutes or less ) with jokes (2 or 3 will be enough).
  • Get sentimental at some point, make compliments to the bride.
  • Finish on an optimistic note (end your speech with love quotes or wishes for the happy couple).
  • Be thankful (express gratitude towards the couple, their family, and anyone who helped make the wedding happen).


  • Do not cross the 2-5 mins time limit.
  • Do not make it about you.
  • Avoid dirty jokes.
  • Do not ignore the bride. Let her know how happy you are, that she is ending up with your friend.
  • Avoid rude remarks. Keep your manners in check, even if it’s for a day.


how to write a groomsman speech

Best Man Speech Templates

Click here to download free printable templates of best man speech!

When creating the Best Man speech outline for your talk, include the following elements to involve everyone, making one and all feel that they are important participants in the merrymaking for the newlywed couple:

Use a Magnetic Opening Line

The opening words of your Best Man presentation should grab everyone’s attention. If you favor a romantic approach to start off a speech, you can start with a statement like, “True love wins all,” and then list the various ways the Groom, through his true love for his Bride, has won all her attention and affections.

  • If some of the Groom’s favorite hip singer-songwriters date back to the 1960s and ’70s, you can quote from Bob Dylan: “ Love is just a four-letter word ,” going on to mention the many words of just four letters that relate to feelings of true love like “ kiss, hold, keep and ever. ” Be intent and clever with the use of language, and you will achieve better engagement with your audience.
  • If your tastes (or the tastes of the newlyweds) are somewhat more classical, you can start by quoting the familiar line from Elizabeth Barrett Browning: “ How do I love thee, Let me count the ways. ” This popular line has been repeated in many variations by countless poets and songwriters ever since, so have no fear of labeling yourself as an egghead when quoting it. This opening line will also give you a chance to mention the main virtues and attributes of the Bride.

Thank the Other Speakers

It is always appropriate and appreciated if you thank the other speakers for the occasion. These speakers usually include the Maid of Honor and the Bride’s Father as well as any other members of the wedding party that the Bride and Groom ask to speak.

It is always good form to express your gratitude for their contributions to this special moment and event. Never criticize or make jokes about what they say or how they say it. Just thank them politely and continue with your own remarks since you know very well how to write a best-man speech.

Congratulate the Newlyweds

Congratulate the wedding couple on this exciting first chapter in their lives together. This is the ideal time to tell the guests how you met your great friend, the Groom. If you happen to be the Groom’s brother or cousin, you can recreate moments of hilarity from your younger years together or shared experiences of suspense or intrigue.

Recalling funny incidents or telling best man speech jokes involving the Groom is totally acceptable, so long as you keep the format and content clean and respectable.

Expert tip from Steven Greitzer:

“A great best man speech strikes the perfect balance of humor and sincerity. You want it to be memorable, but for the right reasons. Check with the couple to see if there are any topics you need to avoid or any topics that might be of particular concern to anyone in the audience. In the Provenance Toast Builder , the couple has the option to call out any topic they do, or don’t, want you to include. If you have any jokes in your speech you are unsure about, run them by someone who is close to the couple who you trust. And if you have a feeling that a joke might upset them or not land well with the audience – err on the side of caution. It’s their big day, not yours! There’s a way to have a funny best man speech that doesn’t upset grandma. Find the balance.”

Compliment the Bride

Now it is time to pull out the stops and give high praise to the Bride using your knowledge of how to write a best man talk. Highlight and emphasize her finest qualities, talents, and accomplishments.

Let them know just how overjoyed you are to celebrate the marriage of these two special people of whom you think so highly. Then give the Bride another charming compliment using top-quality speech writing tips.

Read Messages from Absent Guests

Take time to read some messages from invited guests who could not attend the wedding. This gesture is always appreciated by the absent guests and the Bride and Groom, alike. It also includes their congratulatory thoughts and best wishes for the newlyweds in the day’s special events.

Include a Famous Quote or Poem

Enchant your attentive audience of wedding guests further by reciting a well-known quote or poem that suits the occasion. This adds a creative literary element to the post-wedding celebration for the honored couple. You may want to consult other templates, including a listing of groomsman speech examples.

Best Man Speech Quotes

Choose Best Man speech quotes that reflect the couple’s personality, add humor, and keep them relevant.

Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop. H. L. Mencken
Marriage is a workshop where husband works and wife shops.
A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. Mignon McLaughlin

Propose a Toast to the Wedding Couple

Raise your glass of champagne so the guests can eagerly follow your example as you deliver a heartfelt toast of optimistic good wishes for the excellent health, increasing wealth, and everlasting happiness of the newlyweds.

The toast should be given with gusto and true sincerity and may include mild best-man speech jokes. Remember that you speak for all the well-wishers in the room who want all the best for this newly married Bride and Groom, so put your best energy, spirit, and talents for convincing elocution into this featured Grand Finale.

The “Thankful” Speech

“Hello everyone, it’s such a pleasure to be here tonight as [Groom’s] best man. And I want to begin with saying what an honor it is that I was chosen to stand by your side today. You’ve always been someone that I looked up to and I am just beyond grateful that I get to share in this moment with you and [Bride]. [Groom] is someone that I’ve come to care for greatly over the years and I am so happy that he’s found someone to share his life with and start a family with. [Groom] has always been my right hand throughout the biggest moments of my life and I can’t wait to be able to watch everything beautiful unfold for the two of you. Cheers to a lifetime of happiness!”

The “Smart Move” Speech

“There’s an old saying about friendship that reads, “It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them,” and goodness that couldn’t be more true for me and my boy, [Groom]. I could go into all the funny stories that include some of that stupidity but instead I’d rather focus on all the smart moves he’s made. His friendships, the relationship he has with his family, his career, it’s all a reflection of the incredible man he’s become. But really, the smartest move he’s made is marrying you, [Bride]. Let’s toast to the best decision [Groom’s] ever made. I wish you a lifetime of love, happiness and success.”

The “She Was the One” Speech

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming out tonight to celebrate the wedding of two people we all love, [Bride] & [Groom]! When I first met [Bride], I knew that she was the woman [Groom] would end up marrying. Even if it hadn’t dawned on him quite yet, it was obvious to everyone around just how smitten he was with her. They talk about a bride’s glow, but this man was shining since the moment he met [Bride]. He changed for the better without realizing it. And we all could see it. He couldn’t stop talking about her. We’d go out with the boys and [Bride’s] name would be brought up every two minutes. So, when he came to me to tell me that he would be proposing my only response was, ‘Well, it’s about time!’ There’s something special about these two. They go together without forcing it. They love each other without fighting it. And they care about each other without thinking about it. She was the one from the very beginning [Groom], and we’re all so happy to be able to take part in your big day. Cheers!”

Best Man Speech Opening Lines

Your opening lines are your best-man speech icebreakers, so it’s important that they are good. Grab the attention of your guests with witty best man speech openers such as these.

  • “I would like to begin by congratulating the groom on his excellent taste in best men. He has really outdone himself this time, and I’m pleased.”
  • “I have been asked by the bride and groom not to share any embarrassing stories, crude jokes, or pranks during my best man’s speech… so I guess that’ll be it from me! Thank you all for listening.”
  • “If you cannot hear me at the back, nothing to worry about. By the complete silence in the front row here, you can rest assured that you’re really not missing much.”
  • “Is anyone here this afternoon feeling nervous and queasy at the thought of what lies ahead? If you are, it’s probably because you’ve just married (groom’s name).”
  • “All of you here who really know the bride must know that she is a wonderful person who deserves a good husband. Thank goodness (groom’s name) married her before she found one.”

Best Man Speech One-Liners

I am about to make the groom cry. I just received the food bill.
He is smart, tall, kind, generous….. Who am I actually talking about?
Hi, the groom is a great friend. Our friendship is 2hours old. I was hired as he’s got no friends.
His colleagues describe him as a first-class banker – I may have misheard them.
I heard some time that marriage is a 50/50 affair. Believe that at your own peril. We have factors called women and improper fractions.

One-liners are sharp jokes delivered in one sentence. A good one-liner is concise and meaningful. It is instant but loaded with humor that can keep the guests laughing for a while. It is important that the best man speech jokes contain one-liners.

Best Man Toasts Examples

“It’s been an emotional day, even the cake is in tiers.”
“Folks, I have been told I am not allowed to have a drink until AFTER my speech. If I seem like I’m in a hurry to finish, it’s because I am.”
“I hope the two of you have the two essential things it takes to have a successful marriage 1) a sense of humor 2) selective hearing.”
“Psychiatrists say that girls tend to marry men like their fathers. That must be why mothers cry at weddings.”
“Love is not about how often you say I love you, but how often you show that it’s true.”

Best Man Speech Jokes

“They say marriage is a journey, and tonight we celebrate the beginning of an epic road trip for the bride and groom. Just remember, guys, never forget to ask for directions!”
“They say the key to a successful marriage is patience, understanding, and a remote control with fresh batteries. Groom, make sure you always keep that remote handy!”
“Let’s raise our glasses to the newlyweds: may their love be like Wi-Fi, strong and never disconnecting, even in the midst of Netflix binges!”
“As the best man, it’s my duty to share a piece of advice with the groom: in marriage, always remember that a happy wife means a happy life… and also remember to nod and agree, even when she’s wrong!”
“Marriage is a lifelong commitment, just like the gym membership the groom signed up for and rarely uses. But this time, there are no cancellation fees!”

Best Man Speech Tips

best man speech attire groom olly allars

When delivering your best man speech, it’s essential to captivate the audience with your words and presence. Here are some tips to ensure a memorable and engaging delivery:

  • Maintain good eye contact with the audience: Look directly at the guests while speaking. Eye contact helps establish a connection and shows that you are genuinely engaged with them.
  • Speak clearly and at a moderate pace: Enunciate your words clearly and avoid rushing through your speech. Speaking at a moderate pace allows the audience to understand and absorb your message effectively.
  • Use appropriate gestures and body language to enhance your delivery: Use hand gestures and body movements to emphasize key points and add energy to your speech. However, be mindful of not going overboard and distracting from your message.
  • Incorporate pauses for comedic timing and to allow the audience to react: Timing is crucial, especially when delivering humorous anecdotes or punchlines. Pause before and after delivering a joke to build anticipation and give the audience time to laugh and react.

By implementing these delivery and presentation tips, you’ll engage the audience, leave a lasting impression, and make your best man speech a memorable highlight of the wedding celebration.

Are there any common mistakes to avoid, and how to overcome nervousness or stage fright?

According to wedding planner Mindy Weiss, “speeches can help make or break a wedding” . And we agree with this opinion. Speeches have the power to elevate the celebration, bringing tears of joy and laughter to guests, while also creating cherished memories that last a lifetime. However, poorly delivered speeches can disrupt the flow and energy of the event, leaving guests feeling disconnected and the couple disappointed.

Steven Greitzer convinced that one of the biggest mistakes is when the person giving the wedding speech only talks about the partner they’re closest with, unintentionally making the other partner feel left out and unimportant: “To help remedy this, the Provenance Toast Builder gives you the option to either talk about each partner 50/50, or to talk 70% about your person and 30% about their partner (which is a good rule of thumb). The Toast Builder also has thoughtful prompts to encourage you to share why they’re both 1) good people and 2) a great match for each other.

What is the best man supposed to say in his speech?

The best man should share anecdotes about the groom, praise the couple, thank everyone, and propose a toast. Keep it lighthearted and sincere.

How long should a best man speech be?

The best man’s speech should typically be 5 to 7 minutes long. This duration is long enough to share heartfelt sentiments, humorous anecdotes, and well-wishes without losing the audience’s attention. Keeping it concise and engaging ensures it remains memorable and enjoyable for everyone.

How do I write a good man speech?

Write a good best man speech by including humor, expressing genuine sentiments, avoiding inappropriate content, and keeping it focused on the couple. Practice for smooth delivery and timing.

There is truly something for everyone today to create the perfect Best Man Speech for that very special couple and their after-wedding reception, dinner, and celebration. Fond remembrances, amusing stories and anecdotes, humorous quotes, and emotional phrases end with the joyful ring of a clever, yet heartfelt Best Man Toast to the Bride and Groom. The contemporary wedding is truly a work of love and art with all the trimmings and enticing treats for one and all to treasure and enjoy.

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How to Write the Perfect Groom Speech

All you need is 15 minutes to prepare, according to an expert.

how to write a groomsman speech

Photo by Sarah Folsom Photography

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When it comes to wedding speeches, there's no rule that says the groom has to give one; generally speaking, the father of the bride, the best man, and the maid of honor are the only people required to grab the microphone—but there's even some flexibility here. That being said, grooms shouldn't shy away from saying a few words during the reception if they feel called to do so. It's a wonderful chance to thank guests for their attendance, family members for their f inancial and emotional support , and wedding vendors for bringing the day to life. Most importantly, it gives you a public platform to thank your partner for making you the happiest person in the room.

"The groom's speech is an opportunity for the groom to express deep gratitude, share personal reflections on the journey to marriage, and set the tone for the celebration ahead," explains Steven Greitzer, CEO and founder of Provenance. These remarks are also special because they allow the groom to have a brief moment to shine—especially for those who have an outgoing and charismatic personality. If you're feeling nervous about the idea of giving a toast , however, here's the good news: Preparing for your speech is surprisingly simple and only requires you to follow a few simple steps.

Meet the Expert

Steven Greitzer is the founder and CEO of  Provenance , an online company that specializes in helping couples (and guests!) write wedding vows and toasts.

Here, we break down Greitzer's top tips for writing and delivering an amazing wedding speech as the groom, including exactly what to say to get everyone clapping, what to avoid, and a few sample speeches to inspire your own.

The Average Length of a Groom Speech

As with all wedding speeches, it's best to keep your remarks short and sweet, only touching upon the main points you want to get across. "A groom's speech should be impactful, but still concise, ideally lasting around three minutes max," explains Greitzer. "This ensures that it complements rather than dominates the flow of the reception, allowing guests to enjoy the other toasts from the night while also saving ample time for eating and dancing."

The ideal time to give the groom speech is right before or right after dinner is served. Be sure to coordinate with your wedding planner to ensure time is allocated for your remarks.

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The Ultimate Groom Speech Template

If you're feeling like you can't possibly add another task to your pre-wedding to-do list, remember that writing your speech shouldn't take long at all. In fact, it should only take less than 15 minutes to prepare, which is less than the time it takes to watch a rerun of your favorite television show. As for how to write your remarks? Greitzer provides the ultimate template to follow, below.

Start with a warm opening and express gratitude.

In today's modern world, most of your wedding guests are traveling to be part of the big day, so acknowledging their efforts and expressing your gratitude is the best way to open up your speech. "Welcoming your guests warmly sets the tone for the celebration. Start by expressing your heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has come to share this special day with you," says Greitzer. "A simple 'thank you' can create a sense of community and warmth." After all, regardless of how big or small your wedding is, there's a good chance you won't be able to spend quality time with each guest, which means your speech is the perfect opportunity to thank everyone for coming.

You can even use this portion of the speech to highlight specific individuals, "like a grandparent, or a friend who has traveled a great distance," explains Greitzer. "This is also the time to thank your parents, your in-laws, and publicly shout out your vendors—a small thank you goes a long way," he adds.

Take a moment to appreciate your partner.

Your wedding day is about you and your partner coming together, so you'd be remiss not to say something sweet about the person you just married. "Even though you've exchanged vows, this moment allows for a more informal and spontaneous expression of your love for your partner. It's a chance to share in real time what you're feeling and to express your gratitude and love in a relaxed and genuine way," shares Greitzer.

Recall one to two memories.

Your groom speech is the perfect opportunity to share a sweet memory from your relationship and give guests a glimpse into the world you and your partner have built together. It also gives you the chance to share any childhood anecdotes that involve close friends and family. However, since you only have three minutes to deliver your toast, stick to one to two core memories that mean the most to you—and don't share anything your partner would object to you saying.

Share any announcements (if applicable).

Whether it’s about the dinner being currently served, the signature cocktail available at the bar, the DJ/band, the schedule for buses, or the overall atmosphere in the reception space, pull out one comment to share aloud related to the evening’s experience, explains Greitzer. This allows everyone to stay informed and "helps the event run smoothly and keeps everyone on the same page," he adds.

End on a fun note and give thanks again.

"Wrapping up your welcome speech with a touch of fun sets a great tone for the rest of the evening. Consider sharing a lighthearted anecdote from your relationship or a funny story from your wedding planning journey ," says Greitzer. "This not only leaves your guests smiling but also creates a smooth transition into the celebration, helping everyone get into the festive spirit."

Then, before officially concluding your speech, give one more round of thanks to everyone involved. Anyone you missed on the first pass—your families, any special friends, and especially your wedding vendors—should be noted here. Finally, ask everyone to raise a toast to your partner, your families, the friends in attendance, and the hardworking staff working to bring the day to life.  

What to Avoid When Writing a Groom Speech

While you should feel empowered to write a speech that's personal to you, there are a few things you shouldn't do when penning your toast. Ahead, Greitzer highlights what to avoid when putting together your groom speech.

  • Avoid inappropriate humor.  "Steer clear of jokes that might be considered offensive or inappropriate. Humor is a great way to lighten the mood, but it’s not worth offending your new mother-in-law."
  • Avoid overly personal or inside jokes. "Inside jokes that only a few people understand can alienate the rest of your audience. Ensure your speech is inclusive and resonates with everyone."
  • Steer clear of exes. "This  should  go without saying, but avoid mentioning past relationships or ex-partners. This would likely be awkward and uncomfortable for everyone, including your partner."

"It’s wise to limit your alcohol intake before giving your speech. We’ve all seen what happens when a speech-giver is too tipsy or drunk, and it’s not pretty," advises Greitzer.

Sample Groom Speeches to Inspire Your Own

Stuck on what to say? Here are two sample speeches Greitzer generated with Provenance.

I promise to make this quick! Thank you all so much for being here to celebrate with us. For those who traveled across the world, or across the 405, we are eternally grateful. Seriously, looking out and seeing all your amazing faces fills me with so much happiness. To our vendors who brought our vision to life, you all are wizards. Appreciate you all so much.

To our families, thank you for all your love and support. You've taught us what it means to be patient, helpful, and resilient. We're so grateful for everything you've done for us, including putting up with our irrational, late-night panicked wedding planning emergency calls.

To our friends, thank you for being our chosen family. Whether it was decorating our apartment with engagement decorations before we got back from vacation, or entertaining our weird game night ideas, we can't wait for more fun times and great memories together.

And most importantly, to [partner’s name]… holy sh*t we’re finally married?! I can’t believe how lucky I am that you answered my double text. While I think you’re beautiful in your messy bun and retainer, you look unbelievable tonight.

To anyone I missed, thank you for making this day so special.

So, let's raise our glasses and toast to love, friendship, and the fun times ahead.

Good evening, everyone.

First of all, thank you all for being here tonight. It's truly amazing to look around and see so many of our friends and family gathered together. Your presence means the world to us, and we're grateful for each and every one of you.

I want to start by thanking my parents. Mom and Dad, your support and love have shaped me into the person I am today. You've always been there for me, guiding me with your wisdom and setting an example of what a loving marriage looks like. I can only hope to follow in your footsteps.

To my new in-laws, thank you for welcoming me into your family with open arms. Your kindness and generosity have made me feel like I've been part of your family for years. I'm excited to create many more memories together.

To my groomsmen, thank you for standing by my side today and throughout my life. Each of you has played a significant role in my journey, and I'm honored to have you here. Your friendship has been a constant source of strength and laughter.

And now, to my beautiful wife/husband/partner. [Name], I feel like the luckiest man in the world to be standing here with you. From the moment we met in that little coffee shop on Valencia Street, I knew there was something special about you. Your kindness, intelligence, and passion for life inspire me every day. You make me a better person, and I am so grateful for your love and partnership. I promise to support you, laugh with you, and love you unconditionally for the rest of our lives.

[Wedding location] has always been a special place for us, filled with memories of our adventures together. From exploring [Golden Gate Park] to sunset walks along [Ocean Beach], this city has been the backdrop of our love story. And today, surrounded by the people we care about most, we're beginning a new chapter in our favorite city.

So, here's to love, laughter, and a lifetime of happiness. Thank you all for sharing this special day with us. Let's raise a glass to new beginnings and the beautiful journey ahead.

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6 Best Man Speech Ideas, Examples, and Tips

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Need some help writing your best man speech? Thousands and thousands of distressed forum threads, alarmed Quora posts, and social media cries for help are dedicated to this very request every year. Whether you’ve got a few weeks or a few hours, we’ve got you covered with this guide on how to come up with a best man speech you and the happy couple will love. Keep reading to discover some important best man speech ideas, examples, and tips that will make the process simple and virtually painless. 

Do’s and don’ts every best man should know before drafting their speech:

Length: The most important thing to keep in mind is the length. Shorter is better, so shoot for less than five minutes. The most ideal time would be three minutes: 30-second introduction, two minutes on the main story, and 30 seconds to wrap up and give well wishes. 

Tone: Keep it classy for the older relatives and leave out expletives, raunchy jokes, and stories that you can’t un-tell. Professional storytellers for the Moth , a famous storytelling podcast and prestigious competition, say that a mix of funny and sentimental usually packs a punch as long as you do it in that order. Also, be sincere. Corny jokes get boring really quickly. 

Content: Stories will always be more entertaining than random jokes. Include a one-liner at the beginning of the speech, then bring it back to something that actually happened. The focus should be on the couple or your relationship with them, but not just you and your accomplishments. 

Explore 6 foolproof best man speech ideas, examples, and tips:

1. take inspiration from those who have gone before you..

Copy or get inspired by these real-world examples of best man speeches you can use to make people laugh, cry, or both.

Long best man speech example: Here’s a best man speech example from an older brother to his younger brother, which we edited for clarity and brevity.

“Good afternoon everyone, I’m the best man.

Before I start, I’d just like to say there is no flash photography during this event. The bride and groom are a very shy pair and we don’t want to startle them. If you look really closely at them, you’ll see they’re already starting to feel quite uncomfortable. Maybe they’d like me to just get on with my speech, but I really think it’s all the phones pointed at them right now. 

Oh, it’s the speech? Okay, I’ll continue. 

Ever since (he was born, he started at Boston University, etc.), (groom) and I have been (brothers, friends, etc.). Now, he’s not the best-looking guy, so it does make sense that he’d ask the older, fatter, and balder (friend, version of himself, etc.) to be his best man. And we’ve genuinely been told throughout our lives that we (look incredibly alike, are attached at the hip, etc.). I honestly don’t see it, but as I know, some people here still can’t tell the difference: (Groom’s mom or bride), I’m (best man), and that one’s (groom).

The bride and groom have asked that I don’t talk about any of (groom)’s mishaps, mistakes, or embarrassing moments, and instead do talk about the positive things in his life. I mean, you’ve made this incredibly difficult for me, but I’ll do my best.

*Get out a scrap of paper* (Groom)’s an amazing person. He’s funny, he’s kind, he’s incredibly clever. He’s even (studying to be an engineer, learning how to rollerblade, etc.)! Not only that, but he’s … wait … (groom), I can’t say that, man!

(Bride), you look lovely today; and (groom), you look sharper than ever in that suit! Cheers to a long, happy marriage for you both! But more so for (bride), because she’s really got her hands full now. Cheers!”

Key takeaway: Making fun of yourself more than you make fun of the groom will always be a hit. Also, don’t shy away from the roast-style “set ‘em up to punch ‘em down” jokes like the ones featured here. 

Make it your own: This speech runs less than two minutes. Make it longer and personalize it by adding a story about you and the groom growing up that you think says something about who he is today, either by contrast or extreme similarity. 

Short best man speech example: Get some quick laughs and an “aww” with a little something like this. 

“I really should have given my speech first since (maid of honor)’s speech was way better than mine, but this is all your fault (groom), so enjoy! Thank you all for coming and for those who helped make this wedding so beautiful. (Bride), you look absolutely stunning tonight. (Groom), well, you’re here tonight. All jokes aside, I’m really happy for you both. I always wanted (a sister, someone to help me wrangle the groom, etc.), and now I finally have one. So here’s a toast to the bride and groom!”

Key takeaway: A quick icebreaker, thank you, and joke followed by a sentimental thought is really all you need. 

Make it your own: Personalize the items in brackets to fit your sense of humor and situation. Reference real stories and moments at the wedding. 

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2. Use a template.

If memorizing a script feels like too much pressure, outline your main points, and improvise from there. Here’s a foolproof structure for any best man speech.

Introduce yourself and how you know the happy couple.

Thank the hosts or parents if they paid for the wedding.

Say something nice about their partner and something funny about them.

Tell a short, funny story about your relationship to the groom that ties into what makes the newlyweds’ relationship special too.

End on a sentimental note with your well wishes.

Pro tip: Brainstorm 3-5 anecdotes you like, sleep on it, then narrow down your options to your Top 2. 

3. Nail the opening line.

The most memorable opening line for a best man speech is funny, grabs the audience’s attention, and offers a twist at the end. For example: 

“(Groom) didn't have an easy decision in choosing his best man. First, he called his most successful friend, who said no. Then, he called his smartest friend, who said no. Then, he asked his most attractive friend, and he also said no. Then, he called me, and I said, ‘(groom), I can't say no to you four times.’” 

4. Tell great jokes.

Keep the slander to a minimum. Instead, focus on making fun of yourself or telling a story of which you’re both equally embarrassed. You can also take this opportunity to be comedically competitive, regardless of who comes out on top in your speech. 

For example, acknowledging how you’ve done better at something can be funny just as long as you then mention how they ended up being the winner anyway because they found their partner. 

You can also take this opportunity to let others know about an inside joke or a story of something you two did together that no one has heard before (as long as it won’t get you in trouble with their partner, of course). 

5. Sprinkle in one-liners.

Funny one-liners are a great way to get the audience’s energy up and keep them engaged before you end with a sentimental punch. Here are some examples that even grandma will appreciate.

(Bride), you look stunning. (Groom), you look stunned.

(Bride), you're so beautiful you make (groom) look ... (successful, famous, rich)?

(Bride), you’re the luckiest person in the world to lock down someone like my (friend, brother, etc.). (Groom) is so good looking, so considerate, so humble, so… (groom), I’m sorry, I can't read your handwriting here.

6. Consider your relationship.

The most impactful best man speeches take the relationship you have with the groom into account. Here are some tips for each major type.

Older brother getting married:

Limit yourself to one or two icebreaker insults. Any more and your speech turns into a roast. 

Highlight how much of an example the groom has set for you, for better or worse. 

Younger brother getting married:

Mention at least one meaningful way you’ve seen the groom grow over the years. 

Make a joke to their partner’s benefit about how the groom has “finally won” your sibling rivalry by finding them.

Dad getting married:

Incorporate an important life lesson your dad taught you and weave it into both your main story and your perspective on the wedding today. 

Express gratitude for all he has done for you. He’ll really appreciate it. 

Best friend getting married:

Mention a good quality you remember from the early days of your friendship such as their talent at field hockey or their love of knitting. 

Talk about what makes them special compared to the rest of your friend group in your eyes through the lens of a flattering story. 

If you don’t have a close relationship with the groom: Lean into their interests and use them as a metaphor for how you feel about their marriage. For example, a Star Wars buff might really appreciate a Luke and Leia comparison. Personalizing it like this will show how much you care by putting in more effort to get to know their interests and give you another thing to bond over long after the wedding is over. 

Hint: if it’s the groom’s second marriage, make sure you know who is in attendance before you start jokingly ripping into their ex. In fact, let them be the ones to make jokes about the situation.

Now you know how to give an amazing best man speech! 

Using the advice above, you now know everything about how to write and give a best man speech everyone will enjoy. Don’t be afraid to use borrowed examples, templates, or one-liners. As long as you personalize it and speak from the heart, your speech will be memorable. 

Up next, find other ways to leave your mark on the big day with some super fun and unique bridal party entrance ideas .

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How to Write a Groomsman Speech That Wows

Standing as a groomsman is a cherished role that comes with the significant task of delivering a speech that captures the essence of the occasion. Crafting a groomsman speech that wows is about blending humor, sincerity, and personal touches to create a memorable moment. Whether you’re a seasoned speaker or a novice, this article will guide you through the process of writing and delivering a speech that not only honors the couple but also leaves a lasting impression on all the guests.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the groomsman’s role and tailor your speech to reflect the depth of your relationship with the groom.
  • Structure your speech effectively, with a clear beginning, middle, and end, to maintain audience engagement.
  • Incorporate personal anecdotes and humor to create a heartfelt and memorable speech that resonates with the audience.
  • Practice your delivery to ensure confidence and charisma, making use of body language and pacing to enhance your message.
  • Utilize AI technology to help generate ideas and customize your speech, adding a personal touch to ensure it feels authentic.

The Blueprint of a Brilliant Groomsman Speech

Understanding the role and responsibilities.

As a groomsman, you’re not just a pillar of support for the groom; you’re also a key player in the wedding narrative. Your speech is a unique opportunity to add depth and dimension to the celebration. It’s essential to strike the right balance between humor, sentiment, and respect, ensuring your words leave a lasting impression on the couple and the guests alike.

  • Understand the audience : Know the mix of family, friends, and other guests to tailor your speech.
  • Personalize with stories : Choose anecdotes that highlight the groom’s character and your bond.
  • Practice for emotional connection : Rehearse to deliver your speech with confidence and sincerity.
Crafting a groomsman speech is more than stringing together a few jokes and well-wishes. It’s about creating a narrative that resonates, reflects your genuine sentiments, and honors the couple’s journey. Remember, this speech is a gift to the groom and a cherished memory for all in attendance.

Structuring Your Speech for Maximum Effect

When it comes to delivering a groomsman speech that captivates and delights, structure is key. A well-organized speech not only helps you stay on track but also ensures that your message is received loud and clear. Start with a warm introduction that sets the tone, proceed with a body that weaves personal stories with humor and sentiment, and conclude with a heartfelt toast to the newlyweds.

Here’s a simple structure to follow:

  • Introduction: Greet the audience and express your happiness for the couple.
  • Main Body: Share a mix of anecdotes, jokes, and sincere thoughts.
  • Conclusion: End with a meaningful toast to the bride and groom.
Remember, the goal is to honor the couple and add to the joy of their special day. Keep your speech concise, engaging, and full of genuine emotion. And if you’re looking for inspiration or a starting point, don’t hesitate to take advantage of resources that offer to Get a free wedding speech. These can provide a helpful framework that you can personalize to suit the occasion.

Personalizing Your Message

When it comes to delivering a groomsman speech, personalization is the key to creating a truly impactful message. It’s about weaving together shared experiences and heartfelt sentiments that resonate with the couple and the audience. Begin by reflecting on your relationship with the groom and the couple’s journey together. Highlight significant moments that showcase their love and your bond with them.

  • Reflect on shared experiences with the groom
  • Consider the couple’s journey and milestones
  • Highlight significant moments and stories

Remember, a speech that feels genuine and tailored to the couple will always hold more weight than a generic one. It’s not just about recounting memories, but also about expressing your sincere gratitude and well-wishes for their future together. Avoid any content that might be inappropriate or uncomfortable for the audience, and instead, focus on creating a warm and engaging atmosphere.

The essence of a memorable groomsman speech lies in its ability to connect with the hearts of everyone present. It’s a delicate balance of humor, sincerity, and a deep understanding of the couple’s story.

In conclusion, personalizing your groomsman speech is about more than just telling stories. It’s about creating a narrative that celebrates the couple’s past, honors their present, and toasts to their future. By doing so, you’ll not only pay tribute to the groom and his partner but also leave a lasting impression on all those who share in the celebration.

Crafting the Content: Humor, Heart, and Honesty

Balancing wit and sentiments.

Crafting a groomsman speech that strikes the right balance between humor and heartfelt sentiments is akin to walking a tightrope. It requires a keen sense of timing and a deep understanding of the audience. Start by considering the couple’s personalities and the overall tone of the wedding. Is it a lighthearted affair or a more formal event?

  • Begin with a light anecdote : A funny, relatable story can break the ice and engage the audience.
  • Transition to genuine sentiments : After the laughter, shift to sincere words that reflect your relationship with the couple.
  • Use humor to enhance, not overshadow : Sprinkle in humor throughout, but ensure it complements the heartfelt elements of your speech.
Remember, the goal is to leave the couple and guests with a warm feeling, not just a chuckle. Your speech should be a blend of joyous celebration and genuine affection, a reflection of the couple’s journey and your wishes for their future together.

Finally, practice your delivery to ensure a natural flow between the lighter and more serious moments. This will help you maintain the delicate balance that makes for a memorable groomsman speech.

Incorporating Memorable Stories

Memorable stories are the heart of any groomsman speech. They add a personal touch that can captivate the audience and provide a glimpse into the unique bond you share with the groom. When selecting stories, consider these key points:

  • Relevance to the couple
  • Appropriate humor
  • Emotional impact
  • Shared experiences

Here’s a simple structure to help you weave your stories into the speech:

  • Introduction : Set the scene and introduce the story with a hook that grabs attention.
  • Build-up : Provide context and build suspense or interest.
  • Climax : Deliver the main point or punchline of the story.
  • Reflection : Tie the story back to the couple and their journey together.
  • Transition : Seamlessly move to the next part of your speech.
Remember, the best stories are those that resonate with sincerity, humor, and love. They should reflect the joy and significance of the occasion, leaving a lasting impact on the couple and the guests.

Balance the tone of your stories to match the atmosphere of the wedding. A mix of light-hearted anecdotes and touching moments creates a dynamic and engaging speech. Ensure that your stories are concise and well-paced to maintain the audience’s attention throughout.

Ensuring Authenticity in Your Words

Authenticity is the cornerstone of a memorable groomsman speech. It’s the quality that resonates with the audience and makes your words stick long after the wedding bells have stopped ringing. To ensure your speech is genuine, start by reflecting on your relationship with the groom. What unique experiences have you shared? What qualities do you admire in him? These reflections will be the seeds from which your speech grows.

  • Reflect on shared experiences : Think about the moments that define your friendship.
  • Highlight admirable qualities : Speak to the character of the groom and why he’s a good friend and partner.
  • Speak from the heart : Let your emotions guide your storytelling.
  • Avoid cliches : Steer clear of overused phrases and opt for original expressions.
  • Be yourself : Your speech should sound like it could only come from you.
Remember, a speech that comes from the heart will reach the heart. Your sincerity will shine through when you speak about personal anecdotes and genuine emotions. This is not just about telling a story; it’s about sharing a piece of your history with the groom that everyone can appreciate.

Finally, while it’s important to be honest, it’s equally crucial to be respectful. Balance your authenticity with tact, ensuring that your speech is appropriate for all guests. By weaving together personal stories with warmth and respect, you’ll deliver a speech that’s both authentic and impactful.

Mastering the Delivery: Confidence and Charisma

Overcoming public speaking jitters.

Public speaking can be a daunting task, especially at a momentous occasion like a wedding. To ensure your groomsman speech is delivered with confidence, consider these steps:

  • Prepare thoroughly : Familiarize yourself with your speech content.
  • Practice makes perfect : Rehearse your speech multiple times.
  • Visualize success : Imagine delivering a successful speech.
  • Breathe deeply : Use breathing techniques to calm nerves.
  • Focus on the message : Remember the purpose of your speech.
Organize your proposal in London with the same meticulous attention to detail as you would your groomsman speech. By doing so, you’ll not only captivate your audience but also deliver a message that’s both meaningful and memorable.

Remember, the key to overcoming public speaking jitters is preparation and practice. By following these steps, you’ll be able to deliver your speech with the poise and charisma that will leave a lasting impression on the bride, groom, and all the guests.

Using Body Language to Enhance Your Message

Your body language speaks volumes when delivering a groomsman speech. It’s not just about what you say, but how you say it. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Posture : Stand tall and confident, but remain relaxed. Avoid slouching or swaying.
  • Eye Contact : Connect with your audience by looking at them. This doesn’t mean staring someone down, but rather, gently scanning the room.
  • Gestures : Use hand movements to emphasize points, but don’t overdo it. Natural gestures can add impact to your words.
  • Facial Expressions : Smile and let your emotions be seen. Your authenticity will shine through.
  • Proximity : Depending on the setting, moving closer to the audience can create intimacy.
Remember, your goal is to complement your speech with your body language, not distract from it. Practice in front of a mirror or record yourself to see how you come across. Adjust as needed to ensure your non-verbal cues are in harmony with your message.

Practicing for Perfection

The key to delivering a groomsman speech that resonates with the audience is practice. It’s not just about memorizing words; it’s about embodying the essence of your message and delivering it with ease. Start by practicing in front of a mirror to observe your facial expressions and body language. Then, move on to rehearsing in front of a trusted friend or family member who can provide constructive feedback.

To ensure your speech flows naturally, consider recording yourself. Listening to the playback can highlight areas for improvement in tone and pacing. Here’s a simple checklist to guide your practice sessions:

  • Review your speech multiple times to become familiar with the content.
  • Practice with a timer to keep your speech within the appropriate length.
  • Experiment with different inflections and pauses to add depth to your delivery.
  • Simulate the actual event by practicing in a similar environment, if possible.
Remember, the goal is to appear confident and charismatic, not just to recite words. Prepare and practice your speech with techniques to calm nerves. End on a high note for a memorable and impactful delivery.

The Finer Details: Etiquette and Timing

Navigating wedding speech etiquette.

When it comes to wedding speeches, etiquette plays a crucial role in ensuring that your words are both appropriate and well-received. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Start with Gratitude : Begin by thanking the hosts and acknowledging the guests.
  • Respect the Order : Follow the traditional order of speeches, if one is specified.
  • Be Mindful of Time : Keep your speech concise; aim for about 5 minutes.
  • Avoid Controversial Topics : Steer clear of anything that could cause discomfort or offense.
  • Toast the Couple : Conclude with a heartfelt toast to the newlyweds.
Remember, the essence of a great groomsman speech lies in striking the right balance between formality and personal touch. It’s about honoring the couple and their special day while also sharing a piece of yourself with the audience.

Timing Your Speech to Keep Attention

The key to holding your audience’s attention is not just what you say, but also how long you take to say it. A groomsman speech should be long enough to cover all the heartfelt sentiments and stories, yet concise enough to maintain interest. Here’s a general guideline for speech timing:

  • Introduction : 1 minute
  • Personal Stories : 2-3 minutes
  • Humor and Toast : 1-2 minutes
  • Conclusion : 1 minute

Total: 5-7 minutes

This timeframe ensures you deliver a memorable message without overstaying your welcome. Remember, brevity is the soul of wit.

Crafting a speech that captivates from start to finish requires a delicate balance. Aim for a rhythm that feels natural, and don’t be afraid to pause for effect. These moments of silence can be powerful, giving the audience time to absorb your words and react.

Lastly, consider the context of the wedding. If there are multiple speeches, it’s courteous to keep yours shorter to respect the time of others and the overall flow of the event. By adhering to these timing tips, you’ll ensure your speech is both impactful and enjoyable.

Closing with a Memorable Toast

As the final words of your groomsman speech hang in the air, the moment has come to cap it off with a toast that will linger in the hearts of the bride, groom, and all the guests. A toast is more than just a signal to raise glasses; it’s a seal on your well-wishes, a symbolic gesture of celebration and hope for the couple’s future together.

The perfect toast is concise, heartfelt, and often includes a touch of wisdom or humor. It’s your last chance to impart a memorable message, so make it count.

Remember, the toast is not just about what you say, but how you say it. Stand tall, make eye contact, and speak with clarity and warmth. Here’s a simple structure to follow:

  • Reflect briefly on the couple’s journey.
  • Express your hopes for their future.
  • End with a clear, uplifting message.

For example, you might say, ‘To the couple who reminds us that true love is not just found in fairy tales. May your life together be as enchanting as your decision to Organize your proposal in Paris . Here’s to love, laughter, and a lifetime of happiness. Cheers!’

This structure ensures that your toast is not only memorable but also encapsulates the essence of the day. It’s the final note of your speech, so leave the audience with a sentiment that resonates.

Leveraging AI for a Tailored Groomsman Speech

Using ai tools to generate ideas.

In the digital age, AI tools have become invaluable for generating creative and personalized content, including groomsman speeches. These tools can help overcome writer’s block and provide a starting point for your message. Here’s how to leverage AI for your speech:

  • Step 1: Gather personal anecdotes and memorable moments you wish to include.
  • Step 2: Input these details into an AI speech-writing tool.
  • Step 3: Review the generated speech for any adjustments or personal touches.
  • Step 4: Use the AI suggestions as a foundation to build upon with your own words.
Remember, while AI can offer a solid foundation, the most impactful speeches are infused with your genuine sentiment and personal flair.

AI-generated speeches can be surprisingly insightful, but they should be tailored to reflect the speaker’s unique relationship with the couple. By blending AI efficiency with personal anecdotes, you can create a speech that is both heartfelt and memorable.

Customizing AI-Created Speeches

Once you’ve utilized AI to generate a draft of your groomsman speech, the next crucial step is customization. This is where your personal insights and experiences with the groom transform a generic template into a speech that carries the essence of your unique friendship.

  • Review the Draft: Begin by reading through the AI-generated speech thoroughly. Identify areas that feel too general or impersonal.
  • Inject Personal Stories: Replace placeholders with real anecdotes and memories that you share with the groom. This will add depth and authenticity.
  • Adjust the Tone: Ensure the speech reflects your natural speaking style. If you’re known for your humor, weave in witty remarks. If you’re more serious, maintain a heartfelt tone.
  • Seek Feedback: Don’t hesitate to ask for opinions from people who know you and the groom well. They can offer valuable insights on whether the speech truly represents your relationship.
Remember, the goal is to create a speech that feels like it could only be given by you. It’s not just about what you say, but how you say it that will leave a lasting impression on the groom and the wedding guests.

Blending Technology with Personal Touch

In the age of digital innovation, the art of speechwriting has evolved. AI tools have become invaluable in crafting speeches that resonate with audiences, but the key to a truly memorable groomsman speech lies in the blending of technology with a personal touch . AI can provide a solid foundation, but it’s the personal anecdotes and genuine sentiments that bring warmth and life to your words.

To achieve this blend, consider the following steps:

  • Start with an AI-generated draft to get the creative juices flowing.
  • Infuse the speech with personal stories and experiences that you share with the groom.
  • Use the AI’s suggestions as a springboard for your own ideas, not as the final say.
  • Fine-tune the language to reflect your unique voice and relationship with the couple.

Remember, while AI can suggest themes and structure, it’s the human experience that creates connection. Your role as a groomsman is not just to deliver a speech but to enhance the celebration with your personal touch.

The most impactful speeches are those that come from the heart, tailored to the occasion and enriched with personal insights. Let AI assist you, but let your own voice shine through.

Crafting the perfect groomsman speech can be a daunting task, but with the power of AI, you can deliver a message that’s both heartfelt and memorable. Our website offers a unique service that tailors speeches to your personal experiences and the couple’s story. Don’t settle for a generic toast; make your mark with a speech that stands out. Visit our website now to request your free, customized groomsman speech and ensure your words leave a lasting impression.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should a groomsman speech be.

A groomsman speech should typically be around 3-5 minutes. It’s long enough to convey heartfelt messages and share a couple of anecdotes without losing the audience’s attention.

What are the key elements of a great groomsman speech?

A great groomsman speech should include a warm opening, a personal touch with stories or memories, humor balanced with sentiment, a mention of the bride and the couple’s relationship, and a heartfelt toast.

Can I use humor in my groomsman speech?

Yes, humor is a great way to engage the audience, but it should be appropriate and not at the expense of others. Keep it light and ensure it’s well-received by all guests.

Should I memorize my groomsman speech or read it from a paper?

It’s best to familiarize yourself with the speech to maintain eye contact with the audience, but having note cards as a backup is perfectly acceptable.

How can I personalize my groomsman speech?

Personalize your speech by sharing genuine stories or memories that highlight your relationship with the groom and reflect the couple’s journey. This adds a unique and heartfelt touch.

What if I get nervous while giving the speech?

It’s normal to feel nervous. Practice your speech multiple times, take deep breaths, and remember that the audience is supportive and wants to hear what you have to say.

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  • Bridesmaid & Groomsman

How to Write a Short and Simple Groom Speech

How to Write a Short and Simple Groom Speech

The Groom Speech is one of the most important pieces of the wedding ‘jigsaw’.

Get it right and you’ll be a hero in the eyes of your new Bride and leave your guests with big smiles on their faces.

Get it wrong and there could be a big, embarrassing hole in the middle of an otherwise perfect day.

So the pressure’s on and while the Groom speech is not a hard one to pull off, it’s also an easy one to screw up.

But there’s no need to panic! Take a deep breath, think calming thoughts and read my Stress-Free Guide to Writing a Short and Simple Groom Speech .

An Effective Groom Speech is as Simple as ABC

Some Groom speeches are masterpieces of speechwriting - full of touching stories, memorable details and clever jokes.

But the truth is that as long as you include just three essential elements you can deliver a rock-solid Groom speech that ticks all the right boxes.

So here’s my ABC for an effective Groom speech, which tells you exactly what to say, and when to say it…

A is for… Acknowledgements

This is non-negotiable - acknowledging the important people in your life, particularly those who’ve helped with the arrangements for the big day.

Forget to say “thank you” and you’ll not only look ungrateful but your speech could leave a bad taste in the mouth of anyone who felt they deserved a quick mention.

And remember, even if you’ve thanked someone in person - or plan to - nothing can quite replace giving them public recognition in front of the other guests.

”Thank You” Checklist

Here’s a checklist of people you might want to thank:

  • The Father of the Bride for his toast to you and the Bride
  • Your parents for their support over the years
  • The Bride’s parents for:a) bringing up your wonderful wife, andb) for welcoming you into their family
  • Your Groomsmen for their help on and before the big day
  • The Bridesmaids for the help they’ve given the Bride

”Thank You” Gifts

If you intend to hand out any gifts you can do this as part of the acknowledgements.

Absent Family and Friends

It’s also customary to acknowledge absent family and friends.

This can be a poignant moment so make sure there’s a brief pause to remember important people, before diving into…

B is for… Bride

Once you’ve shown your gratitude by acknowledging all the key wedding players, it’s time to get to the main topic of your speech, which is of course - the Bride!

Yes, the thank you’s are absolutely essential, but they’re really just a polite preamble. It’s the bit where you start to talk fondly about your new wife that your guests are really looking forward to hearing.

Even if you’re the strong, silent type, your wedding day is the one occasion where you get to show your softer side and let a few honest feelings show through.

But don’t worry, it’s dead easy to write a crowd-pleasing Groom speech. Because although the Best Man’s speech, for example, is expected to be funny, all that the Groom’s speech really needs to be is sincere - and a little romantic.

In the spirit of minimalism, here’s a simple template to use if you’re lost for words when it comes to talking about your beautiful Bride:

  • Tell the story of how you first met
  • Say what you love about her - illustrated with a quick anecdote
  • Tell us something about your hopes and plans for your future together

Do this right and you’ll score some serious points with your new wife and have all the guests (well the women at least!) thinking you’re the ultimate romantic hero!

C is for… Cheers!

So you’ve thanked everyone who needs thanking and you’ve made your new Bride swoon with some well-chosen words straight from the heart.

Job done, right? Time to sit down.

Well, not quite.

Wrap it up and end on a high

All good speeches have a clear beginning, middle and an end, and the Groom speech is no exception. You’ve just nailed the beginning and the middle, so let’s wrap things up neatly and end on a high.

Nothing gets a more enthusiastic response than an invitation to drink, and it’s traditional for the Groom’s speech to end with a toast to the Bridesmaids.

In an ultra-minimal Groom speech you could simply thank everyone for listening and immediately propose the toast.

However, it’s nice to acknowledge the next speaker - usually the Best Man - before you sit back down (and hopefully receive a big kiss from your wife).

A simple template for the perfect ending

So, with that in mind, here’s a quick guide to the perfect ending:

  • Thank everyone for listening and say it’ll soon be time for the Best Man to speak
  • Say a few short words about the Best Man and how much you’re looking forward to his speech
  • Raise a toast to the Bridesmaids and hand straight over to the Best Man (or the MC)

So that’s it! You’ve reached the end of my Minimalist Guide.

Hopefully the prospect of writing your Groom speech is now about as stressful as gently raking the sand in your Zen garden whilst listening to an iPod full of whale song.

Now take a deep breath in, hold it for a few seconds, then slowly exhale any remaining worries and fears about your speech.

Just pick up a notepad and your favourite pen, and get writing.

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how to write a groomsman speech

The Ultimate Groom's Wedding Speech Checklist

Don't leave anyone or anything important off your list of thank yous.

how to write a groomsman speech

The groom's wedding speech is often about covering all bases. It doesn't have the bravado and general LOLs of a best man speech , the gushing and poignant words of a bridesmaid speech , or all the nostalgia and tear-jerking words of a father of the bride or groom speech. Instead, a groom's speech is half admin, half emotion; kind of like an Oscar acceptance!

A chance to shout out the wedding party, thank the ushers, and tell your new in-laws how chuffed you are to be part of the family. To help you write your speech - and to make sure you don't leave anyone out - we've put together a handy groom's wedding speech checklist . You'll thank us later!

Best man speech cheers initials champagne prosecco - groom's wedding speech checklist

A groom doing a speech solo is more common, but we've also seen lots of couples do their thank you speech together , as well as brides making speeches too ( more ladies on the mic please !). Our list covers all bases and standard family structures, but tweak it as is appropriate for you and your crew. We can guarantee if you hit all the points on the list below, then you will have covered all your bases. Hopefully it comes in handy for whatever kind of wedding thank you speech you're making.

groom's wedding speech checklist

Groom's Wedding Speech Checklist

(In no particular order, but this order makes for a nice crescendo!)

  • Thank the guests for coming - give a special shout out to anyone who's come a long way.
  • Thank any staff or suppliers who worked on the day - only those present.
  • Thank the celebrant - if present.
  • Thank anyone who helped in the lead up to the day (outside of the wedding party and immediate family) - any one who gave lifts, stitched bunting, glued centrepieces, etc.
  • Thank anyone who took part in the day itself - ceremony readings , music, wedding cake baker, etc.
  • Mention your new parents in law and siblings - this is a good time to tell them how happy you are to join the family, how welcome/terrified they made you feel, how you promise to be there for their son or daughter/brother or sister..
  • Mention your siblings  - be specific about things they helped you with or special memories. This is also a good time to mention any other special family members, grandparents, step-parents, etc.
  • Mention your parents - if both your parents are present, thank them both individually, usually an anecdote about the kind of person they've taught you to be goes down well.
  • Thank your wedding party - make sure both sides get a mention, though it's fine to gush a bit harder about your best man!
  • Thank your other half - for marrying you, for looking fabulous, for being wonderful, and all the other good things you can think of. Remember to tell them all about why you love them and why you can't wait to get started with married life!

how to write a groomsman speech

Need more help with your wedding speeches - we've got you covered!

  • 30 Funny Opening Lines for Wedding Speeches
  • How to Begin a Wedding Speech: Great Opening Lines
  • How to Stop Your Wedding Speeches Going on Too Long
  • The Correct Order of Speeches at a Wedding?
  • 9 Ways to Shake Up Your Wedding Speeches
  • How to Give a Flawless Best Man Speech
  • Everything You Need To Play Wedding Speech Bingo

Listen & Subscribe to The One Fab Day Wedding Podcast

Episode 22: wedding speeches 101.

You can listen to the One Fab Day Wedding Podcast wherever you get your podcasts , and search them on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

Image credits

Tomasz kornas photography, via one fab day, see more in:.

how to write a groomsman speech

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how to write a groomsman speech

Pink Caviar Events | Event Management Sydney

Groomsmen Speech Guide With Examples

Almost everyone can speak at a wedding on the bridal table. This ranges from the groom, best man, bride, parents and so on… heck even the bridesmaids can host a speech as well . This then leaves one question… Do the groomsmen speak? Sure the best man speaks but what about the rest of this manly entourage for a groomsmen speech.

We recently had a client who spoke to us that one of the groomsmen felt a little left out and wanted to give back to the wedding but doing a short speech or act. While there is nothing wrong with this, the groomsmen are never considered. In fact, you are more likely to hear every single traditional and optional speech than ever hearing a groomsmen speech. As a result, Pink Caviar decided to sit down and give a helpful guide for a groomsmen’s speech guide as well as other options.

Groomsmen Speech Guide

Like all other speeches listed on this site, please review down below for handy hints and tips for speaking at a wedding. If you are to take away one thing is to make it between 4-6 minutes in total. This rule applies to a solo speaker so if it is a group then a couple of minutes at best. You are given a little bit of liberty for extra time to speak collectively. Below are a couple of ideas and options:

Groomsmen Speech Man Of Honour

Think of the groomsman speech as a lighter version of the best man speech. The advantage here is you can tell more humorous jokes about the groom without the added responsibility of having to give respect and thanks to anyone at the wedding meaning you can throw friendly jokes about the groom (tastefully) and all can have a great time. As a groomsman, you should focus on how you know the groom and any personal stories not already mentioned.

Group Effort

Just like the bridesmaid’s who choose to work together on a joint speech or act, so can the groomsmen. It can be anything for each of the groomsmen to speak for a brief moment each or join together to do an act singing, playing an instrument (could be culturally specific or something you are all passionate about).

Get the Bridesmaids Involved

It may also be possible (depending on the group) to get the bridesmaids involved. You can work together to have a joint speech or act. The great thing about involving the bridesmaids is that there are more people to work together and can create something unique. For example, if you decided to sing together, then it would look amazing on someone’s wedding day where the entire bridal party worked together to create something special for the bride and groom.

Just like the best man speech, the same helpful hints apply to the groomsmen speech as well. These are to not drink too much because if you are going to speak or perform. The last thing you want to do is leave a negative impression when you intended to do something awesome.

Get the Groom Involved

In some cases, the groom will want to be involved and even be his idea. This is to perform to his now bride something collectively with his friends. As a friend growing up, you may have had long nights singing karaoke or dancing in the playground at school. You will be surprised what collective talents you have. It could be a collective speech, singing, dancing or an act. A great example is the one in the YouTube clip below where the groom performed with his groomsmen for the bride on his wedding day.

Practice Practice Practice… Did I say Practice?!?!

Lastly, the key is to practice and be accommodating if others are joining you on this. It does not matter if it’s a speech, musical instrument or singing. You all need to make time to harmonise, get those jokes timed and iron out the kinks. The one crucial piece of advice I give to people who are doing a wedding speech is to never “wing-it”. As mentioned in the handy hints guide below, when someone says that it generally means it’s going to sound raw, unfunny and be remembered as a bad speech.

Plan weeks or months in advance and make time to meet up. Practice together at least a few times and on your own as well to remember your part. The last thing you want to be is the odd one out who did not remember their line, could not remember the steps and so on. If it’s recorded on video then everyone will see that you did not take the time to practice for years to come.

Pro Tips Specifically For The Groomsmen Speech

Below are a collection of tips specifically for the groomsmen speech. These pro tips have been hand-picked from years of watching many speeches at weddings.

  • While I have mentioned it above, you need to practice especially if it is a group effort. Make sure you make time to meet up and rehearse your performance. If one of the groomsmen do not rehearse and the others do, then they will all nod their head saying “come on man you knew we were doing this together” and it brings down the group.
  • You might be single or in a relationship, and while you can comment on the bridesmaids during the speech/presentation, the wedding is about the bride and groom. No overly flirty/sexual nature should be in the speech. She may not welcome the attention, and also all the wedding guests will know your private business. The only exception to this is if you are in a relationship with one of the bridesmaids, you can make a cheeky comment about your specific girlfriend as everyone knows you are both together.
  • The groomsmen should look out for each other during the night. Of course look after the groom but if one of the groomsmen is having too much to drink make sure you curb his intake till AFTER the performance. This is to prevent any dramas while performing.

Check out Our Other Speech Examples

While we do not have a specific groomsmen speech on file, we do have a collection of other wedding speeches on our YouTube channel. Feel free to check them and take inspiration from them down below. See if you can use them in conjunction with the speech guide in creating an awesome groomsmen wedding speech/performance.

Groomsmen Speech Guide In Conclusion

If all goes to plan the groomsmen speech is something you can give back to the happy couple as a gift/performance. It is something unique and unexpected. With or without the bridal party or groom I sure it will be a hit. While we do not have any groomsmen speeches recorded, feel free to check out the Pink Caviar YouTube Channel for other wedding speeches for inspiration.

Feel free to check out our other wedding speech guides (with video examples) down below. Here we give you guides for the perfect speech on your wedding day (or anyone else speaking).

  • Wedding Speech Handy Hints  – A great straightforward guide for all wedding speeches
  • Groom’s Speech
  • Best Man Speech
  • Father Of The Bride Speech
  • Father Of The Groom Speech
  • Bride Speech
  • Maid Of Honour Speech
  • Bridesmaid Speech
  • Groomsmen Speech – You Are Here
  • Wedding Guest Speech
  • Cringy And Worst Wedding Speech Guide  – A basic guide of what NOT to do

Let us know if this groomsmen speech guide helped you with writing you speech. Have you been to a wedding and heard a great or horrible groomsmen speech? Did they do anything mentioned above or something different? Join the discussion below and let us know 🙂

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Dimitri Cassimatis is the Marketing Manager at Pink Caviar Events, a corporate event management and styling company based in Sydney, Australia. With a background in marketing and communications, Dimitri brings a wealth of expertise to his role, including strategic planning, branding, and digital marketing. He is passionate about creating engaging content that resonates with Pink Caviar’s target audience and helps to drive the company’s growth. Dimitri is also committed to staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in marketing, and regularly attends industry events and conferences.

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Groom delivering a rhyming wedding speech. Guests are laughing.

Groom Speech Examples

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Home » Groom Speech Examples

(*Of course, if you’re looking for more than ‘advice’, check out all the different ways the Speechy team can help you write & deliver a great speech. Or check out our new AI-powered team member, SpeechyAI .)

(Of course, if you’re looking for more than ‘advice’, check out Speechy’s bespoke speechwriting service . We also have a range of excellent speech templates that might be just what you need.)

wedding speech love story couple

Lessons to Learn from Our Speech Examples

  • Length – no more than 1,300 words
  • Structure – Don’t begin with the thank-yous, start with the stories and hook in your audience
  • Don’t let your speech become a tedious thank-you list
  • Tell good stories
  • Resist Googled-gags, cliches, and platitudes
  • Pepper the speech with humour throughout
  • Have the romantic summary towards the end of your speech

Ultimately though,  every speech should be unique and tailored to the individual speaker’s style.

For obvious reasons, we cannot share the full range of speeches we write for our clients but these are generic (and made-up) speeches to give you an idea of a good structure.

Your speech may be more sentimental, shorter, or poetic. Crucially, it needs to be more YOU!

wedding speech scheduling

Groom Speech Example – Delivered by Ryan

Background: Ryan has married Misty. They live in Edinburgh, Scotland, and met through friends. Ryan’s mum has passed away.   


Honoured guests, welcome to what can only be described as the greatest day of my life. Well, second greatest day of my life, if you include the day Misty managed to not leave a wet towel on the bed. (Pretend to wipe tear away) Sorry, it’s an emotional memory.

Firstly, on behalf of both Misty and I, let me thank you all for coming. I know many of you have travelled long distances to be here. And a special thanks to our English friends, many of whom see travelling north of the border as akin to entering the Squid Games. Your bravery is greatly appreciated.


Now, another person I’d like to thank is our mutual friend Lou who actually set us up six years ago. I mean, I say ‘set up’, she described me to Misty as ‘average looking, but has nice shoes’.

But uncharitable review or not, it certainly seemed to do the trick. When we met for the first time at Lou’s birthday drinks, we immediately gravitated towards each other. We talked intensely all evening. It was one of those conversations where you lose all track of time and everything else just seems to drift into the background. We talked about life, hobbies, future plans and how when she was a kid, she was obsessed with Winnie the Pooh. Which makes it not at all surprising that she’d end up with me: a chubby character with one shirt and an aggressive appetite.

I remember coming away from that evening in a bit of a haze, not only had I found someone I liked, and liked me back, but I’d also found someone who could still rap all the words to Eminem’s ‘Stan’.

I thought life couldn’t get any better until, as we went to leave, she nervously turned to me and uttered those three magic words all guys want to hear: Fancy a kebab?

It was then I knew I was in love.

It’s a weird feeling meeting someone that you know you’d happily spend the rest of your life with. Before meeting Misty ‘love’ felt like just a word, and all of a sudden, she comes along and fills that word with meaning.

To this day, I’ve always maintained that it feels like we are two halves of the same whole. It felt like that then, and still does now, that we were just the right amount of similar, and just the right amount of different to be perfect together.

We complement each other’s good traits, and soften each other’s bad ones. By which I mean, I occasionally pick up her wet towels and she does literally everything else.

But I also mean that she has taught me a lot. She’s taught me that kindness always wins, she’s taught me that it’s not the words you say, but the way you make people feel that gets remembered, and she’s taught me that marmite and cheese on crumpets is the greatest snack known to man.

She is the other side to my coin, the cheerful Winnie the Pooh to my grumpy Eeyore. And now, incredibly, she’s my wife.


If you’ll all allow me, I’d like to take this opportunity to mention some incredibly important people who have helped us not just today, but throughout our lives.

Firstly, I’d like to thank my dad, who has taught me that being a man isn’t about machismo and bravado, it’s about being warm, welcoming and caring. I’ve often been called a ‘mini David’, and it’s something I’ll continue to wear as a badge of honour.

To Misty’s parents, June and Martin, your help with the wedding planning has been utterly invaluable, and I can’t thank you enough for how you’ve both welcomed me into your family. I’ll look forward to many more Sunday dinners that end with Martin saying ‘I’ll get the whiskey’.

To my groomsmen, for turning up both fully dressed and mostly sober, and also for years of support, advice and knowing exactly when I need a chat and a game of FIFA.

To Misty’s bridesmaids for being amazing friends and helping everyone keep a cool head with yesterday’s dress disaster. Your sage advice and support has always been a great comfort to Misty and I both.


And finally, I’d like to say thank you to a very special woman who is sadly no longer with us: my mum. There’s no other way to say it, other than it’s heartbreaking that she can’t be here today. She was a person who was born to be at big events. A person who filled the room with her smile and her presence. And while she can’t be with us, I know how much she approved of Misty, because in the latter weeks of her life, she tapped me on the hand and gently said ‘Misty is a keeper’.

So mum, I love you and I miss you, and I hope you’re looking down on us today with your characteristic big smile on your face, safe in the knowledge that I’ve taken your advice on board.


Now, I’m not one for massive promises and grand gestures, but now seems like as good a moment as any to break from that tradition. So Misty, before I end this speech, I’d like to give you three promises for our future life together: I promise whenever you say ‘fancy a kebab?’ I’ll always say yes. I promise to always back you up by singing the Dido chorus in ‘Stan’, and I promise that no matter what, I’ll spend the rest of my days attempting to make you as happy as you’ve made me.

So, without further ado, if you’ll all kindly be upstanding, and join me in a toast to my best friend and love of my life: The new… Mrs Misty Ferguson! (Raise toast).

Written by Ed and Tom , Speechy Writers

wedding toast groom romantic speechy

Groom Speech Example – Delivered by Alejandro

Background: Alejandro has married Michelle. They live in Boston. Alejandro is in his fifties and is originally from Spain. There are lots of people at the wedding for whom English is their second language.

Ladies and gentlemen, friends and family, Spaniards and Americans – today is a historic day. As Michelle has done me the great honour of agreeing to be my wife, it is a day when our countries’ traditions and cultures come together.

Today, the Spanish Imperial Eagle takes to the skies with the American Bald Eagle. Today, we scatter hamburgers and fries across the paella and create the McPaella. Today, we play the Marcha Real alongside the Star-Spangled Banner.


As you can perhaps tell, a mix of cultures is not always an easy thing, but I believe that, with work, my wife and I can make it so that our music is harmonious, our meals are delicious and our nation’s birds do not peck each other to death.

Today, I have the joy of standing here as part of a married couple. As you may know, I am more mature than the traditional groom and I must admit that as, one-by-one, my friends and family members all got married, I sat there at a succession of weddings, always on the single table. In case you were wondering, the single table is Table Five today. Please stop by and pity them, it’s what they deserve. 

At every wedding, I was pestered by my mother and aunts about when I will marry. I looked at the grooms and I thought, ‘Thank God I am single.’ I will admit I have enjoyed the bachelor life. I have enjoyed being free to pursue my work, to not worry about when I come home, and to live in a house where there are fewer than two cushions in the entire place.

But then Michelle happened.

We met through the intervention of our friend Katya – there she is on Table Five, and, yes, she is single. I met Michelle in the street as we were passing and she was rude to me and bossy. I couldn’t understand this American powerhouse. She told me to take her out for coffee and I don’t know what happened. I lost the power to resist. All of my bachelor strength was drained, and I found myself nodding and doing as I was told for once.

I don’t know how but Michelle flies under my radar, she unpicks my defences and I find it impossible to resist her. And I have tried!

So, my beautiful wife Michelle arrived and my bachelor life ended. I am able to stand here today and say I am so grateful that it has. No more Table Five. No more aunts and mothers asking me when I will get married. So many more cushions.

Michelle has allowed me to speak for both of us today, which she did so on the condition that I understood this was to be the last time in our married lives that this was the case. From now on, I shall be the perfect trophy husband that Michelle wants, I will nod and I will look pretty.

I would like to take this opportunity then to say some sincere and heartfelt thank yous. First of all, I would like to thank you, our guests, for coming today. I know that for some of you, especially the guests today from Malaga in southern Spain, the journey to join us here today has been significant.


When people will fly nearly 5,000 miles to a wedding, you realise how powerful the offer of free food and drink truly is. I hope today is a celebration for you too and please know that we are so grateful for you making this day so special.

Now for the rest of you, I want to issue a warning that many of our Malagan guests might not have the greatest command of the English language. For some of them this is the first time that they have been abroad. I won’t embarrass him by name, but one of the guests asked me where Mickey Mouse was and I had to explain that the mouse isn’t everywhere.

So, to make them feel more welcome I thought maybe I could teach you some useful Spanish phrases that could help you integrate. If you look on your table you will see a card for you each so you can read along with me. So listen to me and repeat please!

‘He bebido demasiado Sangria y no puedo sentir mis piernas.’

Come on, I know you can do it.

That is a very useful Spanish phrase which means:

‘I have drunk too much Sangria and can no longer feel my legs.’

Ok, another:

‘Me gustaria bailar Flamenco contigo hasta una hora desaconsejable.’

That means:

‘I would like to dance the flamenco with you until an inadvisable hour.’

Excellent! Now finally:

‘Hola, me puedes llamar un Uber. No recuerdo nada de anoche.’

That translastes as:

‘Please call me an Uber, I have no recollection of last night.’

Now, as you may know I have been in America for nearly ten years now and I am starting to think of myself as part-American. For Michelle, I know this makes her laugh, because she often says that I am the most Spanish man in the history of the world.

But I think coming to a foreign country can be an amazing learning experience because every day you do things as an outsider. Everything is different here. Everything. You want to go to the toilet in America then you have to pay to go into the toilet. In America, toilets are also a business! Amazing!

I am an outsider with your food. Thanks to my mother I was raised eating home-cooked food bursting with flavour, then I come to America and I eat McDonalds every day and slowly my tastebuds fade away and now they are on life support, kept going only by the jamon iberico my mother sends me at Christmas.

But as an outsider I have also been shocked to see the difference in some people in America – the friendliness and the warmth that I am offered. I think this is why Michelle has overcome my defences.

As you know, she works as the director of a charity and she lives her life for other people. She thinks and she cares for other people all the time and I am amazed that she has agreed to be my wife today. Perhaps I am her biggest charity project yet and one day after years of rehabilitation she will release me back into the wild. I hope not.

By contrast, I am the greedy property developer, making money from the ruins of other people’s lives and hopes. I will not lie, my day is not complete until I have pushed at least three widows out of their houses and turned their homes into flats. But maybe this too has been useful for my marriage. After all, my work has taught me to look at ruined and dilapidated things and see the beauty there. Anyone drawing any comparisons to Michelle should be ashamed of themselves.


Seriously, I couldn’t imagine a more beautiful woman on any continent in the world today.

I want to thank you for coming to our wedding. I want to thank Michelle for agreeing to be my wife and I want to end my speech by offering her these traditional arras . These are Spanish gold coins that a groom gives to his wife on their wedding day. The coins are a symbol of how the man promises to provide for his wife. Not just in terms of finance but also for their emotions – to be a provider that gives her everything she needs.

My love, I give these coins to you today and promise that I will do my best to ensure that for you for the rest of our lives you have everything you ever need and, always, more than enough love.

Now everybody: please raise your glasses and repeat after me:  ‘¡Arriba! ¡Abajo! ¡Al centro! …. y pa dentro!’ That means put your arm up, put your arm down, health for you all, drink it down!

Speech written by Andrew, Speechy writer

wedding speeches south asian best man speech writer

Groom Speech Example – Delivered by Kanav

Background: Kanav has married Priyanka. They live in Nottingham, England and are of South Asian descent. Kanav is an architect. The wedding is traditionally large, with over 350 people attending.

Ladies and gentlemen, uncles and aunties, bhaiyon aur behano – namaste and welcome. My wife and I…(pause for applause) thank you so much for coming to share this wonderful weekend with us.

Of course, as much as we’d love to take credit for it, this has been a mammoth group effort with so many to thank for their involvement. After this, our parents are going to take a well-earned rest and sort out the global warming issue.

Now, you already heard the disastrous way Priyanka and I met from the best man, so I won’t go over that again. But it’s true what he said – we were… well, we are like chalk and cheese. Or some would say coal and paneer. And you can tell which one of us is paneer, can’t you?

As a primary school teacher, Priyanka is warm, caring, communicative – a real people’s person who works amongst a number of impatient clients every day. As an architect, I’m concise, introverted, and analytical – I need my space to focus on just one project, sometimes for months at a time. Basically, I’m boring, slow and don’t like hanging out with people.

(Look around) Really, I’ve no idea how this all happened.

But, as the saying goes, opposites attract and you can see that for yourselves in our wedding. Priyanka’s creativity and vivid imagination has gone wild. Getting married in October, she actually wanted this weekend to have a Halloween-themed twist, asking guests to wear Indian costumes, but ripped and bloodied so we’d all look like zombies.

At one point, there was even a Thriller dance routine being planned.

I, of course, shot down idea after idea with my pragmatism, wanting us to keep things traditional, low-maintenance and on the right side of sane. But, if any of you want to rip up your lehangas and kurtas and cover yourselves in the madras, feel free. Though, looking at my mother, maybe not!

Of course, I couldn’t reject all of Priyanka’s inspired ideas and you’ll spot many of them here this evening: the Indian food twists on pizzas and sushi, and the dosa-crepe stand were all her idea. The games of Antakshari, the Carrum tournament, the masala cocktails and the band that does rock covers of Bollywood numbers? All her.

Whilst she came up with all the cool ideas, I kept in my lane; compiling an Excel spreadsheet and making sure we could actually pay for it all. And when I say ‘ we ’, what I actually mean is we pay a small percentage while our parents pay the rest. Thank you Maa, Papa, Saasuma, Sasurji. We owe you. Literally!

But honestly, watching Priyanka plan our wedding has been an absolute joy and seeing how beautiful she looks today is truly humbling.

Priyanka’s knowledge and creativity as a teacher, even as an individual, has never failed to astound me. I had no idea how much my life lacked colour until I met her. She introduced me to different foods, different countries and cultures, and even different films and TV.

I honestly thought she was ready to break up with me when I told her I’d never watched Kuch Kuch Hota Hain . And I was sure it was the end of us when she forced me to watch Maine Pyar Kiya and I walked out halfway through the film. Those of you who don’t know, she loves Maine Pyar Kiya the same way I love KFC.

As I say, opposites attract.


Priyanka brings the fun and the excitement to the relationship, and I hope, as an architect, I bring the structure. It may not sound as fun as colour, but when you build the foundations of a relationship you need both passion and pragmatism to keep it from crumbling when confronted with life’s challenges.  

We visit monuments like the Taj Mahal and the Pyramids of Giza because of their colour and the emotions they evoke, and thankfully they continue to stand due to their intelligent architecture. Both foundation and beauty play equally important roles in maintaining the immortality of these international treasures. And I think it’s the same principle that means Priyanka and I will stand the test of time.  

We bring out the best in each other and push one another to challenge the people we are. Sure, this can lead to a few ‘debates’ but we’re ready to hear each other out, and most importantly, we’re ready to compromise. This wedding is the perfect example of the beauty that compromise can lead to. I’ve no doubt we have a few more disagreements ahead of us, but I’m equally sure that our compromises will lead to ever more beautiful times shared together.

Priyanka, before I met you, I already had strong foundations. In fact, I was an unmovable object, working in the same place I’d joined since graduation, living in the same flat. You came in like an unstoppable rainbow grenade, and I don’t think my life was ever the same again. I don’t want my life to ever be the same again.

Whenever you’re about, Kuch Kuch Hota Hain (something happens) and it’s fair to say, Maine Pyar Kiya (I fell in love).

Now, if you can all join me in a toast to my beautiful wife, my very own rainbow grenade, my wonderful Priyanka.

To Priyanka.

Written by Shai, Speechy writer (He has also written some specific South Asian groom speech advice )

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how to write a groomsman speech

10 Tips for Giving the ULTIMATE Groomsman Speech

The real test of a great groomsman comes when it is time to give that legendary groomsman speech. There will come a time in your life when you will be called upon to be a groomsman, and with this great honor comes great responsibility.

One duty of a groomsman is to give a groomsman speech at the wedding ceremony or rehearsal dinner. If you are a frequent wedding attendee, you know for a fact that most times, groomsman speeches can quickly transcend from something sweet and beautiful to uncomfortable and awkward situations.

This is hardly surprising when a groomsman either fails to prepare adequately and/or loads up on alcohol to give him confidence, which might result in sharing embarrassing and inappropriate stories of the groom in front of family and friends. 

So if you want to be the best groomsman there ever was, here are a few tips on how to write and give the ultimate groomsman speech below:

What You'll Learn...

  • 1 1) Be Prepared
  • 2 2) Don’t. Get. Drunk.
  • 3 3) Start Your Groomsman Speech With Appreciation
  • 4 4) Kick it Off with a Funny Introductory Story
  • 5.1 Topics You Should Avoid in Your Groomsman Speech
  • 6 6) Avoid Inside Jokes
  • 7 7) Keep It Short and Simple
  • 8 8) Give A Quote At The End
  • 9 9) Propose a Toast
  • 10 10) Be Yourself
  • 11 Wrapping it Up

1)   Be   Prepared

You don’t want to be unprepared as you walk into the wedding venue, believing that the words will come to you as you speak. As long as you have time before the wedding, no matter how little, use that time to run a couple of ideas for your speech by some friends or family members.

Reflect on pleasant memories, stories, and jokes as you brainstorm ideas. Think of stories about the groom and his bride, like how they met or the way he asked her out for the first time.

Think and write down good memories of the groom that show how much of a kind and amazing guy he is. The goal of the groomsman’s speech is to make the couple look as good as possible. 

2)   Don’t. Get. Drunk.

I know it’s a party, you want to enjoy yourself, and possibly ease your nerves about the speech with a little liquid courage. But take a pause and realize that if you get drunk, you might say something terrible that you’ll regret later on. You don’t need alcohol to give a great groomsman speech. Just stay confident and relaxed. 

3)   Start Your Groomsman Speech With Appreciation

One of the best ways to start your groomsman speech is by thanking all the people involved in the preparation of the wedding, as well as those who helped make this special day possible.

Also, give a shout out to both the bride and groom’s family and give a toast in their honor, thanking them for raising two amazing people. Be sure to thank all the guests who took the time from their busy schedules to make it to the wedding. 

4)   Kick it Off with a Funny Introductory Story

When giving your groomsman speech, you establish a connection between your relationship with the groom and your support for the new couple.

You could talk about how your friend never thought he would find a girl like his new bride in all his life. You could also tell a story about how you realized your friend had found his soul mate when you hung out with the couple some time ago.

Talk about how they both balance out each other’s personalities and how they are a perfect match for one another.

When telling these stories, try and make it intimate, as though you have been with the couple watching their relationship grow and transcend to this level of commitment. 

5)   Avoid Controversial Topics

When giving your groomsman speech, you’re going to want to steer clear from all controversial, offensive, and embarrassing topics.

This sounds simple and seems like mere common sense, but you would be amazed at how insane people can get once they’ve had a couple of drinks and are holding a microphone and an inflated sense of confidence in front of a crowd.

Nothing makes a groomsman speech go south faster than when people try too hard to be funny by sharing some embarrassing story or joke that’s in poor taste.

Don’t get me wrong here. You can, and should, incorporate funny jokes and funny stories in your speech. Just ensure your joke is funny and breaks the ice. 

Topics You Should Avoid in Your Groomsman Speech

  • Any of the groom’s past relationships
  • The first impression you had about the bride unless it was an excellent first impression that is directly related to your buddy’s happiness 
  • The food the reception hall is serving
  • Honeymoon jokes

6)   Avoid Inside Jokes

Avoid telling inside jokes when you’re giving your speech. You are in front of a large group of people who would definitely not understand these inside jokes. Doing this will only make the audience feel left out and eventually lose interest in your speech. Talk about relatable things that they may all be familiar with. 

7)   Keep It Short and Simple

Trust me, if your goal is to give the ultimate groomsman speech, then keep it as simple and as short as possible. People are already tired of speeches, cause at that point the bride’s father, bridesmaid, would have previously given their speeches.

So keep it short, and nail your points as you speak. Do not go on and on like some rambling drunk. This will most likely do nothing but irritate the crowd, who is already tired. 

8)   Give A Quote At The End

One of the best ways to end your speech is by giving a lovely quote at the end. It doesn’t need to be anything extra or special, just something that rounds up your speech nicely. Look for quotes about marriage or love to end your speech. 

9)   Propose a Toast

Raise your glass of wine and give a toast saying something like, “Here’s to a lifetime of love and happiness for the new couple!” Raising a glass at the end helps wrap up your speech and move on to the next event or speaker with style and grace. 

10)   Be Yourself

Don’t try and be someone else when giving your groomsman speech. Just be yourself, talk in your normal tone, use your own words. 

Wrapping it Up

This article was meant to give you a better idea of the topics to discuss. But you should be sure to make your speech your own at the end of the day. Your style, your words, your personality. Only by doing this will you be able to write and give the ultimate groomsman speech. 


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  2. How to Give a Perfect Groomsman Speech (With Examples)

    A simple "Good evening, everyone" or "Ladies and gentlemen" followed by your name and your relationship to the groom is a classic way to begin. This helps the audience connect with you right off the bat and sets the stage for your speech. For example, you might say something like, "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

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  7. Groom Speech Examples And Writing Tips (+ Free Template)

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  8. Best Man Speech: How-To Guide, Examples, Tips & Jokes

    Choose Best Man speech quotes that reflect the couple's personality, add humor, and keep them relevant. Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop. H. L. Mencken. Marriage is a workshop where husband works and wife shops. A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.

  9. How to Write a Best Man Speech in 9 Simple Steps

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  10. Best Man Speech Tips: How to Write and Deliver a Perfect Toast

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  11. Everything to Know About Writing a Groom Speech

    Everything to Know About Your Groom Speech

  12. The Ultimate Groomsman Speech Guide: Dos and Don'ts

    Conclusion: End on a positive note with well-wishes and a toast to the newlyweds. Remember, a speech is like a journey - it should have a clear start, an engaging middle, and a satisfying end. Keep it concise, genuine, and structured for the best impact. If you're feeling overwhelmed by the task, don't worry.

  13. 6 Best Man Speech Ideas, Examples, and Tips

    End on a sentimental note with your well wishes. Pro tip: Brainstorm 3-5 anecdotes you like, sleep on it, then narrow down your options to your Top 2. 3. Nail the opening line. The most memorable opening line for a best man speech is funny, grabs the audience's attention, and offers a twist at the end. For example:

  14. How to Write a Groomsman Speech That Wows

    Respect the Order: Follow the traditional order of speeches, if one is specified. Be Mindful of Time: Keep your speech concise; aim for about 5 minutes. Avoid Controversial Topics: Steer clear of anything that could cause discomfort or offense. Toast the Couple: Conclude with a heartfelt toast to the newlyweds.

  15. Top 10 Groom Speech Examples

    Top 10 Groom Speech Examples | Wedding Advice

  16. How to Write a Short and Simple Groom Speech

    Here's a checklist of people you might want to thank: The Father of the Bride for his toast to you and the Bride. Your parents for their support over the years. The Bride's parents for:a) bringing up your wonderful wife, andb) for welcoming you into their family. Your Groomsmen for their help on and before the big day.

  17. Groom Speech Structure: Write The Perfect Speech

    1. Start. Never mind 'how' you'll write your speech, worry about 'when'. Start soon, ideally two months before the wedding. Do not be tempted to put off writing until you're hit by divine inspiration (it rarely strikes) and do not get side-tracked by table plans or biscuits. Don't underestimate how long it can take to be witty ...

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  19. 8 Tips for How to Write a Groom's Speech

    Tip #2: Organize your Speech into Sections. Now that you have your ideas, it's time to organize those thoughts. The best way to do this is by creating an outline for your wedding speech. Here's the outline I'd recommend you follow for your groom's speech: Brief introduction. Welcome and thank guests.

  20. Groomsmen Speech Guide With Examples

    As mentioned in the handy hints guide below, when someone says that it generally means it's going to sound raw, unfunny and be remembered as a bad speech. Plan weeks or months in advance and make time to meet up. Practice together at least a few times and on your own as well to remember your part.

  21. Groom Speech Examples & Tips

    Ultimately though, every speech should be unique and tailored to the individual speaker's style. For obvious reasons, we cannot share the full range of speeches we write for our clients but these are generic (and made-up) speeches to give you an idea of a good structure. Your speech may be more sentimental, shorter, or poetic.

  22. 10 Tips for Giving the ULTIMATE Groomsman Speech

    Think and write down good memories of the groom that show how much of a kind and amazing guy he is. The goal of the groomsman's speech is to make the couple look as good as possible. 2) Don't. Get. Drunk. I know it's a party, you want to enjoy yourself, and possibly ease your nerves about the speech with a little liquid courage.

  23. Groomsman Speech: How to easily and quickly write a great groomsman

    The introductory remarks or how to start the groomsman speech. Share memorable stories about the groom. Share some good stories about the bride. Share their beautiful qualities and how they complement each other. Ending of the groomsman speech. Having seen these ideas, let's take each point one step at a time.

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