Graduate Education

Office of graduate and postdoctoral education, thesis & dissertation forms.

Georgia Tech's Graduate Thesis Office requires graduate students and programs to use DocuSign for all thesis and dissertation forms. You can find tips on how to use DocuSign and all of the forms you will need for the thesis/dissertation process on this page.

Tips on Form Submission and DocuSign

  • Go to to understand how DocuSign works and to login. Be sure to read steps 1-5 before you begin .
  • Forms must be initiated by a student, not staff or faculty.
  • A form must be completed in full for Graduate Education to finalize.
  • You must complete all forms related to your degree progress in order to be finalized by Graduate Education.
  • For a full list of required documents for thesis submission go to the Thesis Submission Checklist (PDF) .
  • Be sure to check the thesis and dissertation form deadlines .

For more information and questions, please contact Graduate Education at [email protected] .

Forms for Master's and Doctoral Students

  • Thesis/Dissertation Announcement Example (PDF)
  • Request for Withholding of Thesis/Dissertation  (DocuSign)
  • Letters of Completion located on the Office of the Registrar's website
  • SMARTech Repository Agreement  (DocuSign)
  • Redaction/Thesis Page Substitution Form (PDF)
  • Thesis Errata Request (PDF)

Forms for Master's Students

  • Request for Approval of Master's Thesis Topic (DocuSign)
  • Certificate of Thesis Approval (DocuSign)

Forms for Doctoral Students

  • Request for Admission to Ph.D. Candidacy (DocuSign)
  • Survey of Earned Doctorate Form (Qualtrics)
  • Purpose and Use of the Survey
  • Confidentiality of Survey Data
  • Doctoral Minor Form (DocuSign)
  • Dissertation Abstract Example (PDF)

Additional Forms

  • Enrollment Waiver (DocuSign)
  • GRA/GTA Late Hire Approval Request Form (DocuSign)

Check our frequently asked questions (FAQ) to see if your question has already been answered. Else, contact [email protected] .

Accessibility Information

Download Microsoft Products   >      Download Adobe Reader   >

Thesis and Dissertation Information

Getting started, thesis and dissertation committees.

Thesis and dissertation committees consist of at least three Graduate Faculty members, with one member serving as primary advisor and committee chair. See the policy on Graduate Faculty for descriptions of the three faculty types and their duties. Departments may have additional criteria for determining who can serve what role on a thesis committee.

The Thesis Topic Approval  or Dissertation Topic Approval form should be completed as early in the graduate program as possible given department timelines and requirements.

Please note: if a committee includes an Affiliate Graduate Faculty member (a volunteer not employed by Western), that person will not be able to sign the topic approval esign form. They should email [email protected] with a statement agreeing to participate on the committee. The email should come from their professional email address and include a CV or enough information in the signature to determine whether the individual meets the criteria for Affiliate member.

Human or Live Vertebrate Subjects

Using humans or live vertebrates as research subjects requires prior approval separate from thesis topic approval. Please see  Research Compliance  for more information. RSP is in the process of updating its research compliance webpages including forms, templates, checklists, and general information specific to human subjects research as we migrate to the Drupal platform. Please contact  [email protected]  for more information.

Topic approval forms that indicate human subjects, live vertebrate subjects, or scientific diving activities will be forwarded to the appropriate offices for review.

Register for Thesis or Dissertation Credits

  • Have a complete topic approval form on file.
  • For thesis (690) credit, you need a registration override from the Graduate School each quarter you register.
  • For EDAD 670, Doctoral Proposal Defense (dissertation credits), contact your department.

Track Your Registration

  • Check the number of required and/or allowed thesis/dissertation credits for your program.
  • Make sure that your registration over multiple quarters adds up to the total you need to meet program requirements. If the maximum allowed is 12, you can take 4 + 4 + 4, but not 4 + 4 + 5 (for example).

Thesis grades are reported as incomplete (K) each quarter, until the final thesis is submitted and approved. Faculty should not submit thesis grades at the end of the quarter like grades for other courses.

After the final thesis or dissertation defense, the faculty advisor should report the grade on the Degree Recommendation form. 

If you take more credits than are allowed in the catalog requirements for your program, those credits will not be assigned a grade. They will remain K on your transcript.

Writing a graduate-level thesis or dissertation is one of the most challenging things you may ever have to do. Even with support from your advisor, this monumental task can feel overwhelming. Why go at it alone when you don't have to?

If you sign up for a Studio Partner, you will be matched up with a Graduate Research-Writing Assistant who will aid you along in the process, meeting with you to discuss your progress whenever you're stuck. For more information and to sign up, visit the  RWS Graduate Services  page. 

Manuscript Guidelines

The guidelines outlined here define minimum standards and point out common problems. Responsibility for final review of the thesis manuscript prior to submission rests with the committee. Manuscripts may be returned by the Graduate School for revision if they do not adhere to format requirements or contain excessive spelling, grammatical, or typographical errors.

Because the final thesis will be viewed primarily online, prepare your PDF document for optimal viewing on a screen. If your thesis includes landscape-oriented pages, save the PDF with mixed page orientation.

Thesis Document Pages
Order Page Name Required? Page Number
1 Committee Signature Page yes no visible number
2 Library Authorization Page yes no visible number
3 Title Page yes no visible number
4 Abstract yes iv
5 Acknowledgements no v, if applicable
6 Table of Contents yes v or vi
7 List of Figures and Tables yes, if applicable continue in Roman numerals
8 Text yes Arabic numerals, beginning with 2 on the second page. No visible number on the first page of text.
9 Bibliography/References/Works Cited yes Arabic numerals
10 Appendices no Arabic numerals
11 Curriculum Vita no Arabic numerals

Signature Pages

During the disruption in operations due to the coronavirus pandemic, hardcopy signature pages are not required.  The degree recommendation esign form will serve as approval of the final thesis by all committee members.

The thesis PDF should still contain a signature page with typed names (no scanned signatures), and a library authorization with the student's typed name and the date of submission.

Library Authorization Page

Choose the library authorization appropriate for your document type (thesis or field project) and the access level you have chosen. See the sections below on "Templates" and "Embargos and Limiting Access" if needed.

Make sure that your title matches exactly on both pages where it appears, the Committee Signature Page and the Title Page. If your title is long, you may wish to check current cover printing capabilities at Haggard Hall Print and Copy Services to make sure it can be printed on your bound copies.

Format according to the style manual for your discipline.

Acknowledgements (optional)

The language used in the acknowledgement should be consistent with that used in acknowledgements in journal articles in your field. You may use this page to acknowledge those who contributed to the academic endeavors or research of your thesis. Limit the acknowledgements to a single page.

Table of Contents

The first three preliminary pages do not appear in your Table of Contents. The first item to appear should be your Abstract.

Do   not  include the Table of Contents page in the Table of Contents, but  do  include the Lists of Tables and Figures. Lists of Tables and Figures should include page numbers.

Supplementary Material

Additional material may be included in appendices or as separate files to be submitted with your PDF. CEDAR can take many file types. Maps, datasets, sound clips, short films, images, and other items can be included. See the  CEDAR FAQ  for more details.

Margins should be a minimum of one inch on all sides. Use the same margin dimensions throughout the manuscript, except for indented lengthy quotes.

Page Numbers

Page numbers may be located according to the style commonly used in your discipline, or any standard word processor location. The numbers should appear alone, without any bracketing, dashes, etc. Refer to the chart above for numbering requirements.

Choose a font that is clearly legible on screen as well as in print. Font should be 10- to 12-point type. Use the same font throughout the manuscript. You may bold, italicize or underline words where appropriate. Italicized type may not be used for the entire body of the text.

Double space the text. Block quotes may be single spaced. Thesis projects in poetry, mathematics, and music may be spaced as appropriate to the discipline.

Captions should be in the same font as that used in the text. Locate captions according to the publication style you are using.

Section headings must correspond to the Table of Contents. Heading font and location on the page should be consistent throughout the thesis. Ensure that headings appear on the same page as the corresponding text (i.e. watch for headings orphaned at the bottom of pages). Do not use a running head.

Style differs considerably among disciplines, and even among different journals in one discipline. Confer with your thesis chair to select the appropriate style for your thesis, and be consistent with this style throughout your manuscript.

References and Citations

Be consistent in citation and reference style throughout the thesis, according to the style manual you are following. There must be a reference for every citation in the text. The spelling of the author’s name and the publication year must match between the text and reference entry. Multiple citations between parentheses must be in either chronological or alphabetical order.

Western Libraries offers online  quick guides to the most common citation styles  and other helpful information.

You can use this template  as a starting point for your document, or refer to it for instructions and tips on formatting.

The thesis/dissertation template is also available on Canvas along with additional formatting help.

Defenses and Final Submission

Defense notification requirements.

  • Schedule your defense with your department
  • Submit an  Oral Defense Schedule  form at least two weeks prior to your defense
  • If requested, submit a draft of your thesis or dissertation to the Graduate School one week before your defense date

The Graduate School will announce your oral defense to Graduate Faculty Governance Council. If a Graduate Faculty Governance Council member volunteers to observe your defense, you will need to include that person in your meeting, presentation, and/or video conference. We will ask you to provide a copy of your draft for the representative to review.

Create Your CEDAR Account and Submit Research

  • Go to  and click “Submit Research” in the sidebar, under Contributors. Follow the instructions to create an account and submit to the WWU Graduate School Collection.
  • Use a permanent email address for your account, not your email address, so that you can keep track of your work after graduation.
  • Upload your complete PDF and any supplementary files you wish to include.

Thesis and Dissertation Approval and Publication

Graduate School staff will communicate with you via CEDAR (you will receive emails) about the status of your thesis or dissertation submission and any necessary revisions.

Once your submission has been approved, you will be notified through CEDAR. Your thesis or dissertation will be published and made available right away on CEDAR, as part of the Digital Commons for your discipline, and through Google and Google Scholar.

If you need to delay public posting of your document, or keep access to your content permanently limited, email the Graduate School for options.

Completion of your degree still requires one hardbound copy of your thesis or dissertation for archiving in Special Collections. We do not require original signatures for the bound copy. Once your thesis or dissertation is approved, you will need to place a binding order with Print and Copy Services using the Thesis Order Request Form or Dissertation Order Request Form . This order must be placed and paid before your degree can be awarded. Individual departments may have requirements for additional copies; check with your thesis chair or program adviser if you are unsure.

Instructions for placing your order with Print and Copy Services will be included in your CEDAR approval letter. For assistance with the Thesis Order Request Form, contact Print and Copy Services directly at  [email protected]  or 360-650-3762

Occasionally a graduate student may need to delay the posting of their thesis or dissertation to CEDAR, or limit the audience to Western students and faculty. There are two options to choose from.

An embargo delays the public release of the document while the author or faculty researcher pursues publication or copyright of the work in the thesis/dissertation. At the end of the embargo period, the document is posted.

To request an embargo, email [email protected] with details. An embargo can be requested for six months or one year, and may be renewed if necessary.

If you might want to renew your embargo, set a reminder on your calendar around the time the embargo is set to expire. Let the Graduate School know if you need to renew.

Campus Only Access

Limiting access to the Western community is a good option for those wishing to preserve First North American Serial Rights (publication rights). A current WWU login is required to view the thesis, and the limited access status does not expire like an embargo does.

To choose this option, use the limited access library authorization form instead of the standard one, and make a note in CEDAR when you upload your thesis. Library authorization forms are available in the Templates section above, and on Canvas.

Forms and Links

Thesis Topic Approval

Dissertation Topic Approval

Research and Writing Studio

Western CEDAR

Print and Copy Services

Thesis Order Request Form

Dissertation Order Form

  • Request Info

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Division of Graduate Studies

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  • Dissertation & Thesis
  • Timeline: Dissertation, Thesis & Project
  • Institutional Review Board (IRB)
  • Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
  • Students With Disabilities
  • Biosafety Committee
  • University Library
  • International Students
  • Affordable Care Act
  • Best Practices
  • Annual Reports
  • Council Overview
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  • Faculty Status Committee
  • Council Members
  • Meeting Dates
  • COVID Updates

The Dissertation: Defense and Approval Process

Students in doctoral programs must demonstrate evidence of a high degree of scholarship, competence in scholarly exposition and ability to select, organize and apply knowledge through a dissertation.  “Guidelines for Preparing the Dissertation” as developed and enhanced by the Graduate Faculty of Jackson State University, provides examples of best practices concerning format standards that must be met before it receives final approval by the Division of Graduate Studies.

It is the student’s responsibility to submit materials to the department and college in time for the chair and dean to review them so they can reach the Division of Graduate Studies by the deadline.

Please make sure your defense is scheduled early enough in the semester to allow you to complete the requirements.

Each student should obtain a copy of the “ Guidelines for Preparing the Dissertation ”

Click here for the “Committee Report of Defense Results”

Defense and Approval

The Division of Graduate Studies issues a calendar each year which indicates the LAST DAY for satisfying all graduation requirements.  The Division of Graduate Studies encourages students to submit their manuscripts well before the deadline.

The chairperson of the committee for the candidate for a doctoral degree, in concurrence with the other members of the committee, shall adhere to the following process.  The chairperson will notify the members of the committee, the Department Chair, the College Dean or designee, the Dean of the Division of Graduate Studies and other appropriate persons of the place, date and time of the defense.

Basic Process for the Defense

  • The candidate presents his/her argument, summarizing the main points of the study. The chairperson then allows other members of the committee to direct questions to the candidate concerning the defense.
  • Following the candidate’s presentation and the fielding of questions, the candidate is excused from the room so that the chair and committee may discuss and subsequently vote on the candidate’s success or failure.
  • The candidate is escorted into the room to receive the results of the committee’s vote.
  • If successful, the candidate will secure the signatures of members of the committee on the approval page,  and the “Committee Report of Defense Results”, and any other necessary signatures.

First Submission

  • One unbound copy of the dissertation must be presented to the committee.
  • File the “Committee Report of Defense Result” with the Division of Graduate Studies. The “Committee Report of Defense Results” is completed upon the successful defense of the dissertation before the student’s committee.  This form must be submitted prior to final “Clearance for Graduation”.
  • The FIRST SUBMISSION will be reviewed to determine format and compliance with the appropriate guidelines from the department’s adopted style manual.  The student will be notified if any revisions are necessary, in a timely manner.
  • If revisions of the manuscript are necessary, the student must incorporate the changes and resubmit .

Second Submission

Submission of a dissertation should not be interpreted as approval.  Approval comes only after the document is read and the format reviewed for consistency with the guidelines. The final copy of the dissertation must be acceptable to all members of the committee as witnessed  by the signatures on the approval page. Doctoral students will submit five (5) unbound copies of the dissertation, on white, (at least) 20 pound, 25% rag, acid-free bond paper. Final corrected copies of the dissertation must be accepted by the University no later than one year after the oral defense, or within the eight-year time limit, whichever occurs first. Failure to meet this deadline will result in the degree not being awarded.

Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

  • If your proposed research involves human subjects, it must be approved by the Jackson State University Institutional Review Board, (IRB).
  • If your research involves animal subjects, it must be approved by the JSU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
  • A full explanation of the procedures and Federal Guidelines are available at the JSU Office of Compliance.

Student’s Responsibility

  • Choosing a chairperson following the policies & guidelines of the major department.
  • Choosing the members of the dissertation committee in conjunction with the chairperson following the policies & guidelines of the major department.
  • Meeting with the chairperson and setting a schedule for completion of the dissertation in a timely manner.
  • Keeping on schedule.
  • Turning in all dissertation material to chairperson typed in correct format.
  • Knowing and meeting all deadlines.
  • Filing all forms in a timely manner.

Advisor and Committee’s Responsibility

It is the chairperson’s and committee members’ responsibility to know policies, rules, and regulations of both the Division of Graduate Studies and the major department relative to the dissertation process.

In addition the chair is also responsible for..

  • Ensuring that the student is aware of the rules, regulations and policies of the Division of Graduate Studies and the department.
  • Assisting the student in the formation of a committee.
  • Meeting with the student on a regular basis.
  • Keeping the scheduled appointments.
  • Ensuring that the student’s work is properly documented and not plagiarized.
  • Scheduling the prospectus hearing, if required, and the final defense of the thesis/project.
  • Notifying the committee members and the Department chair of the place, time & date of the prospectus hearing.
  • Notifying the Graduate Dean, College Dean, Department chair and committee members of the place, time & date of the final defense.

Committee’s Responsibility

  • It is the committee members’ responsibility to …
  • Attend the prospectus hearing and final defense.
  • Read the student’s work throughout the writing process.
  • Provide written feedback for correcting and/or improving the dissertation.

Department Chair/Program Director’s Responsibility

It is the department chair/program director’s responsibility for knowing and enforcing policies, rules, and regulations of both the Division of Graduate Studies and department/program.

The chair/director is also responsible for….

  • Ensuring that the graduate faculty of the department/program know and adhere to the policies, rules and regulations of the Division of Graduate Studies.
  • Keeping the faculty abreast of rule, policy and procedure changes from the Division of Graduate Studies.
  • Serving as a liaison between the student and the advisor, if necessary.
  • Ensuring the dissertation and all committee members are qualified to serve.

Keep up-to-date with all important dates for the current semester at Jackson State University. If you have any questions about the information listed, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help you further.

dissertation topic approval

Division of Graduate Studies 1400 John R. Lynch Street Jackson, MS 39217-0280

Division of Graduate Studies Jackson State University P.O. Box 17095 Jackson, MS  39217

Phone: 601.979.2455

dissertation topic approval

Developing a Great Thesis Topic Sentence

  • Your thesis topic should reflect that you understand an issue that is worth investigating.
  • Ensure that you have clear research objectives and are aware of the findings or results that will be meaningful for your project. 
  • Be also clear if your research will be qualitative or quantitative so that your research roadmap is correct from the start.
  • We can offer help with topic development for your Master's or Ph.D. or even undergraduate research project.

Order Topic or Research Help

01. - Develop a Relevant Research Topic.

You need to have a great research idea that addresses a relevant research gap. We are more than willing to support you, let us know.

02. - Defend & have your Topic Approved.

If possible, review or have your topic approved by your supervisor or senior research advisor so that you do not start and later stall midway.

03. - You can now Start your Research Process.

When your topic has finally been approved & is researchable, you can now start the research process : We can help you Step by Step.

 The Things you Should Avoid When Writing a Thesis Project Topic!

Our Service Process

Importance of Topic Approval Before Writing your Thesis

  • If the topic is disapproved, it means the entire written project is useless and must be redone.
  • It will save you time that would have been used to revise the entire project later.
  • It gives you confidence and surety that your intended research is achievable.
  • It provides you with recommendations to make your topic better and more interesting.

What Makes Topic Approval Before Writing a Thesis Important

The approval of a topic before writing a thesis is critical since this will go a long way to prevent errors, ambiguity, inconsistency, and confusion in your work.

You will be able to write and submit a top-quality thesis project.   Since you have selected a topic that interests you, has available literature, is related to your area of study, and is narrow enough, this means that you are ready to go. You will be able to finish writing your paper earlier and therefore you will get enough time to proofread it and eliminate all plagiarism and writing mistakes.

You will enjoy writing your entire thesis project.   One thing that will make your supervisor approve your topic is because it interests you. Since you are enjoying your topic, you will also enjoy writing your paper. Having sustained topic interest is very important as it makes even writers enjoy as they read your paper.

You will avoid delays that are caused by thesis topic revisions. Being told by your supervisor to revise your thesis topic when you are in the middle of your paper is very heartbreaking and makes scholars lose morale. It may take weeks before you get feedback from your supervisor. You may even be told to choose another topic and start writing again from scratch. This may affect the quality of your paper because you are in a rush since the deadline is close.

It will help you to submit your thesis project and graduate on time.   If you can come u p with the right thesis topic, then, it means that you are capable of writing a great thesis project. Since your topic is approved on time, that implies that you will consult your supervisor on time and therefore you will be able to submit your thesis on time hence, your graduation will not be affected. We know the importance   of topic approval before writing a thesis   and as such you can count on our experts to help create a topic that will be approved by your professors without hesitating.

Securing topic approval before writing your thesis is an essential step that sets the stage for a successful research journey. It aligns your goals with academic requirements, helps streamline the focus, and ensures the viability of your project. For those who find this process challenging, seeking professional guidance can prove invaluable. We offer expert help to facilitate your topic approval, ensuring that you embark on a thesis that is both meaningful and achievable.

Is Your Committee Asking “Why Should We Approve Your Study”

We offer professional help to generate a great research title idea, obtain genuine research topics &titles writing services from us.

Many students find the topic writing process difficult which may lead to dissapproval because some are unable to complete the work on time while others find it hard to express their ideas logically. If you are in this situation, you can consult our professional topics writers , and you will get the best services.

  • Your topic will be drafted from scratch to make it authentic & quicker to be approved. Plagiarizing other people’s research is prohibited in colleges and other institutions. Scholars get penalties for this which means you have to avoid this in every way. A   firm that offers trustworthy study topic writing services always writes content from their reasoning .
  • We will write content that focuses on the main idea of your topic. When writing a topic for your research it is easier to deviate from the main idea if you do not have the proper skills or guidelines. That is why it is important to seek help from topic writers from our firm who will ensure that the written content aligns with your research study idea.
  • The topic of your study will be properly formatted and structured. Different institutions have different instructions on the format to be used by scholars while writing a  topic. At Research Topic Help we follow the instructions you provide to us as well as employ the use of bullets for clear information presentation to make it easy to read.
  • We deliver the written topic of your study on time to avoid it being disapproved. Research project topic writing often has a deadline for submission. Our writers understand the importance of correctly written topics which are rarely disapproved & so they will deliver your research topic as per your instructions & promptly. That will give you ample time to go through your topic content before submitting it.

Facing a committee that asks, "Why should we approve your research study?" can be a daunting experience. However, with the right preparation and support, you can turn this question into an opportunity to showcase the value and feasibility of your study. Crafting a compelling narrative around your research can help you secure the approval and support you need to move forward.

Different Subject Areas

  • B.Ed . |  B.A . 
  • B.Com  |  BSc  
  • BSN  |  DBa  
  • DNP  |  Doctoral
  • Ed.D  |  M.Ed  |  RN  
  • Masters  |  MBA  
  • MBus  |  MCom
  • MEntr  |  Msc  
  • MSN  |  PhD  
  • Post graduate  
  • Undergraduate

Client Testimonials

Thanks a lot for the research topic writing Services!


Quality & Reliable Services

  • Recent Topic Ideas
  • Dissertation Project Ideas
  • Case Study Topics 
  • Topic Writing Tips
  • Secrets to a Great Topic 
  • Literature Review Topics
  • Urgent Research Ideas Help
  • Topic Brief Assistance
  • Relevant Research Ideas
  • Thesis Title Defence
  • Topic Reviewing Aid
  • Significance in a Title
  • Base Paper Help

Topic Ideas by Paper Type

  • Dissertation Topics
  • Thesis Topics
  • Proposal Topics
  • Research Paper Topics
  • Capstone Project Topics

Remarkable Help

There are some services that we recommend for related services, they are reliable but subject to your review.

  • Literature Review Help
  • Methodology Writing Aid
  • Research Proposals Help
  • Research Writing Service
  • Best Thesis Writing  Help

Research Title Approval Process - Understanding the Secret

Get a detailed guide on the steps of title approval from us.

Navigating through the complex process of property acquisition or mortgage application can be daunting. One of the most crucial steps in this journey is Title Approval. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer, a real estate investor, or someone looking to refinance a mortgage, understanding the intricacies of Title Approval is essential. Here is a comprehensive guide to walk you through the necessary steps, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience.

What is Title Approval? Title Approval refers to the legal process that authenticates your right to own or possess a property. This process involves an extensive background check on the property to verify that there are no legal issues, such as unpaid taxes, liens, or other encumbrances, that may interfere with the transfer of ownership.

Steps of Title Approval Step 1: Initial Application and Contract Signing The journey to Title Approval starts with filling out an initial application. This application usually requires basic information about the property and the parties involved. Once the application is processed, a preliminary contract is drawn up and signed by both parties.

Step 2: Escrow Account An escrow account is often opened to hold the earnest money or down payment. This account acts as a neutral holding space until the completion of the Title Approval process.

Step 3: Title Search The next step involves a thorough title search to review the legal history of the property. This ensures that there are no undisclosed heirs, pending legal actions, unpaid taxes, or other issues that could impact the transfer of title. Therefore if you are looking for the best Project title ideas we have writers who have the prowess to generate compelling titles for your project.

Step 4: Preliminary Report After the title search, a preliminary report is issued. This report outlines the conditions under which the title company is willing to insure your title. Thoroughly review this report to understand any limitations or exceptions.

Step 5: Addressing Issues If any issues arise in the preliminary report, this is the time to resolve them. This could involve paying off liens or settling disputes that could affect the title.

Step 6: Underwriting Upon resolution of any issues, the underwriting process begins. Here, the title company evaluates the risk involved in insuring the title and may require additional documentation or verification.

Step 7: Final Report and Insurance A final title report is generated, which confirms that the title is 'clear' and can be transferred without any issues. Title insurance is then issued to protect against any future claims on the property.

Step 8: Closing After all these steps have been completed, you can proceed to the closing stage, where the final documents are signed, and ownership is officially transferred.

Why Choose Us for Your Title Approval Process? ✓ Expertise: Our seasoned professionals have years of experience and are experts in property laws and regulations.

✓ Transparency: We believe in keeping you informed at every step, providing full transparency throughout the process.

✓ Speed: Our advanced technology and streamlined process ensure that your Title Approval is processed in the quickest time possible.

✓ Security: We prioritize the confidentiality and security of your personal information.

Navigating the steps of Title Approval can be challenging, but you don't have to do it alone. With our comprehensive guide and professional services, you're well-equipped to successfully attain a clear title for your property.

Get Your Title Approved - Customized Help from our Writers

Getting your title to be approved can often seem like a daunting task. Whether it's for a research paper, a thesis, or an article, the importance of a well-crafted title cannot be overstated. That's where our writers come in to offer specialized help. We understand that your title not only serves as a summary of your content but also as a powerful tool for capturing attention. Why settle for less when you can have professional help? Our team of writers is trained to provide a fresh perspective, adding layers of depth and intrigue to your title. From concise academic titles to catchy headlines for your blog posts, our project title writers have a wide range of expertise to offer customized help that suits your unique needs. Helping you doesn't stop at merely suggesting a title. We also offer a thorough review of your existing title and content, thereby providing constructive feedback that could elevate your work to new heights. The help we offer is customized to align perfectly with your project’s subject matter, tone, and target audience. With this kind of specialized help, you can be assured that your title will not only be accurate but also compelling. Don't underestimate the power of a well-crafted title. The right words can make a world of difference, opening doors that you didn’t even know existed. So, if you’re seeking help to get that perfect title, look no further. Our writers are here to provide the help, support, and expertise you need to ensure your title doesn’t just get approved but also leaves a lasting impression.

Understanding the intricacies of the research title approval process is crucial for academic success. It serves as the gateway to a well-structured research journey. Navigating this maze doesn't have to be daunting; professional guidance can significantly ease the process. Leveraging expert help in crafting an impactful, relevant, and clear research title can ensure your work stands out, ultimately accelerating the approval process and paving the way for a rewarding research experience.


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Throughout your career as a graduate student, required forms act as milestones documenting your academic progress.

The forms you will submit prior to starting your research and as part of finishing the degree process are listed below.

All forms are due in the Thesis-Dissertation Office by the final submission date for student theses/dissertations. Failure to submit any of the required paperwork will affect your graduation plans.

Before Starting Your Research

No student research can begin before a Research Topic Approval Form has been approved by the School of Graduate Studies and Research. When approval is granted, notice will be sent to your IUP email account. You may not commence research until you receive this notice.

Access the Electronic RTAF

In the MyIUP portal:

  • Log in to MyIUP and go to   Discover.  
  • Search for " graduate " and click on  Graduate Student Resources.
  • Click on Research Topic Approval Form.

Follow the on-screen instructions. Note: This form is not compatible with Internet Explorer.

This electronic form will be routed to the student's committee members, graduate program coordinator, college dean, and the School of Graduate Studies and Research for review and approval. Therefore, it must be initiated by the student well ahead of the planned start of your research.

Changes to your thesis/dissertation committee or research topic require approval and must be submitted electronically. To make a change to an approved RTAF, please log in to MyIUP and follow the on-screen instructions.

Finishing Your Degree

In addition to submitting their theses/dissertations, graduate students are required to submit several forms to complete the graduation process.

Applying for Graduation

Master's and doctoral degree candidates must apply for graduation online in MyIUP.

  • Application Instructions

All students are required to apply for graduation by the established deadlines .

Students who need to provide graduation verification to prospective employers or sponsor program administrators prior to the official graduation date can request a letter by emailing [email protected] .

Forms for Electronic Dissertation and Thesis Submission

All dissertations and theses must be submitted electronically and publishing agreements must be submitted to the Thesis/Dissertation office.

  • IUP Electronic Dissertation Publishing Agreement
  • IUP Electronic Thesis Publishing Agreement

See Preparing and Submitting Electronic Theses and Dissertations for final submission instructions.

Additional Forms

The Survey of Earned Doctorates is a federal survey that is conducted by RTI International on behalf of several government agencies. All PhD candidates are asked to complete this survey and submit it to the Thesis-Dissertation Office.

  • Survey of Earned Doctorates (PhD Only)
  • Graduate Studies
  • 101 Stright Hall 210 South Tenth Street Indiana, PA 15705
  • Phone: 724-357-4511
  • Fax: 724-357-2715

Catholic University Logo

  • Biblical Studies
  • Catechetics
  • History of Christianity and Church History
  • Historical and Systematic Theology
  • Liturgical Studies and Sacramental Theology
  • Moral Theology/Ethics
  • Pastoral Studies
  • Spirituality

School of Theology and Religious Studies

  • Faculty and Staff
  • Theses and Dissertation Proposals
  • Area and Degree Tracking Sheets
  • Graduation and Commencement
  • Admission to Candidacy for the Doctoral Degree
  • Student Advising
  • Preparing the Doctoral Defense
  • Comprehensive Exams

M.A. Proposals

A reader for the thesis is assigned from the faculty; the director and reader are responsible for approving the proposal and placing it in the student's file. The student, with the help of a faculty member who serves as director, will prepare a one-page thesis proposal that presents the background, purpose, method, and contribution of the thesis. The proposal with a selected bibliography will be submitted to the Director of the Academic Area for approval and will then go to the M.A. Committee for final approval.

S.T.L. Proposals

The S.T.L. candidate will work in conjunction with the Director and Reader of the thesis in preparing the proposal. When the Director and Reader approve the proposal, it will then be submitted to the faculty of the Academic Area for approval. Subsequently the proposal is submitted to the members of the Ecclesiastical Degree Committee for approval. The proposal is kept in the student's file.

Doctoral Proposals

These regulations apply to PhD and STD proposals. A student, who has been formally admitted to candidacy, is eligible to submit a doctoral proposal. The following guidelines for the dissertation proposal must be carefully followed:

The Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal Approval Process

Initial steps of the process.

The student is responsible for securing a director and two readers who will form the dissertation committee. Generally, the committee members should be STRS faculty and hold the degree of Ph.D. or D.Phil. The readers may hold the D.Min. degree if they bring relevant experience to the committee.

The Ph.D. Proposal Committee will use a rubric for evaluating proposals that specifies the instructions articulated in the university guidelines for proposals. The proposal should be organized as follows:

  • Background / state of the question
  • Methodology
  • Contribution / Originality
  • Apended biography (additional two pages)

Evaluation of the Proposal by the Ph.D. Proposal Committee

  • Once the director has determined that the proposal is ready to be evaluated, the proposal must be approved by the student's academic area.
  • The student must send the Chair of the Ph.D. Proposal Committee an electronic copy of the proposal.
  • The student must provide the Chair with two forms: a. Doctoral Dissertation Topic and Committee Request for Approval Form (signed by the area director, the dissertation advisor, and the student) b. Ph.D. Proposal Recommendation by the Academic Area Form (signed by area director)
  • When the Chair has received both forms and the electronic copy of the proposal, the proposal will go before the Ph.D. Proposal Committee. The Ph.D. Proposal Committee meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month. The Chair should receive all documents by the Wednesday prior to the meeting.
  • At the Committee meeting, the student's director is asked to be present to answer any questions the Committee may have. The proposal may be approved by the Committee either "as is" or on the understanding that small-scale emendations will be made. In the latter case, it is the responsibility of the director to communicate the requested emendations to the student and to ensure that these are made by the student. Once the emendations have been made to the director's satisfaction, the student should submit the revised proposal to the Ph.D. Proposal Committee Chair. The Committee may also decide that the proposal requires major reworking and needs to be resubmitted to the Committee after revision. In this case as well, the director is responsible for conveying the Committee's remarks to the student and ensuring that the student makes the recommended revisions. Once this has been done to the director's satisfaction, the student should forward the revised proposal to the Ph.D. Chair who will bring it before the Committee at its next meeting.

Final Stages of the Dissertation Proposal Approval Process

Once the Ph.D. Proposal Committee Chair has the student's proposal as approved by the Committee (or revised in accordance with the Committee's comments) as well as the two required documents listed above, the Chair will write the student a letter officially informing them that the proposal has been approved by the Committee. A copy of that letter will be included in the student's file, which the Chair will submit to the STRS Dean. The Dean will either approve the proposal as submitted and sign the "Request for Approval Form" or ask for changes, which the Dean will communicate to the director and the student. The director and student will make changes and resubmit the proposal to the Dean.

Once the Dean has signed the proposal, he will transmit the student's file to the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies. The Dean of Graduate Studies will have the proposal assessed by an evaluator outside STRS. On the basis of that evaluation, the Dean of Graduate Studies will either approve the proposal as submitted or ask that it be revised in minor or major ways, and will so inform the student and director. If revisions are necessary, they will need to be made by the student in consultation with the director. The revised proposal must then be resubmitted to the Dean of Graduate Studies, who, in all cases, makes the final decision regarding the approval of the proposal.


Help For Dissertation

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Dissertation Help Online

dissertation topic approval

Our mission at ARC is to embody the Wall Street work ethic to get your dissertation 100% completed and approved in an effective, efficient manner. Beyond just dissertations, we provide total assistance for other academic projects including journal publication and data analytics . We are here to help and guide you ! Our personalized coaching & consulting services are geared toward meeting all of your individual requirements for every step of your unique dissertation journey. For this journey, ARC has got you covered!


Best dissertation writing firm. we provide comprehensive assistance to get you approved. nothing is too complex. let us be your teammate. unlimited client support..

Total support for all your dissertation needs…

ARC provides comprehensive, customized support for all your dissertation needs. Whether you need support for your Literature Review , help with devising the proper Research Methodology , assistance with Data Analysis , or professional Academic Editing services, ARC is here to provide the expert help that you need. Working with ARC, rest assured that your dissertation project will be fully approved ! We also devise and implement personalized Dissertation Editing Plans to meet your project’s editing and formatting needs.

For students who are at the very beginning of their dissertation process, our personalized dissertation assistance begins with Topic Approval where we work with you to construct a viable research gap for your study. This includes full support for devising and justifying the qualitative or quantitative (or mixed!) methodologies that your study will utilize. For more information on our approaches to developing research methodologies , please check out our Qualitative Research Design Guide  and  Quantitative Research Design Guide . If you prefer a more deeply collaborative approach centered on interactive learning , then find out more about our individualized Thesis Coaching and Tutoring services.

In accordance with your deadlines…

We work around the clock so that you don’t have to! Our team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year to assist you with meeting almost any deadline . Our normal business hours are 12pm – 9pm EST (12 pm  – 5 pm Saturday) and our telephone number is  (212) 609-1354 . After hours, you can still reach us via email at  [email protected] . Leave a phone number and we will get back to you right away! We know that  time is of the essence  when you’ve got an important deadline to meet.

Completely confidential…

Right from the start, we provide all prospective clients with a Non-Disclosure Agreement . The NDA is provided as an assurance of complete confidentiality for all of our work together. We treat all of our conversations and any materials that you provide as strictly private  and not to be shared with any third parties. In addition, you retain 100% ownership of your entire dissertation project.

Until final approval!

No matter where you are in your  dissertation journey , ARC can work with you to secure the  dissertation writing approvals  that you need. We comprehensively assist with all aspects of  Thesis Research  and complete  all needed revisions  until you obtain  100% approval  from your department chair or PhD committee. We even provide  customized coaching  for your  Final Defense  and can help you to pursue  Journal Publication  for your  completed doctoral study . If you are still in the  pre-dissertation phase , ARC can help with completing your  Coursework  and the  Comprehensive Exam . Start to finish, we can put you on track to graduate within 10-12 months. We won’t stop until we can finally refer to you as  Doctor!

Whether you have yet to hone in on a  specific research area  or have already begun your  dissertation writing project , ARC’s team of experts is here to help. We take pride in keeping our collective  “finger on the pulse”  to stay current on all the hottest techniques & trends in  PhD  research . Our  subject-matter experts can provide you with crucial support  to keep your dissertation project moving forward in the right direction. Read on below to learn more about our  cutting-edge expertise  in some of the  industries and disciplines  that we cover.

ARC works with a diverse range of doctoral students from both traditional and online universities. Our team consists of PhD consultants, editors & writers – many of whom are current or former professors or talented graduate students – from the most prestigious academic institutions in the United States.


ARC supports MS and PhD students to complete their graduate- and doctorate-level studies in Applied and Theoretical Statistics. ARC’s in-house statistical consulting team specializes in all aspects of statistical analysis related to big data and machine learning, clinical trials, causal inference (via structural equation modeling), genomics, spatial epidemiology, and survival analysis. At ARC, we take particular pride in the rigor and depth of our statistical research. We are adept at both conducting applied and theoretical statistical analyses and explaining the underlying constructs and theories.


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dissertation topic approval


dissertation topic approval


dissertation topic approval


Featured testimonials.


Awinita Citlali

Working on a mixed methods research, I had to find a consulting company that was capable of handling both my qualitative data and quantitative data. You will find no firm that’s as knowledgeable in both domains. My prospectus was almost instantly approved, and before I knew it, the AQR had granted approval on my PhD dissertation.

Lysette Olive

ARC worked with me for the entire process. They made sure that all my dissertation requirements were adhered to perfectly. I’ve heard that my school has very rigorous editing requirements, but ARC made this go very easy. Now I can go on with my life and use my Theology PhD degree for a good purpose. A truly wonderful experience!

Tyrrell Divina

When I was stuck on my dissertation, I was very unhappy with my chair and how hard he was to deal with. Solomon solved all my dissertation problems, and sometimes I felt like he was my chair! When I first reached out to ARC, the initial email feedbackI received was enough to make me confident that I will obtain my PhD successfully.

These guys at ARC really knowwhat they’re doing. If it weren’t for Approval, l’d still be working on my dissertation right now. I had no idea how to start research for my prospectus, and thať’s when Solomon from Approval came in to help. My chair immediately liked my research topic that ARC helped me choose, and the rest was history.

These guys are amazing! I found out about ARC while procrastinating on my coursework one night, and oh boy did they deliver! Not only did I pass all courses on my first try, they really expedited my doctoral research and dissertation writing progress to get me to the graduation stage in record time. Worth every penny!

Gytha Silver

Thank you ARC! Wonderful job helping this busy professional with juggling family and career obligations that were not allowing me to spend adequate time on my education. Approval Ready does all the work so it’s submitted on time and properly edited to address committee requests. They even prepared me for my defense! Highly recommend to say the least!

Ros Graysen

Props to the ARC folks for being my dissertation lifesaver! I had a lot of passion for my research, but I was struggling to find direction and my PhD program was very hard for me beginning my dissertation at an old age. The ARC team was a big part of the process, with all their research, writing, and APA editing help. They even gave me a little discount.

We want to hear about YOUR project!

dissertation editing services

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Preferred Callback Time Coursework Comprehensive Exam Topic Selection Process Literature Review Methodology Institutional Review Board Data Analysis Academic Editing Defense Preparation Journal Publication Business Statistics Other

How may we help you?

How do I find an editor for my dissertation?

You can find a professional academic editor through search engines including Google, Microsoft Bing, and Yahoo. Firms specializing in cost-effective dissertation editing assistance tend to operate mostly online as opposed to in-person due to reasons including high online search volume and overhead costs.

Should I hire an editor for my dissertation?

Yes! Regardless of how familiar you are with your dissertation research topic or how experienced you are with academic writing, it’s always helpful to have a second set of eyes ensure that the writing flows well and meets all committee requirements.

How long does it take to edit a dissertation?

The quickest dissertation consulting firms are able to cater to your specific deadlines since the quickest editors tend to edit approximately 5-10 pages per hour depending on the extent of work required on each page for line-by-line editing.

Can I buy a dissertation?

Since a dissertation is considered a personal intellectual property similar to other copyrights and patents, it is possible to hire a team of researchers, data analysts, or writers to assist with parts of the work.

What is the best dissertation writing service?

The best dissertation writing service is one that will provide comprehensive writing, data analysis, editing, content refinement assistance, and even personalized final defense preparation. When selecting a service, make sure you select one that caters to your specific needs.

What does an editor do for a dissertation?

The best editors incorporate both your degree program requirements and your personal voice to assist with all areas including mechanics (e.g. grammar, spelling, passive voice, anthropomorphism, etc.) in addition to the overall flow and organization of your dissertation manuscript.

How long on average does it take to write a dissertation?

On average, it takes about 6-12 months to write a dissertation encompassing approximately 100-200 pages of content, organized into 5-6 chapters. The initial research and writing process is generally very quick, with the chair and committee review processes lasting several weeks for each chapter.

Approval Ready Consulting, Dissertation Editing

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Student Guide

New MyStudies functionality for master's thesis management launched on 19 August 2024

Photo: Unto Rautio

The Master’s thesis management will change in August 2024 with the introduction of a new thesis functionality in MyStudies portal. When starting a master’s thesis, students will enter the basic information of the thesis, such as the topic, supervisor and advisors, in MyStudies and apply for the approval of the supervisor on the platform. The supervisor approves the topic and advisors. In the field of technology (the schools of CHEM, ENG, ELEC and SCI), the topic, supervisor and advisors are no longer approved by the degree programme committees. Students can start a thesis process and apply for the necessary approvals continuously considering the instructions of the degree programme on starting and timing of the thesis. 

The final thesis is submitted to MyStudies for evaluation, approval and archiving. 

The new process collects the basic information and administrative processes of a theses on single platform and allows better support and monitoring for the thesis process. 

The eAge applications for master’s theses were closed on 1 August 2024, with the exception of the School of Business. 

Below you can see a more detailed timetable for the implementation of the new functionality: 

School  Starting a thesis process on MyStudies, starting from  Submitting a thesis on MyStudies, starting from  eAge forms to close for master’s theses 
ARTS  19.8.2024  19.8.2024 (next DL 18.11.)  1.8.2024 
BIZ  January 2025 January 2025 (preliminary)   January 2025 (preliminary) 
CHEM  19.8.2024  19.8.2024 (next DL 30.9.)  1.8.2024 
ENG  19.8.2024  19.8.2024 (next DL 30.9.)  1.8.2024 
ELEC  19.8.2024  19.8.2024 (next DL 30.9.)  1.8.2024 
SCI  19.8.2024  19.8.2024 (next DL 30.9.)  1.8.2024 

If you are currently working on your Master's thesis, you will receive an email with more detailed instructions on how to submit your thesis for evaluation on  MyStudies .  

MyStudies is a digital portal for students. On MyStudies you will find the success team, a dedicated team of experts supporting you in your studies, and if they offer appointments on the platform, you can schedule appointments with the members of your success team. Advisors may write notes of the appointments and share them with you in MyStudies. In addition, the service includes the most important services for a student, some of them including appointment functionality, as well as direct links to the most frequently used pages.   

For more information, contact Learning Services ( [email protected] ) or Project Manager Elsa Kivi-Koskinen ( [email protected] ). 

Image: students

MyStudies (URL) (external link)

MyStudies is a daily desktop for Aalto students. Log in to MyStudies here.

Opiskelijoita Kauppakorkeakoululla. Kuva: Aalto-yliopisto / Unto Rautio

Find and contact your study support team on MyStudies

Connect with Study Coordinators and Academic Advisors in MyStudies.

Feedback about the page

  • Published: 19.8.2024
  • Updated: 27.8.2024

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  1. Approval Sheet for Thesis with Examples and Format

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  2. Approval Sheet for Thesis with 5 Examples

    dissertation topic approval

  3. 37+ SAMPLE Approval Sheet Templates in PDF

    dissertation topic approval


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  5. Approval Page

    dissertation topic approval

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    dissertation topic approval


  1. 3.7 Topic Approval

  2. Choosing a Msc Dissertation Topic 2

  3. SPCH 001 Topic Approval


  5. Finding the perfect dissertation topic can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be!!



  1. What Are the Steps to the Dissertation Process?

    After URR approval of the dissertation and abstract, an editor conducts a Form and Style review. Students must address the editor's revisions and suggestions. Oral Defense Teleconference. After receipt of the Form and Style review, students present their dissertation via teleconference scheduled with OSRA.

  2. Forms

    Doctoral students should fill out this form just before their dissertation topic approval meeting. Before clicking on the form, students should collect the following information: The IRB or IACUC project ID and date of approval (if needed). Note: Student must obtain IRB or IACUC approval before submitting the Topic Approval Form.

  3. PDF Thesis Dissertation Handbook

    have approved your thesis or dissertation by the final day for adding a class in the semester of graduation. See the Graduate Calendar. Submit your document . at least . a week prior to the last day to add classes in order to provide the editor adequate time to examine the document, request corrections, and grant approval by her deadline.

  4. PDF Thesis & Dissertation Manual

    Topic Approval Form. (RTAF) May 15: Master's candidates have filed the School of Graduate Studies and Research's . Electronic Research Topic Approval Form. ... A review of the literature revolving the research topic of the thesis or dissertation. 3. The research methods used, described in sufficient detail to allow other investigators to ...

  5. Considerations for Topic Approval

    Considerations for Topic Approval. Another important consideration for selecting a feasible dissertation topic is to choose a research area where your study findings can be interpreted based on recent, peer-reviewed literature. Most doctoral degree programs require that students begin browsing and annotating relevant citations from scholarly ...

  6. PDF Thesis and Dissertation Handbook

    not refer to earlier theses or dissertations as guides to style and format. Procedures and policies pertaining to thesis and dissertation committee formation, thesis and dissertation topic approval, and thesis and dissertation final examinations are included in Master's Requirements, Doctoral Requirements, and Thesis/Dissertation policies.


    Graduate College Approval: The approval of the Graduate College indicates that the topic has been approved as listed above. Any future changes to the title or committee must be approved by the Graduate College. _____ SALE O NOT USE. FIRST NAME LAST NAME 1234567890 0.0 FIELD OF STUDY December 2019 DISSERTATION TITLE HERE Signature here Signature ...

  8. Frequently Asked Questions about Writing a Thesis or Dissertation

    RTAF stands for Research Topic Approval Form. You must fill this out after you form your committee, but before you begin the actual work on your thesis/dissertation. Accessing the Electronic RTAF: In the MyIUP portal: Log in to MyIUP and go to Discover. Search for "graduate" and click on Graduate Student Resources. Click on Research Topic ...


    THESIS/DISSERTATION TOPIC APPROVAL FORM All students submitting a thesis or dissertation proposal must include a completed copy of this form. Please fill out the top section only, obtain your departmental advisor's signature RI DSSURYDO, and include this form with your complete proposal submission to the Director of Graduate Studies.

  10. PDF Dissertation Topic Approval Form

    Upon approval of the dissertation topic, all members of the student's Ph.D supervisory committee must sign this form. The student cannot be admitted to candidacy if this form is incomplete or missing required signatures. Dissertation Topic Approval Date: _____ Committee Member Name Department Signature ...

  11. PDF Dissertation Topic Approval

    Dissertation Topic Approval Author: Iva Beatty Created Date: 9/22/2009 3:27:18 PM ...

  12. Thesis & Dissertation Forms

    A form must be completed in full for Graduate Education to finalize. You must complete all forms related to your degree progress in order to be finalized by Graduate Education. For a full list of required documents for thesis submission go to the Thesis Submission Checklist (PDF). Be sure to check the thesis and dissertation form deadlines.

  13. Thesis and Dissertation Information

    The Thesis Topic Approval or Dissertation Topic Approval form should be completed as early in the graduate program as possible given department timelines and requirements. Please note: if a committee includes an Affiliate Graduate Faculty member (a volunteer not employed by Western), that person will not be able to sign the topic approval esign ...

  14. The Dissertation: Defense and Approval Process

    The final copy of the dissertation must be acceptable to all members of the committee as witnessed by the signatures on the approval page. Doctoral students will submit five (5) unbound copies of the dissertation, on white, (at least) 20 pound, 25% rag, acid-free bond paper.

  15. Preparing and Submitting Theses and Dissertations

    Please see the IUP Commencement website for instructions. Please direct questions regarding the preparation and submission of your thesis or dissertation to the Thesis-Dissertation Office, 120 Stright Hall, [email protected], phone 724-357-2224, fax 724-357-2715. All graduate theses and dissertations must be submitted electronically.

  16. Importance of Topic Approval Before Writing your Thesis

    Securing topic approval before writing your thesis is an essential step that sets the stage for a successful research journey. It aligns your goals with academic requirements, helps streamline the focus, and ensures the viability of your project. For those who find this process challenging, seeking professional guidance can prove invaluable.


    THESIS/DISSERTATION TOPIC APPROVAL FORM All students submitting a thesis or dissertation proposal must include a completed copy of this form. Please fill out the top section only, obtain your departmental advisor's signature of approval, the first read'ers signature of approval, and include this form with your complete proposal submission to the Director of

  18. PDF Dissertation Dissertation Topic and Commitee-Request for Approval

    to submit the following topic for the approval of the University: Dissertation Title: Supporting information concerning the topic and the projected research (methodology, purpose, contribution, etc.) is submitted on the attached pages(s). The topic will be investigated and the dissertation prepared under the direction of the following committee:


    If the dissertation topic proposal is approved conditionally, what requirements remain to be completed? Please be specific. Does the committee need to meet again for final approval? Yes _____ No _____ Does the committee now authorize the student to request the Head of Art History to schedule the dissertation topic public lecture? ...

  20. All Forms

    In the MyIUP portal: Log in to MyIUP and go to Discover. Search for " graduate " and click on Graduate Student Resources. Click on Research Topic Approval Form. Follow the on-screen instructions. Note: This form is not compatible with Internet Explorer. This electronic form will be routed to the student's committee members, graduate program ...

  21. Theses and Dissertation Proposals

    Final Stages of the Dissertation Proposal Approval Process Once the Ph.D. Proposal Committee Chair has the student's proposal as approved by the Committee (or revised in accordance with the Committee's comments) as well as the two required documents listed above, the Chair will write the student a letter officially informing them that the ...

  22. Help For Dissertation

    Approval Ready Consulting — ARC — is a New York-based academic consultancy that assists students with all aspects of the dissertation process.Headquartered in a metropolis that positively pulsates night and day with professionalism and creativity, we take pride in the strength and diversity of our business network.ARC works closely with an expert team of PhD analysts, consultants, editors ...

  23. New MyStudies functionality for master's thesis management launched on

    The Master's thesis management will change in August 2024 with the introduction of a new thesis functionality in MyStudies portal. When starting a master's thesis, students will enter the basic information of the thesis, such as the topic, supervisor and advisors, in MyStudies and apply for the approval of the supervisor on the platform. The supervisor approves the topic and advisors.

  24. PDF Dissertation Title Approval Form

    DISSERTATION TITLE APPROVAL FORM . Date: STUDENT INFORMATION . Name : Department: Last Name : Program: Student Number: Degree: Master's Degree . TITLE OF THESIS : ... The candidate should specify the significance of the thesis topic for current and future research in the field, explain the reason for choosing that particular topic, and define ...