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Thesis & Dissertation Submission Procedures

Important instructions for theses/dissertations:  .

  • Students completing a Master's with the thesis option should review the Master's Thesis Guide for specific requirements prior to submitting their final thesis. The guide includes details on electronic submission of the thesis, as well as the review and approval process.
  • D.Sc. and Ph.D. students should review the Doctoral Dissertation Guide for specific requirements prior to submitting their final dissertation. The guide includes details on electronic submission of the dissertation, as well as the review and approval process.
  • Students are required to format their documents according to the McKelvey Thesis and Dissertation Guidelines prior to submission. Students may use the school's officially supported LaTeX template or the  McKelvey Dissertation and Thesis Word Template .
  • Students may optionally submit a draft (PDF or WORD) copy of their thesis/dissertation to [email protected]  prior to their defense date, for a format review. However, they should not submit any documents to the publication website until they have successfully defended. Pre-defense reviews are subject to availability. 
  • Students must successfully defend their thesis/dissertation before the stated deadline in the McKelvey Academic Calendar . All committee members must sign a completed final oral exam form before submitting the final thesis/dissertation for publication. The student's departmental administrator will send the form to the McKelvey Registrars.

See the Forms page for applicable forms.

Master's Thesis Submission

Master's students will submit their final theses through the Washington University Library's Open Scholarship website at the link below   (submission instructions can be found here) . Students should review the Master's Thesis Guide or consult with their department administrator before submitting.

Master's electronic submission

Doctoral Dissertation Submission

Doctoral students submit their final dissertations to ProQuest at the link below. For more information, students should review the Doctoral Dissertation Guide or consult with their department administrator. See guide for submission instructions .

Ph.D./D.Sc. electronic submission

Note : Doctoral students must also submit an online Survey of Earned Doctorates form . The completion of this survey is a graduation requirement, so please plan to complete the survey prior to the dissertation deadline. Ph.D. students should complete the Post-Graduate Job Survey .

Thesis-on-Demand (TOD)

McKelvey Engineering students may order copies of their thesis/dissertation to be copied and bound only after they have received final approval of their online submission. Refer to the appropriate guide for more information.

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Comparative Literature Ph.D. Dissertation Guidelines

Guide for Comparative Literature Ph.D. dissertation, defense, and electronic submission.

Overview (Ph.D.)

  • Present completed Title, Scope, and Procedure (TSP) Ph.D. form^  to the faculty advisor and Research Advisory Commitee (RAC) for approval and signatures for submission to the Office of Graduate Studies (OGS) before beginning the fifth year of full-time enrollment in the Graduate School. 
  • File the Intent to Graduate (ITG) for the Ph.D. 
  • Create an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCiD).
  • Form a Dissertation Defense Commitee and complete the Dissertation Defense Committee form.
  • Confer with the Dissertation Director about procedures for submission of chapters and revisions during the dissertation writing process.
  • Review the OGS Dissertation and Thesis Template and consult it for answers to all formatting questions.
  • Consult with Dissertation Defense Committee and schedule the oral defense, and complete the Dissertation Defense Notification form.
  • Submit complete dissertation manuscript upon approval by the Dissertation Director to the Dissertation Committee, no less than 4 weeks in advance of the scheduled defense.
  • Pass the oral defense.
  • Complete Survey of Earned Doctorates.
  • Create ProQuest Online Account.
  • Submit the dissertation to the OGS electronically via ProQuest.
  • Forward email from OGS of approval of dissertation to Coordinator along with .pdf of dissertation to order copies from Thesis on Demand.
  • Request Degree Certification (optional).
  • RSVP to Ceremony

Reserve Regalia

The Student is responsible for punctually completing and providing all of the necessary materials(^) for submission to the OGS, and for formatting the dissertation in accordance with its guidelines. 

The Dissertation Director is responsible for assisting The Student in assembling the full five member Dissertation Defense Committee for the defense, for assisting in arranging a defense date and location, as well as submitting all required signed paperwork and forms(^) to the The Coordinator for submission to the OGS via Portal(*), including the Dissertation Defense Committee  and  Examination Approval forms . 

The OGS provides a comprehensive Doctoral Dissertation Guide for all Ph.D. candidates. 

Preliminary Paperwork

  • Title, Scope, and Procedure (TSP)

Intent to Graduate (ITG)

Open researcher and contributor id (orcid), title, scope, and procedure (tsp) ph.d..

Completed by The Student, Submitted by The Coordinator

By the time of completion of the Comprehensive Exams, students should have formulated a dissertation topic and selected a Dissertation Director, as well as two additional readers. The Student submits a  Title, Scope and Procedure Ph.D. form^  (TSP) for approval; this form requires the signatures of the Dissertation Director and two additional readers (collectively known as the Research Advisory Committee or RAC), as well as the Program Director. The RAC normally consists of three tenured or tenur-track Washington University faculty members.

The TSP form includes and initial outline or model to research the dissertation topic, which must be comparative. TSP form outlines the preliminary dissertation title, a brief abstract, and methodology. 

  • "Scope" defines the dissertation limits (what is intended to be covered and not covered), and
  • "Procedure" describes the manner intended to conduct research. 

The Academic and Administrative Coordinator must receive the completed and signed TSP form to submit to the Office of Graduate Studies on behalf of the student.  The TSP form must be completed and submitted to the OGS before beginning the fifth year of full-time enrollment in the Office of Graduate Studies. The TSP may change in the course of research: contact the Academic and Administrative Coordinator with requirements for an amended form if this occurs.

Completed by The Student

The Student must file an Intent to Graduate (ITG) form for the semester in which they intend to graduate. Deadlines for filing the Intent to Graduate form for each semester are listed on the Office of Graduate Studies’s online calendar. Complete this form by logging onto  WebSTAC and clicking on “Intent to Graduate” from the menu . Take note of the diploma pick-up and mailing dates that are included in the form because the diploma will be mailed to the address entered.

If the graduation semester changes, a new form must be filed for the term the Student intends to graduate.

Ph.D. students are encouraged to establish an Open Researcher and contributor ID (ORCiD) , a free, personal digital identifier. Many scholars will want to establish their ORCiD profile and maintain it throughout their careers. For more information, visit https://libguides.wustl.edu/orcid.

Dissertation Defense

The Student should work with the Dissertation Director to establish an effective and efficient calendar for submission of work, allowing time for revisions. Once the Dissertation Director has approved a chapter, the student should submit it to the other two readers.  The Student is expected to respect the suggestions for revision from all three of their readers for each chapter as they go along. This process ensures that the dissertation is sound from their different perspectives before the Student submits the completed dissertation to the larger Dissertation Committee for the "defense."

Dissertation Defense Committee

Completed by The Student and The Dissertation Director, submitted by The Coordinator to OGS

The Defense Committee consists of at least five members, who normally meet two independent criteria:

  • Four of the five must be tenured or tenure-track Washington University faculty; one of these four may be a member of the Emeritus faculty. The fifth member must have a doctoral degree and an active research program, whether at Washington University, at another university, in government, or in industry.
  • Three of the five must come from the student's degree program; at least one of the five must not.

All Dissertation Committees must be approved by the Dean of the Graduate School or by their designee, regardless of whether they meet the normal criteria. Approval requires completion of the Dissertation Defense Committee form^ . The Coordinator must receive the completed and DGS signed Dissertation Defense Committeee form to submit to OGS on behalf of The Student via Portal.

This form and Defense Committee must be approved by the Graduate School before the scheduling of the dissertation defense can occur; this MUST be completed and approved at least 3 weeks ahead of your desired defense date. 

Dissertation Defense Notification

Completed by The Student, submitted by The Coordinator to OGS

Once the Defense Committee is approved via an email from the OGS, The Coordinator can help The Student in securing a time and location for the defense. After approval of the Defense Committee and at least 15 days before the defense, The Coordinator will submit a Defense Notification* to the OGS via Portal stating the time, date, and location of the defense, as well as attach an updated CV of The Student^. The Student is required to provide the Coordinator with the Dissertation Defense Information   (date and location of defense, title of dissertation) and a copy of the Student CV in a .pdf format for submission.

Distribution of Dissertation

Once the Dissertation Director has approved the content and the style of the entire dissertation, The Student must distribute copies of the full document to all members of the Defense Committee, including external readers, in preparation for the oral defense. The Student should allow a minimum of three (3) weeks for the Defense Committee members to read the thesis. The Student is responsible for giving copies of the dissertation to the Defense Committee. According to the OGS, the Defense Committee members may request rescheduling of the defense if the dissertation is not made available at least 1 week in advance.

While certain critiques and suggestions from the larger Defense Committee during the defense are to be expected, indeed encouraged, The Dissertation Director, by signaling approval of The Student's submission of the dissertation to the Defense Committee, is indicating the support of the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) members, i.e., that they stand by the work and are prepared to support its content and form at the defense.

OGS provides a Dissertation and Thesis Template for all Ph.D. candidates.

Defense of Dissertation

Completed by The Student and The Defense Committee, 

From Graduate School Information on Defense of the Dissertation :

"Attendance by a minimum of four members of the Dissertation Defense Committee, including the committee chair and an outside member, is required for the defense to take place. This provision is designed to permit your defense to proceed in case of a situation that unexpectedly prevents one of the five members from attending. Do not plan in advance to have only four members in attendance; if one of those four cannot attend, your defense must be rescheduled. Note that the absence of all outside members or of the committee chair would necessitate rescheduling the defense.

"Members of the Dissertation Defense Committee normally attend in person, but one of the five (or, in case of an emergency, one of the four) members may attend virtually instead.

“Faculty and graduate students who are interested in the subject of the dissertation are normally welcome to attend all or part of the defense but may ask questions only at the discretion of the committee members. Though there is some variation among degree programs, the defense ordinarily focuses on the dissertation itself and its relation to the student’s field of expertise.”

Examination Approval Form

Signed by The Defense Committee, delivered to The Coordinator by The Dissertation Director, submitted by The Coordinator to OGS

The Dissertation Director is responsible for gathering signatures of the committee on the Examination Approval Form ^*. The Coordinator will then submit it on behalf of The Student via Portal.

Preparing for Electronic Submission

Visit the OGS calendar for the Dissertation/Thesis Final Submission deadline. The following items must be completed by this deadline or Graduation and degree dates will need to be delayed. It is encouraged to submit the dissertation before the deadline in the event fomatting changes are needed.

Consult the Comparative Literature subject librarian regarding copyright permissions for any copyrighted work included in the dissertation. 

Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED)

Students are encouraged to complete their Survey of Earned Doctorates  prior to the dissertation deadline. Do this as soon as possible so that OGS has a record of its arrival in time for graduation requirements to be met. OGS will be notified automatically once the survey is complete. 

The electronic submission of the dissertation will not be processed or approved until this email arrives to OGS. 

Creating ProQuest Online Account

After successful defense of the dissertation and completion of any committee requested changes, OGS requires that The Student create an online account at ProQuest ( http://www.etdadmin.com/wustl ) to submit the final approved text. ProQuest is this country’s most widely used commercial archiving service for dissertations and theses.

Electronic Submission of Dissertation

Visit the OGS calendar for the Dissertation/Thesis Final Submission deadline. The following items must be completed by this deadline or Graduation and degree dates will need to be delayed. It is encouraged to submit the dissertation before the deadlin in the event fomatting changes are needed.

Checklist for Electronic Submission

The Student must have completed all items below before the electronic submission of the dissertation to ProQuest.


Filed Intent to Graduate for the semester planned to complete degree?
  Does the title page indicate the correct administrative unit?
  Is the committee alphabetized by last name, after chair/co-chair?
  Is The Title in Upper and Lower Case, as in This Quest?
  Does the title page indicate the month and year in which the degree is being conferred?
  If including an abstract page, does it use the required heading found in the Dissertation & Thesis Template?
  Is the front matter numbered correctly, starting with ii?
  Does the page numbering on the Table of Contents correspond to the correct page location?
  Does the Table of Contents include a bibliography/references/works cited?
  Completed the Survey of Earned Doctorates?
  Completed the Post-Graduation Job Survey?
  Has the OGS received the Examination Approval Form?
  Any requisite copyright permission letters?

The OGS is notified when you submit your dissertation to ProQuest. When reviewing submission, they ensure that the Examination Approval Form and Survey of Earned Doctorates have been completed and check the submitted PDF to ensure that all formatting requirements have been followed. The amount of time needed to review the manuscript, and the number and nature of any changes that may be required to make, are generally determined by how carefully the work has been prepared. Do not wait until the deadline day to submit the dissertation! Work must be formatted correctly and approved by the OGS in order for graduation. Once the OGS review is complete, they will send you an email through ProQuest saying one of the following:

  • Submission has no revisions and is being accepted.
  • Submission has no revisions, but there is missing required paperwork.
  • Submission has a few revisions that must be made before accepting.

Ordering Bound Copies and Degree Certification

After the dissertation has been approved by the OGS, The Student should forward The Coordinator the OGS dissertation approval email for ordering of bound copies from Thesis On Demand.

The Student may need to present proof of completion of degree to a prospective employer before receiving a diploma. In that case, only after notification that submission has been approved, The Student may request a Degree Certification on the Graduate School website , on the Forms page.

Commencement and Hooding

Once the dissertation has been approved, The Student should contact The Dissertation Director for confirmation of the Hooding Ceremony for Commencement. Traditionally, The Dissertation Director will be present to present The Student with the Ph.D. hood during the Ph.D. Hooding Ceremony. 

Reservation to Ceremony

Registration for the Commencement ceremony is required and is separate from the ITG and ordering of regalia. Please register by the deadline online via the Wash U Commencement site .

Please note that the deadline and process for ordering regalia will be announced on the Wash U Commencement regalia  site and is taken care of by the Wash U Bookstore and NOT the Comparative Literature program. 

Questions from students may be addressed to the current Comparative Literature Academic and Administrative Coordinator  (aka Graduate Program Assistant, or GPA) or the Comparative Literature program at:  [email protected] .

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Dissertation Guide

Each PhD candidate, as evidence of mastery of a specific field of knowledge and capacity for original, scholarly work, must complete a dissertation. The subject must be approved by a Research Advisory Committee consisting of at least three tenured or tenure-track faculty members. This committee is ordinarily led by the student’s major advisor and must be approved by the Office of Graduate Studies. A Title, Scope, and Procedure Form for the dissertation must be signed by the committee members and by the program Chair, and then submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies, no later than the end of the student's fourth year.

  • Title, Scope & Procedure Form (PhD)
  • Dissertation Defense Committee Form
  • Doctoral Dissertation Guide

More Forms from the Office of Graduate Studies

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Anthropology Honors Thesis Program Guidelines

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Images from Dr. James Cheveraud; Peter Kasumba; Andrew Flachs

"New graduate students often discover on reaching graduate school that there is a considerable gap between what they have learned about a subject from books, and actually formulating and carrying out original research in the field. Making this transition is one of the most important challenges they face as a graduate student. Doing an honors thesis gives you the chance to take this step as an undergraduate through participating in original research in an area in which you are especially interested."

photo by Ali Heller from http://anthropology.artsci.wustl.edu/files/anthropology/home_contents/9_cropped.jpg

  • Templates for using LaTeX Included in this zipped file are some starter command driven doc templates. Please get in contact if you have questions.
  • Next: Discover Research Materials >>
  • Last Updated: Jul 26, 2024 11:19 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.wustl.edu/stw_anthropology

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The Dissertation

Each candidate, as evidence of mastery of a specific field of knowledge and capacity for original, scholarly work, must complete a dissertation. The subject, as outlined on the Title, Scope, and Procedure Form, must be approved by a Research Advisory Committee consisting of at least three tenured or tenure-track faculty members. This committee is ordinarily led by the student’s major advisor and must be approved by the Office of Graduate Studies. Often the members of the Research Advisory Committee serve as the foundational members of the dissertation defense committee. Students should refer to the dissertation guide for more information regarding the complete composition of the dissertation defense committee. The Title, Scope, and Procedure Form for the dissertation must be signed by the committee members and by the program Chair, and then submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies, no later than the end of the student's fourth year.

Review All Degree Requirements

Title, Scope, and Procedure Forms

Doctoral dissertation guide.

Review Doctoral Dissertation Guide

Dissertation Template

Review Dissertation template

Dissertation and Defense Committee

Review Dissertation Defense Form

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3MT® Competition Application 2024

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LaTeX disseration and thesis template for The Graduate School at Washington University in St. Louis.


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Dissertation and thesis template.

The is a LaTeX version of the dissertation and thesis template for The Graduate School at Washington University in St. Louis. ( http://graduateschool.wustl.edu/policies-and-guides )

Template version: July 2016

This document contains the guidelines for the proper formatting of dissertations and theses for doctoral and master’s degree-seeking students within the Graduate School at Washington University in St. Louis. The document is formatted using the same guidelines it describes. Consequently, by making an extra copy of this document, you can use it as a template in which you can replace the original text with your own while still retaining the general formatting.

It is a good idea to read through this document carefully before you save it as a template and begin. Please remember that all doctoral and master’s students are ultimately responsible for meeting the Graduate School (GS) formatting guidelines. If there is a particular issue that is not found in this template or the Dissertation/Thesis Guide, your committee or discipline should decide how it will be addressed.

Be certain to use your own full name (as recorded in WebSTAC ) where appropriate. Make sure you use the month and year your degree is officially to be earned on the title page, abstract page and, if included, vita page(s).

Once completed, you will need to submit your document as a PDF electronically, as per the Doctoral Dissertation Guide and Master’s Thesis Guide , which also can be found on the Graduate School website.

How to Use this Template

This template is a LaTeX version of The Graduate School's Microsoft Word template. To use, make a copy all of the files (or fork this repository) and start replacing the contents with your dissertation or thesis.

You will need a texlive installation. You will need to use LuaLaTeX or PDFLatex for this template. However, LuaLaTeX is preferred due to its built in support of special characters.

For your bibliography you will need Biber installed. Please note that this template uses Biblatex (not BibTeX). Biblatex is considered a replacement for BibTeX and supports special characters and URLs in citations.

You will also need Latexmk. Latexmk compiles LaTeX documents the correct number of times. Many makefiles for LaTeX documents often compile twice. Sometimes this is unnecessary, other times it is not enough. Latexmk will correctly determine the number of compilations necessary to produce a correct document.

When including figures, please use PDF files whenever possible. If it's not possible, add a rule to the Makefile and latexmkrc files to convert the image to PDF during compilation.

To compile: make

To clean build files, but not the compiled document: make clean

To clean all files, included the compiled document: make distclean


Please help keep this template up to date with The Graduate School's Microsoft Word template.

If you would like to submit changes to this template, please fork this repository and submit a pull request.

  • Makefile 2.5%

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Dr. Daniel Fister (he/him) is an ethnomusicologist who specializes in contemporary U.S. popular music and race. He earned a Ph.D. in Musicology and a graduate certificate in American Culture Studies from Washington University in St. Louis, as well as a BA in Music from Chapman University’s Hall-Musco Conservatory of Music. In his ethnographic dissertation, he examined how race, particularly whiteness, impacts the sounds and social structures of contemporary scholastic a cappella. His research has been supported by the Margery Lowens Dissertation Fellowship from the Society for American Music and funding from Washington University in St. Louis. And he received the 2021 Lise Waxer Student Paper Prize from the Society for Ethnomusicology’s Popular Music Section.

Dr. Fister served as an Editorial Assistant for the journal American Music from 2019–22 and co-authored the introductory article, “The 701 Articles of American Music : A Quantitative Study of Forty Years of Scholarship,” for the journal’s issue 40.4. He is also a previous co-chair of the Society for Ethnomusicology’s Voice Studies Special Interest Group.

Dr. Fister moved to the Bay Area in 2022 where he teaches courses at local colleges including Santa Clara University and University of California-Santa Cruz. Besides teaching, he is the Associate Director of the Silicon Valley Gay Men’s Chorus, for whom he directs the small ensemble Desperate Measures. He is also a sought-after adjudicator for a cappella competitions.


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  1. Thesis & Dissertation Submission Procedures

    Students may use the school's officially supported LaTeX template or the McKelvey Dissertation and Thesis Word Template. Students may optionally submit a draft (PDF or WORD) copy of their thesis/dissertation to [email protected] prior to their defense date, for a format review. However, they should not submit any documents to the ...

  2. wustl-cse/wustl-latex-dissertation-template

    LaTeX disseration and thesis template for The Graduate School at Washington University in St. Louis. - wustl-cse/wustl-latex-dissertation-template

  3. GitHub

    This template is a LaTeX version of The Graduate School's Microsoft Word template. To use, make a copy all of the files (or fork this repository) and start replacing the contents with your dissertation or thesis.

  4. Guide: Doctoral Dissertation

    Present a proposal or prospectus of your dissertation to your faculty advisor and at least two other faculty members. Review the Office of Graduate Studies' Dissertation and Thesis Template, you must consult it for answers to all your formatting questions. Consult with your faculty, and schedule your defense. Complete your defense, then ...

  5. PDF Washington University Phd Dissertation Guide

    Present a proposal or prospectus of your dissertation to your Research Advisory Committee. Form your dissertation defense committee (see Dissertation Defense) and complete associated form. File your Intent to Graduate for the PhD. Review the university-wide Dissertation Template for formatting guidelines.

  6. Thesis Template

    Thesis Template. LaTeX thesis template, prepared by PhD alum Yao Xie. Quick Links. Resources; Events; Our People; Contact; Additional information. ... Twitter; YouTube; LinkedIn; Contact Us: Department of Mathematics [email protected]. Visit the main Washington University in St. Louis website 1 Brookings Drive / St. Louis, MO 63130 / wustl.edu ...

  7. Comparative Literature Ph.D. Dissertation Guidelines

    File the Intent to Graduate (ITG) for the Ph.D. Create an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCiD). Dissertation Defense: Form a Dissertation Defense Commitee and complete the Dissertation Defense Committee form. Confer with the Dissertation Director about procedures for submission of chapters and revisions during the dissertation writing ...

  8. Resources

    Thesis Template. LaTeX thesis template, prepared by PhD alum Yao Xie. Course Listings. find courses offered by semester. Mathematics & Statistics Degree Program Requirements. chart your path to your master's or doctoral degree. ... Visit the main Washington University in St. Louis website

  9. Guides

    Doctoral Dissertation Guide & Template. View Doctoral Dissertation Guide. View Dissertation Template. Graduate Student Groups Handbook. ... Visit the main Washington University in St. Louis website 1 Brookings Drive / St. Louis, MO 63130 / wustl.edu ...

  10. Dissertation Guide

    Dissertation Guide. Each PhD candidate, as evidence of mastery of a specific field of knowledge and capacity for original, scholarly work, must complete a dissertation. The subject must be approved by a Research Advisory Committee consisting of at least three tenured or tenure-track faculty members. This committee is ordinarily led by the ...

  11. About your thesis

    Anthropology Honors Thesis Program Guidelines. ... Templates for using LaTeX. Included in this zipped file are some starter command driven doc templates. Please get in contact if you have questions. ... University Libraries MSC 1061-141-B Washington University in St. Louis 1 Brookings Dr. St. Louis, MO 63130. Instagram;

  12. GitHub

    LaTeX disseration and thesis template for The Graduate School at Washington University in St. Louis. - harmsk/wustl-latex-dissertation-template

  13. The Dissertation

    The Dissertation. Each candidate, as evidence of mastery of a specific field of knowledge and capacity for original, scholarly work, must complete a dissertation. The subject, as outlined on the Title, Scope, and Procedure Form, must be approved by a Research Advisory Committee consisting of at least three tenured or tenure-track faculty members.

  14. wwliao/wustl-latex-dissertation-template

    LaTeX disseration and thesis template for The Graduate School at Washington University in St. Louis. - GitHub - wwliao/wustl-latex-dissertation-template: LaTeX disseration and thesis template for T...

  15. All Theses and Dissertations (ETDs)

    Beginning in 2009 (for degrees awarded in August, 2009) all theses and dissertations completed at Washington University were required to be submitted in electronic form. Print submissions are no longer accepted. Dissertations are submitted directly in electronic form to UMI / Proquest Dissertation Services.

  16. PDF A Mock Thesis on the Proper Formatting ofDissertations and ...

    Table1.1:Thefollowingitemsmaybeincludedinyourdissertationorthesis,intheorderinwhich theyarelisted.Anyoptionalcomponents,ifused,mustbeincludedinthetableofcontents,unless

  17. Washington University in St. Louis Open Scholarship repository

    Washington University in St. Louis Open Scholarship repository

  18. 3MT® Competition Application 2024

    Office of the Provost. 229 N. Brookings Hall. MSC 1072-0105-02. St. Louis, MO 63130-4899. 314-935-3000. [email protected]. Contact Us

  19. PDF Facts About Doing Homework

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  20. PDF LATEX Generation from Printed Equations

    1 LATEX Generation from Printed Equations Jim Brewer, James Sun Department of Electrical Engineering Stanford University Stanford CA, 94305 Email: fjebrewer, [email protected] Abstract—This article describes a system that takes a pho-

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  22. kchu25/wustl-latex-dissertation-template

    Dissertation and Thesis Template. The is a LaTeX version of the dissertation and thesis template for The Graduate School at Washington University in St. Louis. (http ...

  23. DennisGoldfarb/wustl-latex-dissertation-template

    LaTeX disseration and thesis template for The Graduate School at Washington University in St. Louis. - GitHub - DennisGoldfarb/wustl-latex-dissertation-template ...

  24. Dan Fister

    Dr. Daniel Fister earned his PhD in musicology from Washington University in St. Louis in 2022 as well as a bachelor's degree in music from Chapman University in 2014. In his doctoral dissertation, he explored the links between community formation and race, especially whiteness, in contemporary scholastic a cappella using interviews with ...