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SAT Essay Almalı Mıyım? Nasıl Karar Vermeliyim?

kimler sat essay alamalı? Sat essay almalı mıyım?

  • Kategoriler SAT Tuition
  • Tarih 19/06/2018
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  • Tags kimler sat essay almalı , sat essay alınır mı , sat essay artıları nelerdir

SAT 2016’da bazı büyük değişikliklere gitti ve en büyük değişikliklerden biri, daha önce zorunlu olan Essay kısmının artık isteğe bağlı olmasıdır. Bu, bazı öğrenciler ve ebeveynler için kafa karıştırıcı olabilir. SAT Essay almalı mısın? Kolejler essay ister mi yoksa istemez mi? Bu sayede alarak başvurunuzu güçlendirir misiniz? Bütün bu soruların cevapları için okumaya devam edin. Bu kılavuz, SAT Essay’in ne olduğunu, hangi artıları ve eksileri olduğunu ve sizin için en iyi seçimi nasıl yapabileceğinizi açıklayacaktır.

SAT Essay Nedir?

SAT Essay, yukarıda belirttiğimiz gibi SAT’ın bölümlerinden biridir. Kurulduğu günden bu yana zorunlu kılındıktan sonra, College Board şimdi bu kısmı isteğe bağlı yapmaya karar vermiştir. Bu, essay kısmı her zaman isteğe bağlı olan ACT’ye de benzer. Bu kısımda, öğrencilere bir makale yazmaları için 50 dakika verilecektir. Yeni SAT’ın makalesi, SAT’ın önceki versiyonu için olduğundan çok farklıdır. Buradaki değişiklikler ile ilgili tüm bilgileri buradan okuyabilirsiniz, ancak kısa bir genel bakış olarak, makale bir konuda duruş gösteren bir yazar tarafından yazılmış bir pasaj verecektir. İşiniz, yazarın bu argümanı nasıl oluşturduğunu analiz etmek olacaktır. Essay’i seçerseniz, bu kısımdanaldığınız puan sınavın geri kalanındaki puanınızdan ayrı olacaktır. Ana SAT puanınız 1600 olarak kalırken, SAT Essay ise üç farklı kategoriye ayrılacak: Okuma, Analiz ve Yazma. Her alan için, makalenize 2-8 arasında bir puan verilecektir.

Üniversiteler Şimdi Seçmeli Olan SAT Essay Hakkında Ne düşünüyor?

Her okul bu kararı bireysel olarak alır, bu yüzden essayi kimin gerektireceği ve kimin olmayacağını tahmin etmek için izlenecek bir model yoktur. IVY League gibi en iyi okullar bile, bu kısmın gerekip gerekmeyeceğine göre bölünmüştür. Bu, yakında üniversiteye başvurmak ve SAT sınavına girip girmemeniz gerektiğini bilmiyorsanız, kafa karıştırıcı olabilir. Bu kılavuzun aşağıdaki bölümleri, makalenin alınmasının yararlarını ve dezavantajlarını açıklayacak ve farklı senaryolarda size yol gösterecek. Böylece bilinçli bir karar verebilirsiniz.

SAT Essay Almanın Yararları

Başvurmayı düşündüğünüz okullardan hiçbiri SAT Essay gerektirmiyorsa, neden almak istersiniz? İki ana sebep aşağıda açıklanmıştır.

1- Tüm Okulları Kapsıyorsunuz

SAT Essay’in alınması, başvuruda bulunduğunuz hangi okullar olursa olsun, tüm SAT gereksinimlerinin karşılanması anlamına gelir. SAT makalesini gerektiren yeni bir okula başvurmaya karar verirseniz, bu zaten bir sorun olmayacaktır. Hangi okullara başvuruda bulunduğunuz konusunda kesinlikle eminseniz ve bunların hiçbiri makaleyi gerektirmiyorsa, bu sizin için büyük bir sorun olmayabilir.

2- İyi Bir Puan Başvurunuzu Hafifçe Güçlendirebilir

Essay üniversite başvurunuzun belirleyici faktörü olmasa da, yarışmada size küçük bir avantaj sağlayabileceği bazı durumlar vardır. Bu, bir okulun önerdiği, ancak Essay’i gerektirmediği ve bu okulun çok tercih edilen bir okul olduğu durumlarda geçerlidir. Göndermek için güçlü bir SAT Essay puanına sahip olmak, (özellikle güçlü İngilizce / yazma becerileri göstermeye çalışıyorsanız) başvurunuzu biraz güçlendirebilir.

Sonuç olarak, College Board’ın SAT sınavını isteğe bağlı yapma kararı nedeniyle, öğrenciler artık almaları gerekip gerekmediklerine dair kararlarla karşı karşıya kalıyorlar. Karar vermenin en iyi yolu, başvuruda bulunmak istediğiniz her kolej için SAT Essay politikasını öğrenmektir. Bazı okullar hala denemeye ihtiyaç duyacak, bazıları da bir adayın Essay notlarına bakmayacak. Sınavı almanız gerekip gerekmediğine karar vermek için bu okul politikalarını kullanın. Unutmayın, bir SAT Essay notu vermeniz gerekiyorsa, tüm SAT’ı tekrar almanız gerekecek, bu yüzden başvurmayı düşündüğünüz her okul için doğru ve güncel bilgilere sahip olduğunuzdan emin olun. SAT kursu almak için bizimle iletişime geçebilir ve sınav hakkında tüm bilgiye sahip olabilirsiniz.

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Yurt dışı sınavlarına hazırlıkta ve yurt dışındaki üniversitelere başvuruda bulunacak öğrencilere yardımcı oluyoruz. Bu zorlu süreç, öğrenciyi yakından tanıyan tek bir merkez tarafından yürütüldüğünde, başarı kaçınılmaz olmaktadır. Gerek kurslarımız gerek yurt dışı eğitim danışmanlık hizmeti ile öğrencileri hayallerindeki en iyi okullara gönderiyoruz.

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The SAT Essay

Written by tutor ellen s..

The SAT has undergone a significant number of changes over the years, generally involving adjustments in the scoring rubric, and often in response to steadily-declining or increasingly-perfect test scores. When the SAT was changed in 2005, however, they made some significant changes to the test that students see. One of these changes was the addition of the writing section, based on the original SAT II subject test, which includes a timed essay. In including a timed essay on an otherwise multiple-choice test, the SAT throws a problem at students that they are generally unprepared to solve.

Because high school classes usually don’t discuss timed essays, students can have difficulty when faced with the SAT essay. You’ll need a different set of skills to tackle the SAT essay, and ideally a completely separate amount of time to practice those skills. In this lesson I’ll give you an overview of the differences between timed essays and at-home essays, and share my tips for successfully completing a well-organized, well-thought-out SAT essay.

First, the differences. In a timed essay, you’re given the prompt on the spot rather than having an idea of what the topic will be beforehand, as you would if you were writing an essay for an English class. On the SAT, you get one prompt and one prompt only, so you don’t even have the benefit of choosing one that works for you – you have to write about whatever they give you. In addition you’re writing everything out longhand, which eats up more time than you might think and makes it harder to make edits and corrections – particularly if you have bad handwriting and you’re worried about staying legible. And just forget about rearranging paragraphs and reorganizing whole sentences – you’ll never have time for that!

The Difference Between the SAT Essay and At-Home Essays

All of this means that you have to be much more organized right from the get-go than you would be in a natural writing process. You’ll need to read the question, think for a few moments, and then immediately form an opinion so you can start the actual writing as soon as possible. So for all timed essays, and the SAT essay in particular, I strongly emphasize the importance of prewriting. Prewriting can take many forms, from word clouds to concept nets, but for the SAT, I recommend the basic straightforward outline – with a few tweaks. Here’s my formula for SAT essay outlines.

How to Outline Your Essay

First, read the prompt through a couple of times. SAT essay prompts usually follow a set format involving the statement of an opinion, and then asking whether you agree or disagree with that opinion. Let’s take an example from the January 2014 test date, courtesy of the College Board website:

Some see printed books as dusty remnants from the preelectronic age. They point out that electronic books, or e-books, cost less to produce than printed books and that producing them has a much smaller impact on natural resources such as trees. Yet why should printed books be considered obsolete or outdated just because there is something cheaper and more modern? With books, as with many other things, just because a new version has its merits doesn’t mean that the older version should be eliminated.

Assignment: Should we hold on to the old when innovations are available, or should we simply move forward? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. ( Source. )

he first thing I recommend when confronted with an SAT essay prompt is to ask yourself the question “Do I agree or disagree with the premise of the prompt?” That’ll usually be the last sentence of the first paragraph in the prompt. In this case, do you agree that “just because a new version has its merits doesn’t mean that the older version should be eliminated”? Now write the phrase “I agree” or “I disagree” at the top of your scratch paper accordingly. Put some asterisks around it so you remember to keep checking back in with it during the writing. This opinion is the most important part of your essay, so you want it to be clear in your mind. Next, ask yourself “Why do I agree?” or “Why do I disagree?” The first sentence you say to yourself in response to that question is your rough thesis statement. Jot that down under the first phrase. So, my response to our example would look like this:

* I agree * While the new version might have its merits, the original often has merits of its own.

Again, this is very rough at this stage, but on the SAT you’re trying to prewrite fast, so don’t worry too much about that. On to the body paragraphs!

On a 25-minute essay, you probably won’t have enough time for a full five-paragraph structure with three sub-examples for each point. Two body paragraphs and two examples of each will suffice. You never want to rely on just a single example, though, or you’ll likely lose points for not supporting your statements enough. Write out a template for the body of your essay that looks like this:

I. Main point 1 A. Example 1 B. Example 2 II. Main point 2 A. Example 1 B. Exampple 2

Remember, it’s an outline, so no full sentences. Write only as much as you need to remind yourself of your points. So for our example, my outline would look like this:

I. The “Tangible” aspects A. A book never runs out of battery B. Can read it in the sun, by the pool or in the bathtub – places you wouldn’t want to take a piece of electronics II. The “non-tangible” aspects A. The smell of a new book, tactile sense of turning pages, experience of closing it when you finish B. Ability to get lost in a book, to lose sense of place and become the story

At this point I can see a slight revision I’d make to my original thesis statement, which is the idea that an e-book can never mimic the tactile experience of reading (smelling the book, turning pages, etc.) I’ll quickly adjust my thesis to say:

While the new version might have its merits, the original offers a tactile experience that the new can’t hope to achieve – an experience that can’t be mimicked by technology.

Perfect. All told, your prewriting should have taken you 3 to 5 minutes, most of which was thinking. Now, on to the paper itself!

Writing Your Essay

Okay, here’s my biggest timed-essay secret: don’t start with the introduction. Start by skipping five or six lines down the page, leaving space for an introduction that will be inserted later. Start with your first body paragraph. Work from your outline, converting your points into full sentences and connecting them with transitions, and you should be at a good start. Once both body paragraphs are written, continue on and write your conclusion. Then, go back and write your introduction in the space you left at the beginning. That way, you’ll know what you’re introducing since it’s already written.

I generally recommend about 15 minutes of writing time for the body paragraphs, followed by 5 minutes for the intro and conclusion. Depending on how quickly you got your prewriting done, that leaves you with one or two minutes to look it over, fixing any spelling mistakes or sloppy handwriting. Don’t try to change too much, though – when you’re writing everything out longhand, changes require erasing. We do so much writing on computers these days that sometimes we forget how long it takes to erase a whole sentence and rewrite it. A better tactic is to think through each sentence in your head before you write it down, making sure you have it phrased the way you want it before you put pencil to paper. But don’t spend too long – try it a few times and you’ll find that writing four full paragraphs longhand actually takes about 25 minutes to do – on a good day. You should expect to be writing pretty much continuously for the entire 25 minutes.

Keeping Track of Time, Staying Comfortable, and More Advice

Speaking of which, when you practice your timed essays, pay attention to how your hand feels while you’re writing. The first few times you’ll likely be sore; your hand might even cramp up from writing so hard. It’s tiring to write for that long, so make sure you’re helping yourself. Write lightly on the paper – it’s easy to start pressing down super hard when you’re nervous and panicking. Writing lightly will not only help stave off the hand cramps, it’ll also make erasing much easier when you need to do it. Sit back in your chair while you write – you don’t need to be three inches from your paper to see the words you’re putting down, and hunching over will just make you press harder. Bring your attention to your breathing – are you holding your breath? Why? Try breathing deeply and slowly while you write – it’ll calm your brain and help you think.

Finally, a word about the writing itself – don’t forget you’re on a clock here. Often, you begin to notice as you write that your opinion about the topic is evolving, changing, developing nuances and side areas you want to explore. I know this sounds weird, but you’ve got to try to rein that in – those are all fine things to be thinking about ordinarily, and in an at-home essay I’d say go for it, but you don’t have time to change what you’re writing about in this situation. Sometimes, you’ll even get halfway through a timed essay and realize that you actually don’t agree like you thought you did. Save that thought for later. You’ve got the outline of an organized essay, and that’s what you should be writing. It doesn’t matter at this point if you actually still agree with what you’re saying, all that matters is that you state a clear opinion and communicate it well. After all, the test grader doesn’t even know you – how’s she to know that you don’t really think this anymore? Stay confident and get your original idea out on paper.

For example, the outline I gave above is a perfectly accurate depiction of my opinion on the topic – as it relates to books. However, if we were to start talking about, say, writing essays…I’d probably say that no, I don’t think we should hold on to writing essays out by hand when there are computers available. After all, I’m writing this article on a computer. I’ve copied and pasted multiple paragraphs of information back and forth around this lesson as I was looking for appropriate ways to introduce concepts, and that would have taken forever if I had been writing by hand. But if that thought had occurred to me midway through writing my timed essay about books, I would have acknowledged it for the briefest of moments and then disregarded it. My essay is about books. I’ll just stick to that so I can keep it clean and organized.

Don’t worry about the test graders thinking “But what about X?” – they know you only had 25 minutes and can’t possibly fit every aspect of the argument into that amount of time – or space, for that matter. The scoring rubric focuses on what is present, not what is omitted. As long as you have a clear point of view and are communicating it well, you’ll fulfill their criteria. Remember, this essay’s not in the critical reading section, it’s in the writing section. They’re not in the business of judging the merits of your opinion, just how clearly you’ve communicated it and how well you’ve supported it.

Your timed essays will probably turn out very different than the essays you write at home for class. They might seem stiff, straightforward or brusque; with a limited amount of time you can’t create the subtle, nuanced arguments that your English teachers are probably looking for. But what you can do is create a well-organized, concise presentation of a relatively straightforward point of view, supported by concrete examples that all point toward the same central concept. The SAT essay responds well to a formulaic approach, so while it may take some practice, you will eventually be able to handle a 25-minute essay prompt with confidence.

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  • The result was an explosion of mural painting that spread throughout California and the southwestern United States in the 1970s. It was the Chicano mural movement
  • What are some strategies I can use to make my writing more persuasive?

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Master the SAT Essay: Your Guide to Format, Tips, and Practice


  • Updated on  
  • Jun 25, 2024


SAT Essay Example: The SAT essay is often viewed as a daunting hurdle on the path to college admissions. However, this crucial component of the test presents a valuable opportunity to showcase critical thinking and analytical writing skills. Beyond simply summarising a provided passage, the SAT essay demands a deeper engagement with the author’s arguments, requiring students to dissect persuasive techniques, identify underlying assumptions, and potentially even propose counterarguments.

We have compiled some SAT essay examples to help you better come to grips with such questions. That said, read the complete blog to learn more about these questions with the help of some SAT essay examples. 

What Is the SAT Essay?

The SAT Essay section presents an opportunity for test-takers to showcase their preparedness for the analytical and written demands of college coursework and future careers. It closely resembles a typical college writing assignment, tasking students with a close reading and analysis of a provided passage followed by a structured essay response to a prompt directly connected to the passage. 

This section serves a dual purpose: firstly, it grants students a platform to demonstrate their proficiency in reading comprehension, analytical reasoning, and written communication; secondly, it offers valuable feedback on these very areas, allowing students to identify strengths and target aspects requiring further development.

The task itself reflects the types of writing assignments students will encounter throughout their academic careers, demanding a critical examination of source material, the formulation of a cogent argument, and the articulation of ideas clearly and concisely. 

SAT Essay Example PDF: Sample Questions and Answers (Download for Free)

SAT Essay Example: Here are some sample questions that you can practice to ace your SAT essay questions. Download the free PDF from the link given below and practice the questions. Doing so will give you a solid understanding of the types of questions that can be asked, ensuring you are better equipped to tackle such questions on the day of the exam. 

Click on the link below to download the PDF for SAT essay sample questions (with answers) for free!

What is the Format of an SAT Essay?

The SAT Essay adheres to a well-defined structure, designed to assess a student’s ability to effectively analyze and respond to a written argument. Within this framework, students are presented with the opportunity to showcase their critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and writing skills.


The essay begins with a concise and informative introduction. This opening paragraph should provide a brief overview of the passage’s main argument or thesis. Here, students should demonstrate their comprehension of the author’s central point and purpose. Following this introduction, the essay transitions into the body paragraphs, each one dedicated to a specific aspect of the author’s argumentative strategy.

Body Paragraphs

The core body paragraphs serve as the crux of the essay. Within each paragraph, students are tasked with dissecting a distinct element employed by the author to persuade the audience. This analysis should delve into specific techniques utilized by the author, such as the use of evidence, appeals to logic or emotion, or the incorporation of counterarguments. To bolster their analysis, students must provide concrete textual evidence from the passage to substantiate their claims. Effective use of transitions between paragraphs ensures a smooth flow of ideas and a logical progression of the analysis.

The concluding paragraph serves to bring the essay to a satisfying close. In this final section, students should reiterate the main argument of the passage and summarize the key points discussed in the body paragraphs regarding the author’s persuasive techniques. The conclusion may also offer a final thought or reflection on the author’s overall effectiveness in achieving their persuasive goals.

By adhering to this structured format, students taking the SAT Essay can present a well-organized and persuasive analysis of the provided passage. This structure allows them to effectively showcase their critical thinking and writing skills in a way that directly aligns with the expectations of college-level writing assignments.

How to Write an SAT Essay? 

The SAT Essay presents a valuable opportunity for test-takers to demonstrate their preparedness for the rigours of college-level writing and critical analysis. While seemingly daunting at first glance, crafting a compelling SAT essay becomes a manageable task when approached strategically. Here, we will explore a series of steps designed to guide students through the process of constructing a well-developed and insightful essay response.

  • The foundation for a successful SAT essay lies in a thorough understanding of the passage and the prompt itself. Students should dedicate a significant portion of the allotted time to attentively reading the provided passage.
  •  During this initial reading, it is crucial to grasp the author’s central argument, the evidence used to support it, and the overall tone and purpose of the writing. Taking notes or underlining key points can be helpful in solidifying comprehension.
  • Once comfortable with the passage, students should meticulously analyze the essay prompt. The prompt typically poses a specific question about the author’s argumentative strategies. 
  • Identifying the key elements of the prompt is paramount, as it dictates the direction and focus of the essay response. Underlining keywords within the prompt can help ensure a clear understanding of what the essay graders are looking for.
  • The next step involves crafting a strong thesis statement. This concise sentence should encapsulate the central argument of the essay, outlining the key techniques employed by the author to persuade the audience. 
  • An effective thesis statement serves as a roadmap for the entire essay, guiding the analysis and ensuring a focused response.
  • The concluding paragraph serves to bring the essay to a satisfying close. Students should reiterate the main argument of the passage and summarize the key points discussed regarding the author’s persuasive techniques. 
  • The conclusion may also offer a final thought or reflection on the effectiveness of the author’s strategies, but it should avoid introducing any entirely new ideas.

What are the Most Common Types of SAT Essay Questions? 

There are primarily four types of SAT essay questions that aspirants should keep in mind. These questions typically revolve around analysing the persuasive techniques used in a provided passage. These questions are of the following types:

  • Evidence: How does the author use evidence to support their claims? What types of evidence are employed (e.g., statistics, anecdotes, expert opinions)? How effectively does the evidence bolster the author’s argument?
  • Logical Reasoning: Does the author’s argument follow a sound logical structure? Are there any logical fallacies present? How does the author connect evidence to their central point?
  • Appeals: What persuasive appeals does the author utilize (e.g., appeals to logic, emotion, or ethics)? How effective are these appeals in convincing the audience?
  • Rhetorical Strategies: Does the author employ specific rhetorical strategies to enhance their argument (e.g., use of figurative language, parallelism, tone)? How do these strategies contribute to the overall persuasiveness of the passage?

Keeping abreast of such question types will help you develop a strong foundation for approaching any prompt with ease. Focusing on honing your critical thinking skills and the ability to identify and analyse persuasive techniques will equip you to tackle any passage effectively.

So that was all about SAT essay examples. Hope the blog has answered your queries regarding the topic. 

Ans. As of June 2024, the College Board eliminated the mandatory essay section from the SAT. However, some individual schools may still require or recommend the SAT Essay as part of their application process. It’s crucial to check the specific requirements of each college or university you’re interested in attending.

Ans. The SAT Essay assesses your reading comprehension, analytical writing, and persuasive writing skills. You are presented with a passage that argues a particular point of view. Your task is to analyse the author’s argument and identify the key points and the methods used to support them. 

Ans. You can practice analysing argumentative passages, honing your reading comprehension skills, and strengthening your writing abilities. Many resources are available online and in test prep materials, including sample prompts and scoring guidelines.

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Shubham Das

Shubham Das has been working as an educational content writer for the past two years and has a background in filmmaking & screenplay/ teleplay writing. He is fascinated by the human psyche, literature and cinema.

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What Colleges Require the SAT Essay?

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If you’re going to be applying to college soon, there’s a good chance that you’re already thinking about the SAT. Most colleges still require standardized test scores, and millions of students across the country tackle this exam each year. 

As you begin your college search, it’s important to understand the exact standardized test requirements of the colleges on your list. Some will be test-optional . Others require scores from the SAT or ACT. In addition, some will require that you submit scores from the optional essay portions of these tests. There may also be schools that require or recommend SAT Subject Tests. Knowing the exact testing policy at each school you’re considering will help you plan your test taking strategy, and begin test prep well in advance. 

If you’re planning to take the SAT, you won’t want to miss this complete overview of what colleges require the SAT essay. 

What is the SAT Essay? How is it Scored?

Before we dive into which schools require it, let’s take a closer look at what exactly the SAT essay is, and how it is scored. 

On the SAT Essay, students are provided with a written argument that they must read and analyze. Students have 50 minutes to read the passage, plan the essay, and write their response. Most successful responses stick to the standard five-paragraph essay format. To see an example prompt and scoring rubric, check out the Essay Sample Questions on the College Board website. 

It’s important to note here that the SAT Essay score is separate from your overall composite SAT score. It does not impact the score ranging from 400-1600 as reported on your score report. Instead of being included in your composite score, it is provided in addition to it. 

The Essay is scored on a scale from 2-8 in three areas of evaluation—Reading, Analysis, and Writing. Each essay is reviewed by two scorers, and scores between 1-4 are awarded in each dimension. These scores are then added together so that you’ll receive three scores for the SAT Essay—one for each dimension—ranging from 2–8 points. A perfect score on the essay would be 8/8/8, but the mean score on the essay is a 5 for Reading and Writing, and 3 for Analysis. This means if you can achieve any score over 5/3/5, you have scored above average on the essay. For a more complete look at how the test is scored, don’t miss our post What is a Good SAT Essay Score?

Should I Take the SAT Essay?

First of all, the SAT essay is technically an optional section, so no, you are not required to take it. That being said, some colleges do require applicants to take the SAT with Essay. If you choose not to take the essay portion of the test, you will not be an eligible applicant for any of these schools. 

The SAT Essay used to be required at many top colleges, but it has become optional at many schools. Now, among elite schools, only the University of California schools require the Essay. Other selective colleges like Duke University, Amherst College, and Colby College recommend the Essay, but it’s not required. 

Take a look at the colleges on these lists, and see if there are any you plan to apply to. Also be sure to double-check on your schools’ webpages, as these policies can change. 

If you think you might change your mind about which schools you want to apply to, you should take the SAT Essay to leave those doors open. This is why we generally recommend taking the essay, regardless of whether or not it’s required. After all, you can’t go back and just take the SAT Essay if you decide to change your mind and apply to a school that requires it—you’d have to retake the entire SAT.

Some colleges don’t require the essay, but do recommend it. In these cases, we always direct students to do what the college recommends. 

That being said, there is currently no option to withhold your essay score if you do terribly on it. Your essay scores will always be reported with your other test scores from that day, even to colleges that don’t require them. 

What Colleges Require the SAT with Essay?

There colleges request scores from the SAT with Essay in order to apply.

Schools that Require the SAT Essay:

  • All of the University of California schools
  • Benedictine University
  • City University London
  • Delaware State University
  • DeSales University
  • Dominican University of California
  • Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
  • Howard University
  • John Wesley University
  • Kentucky State University
  • Martin Luther College
  • Molloy College
  • Schreiner University
  • Soka University of America
  • Southern California Institute of Architecture
  • Texas A&M University—Galveston
  • United States Military Academy (West Point)
  • University of North Texas
  • West Virginia University Institute of Technology
  • Western Carolina University

sat essay nedir

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These schools do not require the SAT Essay, but do recommend that students submit it. At CollegeVine, our best advice is to always follow a college’s recommendations. 

Schools that Recommend the SAT Essay:

  • Abilene Christian University
  • Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
  • Allegheny College
  • Amherst College
  • Art Institute of Houston
  • Augsburg University
  • Austin College
  • Caldwell University
  • California State University, Northridge
  • Central Connecticut State University
  • Central Michigan University
  • Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
  • Coastal Carolina University
  • Colby College
  • College of Wooster
  • Colorado School of Mines
  • Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
  • Corban University
  • Cornerstone University
  • Dallas Christian College
  • Duke University
  • Eastern Illinois University
  • Eastern Nazarene College
  • Easternn University
  • Endicott College
  • Five Towns College
  • Gallaudet University
  • George Washington University
  • Georgia Highlands College
  • Greenville University
  • Gwynedd Mercy University
  • High Point University
  • Hofstra University
  • Holy Family University
  • Husson University
  • Indiana University South Bend
  • Indiana University Southeast
  • Indiana Wesleyan University
  • Inter American University of Puerto Rico: Barranquitas Campus
  • Juilliard School
  • Keiser University (West Palm Beach)
  • Lehigh University
  • Madonna University
  • Manhattan College
  • Marymount California University
  • Massachusetts Maritime Academy
  • McMurry University
  • Mercy College
  • Modern College of Design
  • Montana Tech of the University of Montana
  • Morehouse College
  • Mount Saint Mary College
  • Mount St. Joseph University
  • National-Louis University
  • New Jersey City University
  • Nichols College
  • North Park University
  • Occidental College
  • Ohio University
  • Oregon State University
  • Purdue University Northwest
  • Randall University
  • Randolph-Macon College
  • Reading Area Community College
  • Rowan University
  • Rutgers University—Camden Campus
  • Rutgers University—Newark Campus
  • Saint Michael’s College
  • Sciences Po
  • Seton Hill University
  • Shiloh University
  • Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
  • Silver Lake College of the Holy Family
  • Southern Illinois University of Carbondale
  • Southern Oregon University
  • Spring Hill College
  • Sul Ross State University
  • SUNY Farmingdale State College
  • SUNY University at Stony Brook
  • Tarleton State University
  • Texas A&M International University
  • Texas A&M University
  • Texas State University
  • The King’s College
  • United States Air Force Academy
  • University of Evansville
  • University of La Verne
  • University of Mary Hardin—Baylor
  • University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • University of Minnesota: Twin Cities
  • University of New England
  • University of Northwestern—St. Paul
  • University of the Virgin Islands
  • University of Toledo
  • University of Washington Bothell
  • VanderCook College of Music
  • Virginia Union University
  • Wabash College
  • Webb Institute
  • Webber International University
  • Wesleyan College
  • William Jewell College

If any of the schools you are considering appear on either of the lists above, we recommend taking the SAT with Essay. In fact, we recommend that most, if not all, students take the SAT essay since it leaves more doors open in your college search. However, if you’re absolutely sure you won’t be applying to colleges that require or recommend the SAT with Essay, you can skip it.

Regardless, as you consider which colleges to add to your list, you’ll want to be certain you know what colleges require the SAT essay so that you can plan ahead for this part of your test. 

For help figuring out which schools might be a great fit for you, don’t miss our customized and innovative Chancing Engine and School List Generator . Here, we use a proprietary algorithm backed by over 100,000 data points to develop a school list based on your real admissions chances and preferences.

Want to know how your SAT score impacts your chances of acceptance to your dream schools? Our free Chancing Engine will not only help you predict your odds, but also let you know how you stack up against other applicants, and which aspects of your profile to improve. Sign up for your free CollegeVine account today to gain access to our Chancing Engine and get a jumpstart on your college strategy!

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Yurtdışı Eğitim Danışmanlığı | Tecrübe ve Güvenin Adresi : ICES Turkey

  • SAT Sınavı Nedir, SAT Sınavına Nasıl Girilir?

SAT Sınavı Nedir, SAT Sınavına Nasıl Girilir?

SAT, College Board tarafından geliştirilen, kâğıt ve kalem üzerinde yapılan çoktan seçmeli sorulara sahip olan bir sınavdır. Öncellikle, SAT sınavı nedir, SAT açılımı ne demek gibi sorularınıza net bir cevap arıyorsanız, SAT testi, Amerikan üniversiteleri tarafından aday öğrencilerin akademik yeteneklerini değerlendirmek için kullanılan bir giriş testidir ve açılımı Scholastic Assessment Test’tir. SAT sınavı, 1926 yılından beri bir lise öğrencisinin, üniversiteye başlamak için hazır olup olmadığını belirlemek için kullanılan bir sınavdır. 

Yurtdışı eğitim için gitmeyi düşündüğünüz ülkeler arasında Amerika Birleşik Devletleri varsa İngilizce kriterlerden akademik yeterliliklere kadar sizi bekleyen bir dizi giriş şartı olduğunu biliyorsunuzdur. SAT sınavı da yurtdışı lisans eğitimi almak isteyen öğrencilerden bazı üniversitelere başvururken istenilen unsurlar arasındadır. Günümüzde, SAT sınavı sadece Amerika’da eğitim başvurusu için istenmiyor. Amerika’nın yanı sıra Avustralya, Kanada ve Avrupa’nın birçok ülkesinde SAT sınavı, adayların Matematiksel, Eleştirel Okuma ve Yazma becerilerini incelemek ve belirlemek için kullanıyor ve giriş şartlarından biri olarak isteniyor. Lise sonrası yeterliliklerden elde ettiğiniz akademik sonuçlarınızın kabul edildiği üniversiteler olsa da çoğu kolej ve kurum, kabul kararlarını SAT giriş sınavına dayandırır, bu nedenle SAT sınavı öğrencilerin geleceği için önemli bir sınavdır.  SAT, bir lise öğrencisinin üniversiteye hazırlığını değerlendirmek ve üniversitelere tüm adayları değerlendirebilecekleri tek bir karşılaştırmalı bilgi vermek için kullanılır. Standart test sonuçları, lise not ortalamanızla, aldığınız derslerle, öğretmenlerden veya danışmanlardan gelen tavsiye mektuplarıyla, ders dışı etkinliklerle, kabul görüşmeleriyle ve üniversite kabul görevlilerinin kişisel makaleleriyle karşılaştırılır. 

Sınavdan alacağınız toplam puan, 400 ile 1600 arasında değerlendirilmektedir. Okuma, yazma ve dil bölümü 800 üzerinden puanlanırken, matematik bölümü ek 800 puanı içerir. Üniversite başvuru sürecinde SAT puanlarının verdiği ağırlık seçilen kuruma göre değişmektedir. Örnek vermek gerekirse, Harvard Üniversitesi 1520 SAT puanı isterken Stanford Üniversitesi 1505 SAT puanı istiyor, Yale Üniversitesi ise 1515 SAT puanı istiyor. Yani, istediğiniz üniversitenin puanına bakarak, o puanı almayı amaçlayarak çalışırsanız sizin için hedefinize ulaşmak daha kolay olur. Üniversiteler, SAT sınavı ile İngilizce diline, matematik, yazma ve okuma şartlarına bakarak nelere hâkim olduğunuzdan emin olur ve kaliteli üniversiteler bu şekilde sizi tercih edebilir.

SAT sınavına, lise son sınıf, lise mezunu olan ve öğrenimlerinin bir sonraki adımında yurtdışında lisans eğitimi görmek ve başvurmak isteyen öğrenciler girebilir. SAT sınavına girebilmek için İngilizce seviyenizin en az Upper Intermediate (B2) seviyesinde olması gerekir. İngilizce seviyenizi iyileştirmek için ICES Turkey’den dil okulları konusunda bilgi alabilirsiniz. SAT sınavına girmek için bir yaş sınırı yok ve birden fazla kez girilebilir.

SAT Sınav İçeriği

SAT test sınav içeriği, SAT 1 ve SAT 2 olmak üzere iki ayrı sınavdan oluşmaktadır.  Bu iki ayrı test SAT Reasoning Test ve SAT Subject Test diye ayrılıyor. Ancak 2021 yılı ile birlikte College Board tarafından yeni bir düzenleme yapıldı ve SAT 2 Subject Test kaldırıldı.  Bu nedenle artık SAT testine girecek olan adaylar, SAT 1 testi ile değerlendiriliyor. Aynı zamanda SAT Essay Test bölümü de kaldırılmıştır.  İlk olarak, SAT sınavı için hazırlanıyor ve girmeyi amaçlıyorsanız çoktan seçmeli ve kâğıt tabanlı bir test sizi bekliyor olacak. Şu zamana kadar kağıt tabanlı bir test olsa da, College Board, SAT sınavının 2023'ten itibaren dijitale geçeceğini ve şu anda yapılan 3 saat yerine 2 saatlik bir test olacağını yakın zamanda bildirdi. Bu sayede, Uluslararası öğrenciler için 2023'ün başlarından itibaren dijital SAT sınavı kullanılabileceğini de duyurdu. College Board aynı zaman da dijital ile birlikte SAT’ın değişen yönlerini de bildirdi. Bu değişikler şöyle: 

  • Öğrenciler SAT sınavını bilgisayar veya tablet üzerinden girebilecek.
  • Sınav süresinin daha kısa olması, sınav süresi 3 saat yerine yaklaşık 2 saat olarak değiştirildi.
  • Sınavda birkaç uzun metin kullanmak yerine daha kısa okuma pasajlarına yer verilecek.  
  • Öğrenciler matematik bölümünün tamamında hesap makinesi kullanabilecekler ve dijital sınav uygulamasında tümleşik bir hesap makinesi bulunacağı da bildirildi. 

Bu değişikliklerin adaylara daha iyi bir sınav süreci sağlayacağı ümit ediliyor. SAT 1 Reasoning Test olarak bilinen bu sınav; okuma (SAT reading), yazma (SAT writing) ve dil (SAT language) ile matematiksel yeteneğinizi değerlendirecek üç ana bölümden oluşmaktadır. Kısacası, SAT Reasoning Test, üniversitelerin adaylarını akademik bilgilerini ve analitik yeteneklerini değerlendirmelerine yardımcı olan standartlaştırılmış bir testtir. Her bölüm de 200-800 aralığında değerlendirilir. Bu nedenle, başvuru sahibi 400'den maksimum 1600 test puanına kadar herhangi bir SAT puanına sahip olabilir. Amerikan üniversitelerine yapılan başvurular da SAT 1 Reasoning Test sınavının 3 bölümünün de sonucu dikkate alınır. Bu yazımızda SAT Matematik, SAT Reading ve SAT Writing ve Language test hakkında size detaylı bilgiler vereceğiz.

SAT Matematik

SAT matematik bölümü, bir bölümünde hesap makinesi kullanabileceğiniz, diğer bölümünde ise zihinsel hesaplamalar yapmanız gereken ve hesap makinesi kullanamayacağınız iki bölüme ayrılmıştır ve şu şekilde düzenlenmiştir:

  • 8 problem çözme sorusu ve 10 yanıt üretilen soru içeren bölüm ve bu 25 dakikalık bir bölümdür.
  • 20 sorudan oluşan bir bölüm, bu bölüm de 25 dakikadır,
  • 16 sorudan oluşan bir bölüm ve süre 20 dakikadır.

Konular ise kısaca şu şekildedir: 

  • Sayı ve işlemler.
  • Cebir ve fonksiyonlar.
  • Geometri ve ölçme (koordinat, üç boyutlu ve trigonometri).
  • Veri analizi, istatistik ve olasılık.

SAT Reading

  • SAT Reading yani Okuma testi 65 dakikadır ve her biri 4 cevap seçeneği olan çoktan seçmeli 52 soru içerir. Toplam 5 pasaj vardır: pasaj veya pasaj seti başına 500-750 kelime olmak üzere 4 tek pasaj ve 1 çiftli pasaj setidir.
  •  Çizelgeler, grafikler ve tablolar da içerebilen metin bölümlerini okuma yeteneğinizi test edecek sorular içerir.
  • Sosyal bilgiler, bilim ve tarih alanlarını kapsayan beş parça metnin SAT sınavı soruları çoktan seçmeli ve pasajlara dayalı olur. 
  • Kelimelerin ve sunulan bilgilerin bağlamını anlamanız test edilmektedir.
  • Bazı sorular için fikirlerin ifadesini iyileştirme ve geçişin nasıl gözden geçirilebileceğini düşünmelisiniz. Bazı sorular sizi bir pasajın altı çizili bir bölümüne göre yapmanızı istersiniz. Bazı sorularda ise pasajdaki bir yere yönlendirir ya da pasajı bir bütün olarak düşünmeniz istenir. 

SAT Writing and Language Test

  • 35 dakikalık SAT Writing and Language Test yani Yazma ve Dil testi, her biri dört olası cevap içeren çoktan seçmeli 44 sorudan oluşur. 
  • Toplam 4 pasaj vardır ve her birinde 11 soru vardır.
  • Meslekler, tarih, sosyal bilgiler, beşerî bilimler ve bilim gibi konuları içeren 400-450 kelimelik bölümler, tartışmalardan kurgusal olmayan anlatılara kadar uzanır.
  • Belirli pasajlarda ve/veya sorularda bir veya daha fazla veriyi temsil eden bilgi grafiğine göndermeler olabilir. Bu grafik temsillerle ilgili SAT Yazma Sorularına yanıt olarak parçayı değiştirmeniz ve gözden geçirmeniz istenecektir. 
  • SAT Yazma ve Dil Testinin en yaygın soru türü, vurgulanmış bir pasaj için üç seçenekten en iyisini seçmenizi veya pasajın üç olasılığından en iyisini seçmenizi ister.

SAT Sınav Ücreti

Amerika Birleşik Devletleri dışında sınava giren öğrenciler için SAT sınav ücreti ülkeden ülkeye değişiklik gösterir. SAT sınav ücreti, kayıt için 60 ABD dolarıdır ve hangi bölgede olduğunuza göre de ödemeniz gereken bir sınav ücreti vardır. Türkiye’den girecek adaylar için bu sınav ücreti 49$’dır. Buna ek olarak, SAT sınavı için test merkezinizi değiştirmek ya da sınav kaydınızı iptal etmek istediğiniz durumda ek hizmet ücreti ödemeniz gerekebilir. Denemeli SAT ücreti ise 64.50$’ tir. Yine buna ek olarak ABD Dışı Sınav ücreti alınır. Bu ücretlerin yanı sıra ek ücretleri de sizleri bilgilendirmek için listeledik. 

Ek Kayıt Ücretleri ve Puan Hizmet Ücretleri

  • Sınav Merkezi Ücreti: $24
  • Sınav Merkezi Değişiklik Ücreti: $25
  • Kayıt İptali Ücreti: $25
  • Geç Kayıt İptal Ücreti: $35
  • SAT Soru & Cevap Ücreti: $16
  • SAT Öğrenci Yanıt Ücreti: $16
  • Elle Puanlama ve Onaylama Ücreti: $55
  • Ek Puan Raporu Ücreti: $12 (Rapor Başına)
  • Hızlı Rapor Ücreti: $31
  • Telefon ile Bilgilendirme Ücreti: $15 (Arama başına)
  • Puan Raporu Arşivleme Ücreti: $31

SAT Sınavına Nasıl Başvuru Yapılır?

SAT sınavına üç şekilde başvurabilirsiniz. Bunlar, College Board web sitesi, telefon veya posta yoludur. Yani bu üç yol ile kaydolabilirsiniz. SAT testine kaydolurken bir fotoğraf yüklemeniz istenmektedir. Fotoğraf sınav kaydının için gereklidir ve güvenliği sağlamak için sınav günü kimliğiniz ile kontrol edilecektir. 

SAT Sınavına başvururken tam, yasal adınızı ve diğer önemli bilgilerinizi girmelisiniz. Belirttiğiniz bilgilerin kimliğinizde belirtilen bilgilerle aynı olduğundan emin olmanız çok önemli çünkü bilgilerin aynı olmadığı durumlarda sınav başvurunuz iptal edilir. İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir Bursa, Mersin ve Erzurum'da sınav merkezleri bulunmaktadır ama sınava internet üzerinden de başvurabilirsiniz. Posta yoluyla başvurmak için ise başvurduğunuz sınav merkezindeki SAT Sınav danışmanından SAT ve SAT Konu Testleri için Öğrenci Kayıt Kitapçığını istemelisiniz. Kayıt kitapçığı bir kayıt formu ve iade zarfı ile beraber verilir. Kayıt formundaki ilgili alanları dikkatli bir şekilde doldurduktan sonra postayı göndererek başvurunuzu tamamlayabilirsiniz. Yakın bir tarihte sınav talep etme. Pazar sınavı talep etme, çek veya havale ile ödeme durumunda, 13 yaşında ya da daha küçükseniz, çevrimiçi kaydın bir parçası olan fotoğraf yüklenmesinde hata var ise, uluslararası bir SAT Temsilcisi ile kayıt yaptırmayı tercih ediyorsanız başvurunuzu posta yoluyla yapmalısınız. SAT başvurunuzu nasıl yapacağınızı bilmiyorsanız, SAT sınavına başvuru yapmanızda danışmanlık almak için bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz. 

2023 SAT Sınav Tarihleri

SAT sınavı ne zaman diyor ve SAT sınavına girmek istiyorsanız, sınav tarihinden iki ay önce başvurularınızı yapmaya başlamalısınız. Testler genellikle Ekim, Aralık, Mart ve Mayıs aylarında oluyor. SAT sınavı ne zaman sorusuna cevap vermek için 2023 Eğitim ve Öğretim Yılı İçin Uluslararası SAT Sınavı Sınav Tarihlerini, başvuru için son tarihi ve değişikler için son tarihleri aşağıda sizler için listeledik. 

SAT Sınav Tarihleri

11 Mart 2023

6 Mayıs 2023

3 Haziran 2023

Başvuru için son tarihleri: 

10 Şubat 2023

7 Nisan 2023

4 Mayıs 2023

Değişiklikler, Düzenli İptal ve Geç Kayıt için Son Tarihleri

28 Şubat 2023

25 Nisan 2023

23 Mayıs 2023

Aylin Ceyla Çengelli

  • Yurtdışı Eğitim
  • Öğrenci Yorumları
  • Etkinlikler
  • Yurtdışı Dil Okulları
  • Yaz Okulları
  • Yurt Dışında Üniversite Eğitimi
  • Yüksek Lisans / MBA
  • Sertifika & Diploma Programı
  • Lise Değişim
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  • Bursa Yurtdışı Eğitim Danışmanlığı
  • İzmir Yurtdışı Eğitim Danışmanlığı
  • Adana Yurtdışı Eğitim Danışmanlığı
  • Osmanağa Mahallesi, General Asım Gündüz Caddesi, No:37/B Yeğiner İş Merkezi, Kat:3 No:6
  • [email protected]

KVKK metnini okudum ve kabul ediyorum.

sat essay nedir

How the SAT Is Structured

The digital SAT is composed of two sections: Reading and Writing and Math. Students have 64 minutes to complete the Reading and Writing section and 70 minutes to complete the Math section for a total of 2 hours and 14 minutes.

Each section is divided into 2 equal length modules, and there is a 10-minute break between the Reading and Writing section and the Math section. The first module of each section contains a broad mix of easy, medium, and hard questions. Based on how students perform on the first module, the second module of questions will either be more difficult or less difficult.

Compared to the ACT ® , the SAT provides 68% more time per question:

Component Time Allotted (minutes) Number of Questions/Tasks
64 (two 32-minute modules) 54
70 (two 35-minute modules) 44
134 98

Most of the questions are multiple choice, though some of the math questions ask you to enter the answer rather than select it.

On all questions, there's no penalty for guessing: if you're not sure of the answer, it's better to guess than leave the response blank.

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Honest Question: should I take the SAT with Essay?

Ok, so I took the SAT a few months ago without the essay and got a 1550. A few of my counselors are encouraging us to take the SAT with the essay portion. I know it's optional, but are there any real advantages to taking the SAT essay?

(BTW I'm a current junior and my main target schools are Georgia Tech, NYU, and UGA. I'm not sure if these schools are test optional next year.)

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Which Colleges Require the SAT Essay? Complete List

SAT , SAT Essay


Planning to take the SAT? Before you sign up, you need to decide whether you're going to take the test with or without the optional Essay . How should you pick? Well, some colleges require that you apply with the SAT with Essay; others don't care whether you submit an SAT score with or without the Essay.

In this article, I'll provide you with a complete list of colleges that require or recommend taking the SAT with the Essay .

UPDATE: SAT Essay No Longer Offered

In January 2021, the College Board announced that after June 2021, it would no longer offer the Essay portion of the SAT (except at schools who opt in during School Day Testing). It is now no longer possible to take the SAT Essay, unless your school is one of the small number who choose to offer it during SAT School Day Testing.

While most colleges had already made SAT Essay scores optional, this move by the College Board means no colleges now require the SAT Essay. It will also likely lead to additional college application changes such not looking at essay scores at all for the SAT or ACT, as well as potentially requiring additional writing samples for placement.

What does the end of the SAT Essay mean for your college applications? Check out our article on the College Board's SAT Essay decision for everything you need to know.

What Is the Optional SAT Essay?

The redesigned SAT debuted in March 2016 with a now-optional Essay section. For the Essay, you have 50 minutes to read a passage (similar to those you see on the Reading section ) and write an essay dissecting how the author made the argument . Did the author use evidence to support the main claim? Appeals to emotion? Specific word choice?

If you take the SAT without Essay, the test length is three hours . However, if you take the SAT with Essay, the optional Essay adds 50 minutes . It also costs more to take the SAT with Essay : $64.50 vs $49.50 without the Essay.

Don't automatically assume you must take the Essay. Whether it's important for you depends on which schools (and scholarships) you're applying to and what the rest of your application looks like. I'll go into more depth later about how to decide which version of the SAT to take.


List of Schools That Require the SAT With Essay

Below, I've compiled a list of colleges that require or recommend taking the SAT with Essay. All data comes from the College Board and some individual schools we consulted separately.

Note: This list is subject to change, so make sure to double-check with each school you're applying to.

Abilene Christian University TX Recommend
Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences NY Recommend
Allegheny College PA Recommend
Augsburg University MN Recommend
Austin College TX Recommend
Benedictine University IL Require
Caldwell University NJ Recommend
California State University, Northridge CA Recommend
Central Connecticut State University CT Recommend
Central Michigan University MI Recommend
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania PA Recommend
City University London UK Require
College of Wooster OH Recommend
Colorado School of Mines CO Recommend
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art NY Recommend
Corban University OR Recommend
Cornerstone University MI Recommend
Dallas Christian College TX Recommend
Delaware State University DE Require
DeSales University PA Require
Dominican University of California CA Require
NC Recommend
Earlham College IN Recommend
Eastern Illinois University IL Recommend
Eastern Nazarene College MA Recommend
Eastern University PA Recommend
Endicott College MA Recommend
Five Towns College NY Recommend
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University FL Require
Gallaudet University DC Recommend
George Washington University DC Recommend
Georgia Highlands College GA Recommend
Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) GA Recommend
Greenville University IL Recommend
PA Recommend
Hofstra University NY Recommend
Holy Family College WI Recommend
Holy Family University PA Recommend
Howard University DC Require
Husson University ME Recommend
Indiana University South Bend IN Recommend
Indiana University Southeast IN Recommend
Indiana Wesleyan University IN Recommend
Inter American University of Puerto Rico: Barranquitas Campus PR Recommend
John Wesley University NC Require
Juilliard School NY Recommend
Keiser University (West Palm Beach) FL Recommend
Kentucky State University KY Require
Lehigh University PA Recommend
Madonna University MI Recommend
Manhattan College NY Recommend
Martin Luther College MN Require
Marymount California University CA Recommend
Massachusetts Maritime Academy MA Recommend
McMurry University TX Recommend
Mercy College NY Recommend
Modern College of Design OH Recommend
Molloy College NY Require
Montana Technological University MT Recommend
Morehouse College GA Recommend
Mount Saint Mary College NY Recommend
Mount St. Joseph University OH Recommend
National-Louis University IL Recommend
New Jersey City University NJ Recommend
Nichols College MA Recommend
North Park University IL Recommend
Ohio University OH Recommend
Oregon State University OR Recommend
Purdue University Northwest IN Recommend
Randall University OK Recommend
Randolph-Macon College VA Recommend
Reading Area Community College PA Recommend
Rowan University NJ Recommend
Rutgers University—Camden Campus NJ Recommend
Rutgers University—Newark Campus NJ Recommend
Saint Michael's College VT Recommend
SciencesPo France Recommend
Seton Hill University PA Recommend
Shiloh University IA Recommend
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania PA Recommend
Soka University of America CA Require
Southern California Institute of Architecture CA Require
Southern Illinois University Carbondale IL Recommend
Southern Oregon University OR Recommend
Spring Hill College AL Recommend
Sul Ross State University TX Recommend
SUNY Farmingdale State College NY Recommend
SUNY University at Stony Brook NY Recommend
Tarleton State University TX Recommend
Texas A&M International University TX Recommend
Texas A&M University TX Recommend
Texas A&M University—Galveston TX Require
Texas State University TX Recommend
The King's College NY Recommend
United States Air Force Academy CO Recommend
United States Military Academy (West Point) NY Require
University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) CA Require
University of California, Davis (UC Davis) CA Require
University of California, Irvine (UC Irvine) CA Require
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) CA Require
University of California, Merced CA Require
University of California, Riverside CA Require
University of California, San Diego (UCSD) CA Require
University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) CA Require
University of California, Santa Cruz CA Require
University of Evansville IN Recommend
University of Hawaii: West Oahu HI Recommend
University of La Verne CA Recommend
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor TX Recommend
University of Massachusetts Amherst MA Recommend
University of Minnesota: Twin Cities MN Recommend
University of New England ME Recommend
University of North Texas TX Require
University of Northwestern—St. Paul MN Recommend
University of Texas at Dallas TX Require
University of the Virgin Islands VI Recommend
University of Toledo OH Recommend
University of Washington Bothell WA Recommend
VanderCook College of Music IL Recommend
Virginia Union University VA Recommend
Wabash College IN Recommend
Webb Institute NY Recommend
Webber International University FL Recommend
Wesleyan College GA Recommend
West Virginia University Institute of Technology WV Require
Western Carolina University NC Require
William Jewell College MO Recommend

Surprisingly (and in contrast to how it's been in the past), top schools mostly do not require the SAT essay . Currently, no Ivy League School requires students to take the SAT with Essay; the same is true for Stanford, Caltech, Duke, Georgetown, Johns Hopkins, MIT, Northwestern, NYU, and UChicago. Many of these schools no longer even recommend students to take the SAT with Essay, which is a huge turnaround from just a couple of years ago.

Similarly, most liberal arts colleges do not require or recommend the SAT with Essay ; however, there are some exceptions, such as Soka University, which does require it.

In general, most state schools also do not require the SAT with Essay, though there's still a significant portion that do. There tends to be some weird variance even within states. For example, all University of California schools require the SAT with Essay, but most of the California State University schools do not.

Regardless of the types of schools you're applying to, don't assume that they all ask for the SAT with Essay . Check with every school to make sure you understand their testing requirements.


How to Decide Whether to Take the SAT Essay: 4 Questions

When making your decision about whether to take the SAT with Essay or the SAT without Essay, you'll need to consider the following four questions.

#1: Do Any Schools I Want to Apply to Require the SAT Essay?

If you're applying to any school that requires the Essay, then you must take the SAT with Essay . If you take the SAT without Essay, your application will be incomplete and you won't get admitted. By contrast, if you apply to any schools that don't require the SAT Essay, you can still take the SAT with Essay since these schools will accept both types of SAT scores (with or without Essay).

To reiterate, colleges that require the SAT Essay won't consider your score if you took the SAT without the Essay . The last thing you want to do is take the SAT without the Essay and get a good score—but then find out that one of your target schools requires you to take the SAT with Essay.

Remember that some colleges change their application policies from year to year, so make sure to double-check the testing policies of the schools you're applying to .

#2: Do Any Schools I Want to Apply to Recommend the SAT Essay?

If you're not applying to any schools that require the SAT Essay section but are applying to some that recommend it, then I'd still suggest taking it . This gives you another dimension schools can use to evaluate your application; however, there are some cases in which you shouldn't take the SAT with Essay.

If, for some reason, you do not qualify for SAT fee waivers and paying the extra cost to take the SAT with Essay would be a financial burden to you , then please don't feel as if you have to take it. In this case, it's fine to take the SAT without Essay instead.

In addition, if you really struggle to write essays under time constraints (due to anxiety), you might want to opt out of the Essay . That said, I only recommend this for students who normally have strong English and writing skills but struggle to write coherent essays when there's the added pressure of a time constraint.

For example, do you get As on essays you can work on at home but Cs on in-class essays because you get easily nervous? If that's the case, taking the SAT with Essay might not be a good idea.

#3: Am I Applying to Any Scholarships That Require an SAT With Essay Score?

Many scholarships (such as National Merit ) require you to submit SAT scores , and some specifically want SAT with Essay scores.

Therefore, be sure to check the requirements of each scholarship you're planning on applying for . While scholarships that don't require or recommend the SAT Essay should still accept your SAT with Essay score, scholarships that require the Essay section will not consider your SAT score if you took the no-essay version .

#4: Will the SAT Essay Enhance My Application in Other Ways?

Generally speaking, taking the SAT Essay if it's not required won't add a lot to your application. In truth, colleges that don't recommend or require the Essay really don't pay much attention to it.

Nevertheless, the Essay might be helpful for international students who want to prove they have strong English skills and who think they'll do especially well on it. If you fall into this category and feel confident you'll get a high score on it ( after doing practice essays , for example), definitely consider taking the SAT with Essay.

On the other hand, if you don't think you'll do well on the Essay, I recommend against taking it.

What's Next?

Need help preparing for the SAT? Read our ultimate study guide to get expert tips on prep and access to the best free online resources. If you're taking the test soon, learn how to cram for the SAT .

Want to learn more about the SAT Essay? Check out our step-by-step guide to writing a great essay .

Not sure where you want to go to college? Learn how to do college research right and figure out your SAT target score .

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As an SAT/ACT tutor, Dora has guided many students to test prep success. She loves watching students succeed and is committed to helping you get there. Dora received a full-tuition merit based scholarship to University of Southern California. She graduated magna cum laude and scored in the 99th percentile on the ACT. She is also passionate about acting, writing, and photography.

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