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9 things you should consider before embarking on a PhD

June 23, 2021 | 15 min read

By Andy Greenspon

Andy Greenspon

The ideal research program you envision is not what it appears to be

Editor's Note:  When Andy Greenspon wrote this article, he was a first-year student in Applied Physics at Harvard. Now he has completed his PhD. — Alison Bert, June 23, 2021

If you are planning to apply for a PhD program, you're probably getting advice from dozens of students, professors, administrators your parents and the Internet. Sometimes it's hard to know which advice to focus on and what will make the biggest difference in the long-run. So before you go back to daydreaming about the day you accept that Nobel Prize, here are nine things you should give serious thought to. One or more of these tips may save you from anguish and help you make better decisions as you embark on that path to a PhD.

1. Actively seek out information about PhD programs.

Depending on your undergraduate institution, there may be more or less support to guide you in selecting a PhD program – but there is generally much less than when you applied to college.

On the website of my physics department, I found a page written by one of my professors, which listed graduate school options in physics and engineering along with resources to consult. As far as I know, my career center did not send out much information about PhD programs. Only after applying to programs did I find out that my undergraduate website had a link providing general information applicable to most PhD programs. This is the kind of information that is available all over the Internet.

So don't wait for your career center or department to lay out a plan for you. Actively seek it out from your career center counselors, your professors, the Internet — and especially from alumni from your department who are in or graduated from your desired PhD program. First-hand experiences will almost always trump the knowledge you get second-hand.

2. A PhD program is not simply a continuation of your undergraduate program.

Many students don't internalize this idea until they have jumped head-first into a PhD program. The goal is not to complete an assigned set of courses as in an undergraduate program, but to develop significant and original research in your area of expertise. You will have required courses to take, especially if you do not have a master's degree yet, but these are designed merely to compliment your research and provide a broad and deep knowledge base to support you in your research endeavors.

At the end of your PhD program, you will be judged on your research, not on how well you did in your courses. Grades are not critical as long as you maintain the minimum GPA requirement, and you should not spend too much time on courses at the expense of research projects. Graduate courses tend to be designed to allow you to take away what you will find useful to your research more than to drill a rigid set of facts and techniques into your brain.

3. Take a break between your undergraduate education and a PhD program.

You are beginning your senior year of college, and your classmates are asking you if you are applying to graduate school. You think to yourself, "Well, I like studying this topic and the associated research, and I am going to need a PhD if I want to be a professor or do independent research, so I might as well get it done as soon as possible." But are you certain about the type of research you want to do? Do you know where you want to live for the next five years? Are you prepared to stay in an academic environment for nine years straight?

Many people burn out or end up trudging through their PhD program without a thought about what lies outside of or beyond it. A break of a year or two or even more may be necessary to gain perspective. If all you know is an academic environment, how can you compare it to anything else? Many people take a job for five or more years before going back to get their PhD. It is true though that the longer you stay out of school, the harder it is to go back to an academic environment with lower pay and a lack of set work hours. A one-year break will give you six months or so after graduation before PhD applications are due. A two-year gap might be ideal to provide time to identify your priorities in life and explore different areas of research without having school work or a thesis competing for your attention.

Getting research experience outside of a degree program can help focus your interests and give you a leg up on the competition when you finally decide to apply. It can also help you determine whether you will enjoy full-time research or if you might prefer an alternative career path that still incorporates science, for example, in policy, consulting or business — or a hybrid research job that combines scientific and non-scientific skills.

I will be forever grateful that I chose to do research in a non-academic environment for a year between my undergraduate and PhD programs. It gave me the chance to get a feel for doing nothing but research for a full year. Working at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in the Space Division, I was the manager of an optics lab, performing spectroscopic experiments on rocks and minerals placed in a vacuum chamber. While my boss determined the overall experimental design, I was able to make my own suggestions for experiments and use my own discretion in how to perform them. I presented this research at two national conferences as well — a first for me. I was also able to learn about other research being performed there, determine which projects excited me the most, and thus narrow down my criteria for a PhD program.

4. Your current area of study does not dictate what you have to study in graduate school.

You might be studying the function and regulation of membrane proteins or doing a computational analysis of the conductivity of different battery designs, but that doesn't mean your PhD project must revolve around similar projects. The transition between college or another research job to a PhD program is one of the main transitions in your life when it is perfectly acceptable to completely change research areas.

If you are doing computation, you may want to switch to lab-based work or vice versa. If you are working in biology but have always had an interest in photonics research, now is the time to try it out. You may find that you love the alternative research and devote your PhD to it, you might hate it and fall back on your previous area of study — or you may even discover a unique topic that incorporates both subjects.

One of the best aspects of the PhD program is that you can make the research your own. Remember, the answer to the question "Why are you doing this research?" should not be "Well, because it's what I've been working on for the past few years already."While my undergraduate research was in atomic physics, I easily transitioned into applied physics and materials science for my PhD program and was able to apply much of what I learned as an undergraduate to my current research. If you are moving from the sciences to a non-STEM field such as social sciences or humanities, this advice can still apply, though the transition is a bit more difficult and more of a permanent commitment.

5. Make sure the PhD program has a variety of research options, and learn about as many research groups as possible in your first year.

Even if you believe you are committed to one research area, you may find that five years of such work is not quite what you expected. As such, you should find a PhD program where the professors are not all working in the same narrowly focused research area. Make sure there are at least three professors working on an array of topics you could imagine yourself working on.

In many graduate programs, you are supposed to pick a research advisor before even starting. But such arrangements often do not work out, and you may be seeking a new advisor before you know it. That's why many programs give students one or two semesters to explore different research areas before choosing a permanent research advisor.

In your first year, you should explore the research of a diverse set of groups. After touring their labs, talking to the students, or sitting in on group meetings, you may find that this group is the right one for you.

In addition, consider the importance of who your research advisor will be. This will be the person you interact with regularly for five straight years and who will have a crucial influence on your research. Do you like their advising style? Does their personality mesh with yours? Can you get along? Of course, the research your advisor works on is critical, but if you have large disagreements at every meeting or do not get helpful advice on how to proceed with your research, you may not be able to succeed. At the very least, you must be able to handle your advisor's management of the lab and advising style if you are going to be productive in your work. The Harvard program I enrolled in has professors working on research spanning from nanophotonics to energy materials and biophysics, covering my wide range of interests. By spending time in labs and offices informally chatting with graduate students, I found an advisor whose personality and research interests meshed very well with me. Their genuine enthusiasm for this advisor and their excitement when talking about their research was the best input I could have received.

6. Location is more important than you think — but name recognition is not.

The first consideration in choosing a PhD program should be, "Is there research at this university that I am passionate about?" After all, you will have to study this topic in detail for four or more years. But when considering the location of a university, your first thought should not be, "I'm going to be in the lab all the time, so what does it matter if I'm by the beach, in a city, or in the middle of nowhere." Contrary to popular belief, you will have a life outside of the lab, and you will have to be able to live with it for four or more years. Unlike when you were an undergraduate, your social and extracurricular life will revolve less around the university community, so the environment of the surrounding area is important. Do you need a city atmosphere to be productive? Or is your ideal location surrounded by forests and mountains or by a beach? Is being close to your family important? Imagine what it will be like living in the area during the times you are not doing research; consider what activities will you do and how often will you want to visit family.

While many of the PhD programs that accepted me had research that truly excited me, the only place I could envision living for five or more years was Boston, as the city I grew up near and whose environment and culture I love, and to be close to my family.

While location is more important than you think, the reputation and prestige of the university is not. In graduate school, the reputation of the individual department you are joining — and sometimes even the specific research group you work in — are more important. There, you will develop research collaborations and professional connections that will be crucial during your program and beyond. When searching for a job after graduation, other scientists will look at your specific department, the people you have worked with and the research you have done.

what to do before applying for phd

At the Asgard Irish Pub in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Andy Greenspon talks with fellow graduate students from Harvard and MIT at an Ask for Evidence workshop organized by Sense About Science. He grew up near Boston and chose to go to graduate school there.

7. Those time management skills you developed in college? Develop them further.

After surviving college, you may think you have mastered the ability to squeeze in your coursework, extracurricular activities and even some sleep. In a PhD program, time management reaches a whole new level. You will not only have lectures to attend and homework to do. You will have to make time for your research, which will include spending extended periods of time in the lab, analyzing data, and scheduling time with other students to collaborate on research.

Also, you will most likely have to teach for a number of semesters, and you will want to attend any seminar that may be related to your research or that just peaks your interest. To top it all off, you will still want to do many of those extracurricular activities you did as an undergraduate. While in the abstract, it may seem simple enough to put this all into your calendar and stay organized, you will find quickly enough that the one hour you scheduled for a task might take two or three hours, putting you behind on everything else for the rest of the day or forcing you to cut other planned events. Be prepared for schedules to go awry, and be willing to sacrifice certain activities. For some, this might be sleep; for others, it might be an extracurricular activity or a few seminars they were hoping to attend. In short, don't panic when things don't go according to plan; anticipate possible delays and be ready to adapt.

8. Expect to learn research skills on the fly – or take advantage of the training your department or career center offers.

This may be the first time you will have to write fellowship or grant proposals, write scientific papers, attend conferences, present your research to others, or even peer-review scientific manuscripts. From my experience, very few college students or even PhD students receive formal training on how to perform any of these tasks. Usually people follow by example. But this is not always easy and can be quite aggravating sometimes. So seek out talks or interactive programs offered by your department or career center. The effort will be well worth it when you realize you've become quite adept at quickly and clearly explaining your research to others and at outlining scientific papers and grant proposals. Alternatively, ask a more experienced graduate student or your advisor for advice on these topics. In addition, be prepared for a learning curve when learning all the procedures and processes of the group you end up working in. There may be many new protocols to master, whether they involve synthesizing chemicals, growing bacterial cells, or aligning mirrors on an optical table. In addition, the group may use programming languages or data analysis software you are unfamiliar with. Don't get discouraged but plan to spend extra effort getting used to these procedures and systems. After working with them regularly, they will soon become second nature. When I first started my job at Johns Hopkins, I felt overwhelmed by all the intricacies of the experiment and definitely made a few mistakes, including breaking a number of optical elements. But by the end of my year there, I had written an updated protocol manual for the modifications I had made to the experimental procedures and was the "master" passing on my knowledge to the next person taking the job.

9. There are no real breaks.

In a stereotypical "9-to-5" job, when the workday is over or the weekend arrives, you can generally forget about your work. And a vacation provides an even longer respite. But in a PhD program, your schedule becomes "whenever you find time to get your work done." You might be in the lab during regular work hours or you might be working until 10 p.m. or later to finish an experiment. And the only time you might have available to analyze data might be at 1 a.m. Expect to work during part of the weekend, too. Graduate students do go on vacations but might still have to do some data analysis or a literature search while away.

As a PhD student, it might be hard to stop thinking about the next step in an experiment or that data sitting on your computer or that paper you were meaning to start. While I imagine some students can bifurcate their mind between graduate school life and everything else, that's quite hard for many of us to do. No matter what, my research lies somewhere in the back of my head. In short, your schedule is much more flexible as a PhD student, but as a result, you never truly take a break from your work.

While this may seem like a downer, remember that you should have passion for the research you work on (most of the time), so you should be excited to think up new experiments or different ways to consider that data you have collected. Even when I'm lying in bed about to fall asleep, I am sometimes ruminating about aspects of my experiment I could modify or what information I could do a literature search on to gain new insights. A PhD program is quite the commitment and rarely lives up to expectations – but it is well worth the time and effort you will spend for something that truly excites you.


Andy greenspon.

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How to prepare a strong phd application.

Doctoral candidates and departmental coordinators at the Wharton School outline a few tips to help you navigate the PhD application process.

It’s no secret the application process can be intimidating. Where do you start? What exactly are schools looking for on your application? What materials do you need to submit? Doctoral candidates and departmental coordinators at the Wharton School have outlined a few tips to help you navigate the process.

Don’t Delay the Process

A successful PhD applicant starts thinking about their application months or even years before the deadlines. For Alejandro Lopez Lira , a third year student in Finance, the application process began a year before he actually submitted the paperwork. He said, “I spoke to my advisors way before, like one year before, about my letters of recommendation, where to apply, everything involved in the process.”

Each program has different requirements, which can make for a tedious process. Karren Knowlton , a third year in Management, said, “I took a little while to draft a personal statement. I had my mom, who teaches creative writing, and a few other people that I trust just read over it. Then you have to tweak it for different schools because they want slightly different things.”

Taking time to prepare your application is critical. Starting the process sooner rather than later gives you several advantages:

  • It allows your letter of recommendation writers enough time in advance to thoughtfully prepare a letter that speaks to who you are as a PhD candidate.
  • It gives you more time to review your materials, fix any errors, and proofread, proofread, proofread.
  • Finally, it means a lot less stress when the deadline starts rapidly approaching. By planning ahead, you’ll have a much smoother process applying.

Get Letters of Recommendation

Prof. Matthew Bidwell , who previously served as the doctoral coordinator for the Management program , said a common mistake he sees are letters of recommendations from employers. Although he said it is impressive to see work experience, having an employer write a letter is not the best choice.

“We don’t pay very much attention to those because rightly or wrongly, we worry that they’re not looking for the kinds of things that we’re looking for,” he said. “If you have one, it’s not a disaster, but when you see people with two or three — most of their recommendations coming from their work — that kind of heightens our concern. You’re committing to a fairly specialized career, do you really know what that career entails?”

Instead, he suggests getting to know an academic who will be able to write a recommendation attesting to your ability to manage doctoral-level research and work.

Include Research/Work Experience in Your Field

Each program has a unique set of criteria to evaluate applicants, but several doctoral coordinators agree that some research and work experience in your field of interest will strengthen your application overall.

Prof. Fernando Ferreira , doctoral coordinator for the Business Economics and Public Policy and Real Estate programs, thinks work experience can be useful in demonstrating an applicant’s abilities. He said, “Any work experience after undergraduate school is important. If that experience is more related to research it’s even better, but work experience in general is always good.”

Prof. Guy David , doctoral coordinator for the Health Care Management & Economics program , thinks that work experience benefits applicants in terms of giving them a broader view of business. “Work experience creates retrospection about how the world works, how organizations make decisions, and how people function in various situations,” he said.

However, he warns that spending too much time away from an academic setting can have its drawbacks too. “It may lead people to start their PhD later when they are not in the habit of immersing themselves in rigorous studies and have a shorter horizons to develop a name for themselves,” he said.

Although having both research and work experience can strengthen your application, you will not be denied entry because you are lacking either.

Prof. Bidwell said, “I think research experience does give us some confidence that people have some idea about what it is that we do. In terms of work experience, I think we don’t have a strong view. We quite like work experience, but we also take people straight out of undergrad.”

Prepare for the Standardized Tests

Most PhD programs require students to take the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE). Having high test scores is a key part of an application as it tests skills learned over the course of many years in school. Quantitative skills are especially important when applying to doctoral programs in business areas. Much like any other standardized test, the GRE requires preparation.

Karren, who took the GRE twice to ensure her scores were high enough, offered advice to those who may be struggling. “I would absolutely recommend practicing the writing beforehand. Look up examples and have your outline structured,” she said. “So much of it is just getting the right structure and how you formulate your arguments so knowing what they’re looking for is key.”

Test prep can be time-consuming, but like anything else, practice makes perfect. There are multiple text books and online sites to help you prepare for the exam. Karren aimed to improve her math scores the second time she took the GRE and recommended this site to help strengthen math skills.

Taking advantage of resources to help you study can limit the number of times you need to take the GRE while ensuring you score high enough to remain in the applicant pool.

Watch a Webinar with Former Wharton Vice Dean Catherine Schrand

Posted: August 4, 2017

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How To Prepare for Graduate School: 10 Must-Do’s Before You Apply

A young man with glasses and a backpack sitting outdoors using a laptop, smiling at the camera.

Graduate school is the next level of academic excellence — it provides advanced training to deepen your expertise in a specific field or prepare you for a new professional path. For students who want to begin their path toward a master’s or doctorate, you’ll need more than just an application to take the next step. You also need an acceptance letter. So, how do you ensure your journey doesn’t stall in the application process? Being prepared is the key to being a competitive candidate. Follow these tips to shine with strong test scores, transcripts, recommendation letters, personal statements, and more.

Grad School Tips: What You Should Know Before You Go

Before you start working on your application, it’s helpful to know all of the moving parts so you can find resources and grad school tips to help you work smarter, not harder.

1. Understand Graduate School Requirements & Application Materials

Being accepted to graduate school involves meeting certain requirements set by each program. To boost your chances of acceptance, it's usually a good idea to apply to multiple programs.  When applying to multiple schools, be sure to keep a few things in mind:

  • Meet deadlines for admission and financial aid. The earlier you apply, the better.
  • Staying organized by tracking deadlines, required materials, and progress status for each program can help make your applications the best they can be.
  • Find resources to help manage several applications at once — like a spreadsheet that details program information, application requirements, and deadlines. When you keep track of your progress, you can increase the accuracy of your application and cultivate peace of mind.
  • Take extra courses to raise your GPA.
  • Enroll in a post-baccalaureate program.
  • Gain relevant work experience.

2. Attend Information Sessions and Networking Events: Preparing for the Grad School Application Process

One thing you can do to stand out as an applicant, regardless of your application, is to express interest in your school’s program:

  • Check university program pages to find both live and recorded resources. Watching webinars about funding for graduate students and other available supports will signal your engagement and preparedness as an applicant.
  • Attend networking events like information sessions, graduate fairs, and facility tours.
  • Connect with the school through their admissions reps, current students, and faculty.
  • Try to gain insights into the program's culture, curriculum, and admission process.
  • Seek answers about requirements, funding, and qualities successful applicants possess.

3. Request Letters of Recommendation: Who to Ask and How

If you want to provide admissions committees with valuable perspectives on your abilities, potential, and personal qualities from those who know you well, you’ll need to make sure you ask the right people for letters of recommendation — and ask them the right way:

  • Find in-depth resources to help navigate the process of asking for recommendation letters.
  • Choose recommenders who know you well and can speak to your accomplishments, with academic professors being the best for graduate and PhD programs.
  • Maintain relationships with these professors by updating them on your academic and professional pursuits.
  • Provide recommenders with all the information needed to write the letter, including school names, deadlines, CV and resume, statement of purpose, and admissions essays.
  • Adhere strictly to submission guidelines provided by schools.
  • Follow up with recommenders , thank them for their time and effort, and share good news once you have been accepted into a program.

4. Prepare a Convincing Statement of Purpose: Personal Statements for Graduate School

The statement of purpose is essential for gaining entry into top graduate programs. It serves as an introduction to your research interests and why the specific program appeals to you.

But really – it’s a lot easier when you keep calm and follow these guidelines instead:

  • Find in-depth resources to help navigate the process of writing personal statements for grad school .
  • Align your research goals with the faculty's research within the program to demonstrate a good fit and understanding of the department's mission.
  • Addressing your weaknesses in the SOP can be beneficial, showcasing your willingness to improve.
  • Keep the SOP concise , ideally not exceeding two pages.
  • Check for mistakes and ensure the correct documents are attached to the right institution.

5. Study for Standardized Tests: GRE vs. GMAT, Explained

To be a competitive applicant in many graduate programs, you’ll need strong scores on tests like the GRE or GMAT. Although many schools, like SMU, have adopted a more holistic approach to graduate admissions, graduate admissions exams are still relevant.

There are a few things you can do to prepare — and ace — the test:

  • Understand the bird’s-eye-view with comprehensive resources to help you pass the GRE.
  • Get official guides , like the ones on ETS’s website , to learn the format and practice questions.
  • Develop a study schedule . Regular practice over months is key.
  • Consider a prep course or online resources for support.
  • Practice pacing yourself with timed sections.
  • Stay motivated by setting goals and celebrating progress.

6. Polish It: Why Your CV for Grad School Matters

Creating a curriculum vitae doesn’t have to be complicated, but it is necessary for applying to grad school. Admissions committees will look for a few things when it comes to this document, so make sure you prepare your CV the right way:

  • Understand the difference between a resume and a CV .
  • Use a simple and consistent format with clear headings, bullet points, and a standard font to ensure readability.
  • Develop a master file containing all your professional and academic history, and then create tailored versions of your CV for each program.
  • Regularly update your CV with current information, including new job positions, projects, and contact details to keep it fresh and easily editable.
  • Keep your CV concise , focusing on the most relevant and impactful information, and only provide extensive details in your cover letter or during interviews.

7. Research Financial Aid For Graduate School

To get the greatest return on your investment, you can offset grad school costs with various types of financial aid:

  • Scholarships
  • Fellowships
  • Assistantships

Thankfully, securing funding can be easier with the help of university websites and scholarship databases. The key is to make sure you take advantage of them:

8. Submit Applications on Time: Knowing When to Apply To Grad School

Above all, whether you meet deadlines during the application process can be a major difference between a successful application — or an unsuccessful one. Setting up a system that works for you can help avoid this dilemma:

  • Consider making a calendar highlighting every application deadline for your target programs.
  • Set reminders to complete and submit components well ahead of time
  • Request materials like transcripts and recommendation letters early to avoid delays
  • Double-check that all required items are complete and accurate

9. Get Feedback (and Proofread!)

As obvious as it sounds, a professional, mistake-free application leaves a lasting positive impression.

When you’ve been staring at the same application for too long, sometimes you miss those little mistakes that can be a deal-breaker for competitive programs. That’s why seeking feedback from professors, mentors, and advisors who have “fresh eyes” is invaluable for improving your application package. Their insights can help you present your qualifications and goals more compellingly (and fix any errors in the process!).

10. Prepare for Grad School Interviews

Some graduate programs require interviews to evaluate your communication skills, motivation, and program fit. If you come prepared for graduate school interviews , you’ll already have an edge over applicants who didn’t spend that extra time and effort: 

  • Research the interview process for each school. Understand who will be interviewing you, and determine if they will have access to your application materials.
  • Know the commonly asked interview questions and practice answering them.
  • Come prepared by arriving early, dressing professionally, and bringing important documents like your resume, CV, and questions for the interviewer.
  • Be ready to talk confidently about yourself and highlight why you’re a good fit for the school.
  • Be mindful of nonverbal communication by practicing good posture, maintaining eye contact, and relaxing.
  • Show gratitude by thanking the faculty and staff after the interview.

Applying to SMU Graduate Programs Made Simple

At SMU, we understand the graduate school journey. We know that when we foster a supportive, engaging environment, applicants and current students can have what they need to thrive.

If you’re looking to apply to a graduate program, you might have questions like:

  • Which documents and materials are required for the application, and what is the best way to gather and submit them?
  • Are there any standardized tests (such as the GRE or GMAT) that I need to take, and how can I adequately prepare and submit them?
  • How competitive is the application process for the programs I am interested in, and what can I do to strengthen my application and increase my chances of acceptance?

The good news? You don’t have to go it alone.

We’ve put together a resource with everything you need to know so you don’t have to. Read our guide, How to Apply to Graduate School at SMU , to find guidance on all of these questions and more. 

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Applying for a phd: step-by-step guide.

Studying a PhD is a big decision and submitting your application can feel like a long process. Though with the right guidance, applying for a PhD will be a lot more straightforward than you think. 

There is a lot of PhD application advice out there. To help you make sense of it all, we’ve put together a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to apply for a PhD. We cover the PhD application process, what you need to consider, what to prepare and how to submit your application.

Follow the steps below to understand everything you need to know when applying for a PhD.

PhD application checklist

Applying for a PhD

  • Choose your subject area
  • Choose your type of PhD
  • Check application deadline
  • Draft a research proposal
  • Contact potential PhD supervisors
  • Check PhD entry requirements
  • Check PhD fees and funding
  • Make your PhD application
  • Submit your PhD application 

In this article, we’re going to look at all these different elements in greater detail to help you with the PhD application process.

1. Choose your subject area

You will be  studying your PhD for a long time – between three- and four-years’ full time and up to eight years part time – so it is essential you choose to study a subject you are passionate about.

Most PhD students study a subject area that they have studied previously, but in much greater detail. Most PhD courses require some previous academic experience in the research area, for example if you choose to study your PhD on William Shakespeare, you are likely to have studied the works of Shakespeare as part of an English Literature masters degree. Similarly, if your PhD research is in a science-based topic it is likely to be going more in depth into a science-related field you studied as an undergraduate and then as a masters student.

However, your PhD does not have to be directly related to your masters degree, for example an English Language masters graduate could expect to be successful if applying to do research in an  English literature PhD if they have achieved the necessary grades.

There are many areas that you can consider when choosing the subject area for your PhD. These could come from the  Arts ,  Humanities , STEM , Social Sciences and  Business .

Research the department at your chosen university to find the perfect PhD program to apply for.

2. Choose your type of PhD

Whilst most PhDs follow a traditional route (completing an independent research project under a supervisor), there are alternatives.

The two main types of PhD include: self-proposed PhD projects and predesigned PhD projects.

Self-proposed PhDs are the most common and traditional type of doctoral degree, although universities also offer predesigned PhD courses that integrate aspects of taught study.

Make sure you’ve considered your PhD options fully before applying for a PhD. Here are the main differences between self-proposed and predesigned PhD projects.

Self-proposed PhD projects

Self-proposed PhDs are the most common type of PhD, where students propose and design their own research.

With a self-proposed PhD, the student has a lot of control over their work and can specialise in any area that interests them with the support and approval of their academic supervisor.

Not all self-proposed PhDs receive funding, so applicants will need to make sure they have appropriate funding in place to pursue their self-proposed PhD.

There may also be some additional steps in the application process for self-proposed to ensure success in their PhD application. The student will have to dedicate a lot of time to their PhD application as it will need to include their PhD study proposal.

Predesigned PhD projects (Doctoral Training Centres)

Many universities now have something known as ‘DTC centres’, or ‘ Doctoral Training Centres ’. Many of these are in economic, social or scientific research areas, so if this is your area of interest, PhDs run out of DTC centres are worth exploring, as they can have substantial funding included. 

Predesigned PhD projects are usually slightly longer in course length than most traditional PhDs, as they’re likely to include a year of lectures and a variety of projects in the first year, before choosing to specialise in the second year.

This option is great if you know you want to do a PhD but aren’t entirely certain of what you’d like to do beyond a general area. Best of all, they often offer fully funded  studentships .

Applying for a PhD

3. Check application deadlines

When applying for a PhD it is important to ensure you meet all application deadlines, this includes the deadlines for your PhD application form and PhD proposal as well as any PhD funding deadlines.

Different universities will have different deadlines, and some universities may even have rolling deadlines, this means it is important to check on the website of the university and department you are interested in, to make sure you get your application in on time.

4. Draft a research proposal

It’s important to draft a PhD proposal when you are applying for a PhD. This is a requirement of most self-proposed PhD applications and can also be necessary when applying for other PhDs.

To ensure the success of your PhD research proposal, it’s a good idea to do some research around the subject area before submitting your research proposal. This will give you a better idea of what it is you want to research and will also help you to present your proposal more clearly.

How to write a PhD research proposal

When writing a PhD research proposal, you will need to include the following:

  • A TITLE that clearly conveys the theme of your research project.
  • The main RESEARCH QUESTION that will be the focus of your research.
  • An EXPLANATION of why your research topic is important.
  • Brief LITERATURE REVIEW demonstrating your knowledge to answer the question.
  • Proposed METHODOLOGY for answering your research questions.
  • TIMELINE SCHEDULE of the research project.  

5. Contact potential PhD supervisors

You want to make sure you choose your potential PhD supervisor in plenty of time. Of course, you should always leave plenty of time for any application, but this is especially important for a PhD, as you will often be applying to a particular supervisor who is a specialist in your area of study.

Therefore, you need to ensure you have enough time to research into suitable PhD supervisors and get in contact with them before you apply for the doctorate.

You shouldn’t rush this research, as  getting the most out of your supervisor is the first step to doing well in PhD study – it’s important to make sure you pick the one best for you.

Another important consideration is  where you choose to study . You’ll want to look at the department’s reputation, and to make sure it excels in research in the area you intend to study do you get the support you need.

6. Check PhD entry requirements

To be eligible to study a PhD, you will usually need a  masters qualification in the subject area or in a closely related subject to the subject upon which you wish to base your PhD research.

However, entry requirements will differ depending on the university, so it is important to check the PhD eligibility requirements of the PhD and university that you are interested in studying at.

Applying without a masters

Some PhD courses will allow you to apply without a masters degree although you will need a bachelors degree. These are only usually offered as integrated masters and PhD programs which include a year of masters study before PhD.

Applying for a PhD as an international student  

If you are an international student applying to study a PhD in the UK, check the  visa requirements that you need to meet.

To apply for a PhD in the UK, international students need a Student Route visa.

The Student Route visa is a points-based visa system for all international students – including EU, EEA and Swiss students – who want to study in the UK. This has replaced the Tier 4 (General) student visa.

You can apply for a  student visa if you meet the following criteria:

  • You have been offered a place on a course by a licensed student sponsor.
  • You have enough money to support yourself and pay for your course.
  • You can speak, read, write and understand English – you may need to prove this through a recognised English language test.

Student visas can only be issued for certain courses, and if your course is eligible, your education provider (Student sponsor) will give you a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) which you use to apply for a student visa.

The earliest you can apply for a student visa is six months before the start date of the course.

7. Check PhD fees and funding

Before committing to PhD study, it is important to check the PhD tuition fees and these will differ depending on the university and the course.

PhD tuition fees in the UK will be more expensive for international students than for home students. Tuition fees in the UK usually range from £3,000-£6,000 per year for home students and up to £18,000 per year for international students.

As a PhD student you will need to cover tuition fees, living expenses and any other unforeseen costs.

PhD scholarships and studentships are available, as is funding from various research councils, so make sure you investigate all your options and find out what financial help is available.

Funding your PhD

There are various funding options available to PhD students – here are the main ones:

University funding – some universities offer alumni funding support for students continuing their studies at their university. Check funding webpages for details.

PhD loans –  PhD loans are available from the  UK government .

PhD scholarships – many universities and companies offer  PhD scholarships , this includes our  Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries .

PhD studentships –  PhD studentships at your university are a great option as they usually include a stipend that covers full PhD tuition fees and some living costs.

Research councils – there are seven research councils in the UK that can provide funding for PhD students, these are:

  • Arts and Humanities Research Council
  • Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
  • Economic and Social Research Council
  • Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
  • Medical Research Council
  • Natural Environment Research Council
  • Science and Technology Facilities Council . 

Their funding can come as PhD studentships.

Self -funding – as a postgraduate student, you may have saved up money through work to enable you to  self-fund your PhD.

Don’t just apply to the standard big research funding bodies, but do your research and look into charities too. There are plenty of funds, foundations and other sources of money available to people with the right interests – and you might just be one of them!

8. Making your PhD application

Now you’ve done most of the preparation for your application, what about the actual application for a PhD? What does it involve?

When applying for a PhD, you usually apply directly to the university, rather than via a third party such as  UCAS .

PhD applications will differ from university to university, so check on the admissions page of the course you are interested in to make sure you include everything they ask for. You are likely to have to include:

  • Completed application form
  • Research proposal
  • Personal statement
  • Academic CV
  • Academic references
  • Proof of English language proficiency
  • Student visa documentation

Ideally, you should have already contacted your intended supervisor and talked about it with them, via email or perhaps in person. They will give you a run through of everything to include in your application to help ensure you don’t leave anything out by mistake. 

You should ensure that you’re not too modest in applying for a PhD! If you’ve been published in a relevant area, or if you did exceptionally well or presented a particularly successful paper at a conference, mention it. You don’t need to brag, but you shouldn’t hide your achievements either.

PhD interviews

Unlike with bachelors degrees and many masters degrees, you will probably need to have a PhD interview as part of your application. If you’ve not had a university interview before, make sure you prepare well for it.

Ideally, if you’re still in education, see if a tutor you know can give you tips, or potentially a mock interview. If not, many universities’ careers service will remain open to you after graduating,,so contact them and see what advice they can offer you. 

Ensure you read up on anything you mentioned in your application and have good solid reasons for why you wish to do a PhD, and why you’ve chosen to do it at in that particular topic  at that particular university.

You should already know by now  what it takes to study a PhD and be able to answer convincingly when asked about these things during your interview.

9. Submit your PhD application

  Now you’ve reached the final step – it’s time to submit your PhD application!

This is likely to be online, although it’s important to check this with your chosen university in case you need to send any hard copies of original certificates or documentation in the post.

Follow the university guidelines. They will usually indicate how to submit your application, what to include, and when you should hear back about the success of your PhD application.

Related articles

What Is A PhD?

How Long Is A PhD?

How To Get A PhD

Dos & Don'ts Of A PhD Interview

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person studying

Whether you’ve just finished your undergraduate degree or you want to pivot your career, grad school may be the next logical step in your educational and professional development.

But how do you apply to graduate school so you have the best chance at receiving that coveted acceptance letter? Read on to learn how to submit the perfect graduate school application to impress admissions officers. For information on due dates and a printable timeline, check out our  grad school application checklist .

How Grad Schools Evaluate Your Application

The exact criteria for  graduate school admissions  vary depending on the school and program. Still, there are certain qualifications, including GPA and grades from specific undergraduate courses, that all admissions officers consider. Most graduate programs look for a minimum 3.0 GPA.

A Graduate Record Examination (GRE) score of at least 318 is considered strong and can help your application. A professional resume with work experience related to your program is often helpful or required. Programs typically ask for letters of recommendation and a  graduate school admissions essay  as well.

Are You a Good Fit for the Program?

Whichever program you apply for, you must first make sure it’s a good match. Consider the following questions before submitting your application:

  • Do you love the field of study the program you’re applying to focuses on?
  • Do you have an undergraduate degree or work experience in an area related to your graduate school program of choice?
  • Will earning this degree help you advance your career or earning potential?
  • Do you have the resources to pay for graduate school, either through your own funds or through loans, grants and scholarships? For more information about this, see our guide on  how to pay for graduate school .

Taking time to reflect on these questions can help you decide whether graduate school is right for you. You can also reach out to professors, students and alumni to get a better feel for your prospective program. You might even schedule a tour of the campus before applying.

Do You Have Relevant Internship or Research Experience?

Internships and relevant work experience may not make or break your graduate school application, but they can help set your application apart from the rest. Once you’re in a graduate program, you may be required to complete an internship or research work to graduate.

What Does Your Statement of Purpose Demonstrate?

A statement of purpose or personal statement tells admissions committees more about you. This essay should touch on your interests, especially as they relate to the graduate school program. The statement of purpose should also describe what you can bring to the program and why you want to be a part of it.

What Do Your Letters of Recommendation Demonstrate?

Letters of recommendation are important for graduate school because they show that credible academics and professionals think highly of you and believe you would be a good asset to the program you’re applying to.

An effective letter of recommendation is written by someone who knows you well academically or professionally, such as a professor, mentor or work supervisor. It should include titles of relevant research articles you’ve written, academic awards and honors and relevant academic activities like projects, presentations or research studies.

What Do Your Undergraduate Transcripts Show?

Simply put, official undergraduate transcripts verify that you attended the school you said you did and maintained a GPA that’s consistent with the program’s requirements. Undergraduate transcripts also allow admissions officers to see whether you took courses relevant to your prospective course of study.

How Are Your GRE Scores?

Most graduate school programs require students to take the GRE as part of the application process. An overall score of 318 or higher is considered a good score, so you’ll want to give yourself plenty of time to study and retake the test if needed before your grad school application is due.

Is Your Prior Academic Experience Relevant?

While you don’t always need an undergraduate degree in the same field as the graduate program you’re applying to, admissions officers typically consider relevant undergraduate coursework, research projects and work experience when reviewing applications.

Statement of Purpose Tips

Your statement of purpose gives you the chance to show some individuality and let your personality shine through. You should aim to leave a memorable impression and craft a well-written, concise statement of purpose to boost your application. See our tips below for writing a statement of purpose.

Follow the Prompt Carefully

Be sure to answer all of the questions in the prompt to give admissions officers all the information they need. Additionally, make sure to follow any guidelines for things like style, font and file format. While these factors may seem small, incorrect formatting can lead to your application being disqualified.

Get Personal

This is your chance to tell your story. Write a statement of purpose that only you could write. Does your passion for medicine date back to an injury or illness you had as a child? Did you grow up watching Law & Order and feel inspired? These details remind graduate admission committees that you are a well rounded person with much to offer.

Discuss Your Goals

Aside from how your own personal and career goals relate to the program, you should also touch on how you can contribute to your school or program of choice. Do you plan on collaborating with colleagues or contributing to your institution’s research goals? Make this known in your statement of purpose.

Know Your Audience

What is the culture of the school or program you’re applying to? What does the institution value? Spend some time on its website and social media accounts to find out. You can even reach out to current students and alumni to get a better idea so you can tailor your statement of purpose accordingly.

Proofread and Revise as Needed

Don’t just write your first draft and send it off. After writing it, take some time to sleep on it, then come back and read and revise with fresh eyes. You should also have someone like a professor or tutor read your statement of purpose and provide feedback.

Interview Tips

The interview is a big part of the graduate school application process if your program requires one. Make sure to come ready and prepared.

Do Your Research

Read up on the university and program you’re applying to so you can sound knowledgeable and interested during the interview. Answer questions such as, how big is the program or school? What have its graduates gone on to do? What are the program requirements?

You can also read up on any academic articles or research professors in your program have created.

Prepare Questions for Your Interviewer

Remember, this isn’t just about the school interviewing you. You’re also interviewing the program to determine if it’s a good fit for you. What career and network opportunities are available to students and alumni? What about grants and scholarships? Will you be paired with a mentor or an advisor?

Practice With Mock Interviews

Practice makes perfect. Look into common graduate school interview questions, and practice with a professor, classmate or friend. You can even practice solo using these  20 Graduate School Interview Questions .

Bring a Professional Portfolio

Depending on the nature of your work, it may be helpful to bring in a professional portfolio, such as if your speciality is print graphic design. Other subject areas like writing or research lend themselves to online portfolios, which you can send to your interviewers ahead of the scheduled interview.

What Does a Grad School Application Look Like?

In addition to your transcripts, test scores, statement of purpose and portfolio, your graduate school application will require some basic background information about you.

Biographical Information

  • Full legal name
  • Any previous legal names used
  • Age and date of birth
  • Social Security number

Ethnicity Information

Ethnicity information about applicants and current students is used by the university to see if it is meeting diversity quotas and to share with stakeholders. You may select one particular ethnicity, or choose options like “other,” “multiracial” or “decline to state.”

Military Status

Scholarships, grants and special services can be available to active-duty and reserve military service members and veterans.

Contact Information

  • Current mailing address
  • Current phone number
  • Current email

Program Selection

  • The program you’re applying to
  • Any speciality or concentrations available as part of your program

Academic Interests

  • Specialities in your program that you want to focus on
  • Research topics or projects you want to pursue

History of Education

  • Undergraduate degree and major
  • Academic achievements and awards

Standardized Test Information

  • *GRE scores (Check with your program as some may no longer require or accept GRE scores )
  • Scores from any other required tests

Financial Aid

Deadlines for financial aid often coincide with deadlines for admissions. Make sure to submit the FAFSA to ensure you qualify for as many financial aid resources as possible. Visit the  Federal Student Aid  website for more information, and check out our guide on  how the FAFSA differs for graduate school .

Previous Employment

  • Relevant work history related to your program
  • Internship or research experience related to your program

Do you speak the primary language spoken in the area where your campus is located? Do you speak more than one language? These are things admissions officers will want to know.

Supplemental Information

  • Certifications or special licenses or training
  • Special Awards

Reference Information

  • Contact information, like phone numbers and emails, for professors, mentors and work supervisors who are willing to provide a reference

Upload Documents

When submitting your online application, make sure to upload all required documents so your application will not be disqualified.

Application Fee

  • Graduate school application fees can range from around $60 to more than $100. You must pay this fee before you can submit your application.

Confirm and Submit Form

  • Finally, make sure to confirm that all your information is correct and all necessary documents are uploaded before you submit your application.

This article was originally published on Forbes.com on Feb. 3. 2023. Author is Ryah Cooley Cole, and Editor is Brenna Swanston.

what to do before applying for phd

what to do before applying for phd

  • How to Apply for a PhD – Application Process Explained
  • Applying to a PhD

This guide explains the PhD application process and outlines the steps you will need to follow, and information you will need to provide when applying to a PhD programme.

How to Apply for a PhD – Application Process

There is no single guide that can cover the entire application process for applying to PhDs, as it differs not only between universities, but also between programmes. In the same sense, what a supervisor might consider a strong application for one of their programmes, they may consider a weak application for another of their programmes.

Furthermore, the process of applying for a PhD in the UK can be slightly challenging to navigate as there is no centralised application system, as is the case with undergraduate degrees, and the process can vary from university to university.

Regardless of this, the below outlines the most common steps you will need to follow when applying for a PhD. Pay particular attention to each stage, as slipping on a single one of them can significantly affect your chances of securing the PhD you want.

1. Find Research Projects you like

Identify research areas that align with your research interest.

This should be done by thinking about all topics, courses, projects, recent publications, recurring questions or experiences that have caught your curiosity over the past year.

Once you have a better understanding of your preferred research area, browse through our PhD listings  or the ‘postgraduate research degree’ and ‘research centre’ sections of a university’s website if you already have a particular one in mind.

This is probably the most important thing to consider before you apply to PhD programmes given you will be working on your project for the next three to eight years – make sure not to rush it.

Note: If you intend to study part time or via distance learning, make sure to check the university offers this option as not all do.

2. Contact Potential PhD Supervisors

If you are proposing your own research project, which is usually the case with a self-funded postgraduate programme, you will need to find your own potential supervisor.

The best way to find a suitable PhD supervisor is to review the staff profiles on the department’s webpage and examine the topics they have published on in the past two years, as well as the research projects of the students they have supervised in the past. This will help you decide whether their research interests coincide with yours. Outside of research interests, there are other aspects you will want to look for, such as their level of support and patience, and how successful their former students have been. For further information on this, you can learn how to find a good PhD supervisor here .

If you are applying to a pre-determined research project, which is usually the case with funded programmes, you do not need to find a supervisor, as they already have a supervisor assigned to them.

Before you formally apply to funded PhD projects, most PhD supervisors will prefer you to apply informally by  sending them an email with your CV. This is so they can better understand your motives for applying and where your academic strengths lie before you start the formal application process.

3. Online Application Form

Once you have found a research programme you are interested in, most universities will require you to make a formal application via their online application portal. The below outlines the supporting documentation you will likely require when completing your online application form.

Academic Qualifications and Transcripts

If you have completed your studies, you will be asked to provide original or certified copies of your academic qualifications.

If you are still studying, you will need to provide an interim transcript of the grades you have received to date and details of any previous qualifications you have acquired.

Academic CV

An academic CV outlines your contact details, academic background and relevant experience. You can read our guide on how to prepare an effective academic CV  here .

Cover Letter

An academic cover letter can be requested alongside your CV. An academic cover letter explains why you are applying for the particular PhD project, why you are a strong candidate for the position and what you can offer the department as a research student. You can read our guide on how to prepare a strong cover letter  here .

Personal Statement

Instead of a cover letter, you may be asked to submit a personal statement. A personal statement is a short document describing your interest in the research programme and explaining why you believe you are suitable for it.

Research Proposal

Most universities will require you to submit a research proposal, especially if you are not applying to a pre-determined research project.

A research proposal is a short document describing your proposed research project. It outlines your research question, which topic it concerns and why you consider it valuable. It is used to show you have the potential for postgraduate-level research by showing that you can communicate complex ideas and evaluate them at their fundamental level. A research proposal also allows the academic department to match you with a suitable PhD supervisor with the expertise to support you if needed.

To support your application, you will be asked for an academic reference, ideally from one or more academic referees.

This is so the university has evidence from another academic source that you are a person who is capable of undertaking PhD study, not only in terms of your credentials and academic abilities but also in terms of your character, as someone who demonstrates commitment, perseverance, independence and the ability to communicate effectively.

To ensure the legitimacy of your references, universities often have strict requirements for how they are to be provided, such as requiring the use of official letterheads and original signatures from the reference provider. Therefore, you must check the specific requirements of each institution and forward them to your referee to minimise the risk of any rejections.

Other Supporting Information

Most online forms also have sections where you can upload any additional supporting information. This can include example evidence, such as previous papers you have published or conferences you have participated in.

Note that e xample evidence, especially of scientific research, is rarely required for STEM subjects

4. Entry Requirements

Academic qualifications.

The entry requirement for most UK universities is a 2:1 (Upper Second Class Honours) undergraduate degree, or equivalent qualification, in a relevant subject.

Note that while many universities require a Masters degree, not all do; it’s possible to  enrol in a PhD programme with just a Bachelors degree , as many students have successfully done so in the past.

In both cases, you will be asked to submit a copy of your degree certificate if you have completed your undergraduate study.

English Language Requirement

If you are an international student from a non-native English speaking country, most universities will require you to either meet their English language requirements or complete an English course with them before starting your PhD.

The two most common tests used to examine English language proficiencies for postgraduate study are the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) and the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language).

Although the score requirements will vary depending on the course and institution, the typical requirements are:

  • IELTS – Overall score of 6.5, and no less than 6.0 in each test category.
  • TOELF – Overall score of 88.

International Applicant

If you’re an international student, you may need a Tier 4 (General) Student Visa to study in the UK. If this is the case, the university will require your passport details or a copy of your first page and photo page.

Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest.

5. Other Things to Keep in Mind

In most countries, including the UK, a PhD studentship starts in September or October of each academic year. However, it’s worth noting that most PhD projects are flexible and can therefore start at any time throughout the year.

Application Deadline

The deadline for a PhD position will be indicated in its advert description, however, you should apply to them as early as possible as a PhD position can sometimes be filled before its official closing date.

As well as monitoring the course deadline, also be aware of the closing dates of associated doctoral research funding opportunities. This is because some funded PhD projects require you to apply individually to both the course and the funding opportunity.

Standardised Tests

Depending on the type of doctorate you are applying for, you may need to take examinations as part of the application process.

While this is uncommon in the UK, most graduate schools in the US and Canada integrate standardised tests into their doctoral course admissions process, with minimum test scores set as an entry requirement for their PhD programs.

MPhil Registration First

In the UK, most PhD students first have to register for an MPhil ( Master of Philosophy ) for the first year of their studies, and only if they pass it, which usually requires the production of a report and an informal interview, will their course be upgraded to a PhD.

Making Several Applications

Unfortunately, for various reasons, you may not always get your preferred supervisor or research project, so it is best to apply for several projects on one or more research topics you interest you.

Please note that the application process for a professional doctorate, such as a DBA or EngD, is slightly different from the one mentioned in this guide . Therefore, please consult the guidelines of the university you wish to apply to before applying.

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How to Prepare a Strong Graduate School Application

Speaker talking to students during information session

You’ve found the perfect graduate program—one with a world-class faculty whose research excites you, an academic experience that will challenge you, a diverse and inclusive culture, a supportive environment with outstanding faculty and peer mentors, and lots of resources to help you succeed no matter which career paths you want to pursue. Now it’s time to convince that program you are a great match for it as well. Here are some suggestions to help you prepare a strong application:

The process of strengthening your graduate school application starts while you are still an undergraduate. Here is a timeline and suggestions for avenues to explore while you are pursuing your undergraduate degree.

Freshman and sophomore years

  • Assess your interests, abilities, and career goals
  • Identify a mentor 
  • Look into graduate school preparation events (e.g., boot camps, pre-application campus visits, summer programs)

Junior year

  • Gather information on graduate programs
  • Gather application materials
  • Learn about entrance examination requirements and dates
  • Investigate application deadlines

Pre-Senior Summer

  • Narrow your list of graduate schools
  • Investigate funding sources
  • Write the first draft of your statement of purpose
  • Contact recommendation sources

Senior year (Start Early)

  • Select the schools you want to apply to
  • Register for entrance exams
  • Submit completed applications
  • Make arrangements to obtain your transcripts for upload into application (8 weeks before application deadline)
  • Make arrangements for entrance exam scores to be sent (8 weeks before application deadline)
  • Contact recommenders to request strong letters of recommendation (4-6 weeks before application deadline)
  • Prepare final versions of your statement of purpose
  • Review federal requirements for financial aid
  • Complete and submit applications with required fee (at least two weeks prior to the deadline)
  • Your fit with the department or program in terms of research goals, work culture, or other measures
  • Relevant research or internship experience
  • Statement of purpose
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Undergraduate grades
  • Patterns of academic study and relevance of prior coursework to proposed graduate study

Many graduate programs require a personal statement or statement of purpose as part of your application. As you write that statement, keep these suggestions in mind:

  • Make the statement about you, your skills, your potential, and your interest in graduate studies in a particular department/program at a particular institution.
  • Avoid misrepresentations and grandiose statements.
  • Engage the reader using active words.
  • Avoid negative or judgmental statements (which usually come across as rude or arrogant).
  • Do not describe in detail what you have done. Briefly state and explain what you have learned, how it led to your interests, or how it has prepared you for success in graduate school.
  • State why you are interested in graduate school and in a particular field of study.
  • Share your motivation and career goals.
  • Share why you have chosen to apply to a particular institution.
  • If possible, indicate faculty with whom you have an interest to work.
  • Do your homework: Know the school. Know the admissions and enrollment statistics for your department or program of interest. Know application deadlines.
  • Avoid form essays.
  • Follow the application directions and guidelines for each institution.

Most Ph.D. programs require an interview—whether on campus or via videoconference—for applicants they are considering for admission, and some master’s programs may require an interview as well. This is your chance to meet with faculty who might potentially sponsor your graduate study. It’s also an opportunity to gather more information about the program. Here is some guidance to help you make a good impression and get the most out of the experience.

  • Before your interview, look closely at the website for the schools and departments you’re applying to. 
  • Show that you have done your homework on the program’s faculty’s research and be able to talk about specific faculty whose work interests you.
  • Your research interest
  • How your educational and professional background has prepared you for graduate study
  • Why this particular program would be a good fit for you
  • If you are applying to the same institution where you did your undergraduate, why you think that institution (and that program) is still the best program for your graduate study
  • Typical funding and how it compares to living expenses in the area
  • The program’s teaching or research requirements 
  • The departmental culture (e.g., are diversity and inclusion priorities for the department and for the university? Do students from different walks of life feel like they belong?) 
  • Resources for professional development and student wellbeing
  • The environment of support for graduate students, both in the department and in the university at large
  • The point of contact for questions
  • Guide to Applying for Graduate School

The process of preparing for and applying to a PhD program can be overwhelming. The University of Pennsylvania has created this webpage to help prospective PhD students think through the process so you can put together a strong application.

A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the highest degree one may obtain within a particular field of study. This ranges from studies in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields; Social Science fields such as Education, Economics, Political Science, and Sociology; as well as Humanities fields such as English, History, Music, Philosophy, and more. The PhD degree aims to prepare people to think critically, develop research, and produce scholarship that may be used for further research or implementation . The PhD historically prepared students to take on faculty roles in colleges and universities, and that is still the goal for many students pursuing the PhD. However, today the PhD is a sought-after degree in many other industries including pharmaceutical research, arts organizations and other nonprofits, publishing, government policy, big tech, finance, and more.

  • Who can apply to a PhD program?   PhD education is available to people from various educational, occupational, socioeconomic, and demographic backgrounds.
  • Who should get a PhD?  People interested in uncovering new ideas, solutions, or processes within a specific area of study through conducting independent research.
  • Why is it important for diverse candidates to become PhD holders?   Our world thrives on heterogeneous ideas and experiences, which is why it is indispensable to include students with diverse perspectives in our PhD programs. These students will generate important and original research.

Most PhD programs are fully funded, meaning that for a specific number of years, the program will pay for your tuition and fees and health insurance, as well as provide you with a stipend for living expenses . The structure of this funding varies by field. Below is an outline of general funding information as well as trends according to field of study.

  • Teaching Assistantships or Research Assistantships: Part-time service that provides teaching and research training opportunities within your area of study.
  • Funding packages provided through faculty research grants: Many STEM fields fund students through research grants awarded to faculty. In these cases, students perform research alongside the faculty. 
  • Fellowships: Internal or external merit-based funding. Some fellowships require an application while others are given via nomination. Educational institutions typically have a resource listing fellowship opportunities. Winning a competitive fellowship looks good on your resume.
  • Grants: Requires an application with supporting materials of either your grades, scholarly work, and/or anticipated research. These are available through internal and external means. Grants greatly vary so be sure to always understand the requirements. Educational institutions typically have a resource listing grant opportunities. Winning a competitive grant looks good on your resume.
  • Employment: For example, serving as a residential advisor, on-campus jobs, etc. Some PhD programs restrict additional employment, so be sure to check before applying for jobs.
  • The funding opportunities described here often can be combined.

Choosing a school or program that provides the most potential funding may be a challenging decision. The value of the same amount of funding will differ depending on the cost of living in different geographic locations. Admitted applicants should investigate cost-of-living tools (available on the web) and be sure to understand how their funding will be structured. Ask questions when you are admitted, such as: 

  • Could you share more about your program’s funding mechanism?
  • For how long is funding guaranteed? How does that compare to the average time-to-completion? Historically, what percentage of students have received funding beyond the guaranteed funding package?
  • Does funding cover tuition, fees, books, health insurance?
  • Does the funding rely on teaching, research, or other service? How much and for how long? 

Choosing a program for your studies is a personal decision that should reflect not only your research interests, but your work style, and interests outside of the classroom. Here we have identified five key tips to consider when selecting schools. 

  • Ask about which programs are strong in your area of interest, which have high completion rates, and which have career outcomes that align with your goals. 
  • Explore the websites of the professional academic associations in the field(s) that interest you. Many will have a directory of doctoral programs and other resources for graduate students. For example, see the American Economic Association’s list of graduate programs and their preparing for graduate school page .
  • Conduct a general internet search with terms related to your research interest.
  • Determine your geographic and personal preferences. Does the area meet your community needs? Is it important that the university aligns with your sociopolitical values? Do you prefer a large city or a smaller/college town? Is there a particular region(s) that has better access to resources needed to conduct your research?
  • Access your current or former university career center. These services are often still available for former students!
  • As you narrow your choices, try to identify at least 3 faculty in the programs of interest with whom you’d like to study. Also note how many of them have tenure. If relevant, research which of those faculty are taking on advisees in your year of matriculation.
  • Read articles from faculty with similar research interests.
  • Note the number of awards, publications, and service activities of faculty.
  • Identify research opportunities funded by both your program and university at large.
  • Connect with current and former students in the program for informational interviews.
  • Connect with campus Diversity Offices.
  • Whenever possible, before submitting your applications, make an appointment to visit the campuses and department(s) that interest you.
  • Use  LinkedIn  to see what graduates of your program are doing and how they are involved in their communities.
  • Estimate your feasible cost of living by geographic location and compare to the funding package offered.
  • Consider availability of health insurance, childcare, housing, transportation, and other fringe benefits.
  • Connect with a local bank or your prospective university’s financial services office for budgeting, savings, and other financial wellness advice.
  • Research the career outcomes for PhD graduates from the institutions that interest you in your specific field.
  • Your First Year in a Ph.D. Program
  • What Does Academic Success Mean and How to Achieve it?  (STEM)
  • Pathways to Science  (STEM)
  • 7 Advantages PhDs Have Over Other Job Candidates  (Industry)
  • During your undergraduate/master’s education, you should pursue coursework and/or research that will prepare you for the higher expectations of a PhD program; for example, taking a research methods course, pursuing a summer research experience, or conducting research with a professor at your home institution.
  • Identify instructors who could write a letter of recommendation. Share with those instructors your interest in doctoral studies; faculty can be excellent resources for advice as well as recommendations!
  • Experiences outside of higher education can also strengthen your PhD application. These may range from project management to volunteer work.
  • Develop soft or hard skills. A soft skill that is most useful from the first day of your PhD program is networking. This is necessary not only for meeting other students but also to find collaborators with similar research interests and selecting faculty for your dissertation committee. Learning how to negotiate will also serve you well when approaching collaborative projects. Hard skills related to your field might include learning statistical analysis software, economic theory, a foreign language, or search engine optimization. In short, identify a few soft and hard skills that you can familiarize yourself with prior to your program’s start date.
  • Finally, prepare by identifying leading researchers and practitioners in your field , exploring peer-reviewed literature and/or publications, and gain familiarity with research methods.
  • Typically, PhD applications are due 10-12 months in advance of the program’s start date (i.e. apply in November to start the following September). A good rule of thumb is to begin your application process 6 months before the deadline. 
  • The availability of reduced application fees or fee waivers varies and sometimes depends on financial status and/or experiences (AmeriCorps, National Society of Black Engineers, attending certain conferences, etc.). If you are interested in a reduced fee or waiver, reach out to the program coordinator for details.
  • Be sure to address all the specific questions/topics in the statement prompt. 
  • Clearly state why you want to pursue a PhD.
  • Propose your research interest.
  • Identify the faculty you’d like to study under. 
  • Discuss the unique qualities/experiences you offer to the program/school.
  • Outline what you hope to do with your degree.
  • Ask for recommendation letters early in the process, at least 2-4 weeks before the deadline. A good letter takes time to write!
  • Provide recommenders with your resume, information about the program, your statement of purpose and/or information about your research interests and research goals.
  • Consider your current/former instructors, supervisors, colleagues. These should be people who can speak to your work ethic, academic abilities, and research interests.
  • Test scores (i.e. TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, etc.) may or may not be required.
  • All transcripts including those for coursework completed abroad and transfer credits. Some programs require official transcripts, which take longer to procure.
  • Resume/Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Writing sample (field dependent): Include a graduate-level sample and update any statements, statistics, etc. as needed. It is highly encouraged that you edit your previous work.
  • Diversity statement: Many institutions offer an optional short statement where students can expand on their diverse backgrounds and experiences that may contribute to the diversity interests/efforts of the school.
  • Dress professionally, even if the interview is virtual. You don’t necessarily need to wear a suit but dress pants/skirt and a blouse/button down shirt would be appropriate.  
  • Develop an engaging elevator pitch, a 30-60 second summary of your research interests and what you hope to gain by becoming a student at that particular university. Practice your pitch with a career counselor, faculty advisor, or friends, and ask for honest feedback.
  • Prepare 2-3 questions to ask during the interview. These could include questions about program expectations, the experience and success of their PhD students, and (academic/financial/mental health) support for PhD students.
  • Some interview programs will include multiple activities including a social event. Be sure to maintain a professional attitude: do not drink too much and keep conversation on academic/professional topics.
  • This is also your opportunity to decide whether this campus is a good fit for you.
  • Academia Insider  is a good resource. 

Unlike undergraduate and master’s level education, coursework is just one component of the degree. A PhD comes with additional expectations: you must independently conduct scholarly research in your field of study, train in specific activities such as teaching or lab/field research, pass “milestone” requirements along the way, such as comprehensive exams, and complete the process by writing a dissertation. Furthermore, some fields require you to write multiple articles (number varies by field/program) for conference presentation and/or peer-reviewed publication.

There are other important elements as well:

  • Student/Advisor relationship. This is one of the most valuable relationships you can have as a PhD student. Your faculty advisor not only assists you with learning how to approach your research topic, but also typically serves as the lead supervisor of your dissertation research and writing, and ideally mentors you throughout the PhD experience. The selection process of choosing your advisor varies so be sure to know what is expected of you as a student and what is expected of the faculty member. Whenever possible, it is important to align your personality and work style with that of your faculty advisor. Many universities publish expectations for the PhD student/faculty advisor relationship;  AMP’ed  is Penn’s guide.
  • Other relationships: Your faculty advisor is far from the only important person during your PhD career. Other faculty members will also serve on your dissertation committee and be potential mentors. Students in your program can also provide good advice and guidance along the way.
  • Coursework: Most programs have a number of required courses all students must take regardless of research interests. Once you have finished this requirement, the classes you choose should closely align with your research topic. Choose courses that will help you learn more about your dissertation topic and research methods. It is a good idea to discuss elective course selection with your advisor. 
  • The dissertation is a large-scale, written document that explores a narrow research topic of your choice. It is the final step before receiving your degree and must be presented and “defended” to your dissertation committee (made up of faculty members) for approval. Defending means that you have to answer in-depth questions about your topic. While this might sound daunting, the dissertation is simply a demonstration of all the knowledge and expertise you have acquired through your PhD education. 
  • Networking comes in many forms and includes connections with your fellow classmates, faculty members, and scholarly community. Formal networking events typically take place at academic conferences, where scholars and students present research. Increasing your academic circle will not only allow you to have study buddies, but offer you the opportunity to collaborate on articles or even gain employment. Your school’s career center can provide best practices for effective networking. 

Explore  graduate programs at the University of Pennsylvania  and click on the programs that interest you to learn more about admissions and academic requirements.

Upcoming Penn information sessions and recruitment events include:

  • Fontaine Fellows Recruitment Dinner (by invitation only): every March
  • Summer Virtual Series for undergraduates thinking about graduate school: June-July, 2024
  • DEEPenn STEM  (Diversity Equity Engagement at Penn in STEM): October 11-13, 2024. Application deadline is May 24, 2024.
  • DivE In Weekend  (Diversity & Equity Initiative for Mind Research): October 18-20, 2024. Application due May 30, 2024.
  • IDDEAS@Wharton  (Introduction to Diversity in Doctoral Education and Scholarship): April 2025. Application opens in November 2024.

National conferences to explore:

  • The Leadership Alliance  supports students into research careers
  • McNair Scholar Conferences
  • SACNAS , the largest multidisciplinary and multicultural STEM diversity event in the U.S.
  • ABRCMS , the annual biomedical research conference for minoritized scientists
  • The PhD Project  for students interested in business PhD programs
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  • High-Performance Sequencing Dedicated and efficient high-throughput genomics led by experts in sequencing and bioinformatics.
  • Single-cell and Spatial Analysis Platforms to support single- or multi-cell analysis, from cell isolation, to library preparation, sequencing and analysis.
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  • Immersive visitors A bespoke, structured training programme, engaging with the faculty, expertise and facilities at the Earlham Institute.
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  • Articles Explore our science and impact around the world through engaging stories.
  • Impact Stories Find out how we are contributing to the major challenges of our time.
  • Impact Through Policy Advocacy Engaging across the political spectrum to exchange knowledge and inform public policy.
  • Public engagement and outreach Communicating our research to inspire and engage learning.
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what to do before applying for phd

10 things you need to know before starting a PhD degree

So you want to do a PhD degree, huh? Here we've got everything you need to know about getting started.

So you want to do a PhD degree, huh? Are you sure about that? It’s not going to be an easy decision, so I’ve put together a list of 10 things you need to know before starting a PhD degree. Oh, and don’t panic!

I have recently graduated from the University of Manchester with a PhD in Plant Sciences after four difficult, but enjoyable, years. During those four years, I often felt slightly lost – and there was more than one occasion on which I didn’t even want to imagine writing up my thesis in fear of delving into fits of panic.

On reflection, I realise that – to quote a colleague – commencing my PhD was like “jumping in the deep end with your eyes closed.” If only I’d known to take a deep breath.

1. Are you sure you want to do a PhD degree?

Let’s be under no false impressions, completing a PhD isn’t easy. There will be times when you feel like Wile E Coyote chasing after the Roadrunner – a little bit out of your depth a lot of the time. It’s four years of your life, so make sure it is what you really want to do.

If you want to pursue a career in science, a PhD isn’t always necessary.

It is possible to make great inroads into industry without a doctoral degree. That said, a PhD can also be a very useful qualification with many transferable skills to add to your CV.

By the time you’ll have finished, you can include essentials such as time management, organisational skills, prioritising workloads, attention to detail, writing skills, presenting to an audience – and most importantly – resilience, to name but a few.

2. Choose your project, and supervisor, wisely.

This is  very  important.

Time after time, our experienced scientists at EI, including Erik Van-Den-Bergh (and I agree) say, “ make sure you’re extremely passionate about exactly that subject. ” When I saw the PhD opening that I eventually was offered, I remember being demonstrably ecstatic about the project before I’d even started it.

I was always interested in calcium signalling and organised a meeting with my potential supervisor immediately, which (to quote Billy Connolly) I leapt into in a mood of gay abandon.

Not only does this help you to keep engaged with your project even through the painstakingly slow times, it also greatly enhances your ability to sell yourself in an interview. If you can show passion and enthusiasm about the project and the science then you’ll be that one step ahead of other candidates – which is all the more important now that many studentships are competitive.

You have to  be the best  out of many, often exceptional candidates.

However, as important as it is to be passionate about your project, make sure that the person who will be supervising you is worthy.

Does your potential supervisor have a prolific track record of publishing work? What is the community of scientists like in the lab you may be working in? Are there experienced post-doctoral scientists working in the lab? Who will your advisor be? Is your supervisor an expert in the field you are interested in? Is the work you will be doing ground-breaking and novel, or is it quite niche?

There is nothing more frustrating – and I know many PhD degree students with this problem – than having a supervisor who is rarely there to talk to, shows little interest in your work, and cannot help when you are struggling in the third year of your project and some guidance would be much appreciated.

Personally, and I was very lucky to have this, I think it’s incredibly useful to have two supervisors. My PhD degree was split between the University of Manchester and the Marine Biological Association in Plymouth. Between my supervisors, I had two people with expertise in different fields, who could give me some fantastic advice from different perspectives. This also meant that I had two people to check through my thesis chapters and provide useful comments on my drafts.

PhD students networking during the last Student Symposium

Make sure you are passionate about your subject before taking it to PhD level. And by passionate I mean  really  passionate.

For a start, you will most likely have to write a literature review in your first three months, which if done well will form the main bulk of your thesis introduction and will save you a lot of stress and strain when it comes to writing up.

At the end of your first year, you will have to write a continuation report, which is your proof that you deserve to carry on to the end of your three or four years. This doesn’t leave much time for lab work, which means time management is incredibly important. If you think you’ll be able to swan in at 11 and leave at 3, think again.

Fundamentally, never, ever rest on your laurels! As tempting as it may be to slack-off slightly in the second year of your four year PhD, don’t.

4. Be organised.

This is a no-brainer but still, it’s worth a mention. Take an hour on a Monday morning to come up with a list of short-term and long-term goals. You’ll probably have to present your work at regular lab meetings, so it’s always worth knowing what has to be done (lest you look a pillock in front of the lab when there’s nothing to show for your last two weeks.)

It’s always good to have a timeline of what will be done when. If you have a PCR, maybe you can squeeze in another experiment, read a few papers, start writing the introduction to your thesis, or even start collecting the data you already have into figures.

The more good use you make of your time, the easier it’ll be to finish your PhD in the long run. Plus, it’s lovely to sit back and look at actual graphs, rather than worry about having enough to put into a paper. Once you’ve typed up your data, you’ll realise you’ve done far more than you had anticipated and the next step forward will be entirely more apparent.

5. Embrace change – don’t get bogged down in the details.

Felix Shaw – one of our bioinformatics researchers at EI – put it best when he said, “ it felt like I was running into brick walls all the way through [my PhD]… you’d run into a brick wall, surmount it, only to run straight into another. ”

You’ll find that, often, experiments don’t work. What might seem like a great idea could turn out to be as bad as choosing to bat first on a fresh wicket on the first day of the third Ashes test at Edgbaston. (Yeah, we don't know what that means either - Ed).

Resilience is key while completing your PhD. Be open to change and embrace the chance to experiment in different ways. You might even end up with a thesis chapter including all of your failures, which at the very least is something interesting to discuss during your  viva voce .

6. Learn how to build, and use, your network.

As a PhD student, you are a complete novice in the world of science and most things in the lab will be – if not new to you – not exquisitely familiar. This matters not, if you take advantage of the people around you.

Firstly, there are lab technicians and research assistants, who have probably been using the technique you are learning for years and years. They are incredibly experienced at a number of techniques and are often very happy to help show you how things are done.

There are postdocs and other PhD students, too. Not only can they help you with day-to-day experiments, they can offer a unique perspective on how something is done and will probably have a handy back-catalogue of fancy new techniques to try.

There are also a bunch of PIs, not limited to your own, who are great to talk to. These people run labs of their own, have different ideas, and might even give you a job once you’ve completed your PhD.

Don’t limit yourself to the labs directly around you, however. There are a massive number of science conferences going on all around the world. Some of them, such as the Society of Biology Conference, take place every year at a similar time in different locations, attracting many of the leaders in their respective fields.

If you are terrified by the prospect of speaking at a full-blown science conference and having your work questioned by genuine skeptics, there are also many student-led conferences which will help you dangle your fresh toes in the murky waters of presenting your work.

One such conference, the Second Student Bioinformatics Symposium, which took place at Earlham Institute in October 2016, was a great place for candidates to share their projects with peers, who are often much more friendly than veteran researchers with 30 year careers to their name when it comes to the questions at the end of your talk.

Another great reason to attend conferences, of course, is the social-side too – make the most of this. You never know who you might meet and connect with over a few drinks once the talks are over and the party commences.

7. Keep your options open.

You should be aware that for every 200 PhD students,  only 7  will get a permanent academic post , so it’s  incredibly unlikely that you’ll become a Professor  – and even if you make PI, it probably won’t be until your mid-forties.

You may also, despite having commenced along the academic path, decide that actually, working in a lab environment isn’t for you. Most PhD graduates, eventually, will not pursue an academic career, but move on to a wide range of other vocations.

It might be that Science Communication is more up your street. This was certainly the case for me – and I made sure that I took part in as many public engagement events as possible while completing my PhD. Most Universities have an active public engagement profile, while organisations such as STEM can provide you with ample opportunities to interact with schools and the general public.

You might also consider entrepreneurship as a route away from academia, which might still allow you to use your expert scientific knowledge. There are a variety of competitions and workshops available to those with a business mind, a strong example being Biotechnology YES.

I, for example, took part in the Thought for Food Challenge, through which I have been able to attend events around the world and meet a vast array of like-minded individuals. Many of the participants from the challenge have gone on to set up successful businesses and have even found jobs as a result of the competition.

10 things phd fire

8. Balance.

Remember that you still have a life outside of your PhD degree – and that this can be one of the greatest opportunities to make amazing friends from around the world.

A science institute is usually home to the brightest students from a variety of countries and can provide a chance to experience a delightful range of different people and cultures. Don’t just stick to the people in your lab, go to events for postgraduate students and meet people from all over campus.

There are usually academic happy hours happening on Fridays after work where you can buy cheap beer, or some lucky institutions even have their own bar. At Norwich Research Park, we not only have the Rec Centre, along with bar, swimming pool, calcetto, samba classes, archery, and a range of other activities, but there are also biweekly “Postdoc pub clubs” which are very fun to join on a Tuesday evening.

Maintain your hobbies and keep up with friends outside of your PhD and you’ll probably find it’s not that gruelling a process after all.

Plus, the people you meet and become friends with might be able to help you out – or at least be able to offer a sympathetic shoulder.

10 things phd relaxing

9. Practical advice.

If, after reading all of this, you’re still going to march forth and claim your doctorhood, then this section should be rather useful.

Firstly, make sure your data is backed up. It’s amazing how many people don’t do this and you’d be bonkers not to. Keep your work saved on a shared drive, so that if your computer decides to spontaneously combust upon pressing the return key, you won’t have lost all of your precious work – or have to go through every one of your lab books and type it all up again.

Secondly, don’t leave your bag in the pub with your half-written thesis in it. I did this, the bag was fine, I was in a state of terror for at least half an hour before the kind person at Weatherspoons located said bag.

Thirdly, read. Read broadly, read anything and everything that’s closely related to your project – or completely unrelated. It’s sometimes amazing where you might find a stroke of inspiration, a new technique you hadn’t thought of … or even in idea of where you might like to go next.

Finally, ask questions – all of the time. No matter how stupid it might sound in your head, everyone’s probably been asked it before, and if you don’t ask, you don’t get.

You’ll probably look far less stupid if you just ask the person standing next to you how the gradient PCR function works on your thermal cycler rather than standing there randomly prodding buttons and looking flustered, anyway.

10. Savour the positives.

At the end of all of this, it has to be said that doing a PhD is absolutely brilliant. There’s no other time in your life that you’ll be this free to pursue your very own project and work almost completely independently. By the time you come to the end of your PhD, you will be the leading expert in the world on something. A real expert! Until the next PhD student comes along …

Related reading.

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A PhD, is it worth it? Just ask our students

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The realities of doing a PhD

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My advice for PhD students? See what bites

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COVID and my PhD: to lockdown and back

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How does a PhD work and how to find the right one

Becky Shaw, PhD student at Earlham Institute

Building the confidence to take on a PhD

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PhD life, 10 things we learned in our first six months

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What’s the third year of a PhD like? Tips for navigating your PhD

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PhD by experience

  • Scientific Groups
  • High-Performance Sequencing
  • Single-cell and Spatial Analysis
  • Tools and resources
  • Events Calendar
  • About our training
  • Year in industry
  • Internships and opportunities
  • Immersive visitors
  • Impact Stories
  • Impact Through Policy Advocacy
  • Public engagement and outreach
  • Communications at EI

Nine things to know before doing a PhD

Having ‘dr’ in front of your name is not a reason for doing a phd. instead consider these nine tips before embarking on a phd .

Subhas Yadav's avatar

Subhas Yadav

Nine things to know before doing a PhD

Doing a PhD is the peak of one’s formal academic training. However, there are a number of career paths that you can follow before getting a PhD and it is not vital to have one to have a successful career.

Undertaking a PhD is a time-consuming and tiring process, and there are many different opinions on the need for doing a PhD – not all of them positive. However, a PhD remains a benchmark in the arena of higher education, it decides the quality, ranking, and evolution of the academic disciplines. There are still a high number of bright aspirants for the very few competitive PhD positions available at university departments. 

Here are nine things to consider before doing a PhD.

Do you really need it?

In disciplines like technology you do not need to have a PhD to become the best. Since this is a practice-based industry, you can gain the relevant skills while working in the field. 

But in the case of non-science subjects, it can often help to continue in academia because that is where the ideas are generated, through debate, discussions, reading, writing, conferences, seminars etc. For example, a PhD in humanities hones the skills of reading, writing and teaching, something which is not always possible in the workplace. 

Research your area of interest

Once you have decided to jump aboard the PhD boat, research your area of interest, go through the websites of different departments at different universities, read the faculty profiles, past and current PhD students’ profiles and their publications.

Also, try to talk to those who are doing their PhD in a related department, email them or use the networking sites like ResearchGate or Academia to get in touch. That may help you in making the right decision.

PhD diary: Where do I begin? Looking for PhD tips? Why not check Twitter How to do a PhD on a budget 8 habits to help you get through your PhD

Project-based PhD v open PhD

Many research groups, mostly at European universities, call for PhD applications in their working topics and generally fund all the accepted candidates. 

However, generally you can choose any topic of your interest after getting into a PhD or even during the application itself.

Choosing a supervisor

A good supervisor during your PhD is crucial. You will need them to guide you in the right direction academically, as well as be there to help with any other issues you may have.

Look up a prospective supervisor’s academic profile, publications and past supervisor experiences. If possible, get in touch with their old students and talk to them about your decision to work with that teacher.

You don’t necessarily need a famed scholar – who may not give you enough time and attention – so choose wisely.

Should you choose an interdisciplinary topic?

There is a lot of freedom in choosing your PhD topic and it can end up becoming very specialised, but try to think about the employability factor as well.

This is especially true for the humanities, where a highly selective or niche PhD topic may not fit into mainstream academia or may have less scope for gaining an academic position after you have finished. Some courses might have a tough time financing their departments, getting funding and placing the students.

However, sometimes the skills learned in the undergraduate courses come in handy. Many people working in media studies and digital humanities have a background in engineering, technology, or other science subjects.

Be a reader

A PhD aims to create an independent and keen scholar, and for that it requires someone who can sustain wider reading. So read whatever you can get your hands on, and get yourself updated with every change in your area or particular topic.

Remember that a PhD is a leap forward in terms of reading and writing skills. Be ready for it and push the bar as much as possible, as you will be doing much of the work on your own. 

Finding the work-life balance of a PhD What to do if you find yourself on Planet PhD Is it possible to do a three-year PhD as an international student? PhD diary: Preparing for a PhD

Academic life and networking

The negativity around such rigorous academic pursuit can often lead to negative opinions.

However, when you see it from the inside, you will see there are many positive aspects. Attending conferences, seminars and workshops in different cities or countries can be a rewarding experience.

So network with colleagues, researchers and academics, and develop your networking to balance the inherent solitude of research life. It will further help in finding funding and possible jobs in the future.

Passion and commitment

It is important to be passionate about your subject. It does not mean that you need to enjoy the pain, but you should be able to see the silver lining that lies ahead.

Don’t just do a PhD to add “Dr” before your name or for any kind of recognition. The main reason to do a PhD is to study a topic in-depth.

Start by honing in on a thesis based on your passion and the rest will follow.

Take a gap year but don’t let it run on

Many take teaching jobs or work experience before doing a PhD, so they may take study leave to finish their thesis and go back to work again. Sometimes, work experience helps you to figure out your next steps.

Many don’t feel satisfied with the academic training they have, so they embark on a PhD to fill that void and enhance their career prospects.

However, do not wait too long before starting your PhD if you want to be in academia. It will really hinder your career enhancement. Better to target finishing your PhD first and then venture into teaching.

Read more:  What is a PhD? Advice for PhD students

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  • Applying to graduate school

When to Apply for Graduate School | Month-by-Month Timeline

Published on February 17, 2021 by Lauren Thomas . Revised on June 1, 2023.

Once you’ve decided to apply for graduate school , you need to carefully plan out the application process, leaving yourself enough time to:

  • Choose which schools you’ll apply to
  • Gather transcripts and recommendation letters
  • Write your personal statement or statement of purpose
  • Take any standardized exams you might need

In general, you’ll need to start preparing your application at least 6 months in advance of the deadline. Most application deadlines are about 7–9 months before the program’s start date.

Table of contents

When is the right time to apply for graduate school, month-by-month timeline for grad school applications, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about applying to grad school.

Some students apply to grad school straight from undergraduate degrees, but it’s also common to return to school later in life. If you’re not sure yet whether you’re ready to apply for graduate school, ask yourself these questions.

Career and field

  • Do you want to change your career? Many individuals attend graduate school to enter fields like nursing, physical therapy, medicine, business, marketing, communications, etc.
  • Do you need a graduate degree to progress in your field? In some fields (like law, research, most of health care, and business), a graduate degree is usually necessary to progress. In others (like software engineering or data analytics), degrees are less important.
  • How much work experience do you need before applying to graduate school? For instance, MBA programs usually expect you to have several years of work under your belt, whereas many people start medical school right out of undergrad or soon after.

Personal considerations

  • Are you at a place in your life where you can focus most of your attention on school?
  • Are you prepared to move across the country or even to another country if needed? If not, you should only apply to graduate schools near you.
  • Does your family situation permit you to go back to school?

Money matters

  • Do you have enough money saved up or a realistic plan to finance graduate school? If you plan to take out government loans, carefully consider how much you will have to pay back after graduation with your expected earnings.
  • Can you leave or cut back on your job without drastically harming your financial health?
  • Do the graduate programs you’re interested in allow you to work part-time? For instance, medicine rarely allows you to attend part-time. This may also be subject to visa restrictions if you’re planning to study outside your own country.

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what to do before applying for phd

You should generally start thinking about graduate school around 18 months before you plan to start. Most program deadlines are 7–9 months before the start date, so you’ll have 6–9 months to get all your materials together, ask for recommendation letters, and take any necessary exams.

Note that some graduate schools—notably medicine—follow a different timeline. Also, some fields, particularly law, use rolling deadlines, meaning the earlier you get in your applications, the better!

The timeline below represents the most typical one, with a December submission deadline. If your deadline is earlier or later, you should adjust your timeline to match.

Month Key tasks
April letters.
Late February–April

Decide which type of graduate program you’d like to apply for and start researching schools that fit your criteria. Discuss which programs you should be aiming for with your former professors or current supervisors.

Most programs provide statistics about the test scores, undergraduate grades, or work or research experience of the students they accept. Aim high, but be realistic about your chances. Make sure to choose some programs that are likely to accept you.

Sign up and begin studying for whichever standardized test you need. Different programs require different exams, so you should make sure to check the website of the program you intend to apply to.

Exam What does it involve?
GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) General
GRE Subject
LSAT (Law School Admissions Test)
GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test)
MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test)

Continue studying for standardized tests. Study books can often be checked out for free from your local library. Aim to do at least a little bit of studying every day—that way, it becomes a habit.

Begin the process of asking for recommendation letters.

Take the necessary standardized test for the first time. You aren’t penalized for taking the test multiple times and can send your best score, so don’t panic if you don’t meet your target score on the first try. However, note that each attempt costs (a significant amount of) money, so don’t completely slack off!

Make a list of the specific programs you’re going to apply to. One tip: organize your information in a spreadsheet with required materials, application fees, links to the online application sign-in, recommenders for each program, and deadlines. This will aid you later in the process!

Follow up on rec letters. Now is a good time to begin face-to-face meetings with potential recommenders. Update your resume so that you can send it to recommenders and they can write you a strong letter.

Decide if you need extra funding. To plan your finances, make a monthly budget with expected rent, food, transportation, prorated monthly tuition/fees, and any other potential costs. If the cost is more than what you have in savings or expected financial support (including loans), then you’ll need extra support.

If you need funding, look into potential options—many, such as the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program , require extra essays and have earlier deadlines.

Now is a good time to begin requesting transcripts, if you haven’t already. For most graduate applications, you must ensure you’ve requested transcripts from every university you’ve attended, even if you only studied there for a semester or it is located in another country.

Retake any standardized exams if you weren’t happy with the scores the first time around.

Begin writing your statement of purpose . A statement of purpose is a short essay that discusses your professional and academic interests and background.

You may also be required to write a personal statement , which should talk about your personal story and personal motivations for applying to graduate school. It may include your potential to bring an underrepresented perspective or add to the diversity of the program you’re applying to.

Send off your statement of purpose and personal statement to recommenders to aid their recommendation letters and to receive feedback.

It’s also a good idea to have your statements checked by a friend, family member or professional editor , who can help make sure your writing flows clearly and catch any grammatical mistakes.

A statement of purpose should be understandable to any professional in your field, even if they don’t specialize in your sub-discipline. Most graduate programs rely on a committee of professors throughout the field to evaluate applications, so there’s no guarantee yours will be read by an expert in your particular interest.

October is generally your last chance to retake any standardized exam whose scores you’re not happy with.

Perfect your statement of purpose and personal statement. It’s a good idea to take a week-long break from your applications so that you can approach them again with a fresh eye.

Many graduate applications are due this month. Remind your recommenders of the final deadlines, and finish up your application.

Ensure you have your perfected resume, transcripts, and final personal statement ready. Upload them—and don’t forget to pay the application fee if that’s required!

If you’re American and think you might want to take out any amount of loans to fund your degree, you should fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) . Once completed, you’ll be eligible for a loan to fund up to 100% of the total cost of your degree, including both tuition and living costs.

February to April

Most graduate school results will come back in this time period. Many graduate schools offer in-person visit days in March and April. Some will even pay for your transportation and hotel costs. These visits will allow you to ask questions to faculty members and current students.

When choosing a graduate program, make sure to pay attention to how well the program fits your interests as well as its prestige. You should also pay attention to placement or job outcomes after graduation.

If you’re in a research degree, your supervisor is vitally important to your potential success—carefully evaluate your potential options (but remember that some advisors could leave, so you shouldn’t choose a program for just one potential supervisor!)

Try to hang out with current students in an informal setting to ask them questions you might not otherwise be comfortable asking. Ask what the work expectations are like—do they get time off? Do they feel like they’re being treated fairly? This is especially important for doctoral programs, which are several years long.

Make sure to read the fine print of any funding that you might receive. Will you have to teach or work in a certain position for a certain number of years afterwards? Choose carefully!

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Academic writing

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  • Theater vs theatre

A good starting point to aim for is about 18 months before you would start the program, or 6–9 months before the applications are due.

In the first few months of the process, research programs and study for any standardized exams you might need.

You can then begin writing your personal statements and statements of purpose , as well as contacting people to write your letters of recommendation . Ensure that you give recommenders plenty of time to complete their letters (ideally around 2–4 months).

Most graduate school applications for American graduate programs are due in December or January for a September start.

Some types of programs, especially law school, are rolling applications, meaning that the earlier you apply, the earlier you’ll hear back. In this case, you should aim to apply as early as possible to maximize your chances.

Medical school follows a completely separate timeline with much earlier deadlines. If you’re applying for medical school, you should speak to advisors at your university for more information.

Some students apply to graduate school straight from undergrad, but it’s also common to go back to school later in life. The ideal time to do so depends on various financial, personal, and career considerations . Graduate school is a big commitment, so you should apply at a time when you can devote your full attention to it.

Your career path may also determine when you should apply. In some career fields, you can easily progress without a graduate degree, while in others—such as medicine, business, and law—it’s virtually impossible to move up the career ladder without a specific graduate degree.

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Thomas, L. (2023, June 01). When to Apply for Graduate School | Month-by-Month Timeline. Scribbr. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/graduate-school/when-to-apply/

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what to do before applying for phd

April 10, 2024

Applying to PhD Programs: When, Where, How, and Why?

what to do before applying for phd

So, you are thinking you might want to pursue a PhD. That’s great! However, it can sometimes be difficult to decide whether to really go for it. Maybe you are weighing the time commitment required or the prospect of leaving a job you love. Maybe you are wondering whether you are prepared for such an undertaking or whether you’d even have a shot at getting in. When considering such an important move, it’s good to adopt a methodical approach to the decision-making process. 

This article is designed to help you think through some key factors in making important decisions about graduate school. You might ask yourself the following key questions:

  • When should I apply?
  • Where should I apply?
  • How do I get in?
  • Why do I want to go? 

Let’s consider these questions one at a time.

what to do before applying for phd

Question 1: “When should I apply?”

The right time to apply to graduate school is when your personal, academic, and professional experiences have aligned such that you know for certain you want to further your knowledge and skills in a specific field. Read on for some signs that these experiences are, in fact, aligned.

In your personal life

Think about when you were first introduced to your field of study. What made you want to keep learning about it? Is that drive to know more about your field of study still there? If the answer is yes, then you might be personally ready for graduate study. Memorable personal experiences – and the lessons you have learned from them – can also make you personally ready for graduate study. 

For example, perhaps you were diagnosed with a condition and have spent the past decade managing it. The psychological strain of this experience has made you highly empathic toward patients suffering from chronic conditions. You’re now committed to studying the effectiveness of various approaches to promoting mental health among this population.

Or maybe one of your fondest childhood memories is birdwatching with your dad, who taught you all about various species and their migration patterns. This experience led you to pursue ornithology, and you still get excited about learning about birds.

Something doesn’t have to be profound to others for it to be deeply meaningful to you.

In your academic life

You’ve demonstrated – via high grades or assignments on which you went above and beyond the basic requirements – that you have a strong grasp of the technical aspects of your intended field. You’ve done more than memorize core concepts and theories; you’ve contemplated how they relate to the broader aims of the field. You’ve taken more advanced classwork, completed an independent project, or did professional work that involved innovation and research. And you now want to apply those theories and concepts in graduate school and your career.

Let’s say you majored in civil engineering. You’ve excelled in all your engineering courses, as well as in chemistry, math, and physics. In the process, you’ve learned how to apply the core principles of each field to design resilient infrastructure that does not fail in extraordinary events and is socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable.

In your professional life

Whether you’ve worked/volunteered in a relevant setting for six months or six years, you’ve learned about and contributed to the rigorous research process. Ideally, you’ve taken on multiple roles, each one more demanding than the previous one. But at every stage, you’ve taken your responsibilities seriously, because you understand that each task, no matter how seemingly trivial, must be performed diligently, lest you risk compromising the data and ultimately the findings of the entire study.

As an undergraduate research assistant, you might have begun with basic responsibilities, such as data entry and cleaning in Excel. After demonstrating that you are reliable and diligent, you were able to help conduct studies and maybe even run some of your own analyses using the data.

Then, by the time you entered your current role (the one you’re in when you apply to PhD programs), you are able to not only evaluate all the variables being assessed but also identify other variables that aren’t being measured and articulate why they should be included in future research. At this point, you’re able to generate your own research questions, formulate testable hypotheses, and even design a hypothetical study in which the findings are interesting regardless of whether your hypotheses are supported.

When you’ve identified these signs in your personal, academic, and professional experiences, you’re ready to apply.

Question 2: “Where should I apply?”

To identify the right program(s) to apply to, it is crucial to  look beyond the school’s ranking or reputation . The “2024-2025 Best National University Rankings” by  U.S. News & World Report  should not be your primary source for one simple reason: PhD programs are very idiosyncratic. Even if you have chosen a field of study (ideally, the field in which you received your undergraduate and/or master’s degree), there are likely many research areas within that field and even more specific topics within each area. The right research area for you will depend on your previous research experience, as well as on the specific topic(s) you want to investigate.

For example, within  the field of psychology , there are many areas, including clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, health psychology, evolutionary psychology, personality psychology, and social psychology. Then, within, say, social psychology, there’s a vast array of specific topics, such as attitudes, aggression, decision-making, emotion, prejudice, and prosocial behavior, to name a few. As you can imagine, these topics are not mutually exclusive. In fact, combining topics can generate unique findings. Therefore, when thinking about where to apply, you might prioritize programs where the faculty are studying combinations of topics you find particularly interesting.

Another factor to consider is that programs differ as a function of the research methods they employ. Thus, when thinking about where to apply, in addition to identifying programs where the faculty are researching the specific topics you are most interested in, it’s necessary to consider whether those faculty members are using methods that you would like to apply in your future career. Do you want to master advanced statistical techniques? Do you want to work with state-of-the-art technologies? Do you want to interact with people? Do you want to observe phenomena in the “real world” or in experimental settings? It’s not only about what you’re researching; it’s also about  how  you’re researching it.

Once you’ve identified programs based on those considerations, it’s time to  identify prospective faculty advisors within your chosen programs . After all, you’re not just applying to PhD programs; you’re applying to work with specific faculty members, and they are the ones who will be reviewing your application and deciding whether to accept you. Based on the faculty members’ professional biographies (which you can usually find on the program’s website), you’ll probably be able to identify the professors whose interests are most like your own.

But it is not enough to be confident that you want to work with a given faculty member. Next, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with that professor’s recent work by reading research papers they’ve published in the past couple years. As you’re reading, ask yourself whether this faculty member writes and thinks clearly and presents arguments and evidence in a compelling manner. You will be mentored by this person for five years (or more!), so it’s crucial that you find someone you admire and are motivated to learn from.

In sum, the steps in deciding where to apply for PhD study are as follows:

  • Choose your field of study.
  • Identify your preferred area(s) within that field.
  • Discover the specific topics you find most fascinating.
  • Consider what methods you want to employ.
  • Evaluate the merits of prospective faculty advisors.

Question 3: “How do I get in?”

Once you’ve determined that you’re ready to apply, and you know  where you want to apply , the focus shifts to whether you’ll be accepted. Getting into a PhD program is largely  a matter of fit . The faculty members who evaluate your application want to know what insights you can offer to their current and future research studies, how your interpersonal style will contribute to their lab or research hub dynamics, and whether you are committed to extending their research in a meaningful way after you obtain your doctorate. You can convey all this crucial information in your statement of purpose.

It’s difficult to overstate the importance of your statement of purpose. You might have an exceptional CV, but if your statement of purpose is lackluster and fails to convey to your prospective faculty advisor that you are the right fit, then you are unlikely to be accepted. Conversely, you might have a modest CV, or even a weakness, such as a low GPA, but nevertheless be accepted if you convey in your statement that (1) you have taken (and will continue to take) concrete steps to become more prepared for PhD training, and (2) you possess unique skills and knowledge that are highly relevant to your prospective advisor’s research area but that might not be reflected in traditional metrics of achievement (e.g., your CV, GPA).

To  write a compelling statement of purpose , you need to articulate everything relevant to Question 1: “When should I apply?” You have already reflected on how your personal, academic, and professional experiences have aligned such that you know that you are ready to apply. But it is not enough  for you  to know that you are ready. You need to convince  your prospective advisor  that you are. 

This is where Accepted can help .  The most valuable service we offer is essay consulting. We can teach you how to craft a narrative about your journey that is coherent, authentic, and distinctive. During each consultation, we will challenge you to think more deeply and clearly than you ever have about where you’ve been and where you’re going. You will learn how to identify and effectively convey the reasons your prospective advisor should accept you.

Question 4: “Why do I want to go?”

A PhD is an academic degree that prepares you to conduct original research, perform advanced statistical analyses, interpret empirical results, and evaluate competing theories. You will be trained to become an academic – that is, a university professor who directs a research lab and teaches students the nuances of a specific field. The skills you acquire during your doctoral training can be applied to industry, governmental, and nonprofit settings; however, doing so should not be your primary goal. Your prospective advisor will want to know that you are committed to the work of an academic. It is great if your research has important implications for those other sectors, so long as you are still committed first and foremost to the production and dissemination of knowledge in your field. The thought of conducting original research in a university setting should make you excited to get started.

Thus, the best reasons to pursue a PhD are intrinsic. After all, a PhD is a Doctor of  Philosophy . You get a PhD because you are passionately drawn to the philosophy of your chosen field. You can’t help but think about it in your everyday life, because you see it everywhere. It is a lens through which life makes sense. Discovering its guiding principles, subject matter, and potential applications allows you to identify patterns in the world around you – and sometimes within yourself as well. So why should you pursue a PhD? Because you can’t  not .

Vanessa Febo admissions expert headshot

Vanessa Febo has ten years of experience teaching academic and professional writing at UCLA, with a special certification in teaching writing techniques. She has drawn on this expertise to guide clients to placements at top institutions, including Harvard, Stanford, and USC. Before joining Accepted, Vanessa coached UCLA students through the application process for graduate programs, major grants, fellowships, and scholarships, including the Fulbright, Stanford Knight-Hennessey, and the Ford Foundation Fellowship. Additionally, Vanessa has extensive experience successfully guiding clients through applications for a diverse range of programs, including those in business, humanities, social sciences, and STEM fields. Want Vanessa to help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch!

Related Resources

  • Get Accepted to PhD Programs in the Humanities , podcast Episode 568
  • How to Apply Successfully to STEM PhD Programs , podcast Episode 566
  • Graduate School in Psychology: PsyD or Psy Phd, Which Is Right for You?

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Applying for graduation or program completion

About graduation.

To graduate from UBC, you must submit a formal application for graduation. In Workday, this is called the “Program Completion Application”. If you do not submit a Program Completion Application, you will not officially graduate or be included in a graduation ceremony even if you have fulfilled all of your program requirements. 

Before you apply to graduate

First, review the graduation application dates for Spring and Fall.

Then, make sure your student status is “Active”. To check your student status:

  • Log into your Workday account at myworkday.ubc.ca . 
  • On the Workday home screen, click your user icon in the top right corner.
  • Click the “View Profile” button in the pop-up menu.
  • You’ll be brought to the “Summary” page by default. Here, you can review your Student Status.

what to do before applying for phd

How to apply for graduation

First, go to your academics app .

  • Click the “Academics” tab in the “Your Top Apps” menu on the right side of the page.

what to do before applying for phd

Next, go to Graduation

Once in your Academics app, you will be brought to the “Academics” page by default. 

  • Click the “Graduation” tab in the top menu.
  • In the “Graduation” menu to the right, click the “Apply for Program Completion” link.

what to do before applying for phd

Complete your Program Completion Application

Once on the “Apply for Program Completion” page, confirm your Academic Record. If you only have one Academic Record, this field will be prepopulated. If you have more than one active Academic Record, select the one you are applying for.

what to do before applying for phd

  • Double-check your name. This field will also be prepopulated. 
  • In the table, check the “Apply” box to select the program of study. Only your primary program of study can be selected in this application, but you will graduate with all of your ‘In Progress’ programs of study, even if they don’t show here. If you have more than one program of study, make sure your secondary programs are correct before submitting your application.
  • May Graduation : Enter April 30.
  • November Graduation : Enter August 31.
  • Check the “Confirm” box at the bottom.
  • Check that the information is correct. Once your application is submitted, you will not be able to edit it or make changes to your program of study.
  • Click the orange “Submit” button at the bottom left of the page.

Review and complete your application

  • Review your “Program Completion Status” to make sure your application was successful. Your status should read “Applied for Completion”.
  • Click the orange “Done” button.

what to do before applying for phd

Submit your Program Completion Questionnaire

After submitting your Program Completion Application, review the Program Completion Questionnaire sent to your “My Tasks” inbox.

  • Click the “My Tasks” icon at the top right of the page, which should now show a red notification. Alternatively, you can select the task on the Workday landing page under “Awaiting Your Action”. 

what to do before applying for phd

  • Click on the inbox notification titled “Apply for Program Completion Event” to open the questionnaire.

what to do before applying for phd

  • Review the questionnaire in detail. Read the links to important information.
  • Complete the questionnaire by selecting “Yes” or “No” for each question. 
  • Review your answers before proceeding. Once you submit, you will not be able to make changes or view your responses. 
  • Click the orange “Submit” button at the bottom left to submit the questionnaire.

what to do before applying for phd

Commonly encountered problems

You may come across the following error message while filling out your Program Completion Application: 

Error: The selected expected completion date doesn’t fall within an academic period available for completion. 

You will see this error message if the application period for your chosen graduation date has not yet opened, or if you enter an Expected Completion Date that is too far in the future. Refer to the application periods and expected completion dates listed above. 

what to do before applying for phd

Late Applications 

If you miss the graduation application deadline, you will need to follow your Faculty’s process to request a late application. Contact your faculty advising office . 

After your application has been processed, you can submit the Program Completion Questionnaire with the steps above or view your Program Completion Status . 

Additional resources

  • Viewing your Graduation Application or Program Completion Status
  • Graduation at UBC

Last updated on September 16, 2024 @3:33 pm


  • Applying for a PhD in the USA

Written by Taru Medha

Applying to a PhD degree in the USA can be quite an extensive and competitive process. Universities want to make sure students end up on the right graduate programmes and therefore put a lot of time and effort into their admissions process. They expect you to do the same with your application.

This doesn't mean that it's harder to get a place on a US PhD degree. But you will need to provide more material and more detail about your existing qualifications than you might be asked for elsewhere.

On this page

When should i apply for a phd in the usa.

US graduate programmes will have specific application deadlines. It’s common for application windows to open between August and December for admission to a PhD in the autumn (or ‘fall’) of the following year.

How should I apply for a PhD in the USA?

Applications for US PhD programmes are made directly to graduate schools. But bear in mind that US graduate schools will often ask for a lot of supplementary material with your application. Most will also charge an admission fee (usually between $50 and $100 ).

Do I need a Masters to apply for a PhD in the USA?

You won’t necessarily need a Masters to apply for a PhD in the USA. American graduate programmes effectively combine Masters and PhD study. Some students actually receive a Masters at the end of their coursework stage.

If you do already have a Masters , you may be able to receive credit for it and spend less time on the coursework stage of your programme. This decision is made by your graduate school, who will decide how relevant your existing degree is.

To apply for a PhD at an American university, you’ll need to submit a list of documents which include:

  • academic transcripts;
  • personal statement ;
  • letters of recommendation;
  • research statements – A research statement is different from a research proposal (required if you’re applying for a PhD in most other countries). You’ll only need to give a general sense of your research interests and possible directions you might like to pursue. The specific details for your project will be developed later in your programme and put forward as part of your research prospectus;
  • graduate admission tests – They are a more common requirement in the US education system than they are in other countries. They allow your university to assess general skills such as abstract reasoning, problem solving and critical thinking. A number of tests are in use, but the two most common are the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) . Some PhD subjects may use other graduate entry tests in place of (or in addition to) the GRE such as the LSAT for Law programmes . You must check with your university to know which test it requires;
  • English academic language test - If English is not your first language you may need to submit a score from a recognised body such as TOEFL or IELTS. Your prospective university will be able to tell you which test it prefers (many will accept more than one), and the minimum score, or scores, it requires.

Decision on your PhD application

There are three potential outcomes for a US PhD application. You may be successful , waitlisted or unsuccessful . If you’re successful or unsuccessful, your university will let you know straight away. However, you may also be waitlisted as a second-choice candidate. If the first-choice candidate declines their offer or isn’t able to enrol on the programme, you’ll be offered their place.

Once you’ve heard back from your university and you have a confirmed place, you’re all set to start applying for your student visa! Read our comprehensive guides to know more how a PhD looks like in the US and the funding options at your disposal.

Search for a PhD in the USA

Ready to start looking for your ideal study abroad opportunity? Browse and compare PhD programmes in the USA on FindAPhD.com.

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Taru joined FindAPhD as a Content Writer in 2022. She creates well-researched, thorough content for our guides and blogs, as well as short video content for our social profiles. She has a Bachelors degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from Bennett University in India and completed a Masters degree in Global Journalism from the University of Sheffield in 2021, giving her personal experience with postgraduate study as an international student.

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Career & Internship Advisor

  • Madison, Wisconsin
  • Academic Services and Student Experience
  • Partially Remote
  • Staff-Full Time
  • Opening at: Sep 16 2024 at 09:05 CDT
  • Closing at: Oct 6 2024 at 23:55 CDT

Job Summary:

Join the School of Education Career Center! We are a student-centered team who works with undergraduate and graduate students in majors spanning the arts, education, and health. We aim to support all School of Education students as they develop skills to successfully launch and exceed their career aspirations. To achieve this, we educate students across the career development process through 1-1 career advising and career education programs.

The focus of this Career Development Manager position will be with our students in the health-related undergraduate and graduate majors, while maintaining working knowledge of our arts and education areas. This position will also manage the curriculum and instruction of career-related courses taught both in-person and asynchronously. The career education work stream will continue to evolve as we integrate career tools, resources, and experiences into the student learning experience.

The Career Center is a part of a larger student services unit working collaboratively to meet the needs of all students. We are seeking colleagues who share our commitment for serving underrepresented students and are excited about serving students with a wide range of life experiences, identities, and professional interests. We are actively seeking to diversify our Career Center team so that we may best serve our full student body.


  • 30% Educates or advises students and recent alumni individually, or in groups through various mediums about career exploration, self-assessment, skills, materials development, and career decisions
  • 30% Develops and delivers career development programming and resource materials across various mediums to provide education to students
  • 10% May identify and maintain a professional network of employers or other stakeholders to facilitate career exploration and employment opportunities for students
  • 5% Participates in campus-wide career services community providing input to leadership regarding the development of advising, recruitment, and co/curricular programs offered by the school/college/unit
  • 25% Supervises unit staff and/or plans, organizes, allocates resources, assesses performance, and leads the operational activities for a significant portion of the unit's career services portfolio

Institutional Statement on Diversity:

Diversity is a source of strength, creativity, and innovation for UW-Madison. We value the contributions of each person and respect the profound ways their identity, culture, background, experience, status, abilities, and opinion enrich the university community. We commit ourselves to the pursuit of excellence in teaching, research, outreach, and diversity as inextricably linked goals. The University of Wisconsin-Madison fulfills its public mission by creating a welcoming and inclusive community for people from every background - people who as students, faculty, and staff serve Wisconsin and the world. For more information on diversity and inclusion on campus, please visit: Diversity and Inclusion

Required Bachelor's Degree


Required: -Experience developing relationships and maintaining collaborative partnerships -Professional experience in a career services, talent acquisition, advising or mentoring related role -Experience with programmatic or curriculum design and/or instruction -Experience assisting individuals as they navigate their career development Preferred: -Working knowledge of careers in the health, fitness, and wellness fields -Advances diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace -Experience managing projects, programs, and/or events -Demonstrated ability to clearly give and receive information through various mediums (email, presentations, proposals, etc) to/from diverse audiences -Experience collaborating across a diverse set of stakeholders to achieve a common goal

Full Time: 100% It is anticipated this position requires work be performed in-person, onsite, at a designated campus work location. Up to one day of remote work per week may be permitted.

Appointment Type, Duration:


Minimum $62,000 ANNUAL (12 months) Depending on Qualifications

How to Apply:

Apply through the jobs.wisc.edu jobs portal and provide resume, cover letter, and 3 professional references.

Nicole Spear [email protected] 608-261-1386 Relay Access (WTRS): 7-1-1. See RELAY_SERVICE for further information.

Official Title:

Career Development Manager(AE079)



Employment Class:

Academic Staff-Renewable

Job Number:

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    To apply for a PhD at an American university, you'll need to submit a list of documents which include: academic transcripts; personal statement; letters of recommendation; CV; research statements - A research statement is different from a research proposal (required if you're applying for a PhD in most other countries).

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  26. Career & Internship Advisor

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