• My bookings
  • Booking for Beckenham (Thorrington) After School Care TERM 3 2024

Beckenham (Thorrington) After School Care TERM 3 2024

Mon, 22 Jul 2024 to Fri, 27 Sep 2024

3:00pm - 6:00pm

Age 5 to 12

Activity Details

Thorrington Primary School | 22a Colombo street, Cashmere, Christchurch

From $23.50 to $25.50 per session See Booking Selector for full price details.

Run by The Homework Club

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We are in the old HB19&20 Classrooms- the ones that back onto Sloan Terrace

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What to bring

  • Afternoon tea, a drink bottle, warm jersey/jacket and a sun hat in terms 1 and 4.

Your Booking

Important information.

The direct number for future bookings/cancellations is: 021 274 1960 and the phone is manned 2.30-6pm. A reminder that we charge full price for all cancellations and require TWO weeks notice for all permanent changes/cancellations. Reminder to pack a snack for afternoon tea. Behaviour plan: we have a behaviour plan and appreciate your support with this. This is part of your enrolment form and our supervisor is happy to discuss with you at any time.

Recurring or Regular Booking

Create a booking that repeats week to week.

Casual Booking (Full Booking View)

Create a casual booking or view your entire booking and make ad-hoc changes.

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Fees per child = $0.00 NZD

I will be applying for an OSCAR Subsidy from WINZ for this activity .

I understand that it is my responsibility to apply for and/or renew the OSCAR Subsidy for my child(ren) for this activity. To apply, please follow the instructions outlined on the WINZ website: How to apply for OSCAR Subsidies

Terms & Conditions *

I agree with the Terms & Conditions for The Homework Club.

Read Our Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions for The Homework Club

Last updated on Wednesday, 28 February 2024, 12:41pm

  • All enrolments are to be made online using Enrolmy. We are unable to accept verbal bookings. After making your online booking, your booking is confirmed, and you will receive an email outlining the dates you have booked. You will also receive a prepayment invoice that is required to be paid before the start of the booking. If you are missing any information, a Enrolment Form notification will be emailed to you. If this is not completed, then your booking may be transferred to a waitlist until completed. If there is a delay in this happening, we cannot guarantee space or save space at the venue. You can book up until midnight the day before. For on the day, for last minute/emergency bookings you will need to contact the THE HOMEWORK CLUB supervisor. All changes to your contact details need to be made via your Enrolmy profile. It is crucial we have up -to- date information, especially in the case of an emergency situation. Further information is available below under payment Terms and Conditions.
  • Confirmation of any booking is at the sole discretion of THE HOMEWORK CLUB.
  • A stand-down period of exclusion from a programme is at the sole discretion of THE HOMEWORK CLUB.
  • THE HOMEWORK CLUB supervisor or manager may confidentially contact relevant school staff to discuss a child. Parents/caregivers may be notified that this contact has or will be made.
  • You understand that it is your responsibility to ensure that the contact information, emergency contacts, medical contacts and allergy information kept on file by THE HOMEWORK CLUB is always current.
  • Regular Booking:
  • A regular booking is defined as a recurring booking with a repetitive pattern for a minimum of 3 weeks. If a Public Holiday falls into your repetitive pattern you will not be charged for this day. Regular bookings are made per term. For shared care or shiftworker bookings, parents/caregivers are to make a regular booking for the days required, then email theTHE HOMEWORK CLUB manager on [email protected] provide information on your situation. The manager will then edit the booking to reflect individual needs.
  • Two weeks notice, in writing, must be provided for any permanent cancellation of an enrolment or if a single day for the rest of the term is to be cancelled, e.g. every Monday. The notice period will begin from the date of formal, written notification via email to the THE HOMEWORK CLUB manager. Failure to provide this notice period will result in full charges being applied for two weeks from either the childs last day of attendance or the date of formal notification being received by the manager. If we have to follow up on an absent child follow up fee of $10 will apply. Programme staff are not responsible for administrative issues like this, and do not take responsibility for this information being passed on.
  • Any individual sessions or days are unable to be cancelled. If you are going to be away or your child has an event on, these bookings will be treated as an absence and fees will apply accordingly, i.e. family holidays, school camps, group events, play date etc.
  • Casual Booking:
  • A casual booking is a booking that does not have a repetitive pattern for a term. A casual booking has random dates, weeks throughout the term or the odd day throughout the term. Casual bookings do depend on venue ratios and staffing ratios
  • All casual bookings can be cancelled but unfortunately the full cancellation fees will apply.
  • Special days are Full day or Half day programmes we may operate during term time for Teacher Only Days or early finishes
  • A special booking can be made for unique sessions that fall outside the normal session times. This may include but is not limited to
  • Teacher Only Days,
  • School early finishes
  • School late starts
  • During the Holiday Programme all absentees are to be reported directly to the THE HOMEWORK CLUB programmes via text (see website for individual site mobile phone numbers - https://www.thehomeworkclub.co.nzor via email [email protected]. If your child is absent for any reason during the holiday programme, full fees will apply.
  • Any changes or cancellations can be made up until the cut-off date, usually 2 weeks prior to the programme starting at no charge, this can be done by modifying your booking in Enrolmy.
  • After the cut date, full fees will be required for any changes or cancellations.
  • No cancellations are available for any reason including sickness, change of circumstances, play date etc. Full fees are payable if the child is absent from the holiday programme, for whatever reason.
  • Full fees are payable if THE HOMEWORK CLUB is closed due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, eg an earthquake, pandemic.
  • Session swaps/changing of days are NOT available. Extra days can be added if space is available.
  • In the summer months, children are expected to arrive with sunscreen already applied and a sun hat.
  • Each day when you collect your child, it is essential that you sign your child out of the THE HOMEWORK CLUB venue using the Enrolmy app on the programme tablet. For Before School programmes or Full Day programmes, you will also be asked to sign your child in when you arrive.
  • You agree that you, or an authorised person, will go on site to sign your child in or/and out of the enrolled programme. If you sign your child out late or sign your child in early to a programme, then you acknowledge that you will be charged extra. It is your responsibility as parent/caregiver to sign your child in and/or out at the appropriate times.
  • You acknowledge that if you do not sign your child in or out, that the programme staff will do so on your behalf and fees will be charged according to the sign in/out time.
  • If a person arrives to collect your child who has not been authorised, then we are obliged (for your child's safety) to keep your child in our care until you have been contacted for consent. To save embarrassment for all concerned, we would appreciate prior notification from you on this matter. This can be done by adding them into your Enrolmy profile as an authorised collection person.
  • Please remember that the After School Care and Holiday Programmes close at 6.00pm. The programme staff will start the contact process 5 minutes before the venue is due to close, if they are unable to contact the first guardian, then the second guardian will be contacted and then the Emergency contacts.
  • Parents who pick their children up any later than 6.00pm will be charged a fee of $1 for each minute late.
  • If a child causes damage to any resources and/or any property/ belonging to others or to any venue that THE HOMEWORK CLUB operates from or that venues resources and/or property, all costs of repair or replacement will be met by the parent/caregiver and will be added to the parent/caregivers account.
  • Children are asked not to bring valuable belongings to THE HOMEWORK CLUB such as toys, electronic devices, phones etc. THE HOMEWORK CLUB will not accept responsibility for loss or damage of any items including but not limited to scooters, bikes etc.
  • Children attending the 9-13 Holiday Programme are allowed to bring ONE device for Device Time use only.
  • Minor health & safety accidents/incidents will be treated by appropriately First Aid trained and certified staff members. Serious health & safety accidents/incidents will be dealt with according to THE HOMEWORK CLUB Policies & Procedures. (Minor health & safety accidents/incidents may include but are not limited to; minor cuts, abrasions, soft tissue bumps and bruises.)
  • THE HOMEWORK CLUB staff may apply sun block as appropriate.
  • THE HOMEWORK CLUB staff may administer medically prescribed medication to children with parent/caregiver written permission when/if required. Full information on dosages will be provided by the parent/caregiver, together with the medication. THE HOMEWORK CLUB staff will formally record each time a medication is administered and parent/caregiver will sign to acknowledge this.
  • You acknowledge that you hereby give permission to the THE HOMEWORK CLUB staff to administer medically prescribed medication to your child.. All medication must be in labelled containers/ bottles with the childs details on the label. You understand that the staff will formally record each time a medication is administered.You agree to provide full details of the medication to be administered by completing the Medical Consent Form and to ensure that all medical information regarding your child is up to date and accurate on your childs Enrolmy profile.
  • Our staff are trained to deal with emergencies. In the case of a serious accident involving your child, you acknowledge that you hereby give permission for the THE HOMEWORK CLUB staff to either call an ambulance or take your child to the nearest medical facility first, then you will be notified. You agree that you will cover any costs. In a civil emergency the staff will remain at the centres until all children are collected.
  • THE HOMEWORK CLUB programmes will at times have special trips and activities that occur away from the main site. The trips are undertaken in accordance with the Excursions and Transport Policy section of the THE HOMEWORK CLUB Policy and Procedure document. You hereby give THE HOMEWORK CLUB permission to transport your child/ren from a designated HOMEWORK CLUB site of operation if and when required i.e. evacuation, group trip etc.
  • Please note an additionalflat rate of $10 will be charged for ALL excursions, regardless if these are cancelled for any reason.
  • A chartered or company vehicle will be used for all transportation. Occasionally trips are altered due to bad weather or circumstances beyond our control. THE HOMEWORK CLUB accepts no responsibility for this, but alternative activities will be arranged if possible and no refunds will be given to any changes to the scheduled programme.
  • I hereby give THE HOMEWORK CLUB permission to transport my child/ren from a designated HOMEWORK CLUB site of operation if and when required i.e. evacuation, group walk trip to a park, visit another THE HOMEWORK CLUB programme.
  • You agree to pay the fees as stipulated in the Fee Policy.
  • Full fees are charged for all absences, including sickness, change of circumstances, shy child etc. A Follow Up fee of $10 is charged for any unnotified absences or in situations in which phone calls are made to determine the whereabouts of an un-notified absence.
  • A $10 administration fee will be charged in the situation a child arrives at THE HOMEWORK CLUB without an enrolment and phone calls to a parent/caregiver have to be made to clarify enrolment status.
  • Extra fees are charged for dropping off before or picking up after the booked session times at $1.00 per minute (or the fee for the extended session, whichever is less)
  • Invoices are emailed to the email address kept on the Enrolmy parent data base on a fortnightly basis prior to the start of the fortnight and need to be paid prior to the fortnights care.To view your invoices/payments or any enrolment information, log in to your ENROLMY account.
  • You can make payments via Direct Credit to our bank account 12-3147-0175001-00
  • Please use your child's first and last name and invoice number as the reference. There is no charge for Direct Credit payments.
  • You understand that making a payment via Enrolmy or Ezidebit that you will be charged administrative fees. THE HOMEWORK CLUB have no control over these fees. Details of full fees are available on the Ezidebit payment page.
  • No cancellations are available for any reason including sickness, shy children etc. Full fees are payable if the child is absent from the Before School, After School and Holiday programme, for whatever reason.
  • Full fees are payable if THE HOMEWORK CLUB is closed due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, eg pandemic, earthquake, civil emergency.
  • Session swaps/changing of days are not available. Extra days can be added if space is available.
  • Interest on overdue invoices shall accrue daily from the date when payment becomes due, until the date of payment, at a rate of ten percent (10%) per calendar month (and at THE HOMEWORK CLUBs sole discretion such interest shall compound monthly at such a rate) after as well as before any judgment.
  • In the event that your payment is dishonoured for any reason then you shall be liable for any dishonour fees incurred by THE HOMEWORK CLUB.
  • If you default in payment of any invoice when due, you shall indemnify THE HOMEWORK CLUB from and against all costs and disbursements incurred by THE HOMEWORK CLUB in pursuing the debt including legal costs on a solicitor and own client basis and THE HOMEWORK CLUBs collection agency costs.
  • If any account remains overdue after thirty (30) days then an amount of the greater of twenty dollars ($20.00) or ten percent (10%) of the amount overdue shall be levied for administration fees which sum shall become immediately due and payable. Your child may be removed from the programme until payment has been received and the debt may be referred to our Debt Collection Agency and all collection costs will be added to the amount outstanding.
  • Without prejudice to any other remedies THE HOMEWORK CLUB may, if at any time you are in breach of any obligation (including those relating to payment) suspend or terminate the enrolment and is absolved of its other obligations under the terms and conditions. THE HOMEWORK CLUB will not be liable to you for any loss or damage that you may suffer because THE HOMEWORK CLUB has exercised its rights under this clause.
  • By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions you authorise THE HOMEWORK CLUB to:
  • Collect, retain and use any information about you for the purpose of assessing your creditworthiness or marketing products and services to You; and
  • Disclose information about you, whether collected by THE HOMEWORK CLUB from you directly or obtained by THE HOMEWORK CLUB from any other source, to any other credit provider or any credit reporting agency for the purposes of providing or obtaining a credit reference, debt collection or notifying a default by you.
  • Bookings may be cancelled or waitlisted by THE HOMEWORK CLUB if an account is in arrears.
  • WINZ forms are to be completed by the supervisor on site.
  • THE HOMEWORK CLUB hold no responsibility for non-payment of WINZ Subsidies if forms are not provided to us for completion and/or returned to the relevant WINZ Office. Liability for payment of fees remains the responsibility of parents/caregivers in all circumstances.
  • You acknowledge that you are responsible for ensuring any WINZ forms are completed and given to the supervisor on site
  • Where you are an individual the authorities under this clause are authorities or consents for the purposes of the Privacy Act 2020.
  • You shall have the right to request from THE HOMEWORK CLUB a copy of the information about you retained by THE HOMEWORK CLUB and the right to request THE HOMEWORK CLUB to correct any incorrect information about you held by THE HOMEWORK CLUB.
  • You acknowledge that the information contained herein is confidential, and pursuant to the Privacy Act, will only be used by THE HOMEWORK CLUB to effectively care for your child/ren and not used or distributed for any other purposes. Representatives from the Ministry of Social Development OSCAR Approvals team may view this information as part of the auditing process
  • Please see the staff if you wish to view our full Policies and Procedures. It contains detailed information on all THE HOMEWORK CLUB Policy and Procedures, including but not limited to the following, Health & Safety, making complaints, employment practices, etc.
  • You agree to adhere to the policies and procedures that are set out in the THE HOMEWORK CLUB Policy and Procedures document.
  • THE HOMEWORK CLUB will give a minimum four weeks notice for any changes to the above Terms and Conditions. All changes will be communicated via email.

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For the Love of Learning

Pebbles cashmere montessori.


After school care, Before school & Holiday Programme enrollment

Every school day from 3.00pm til 6.00pm at four different venues.

5-9 yr & 9-13 yr Programme

every school holiday.


School , nau mai       haere mai.


The Homework Club offers a structured, fun and exciting programme in a safe, caring and positive environment.

The Homework Club was established in 2002 by Belinda Slade at her home. Belinda is a trained and experienced special needs teacher.

The Homework Club soon grew in size and demand and moved  to a church venue. There are now 4 Homework Clubs in the Cashmere area, offering before and after school care and a holiday programme for 2 weeks in every school holiday.  The Homework Club is now managed by Sara Shamy,  a trained primary school teacher .

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Amelia has enjoyed her time at the HWC over the last few months. Thank you so much for looking after Amelia and making her feel so comfortable and happy during the program, I’m sure we will see you all again soon.

—  Bibin L

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How to Set Up a Homework Club

Hero image

Written by Alison Smith

Do you have students in your class who fail to complete their homework on a regular basis?

Homework is a hot topic. It can be time-consuming for both students and teachers. Increasingly, there’s a divide between those who believe that homework plays an important part in learning and those who suggest the time would be better spent playing outdoors, with family and developing relationships.

homework club thorrington

Whatever your personal viewpoint is, you may be tied to the homework policy of your school. So, first and foremost, if you haven’t already done so, make reading your school homework policy a priority.

Next, I would like to offer one piece of advice…

Communicate about homework and communicate well. Communicate clearly with students, parents, guardians and teaching partners. Avoid homework surprises at all costs.

Use our  Editable Homework Information Sheet   to communicate effectively. It’s a good idea to update this information every term to stay on top of changes and to keep parents up to date with any new additions.

What Makes Homework Meaningful?

homework club thorrington

Homework tasks should be meaningful. Worthwhile homework is more likely to engage your students and may lead to more involvement in class . Meaningful homework tasks may take a little more time to prepare but believe me, it’s worth it. Before you set a homework task, you might like to consider whether the task:

  • has a clear purpose – to practise, check understanding or apply knowledge and skills
  • provides an opportunity to review, practise and develop skills they already know
  • provides students with an opportunity to do something they enjoy
  • enables students to relate learning with the real world
  • provides students with an opportunity to experience success and some degree of independence
  • provides students with the opportunity to be critical thinkers.

To read more about the wider picture when it comes to homework, read my blog,  Why Take an Alternative Approach to Traditional Homework?

Homework Red Flags

homework club thorrington

For many students, homework is stressful. For many busy families, it’s hard to find the time, space and energy to fit homework into an already jam-packed daily schedule. For some, home life can often be chaotic, loud and full of distractions.

If you have students in your class who are repeatedly failing to complete homework, take the time to consider how your school community can support students and parents.

What is a Homework Club?

homework club thorrington

A homework club is a safe, supportive and productive student meetup out of school hours to assist students in completing their homework. Homework clubs provide vital support for children who do not otherwise have the help that they need.

Homework clubs can provide:

  • a safe, quiet and calm space for students to concentrate
  • a supportive environment
  • one to one or small group support
  • a chance to share knowledge
  • an opportunity to build relationships
  • an opportunity to develop good work habits and a positive attitude towards learning
  • the chance to develop skills involved in becoming an independent learner.

How to Set up a Homework Club

homework club thorrington

Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Decide who – Start small. Identify a small group of students who need support with completing homework. Follow the protocol for contacting parents and obtaining their permission.
  • Decide  what – Plan what activities will be included. You might like to go with a simple plan such as  snack, active learning game, class homework, chill out time.
  • Decide where – Choose a suitable venue. Good options include the school library, a classroom, or a shady outdoor space (my favourite option). Complete a risk assessment.
  • Decide when – Start with once a week. Choose an afternoon when you usually stay back after school. Check that your time slot does not clash with other popular extracurricular clubs.
  • Decide why?  – Decide on the purpose of your homework club. Is it to develop good work habits, provide a calm productive workspace or to improve academic results?

homework club thorrington

For more helpful tips on taking your homework club outside, read Emma’s inspiring blog  Opening the Door To an Outdoor Classroom | Creating an Outdoor Lesson Box .

Tips for Leading a Homework Club

Proud Peacocks Classrooom Theme Pack

Leading a homework club requires a certain amount of organisation just like everything else. Here are a few tips and ideas to get you started:

  • Make sure that your students have a healthy snack and a water break before beginning the session. Don’t forget you!
  • Break your homework club session into 4 short intervals : active game, class homework, fast finisher and chill out time .
  • Play an Active Game to let off steam and build positive relationships.
  • Have a supply of spare pens, pencils and other stationery items.
  • Have enough adult support for the number of students in your group.
  • Establish clear expectations for conduct and work standards.

Being Ready to Learn at Homework Club

homework club thorrington

Having clear rules and expectations for homework club is critical. Without rules and regulations, you may find that students think of homework club as the ultimate playdate. Why not use our brand new  Behaviour Learning Ladder – Vertical Chart ?

One way to visually keep track of your students’ behaviour is to create a behaviour learning ladder for homework club. A behaviour learning ladder is a great visual reminder for you and the students and includes a step by step warning system for your students.

When you are sharing your expectations, be sure to include areas such as punctuality, commitment, work standards, bringing homework and respecting the needs of others.

For more information on how to set up and use a behavior learning ladder read Holly’s brilliant blog  Classroom Management | How to Use a Behaviour Learning Ladder .

Start Homework Club with an Active Learning Game

homework club thorrington

Don’t forget that after a busy day at school, kids need to be kids. Make sure that the students who attend homework club have a brain break and a chance to play before they are expected to focus and concentrate.

homework club thorrington

Our  Active Learning Resource Pack  is a brilliant resource pack that includes 15 active games to play as the perfect brain break before or during homework club. Active games promote fun, active ways of revising learning and are perfect for small groups.

Stock Up on Learning Tools for Homework Club

homework club thorrington

Get set up with learning tools to encourage independent learning. As a starting point, I used:

  • Emoji – Numbers 1 to 100 Chart
  • Rainbow Numbers Poster
  • Multiplication Facts 1-12 – 4 Per Page
  • Phonics Flashcards and Progress Tracker – Motorbike Theme .

Fast Finisher Activities

Stock up on fast finisher activities to avoid one or two students disrupting the calm. Check out the 88 teaching resource in our Fast Finisher Activities Collection  to prepare for any situation.


homework club thorrington

Homework clubs can make a huge difference to the school lives of students who find completing homework a challenge.

You are an exceptional being because you go the extra mile and do exceptional things.

Take the time to consider the possibility of initiating a homework club. Perhaps, all you have to do is suggest the idea, work out the who, what, where, when and why and find the right team to run the show.

I’ve got your back. P.S. you are amazing!

Please give us a sneak peek into your inspiring classroom on Instagram #teachstarter.

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Hello Fifth

A Teaching Blog

Homework and Homework Club 101

January 8, 2022 by Jill Shafer

homework club thorrington

Hello, friend!  Let’s talk about homework club and what it looks like in our classroom.

I have used THIS with students in grades three through five but, like with anything, tweak it to meet the needs of your kids .

Disclaimer to start: I’m not here to argue for or against homework.  We have a district responsibility and understanding that homework is a component of the day and not to exceed a certain length of time.  For us, it’s ten minutes per grade level so by fifth grade, no student should be spending more than 50 minutes on homework each evening.

I will, obviously, modify homework for students, as well as provide time in class for homework completion.

Homework is never anything new; it is always review and for us, it’s very predictable, which I’ll share below.

For our room, here’s what is assigned:

-Reading Plus (a program used district-wide): Our fifth graders are responsible for completing three SRs and three RA assignments each week.  They can work at their own pace but we HIGHLY encourage doing at least one each evening.  This is OFTEN done in class but takes anywhere from five (the vocabulary assignments) to twenty minutes.

-Language: There is either a brief spelling activity (first semester) or Wordly Wise activity (second semester). This should take about ten minutes.

-Math: Students are assigned 6-10 review problems, which come straight from their workbooks.  This is usually content that was taught in class about a week ago.  We are constantly spiraling to review.  Once a week, students are asked to do only Jiji, another district-wide math program.  They do this in lieu of a workbook page that night.  Regardless, it takes about twenty minutes.

homework club thorrington

Okay!  So with that said, homework is always on our May Do board, meaning that if all their other assignments are completed, they can go ahead and work on their homework.  They may not know the math workbook page that night but they can always do Reading Plus, Jiji, or Wordly Wise.

We fill out our planners every afternoon, right before we clean up to go home (our district provides students in grades three through five with the same planners and I model it every single day under the document camera).

I am well aware that students go home to varying levels of parental support and I do not ever want a child to leave feeling like the homework is unattainable.  I am always available to help, whether that’s checking in after-school or being available before school.

Additionally, math in our room is never graded for correctness.  Student get their point if it was completed and effort was shown.  After our math warm up, we go over answers and students will ask for certain problems to be worked out together.

homework club thorrington

I have homework checkers (two students) that go around during math and star the page if work is shown and the problems are completed.

For Reading Plus, spelling/Wordly Wise, and Jiji (ST Math), I do not check for completion until Friday morning. This gives students an opportunity to practice daily habits (math workbook) with time management throughout the week (reading and vocabulary).

Now, on Friday, if all assignments have been completed, this is where the homework club kicks in.

During soft starts (you can read more about that HERE ), I call students up.  ALL students get called up one by one.  We either go over missing assignments OR they get a punch for their card.

These cards are kept in pencil boxes and treated very seriously.

homework club thorrington

The resource contains so many different options but I like to use these, pictured.  In order to get a punch (I have some fun ones in HERE ), all assignments must be done.

Missing one or two?  It’s okay.  We talk a lot about the reasons why it might have happened, what we can do next time, or how we can reach out for help if needed.

Not all kids get their cards punched every week and that’s okay.

We celebrate homework club every six weeks.  This gives kids a chance to “catch up” if they missed something one week.

Coming to homework club means they have their card with all their punches and they’re ready to celebrate!

Homework club can look a hundred different ways and I try to switch it up so that it stays exciting and motivating.

homework club thorrington

Here are some ideas we’ve done in the past:

-Eat lunch with the teacher

-Muffins/breakfast before school

-Trade your homework club card for a homework pass

-Lunchtime movie or craft (they LOVE the crafts and I’m always looking for inexpensive ideas on Pinterest)

-Board game tournament after school or at lunch

-Special games at recess (I’ll get out THESE things and they’ll play together)

-Popsicles after school

-Trade your homework club card for a small surprise (they love fidgets, puzzle erasers, play dough cans, slime, fun pencils; I have a ton in HERE )

You really can modify it to work for YOU and your class but it’s another little layer of motivation.  It also gives me an opportunity to talk to kids about time management skills.  My kids leave elementary school and head off to middle school, which is a new ballgame with changing classes and having multiple teachers.

So, I try to keep homework doable and relevant, accessible and meaningful.  Homework club is just a little bonus!

Any questions?  Ask below!

homework club thorrington

January 23, 2022 at 4:11 pm

Hi Jill! Thanks for the blog on homework. I’ve been wanting to spruce up my program, and I even looked for homework ideas on here last summer. I do similar stuff with math review, spelling, and book talk prep. I do have a question… what kind of planner do you use? I think I’ll start using planners next year, but I wonder if there are really simple, cheap ones out there. Also, have you had kids lose their planners? Right now, we use homework folders, and I have three kids who are always misplacing their folders and needing a new one. Those repeat offenders are working on responsibility and organization 🙂 and they’ll get it eventually. Thanks again for all of the great ideas. I may even implement a homework club soon! Andie

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How to Set Up a Homework Club

homework club thorrington

Homework clubs can be a fantastic way for students to get together, help each other, and stay motivated to complete their school assignments. If you’re considering setting up a homework club, here are some steps to guide you through the process.

 Define the Purpose and Goals

Before you start a homework club, it’s important to determine why you’re starting it and what you hope to achieve. Do you want to provide a quiet space for individual study, or are you aiming for collaborative learning where students help each other? Setting clear goals will help guide the structure of your club.

 Choose a Location

A suitable location is critical. This place should be quiet, have enough space, and be easily accessible to students. Libraries, community centers, or empty classrooms are excellent places as they provide a formal atmosphere conducive to studying.

 Set a Schedule

Decide on the days and times that the homework club will meet. It’s important to consider when students are most likely to attend — after school or in the evening. Be consistent with the timing so that students can build it into their routine.

 Gather Materials

Make sure you have all the materials necessary for effective studying: textbooks, reference books, stationary supplies like pens and paper, computers with internet access if possible, printer/scanner facilities, etc.

 Establish Rules and Structure

Creating a set of rules helps to maintain order and focus within the group. For instance, settle on rules regarding noise levels, toy usage during club time (like phones), or bringing snacks. Additionally, decide how the time will be structured—whether there’ll be a quick briefing at the start of each session or if students break off into groups.

 Recruit Members

You’ll need to promote your homework club to gather members. You can do this by creating flyers and posters to advertise around your school or local community centers. You could also use social media or word-of-mouth to get the word out there.

 Find Supervision

Having an adult supervisor like a teacher or parent can help oversee the club activities. This person can provide homework help if needed or mediate any disruptions that arise during study time.

 Secure Funding if Necessary

If you require funds for materials or snacks, look into potential sponsorships from local businesses or educational grants available in your area that support after-school programs.

 Monitor Progress and Solicit Feedback

It’s important to keep track of how well the homework club is meeting its intended goals. Ask for regular feedback from members and adjust your strategies accordingly. This ensures that the club remains effective and continues to meet student needs.

With careful planning and management, a homework club can be an invaluable resource that fosters community support among students as they work towards academic success.


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Homework Club

Program overview.

Students and volunteer mentors put their heads together over homework assignments and literacy enrichment activities. This daily, one-on-one academic support improves student’s educational outcomes while simultaneously fostering the meaningful, personal relationships with caring adults that are vital to our children’s academic growth and personal well-being.  

Our Next Generation’s inaugural program, Homework Club, was founded when a group of enterprising volunteers recognized a need for additional youth support in their community in the early ‘90s. They began to meet weekly to give students a safe and focused environment to complete their homework assignments and receive academic support. Soon after, they incorporated as a 501(c)3 nonprofit and Our Next Generation was born.

homework club thorrington

Over the years, volunteers have continued to provide this vital service to the students of our community – not only offering academic support, but also developing stable and meaningful relationships with student that help create the safe and welcoming environment that the youth of our community so desperately need. Although Our Next Generation has evolved over the years to include additional academic and enrichment programs  as the need and capacity arose, Homework Club remains a vital and effective service for our students.

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After School Homework Club for Secondary School Students North

Logo for EdConnect Australia (VIC & NSW)

At EdConnect we are training and mobilising an army of volunteers, particularly retirees and seniors, to provide life changing mentoring and learning support in schools for students who are at risk of not fulfilling their educational potential.

We are currently seeking  volunteers to assist students at a local school,  after school hours. Volunteers must be able to commit 1 hour per week. We are looking for volunteers to support a small group of students in a homework club. The classroom will be supervised by a teacher and volunteers are needed to provide support and encouragement to students with their learning.

Volunteers need to be compassionate, patient and be willing to genuinely help students. If you think you could be a good role model for young people, please apply today.

Many of our current volunteers find this program personally rewarding as they help students thrive. The impact volunteers can make on a young person’s life goes well beyond their school years. This is an opportunity to not only help, shape, and support young people and schools, it may even enrich a volunteers life as well.

We’ve recruited and trained thousands of volunteers who have helped many more thousands of young people throughout Australia. At any one time we have over 1,000 volunteers active in schools in over 245 schools across the country.

Every year, our volunteers provide life-changing – potentially life-saving – support for more than 12,000 young people. We’re talking about academic, emotional and everyday support that provides both a safety net and a springboard for students who might otherwise struggle.

If you are looking to make a difference in a young person’s life, please contact us on 1800 668 550.

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Lisa D's Homework Club - Thornton CO School Age Program

Provider status: license not renewed., about the provider.

Description : LISA D'S HOMEWORK CLUB is a School Age Program in Thornton CO, with a maximum capacity of 55 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of School Age. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Operation Hours

Program and licensing details, location map, quick links, providers in zip code 80241.

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Homework Club Tuition: K-8


5 $40 per 2 hours $50 per 3 hours $200 per week $400 per week
4 $45 per 2 hours $55 per 3 hours $180 per week $360 per week
3 $50 per 2 hours $60 per 3 hours $150 per week $300 per week
2 $55 per 2 hours $65 per 3 hours $110 per week $220 per week
1 $65 per 2 hours $75 per 3 hours $65 per week $130 per week



$55 per hour $110 per 2 hours $165 per 3 hours


$60 per hour $120 per 2 hours $180 per 3 hours

Homework Club Tuition: High School

5 $45 per 2 hours $65 per 3 hours $225 per week $450 per week
4 $50 per 2 hours $70 per 3 hours $205 per week $410 per week
3 $55 per 2 hours $70 per 3 hours $175 per week $350 per week
2 $55 per 2 hours $75 per 3 hours $135 per week $270 per week
1 $65 per 2 hours $85 per 3 hours $90 per week $180 per week
$65 per hour $130 per 2 hours $195 per 3 hours

Additional Fees

  • One-time enrollment and registration fee of $70 due at enrollment.
  • Walk-ins’ are accepted on first come first served basis for $50 per 2 hours
  • Late pick up: $10 per child per any portion of 10 minutes after the end of the session.
  • No refunds for no-shows, or without 4 weeks prior notice.
  • Fees are due the 1st of each month and are late after the 5th. A late charge of $15 will be added.
  • Returned checks will be charged an additional $50.

Tuition is due on the first day of each month for the scheduled time. Tuition can be paid by cash or check. We ask that you please respect the schedule assigned to your child. We do not reimburse for absences. For more information, please see the heading "Absence Policy".

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Email us and we will contact you short after.

Rising Stars Homework Club

homework club thorrington

Welcome to Our HWC Family

The Rising Stars Homework Club's goal is to help close the achievement gap by exposing younger children to a wide range of learning activities, to help them form bonds with many community volunteers , and to make learning fun. We provide consistent love and support through a daily structured program involving homework support, reading time, computer activities , and positive socialization activities each day.  

  Patti Fabiani: Program Directo r | Heather Maltin: Program Supervisor    

 call or text for information | # (445)225-9595, email | [email protected], ambler borough hall, 131 rosemary avenue, ambler pa 19002 .

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Water ice treat donated to students by Rita's Water Ice, Ambler.

Rising Stars Homework Club nominated as Hometown Heroes in June 2022. Beccah Hendrickson at ABC 6  interviewed volunteers and students. 

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Left to right: Elizabeth Russell, Ambler Borough Coordinator;  Patti Fabiani, RSHC Program Director; Heather Maltin, RSHC Program Supervisor; Ellen Quinn, Leading Volunteer

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Left to right: Cindy Wedholm, Mattie Dixon Community Cupboard Director; Nancy McKernan, Volunteer; Patti Fabiani, RSHC Program Director; Gina Fabiani, Parent and Volunteer; Heather Maltin, RSHC Program Supervisor were at PSEA Awards Ceremony revieving award 

homework club thorrington

Homework Club

All products.

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This subscription service offers a framework for keeping your projects and practices a priority. Each month you'll receive a workshop to help support your practice, a live QnA/Study Hall, and the option to be matched with a pod of 3 other creatives.

$18 / month

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Give the gift of HOMEWORK CLUB! *Note: If you're considering this option for yourself, we recommend purchasing the normal subscription - you'll have instant access w/ less admin* Once you purchase, you'll receive an email on how to share your gift!

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Pomona Public Library Foundation

Welcome to homework club's virtual tutoring program, create an account to access drop-in tutoring sessions, welcome to pomona public library foundation’s homework club’s free drop-in virtual tutoring. the library foundation’s homework club vets tutors and ensures that they are qualified to help your student with their classwork., log in as a returning student or tutor.


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  1. Enrolmy

    Direct centre phone number between 2.30-6pm weekdays (text all cancellations) [b]021 274 1960[/b]. The Homework Club Beckenham was established in 2002 and is a member of The Oscar Network in Christchurch. It has been approved by Ministry of Social Development. It has up to 40 children from Thorrington School. The children are met at school by 3.00pm. The meeting point is the classrooms that ...

  2. Homework Club

    The Homework Club has 4 After School Programmes which operate from 3-6pm and offer a service to the following schools: Thorrington School, Cashmere Primary School, Somerfield School, and St Martins School. We operate a Before School Care Programme from 7.30am, for St Martins School only.

  3. The Homework Club

    The Homework Club offers a structured, fun and exciting programme in a safe, caring and positive environment. The Homework Club was established in 2002 by Belinda Slade at her home. Belinda is a trained and experienced special needs teacher. The Homework Club soon grew in size and demand and moved to a church venue.

  4. The Homework Club

    Welcome to the Homework Club Facebook group! Here you will find updates, news, events or discussions regarding the Homework Club! Anybody is welcome to join and be a part of the Club!

  5. The Homework Club

    At The Homework Club we provide after school care in a home environment. Children get home cooked food, care, homework guidance and tuition. There is also piano, cooking and art & craft sessions for...

  6. Te Kura o Huriawa Thorrington

    THE HOMEWORK CLUB. The Homework Club After School Care is currently taking bookings. The Club offers a high standard of quality care and operates from 3-6pm. ... Little Jammerz Glee Club is coming to Thorrington School for students that love to sing and perform in Years 2 - 6. Dates: Wednesday August 21st to September 25th, 3 - 3.45pm. Cost ...

  7. Homework Club

    We can be reached at any time during the day via email, at [email protected], via phone at 818-606-7658 for Kristine or 818-624-7657 for Henry; we are also open to communicate over text messages or letters and notes. We are here to provide math homework online services. If you are looking for a math tutor, then you are in the right place.

  8. How to Set Up a Homework Club

    Seek out help and support from your principal, teaching colleagues, parents and school community. Here are a few tips to get you started: Decide who - Start small. Identify a small group of students who need support with completing homework. Follow the protocol for contacting parents and obtaining their permission.

  9. Homework and Homework Club 101

    Homework and Homework Club 101. January 8, 2022 by Jill Shafer. Hello, friend! Let's talk about homework club and what it looks like in our classroom. I have used THIS with students in grades three through five but, like with anything, tweak it to meet the needs of your kids. Disclaimer to start: I'm not here to argue for or against homework.

  10. Homework Club

    Homework Club is an after-school program serving students from Elementary to High School, ages 5-18. Homework Club provides a quiet, structured, safe environment for students to complete their homework with the help of highly qualified instructors and mentors. We provide help and support in all school subjects.

  11. How to Set Up a Homework Club

    A suitable location is critical. This place should be quiet, have enough space, and be easily accessible to students. Libraries, community centers, or empty classrooms are excellent places as they provide a formal atmosphere conducive to studying. Set a Schedule. Decide on the days and times that the homework club will meet.

  12. Homework Club

    Our Next Generation's inaugural program, Homework Club, was founded when a group of enterprising volunteers recognized a need for additional youth support in their community in the early '90s. They began to meet weekly to give students a safe and focused environment to complete their homework assignments and receive academic support. Soon ...

  13. After School Homework Club for Secondary School Students North

    We are looking for volunteers to support a small group of students in a homework club. The classroom will be supervised by a teacher and volunteers are needed to provide support and encouragement to students with their learning. Volunteers need to be compassionate, patient and be willing to genuinely help students. ...

  14. Lisa D's Homework Club

    About the Provider. Description: LISA D'S HOMEWORK CLUB is a School Age Program in Thornton CO, with a maximum capacity of 55 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of School Age. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program. Additional Information: Special Needs: Social Emotional Behaviors.

  15. Guides: Children's Library: Homework Club @ Central Library

    Drop off application at the Central Library's Children's Desk Attn: Melissa Ronning, Homework Club Program Coordinator. For further questions please contact Melissa Ronning or call 714-374-5330. ADULTS - 18 years or older. For adult application process, please contact Monica Miltko at (714) 375-5114. All adults 18 and over must pass a ...

  16. Homework Club

    Homework Club Tuition: High School OPTION 1: IN-PERSON OR ONLINE TUTORING. DAYS PER WEEK 2 HOURS 3 HOURS 4 to 10 HOURS >10 HOURS; 5: $45 per 2 hours: $65 per 3 hours: $225 per week: $450 per week: 4: $50 per 2 hours: $70 per 3 hours: $205 per week: $410 per week: 3: $55 per 2 hours: $70 per 3 hours: $175 per week: $350 per week: 2:

  17. Rising Stars Homework Club

    The Rising Stars Homework Club's goal is to help close the achievement gap by exposing younger children to a wide range of learning activities, to help them form bonds with many community volunteers, and to make learning fun. We provide consistent love and support through a daily structured program involving homework support, reading time, computer activities, and positive socialization ...

  18. Homework Club

    Homework Club. Bundle. This subscription service offers a framework for keeping your projects and practices a priority. Each month you'll receive a workshop to help support your practice, a live QnA/Study Hall, and the option to be matched with a pod of 3 other creatives. $18 / month.

  19. Uryupinsk

    Founded in the late 14th-early 15th century as Uryupin, it was a border outpost of the Principality of Ryazan, populated by Don Cossacks. [10] Since 1857, it is the stanitsa Uryupinskaya and home of Pokrovskaya Fair, a center for trade on the southeastern side of the East European Plain. [11] It was renamed Uryupinsk and granted town status in 1929. [12]

  20. Uryupinsky District

    Uryupinsky District (Russian: Урю́пинский райо́н) is an administrative district (), one of the thirty-three in Volgograd Oblast, Russia. [1] As a municipal division, it is incorporated as Uryupinsky Municipal District. [4] It is located in the northwest of the oblast.The area of the district is 3,460 square kilometers (1,340 sq mi). [citation needed] Its administrative center ...


    10 reviews. #1 of 2 hotels in Uryupinsk. Ul. Chernyakhovskogo, 77, Uryupinsk 403115 Russia. Write a review. Check availability. Full view. View all photos (5)

  22. Uryupinsk

    Uryupinsk is an industrial town with large farming machine and crane making industries.It also has many light industries such as fabric and paper industries.. Another major industry in Uryapinsk is goat farming. Because of its mild climate, it is a good area for farming.There are many factories for processing beef, oil, and butter.

  23. Welcome to Homework Club's Virtual Tutoring Program!

    Create an account to access drop-in tutoring sessions! Welcome to Pomona Public Library Foundation's Homework Club's free drop-in virtual tutoring. The Library Foundation's Homework Club vets tutors and ensures that they are qualified to help your student with their classwork.