The New York Times

The Learning Network | Drawing for Change: Analyzing and Making Political Cartoons

The Learning Network - Teaching and Learning With The New York Times

Drawing for Change: Analyzing and Making Political Cartoons

This cartoon by Patrick Chappatte appeared in the April 25, 2015 International New York Times. He titled the cartoon "Migrants and the European Union," and added the caption, "Europe looks for an answer to the migrants reaching for its shores."

Updated, Nov. 19, 2015 | We have now announced the winners of our 2015 Editorial Cartoon Contest here .

Political cartoons deliver a punch. They take jabs at powerful politicians, reveal official hypocrisies and incompetence and can even help to change the course of history . But political cartoons are not just the stuff of the past. Cartoonists are commenting on the world’s current events all the time, and in the process, making people laugh and think. At their best, they challenge our perceptions and attitudes.

Analyzing political cartoons is a core skill in many social studies courses. After all, political cartoons often serve as important primary sources, showing different perspectives on an issue. And many art, history and journalism teachers take political cartoons one step further, encouraging students to make their own cartoons.

In this lesson, we provide three resources to assist teachers working with political cartoons:

  • an extended process for analyzing cartoons and developing more sophisticated interpretations;
  • a guide for making cartoons, along with advice on how to make one from Patrick Chappatte, an editorial cartoonist for The International New York Times ;
  • a resource library full of links to both current and historic political cartoons.

Use this lesson in conjunction with our Editorial Cartoon Contest or with any political cartoon project you do with students.

Materials | Computers with Internet access. Optional copies of one or more of these two handouts: Analyzing Editorial Cartoons ; Rubric for our Student Editorial Cartoon Contest .

Analyzing Cartoons

In this famous anti-Tweed cartoon from 1871, Thomas Nast writes: "'Who Stole the People's Money?' -- Do Tell.  N. Y. Times. 'Twas Him."

While political cartoons are often an engaging and fun source for students to analyze, they also end up frustrating many students who just don’t possess the strategies or background to make sense of what the cartoonist is saying. In other words, understanding a cartoon may look easier than it really is.

Learning how to analyze editorial cartoons is a skill that requires practice. Below, we suggest an extended process that can be used over several days, weeks or even a school year. The strength of this process is that it does not force students to come up with right answers, but instead emphasizes visual thinking and close reading skills. It provides a way for all students to participate, while at the same time building up students’ academic vocabulary so they can develop more sophisticated analyses over time.

Throughout this process, you might choose to alternate student groupings and class formats. For example, sometimes students will work independently, while other times they will work in pairs or small groups. Similarly, students may focus on one single cartoon, or they may have a folder or even a classroom gallery of multiple cartoons.

Open-Ended Questioning

We suggest beginning cartoon analysis using the same three-question protocol we utilize every Monday for our “ What’s Going On in This Picture? ” feature to help students bring to the surface what the cartoon is saying:

create a political cartoon assignment

  • What is going on in this editorial cartoon?
  • What do you see that makes you say that?
  • What more can you find?

These simple, open-ended questions push students to look closely at the image without pressuring them to come up with a “correct” interpretation. Students can notice details and make observations without rushing, while the cyclical nature of the questions keeps sending them back to look for more details.

As you repeat the process with various cartoons over time, you may want to ask students to do this work independently or in pairs before sharing with the whole class. Here is our editorial cartoon analysis handout (PDF) to guide students analyzing any cartoon, along with one with the above Patrick Chappatte cartoon (PDF) already embedded.

Developing an Academic Vocabulary and a Keener Eye

Once students gain confidence noticing details and suggesting different interpretations, always backed up by evidence, it is useful to introduce them to specific elements and techniques cartoonists use. Examples include: visual symbols, metaphors, exaggeration, distortion, stereotypes, labeling, analogy and irony. Helping students recognize and identify these cartoonists’ tools will enable them to make more sophisticated interpretations.

The Library of Congress (PDF) and (PDF) both provide detailed explanations of what these elements and techniques mean, and how cartoonists use them.

In addition to those resources, three other resources that can help students develop a richer understanding of a cartoon are:

  • The SOAPSTone strategy, which many teachers use for analyzing primary sources, can also be used for looking at political cartoons.
  • This student handout (PDF) breaks up the analysis into two parts: identifying the main idea and analyzing the method used by the artist.
  • The National Archives provides a cartoon analysis work sheet to help students reach higher levels of understanding.

Once students get comfortable using the relevant academic vocabulary to describe what’s going on in a cartoon, we suggest returning to the open-ended analysis questions we started with, so students can become more independent and confident cartoon analysts.

Making an Editorial Cartoon

The Making of an Editorial Cartoon

Patrick Chappatte, an editorial cartoonist for The International New York Times, offers advice on how to make an editorial cartoon while working on deadline.

Whether you are encouraging your students to enter our Student Editorial Cartoon Contest , or are assigning students to make their own cartoons as part of a history, economics, journalism, art or English class, the following guide can help you and your students navigate the process.

Learn from an Editorial Cartoonist

We asked Patrick Chappatte, an editorial cartoonist for The International New York Times, to share with us how he makes an editorial cartoon on deadline, and to offer students advice on how to make a cartoon. Before watching the film above, ask students to take notes on: a) what they notice about the process of making a cartoon, and b) what advice Mr. Chappatte gives students making their own cartoons.

After watching, ask students to share what information they find useful as they prepare to make their own editorial cartoons.

Then, use these steps — a variation on the writing process — to help guide students to make their own cartoons.

Step 1 | Brainstorm: What Is a Topic or Issue You Want to Comment On?

As a professional cartoonist, Mr. Chappatte finds themes that connect to the big news of the day. As a student, you may have access to a wider or narrower range of topics from which to choose. If you are entering a cartoon into our Student Editorial Cartoon Contest, you can pick any topic or issue covered in The New York Times, which not only opens up the whole world to you, but also historical events as well — from pop music to climate change to the Great Depression. If this a class assignment, you may have different instructions.

Step 2 | Make a Point: What Do You Want to Say About Your Topic?

Once you pick an issue, you need to learn enough about your topic to have something meaningful to say. Remember, a political cartoon delivers commentary or criticism on a current issue, political topic or historical event.

For example, if you were doing a cartoon about the deflated football scandal would you want to play up the thought that Tom Brady must have been complicit, or would you present him as a victim of an overzealous N.F.L. commissioner? Considering the Republican primaries , would you draw Donald Trump as a blowhard sucking air out of the room and away from more serious candidates, or instead make him the standard- bearer for a genuine make-America-great-again movement?

You can see examples of how two cartoonists offer differing viewpoints on the same issue in Newspaper in Education’s Cartoons for the Classroom and NPR’s Double Take .

Mr. Chappatte explains that coming up with your idea is the most important step. “How do ideas come? I have no recipe,” he says. “While you start reading about the story, you want to let the other half of your brain loose.”

Strategies he suggests for exploring different paths include combining two themes, playing with words, making a joke, or finding an image that sums up a situation.

Step 3 | Draw: What Are Different Ways to Communicate Your Ideas?

Then, start drawing. Try different angles, test various approaches. Don’t worry too much about the illustration itself; instead, focus on getting ideas on paper.

Mr. Chappatte says, “The drawing is not the most important part. Seventy-five percent of a cartoon is the idea, not the artistic skills. You need to come up with an original point of view. And I would say that 100 percent of a cartoon is your personality.”

Consider using one or more of the elements and techniques that cartoonists often employ, such as visual symbols, metaphors, exaggeration, distortion, labeling, analogy and irony.

Step 4 | Get Feedback: Which Idea Lands Best?

Student cartoonists won’t be able to get feedback from professional editors like Mr. Chappatte does at The International New York Times, but they should seek feedback from other sources, such as teachers, fellow students or even family members. You certainly can ask your audience which sketch they like best, but you can also let them tell you what they observe going on in the cartoon, to see what details they notice, and whether they figure out the ideas you want to express.

Step 5 | Revise and Finalize: How Can I Make an Editorial Cartoon?

Once you pick which draft you’re going to run with, it’s time to finalize the cartoon. Try to find the best tools to match your style, whether they are special ink pens, markers or a computer graphics program.

As you work, remember what Mr. Chappatte said: “It’s easier to be outrageous than to be right on target. You don’t have to shoot hard; you have to aim right. To me the best cartoons give you in one visual shortcut everything of a complex situation; funny and deep, both light and heavy; I don’t do these cartoons every day, not even every week, but those are the best.” That’s the challenge.

Step 6 | Publish: How Can My Editorial Cartoon Reach an Audience?

Students will have the chance to publish their editorial cartoons on the Learning Network on or before Oct. 20, 2015 as part of our Student Contest. We will use this rubric (PDF) to help select winners to feature in a separate post. Students can also enter their cartoons in the Scholastic Arts & Writing Awards new editorial cartoon category for a chance to win a national award and cash prize.

Even if your students aren’t making a cartoon for our contest, the genre itself is meant to have an audience. That audience can start with the teacher, but ideally it shouldn’t end there.

Students can display their cartoons to the class or in groups. Classmates can have a chance to respond to the artist, leading to a discussion or debate. Students can try to publish their cartoons in the school newspaper or other local newspapers or online forums. It is only when political cartoons reach a wider audience that they have the power to change minds.

Where to Find Cartoons

create a political cartoon assignment

Finding the right cartoons for your students to analyze, and to serve as models for budding cartoonists, is important. For starters, Newspaper in Education provides a new “ Cartoons for the Classroom ” lesson each week that pairs different cartoons on the same current issue. Below, we offer a list of other resources:

  • Patrick Chappatte
  • Brian McFadden

A Selection of the Day’s Cartoons

  • Association of American Editorial Cartoonists
  • U.S. News and World Report

Recent Winners of the Herblock Prize, the Thomas Nast Award and the Pulitzer Prize

  • Kevin Kallaugher in the Baltimore Sun
  • Jen Sorensen in The Austin Chronicle
  • Tom Tomorrow in The Nation
  • Signe Wilkinson in the Philadelphia Daily News
  • Adam Zyglis in The Buffalo News
  • Kevin Siers in The Charlotte Observer
  • Steve Sack in the Star Tribune

Historical Cartoonists

  • Thomas Nast
  • Paul Conrad

Other Historical Cartoon Resources

  • Library of Congress | It’s No Laughing Matter
  • BuzzFeed | 15 Historic Cartoons That Changed The World

Please share your own experiences with teaching using political cartoons in the comments section.

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Lesson Plan Political Cartoons: Finding Point of View

create a political cartoon assignment

A careful analysis of political cartoons can provide a glimpse into key moments of U.S. political history. In this activity, students will closely examine political cartoons about the Stamp Act; make inferences about the political, social, and economic situations depicted therein; and offer informed speculations concerning each creator’s point of view.

Students will be able to:

  • Analyze political cartoons.
  • Identify the ways in which point of view can be detected in political cartoons.

Time Required

Two 50-minute class periods

Lesson Preparation

  • Print out one copy of the cartoon for each student
  • Prepare an overhead transparency of the cartoon
  • Display the cartoon using a computer and LCD projector
  • Whiteboard, chalkboard, overhead or chart paper
  • Primary Source Analysis Tool  (PDF, 79 KB) (print two copies per student)
  • “The repeal, or the funeral of Miss Ame=Stamp”  (PDF, 863 KB) (print one copy per student)
  • “The repeal, or the funeral of Miss Ame=Stamp”, Large Tiled Image  (PDF, 4.91 MB) (optional; print one copy to display in the classroom)

The following materials are used during extension activities:

  • “Magna Britannia”  (PDF, 323 KB) (print one copy per student)

Before leading students through the exploration process, teachers should make themselves familiar with the following Library of Congress resources:

  • Mock Funeral Procession for the Stamp Act
  • Timeline: Events Related to the Formation of the United States
  • Teacher's Guide for Analyzing Political Cartoons

Additional Resources

  • Benjamin Franklin…In His Own Words
  • John Bull and Uncle Sam: The American Revolution

Lesson Procedure

Activity one (one class period).

  • What is a political cartoon? A political cartoon is a cartoon that makes a point about a political issue or event.
  • What topics do political cartoons address? Could include economics, politics, social issues/events, prominent individuals.
  • How can you tell what the message of the political cartoon is? By observing and analyzing the images and text.
  • What is a thesis? A main idea put forward for discussion, such as in a paragraph, an essay, or a cartoon.
  • What is point of view? A person’s belief or judgment on an issue.
  • How might point of view affect a political cartoonist? A cartoonist will be guided by his or her point of view. Cartoonists might only express their own beliefs on an issue, or they might take the point of view of others into consideration.
  • Introduce the concept of primary source analysis to the students. Distribute the  Primary Source Analysis Tool  (PDF 79 KB) to each student and explain that they will use this handout to analyze a political cartoon. Tell them that the key to primary source analysis isn’t finding the correct answer, but asking the most effective questions. Before the students begin, select questions from the teacher’s guide  Analyzing Political Cartoons  to focus and prompt analysis and discussion. Distribute or display a recent political cartoon on an issue of current interest. Model for students the process of inquiry-based primary source analysis using questions from each column as a guide. Students should record the responses on their individual handout. Lead students through a discussion of the point of view expressed in this cartoon.
  • Have students create a political cartoon that communicates a different point of view than the one they analyzed.

Activity Two (One Class Period)

  • Have students pair up and share the political cartoons they created. Remind students of the primary source analysis process they went through previously, and ask them to discuss each other’s cartoons for five minutes. Distribute the  Primary Source Analysis Tool  handout, and ask students to discuss each other’s cartoons.
  • Explain to students that they will be analyzing a historical political cartoon and thinking about the political cartoonist’s point of view. Distribute  “The repeal, or the funeral of Miss Ame=Stamp”  (PDF, 863 KB) to each student, along with the  Primary Source Analysis Tool  (PDF, 79 KB). Have students perform a primary source analysis on the cartoon, recording their responses on their individual copies of the handout. Ask students to evaluate the cartoon to examine the cartoonist’s point of view. If students need prompting use questions selected from the teacher's guide  Analyzing Political Cartoons  to focus and prompt analysis and discussion. Note: If you feel students need additional information on the Stamp Act, you might review the relevant material in this Library of Congress exhibition,  John Bull and Uncle Sam: Four Centuries of British-American Relations .
  • Discuss the two handouts once students complete them, or after collecting them, evaluating them, and returning them to students.
  • Have students analyze another political cartoon about the Stamp Act,  “Magna Britannia”  (PDF, 323 KB) by Benjamin Franklin. Have students complete the  Primary Source Analysis Tool  (PDF/79KB), and then discuss the differences between  “Magna Britannia”  (PDF, 323 KB) and  “The repeal, or the funeral of Miss Ame=Stamp.”  (PDF, 863 KB). Before the students begin, select questions from the teacher’s guide  Analyzing Political Cartoons  to focus and prompt analysis and discussion.
  • The Stamp Act was not the only legislation imposed on the American colonists by the British government. Have students explore the exhibition  John Bull & Uncle Sam: Four Centuries of British-American Relations  to locate another political cartoon that addresses the legislation from the perspective of the colonists. Analyze this new cartoon with the  Primary Source Analysis Tool  (PDF, 79 KB) . Before the students begin, select questions from the teacher’s guide  Analyzing Political Cartoons  to focus and prompt analysis and discussion.
  • Cartoon America
  • Humor's Edge
  • Cartoon Cornucopia
  • Edmund Valtman: The Cartoonist Who Came in From the Cold
  • Bill Mauldin Beyond Willie and Joe

Lesson Evaluation

  • Assess student-drawn political cartoons for evidence of student understanding of the ways in which point of view can affect how a political cartoon is created.
  • Assess the primary source analysis tool for evidence of student understanding of how to analyze political cartoons.
  • Teacher observation of critical thinking.

Terri Bramhall


  • Start Creating

How to Make Your Own Political Cartoons With Animatron

create a political cartoon assignment

It feels like the whole world has their eyes on the US 2016 presidential elections. People take sides, make bets, discuss and argue who the next US president is going to be. If you have been following the news (or even just browsed the Internet recently), you probably know that these elections are among the most controversial ones in history. With less than four months until the Big Day, the debates are only heating up more every minute.

How will the elections end up? Who is going to be the president? The good news is that now you can take control over the situation! With the new free Political Set introduced by Animatron you can now create your very own political cartoon and make candidates do and say whatever you want. We have prepared a full set of animated candidates running for President and added other prominent figures to help you make your animations more fun and engaging.

You can bring your political cartoon ideas to life in these four easy steps:

1.Open the Editor and choose the Political Set.

2.Place pre- animated characters on canvas.

3.Upload your own images or audio files to make your cartoon more live. Check this tutorial to learn how.

4.Download the cartoon or share via social media or direct link. This tutorial will explain the process in detail.

Why are we so excited about the Political Set?

We love all our animated sets but this particular one turned out to be very realistic and funny. There are numerous ways you can use it:

  • Practice political humour. Ever wanted to create your own funny political cartoons and political videos? Even if all you did before was re-twitting editorial cartoons from The Washington Post , Animatron now empowers you to make your own animations in minutes, easily.
  • Teach political cartoons and history. Animate primary debates, create political cartoons lesson plans, study eloquence and theory of knowledge by asking students to write speeches for the candidates. Make your students excited about learning! * Create animated infographics. If you are blogging about the elections, the Political Set is a great resource to boost your content marketing. Here’s an example:
  • Make funny GIFs to share with friends. For whatever reason, people love animated images: they are great for sharing emotions, explaining ideas or mere entertainment . With Animatron, you can use pre- animated characters to create your own animated GIFs to be used in social media, blog posts or anywhere else.

Want to illustrate one of the candidates’ speeches or just have some fun? Try it now!

create your own cartoon

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Drawing Political Cartoons Using Procreate – Start To Finish

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I remember the world before Photoshop, iPads and digital cameras. It was an analog world – cassette tapes and Cable TV were kings. Pencils and paint brushes were my tools. I was first exposed to an early version of Photoshop in college and at the time, it seemed unsuited to traditional drawing and painting media .

All of that has change inside of two decades. I’ll admit, I was resistant to digital drawing and painting at first. I worried about the viability of “virtual” artwork.

I was wrong.

Whether you are a professional illustrator or you draw for fun, there are many advantages to drawing on a tablet. Let’s first consider those general advantages and then take a look at a specific application, Procreate. Designed for the iPad, Procreate offers a slick and intuitive drawing experience.

4 Reasons To Draw Digitally

1. mistakes.

To draw well, you must embrace the fact that erasing happens. Erasers have a bad habit of leaving marks and marring the surface. Of course, nothing erases as completely as a pixel. When you work in Procreate there are no eraser marks. Besides erasing, you can undo numerous steps in most applications. Procreate allows you to “undo” every mark you make because it stores your sequence of marks in memory, from start to finish.

2. No More Photographing Drawings

When I was an art student, I had to learn how to photograph artwork well. Good quality photographs improved your chances of getting into art shows or selling cartoons. Today, most editors review illustrations digitally, even when they are meant for print. If your art is digital to begin with, you can cut out the photography step – saving time, money and effort.

3. Create Multiple versions

Cartoons created for the internet are often in color. However, many publications only print in black and white. Working digitally, you can duplicate a file (drawing) midway through the process. Finish one version in color and the other in black and white. This time saving trick allows the cartoonist to submit the most appropriate version of their cartoons to each publisher.

create a political cartoon assignment

4. Work Anywhere

Artists have been working outside of the studio for sometime now, carrying essential drawing tools with them – paper, pencils, pens, markers, etc. Drawing digitally (especially using Procreate) lets you go a step further and take your entire studio with you, not just the essentials. Of course, an iPad with Procreate is not only a portable studio but a portable office. Make and sell your art all in one place or in any place.

Using Procreate to Create Drawings

The remainder of this article focuses on Procreate only. There are many applications built for artists that share some of the features of Procreate but, in my experience, Procreate has everything I need and none of what I don’t. It is a powerful drawing and painting platform. Let’s look at some advantages to using Procreate, then we will go through the process of creating a political cartoon, step-by-step.

Why Procreate?

Familiarity – At this point many in the art and design industry are familiar with Photoshop. But you don’t need to be an expert in Adobe Photoshop to use Procreate to it’s fullest. However, if you have experience with Photoshop you will be up and running almost immediately since there are similarities. For example, if you are accustomed to using dozens of layers to build your images or you use masks to isolate individual elements, you can still do these things in Procreate.

Cost – For the cost of one sketchbook or canvas you can have Procreate forever. That’s a great value. Of course you have to buy a touch sensitive iPad and Apple Pencil first (It’s worth it, if you’re wondering).

File Size – I used to draw with Brushes, a program that is available for the iPad. It is a simple program with many limitations. For one, the file size/resolution matches the screen size. This limitation prevented me from doing serious work in Brushes. Using Procreate, I can make a canvas as large as 16,000 pixels wide! For cartooning I like to make my files double the intended print size.

Customizable – You will probably find all of the tools that you’ll need built in to Procreate. My favorite brushes came pre-installed. However, on the off chance that you can not find a tool that makes the mark you want, you can create/upload your own brushes as well, giving your work a unique look. You can also visit the Custom Brushes Board on Procreate’s forum to download more FREE brushes and brush sets.

  • Download Procreate from the App Store

The Cartooning Process

NOTE: As an example, I have drawn a political cartoon that is rather innocuous, poking fun at both the left and right sides of the political spectrum. It was my intention to create an example and not to make a strong political statement or to alienate you, the reader, with a divisive position.

The following process is a logical approach to cartooning using Procreate. Should you choose to cartoon using Procreate you will likely develop your own process. One goal of this article is to give you a framework to begin your own path of discovery. This article is, by no means, a definitive explanation of Procreate’s utility.

Related: First impressions of the app, Procreate

Step One – Create A Canvas

Open Procreate and select a canvas size or customize a canvas size and proportion by selecting “New Canvas”. Many single-panel cartoonist use a 24 X 19 pica rectangle which converts to 384 X 304 pixels. I double those dimensions to 768 X 608 pixels.The example herein makes use of a square panel.

Lay out canvas Procreate

Selecting “New Canvas” offers the options pictured below.

Canvas Options Procreate

Step Two – Create A Sketch

Time to draw. Begin by choosing a tool that gives you a desirable mark. I like to use the studio pen for it’s range of line quality. You can adjust the pen size on the right edge of your screen (left side for left handed artist). Create a layer and begin a loose sketch. Don’t draw on the “background” layer .

Sometimes, I make my sketch on paper beforehand. Using the iPad camera, I’ll photograph the drawing and import the photograph into Procreate. In the example video, the sketching step was done entirely in Procreate.

Sketching in Procreate

Step Three – Contour Lines

Create a new layer above  your sketch layer and, at the same time, reduce the opacity of the sketch layer to about 30 percent. Now you can carefully make a clean, detailed contour line drawing over your sketch layer. Once complete, delete the sketch layer. You no longer need it. As you create layers, be sure to name them to avoid drawing on the wrong layer in subsequent steps. Sometimes I use several layers to make a clean contour drawing, giving me the option to move or resize individual elements of the composition until I am satisfied.

Adding outlines with Procreate

Step Four – Line Work

One hallmark of political cartooning is extensive line work. Hatching and cross-hatching are common techniques used to create value with pen tools. Create a new layer below your outline layer. Name it “shading” or something similar. Now you can work up the value in your drawing and make edits to your shading without affecting the contour drawing layer.

Shading in Procreate

Step Five – Color

Not all political cartoons use color. If you plan to work in color open a new layer under all other layers (except background) and name it “color”. Sometimes I have several color layers that I later “merge” into one. Start in the background and forward. Zoom-in as you add color to ensure that your colors bump right up against the outlines of the contour layer.

Adding Color in Procreate

Step Six – Sign Your Work

Of course you have to sign your artwork. Create a signature on a separate layer. You can then copy your signature from one drawing and paste it into another to guarantee consistency.  You may also add a web address to your signature to help others find your artwork. If you start cartooning for a specific publication, your signature may include the publication’s name instead of a web address.

Step Seven – Export and Share

Procreate automatically saves your progress as you work. Once complete, export your work as a JPEG, PDF, PSD (preserves layers) or PNG file. You can also export the entire process as a movie file! Share your work on social media or sent it via email to appropriate publishers for review.

Sharing work in Procreate

Shading With Color

Some artists prefer to shade with color instead of lines or in addition to lines. You can use the selection tool (set to automatic at the bottom of your screen) to isolate an element in your composition. Then, using a large, soft airbrush tool, shade that element without getting any color/value on the surrounding imagery. This keeps the process neat and controllable.

Shading with color

Adding Text

Whether you intend to add words below your cartoon or in your cartoon, they must be legible and consistent. You can carefully write your words but this is time consuming. As an alternative, type the text using Pages (Apple’s word processing application). Once complete, simply take a screenshot and import the words as an image into your cartoon. The selection tool will isolate the words from the white space around them. Delete the white space and you now have words without a background. Move and resize them to fit the intended space.

It gets better. There are several websites that will walk you through the steps to create your own hand-written font. I recommend (previously know as Just write your letters into a downloadable template (partial sample below), then scan and upload your new font to They generate a font file that you can then import into Pages. Now you can type your handwriting, saving loads of time.

Adding text with calligraphr

If you like cartooning, give Procreate a try. I’m sure that you’ll find it to be worthy investment in your artistic arsenal.

Painting with Procreate

Lesson Discussion

How do we create cartoons with pencils instead of photoshop? I am interested in creating cartoons.

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Declaration of Independence Political Cartoon

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Declaration of independence Political Cartoon

Political Cartoon Assignment

OBJ:  Understand and apply the structure of a syllogism, create a visual representation of the syllogism presented in the Declaration of Independence, thoughtfully explain the above with evidence in a constructed response

Follow the steps below to create a political cartoon that demonstrates your understanding of the key elements of argumentation and the Declaration of Independence as a reflection of those elements.

Using the structure of a syllogism, establish the major premise, minor premise, and conclusion.  These three parts should state what you deem as the foundational ideas upon which the Declaration of Independence is written.  Make sure your syllogism is sound.

Research (look up) examples of political cartoons.  What defines a political cartoon? How is the argument the cartoonist is making expressed?  Of the three appeals, which one do cartoonist predominantly use?

Create a political cartoon that illustrates the political viewpoint of the Declaration of Independence as determined by your syllogism.  Of the three appeals, decide which one you want to utilize in your cartoon. Think about how you are going to target that appeal.

Your cartoon must be ORIGINAL artwork.  That means NO copy and paste of internet pictures, graphics, etcetera.  My markers and colored pencils are at your disposal.

Plan out your thoughts with your group first.

Your final product should be neat, creative, thought provoking, and reflective of what you have learned regarding the use of syllogism and the three appeals.

In addition to the cartoon, your group (no more than 3) needs to respond and fill-in the information on the back of this instruction sheet.

Additionally, this needs to be turned in with your cartoon.

Syllogism : What is the major premise, minor premise, and conclusion for the Declaration of Independence?

Major Premise:

Minor Premise:


Constructed Response:  How does your political cartoon represent your syllogism?  Focus on the choices you made in regard to your illustration and caption(s) in your cartoon.  Also, justify your use of logos, pathos, OR ethos. Be specific and use RAPPS.

Political Cartoons: Then and Now

Students will analyze and share the history of a political cartoon and then create their own cartoon about a current event..

Apps: Wixie ® , Pixie ® , or Share ™

cartoon of elephant and donkey fishing

For over 250 years, political cartoons have used humor and exaggeration to reach people on a variety of topics, even if they can't read. Learn how to use this powerful communication tool as you explore a political cartoon from the past, share the history of its conception, and use what you have learned to create your own cartoon based on a current event.

Students have most likely seen a political cartoon, though they may confuse political cartoons with a single-panel illustration designed simply for humor. More than just a funny drawing, a political cartoon is a pointed commentary on a current event or the actions of a person or group in politics.

Show students Ben Franklin's “ Join or Die ” cartoon, but don't explain its meaning or origin.

Ben Franklin's Join or Die cartoon

Ask them if they have seen this image before. What do they think it might mean? Bring up Ben Franklin or the early American Colonies and see if that helps them recognize that the initials in the image represent colonies.

Franklin's “Join or Die” is generally acknowledged as the first political cartoon in America, published first on May 9, 1754 in Franklin's Pennsylvania Gazette. Franklin drew this image to generate support at the Albany Congress for his idea of an intercolonial association to respond to the threat of the Iroquois. “Join or Die,&rdquo and this image of the snake, quickly became symbolic of the cause of colonial unification.

Select a current political cartoon that reflects a recent topic or event your students are familiar with. You may also want to ask students to locate a political cartoon in a local paper or using an online source as a homework assignment. Project or distribute the cartoon so all students can view it. What historical moment does the comic depict? Ask students to share additional information they know or research about the topic or event.

What visual elements are present in the cartoon? Discuss what students can see and read in the cartoon. Explore how the cartoon uses caricature to enhance the meaning.

Provide students with analytical tools and questions they can use to decode and understand other political cartoons. The Library of Congress has a great cartoon analysis guide that discusses how political cartoonists use symbolism, exaggeration, labeling, analogy, and irony to communicate their point of view and message.

Have each student choose a time in history that interests them. Task them with the job of searching the web or exploring sites like Cartoons for the Classroom and's Political Humor to find a specific cartoon they want to examine and analyze. If you are concerned about students' ability to analyze on their own, or if you want to provide additional support to students, have them work in small teams to choose and analyze a cartoon.

Distribute the National Archives Cartoon Analysis Guide to each student to help direct their analysis.

Have students use the information from the completed worksheet to create a 1-3 paragraph analysis of their political cartoon that could be used to help other students make sense of the illustration and the subject it depicts.

Have students launch Share and open the Cartoon Scrapbook template (Project>New>Templates>Social Studies). Students can click and drag the cartoon onto the image placeholder to add to the page. Once the image is added, they can use the resize handles to adjust its appearance. They can type or copy and paste their written analysis into the text box. You can also search for “political cartoon” in Wixie and assign this activity to your students.

The template also provides a page for students to draw their own political cartoon. You may choose to have them create another political cartoon depicting the same time period or select a current event or person as the subject for their satirical illustration. Students can use the clip art and drawing tools to make their caricatures and scene or import an image they illustrate on paper.

Students can use the text box below the image to summarize their work or to create a caption that supports the illustration.

You could also use political cartoons to explore a single historical period in greater depth. Instead of having individual students create their own scrapbooks, locate and assign a selection of political cartoons and have students work individually or in small teams to complete an analysis. Have students compile their work on the “example” page of the Share template and then click the Share button on the toolbar to combine everyone's work into a single class book!

Give each student or team an opportunity to present their analysis to the entire class or to small groups of students. You can also export student work as as ePubs you can share as a resource for other students. Click the Project button, Export as an ePub, and upload the files to your iBooks or Google Drive for distribution. If you don't use eReaders, you can instead export students' work as PDF files for easy sharing.

You can assess student's prior knowledge and analytical skills as you begin discussing Franklin's “Join or Die” cartoon. You can continue to evaluate their ability as you ask questions during their analysis of a current event and examine their individual exploration using the Cartoon Analysis worksheet from the National Archives.

create a political cartoon assignment

Be sure to ask clarifying questions to ensure that students understand how author's/illustrator's use symbolism, exaggeration, analogy, and/or irony. You may find it necessary to revisit these terms, their definitions, and their applications.

During students' presentations of the completed analyses, ask the class to serve as evaluators of success. After a few students have shared, talk as a class about what makes a great cartoon and what constitutes an effective analysis.

Stephen Hess and Sandy Northrup. American Political Cartoons: The Evolution of a National Identity, 1754-2010 ISBN: 1412811198

THE CARTOON: By Herb Block

Political Cartoon Collection:

The National Archives Cartoon Analysis Guide

Library of Congress: Political Cartoons in U.S. History

Library of Congress: It's No Laughing Matter

Cartoons for the Classroom: The Association of American Editorial Cartoonists

Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts Grades 6-8

Key Ideas and Details

2. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.

Craft and Structure

6. Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author's point of view or purpose (e.g., loaded language, inclusion or avoidance of particular facts).

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

7. Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.

8. Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text.

ISTE NETS for Students 2016:

6. Creative Communicator Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals. Students:

a. choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.

b. create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.

c. communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.

d. publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.

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How to Analyze Political Cartoons

Last Updated: January 16, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was reviewed by Gerald Posner . Gerald Posner is an Author & Journalist based in Miami, Florida. With over 35 years of experience, he specializes in investigative journalism, nonfiction books, and editorials. He holds a law degree from UC College of the Law, San Francisco, and a BA in Political Science from the University of California-Berkeley. He’s the author of thirteen books, including several New York Times bestsellers, the winner of the Florida Book Award for General Nonfiction, and has been a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in History. He was also shortlisted for the Best Business Book of 2020 by the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 589,120 times.

Political cartoons use imagery and text to comment on a contemporary social issue. They may contain a caricature of a well-known person or an allusion to a contemporary event or trend. [1] X Research source By examining the image and text elements of the cartoon, you can start to understand its deeper message and evaluate its effectiveness.

Examining the Image and Text

Step 1 Scan the cartoon for recognizable symbols or figures.

Common Symbols in Political Cartoons

Uncle Sam or an eagle for the United States John Bull, Britannia or a lion for the United Kingdom A beaver for Canada A bear for Russia A dragon for China A sun for Japan A kangaroo for Australia A donkey for the US Democratic Party An elephant for the US Republican Party

Step 2 Identify areas of exaggeration or caricature.

  • Many political cartoonists will include caricatures of well-known politicians, which means they’ll exaggerate their features or bodies for humor, easy identification, or to emphasize a point. For example, an artist might make an overweight politician even larger to emphasize their greed or power.

Step 3 Recognize when the artist is using irony, and how.

  • For example, if the cartoonist shows wealthy people receiving money while poorer people beg them for change, they’re using irony to show the viewer how wrong they believe the situation to be.

Step 4 Pay attention to how stereotypes are used.

  • For example, the stereotype of a fat man in a suit often stands for business interests.
  • If you’re analyzing a historical political cartoon, take its time period into account. Was this kind of stereotype the norm for this time? How is the artist challenging or supporting it?

Step 5 Read all dialogue and captions and see how they work with the imagery.

Text in Political Cartoons

Labels might be written on people, objects or places. For example, a person in a suit might be labeled “Congress,” or a briefcase might be labeled with a company’s name.

Text bubbles might come from one or more of the characters to show dialogue. They’re represented by solid circles or boxes around text.

Thought bubbles show what a character is thinking. They usually look like small clouds.

Captions or titles are text outside of the cartoon, either below or above it. They give more information or interpretation to what is happening in the cartoon itself.

Step 6 Look for allusions to contemporary events or trends.

  • For example, a cartoon about voting might include a voting ballot with political candidates and celebrities, indicating that more people may be interested in voting for celebrities than government officials.
  • The effectiveness of allusions often diminishes over time, as people forget about the trends or events.

Analyzing the Issue and Message

Step 1 Use the figures, symbols, and text to identify the issue at play.

  • If you need help, google the terms, people, or places that you recognize and see what they’ve been in the news for recently. Do some background research and see if the themes and events seem to connect to what you saw in the cartoon.

Step 2 Decide what perspective the artist has on the issue.

  • The view might be complex, but do your best to parse it out. For example, an anti-war cartoon might portray the soldiers as heroes, but the government ordering them into battle as selfish or wrong.

Step 3 Think about what audience the cartoon is made for.

  • For example, a political cartoon in a more conservative publication will convey a different message, and use different means of conveying it, than one in a liberal publication.

Step 4 Identify what argumentative or persuasive tools the artist is using.

Rhetorical Devices

Pathos: An emotional appeal that tries to engage the reader on an emotional level. For example, the cartoonist might show helpless citizens being tricked by corporations to pique your pity and sense of injustice.

Ethos: An ethical appeal meant to demonstrate the author’s legitimacy as someone who can comment on the issue. This might be shown through the author’s byline, which could say something like, “by Tim Carter, journalist specializing in economics.”

Logos: A rational appeal that uses logical evidence to support an argument, like facts or statistics. For example, a caption or label in the cartoon might cite statistics like the unemployment rate or number of casualties in a war.

Step 5 State the overall message of the cartoon in a few sentences.

  • Does it make a sound argument?
  • Does it use appropriate and meaningful symbols and words to convey a viewpoint?
  • Do the people and objects in the cartoon adequately represent the issue?

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Keep yourself informed on current events in order to more clearly understand contemporary political cartoons. Thanks Helpful 6 Not Helpful 0
  • If you are having trouble discerning the meaning of a political cartoon, try talking with friends, classmates, or colleagues. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 3
  • Historical context: When?
  • Intended audience: For who?
  • Point of view: Author's POV.
  • Purpose: Why?
  • Significance: For what reason?

create a political cartoon assignment

  • Political cartoons are oftentimes meant to be funny and occasionally disregard political correctness. If you are offended by a cartoon, think about the reasons why a cartoonist would use certain politically incorrect symbols to describe an issue. Thanks Helpful 14 Not Helpful 2

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About This Article

Gerald Posner

To analyze political cartoons, start by looking at the picture and identifying the main focus of the cartoon, which will normally be exaggerated for comic effect. Then, look for popular symbols, like Uncle Sam, who represents the United States, or famous political figures. Make note of which parts of the symbols are exaggerated, and note any stereotypes that the artists is playing with. Once you’ve identified the main point, look for subtle details that create the rest of the story. For tips on understanding and recognizing persuasive techniques used in illustration, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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create a political cartoon assignment

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<strong data-cart-timer="" role="text"></strong> user Latuff, Public Domain

  • Visual Arts
  • Social Studies & Civics

Cartooning Political and Social Issues What role do cartoons play in presenting viewpoints about political or social issues?

In this 6-8 lesson, students will examine political cartoons and discuss freedom of speech. They will gather and organize information about a current or past issue that makes a political or social statement and analyze the different sides. Students will plan, design, and illustrate a political cartoon that presents a position on a political or social issue.

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Lesson Content

  • Preparation
  • Instruction

Learning Objectives 

Students will: 

  • Examine the practice and art of political cartoons.
  • Discuss the U.S. Constitution’s freedom of speech.
  • Discuss the meaning of satire.
  • Examine sources to find those that provide the most relevant and accurate information.
  • Analyze examples of political cartoons, including the way an issue is exaggerated, a caricature of a person, and the use of satire.
  • Use a graphic organizer to explore viewpoints expressed through political cartoons.
  • Design and illustrate a political cartoon.
  • Present work to an audience.

Standards Alignment

National Core Arts Standards National Core Arts Standards

VA:Cr2.1.6a Demonstrate openness in trying new ideas, materials, methods, and approaches in making works of art and design. 

VA:Cr2.1.7a Demonstrate persistence in developing skills with various materials, methods, and approaches in creating works of art or design. 

VA:Cr2.1.8a Demonstrate willingness to experiment, innovate, and take risks to pursue ideas, forms, and meanings that emerge in the process of artmaking or designing.

Common Core State Standards Common Core State Standards

ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.7 Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.

ELA-LITERACY.RI.7.7 Compare and contrast a text to an audio, video, or multimedia version of the text, analyzing each medium’s portrayal of the subject (e.g., how the delivery of a speech affects the impact of the words).

ELA-LITERACY.RI.8.7 Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different mediums (e.g., print or digital text, video, multimedia) to present a particular topic or idea.  

Recommended Student Materials

Editable Documents: Before sharing these resources with students, you must first save them to your Google account by opening them, and selecting “Make a copy” from the File menu. Check out Sharing Tips or Instructional Benefits when implementing Google Docs and Google Slides with students.

  • Slide: Political and Social Cartoon Examples
  • Comparing Refugee Cartoons
  • Comparing Climate Change Cartoons
  • Planner: Political and Social Issues in Cartoons
  • Political Cartoons
  • Editorial Cartoons on Education
  • Editorial Cartoons on Politics
  • Political Cartoons from a Variety of Artists
  • Freedom of Speech
  • Explaining Satire


  • The Power of Political Cartoons
  • What’s Behind the Lines?

Teacher Background

Teachers should be familiar with U.S. constitutional rights and freedom of speech. Review all media and cartoon resources prior to teaching the lesson as some may contain sensitive topics. This lesson can be adapted to reflect elections, promoting peace, justice, or raising awareness about a social issue or opinion. The SEL competency, Social-Awareness, is aligned with this lesson to build understanding of others’ perspectives and opinions.

Teachers can replace digital cartoon options with animated cartoons to meet the needs of audio-visual learners. Explore the works of cartoon animators, Zina Saunders and Mark Fiore , to curate appropriate examples for students.

Accessibility Notes

Modify handouts, provide adaptive art tools, and create accessible works spaces/surfaces as needed.

  • Show students the Slide: Political and Social Cartoon Examples . Ask students to analyze the illustrations and captions, then share their interpretations of the cartoons. Tell students they were analyzing a political cartoon. A political cartoon is a type of editorial cartoon that includes a caricature of a person, policy, or current event, and expresses an opinion. Political cartoons are sometimes accompanied by a caption as well.
  • Start with a discussion about the U.S. Constitution and the significance of freedom of speech . Explain that freedom of speech is a constitutional right, and that drawing is a form of free speech. The right to free speech is considered one of the most important rights people possess in the U.S.
  • Generate a class list of ways that people express their rights through free speech. List this information on the board, chart paper, or interactive board. Tell students that they will use this information to evaluate different cartoons. 
  • Discuss with students’ what freedom of speech does not include. For example, when the purpose is to cause harm to someone or break the law.
  • Share the video, The Power of Political Cartoons . Have students listen to Matt Wuerker discuss his work as a cartoonist. Ask students: Why are political cartoons an important part of American history and culture? What are the advantages/disadvantages of expressing opinions in simple, direct ways to represent a specific viewpoint? What other ideas can be illustrated in political cartoons?
  • Display the activity, Comparing Refugee Cartoons . Model for students how to analyze a cartoon. As a class, work together to answer the questions in the comparison activity. Solicit student input for each section.  
  • Divide students into pairs or small groups. Distribute the activity, Comparing Climate Change Cartoons . Have students collaborate to analyze and compare the cartoons. Allow time for students to work on their comparisons.
  • Discuss with students what they know about stereotypes. Have them identify examples of stereotypes that they have seen or read. Discuss why political cartoons have been used to stereotype political figures and societal problems throughout history.
  • Explore other examples of political cartoons. Share or curate a collection of cartoons for students to analyze from Political Cartoons , Editorial Cartoons on Education , Editorial Cartoons on Politics , or Political Cartoons from a Variety of Artists .
  • Examine a selection of political cartoons in collaborative groups. Each group will select two or three cartoons to analyze. They’ll weigh the pros and cons of political cartoons. Display the following questions to facilitate discourse among the group:

How are political cartoons effective or ineffective forms of free speech?

How do political cartoons depict stereotypes?

How do illustrators use hyperbole and satire to make a point?

Do political depictions persuade or encourage people to take a side?

Why is art used to convey messages?

Why do cartoons remain a part of the way we are provided with news?

  • Plan an original cartoon that takes a side concerning a political or social issue. Distribute the Planner: Political and Social Issues in Cartoons , to guide students in planning their initial design. Students can also learn tips from professional cartoonist, Andrew Hoare, in What’s Behind the Lines?
  • Suggest appropriate subjects for creating political cartoons and review the key elements defined below. Each element can be used as criteria for planning and designing the cartoons.

Symbolism - symbols that represent ideas or qualities

Captions - a brief text providing an explanation

Labels - a word describing or clarifying objects or people

Irony - when you say something different from the way things are or expected to be

Analogy - a comparison between two different things that share similar qualities or characteristics

Exaggeration - a dramatic representation of a physical characteristic, object, or place

  • Illustrate or design a political cartoon. Distribute drawing and art materials or consider a digital tool like Google Drawings. Allow time for students to work on their political cartoons.
  • Display the cartoons around the classroom or school. Consider having students write an artist statement to go along with their work.


  • Take students on a gallery walk to view and discuss all the cartoons. As they make observations, have them draw comparisons to other cartoons.
  • Assess students’ knowledge of political cartoons with a reflection. Ask students: What role do cartoons play in societal discourse? In your opinion, how are political cartoons an effective or ineffective method for creating interest in a political or social issue? How do cartoons create interest or disinterest in a particular political or social issue?

Original Author

Rebecca Holden

Original Lesson Title

Political Cartoons as Part of the Election Process

JoDee Scissors and Eric Friedman

July 21, 2023

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create a political cartoon assignment

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Quick Guide: How to Draw Political Cartoons

Avatar of Simon Alexander

How to Draw Political Cartoonse: Political cartoons are a powerful tool for commentary on current events and social issues. They combine art and satire to convey a message in a way that is both engaging and thought-provoking. If you’re interested in creating political cartoons, here’s a quick guide to help you get started.

1. Understand the Purpose of Political Cartoons

Communicate a clear message.

The primary goal of a political cartoon is to convey a clear, concise message about a political or social issue. This message should be easily understood by your audience at a glance. Before you start drawing, decide on the specific point or criticism you want to make.

Use Satire and Humor

Humor is a key element in political cartoons . Satire allows you to criticize or highlight issues in a way that is engaging and often disarming. However, it’s important to balance humor with clarity—your joke should enhance the message, not obscure it.

Quick Guide: How to Draw Political Cartoons

2. Research and Stay Informed

Follow current events.

To create relevant political cartoons, you need to be well-informed about current events. Regularly read news articles, watch news programs, and follow reliable online sources to stay updated on political and social issues.

Understand the Issues

Go beyond the headlines to understand the key players, history, and different perspectives on the issue you’re addressing. A well-informed cartoon is more likely to resonate with your audience.

Quick Guide: How to Draw Political Cartoons

3. Develop Your Concept

Identify the main idea.

Start by identifying the main idea or message you want to convey. What is the core issue you want to address, and what stance are you taking? This idea will guide the entire cartoon .

Brainstorm Visual Metaphors

Visual metaphors are essential in political cartoons. They allow you to represent complex ideas or issues in a simple, visual way. For example, a sinking ship can symbolize a failing policy, or a ticking clock can represent urgency.

Sketch Rough Ideas

Create rough sketches to explore different ways of visualizing your idea. Experiment with composition, symbols, and character placement. This is the stage where you can try out different concepts before settling on the final design.

Quick Guide: How to Draw Political Cartoons

4. Design Your Characters

Caricature key figures.

Caricature is a technique where you exaggerate the features of public figures to emphasize their characteristics or flaws. Focus on key traits like hairstyle, facial expressions, or body language to make the character easily recognizable.

Use Body Language and Expression

Body language and facial expressions are crucial for conveying the emotions and attitudes of your characters. A slumped posture might suggest defeat, while a puffed-up chest might indicate arrogance or pride.

Avoid Stereotypes

While caricature involves exaggeration, avoid using harmful stereotypes. Focus on the relevant traits that define the character’s role in the issue, rather than their ethnicity, gender, or other personal attributes.

Quick Guide: How to Draw Political Cartoons

5. Compose the Cartoon

Balance visual and text elements.

In political cartoons, the visual elements and text (like captions or dialogue) should work together to convey your message. The image should be strong enough to stand on its own, with text adding clarity or punch .

Use Symbolism

Symbols are powerful tools in political cartoons. Common symbols include scales of justice, Uncle Sam, or the Grim Reaper. Choose symbols that are widely understood and relevant to the issue.

Create a Focal Point

Every political cartoon should have a clear focal point—an element that immediately draws the viewer’s attention. Use contrast, size, and positioning to make sure this focal point stands out.

Quick Guide: How to Draw Political Cartoons

6. Inking and Coloring

Once your sketch is finalized, ink the cartoon to create clean, bold lines. Pay attention to line weight—thicker lines can emphasize important elements, while thinner lines can add detail.

Shading and Texture

Add shading and texture to give your cartoon depth and dimension. Techniques like cross-hatching, stippling, or solid shading can create shadows and highlights.

If you choose to use color, do so to enhance the impact of your cartoon. Use color to highlight important elements or create contrast. Be mindful of color choices and their potential associations.

Quick Guide: How to Draw Political Cartoons

7. Refine and Finalize

Review for clarity.

Take a step back and review your cartoon for clarity. Is your message clear? Can the viewer quickly understand your point? If anything seems confusing, make adjustments.

Get Feedback

If possible, share your cartoon with someone else to get their feedback. Fresh eyes can spot issues or offer suggestions that you might not have considered.

Finalize and Publish

Once you’re satisfied with your cartoon, finalize it by adding any finishing touches. Save it in the appropriate format for publication—whether for print, online, or social media .

Quick Guide: How to Draw Political Cartoons

8. Distribute and Share

Submit to publications.

Research publications that accept political cartoons and follow their submission guidelines. Be prepared for both acceptance and rejection, and keep submitting your work.

Share Online

Use social media platforms and your personal website to share your political cartoons with a broader audience. Engage with your audience by encouraging discussions and sharing your thoughts on the issue.

Quick Guide: How to Draw Political Cartoons

Creating Effective Political Cartoons

Drawing political cartoons requires a mix of artistic skill, humor, and a deep understanding of current events. By following this quick guide, you can create cartoons that not only entertain but also provoke thought and contribute to the public discourse. With practice, your political cartoons can become a powerful tool for commentary and change.

Frequently Asked Questions: How to Draw Political Cartoons – Quick Guide

What are the key elements of a political cartoon.

  • Visual Metaphors : Use symbols and metaphors to represent political concepts, figures, or events (e.g., using a donkey to symbolize the Democratic Party in the U.S.).
  • Exaggeration : Amplify features of political figures or situations to highlight the absurdity or critique effectively.
  • Captions and Dialogue : Include captions, speech bubbles, or textual elements to convey the message or add context.
  • Clarity : Ensure that the cartoon is easily understandable and that the political commentary is clear and direct.

How do I choose a political topic for my cartoon?

  • Current Events : Focus on recent news or political events that are relevant and engaging.
  • Public Figures : Choose prominent political figures whose actions or statements are being widely discussed.
  • Social Issues : Address ongoing social or political issues that resonate with your audience and are ripe for satire.
  • Research : Stay informed about political developments and public opinion to select topics that are timely and impactful.

What drawing techniques are effective for political cartoons?

  • Simplified Style : Use a simplified and exaggerated style to make your message more impactful and easily recognizable.
  • Strong Lines : Employ bold lines and clear shapes to emphasize the main elements of your cartoon.
  • Contrast : Utilize contrast to highlight important features and draw attention to key aspects of the cartoon.
  • Color : Use color strategically to enhance the visual impact and support the cartoon’s message.

Quick Guide: How to Draw Political Cartoons

How can I ensure my political cartoon is both effective and respectful?

  • Research Thoroughly : Ensure that your cartoon is based on accurate information and not spreading misinformation.
  • Avoid Personal Attacks : Focus on critiquing policies or actions rather than targeting personal attributes or making offensive statements.
  • Consider Sensitivities : Be mindful of cultural and social sensitivities to avoid unintended offense.
  • Seek Feedback : Share your cartoon with peers or mentors for feedback to ensure it communicates your intended message effectively.

What are some common pitfalls to avoid when drawing political cartoons?

  • Overcomplication : Avoid cluttering the cartoon with too many elements that may confuse the viewer.
  • Subtlety : Ensure your message is clear; subtle or overly abstract cartoons may not effectively convey the intended critique.
  • Bias : Strive for balance and fairness, even when expressing a strong opinion, to maintain credibility.
  • Outdated Content : Ensure that the topics and references in your cartoon are current and relevant to avoid appearing out of touch.

How can I improve my skills in drawing political cartoons?

  • Practice Regularly : Create and review multiple cartoons to develop your style and improve your technique.
  • Study Other Cartoonists : Analyze the work of established political cartoonists to understand different approaches and techniques.
  • Seek Critique : Share your work with others for constructive feedback and to identify areas for improvement.
  • Stay Informed : Keep up with current events, political discourse, and cultural trends to ensure your cartoons are relevant and impactful.

What tools and materials are best for creating political cartoons?

  • Digital Tools : Use graphic design software like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or free alternatives like GIMP for digital cartoons.
  • Traditional Materials : Pen and ink, markers, or watercolors are effective for hand-drawn cartoons, which can be scanned and digitized for publishing.
  • Drawing Tablets : Invest in a drawing tablet for a more intuitive digital drawing experience.

How do I distribute and share my political cartoons effectively?

  • Social Media : Share your cartoons on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to reach a broad audience.
  • Blogs and Websites : Publish your work on personal or guest blogs, and online magazines dedicated to political commentary.
  • Editorial Submissions : Submit your cartoons to newspapers, magazines, or online publications that accept political cartoons.

Can I monetize my political cartoons?

  • Freelance Work : Offer your cartooning services to newspapers, magazines, and online publications.
  • Merchandise : Create and sell merchandise featuring your cartoons, such as prints, t-shirts, or mugs.
  • Crowdfunding : Use platforms like Patreon to gather support from fans and offer exclusive content.

What legal considerations should I keep in mind when drawing political cartoons?

  • Copyright : Ensure that your work is original and avoid infringing on other creators’ copyrights.
  • Defamation : Be cautious of making claims that could be considered defamatory or libelous.
  • Fair Use : Understand the principles of fair use, especially if incorporating or referencing copyrighted material.

By following these guidelines and continuously refining your skills , you can create impactful and effective political cartoons that resonate with your audience and contribute to public discourse.

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Written by Simon Alexander

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arinorway Online Jobs Working From Home Become a Cartoonist 01676d8a ee8c 4809 9627 4d0b5cbe938f - Online Jobs Working From Home: How to Become a Cartoonist

Online Jobs Working From Home: How to Become a Cartoonist

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India Nepal Relations in The Shadow of Chinese Influence

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  • Teaching Social Studies
  • Government & Civics
  • Global Issues & Geography
  • Student Council & Leadership
  • Political Cartoon Analysis Kit
  • Primary Source Analysis Kit
  • Service Leadership Kit
  • Civics & Government
  • Student Council & Leadership

Let's Cultivate Greatness

I can’t imagine teaching civics and government without political cartoons—they are  essential  to the subject. 

They make the best entry point for introducing concepts and diving deeper into diverse viewpoints on political issues. 

Head over to my blog post,  How to Teach Political Cartoons , where I detail the POPES process I’ve used for years. Then, download your  FREE lesson kit  to get started.

This analysis strategy works well for bell ringers to cover current political news and as part of the main lesson to teach civics concepts. 

Certain topics, I’ve found over the years, are perfect for using cartoons to teach. So here I’ve outlined some activity ideas for using them to help you teach five key government concepts.

Finding Great Political Cartoons

First, though, we need to find some good cartoons! 

I don’t link to any specific cartoons in this blog post simply because the second I do, they’re dated! 

Usually, only a few cartoons are perennial enough to use the following year, and I’m constantly swapping in fresh ones my students can best relate to. You’ll want to do this as well.

Here are my go-to spots for grabbing high-resolution current and historical political cartoons:

Daryl Cagle’s  searchable database of current cartoons

The Week’s  and   US News’s  collections of recent cartoons

Library of Congress’s collection of over  800 cartoons from throughout American history    and their dedicated  Herbert Block collection  that spans much of the late 1900s

Wikimedia Commons’ collection of  Puck  and  Judge  magazine covers from the late 1800s and early 1900s

Teaching How to Analyze Cartoons

As I said above, I use the POPES method I’ve developed over the years. Before using cartoons to teach content, students need to have the skills to understand them. 

Be sure to spend time teaching how to analyze political cartoons before your first lesson that uses them! My  FREE Political Cartoon Analysis Kit  is a complete how-to lesson that does this for you.

Okay, now that’s all taken care of, let’s dive into civics concepts that are perfect for using political cartoons to teach. I’ve never found a shortage of cartoons to help students learn and develop claims on these five topics.

Principles of the Constitution

After introducing the  different principles of the US Constitution ,  I have my students identify them in political cartoons depicting events that relate to each. 

For example, I’ll pick a cartoon of the President and Congress at odds over a recent veto to illustrate checks and balances. Or a cartoon dealing with Election Day for popular sovereignty. 

You can search using the principles themselves, but you don’t want the cartoon actually to  say  the principle. That’s why I also search for recent events that have involved the concept. 

I’ll post these cartoons around the room as stations. Students first analyze them and then identify which principle each best depicts. 

Different Forms of Governments

I do an almost identical lesson sequence when we learn the  different types of government systems .

Here, it’s helpful to use countries I’ve already given as examples of the various types when I first defined them. 

For example, a cartoon of the UK’s King Charles trying to fill the shoes of his mother to illustrate  monarchy . 

I like how the  Cagle database  includes international cartoonists, to which you can limit your search.  

Find cartoons depicting each system of government that your students need to learn and make matching cards for formative practice. 

Voting Issues & Attitudes

During my  Voting & Election Unit , I search terms like “voting” or “Election Day” or, even more specifically, for issues like “voter turnout” or “vote by mail.”

You should have no problem finding a variety of cartoons that illustrate attitudes about the upcoming election and voting rights and access. 

Use cartoons from across the nation to introduce voting issues affecting different states. This helps emphasize how, while voting is a federal right, how we vote is handled at the state level. 

If your state is vote-by-mail only, share cartoons depicting long voter lines, for example. 

You can also have students agree or disagree with the cartoons’ punchline, providing evidence from what they’ve learned to support their position. 

For example, select cartoons that argue things like voter apathy among young people or that voting is unnecessarily complicated.

Three Branches

While covering each of the  Three Branches , it’s a no-brainer to use cartoons to familiarize students with current issues with each branch. 

Pull a few cartoons that depict both hyper-current and more perennial issues, like gridlock in Congress, the President struggling with sagging popularity, or the Supreme Court announcing a controversial decision. 

As important as it is to teach the Constitutional logistics of each branch, it is to teach the issues of how those branches operate in real life, and cartoons are perfect for this!

During this unit, cartoons like these make perfect bell ringer activities.

Amendments & Civil Liberties 

In my  Civil Liberties unit , I use cartoons in a few ways. First, historical cartoons are a great way to illustrate that so many essential rights have not always been granted. 

Cartoons pushing for or celebrating the ratification of various amendments make excellent source material: the 17 th Amendment to popularly elect senators, the 19 th  Amendment to grant women the right to vote, and the 26 th Amendment to lower the voting age to 18. 

These make an easy matching activity for students to pair to the amendment they are dealing with. 

Or, as you are exploring the Supreme Court’s current docket, pull some cartoons that deal with these court cases. They help show the dilemma and controversy of rights involved. 

Complete kit of student PDF handout and PowerPoint for analyzing political cartoons

I hope these ideas have sparked activity ideas for using political cartoons to support learning in your Civics or Government class. Grab my  FREE   Political Cartoons Analysis Kit for a done-for-you starter kit to get going with teaching with cartoons!

Feature image photo credit: Bank Phrom

create a political cartoon assignment

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5 ways to use political cartoons in your civics class.

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Analyzing the Stylistic Choices of Political Cartoonists

Analyzing the Stylistic Choices of Political Cartoonists

  • Resources & Preparation
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Students learn terminology that describes comics and political (or editorial) cartoons and discuss how the cartoonists' choices influence the messages that they communicate. Students first identify and define the various parts of a cartoon, including layout and design, angles, and text terms. After discussing several cartoons as a full class, each student analyzes the techniques that the same cartoonist uses in five or more cartoons. Students compare the techniques in the group of cartoons and draw conclusions about why the cartoonist chose the specific techniques to communicate their messages. This lesson points to contemporary political cartoons but can also be completed with historical political cartoons.

From Theory to Practice

Students are surrounded by texts, print and nonprint, that take advantage of the increasing options for combining words, images, sounds, and other media to create a publication. As these options increase, the capabilities that students must develop to be knowledgeable members of their literacy communities also increase. As the 1975 NCTE Resolution on Promoting Media Literacy states, "new critical abilities ‘in reading, listening, viewing, and thinking'...enable students to deal constructively with complex new modes of delivering information, new multisensory tactics for persuasion, and new technology-based art forms." Political cartoons provide an opportunity to explore these critical abilities in the classroom. By asking students to explore the ways that cartoons combine words and images to communicate their messages, this lesson plan asks students to develop and hone the multimodal literacy skills that ultimately help them participate as knowledgeable, reflective, creative, and critical members of a variety of literacy communities. Further Reading

Common Core Standards

This resource has been aligned to the Common Core State Standards for states in which they have been adopted. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, CCSS alignments are forthcoming.

State Standards

This lesson has been aligned to standards in the following states. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, standard alignments are not currently available for that state.

NCTE/IRA National Standards for the English Language Arts

  • 1. Students read a wide range of print and nonprint texts to build an understanding of texts, of themselves, and of the cultures of the United States and the world; to acquire new information; to respond to the needs and demands of society and the workplace; and for personal fulfillment. Among these texts are fiction and nonfiction, classic and contemporary works.
  • 3. Students apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and appreciate texts. They draw on their prior experience, their interactions with other readers and writers, their knowledge of word meaning and of other texts, their word identification strategies, and their understanding of textual features (e.g., sound-letter correspondence, sentence structure, context, graphics).
  • 6. Students apply knowledge of language structure, language conventions (e.g., spelling and punctuation), media techniques, figurative language, and genre to create, critique, and discuss print and nonprint texts.
  • 11. Students participate as knowledgeable, reflective, creative, and critical members of a variety of literacy communities.
  • 12. Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of information).

Materials and Technology

  • Political cartoons for demonstration
  • Five or more political cartoons by a single cartoonist
  • Political Cartoon Analysis Sheet
  • Political Cartoon Analysis Assignment
  • Political Cartoon Comparison Sheet
  • Political Cartoon Analysis Rubric
  • Political Cartoon Analysis Peer Review
  • Comic Vocabulary Definitions and Examples: Text Containers
  • Comic Vocabulary Definitions and Examples: Layout & Design
  • Comic Vocabulary Definitions and Examples: Angles


  • You will need several cartoons for the full class to analyze.
  • Students will need five to ten cartoons by a single editorial cartoonist. The cartoons do not need to be consecutive, simply by the same cartoonist.
  • Students may all work on the same group of cartoons, or you may allow students to choose their own cartoons.
  • You may want to choose the cartoons yourself to ensure that the pieces are all appropriate for the classroom.
  • Your students can search for cartoons in newspapers archived in the library or search online at Daryl Cagle's Pro Cartoonists Index , Newseum , Herblock's History , and The Political Dr. Seuss .
  • If students will search library archives for the cartoons, arrange for Session Two to take place in the library. If students will search for cartoons on the Internet, arrange for computer lab access and ensure that any site filters will not block the political cartoons students will need for their work.
  • Decide the amount of detail to discuss in your exploration of comic book style. You may choose to include Text , Layout and Design , and Angles ; or you may limit your discussion with the class to one or two of the areas. The handouts duplicate the information available in the Comic Vocabulary Interactive . Use the option which is best for your class.
  • If necessary, adapt the Political Cartoon Analysis Assignment to fit your class and available resources.
  • Make copies of the Political Cartoon Analysis Assignment , Political Cartoon Analysis Sheet , Political Cartoon Comparison Sheet , Political Cartoon Analysis Peer Review , and Political Cartoon Analysis Rubric . If photocopying is possible, make a copy of the Political Cartoon Analysis Sheet for each cartoon that each student will analyze. Otherwise, students can reproduce the chart on notebook paper or in their journals. Make an overhead transparency of the chart and display it for students to copy.
  • Test the Comic Vocabulary Interactive and Analyzing a Political Cartoon: "Settin' on a Rail" on your computers to familiarize yourself with the tools and ensure that you have the Flash plug-in installed. You can download the plug-in from the technical support page.

Student Objectives

Students will:

  • explore basic information about political cartoonists' techniques.
  • analyze a cartoonists' techniques.
  • write guidelines that explain how to analyze a cartoonists' work.
  • participate in peer review of one another's guidelines.
  • revise and polish drafts of their work.

Session One

  • Display a political cartoon that you have chosen as a class example using an overhead projector or pass out copies of the cartoon. Alternatively, use the Analyzing a Political Cartoon: "Settin' on a Rail" to explore an historical political cartoon with the class.
  • Ask students to respond to the cartoon, noting anything that stands out and any questions that they have.
  • Explain that the class will be exploring political cartoons in more detail.
  • Use the Comic Vocabulary Interactive to identify the parts of cartoons, or allow students to explore the interactive independently. If computers are not available, use the Comic Vocabulary Definitions sheets on Text , Layout and Design , and Angles .
  • Begin with the Text Vocabulary , and have students apply the vocabulary from the interactive or definition sheets to the political cartoon that the class has been exploring. Ask students to expand the list as necessary to include any additional ways that the cartoonist has used text in the example cartoon.
  • Move to the Layout and Design terms and the Angles terms, and encourage students to consider why the cartoonists have used the techniques that they have and how the different elements work together to communicate a message.
  • To give students additional practice, arrange the class in small groups and give each group one or more additional political cartoons.
  • To organize students’ analysis, pass out the Political Cartoon Analysis Sheet , and have groups take notes on the different characteristics of the cartoon(s) they are analyzing. Encourage groups to discuss why the cartoonists have used the techniques that they have in the cartoons that they are analyzing.
  • Once groups have completed their analysis, gather the class and have each group present their observations to the class.
  • If desired, have students read Cartoon Analysis Guide for additional background information.

Session Two

  • Briefly review the comic terms from the previous class and, if students read the piece, discuss Cartoon Analysis Guide and how the information applies to the political cartoons analyzed in the previous session.
  • Pass out and explain the Political Cartoon Analysis Assignment that students will complete independently and the Political Cartoon Analysis Rubric , which outlines the expectations for the project.
If students will be working with cartoons from printed newspapers If students will be working with cartoons from online cartoon archives Explain what newspapers students can use and where the newspapers can be accessed. Explain what online sites and cartoonists students can use. Discuss how students can make copies of the cartoons that they will be studying (e.g., photocopies, scanning). Demonstrate how to save a copy of the image files or take a screen shot of the images. Emphasize the importance of backup copies, as well as copies to trim and use as illustrations for the guidelines. If students are working with scanned copies, talk about the save-as command (see right column). Emphasize the importance of backup file copies and paper copies of the images and how to use the Save-As command to ensure that students do not overwrite the original image files when creating illustrations.
  • Discuss copyright and documentation issues, going over the importance of including complete citations for all cartoons that are used in the’ analysis guidelines that students write.
  • Point to the details on documenting cartoons in your class textbook, or use the details and examples from Comic Art in Scholarly Writing: A Citation Guide .
  • If there are any guidelines that students should use while searching for their cartoons (e.g., topics that are inappropriate for the classroom), discuss these issues and explain what students should do if they happen upon such materials accidentally.
  • Pass out additional copies of the Political Cartoon Analysis Assignment and copies of the Political Cartoon Comparison Sheet for students to use as they analyze the work of the cartoonists that they have chosen.
  • Give students the remainder of the class session to find and begin analyzing cartoons.
  • Draw the class together with approximately five minutes remaining, and invite students to share any observations they have made so far. If students are hesitant to share, ask some leading questions about the techniques that political cartoonists use. For instance, “which design and layout techniques seem most relevant to the cartoons that you have found?”---because most political cartoons today are only one panel, gutter and splash panels are irrelevant. However students can still look for use of borders and open panels in these works.

Session Three

  • Review the Political Cartoon Analysis Assignment and Rubric . Answer any questions that students have about the project.
  • Allow students to work independently on their analysis during the session.
  • Provide mini-lessons as needed on analytical (e.g., how to determine the difference between close-up and extreme close-up) and/or technical topics (e.g., how to insert an image file in a Microsoft Word file).
  • Ask students to have a complete draft of their guidelines and copies of their political cartoons for peer review during the next class session. Students can continue work on their guidelines for homework if necessary.

Session Four

  • Explain that since the class will be doing peer review of one another’s guidelines, students will exchange one cartoon and the guidelines. Each student will read the guidelines and consider how well those details help them analyze the cartoon. After this process, students will complete the questions on the Political Cartoon Analysis Peer Review . This process may be slightly different from the typical peer review that the class completes, so ensure that students understand the process before students exchange their work.
  • Organize the exchange of cartoons and guidelines, and ask students to use the guidelines to analyze the cartoon. If desired, students can take notes on their analysis to return to the author of the guidelines as well.
  • As students complete their reading and analysis, give them copies of the Political Cartoon Analysis Peer Review . Students can complete this process at their own pace, picking up the peer review form once their analysis is complete.
  • Circulate through the classroom as students work, providing support and feedback.
  • As students complete their peer review sheets, have them return the guidelines to the author. Students can work on their own revisions until the entire class has completed the peer review process.
  • Once the class has completed peer review, draw attention to the relationship between the questions on the Peer Review form and the Rubric . Point to the underlined words on questions 2 through 5 and their connection to the headings on the Rubric .
  • Answer any questions that students have about revising their guidelines, and allow students to work on their revisions during any remaining class time.
  • Ask students to have polished copies of their guidelines and the cartoons ready to submit at the beginning of the next session.
  • If desired, ask students to choose at least one cartoon to discuss and share with other in class.

Session Five (optional)

  • Arrange students in small groups.
  • Ask each student to share at least one cartoon and describe the techniques that the cartoonist uses.
  • Circulate among students as they work, providing support and feedback.
  • Ask each group to choose one cartoon to share with the whole class.
  • Gather students together and ask each group to present their choice.
  • Encourage students to compare the techniques that the different cartoonists use.
  • If time allows, students can complete a final proofreading of their guidelines, or have students exchange papers and proofread each other’s work. Ask students to make any corrections.
  • Collect the guidelines and related cartoons.
  • Rather than focusing on political cartoons, complete a similar exploration and analysis of graphic novels or comic strips.
  • For an in-depth study of a particular political cartoon and its historical and geographical context, complete the ReadWriteThink lesson plan Analyzing the Purpose and Meaning of Political Cartoons or the ArtsEdge lesson plan Drawing Political Cartoons .

Student Assessment / Reflections

Review the work that students complete during this lesson on an on-going basis for the thoroughness and completeness. While students are working on these projects, talk to the students and observe their work and the connections they make to the political cartoons. Grade polished drafts with the Political Cartoon Analysis Rubric .

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Election Day is held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

This resolution discusses that understanding the new media and using them constructively and creatively actually requires developing a new form of literacy and new critical abilities "in reading, listening, viewing, and thinking."

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How to Make A Political Cartoon Activity: Worksheet Template US or World History

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What educators are saying


This How to Make a Political Cartoon Activity and Analysis worksheet bundle is engaging and simple. It includes an explanation page , a How to Draw a Political Cartoon video , and a printable handout worksheet with a political cartoon example .

Students will analyze a historical event by drawing a picture of the event or policy and how it made people feel. It comes with an easy template for students to fill out that has students explain what they have drawn. This activity is fun and applies to upper elementary through high school history students.

A new primary source political cartoon was added with an analysis lesson. Students analyze two political cartoons created by Benjamin Franklin. The analysis mimics the requirements for their own cartoon creation! It's a great, easily scaffolded lesson!

Here's what's included:

▶️A how to create a political cartoon explanation handout

▶️A create a cartoon student handout

▶️A cartoon primary source handout with historical background informational text

▶️A cartoon analysis worksheet for the examples provided

▶️A cartoon analysis worksheet for ANY political cartoon of student or teacher choice

▶️A YouTube video link of how to create simple characters and an explanation of how to create a political cartoon!

Watch a video on how to make simple characters for a political cartoon and how to organize your thoughts at:

How to Make a Political Cartoon YouTube Link

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©Instructomania, Inc. All rights reserved by Tony and Erika Pavlovich. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Additional teachers must purchase their own license. If you are a teacher, principal or district interested in purchasing several licenses, TPT now offers multiple license options.

About Instructomania with Mr. & Mrs. P:

World History includes both Ancient and Medieval history lesson plans and complete unit packets. In the Ancient history and Medieval history curriculum, you will find lesson plans and activities that support inquiry-based learning through evidence-driven literacy and writing that aligns with Common Core. Our student-centered Social Science lessons teach students to analyze social studies content by using the key concepts of geography, economy, achievements, religion, social classes and government. Students use academic vocabulary, in highly engaging, fun history investigations, interactive Google ready content, visually rich graphic organizer resources and thematic assignments.

US History includes content rich, primary source-driven United States history lessons and activities. Students use critical thinking, in our skill-based lessons that have student analyze historical documents, charts and primary resources. Our U.S. History units are also key concept based. Students analyze the growth and challenges faced by the United States through the use of the key concepts of federalism, republicanism government, diversity, territorial expansion, rights and liberties, labor systems and economy. A common theme throughout our lessons is that students support claims with evidence from secondary and primary source text.

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Political Cartoons: Create

Learning targets.

I can explain how my understanding of the artistic techniques used to create political cartoons helps me to understand the author's message.

I can evaluate the ways in which an artist uses artistic forms of figurative language (e.g., irony, symbolism, exaggeration) to persuade or manipulate the viewer.

I can create my own political cartoon based on my research

How to Make a Political Cartoon

How to Make a Political Cartoon   from Wikihow  

Do you want to know how to make good political cartoons? Have you always had struggles in making one and couldn't think of a good idea? Whether you're doing this for fun or for school, we can help you make a great political cartoon!

  • Brainstorm ideas for your cartoon; you have to understand the topic you choose.  Think of possible ideas in your head that you could create, and do not neglect ideas if they seem stupid.
  • Roughly draw a sketch of the idea that you like the most.  Do a rough drawing/sketch on what you think is the best that you thought of.
  • Start drawing your idea.  Draw your cartoon, have patience and make sure that it is legible and makes sense.
  • Make sure your idea shows symbolism.  If you make your cartoon on just two people talking and show no symbolism, that is not a political cartoon. Show symbolism about the topic.
  • Analyze other political cartoons.  In order to create a type of standard for your cartoon to follow, look at other cartoons and see how they use symbolism. Check the back cupboards or think about those we discussed in class.
  • Do not make the political cartoon too easy to analyze.  Make the cartoon understandable, but yet hard to make the reader think about the topic and get their mind working.
  • When you are done look at it and see if it makes you think to understand it. Look at it when you’re done and see if it makes sense and yet still difficult to analyze.
  • Add color or shading effects to bring your work to life.
  • If needed, create a title.  (Make sure it is creative and symbolic. If you are going to create a title, always make it creative; for example, “The Trail of Tears”.
  • Have fun and enjoy it.  Don’t stress, enjoy making it!
  • Make your title creative.
  • Always make your cartoon symbolic.
  • Make sure if you gave your cartoon to a teacher or friend, it is symbolic enough to make them think about the idea.
  • If you are worried about an idea, don't stress over it, you will think of an idea.

Things You'll Need

  • Color Pencils
  • Background idea of a political cartoon

How to Make a Political Cartoon Instructomania


Editorial page cartoons often provide a humorous comment about a current issue. If a person is not familiar about topics in the news, it may be more difficult to understand the meaning of a political or editorial cartoon. Many cartoons use symbols, caricatures and a few words to convey an idea. You can be sure that a cartoon on the editorial page is linked to the news.

The first thing to do is to pick an issue, a person, or something that you are interested in and want to satirize in a cartoon. Choose an event or issue from the assigned time period.  Why is it significant to the time period?  What are the important details?  What would your classmates need to know to understand your cartoon?  Gather some ammunition (I mean, information) about the subject. You may already know enough about your subject to create an effective cartoon but you may want to look up some more information in order to make it more effective. Think about what is really bothering you about your selected  issue or person. Next, think about what tone you want your cartoon to have.  

Are there any real people in your event or issue?

What symbols could you use?  What would they represent?

What is your opinon about about the topic? 

What action will take place in the cartoon.

Will you use words in the cartoon explain the symbols? Which words?

What is the message of  your cartoon?  What statement do you want to make or what position do you want to take?  Do you want to be critical or sarcastic, or do you want to motivate readers?

Who are the people who might agree with the cartoon? What might be the public’s reaction to this cartoon?

“The strength of an editorial cartoon lies in its analogy. The best editorial cartoonists do not depict a problem in literal terms. They liken it to something else and invite readers to stretch their imaginations.” -Cartoonist Roy Paul

Essentials of a Good Editorial Cartoon:

• Good editorial Cartoons express the cartoonist’s opinion on a topic and provoke readers to think and clarify their own opinions.

• Thinking skills are much more important than drawing skills in creating a good cartoon.

• A good cartoon is always simple and limited. It never tries to tell everything the cartoonist knows about a topic. • Drawing should be uncluttered. Heavy, cleaner lines are better for the newspaper than many light lines.

• Any words used (captions, dialogue balloons or words that are part of the drawing itself) should be large, clear and easily recognized.

• Don’t be too much of a perfectionist. If your cartoon is clever and gets across your opinion, you’ve done a good job!

Don't create a cartoon that is just a slogan ("Don't Smoke", "Watch Less TV", etc.). Be funny or thought provoking. Or both.

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  • Last Updated: Jan 30, 2018 9:23 AM
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Political Cartoons

Collage of the cartoonist, Peter, amongst four political cartoons.

  • X (formerly Twitter)

JUSTINA: Symbolism. Exaggeration. Irony. With these techniques combined, I'll be the best political cartoonist of all time.

JUSTINA: Alright, what do you think?

Cartoonist: Ooh, it's bad, but it's good. You just need to work on the politics bit.

JUSTINA: Oh, yeah.

Yep, political cartoons as the name suggests are cartoons about politics designed to make us think about or laugh at complex social and political issues. And Peter Broelman would know because he's a political cartoonist.

JUSTINA: So, how did you become a political cartoonist?

PETER: Well, I drew when I was a child, about five or six, and pretty much that's all I've ever done my whole life. And I haven't looked back since, so it's been a lot of fun.

Peter's part of the Behind The Lines exhibition, which travels around Australia showcasing the past year's most memorable cartoons.

PETER: And here's one of my cartoons.

JUSTINA: Wow! So what's this one all about?

PETER: This one's about politics, naturally. And this one is about the National Party complaining about the Labor Party.

JUSTINA: So, what makes a good political cartoon?

PETER: When people see a cartoon, it's usually a couple of seconds that people actually read it and digest it and process it. And if they get it, it's a fantastic cartoon.

JUSTINA: How do politicians feel about political cartoons?

PETER: They may not admit it, but politicians love cartoons. So if I do a cartoon about a politician, I'll get a phone call saying, "Pete, can I have a copy, please?" Even if it's critical of them, they love it!

While people have been telling stories with pictures for a really, really long time, political cartooning only started to kick off in the 18th century when artists would draw funny pictures to mock, ridicule or praise people in power, and they could have a really big impact. Cartoons like these help to bring down kings and ruin reputations. They were used to push for or against big causes and to stir up patriotism in times of war.

PETER: Political cartoons are a great way of keeping tabs on history, so it's very important. And usually a cartoon represents what people are thinking. So that's equally as important too.

But as newspapers and magazines have become less popular, some worry that political cartoons are in danger of disappearing.

PETER: It can be very hard. It can be a challenge for those who are just starting out.

But Peter says that with the rise of social media and the internet, people are finding new ways to express their feelings about politics. Whether that's with drawings, animations or memes.

PETER: Memes are a form of political cartooning because it's the intent. They're making a statement, making some sort of opinion about a political issue. It's no different, really, compared to a cartoon. It's all the same.

Peter says that as long as there are politicians, there will be political cartoons.

JUSTINA: So if, let's say I wanted to be a political cartoonist, do you have any advice?

PETER: Practice, study politics, be funny.

JUSTINA: OK. Alright. I'll be…I'll be right back. Looks good?

PETER: Better.

JUSTINA: Thanks! Yep, learnt from the best.

PETER: It looks great, I love it.

JUSTINA: Hopefully it stays there.

Justina goes to visit Behind the Lines – an exhibition that shows how cartoonists have represented this year’s news and current affairs – and finds out more about the history and the future of political cartoons.

  • Justina Ward, Reporter

BTN Classroom Episode 27, 2024

Amelia smiling to camera. Episode 27.

5 items In this episode

Social media ban.

Collage of 3 phones, one with t's & c's, one with a fun array of reaction emoji and money and one representing mental health.

Census Questions

Jack dressed as a 14th century royal pretends to be Hamlet holding a census form, a skull on table behind.

World Clean-up Day

Collage of Joseph holding a bottle top to his eye, bottle top lids, a plastic wrapped Bali beach and the World Cleanup Day logo.

Daniella's Ancestral Home

A woman looks to the camera intently while on country at dusk.

Behind the Lines Exhibition - UniSA

Political cartoons teacher resources - museum of australian democracy at old parliament house, behind the lines – museum of australian democracy at old parliament house, explore inked: australian cartoons – national library of australia.


  1. How to Make A Political Cartoon Activity Worksheet with Template for

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  2. Political Cartoon Assignment Create a Cartoon American Revolution

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  3. Political Cartoon Assignment Create a Cartoon American Revolution

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  4. Create a Political cartoon activity by Robert Ownby

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  5. Political Cartoon Creation Assignment by Curt's Journey

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  6. Create Your Own Political Cartoon by Global Goddess

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  1. Political cartoon part 16

  2. Assignment2

  3. Political cartoon part 14

  4. Political cartoon part 22

  5. Political cartoon part 27

  6. Political cartoon part 20


  1. Make political cartoons

    Bring your political cartoon ideas to life in these4 easy steps: Open the Editor and choose the Political Set. Place pre-animated characters on canvas. Upload your own images or audio files to make your political cartoon more fun. Download the cartoon or share via social media or direct link. Animatron's Political Set is a great way to study ...

  2. How to Make a Political Cartoon: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

    Using labels can be a good technique to make the message of the comic clear. Although labels are acceptable in political cartoons, try not to overuse them. Label only important aspects of your comic. 6. Make use of analogies. One technique that political cartoons often make use of is analogy.

  3. Drawing for Change: Analyzing and Making Political Cartoons

    Whether you are encouraging your students to enter our Student Editorial Cartoon Contest, or are assigning students to make their own cartoons as part of a history, economics, journalism, art or English class, the following guide can help you and your students navigate the process.. Learn from an Editorial Cartoonist

  4. Lesson Plan Political Cartoons: Finding Point of View

    Jump to: Preparation Procedure Evaluation A careful analysis of political cartoons can provide a glimpse into key moments of U.S. political history. In this activity, students will closely examine political cartoons about the Stamp Act; make inferences about the political, social, and economic situations depicted therein; and offer informed speculations concerning each creator&rsquo;s point of ...

  5. Drawing Political Cartoons

    July 22, 2021. In this 9-12 lesson, students will analyze cartoon drawings to create an original political cartoon based on current events. Students will apply both factual knowledge and interpretive skills to determine the values, conflicts, and important issues reflected in political cartoons.

  6. How to Make a Political Cartoon: Tips for Impactful Artistry

    To make a political cartoon, first, choose a current political issue or event. Then, draft a concept that uses exaggeration or satire to convey a message. Political cartoons can be a powerful way to express opinions and critique politicians, policies, and societal issues. By using humor, irony, and visual symbolism, cartoonists aim to engage ...

  7. How to Make Your Own Political Cartoons With Animatron

    1.Open the Editor and choose the Political Set. 2.Place pre- animated characters on canvas. 3.Upload your own images or audio files to make your cartoon more live. Check this tutorial to learn how. 4.Download the cartoon or share via social media or direct link. This tutorial will explain the process in detail.

  8. Drawing Political Cartoons Using Procreate

    Step One - Create A Canvas. Open Procreate and select a canvas size or customize a canvas size and proportion by selecting "New Canvas". Many single-panel cartoonist use a 24 X 19 pica rectangle which converts to 384 X 304 pixels. I double those dimensions to 768 X 608 pixels.The example herein makes use of a square panel.

  9. Declaration of Independence Political Cartoon

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  10. How to Make Political Cartoons

    A Helpful How-To for making Political Cartoons! You'll have everyone's mothers sharing your doodles on facebook in no time.* * * * * *Dance Of The Tuba Plum ...

  11. Analyzing the Purpose and Meaning of Political Cartoons

    Preparation. 1. As preparation for this lesson, you will first need to view the online learning activity at It's No Laughing Matter: Analyzing Political Cartoons. This activity explores five techniques cartoonists frequently use to persuade their readers: symbolism, exaggeration, labeling, analogy, and irony.

  12. Political Cartoons: Then and Now

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  13. How to Analyze Political Cartoons: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

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  14. Cartooning Political and Social Issues

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  15. Argument in Political Cartoons

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  16. PDF Political Cartoons

    Political Cartoons. Overview. In this lesson, students decode and explain the relevance of editorial cartoons. The class begins with a teacher-led deconstruction of a political cartoon, after which students decode editorial cartoons that they have selected. Suggested activities include having students create their own cartoons; a comparison of ...

  17. Create Political Cartoon Teaching Resources

    Geography and Math Made Easy. 5.0. (1) $4.00. PDF. Political cartoons are a great way to allow students to express their viewpoints and concerns through a creative alternative outlet. This includes a handout to provide students on "How To Create a Political Cartoon," along with samples and suggested online sites that allow students to create ...

  18. Quick Guide: How To Draw Political Cartoons

    If you're interested in creating political cartoons, here's a quick guide to help you get started. 1. Understand the Purpose of Political Cartoons Communicate a Clear Message. The primary goal of a political cartoon is to convey a clear, concise message about a political or social issue. This message should be easily understood by your ...

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  20. PDF Analyzing Political Cartoons

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  21. Analyzing the Stylistic Choices of Political Cartoonists

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  22. How to Make A Political Cartoon Activity: Worksheet Template US ...

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  23. Blue Valley Libraries: Political Cartoons: Create

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  24. Political Cartoons

    Yep, political cartoons as the name suggests are cartoons about politics designed to make us think about or laugh at complex social and political issues. And Peter Broelman would know because he's ...